Monday, July 1, 2024

Chatzy Madness Volume 418: Stop Voting For Me

Draco: We did it. We beat Sony and saved KNACK 4: A REALM REVENGE OF THE JAWS VS PREDATOR
Marker Sheep: This plot brought to you by Shadow Legends.
Draco: The 100% Totally Real We Swear This Fake Youtuber Isn't Faking Reactions Game.
Jumpropeman: they can't wait to see you in game ;D ;D ;D join their real clan that isn't just default level
Cornwind Evil: The funny thing is, even if they legit liked the game
Cornwind Evil: They have too much work in real life to play it, most likely
Draco: Probably. The Pokemon Youtubers I started watching hawk it once in a while.
Draco: There's probably some kind of advertising deal where they actually had to play it for a bit.


Marker Sheep looks at characters
Marker Sheep: Green man or goat...truly the most nuclear of options...
Jumpropeman: clearly you send tiny dock man
Marker Sheep: Tiiiiny dock man!
Marker Sheep: Doing tiny dock man things!
Gooper Blooper: The Lady In Chains vs Crying Goat is the new Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby
Keep It Del: lmao
Hooded Pitohui: Bookie, all my cash on the Crying Goat, now! Now, I tell you! The payout'll be huge.

(The crying goat was defeated easily.)


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: they already got her...
Mobile Draco: link
Jumpropeman: don't talk to me or my android again
Everybody Milk Your Dinosaur: You can take my life, my dignity
Everybody Milk Your Dinosaur: But please don't take my Fumo girl


Jumpropeman: did I ever mention the game I played with my brother Search for New Oceana?
Jumpropeman: I don't think I have
Gooper Blooper: Not ringing a bell, JRM
Gooper Blooper: Was this recent?
Jumpropeman: nah, it was a game we played with our toys when we were kids!
Jumpropeman: we made it up
Gooper Blooper: Oh! You told us about a ton of those back in the day when Pteron was relevant
Gooper Blooper: this one I don't recall by name though
Jumpropeman: we had a bunch of realistic animal toys, so we came up with the idea they all lived on Oceana but they had to flee it and look for a new one. There were lizards and bugs and a bat and all those kind of realistically sized animal figurines. For some reason, in canon, they all slept in a backpack at night even though so many of them would eat each other realistically, but more importantly, we realized that issue and tried to figure out what they could possibly be eating
Jumpropeman: well there was a snail toy, an old lady named Snelly who I played as, and the solution we determined was she would move all around the place and all the other animals would just lap up her slime as food.
Gooper Blooper: XD
Jumpropeman: notably, this game is one of the few we actually came up with an ending for. Mainly, one day they realize living in a backpack and eating snail slime IS their New Oceana
Gooper Blooper: The real New Oceana was the slime we licked off the ground on the way
Jumpropeman: time to find a way to work Snelly into RP...
Jumpropeman: she'll be the chef in Argo
Mobile Draco: Sue Chef confirmed not allowed in Argo.
Gooper Blooper: Dorothy will smuggle her in.
Mobile Draco: Whalestrand's pizza market is so oversaturated she has to go to another continent.


Jumpropeman: this but with whoever PS4 attaches to next


Gooper Blooper: Oh god, what I just found on Google Maps...
Rizadem: i don't think goops is good guys
Rizadem: the fuck did you find
Jumpropeman: i swear if this involves garfield...
Rizadem: it would make sense if it was garfield tho
Mobile Draco: Goops found Carmen Sandiego
Gooper Blooper: Sorry, I got pulled away for chores just as I was about to explain :V
Gooper Blooper: back now
Gooper Blooper: it's not garfield sadly
Rizadem: goopsmom said you can't explain it
Gooper Blooper: Back around 2014, there was a lot of talk about revitalizing my town with all sorts of big and exciting new projects, with new buildings and businesses and stuff
Gooper Blooper: In preparation for a massive new hotel, an entire city block was razed
Rizadem: big yikes.
Gooper Blooper: However, the whole project eventually fell apart as it turned out it was all a huge scam and nothing was ever going to be built. Rich guys went to prison. I think some national news sources covered it. It was a great big thing.
Rizadem: armando irl be like:
Gooper Blooper: And so just now I found on Google Maps an "attraction" called The Hole, and it's the long-abandoned torn up city block, and people left ironic reviews for it like it's a real thing you can go to and do
Jumpropeman: hey babe, let's go to The Hole
Rizadem: did you leave your review for The Hole
30 Years Of Non-Werewolfing: Can I see a link to this Hole?
RubyChao: THE HOLE
Rizadem: i do want to see The Hole
RubyChao: i found an article about THE HOLE
Rizadem: god damn chao you're like speedy gonzales
RubyChao: my boss at work has nicknamed me that because i keep being fast when they send me on deliveries
RubyChao: so that's extra funny to hear
Jumpropeman: i thought for a second you meant they called you The Hole
Jumpropeman: give him an order and it disappears...
Gooper Blooper: Here are the highlights from The Hole's reviews
Gooper Blooper: "I wasn't expecting much from The Hole. Little did I know what I was about to witness. I live in Brazil, but I was always curious about "The Hole". It took me years until I decided it was finally time to visit the place. Not only did it not disappoint, it exceeded my high expectations. The Hole is not just a place, it's an experience."
"Wow, what a hole! It's mystery is exceeded only by its majesty!"
"Truly a transformative experience. One of the greatest most beautiful landmarks in the Northeast Kingdom. A bastion of human accomplishment."
"Love the hole, live the hole, be the hole."
"I may need to move to Newport with the family of 8…. Just to be closer to the HOLE 🕳️."
"My 2nd favorite pitt only after Brad. Bring the kids!"
Rizadem: klj fklfdjhlgfh THAT LAST ONE
Rizadem: >goldberg wants 2.4 million dollars on The Hole
Rizadem: excuse me
Rizadem: what
30 Years Of Non-Werewolfing: Reminds me of a place in Toronto
30 Years Of Non-Werewolfing: Used to be a dive-ish tavern
30 Years Of Non-Werewolfing: Closed up, was going to be replaced by condos, they never materialized
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, that jerk's holding it up because he thinks The Hole is worth millions when it's not worth anywhere near that


Marker Sheep: "Sorry I'm late! I brought backu-"
Marker Sheep: oh no
Marker Sheep: don't turn march 7th into a marketable plushie
Marker Sheep: no
Marker Sheep: stop
Marker Sheep rolls over in bed


Jumpropeman wonders if I should make D'Angelo's attack less gross
Marker Sheep: How dare you even consider it
Diadem: sheep lives for it


Gooper Blooper: >Toho Animation
Gooper Blooper: Godzilla vs Burnin confirmed-
Diadem: burnin is godzilla, doncha know
Gooper Blooper: Oh.
Jumpropeman: hahaha
Diadem: WELP
Gooper Blooper: so yes they DID take advantage of it being the same company
Hooded Pitohui: Amazing


Diadem: "i'm gonna do a post!"
Diadem: *1 hr later*
Diadem: "I just want to sleep."
Dels of War: f


(After Black Doom reveals he's planning on tempting Gabriella the angel to sign over her soul)

