God Damnit: My friend's been playing World of Warcraft again lately, and it looks too awesome. Fuck, I think I'm getting back into it
Fluropeman: but spy, how will you have the time to play binding of isaac then?
God Damnit: I can play one of them with my feet
Tableter: butt
iKomodo: Knowing del, I don't think he'll ever finish X :U
RubyChao: quickly sk
RubyChao: finish it for him
RubyChao: "why yes you did earn 2 badges last night"
RubyChao: "you uh"
RubyChao: "sleepplayed"
iKomodo: Hahaha
Gooper Blooper: "why does my team suddenly have a greninja on it" "WELL UH"
Gooper Blooper: Beheeyem card status: 2/3
Gooper Blooper: Beheeyem is always a non-holo rare, meaning he's that card you pull from the booster and get disappointed because you didn't get a holo
Gooper Blooper: Beheeyem just can't catch a break
Harpy: ...
Harpy: did i just see my stylus that i thought i lost
Harpy: and lose it again
Harpy: oh there it is
Harpy: *glares at Clefairy doll* I'M WATCHING YOU
Gooper Blooper: clefairy plush finds harpy's lost things and places them where she can find them
Gooper Blooper: you got a friend in her
Harpy: it's a small pink stylus
Harpy: it blends in way too well with my clefairy
Del and Knuckles: I found new jonesy
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Del and Knuckles: "Mom stop buying beauty things from the hub" "Nah, I'm bringing sexy back"
Saberwulf: Conrad sighs continuously for a week straight
Del and Knuckles: Jonesy best worst mom
Barpy: ivel and I were jokingly making goat noises and my bro is like "wtf are you doing"
Barpy: i told him we were summoning a goat
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Monday, December 29, 2014
GB's Vidya 2014: Year in Review
Ouch. I didn't beat too many games this year. Nonetheless, I'm doing my yearly wrapup, ranking, and review!
I only finished five games all year, and two of them were disqualified for reasons you'll soon see. However, I beat two other games very late last year - so late that they missed the last writeup - so they are being added to this year's list, bringing me back to five games. Without further ado, here's the games I beat this year and my opinions on them!
Honorable Mentions: Pokemon Emerald and Crystal
Systems: Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Color
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: RPG
Date Beaten: April 18 and April 22, 2014
Why are they honorable mentions? Because I can't really count them - I technically never beat Pokemon Emerald or Crystal until this year, but I had already beaten the near-identical Ruby, Sapphire, and Gold versions. I generally consider all of those near-identical "versions" to be the same game, so Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald together are all "Pokemon GBA Hoenn" while Gold, Silver, and Crystal are all "Pokemon GBC Johto". Remakes like FireRed and LeafGreen are separate, however, so Omega Ruby will have its time at bat next year.
My Crystal run was a pure nostalgia run, although the ability to speed up play with the emulator made grinding bearable. The highlight of the run was finding a shiny Skarmory and adding it to the team. Later in summer I returned to Crystal and beat Kanto, capping things off with a nice fight against Red.
The Emerald run was... unconventional, thanks to the game being wrung through Pokemon Randomizer. You can get all the details about the upside-down world Ariel was thrust into here.
I only finished five games all year, and two of them were disqualified for reasons you'll soon see. However, I beat two other games very late last year - so late that they missed the last writeup - so they are being added to this year's list, bringing me back to five games. Without further ado, here's the games I beat this year and my opinions on them!
Systems: Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Color
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: RPG
Date Beaten: April 18 and April 22, 2014
Why are they honorable mentions? Because I can't really count them - I technically never beat Pokemon Emerald or Crystal until this year, but I had already beaten the near-identical Ruby, Sapphire, and Gold versions. I generally consider all of those near-identical "versions" to be the same game, so Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald together are all "Pokemon GBA Hoenn" while Gold, Silver, and Crystal are all "Pokemon GBC Johto". Remakes like FireRed and LeafGreen are separate, however, so Omega Ruby will have its time at bat next year.
