Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 49: Celestia the Yodeling Veternarian

Gooper Blooper: I mark for Dirk
SteelKomodo: XD


M Sheep: Oh, it appears the Unfortunate Mr. Splotch as been accepted into a game
M Sheep: Now all I have to do is post regularly, and not choke!
M Sheep: .....


TheDeleter: In order to explain what happened next I'll have to use the sentence I've been waiting my entire life to type: One of the Rock and Roll Space Bandits switched to keytar mode and rocked the mind of a construction worker into hitting the giant lobster with a crane.


M Sheep: I appear to fallen into a sar-chasm
M Sheep: send food
SteelKomodo: also I've come to realize why I wanted the circle pad pro in the- XD
SteelKomodo sends food.
M Sheep devours it messily

TheDeleter: i'm flying sheep
TheDeleter: i shall airlift you out
SteelKomodo: look at him go
TheDeleter: oh noooo now i'm trapped in it too
TheDeleter: now how will i get to dr connor's class
M Sheep: Where we're going
M Sheep: we don't need Dr. Connor
TheDeleter: hes gonna kill me
Gooper Blooper: So is someone going to RP as Dr. Connor this year
Gooper Blooper: because it seems inevitable
Gooper Blooper: Hold classes that nobody goes to because they're busy on RP missions
RedSpy: Then challenge everyone to a Fite?
Gooper Blooper: #Dr. Connor, because he's gonna kill us
TheDeleter: peter must teach dr connors the true meaning of 420


M Sheep: rehearsal looms over the horizon like a bloated, dire whale
M Sheep: this terrible creature slouching towards Bethlehem
SteelKomodo: oh dear
Gooper Blooper: Sheep seems to take a somewhat dim view of rehearsal
M Sheep: turning and
M Sheep: turning
M Sheep: in the widening gyre
M Sheep: Welcome to 44.56, rocking all your favorite polka tunes since eighty-odd six
M Sheep: Come
M Sheep: We ride
M Sheep: Look out for low hanging fruit
M Sheep: Next on the Discovery Channel: Oh Boy Am I Going to Regret This Tomorrow
Saberwulf: pff
M Sheep: Followed by a showing of: This Better Not End Up On Chatzy Madness, Goops
M Sheep: Exit: stage left, chased by a bear


Gooper Blooper: I think I'm up to a total of at least four times you and Del go back and forth with "pingas", "dicks", or "dongs"
SteelKomodo: we get really bored sometimes
SteelKomodo: really bored
TheDeleter: we do
TheDeleter: we are also twelve
TheDeleter: and are easily amused
TheDeleter: (we're not twelve except mentally)
Gooper Blooper: genitals
TheDeleter: genitaliaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Gooper Blooper: And now
Gooper Blooper: it's finally time
Gooper Blooper: Let us look into the pages of
TheDeleter: oh dear god
SteelKomodo: oh god no D:


Gooper Blooper: http://dolphin-fly.tumblr.com/image/37878511085
TheDeleter: what
TheDeleter: how
TheDeleter: how is that
TheDeleter: hahaha wow
SteelKomodo: oh shit son
SteelKomodo: i knew narwhals were secretly evil, and this proves it
SteelKomodo: everyone take cover, they'll be invading the land next


Gooper Blooper: I actually saw a tip for WWE 08 to grind money - not sure it works for 13
Gooper Blooper: You go into the season mode, set it to simulate the matches (so the game just picks a winner instead of actually doing the match or something)
Gooper Blooper: And you "play" as John Cena because Cena always wins so he keeps winning the simulated matches and making you money
Gooper Blooper: something like that
RedSpy: So you grind through match after match, relentlessly pushing John Cena and not caring about the results or how the match looks
RedSpy: My god. This really IS the Vince McMahon Simulator
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: XD


SteelKomodo: um
SteelKomodo: what the hell
SteelKomodo: I don't remember opening this wikipedia tab
SteelKomodo: yet I have one here, about the adventures of Paddy the Pelican
Harpy: i think your cider opened it up for you
SteelKomodo: how the hell did that get there
SteelKomodo: ...oh yeah
Gooper Blooper: I posted that right when we began discussing Harpy's stuff


SteelKomodo: boingo boingo whoopsy knickers


RedSpy: Del should I give Coach Z a DDT just so I can call it a "Dor Dor Tor"
Saberwulf: pfff
TheDeleter: Yes
RedSpy: It is done


SteelKomodo: ...have you given Dirk a finisher yet?
RedSpy: Yes
SteelKomodo: ooh, do tell
RedSpy: The Fallen Angel Press, one of the few off-the-ropes specials I made
RedSpy: He Supermans into the air, flips into a Hurricanrana position, and then headscissor-flips his foe into a pin as he falls
SteelKomodo: woot!
RedSpy: Takes a serious pair of wings for air control like that (so ha ha Pit can't do it)
SteelKomodo: (XD)


