(Re: the previous Chatzy Madness)
Presentgate: I am very glad goops provided a link to the harkness test
Gooper Blooper: It seemed like important context, I'd never heard of it myself
Presentgate: That actually makes you really vanilla compared to some discords I'm in
Gooper Blooper: You have NO IDEA how absolutely TWISTED I can get!!!
Gooper Blooper has two cute girls hold hands
Jumpropeman: BANNED
Presentgate: 🤔
Presentgate: Hello CW
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: There's an enemy called the Beheaded Kamikaze
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: All it can do is run at you carrying bombs
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: Fragile, but they always come in numbers, and the game's selling point is often fighting in very large open areas where they can appear all around you
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: So when you start hearing AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA you know you're not in for a fun time
Draco: Hi Cornwind.
Presentgate: unlike all funtimes you normally have hearing someone scream in all caps
Gooper Blooper: I remember seeing a video of this guy many years ago
Gooper Blooper: it's basically all I know about Serious Sam, that there's an enemy who runs at you going AAAAAA
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: Yes, and that guy was in a semi good spot in that they all came from the semi same direction and he had lots of room to back up
Jumpropeman: oh wow, its been a while since I've seen a serious sam game. Did not expect the generic fps small city
Draco: Dang. That IS kinda disconcerting. Even worse than a Super Mutant Suicider.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: Barpost to make Ginny's life harder
Gooper Blooper: so today, goopsbro was browsing the nintendo eshop and saw Garfield Kart on sale for two dollars, and he had exactly two dollars in Gold Points
Gooper Blooper: so we played Garfield Kart today.
Jumpropeman: family fun time!
Gooper Blooper: The way Goopsbro put it was pretty logical
Gooper Blooper: "if we have fun with this together for one afternoon that's worth two dollars"
Gooper Blooper: he found it actually enjoyable because he just likes kart racers and Garfield Kart is not a broken game, just aggressively by-the-numbers
Jumpropeman: but did he feel shame for using no boosts
Gooper Blooper: The one on Switch is the Furious Racing version, which removes the coin and boost system
Gooper Blooper: so we were spared that!
RubyChao: No Boost System? Shame!
Gooper Blooper: My Garfield calendar gave me this strip today, so if we don't see him again for the rest of the season, this is why
Gooper Blooper: Best quote from Goopsbro after we went back to Garfield Kart to play the second half of it: "We've done three races and it feels like we've been playing for an hour."
Draco: Gabriella is the villain of DALIplot. "How DARE you not like Heaven?!"
Hell Monsters And Their Asthma: You know what all the cool kids are doing?
Hell Monsters And Their Asthma: Making their third SRSpost of the evening
Jumpropeman: i am going to
Jumpropeman: EAT SPAGHETTI
Jumpropeman: be back after
RubyChao: i'm off to bed
RubyChao: so that i can avoid jrm when he returns
RubyChao: night
RubyChao left the chat
Jumpropeman: the spaghetti is gone, much like chao
Tenacious Del (BRING THE NOISE) joined the chat
Tenacious Del joined the chat
RubyChao joined the chat
Tenacious Del joined the chat
RubyChao: damn
RubyChao: tenacious del joining three times in a row
RubyChao: that IS tenacious
Tenacious Del: lol
Tenacious Del: my mobile signal here sucks so that's why that happened
Tenacious Del: remind me to srspost tomorrow
RubyChao: will do
Tenacious Del: I'm outta here gotta go watch tenacious d
RubyChao: enjoy!
Tenacious Del: gonna rewind 15 years to do this...
Tenacious Del: \m/
Tenacious Del: there
Tenacious Del: very season 1 energy
May Sheep: "Is the world ready to be seeing a true blue and many other colors vampire who makes pizza?"
May Sheep: No.
May Sheep: Next question.
Poppet: Vampirephobe
May Sheep: Next, they'll be wanting to vote.
RubyChao: so apparently in arknights there is a character named Waai Fu
RubyChao: and all i can think is "that's an ace attorney character"
Diadem: just explained to an ivelfriend that i'm RPing and ivel asked what event
Diadem: i explained, and after there was a spider acting like it was still alive when it died
Diadem: ivel said "well maybe its Dead And Loving It"
Jumpropeman: haha
Gooper Blooper: Several years ago I was browsing Amazon and saw this listing
Gooper Blooper: I didn't recognize the character at the time.
Gooper Blooper: *checks properties* "July 10, 2021, 8:31:42 AM" wow, nice
Jumpropeman: you spoiled it, her powers come from being a genetically modified indoraptor
Gooper Blooper: Animal Model Doll Gift
Gooper Blooper: your infant must be at least 14 months old before they can appreciate perona
Draco: Dang. Mine's only 13.9 months. D;
Gooper Blooper: Your fumo has to wait a few more days Draco
Del Be Postin: time to do damage
Jumpropeman: holy moley
SteelKomodo suffers super-effective psychic damage
Jumpropeman: Die Dunkle Bedrohung is how you say The Phantom Menace in German, which sounds not quite as imposing
Gooper Blooper: DUNKLE
Jumpropeman: it translates literally to The Dark Menace, meaning Dunkle is their word for dark
Jumpropeman: I had a dream I found a 12 inch plush of... Inch High Private Eye. I was not pleased
Hooded Pitohui: The disrespect for the lore from those darn dream plush manufacturers!
Jumpropeman: it felt chillingly realistic. You just know if anyone cared about Inch he'd get size inaccurate merch!
Gooper Blooper: I remember I went looking once and found an Inch High Private Eye figure on ebay, and even the seller pointed out that it was several inches tall
Gooper Blooper: imagine how small those guns would be if accurately sized
Jumpropeman: his gun is literally a 9 millimeter!
Jumpropeman: I read some of the Splatoon manga
Jumpropeman: it really likes telling jokes about the main character being naked
RubyChao: posted
RubyChao: it's a mushroom
RubyChao: the funny part is, i only came up with weird mushroom a few days ago
RubyChao: i always knew i wanted Gabby's plot Phenomenon to be basically "false god", it was just "idk false god goes here" for a while
RubyChao: then one day i just spontaneously thought "Mushroom." and i ran with it
Hooded Pitohui: link
Draco: It works.
Thy Flesh AND SUDDEN CYBERDEMO: No badgers though
Jumpropeman: "you cannot kill me in a way that matters" is a line that has stuck with me
Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: link
Gooper Blooper: I'll always be proud of my boy Paras for finally ascending from useless weakling to terrifying entity for everyone who played Legends Arceus
Thy Flesh AND SUDDEN CYBERDEMO: Swap 'child' with 'Waddle Dees' and swap Paras with "Pech" and this also applies.
