Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Chatzy Madness Volume 412: A Giant Bear Made Of Nickelodeon Gak

PhoneModo: Rickety Town more like
PhoneModo: Uh
PhoneModo: Shitty Town?
PhoneModo: ...I didn’t sleep last night
PhoneModo left the chat
Mirrored Sheep joined the chat

Mirrored Sheep: Come on and ride!
Mirrored Sheep: Big Bunyan Ride!
Mirrored Sheep left the chat


KamenModo: posted


HIS WISH IS PUNCH!: "The Tour de France, the most challenging and most prestigious bicycle race, has a long and storied history of cheating. Most people have heard of the decades worth of scandals involving performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs), but the early years of the race involved much more overt methods of cheating. The second Tour de France (in 1904) had so much cheating that it almost resulted in permanent cancellation. Multiple cyclists were disqualified for cheating, and the 5th place finisher was declared the winner since everybody ahead of him was disqualified. And he had also cheated at least once, but for whatever reason was only given a warning. Much of the cheating was amusingly audacious (skipping sections of the race by getting rides in cars or trains, or for those who wanted to still "ride the bike" for the whole course having a car pull them along with a tow rope), but it also included sabotage (nails were laid out in roads to cause flat tires) and even violence (masked men in a car attacking the then-leading cyclists, and fans of some cyclists threw rocks at everyone else as they passed)."


Jumpropeman: WOOPER WATCH
Jumpropeman: the next hour is wooperpalooza in go
Gooper Blooper: woop woop
Jumpropeman: no increased shiny rate I believe but I'm getting one dang it
KamenModo: PULL OVER DAT no
MobileDraco: If only those COWARDS would put Paldean Woopers in too.


Jumpropeman: wooper watch over... zero shinies
LadySeychelles: Oh no
Gooper Blooper: you told me you were going to get a shiny, JRM
Gooper Blooper: you lied to me
MobileDraco: JRM, why did you lie to the boy? ;-;
Jumpropeman: your first mistake was trusting me
Gooper Blooper: I was in my hospital bed and I begged him to catch a shiny woop for the gipper
RubyChao: that shiny woop could have cured cancer
Diadem joined the chat
Diadem: walked into some drama, i see-
Diadem: anyway hello
Jumpropeman: harp, bail me out here, I know you got a shiny woop stash
Diadem: sorry bud i got nothin but an idea to record a Furret solo run
Jumpropeman: play the acerola town song the whole run 


Jumpropeman: Sinful and Firebrow will probably feel the Stand influence next round, but neither of them are the kind to go Jojo and say they can't beat you without getting closer :V
KamenModo: Sharpe refuses to say the whole OH YOU'RE APPROACHING ME bit
Jumpropeman: Sharpe has a team of underpaid writers to construct mid battle taunts
KamenModo: yes


renfivel: in today's episode of TF2 pubbing


Gooper Blooper: I'm gonna check out, nite guys
Gooper Blooper: thanks for the shitposting opportunity, Draco-
RubyChao: niiiight
Jumpropeman: night goop
Jumpropeman: it was nice having you, hope you drop by again!
Gooper Blooper: I kinda like it here so yeah, I might participate in another event soon
Jumpropeman: can't wait to see more Monkeyman
Gooper Blooper: I sent all my most popular characters to this event
Jumpropeman: meticulously planned to the letter, they were
Draco: Bye Goops. Thanks for plotting with me.
Minion Sheep: Really, all she needs is Monkeyman to press his button and get her a banana
Draco: I'm glad we got both serious bad guys, shitposters, and Dread Kong too! :V
Draco: My new ship: Monkeyman and Rin-Rin.