Gooper Blooper: >"repost is prohibited"
>it's on danbooru anyway
RubyChao: danbooru don't give a fuck
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: her weakness...
Gooper Blooper: fried chicken and apple pie will be served
Gooper Blooper: she's doomed
Hooded Pitohui: Absolutely no chance for that angel with this
RubyChao: The devil went down to Whalestrand, he was looking for a soul to steal
He was in a bind, he was way behind, he was willing to make a deal
When he came across this young angel eating an apple pie hot-
Gooper Blooper: GIRL I TELL YOU WHAT


Marker Sheep: "The operation is rarely just a head, so we need to make sure we learn about this body he has under him..."
Marker Sheep: Please do not strip the Coachman.
Jumpropeman: it's crygor, sheep
Jumpropeman: he just might-
Teletummy: Listen
Teletummy: This is a pg rp
Jumpropeman: not if PS4 has her way
Teletummy planned this before the Hot Springs episode
Diadem: is ps4 here
Teletummy: I appreciate JRM's refusal to back down
Jumpropeman: she's in my room, under my tv
Jumpropeman: covered in DUST
Marker Sheep uses plot to turn Democurus into a donkey, ruining his appeal before Brawl
Jumpropeman: Donkeycurus for brawl
Diadem: damn dude did you lock ps4 in the basement for five years
Diadem: ...don't answer that
Draco smacks PS4 with the PG-13 Establishment sign...on dat ass. BV
Jumpropeman: PS4 gets hot and loud when playing VR
Jumpropeman: the system
Jumpropeman: and the woman-
Jumpropeman: I was skeptical if we could have a meiling-esque character in rp again before I remembered Dorothy, giving me confidence to rp PS4 this way :V
Draco: Margit is glad PS4 chose Crim and not her. She's not ready to be a console gamer.
Diadem: crim's also shorter than margit (i think?)
Jumpropeman: PS4 likes Margit, but Crim is more her type, especially since he obviously needs the consoling a lot more
Gooper Blooper: you're welcome, JRM


(Re: after I attended a small traveling carnival)

Gooper Blooper: This is the "Dizzy Dragons" ride I mentioned earlier
Gooper Blooper: While waiting for it a kid in front of me pointed out to his mom how they were dragons when she had called them dinosaurs, citing the wings and how "no dinosaurs had wings, there were pterodactyls, but pterodactyls are NOT dinosaurs"
Draco: Cute.
Gooper Blooper: and she nodded along before saying "what I know about dragons is they fall in love with donkeys"
Gooper Blooper: someBODY once told me-
Draco: LOL
Diadem: bodied.
RubyChao: i was not that expecting that twist
Jumpropeman: where's the Dizzy Dronkeys ride


piss off kupo: La Squadra
Draco: lol
Draco: The next Sey villain turns everyone into one of those.


(Cornwind posts about his character Hope struggling to use a phone, as she comes from a world without them)

30 Years Of Non-Werewolfing: Barpost
Draco: Hope is a Boomer.
Gooper Blooper: I'm too tired to do any posts, but I can tell you the rest of The Coven would be happy to help Hope figure it out, they all have phones
Jumpropeman: that means they can play diablo immortal!
Gooper Blooper: OH BOY
30 Years Of Non-Werewolfing: Hope: My life IS Diablo Immortal.
Gooper Blooper: well, people do play "simulator" games where you just do stuff you do in real life, but as a video game
Gooper Blooper: like raising a pet or mowing the grass or playing sports
Jumpropeman: my brother in law, an olympic tennis coach, bought mario tennis ultra smash
30 Years Of Non-Werewolfing: To be fair that's hardly realistic tennis
Gooper Blooper: It's EXTREMELY realistic to Mushroom Kingdom official rules


Translate to English?
*clicks the option*
Jumpropeman: remember when they took the letter a from us


Diadem: ps4 is not here to fufufufufu at us
Jumpropeman: crim needed a break
Jumpropeman: and ps4 needed to enforce that break with pampering
Diadem: he cannot survive the cold
Diadem: chloe has not enchanted his jacket to keep him warm yet
Mobile Draco: What do you mean, 'ehe', PS4?
Mobile Draco: The real reason Venti hasn't shown up this year: Paimon sent him to the Shadow Realm.
Diadem: He's busy with his home dimension now that Paimon can stand on her own two legs again


Diadem: ahem, sorry, lost my mind for several minutes there


Gooper Blooper: I do enjoy how HP's antagonist group looks together
Gooper Blooper: >goofy lil' guy from something called "Hammerin' Hero"
>another goofy lil' guy from "Hammerin' Hero"
>extremely serious-looking lady from something called "Empire Of Sin"
Gooper Blooper: can't imagine who the real problem in this group could possibly be
Jumpropeman: oh wow, didn't expect the hammerin' hero connection


Gooper Blooper: Someday Jon's gonna get a KO on a villain, just you wait
RubyChao: but it won't be when he was trying to.
Gooper Blooper: He sets off a chain reaction that defeats The Moon That Never Sets and it's a perma-defeat that frees Dias
Jumpropeman: well he'd definitely win any danceplot
RubyChao: "I love how Jon has two modes: mediocre, and chaotic"


Gooper Blooper: "Are you dead? Well I have good news if you are!" - I just like this line.
Jumpropeman: phantasma wasn't planned to be the DALI advertiser but it is very fun writing her efforts to do so
Jumpropeman: Phanty's planned use was "introductory DALI event" and then "???".
Gooper Blooper: She's been doing well combining the traditional character niches of "cartoon character" and "walking shitpost"
Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: Kogasa has to tag her in for that role as she becomes a character
Gooper Blooper: I like how even Kogasa, who's just blatantly meta at this point, is like "Phanty is a little too much goofiness for me sometimes"
Draco: Clownpiece is going to show up just to tell Kogasa to stop taking her bit.
Jumpropeman: phanty puts the "loving it" in "dead and loving it"
Gooper Blooper: By late summer Kogasa's gonna be talking about how we need to "switch topics" when leaving Journey's End to start an event
Jumpropeman takes notes
Gooper Blooper: She solves her character development by going into last year's thread and editing the Kogasa Plot teaser srspost to say she never had any problems
Draco: Kogasa will know all the twists to my plots even though JRM doesn't.