RubyChao: oh my god cornwind XD
RubyChao: i genuinely burst out laughing
Draco: lol
RubyChao: incredible
RubyChao: someone with so much love they can maul a waddle dee
RubyChao: so brine created the Pech
Gooper Blooper: It's an old meme, but it checks out, sir
RubyChao: dark confession
Jumpropeman: dunkle confession
Draco: Gabriella doesn't like chocolate?
RubyChao: "Those are quite the, um, enhancement!" i saw this line before i saw the rest of the context and i thought miyoi was staring at lee's chest
RubyChao: miyoi no
Draco: Mind out of the technogutter, Chao. >:O
Jumpropeman: please chao
Jumpropeman: miyoi's are bigger
RubyChao: so i hope people liked this first taste of both PCR and Neokama stuff
RubyChao: expect me to do FIVE MORE PLOTS where we learn a lot about these neokama dorks
RubyChao: I apologize in advance for FORCING you to learn about them.
Jumpropeman: nice try, but I already forgot
Jumpropeman: gabriella is some sort of pixie right
Gooper Blooper: pretty sure she's a demon girl
Draco: Gabriella is Lucifer's sister.
Thy Flesh AND SUDDEN CYBERDEMO: I think she's a tulpa
Evil Bert: there is a really easy joke about me not reading rp
Evil Bert: but I am trying to read this
Jumpropeman: "If they want to capitalize on it, they'll keep you down here and have you taking rookie angels out on their first field missions." Gabriella shows up next year with three rookie angels: Gabriel, Gabrielle, and Gabrille.
Jumpropeman: (it's a REALLY popular name in heaven)
Hooded Pitohui: Gab, Gabb, and Gabby, they call them-
Draco: Yo Gabba Gabba
RubyChao: this is your reminder the Prince is very cool
Jumpropeman: ^this post was made by the Futo gang
Draco: Futo IS a gang. She skateboards and vandalizes everything!
RubyChao: they're onto us!
Draco: RubyFuto, more like it.
RubyChao: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7296119
Jumpropeman: all according to keikaku
Jumpropeman: *futo doesn't know what keikaku means
Poppet: Neither does Ghiaccio
Draco: But only because Futo doesn't know what a plan is, not because she doesn't know Japanese.
Cornwind Evil: So apparently this is an actual real thing you could purchase in the States
Gooper Blooper: I love how one of the suggestions they offer for what you could do with Thermonator is to get rid of snow and ice
Gooper Blooper: who needs a snow shovel
(Lyblac's reaction upon the defeat of her creation Owuo is "Not a bad first try.")
RubyChao: so just to check, the inactive orbs are just chillin' with the gals, right? like ademina has a trinket she carries around until the next time she needs some Orb Juice
piss off kupo: Roman has been gone for one day and already his sister has become a godkiller
Cornwind Evil: Yes.
Cornwind Evil: It turned into a necklace or a gauntlet or something
Gooper Blooper: Lyblac, you already HAD a first try, this was your SECOND
Cornwind Evil: Lyblac: Semantics.
Draco: Every try is the first try if you pretend your failures don't count. ;V
Cornwind Evil: Lyblac: SEMANTICS
Gooper Blooper: This guy scratching his back on the sun or whatever is gonna die and Lyblac's response will be "hey it was pretty alright, it was my first try after all"
Gooper Blooper: It's funnier because I looked it up and her reaction to Candlemaker dying is to specifically call him her first try
Cornwind Evil: All jokes aside, in Lyblac's mind it's 'Candlemaker was the proof that I could do it at all, Owuo was the first attempt to do one for a specific end result'
RubyChao: lyblac just calls every god her first try
Jumpropeman: lyblac learned a lot of things, but never how to count
Diadem: i can only count to four
Cornwind Evil: There was no Sesame Street where she came from
Jumpropeman: she found out the monsters in that show were nice and TUNED OUT
Draco: She never actually learned what "First" means.
Gooper Blooper: the specific end result was "reference an obscure 90s video game"
Cornwind Evil: The next one will not reference a 90's video game
Cornwind Evil: Or any video game from any decade
Gooper Blooper: it'll reference a 90s comic book
Cornwind Evil: It will not reference a 90's comic book!
Jumpropeman: that only leaves live action horror movies
Gooper Blooper: It might be shonen anime.
Cornwind Evil: It will reference a 00's comic book.
Jumpropeman: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: I know sometimes our writing styles have clashed over the years, or we've had our disagreements, or whatnot
Gooper Blooper: but when it comes to the aspect of ZFRP that's just "take your interests, shove them into your RP, and then shove them at everyone else", CW's got that part absolutely down pat
Draco: link
Cornwind Evil: Okay Draco, I rarely do a legit laugh out loud LOL, but you got one from me
Cornwind Evil: It turns out Lyblac is actually five big moles in a human suit, all of whom think they're the third strongest of the group
Draco: lol
Cornwind Evil: That's why she has trouble with numbers
Cornwind Evil: However, since Beast Busters never got another game
Cornwind Evil: We never found out what the things to come were
Gooper Blooper: They were lying
Gooper Blooper: there were no more things to come, Uwu was it
Draco: uwu
Cornwind Evil: There was a Neo Geo Pocket Color game and a phone game later
Cornwind Evil: But neither followed up on that thing written there
Cornwind Evil: Which makes sense: the second Beast Busters didn't follow up on the cliffhanger of the FIRST Beast Busters either
Cornwind Evil: Which was 'hey what made all these undead monsters? Oh look, a UFO's descending.' ROLL CREDITS
WorkModo (sssh): been using my homebrew'd 3ds to play old games
WorkModo (sssh): specifically pokemon and such
WorkModo (sssh): current verdict on spectrobes: it fucking sucks
WorkModo (sssh): the combat system is ass and everything else has the depth of a paddling pool in a drought
WorkModo (sssh): will not be playing again in future
Space Del: Post to Post: i will say, before anything else, that when i went to check if anyone had mentioned the drake/kendrick beef in here, i found more references to the pokemon character than mr aubrey graham
Space Del: Post to Post: never change
Tenacious Del: barpost
Diadem: ...can i date her
(During an investigation event run by Seychelles)
Evil Bert: I swear I'm herding cats
Gooper Blooper: That's Kobbering for you
Gooper Blooper: If you don't point them at an obvious villain they tend to just kinda flop around and meme at each other
Space Del: Post to Post: me: installs bug fables and valkyria chronicles 4
Space Del: Post to Post: me also: plays more deep rock
Diadem: same feel
Diadem: i'll rock n stone to that
Space Del: Post to Post: mech squad
Diadem: robogang
May Sheep: Robros!
