Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 228: Tickle Him Until He Pees Himself

RubyChao: "Spells And Whistles started out as a humorous fantasy strip, then became more known for several false starts, unexplained hiatuses, announcements of abandonment, and even a few failed reboots in different formats before finally being abandoned again for what is assumed to be the final time. The site is now completely offline with no archives, and the domain redirects to Good Ship Chronicles, yet another abandoned series by the same artist."
RubyChao: how dead can you get
RubyChao: really dead


Gooper Blooper: ​I like how Sarah is frands with all three of harpy's undertale characters already
Gooper Blooper: ​it was a natural friendship
Harpy: ​sarah is the natural friend of all harpchars because sarah is my favorite and i am the most biased piece of shit there is :D


Del: i found lesser dog
RubyChao: pet lesser dog
Gooper Blooper: pet it
RubyChao: do it
Harpy: pet it
Harpy: keep petting
Del: it's nearly off the screen
RubyChao: keep petting
RubyChao: it gets better
Gooper Blooper: just keep petting it


SteelKomodo: this is the dumbest research i've ever done
SteelKomodo: but you know how Sonic in the 90's was mad about chili dogs?
SteelKomodo: well, I did a quick look-up
SteelKomodo: and it seems his favourite type is Washington D.C. half-smoke
SteelKomodo: who knew his tastes were so specific?


(FV provides audio clips for his plot from the Fallout wiki)

Fool: Under 'Notable Quotes'. The Roboscorpions are both speaker-units and assault drones, so the scientist controlling them often uses threats out of them. They, as far as we know, can't talk, though.
Gooper Blooper: ...*listens to sound clips*
Gooper Blooper: ...Yulyana, why?!
RubyChao: fuck
RubyChao: now that goops has pointed it out
RubyChao: i can't unhear it
iKomodo: Hahahahaha
Jumpropeman: oh my god it is him
Harpy: BD ruins a different franchise
Fool: He was Mobius first. :u Other way round f' me, dahl.
Jumpropeman: IT IS HIM
Gooper Blooper: Confirming it's the same guy
Jumpropeman: Cam Clarke does Mobius and Yulyana
Gooper Blooper: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cam_Clarke
Harpy: oh jesus christ
Gooper Blooper: *and then the scorpions surround edea and offer her bravo bikinis*
RubyChao: amazing
Gooper Blooper: the voice lines have already enriched the plot
Jumpropeman: as I wrote today's fite
Jumpropeman: I realized how great Bravely Default is again
Jumpropeman: gib sequel now pls
Harpy: plzzzzz
Gooper Blooper: It's coming!
Gooper Blooper: Next year I believe
RubyChao: yeah they confirmed "sometime in 2016" for english
Gooper Blooper: I do at least prefer a vague date to one that moves
Gooper Blooper: if it lands in late winter or sometime that spring/summer though
Gooper Blooper: look out


Harpy: how many scoops of ice cream can sans stack before sarah eats it all
Harpy rolled a die with 1000 sides. The die showed: 145
DeterminedSpy: Write intense, passionate, anime-filled training
Harpy: i can't do that, paps and sans are in the middle of tridenland
Harpy: sans isn't one for anime filled training anyway
DeterminedSpy: Undyne makes a roller coaster where she suplexes it for the final loop
Gooper Blooper: Undyne vs Silence
Gooper Blooper: they suplex each other simultaneously
Gooper Blooper: it just looks like they're spinning around in mid air like a yin-yang symbol
DeterminedSpy: Sabin picks up the mess, tries to suplex it but also suplexes himself
Gooper Blooper: And then Brock Lesnar steps out of a car and finds he has finally arrived at Suplex City
iKomodo: Hahaha


RubyChao: "As of August 2010, though, the creator has announced that he's going to finish it after all. As of 2014 though, nothing further has been heard so it's looking very unlikely that this game will ever be finished."
RubyChao: rip
Gooper Blooper: pfff
Gooper Blooper: "I'm totally gonna do it, guyz"
RubyChao: i'm reading about vaporware
Del: Top rip
Del: Thought chao said vaporwave there
Del: Aaaaeeeesthetic
Gooper Blooper: No, Del, that's what happened to CAUSE the vaporware - the dude just got high and now he does nothing but listen to vaporwave
Gooper Blooper: "should you maybe finish your game" "aeeeeeeesthetic"


Fool: But wait! If you order now, we'll throw in a free invasion by necrons!