My Crystal run was a pure nostalgia run, although the ability to speed up play with the emulator made grinding bearable. The highlight of the run was finding a shiny Skarmory and adding it to the team. Later in summer I returned to Crystal and beat Kanto, capping things off with a nice fight against Red.
The Emerald run was... unconventional, thanks to the game being wrung through Pokemon Randomizer. You can get all the details about the upside-down world Ariel was thrust into here.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 169: The Sarahkin Panty Raid
RubyChao: ...i just had a mental image
RubyChao: josephine doing scrooge mcduck style vault swimming
RubyChao: except it's half money and half chocolate
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
RubyChao: (dirk is reclining on an inner tube or something)
SteelKomodo: ...and now you've given me the perfect idea for Dirk's christmas present to her
RubyChao: yay!
RubyChao: ...
RubyChao: why are you telling me the TASK MANAGER is an unknown program, windows
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: "As reported several weeks ago, WWE originally had plans to make next year’s Royal Rumble elimination match a 40-man bout, but it was later confirmed that it will be a traditional 30-man match. As it turns out, WWE originally planned on capitalizing on the fact that the Royal Rumble is being held in Philadelphia next year by using a bunch of ‘ECW Originals’ in the match to get the number of competitors up to 40. The idea was later nixed and WWE executives decided to go with the regular 30-man match."
Gooper Blooper stares at massive half-finished Rumble
Gooper Blooper: fack
SteelKomodo: fuckery
RubyChao: well this just proves the GB Rumble is even better than the normal rumble
RubyChao: because it's 33% larger
Gooper Blooper: 33% cooler
Scholar Scowle: Go, magikarp!
Scholar Scowle rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
Scholar Scowle: Exactly as expected.
RubyChao: josephine doing scrooge mcduck style vault swimming
RubyChao: except it's half money and half chocolate
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
RubyChao: (dirk is reclining on an inner tube or something)
SteelKomodo: ...and now you've given me the perfect idea for Dirk's christmas present to her
RubyChao: yay!
RubyChao: ...
RubyChao: why are you telling me the TASK MANAGER is an unknown program, windows
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: "As reported several weeks ago, WWE originally had plans to make next year’s Royal Rumble elimination match a 40-man bout, but it was later confirmed that it will be a traditional 30-man match. As it turns out, WWE originally planned on capitalizing on the fact that the Royal Rumble is being held in Philadelphia next year by using a bunch of ‘ECW Originals’ in the match to get the number of competitors up to 40. The idea was later nixed and WWE executives decided to go with the regular 30-man match."
Gooper Blooper stares at massive half-finished Rumble
Gooper Blooper: fack
SteelKomodo: fuckery
RubyChao: well this just proves the GB Rumble is even better than the normal rumble
RubyChao: because it's 33% larger
Gooper Blooper: 33% cooler
Scholar Scowle: Go, magikarp!
Scholar Scowle rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
Scholar Scowle: Exactly as expected.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 168: Fideos Atemorizantes
Del Inc: aw yiss
Del Inc: mother
Del Inc: fucking
Del Inc: flippy frogs
Lord Gluttony: Froooogs, you say?
