Monday, September 4, 2023

Chatzy Madness Volume 411: Government Cheese

(Re: the Blogger content warning)

Gooper Blooper: I especially hate that it makes me look at the content warning
Gooper Blooper: it's my blog you freaking moron
Jumpropeman: do you want to look at your own dirty dirty smut
Jumpropeman: said smut
Gooper Blooper: DISGUSTING
Draco: LEWD D:
Draco gets out the PG-13 Establishment sign.
Seashells: What’s next? H*nd h*lding?
Draco: SEY PLS D8


Draco: "Jumpropeman: that's true. I still refuse to accept that people call soda just "pop" despite all those maps of america" <- You live in Wisconsin now. Don't they call it pop?
Jumpropeman: i haven't heard it yet!
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman checks
Jumpropeman: we're in the red spot :V
Jumpropeman: sure didnt hear people asking for cokes unless they wanted cokes down in texas though
Jumpropeman: but again
Jumpropeman: i was in that red patch
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: gonna start using fool's champagne
Gooper Blooper: you're not in the right spot for that
Gooper Blooper: I'll call them what I've always called them
Gooper Blooper: [this space intentionally left blank]


Cornwind Evil: "Warren Ellis in the mid-1990's, while trying to get ahead at Marvel, he worked on Druid (1995), starring C-List member of The Avengers Doctor Druid, apparently intending on mimicking another title, Hellstorm, starring C-Lister character Daimon Hellstrom. However, sales were so abysmal that that ongoing series was turned into a four-issue mini-series, which ends Druid killed by a magical gun and burned in a dumpster by Hellstrom himself."
Cornwind Evil: When you're just so mad a character didn't catch on


PhoneDel: god has cursed me to be awake at 5am
PhoneDel: and I'm gonna make it someone else's problem
Jumpropeman: del is going to cause problems on purpose
Draco: Sounds good.
PhoneDel: shitpost in bar
Draco: It's a good shitpost.
Jumpropeman: yeah, she's a fan of DAFTWERK
PhoneDel: danke. I'm going full bore with this, jade will smooch that necron. I don't expect it to be a very long term relationship but hell we've seen weirder
PhoneDel: lmao
PhoneDel: necrons are all basically old nobles so they'd probably be scandalised by twerking, absolutely not as civilized as
PhoneDel: idk whatever they had
PhoneDel: I can't say belly dancing because they ain't got bellies no more
Jumpropeman: tasteful still buttocks
PhoneDel: cryptek Ramses exiled for refusing to stop sculpting butts
Draco: We have seen weirder, like a man and a woman dating and getting married.
PhoneDel: scandalous
Draco: Super scandalous.


Jumpropeman: my Playdate arrived and it's pretty nifty
Seashells: Congrats.
Jumpropeman: you get a new game every week (you can speed it up if you like) plus an extra starting game. One of the two games I have available is called Casual Birder and considering recent events, I think I'll be playing it first
Seashells: …what else do they know.
Jumpropeman: well the other game is a surfing game, so, anybody in need of plot ideas, there ya go
Jumpropeman: a cold port town is perfect for surfing right
Seashells: … maybe as an extreme sport
Draco: Time to change my plot into a surfing plot. Who needs clowns?
Seashells gestures to chatzy

Seashells: I think we have enough
Draco: Harsh but true.


Jumpropeman: there's a pet store in the bird Playdate game called "DOGS ONLY (and other pets)"
Diadem: DOGS ONLY (and other people too i guess.) 


Jumpropeman: the owner of Dogs Only (And Other Pets) not only doesn't sell dogs
Jumpropeman: but he's never met a dog
Draco: Weird.
Jumpropeman: he does sell dog accoutrements at least
Gooper Blooper: I'm just really happy JRM finally got his Playdate
Gooper Blooper: too often he runs into trouble when acquiring new systems, you know?
Draco: What's a Playdate?
Jumpropeman: it's a tiny little game system with a crank
Gooper Blooper: A weird indie game system
Draco: Ah.
Jumpropeman: that's true though goops. I ordered this, and it took a while getting here, but nothing unusual
Jumpropeman: no Arkansas Switch Daddy, no accidentally overdrafting like with the series x, and no relying on a scalper brother in law
Jumpropeman: just regular capitalism
Gooper Blooper: Exactly! Arkansas Switch Daddy was of course what I was thinking of but I remembered other struggles
Gooper Blooper: Not to mention, IIRC, JRM has a Virtual Boy... and it doesn't work, which is why we don't have any VB reviews on Game Hoard
Jumpropeman: it does work! I found out the issue was the dust cover for one of the games got jammed in the system itself
Gooper Blooper: Oh, that does sound familiar! I also recall the stand being busted though
Jumpropeman: yeah :V
Gooper Blooper: there had to be a reason you weren't searing your eyes with red to bring us VB reviews
Jumpropeman: replacement stands are like 40 bucks
Jumpropeman: maybe one day I'll just lay down and have it rest on my head to play it
Gooper Blooper: I bet you could jury-rig some dumb solution
Gooper Blooper: duct tape and tinker toys
Jumpropeman: I'll bust my psvr and use its head support
Diadem: okay, i have eaten
Draco: Harpy ate the Virtual Boy?! D:
Gooper Blooper: Of course, the best JRM console acquisition story will always be Saturn/Dreamcast
Jumpropeman: I have the best friends <3


(I pour a bunch of Garfield characters into RP)

Gooper Blooper: srspost against my better judgement-
Draco: Well, guess I've RP'd enough forever. *slowly leaves at the sight of Jon Arbuckle*
Gooper Blooper: I had Odie to warn you
Draco: Goops has convinced me to retire from RPing with his masterpiece.
RubyChao: good lord goops
RubyChao: you Went There
Gooper Blooper: *ties together all my loose ends with Garfield for some reason*
Diadem: the garfieldplot is here
Jumpropeman: CKR had actually asked if someone had RPed Garfield yet. I had no clue it would be so soon...
Gooper Blooper: Oh man, if someone had actually gotten to Garfield before me, the actual unironic Garfield fan, I would have failed!
Jumpropeman: reminder Garfield is one of my two mains in the nickelodeon smash clone
Draco: I used to have a Garfield plush.
Gooper Blooper: I once had grand plans for a huge, season-long Garfield Plot but I could never come up with anything good. I have however grafted it onto my remaining ideas for this season just so I can say I've finally done it. I don't expect him to be important or do much, mostly being here for the meme, but just watch him be super important later now that I've said that
Jumpropeman: Garfield romance incoming
Gooper Blooper: Only if someone RPs Arlene
Jumpropeman: who could resist such a calling?
RubyChao: i mean, we do have AN Arlene
Diadem: *Arle sighs, packs up her bags*

