Draco: Coming in, like, a month:
Jumpropeman: =o
Jumpropeman: she's hit the big times
Gooper Blooper: >single fang
Gooper Blooper: a pained kek
Jumpropeman: like in Islamic art, there must be an imperfection in the art, for only Allah is perfect
Draco: lol
Draco: I will find a way to remove the fang when I get it. XD
Gooper Blooper: Give her a ninja mask
Draco: I'll give her Miyoi a spork.
Jumpropeman: she'll always hold her spork at a diagonal angle
Gooper Blooper: Wilson from Home Improvement but it's a fumo
Jumpropeman: playing some game and watch games
Jumpropeman: some are fun, others are "you learn quickly one way to survive infinitely and the challenge is to not space out" V:
Gooper Blooper: How'd you get access to Game and Watch?
Jumpropeman: nintendo's rereleased them! Game and Watch Gallery, the DSiware downloads
Gooper Blooper: Ah! Game and Watch Gallery did immediately come to mind but I wondered if you'd found some other way
Jumpropeman: I know there's even some website out there that you can play them in your browser
Jumpropeman: not legally of course but it exists
Gooper Blooper: I remembered Archive.org has tiger handhelds on it
Jumpropeman: oh, i wonder if they might have some
Jumpropeman: there you are
Jumpropeman: although that seems to be more a reproduction
Jumpropeman: don't see to be any over in the Console Living Room, which uses genuine ROMs
Jumpropeman: which is the name for the section of archive.org with legit old games I should clarify
Jumpropeman: i think some games like Donkey Kong Hockey have sadly never been part of Nintendo's official rereleases sadly
Jumpropeman: which is one I really want to play
Jumpropeman: just for the name mostly :V
Gooper Blooper: https://www.mariowiki.com/Donkey_Kong_Hockey
Gooper Blooper: imagine you and CKR huddling around this thing to play some god-awful hockey
Jumpropeman: the family that Donkey Kong Hockeys together, stays together
Jumpropeman: "Mom Simulator 2023" Scrolling past the steep switch sales on what look like actually good indie games and of course this is what makes me pause and consider
Jumpropeman: you can take out the garbage in it!
Gooper Blooper: The Switch eShop is so rough now, it's truly overrun with crud
Gooper Blooper: Games with obviously AI-generated title art, for instance, or my favorite: developers actually being allowed to just endlessly release the same game over and over, infinitely, and just tweaking the name a little bit so they can keep shoving their crappy game at people browsing New Releases
RubyChao: Candy Crush
RubyChao: Candy Crusher
RubyChao: Candy Crushest
Jumpropeman: i was going to mention that practice but was trying to find the company that is most famous for it
Gooper Blooper: Run a search on the shop for "AAA Clock" or "Mixx Island" and behold what Nintendo is fine with allowing on their store
Draco: Crushy Cand
Jumpropeman: im playing an n64 switch game right now
Jumpropeman: beloved classic WinBack Cover Operations
Jumpropeman: the bloodless nature of Winback can be a little funny
Jumpropeman: a boss character, after you defeat him, uses a grenade to destroy himself and an important keypad to the next area beside him. He blows up, and he basically just disappears entirely, the only sign he was there being the keypad damage
Draco: Brutal
RubyChao: important tropico 5 update
RubyChao: at the end of the mission where we time travel as the world is about to be destroyed the scientist says "this time machine only has room for me and your family" (your dynasty members due to how tropico 5 works)
RubyChao: presidente's super loyal assistant has lines that clearly reference the old timeline
RubyChao: he counted...
Gooper Blooper: If pictures posted in Chatzy were eligible for tickers, I would demand "Reward: 30 illiterate colonists" be nominated
Jumpropeman: I was about to quote it :V
Jumpropeman makes a blog that is just that line
Diadem: right, gonna speep
Diadem: good nite
Gooper Blooper: nite harp
Draco: Byepy
Diadem: don't forget to reward chao with 30 illiterate colonists
Draco: Look, just sneak "Reward: 30 illiterate colonists" into RP somehow.
Jumpropeman: night
Jumpropeman: that'll be the brawl prize
Draco: Nice
Draco: Margit can't wait to have 30 illiterate colonists to send into battle as Pokemon.
MobileDraco: Today sucked until I saw Godzilla. Life is good again. :3
RubyChao: "Two fantasy civilizations exploring the multiverse run into one another, and their contact, to put it mildly, doesn't go well. (This is marketed as a fantasy civ encountering a sci-fi civ, but they are both clearly fantasy.) I was stoked for this premise, as I love multiverses, but this book kills any momentum with the worst case of excessive worldbuilding infodumps I've encountered in a very long time. Despite more than 800 pages of text (37+ audiobook hours), it feels like there are only a handful of actual plot points, and none of the cool things that are promised ever actually happen. After endless set-up, there is no payoff whatsoever."
RubyChao: i read this exact book
RubyChao: i can confirm it's basically an entire book of prologue!
Jumpropeman: classic case of worldbuilding means nothing without a story
RubyChao: pretty much jrm
RubyChao: but then i looked up publication dates, knowing there weee a couple, thinking "oh it's a trilogy, i'll read it"
RubyChao: >1999
>Not Released Yet
RubyChao: and then the book went into the pile of books to give away.
Draco: lol
RubyChao: in the immortal words of baku, YEET
Ho-nan the Barbarian: I made an unfortunate discovery today
Ho-nan the Barbarian: So
Ho-nan the Barbarian: I saw a dance troupe called Shen yun being advertised in my area.
RubyChao: oh yep
RubyChao: i know where this is going
Ho-nan the Barbarian: I thought that was a neat concept, and my mother wanted to take me to the threatre, but I didn’t like her choice of musical.
Ho-nan the Barbarian: I thought this was a neat alternative
Ho-nan the Barbarian: I didn’t do any research
Ho-nan the Barbarian: So we saw it today
RubyChao: OH DEAR
RubyChao: I'M SORRY
RubyChao: how bad was it.
Jumpropeman: im in suspense
Ho-nan the Barbarian: Honestly it was fine. It honestly could have been shorter, but there were a few decent pieces.
Draco: I've heard of it. They perform it here.