Del Inc: yes
Del Inc: those little origami frogs
Del Inc: they own
Lord Gluttony: yessss
Del Inc: my snakenerd is flirting with angel girl via the medium of notes sent as origami frogs
Lord Gluttony: oh myyy
Del Inc: he's so bad at it
Del Inc: she suggested he go to the halloween party as a bedsheet ghost
Del Inc: so he's made a horrible "only if you're under them with me" joke
Del Inc: snakedad dissaproves
Del Inc: "i taught you better pickup lines than that son"
Del Inc: "you shame the snakefamily"
Lord Gluttony: "I don't know, you made worse" snakemom says as she washes the dishes
Del Inc: hahaha
RubyChao: does david in fact deliver christmas presents by dropping them on people, i must know
Tableter: He does
Tableter: Concussedrad
Saberwulf: pff
Tableter: also
Tableter: Ive just been writing jonesy as steadily getting more and more obscenely wealthy over time
Saberwulf: Jonesy actually a master of investment
Tableter: I had an idea
Tableter: David is setting jonesy up to be the next Greed
Saberwulf: Haha oh man
Tableter: So she can live forever and have fun money times with her family and he can go peddle shit at people
Saberwulf: That would make sense actually since he's killing gods this season
Tableter: When jonesy finds out she just shrugs and builds jonesypalace
Saberwulf: Clear out some space and put his buddy in the Senate like he's Octavian
Tableter: "Im rich foreverrrrrrrrr fuck"
SteelKomodo: and conrad is like "moooooom why do you do this to me"
Tableter: "Shut your mouth and look at my bikini made of money"
SteelKomodo: "no D:"
Tableter: Hey wulf
Tableter: What kind of perks would jonesy get being Greed?
Gooper Blooper: Jonesy gets to fuck over Spy when he plays Binding of Isaac
Tableter: Hahaha
Saberwulf: Even though Greed is a made up title for a bunch of shitfuckers that think Immortality entitles them to things, its existence is powerful enough to the point that it does allow certain perks. Really the big one though is that Jonesy can't die by normal means. Like someone shoots her with a machine gun? She gets right back up after a few moments. Since she doesn't have any true godly power yet she can still die if she gets killed hard enough, or if a god eats her soul and gains her limited power
Tableter: Oh boy
SteelKomodo: "gets killed hard enough"
SteelKomodo: how exactly does that happen? :U
Saberwulf: Your soul explodes
Tableter: Jonesy uses this as an excuse to dress as an anime
RubyChao: so, don't join the deck
Tableter: To, of course, annoy her son
Gooper Blooper: Don't do a heel turn, and she's safe
Tableter: Hahaha jonesy yoko
Tableter: "How do you use a gun like this, goddamn it you watch some bullshit son"
Tableter: "I know mom, i know"
Tableter: Erebus finally comes home to jonesypalace and new anime body jonesy lounging on a sofa surrounded by crystal statues of her power armor
Tableter: "Hey, Sippy. You missed a lot. We have like a billion romantic dinners to catch up on."
Tableter: "I roasted a dinosaur for you."
Del Inc: mother
Del Inc: fucking
Del Inc: flippy frogs
Lord Gluttony: Froooogs, you say?
Del Inc: yes
Del Inc: those little origami frogs
Del Inc: they own
Lord Gluttony: yessss
Del Inc: my snakenerd is flirting with angel girl via the medium of notes sent as origami frogs
Lord Gluttony: oh myyy
Del Inc: he's so bad at it
Del Inc: she suggested he go to the halloween party as a bedsheet ghost
Del Inc: so he's made a horrible "only if you're under them with me" joke
Del Inc: snakedad dissaproves
Del Inc: "i taught you better pickup lines than that son"
Del Inc: "you shame the snakefamily"
Lord Gluttony: "I don't know, you made worse" snakemom says as she washes the dishes
Del Inc: hahaha
RubyChao: does david in fact deliver christmas presents by dropping them on people, i must know
Tableter: He does
Tableter: Concussedrad
Saberwulf: pff
Tableter: also
Tableter: Ive just been writing jonesy as steadily getting more and more obscenely wealthy over time
Saberwulf: Jonesy actually a master of investment
Tableter: I had an idea
Tableter: David is setting jonesy up to be the next Greed
Saberwulf: Haha oh man
Tableter: So she can live forever and have fun money times with her family and he can go peddle shit at people
Saberwulf: That would make sense actually since he's killing gods this season
Tableter: When jonesy finds out she just shrugs and builds jonesypalace
Saberwulf: Clear out some space and put his buddy in the Senate like he's Octavian
Tableter: "Im rich foreverrrrrrrrr fuck"
SteelKomodo: and conrad is like "moooooom why do you do this to me"
Tableter: "Shut your mouth and look at my bikini made of money"
SteelKomodo: "no D:"
Tableter: Hey wulf
Tableter: What kind of perks would jonesy get being Greed?
