Friday, April 5, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 47: Wacky Wavy Inflatable Arm-Flailing David

RedSpy: So guys
RedSpy: Scott Pilgrim vs. all of Taylor Swift's exes
RedSpy: Who would win?
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: hmmmm
SteelKomodo: depends
SteelKomodo: can you name one or two for me - I don't keep up with celeb gossip, you see :P
RedSpy: I can't think of specifics, but I do know A) there's a ton and B) they all bear the burden of public shame via songs being written about them
RedSpy: Less superpowers, more zerg rushes
SteelKomodo: well then Scott has this in the bag
SteelKomodo: none of them know Hadoukens and I doubt any of them could even throw a decent punch
RedSpy: Good point. Unless they swarm him all at once, he's got this


Saberwulf: holy shit My Chemical Romance broke up and Tumblr is falling the fuck apart
Saberwulf: If the borders of my feed just ignited I really wouldn't be surprised
Saberwulf: Seriously like that's the internet right now


Saberwulf: I'm surprised I didn't expect this
TheDeleter: the triden special right there
Gooper Blooper: Sarah will take ten
Gooper Blooper: Man, that's like the burger I read about
Gooper Blooper: They replaced the bun with glazed donuts
SteelKomodo: Oh boy
SteelKomodo: ...what
TheDeleter: holy fuck that sounds gross
Gooper Blooper: Look, it's noteworthy enough to have a wikipedia entry
Gooper Blooper: 1500 calories each
M Sheep: Please
Gooper Blooper: let the grease flow through you
M Sheep: Please tell me that pizza cookie monstosity is not real
M Sheep: Please
SteelKomodo: I'm sorry, sheep
SteelKomodo: it is
M Sheep: ;A;
M Sheep: If that wasn't enough, there's this peanut butter burger you can get in New Orleans
SteelKomodo: So um, this is all I can contribute right now
M Sheep: It's big as a dinner plate
Gooper Blooper: Okay, looked up the pizza cookie thing
M Sheep: I have been told eating it feels like a heart attack
Gooper Blooper: The cookies are not actually on the pizza to start with
M Sheep: Oh, thank God
Gooper Blooper: You get a normal frozen pizza plus a little pack of cookie dough
Gooper Blooper: That guy just combined them since they arrived together and he figured why not
M Sheep staring at wall
Gooper Blooper: From a review: "One other thing I thought was amusing: the box says there’s five servings of pizza, but 12 servings of chocolate chip cookies. I don’t think this will be a problem, however; stoners aren’t exactly picky about suggested serving sizes."
Gooper Blooper: lol servings
SteelKomodo: Sheep.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.


TheDeleter: hahaha oh my god
TheDeleter: i found the reason sim city is broken
TheDeleter: the engine uses agents for practically everything, even stuff that shouldn't be modelled by agents
Saberwulf: do tell
TheDeleter: like electricity, water and sewage are modelled by it
M Sheep: "Elves are like humans except pointier"-D&D Podcast
M Sheep: So, what does this mean, Del?
Saberwulf: so it's modeling every function with things that aren't supposed to model those things?
TheDeleter: not just that
TheDeleter: the agents system works by having agents (a car, a sim, whatever) find a Job to do and then going to it
TheDeleter: the problem is that it always picks the nearest one and it doesn't "claim" the job until it gets there
TheDeleter: so basically six firetrucks will go and put out a fire at an abandoned warehouse whilst poor old papa cheng burns for 16 hours
TheDeleter: and because the citizens have no set jobs or houses, ten thousand sims will stream into the first factory, exit and go to the next, and so on
M Sheep: Papa Cheng should've just paid his protection money
TheDeleter: until the remaining few trickle into the IMPORTANT stuff like oil rigs and coal mines or whatever's left
SteelKomodo: PAPA CHENG D:
TheDeleter: and on top of THAT, educated sims have no job preference, so they'll end up in factory jobs whilst the dumb sims end up in the nuclear facility making it more likely to explode
TheDeleter: it's a oroboros of bad decisions
TheDeleter: haha
M Sheep sirens
TheDeleter: poor papa cheng, vaguely aware he's in a poorly coded game but unable to do anything about it
Saberwulf: hahaha goddamn Maxis
TheDeleter: the simplest fix would be for an agent to claim a job before it starts going to it, and for any agents to search for other jobs if it finds a claimed one
TheDeleter: then you could throw in job preferences for educated citizens, get rid of the agents for water, electricity and sewage and boom
TheDeleter: half the problems gone right there
TheDeleter: traffic would still be bad but that's YOUR problem for cutting funding
SteelKomodo: but of course EA would rather release a zillion expansion packs to distract us instead of admitting there's a problem that needs fixing
SteelKomodo: because LOOK LOOK SHINY NEW TOYS
TheDeleter: you'd probably need more checks for if a factory dies so a sim has to find a new job or whatever, but honestly the fucking thing is rotten to the core anyway so
SteelKomodo: mmhm
TheDeleter: There's a mark born every minute, and one to trim 'em and one to knock 'em. This I tell ya for nuttin', boys.


