Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Chatzy Madness Volume 410: So Good It's Blasphemous

Cornwind Evil: I honestly don't know among mine which would be the worst chef
Draco: Dexter
Cornwind Evil: ....that's not UNtrue...


ShasO Viorla Del: Okay
ShasO Viorla Del: Stop everything
ShasO Viorla Del: They're making a spiritual sequel to the Zelda cdis
ShasO Viorla Del: Including getting the VAs of link and zelda
Jumpropeman: holy frijoles
ShasO Viorla Del: And honestly, thank god
Jumpropeman: man, I did not expect the cdi voice actors to even be available
Jumpropeman: they feel like they were just destined to disappear into the mists of time
ShasO Viorla Del: They found morshu's va somewhere
ShasO Viorla Del: I'm keeping an eye on this one
ShasO Viorla Del: We need more weird as hell games
RubyChao: honestly
RubyChao: i think if they get harkinian
RubyChao: they just automatically win


RubyChao: a lanterby
RubyChao: i'm excited for jrm to get to the final arc and be disappointed by how little of her there is
Gooper Blooper: woah, she's smiling
RubyChao: she's excited!
RubyChao: more natural


Lurkabree: touhou in a nutshell: "what if [insert basically anything here] was a cute girl and the cute girls fought each other?"


Gooper Blooper: My favorite thing about Kokoro in the Brawl: in both the picture where she's killing someone and the picture she's being killed, she's making the same bored expression


Jumpropeman: do americans call croquet "wickets"?
Gooper Blooper: I called it croquet
Jumpropeman: we had a lawn croquet set ourselves. Like, plastic "walmart" croquet, but still
RubyChao: yeah i only learned it as croquet, but it's a huge country with lots of regional dialects
RubyChao: (steamed hams)
RubyChao: so i can buy people calling it wickets
Jumpropeman: that's true. I still refuse to accept that people call soda just "pop" despite all those maps of america
Gooper Blooper: And you call it wickets despite the fact it's obviously croquet
Jumpropeman: only 1950s greasers can call it pop
RubyChao: so elvis impersonator


Gooper Blooper: I don't think I mentioned it here - I saw my first Halloween stuff of the year on the 12th, which might be the earliest I've ever seen any
Diadem: halloween in july
brawlvel: we saw some on... actually the same day
Gooper Blooper: some bags of fun-size candy at Walgreens in the black and orange display boxes
Diadem: wait what
brawlvel: we saw Michaels decorations out remember
Diadem: OH RIGHT
Jumpropeman: buy your halloween candy now!
Gooper Blooper: get spooked


RubyChao: fun fact: had thatcher won his bet with stella
RubyChao: my main ideas for who he would pick were either Osaka for being Osaka, Tomo for the gag of "she will never be with Hoshii directly", or Stella herself for keks
Gooper Blooper: When I guessed Chao's possible choices, my description of picking Stella was "Thatcher goes full Konosuba"
Gooper Blooper: I actually did consider having Stella include a rule that you couldn't pick her but decided to omit it to see if Chao would notice there ain't no rule he couldn't pick Stella (and he noticed immediately)
Jumpropeman: "ain't no rule"
Jumpropeman: and that's how we learned Air Bud was on hoshii payroll the whole time
Gooper Blooper: the sole male employee-


Jumpropeman: clownpiece is the best
Draco: She's 2nd best or it'd be Clownvoyant.
Jumpropeman: that's their name when they do the fusion dance
Draco: Ah! I see.
Jumpropeman: I actually didn't have a plan for ever curing Claire's "see all futures" situation. She'll still be able to do that and needs to activate her chaos to push it away, but she'll be able to relax and live in the moment now more :)
Draco: She has to hug Clownpiece and squeeze Chaos out of her like a soap dispenser to get that sweet, sweet Not-Seeing-The-Future.
Jumpropeman: as if she needed an incentive-
Draco: The adorable squeaky toy noise was already a good incentive.
Jumpropeman: squeeze her hard enough, and she says GIT!
Draco: Fun for the whole family as long as the family is only Clownpiece and Claire.


Gooper Blooper: Very nice Clairepiece moment last night, I enjoy that Claire doesn't have to constantly see the future any more
Gooper Blooper: that's not the kind of power you want to be always on!
Draco: Thank you.
Jumpropeman: i was very happy for the moment too
Jumpropeman: claire's going to be begging Kogasa to surprise her now
Draco: Kogasa's still going to fail...
Jumpropeman: one miracle at a time, Draco
Jumpropeman: one miracle at a time
Gooper Blooper: Kogasa usually fails in a funny, unexpected way
Gooper Blooper: and Claire won't know how
Jumpropeman: claire will be laughing a lot more now!
Jumpropeman: might have to cancel some gridworks classes so she and clownpiece can do plenty of things together she had been avoiding
Draco: Like watching movies with big twists and buying packs of Pokemon cards.
Gooper Blooper: Claire puts up a sign that says 'class cancelled this week for enjoying the little surprises in life with my cuddlefairy', Prosperity applauds wildly while Sinful lies down and tries to imagine a world where he didn't hang out with kobbers
Jumpropeman: haha!


Cornwind Evil: And now a random fanfic author clapback
Cornwind Evil: "And how is he a Gary Stu when he has realistic flaws, like how sometimes he kills people too much."
Cornwind Evil: "The evil toy maker
went down stairs to reveal his next giant toy.
He made a giant toy replica of the real Wonder
Woman that looked exactly like Wonder Woman
but was made to be bad."
Gooper Blooper: just gotta find the 'EVIL' switch on her back and set it to 'NOT EVIL'
Draco: That's how we stop Attami when she gets hijacked by a villain, right?
Jumpropeman: that or just offer her a crepe
Cornwind Evil: Dawn:....oops.
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: Wrong crepe.
Cornwind Evil: -Attami with a bunch of cloth in her mouth-
Gooper Blooper: *Attami eats the cloth* "That was rather excessively high in fiber."