Too Many Bombs: Anddddddd....shitpost
Too Many Bombs: So shit I will use the british term because I need the extra letter
Too Many Bombs: A shitepost
Minion Sheep: When did people know she was Junko, by the way?
Draco: When she started getting bawled out for not killing Yohane.
Jumpropeman: after it was mentioned her hair was familiar I realized
Draco: Fucking GRAHF. XD
Minion Sheep: "Doeth though desire...the power?"
Minion Sheep: Wouldst thou like to live...deliciously?
RubyChao: sheep:
RubyChao: i honestly knew instantly
RubyChao: because i remembered Rin Rin being junko's nickname
Minion Sheep: HAH! I didn't think ANYONE would because she never uses it herself
Jumpropeman: clearly it was just a alternate universe version of Selphy's cat
Minion Sheep: "and then tossed back through the MALP portal with the word of 'Pick your jobs better."
Minion Sheep: Rin Rin will return....
Minion Sheep: In Season 20
Draco: You promise? :)
Minion Sheep gives her a robotic toe
Minion Sheep: Yeah, sure
Minion Sheep: Why not?
Minion Sheep: I'll never come to regret saying this!
Too Many Bombs: She is defeated, comes back in Season 27 as the new Bronze Kneecap instead
Jumpropeman: i have been wanting to get crimson chin villains into rp for so long


Brinehammer: Reya's so crazy she thinks Brad likes her for her personality.


KamenModo: there's a dinosaur humble bundle going on atm
KamenModo: it has carnivores dinosaur hunter remastered, primal carnage extinction and both turoks
KamenModo: which are the only games i recognized
KamenModo: there's also a learn unity bundle on there and a 3d platformer bundle
KamenModo: so uh
KamenModo: lot of choice!
Jumpropeman: on the one hand I'm glad they're remastering Turok, on the other, the fog was part of the experience maaaan
Jumpropeman: (it is likely a very good thing they removed it, this ain't silent hill)
Shin Del: heh, maybe
Shin Del: i remember playing like
Shin Del: the first level of turok 2
Jumpropeman: We rented some Turok on the N64
Shin Del: oh yeah it was 64
Shin Del: i was a big baby as a kid so the fog made me real reluctant to do anything
Jumpropeman: I remember getting GTA 3 for Xbox from like, Hollywood Video, but I went and returned it because the draw distance was so bad I was convinced the game was busted
Shin Del: lol
Shin Del: those were the days eh
KamenModo: god
MobileDraco: lol
KamenModo: is draw distance even a thing nowadays?
Gooper Blooper cries in Pokemon Scarvi
KamenModo: ...never mind


Jumpropeman: the golden eggs ARE fertilized, right?
Shin Del: no
LadySeychelles: Alarming question when you forget the context


(Chao posts an image of Shirabe wearing a winter coat and a scarf, but also a short skirt)

RubyChao: she was ready for whalestrand all along
Jumpropeman: winter shibs
Gooper Blooper: Cool Cool Mountain - Shib Slidin' Away
Gooper Blooper: *bahbah bah bahbahBAH* "letsa go"
Jumpropeman: which symphogirl would be most likely to drop a penguin off the mountain
Cornwind Evil: "she was ready for whalestrand all along" And yet she's not wearing pants
Gooper Blooper: Pants are overrated
Hooded Pitohui: -Coren, probably
RubyChao: jrm: Chris, easily.
Jumpropeman: I wanted to give someone besides Chris a chance to be awful
Gooper Blooper: kek
Hooded Pitohui: "which symphogirl [...] off the mountain" - After some thought, going canon and not RP versions, I feel like the answer is Kanade or Chris. Maria is too fond of penguins and I suspect Hibiki would be too, Shibs + Kirika would only do it by accident, Tsubasa would be holding it carefully, Serena wouldn't drop it. But I think Chris or Kanade would do it as part of some kind of plan.
Jumpropeman Kanade sends baby plummeting to its doom
Jumpropeman: "Don't worry penguin mama, I got a plan"
LadySeychelles: I don't know about symphogears
LadySeychelles: But out of all my Kobbers Roman is the most likely to drop a penguin off the mountain
Jumpropeman: he wouldn't even need a reason
MobileDraco: Chris Yukine's parents were killed by penguins.
Cornwind Evil: Beckett football punts one off the mountain
LadySeychelles: Penguins have feathers?
LadySeychelles: Of some sort
Jumpropeman: and in that moment, Beckett realizes the gravity of his mistake
Jumpropeman: so many years spent killing penguins...
MobileDraco: Tragic
Cornwind Evil: This was a joke, based on it being so darn unlikely that nice quiet guy Beckett would do that
Jumpropeman: i thought this was just his secret darkness
Hooded Pitohui: I think Mystia is probably my all-time penguin dropper, with Garie the "active" cast member likeliest to drop a penguin, and Kausar the likeliest of the-active-and-not-in-the-background crowd. But conversely this year I have two characters (Lyrica and Jasmine) who would be very vocal penguin defenders.
LadySeychelles: I was invested in Beck penguin backstory
MobileDraco: His villain arc.
Jumpropeman: Lyrica just can't escape bird problems
LadySeychelles: Most likely to defend penguins is Raihan
Hooded Pitohui: "Most likely to defend penguins" is my favorite yearbook superlative.


