Monday, February 27, 2012

Birthdays and Anniversaries in RP-Land

First off, let's give a big hand to Warhammer 40k. Erebus' lifeblood celebrated 25 years of GRIMDARK IN SPACE last Saturday. Hooray for the eighties!

White mages, mage knights, and Kirbies will be pleased to know that tomorrow is iHOP's Free Pancake Day. No word on Free Black Legend Day yet.

During ZF6 we celebrated the birthdays of a couple characters - Rain had a complete party and Widow Maker used hers to shed some light on her past (and get a nail gun!). I've contemplated character birthdays and this is what I came up with.

Widow Maker's birthday, October 17, is the same as mine because why not. It works, though - this gave her creators a solid six months to train and grow their Zoofights entrant, register with Zoofights before April, and participate in the tournament before she was taken away by Gamma Constrictor just before her first fight.

I recently decided to make Sarah's birthday July 12. This is the day Final Fantasy 1 was released in North America. Similarly, Celestia's birthday is December 18, the day FF1 came out in Japan. While Sarah has the benefit of her birthday being at the very beginning of the RP Explosion and thus justifiably skippable, Celestia's falls smack dab in the middle of the Christmas reunion.

...Oh god hold on *checks*

So close. It would have been perfect justification for Celestia's rage at Father Squid and Doomrider fighting if they had been ruining her birthday, but that conflict took place on the 19th.

I'm trying to work out ages as well. Widow Maker's easy - she's 2. Born in a vat six months before ZF5, ZF5 happens, ZF6 happens, hey presto she's two years old. I assigned Celestia the age of 41 in the post that partially revealed who she was (before the Warmech attack), which makes her 42 now. She had to be old enough to give birth to Sarah, but young enough that she was in decent physical shape. I wanted to play a doting and sometimes out-of-touch mother, but not an elderly person (that's Jumpropeman's job). Since she left her family when the white mages were in their early teens/preteen years, Sarah was the second youngest, and there was a decade between the departure and the reunion, that makes Sarah somewhere around 22 years old. Like Antoinette, she doesn't quite act like an adult despite technically being one. In Sarah's case I chalk it up to living in, quite literally, a fantasy world where she went on adventures with her sisters but got little "real-world" experience or socialization. Her lack of a name for much of her life adds to this.

As for Skeiron? He was a generic soldier in a fleet. Neither Tiamat nor Celestia would have cared when WarMech-3 was built. We can, however, guess from his low unit number that he was probably built a while ago. He can't be older than 10, and probably isn't younger than 7 or 8. I imagine the first WarMech took Celestia a long time, and later ones came faster as she learned how they work.

Well, that's my sperging over when pretend characters were pretend born, whooo. Anyone else have birthday ideas?


  1. Jonesy's birthday is one of the many, many things I have never bothered to put down in concrete fact, because I don't work that way. Let's put it aaaaat... Janurary the 31st, because why not. There. And she and Erebus celebrated it this year with an parodic amount of excess. Or something.

    Don't get me started on ages. :S

  2. Sine: It's hard to keep track of birthdays when you've had seven or eight of the damn things...and I don't wanna know Jaxx's because it will probably make him want to shoot things even more than he normally does.

    Des: He is a painting, dear.