Diadem: i think someone may need to explain why it's not great
RubyChao: i'm letting sey build up to it
Diadem: my apologies
Ho-nan the Barbarian: Except. The opening was some sort of creation myth I wasn’t familiar with. I chalked it up to ignorance
Ho-nan the Barbarian: The imagery of the main creator guy seemed oddly Christian.
Ho-nan the Barbarian: That was weird
Ho-nan the Barbarian: It continued.
Ho-nan the Barbarian: There were actually a few decent tumblers amongst the dancers.
Ho-nan the Barbarian: They did this one really weird skit set in modern day.
Ho-nan the Barbarian: It involved a young girl getting arrested for having a forbidden book. Once they arrested her the government proceeded to harvest her organs
Ho-nan the Barbarian: The final piece was also set in modern day, but it seemed to end on a catastrophic flood
Ho-nan the Barbarian: So I went home and looked them up.
Ho-nan the Barbarian: It turns out they’re a death cult
Jumpropeman: i was expecting fringe christian
RubyChao: yeah, falun gong
RubyChao: that's the plot twist
RubyChao: shen yun is a big production about how falun gong is right and good and the CCP is literally devils
RubyChao: i've known about it for years because they always promote it in NYC, you see the Shen Yun pictures every year
RubyChao: i was even interested in going to it sometimes!
RubyChao: then I read up on it, and not so much.
Surprise Death Cult joined the chat
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: review when
Draco: So that's Helldivers 1...
Jumpropeman: "Crapman have grown tired of his boring life and decides to make a voyage through Europe searching for real love. But to travel he need money, luckily the streets of Europe is littered with money (in the form of dots)." Gonna fix these typos on mobygames but I thought they were worth preserving
Jumpropeman: one weird thing about british microcomputers? The actual straightup pacman copies
Draco: Wao
Jumpropeman: i think it was like, namco didn't even realize it was going on or something
Jumpropeman: or maybe they weren't worth the effort to squash, like iphone store games with pikachu are now
Jumpropeman: the game I'm playing lets me point a cursor at a criminal to choose where I try to attack him. The only spot on his body I can't target is his nuts :V
Gooper Blooper: JRM unable to have a ball
Surprise Death Cult: dick move
Jumpropeman: I tested my WPM the only way I trust: through Mario Teaches Typing
Jumpropeman: 103-105 WPM when playing the sentence typing Hard level
Jumpropeman: mario was also teaching me sports trivia during it
Gooper Blooper: turns out Mario is absolutely garbage at typing
Jumpropeman: a miracle anyone trusts him to teach it
Draco: This is the same guy who went missing, after all.
RubyChao: jesus i did not expect HOW bad
Gooper Blooper: spoilers for mario teaches typing
Jumpropeman: link
Draco: Poor peach.
Draco: I wonder if Mario ever typed again...
Jumpropeman: he came back for the very similar Mario Teaches Typing 2 at least
RubyChao: mario was banned from typing after the sheer power was demonstrated
RubyChao: the mushroom kingdom was unwilling to tolerate a new god
Jumpropeman: that magic typewriter sitting in a storage closet with the many other tools that would easily invalidate the threat bowser poses
(After Draco gets his Discord hijacked)
Surprise Death Cult: So I got messaged by Bot Draco
Surprise Death Cult: I asked it if it was human. It tried to say yes
Surprise Death Cult: So I said
Surprise Death Cult: "Clownpiece"
Surprise Death Cult: And it shut up
Jumpropeman: just watched Kong: Skull Island
Gooper Blooper: excellent, JRM catching up on the monsterverse
Jumpropeman: still haven't seen godzilla one or king of monsters
Gooper Blooper: I'm sure you enjoyed seeing famous RP character Spore Mantis in the flesh
Jumpropeman: i was legit looking forward to its big scene
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: is that a ding dang KING AND BALLOON REFERENCE?!
Gooper Blooper: I saw that picture and thought of you, JRM
Jumpropeman: Namco got so many hits they can sleep on that poor Kin
Jumpropeman: g
Harpsyk: G
Jumpropeman: where's my gritty ps3 reboot of King and Balloon
Jumpropeman: this king ready to throw hands
Harpsyk: Perish
Jumpropeman: this king ready to be thrown in jail
Draco: Long live...THE KING. *pokes the umbrella*
Jumpropeman: oh yeah
Jumpropeman: that villain fite we were talking about the other day
Jumpropeman: I realized a perfect entry for it
Jumpropeman: Osiris Vault
Gooper Blooper: oh hell yeah, time to make some bowls
RubyChao: oh damn yeah
RubyChao: he'd be fantastic for it
Jumpropeman: the only power he'll need is bowls
RubyChao: you'd literally be giving me 100 powers to play with :V
RubyChao: and then you don't provide me the list
Jumpropeman: if it wasn't in the post-plot blog, I have failed you as a father
Gooper Blooper: It's in there
Harpsyk: Bowls?!?
Jumpropeman: "POWER 65: Create Iron Bowl: Create a large iron bowl."
Jumpropeman: It is a Bowl. It is a completely Bowl
Gooper Blooper: I will get stardusts!
Draco enters Sage into the villain brawl.
RubyChao: Bowl!
RubyChao: wait no
RubyChao: BOWL
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: classic comedy
Harpsyk: And now like god after he made the world in 7 days and 7 nights, i rest
Harpsyk: Good night
Jumpropeman: he made it in six, the seventh was for rest-
Jumpropeman: night!
Gooper Blooper: nite harp
Harpsyk: Damn it, jrm’s right
Jumpropeman: my religious studies degree finally pays off
Harpsyk: Religious studies comin in clutch
Harpsyk: Damn it i was kela’d
Jumpropeman: ha!
Gooper Blooper: kela my beloved...
Harpsyk: we’ll see her more later don’t worry
Harpsyk: unless daisy becomes a planeswarden
Harpsyk: I dunno what i am doing besides pretending to be a fat elf who is mildly threatening sometimes
Harpsyk left the chat
Jumpropeman: in the end, aren't we all just fat elves who are mildly threatening sometimes?
Gooper Blooper: in your case replace "elves" with "video game mascot girls"
Jumpropeman: literally helped save the world more than once
Draco looks at DeMonde.
Draco: She's always mildly threatening, not just sometimes.
Gooper Blooper: Especially when she was treating Shimmer's little sister. Super threatening.