Jumpropeman: Browny's family...
Diadem: ?!?
Diadem: wha happun
Jumpropeman: Browny the robot
Diadem: OH
Diadem: i'm
Diadem: i'm so sorry i thought you meant the dog...
RubyChao: who allowed browny to have family
Jumpropeman: brownie the dog is spelled like the food!
Jumpropeman: he is doing very well
Diadem: i am a got dang fool
Jumpropeman: rainbowdash has a cat named Pop and the two are basically brothers
Jumpropeman: she got Pop the only way you can get a cat: it just showed up one day at her place and eventually became a pet
Diadem: cat distribution system working as planned
May Sheep: Cat by mail
Diadem: mail-in cat
Space Del: Post to Post: mail cat, the cat thats in the mail???
Space Del: Post to Post: skim
Space Del: Post to Post: ble
Space Del: Post to Post: shanks
Space Del: Post to Post: the mail-way cat
Jumpropeman: dang
Jumpropeman: here's your trophy del
Evil Bert: The cat of the mainway train
Space Del: Post to Post: i shall take this trophy
Space Del: Post to Post: and put it in my trophy room
Space Del: Post to Post: with the others
Space Del: Post to Post: i nearly typed trophy woom cos im thinking about splatoon 3's final season thats coming up
Diadem: woom
Jumpropeman: brain covered in ink
Space Del: Post to Post: instead of brain there is deep cuit
Diadem: ...wonder where draco is (probably writing a book about how team clover fucks everything up)
Space Del: Post to Post: mostly big man
Jumpropeman: look upon it ye mortals
Jumpropeman: Garfield Miku is official
Draco: Garfield's made it big. ;-;
Hooded Pitohui: Garfield Miku... a powerful force...
Gooper Blooper: Garf... (Garfield being an official Nickelodeon property still feels weird)
Jumpropeman: nickelodeon bought garfield and tmnt and act like they've been an iconic part of nick for years
Gooper Blooper: Is Maomao as, for lack of a better word, Sally-esque in her source material as she is when HP is writing her
Evil Bert: I don't have a reference for Sallly
RubyChao: goops: yes, yes she is
RubyChao: this woman loves poisons
Hooded Pitohui: She is, I would say, even more Sally-esque in the source material
RubyChao: entirely too much.
Gooper Blooper checks danbooru article
Gooper Blooper: "as revealed midway in volume 1, her freckles are fake, a combination of shallow tattoos and makeup."
Gooper Blooper: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sssilrn096ag1i5/Zero.jpg?dl=0
RubyChao: it's okay, in RP they're real
Hooded Pitohui: Don't worry. They're real in RP.
Hooded Pitohui: oh Chao beat me to it
Diadem: thats fucked up
Diadem: kela'd
Gooper Blooper: Chao responding first leads me to believe Chao and HP had a secret Maomao freckle discussion
Evil Bert: It was not vol 1
Gooper Blooper: which is great
RubyChao: we did!
Evil Bert: It was at least vol 2
RubyChao: he's told me about maomao for rp for a while, he has Ideas
RubyChao: she was in fact originally considered for Argo but he buckled under and put her in a season early
Jumpropeman: ideas that involve authentic frecks
RubyChao: and GOOPS
RubyChao: sey: volume 1 of the light novels
RubyChao: each of the LN volumes ended up being like three or four volumes of manga
Gooper Blooper: GOOD
Evil Bert: ic
RubyChao: specifically the final thing that made him throw up his hands and go "FINE" was you dropping Castti into rp
RubyChao: and him realizing "i gotta capitalize on the potential apothecary interactions"
Gooper Blooper: Castti was also conceived as primarily an Argo character but I was under no illusion that I could hold myself back that long
piss off kupo: Ok
Cornwind Evil: But Sey, are you telling someone named Kupo to piss off
Cornwind Evil: Or speaking as a Moogle telling someone to piss off
piss off kupo: Yes
piss off kupo: Anyways
Gooper Blooper: Chao, do you have examples of what Pierre serves besides meat pie?
Jumpropeman: her chef, sweeney todd, only makes the meat pies
Gooper Blooper: The menu is just different sizes of meat pie
May Sheep: It's all meatloaf.
RubyChao: it's pretty much just meat stuff - meatloaf, meat pieces, sausages, burgers, all those good meat dishes - and sides (fries and the like)
RubyChao: very much a Grill or BBQ type place
RubyChao: *meat pies :V
Gooper Blooper: I'm laughing at the thought of a dish called "meat pieces"
Gooper Blooper: That's so concerningly vague
Gooper Blooper: "Made With Real Meat!"
Jumpropeman: give em the bits
Gooper Blooper: We Have The Meats
May Sheep: "You might not know who I am, but maybe you've seen a Natasha Nielsen on the news?"
May Sheep: but maybe you've seen Natasha Nielson on the menu?
RubyChao: sheep we are not eating natasha.
piss off kupo: Yet
Gooper Blooper: Dorothy: Shame, she's such a dish.
Hooded Pitohui: Would be a filling meal, that's for certain
piss off kupo: I love entering chatzy with no context
Jumpropeman: Shribble?
Jumpropeman: this girl's got too many excellent nicknames
RubyChao: me and pito have way too much fun playing with her name
RubyChao: shrib
RubyChao: shibbers
RubyChao: shirable
Gooper Blooper: Oh, is this the first Shribble that's made it to forum
RubyChao: shribboleth
Gooper Blooper: Can confirm I am in on the Shirabe name gag
Gooper Blooper: shrubbery
Hooded Pitohui: I can't reliably search her name in our DMs anymore because we call her by so many different names.
Gooper Blooper: It reminds me of how Chao called Youmu "yam" and I joined in and it eventually degraded into calling Youmu Konpaku, master swordswoman, "potato"
RubyChao: i'm glad the potato is back this year
RubyChao: dali really is good for a half-ghost
Gooper Blooper: what's taters, precious
Jumpropeman: that's been trapped in my head since the gollum game
Jumpropeman: it normally is anyway, but even moreso lately
Jumpropeman: sadly, no taters were in the game
Jumpropeman: it would be a timeline inconsistency if he did encounter taters!