Jumpropeman: you know sometimes I say it's a shame forums die, then I go on a forum and I'm reminded that most of them do not have good users :V
Jumpropeman: "Hey this game is hard, any tips?"
"Stop being a baby" "Get good" You suck dick if you can't beat this" "Only hard games are good"
Gooper Blooper: An excellent way to build a community and get people to play your game
Jumpropeman: i do like at least on reddit that kind of behavior is often downvoted
Jumpropeman: but on forums, it's all sequential so you gotta scroll through trash to find the one guy who's like "actually yes the game is hard but this could help"


Jumpropeman: "wow, the bosses in this game are all damage sponge slogs" "hey player, i got a great idea for a level: boss rush :D"
Chloeeeee: o u c h
Jumpropeman: and yes, this is the game related to the fact I looked up the game's difficulty last night on a forum :P
Jumpropeman: was worried I was missing something about the bosses when nah, they just take a long time to kill
RubyChao: what game?
Jumpropeman: the dishwasher: dead samurai
RubyChao: ohhh
RubyChao: one of the early xbla ecosystem
RubyChao: i remember seeing a reference to it in another of those early xbla games
Jumpropeman: it has a sequel on steam, but the original is going away forever with the xbox 360 store
Jumpropeman: it's a little charming in the way it's obviously like, a teenager's idea of all the cool things
Jumpropeman: there's parts where you play electric guitar just because the guy wanted it in his game I'm guessing


Jumpropeman: i don't think anything better embodies teenage angst as much as this game with its edgy art style, chainsaws, ninjas, cyborgs, zombies, guitars, and blood... taking time into the credit to specifically thank God
Jumpropeman: i'm mad at the world, but not THAT mad, gotta get my spot in heaven


RubyChao: me: "wow this breadcrumb and rice mix is NOT sticking together"
RubyChao: me two seconds later: "I FORGOT MY FUCKING EGG WHITES"
RubyChao: lessons learned
Chloeeeee: WHY
RubyChao: thankfully lessons learned in time to fix
RubyChao: can confirm that with the egg whites added the mix is now actually sticking
RubyChao: all is saved
RubyChao: literally me
RubyChao: rice, check, breadcrumbs, check, spices, check
RubyChao: the fucking egg whites
Chloeeeee: that was me forgetting my key yesterday
Draco: Been there. I get a block down the road from home and suddenly I remember my pills.
Draco: So I go to work without them and promise to take them later.
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: When I wake up the first thing I do... E G G S
Jumpropeman: i need an rp villain who just breaks into song over such a mundane motive
RubyChao: the way he just shoves EGGS into random lyrics
RubyChao: it's beautiful
Chloeeeee: EGGstacy
30 Years Of Non-Werewolfing: Narf
Draco: Disclaimer: Beelzebub will not go on any other plots unless specifically requested because I intend to make her OP compared to my other characters.
Draco: Other plots besides Hell Inc, I mean.
Jumpropeman: I want Beelzebub on my plot where we fight Ozzy the egg stealer
Draco: Deal. He's a legitimate threat.
Chloeeeee: chloe about to get murdered for being a demon-
Gooper Blooper: Finally, someone who can handle Henry The Screaming Dog
30 Years Of Non-Werewolfing: I think I shall eat some of my Cadbury Chocolate...EGGS
Jumpropeman: i know what song im playing next easter
Draco: Henry the Screaming Dog vs Rapping Scottie Dog.
Draco: "pulling out… a flare gun, a half-eaten potato, strings and wires, a couple of chips that look like integrated circuits," <- Even Beelzebub fears this weapon.
Gooper Blooper: I read 'chips' as in potato chips instead of computer chips and thought Ishii had finally made potato-powered tech
Draco: Why do you think the potato is only HALF eaten?
Gooper Blooper: link
Sinning Pitohui: Ah no, Goops is revealing Ishii's secret Brawl weapon!


30 Years Of Non-Werewolfing: Does anyone have the spare energy to make a tiny bar post related to what I just posted?
RubyChao: eating right now
RubyChao: ask me after
30 Years Of Non-Werewolfing: -Rubychao has turned into a Magic 8 Ball, it seems-
Gooper Blooper: all hail the magic conch
30 Years Of Non-Werewolfing: -Piggy disliked this-
Chloeeeee: chloe raises her head like "wut"
30 Years Of Non-Werewolfing: I was making a Lord of the Flies reference Harpy
Chloeeeee: i understand, and i, in my infinite wisdom
Chloeeeee: want to make fun of chloe
Chloeeeee: chloe continues to be hungy
Chloeeeee: hopefully black doom doesn't taste disgusting!
Jumpropeman gets the rock ready BI
30 Years Of Non-Werewolfing: Don't even JOKE, JRM
Jumpropeman: look at it this way cornwind, lord of the flies could only be fiction because time and again, even with children, when people are isolated or in moments of disaster and distress, we actually seek to help and support each other instead of seek divisions
RubyChao: reminds me of a joke i made in a convo with pito on that very subject
RubyChao: "'all humans turn into selfish bastards out to kill everyone else in an apocalyptic scenario' actually just statistical error. most humans are inclined to help each other and would form networks of support and engagement in an apocalyptic scenario. Survivalist Georg, who wishes for an apocalyptic scenario so he could kill 10,000 other people a day, is an outlier and should not have been counted"
Jumpropeman: he ate all the spiders, so he needs something else to slake his hunger...
RubyChao: reminder
RubyChao: we are in the right region to have a random side character named Georg show up
Chloeeeee: crim's true name is georg-
Mobile Draco: Delilah 'Georg' Alexandria
Sinning Pitohui: Understood. My next event fite votes will be delivered by Connecticut Clark and his good penpal who he is visiting, Votes Georg


Mobile Draco: HP:
Chloeeeee: wow
Sinning Pitohui: "Father, I cannot click the worm."
Jumpropeman: it was a really awkward when the human baby went to the nose of the plane for dinner time
Jumpropeman: i bet when chao was a baby his parents did the "here comes the choo choo" trick and it worked every time


RubyChao: Jumpropeman: you can play as the girl from A Certain Scientific Railgun in that game apparently
RubyChao: and now
RubyChao: jrm would no longer describe her like this!!


SteelKomodo: i have been playing nintendogs for my sanity
SteelKomodo: i've only had hotaru the shiba for three days but if anything were to happen to him
SteelKomodo: i would just start a new save file or whatever


Jumpropeman: the big bar brawl is that part of the year that justifies the murderphant emote



(At the end of a very long boss fight against Alex where she continually hides her true feelings behind layer upon layer of insecurities, excuses, and paranoia that manifests as an evil version of Alex)

Gooper Blooper: so my glasses were smudged, and I cleaned them, and then when I finished they were still smudged but in a different way. So I cleaned them again, and then they were smudged again in yet another way
Gooper Blooper: and I cursed them out and said "you're just like alex"
March 7th: damn, the real battle was at goops' house all along


(Spamton signs up for the Brawl)

Jumpropeman: reading spamton's powers spelled out makes me feel like im going crazy
Gooper Blooper: I have to explain once again what a pipis is
Jumpropeman: his garbled theme tune probably helped with the sensation


Cornwind Evil: Hey, remember how back in the ancient days of Season 1, JRM had Zephyrus and Biollante fuse at the end of their fite?
RubyChao: no, that was zeph and skeiron
Jumpropeman: zephyrus and skeiron
RubyChao: warmech-z
Gooper Blooper: we remembered, CW didn't-
Draco: lol


RubyChao: ckr put in entries and i'm cackling
RubyChao: amazing stuff
Draco: Funniest shit I've ever seen. ;p
Jumpropeman: CKR said I can go nuts with the concept of "vulture technology" which feels like a challenge :V
Jumpropeman: CKR says Rickle is based on the fact her friends are constantly trying to get her to play pickleball
RubyChao: i've noticed it's a huge fad now


Sunny Del: thousand year dooring continues
Sunny Del: goombella's new tattle on vivian is very cute
Sunny Del: you wanna see a goomba experience bisexual panic-
Sunny Del: lmao yes
Sunny Del: i love every human goombella design btw
SteelKomodo: same
Jumpropeman: I like every Goombella I see, from Goombell-A to Goombell-Z
Sunny Del: stop the thousand year door, i wanna get off!
SteelKomodo: lmao


Draco: So I actually told normies I have Fumos. My team at work does Fun Fact Friday: we partner up to answer a question about ourselves and report our partner's answer to the team on Friday during our team meeting. The question for yesterday was unusual collections. I almost said my DnD minis but would that be surprising? No, but Touhou plushes would be.
Draco: I even shared a picture I took before the meeting and my partner asked "Are they all maids?" because Sakuya and Koakuma were in it.
Jumpropeman: hahaha
Jumpropeman: if remilia had her way, yes
Draco: To be fair, two of the others were Sanae and Reimu and Reimu kinda looks like a maid.