Jumpropeman: Gale fears Lucy will stop buying Game Gear batteries for her
Draco: Doktor DeMonde, the awful butcher who made Shimmer's life miserable by making sure her sister had a good quality of life.
Jumpropeman: every christmas Shimmer curses Lucy's name as she gets to play with her younger sister in the snow
Draco: Good. The tears of the innocent are all the payment that beast needs.
Jumpropeman: playing nsmb wii after wonder kinda feels like going from mario world back to mario 1
Jumpropeman: levels over here like "our gimmick is lakitu's here"
Hooded Pitohui: I feel that.
Gooper Blooper: Truly wild gimmicks
Hooded Pitohui: A much more restrained experience once you've had a taste of Wonder
RubyChao: oh my god i just fucking realized.
RubyChao: >setting that is designed to be Hot and Sunny
RubyChao: >you'd think we would finally find the setting Peko wouldn't like
RubyChao: >psyche the main city is inside a nice, big, shaded cave
RubyChao: peko train has no brakes
Jumpropeman: peko gonna have a longer run than shimmer at this rate
Draco: We'll never be rid of Peko and I'm happy about that.
Draco: Then we find out Clownpiece is allergic to caves and has to retire.
RubyChao: i mean jrm she's a very adaptable character
RubyChao: so maybe...
Gooper Blooper: peko pekopeko
Jumpropeman: Kaede "I want to go meet the Kobbers!"
Peko "Fine, I'll come along, but only to protect you"
Jumpropeman: now she's more a kobber than Kaede :V
RubyChao: i mean, you're not wrong
RubyChao: peko is gonna make a permanent whalestrand home though
RubyChao: she's buying a small ruined keep and turning it into a (small) Vampire Castle
RubyChao: it'll be her winter home
RubyChao: even if technically Argo will be in winter not summer when we go there
RubyChao: probably for the best though, with the climate we're giving it summer might be intolerable for most kobbers :V
Jumpropeman: a brisk 90 degree winter
Gooper Blooper: the kobs are an amphibious people
RubyChao: https://youtube.com/watch?v=7axlj2fdSRo
Gooper Blooper: A classic.
Draco: What is this?
Gooper Blooper: A very old shitpost
Draco: Ah.
Jumpropeman: soon a whole new generation will be introduced to Professor Frankly's jam
Diadem was timed out
Draco throws a blanket over Harpy's body.
Surprise Death Cult: I had a fun experience with an old lady
Jumpropeman: how so
Surprise Death Cult: Well I overheard her complaining to another patron about her lawyer troubles
Surprise Death Cult: So I went up to her and told her I was sorry she was having trouble with lawyers
Surprise Death Cult: She reacted like I had sworn at her
Surprise Death Cult: So I amended my statement to "I'm sorry you had to deal with those bastards"
Jumpropeman: i'd joke that bastards are better than lawyers, but my sister is about to become one :V
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Draco: Hi Goops.
RubyChao: hi goops
RubyChao: congrats on the eclipse!
Gooper Blooper: the goopsfamily saw it
Gooper Blooper: it happened
Draco: The Eclipse was Sarah blocking the window.
Gooper Blooper: Or Missy, or Chara, or Patty, or
RubyChao: i got dinner at a Sicilian restaurant tonight
Jumpropeman: research
Gooper Blooper: rantabi
RubyChao: i mentioned this to goops and jrm earlier but
RubyChao: i really do think it added something that i made lanterby Sicilian, rather than just Italian
RubyChao: gives her an extra edge
Jumpropeman: Picture it, Just Normal Italy
Draco: Was the head chef evil?
RubyChao: sadly no, draco
Draco: Well, then it wasn't worth it. D:<
Draco: Brineplot resolved
Gooper Blooper: Well, that was easy.
Jumpropeman: we are reaching heretofore unseen levels of cheek puff
Draco: </ShimmerPout>
Gooper Blooper: JRM needs a new character to do the cheek puff
Jumpropeman: the legacy must live on
Draco: Miyoi needs to start pouting.
Jumpropeman: miyoi's not a very pouty person!
Gooper Blooper: I liked how instead of doing something like a cute cheek pout, her reaction to the Smurf and Turf running gag was a mixture of a dead-eyed stare and getting genuinely pissed off
Gooper Blooper: The gag couldn't have had a better finale though
Jumpropeman: she still hasn't told lanterby the truth
Jumpropeman: customers just keep ordering it and leaving...
Gooper Blooper: Miyoi slips them compensation later
Gooper Blooper: "could you drop by again tonight and do another order and leave, thx"
Draco: "One Smurf and Turf, please. No, for here."
Jumpropeman: she needs to put a mask on her meatball too
Draco: link
Jumpropeman: who is that dashing masked woman...
Gooper Blooper: Beautiful.
Draco: She must be from Vent's world.
Surprise Death Cult: Today’s book of the day: Cabin Porn
Jumpropeman: "Do you think I've been trying before now?" *boss proceeds to get easier*
Gooper Blooper: they were bluffing
Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: that gives me the vibes of "wriggle nightbug if she was played by sk"
RubyChao: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7442190
Gooper Blooper: My god, Honk has obtained a meatball for her own dark purposes
Draco: The timeline where Honoka is Yohane and Yoshiko is a baker who dates Bikkie.
Jumpropeman: >I put 18 hours in one of my least favorite games of all time
Jumpropeman: Slingshot Explorer traumatized me
Jumpropeman: kids at home might remember it as the game the developer couldn't beat because he released it without checking to see if it was impossible
Jumpropeman: one day when I'm brave, it will get one hell of a disaster report, but I already got Gollum coming in the mail
RubyChao: >gollum already
RubyChao: ah dang!
RubyChao: me and goops were thinking about lining that one up for you
Jumpropeman: after X-Men Destiny wasn't a disaster I was hoping to make good with a more obvious one for y'all :V
Gooper Blooper: that settles it then
Gooper Blooper: chao, get him kong
RubyChao: will do
RubyChao: expand kong...
Jumpropeman: gentlemen
Jumpropeman: unleash Kong
Gooper Blooper: We need Kong. The world needs him.
(During a Space Ghost: Coast to Coast marathon)
Draco: Dang, this brings back memories. The first, like, Internet chat thing I did on the Internet was a Space Ghost chat room.