HarpyCurry: "bro ur food is MID"
HarpyCurry: -atttami basically
HarpyCurry: too many ts in that
Gooper Blooper: attami, more like
Gooper Blooper: AT&T
HarpyCurry: OOOOOOH
HarpyCurry: "I should just cook at home. God damn." -crim right now
Gooper Blooper: eat at koko's
Jumpropeman: atummy
Cornwind Evil: If she'd become interesting in archeology instead she'd be Atomby
RubyChao: if she was okuu
RubyChao: she would Atombomby
Cornwind Evil: If she tapped the Fist of Murderous Intent she'd be Akumaby
Gooper Blooper: Atummy has big "Kaede Snackafatsu" energy
RubyChao: looking back at the original talky tina twilight zone episode
RubyChao: talky tina did nothing wrong
Cornwind Evil: ....what episode was that
Gooper Blooper: the one with Talky Tina in it
Cornwind Evil: Yes, what was the episode's NAME
HarpyCurry: goops with the sass
May Sheep squints
May Sheep: wait
May Sheep: no
May Sheep: is
May Sheep: Is Homestuck still a thing?!
Evil Bert: I don't know
HarpyCurry: homestuck... TWO
Cornwind Evil: Pretty sure the OG one is done
May Sheep: NO
Draco: D8
May Sheep: I forbid it
RubyChao: yeah it's homestuck 2
Draco: Problem Sleuth 2 is okay though. That's allowed.
Gooper Blooper: sweet bro and hella jeff 2
RubyChao: pasted a chunk of the brawl into a text generator thing to see what popped out
RubyChao: "What's the plan?" Sanae asks.
"The rats have left the temple, which means the card holders are on their way." Suwako says, looking around.
"The rats have also stopped coming out of the windows and doors. Maybe we can use them to barricade the entrances?"
"And leave us with no escape route if we fail?"
"Better than being completely trapped inside the building."
Suwako looks over to where the rats were originally coming out of.
"I know I'm not the smartest person, but I have an idea. How about we barricade the place and then leave via the rats' old escape route? I know that it's pretty obvious, but if we leave the card holders to deal with the rats, then it will buy us some time."
Sanae looks back over.
"It's not the best plan, but I think it could work. But we have a bigger problem."
Suwako was a little annoyed.
"What now? We need to make a quick decision."
Sanae points at something on the floor.
"The rats left us a big present."
There was a pile of bricks on the floor.
Draco: lol
Diadem: rat bricks, my favorite weapon
Jumpropeman: pied piper's legacy lives on
Gooper Blooper: Burst out laughing at the surprise twist at the end
Gooper Blooper: Also, Suwako has a GENIUS INTELLECT and is therefore being humble when she says she's not the smartest person
Draco: Swack's genius intellect knows that pretending to be humble will trick the rats.
Diadem: shit man where is the loredump on the orbs
Diadem: ...honestly why am i using diadem's name to write such vulgar things
Gooper Blooper: Dia is just very casual when posting online
Gooper Blooper: Offline, cute elf. Online, "shit man"
Diadem: oh no its me-
Diadem: ...no wait i'm too vulgar irl too
Jumpropeman: the lasagna we have in my freezer is a garfield movie tie-in lasagna
Gooper Blooper: I saw Garfield Movie branded kitty litter at Walmart
Diadem: wh
Diadem: why...
Space Del: Post to Post: return of the garf
Space Del: Post to Post: return of the garf
Space Del: Post to Post: you know it makes me barf
Gooper Blooper: There was also a Garfield hooded blanket, Garfield socks, Garfield shirts, and an electronic Baby Garfield "interactive plush"
Space Del: Post to Post flies past on a cloud sort of playing a piano but not really
Gooper Blooper: they put all the Garfield merch next to the pet stuff instead of near the toys
Diadem: "baby garf"
Jumpropeman: horatio needs that garf litter
Evil Bert: Hope you enjoyed Illuso first rp were he spends the entire thing hiding in a corner
Evil Bert: It won't be his last
Cornwind Evil: He just picked the wrong place to debut
Cornwind Evil: It worked a lot better on the Dawn Death Angels mission
Evil Bert: Ok now I'm picturing like Dawn's version of Charlie's Angels
Cornwind Evil: ....I don't know who that would be
Evil Bert: Which Illuso definately would be into
Cornwind Evil: Then again, La Squadra would already be experienced posers
Cornwind Evil: What with being Jojo characters
Cornwind Evil: I suspect due to her constant use as a strong blunt instrument, Julia would be one
Cornwind Evil: Julia: I am NOT doing any sort of mission like the one depicted in that 2001 movie.
Jumpropeman: i heard there is an infamous charlie's angels gamecube game
Gooper Blooper: yes indeed
Evil Bert: please send it to JRM
Cornwind Evil: Julia: I'll fight Thin Men, but not do car washes.
Evil Bert: I don't actually know the plot to Charlies Angels
Cornwind Evil: Lots of fanservice as three attractive women use their sex appeal to make their missions easier via distraction
Cornwind Evil: And when that doesn't work they just beat people up
Evil Bert: Ah
Evil Bert: La Squadra has definitely tried those tactics
Cornwind Evil: Julia doesn't do fanservice
Cornwind Evil: Julia does introduce your face to a fan service
Draco: O mai~
Draco: She's so cool.
Draco: She blows me away. 💗
Draco: I'm her biggest fan.
Draco: She makes everything look like a breeze.
Cornwind Evil: It reminds me of someone cutting together footage of She-Hulk twerking with Megan Lee Stallion to Hulk getting assaulted by high end winds or force or something
Cornwind Evil: I commented "This looks like she's having utterly terrible flatulence."
Jumpropeman: was looking up the marvel character Luna Snow since she's in the new overwatch clone Marvel Rivals
Jumpropeman: found this art of her, thought "that's a cornwind faceclaim if I ever saw one"
Cornwind Evil: Hmmmm
Cornwind Evil: Could be
Draco: That's Marya Shadebolter, a Weav seeress who can use Stream powers to read a person's intelligence by focusing on how quickly their blood is flowing through their lungs.
Draco: Marya pronounced Maria
Jumpropeman: listen to that lung blood sing
Draco: Julia is unreadable because she has mastered the art of making her heart never beat the same way twice.
Jumpropeman: "She is a voice in the British Scooby-Doo BBC segments in English.
She is a homourist or lack of voice in the pro, she is contributed with her co-horts...
She was formally another voice persuaded to,"
Jumpropeman: ghoul school wiki is rough
Cornwind Evil: Isabelle tries to make a special dessert for the visiting Bleak Hills people at her resteraunt.