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: good
Jumpropeman: good lady
Jumpropeman: approved
Gooper Blooper: do it for her
Jumpropeman: did it for her
Jumpropeman: probably more like
Jumpropeman: did it for her, and oona and vrock, and torn, and zadanost...
Draco: Do it for at least Cauldron Born.


KamenModo: been watching a lot of old weebl stuff recently
KamenModo: ah, fond memories
RubyChao: are you seeing things
seeing them with your EYES
KamenModo: i saw beans, lots of beans, lots of beans lots of beans, oh yeah


Brinehammer: The Queen of Terror is the scariest Villian Reya has ever fought.
Draco: Reya will find Clownpiece even scarier when she gets invited to...A BIRTHDAY PARTY.
Brinehammer: That absolute fiend!
Draco: Reya will be helpless before the vicious words of the clown when she...GIVES A GENUINE COMPLIMENT.
Brinehammer: How can she have three heads and no heart?! Obviously this is the worst dimension of them all...
Draco: The most evil dimension. She'll only make you a 1/3 pound burger.
Brinehammer: Might as well let the Tzitzimitl win this one, they can't make it any more horrible :I
Draco: Not even with the fresh Hell that is refills on her ice cold lemonade?
Brinehammer: I thought it was going to take at least a month for Reya to have a complete mental breakdown, but Clownpiece is definitely speedrunning it.
Draco: Only the WORST for Reya. :3


Draco: "I hope Perfect Cell isn't worried about me. He's high strung." <- He's undoubtedly missing his fellow Hetap aficionado. ;V
Brinehammer: When he put her on the list as halftime entertainment, that's when she knew Perfect Cell was one of the good guys :D
Draco: I'm delighted to read of her adventures in our sinful dimension. :3