RubyChao: but was it coast to coast?
Draco: Technically it was a Cartoon Planet chatroom called Chatting with Brak. Here's an ANCIENT artifact from those times:
RubyChao: are you on that list
Draco: Yes, under "Starcloud"
Draco: It was there that I adopted my username that I still use to this day.
Gooper Blooper: Sailor ChibiMoon
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Mars
Sailor Mercury
Sailor Moon (Suzy CP)
Sailor Moon 13
Sailor Neptune
Sailor Pluto
Sailor Saturn
Sailor Venus
Gooper Blooper: tell me you're a turn of the millennium username list without telling me
Draco: There were a lot of people using Sonic the Hedgehog fanart too.
Draco: https://brakchat.angelfire.com/Reunion/History.html
Gooper Blooper: Well, sure, but Sonic the Hedgehog fanart is timeless-
Draco: Truth.
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: perfect art does exist
Draco: link
Jumpropeman: perfect girls do exist-
RubyChao: found a new life goal for lara
Gooper Blooper: "your rank: 19th" NOT FOR LONG
Gooper Blooper: that is one smoothly-animated sprite
RubyChao: well goops
RubyChao: apparently this was the metal slug team, so
Gooper Blooper: that would definitely explain it, those guys know their shit
RubyChao: "Fernando Almeida has never used a putter in his life and he isn't going to start now."
Gooper Blooper: Fernando Almeida vs Craig Stadler
Jumpropeman: i feel like im already watching this golf video in double speed
Jumpropeman: reminder that hank hill, bill, dale, and boomhauer are rp canon
RubyChao: i had forgotten
RubyChao: thank you for the reminder
Draco: Cameo by Dawn at the end:
Jumpropeman: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4781694
Fairies So Tired Of Fish: Okay Draco, that cameo made me chortle
Fairies So Tired Of Fish: And of course Clownpiece can keep up with speeder bikes while flying sideways with ease
Draco: Destroyer of worlds, eater of stars, ruinator of galaxies, the One Who Is Many:
Jumpropeman: cirno would bring a soda onto a speeder bike
Jumpropeman: psychics see draco's gif and think "I want to spend my life with that"
RubyChao: man jrm i haven't thought about that meme in years
Fairies So Tired Of Fish: Cirno looking terrified is odd
RubyChao: the halcyon ytmnd days...
Fairies So Tired Of Fish: She tends to be a 'too dumb to be scared' type
Jumpropeman: cirno would insist she's the one riding the bike properly
Fairies So Tired Of Fish: She IS causing the least wind resistence...
Jumpropeman: "The fact that you cannot just get it and quit is bullshit. I am not doing that mini game again. The creators can kill themselves if they think I am." someone talking about Princess Peach Showtime like a reasonable adult
Gooper Blooper: Is there a more extreme version of the term "first world problems" because this needs it
Sey Again: Oof.
RubyChao: zeroth world problems
Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom tried the demo of Princess Peach Showtime but she noped out almost immediately
Jumpropeman: whys that?
Gooper Blooper: she had ZERO patience for the opening dialogue/cutscenes/story, it was hilarious. She's used to playing arcade-style games, she wants instant gratification. Peach was not doing things within thirty seconds of game start, so into the trash it went
Jumpropeman: that's great, because over here I was like "dang, that opening was real fast" :V
Jumpropeman: i watched a video recently that posited Dragon Warrior/Dragon Quest 1 was less of a good game and more of a way of teaching console players what an RPG even is so they could then move onto games with more substance, story, and so on
Sey Again: Two different generations
Gooper Blooper: It's funny because Goopsmom loves watching TV shows and movies, she just has different expectations when it's game time
Jumpropeman: I almost wonder like, if things like Mario RPGs are good for moving people into being more patient with games. Like, the player is more willing to wait and hear it out since Mario means it should be quality
Gooper Blooper: I'm certain Pokemon was a gateway RPG for many kids
Jumpropeman: oh yes, good example!
Jumpropeman: kids'll put up with rpg stuff to get to those cool monsters
Gooper Blooper: I've wondered before if Goopsmom would ever like a Pokemon game but the Peach Showtime Incident has made me realize quite emphatically that the answer is no XD
Jumpropeman: and then grow up into adults who complain about sun and moon having cutscenes...
Gooper Blooper finds a video called "I Found the Worst Wii Game Ever Made"
Gooper Blooper: good for research...
Jumpropeman: i found a youtube channel where the person was taking a look at the absolute dumpster fires that get released for like 99 cents and clog the switch eshop. I thought it would be a nice place to find trash to play, but it was like a time machine back to the early days of gaming youtube with the guy being like "I'd rather stick a grenade made of glass up my ass then play another minute of this!" and on screen it's just a tiger slowly walking forward
Gooper Blooper: "The iCarly game is basically just a worse, less fun version of WarioWare. If you've never played WarioWare, imagine a really really fun game... and then imagine a version of it that isn't as fun."
Jumpropeman: eloquent
Gooper Blooper: "The game came with a real baby. Well, not real, but a stuffed real baby. Uh, not real, a... a stuffed baby that was in real life."
Gooper Blooper: This lady has a way with words.
Jumpropeman: i need to check the price on that again
Jumpropeman: oh no, the price is climbing...
Gooper Blooper: She included footage of her playing it with a regular wiimote, the baby is just a plush doll you shove the wiimote into so it's not needed
Sey Again: A physical baby.
Jumpropeman: look, some games I will say the peripheral is unnecessary
Gooper Blooper: grab a plush from somewhere in your house and strap the wiimote to it-
Draco launches a Fumo at JRM.
Jumpropeman: but i cannot complete the Game Hoard's goal unless I do this once
(Re: Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night)
RubyChao: "oh hey there's a second path that goes beneath the castle! i wonder if it's an alternate way to breach?"
RubyChao: >enter area
RubyChao: >lack movement tech to navigate it
RubyChao: >the one enemy i encounter takes half my health in one go
RubyChao: "it seems it is not an alternate initial route."
Jumpropeman: nothing to do but try try again!