Fool rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 11
Fool: WAIT. No. Redact that from your memories.
Fool: I already said the possession lowered the tractor.
Fool: My bad.
RubyChao: s'all good
Fool rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10
Fool: 8v


Fool rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 9
Fool rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
Fool rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 7
Fool rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
Fool rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4

RubyChao: ...is this who i'm thinking it is
RubyChao: because if it is
Fool: The tractor listened.
RubyChao: ​did jester chao just total party kill the think tank with ONE JOKE
RubyChao: ​the legend is fucking real


Harpy: corn on the forum; i hope that means plot will start soon
SteelKomodo: ...damn i had the mental image of the actual forums being flooded in corn kernels
SteelKomodo: "CORN ON THE FORUM"
Harpy: the corn winds have come
Harpy: this was meme's plan all along
Doctor Principle Oroborous: There may be some kernel of truth to that jest yet. :u
SteelKomodo: hahaha


RubyChao: "As we watched, the dialogue started to become backwards and static started to engulf the scene as unholy creatures which we could barely make out appeared in the background. Wordgirl got worse as scenes of blood-shot faces floated past her as she turned to the screen. Her head went slowly around making a screeching sound as she turned. We all sat there and as her eyes rolled upward her eyes and her mouth opened and she made a sound. Some staff member said that she thought she heard her say "From all good knowledge and power comes greatness", and the staff member said she stopped there. But we did not listen to her. We watched to the end, when it cut to a dark crimson red with a faded pale mask-like face. It just stood there in the screen staring at us until it open its mouth and letters in a jumbled order appeared. HHKTIELLCEILD"
RubyChao: are you spooked
SteelKomodo: 2spooked
Dacor: I am so spooked.


Dacor: I'm turning all of my characters into heels this week.
Dacor: Watch out for tomorrow when Parsee DOESN'T drink chocolate milk.
Dacor: And Wednesday when Labrys dresses like Tiz instead of Ringabel! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUNston


Harpy: sarah is suddenly pretty
Gooper Blooper: harpy, how could you
Gooper Blooper: ~sarah is always pretty~
Harpy: she's prettier


Harpy: [6:39:32 PM] HarpyKuro: i
[6:39:37 PM] HarpyKuro: i came up with a stupid dayplot idea
[6:39:46 PM] HarpyKuro: bakery wars between muffet and celestia
[6:40:00 PM] HarpyKuro: it ends in food kaijus fighting each other

Gooper Blooper: The long-awaited sequel to Season 1's BREAKFAST WARS
Redspycameo: Muffin spider vs Skeiron With Bread Hat
Harpy: the real winners are frisk and sarah
Gooper Blooper: fud


Gooper Blooper: draco has a new plot to pretend to cancel!
M Sheep: Draco's too big to cancel


M Sheep: >​Sine retiring
Gooper Blooper: You have missed a lot, sheep
M Sheep: Boy, it's almost like you miss a bunch of stuff doing nothing!
M Sheep: ahha
M Sheep: ha
M Sheep: haaaa
M Sheep: ...
Erfworld Warlord: Everyone you knew and loved in Big MT is dead and all that's left is blooded vapor and dust in a bigger crater. -pats M Sheep shoulder- It'll be okay. Be strong.
M Sheep: I can't believe you actually killed off The Courier :I
M Sheep: well, no, I can actually believe it
Gooper Blooper: FV took ​Courier's fite result
Gooper Blooper: and ran with it
M Sheep: morally ambiguous kobbers dropping like flies


Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Draco: Labrys definitely does not have the courage to Spellfence is front of Ringabel. D8
Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 11
Gooper Blooper: labrys, you're a robot
Gooper Blooper: what's the issue :V
Draco: She is a robot with FEELINGS. Feelings like "I LIKE THE CUTE BOY IN HEAVY PLATE."
VictoriousSpy: Draco, draco, draco
VictoriousSpy: Its so simple
VictoriousSpy: Orchestrate it so Ringabel is in trouble
VictoriousSpy: Labrys swoops in to make a big speech for him
Gooper Blooper: Ringabel loves a gal with big... speeches
Draco: Spy: That will work up until the moment the universe realizes Labrys made a sitcom plot and has Ringabel be in actual danger.
Harpy: Frisk desperately tries to hide her face in her sweater
Draco: Bye Ven.
Draco: O3O What about a robot skeleton?
Harpy: "i dunno, did sans turn into a robot all of a sudden?"
Draco: "i'm a metal head"
VictoriousSpy: a metal head
VictoriousSpy: a metal head
VictoriousSpy: a metal head
VictoriousSpy: EIN EISENKOPF
VictoriousSpy: EIN EISEKNOPF
VictoriousSpy: EIN EISENKOPF!
Harpy: so that's what ruby's skype message means
Gooper Blooper: kek


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hoy small fries


Jumpropeman: Jewel Man looks so weird in his original form
Jumpropeman: I'm so used to our RP version
Jumpropeman: not fabulous enough
Harpy: jewel man x mettaton
Harpy: *shot*
Redspycameo: I keep thinking the shadow under Jewel Man's chin in the official art is some kind of goatee
SteelKomodo: hahaha


Jumpropeman: don't make me friskface at you
Harpy: do it anyway
Jumpropeman: -_-
VictoriousSpy: -_-
Harpy: -_-
Gooper Blooper: ​le frisk face
iKomodo: Hahaha
RubyChao: -_-
Del: -_-
Gooper Blooper: ◕‿◕
Harpy: whyyy


Harpy: ​shortest boss battle ever
RubyChao: there've been shorter!
Gooper Blooper: You will never top Don Quixote for short BBBBPs
Gooper Blooper: "I wanna do a BBBBP" "you leave in twenty minutes" "WELL THEN WE'RE GONNA DO 20 MINUTES OF BBBBP, GET IN THE CHOPPER"


Jumpropeman: "At the time of release, it was the policy of the MPAA to not allow the portrayal of blood in trailers that would be approved for all audiences. Bizarrely, the trailer for The Shining consists entirely of the shot of blood pouring out of the elevator. Stanley Kubrick had convinced the board the blood flooding out of the elevator was actually rusty water."
RubyChao: hahahahaha
Cornwind Evil: Yeah, the MPAA is dumb
Jumpropeman: I don't think anyone would step forward to refute that statement
iKomodo: Hahaha


VictoriousSpy: If you hurt Frisk
VictoriousSpy: Undyne will send you to a place far beyond Suplex City
Gooper Blooper: Suplex Universe
RubyChao: Suplex King- dammit
Gooper Blooper: bitch
Harpy: frisk is going to ruin all your plots
Harpy: "WE SHOULD KILL THIS GUY" "no i'm gonna tickle him until he pees himself"


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: boip
Trite Nonsense: Poib back at yer.
Trite Nonsense: And how does the masculine personage of leaping cords fare this day?