Cornwind Evil: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bTmI_g9qoBc
Gooper Blooper: >a separate wiki just for Ghoul School instead of just being content with being part of the inevitable scooby wiki
Gooper Blooper: pff
Jumpropeman: "Phantasma is the daughter of a phantom. As such, she can act just like a ghost"
Cornwind Evil: You don't say
Gooper Blooper: incredible theorizing
Jumpropeman: big if true
Gooper Blooper: remember that alvin and the chipmunks wiki that listed every possible hint of a pairing between the chipmunks and the chipettes even though the pairings were officially confirmed a dozen times over
Draco: LOL
Gooper Blooper: actually, come to think of it, here's a very tired thought that blearily emerged, half-formed, from my mind
Gooper Blooper: if they're called "Alvin and the Chipmunks" isn't that implying that Alvin is not a chipmunk
Gooper Blooper: and if he's not a chipmunk
Gooper Blooper: what is he
Cornwind Evil: Complicated
Jumpropeman: EXCELLENT POST *rubs praise in Pito's face*
Gooper Blooper: https://goodsrepublic.com/product/product_page_5782849.html
Jumpropeman: it's like a weary version of a fumo
Gooper Blooper: hmmmmm
Draco: Ishii Fumo is the best.
Jumpropeman: ishii's head is wide
Gooper Blooper: it's gotta be to fit all those plane facts no one else remembers into her head alongside the potato recipes
Hooded Pitohui: I did not think any Ishii merchandise would exist in this world.
Hooded Pitohui: Being put next to Ozen Iliesh, now that's a compliment for someone-
Draco: Ishii's secretly a Sphinx running her own squadron of aerial stunt fliers.
Gooper Blooper: can confirm, by the way, that this google images trawl has shown me that, yes, looking absolutely exhausted is the Ishii version of Honoka's :D
Gooper Blooper: this is just the face she makes all the time.
Jumpropeman: all these ishiis look like they're going to bed after you're done talking to them
Jumpropeman: and they were already in bed before you started talking to them
Hooded Pitohui: Can confirm that her being a woman who is always tired was part of the charm that drew me to her in the first place
Gooper Blooper: one more
Draco: Ishii invented the potato? ;o;
Jumpropeman: the girls open their wrappers, find youmu fumos inside
Draco: Those are SWEET potatoes.
Hooded Pitohui: https://i.postimg.cc/bvnhNNwQ/Taters.png
RubyChao: Incredible.
Draco: Beautiful.
Jumpropeman: quality memeage
Gooper Blooper: attami is so happy to see that tater
Draco: "How many Gunningshire maids are in this town, anyway?" <- MEANWHILE, AT THE CONVENTION CENTER ACROSS THE STREET
Gooper Blooper: link
Cornwind Evil: What happened because Brine never managed to do Maidplot
Space Del: Post to Post: wow this monitor fuckin BLASTS light
Space Del: Post to Post: oh yeah i got a new monitor it's enormous
Jumpropeman: free sun tan
Space Del: Post to Post: i need a dark mode for chatzy, very badly
Space Del: Post to Post: because yikes
Space Del: Post to Post: okay found one
Jumpropeman: My Preferences>Account Preferences>Back Color near the bottom of the options
Space Del: Post to Post: i used a skin string
Space Del: Post to Post: i am no longer the MY EYES spongebob fish
Jumpropeman: didn't notice the Background Image in that area before
RubyChao: hi cornwind
Jumpropeman: how chatzy was always meant to be viewed:
Space Del: Post to Post: N O
Gooper Blooper: "In the beginning Jim Davis created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the lasagna. And the Spirit of Jim Davis moved upon the face of the lasagna.
And Jim Davis said, Let there be Garf: and there was Garf.
And Jim Davis saw the Garf, that it was good."
Tenacious Del: the problem with writing a character who's supposed to be good at diplomacy and words is that their ability is limited by your ability to write good diplomacy and words
Tenacious Del: mostly I skate on by with my characters by having them say "fuck" a lot
Gooper Blooper: an extremely successful diplomat who has won multiple peace prizes via saying "fuck"
Cornwind Evil: "Morag reached before her and pulled out a jar of orange fluid" NO NOT THE TEAM FORTRESS 2 SNIPER TRICK
Gooper Blooper: if your Jarate is orange, please see a doctor or drink less Sunny Delight
Tenacious Del: no to both
Tenacious Del: you'll prise my sunny d from my cold hands
Tenacious Del: yes it was called sunny d in the uk
Tenacious Del: no they didn't know
Gooper Blooper: it's called sunny d here too
Tenacious Del: oh
Tenacious Del: hm
Tenacious Del: I checked the Wikipedia page and lold at the line "it superficially resembles orange juice"
Gooper Blooper: adjacent to orange juice
Tenacious Del: 0% orange juice
Tenacious Del: "It was sold in refrigerated cabinets, and marketed as a healthier alternative to soft drinks despite neither being healthier nor requiring refrigeration"
RubyChao: I Can't Believe It's Not Orange Juice!
Tenacious Del: I love to fucking lie about my orange drink
RubyChao: holy shit this wikipedia page is dragging sunny d
RubyChao: just shreds
Tenacious Del: Chancellor palpatine voice "I love wikipedia"
Gooper Blooper: "why don't you just drink poison you absolute buffoon"
RubyChao: did someone say drink poison
Tenacious Del: "In December 1999, according to a report by BBC News, the negative publicity escalated when a Sunny Delight television commercial showing a snowman turning orange was released, at about the same time as reports of a four-year-old girl who experienced her skin turning orange – due to the product's use of beta-Carotene for color – after drinking an estimated 1.5 liters of Sunny Delight a day."
Tenacious Del: 1.5 liters of Sunny d a day is too much
RubyChao: oh hey my mom says that happened to me as a kid
not like BRIGHT orange but she said when i was young i ate carrots so much there was a slight orange cast
Gooper Blooper: holy shit that kid was chugging way too much sunny d
RubyChao: it was apparently very concerning
Tenacious Del: this kid is addicted to that sweet sweet orange substance
Mobile Draco joined the chat
Tenacious Del: kendrick wishes he could write burns as bad as Wikipedia dissing sunny d
Mobile Draco: The Sunny D target audience.
Jumpropeman: "Tommy Tallarico was a video game composer in the 90s and 2000s and the founder of sound effects company Tommy Tallarico Studios. It's since come out that he's a giant narcissist who constantly lies about his own achievements and takes credit for the work of his employees.
For what's relevant to this thread: In 2018 he bought the rights to the Intellivision name and used it to promote a console named the Intellivision Amico, which is still nowhere in sight four years after it was supposed to release. When Atari says they bought the Intellivision brand, he's the one they bought it from." better explanation about ol tommy
Gooper Blooper: Atari's really turned it around recently and has been doing great carving out a niche as the golden age arcade game retro guys, Intellivision is safe with them
Jumpropeman: yup! Im so happy about their big turnaround of late
Gooper Blooper: we're getting a new Sprint next month
Gooper Blooper: there hasn't been a new Sprint game since before I was fuckin born
Jumpropeman: I appreciate they're releasing these small games too instead of going for the game industry "we must put 10 million dollars into this game that must be the biggest game of all time or its not worth making" trend
Gooper Blooper: "our new game, which sold five million copies, did not meet expectations."