Cornwind Evil: "May's defeat could have been turning into a soda and getting drank by Chastity and she still would have attended this event" YOU GO TO HELL! YOU GO TO HELL AND YOU DIE!
Draco: RUDE. D:
Draco: Celebrating the defeat of a criminal.
Cornwind Evil: Julia: -in a cell nearby- THAT WANTED POSTER IS SEVERELY OUT OF DATE!
Jumpropeman: you're right, the bounty is way too low
Cornwind Evil: I can only imagine what Julia's bounty would be
Draco: At least eight dollars.
Cornwind Evil: Because when I think bounties I think One Piece
Jumpropeman: i think the quicker picker upper
Cornwind Evil: Ergo, her bounty is 1,057,000,000 Berries.
Cornwind Evil: -Took that number from a specific character's bounty-
Jumpropeman looks it up
Jumpropeman: you know, not a bad choice
Jumpropeman: It's Katakuri
Cornwind Evil: When Oda discussed the Doskoi Panda brand, he mentioned that the line was very expensive. With this in mind, to properly put the currency's value in a real-world context, a Beli 10,000 shirt is expensive to the people of the One Piece world.
Cornwind Evil looks up expensive T shirts, they range from $50 to $3000+
Cornwind Evil: Eh, let's do a flat 100 berries is 1 US dollar.
Jumpropeman: so basically just yen :V
Cornwind Evil: So Julia's bounty is 10 1/2 million dollars.
Cornwind Evil: Now I wonder which Kobber has the highest bounty
Jumpropeman: dawn
Jumpropeman: when i think of how kobber villains view specific members, I wager they find her the most meddlesome
Cornwind Evil: I'll let YOU decide what her bounty is then
Jumpropeman: 69,666,420,666
Cornwind Evil: ......I'll allow it


Gooper Blooper: link
SteelKomodo: STOCKIN
SteelKomodo: STKOCNIG
SteelKomodo: SCOINKTG
Jumpropeman: STONK KING
SteelKomodo flails
RubyChao: it's ok take your time
Gooper Blooper: SOCK GNIT
SteelKomodo: STCKOING
PhoneDel joined the chat
Jumpropeman: PANTY
Gooper Blooper: Hi Del, sorry I broke your brother
Jumpropeman: hi del
LadySeychelles: and garterbelt
PhoneDel: oh okay


RubyChao: in this post, Iono fucking dies


RubyChao: i forget if i linked this one
RubyChao: but i'm linking it again just in case
RubyChao: marisa energy
Gooper Blooper: *Coven taking notes*
Jumpropeman: feels rather Momopie
RubyChao: honestly jrm's right
RubyChao: this IS a momopie spell
RubyChao: i distinctly recall once seeing the "When did you get your license?" "I never did" meme, linking it to goops, and one of us saying that's someone else in the coven and Momopie
Gooper Blooper: the cirno of the coven
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: and also apparently about one foot tall judging by that brawl epilogue art
Jumpropeman: I drew that epilogue image at the top of the paper
Jumpropeman: I probably could have just, drew her to the side and scooched her over in MS Paint
Jumpropeman: but no, I had to squish her in!
Gooper Blooper: It's okay, I could tell you were running out of room for witches XD
RubyChao: i like how momopie gives me a lot of "fucked up" energy in a positive way
RubyChao: just in like
RubyChao: cirno would not suggest "hit them with a car" to a group of fellow fairies
RubyChao: momopie would to fellow witches
Jumpropeman: cirno would have to thought chain her way there, but Momopie would be a straight arrow shot to the thought
Gooper Blooper: "momo help coren is kicking our ass" "have you tried dropping a tactical nuke?" "we don't have one" "oh dang, how about a NON-tactical nuke"
Jumpropeman: momopie left her bazooka at home today
RubyChao: non-tactical nuke
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: with all the remakes and translations these days, there may be hope for momopie to come to murica
Jumpropeman: "Painter Momopie received fairly mixed reviews. Famitsu gave it a total score of 21/40. German magazine Power Play gave it a 47 out of 100." ...maybe not


Seyverse: Should I make it my mission to add more Hot guys to Zoofights
RubyChao: i would approve
Diadem: ur bi
RubyChao: i am!!!
RubyChao: so of course i would :V
Diadem: i thought you were gonna be like "you too bitch"
Diadem: or "takes one to know one"


RubyChao: "the last thing that went through Coren's mind was Anelace's sword." - her first best sword, even! not bad for a girl who i put in rp to make jokes about last year
Cornwind Evil: -In The Banished Forever Zone- Lord: Pissed off the Kobbers, did you?
Gooper Blooper: The quote in Chao's spoiler was excellent wordplay by the way
Jumpropeman: yes, I liked the description of Coren being "wounded" by Ashley too
Gooper Blooper: the idol arc was very good at setting up a squad to form the main anti-hag force
Gooper Blooper: everyone is friends now and they all keep helping each other and raising each other up and saving each others' lives
Jumpropeman: the power of frands
Draco: Good thing we brought a maid to clean house.
Jumpropeman: when penny met back up with the other idols, I considered her bringing all the pieces from the dolls that tried to kill her in a big basket
Jumpropeman: like "What are we supposed to do with these after?"
RubyChao: i like how we saved puppet princess because i had a plot device lying around that i came up with entirely for HP
RubyChao: good work
Draco: GG
Jumpropeman: imagine the newspaper
Jumpropeman: "Mass murderer taken down by your favorite up and coming pop stars!"
Gooper Blooper: Ah, the glamorous life of an idol.
Gooper Blooper: "Also this weird bug nerd was there."


Hooded Pitohui: Heading off to sleep, folks. Have a grand evening, everyone! See you tomorrow!
Jumpropeman: night
Jumpropeman: ha!
Jumpropeman: chat says he's here!
Draco: Bye HP.
Gooper Blooper: There's a few seconds of lag between someone leaving and their name vanishing from the online list
Gooper Blooper: I'm off to bed, nite
RubyChao: night!
Gooper Blooper left the chat
Jumpropeman: gooper had to crush my spirit before leaving...
Draco: It's what he does best.


Cornwind Evil: I bet Coren would have survived if she had pants


Gooper Blooper: link
Cornwind Evil: Never expected to see THAT obscure meme in here
RubyChao: maybe it's just the circles i'm in but i've always seen Jeb being very popular
Jumpropeman: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: look, he even named the other one George
Gooper Blooper: he was asking for it
Jumpropeman: I was trying to pick generic names, things like Jim or whatever, and when I settled on Jeb I immediately knew his partner had to be George :V


Cornwind Evil: Ah, fresh One Piece
Cornwind Evil: "Break next week."


Draco: Nintendo Hard Girls


ivel: amazing
ivel: a game about playing those shitty mobile game ads that aren't actual games
Red Birb Del: oh shit
Red Birb Del: lmao
Red Birb Del: and they look ten times more appealing than the mobile ad versions
SteelKomodo: ooh
SteelKomodo: interesting concept!


