Saturday, February 4, 2012

"I had a good feeling!"

Oh hey, finally found a use for the two knights and squire you get for free at the start of Chapter 2 - I sent them off on the Bar propositions. I'll probably command my other generics to try other propositions, too. I love it when generics get lines, so even if all I can get out of Sarah is "This is the way!" it's better than nothing.

In other FFT news, I fought an orator who took a REALLY LONG TIME to decide his strategy. The first few turns were fine. Then his third or fourth turn came up... and everything stopped. Music kept playing, dudes kept walking in place, but he wasn't doing anything. I actually thought the game had frozen. I was just about to reset when he abruptly moved and attacked with his knife. His next turn after that was much the same. I had to have been waiting for a solid minute for this derp to take his turn. He was probably trollfacing at everybody as they all walked in place.

Orator: Ehhhhhhhhhhhh... okay.

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