Wednesday, February 22, 2012

FFT - Meet The Team

Tomorrow it will have been one month since I started FFT. I'm pleased with this game's length - I've played it almost every day since I've gotten it but I'm still not finished (although it looks like the end is near). Here's a rundown of the 11 dudes that make up my squadron. The first job class is their primary one, the other is their secondary. (Character spoilers up to and including Chapter 4 below)

Alex (Ramza) the Monk/Squire lv45
Aw yeah, the little midget is a powerhouse. Got a problem? PUNCH IT IN THE FACE. Also making him one of my best guys is that I gave him the Auto Potion reaction ability, so he automatically heals 70 HP every time he's hit. Add onto that Punch Art, Scream, Cheer Up to boost the Brave of fellow units, and probably a hidden strength bonus from the idiot hair and you have an invaluable party member. Which is good considering he has to be present for every storyline battle.

Orlandu the Holy Swordsman/Archer lv43
While I appreciate the brokenness, it's too bad he kind of made Agrias and Meliadoul worthless. I think I'll mostly avoid using him unless I run into a hard battle, so I can have fun with my favorite units instead of just throwing Orlandu at everything and winning.

Meliadoul the Divine Knight/Chemist lv42
Woah. This chick (in addition to having a cool design) is a powerhouse against standard enemies, able to destroy their equipment 100 percent of the time AND deal heavy damage. It's too bad she's mostly powerless against monsters and guys with Maintenance. Still, I like her and I've been using her a lot since I got her. I've considered giving her Jump to make her similar to Izlude,but she'll need a lot of job leveling in random classes before I can do that.

Agrias the Knight/Holy Knight lv38
Man, why is poor Agrias' attack so low compared to the other guys? Ah well, she's still useful.

Leopold the Lancer/Time Mage lv38
LeoBRO here was recruited in the library and proved to be a very capable warrior. His Jump skill and tanking ability made him indispensable for the boss fights against Izlude and Wiegraf later in the library. Despite having less MP than Sarah after healing a Big Bar Brawl's worth of King of Beasts patrons, the two casts of Haste he gets are invaluable and go great with jumping since it works better the faster you are.

Sarah the White Mage/Summoner lv36
As you probably guessed, as soon as I could I recruited a generic named Sarah, made her a Chemist, leveled her until she could class change to "Priest", and left her like that forever after. Yayyyy *muppet arms*. Yesterday I decided to experiment with making her secondary job Summoner instead. The power of the summons seems a little lacking despite a Faith of 70. Hmm. She's also leveling in Punch Art nicely thanks to Alex, and I may try her out as a white mage that punches stuff because that's hilarious.

Elizabeth the Black Mage/White Mage lv33
Elizabeth gets the coveted "died the most times" award. Enemies just will not leave this black mage alone. She has been useful from that start, especially in Chapter 1 when most enemies had no answer to a long-range magic attack. Lately she's been less of a force, but is still a common pick for storyline stages.

Stella the Mediator/Chemist lv28
Of course Stel-Stel is present. She generally comes along for every non-story battle so she can boost stats. She's also kept around in case something worth recruiting shows up, which is rare.

Ariel the Thief/Squire lv26
Getting into a random battle one day, I saw a white mage on the enemy team. I decided to recruit her with Stella in hopes that she'd keep her nifty green robe (she didn't, darn). I made her an Archer for a while since I'd never raised one, then decided to try out the Thief class. She's going to be a ninja, and in fact already has the qualifications, but I wanted to get more JP in Thief so she can be a thieving ninja (She's a Squire so she can get JP from just sitting and Accumulating over and over). It bugs me that so much good stuff is only accessible if you steal it, since I focused on magic users for the majority of my playthrough up until I started getting some decent physical guys.

Gloria the Lancer/Squire lv23
Another low-level character I'm trying to make something out of - in this case, a Dancer, mostly for novelty I guess.

Mustadio the Chemist/Engineer lv16
I kinda stopped using him early on because I had Alex, Agrias, and a handful of generics. He was invaluable for the fight at the Golgorand Execution Site, though.

GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN - Josephine the Summoner/Chemist lv15
Extremely valuable in the first two chapters of the game, I eventually stopped using Josephine. When the time came to make room in the party for the onslaught of characters that join you in Chapter 4, Josephine was the hardest to let go, but she was sadly unlikely to ever be used again. I also ditched Boco for being laughably useless, the trio of generics you get from Agrias because I was more attached to my own guys, and Rafa and Malak because Cornwind said they sucked and I didn't see anything that would make me go for them over my current suite of monks, swordsmen, mages, and lancers.

PERMANENT DEATHS - None. Nobody dies on my watch.

AWESOME IDEA - There should be a battle where you get to use your entire party. 16 of your units versus a couple dozen enemy units. That would be awesome. Unfortunately I'm pretty certain the max number of dudes you ever get on your side in one fight is seven (five units and two guests, for the few times you have two guests at once)

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