(Draco makes a post with Arlene from Garfield in it)

Gooper Blooper: only just now saw Draco's barpost
Gooper Blooper: draco pls
Diadem: absolutely fucking wrecked
Draco: ;3


Jumpropeman: someone made a dracula crazy vampire wikipedia page in november 2022 so I lost my top spot on google ; w ;
Gooper Blooper: noooooo
Gooper Blooper: on the plus side though, there is a non-zero chance they made that page because of you
Draco: Nooooooooooooooooooo
Jumpropeman: people finally realized it's historical value
RubyChao: >only four references
RubyChao: guys...
RubyChao: do we sneak jrm on there...
Jumpropeman: im content with being cited on the Aircraft in Fiction wikipedia page
Jumpropeman: one thing that was fun
Jumpropeman: was my review of the Nintendo DS Christmas Carol game was cited by an article on The Conversation
Jumpropeman: and then I learned a bunch of other websites also use the same articles
Jumpropeman: like, has a lightly reworded version of the same article
RubyChao: reminds me of a content farm thing i found that was so blatantly word swapping synonyms that like
RubyChao: it was discussing the L train
RubyChao: but it called it the "L convoy"


Jumpropeman: in retrospect, Maya would have been great for Aqualand stuff
Draco: She'd be put in the tank as a replacement.


SteelKomodo: reminder
Draco: I love it.


PhoneDel: hideaki repping team love this splatfest
PhoneDel: gumi screaming constantly
Minicon Sheep: The bird STREAMS?!
PhoneDel: the bird streams now
Gooper Blooper: and what-what-what is so weird about a bird streaming, huh
PhoneDel: lmao I forgot about that plot
PhoneDel: what timing
PhoneDel: wuewuewuewoomy
Jumpropeman: and here I worried it would be too absurd for a bird to stream
LadySeychelles: The internet needs more birds
Gooper Blooper: *HP bursts into the chat to nod vigorously*
Minicon Sheep: Here's where I'd link Brian Pigeon's cameo in Hatoful Boyfriend
Minicon Sheep: IF I COULD FIND IT
LadySeychelles: I like how youve captured the exact energy of the meme your referencing
PhoneDel: lol


(Chao goes to a retro game expo)

RubyChao: i bought... OLD VIDEO GAMES
RubyChao: and by old i mean gamecube and 360
Gooper Blooper: cube!
RubyChao: this being a retro game expo and having the 360/PS3/Wii on the Lineup of Retro Game Consoles made me go
RubyChao: "you're not wrong but i don't like it"
Jumpropeman: meowza
Jumpropeman: whatjuget
Gooper Blooper: [insert sanae here]
RubyChao: nascar 2005 chase for the cup (gamecube) and mafia II (xbox 360)
RubyChao: hey here's a neat trivia fact i was reminded of, too
RubyChao: this guy invented video game cartridges
RubyChao: everyone say thanks
Gooper Blooper: we are not worthy
LadySeychelles: Thanks?
Jumpropeman: i remember watching some youtube doc on him
RubyChao: gotta say i'm glad he and his squad had the idea
RubyChao: if we were all still running on "games are built into the hardware" that'd suuuuck :V
Jumpropeman: that or we'd be using game cards and other weird solutions from the time
RubyChao: jrm: i also got a book about the magnavox odyssey
Jumpropeman: nice!
RubyChao: written by the guy who made the magnavox odyssey!
RubyChao: (it was a reprint of a book from 2005, he did not rise from his grave to write)
Jumpropeman: the odyssey is gonna be one heck of a white whale
RubyChao: god it's gonna be funny if you ever play it because it's just fuckin' pong
Jumpropeman: every game is practically a board game
RubyChao: oh, another fun fact: they even had Computer Space at the expo
RubyChao: i played it for like a minute
Gooper Blooper: Computer Space is definitely a game that is worth playing once for vidya history enthusiasts, but "once" is the key word :V
Draco: That minute was still too long. ;p
Gooper Blooper: You play Computer Space so that you can say you played Computer Space
Gooper Blooper: literally over half a century old...
Jumpropeman: gooper, this is a video game discourse. Computer Space is Important so it's one of the best games of all time-
Gooper Blooper: best game ever
Gooper Blooper: they got it right the first try
Jumpropeman: should have just been Video Game, not video games
Gooper Blooper: also I love the Computer Space cabinet
Gooper Blooper: so stylish
Jumpropeman: I was gonna ask chao, was it the retro sci-fi cabinet
RubyChao: it sure was
Gooper Blooper: As Atari 50 informed me, it comes in multiple colors!
RubyChao: theirs was red!
Gooper Blooper: Funspot's is also red!


Jumpropeman gets a call from my bank
Jumpropeman: "Did you attempt to make a purchase for 0 dollars"
Gooper Blooper: gasp!!
Jumpropeman: apparently downloading a free Playdate game still sent a card request for "nothing" :V


(Dr. Blooper starts healing people by throwing Megavitamins at them)

Harpbebobop: bonk. Take u vitamins
Jumpropeman: imagine you're on death's door and a squid throws something at your face and you suddenly get a new lease on life
Gooper Blooper: I imagine Dr. Blooper's vitamin throwing to work the way Dr. Mario works in Smash, where he throws the pills and they smack into you and make that 8-bit noise
Gooper Blooper: except they heal


Jumpropeman looks up Chiyari on touhou wiki
Jumpropeman: "Personality
<add here> "
Jumpropeman: yes, that is how I RP touhous


MobileDraco: Mad he's not in RP.
Seashells: I mean. Give me time.
Minicon Sheep: That's one grumpy balloon!
Jumpropeman: not even raph wants to go back to school