M Sheep: Also checking the new Chatzy Madness
M Sheep: Just saw the Legend of A Rabbit trailer
M Sheep: I
M Sheep: I am CERTAIN five of those backgrounds are ripped straight from Kung Fu Panda
TheDeleter: i'd bet money on it


TheDeleter: people are just placeholders for skeletons
Saberwulf: People are just skeleton clothing


M Sheep: So difficult finding a picture of an orc with a pompadour


Gooper Blooper: "Spelling will change to reflect the fascinating British obsession with inserting the letter "u" in places not normally deemed appropriate, even if it means jamming the wourds out into the paneul bourdeurs."
RedSpy: Those changes are so obvious it hurts
TheDeleter: We have a lot of random u's everywhere
Gooper Blooper: #OOER
SteelKomodo: Mmhm
TheDeleter: Iut's really annoying
Gooper Blooper: I noticed this sometimes in RP
TheDeleter: I caun't coupe with iut
Gooper Blooper: Like, I frequently imagined Jonesy speaking in a british accent because she sometimes used british slang
Gooper Blooper: And she's from Kansas so it was funny
SteelKomodo: Pfffft
SteelKomodo: ...Anglo-American, maybe?
TheDeleter: Its because I'm a bad writer
Gooper Blooper: that can't be it
TheDeleter: Imma riter
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: you just need work on character accents
SteelKomodo: Me fingers r movin
Gooper Blooper: Or just have all your characters come from Britain
Gooper Blooper: PROBLEM SOLVED


Saberwulf: I totally almost perfectly made Jaxx in APB but the fucking thing won't let me printscreen in the chargen
TheDeleter: Yeeeeaaaaah :D
TheDeleter: Also goddamn son get fraps, the free version does screenies just fine
Gooper Blooper: ZFRP characters are spreading
TheDeleter: I just called wulf "son," that felt weird
Gooper Blooper: They're in APB, they're in the WWE, they're Miis
Saberwulf: Pfff
Gooper Blooper: it begins
Saberwulf: Ghettoleter
TheDeleter: Damn son that shit ain't right, get that motherfucker outta here
Saberwulf: The only people who've ever called me "son" were drug dealers, drug addicts, and that lesbian I used to hang with before she moved back to the ghetto
Saberwulf: The life and times of Saberwulf
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: Your autobiography, I reckon, would sell millions, wulf
Gooper Blooper: Almost as good as Jaxx's
SteelKomodo: simply because of the ridiculous shit that would happen in half the chapters
Saberwulf: "How to be a fat white kid who hangs with gang members, a memoir"
TheDeleter: Less superpowers and more weed
TheDeleter: Er, actually the amount of weed might remain constant?
TheDeleter: Who knows
Saberwulf: Well, probably, but it would be in different places. I've never toked, but I'm pretty sure Jaxx probably had like fucking medals for how much ganja he burned


Gooper Blooper: Wacky Wavy Inflatable Arm-Flailing David
Saberwulf: Now on sale
Saberwulf: One in stock
Saberwulf: Is actually just David
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: "I do birthday parties!"
Saberwulf: *will (probably) not steal everything in your house after you go to sleep


M Sheep: Here's a proper unexplained mystery for you folks. A friend of mine has a forest back a ways behind her place. One day she's with her friends a-strolling around the high ground. Then, for whatever reason, she throws a rock down in there.
M Sheep: A rock is promptly thrown right back
TheDeleter: That's nature's way of saying "fuck you too"
TheDeleter: Nothing to worry about


TheDeleter: Shit now I have like ten possible characters for RP
SteelKomodo: What D:
TheDeleter: Got crazy golem wizard and his adorable golem pets
Saberwulf: Play all of them
Saberwulf: Revolving doooorrr
TheDeleter: Jackass space lesbian mechanic
TheDeleter: Old Papa Cheng, trapped in a shitty future sim city forever
TheDeleter: A dragon
TheDeleter: Discworld death
TheDeleter: And uh
TheDeleter: Whom else
RedSpy: Badman Del
TheDeleter: Del's crew, that Robert calico dude I hinted at but never used, the combine, a returning villain, and two or three people filed under "terrible idea"
RedSpy: Ooh, who are the terrible ideas?
TheDeleter: All of them are Conrad at various stages in his life
TheDeleter: I known our rpnis a circle jerk but come on
TheDeleter: *rp is
Saberwulf: Rpnis is a pretty apt typo for being so close to circlejerk
TheDeleter: It is
TheDeleter: That whole sentence is pretty loaded actually
Saberwulf: It's getting worse as I look at it
TheDeleter: Oh yeah I forgot
TheDeleter: Snoop Dogg
Saberwulf: Hahaha
TheDeleter: He's under terrible ideas
TheDeleter: No explanation, no fitting the theme
TheDeleter: Just snoop Dogg
TheDeleter: Introducing weed to the fantasy populace
TheDeleter: And rapping about weed, eating weed, sleeping in weed
TheDeleter: The joke is weed
Saberwulf: Weeeeedddddd


TheDeleter: I want CW and Goops to be on
TheDeleter: So CW can see
TheDeleter: The match
TheDeleter: THE MATCH
Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: Sorry, only have a lighter
Cornwind Evil: Will that serve?


