Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thought I should pass these along

Good Old Games is offering the original Fallout for free download. It's a fairly popular old game so I figured I'd spread the word in case anyone here wanted to play it but never got the chance.

Also the US government is, in all their brilliance, trying to pass another Internet censorship bill that uses broad language to do whatever it wants. Unlike SOPA, which was about copyrights, CISPA is focused more on stopping cyberterrorism, but the language is so broad that it's just another one of those "spy on you" bills. Avaaz is on the case.

Look at that, I managed to blog about stuff that isn't Zoofights. Go me, I guess.


  1. Thanks dood, I considered buying the original during a steam sale but now I'm glad I didn't pay 2.49!

  2. Picked up the free Fallout already thanks to GOG sending me emails pretty much twice a week. Now I'm free to never finish Fallout 1 once again!

    Ah yes, CISPA. Combine that with the new strip-search policy, the NSA's new facility that monitors every single form of internet communication constantly, legalization of military drone fleets for citizen surveillance in the US, and a menagerie of other laws, it's not much wonder why I have instructions on how to use Tor and I already encrypt shit with Truecrypt.

    Fuck this police state country. There's a reason I want go to college for English teaching in foreign countries, and it sure as shit isn't because the paycheck.