Diadem: shitpost
Draco: barpost
Diadem: shitpost
RubyChao: harpy they can't ALL be shitposts-
Diadem: look i'm trying to woo paimon with a burger how is that not a shitpost
Gooper Blooper: I did some prewriting for the Mayday OP and it's going to be a gigantic shitpost
Draco asked Chatzy to choose between Do It and Don't Do It. Chatzy chose: Do It
Draco: barpost
Diadem: posted
Diadem: i'll have to reply later i don't think i can recover in time for this reveal tonight
Gooper Blooper: pffff, that reveal
Gooper Blooper: harpy had no idea how important this scene would be
Diadem: i was fucking sideswiped and T boned by this reveal
Diadem: i got whiplash instead
Gooper Blooper:
Diadem: i love paimon's JP voice
Draco: Please do not hit Paimon with a tree to start her.
Diadem: eyeyeyeyeye
Gooper Blooper:
Draco: That's not very emergency food of you.
Diadem: paimon is not emergency food, she's neokama


renfivel: oh my god
renfivel: this is beautiful
renfivel: one I generated earlier and spit my ginger ale out reading it:
renfivel: "Your weapon is a new secondary for the Heavy!
you can walk on water
damaging enemies increases your bar meter,
which makes you third person for 51 seconds when activated
headshots fires off 19 rockets in all directions
Your gun can randomly jam
+84% fire damage vulnerability
-90% ammo capacity"
RubyChao: Your weapon is a new primary for the Spy!
healing yourself increase your mmmph meter,
which does nothing when activated
makes you immune to backstabs
headshots creates a cloud of toxic gas that does 80 dps
you can no longer fire your weapons
+27% weapon switch time
your gun can randomly missfire
renfivel: >does nothing
renfivel: lel
renfivel: wait
renfivel: can you ONLY fire by misfiring
RubyChao: it looks like it
renfivel: AHAHA
Gooper Blooper: The Box Fox of TF2 weapons
Gooper Blooper: it shoots when it feels like it
Gooper Blooper adds mmmph meters to RP
RubyChao: they do nothing when activated


Jumpropeman: Yuuma: "I'm totally mature, which is why you're coming to my rehabilitation slumber party!"
Draco: Yuuma's totally copying Momoyo. D;
Jumpropeman: yuuma doesn't have soda though
Draco: Except Saltbaker's OTHER Wonder Chef friend who specializes in soda will appear.
Jumpropeman: and that friend... is Crystal Pep-Simian Jr.
Draco: A.k.a. SON BITEN.


PhoneDel: JADE NO


Minicon Sheep: "It's round, it's mean, it turns milk green!"
Jumpropeman: im watching a dog for five days! It's duke and he's a breeze, but my mom and dad are off in texas visiting relatives
Minicon Sheep: ...The Hulk?
Diadem: fucking around with dyes to see what clothes look stylish on dia
Diadem: pictured here: the nuke
Gooper Blooper: she's round, she's not mean, she wears dyed green
Minicon Sheep: You talkin' about...
Minicon Sheep: Dyea?
Gooper Blooper: HE'S BIG, HE'S GREEN, AND I HOPE HE'S NOT FEELING MEAN... Shrek is the loser.
Jumpropeman: im already sort of nostalgic for those bad shrek games
Gooper Blooper: I think there might be enough to do it again, but we'd have to include the rarer and more expensive ones this time
Minicon Sheep: I'm sure there are more out there
Jumpropeman: I brought up the video I saw where a guy said he didn't think anyone beat the last course of Shrek Swamp Kart Speedway, and in retrospect, I think I might not have even. I think I slipped by on Mario Kart scoring with like a second or third place in that race but better performance overall
Jumpropeman: I know I played that course a ton trying to get first but
Jumpropeman: it just could not happen
Hooded Pitohui: Gotta get them cashing in on Shrek revivals and convince some company to put out a bunch of mid Shrek tie-in games on digital only-
Jumpropeman: oh god
Jumpropeman: keep Outright Games away from the Shrek brand
Gooper Blooper: OUTRIGHT SHREK
Gooper Blooper: Scary musical sting as Outright Games rubs at their logo to reveal the TDK logo underneath
Gooper Blooper: Shrek 5/a Shrek reboot has been rumored for years
Jumpropeman: after the Puss in Boots sequel did gangbusters
Jumpropeman: I think Shrek 5 really has a shot
Hooded Pitohui: My confession is that I know more about Shrek games than Shrek films, owing to never having seen the films and to JRM.
Jumpropeman: excellent
Jumpropeman: my opinion that Shrek 4 was kind of okay has taken root in innocent minds...
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: the good news is, I bet a lot of those Shrek windows games are on
Gooper Blooper: And the bad news is, I bet a lot of those Shrek windows games are on
Jumpropeman: Sky Gamestar is apparently like a glorified flash site, I got excited for a Leapster style game console


Cornwind Evil: And just as a reminder that sometimes the Grimm Brothers would just stream of consciousness their work, here's one of their generic stories, the Gold Children.
Cornwind Evil: A fisherman caught a golden fish, who gave him and his wife a rich castle on the condition that he will not tell anyone how he had gotten it. His wife badgered the knowledge from him, but he caught the fish again and regained the castle, and when she badgered the truth out of him again, he caught the fish a third time. The fish saw it was fated to fall into the fisherman's hand and told him to take it home and cut it into six pieces, giving two to his wife and two to his horse. He had to bury the last two pieces in the ground. When he did, his wife gave birth to twins of gold, the horse gave birth to two foals of gold, and two golden lilies sprouted from the earth.
When they were grown, the gold children left home, telling their father that the lilies would wither if they were ill and die if they were dead. People mocked them because of their golden appearance, and one child went back to his father, but the other went on, through a forest filled with robbers. He covered himself with bearskins to hide the gold from the thieves, and wooed a maiden. They fell in love and soon married. Her father then came home and believed his son-in-law was a beggar because he was covered with bearskins. However, the next morning, he was relieved when he saw the gold skin of the young man who was no longer wearing the skins.
The gold man went out to hunt a stag and asked an old witch about it. The witch told him that she knew of the stag, but her dog barked at him. When he threatened to shoot it, the witch transformed him into stone. Back home, his brother saw that the lily had withered and realized his brother was in trouble. He went to help him, but did not approach the witch closely enough to be transformed. Then he threatened to shoot her if she did not restore his brother. The witch did so, and one brother went back to his bride and the other returned to their father.