Cornwind Evil: Sine why are you doing a Spinarooni
Cornwind Evil: No Sine don't do that
Cornwind Evil: I told you
TheDeleter: I told you about wrestling


SteelKomodo: DAVID XD
Gooper Blooper: the best entrance
TheDeleter: Fuck yeah
Saberwulf: That's the most accurate entrance I've ever seen for David
Saberwulf: That's fucking spot on goddamn you are a genius Goops


Cornwind Evil: Can women do ANY gimmick matches?
Gooper Blooper: In WWE 08 they can do Last Man Standing and Ironman
Gooper Blooper: And tag
Gooper Blooper: Conversely, in WWE 13 they can do almost everything except Rumbles and First Blood, but they can't fight men
Gooper Blooper: EQUALITY!
Saberwulf: hahaha


Gooper Blooper: I found this trailer for an IOS game that's about to come out and
Gooper Blooper: oh god, japan
TheDeleter: ooh
TheDeleter: oh
TheDeleter: oh dear
Gooper Blooper: ARE YOU READY
SteelKomodo: JAPAN D:
TheDeleter: i'm not ready
SteelKomodo changed name to NotReady
TheDeleter: is this
TheDeleter: idiot hair combat
TheDeleter: jesus christ tyrannosaurus alan
Gooper Blooper: yes, del
Gooper Blooper: yes it is
Gooper Blooper: they've weaponized idiot hairs
NotReady: oh boy, I can see where this is gonna go
TheDeleter: what on earth
TheDeleter: and then you rip them out and claim them as your own
TheDeleter: to prove you are the biggest of idiots
TheDeleter: and you have the hair to prove it
Gooper Blooper: collect them all
NotReady: it's like Pokemon if Ash took drugs and wandered into a barber's shop
Gooper Blooper: And it's free-to-play, which means idiot hair DLC
Gooper Blooper: the future of gaming
TheDeleter: oh god


Gooper Blooper: Dilip Mass: finaly finaly the rock its come back if its smell what a rock is cooky
Dilip Mass: if it's smell what a rock is cookey
Dilip Mass: if is a man what a rock its kokky

Gooper Blooper: thank you, WWE's Facebook wall
Gooper Blooper: Dilip Mass says what we're all thinking
SteelKomodo: XD
TheDeleter: oh yeah
TheDeleter: when we're drunk


SteelKomodo: AAAA
Gooper Blooper: AAAAA
TheDeleter: aaaAAAaaa
TheDeleter: i want a mod that replaces every line of commentator dialogue with that


Cornwind Evil: I see what you did there
SteelKomodo: pfffft XD
Gooper Blooper: BRILLIANT
Gooper Blooper: the evil villain for ZFRP Year 3 is the fearsome Haras
SteelKomodo: ...D:
Gooper Blooper: nobody will ever guess her true identity


SteelKomodo: hey goops
SteelKomodo: did you catch Dirktionary 2.0?
Gooper Blooper: I did
Gooper Blooper: I really wanna see an excerpt of this thing
SteelKomodo: alright, lemme see what I can cobble together from the top of my head
Gooper Blooper: it's probably like Hamster Huey and the Gooey Kablooie where it will never be better than my imagination but still
SteelKomodo: ...i had to google that
Gooper Blooper: damn you censorship
Gooper Blooper: THANKS OBAMA
SteelKomodo: Chocolate: (noun) The only foodstuff that matters. Consume in large qauntities, if at all possible.
Gooper Blooper:
SteelKomodo: French: (food) Avoid at all costs.
SteelKomodo: ...I wonder if any of the Kobbers actually bought the Dirktionary
SteelKomodo: even if it was the result of a lost bet
Gooper Blooper: I guarantee Widow Maker bought it
Gooper Blooper: She'd probably think it was hilarious
Cornwind Evil: Raw would go around to various bars and fight clubs and 'encourage' people to buy them
SteelKomodo: woot on both accounts
Gooper Blooper: WM would probably also buy one for Celestia as a gag gift
SteelKomodo: hahahahaha brilliant


TheDeleter: Man i can't be cynical for long
TheDeleter: I'm too busy flying
Cornwind Evil: I really hope he's playing a flight simulator and not, you know, 'flying'
Saberwulf: Flying is a very involved task
SteelKomodo: I think you've been flying enough, bro
TheDeleter: Nice house sheep, love what you've done with the place
SteelKomodo: might wanna come down
N Goat: I still do not understand this "flying"
N Goat beep boop I am a robot
TheDeleter: Its simple
TheDeleter: You throw yourself at the ground and miss
SteelKomodo: The missing bit's the tricky part
N Goat: I had no idea the chat could be stranger than myself until today

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