Jumpropeman: harpy
Jumpropeman: it feels like something that has come up in chat, but did you ever hear the legends of how Cleffa dominated in Gen 2 pokemon TCG?
Gooper Blooper: Oh! Why, yes I have, but I don't think it got much if any Chatzy play
Diadem: i have not
RubyChao: this is because baby pokemon in gen 2 tcg had a broken as fuck ability right
Gooper Blooper:
Diadem: EEEEEK
Diadem: *fucks over opponent's hand*
Diadem: wait
Jumpropeman: nah, it's shuffle YOUR hand
Diadem: *shuffles shitty hand into deck... to get another shitty hand-*
Jumpropeman: meaning every turn, even if you had like one card in your hand, you can draw a whole new set
Jumpropeman: plus yeah, to attack a baby you needed to flip a coin every time to try
Gooper Blooper: The "attack" is using the broken-as-hell Professor Oak trainer but better, and the ability makes your opponent whiff 50% of the time
Gooper Blooper: When you're done setting up, Cleffa retreats for free
Miniature Golf Del: oh god
Jumpropeman: a meta analyst at the time said "If you don't have four [cleffa] in your deck, your excuse better be 'I don't own that many'"
Gooper Blooper: also no weakness so couldn't be oneshot by fighting types using one-energy 20 damage moves a la the classic Machop and Hitmonchan strats
Diadem: what the fuck
Diadem: this is the real reason they banned babies-
Miniature Golf Del: yeah that's bonkers, Pokémon tcg is literally all "can you draw and set up for the perfect attack"
Miniature Golf Del: and lancer and icon have taught me "make em flip to attack" is strong actually
Gooper Blooper: It's funny because it looks useless if you just glance at it, since it can't attack directly and has 30 HP
Gooper Blooper: the secret sauce requires a little thought
Diadem: God Cleffa Sammy
Diadem: "you wouldn't hit a baby would you"
Gooper Blooper: turns out Accidental God Cleffa has been a thing since 2000
Gooper Blooper: who knew
Cornwind Evil: Reminds me of Yugioh releasing the first wave of their ARC-V set, nothing ULTRA special, then later cards, and then people went "Hey wait if you combine these first released cards and these new ones and these old cards you make a deck that literally wins the game for you the moment you draw, whether you go first or second, via a ridiculous chain of effects."
Cornwind Evil: They had to release like four ban lists and it was STILL OP from what I heard
RubyChao: oh yeah, i remember reading hobbydrama
Diadem: absolutely destroyed
RubyChao: it was the one time they had to bite the bullet and ban the protagonist ace monster


LadySeychelles joined the chat
KamenModo joined the chat

KamenModo: greetings
KamenModo: ...hold up
KamenModo changed name to DrunKomodo
DrunKomodo: there we go
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Shin Del: heyrm
Shin Del: and hey sey
Jumpropeman: present
Jumpropeman: hello
WhenSeytemberEnds: Hey Ropeman.
DrunKomodo: still here
WhenSeytemberEnds: Wassup
Shin Del: plort
Shin Del: you wanna fight a giant bear made of nickelodeon gak?
DrunKomodo: i do
Jumpropeman: the early bear gets the squid


(re: Mr. Grizz's battle theme)

Shin Del: splatoon's composers get to wake up every day and go to the best job in the world because they can just make the must unhinged noises known to mankind
Diadem: yeah that song is so fucking unhinged
Diadem: tag yourself as an instrument in bear with me: i'm the xylophone
Shin Del: im the absolutely bonkers vocals
Diadem: its strangely dissonant, like what the fuck
Diadem: but its also a bop
Diadem: but when you try to take in everything at once your brain fucking explodes
Diadem: i'm sure this is the musical version of an aneurysm
Gooper Blooper: The Phase 1 version is a little too laid back for me but I'm digging the Phase 2 version
Shin Del: fun fact the tempos of the beat and instruments in phase 1 are deliberately off tempo slightly
Diadem: phase 1 is terrifying
Shin Del: so they become a horrible mess


LadySeychelles: Fun fact: there's a rwby ship named "Pussy Magnet."


Salmon Del: never heard a DJ flawlessly transition from Blue Monday to Born Slippy before this night
Salmon Del: so y'know, there's a lot of wonder in the world still


RubyChao: this just reminds me of our empire of michigan discussion
Jumpropeman: that empire of michigan revelation irrevocably changed how I viewed my now neighbor state


Draco: Acchiua the Rock:
Shin Del: rocchi the bock
Gooper Blooper: mochi the sock
RubyChao: focchi the lock
Gooper Blooper: mariachi the Plok
RubyChao: did you know her real name is hitori gotoh? that's quite unfortunate.