Minicon Sheep: "Such lofty expectations for Frankenberry dashed against the cruel reality of the tractor."
Minicon Sheep: Good.


Jumpropeman: i need to rent River City Girls Zero sometime
Gooper Blooper: I looked it up when I was looking into the RCG games, imagine my surprise at what it actually was!
Jumpropeman: im glad they decided to go for old school vibes even though I bet a visual retooling woulda looked cool too
Jumpropeman: "translation options that can be true to the original text OR adapted to fit the way the characters are characterized in River City Girls."
Jumpropeman: an interesting approach!
Gooper Blooper: And then there's this thing
Jumpropeman: man
Jumpropeman rolls in the many retro game collections
RubyChao: vibe
Gooper Blooper: look at all those "translated for the first time ever"s
RubyChao continues hyperfixating on a 1999 game only a month after hyperfixating on a 2023 game
Gooper Blooper: Chao:
RubyChao: goops: there was one time on a map where i had piling up all at once
RubyChao: a request for figs, a request for weapons, a request to send my troops, an invasion by sea, and an invasion by land, all due or happening in the space of a year
RubyChao: that ankha is how i felt.
Gooper Blooper: I'm cracking up imagining Chao fighting three wars at once and sending weapons to a fourth war and outside the pharaoh's house there's just this one guy whining "where are my figs, you said you'd give me figs"
Diadem: give me the figs
Diadem: stop not giving me figs
Diadem: you monster
RubyChao: that just made me imagine eggman give me your phone
RubyChao: but as GIVE me your figs.
Gooper Blooper: brother, may I have some figs
Jumpropeman: now give me some figgy pudding
Jumpropeman: we won't go until we get some
Diadem: please sir, may i have some figs
Minicon Sheep: I don't give a fig
Diadem: off with your head.


Jumpropeman: I always find it funny to hear harpy describe a mabi character and then you click and they're just like (✿。◕‿◕。)
Diadem: this bitch will shlorp you
Diadem: the cutest/hottest ones are the most dangerous
Gooper Blooper: "guys I'm crying and shaking right now, mabi just debuted the most evil and horrible character yet and Dia almost died"
Diadem: take the succubus fiends the queen summons, for example
Diadem: aw lookatem, they so cute and mischievous
Gooper Blooper: We have Etna at home
Diadem: homie that bitch has put enough bullets into dia that she's now defined as swiss cheese
Jumpropeman: you like krabby patties don't you squidward
MobileDraco: Horrifying succubus fiend.
Diadem: yeah she killed dia once
Diadem: she got better.
Jumpropeman: koakuma 2spooky
Gooper Blooper: Is that famous streamer SweetWings?!
MobileDraco: Yes. She is more popular than two Iono's.
Diadem: the most fearsome enemy i have ever faced so far in this game
Diadem: are these fucking things
Diadem: "it's a fucking marble, harpy"
MobileDraco: OZMA D8
Gooper Blooper: marble madness


Minicon Sheep joined the chat
Minicon Sheep:
Jumpropeman: I wasn't ready for him, in the midst of well pronounced japanese, to say Danmaku Kagura like an American
Jumpropeman: he pronounces it fine later too
Gooper Blooper: According to the comments he'd had an American accent when saying "Touhou Project" in earlier clips, and people pointed it out
Gooper Blooper: so in true Toby Fox fashion he now intentionally says the title as American as possible
Gooper Blooper: del no that's the wrong football
Gooper Blooper: you'll catch the murka
Gooper Blooper: the comments have also informed me toby has a touhou OC
Jumpropeman: Girlington
Gooper Blooper: how d'ya like them apples
Jumpropeman: does she count for all touhous in rp-
Gooper Blooper: she made it into someone's fangame
Deldori Issue: are some of those apples
Deldori Issue: bad
Gooper Blooper: well, she doesn't wanna get slapped with a lawsuit by... *checks which touhou uses Bad Apple as their theme because I honestly don't know*
Gooper Blooper: holy shit it was PC-98 music
Gooper Blooper: this is their biggest legacy
RubyChao: lmao yeah
Seashells: It’s as old as me!!!
Minicon Sheep: The only Touhou I'd consider Rping
Jumpropeman: oh wow, it eventually became actual touhou music


RubyChao: "I know this is probably also true of other really big and old fandoms and I just haven't seen it elsewhere because I am not involved. however. to me one of the most charming parts of being into yugioh is that you can think of literally any character even if they're totally pointless or only appeared in two scenes of one episode in 2002. and somewhere out there is a fan who would die for them and has made enthusiastically loving that character half their personality. and they're right"
RubyChao: this is also touhou


(Doc Croc is revealed to actually be evil and murders, of all people, the Purple Francis brain parasite)

RubyChao: i can't believe Purple Francis is fucking dead.
Gooper Blooper: step aside Annis, there's a new most evil villain
RubyChao: when sheep was just "hey do you mind if i kill purple francis" i was instantly HE'S ALL YOURS
Jumpropeman: being purple wasn't enough...
Gooper Blooper: It's not easy being purple


Jumpropeman: "Welcome to Steam Sequence, a series where I attempt to play every game on Steam in alphabetical order to see if there are any hidden gems among the piles of garbage."
Gooper Blooper: "Every game on Steam" is less wide a net than "every video game ever made", but somehow sounds even more impossible for some reason
Jumpropeman: it's the alphabetical part that gets me
Jumpropeman: I didn't even need to see the full set of videos they put out so far to know all the trash that would use bad names for easy visibility
Jumpropeman: it's like how businesses called themselves AAA, ABC, or ACME to be near the front of the phone book back in the day
Gooper Blooper: "AAAAAAArmadillos In This Game? No Way!"
Jumpropeman: they've been at it since november 2022 despite the thumbnails really showing the depths of trash they've already reached