Gooper Blooper: Jonesy gets to fuck over Spy when he plays Binding of Isaac
Tableter: Hahaha
Saberwulf: Even though Greed is a made up title for a bunch of shitfuckers that think Immortality entitles them to things, its existence is powerful enough to the point that it does allow certain perks. Really the big one though is that Jonesy can't die by normal means. Like someone shoots her with a machine gun? She gets right back up after a few moments. Since she doesn't have any true godly power yet she can still die if she gets killed hard enough, or if a god eats her soul and gains her limited power
Tableter: Oh boy
SteelKomodo: "gets killed hard enough"
SteelKomodo: how exactly does that happen? :U
Saberwulf: Your soul explodes
Tableter: Jonesy uses this as an excuse to dress as an anime
RubyChao: so, don't join the deck
Tableter: To, of course, annoy her son
Gooper Blooper: Don't do a heel turn, and she's safe
Tableter: Hahaha jonesy yoko
Tableter: "How do you use a gun like this, goddamn it you watch some bullshit son"
Tableter: "I know mom, i know"
Tableter: Erebus finally comes home to jonesypalace and new anime body jonesy lounging on a sofa surrounded by crystal statues of her power armor
Tableter: "Hey, Sippy. You missed a lot. We have like a billion romantic dinners to catch up on."
Tableter: "I roasted a dinosaur for you."
Monday, December 22, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 167: We Make Holes In Teeth
Saberwulf: Oh I bought a skirt five minutes ago
Saberwulf: I spent seven dollars on shipping because i'm garbage
Tableter: Im pretty sure im gonna end up naming a kid weedlord bonerhitler
RubyChao: >shiny sandile appears when i've run out of pokeballs
Gooper Blooper: oh my god
RubyChao: oh wait i found one
Gooper Blooper: chao really
RubyChao: CAN I DO IT
Kogasa: plafetixinv
Gooper Blooper: STATUS IT
Stressed Spy: TOUCAN DO IT
Stressed Spy: CAW CAW
RubyChao: it's a sandile tho
Kogasa: do it ruby
RubyChao: the only status move i have is thunder wave
Gooper Blooper: oh nooo
Kogasa: shit
iKomodo: OH GOD CHAO
Gooper Blooper: I'm guessing no false swipe or sonicboom
RubyChao: >lucky bugger
RubyChao: sk did you miss the part where i have one shot at this
iKomodo: ...yes I did
iKomodo: D:
Bree: one pogey ball and no effective status moves
Bree: that reminds me, Blue is apparently obsessed with getting a shiny gardevoir
RubyChao: i had sonicboom but that pogey got KOed
Gooper Blooper: Catch rate: 180 (23.5%)
Gooper Blooper: This means you have a 23.5% chance of just throwing the ball at full health and catching it
Bree: she's done nothing but breed pogeys for like a week
RubyChao: HERE I GO
Bree: do you have a revive to use on sonicboom pogey
RubyChao: nope
iKomodo: D:
iKomodo: YISSSSS
RubyChao: i am pretty sure this is like my second legit shiny
RubyChao: ever
Stressed Spy: YES
Stressed Spy: YEEEEEEES
RubyChao: (not counting Gyarados)
RubyChao: and yes i'm going to immediately save because >not saving after that
Bree: I have never seen or caught a shiny
Kogasa: I have seen shinies but I never caught one
Bree: then again my pogey career has been brief
Gooper Blooper: tonight's lesson: ALWAYS carry lots of pokeballs
Gooper Blooper: so you don't have heart attacks over catching sandile
Kogasa: grats ruby
Kogasa: i want a shiny eevee :/
iKomodo: Never found a wild shiny
RubyChao: so guys
RubyChao: nickname this sandile for me
Stressed Spy: Kaptain Skuvy
Bree: Skurvy
Kogasa: skurvy
Bree: name it Skurvy
RubyChao: thanks guys :)