Gooper Blooper: a very gentle nudge to come back later
RubyChao: yeah no this is the vania part of metroidvania at work
RubyChao: i forget if i ever actually told you guys about "beta9" on the mariowiki
RubyChao: but tl;dr one guy in like 2009, a well-respected and high-ranking user, ended up saying "my uncle works at nintendo and i got these secret beta ttyd disc with all these different things" that read like basically a wish list of stuff
Draco: lol
RubyChao: it stayed up for a while because people trusted him, he was a top-level guy, why would he lie about this?
RubyChao: and now looking back on it... it was a lie, duh
RubyChao: he was kind of a compulsive liar
Draco: Was he BANNED for misinformation?
RubyChao: no, because by the time everyone really put it all together he had been long gone
RubyChao: again he was really beloved so there was this sort of... vibe of trust
it took him being gone to have that crack and for people to go "waaait a fucking second."
RubyChao: plus he took it down like half a year after he put it up
Draco: So be it. BI
Jumpropeman: reminds me of early speedrunning
Jumpropeman: where the proof was "this guy's been around a while, he can't be lying"
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: sometimes I need to think about the opening paragraph of a review. Whenever I get to Dragster, I know how I'm starting
Gooper Blooper: I love how completely forgettable this game would be if not for that damn guy
Jumpropeman: "Other disputed scores included Wabbit, where he had a recorded score of 1,698 despite the score only increasing in increments of 5 (and despite the game normally ending when the player reaches 1,300 points); Fathom, where, based upon other players' verified scores and playtimes, his claimed record would have taken over 325 hours (13.5 days) of play to achieve;[8] and The Legendary Axe, in which his claimed score is 99,999,990 despite the game score only progressing in increments of 50."
Dont Fuck Geese: Ten days until rp
Dont Fuck Geese: How are we feeling
Mobile Draco: Scared, confused, hungry.
Mobile Draco: I got 12 shiny Bellsprout though.
Jumpropeman puts Peach Showtime in Gamefly envelope
Jumpropeman looks over at Gollum
Jumpropeman: I heard Ravenlok leaves game pass at the end of the month so I should play that first to be safe
Jumpropeman: or maybe I should check out Wrecking Crew 98 on switch online...
Jumpropeman puts Gollum in the PS5
Jumpropeman: "The Lord of the Rings: Gollum. THE UNTOLD STORY"
Gooper Blooper: oh, it's gonna be told soon
Jumpropeman: there was an update on june 2nd of last year that includes the promise "The game will receive further optimization in the future"
Jumpropeman: "He's got nothing to lose... How far will he go to retrieve his Precious?"
Cornwind Evil: I suspect that's gonna be on the pile for the new characters that were supposedly going to be added for Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League.
Draco: Put Gollum in the Switch.
Jumpropeman: there's a making of video on the update page
Draco: We'll never know. People are speculating that Suicide Squad's going to die within a year.
Jumpropeman: Special Abilities:
Gooper Blooper: Walking, the most special of abilities
Jumpropeman joined the chat
RubyChao: hi jrm
Jumpropeman: man
Jumpropeman: gollum
Jumpropeman: literally a "being a slave" simulator
RubyChao: so you're having fun
Jumpropeman: im struggling to remain awake at some parts
RubyChao: ah
RubyChao: a solid Good
Jumpropeman: i had considered streaming some of gollum, but ya'll would be bored to tears
Gooper Blooper: can't wait for the review
RubyChao: jrm watching us play good games
Gooper Blooper: we didn't even give him gollum
Gooper Blooper: this was all him
Gooper Blooper: I have been getting some wondrous ideas for the future though
Jumpropeman: im playing the version without crashes, they would make this so much more tedious
Jumpropeman: at least i hope the crashing was taken care of, knock on wood
Gooper Blooper: knock on your precious
RubyChao: it legitimately sounds like this might be one of the worst game playing experiences jrm has ever had
RubyChao: because it commits the cardinal sin in his book
RubyChao: of just being Boring
Jumpropeman: there's just
Jumpropeman: so
Jumpropeman: much
Jumpropeman: climbing
Gooper Blooper: It's one of your Special Abilities
Gooper Blooper: Gonna go get some rest, nite fellas
Draco: Bye Goops!
Gooper Blooper: enjoy your thrilling adventures with gollum, JRM
Gooper Blooper left the chat
Jumpropeman continues the slow crawl
Jumpropeman: halfway through the game and slave simulator seems to be over for good
Draco: Yaya?
Jumpropeman: now it's just climbing with no slave work :D
Draco: YAYA!
Brine joined the chat 18 hours ago
Diadem joined the chat 14 hours ago
Diadem was timed out 11 hours ago
Sey Again joined the chat 11 hours ago
Dont Fuck Geese joined the chat 9 hours ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 2 hours ago
Jumpropeman: i have completed gollum
Jumpropeman: the funniest part: I have a part of the disaster report planned where I intended to opine on what other genres the Lord of the Rings franchise could be adapted into, and I was thinking a cozy life sim set in the Shire is a good example of one
Jumpropeman: Same day I beat Gollum though, this trailer drops
Draco: https://youtube.com/watch?v=mrZCkUVigRE
RubyChao: amogus
Gooper Blooper: love the single frame of Osaka's mouth overtaking her entire head
Gooper Blooper: "Considering Osaka is a major city in Japan, I always thought giving her a country accent in the dub was a bit of a mismatch.
Then I imagine Osaka speaking in a thick Boston accent and I don't know what to feel anymore."
Dont Fuck Geese: Hello
Dont Fuck Geese: I mispoke yesterday
Jumpropeman: about the geese?
Dont Fuck Geese: As of today, there is ten more days until RP
Dont Fuck Geese: You still should not fuck geese
Dont Fuck Geese: unless it passes the harkness test
Dont Fuck Geese: Then you can go hogwild
Jumpropeman: i don't want to go wild on a hog though!
Jumpropeman: unless...
Dont Fuck Geese: fisted by a ham
New Phone Del joined the chat
New Phone Del: I should be asleep but
New Phone Del: here I am
New Phone Del: to see all this
Dont Fuck Geese: your welcome
New Phone Del: am I?
New Phone Del: am I...
Jumpropeman: look, if we're being serious about which cartoon pigs we're attracted to
Jumpropeman: I've never been able to get over the snout on any of them
Draco: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/6137752
Gooper Blooper: Draco, Corporate needs you to find the difference between that picture and this picture
Draco: There's no difference.
