Thursday, January 3, 2013

What Have I Become, Act II

Consider, if you will, a most interesting set of circumstances.

Two summers ago I roleplayed as a female character from the world of Final Fantasy. Another user's character took interest in mine, and eventually confessed their feelings. This character was a young idiot-hair-donning male with fair ability in both physical combat and magic. He was a friendly sort, and liked to eat stupid amounts of food. His design was based on his appearance in a video game that came out one decade after the one our setting took place in. Due to my characters interacting with this character so frequently, I grew to strongly like the character and enjoyed his appearances, and he became my favorite character in the user's roster.

I had been interested in the character's most prominent video game for a while, but it was Zoofights RP that led me to eventually make the purchase with my Christmas money. Because RP ruins everything, but it also makes you want to try new things.

Fast forward one year.

Last summer I roleplayed as a female character from the world of Final Fantasy. Another user's character took interest in mine, and eventually confessed their feelings. This character was a young idiot-hair-donning male with fair ability in both physical combat and magic. He was a friendly sort, and liked to eat stupid amounts of food. His design was based on his appearance in a video game that came out one decade after the one our setting took place in. Due to my characters interacting with this character so frequently, I grew to strongly like the character and enjoyed his appearances, and he became my favorite character in the user's roster.

I had been interested in the character's most prominent video game for a while, but it was Zoofights RP that led me to eventually make the purchase with my Christmas money. Because RP ruins everything, but it also makes you want to try new things.

"What is it?"
"Aside from being a 3DS game? I dunno. Help me flip it over."

"Well, well, well. Look who's finally back in the business."
"Ooh, I should tell Mom about this! She'll be so happy for him!"
"In what way~?"

1 comment:


    Seriously, you won't regret buying this game. It rules so hard.