(Re: F-Zero 99)

Draco: Oh man. 34/99 in my first race. Good on me. XD
Jumpropeman: nearly top third!
Gooper Blooper: hah, I'm playing F-Zero between posts too
Gooper Blooper: Goopsbro started today and sent me a photo of him finishing a race in second (he got a Super Boost right at the end and passed almost everyone)
Draco: Ooh, I got a badge for scoring the first KO in a race!
Jumpropeman: YOU KNOW WHAT
Jumpropeman: IMMA PLAY IT TOO
Gooper Blooper: "Overall rank: 41,656" I am a god.
RubyChao: from what i'm hearing the general reception to f-zero 99 has been "wait, this is actually fun?"
RubyChao: and i'm glad
Gooper Blooper: yeah it's actually good
Draco: Of course we're playing F-Zero during Chao's plot.
RubyChao: if it's a waters test it seems like it's working!
Gooper Blooper: It's a funny novelty but it's good!
Jumpropeman: my brother didn't seem to like it, but I don't know if he gave it much of a shot
Jumpropeman: he's the one who 100% GX in our house
Draco: Oh man. I have to beat KYLE. D:<
Gooper Blooper: damn you kyle
RubyChao: link
Draco: I defeated Kyle.
Gooper Blooper: 8th!!! Finally got a top ten finish
Draco: Only 67th this time, but I survived the race! AND BEAT KYLE. >:D
Gooper Blooper: One of my rivals was "John". John got 99th.
RubyChao: i point and laugh at john
Gooper Blooper: time to buy chao a switch online sub so he can play-
RubyChao: i mean, if someone wants to upgrade to family plan-


Gooper Blooper: "Old Agama had some issues, huh."
Gooper Blooper: E I E I O
Jumpropeman: A E I O U
LadySeychelles: and bingo was his name-o?


Cornwind Evil: What was Parsee's last name again
Jumpropeman: Mizuhashi
Draco: I will retcon it if you accidentally spelled it Mitsubishi.


AlternisChao: oh jrm
AlternisChao: thanks to being a mod
AlternisChao: today i reread the original version of
AlternisChao: it's still hilarious.
Jumpropeman: oh man
Jumpropeman: that's the real privilege of being an admin
Draco: A classic RP moment.
Cornwind Evil: When we next see him, our favorite dirty Har-alien has become fond of shooting his criminals in the feet
Cornwind Evil: Yes. He is now Blas D. To.
Jumpropeman: man, I put a lot of work into that Slasho art
AlternisChao: i forgot how RAPIDLY it scales, too
Gooper Blooper: We couldn't have had a better introduction to just how loud Einst is
Jumpropeman: I should have made it canon he was just getting louder and louder


(Re: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet)

Internet Del: I got the kamen rider bug and the Minecraft
Internet Del: which are insane statements outside of this game


Gooper Blooper: Wikipedia's article on the white rhinoceros: "It spends about half of the day eating, one-third resting, and the rest of the day doing various other things."
Gooper Blooper: mood
Diadem: isn't that just all of us in a nutshell


Cornwind Evil: Fortunately this is the last boat mission
Cornwind Evil: Suckers would have been on land as well
Jumpropeman: still, we're not inviting her to any future boat activities
Gooper Blooper: And then the Slashers all copy Jason Takes Manhattan A Boat, and then the Wendigoes all get dumped onto a pirate ship-
Jumpropeman: final boss of rift plot: just a big ass living boat
Cornwind Evil looks at Charon from the Dante's Inferno game.
Gooper Blooper: A giant boat with Choo-Choo Charles' face
Cornwind Evil: If I'd had some idea of this setting, I probably would have saved Deep Rising Take 2 for it as well
Cornwind Evil: But then we would have been robbed of Scars/Lord friendship
Cornwind Evil: Further irony
Cornwind Evil: Dawn gave out a boat
Cornwind Evil: And I pondered having her give out cars that are also boats
Cornwind Evil: Dawn has clearly been replaced by Croctopus
Cornwind Evil: Who stole Draco's wig
Gooper Blooper: Dawn's next body:
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: Stop yelling at me, Clownpiece. I'm all around you.