Jumpropeman: what a trailer
RubyChao: "Includes 2021 Steam Achievements" Oh, that's why.
Jumpropeman: yup, I'm watching that Steam Sequence guy and he's finding the ones near the top are achievement spammers
Gooper Blooper: I did notice that game's title started with an exclamation point and realized pretty quick how JRM had found it


Diadem: oh my god jrm's awake
Diadem: holy shit
Jumpropeman: I dozed off shortly after plot last night :V
Diadem: welcome to diurnal hours
Diadem: welcome to dia hours
Jumpropeman: real dia hours
Diadem: not to be confused with real noctia hours
Diadem: dark dia wanted a special name
RubyChao: jrm feels confused and lost right now...
RubyChao: what is this burning orb in the sky...
Diadem: sometimes i wonder that, too
Diadem: then i use a pillow to block it out and go back to sleep
Jumpropeman: there's beams of light coming from those glass things on the wall
Jumpropeman: I can see too much of this room
Diadem: the console amalgamate stands behind him
Brinehammer: You gotta get these special curtains, block that right out.
Diadem: JRM confirms he's a vampire
Diadem: tfw you're waiting until 10 so dia can do her daily fuckery because it resets at 7 dracotime
Jumpropeman: Dia's Daily Fuckery is her blog after the kobber blogger
Diadem: it's got a very super secret special way to access it because there, dia swears
Diadem: and that would ruin public perception of her
Diadem: dia slowly becoming a self-insert over time
Jumpropeman: are you saying you have a deep web swear blog
Diadem: no because i'm too much of a wuss to go to the deep web :)
Jumpropeman: link
Diadem: yeah she's why i don't go
Jumpropeman: c'mon, don't be that way
Jumpropeman: it's not her fault people don't sell her organs directly-


Jumpropeman: brine character pipeline-
Brinehammer: OH my god- literally, though, lol


Jumpropeman: is this visible
SteelKomodo: yes
Jumpropeman: good, enjoy it
Jumpropeman has no ulterior motives


SteelKomodo: zfrp reminder
SteelKomodo: deep fried water dumples are better than sex
SteelKomodo: that is all




Diadem: *looks* no techies?
Diadem: WELL
Diadem: least attami got me.
Gooper Blooper: Yeah my best bet was Attami for that angle
Jumpropeman: a free dinner ain't enough to get GBC on by
Gooper Blooper: what if burnin was paying-
Diadem: fair enough, she did have a date with burnin
Diadem: shit we did different angles of attack
Diadem: I'll work with it
Diadem: anyone else joining in?
Jumpropeman: burnin would have more taste surely!
Jumpropeman: but, I do have a backup plan
Diadem: i mean, pondy rosa's not a bad cafe
Jumpropeman: it needs to be triggered
Gooper Blooper: *the backup plan is a Crygor crashing through a window*
Jumpropeman: I MEAN


Jumpropemans Monster: I submitted the arcade game Quantum to mobygames back in june and they finally approved it. What makes this funny is that Mobygames has been doing small adverts for Quantum Recharged, a reimagining of a game that wasn't even in their database yet :V


Jumpropeman: i don't like this image
MobileDraco: Pooh is lost! D;
Jumpropeman: looks like pooh ended up at shrek's swamp
LadySeychelles: This looks like the simpson child thats in danger
Deldori Disaster: nobody's seen beyond the first twenty feet of piglets front door and now we know why
MobileDraco: Ralph Wiggum the Pooh


Gooper Blooper: Got Burnin merch in the mail today, though unfortunately she was not prepared for the rigors of the trip across the world
Jumpropeman: oh no!
Jumpropeman: decapitated!
Gooper Blooper: it's a burnin injustice I tells ya
LadySeychelles: Wait, Burnin is from HeroAca?
Gooper Blooper: she is indeed
Gooper Blooper: Taped her up the best I could
LadySeychelles: #themoreyouknow
Diadem: burnt
Jumpropeman: BURN
RubyChao: BURN


Jumpropeman: Chiyuri before: "another boring sailor touhou, moving on"
Chiyuri after barely appearing in rp: "actually she kinda cute tho"
RubyChao: such is the power of rp
RubyChao: even the tiniest appearance has influence
Hooded Pitohui: Appearing in RP is an instant 10% boost to charisma
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: thinking about bank things


Deldori Disaster: barpost
Deldori Disaster: probably the last from me cos it's midnight
Deldori Disaster: I GOT THE HEART OF A LION
Deldori Disaster: AND THE WINGS OF A BAT
Minicon Sheep: And the liver of a football hooligan
LadySeuchelles: And the foot of an anime catgirl
Minicon Sheep: And my axe
MobileDraco: And a partridge in a pear tree.
Deldori Disaster: it's real sad when you're the only one who gets a homestar runner reference
Deldori Disaster: that's how you know you're old now
Minicon Sheep: Del
Minicon Sheep: Delmond
Minicon Sheep leans in far too close
Minicon Sheep: You've always been old.
Deldori Disaster: NO
Deldori Disaster: not until like, a while ago


Diadem joined the chat
Diadem: *wakes up*
Diadem: *turns to get out of bed*
Diadem: *slips because oops this bitch was on the edge of the bed*
Diadem: *scrapes side on nightstand as she slowly manages to slip out about as gracefully as a goose*
Diadem: needless to say
Diadem: ouchies.
Gooper Blooper: elegance becomes you
SteelKomodo: ouch
SteelKomodo: rip harps
Diadem: it's okay its my punishment for not coming onto chatzy yesterday


LadySeychelles cackles in Neo
MobileDraco giggles in Yohane?
Jumpropeman makes nonsense noises in Ginny
Gooper Blooper chortles in Ann Glerr
Minicon Sheep blows raspberry in Spat
Diadem does a confused Dia shrug


RubyChao: "The fourth level, Chongqing, takes place during a heavy rainstorm. Comments from the development team remark that they did that because fans wanted a level in the rain."
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: that's a straightforward way to do it
Gooper Blooper: "you asked, we delivered!"
Hooded Pitohui: Going to start writing game developers unsolicited messages about wanting more levels in the rain and seeing who rises to this level.