Diadem: my god i meant to type "bless you" to ivel because he sneezed
Diadem: i just told him
Diadem: "posted"
Diadem: i am internally screaming right now
Jumpropeman: hahaha
Jumpropeman: amazing


(Re: the Brawl)

Diadem: this is the equivalent of "ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny" only it's had sequels
Jumpropeman: the brawl is like our smash bros if they had to keep swapping the roster
Draco: The final Brawl: every past Brawler returns for the Ultimate Showdown.
Teletummy: It would be the final Brawl because JRM would die
Gooper Blooper: I prefer the concept of a final brawl being a "catch-up" brawl where we can finally get in all the characters who missed their chance once upon a time, though some all-stars like past champions and people who entered a bunch of times like Dawn would be good entrants too
RubyChao: yeah i always liked the thought of a final brawl being just "and then i put in all those wishlist characters i never managed to fit in"
Jumpropeman: we talk about dumping the toybox, but that would really be the toybox dumping brawl
Gooper Blooper: Constructor X finally fuckin brawls
Jumpropeman: Gamble Man's day comes...
Gooper Blooper: if you give goop way too many slots, they will come
Teletummy: I'm learning stuff with each new brawl entry
Teletummy: Like with Raihan's first entry I learned to give him wiggle room for creativity
Jumpropeman: i'd joke about getting AI to write a brawl, but it would probably forget the entries after three paragraphs
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, I don't think AI can manage something that long-form and planned out
Gooper Blooper: it'd be full of inconsistencies
Jumpropeman: I asked google's AI to tell me ten dog jokes and not only did none of the jokes have dogs, but it told the same kangaroo joke twice
Gooper Blooper: man, that's a softball ask too
Draco: Final Brawl: Parsee


Jumpropeman: ps4 is often depicted with a katana
Jumpropeman: rp ps4 likes spears most though
Diadem: dam she really likes to peg-
Jumpropeman: a girl never pegs and tells
Drawntrail Prepper: Oh my
Diadem: anyway i learned how to cater to two of my favorite sony girls, now i have to help others cater to the others
Jumpropeman: -PS3: I like cat :3
-Harp: You're mine now
Diadem: and crim is going to just melt into a puddle once everyone leaves and maybe cry plasma
Jumpropeman: ps4 will stay after then
Diadem: look i have a type and ps3 is it
Diadem: ps4 is also it
Diadem: damn i just like girls huh.
Draco: I think so.
Jumpropeman: sorry you had to find out this way


RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: realizing that with formaggio around
RubyChao: there is a non-zero chance someone COULD go hand to hand with louie
Jumpropeman: THE BATTLE OF THE CENTURY- *squashed by a passerby*


nivel: oh my clucking god ckr's entries
nivel: as usual
Marker Sheep: Are you ready for
Marker Sheep: PICKLEBALL?!
nivel: no
Marker Sheep: :I
nivel: I'm ready for Bicklepall
Marker Sheep: Disgusting.


Marker Sheep: "Thanks to her hag heritage and her training from Delilah, Violence has a few spells she's able to cast."


Diadem: maybe during the voting period we will get more crim backstory because he sure as fuck knows if he does anything other than chill, the ghost with the most will beat him up premptively
Marker Sheep: Crim backstory: "I've been playing Raid: Shadow Legends for weeks now."
Diadem: absolutely disgusting
Diadem: that's stelle, not crim
Diadem: crim's backstory is that he was cursed with reincarnation because he cannot, in fact, pet every cat
Jumpropeman: three knows that pain...
Diadem: Noctis looks over him like an overlord, ready to end him when he realizes the sheer futility of it
Diadem: but then the damned red dot returns, allowing crim to live yet another day
Draco: Crim more like Raid Shadow Legends.
Diadem: rikke's not gonna get distracted by the dot, no siree. she's gonna be botching several accents and languages and justifying her murder
Diadem: draco that's STELLE-
Diadem: "nox what are you doing?" *ivelmom cat busy rubbing his face on a croc*


Marker Sheep: "Spamton can fire what is, for lack of any other word for it, 'danmaku'"
Marker Sheep: Pictured: Goops giving up


Gooper Blooper: As usual, I'm tracking the wagers in my Brawl wordpad file and will post them in the Brawl thread after voting close, then update from there
Jumpropeman: I bet this brawl will involve at least ten deaths!
Draco: Sorry, JRM. Not THIS Brawl.
Draco: All the KO's are #FRIENDSHIP except for the first nine.
Gooper Blooper: Radiola just silently hands you back your money plus a single Vietnamese Dong
Jumpropeman: the real hard part with making bets is wanting to have a chance of winning while also being in character
Jumpropeman: it doesn't sound like a character has much confidence in someone if they only say they'll get top 20 :P


Diadem: in my post-waking delirum glancing at what was going on in RP, i thought zadonost and ginny were getting married
Mobile Pitohui: Congratulations to the happy coupl-
Diadem: and i thought violence was officiating the wedding
nivel: plz
Jumpropeman: well she will when the day comes
Diadem: look i am just THAT tired
Jumpropeman: Ginny can only be married if she steals the perfect wedding ring


Rose: The existence of a Shredder implies the existence of a less substantial Shredd


Gooper Blooper: managed to analyze over 30 entrants today
RubyChao: nice!!
Jumpropeman: holy moly, good work goop!
Gooper Blooper: thanks! I really wanted to get a lot done today, and only once I noticed I was over thirty did I finally go "okay, you may play some Mario 64 now"
Gooper Blooper: and then I played some Mario 64.
RubyChao: did you win, son
Gooper Blooper: Yes, because I never have to play Dire Dire Docks again
RubyChao: i'm getting a vague hint from your post that you might not like dire dire docks very much
Jumpropeman: i like the 100 coin stars for the most part
Jumpropeman: but dire dire docks
Jumpropeman: was a mistake
Gooper Blooper: There are 101 coins in Dire Dire Docks.
RubyChao: imagine if there were just 100
RubyChao: exactly
Drawntrail Prepper: A dire dire mistake even


Jumpropeman: "Francisco formed from the energy of prayer" ivel got down on his knees, folded his hands, and said "single fang"
Draco: And he did it knowing it'd KILL YOU to have to draw it. Francisco will be the first KO because of it.
Jumpropeman: it was literally the last part suggested too... i was almost home free
Draco: Prediction: After the Brawl anthem is sung, literally EVERYONE turns towards Francisco and goes "Francisco must die." and Francisco is KO'd without any part of him drawn. ;p
Jumpropeman: Francisco reveals all his parts are detachable and spends the rest of the brawl a rolling eye


nivel: jrm, you left out a strength for Francisco
nivel: the fang increases his charm :U
Jumpropeman: ivel
Jumpropeman: i am forced to admit
Jumpropeman: it's actually kinda cute on Francisco
Jumpropeman: it helps he is not a human being :V
nivel: :U
nivel: it also helps it's not the weird flesh colored kind
Jumpropeman: those are even worse!
Diadem: absolutely fucking destroyed, jrm's life is turned upside down