Cornwind Evil: Things Dawn is now banned from doing
Cornwind Evil: 1) Boat things
Cornwind Evil: 2) Cave things
Cornwind Evil: 3) Dalek related things
Cornwind Evil: 4) Working at Burger King related things
Cornwind Evil: 5) Brawl things (by her own decision, barring circumstances)
Cornwind Evil: 6) Annoying sentient hyperconcepts
Cornwind Evil: 7) Being Den-O
Cornwind Evil: What have I missed?
Cornwind Evil: 8) Making exceptionally phallic plushes
Gooper Blooper: kek
Cornwind Evil: Dawn attempts to make a phallic plushie
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
Cornwind Evil: ......words fail me
Gooper Blooper: She's really great at making disturbing Wigletts


Jumpropeman: sometimes I get a little suspicious of battle royale players potentially being bots, but it would be pretty bold of nintendo to make "paizurifan" a bot name in F-Zero 99


Jumpropeman: New Rift monster dropped-
Gooper Blooper: Rumia crawling back into RP after Brine cutting room floored her
RubyChao: i honestly expected her to crawl over the text


Brinehammer: Hmm. Rumia...
Brinehammer: Hmm.
Brinehammer: Rumia.
Brinehammer laughs maniacally at 5 am as he pencils her name into his Maybe list and misspells it.


Jumpropeman joined the chat
WhenSeytemberEnds: Hello JRM
Jumpropeman: yo
RubyChao: WELL
Jumpropeman: it isn't
Jumpropeman pulls off mask, revealing Old Man Jenkins
Jumpropeman: I figured dressing as a JRM would scare you out of this abandoned theme park
WhenSeytemberEnds: And he wouldn’t have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for us mindful adults
WhenSeytemberEnds: I think that’s how it goes
Jumpropeman: I was going to convert it into an orphanage, but thanks to you, my plan is ruined
Gooper Blooper: You can't abandon Guppystrand, we blew it up
Jumpropeman: The Grand Guppy still tries to make a buck by billing it as authentic Glaseteran ruins
Jumpropeman: come learn about our culture and history
WhenSeytemberEnds: Well the BBB13 is a notable event I guess


Gooper Blooper: haha time for f-zero
Jumpropeman: im not even a fan of that Smash Bros f-zero song with lyrics from the daytona usa guy but it's been trapped in my head since f-zero 99 came out
Draco: 99
Cornwind Evil: When myopic confusion threatens your lunch


Gooper Blooper: another mini prix, don't mind if I do
Gooper Blooper: same three courses as the last one I entered :V
Draco: They only have four courses, I think?
Diadem: my dumb ass: four courses is still a lot
Diadem: *thinking about food*
Gooper Blooper: There are seven
Gooper Blooper: One is exclusive to the last race of the five-race Grand Prix though
Diadem: ah, the rainbow road of f-zero
RubyChao: no harpy
RubyChao: that's rainbow road
Diadem: what the fuck
Gooper Blooper: I really appreciate that F-Zero Rainbow Road has the Mario Kart 64 Rainbow Road theme, just remixed to sound F-Zero-y


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: well, I can't say no to sumi-
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: Certainly. -puts in all of Sumi's actual information-
Cornwind Evil: Sumi: What, do you go through my trash?!
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: Please. Information is power. I go through everyone's trash.
RubyChao: posted!
RubyChao: >implying that sumi does not practice proper opsec by shredding her credit cards
RubyChao: she's a nerd
Gooper Blooper: a large one, even
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: -holds up put back together credit card- A little tape, and a lot of patience.
Gooper Blooper: I would say this isn't helping Dawn's reputation, but this is a jokeverse where Sumireko, a noted Good Girl, is trying to commit credit card fraud
Cornwind Evil: Obviously
Cornwind Evil: Dawn does not go through people's trash to get information.
Gooper Blooper: Canon Dawn only roots through trash SOMETIMES.
Cornwind Evil: Kaydence: No no, you misheard. You thought she said trash, she really said lewd stas-
WhenSeytemberEnds: Roman has no such scruples
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: THAT RUMOR IS GOING TO DIE.
RubyChao: "For what is essentially just a pleasant walk in rolling green fields, golf sure does cause a lot of anger"
Cornwind Evil: Golf combines man's two oldest pastimes: taking long walks and hitting things with sticks.
Gooper Blooper: I recently reread the original "Dawn's lewd stash" conversation, which was about Bambietta, and Cornwind mentions Bambietta had 75 Danbooru results at the time
Gooper Blooper: Her total has now more than doubled thanks to her arc finally getting the anime treatment
WhenSeytemberEnds: How much of them are lewd.
Gooper Blooper: *checks just the first page*
Gooper Blooper: A good amount of them.
Cornwind Evil: Overtly Lewd: 19
Cornwind Evil: Less Overtly Lewd: 28