VictoriousSpy: I tuned out while doing work
VictoriousSpy: And realized I was listening to the Buck Bumble theme for 20 minutes
VictoriousSpy: How and why
Gooper Blooper: because spy


Gooper Blooper: A funny note
Gooper Blooper: It looks like Jasper's leaving and Broderick is staying
Jumpropeman: yup :V
Gooper Blooper: Broderick wound up winning the Jasper/Broderick Brawl tiebreaker because JRM was certain of the opposite
Gooper Blooper: Now we'll never get that snarky chest in a fite :<
Jumpropeman: Jasper's only temporarily getting retired though
Jumpropeman: he'll probably drop by our new setting unless it's the belly of a giant robot
Jumpropeman: in 2017
Gooper Blooper: Season 7 setting is Pestus' Back
Harpy: i'd be amazed if that were possible
Jumpropeman: Jasper's life is suffering
Jumpropeman: I so far have no plans for my 2017 cast so he's a shoo-in :V
Trite Nonsense: Sorry, Jasper. We all acclimated to Cornwind's desire and went with RP'ing an entirely more advanced version of technofuture. WELCOME TO DEAD SPACE, BUDDY! There are literally no questors or treasures to be had, but plenty of freakish monsters, machines, terror, and, of course, mental tampering.
Trite Nonsense: It's ... literally every reason you wanted to leave!
Trite Nonsense: Yaaaay


Harpy: *sarah aggressively eats donuts*


RubyChao: are you guys ready
RubyChao: for
RubyChao: a Reveal
Jumpropeman: I'm ready for
Jumpropeman: a Revel
Gooper Blooper: Sonia is retired :<
Harpy: sonia is a constant state of being retired and not retired, goops
Harpy: shrodinger's sonia


Cornwind Evil: What is Widow Maker's favorite non alcoholic drink?
Jumpropeman: the blood of innocents of course


Jumpropeman: Draco's been present every year
Draco: This is true.
Draco: So has Parsee.
Draco retcons Parsee into every previous year
Jumpropeman: Parsee was always standing behind Draco, we just couldn't see her
Draco: Marche was there too; that's why he's always trying so hard to kill Draco.
Jumpropeman: he was just ignored really hard to the point the narration didn't acknowledge him
Trite Nonsense: Oh, is that how the game goes? :u -retcons Aiden into every year by the power of implausible amounts of booze and fight always on hand for Kobbers-


RubyChao: ​*Twisted Metal is still running in 2016*


Jumpropeman: Sumireko would have been fun on Deckplot
Jumpropeman: she would have been fun on most plots
Gooper Blooper: haha


Jumpropeman: whenever I see a new touhou and think there is too much touhou
Jumpropeman: i'm proven wrong
RubyChao: what about
RubyChao: if i showed you
RubyChao: an old touhou
RubyChao: like
RubyChao: ​ichirin kumoi
Gooper Blooper: each one of them manages to avoid being the same as previous ones
Gooper Blooper: they all have their own unique quirks and characters
Jumpropeman: TOO MUCH TOUHOU
Harpy: i sorry
Jumpropeman: I already did Tupai as my joke Touhou so I'll never be tempted to RP a real one
Harpy: this is why i'm sticking to 1 hu
RubyChao: >​looks at roster for next year
RubyChao: >​potential of 2 or 3 major hus
RubyChao sweats
Gooper Blooper: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58496258/Reactions/CirnoGenius.jpg
Jumpropeman: *buries Cirno*
Gooper Blooper: I actually thought about it and Cirno presents a unique challenge
RubyChao: JRM's Challenge: Don't Fuck Up
Gooper Blooper: If JRM played her straight... wouldn't she basically be Ice Shimmer?
Harpy: ...
Gooper Blooper: There'd need to be some tweaking if he went for it
Harpy: lel
Gooper Blooper: no wonder he likes her
Gooper Blooper: it's shmer
Jumpropeman: shhh
Jumpropeman: you're solving the mystery
Draco: Too much Touhou? D:
Draco axes Parsee.