Cornwind Evil: Did Ashley and Magilou have last names? I know Magilou does, technically
Jumpropeman: Ashley... CRYGOR
Gooper Blooper: Magilou's got a normal last name I never use in RP
Jumpropeman: ashley has none as far as i know
Gooper Blooper: Magilou Mayvin
Gooper Blooper: Ashley doesn't have one and I've never needed one so I never bothered to think of one
Jumpropeman: Ashley DaWitch
RubyChao: Ashley Dashley
Draco: Ashley Manbavarian
Jumpropeman: Ashley Ravensky
Gooper Blooper: Once upon a time JRM and I did talk about potential Ashley/Penny shipping
Gooper Blooper: It didn't pan out though, they were Just Friends
Jumpropeman: my youtube recommended has this video three times over scattered throughout
Jumpropeman: it really wanted me to see it
Gooper Blooper: What a choice. XD
Jumpropeman: Penny is one of those characters who has a Romance switch you need to flip before she considers it
Jumpropeman: like, otherwise it's all science and singing and all
Gooper Blooper: I'll just pair with a Sony girl instead for more JRM X GB goodness
Jumpropeman: then somebody says "you're cute" and she's like "Oh yeah, human interactions"
Draco: The way to Ashley's heart is Wizpig's laugh.
Jumpropeman: you've got a pile of them, more sony girls to grab than any other game company!
Draco: Only because they're not taken, not because there's more. *looks at the Sega Hard Girls wiki*
Draco: I will probably do another two or three votes every day until Wednesday. You won't know my #1 vote because I'll forget to post it.
Draco: Spoilers: it's Morag.
Jumpropeman: good choice
Draco: "Maybe if this was a sexiness competition he'd win, but it's not!" <- Morag would win this too.
Jumpropeman: I do like that this is clearly the year for both the agama coven. You don't have everyone in but it also helps set apart Ashley again for her champion run
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, The Coven getting a real Coven-centered alliance this year helps Ashley feel different
Draco: "Having a Coven alliance makes me want to reveal my real name. I took on the alias of Ashley after playing the Atari Ashley 4500 when I was young, but my real name is..."
Draco: "Bunger."
Jumpropeman: spoiling the Ashley repeat run epilogue D:
Gooper Blooper: Magilou wins this time.


Jumpropeman: also dang, PS4 really is pretty huh. Her pic in my profiles was a great find
RubyChao: i like jrm just spontaneously going yeah
RubyChao: my character's hot
Jumpropeman: hey!
Jumpropeman: I'm not wrong
Teletummy: Its ok jrm
Teletummy: I also think several of my characters are hot


Gooper Blooper: you talkin' bout DIA
Diadem: yes


Gooper Blooper: Mario 64 100% done
Hooded Pitohui: :clap:
Jumpropeman: nice!
Hooded Pitohui: Wahoo!
Draco: Huzzah!
Jumpropeman: did you see the shittiest 3D yoshi
Diadem: wahoo
Gooper Blooper: I sure did
Gooper Blooper: and the completely worthless gift of extra lives for all the nothing that was left to play
Jumpropeman: mario bathing in 1-up mushrooms like a rich man in dollar bills
Gooper Blooper: That's Banjo-Kazooie, Paper Mario, and Mario 64 all done this year so far
Gooper Blooper: year of N64
Diadem: no n64 ninty girl...
Gooper Blooper: JRM could do an entire second set of Nintendo Girls
Diadem: indie console girls tho-
Gooper Blooper: led by the console-tan based on Nintendo's next system, no doubt
Jumpropeman: Vodka didn't actually learn his lesson, comes back with a whole new batch trying to get the artcade
RubyChao: plot twist: he did learn his lesson
RubyChao: it's like vtubers, instead
RubyChao: if generation 1 is so successful, it's time to make generation 2!!!
Gooper Blooper: Vodka shoving N64-tan at the Kobbers, demanding that someone pair with her (so she can infiltrate their numbers)
Diadem: pearls x n64
Gooper Blooper: OH MY GOD
Jumpropeman: OH MY GOOOOOOD
Gooper Blooper: (you can play games from blockbuster!)


Jumpropeman: ive made a mistake and this is what she looks like
Diadem: YOU DID IT
Gooper Blooper: You knew the risks, JRM
Draco: Unforgivable.
Jumpropeman: she was too fun to write. Next year it's Ben Stein voting
Jumpropeman: they can't meet
Jumpropeman: sese's cover as a touhou would be blown
RubyChao: you know who i thought would be a funny character i used only for votes?


Famously Lax About The Orgies: Rose I had a serious post where one of my characters put a bounty on Lord Feldrake's head
Rose: Oooooooooo
Draco: Nobody will collect. Felldrake forever.
Rose: That owns
Famously Lax About The Orgies: She's the matriarch of a family that despises evil
Famously Lax About The Orgies: Her husband put bounties on a few Brawlers last year
Rose: Man I dunno why she'd want Felldrake's head :clueless:
Gooper Blooper: he's really a sweetheart once you get to know him
Rose: His mother makes a lovely casserole
Rose: Sorry Cornwind's current username suddenly hit me
Jumpropeman: yeah, sometimes you just get used to the long blue name and then you read it
Gooper Blooper: Sey asked him about it earlier and he gave context
Rose: You don't Sey
Rose: : P
Gooper Blooper: Jocular ExplosionFromTheMouth: So
-Jocular ExplosionFromTheMouth: What is famously lax about the orgies if I may ask
-Famously Lax About The Orgies: It was a half remembered toss offed line from something I was listening to
-Famously Lax About The Orgies: Where a guy joked that he wasn't one to ban people from 'the orgies'.

Draco: Just don't ask them to define evil.
Famously Lax About The Orgies: Julia: I can define evil damn well, I would say.
Famously Lax About The Orgies: "It's not whoever makes you mad."
Famously Lax About The Orgies: Julia: YOU'D BE SURPRISED HOW OFTEN THAT IS TRUE.


Gooper Blooper: JRM, before I forget, I must share
Gooper Blooper: I was poking around the Switch news app, and there was an "article" about spooky Luigi moments
Gooper Blooper: And it is absolutely the same exact damn thing as your old "halloween gaming listicle" joke I enjoyed so much
Gooper Blooper: right down to including the Luigi's Mansion stage in Smash because it's SPOOOOOOKYYYYY
Jumpropeman: amazing, I'm gonna have to check that out


Jumpropeman: hey hey, the Luigi news on switch mentions the Twisted Mansion
Diadem: oh hell u
Diadem: i mean yell heah
Gooper Blooper: excellent, JRM found the article
Gooper Blooper: GHOST HOUSES
Jumpropeman: the Mario Golf Super Rush one is pretty good
Jumpropeman: this golf course just has a gloomy vibe! Close enough!
Jumpropeman: Sparks of Hope barely tries to even justify itself
Jumpropeman: Luigi's Stare is the spooky thing
Draco: Alright, all my votes are now posted.
Jumpropeman: so many ghost houses... I might not be able to sleep tonight!