Gooper Blooper:
RubyChao: canon?
Gooper Blooper: sumireko when bermuda triangle plot was announced
RubyChao: oh god goops that just made me imagine
RubyChao: the person who explodes her at the end is el presidente because of how she was initially cockblocked out of investigating


Murder Sheep: "So Kaydence Stelara Roberts was there, throughout all of it. And something needs to be made clear."
Murder Sheep: That thing being how much Kaydence LOVES OUR NEW 13 APOSTLES AND SPICES WINGS AT PIZZA CHURCH
SteelKomodo: sheepls
SteelKomodo: i don't even get the reference
Murder Sheep: love
Gooper Blooper: I think Sheep's just doing a commercial (though Pizza Church is a chain restaurant JRM put in RP)
SteelKomodo: ah, i c
Jumpropeman: and now it's all canon-
SteelKomodo: also Kaydence prefers burgers to pizza
Murder Sheep: okay, I'm done
Murder Sheep lies down


Red Birb Del: srspost
Jumpropeman: the coolest rider
Gooper Blooper: That design is so absolutely stupid. Which means it's great.
Red Birb Del: i refuse to justify this guy's design, its very stupid
Draco: He looks like a Call of Duty player with his random Legendary cosmetics he got from 500 loot boxes.
Diadem: he looks like a fortnite player that whaled


Jumpropeman: I made a mistake last night
Jumpropeman: I scrolled through my steam library
Jumpropeman: I had never even heard of some of these games
Diadem: homie whaat
Jumpropeman: I have left them alone and they are having babies I swear
Seyverse: Oh no
Jumpropeman: (more realistically: I probably claimed a lot of freebies and bundles and totally forgot about them :V)


Jumpropeman: >help villagers, get gold coin
>go to tavern, old man asks me to buy him a drink
>requests drink, game says I got no money
Jumpropeman: villagers ripped me off :I
ivel: sounds like an adventure game
Jumpropeman: yup!
Jumpropeman: found out the issue
Jumpropeman: you have to take the coin after its offered :V
Gooper Blooper: pff
Diadem: damn you really out here workin for free
ivel: "Have a coin as thanks" No it's alright, you keep it." *later* "Hey gimme that coin"
Gooper Blooper: this is an example of the kind of mistake that only makes sense in video games
Jumpropeman: >you see: a glass lantern
well, I don't but I'll pick it up
>you trip over the sacks of grain that lean against the opposite wall near the unseen lantern. The room starts on fire. You die. Restart the game
Gooper Blooper: Once upon a time, people thought this kind of game was good.
ivel: jrm o'leary


Cornwind Evil: All evils start somewhere


Jumpropeman: and they say there are no modern masterpieces
Draco: Amazing.


Murder Sheep: "Damn right we wrassled up one helluva posse!"
Murder Sheep squints at array of non-bird experts
Gooper Blooper: we did manage to pick up two actual birds as well as a man named Bird though, so hopefully that makes up for the oddly large amount of musical performers
Murder Sheep: Now introducing the Firebrow orchestra!


Murder Sheep: "but… she just didn't know enough about birds to contribute."
Murder Sheep: Pitohui wrote, tears streaming down his face as he stayed in character
Murder Sheep: "It has to be him looking for mates. It has to be, right?" She turns to George and Jeb apprehensive, a little bit of desperation creeping into her voice. Deep down, she almost hoped that they would answer negatively"
Murder Sheep: The Firebrow and Lyrica friendship continues to slowly take on the tone of a Victorian romance-
Hooded Pitohui: Sheep. Sheep. I actually did strike out some seabird nesting info from the narration because a quick reconsideration told me it didn't flow right.
Murder Sheep: Hahah


Gooper Blooper: "Any plan should have more birds" - HP would put this in every post if he could
Hooded Pitohui: JRM looked me in the eyes and said "I am going to hand you a plot on a silver platter" and I looked him back in the eyes and I said "I'm going to join and enjoy it and I am going to slam a musician into a bird and this is going to become important chardev" and then we shook hands. - Completely true and accurate story.
LadySeychelles: I believe it
Draco: "Any plan should have more birds" vs "the seagull outfit" for ticker at this point.


Jumpropeman closes a tab that says "animal crimes"
Draco: O_O
Draco: Firebrow's tax evasion catches up with him.
Jumpropeman: he's got a literal offshore haven
Draco: Guess Jeb was the good guy all along.


Jumpropeman: time to see what I missed in rp
Jumpropeman sees draco's avatar
Jumpropeman: McLeach's worst nightmare
Gooper Blooper: stay tuned for my next shitpost, Margit doing the Jeb! pose
Draco: Margit punching Jeb isn't funny enough to be drawn.


Jumpropeman: I used to joke we fought Jason too much, but if the rift spits out a bunch of different version of Jason, I'd be down for it
Jumpropeman: I call dibs on NES Jason-
Cornwind Evil: I actually found a possible reason for why NES Jason is...NES Jason
Jumpropeman: let's hear it!
Cornwind Evil: It's because the game is terrible
Cornwind Evil: And hence he is terrible
Jumpropeman: woah
Cornwind Evil: No
Jumpropeman: bold claim
Cornwind Evil: It has been suggested that it's due to a misunderstanding with a poster for Friday the 13th Part 3, which was originally in 3D
Jumpropeman: you'll like this year's haunted hoard cornwind, I'll be covering every Friday the 13th game!
Cornwind Evil: There was this poster that was clearly meant to be viewed with 3D glasses
Cornwind Evil: And somehow the game makers decided that this was what Jason looked like
Jumpropeman: oh dang
Jumpropeman: that's a good theory
RubyChao: yeah, looking it up
RubyChao: i can definitely see it
Jumpropeman: but why does he dance though-
Cornwind Evil: Because you leave your friends behind
Cornwind Evil: And they ain't no friends of his
RubyChao: to prove he is- okay honestly my joke cannot be possibly as funny as cornwind's
RubyChao: that's too good
Jumpropeman: speaking from experience, there are some friends I was happy to leave behind in NES Friday the 13th
Jumpropeman: sometimes it was very inconvenient when they were getting killed and I had work to do!
Cornwind Evil: Yeah maybe two are worth using
Cornwind Evil: The rest can die
Cornwind Evil: I do not recall Jason dancing though
Cornwind Evil: I assume JRM means when Jason gets hella fast by Kill 3 his movement looks like dancing
Jumpropeman: i think avgn or something called that little shuffle a dance


Cornwind Evil: So Goops do you have any preferences for wormhunt
Gooper Blooper: * Characters that are good at climbing a mountain but won't trivialize it
* Characters that are good at fighting a large monster but won't trivialize it
Maybe bring two characters, one who is better at A and another who is better at B
Gooper Blooper: Like if Chao brought, for example, Katelyn and Gabriella
RubyChao: instructions clear-
Cornwind Evil: Should have been clearer, I meant, do you have anyone from my cast you'd like to see come along
Gooper Blooper: No specifics coming to mind - your lack of profiles rears its' head again so I have no easily-referenced list to check
Cornwind Evil: Worst comes to worst
Cornwind Evil: This leaves out Chastity and Brigh
Draco: Dang. I was going to send Paimon. D:
Gooper Blooper: Paimon's too OP, she'd wipe out Jormungandr with a gesture
Draco: Oh, she was going to be my mountain climber. She's so mighty and could carry everyone.
Jumpropeman: paimon tells the mountain to move aside and it laughs so hard at her unearned boldness it crumbles to dust
Draco: She's good at throwing her weight around.