Saberwulf: I spent seven dollars on shipping because i'm garbage
Tableter: Im pretty sure im gonna end up naming a kid weedlord bonerhitler
RubyChao: >shiny sandile appears when i've run out of pokeballs
Gooper Blooper: oh my god
RubyChao: oh wait i found one
Gooper Blooper: chao really
RubyChao: CAN I DO IT
Kogasa: plafetixinv
Gooper Blooper: STATUS IT
Stressed Spy: TOUCAN DO IT
Stressed Spy: CAW CAW
RubyChao: it's a sandile tho
Kogasa: do it ruby
RubyChao: the only status move i have is thunder wave
Gooper Blooper: oh nooo
Kogasa: shit
iKomodo: OH GOD CHAO
Gooper Blooper: I'm guessing no false swipe or sonicboom
RubyChao: >lucky bugger
RubyChao: sk did you miss the part where i have one shot at this
iKomodo: ...yes I did
iKomodo: D:
Bree: one pogey ball and no effective status moves
Bree: that reminds me, Blue is apparently obsessed with getting a shiny gardevoir
RubyChao: i had sonicboom but that pogey got KOed
Gooper Blooper: Catch rate: 180 (23.5%)
Gooper Blooper: This means you have a 23.5% chance of just throwing the ball at full health and catching it
Bree: she's done nothing but breed pogeys for like a week
RubyChao: HERE I GO
Bree: do you have a revive to use on sonicboom pogey
RubyChao: nope
iKomodo: D:
iKomodo: YISSSSS
RubyChao: i am pretty sure this is like my second legit shiny
RubyChao: ever
Stressed Spy: YES
Stressed Spy: YEEEEEEES
RubyChao: (not counting Gyarados)
RubyChao: and yes i'm going to immediately save because >not saving after that
Bree: I have never seen or caught a shiny
Kogasa: I have seen shinies but I never caught one
Bree: then again my pogey career has been brief
Gooper Blooper: tonight's lesson: ALWAYS carry lots of pokeballs
Gooper Blooper: so you don't have heart attacks over catching sandile
Kogasa: grats ruby
Kogasa: i want a shiny eevee :/
iKomodo: Never found a wild shiny
RubyChao: so guys
RubyChao: nickname this sandile for me
Stressed Spy: Kaptain Skuvy
Bree: Skurvy
Kogasa: skurvy
Bree: name it Skurvy
RubyChao: thanks guys :)
Friday, December 19, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 166: Iiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeecccckkkkkkkkkghu
RubyChao: Pages in category "Five Nights at Freddy's"
The following 14 pages are in this category, out of 14 total.
RubyChao: is it worth even looking at these pastas
RubyChao: probably not
RubyChao: "After that, I went to Pirate Cove. But, when I saw Pirate Cove, the "Out of Order" sign was replaced by: 'Digger'. I saw Foxy on the ground. He was lying in a puddle of blood. I also saw a message on the curtain saying this: 'Digger is after you.' I got really creeped out. Then, I saw the time. It was...666 A.M.?? It only went to 5 A.M."
Tableter: Wow
Bree: yes, that's the first thing I'd think if I saw it was "666 A.M."
Tableter: Fucking terrible
Bree: it only goes until 5!
SteelKomodo changed name to Patman Post
Patman Post: TERRIBLE
Patman Post changed name to SteelKomodo
RubyChao: "When the head director brought all the animators to view the episode, he told the one animation group who were animating the last bits to bring the finalized version, but they did not respond. He went to their cubicles, and when he got there they were all dead with blood stains on the alleged tape. The hospital was called and they were sent to the emergency room as soon as possible but it was too late; they died of unknown causes. But we still had the tape so we decided to watch it in their honor and their hard work they put into it."