Jumpropeman: Bing AI caught a sneak peek at Magilou's 100 reasons to vote for Rickle:

While I can’t provide exactly 100 reasons, I’ll give you a few fun and fictional reasons why you might want to vote for Rickle the Pickleball playing pickle in the Big Bar Brawl:

Unbeatable Agility: Rickle’s pickleball skills are unmatched. He can zigzag across the court like a caffeinated squirrel.
Pickleball Diplomacy: Rickle believes in resolving conflicts with a friendly game of pickleball. World peace, one match at a time!
Pickleball Puns: Rickle serves up aces and dill-lightful wordplay. His opponents are left in a pickle.
Pickleball Fashion Icon: Rickle rocks a neon-green pickleball headband and cucumber-patterned shorts. Trendsetter alert!
Pickleball Snack Breaks: Rickle insists on mid-game pickle snacks. It’s all about refueling those briny reserves.

Remember, these reasons are purely fictional, but sometimes a little whimsy goes a long way! 🥒🏓😄


Jumpropeman: i was watching a video about a random steam indie game I don't remember, and chao, it opened with something I think will make your skin crawl: "There is no tutorial. If you want to know general tips on how to play, join our discord group"
RubyChao: oh my GOD
RubyChao: why. why would you do that.
RubyChao: why would you make that part of the fucking game.
Jumpropeman: There's a pop-up window that says all that information... instead of you know, saying a tutorial


RubyChao: the only person i really want to see lose this brawl is goops
RubyChao: :)
RubyChao: :)
Gooper Blooper: link
Diadem: magilou places last
Diadem: the coven rejoices
Marked Sheep: her name is
Marked Sheep: LAST PLACE
not like del: slim shady


Jocular ExplosionFromTheMouth: I might be quiet for a bit
Jocular ExplosionFromTheMouth: Lady Whistledown needs to get her ass in gear
Gooper Blooper: you got this!
Marked Sheep: Chatzy Madness 2 And A Half: Lady Wistledown Needs To Get Her Ass In Gear


not like del: firefly is the illest anime ill girl ever
not like del: you've never seen an anime girl this ill
Diadem: the kobbers would fix her illness so fast she'd get whiplash


Jocular ExplosionFromTheMouth: I genuinely don't know who I would have take on an orb
Jumpropeman: Neo
RubyChao: you already had neo take on an orb?
Jocular ExplosionFromTheMouth: You know what
Jocular ExplosionFromTheMouth: I walked into that one
Jocular ExplosionFromTheMouth: I meant other then Neo
RubyChao: ohhh
RubyChao: yeah i thought you legit forgot about neo, sorry
Jocular ExplosionFromTheMouth: I would never forget about Neo
Jocular ExplosionFromTheMouth: Draco won't let me
Gooper Blooper: Draco wouldn't let- beat me to the joke


Marked Sheep: "but dunking her head in liquid or trapping her in heavy rain or snow will temporarily put out her hair, leaving her bald and vulnerable"
Marked Sheep: What, is my hair out?
Gooper Blooper: Burnin can definitely sense when her hair is out
Gooper Blooper: She hates it!
RubyChao: plot twist, that's how she wins
RubyChao: she puts out her hair and the chrome dome is so bright it blinds everyone
RubyChao: justine, unaffected, finishes the job
RubyChao: *justice
Gooper Blooper: no I like the first version-
Gooper Blooper: Watch JRM have Justice and Justine face off for a couple paragraphs


Famously Lax About The Orgies: Julia: -in the mech, asleep, cuddling Attami like a big teddy bear- ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
Gooper Blooper: Attami remains excellent for hugs
Famously Lax About The Orgies: Attami takes a picture, sends it to Kaydence
Jumpropeman: gotta be one of the top 10 RP huggers
Famously Lax About The Orgies: Aurora Klein remains the No 1 hot dog holder though
RubyChao: bikkie would definitely also be in that top 10
RubyChao: huuug
Famously Lax About The Orgies: "tachibana hibiki (symphogear)" There's another anime character with that exact name?
Gooper Blooper: *checks danbooru*
Gooper Blooper: A character from a porn game with six whole images
RubyChao: truly
RubyChao: it is important we specify.


Jumpropeman: naturally, Zed would want to hear what Jackson knows, if you want during the brawl period you can say he connected Jackson to Oona and all and do a scene with DALI in attendance to listen in
Brine: Sure, that works for me!
Jumpropeman: don't want you feeling like you need to wait for two weeks for me for any follow-up there :P
Draco: JRM actually wants you to wait so he can throw Ginny in there somewhere.
Draco: I didn't mean to panic people, but I accidentally put one less hour on the timer than I was supposed to.
Jumpropeman: i had just noticed that since I intended to make a two day warning
Jumpropeman: now I gotta WAIT
Draco: GOOD.
Draco: Go...uh...write Ginny reacting to...Crab God Monster.
Jumpropeman: Local Ginny had this to say: "Why would I care about a big crab?"
Jumpropeman: now, if it was a big pillbug...
Draco: So insightful... ;o;
Draco: Wait, no, HOLD ON.
Jumpropeman: she's gonna get eskalia on the phone ASAP
Draco: If she were a REAL Master Thief, she'd be ALL OVER that crab trying to recruit it!
Jumpropeman: !!!
Jumpropeman: she failed the test...
Draco: Ginny's a phony. Bl
Jumpropeman: she thought you were only supposed to get perfectly normal crabs!
Draco: You have to start small...bigly small.
Draco: THEN you get the perfectly normal crab.
Draco: This is why Ginny is an AMATEUR.
Jumpropeman: she's got a lot to learn... *spends that time playing with bugs in trash instead*


Jumpropeman: always fun reading a brinecharacter entry. Puppet Princess is a lovely friendly idol and she's made of corpses and wood and shoots poison needles from her mouth :D
Brine: Brought to you by Pure Princess Power! In return Coren had to put up with beautiful hair and great skin


(Harpy reveals Crim's real name, Zamir)

Diadem: posted!
Diadem: uuh uuh uuuh
Diadem: *plays a reverse uno card*

(JRM reveals PS4's real name, Fiona)