Weyland Supremacy: Reddit my child...
SteelKomodo: inhale


(Josephine gives Utsuho a jar of chocolate body paint as a wedding gift)

RubyChao: oh my god
SteelKomodo: ...josephine
RubyChao: sephine pls
SteelKomodo: josephine pls
SteelKomodo: you dirty little chemist what has Dirk been teaching you
RubyChao: lots of things
Gooper Blooper: reactions to sephine did not disappoint :V
SteelKomodo: Goops you motherfucker :P


RubyChao: they got their asses kicked and reimu dragged them off to jail, but they're all perfectly happy
Bree: gallade in a cell with gardevoir "ISN'T THIS GREAT"
RubyChao: gardevoir busy petitioning the guards to let her have a different cell


Brinehammer: Are you ready for the biggest reveal I've done this year?
SteelKomodo: yes
WorkDel: oh man
WorkDel: i am so ready
RubyChao: is it that your hammer
RubyChao: is not briney
RubyChao: also hi
WorkDel: what a twist!
WorkDel: tune in for rp next year, where brinehammer fixes age of sigmar
Brinehammer: The mallet will always be salty. No, it's ​Etch's face. I oversold it for effect ;>​.>​​
WorkDel: gasp
WorkDel: faces~
Brinehammer: I'll never get to play that Dark Elf jerk who would've eventually stopped being such a jerk =/
Brinehammer: Or maybe more of a jerk, but in a constructive way or something, I dunno.


Jumpropeman: There are six fiters still standing in what remains of the halloween fite
Jumpropeman: it's all Blails
Jumpropeman: just six Blails staring at each other until they fall over
Jumpropeman: last Blails sitting wins


RubyChao: i have A Pile Of Ideas That I'm Turning Into A Plot
RubyChao: i'm sure this will work
Gooper Blooper: well hey, it worked for me didn't it
RubyChao: *hits idea pile with wrench* i built that


Cornwind Evil: "solid snake must go to freddy fazbears to destroy metal gear"
Gooper Blooper: season 6 megaplot here we come
Cornwind Evil: "DARK PIT! (glomps) wait. I must neko you first! (kitty ears and a kitty tail pop out of Dark pit) YAY, KITTOO! (snuggles) oh yeah."


Bree: personally I like wade barrett because he's sexy and british, which means he's double sexy
Bree: (my love of british accents is eternal)


Jumpropeman: I should see how much art I can do before work
Gooper Blooper: *it's a doodle of just samhain's head*
Jumpropeman: the halloween fite shall be using a special South Park art style
Jumpropeman: prepare for circles folks!
Jumpropeman: I could barely do Candy right with no nose, I'll just stick to my usual art
Gooper Blooper: kek


RubyChao: "It took me a while before I realized something. This was the inside of a coffin. It made sense now. It was the final place and at that point, you'd be out of missions. Soon after, the screen went black with white centered text in the middle. "That planet as bloody and dead as him." My computer then shut down. I was shocked and scared. Clearly those lines were in reference to when sonic had said in the original game, "Come on! Let's go home to the planet as cool and blue as me!" Was this part of what the game meant when it said eggman was now a big time villian? Had he killed everyone? Had he forced sonic into that awful labrynth? Was this sonic's coffin?" rip enragement hedgehog
RubyChao: "I didn't think for a second that I could experience this horrible thing. It was a crazy thought and it all just jumped on me like I had never believed. Why could a game console that was so popular make me feel so crushed on the inside that I could never touch it again?"
RubyChao: fun fact: these are the FIRST LINES
RubyChao: "I moved the character forward reluctantly, and while I was moving, the music started to fade in and out and was slowing to very ear-spitting tones. I got to the end of the first level, when suddenly, the screen cut to black and the character's body popped up on screen, looking mangled and everything. The same message from before now read, “You never learn do you? These characters will continue to die because of your nostalgia. You now know what being nostalgia crushed means.”" ​YOUR FAULT
RubyChao: "I am what you call a very loyal gamer towards the classic franchises such as Pokemon, Mario, Zelda, and especially Sonic, while many modern gamers scorn at such titles; in favor of more graphic and violent games such as Call of Duty and Dark Souls." ah, game elitism
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: this pasta's premise
RubyChao: "I started to get a big idea on who was saying all these messages, Sonic.. I knew that the series hasn't been doing terrifically well since Sonic Adventure 2, in some cases Sega were trying too hard to make the next best game but only to miss the fan's opinions, but was this just some trolls idea of a funny yet depressing bash or was it Sonic trying to send a message?.. As I proceed to move Sonic across the "Stage" the ring line up the messages became more and more depressing, the rings were forming sentences such as "I DON'T WANT THIS" and "LET MY LEGACY REST" to "NO MORE GAMES"."
Gooper Blooper: kek
RubyChao: "As i sat here wondering what will occur next in this bizarre symbolistic rom hack i jumped in surprise as the words "Gold influences the selfish" appeared on screen in the same text font for the "Try again" text in the game's bad ending.. the game reset through the exact same logos and when it went to the title screen Sonic looked even sadder than before as if he had gone through this exact same sequence over and over again."
Draco: Of...?
RubyChao: of sega's franchise milking
RubyChao: "Sonic was trapped... Trapped in this eternal cycle game after game, Forced as Sega's little marketing gimmick to fill their pockets with cash.
The concept if you think about it deeply is sickening if you consider this an all too real interaction to reach out to a fan, akin to that of a defenseless bear forced by some sick bastard to perform for their own gain.
All that happened. The empty green hill, the messages, the suicide attempt, the images, All symbolism to what Sonic wants but cannot have due to the fact that He is still alive because Sega wants him to be for monetary value.
I didn't tell anyone else this story because I knew no one would believe me if i tried, yet when i see a new Sonic Game or other media I sit and think about what I saw through that game and hope that Sonic would rest one day..."

