Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sarah Joins A Fite Club - Epilogue

-Curaga General Hospital, One Week Later-

Minwu, lead doctor of the south wing of Curaga General, poked his head into one of the rooms.

"Miss Triden? You've got a couple visitors."

Minwu motioned for the visitors to enter. First was Celestia, who carefully entered the room before lighting up upon seeing Sarah sitting upright in bed, beaming at her mother. She quickly approached her daughter and gently hugged her. This was the first time Sarah had been awake for a visit.

"Oh, honey, I was so worried..."

Sarah's voice was soft and quiet, but didn't waver. "I know you were, Mom."

Behind Celestia came Widow Maker, who was clutching a get-well card.

"Hey, Sarah." Widow Maker strode over and gave Sarah the card. "I got all of our old pals I could find in the city to sign this for you. Some of 'em might drop in later. Even Electra signed!"

Sarah read all the signatures and smiled, a few tears coming to her eyes. "Thank you."

Minwu cleared his throat. "Madam? Can I speak with you alone?"

Celestia turned to face him. "Certainly."

The two left the room as Widow Maker began regaling Sarah with the latest news. Out in the hallway, Celestia's voice dropped to a hushed whisper. "Is she okay, Doctor? Tell me she's okay!"

Minwu held up his hands. "Relax. We've got our best professionals curing her. She's going to be okay. But there's one thing you should know."

Celestia gulped audibly.

"She's going to have to use a wheelchair for a while. Although we've fixed her spine, the nerves are taking their time to regain their feeling, and the muscles are weakened. Above the waist she's healthy as a horse, but she won't be able to walk for quite some time."

"Exactly how long are we talking here?"

"I'd wager at least a month, possibly two. She even tried casting white magic on herself, but her nerves aren't responding very strongly to it. With injuries that severe, white magic is hindered if there's much time at all between incident and treatment. But she's going to pull through. Your daughter is a trooper."

"Don't I know it," Celestia said warmly.

Minwu smiled under his surgical mask. "She was in here last July, you know. Got shot in the chest and lost a lot of blood. Fortunately, she was on a date at the time, and her boyfriend carried her here fast enough for us to take care of her. Even fed her a potion."

Celestia sighed happily. Good old Alex, protecting her from the start.

Oh crap.


Celestia glanced back in the room, where Widow Maker was acting out a fite she'd had against Electra earlier in the week as Sarah giggled. Celestia briefly pondered what Alex would think of a wheelchair-bound girlfriend. But then she chuckled to herself. Most likely he'd shower her with attention.

As Celestia went back into the room to hear about how Widow Maker managed a flying suplex off the top rope on Electra to win the match, the black mage knew one thing.

That boy would make a fine son-in-law someday.


(And so ends this blog-exclusive chapter of the GB crew's antics. New characters were introduced, a new location featured, a villain made his first attack but got away, and the stage is set for the Project 28 plotline to go into full gear at some point in time during the actual tournament.

I'm considering doing a saberwulf-style post of EVERYTHING, particularly the entire cast of characters I've collected over time, and lists of the possessions of the four characters I use most frequently - Widow Maker, Sarah, Celestia, and Skeiron.)


  1. Replies
    1. And a Gooperpedia post you shall have. Expect it tomorrow.

  2. White mages on motorscooters!

    1. Get Celestia to stick a 150cc engine in a Hoveround. Now we're playing with power!


  3. Sarah is now the token late-eighties/early-nineties Sunday morning cartoon character who is relegated to a wheelchair. I eagerly await her licensed McBurgetherium murder-meal toy.

    1. Quick, somebody roleplay a black kid who likes basketball, an Asian good with computers, and a blonde boy who is PROUD TO BE AMERICAN!

      Kids'll love the toys AND the collectible cups featuring carefully-constructed groups of minorities!