(Explaining The Joke: Draco's character Macka uses both of these characters as faceclaims)
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: IGGY'S
Jumpropeman: RECKIN
Jumpropeman: BALLS
The Only Kind Polar Bear: I immediately pictured the Iggy from Jojo
Jumpropeman: link
The Only Kind Polar Bear: They'll never seen them coming
The Only Kind Polar Bear: In all seriousness I think Proscuttio and Formaggio are just fine
Draco: Time to do a Koopalings plot so Iggy can wreck balls.
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: Look, I mean
Gooper Blooper: I checked my Switch on a whim and saw that in the news app and I barged into Goopsbro's room and said "Stop what you're doing, you need to watch this trailer"
Gooper Blooper: We have made Iggy's Reckin Balls jokes for literal decades
Gooper Blooper: and somehow it is here
Draco: Amazing.
The Only Kind Polar Bear: What's Iggys Reckin Balls
Gooper Blooper: Iggy's Reckin Balls is an obscure Nintendo 64 game that just got announced for Switch Online's N64 app
Jumpropeman: I remember Iggy's Reckin Balls from a cheat code book I owned
Jumpropeman: I tried to play it on ConsoleClassix which is how I found out their n64 games didn't really work
Gooper Blooper: My brother and I rented it a few times from our video store back in the day
Gooper Blooper: It's been our go-to "random obscure game" for in-jokes for so long. The very silly name helps.
Diadem: funny thing that happen last night
Diadem: quotes from DRG
Diadem: Wolfen — Yesterday at 7:18 PM
"I've recovered enough from my concussion that ow." - @Harpy
Harpy — Yesterday at 7:21 PM
"good thing i don't funny" - me
[7:21 PM]
that could be an illegal quote though, don't quote me on that one
RubyChao: hi goops
Diadem: anyyway hello again goops
Jumpropeman: good thing I don't funny is a good line though
Diadem: i know you guys would have slapped that in chatzy madness faster than chao comes running at the sound of bikkie
Jumpropeman: i think im gonna use my nice laptop for rp this year
Jumpropeman: too many little issues on this old beast
Gooper Blooper: RP deserves your best device
Jumpropeman tries to use my series x for rp, dies
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: lets do this desiree
Draco: It only lets you browse pictures of swords.
Jumpropeman: its all she needs!
Draco: Fair.
Jumpropeman: that and 240p battlebot footage
Draco: The necessities!
Jumpropeman: the current voice actor for Foghorn Leghorn has seen the memes
Draco: That's beautiful. I'd heard that one last night but I didn't know it was THE Foghorn Leghorn. XD
Jumpropeman: I'll be putting up the bar thread probably tomorrow once I'm sure of a name I like
Draco: Miyoi's Fan Club - Casual Bar Posting
The Only Kind Polar Bear: Well I did something stupid
The Only Kind Polar Bear: I was trying to find goops blog
The Only Kind Polar Bear: And I decided to google his username
The Only Kind Polar Bear: It didn't work
Jumpropeman: squid city
Gooper Blooper: It never ends.
Draco: That's DEFINITELY not Peter Pan in there!
Gooper Blooper: As far as I can tell, once you cut through all the meaningless corporate buzzwords, this is what Egeez World does: Nathen will generate an AI image featuring a Brand and then the owner of said Brand can buy the privilege to purchase the image and then go make something in real life that resembles the image. What an honor!
Draco: Ew.
RubyChao: i was like "what. no. no way someone else-"
Gooper Blooper: That would be the case if Egeez World ever actually did anything or had any customers, of course
RubyChao: i almost admire this man
Gooper Blooper: I'm amazed he managed to restrain himself from using Garfield as one of the examples
Jumpropeman: finally
Jumpropeman: an emoji mall
Gooper Blooper: Don't you want to shop at the emoji mall
Jumpropeman: it's like screaming HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW KIDS at the top of your lungs
Jumpropeman: clearly the reason malls were dying off is the lack of emojis
Gooper Blooper: If only we were even more constantly immersed in Brands than we already were... what a glorious world it would be
Gooper Blooper: (the original Egeez, the supposed bootleg-free marketplace I shared details about last year, still does not exist and never will.)
Gooper Blooper: (also remember it's pronounced Iggies, so make sure to Reck some Balls appropriately)
Jumpropeman: just when I thought I had escaped...
Jumpropeman: i almost gave up on iggys reckin balls
Jumpropeman: i would describe it as "very much a game you're not supposed to play longer than a rental"
Gooper Blooper: oh my
Gooper Blooper: Iggy's Atrocious Balls-
Gooper Blooper: https://twitter.com/nathenmazri/status/1763117000950259839
Jumpropeman: gotta love watch a bad con artist flail
Gooper Blooper: egeez coming out """""soon"""""
Draco: Egeez' latest tweet is a short GIF of the eclipse with "Egeez" over it, a fitting metaphor for how long Egeez will matter.
Gooper Blooper: Oh Jeez! Iggies!
Jumpropeman: I have a hunch he's hoping he'll get a client before he puts down any actual capital on making egeez real
Draco: Maybe you should hire him for The Game Hoard
Jumpropeman: everyone's been asking me: Where's The Game Hoard Mall?
Jumpropeman: "As someone who enjoys exploring, I gathered many things in the game, which left a positive impression on me in this regard. In parts of the story flow where we haven't ventured, pieces can emerge from within the game."
Gooper Blooper: the return of AI generated reviews?
Jumpropeman: its on the steam page for the game I just rented
Jumpropeman: from a user with a private steam profile so, I bet they are just an AI reviewer to bump numbers or something
Gooper Blooper: You'll have to let us know if you get a positive impression from all the things you gather and emerging pieces
Jumpropeman: i love when pieces emerge
Cornwind Evil: Cripes Draco how many fumos do you have by now
Draco: Too many.