Jumpropeman: I'm getting all hot and bothered waiting for RP to start up again
Gooper Blooper: Good to hear you'll be back
Gooper Blooper: I was worried you might be mostly gone after last fall
Jumpropeman: I'm going to try and stick around all summer this time
SteelKomodo: Yaaaaaay!
Jumpropeman: but I'm gonna limit the fites to May to August so they don't get killed off unceremoniously like last time
Jumpropeman: a schedule, if you will
Gooper Blooper: whee
Jumpropeman: and I'm going to try and RP strictly original dudes
SteelKomodo: Woooot
Jumpropeman: and I'm going to make a million dollars and have 8 girlfriends
Jumpropeman: and be an astronaut
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: a football playing king in space
Jumpropeman: with a mustache


Megan (lvl20) joined the chat
TheDeleter: who on earth is this


SteelKomodo: oh good god XD
SteelKomodo: Dirk I told you no women over 27 this time |:<"
Gooper Blooper: "BUT SHE LOOKS 27" "dude no"
Jumpropeman: then the perfect 28 year old comes along
Gooper Blooper: Oh no, Josephine has been hit by an aging ray and is now 28
Gooper Blooper: the greatest tragedy of our time
SteelKomodo: XD


M Sheep: Good News Everyone!
M Sheep: I still have a house to live in!
M Sheep confetti
Saberwulf: Yayyyy
M Sheep: The Cold War officially ended Friday night
TheDeleter: yaaaay
Gooper Blooper: I was not aware of any sheep house problems since the basement flood
M Sheep: Complicated. It's solved now.
Gooper Blooper: hooray
Gooper Blooper: I like when problems are solved
Gooper Blooper: call me old-fashioned but it's true
M Sheep: I solve practical problems
SteelKomodo: Wooooot!
TheDeleter: but what is beauty
Gooper Blooper: beauty is in the eye of the beholder
M Sheep: Practical problems. Del
SteelKomodo: XD
TheDeleter: AAAAA
Gooper Blooper: AAAAA!
M Sheep: Like how am I going to keep this mean Kapoor Mutherhubbard from dragging me into the dressing room
TheDeleter: the answer
TheDeleter: use a pie
TheDeleter: and if that don't work
TheDeleter: use more pie
Gooper Blooper: Incidentally, Del, that's also the answer as to how to attract sarahkin
TheDeleter: uh
TheDeleter: ah
TheDeleter: hm
TheDeleter: dirk take notes
M Sheep: and lo did locusts set upon the land
Gooper Blooper: *door flies open, Celestia's kids stream out like a clown car*
SteelKomodo: Pffffft
SteelKomodo: Like this homemade blueberry little number, prepared by me
M Sheep: Now I kind of want them to meet a Captain America cosplayer
SteelKomodo: Baked by me
SteelKomodo: and you'd best hope... Not served to you
M Sheep: Great
M Sheep: now I'm imagining Celestia with a banjo
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: XD:
M Sheep: Celestia, Yodeling Veterinarian of The Alps
Gooper Blooper: I remember there was this one simpsons episode where Cletus took like two minutes rattling off the names of all his kids
Gooper Blooper: Then Celestia does it with the Sarahkin Extended Family
Gooper Blooper: Add in Alex and the robots and we've got like fucking two dozen people
SteelKomodo: Mmhm XD
Saberwulf: Haha
M Sheep: Funfact: Purnima has a total of 58 siblings and first cousins
Gooper Blooper: Every single one has a plot that will be started in Year 3
Saberwulf: pff
SteelKomodo: Oh god D:


SteelKomodo: I has a big plot, and then maybe two smaller plots as well
SteelKomodo: one smaller than the other
TheDeleter: i have nothing
TheDeleter: honest
Gooper Blooper: uh huh
Gooper Blooper: you already told us you have a thousand character ideas including snoop dogg
Gooper Blooper: the joke is weed
Saberwulf: Chatzy Lies 27, the partner series to Chatzy Madness
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: Now That's What I Call Chatzy 56
TheDeleter: i have lots of characters
TheDeleter: but no plots
TheDeleter: and if i DID i'm not telling you any
Saberwulf: Kids Bop Chatzy
Saberwulf: All your favorite Chatzy moments, narrated by small children and also Sarah


Gooper Blooper: And as the desperado rode off into the distance, everyone wondered to themselves
Gooper Blooper: Who was that level 20 Megan?
SteelKomodo: Mmhm


RedSpy: Best Scribblenauts moment: Santa needed Rudolph to be brighter, so we made him radioactive. This killed Santa, but not before completing the mission
RedSpy: Content, we go to the next level. Where the plot is that Santa has gone missing
RedSpy: Our reaction: "Fuck, we've been caught"
Saberwulf: Haha


SteelKomodo: huh, where's goops?
SteelKomodo: he's usually on by now
Draco: Are you expecting Goops? Plotting some conspiracy behind my back?
Draco: Trying to bump me off and take over my post as King of Western Southeast Northernstan?
SteelKomodo: no, that country sucks
Draco: Well, I won't let you kill me! Not if I kill myself first! 8V *drives a dagger into his chest*
SteelKomodo: we're talking about Spy's ambitious WWE 13 CAW creation project
SteelKomodo: but we're putting it in spoilers to avoid ruining the surprise for those who don't want to know
SteelKomodo: oh, wait, you're dead
SteelKomodo: nvm :P
Draco: *twitches*


Draco: Side note: someday I may actually set up a bookmark to Goop's blog instead of going through the Zoofights forums to get there.
SteelKomodo: pffffft
Draco: That sounds boring though, so I may make my own blog just so I can link to Zoofights on it, adding another step to getting to Goops's blog.
SteelKomodo: wooot
Draco: Then, to make it all come FULL CIRCLE, I'll have Goops link to MY blog so I can starts at Goops and end at Goops!
Draco: Ourogoopsos.