Cornwind Evil: Roll a tractor to see how fucked up Emelia is, Chao
RubyChao: SURE
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Cornwind Evil: .......
RubyChao: damn, she actually came out of it pretty well


Jumpropeman: the sequel to large breeding female
Harpbebobop: Wha
Harpbebobop: Wao


Gooper Blooper: You folks may remember when Congorilla, a Donkey Kong bootleg arcade game, was an RP meme
Gooper Blooper: Funspot doesn't have Congorilla, but it does have Crazy Kong, which appears to be more or less a copy of Congorilla, and I have now played it
Jumpropeman: nice! Well, as nice as Crazy Kong can be
Gooper Blooper: It's just Donkey Kong except "how high can you get" has been garbled into "how high can you try" and the sound effects are changed (most notably Mario going HIYAH every time he jumps like he's a sterotypical karate guy doing chops)
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: donkey kong sounds filtered through a tin can
Jumpropeman: also did not expect how Hiyah would sound
Draco: Amazing
Gooper Blooper: "The story behind this one is...interesting, to say the least. In Japan, these machines were officially licensed (to help meet demand, since it was an unexpected hit), but all mention of Nintendo was removed by Falcon. Then, it saw an unlicensed US release, which resulted in legal action by Nintendo.
EDIT: I also wouldn't be surprised if this was based off a prototype of Donkey Kong, since both Crazy Climber and Donkey Kong used Z80 processors, with Falcon rewriting the sound and graphics handling to work on Crazy Climber hardware. That could explain the somewhat different barrel physics, the somewhat janky nature, and the lower difficulty."
Jumpropeman: man, janky Donkey Kong sounds like a chore
Gooper Blooper: My first life was used up when I jumped to grab the hammer and a barrel hit me on the way back down
Gooper Blooper: My second life, I got the hammer and started to move towards the barrel but was still too slow
Gooper Blooper: Third life I stopped trying to take the stupid hammer and just cleared the stage :V
Diadem joined the chat
SteelKomodo: Janky Kong, the one member of the Kong family they don't talk about
Gooper Blooper: HE HAS NO LICENSE
Gooper Blooper: UNH
Diadem: billy mitchell is that you?


renfivel: I'm just going to link this Magic card
Gooper Blooper: legendary creature
renfivel: I mean, I have to agree
Diadem: ian is legendary
Diadem: but i do question his use in game, which i will defer to brine for
renfivel: correct answer: who cares it's a legendary Jeff Goldblum
Diadem: that is indeed correct but i want some theorycrafting from brine, don't take this from me
renfivel: :U
Draco: That's just a theory...a CARD theory!