Jumpropeman: square enix has entered the chat
RubyChao: "we have sold a copy of the game to every living human on the planet earth" "Did not meet expectations."
Jumpropeman: I was thinking earlier how the nintendo plot was "fun video game challenges despite the mean boss man" and now we're at "girl begs half her body not to force her to fight her friends"
Jumpropeman: "Morag wasn't a gamer." dreams shattered...
Diadem: owned
Draco: Sorry, JRM, but Morag isn't joining the 3D0 Girls next year.
Market Sheep: I keep forgetting Sunny is just Dressed Like That
Market Sheep: Every time CW uses her picture, I think it's a JoJo character from an part I'm not familiar with
Gooper Blooper: CW actually showed me that picture last year and said he was considering it for Sunny. I preferred her older faceclaims for their mix of cute and "high-class", but I have to admit a teenager obsessed with fashion would probably eventually do something really weird just for the hell of it.
Market Sheep: "It's not a phase" -Sunny, probably
Gooper Blooper: I did that thing again where I reminded myself how great Stella is
Gooper Blooper: she is eternal
Market Sheep ate spaghetti in the kitchen
Market Sheep comes back to find a drop of sauce on his monitor
RubyChao: you know how it is with spaghetti
Market Sheep: HOW??
Evil Bert: black magic
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: oh, Radiola is a fan creation?
Gooper Blooper: yes indeedy
Jumpropeman looks at Rachel
Jumpropeman: i expect great things-
Draco: But we ran out of Sega Girls to pair. D:
Cornwind Evil: Eventually we will be completely and utterly out of Console-Chans to pair
Cornwind Evil: And THEN where will we be?
Cornwind Evil: Future Cornwind: I knew things were getting desperate when someone introduced PS9.
Draco: I'm good.
Cornwind Evil: (For commercials for Playstation 2, one featured a theorized Playstation 9)
Cornwind Evil: (Which was basically a swarm of nanites you breathed in with an asthma inhaler esque device)
Jumpropeman changes plot to have PS9 as the final boss
Dels of War: i was looking at an old chatzy madness and this url 404s
Dels of War: because spacejam.com got overwritten by a new website for the garbage new movie that sucks
SteelKomodo: rip
RubyChao: the only thing that could kill space jam... was space jam...
Dels of War: my god
Dels of War: he's right
SteelKomodo: rest in piss, space jam
Draco: LAME
Draco: WAIT
Draco: It's still there! The URL just changed:
Dels of War: PRAISE BE
Jumpropeman joined the chat
RubyChao: hi jrm!
RubyChao: you can join plot if you want, we just started
Jumpropeman: i dunno, i don't really go on plots
Gooper Blooper: did someone say satan
Gooper Blooper: alternate joke
Jumpropeman: haha
Jumpropeman: really though give me a sec to catch up
Market Sheep: "Magilou is currently seated at the bar"
Market Sheep: Managed to read that as SEALED IN the bar
Market Sheep: ancient evil
Market Sheep: do not open
Market Sheep: "I don't know illusions, but I know someone who does."
Market Sheep: May
Gooper Blooper: We unsealed the ancient evil and look what she did to our beautiful BBB13
RubyChao: she RUINED it
Cornwind Evil: Because the video game was just so successful and all
Jumpropeman: remember any time that someone idolizes the original text that a lot of our versions of old classics are like the fourth edition after rereleases with edits
Gooper Blooper: "Gollum, a wretched creature, who we just can’t get enough of, apparently."
RubyChao: so who wants to see one of the doofiest designs in kinnikuman
RubyChao: so goofy it got redesigned
Tenacious Del: pls show
RubyChao: okay so
RubyChao: this is ganman! he is a major antagonist in the revival run
RubyChao: very solid bad guy
RubyChao: intimidating, powerful, a huge jerk in the love to hate heel type of way, and he gets taken down with a super cool move from one of my favorite characters so what's not to like?
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: in the first chapter he showed up in
RubyChao: he looked like a fuckin' muppet (that's the original on the left)
RubyChao: they actually went back and redrew the ENTIRE CHAPTER of his appearances for the volume release because they rethought the design that hard
I KICK YOUR FACE: He's just so happy to be there
Draco: Ah. He was too powerful in his original form.
I KICK YOUR FACE: Then he realized evil is never happy
Gooper Blooper: Original Ganman looks like he wants to sell me wilkins coffee
Tenacious Del: buy Wilkins or get piledriver'd???
RubyChao: i mean, that's basically the tactic already
RubyChao: "Coffee? Sure! Just pour it into my fuel tank here."
"I can also consume coffee in that fashion."
"Got any donuts to go with the coffee? I'm starved."
"With cream, please!"
Frost is tired and not a fan of coffee and has forgotten that it's unwise to refuse Wilkins. She opens her mouth to politely decline.
But right then, Frost slips. Right next to a fallen Welcome Mat she'd dropped.
Things just seem to happen to people who don't drink Wilkins.
Gooper Blooper: *we'll be right back jingle*
Tenacious Del: lol
(Maomao is hit with a poison attack and enjoys it despite clearly being hurt by it)
Diadem: ...maomao is a very, very interesting sort
RubyChao: she is weird.
Diadem: i like her.
Jumpropeman: bug nerd, archaeology nerd, poison nerd... i think pitohui has a type
RubyChao: don't forget his previous poison nerd
Hooded Pitohui: It's not difficult to win me over with a nerd.
Gooper Blooper: Pitohui has two types
-fiercely strong and independent lady
-goofy nerd
Diadem: maomao
Hooded Pitohui: Accurate
Gooper Blooper: Min-Min is currently a goofy nerd attempting to become a fiercely strong and independent lady
Draco: Ishii is a strong, independent lady trying to become a goofy nerd.
I KICK YOUR FACE: Yeah, unfortunately, unlike Famardy's creations, Foom doesn't melt into goo that's actually good for the enviroment
I KICK YOUR FACE: He's just...there in the street.
Market Sheep: That carcass is really going to make some
Market Sheep: Fooms
Gooper Blooper: my favorite JRM character, Fooms
Jumpropeman: Fumes emerges from Fin's corpse, "Eyy, anyone got a cake I can eat around here?" *audience laughs and claps, screen irises out*
Gooper Blooper: XD
Diadem: eeey, cousins, wanna go bowling
BattleBloops: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOTKBJ7WcAAXFH0?format=png&name=large
Hooded Pitohui: I've been seeing a lot of the TTYD remake, natural result of being around a community over on the Mario Wiki and all. And I've been reminded of how much I like Grubba and the vibe of the Glitz Pit, as I've been seeing a lot of that specifically. But the unexpected side effect of seeing a lot of Grubba is that I had to stop myself today while writing dialogue because I realized I had accidentally began to stray into southern flair.