Draco: Del, are we going to see someone turn into a giant bottle of Fanta at some point?
TheDeleter: no
TheDeleter: yes
TheDeleter: maybe
SteelKomodo: XD:
TheDeleter: can i plead the fifth?
Gooper Blooper: Hey, If Del never does it, I could work it in somewhere
Gooper Blooper: "Uh, Kauket..." "What did you do now, Baltan?" "Did you say I was supposed to touch the Transmogrifier, or not supposed to touch the Transmogrifier?"
Gooper Blooper: "God dammit" "don't spill me kauket"
TheDeleter: hahaha
Draco: That's Boss #2: the giant bottle of Fanta. Its main attack is to spill soda that burns like acid.


Draco: It's quiet...
Gooper Blooper: Too quiet or just quiet
TheDeleter: it is a bit
RedSpy: Don't say that!
RedSpy: Whenever its too quiet, people get ambushed by ninjas and cyborgs and velociraptors
TheDeleter: or ALL THREE AT ONCE
Gooper Blooper: Ninja cyborg velociraptors for ZFRP 2013
SteelKomodo: We already had Transgenic Boxing Velociraptor last year, Goops :/
SteelKomodo: I think we'd better give the poor raptors a break
Gooper Blooper: Well obviously now he needs to become a ninja cyborg
Draco: Who fights giant robots.
TheDeleter: obviously


Saberwulf: I just had a thought of Jaxx doing a commercial for PR reasons. It's a court scene, and they're asking if he shot someone. "I plead the fifth," he shouts, before grinning and sliding over a bottle of fancy booze. "A fifth of whiskey! Glenfiddich whiskey, the finest name in scotch whiskey."
Saberwulf: Because that's a thing I could see him doing
Saberwulf: "Drink responsibly, 'cause I sure as fuck don't"
Gooper Blooper: yes
Hydraco: I could see him doing that in the middle of an actual court case against him with no commercials involved.


SteelKomodo: well, the ship needs a badass name
SteelKomodo: (god damn it nearly typed sheep there)
Saberwulf: pfff
Saberwulf: Well, we could always be a bit generic and call it The Ascension or something
Gooper Blooper: Gravitas Shortfa-no
SteelKomodo: hmm, lemme look around
SteelKomodo: ...for once, Seventh Sanctum does no help
SteelKomodo: although Seventh Sanctum itself could work as a name
RedSpy: Cod Piecington
Saberwulf: pfff
TheDeleter: cruise liner names seem to be overwhelmingly optimistic
SteelKomodo: lemme throw some offa the top of my head: Wing of Olympus, HMS Gaia, The Indomitable, RSS Ascension, Gravitas Falls, ECL Awesome McCoolname, Ine Inspiration, Don't Even Try it Mate
TheDeleter: like "Aurora" and "Adventure of the Seas" and "Carnivale"
SteelKomodo: yeah
TheDeleter: "HMS It's One Of Ours Sir"
Gooper Blooper: "Not A Moon"
TheDeleter: "Strategic Launch Detected"
Saberwulf: "Probably won't explode"
Gooper Blooper: "Star Command"
Gooper Blooper: to infinity and beyond
Gooper Blooper: Or we call it The Axiom and the RP season lasts 700 straight years
Saberwulf: pfff
Gooper Blooper: try new cupcake in a cup


Draco: Inspired by Goops's's's's Twinkie ad he posted on his blog, a Fruit Pie ad starring the Mammals Are Lazy Patrol.
Draco: Draco and Zephyrus are standing outside and looking into the bar where a bunch of mammals are lounging around doing nothing. "How can those lazy mammals waste a perfect day like this?" Draco gasps. "They should be out here playing!" "I think I know what can get them to come out," Zephryus remarks.
Draco: The blue robot reaches behind his back and pulls out a tray of Hostesslestia Fruit Pies. He turns on his fan to waft the delicious odor into the bar.
Draco: The lazy mammals instantly perk up at the smell. "Light, flaky crust?" "Real fruit filling?" They look at each other. "Hostesslestia Fruit Pies!"
Draco: They run outside and begin chowing down. "Mine's apple!" "Dragonfruit? My favorite!" Cut to a spaced-out mammal: "Duuuuuuuuude! Alpha Snapture flavor!"
Draco: The mammals all cheer together. "Even we can't be lazy with Hostesslestia Fruit Pies!" Draco remarks in the background: "Finally something the mammals and I can agree on!"


Gooper Blooper: I like cheering people
Gooper Blooper: god I'm like sarah
SteelKomodo: you are

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