Jumpropeman: "maybe I'll RP Ginny in 2024" *Brine engages with her* "Maybe I'll give Ginny her full backstory now"
Brinehammer senses a new JRM character on the horizon and has to move fast
Draco: Maybe it's time for Zeldoten to be a regular again.

(Many posts later...)

Brinehammer: I think that's good, thank you JRM. Ginny is precious, she seems like a lot of fun already.
Jumpropeman: well, you're probably responsible for her getting the assured upgrade at some point, so I'm glad you like her!
Brinehammer: Yes, good, all according to plan... Fantastic! Can't wait to bother her in Greensford soon.


Jumpropeman: today's yuuma's day to be a big explorer!
Jumpropeman the group had to bury Yuuma in glacier gulch, the first to drop during the climb...
Gooper Blooper: Nice pick!
Gooper Blooper: yuuma pls
Gooper Blooper: *oregon trail intensifies*
Jumpropeman: Yuuma Died of Tummy Ache
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: i almost sent pizza vampire too just for kicks
Jumpropeman: that will be his grave stone
Gooper Blooper:


Diadem: i had a weird dream
Diadem: that dream was accidentally taking a donut box left for everyone into a car ride and just eating some very rainbow sprinkled donuts, taking like two bites before i was like
Diadem: "oh FUCK, i comitted a crime"
Diadem: then i woke up
MobileDraco: I had a boring dream about a lame amusement park. No cool crimes. );
Diadem: i dunno if stealing donuts is cool
Diadem: i just know it was enough to make me get krispy kreme
PhoneDel: I uh, dreamt I went back to uni somehow
PhoneDel: it was a very boring dream of me putting the bins out
Diadem: that happens sometimes
PhoneDel: and also wondering when classes started cos it had been like a month or something?
PhoneDel: weird
Hooded Pitohui: The most recent dream I woke up remembering was about a world-traveling, unaging toddler that could pass through walls, came to my house, kicked my Wii U, and headbutted me.
Gooper Blooper: Oh no
Diadem: what the FUCK
Gooper Blooper: the Boss Baby has evolved
Diadem: well i know my new plot for next year-
MobileDraco: Ugh...I dislike dreams about being back in school.
Jumpropeman: my dream was i had been apparently accidentally clicking the "Share" button on porn sites and sending them to all my phone contacts but people just talked around the porn I sent
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: they pretend they do not see it
RubyChao: jrm that reminds me of the fact that i have had many dreams where i am naked in public and nobody reacts
like it's generally awkward but it's not the "OH MY GOD I'M NAKED" type of dream but more just
RubyChao: "huh"
RubyChao: "i am not wearing clothes, i guess"


MobileDraco: The real reason Nia's rookie Peni will never be in RP again: autocorrect.
Gooper Blooper: Peni's hometown, Pen Island. Check out their website!
Jumpropeman: Penny, Penny, and Peni all go to Pen Island


RubyChao: which kobber villain is this
Jumpropeman: Punfisher
RubyChao: it has been seven years
RubyChao: and tenshi still says those were the best fish sticks she ever had
RubyChao: "The marlin looks Punfisher deep in his eyes, as if to say "The Kobbers are not responsible for the upkeep of this city, and neither are you. They are not some task force put in charge of protecting this world or stopping the crimes that take place in it, they do it out of the kindness of their hearts, and are not an infinite resource meant to impose order and deliver justice to all who need it. They are not even united in cause, and unlike police or the military who are hired and paid for enforcing the law, the Kobbers are merely a force for good who do what they can when they can."
But the marlin can't talk so it doesn't say any of that and just keeps floundering around on Punfisher, forcing him back towards Tenshi."
RubyChao: still classic
Jumpropeman: wise beyond its years, that fish
Jumpropeman: "The encounter's location is a hint that the smalltooth sawfish may be making a slow recovery in U.S. waters." Yui's family is on the upswing!
Jumpropeman: "This bizarre relative of the ray with a chainsaw for a nose almost went extinct in the US, but the large breeding female"
Jumpropeman: Yui might not appreciate the language of this article though
Gooper Blooper: #LargeBreedingFemale
Diadem: just leave it as "large female"


Draco: "-10,000 YEARS AGO-" <- Meiling was born.
Cornwind Evil: And Rita got stuck in a space dumpster.


(Re: War of the Worlds)

PhoneDel: also the book describes the Martian cylinder as thirty feet in diameter which means you could reasonably shut up and jam on the lid of this alien drop pod
Jumpropeman: the chaos dunk...
MobileDraco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
MobileDraco: Margit cannot slam jam
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
PhoneDel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
PhoneDel: jade could not come on and slam and is not welcome to the jam
PhoneDel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 11
PhoneDel: little buddy surprises everyone with a dunk
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
RubyChao: katelyn status: dunked on
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 9
RubyChao: gabby status: jam
MobileDraco rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 30
MobileDraco: Jormungandr's dunks are unstoppable.


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: meredith and gbc when they were young
Diadem: what on earth did i just read
RubyChao: 16beh arcay graffix


Gooper Blooper: I know some people claim Ado and Adeleine are different characters, but
Gooper Blooper: they look exactly the same and have the exact same boss fight
Gooper Blooper: like, c'mon
Diadem: they are basically the same
Jumpropeman: I used to think Ado was like, her brother
Diadem: yeah i'm pretty sure they're the same person
Diadem: either that or they twinsies
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, the "they're different" people I've seen would say that Ado's male
RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: trans adeleine
Gooper Blooper: trans icon adeleine
Diadem: why did you steal my thought
Diadem: you bastard


Jumpropeman: "For you see, Dracula is king of the vampires!" no! he can't be!
Gooper Blooper: I hope this year's Haunted Hoard gives JRM another dozen throwdowns with Dracula
Gooper Blooper: he hasn't encountered him nearly enough lately
Jumpropeman: there will be plenty of vampires at least
Gooper Blooper: Are any of them insane, lunatics, or otherwise mentally unsound
Jumpropeman: well, rayne was asking people if they were crazy...
Gooper Blooper: Owning that stupid GBC game and never playing it was all worth it just for the payoff of JRM reviewing it
Jumpropeman: there have been five haunted hoards so far!
Jumpropeman: a regular repository of spookiness
Gooper Blooper: That's 155 spooky games!
Cornwind Evil: I think I bugged him for three years to play Corpse Party for it
Gooper Blooper: And I remember he didn't want to because there was no definitive best version to play
Jumpropeman: im trying to push past that mindset and just play the games, but apparently I played the worst version of F.E.A.R. so :V
Gooper Blooper: I imagine in most cases it doesn't make that much of a difference
Gooper Blooper: especially if you're not going for 100%
Gooper Blooper: Imagine if JRM wanted not just to play every game, but to 100% every game.
Gooper Blooper: shrek swamp kart speedway: every track, every character, every difficulty
Jumpropeman dies
Jumpropeman: I found a video the other night of a guy playing all the Shrek game boy games and he said he thinks no one has beat shrek swamp kart speedway because of that awful final level
LadySeychelles hosts a funeral
Gooper Blooper: did you go back and get that last bobblehead in Cory In The House after finding out how
Jumpropeman: not yet
Gooper Blooper: we need a review
Jumpropeman: exactly. On the day it's time to review Cory, I'll 100% it finally