Jumpropeman: post
Diadem: WHAT
Diadem: I GOT
Diadem: i'm fucking dead
Diadem: alternatively
Diadem: change your name to shrek right now, crim. do it. DO IT. FOR THE MEME
Jumpropeman: almost made it with two n's to avoid that :V
Diadem: don't worry we won't shrek him
RubyChao: i did not expect a name reveal this early! damn, harpy moving fast
Diadem: i wasn't expecting four to let it go after I did mine i swear, i just did it because it felt right!!!!
Jumpropeman: I did it because it felt right too! She loves her little Crim, and she's not gonna play a game when she could show some genuine care for him. If he wants it to be official though, she never is the one to ask someone out first...
Sunny Del: bah gawd
Diadem: we can't move at light speed we gotta let them mingle, let the flavors get to know each other
Draco: I can't believe Crim revealed his non-Gamer name already.
Diadem: gfklhdlerkjsdfklg vI FUCKING HATE YOU DRACO OMG
Jumpropeman: ive been burned too many times delaying a name reveal darnit
Diadem: i'm going to eat your waaaalllssss
Jumpropeman: it even goes back to tony kapponi!
Diadem: anyway that was my desperate plea not to completely obliterate our boy
Diadem: just kill him a lil bit not a lotta bit-
Jumpropeman: secretly I have four's depression arc waiting in the wings-
Diadem: NOOOOO
Draco: "Fiona." <- Where's Cake?
RubyChao: speaking of Fiona
RubyChao: while it obviously makes sense that the real names start with O, T, T, F, F, V, and P
RubyChao: it's funny to think of it being phrased as "playstation X" for all of them
RubyChao: and thus all seven have names starting with P
Diadem: the last names all start with P
Jumpropeman: Fiona Peaches


Jumpropeman: oh my god that's Sivvy?
Jumpropeman: she's adorable!
Jumpropeman: *brings back Gefilte for Deep Sea ship*
Diadem: it's her slug form; i plan on getting goops to make a proper human form. and she's gonna be blind! (she'll be fine without aids.)
Jumpropeman: i shoulda known... makes sense! Probably the right choice and all! But I dared to dream
Diadem: jokes on you that's her true form and she only has a human form to be cool like her sisters
Diadem: i just made that the fuck up but now i'm making it canon so she can smooch a sea pig
Jumpropeman: I will not actually bring back Gefilte :V She's too good for him
Diadem: makes sense for the sisters to have different main forms anyway: sivvy being a sea slug most of the time, marina being half octopus and humanoid, and riza just being plain human but can shift into a sea creature
Jumpropeman: Smoke and Mirrors is a good name for Roman and Neo...
Diadem: their magicks are just that great!
Diadem: i almost had sivvy say "nihowdy!"
Diadem: oh god sivvy has so much cirno energy
Jumpropeman: no wonder I instantly liked her
Diadem: i just looked back and i'm like "holy shit she's the most excitable character i have ever made"
Diadem: "kae can't come close to how many exclaimation points she's using"
Diadem: shove her and sese in the same room and sivvy will go "GashaDOHOHOHOHOHOOHOkuro"
Jumpropeman: a gashadokuro pun is an easy way into sese's heart
Diadem: watch as they befriend each other by the end of this year as our wills degrade
Jumpropeman: after pitohui's vote, Sinful will now be known as Sinempty
RubyChao: jrm enters sese in the undead fite
RubyChao: in the final two she goes "oh, hey! THAT's where my other bones were!"
RubyChao: cue giant skeleton form.
Diadem: better gashadokurururururruRUUUN
Jumpropeman: they're just in a giant sack that says "sese's bones"
That Is A Terrible Earworm: She puts them on...and turns into a giant bagel
That Is A Terrible Earworm: Someone crossed out the AM on the bag
That Is A Terrible Earworm: (Sesame)
Diadem: says who
Jumpropeman: Bageldokuro...


Draco: I can't believe CKR is a lawyer sometimes. XD
Draco: Or is Rainbow Dash the lawyer?
Marked Sheep: No, that's Chao
Draco: No, Chao's the Dungeon Master.
Marked Sheep: And I'm out here
Draco: Bye Sheep. I miss you.
Jocular ExplosionFromTheMouth: But you just got here
Jocular ExplosionFromTheMouth: Draco and I died twice to a glowing tree
Marked Sheep: Christmas?!
Marked Sheep: It gets here earlier every year...
Jumpropeman: CKR is the lawyer yes
Marked Sheep looks at Brawl topic
Draco: Okay.
Draco: I won't vote for you again this year.
Draco: :3
Draco: But yes, Sey and I died to a glowing tree and then I took charge and we WON. BV
Jumpropeman: CKR has had BBB13 open on her phone for a year, assuring me she will read it soon
Draco: lol

(later, after more people vote for Sheep)

Marked Sheep looks at votes again, hair falling out
Marked Sheep: What is this?? A Russian election?!
Jocular ExplosionFromTheMouth: ,=<
Jumpropeman: ckr recognized lady whistledown
Draco: Sheep, if this were a Russian election, you'd be the only candidate.
Draco: You'd also be losing a war with Cornwind despite having twenty times the soldiers.
That Is A Terrible Earworm: Some votes
Marked Sheep: Some good votes!
That Is A Terrible Earworm: He says, because none are for him
Gooper Blooper: thought of the same joke
Jocular ExplosionFromTheMouth: Ehh more for Illuso
Marked Sheep: Correct!
Marked Sheep: Keep up the good work, CW
Gooper Blooper: *CW gives his Gift to Sheep*
Marked Sheep: This is how I become The Joker.
That Is A Terrible Earworm: "Eskalia will die if she gets shot in the head with something of significant oomph"
That Is A Terrible Earworm: This is, as far as we know, correct, right?
Draco: Oomph in legal terms means a BB Gun.
Gooper Blooper: I think so, though considering you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone that didn't apply to it's not what I'd call a glaring weakness
Marked Sheep: Good luck shooting Catgut in the head
Marked Sheep: You're more likely to take some off the top!
Draco: Good luck shooting Democurus in the head.
Draco: No, really, good luck. I want him DEAD. D:<
Marked Sheep: Please.
Gooper Blooper: Take my goat... please

(Cornwind did, in fact, give Sheep his Gift Vote)

That Is A Terrible Earworm: Pictured: Sheep
That Is A Terrible Earworm: Both reactions


Diadem: i made myself eat sawdust before i realized why i don't eat it all that often


SteelKomodo: vilfred continues to eat shit
SteelKomodo: as is his way



RubyChao: i was reading a guy's bermuda triangle webpage today and it had something VERY funny
RubyChao: namely
RubyChao: most of the stuff he leaves off with "it's still a mystery..." and all that sort of stuff
Diadem: its still a mystery
RubyChao: but for Flight 19, the most famous one, he posits that he has discovered the TRUTH:
RubyChao: "Actually we all made incorrect assumptions about where they ended up due to incomplete information and they crashed into the Okefenokee Swamp in north Florida."
RubyChao: and i love that it's specifically the most famous one where this guy has one completely mundane theory
That Is A Terrible Earworm: Sometimes, K.I.S.S
Diadem: accurate
RubyChao: however we all know the truth in rp!!!
RubyChao: (they got dragged into the sea by the panthalassa after its haywire systems scrambled their navigation)
That Is A Terrible Earworm: Also, Gene Simmons' choice of life made sure he had a really great title for his autobiography
Gooper Blooper:
nivel: I thought for a second that Sumi was related to the Gene Simmons message
RubyChao: "Sumireko's mouth falls open in abject wonder, forgetting the danger of the moment as she recognizes not just Flight 19, but several other fallen boats and planes as well. One mystery after another is instantly solved before her eyes as the ancient magitech battleship reveals itself to be the culprit."
RubyChao: i always love how she was just SO excited to learn the esoteric
RubyChao: she forgot to be concerned for a bit
Gooper Blooper: Every so often Chao just messages me out of the blue how happy he is that Sumireko was there for the solving of the Bermuda Triangle mystery
RubyChao: it was a Peak Sumi moment
Gooper Blooper: he did it again right before starting this conversation
RubyChao: incredibly memorable
That Is A Terrible Earworm: Dawn: That hat tasted like shame.
RubyChao: and it was like... i was just really happy to give her actual Payoff, y'know? it felt right to reward the big nerd for seeing it through
RubyChao: so no law of large numbers
RubyChao: no "it's still a mystery"