(Re: the ticker quote for the day being Attami remarking that most people just think of her as 'the glutton robot')

Cornwind Damp: You know, looking at the chat tagline
Cornwind Damp: Attami, what else have you done besides eat and help with Kobber stuff?
Hooded Pitohui: Being cute counts as a third thing!
Gooper Blooper: She has a job! We never see it, but she has one!
Minicon Sheep: Yeah, a job as the restaurant's garbage disposal!
Minicon Sheep flees
Minicon Sheep left the chat

Cornwind Damp: That kind of makes me think of how on Family Guy Quagmire is actually a pilot, but you'd completely forget that except for occasional reminders
Gooper Blooper: Attami's an accountant for Hoshii Holdings, hence her official designation of ATM
Cornwind Damp: Gene: So wait, if I feed you paper and ink, would you literally print money?
Gooper Blooper: "It would resemble money, but be counterfeit and therefore illegal."
Cornwind Damp: Pictured: Attami counterfeiting


Mother Caramel Simply Vanished: So I was just remembering a magazine I had that revolved around the release of Mortal Kombat III
Mother Caramel Simply Vanished: And it had breakdowns of every character in the game with basic facts and stuff and trivia like their favorite song
Mother Caramel Simply Vanished: Note that every character was included, including the bosses
Mother Caramel Simply Vanished: And one of the trivia questions was 'favorite ice cream'
Mother Caramel Simply Vanished: Now, based on who appeared in MK3
Mother Caramel Simply Vanished: Guess which two characters had a non answer to that question?
SteelKomodo: I'm gonna say Sub Zero was one of them at least
Mother Caramel Simply Vanished: Semi close, but no, he gave an answer, I just don't remember what it was
Mother Caramel Simply Vanished: The two who had a non answer were Shang Tsung...and Sektor
Mother Caramel Simply Vanished: Shang Tsung, being EVIL, of course, said "I hate ice cream."
Mother Caramel Simply Vanished: Sektor said the more neutral "I don't like sweets", which, considering how it was gradually established that he was the general bastard of the Liun Quai, oddly fits.
Mother Caramel Simply Vanished: So yes, this means that SHAO KAHN gave an answer
Mother Caramel Simply Vanished: His answer was "Pearl Jam"
SteelKomodo: okay but
SteelKomodo: ...what
Mother Caramel Simply Vanished: Which, while I think is a Ben and Jerry's flavor
Mother Caramel Simply Vanished: Also made me wonder if his favorite ice cream was somehow turning the band Pearl Jam into some kind of human soul ice cream and eating it
SteelKomodo: a cursory search tells me
SteelKomodo: that this is peanut butter and raspberry jam
SteelKomodo: shao kahn what the actual fuck


RubyChao: i leave you with the time that Bambietta hired 47 in one of the player-made contracts
Gooper Blooper: my god, that is entirely too appropriate
Gooper Blooper: you weren't kiddin
Jumpropeman: the only unbelievable part is bambietta having the patience to wait so long for revenge


Diadem: feel free to ask dia stuff but right now i'm doing mabi stuff, prolly won't reply for a wee bit
Diadem: just lemme know if you do and i'll answer asap
renfivel: Gino asks Dia if she wants to go out some time
Jumpropeman: i need to know if what people actually are talking about is Dia
Diadem: i meant in-character during plot lkfgjldjfg
Jumpropeman: we saw our chance and TOOK IT
Diadem: look this is not a plot about dia, so we're not talking about Dia
Diadem: yet
Diadem: that's called stealing
Diadem: :V


Jumpropeman: I don't know what Scratch is but it must taste pretty good for how much food is made from it ;p
Gooper Blooper: I think that's the chicken guy who hangs out with Grounder
Gooper Blooper: Must be why everything "tastes like chicken"
Jumpropeman: we cracked the case


Jumpropeman: I do like the idea Lucy met Gale's parents she needed the blessing for a wedding anyway
Draco: Lucy met Gale's parents, introduced herself as an educated doktor of great renown, and then told them how old she is.
Jumpropeman: theyd be happy she treated gale's health issues, but they would probably need some time to comprehend what was going on :V
Draco: Yes, the story of how they met is...unusual.
Jumpropeman: lucy trying to couch it in polite terms before gale just blurts out it was a hook up
Draco: ...well, there was a BIT more to it than that, but Lucy would probably not say they were trying to out-sass each other first.
Jumpropeman: they probably know their daughter would end up with someone who can hold their own in a sass-off
Draco: In any case, they love each other very much. 💗
Jumpropeman: one of the healthiest rp relationships!
Jumpropeman: literally, one's a doktor
Draco: And the other's an arcade worker. Maybe not the healthiest profession, but it's good. X)
Jumpropeman: gale provides! She got that donutvania credit recently!
Draco: That's true. She is literally the breadwinner of the house.
Jumpropeman: gale takes care of pudge when Demonde's working by kicking her butt in video games
Draco: Gotta teach the kids young. No hand-holding, even in Mario Kart.


Jumpropeman: my elderly neighbor was walking around wearing this today


(After Dawn offers heavy compensation when an already-difficult mission goes terribly wrong, Yuna requests "a cave full of government cheese".)

Cornwind Evil: What do you know, government cheese still exists
SteelKomodo: the heck is government cheese?
SteelKomodo: >googles it
SteelKomodo: oh, that's government cheese
SteelKomodo: ...i never had school dinners when i was a kid, but i'd easily believe the UK had something like this too


Cornwind Evil: BTW if Dia turned down the pay Dawn would probably just go "Okay what charity do you want me to direct it to", as said
Jumpropeman: dawn directs it to the more government cheese fund
Diadem: any charity that is helping the current homelessness issue
Cornwind Evil: What did Yuuma buy with her payment?
Mirrored Sheep: Cheese
Cornwind Evil: And Reduin?
Cornwind Evil: DO NOT SAY CHEESE
Diadem: demo cries at this travesty
Jumpropeman: fleas
Jumpropeman: to start a flea circus
Jumpropeman: reduin's true calling
Mirrored Sheep: Probably a new sword. My guy keeps losing them.