Jumpropeman: "If there is no uncertainty, than it is not a game" is a quote I just came across and might better capture a thought I had a while back that the player must have some input beyond activation for it to be a game. A movie or book is a static course of events, but it would be very difficult to copy another player's game experience exactly, and even in visual novels there is at least a branch or dialogue choices to add in that uncertainty
Jumpropeman: gotta figure out how CYOA books fit into this though :V
Gooper Blooper: perhaps add to the definition that a video game needs the video part, so a CYOA book is a game but not a video game
Jumpropeman: yeah, adding an electronic necessity works. That quote otherwise does just work for even tabletop games and the like
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: the real question is
RubyChao: will you allow Umineko on the game hoard
RubyChao: that's a legitimate question because it's one of those things that really straddles the edge of "video game"
Jumpropeman: I don't know much about how umineko plays!
Jumpropeman: but also, I have sad news about awful games
Jumpropeman: Popeye was delisted from the Switch eShop
RubyChao: oh no!
Jumpropeman: I never got around to grabbing it because it was priced so high...
Gooper Blooper: now pirating it is morally okay
RubyChao: it's self-described as a "sound novel"; there's actually no branching paths or the like (except for one at the very very very end). it's legit just A Book, but with music and visuals, but making a lot of use out of said music and visuals
RubyChao: so it's not like a CYOA
RubyChao: or normal vn
Gooper Blooper: if he reviews Umineko I demand a review of Shrek GBA Video
Jumpropeman: >except for one at the very very very end
Jumpropeman: so technically there is uncertainty!
RubyChao: but jrm
RubyChao: it's split into two games!
Gooper Blooper: Shrek has a chapter select
RubyChao: which means by that definition only the second half would be valid
RubyChao: (i actually really liked umineko, none of this is meant to be a dunk on it)
RubyChao: (i just think it's a legitimately interesting case study of "what, exactly, qualifies as a video game")
Gooper Blooper: You're always going to have weird edge cases at the fringes of a definition of media
Gooper Blooper: DVD games, demo discs, kinetic novels, apps exclusive to video game machines
Gooper Blooper: tiger handhelds
Gooper Blooper: graphing calculators that can run Doom
Gooper Blooper: and if anyone loves digging into the weeds for oddities, it's JRM
Jumpropeman: Mario Clock on 3DS
Jumpropeman: i feel like, for the game hoard, there is stuff I'd put on there to be safe, and stuff that obviously doesn't qualify. Like, I wouldn't put a book on there of course, but if I replayed the Metal Gear Solid Digital Graphic Novel on PSP again, I'd probably review it
Gooper Blooper: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/100_Classic_Book_Collection
Jumpropeman: that... is probably a good example of what shouldn't count :V
Gooper Blooper: It had DLC!!!
Gooper Blooper: "An in-game quiz feature asks players personality-related questions and recommends certain novels depending on the answers given."
Jumpropeman: shoot
Gooper Blooper: XD
Jumpropeman: ive sometimes thought "well if my reflexes are shot at some point, this might be a good game for that period of my life", and I guess that fits the bill :V
Gooper Blooper: fifty years from now the hoard only reviews turn-based RPGs, visual novels, and 100 Classic Book Collection
Draco: Only 100 books? >:U
Jumpropeman: I was listening to a rpg group on youtube and they had a character named Medium Tony who always tried to do things medium and I considered stealing his shtick.
Jumpropeman: he wouldn't go for the strongest or weakest enemy or attack, he'd accept a so-so reward for his efforts
Draco: Nice. XD
The Only Kind Polar Bear: Well
Jumpropeman: the funny thing is he kept getting crits so people called him Maximum Tony and he'd get upset :V
The Only Kind Polar Bear: I feel like that reminds me of purple francis
Jumpropeman: good thing he's medium
Quarterdem: Eyes hurt so prolly missing midnight opening
Quarterdem: Okay yeah my eyes are roasting *scrolls reddit anyway*
Jumpropeman: I meant to only use Ginny for the bag gag... immediately she's snagged by a brine character X)
Brine: I couldn't just ignore her!
Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Someday we'll get more Morag.
Gooper Blooper: More-ag.
Draco: Less-ag
The Only Kind Polar Bear: Same-ag
Jumpropeman: Most-ag
Gooper Blooper: Most-ag is if Draco RP'd only her and Brighid all season
Draco: I mean, I could. Who needs Margit?
The Only Kind Polar Bear: I can reshedule my plot if not enough people are free
The Only Kind Polar Bear: Roman can stay missing for several days
Gooper Blooper: *Neo dislikes this*
Gooper Blooper: Saw this awful promotional image in the Nintendo eShop today
Gooper Blooper: Where do I even begin.
The Only Kind Polar Bear: Ah, JRM'S next gift
Jumpropeman: SHHOPPING
Jumpropeman: when you got to shop so bad you become your cart
Jumpropeman: id be interested at an attempt to make this an actual game and not ai trash
Gooper Blooper: I also saw some sort of visual novel thing that was entirely AI-generated, I bet even the script was done by one
Jumpropeman: supermarket sweep always looked so fun
Quarterdem: “Shopping simulator”
Quarterdem: I
Quarterdem: I could go to walmart
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: she's fused into the cart
RubyChao: help her...
RubyChao: or that could be a male protag i just read "butch lesbian" first tbh
Jumpropeman: you see what you want to see-
Gooper Blooper: I initially saw the shopper as male but the longer I looked the more androgynous it became
RubyChao: god it's so generic
Jumpropeman: somehow my low estimation of it went even lower
Gooper Blooper: I also saw a Puss In Boots game that was clearly trying to catch people who like Dreamworks' version of that character
Gooper Blooper: The title screen/promo image was AI, the gameplay screenshots were bottom-of-the-barrel 2010-era smartphone platformer
Gooper Blooper: Nintendo approves of having this on their store.
Jumpropeman clicks on developer name
Jumpropeman: so many "simulator"s!
Gooper Blooper: The trailer is really something.
Diadem: yeah that ain't my puss
RubyChao: what if super metroid
RubyChao: was VERTICAL
Jumpropeman: i was thinking the other night "if Retro hadn't come along, our first 3D metroid would have probably been more like, a Crash Bandicoot sort of 3D platformer... or wait. Just Other M huh"
Jumpropeman searches ahead to Botwoon fight
RubyChao: god
RubyChao: botwoon takes me back...