Jumpropeman: I refuse to believe Iliesh was ever a child. She was born into this world tired
Diadem: stelle's mom everybody
nivel: "She was born into this world tired"
nivel: same


(Re: Draco's vote gimmick of giving the entrants he voted for theme songs using AI)

Draco: The AI thing I went with was my second choice. The first one was good but it also had a "watermark" where after fifteen seconds it'd say the site's name: Muberts.
Jumpropeman: M U B E R T S
Marked Sheep: MU
Marked Sheep: BERTS
Gooper Blooper: oh man, audio watermarks
Gooper Blooper: that's an inconvenience I haven't encountered in a long time
Draco: So imagine that cool Redruin track that's sure to get him a hundred extra votes and in the middle there's a British AI lady going "MUBERTS". Or in the middle of Violence's cool song.
Jumpropeman: audiojungle
nivel: Audio Jungle
nivel: lel jrm
Gooper Blooper: please purchase the full version of winrar


That Is A Terrible Earworm: I am considering doing an effortpost to conclude which would basically be 'Please kill Sheep's characters, it's what he wants.'
That Is A Terrible Earworm: But wouldn't that technically give his characters MORE votes?
Diadem: i don't think we can do anti-votes, its all positives from here-
nivel: I'm pretty sure Sheep would have done that already if it counted against him
Marked Sheep: i tried
Gooper Blooper: more points for sheep
Gooper Blooper: more points for sheep
Jumpropeman considers an effort vote where I just draw Milk's face on a milk jug with sharpie
nivel: that would be beautiful jrm
RubyChao: time to go effort a Pitocharacter instead-
Draco: I have four hours to run out and buy a milk jug to draw Milk on...
Diadem: "have you seen this woman?" *milk's face on a missing child poster*
Diadem: *on a milk carton*
Jumpropeman: I legit intended to do an Ishii potato carving but my dad ate the potatoes...
Gooper Blooper: I've been trying to do one more effort but RP has been distracting
Gooper Blooper: I've drawn most of this Brawler's head
Draco: I have four hours to buy a potato and a knife...
Diadem: brine u postin?
Diadem: prolly
Jumpropeman: cornwind's plan: run plot until midnight, prevent more sheep efforts, win the brawl...


Gooper Blooper: I can only hope the tractor gods are kind and we get Rickle Victory


RubyChao: disgaea gacha has asked us the vital question:
RubyChao: What if Piyori was Raiko? (bikini warning)
Gooper Blooper: new piyori art...
Jumpropeman: where's my alt-tamis at
Jumpropeman: c'mon gacha, do the one thing you're good for
Gooper Blooper: there actually is one I think I've linked in here before, Gamer Attami
Jumpropeman: oh yeah
Jumpropeman: well i need more-
RubyChao: Gaming...
Gooper Blooper: I did not expect her to see as much use this season, at least not before OCGA Plot happened, but I keep whipping her out. It helps she's one of my strongest characters and has the old Skeiron factor of "I can afford to bust up the robot and not feel too bad about it"
Gooper Blooper: hence we get yesterday where she tried to eat the sun


Jumpropeman: everything is happening at the expected pace thus far, started with pre-fite so nobody dead yet
Jumpropeman: or are they...
Diadem: damn can't believe mima died before the fight even started
Diadem: wait she's a ghost of course she died before it started
RubyChao: honestly it'd be funny if you found a way to do that one year without actually being a problem
RubyChao: like you enter a jrm character nobody likes
Cornwind Evil: Technically a bunch of characters already died before it started
Jumpropeman: this is what will happen if we ever get sniveled
Jumpropeman: he doesn't even make it to the brawl
Diadem: killed snivel before the brawl smh


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: howdy
Jocular ExplosionFromTheMouth: Howdy
Jocular ExplosionFromTheMouth: I have dawntrail
Gooper Blooper: JRM is just in time for this deep dive into the greatest air conditioner commercial ever
Draco: Hi JRM.
RubyChao: ropepope!!
Draco: Jumpjumpjump
Jumpropeman helplessly drawn into its sweaty orbit
Jumpropeman: pre-fite's nearly done
Draco: Excellent.
Draco: That article reminds me of when Chao sent me a Reddit post about some old Godzilla forum drama from the early 2000s and I went "I remember that." Turns out I also knew the guy who made the post too.


RubyChao: i should have chimata bet on spamton
Gooper Blooper: WHAT??? [[LAST FUCKING PLACE]]??? WHAT THE PIPIS IS MY [[Performance Issues]]?!?!?!
Draco: Clownpiece bets $10000000000000000000000 that Spamton doesn't even show up to the Brawl.


SteelKomodo: setting up new laptop
NewModo entered for the first time
NewModo: i am on
NewModo: the lappé
SteelKomodo: this is weird to look at
NewModo: so sleek
NewModo: so phisticated
NewModo: so... lappé
SteelKomodo: del is very bewildered by what he is looking at
Sunny Del: he got da new laptop
SteelKomodo: i did indeed
Sunny Del: i also got him to get deep rock galactic >:3
Draco: Good. Rock and stone!
SteelKomodo: i only did it to get him to shut up about it >:I
Sunny Del: its like 67% off, its always so goddamn cheap
MobileCurryy: Dont mine purple stuff without permission
MobileCurryy: Unless its a spiky purple thing
MobileCurryy: Also wont make plot tonight, i owe someone some vermin tides
MobileCurryy: But pretend tanya, aubrey, and gorochu are there
Draco: No worries.
Draco: Tanya, eaten by Zubats. Aubrey, sat on by Shadow Lapras. Gorochu, kills Primal Shadow Rayquaza with Goro Punch.
MobileCurryy: Thanks for thinning out my cast drax
Draco: No problem.
SteelKomodo: lol


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Draco: Hi JRM.
RubyChao: hi jrm
Jumpropeman: yabba dabba how do you doo
Draco: I stole GBC and Vita and gave them cameo roles in plot today.
Draco: So there ha ha.
Gooper Blooper: JRM just spent hours writing about Deez and Nuts killing twenty or so people by themselves
Draco: And that's just a random blogpost.
Jumpropeman: I was just trying to be realistic about their power levels goops


not like del: it's new kamen rider preview cycle
not like del: kamen rider gavv, themed on... fruit gummies
not like del: someone at toei looking at a blank whiteboard of kamen rider ideas and sweating furiously
Marked Sheep: FRUIT GUMMIES?!
Marked Sheep: Kamen Rider
Marked Sheep: you crazy
not like del: yep
not like del: the belt is a mouth and the trinkets are little boxes that pop open to reveal a little monster in them
not like del: it's cute
not like del: I hope the show is good
Marked Sheep: ooh
Marked Sheep: that got me
Marked Sheep: i'm gone
Marked Sheep: i've ascended


Draco: Legend has it, Chris is still fighting that Luvdisc.

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