RubyChao: "I remember someone saying "mad scientists in fiction aren't scientists because there's never a control group"
I think if you've created an elixir that turns people into goat men you have sort have gone past the need for a control group. The control group is not going to placebo themselves into goat men. You can probably not run the control group, and safely assume that none of them would have turned into goat men. That said, having a control group for that would make the mad scientist seem extra crazy and be really really funny, especially if he was carefully testing them for goat like features from the dyed water they drank instead of the elixir"
Mogwai Sheep: "The control group is not going to placebo themselves into goat men."
Mogwai Sheep: Ah, Democurus' origin story...


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: my brother said he'll give me a copy of nier automata for free since he really didn't like the game and he doesn't want to own it anymore :V
Gooper Blooper: how nice of him :V
Gooper Blooper: though admittedly I did the same thing to JRM twice
LadySeychelles: oof


Gooper Blooper: I've noticed Stella's been shifting into an almost Dawn-like role where she doesn't do a lot in person but her connections and subordinates are still affecting RP strongly
Gooper Blooper: and if Dawn's longevity is any indication you'll NEVER be rid of Stella, AHAHAH
Jumpropeman: oh no, what a tragedy...
Draco: Who is Stella throwing into the sun first?


PhoneDel: unfortunately despite my attempts to defy gender I have been struck with the most male of diseases
PhoneDel: my tummy hurts itis
PhoneDel: I blame the pizza yesterday
RubyChao: i'm sorry to hear about your case of I'm Gonna Fucking Die Disease, del
PhoneDel: lmao you know of it too
PhoneDel: I first heard that on a Warhammer podcast of all things
RubyChao: i heard it through a tf2 meme


Jumpropeman: "Originally joined the NNK because they paid her to be justice, but left them after she realized they lost, and were thus not justice."
RubyChao: Piyori's brain is very small.
Diadem: tfw one brain cell
Diadem: wait... her hair is orange... iirc
Diadem: she's sharing her brain cell with orange cats
Gooper Blooper: Piyori's Kobber counterpart is Hibiki, you see


RubyChao: i
RubyChao: i managed to play the entire game of pizza tower, all p ranks
RubyChao: and i just now realized it tells you how long you have left in a combo rather than it being just "get a vibe for it"
RubyChao: my god.
Diadem: WOW
Gooper Blooper: ahahahah
Diadem: you didn't notice the fuggin bag?!?
RubyChao: NO
RubyChao: LIKE
Diadem: homie be vibin too hard
Diadem: you ascended without even knowing
Gooper Blooper: I noticed the combo meter after watching a single P rank video
Gooper Blooper: chao was in too deep
RubyChao: oh my god XD
Diadem: i kinda noticed it while watching a normal playthrough
Diadem: didn't get invested until P rank
Gooper Blooper: my revenge for not noticing Octopath's weakness tracker
RubyChao: god i'm gonna be DYING about this
Diadem: on chao's gravestone i'm writing
RubyChao: and you'd be valid
RubyChao: like
RubyChao: how the fuck did i get 19 perfect combos without picking that up???
Diadem: then i tape a screenshot with the combo flame circled with red marker
Gooper Blooper: my man over here 100%ed pizza tower with a keyboard and no combo meter
Diadem: wait goops you didn't notice the weakness tracker?
Gooper Blooper: I didn't understand the big number next to every enemy was how close they were to triggering a Break
RubyChao: yep
Gooper Blooper: chao had to tell me
Diadem: WHAT
RubyChao: so he just kept thinking "wow, breaks would be a lot more useful if they happened in a way i could keep track of"
RubyChao: "they do."
Diadem: y'all be playin games like "oh, that thing's just there for decor :) "
Draco: barpost
Gooper Blooper: I did NOT beat octopath that way though
Diadem: no gold star for you bitch
Diadem: luigi is disappointed
Gooper Blooper: chao told me several chapters in
RubyChao: shared it with my other friendgroup
RubyChao: [9:04 PM]the penis genius: thats kinda fucked up
LadySeychelles: You have a friend named what
Diadem: YA GOOD
RubyChao: it's a discord chat, you all know how those are with display names
Draco: You know what? No comment from me.
RubyChao: on the plus side i did end up with a pretty innate sense of the combo vibes
Gooper Blooper: was gonna make harpy's joke if I wasn't typing one handed due to eating cookies
RubyChao: so that's great
Draco: A hero up there with Bisexual Reinhardt.
LadySeychelles: Are there doctors that specialize in dicks
Draco: Probably.
LadySeychelles: like gynecologists but for penis
Diadem: i put one foot in the grave laughing
Gooper Blooper: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Draco: Urologists.
Diadem: put that nose back in hell where it belongs
RubyChao: yeah an urologist would be the closest, i'd say
Diadem: ^
Gooper Blooper: ( ͡° ͜ ͡°)
Diadem: looks like kirby's about to break into my house
Draco: You vs the guy she tells you not to worry about...
RubyChao: i apologize to jrm for making his finale about pizza and dicks
Diadem: this isn't the finale tho
Draco: It's not the finale though.
RubyChao: oh right!
Draco: Or are you apologizing in advance?
RubyChao: i forgot
RubyChao: yeah draco i guess i'm committed now
Diadem: apoloigizesslkj in advance
Diadem: i'm dying guys help
LadySeychelles: His finale SHOULD be about pizza and dicks that sounds rad
Jumpropeman: pizza dick finale will be for Pizza Vampire plot
LadySeychelles: Well now I have to be there for that


Draco: Poor optimistic McLeach, thinking getting shot in the face is enough to deter Chris Yukine.