Gooper Blooper: I had to look up government cheese and keked when I saw it is an actual thing
Cornwind Evil: I knew it was a thing ONCE, I just didn't know if it still was
Diadem: i have heard it so many times during my time in the recent internet
LadySeychelles: Yes
Gooper Blooper: the government's secret 1970s cheese vault
Gooper Blooper: this is the kind of politics I like to see


Gooper Blooper: Goopsbro gets sick if someone coughs within fifty miles of him, so of course his hobbies include going to concerts and eating after a concert without washing his hands


Jumpropeman: apologies to brine, but I don't think Ginny is ready to fight robots on the moon
Brinehammer: I can't really blame her, that's fair


LadySeychelles: If I'm allowed to brag, I feel like this has been my strongest season yet


Mirrored Sheep:
MobileDraco: That video has killed me. Thanks.


Nasty Crimegirl: i attempted to find some cute splatoon art to share but i uh
Nasty Crimegirl: i messed up the rating filter
Nasty Crimegirl: anyway
Gooper Blooper: Whoops! Can't show that in a Christian manga!
RubyChao: yeah, they changed it a few months ago
RubyChao: meaning that rating:s went from "safe" to "sensitive"
Jumpropeman: haha
Jumpropeman: smart :V
RubyChao: which is "i mean this isn't horny, but that's some hella cleavage"
Gooper Blooper:
RubyChao: and they created a rating: general which is the "your boss can see this over your shoulder and they will not judge you" rating
Nasty Crimegirl: i got shown a whole lot of butt
Diadem: dirk would be proud


RubyChao: "Like, if the wheel’s turning, doesn’t that mean things are starting up? God… I have been slacking HARD on my part of things."
RubyChao: from humble beginnings...
Gooper Blooper: is that shimsham
RubyChao: yes!
RubyChao: in the season 3 end of year teaser for the deck
RubyChao: the very first line Shimmer ever said in ZFRP
Gooper Blooper: That iconic Shimmer catchphrase, "God, I have been slacking HARD."
Jumpropeman: it's on all the t-shirts!


Gooper Blooper: We have roughly four Ultimate Nuclear Options, and one of them is always grumpy, one of them is currently power-napping, and one of them is arguably more useful when unfused
Gooper Blooper: Kirby's the only one without baggage
Diadem: god help annis if she steps in his strawberry shortcake out of spite
RubyChao: laughing at the tensuho description because.
RubyChao: yeah.
Diadem: i forget who the grumpy one is
Gooper Blooper: Gojira
RubyChao: Y E P
RubyChao: mr. grumpy himself
Diadem: oh, grandpa, sounds about right
Gooper Blooper: (and for those of you playing along at home, Arceus is the napping one)


Jumpropeman: "Crygor continues on undeterred, swimming through the air and approaching like some persistent horror movie monster"
Jumpropeman: thank you pito, this made me laugh
Jumpropeman: just imagining the goofy scientist somehow scary
Gooper Blooper: When you are a nervous Clefairy who has a total of one (1) technique in your playbook, even Dr. Crygor can be a threat
Diadem: >clefairy
Diadem: whomst
Gooper Blooper: EVIL clefairy
Gooper Blooper: (it's not actually evil)
Hooded Pitohui: Pictured: Evil Clefairy
Gooper Blooper: 500 on jigglypuff
Diadem: biased
Diadem: 1000 on clefairy


Jumpropeman: since I'm in the part of Food Wars with Lanterby, that means I'm at the part where they cook with chainsaws too
renfivel: wat
Jumpropeman: although I personally think its more ridiculous when someone uses a guillotine to cut meat
Cornwind Evil: Oh god, what's next, using a water pressure cutter to cut cake?
renfivel: I mean, guillotines are meant to cut meat though
renfivel: just ask the French!
Diadem: honhonhon
renfivel: yes?
Diadem: okay mabi time
Diadem: sorry babe
Jumpropeman: I could tell when some high school chefs chased a criminal cook on jet skis that things were in the Bad Part, but it reminds me of how in Bakuman, a manga about making manga, there are a lot of times editors are like "well if the manga is failing you can throw in battle manga tropes to pander" and that's very much how these ridiculous things come off
renfivel: that sounds like something from Conan but at least they're meant to chase criminals
Jumpropeman: yeah, Food Wars does do some "crazy" stuff that feels justified, like when a chef butchers a crocodile, since crocodile meat cooking is a real but eccentric thing
MobileDraco: I had alligator meat once.
renfivel: to us. anyway
Gooper Blooper: I saw alligator jerky at a convenience store once
renfivel: I play Alligator's Sword in cooking position.
Jumpropeman: and yes
Jumpropeman: the manga calls her Rantabi
Cornwind Evil: I spent two minutes trying to remember if Wheel Gator in Mega Man X2 was an alligator or a crocodile
Cornwind Evil: my defense I was tired groggy counting sheep thinking
renfivel: I would've laughed if Sheep joined right then
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: man, they made a whole gator theme park set for this commercial
Gooper Blooper: I was thinking the same thing, they went seriously extra on the props for this thing considering half the ad is just the toy in a living room
Cornwind Evil: Commercials like this always make me think of Mr. Bucket
Gooper Blooper: Gator Golf is absolutely part of that same family tree
renfivel: mhm
Nasty Crimegirl: ah 1994
Jumpropeman looks up english dub of lanterby's scenes from the anime
Jumpropeman: her voice...
Gooper Blooper: When I was a kid every commercial break had some crazy new battery-operated game from Milton Bradley
Jumpropeman: I'd link it but food wars is very horny
Jumpropeman: but her voice is awful :V
Jumpropeman: it's like a preppy high school girl
Jumpropeman: Valley Girl Lanterby


MobileChao: So jrm when you saw lanterby animated
MobileChao: You understand what i mean about no budget
MobileChao: I honestly didn't mind lanterby's dub voice TOO much
MobileChao: It didn't feel objectively bad just bad for the cbaracter
MobileChao: Lanterby is one case of sub over dub for me
Mirrored Sheep: The dub does like it's Valley Girl accents...
MobileChao: But yeah lanterby has two really notable scenes
MobileChao: One of them has a budget of three potatoes and the other is a porno
MobileChao: Makes it hard to link
Gooper Blooper: rantabi.
MobileChao: You will all appreciate her
MobileChao: This is not optional
Draco: Never. I'll never have a meatball become friends with her.


