I've had many a brainstorm concerning new entries to the ZFRPverse, but a lot did not pan out. Here's a rundown of some of the characters that have been cast aside.
Origin: King's Quest 5
Gender: Male
Planned Alignment: Lawful Annoying
Planned Personality: Irritating but well-meaning, with a tendency to state the obvious. Cowardice.
Planned Plotlines: None
Discarded Because: I felt Cedric was a bit too obscure to evoke the "oh goddamn it, it's HIM" feeling I wanted. His role was replaced with Clippy, who I could better work with anyway.

Origin: Final Fantasy 4
Gender: Male
Planned Alignment: Lawful Evil
Planned Personality: Ally/rival for Garland
Planned Plotlines: Was to be included in the Garland plot in 2012
Discarded Because: The Garland plot was crowded already, especially after it was combined with the kaiju plot. Golbez and many other characters (mentioned in the Garland edition of Cutting Room Floor) were left out. All is not lost for Golbez - he will be playing a major role in SaRahPG.

Origin: Pokemon Black and White
Gender: Male
Planned Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Planned Personality: War Veteran
Planned Plotlines: Something involving N and/or Heatmor
Discarded Because: Sarge was planned as a 2012 character, but was removed due to not fitting the theme as well as an overabundance of 2012 characters in my rotation. 2012's RP petering out to nearly nothing in its final two months did not help.

Origin: Godzilla (1998)
Gender: Indeterminate
Planned Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Planned Personality: Rampaging Animal
Planned Plotlines: Was to be included in the Garland/Destroyah subplot
Discarded Because: I was juggling too many characters for the Garland battle already. It would have been nice if this kaiju of the late nineties were to show up, but it was not to be.
Origin: Super Mario Brothers
Gender: Male
Planned Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Planned Personality: Paper Bowser
Planned Plotlines: An in-depth look and dissection/subversion of princess kidnapping
Discarded Because: Bowser would have fit in either of the first two years of RP, but I just had no time for him. He would have been used in a similar fashion to the way I used Sarah and Missingno to look at old plotless video game elements from a different angle.

Origin: Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
Gender: Female
Planned Alignment: Lawful Good
Planned Personality: Naive, innocent, eager to help
Planned Plotlines: None
Discarded Because: When I wrote "Finding Your Own Way", this was the job class White Mage 4 was originally planned to choose. In that story, she says she wants to be strong and protect people. I considered making her a Dark Knight because the visual of a small, meek girl as the Sarahkin's one and only physical-based class was a great mental image. After ultimately deciding to not go with the Dark Knight class since I wasn't as knowledgeable about it due to not playing this version of FFT, I wound up taking her character in a very different direction, eventually giving us the environmentalist activist archer we all know and tolerate the soapboxes of.
Origin: Original Character
Gender: Female
Planned Alignment: Evil
Planned Personality: Widow Maker with all the kindness sucked out of her soul. Dark, murderous, snarky, and scarily aware and intelligent.
Planned Plotlines: A large and extensive turf war between Spitfire's gang and the kobbers, with Widow Maker on the front lines.
Discarded Because: Like Widow Maker, Spitfire is a giant mantis. Unlike Widow Maker, Spitfire is an all-natural being, and is superior to Widow Maker in size, strength, and speed. She and her gang, the all-female all-invertebrate Valkyries, ruled a cyberpunk city within the Hub with iron claws. Our sudden setting change from The Hub to Spaceships Over Medieval Planet completely sabotaged Spitfire's plot. She was fired up and ready to go - even making a blog post appearance in "Spitfire" - but the entire plot hinged on being able to use a foreign urban setting. Without that, the plot just does not work. I briefly tried to adapt the plot to space before giving up and sending Spitfire to the back of the line. Of the discarded characters here, Spitfire is the most likely to finally debut in RP, but it hinges on setting.
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