RubyChao: there's something very funny about this but just
RubyChao: in a full-body hazmat suit
RubyChao: and i can't explain why
Jumpropeman: can't believe no one took Justine up on her offer of just dying
Gooper Blooper: I enjoy Justine just hitting up people like "aren't you tired of being alive, don't you wish your girlfriend was dead like me"
Gooper Blooper: the mad scientist equivalent of sheep advertising game hoard by going up to people and shoving reviews of shrek and garfield games at them
MobileDraco: Hazmat suits are not justice. );
Jumpropeman: give it time, hazmat chic is gonna blow up, just you wait
Gooper Blooper: 23-19! 23-19!
Diadem: doncha wish ya gf was hot like me? dontcha wish ya gf was dead like me? dontcha...~?
MobileDraco: Oh baby, Yohane loves a gal in a protective suit that completely obscures you.
Diadem: Amanda: That's the best part, Justine you fiend: I'm ALREADY dead!
Diadem: Amanda: And so is she! *points at Lupe*
Diadem: Lupe: :(
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: dead men tell no tales, but dead ladies write good romances
Diadem: okay i was concerned that was a carrot rather than a baguette
I, Komodo: A baguarrot?
I, Komodo: …i’m tired
MobileDraco: Hon hon hon
PhoneDel: she just wants to give people the death they deservioli
MobileDraco: lel


Mogwai Sheep joined the chat
Mogwai Sheep: HAAAAAARPY!!
Mogwai Sheep shakes fist
Mogwai Sheep: thank you, harpy :I
Mogwai Sheep: :I
MobileDraco: Hi Sheep.
LadySeychelles: (Harpy was framed)
Diadem: i gave him omori
Gooper Blooper: that was going to be my guess
Diadem: because his char did an attack that made me think of it
Diadem: if he didn't do that i woulda not did that :V
Mogwai Sheep: noted: I'll have to make my characters more disgusting-
Diadem: look i need more people to omori
Diadem: but seriously sorry sheep making them more disgusting doesn't mean you'll get another gift for 6 months
SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: And no one say "Nothing, what's a mooring with you?" or something like that!
Diadem: it's a game
Diadem: that's it, it's a game
Diadem: :V
Gooper Blooper: indie RPG that Chao played recently and he linked music from it during Captain You Plot and Harpy liked what she saw
also me: did not actually play the game just watched it because she's a total weenie
Diadem: yeah it's all chao's fault technically
Gooper Blooper: WEENIE HUT JUNIORS?!
Diadem: yeah i'm a weenie hut jr kinda gal


SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: There was an arcade game called P.O.W.
SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: Now the first thing is the ODD way they decided to animate the enemies getting knocked down in the port
SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: You can see such a thing at the start of the video
SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: The second is, there are five stages
SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: In two of the stages, you can get a machine gun
SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: The gun has about six blasts in it before it's gone
SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: But you can use it to hit enemies with the barrel if you want to pick and choose
SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: However, the end boss of Stage 1 is a helicopter, so even if you carry the gun all the way to the end, it won't help you
SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: Stage 2 has a human boss, but no gun
SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: Stage 3 also has a human boss, but no gun
SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: And Stage 4 is long and damn hard
SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: But you find a gun again
SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: And if you manage to carry ONE bullet to the end of the stage, where you face the again-human boss, one blast from the gun will insta-kill him
RubyChao: Gun
MobileDraco: Nice
SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: Which in turn reminds me of another game, Bloody Wolf
SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: A little over halfway through the game, you encounter a boss called The Knife Killer
SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: And for some reason, even if you have lots of guns, ammo, and grenades
SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: Your character will decide 'forget all that, I'll fight him with my own knife'
Diadem: posted
SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: Last stage. You get a boss rush rematch. And oh look, it's the Knife Killer again!
SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: ....except this time your character's guns still work and if you shoot him he'll die instantly
SMILEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY: He quite literally brought a knife to a gun fight


Mogwai Sheep: Another successful D&D session
Mogwai Sheep got his party exploded into another dimension


Gooper Blooper: I never thought of Attami having a food blog before but it was a cute idea, draco, so I approve
Draco: Thank you.
Draco: I love Lanterby's response to it too.
Gooper Blooper: >Attami: I like food :)
>Lanterby: reeeeee
GOSHDARNIT ODA: Not everyone is going to think like you Lanterby
Jumpropeman: at least not until her master plan goes into action
Gooper Blooper: I bet her response would be "they don't, but they SHOULD"
Jumpropeman: that's literally a plot point in food wars, but I don't know if Lanterby is in on it
Gooper Blooper: you'll find out soon
Draco: Then Yohane strokes Lanterby's hair and feeds her some parmesan cheese to calm her down.
Diadem: ree
RubyChao: lanterby doesn't think EVERYONE needs to be a critic
RubyChao: she's just
RubyChao: uniquely mad about attami
Jumpropeman: Miyoi is attami's number one follower
Jumpropeman: she likes every post!
RubyChao: >literally a blank slate with no preconceptions or preferences made by childhood before capable of independent choices
RubyChao: >could be the most objective food critic in history, more than lanterby herself
RubyChao: lanterby will never get over it.
Gooper Blooper: reeeee


(Cute, sweet Dia gets mad about the villain Annis)

Diadem: shitpost that i'm sure brine will appreciate
Brinehammer: I did! Pretty solid. I'm going to have Iliesh corner Torn soon, she's ducking her phone calls and that won't do.
Brinehammer: Surrender or Dia
Harpbebobop: hijack the phone call she does to get Pizza Vampire and threaten her with an angry italian with a rat
RubyChao: why does lanterby have a rat
Harpbebobop: Brick is her emotional support rat
Draco: Don't call Yohane a rat.
Draco: She's a capybara.


Jumpropeman: i have finally seen the super mario bros. movie and I'm here with my SPICY HOT TAKES: it's cute
Jumpropeman: chris pratt sounded like hotel mario Mario at parts
Jumpropeman: recognizing the mario movie as a kid's movie, the only complaint I really had was Cranky Kong's voice. He does not sound like he could teach me about holograms through song


Jumpropeman: >pink hair
Jumpropeman: I like this character
Diadem: yeah that was basically me ngl
Minicon Sheep: Oh, we Omori now
Diadem: when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie
Diadem: that's Omori
Minicon Sheep throws ball at Harpy
Diadem fucking dies

Diadem: this is infinitely more hilarious when my name is diadem
LadySeychelles catches the ball
Minicon Sheep inflicts 1 point of damage and makes Harpy Sad

Diadem: damn dude you already got the mechanics down pat
Draco: You're Dia-damn right.
Cornwind Evil: When it swims on a reef and has two sets of teeth, that's a moray


Jumpropeman: so, jerry from tom and jerry, is his full name Jerome? Jeremiah?
Red Birb Del: never explained, and hopefully never will
RubyChao: Thomas and Jeremiah sounds funnier
RubyChao: therefore
Jumpropeman: thomas and jeremiah sound like a pair of amish guys who will come help you build your barn
LadySeychelles: I actaully like Baby its cold outside