RubyChao: "This tale opens in the iconic Green Hills. Even if you have never played a Sonic the Hedgehog game it is highly likely that you are familiar with the setting of a Green Hill-esque level. Lush fields that extend as far as the eye can see, sparkling waterfalls that glimmer so brightly and beautiful trees and vegetation. The environment is such an archetypal paradise: how could anyone possibly forget it?"
RubyChao: oh god, i'm turning purple from all this prose
Draco: D:
Harpy: plz
Draco: Ruby, no, you still have Tenshiola to live for!
RubyChao: "Sonic opened his eyes and tilted his head towards Dr. Robotnik. Robotnik was a friend of Sonic and his silent demeanour matched the hedgehog’s. However, unlike Sonic, his face grimaced, transparently exposing the pain and suffering he had long endured. Of all the two had been through, Robotnik was withstanding the torment with a heavier heart than Sonic. Sonic instantly recognised what Robotnik’s expression meant, but before he could cheer his friend, he felt a shaking beside him."
RubyChao: "Sonic immediately started to sprint as fast as he possibly could, however, it was not due to his own decision or will. It was as if something, or someone, was guiding his every move and sporting with him like some kind of toy. As Sonic continued to run his heartbeat started to intensify and speed up causing him to wheeze and puff. Sonic is a natural runner but the many years of breakneck-sprinting were starting to take toll on his physical condition.
Whilst Sonic undeniably has it tough, Tails probably has it harder. Tails is not naturally gifted at running and he often gets winded and exhausted very quickly. Like Sonic he also has no control over his actions, however, his movements are more bizarre than Sonic’s. Most commonly, he is made to imitate Sonic's every movement, yet he also seems to be made to move independently. The unpredictable change of Tails' movements often confuses and scares the poor young fox."

RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: if you play video games
RubyChao: you are Literally Torturing the characters inside
Sow After Reaping: That revelation is interesting, Chao. -continues playing videogames without a qualm-
RubyChao: "Hello my name is Mike Howards and if you see this note that can mean two things ; either I am dead frozen in the corner or you found this place abandoned. What way you found this place does not matter instead I am going to tell you a story that changed my life."
RubyChao: this fucking formatting tho
RubyChao: "I was playing for twenty-five minuets until a sudden jump from my phone ringing made me stop. I then heard the beautiful voice of Amber over the phone. "Hello Rylic" She giggled. "Oh, hi Amber!" I said. "So how would you like to come over to my house tomorrow?" She said. I was in disbelief. I said okay and we planned. After I put down my phone I had a notification. It said "Why are you more interested in her than playing as your best buddy spy?" This freaked me out. I shut down the game, I wasn't even able to play it the game lagged so much."
RubyChao: spy why D:


RubyChao: "I didn’t play the game for 11 years, until I got bored, and decided to see if it was still there. I looked for it on the internet, and couldn’t find it. I then decided to ask my mother about it, as she was the only other person who knew about it. She tried to get me away from the game, but she knew nonetheless.
'Oh, yeah. I think you called it Crystal Caverns, or something like that. I never knew why you ‘played’ that game.' making air quotes when she said 'played.' 'You would just go to an error screen and sit there for a good hour or two and press keys. I was so glad when you finally got out of that phase.'"
RubyChao: my god... IT'S A RIPOFF


SteelKomodo: this is still awesome
2Goopy: *cannons intensify*
SteelKomodo: #Lewd ​"Dirk, chocolate is not a sex aid." "Yes, it is, and I'm going to use 21 bottles of it." "Dirk. ​no​." "Dirk yes​."


(Re: Google's 2015 Halloween doodle, the Candy Cup browser game)

2Goopy: Sprit animal
Favorite smell
Crisp pages
Favorite place
A windowsill late at night, lighted by an oil lamp
If she wins...
"I'll start a collection of ancient manuscripts."

2Goopy: okay yeah the green witch is awesome
RubyChao: that sounds ridiculously me
2Goopy: "In the company of five siblings, space under a thatched-roof hut can get a little cramped. The pages of Chaucer, Radcliffe and Shakespeare’s Macbeth are a fine place for a young witch to escape such chaos. Unenthusiastic about physical activity, Green prefers to hone her craft in the bowels of a library rather than in the air, but she’s not to be written off--her appetite for any and all literature related to flying makes her magnificently crafty."
2Goopy: she's patchy
RubyChao: petchy
RubyChao: patchy would have dressed up for halloween
RubyChao: but it was too much work


RubyChao: "Hoshi wo Miru Hito is so awful that it's been given the title of "legendary shit game" ("densetsu no kusoge" is the official term) by Japanese fans, effectively regarding it as one of the worst video games ever made."
RubyChao: "Anyway, the first town is invisible. That's right, it appears as a nondescript tile on the overworld, but if you step on it, you'll be transported right to it. If you start walking around town and talking to people, one of them gives some kind of BS excuse as to why the town is invisible, something about the people pooling together all of their powers so people can't see it. Uh, sure. When you leave towns, you're transported to a predefined area, sometimes places that aren't even remotely close to the town. Leaving the second town (which actually is visible on the map) will teleport you right back to where you started at the beginning of the game."


RubyChao: making dinner
RubyChao: then hopefully eating dinner
2Goopy: well I should hope you get to eat it after you make it
RubyChao: the hopefully is in case i accidentally rip a portal to the void and destroy all our food
2Goopy: that would be awful


(Re: The 2Spooky Scary Scuffle)

Jumpropemaniac: ​In a surprising turn of events, the character with the least votes got last and the one with the most got first! Not sure if that's happened before :V​
N Goat: You can tell it was a good fite, because I legitimately forgot that was the end and kept scrolling against the bottom of the page for more


(Utsuho lifts all four of the mage sisters at once)

RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
RubyChao: *tenshi tries to lift sarah, dies*
Jumpropemaniac: *Tenshi breaks her arms again*




harpizza: check skype, rubicante
RubyChao: so if i'm rubicante
RubyChao: who are the other fiends
harpizza: gooper blooper, REDSpy, corn, brees, and spoopropemang
2Goopy: Spymiglione, Goopnazzo, and Harpariccia
harpizza: trying not to go for the obvious :U
harpizza: goopy the weird turtle thing
RubyChao: so are you saying... that our golbez
RubyChao: IS BREE
2Goopy: golbree
RubyChao: fuck, it DOES work


Harpy: and then dog pee on everything

1 comment:

  1. RubyChao: ​*Twisted Metal is still running in 2016*