RubyChao: you know i just realized the greatest tragedy of brine skipping s4
RubyChao: he wasn't there for botwoon
Brine: Botwho
RubyChao: ok so
RubyChao: in season 4 i did my first big plot, it was "fight through the super metroid bosses again" because i was starting easy
Draco: Botwoon-chan 💗
RubyChao: at one point this random miniboss showed up for an encounter, it was meant to be an easy fight for the guy who was facing it, just a little bit of spice
RubyChao: instead it kept rolling 20s and 21s and curbstomped him
RubyChao: then there was a rematch
RubyChao: botwoon won that easily.
RubyChao: it lost the third round but only by the skin of its teeth
RubyChao: and then goops had it show up as meta botwoon for a BBBBP at the end of the year
RubyChao: and it STILL had busted high rolls
RubyChao: it was all very hilarious
Brine: Fair! I kind of regret missing that, sounds great.
(Draco introduces five antagonists who use, as faceclaims, Kamen Rider versions of the first five English Hololive idols)
Jumpropeman: i can't believe we're gonna get ground pounded by kamen rider amelia
Gooper Blooper: those riders got a kek out of me too, yes
Draco: Kamen Rider Gawr Gura is going to meme you all to death.
The Only Kind Polar Bear: Hey Goops
The Only Kind Polar Bear: new pics of your girl
Gooper Blooper: Sey's favorite GB character is my antagonist
The Only Kind Polar Bear: Listen
The Only Kind Polar Bear: I just have eyes
Delbotnik: comparing Stephen King and Terry Pratchett's prose is very funny
Delbotnik: king will happily take twenty words to do what pratchett does in five
RubyChao: i like king a lot but... you're not wrong :V
The Only Kind Polar Bear: big bang theory
RubyChao: man sometimes writes like he's paid by the word
(Draco hosts an event titled "Dorothy, Dorothy" in which we fight a mech named Dorothy-1 to protect R. Dorothy Wayneright. Dorothy Haze also attends the event.)
Jumpropeman: the mech's dorothy, the android's dorothy, are there any other dorothys I should know about?
Draco: Yes. GBC's middle name is Dorothy.
Gooper Blooper: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/6738744
Jumpropeman brings in the best Dorothy, Dorothy Zbornak from Golden Girls
Diadem: there's so many damn dorothys...
Draco: Dracoplot aka Dorothyplot
Draco: Srspost. Please let me know if I forgot your blorbos so I can edit my post.
Diadem: you forgot
Diadem: dia-
Diadem: (j/k)
Draco: I never forget Dia. She is in my heart 24/7.
Draco: Please get her out. I need that room for blood.
Diadem: i think she's taking up a lot of real estate there and may clog your arteries
Draco: lol
Diadem: my fucking god was i just kela'd
Diadem: *screams into a sock*
Gooper Blooper playing Paper Mario between posts
Gooper Blooper: ah yes, that famous RP character
Gooper Blooper: Rip Cheato
RubyChao: how is he doing these days, anyway
Jumpropeman: i was excited when I saw him!
Jumpropeman: I finished playing Paper Mario last night
Gooper Blooper: He's back to running his incredibly-clustered thrift store
Gooper Blooper: you could get lost for hours in there digging through bins
Gooper Blooper: Kate visits regularly
Jumpropeman: does everything cost 64 coins
Gooper Blooper: IIRC I adapted that into RP by making everything cost either 64 cents, $6.40, or $64 depending on the item
Gooper Blooper: had to be true to Rip Cheato's deep, meaningful character
RubyChao: that makes me imagine rip cheato ending up with a gold relic
RubyChao: "how much is that?" "...$640."
Gooper Blooper: as long as 64 is in the price it's on the table
Draco: When do we get more Kate Hicks? She's the best.
Gooper Blooper: we will see more Kate this season
Gooper Blooper: she was specifically requested for something and I aim to please
Jumpropeman: Kate final boss 2024
Draco: Kate Hicks will save us all from the evil corpos.
Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: 💗
Draco: Chao's stream really made me appreciate her.
RubyChao: i'm glad
RubyChao: it was the real purpose of streaming that game
BRING THE NOISE: I've been nodding deep rock galactic so now it plays pizza time when you call the drop pod at the end of the mission
Draco: "Attami, you're adorable." <- Most obvious statement of 2024.
Jumpropeman: 2023: "Gooper's new android is cute I guess"
*attami eats a burger*
"Hold on he might got a point"
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: my point exactly!
Gooper Blooper: I think I've mentioned it but
Gooper Blooper: she's eating it bun-first???
Jumpropeman: she's doing her best
Gooper Blooper: This must have been her first burger, before she understood how to eat it
Jumpropeman: i eat all food from the top down
Naughty Flamingo: Meanwhile I start at the bottom
Draco: I start by removing the pickles because I don't like them on burgers.
Naughty Flamingo: Take that as you will
Gooper Blooper: Bubble Bass wants to know your location
Naughty Flamingo: Sure.
Naughty Flamingo: 420, on 69th street
Naughty Flamingo: Beaverton
Draco: Yohane wants to know HIS location. So she can BOOT him.
Draco: What's ZFRP? Is it a Live Service Game? :O
Jumpropeman: yes, and you need a psn account to join
Jumpropeman: sorry, I mean tapatalk
Draco: Oh man. I bet it's for my safety! :D
Jumpropeman: you're missing out on so many benefits* if you don't have one!
May Sheep: "hanging like curtains to block the view of the ghost girls"
May Sheep: Please correctly identify the silhouette.
Jumpropeman: sheep, im trying to make them sorta sympathetic here-
Gooper Blooper: *Mr Hippo looks up from reading the Gollum review*
RubyChao: i like how smeagol got one win
RubyChao: and only one.
Gooper Blooper: slave debate was the best debate
Draco: Seriously.
Jumpropeman joined the chat
SteelKomodo: hi jrm
Jumpropeman: howd
Jumpropeman: y
Mobile Draco: HOW
SteelKomodo: ydwoh
May Sheep: "Palette's French accent was less heavy than it used to be"
May Sheep: Is nothing sacred?!
Draco: No.
May Sheep shoots Draco
May Sheep: But who killed Draco?
Draco: Bury me with my....Fumos. D:
Draco dies. Again.
May Sheep: OKAY. I can finally go put my feet up for a bit
May Sheep: Goodnight, all
May Sheep left the chat
Draco: Like Godzilla, Sheep returns to the sea after killing a dragon.
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