Diadem: everybody's shitposting
Diadem: then i'm here like "wow i'm the serious one today, this is fucked up"
Jumpropeman: suuuuure harp
Jumpropeman: I'm sure I'd remember this Damien guy
Gooper Blooper: Harpy's character is just like "no, I'm a new character, I'm not part of the gimmick!!"
Diadem: rip aubrey being a total normie
Diadem: listen i am being more serious as in my post lacks shitposty elements because i am REFLECTING the new char who is on there, who wants none of this shit-
Diadem: also "i see dead people in my head :/"
Jumpropeman: no worries harp
Diadem: this was not the aubrey introduction i wanted to do but it was there so i took it
Jumpropeman: get what you want out of the plot
Diadem: angy
Diadem: i got pizza vampire and that's good enough for me
Diadem: (i actually had an idea to introduce aubrey in Pizza Vampire's pizza palace but y'know, life happened)
Jumpropeman: im down for a scene there some time
Jumpropeman: palace is being very generous to his restaurant though
Jumpropeman: he would blush oh so much with his cheeks!
Diadem: we will make it into a palace
LadySeychelles: I think that version of splinter also has a hamster wheel
Diadem: fitting for his little olive sons
Jumpropeman: *opens e-mail* "All-time high discount
on the possibility to build a pizza empire from scratch
Show your competitors the way to sell pizzas and create a unique taste experience for your customers each time they visit one of your restaurants.
You need to try out this humorous business strategy game."
Jumpropeman: the timing on this could not have been better


Jumpropeman finds a graveyard in a video game with full names on headstones
Jumpropeman: "are these puzzle clues or kickstarter backers..."
Jumpropeman finds one that says "Those One Dudes"
Jumpropeman: ah, kickstarter
Draco: lol
Gooper Blooper: Graveyard in a game made pre-2010s: development team
Graveyard in a game made 2010s or later: crowdfunding reward


Cornwind Evil: Just putting down a message that I'm feeling a little under the weather and hence will be late.


LadySeychelles: I'm worried about CW
LadySeychelles: This plot was his idea and I'm not sure I can do it without him
Minicon Sheep: He did say he wasn't feeling well
Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Red Birb Del: oh there he is
Cornwind Evil: Fortunately it seems like a power nap did the trick
LadySeychelles: Oh wow
LadySeychelles: The timing
LadySeychelles: I should complain about things more often, it apparently solves a lot of problems


RubyChao: it ended up not fitting with the tone of the final part but similar to goops
RubyChao: i intended to have Francis sit up far away feeling a sudden chill, look in the mirror
RubyChao: and go
RubyChao: "Thank god I'm not purple."
Gooper Blooper: ha!


Gooper Blooper: JRM at 6 PM eastern, May-October:
Jumpropeman: precious
Jumpropeman watches the video only FIVE times
Jumpropeman: I have things to write
Jumpropeman: I can watch it more after


Jumpropeman: I went from having zero opinion on Lyrica before this season to believing she is a precious baby I must help succeed
Gooper Blooper: classic ZFRP
RubyChao: but what about HER SISTERS
Gooper Blooper: I like that I thought of the prismrivers as interchangeable whatevers before this season, and in fact HP has made their entire arc "we are interchangeable whatevers and we have differing opinions about that"
RubyChao: look at these interchangeable whatevers
Gooper Blooper: "I hate being an interchangeable whatever"
"we were always meant to be interchangeable whatevers, let it go"
Hooded Pitohui: Between Myoom and the Prismrivers, my ZFRP-Touhou relationship has, in the past three-ish years, I think, solidified on "huh, you have an interesting nature... I wonder how that would influence you in a broader setting with more exploration of it"
Cornwind Evil: Everyone is entitled to their opinion GB
Cornwind Evil: Even if it exposes them as a big dumb stupid wrong doo doo head


Jumpropeman: turns out, if you type a word and then "pronunciation" in google, you can have it read you the word slowly as a pair of lips animate to show you how to say it. Even better, you can swap between american and british text-to-speech
Gooper Blooper: ah yes
Gooper Blooper: Google Lips
Jumpropeman: so naturally I got the british google lady to slowly say "butt" and "boob"
Gooper Blooper: we are mature adults
Deldori: lol
Jumpropeman: weirdly enough, you can use your mic to practice the word too, but only for the american pronunciation of boob
Diadem: BOO-b
Gooper Blooper: ghost tiddy
Deldori: spectiddies
Jumpropeman: phantits
Jumpropeman: last night on bird plot
Jumpropeman: I almost thought of mentioning a tit and booby, nearly implying it was Wordsmith's old brawl entries
Gooper Blooper: When you said there was a bird at the controls
Gooper Blooper: I thought for a moment The Tit was the mastermind
SteelKomodo: boobergeist
Diadem: tit for tat
Jumpropeman: the tit just wanted an audience to hear it sing
Gooper Blooper: Sir Booby could talk though so he wouldn't have worked in the event due to Dusk's motivation
Jumpropeman: logic, the killer of jokes...
Jumpropeman: really though, Wordsmith isn't here but I don't think he's gone
Jumpropeman: like we could ask someone to hit him up
RubyChao: yeah, he's definitely reachable
Jumpropeman: so, not quite in that safe "abandoned" bin
Jumpropeman: he'd be LIVID I touched his tit


Deldori: tonight on delplot - these funny fish are, in fact, fucked up
Jumpropeman: little buddy is the most sane one
Gooper Blooper: Hot damn, the image and sound effects for that boss. Nintendo doing fucked up shit and then happily selling it to the kiddos anyway is always fun. XD
Jumpropeman: that's some deep fried screaming
Gooper Blooper: heheh, heheh, "fried", heheh
Deldori: it's called HORRORBOROS lmao they know what they doin


RubyChao: >toby fox is doing a music collab with ZUN
RubyChao: at this point
RubyChao: i am convinced that Toby Fox is the protagonist and we are just among the 8 billion supporting characters