SteelKomodo: probably not the smartest move :U
Bree: nobody in any creepypasta ever does anything smart
SteelKomodo: tru that
RubyChao: "'DO NOT PLAY THIS VERSION OF EOSD, IT HAS BEEN KNOWN TO CAUSE EXTREME HARM. DELETE THIS FOLDER PERMANENTLY! DO NOT PLAY, THIS IS A SERIOUS MESSAGE.' After I reread the message in confusion, I simply tilt my head back and laughed, thinking to myself, the game isn't really that hard!"
SteelKomodo: spy.txt
RubyChao: "Then it cut to a normal episode of Foster's before the VCR exploded in sparks. Oddly enough, however, while the VCR was totally destroyed, the tape remained intact. I could show it to you, but I've locked it in an impenetrable safe."
RubyChao: did i ever show you guys
RubyChao: the Zelda CD-I creepypasta
RubyChao: "The next scene was the "Condemned" board. But instead, it was written 'YOU ARE Condemned', there were claws marks and lots of blood around the bricks and over the soil. Mario comes up, faceless, with white and black clothes, holding his bread box, which was blank."
RubyChao: the worst kind of vidya loss
RubyChao: is the one that's your own fault
Gooper Blooper: aw
RubyChao: one of the truest posts i ever saw on tumblr was "Pokemon that break free after three shakes are why I have trust issues"
RubyChao: *skims through 3DS*
RubyChao: *Rusty's Real Deal Baseball has shown up*
RubyChao: :I
The following 14 pages are in this category, out of 14 total.
RubyChao: is it worth even looking at these pastas
RubyChao: probably not
RubyChao: "After that, I went to Pirate Cove. But, when I saw Pirate Cove, the "Out of Order" sign was replaced by: 'Digger'. I saw Foxy on the ground. He was lying in a puddle of blood. I also saw a message on the curtain saying this: 'Digger is after you.' I got really creeped out. Then, I saw the time. It was...666 A.M.?? It only went to 5 A.M."
Tableter: Wow
Bree: yes, that's the first thing I'd think if I saw it was "666 A.M."
Tableter: Fucking terrible
Bree: it only goes until 5!
SteelKomodo changed name to Patman Post
Patman Post: TERRIBLE
Patman Post changed name to SteelKomodo
RubyChao: "When the head director brought all the animators to view the episode, he told the one animation group who were animating the last bits to bring the finalized version, but they did not respond. He went to their cubicles, and when he got there they were all dead with blood stains on the alleged tape. The hospital was called and they were sent to the emergency room as soon as possible but it was too late; they died of unknown causes. But we still had the tape so we decided to watch it in their honor and their hard work they put into it."
SteelKomodo: probably not the smartest move :U
Bree: nobody in any creepypasta ever does anything smart
SteelKomodo: tru that
RubyChao: "'DO NOT PLAY THIS VERSION OF EOSD, IT HAS BEEN KNOWN TO CAUSE EXTREME HARM. DELETE THIS FOLDER PERMANENTLY! DO NOT PLAY, THIS IS A SERIOUS MESSAGE.' After I reread the message in confusion, I simply tilt my head back and laughed, thinking to myself, the game isn't really that hard!"
SteelKomodo: spy.txt
RubyChao: "Then it cut to a normal episode of Foster's before the VCR exploded in sparks. Oddly enough, however, while the VCR was totally destroyed, the tape remained intact. I could show it to you, but I've locked it in an impenetrable safe."
RubyChao: did i ever show you guys
RubyChao: the Zelda CD-I creepypasta
RubyChao: "The next scene was the "Condemned" board. But instead, it was written 'YOU ARE Condemned', there were claws marks and lots of blood around the bricks and over the soil. Mario comes up, faceless, with white and black clothes, holding his bread box, which was blank."
RubyChao: the worst kind of vidya loss
RubyChao: is the one that's your own fault
Gooper Blooper: aw
RubyChao: one of the truest posts i ever saw on tumblr was "Pokemon that break free after three shakes are why I have trust issues"
RubyChao: *skims through 3DS*
RubyChao: *Rusty's Real Deal Baseball has shown up*
RubyChao: :I
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