Gooper Blooper: it's been some time since I updated you all on what Nathen Mazri has been up to
Gooper Blooper: and somehow he keeps getting worse
Jumpropeman: oooh
LadySeychelles: Who?
Gooper Blooper: The guy who invented GarfieldEATS, a ridiculous Canadian restaurant that has popped up in here in the past for us to laugh about
Gooper Blooper: When we last left Nathen, he had long lost the Garfield license, and in response created his own fursona named Nathfield and had promised an animated cartoon about him and his adventures to "cleanse this bitch of an earth"
Draco: Chaotic Evil for sure.
Gooper Blooper: Said "cartoon" ended up just being three podcasts of cheaply-hired voice actors reading incomprehensible scripts. A fourth "episode" was teased, but never released.
Gooper Blooper: For like one day he contemplated doing "NathfieldEATS", by just... opening GarfieldEATS again except with Nathfield this time, but of course he didn't have the attention span for that
Draco: A monster for sure.
Gooper Blooper: Then, Nathen came swinging in with a grand (and, as always, nearly incomprehensible) vision for his very own series of works of art
Gooper Blooper: Providing biting social commentary on... breakfast!
Cornwind Evil: Nathan sounds mentally ill
Diadem: yeah but he has the money to shut people up about it. or just straight up ignores it
Diadem: because i'm sure everyone in his orbit has told him "this is a bad idea"
Gooper Blooper: He may be, or he may just be incredibly isolated in his rich people bubble. His rich dad safety net and toxic opinions keep him a target of derision and mockery rather than pity.
Diadem: trust fund bebbes.
Gooper Blooper: So the breakfast thing is, supposedly, meant to be a mix of nostalgia for childhood cereals of the past and the shocking truth that those cereals you enjoy may have... processed chemicals in them!!!
Gooper Blooper: He posted a photo of a scooby-doo lunchbox sitting in his car and captioned it "My art tools"
Gooper Blooper: But are you ready to learn what exactly Nathen's art turned out to be
Diadem: god he was my inspiration for this plot what the fuck did he do
Gooper Blooper: He bought some cereal and glued some of the pieces of the cereal to the box.
Diadem: absolutely genius.
Gooper Blooper: He did this with several different boxes, and considering the size of the boxes relative to the cereal, he clearly bought one of those multipacks where you get several different cereals in a bunch of little tiny boxes, like for packing lunch for a kid.
Draco: Amazing.
Gooper Blooper: He then placed these in an "online art gallery" where you could move around in virtual space and get a nice close look at his art
Gooper Blooper: And by "a nice close look", I mean
MobileChao: What IS this man
Gooper Blooper:
Gooper Blooper: He called this "NathenEATS"
Gooper Blooper: and, of course, the final dash of sugar on top...
Gooper Blooper: He cannot. Let. Go.
Jumpropeman: he had his second of fame and is clawing desperately to get any more
MobileChao: This man is like the perfect storm


RubyChao: link
Gooper Blooper: m o s t _ u n p l e a s a n t
Gooper Blooper: someday we're going to find out Hooded Pitohui is actually the Mario Broth guy.


Diadem: I'm basically running this plot all improv except for like one or two elements
Diadem: but unexpectancy is playing so who cares


Jumpropeman: i need to make a cute girl so dorothy has someone to talk to
Gooper Blooper: yeah, you hardly have any of those
Gooper Blooper: dorothy desperate for cute girls in RP and can't find any
Draco: If only we had some kind of video game girl based on a niche console that could only display red and black.
Jumpropeman: i should just bring back old hard girls until they're all in relationships
Draco: Who's left? We got the important ones, I think.
Jumpropeman: Madison, Virginia, Theodora, and Gabby's figuring hers out
Draco: Gotcha. Well, time to introduce the...uh...Atari Hard Girls!
Jumpropeman: just a bunch of old grandmas
Draco: You won't be able to stop them, JRM.


Mirrored Sheep joined the chat
RubyChao: hi sheep
Mirrored Sheep: Hey kids, what's happening?
Diadem: flowey
Gooper Blooper: Evil flower.
RubyChao: a flower with the will and desire to kill


LadySeychelles: Today I cursed my best friend with arcane one piece lore
Draco: Oh no. D:
LadySeychelles: Specifically
LadySeychelles: I told her
LadySeychelles: That buggy the clown
LadySeychelles: Has a detachable penis
Hooded Pitohui: So does the orb-web spider. Someone tell Buggy he's nothing special.
Draco: I would but how the FUCK does anyone know that?
RubyChao: someone once asked the author "hey do devil fruit powers affect dicks". he said the anser is yes
Jumpropeman: you would hope they would, or people who could turn into smoke and fire would just have a solid floating wiener in their otherwise immaterial body


renfivel: I wasn't expecting that One Piece conversation, thanks for sharing Sey :U
Draco: Hivle.
LadySeychelles: I aim to please
renfivel: I was almost tempted to wonder who would be the most cursed but I can live without thinking about that
Jumpropeman: Mr. 1-
Diadem: he'll stretch his dick out just for youuuuu- wait.


RubyChao: TOUHOU SORTER STATUS: touhou sorter does not have touhou 19
Jumpropeman: then who CARES
Gooper Blooper: did they add the ghost girl Brine likes yet
RubyChao: they do have the touhou 19 songs though!
RubyChao: let me check goops
RubyChao: she is NOT in yet!
Gooper Blooper: Sheesh!
Brinehammer: :[


RubyChao: link
Gooper Blooper: I liked that she was benign but also clearly eccentric
Gooper Blooper: "this aggressive land developer is funny, he's my pal" "I HATE YOU AND I HATE YOUR FLOWERS" "isn't he great?"
Draco: She was lovely. XD
RubyChao: i enjoyed making her just
RubyChao: impossible to frustrate
RubyChao: she enjoyed his company, and so she considered it a good time
Gooper Blooper: She's remembering the times when she felt happy
Gooper Blooper: and it made her achieve zen

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