BattleBloops: I mean, to be fair
BattleBloops: That guy running the resort you're setting up is definitely giving off Grubba vibes
Hooded Pitohui: That's exactly who was slipping into Grubba-isms
Hooded Pitohui: TTYD remake coming around also has me reflecting on what Flavio contributed early on to me having a strong fondness for merchants and traders
Hooded Pitohui: For almost two decades I've been slowly taking the bloom
off the rose that is TTYD as I've grown and more closely scrutinized
some of its missteps, but it takes one remake coming along and I'm going
"hehoohe I like-a-the plumber's funny adventure in a world of cads and
Hooded Pitohui: It's got some missteps but on the whole it remains a stellar game
Draco: Get a Gamecube, Cornwind.
BattleBloops: link
Draco: lol
Jumpropeman: shoulda bought a switch!
Jumpropeman: bad things happen to people who don't
Draco: Wilkins Switch
Cornwind Evil: 0:13 Sheep when he finally wins a Brawl
RubyChao: seems about correct
Gooper Blooper: "Kick squirrel. Try not to kick chainsaw." - Now this is a good, simple battle plan we can all get behind
Jumpropeman: i can't believe Mima is freezing my Nuts
Mobile Draco: If only she were a belligerent streamer girl too...
Diadem: if you can't handle the cold keep your nuts out of the freezer
Diadem: also i am going to regret Crimella the moment everybody likes her as a girl more
Diadem: also also very stupid joke: crim's quite literally genderfluid.
Jumpropeman: crimella, crimella, deville
Diadem: (also i will not actually regret crimella because i can just shift back and forth. i get the best of both worlds, mwahaha-)
Diadem: *clear signs that she is, in fact, bi*
Draco: Julia's going to try speedrunning a plot one day and get teleported into the sun.
Cornwind Evil: Julia: Joke's on you, I'm so tough that -is instantly atomized-
Draco: Julia atomized the sun. 😱
Jumpropeman: https://youtube.com/watch?v=64rW7LI18LE
Gooper Blooper: Cathy's reaction to the word "golf" is fantastic
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: i remember meeting a girl from argentina through gaia online and adding her on facebook
Draco: lol
Jumpropeman: gaia online was really the "stand around and chat in a world" game, and people were constantly looking for virtual girlfriend and boyfriends to stand beside and fail to make small talk with
Draco: I cringe remembering my Gaiaonline days.
Jumpropeman: im glad i did one of those things
Jumpropeman: missed the club penguin bus
Draco: I missed the Club Penguin bus, but when I volunteered in a school library, one of the students bragged "Yeah, I play Club Penguin and I'm not afraid to admit it."
Jumpropeman: so cool...
Dels of War: i can feel the warp overtaking me
Dels of War: it is not, contrary to popular opinion, a good pain
Mobile Draco: They found the Backrooms.
Jumpropeman: the youtube "translate comment" option turned "dios mio" into "OMG!"
Cornwind Evil: ...it's not WRONG...
Gooper Blooper: Happy Jurassic June
Jumpropeman: pride icons
RubyChao: goops that just made me think
RubyChao: this but it's the jurassic park humans
RubyChao: "do you want us to make like, gay dinosaurs"
Dels of War: lmao
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: So Goopsmom has been playing Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 again lately. You may recall she cleared every level on every difficulty save for four obscenely hard ones that according to my research are so difficult they've had people claiming that RNG with the movement of the ghosts can make them impossible
Gooper Blooper: she came up with some nice analogies for being endlessly stuck on a game you've nearly completed but you just can't manage to get over the finish line
Gooper Blooper: 1: "It's like you've repainted your wall but you ran out of paint so there's one little unpainted section left."
2: "It's like working for two weeks and not getting your paycheck after."
3: "It's like being unable to get out a sneeze for three and a half years."
Draco: Yikes
Jumpropeman: that sneeze one sounds the worst
Jumpropeman: assuming you still knew you had to sneeze that whole time
Gooper Blooper: Oh, and for JRM: In reply to this discussion, I told her about Slingshot Explorer
Gooper Blooper: There IS video evidence that Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 is not impossible to beat, but that's almost worse-
Diadem: "its like being unable to get out a sneeze for three and a half years"
Diadem: i fucking felt that
Diadem: i felt that right in the heart
Jumpropeman: on the one hand, slingshot explorer is so bad more people should know, but it is also cursed knowledge. it should be locked away to keep others safe
Gooper Blooper: slingshit
(While exploring a castle made out of candy:)
Diadem: >everyone is licking the wall
Diadem: yuna started a movement.
Jumpropeman: imagine if like, this place didn't have some sinister purpose
Jumpropeman: kobbers just showing up and taking bites out of the walls and leaving
Diadem: candy god did not like that
Gooper Blooper: This is why you lock your doors!
Gooper Blooper: Pests can get in!
Hooded Pitohui: Going back and informing the public that there's a candy castle, not anticipating that it will be gone within hours of this becoming widely-known
Gooper Blooper: Return the next day and there's just Min-Min sitting there in a patch of empty ground
Gooper Blooper: "There was a candy castle... but I eated it :3"
Jumpropeman: phenomenon: contained (in belly)
Draco: Paimon ate the lock.
Draco: She IS a pest.
Gooper Blooper: Gonna need some mothballs.
Draco: D:
Draco: Her weakness!
Cornwind Evil: I went to a private school for several years
Cornwind Evil: While they served three meals a day, the lunch and dinner did not include desserts
Cornwind Evil: The sweet thing was given out at night just before we went to bed, this was called "Snack" (or The Snack)
Cornwind Evil: One of the minor punishments you could get was to lose your Snack, for the night or for a longer period of time
Cornwind Evil: Anyway there were three kinds of students: day ones, boarders (who slept at the school during the week but went home on the weekends) and weekend boarders who stayed at the school save for certain four day weekends and weekslong breaks at Christmas, Easter, end of June, and August
Cornwind Evil: Those were the students whose parents were farther away, like mine
Cornwind Evil: Anyway weekend boarders had a relaxed time: you could wear casual clothes, there were outings on the weekends and movies on Friday and Saturday night, it was generally about an average of 7 to 10 students overseen by a senior supervisor
Cornwind Evil: Anyway one Friday I did something wrong and lost my snack.