Cornwind Evil: Anyone here read any Dean Koontz?
Draco: Afraid not. I got my dad one of his books though.
Cornwind Evil: Koontz can be pretty formulaic, but he's good at the formula
RubyChao: i read one of them
RubyChao: can't remember which
Cornwind Evil: One thing he just loves is 'human monsters' as villains, and he managed to come up with a lot of variety on that basic concept
Cornwind Evil: Sometimes though, it just becomes comical
Cornwind Evil: I now present his book "Relentless"
Cornwind Evil: Which is about an author who gets a bad book review from a reclusive but feared critic, Sherman Waxx.
Cornwind Evil: Feeling the review is incorrect in numerous assessments, the writer, whose nickname is Cubby, tries to find out some details about him
Cornwind Evil: He finds out that Waxx goes to a restaurant that Cubby also attends a fair amount and goes there on a day where he's told he'll be in
Cornwind Evil: Cubby sees him eating and reviewing a book via a holding platform in front of him.
Cornwind Evil: Now, try and guess what happens next. Cubby
Cornwind Evil: 1) Confronts Waxx
Cornwind Evil: 2) Hits Waxx over the head with a plate
RubyChao: 2
Cornwind Evil: 3)Tampers with his food
Cornwind Evil: 4) Shoots him
Cornwind Evil: 5) Decides to follow him into the washroom when he stays in there an oddly long time, IIRC
Cornwind Evil: So Cubby follows him in and finds him just sort of there, I forget what he's doing, it seems like he might well just be finishing up washroom tasks
Cornwind Evil: Sherman sees him, and by logic, he should really have no idea who Cubby is. Cubby looks at him, he says nothing
Cornwind Evil: And then Waxx just says "DOOM" and walks out
Cornwind Evil: At which point he literally starts attacking Cubby and his family
Cornwind Evil: First he breaks into their house and puts a family photo in their oven and turns it on
Cornwind Evil: Then he disables their alarm system and breaks in again and attacks Cubby and his wife with a taser
Cornwind Evil: Then IIRC he gets the house blown up
Gooper Blooper: boy, waxx sure is
Gooper Blooper: relentless
Cornwind Evil: So Cubby and his family flee, but Waxx (and the people with him) pursue, and we basically find out across the book that Waxx and The People With Him have done this same 'utterly break and destroy' thing to some other authors and their families
Cornwind Evil: Note that this all starts because CUBBY SEES HIM IN A WASHROOM
Cornwind Evil: It's like Waxx has a superpower to instantly know that this man was to be his next target
Cornwind Evil: Anyway, we ultimately find out the mastermind is actually Sherman's mother, Zazu
Cornwind Evil: Who's part of a secret organization that basically wants to 'control society via manipulating its art and entertainment'
Cornwind Evil: Which basically boils down to "Destroy anything that presents a positive expression to the world' along with 'utterly break and destroy the makers for the 'blasphemy' of creating it'.
Cornwind Evil: And eventually all produced art will be grim and dull and it will keep society easy to control and use
Cornwind Evil: SO YEAH
Cornwind Evil: A guy encountering a book critic in a washroom somehow snowballs to...that
Gooper Blooper: I always knew that hornbill was trouble.
Cornwind Evil: So yeah.
Cornwind Evil: Koontz can do his formula well (Life Expectacy) and he's done some more overt horror stuff (Phantom, which according to some, Ben Afflick was the bomb in in the movie version)
Cornwind Evil: But you can see how this basically becomes comedy
Cornwind Evil: When we were fighting Jor, I almost namedropped 'the Ancient Enemy' in regards to his methods
Cornwind Evil: Said creature being the villain of Phantoms
Minicon Sheep peeks into chat
Minicon Sheep: missed a bit
Minicon Sheep: "Anyone here read any Dean Koontz?"
Minicon Sheep: I have Stephen King at home
Minicon Sheep: "Sherman's mother, Zazu"
Minicon Sheep: Good to see him getting work after the Lion King


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: Cubone bone bone
Jumpropeman: some people probably pronounce its name Cub Own
Draco: Cub Own. Pick a shoo.
Draco: Mew Twoh
Gooper Blooper: It's clearly pronounced "Sha-Leh"
Cornwind Evil: It is actually pronounced "Throatwobbler Mangrove"
Gooper Blooper: Seel X Coseel
Jumpropeman: "Seel may be derived from seal." I love that Bulbapedia is so wishywashy on these things while Pokemon is also a series that canonizes nonsense all the time with the pokedex
Gooper Blooper: MAY
Gooper Blooper: they can't be certain!!
Seashells: I dunno. Seems like a stretch
Jumpropeman: what great mysteries this world still holds


Jumpropeman: tomorrow's a pokemon presents
Jumpropeman: time for Pokemon Cafe Remix Remix Plus
Jumpropeman: one of the dlcs has a bird pokemon and I kind of wish it had come out sooner so I coulda used the bird yesterday
Seashells: Reg loves remix.
Draco: But then Margit would have the new bird and not Articuno.
Jumpropeman: depends on how cool this bird turns out
Gooper Blooper: You'll just have to do Birdplot II: Bird Harder next year
Jumpropeman: this time, the birds are poaching humans
Draco: Margit's ready to get KO'd by poachers again. :3
Gooper Blooper: This Time It's Birdsonal
Seashells: Its Now Fight or Flight
Draco: I like that one, Sey.
Seashells bows


Gooper Blooper: so I've mentioned before that when I save chatzy logs I'll often append something to the filename to note what happened that day, like "Zoofights Chat 4006 Firebrow Finale"
Gooper Blooper: Today's log is "Zoofights Chat 4008 Mediocre Idols"
Draco: D:
Diadem: >:(
Gooper Blooper: about as mediocre as Pokemon Direct-
Draco: WOW
RubyChao: "you MEDIOCRE IDOL SINGERS" "...M-mediocre!?"
RubyChao: i found it
RubyChao: so this is how sweetheart enters, right
Draco: Saying "Mediocre?" Yes.


Jumpropeman: "Even if they weren't up to Puppet Princess and Iliesh's high standards" *camera pans to Penny*
Draco: "wearing a Grand Guppy sweater, jeans, a baseball cap, and sunglasses" <- You've INSTANTLY upstaged them, Vi and DD! D:
Jumpropeman: The Grand Guppy Summer Collection
Brinehammer: I'm canonizing the Grand Guppy Summer Collection and no one can stop me
Draco: Not if I canonize it first! D:<
Brinehammer: Noooooooo D:


Jumpropeman: if there's ever anything that embodies the phrase "living rent free in my head", it's Hamtaro for me
Jumpropeman: I didn't even watch it that much
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: "Hamtaro: Wake Up Snoozer!" sounds like a rollicking good time


Jumpropeman: I don't believe it
Jumpropeman: my Playdate is finally shipping
Jumpropeman: been like two years waiting on that thing
Gooper Blooper: looking forward to the Playdate reviews
Jumpropeman: gonna crank hard


Jumpropeman: "Maybe was born with it, maybe it’s UDM Advertising Team - I know your dirty little secret, that needs a new ad unit to drive incremental revenue."
Jumpropeman: I'm so ashamed...
Gooper Blooper: d i r t y


Hooded Pitohui: Bizarre teenage mischief: three youths just absconded with the neighbor's potted plants
Gooper Blooper: HP the youngest person in recorded history to use the word "youths"
Draco: It was his first word growing up.
Diadem: i'm more shooketh that he used absconded


Cornwind Evil: Apparently Fall Out Boy did a cover of We Didn't Start The Fire updating it to modern times
RubyChao: they rhymed Metroid with George Floyd and that's all i need to know

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