Cornwind Evil: Then that night we the weekend boarders and the overseer were play fighting and wrestling, fun stuff
Cornwind Evil: And the overseer decided it would be a great idea to jump off the couch and give me, in wrestling terms, what is called a bulldog
Cornwind Evil: He did it fine. He wrapped his big arm around my head, the arm took the impact, I was not hurt at all
Cornwind Evil: But for some reason I decided to pretend I had been knocked senseless
Cornwind Evil: Cue about twenty seconds of growing panic before I pretended to 'come to my senses'.
Cornwind Evil: In exchange for not bringing the incident up ever, the overseer gave me my snack back
Cornwind Evil: So ha ha, I beat the system.
(The Candy Castle event takes a turn into drama as the Kobbers begin questioning the PCR's methods and motives)
Jumpropeman: piyori's really benefiting from this plot
Gooper Blooper: Chao requested Piyori attend every single event of this plot. His very reasonable explanation was that he really likes Piyori.
RubyChao: she's fitting, too!
Gooper Blooper: I'm glad I sent someone smart too because there were a couple times I had to change Piyori's dialogue while writing because she was sounding too intelligent
RubyChao: heeeeeeh
Jumpropeman: that's one reason I try not to have too many absolute dumbos on my roster now :V
Jumpropeman: getting stuck on a talky plot with just a cirno...
Gooper Blooper: Piyori is a good girl but she needed to hear other people put her muddy thoughts into words on their own. You can see the exact moment the implications click into place and she starts acting differently around the agents
Draco: That's why I had to send Paimon, to have someone smart today.
Jumpropeman: she knew all the right words, and didn't say them so others felt smart saying them instead!
RubyChao: anyhow
RubyChao: the finale will be the agents trying to take Alex in and you have to kill both of them
RubyChao: look forward to it
Gooper Blooper: no no, I got a better one chao
Gooper Blooper: they try to take Puck in and Alex demands we kill them
Jumpropeman: Deezilla should have finished the job...
Gooper Blooper: That motorcycle is just too weird
Diadem: weird dream corner: brine's new character, a dialga human counterpart that i am afraid of mispelling... just wanting to chill in the core of a star and sleep
Brine: Not gen wun enough I do like the concept, gotta admit. Might tack that on to something.
Diadem: sorry, my dreams latched onto dialga instead of mewtwo
Diadem: take it up with doremy
Brine grumbles about how cool Charizard is.
Mobile Draco: Nidoking is the best Gen 1. Fight me.
(For an event taking place in a hot spring)
Jumpropeman sends PS4 just for the fan service-
Diadem: if you send ps4 i'm sending crim, jrm
Jumpropeman: if she had any way to fight I would
Diadem: *looks at piper's weapon shop*
Diadem: then again who would think to bring a weapon?
Diadem: hmst.
Jumpropeman: "Im going to the hot spring today. Give me your finest drill"
Diadem: "oh, i see, you want to be drilled today. well here have the drilldozer 3000"
Hooded Pitohui: I think if I went to a hot spring in real life and someone just happened to have a drill (and was not using it to menace anyone), I would genuinely be impressed. I'd just be, like, "oh, this person is prepared to fix any problem, got it. They are beyond my power."
Diadem: ps4's gotten into hot spring maintenance
Jumpropeman: "you'd be looking for Armando, the shortstack" PS4 didn't come because she'd be disappointed to see Armando after that pitch-
(Concerning Paper Mario TTYD)
Jumpropeman: also that reminds me
Jumpropeman: Toadsworth relevant again
Jumpropeman: #BringBackToadsworth
Gooper Blooper: Oh yeah, they just kinda dropped him for no reason at all didn't they
Jumpropeman: dude hosted an entire mario party and they just toss him in the trash
Diadem: tragic
Diadem: he took them out on a ship and for what? to be nothing more than chopped shrooms?
Jumpropeman: he was in the mario movie concept art and they replaced him with "toad with glasses"...
Diadem: absolutely brutal.
(After Frost Salamanders attack the Kobbers, Draco makes this video)
Gooper Blooper: Aqua doesn't even have to get out of her chair to deal with this
Draco: I just happened to have a Frost Salamander on hand, so why not? :V
Cornwind Evil: For Goops
Gooper Blooper: I like how you can see the exact moment the real beetle decides "alright, fine, let's do this"
Jumpropeman: John Henry level moment for that beetle
RubyChao: "Although she did feel like she was coming into the middle of the story and was asking how to see the first wrestling matches for context..."RubyChao: so yuuma wants to go all the way back to the territory days?
RubyChao: or are we talking olike
RubyChao: frank gotch and lou thesz
Jumpropeman: yuuma needs that lore!
Jumpropeman: she doesn't know how deep the rabbit hole goes, but she'll dive in as deep as she can get
RubyChao: what about
RubyChao: "Wrestling as a type of mock combat and display behaviour among males has anthropological roots, and is also seen in non-human Great Apes. Its documented history however necessarily begins with the history of pictorial representations. The oldest representations of wrestling date back 15,000-20,000 years ago, found in southern France.[1] Cave paintings in the Bayankhongor Province of Mongolia dating back to Neolithic age of 7000 BC show grappling of two naked men and surrounded by crowds.[2]"
Gooper Blooper: Yuuma boning up on monke wrestling
Mobile Draco: Garvan, armed with a magical rod that fires enchanted stones at supersonic speeds and gravity magic. Macka...has a gun that shoots BULLETS.
Diadem: I CAST GUN
Jumpropeman: a bullet gun? It'll never catch on
Gooper Blooper: Reminds me of how I was looking at an older Chatzy Madness today and re-found the Momopie discussion that opened with talking about a "witch's spell of breaking every bone in someone's body" with the ingredients list being just "car"
RubyChao: i still say she would.
Gooper Blooper: Momopie may return someday, I don't RP many characters like her and she was fun
RubyChao: momopie returns by simply falling out of the sky on a 10 ton weight
RubyChao: instantly killing a villain who was swearing to return
RubyChao: she didn't even know the villain was there. she just thought it would be funny to return like that.
Gooper Blooper: Momopie falls out of the sky riding Missy, got it-
Diadem: GET A ROOM-
Hi! I don't know how to contact otherwise, so I'm replying to the newest post here. Off topic but this blog entry is missing almost all of its images (and it has a LOT of images). Just in case you didn't know, and have a way to restore them. https://clevermantis.blogspot.com/2015/02/vaguely-dinosaurian-plastic-things.html?zx=58c6efcf40cb91f
DeleteYou are in luck, fellow fan of old and stupid-looking plastic dinosaurs. I still had all the images in my Dropbox, the links were just broken because of a change Dropbox made years ago to crack down on image sharing. I have rehosted the images and added an update to the beginning of that post. Enjoy!