(later, the expert arrives)

Brinehammer: Regarding the Ian Malcolm card- It's Universes Beyond, which I believe is a case of Hasbro owns some part of a franchise, let's put it in MTG. We had Street Fighter and Walking Dead cards before as well, there were those WH40k decks I linked awhile ago, Dr. Who is an upcoming product and they're finally printing the other half of the ponies from My Little Pony soon, probably in a Secret Lair.
Brinehammer: There's going to be a run of Jurassic Park (Jurassic World?) cards real soon, I believe prior to the Dr. Who stuff, I kinda forgot about it all until my buddy sent me a txt with that card in it :V
Brinehammer: In terms of the card itself... It's a chaotic, fun effect that isn't meant to be good. Players are only ever going to exile one card during their turn or opponents turns off the top of their decks, since it's "whenever they draw their second card each turn." It doesn't care about how many you draw after the second. The other big thing is that you will NEVER cast what would be best with him with his ability, stuff that synergizes or combos that you've put in your deck since you cannot cast things you own that he's exiled.
Brinehammer: He's in Red, so he does work as a "Cast Spells From Exile" commander literally just for that, and I wouldn't say it's a bad card or anything- but in terms of power or mechanics, there are other cards that do the same thing but better. I'd still run him in a deck built around the theme.
Brinehammer: Okay, yeah, it's Jurassic World.
Brinehammer: Glad they're doing something with dinosaurs so soon, I figured they'd introduce them and then let the tribe sit on a shelf for like fifteen years :v I built a deck around this guy not too long ago. It's a three headed T-Rex, he's pretty good at what he does.


Minion Sheep: "We're looking for Kobbers that are good at snooping and are capable of defending themselves"
Internet Del: snooping... as usual
Minion Sheep: I know when I think BOTH those things, I think Democurus-
LadySeychelles: Demo would be great
Minion Sheep scatters cookie crumb dusts to see the security lasers
LadySeychelles: He is truly the GOAT of Sheep chars imo
Minion Sheep: :I
Minion Sheep: >:I
LadySeychelles: XD
Minion Sheep: "Food is the right of all sentient people"-Democurus Prime


LadySeychelles: I appeciate Sheep's tendency to just, find the big red button and start pushing it
LadySeychelles: This is why our Dnd party got yeeted to the faerealm
Minion Sheep: He had to study the machine, Sey!
Jumpropeman: Mike heads for the house, looking to steal Demo's spotlight-
Jumpropeman: He can get in more trouble than you goat
Minion Sheep: It could have been the big break he nee-er, a big breakthrough for science the world over!
Minion Sheep: Good luck, Mike
Minion Sheep: I don't see any hands ON YOU
Jumpropeman: >:I


Acid Is Pigs, Kill The Groovy: Dawn: My bodies are not cute. I guess I need someone to design me a cute body
Draco: "It's cute from a certain point of view. Not mine or yours."


Jumpropeman: schedule post
RubyChao: he's doing it!!!
Jumpropeman: plot finale: kobbers sit the Cerulean Voice and Stannic Minerals down at a table for peace talks, things go swimmingly
Jumpropeman: esh says sorry and hugs sinful
Gooper Blooper: EPIC
Draco: And then Jack says sorry for the confusion and takes his little sisters Clownpiece and Seregios to Donutvania.
Jumpropeman: Sage and Attami going to donutvania legit could be the plot end though-
Gooper Blooper: That's what happens on the 30th
Acid Is Pigs, Kill The Groovy: Lyblac is disgusted, sends in the first planned boss of next year, Owuo.
Draco: The evil boss Uwu!
Gooper Blooper: Owuo what's this?


(Re: difficulties in acquiring rare Pokemon)

Draco: I'd love to have a Walking Wake but who knows when those are coming back?
Gooper Blooper: I just kind of hoped that Walking Wake and the other event paradox would show up normally in the DLC
Gooper Blooper: otherwise I'm not getting one because I'm not doing online raids for a chance at getting a pogey, nor am I paying for Home
Jumpropeman: if you're patient, Pokemon Home GTS is easy to game
Jumpropeman: I got multiple Spectrier for things as simple as random Meganium and Blaziken I encountered in GO
Jumpropeman: and I've traded those spectrier for other things I needed like Regidrago
Jumpropeman: bet you could get a Wake that way
Jumpropeman: nobody wants swampert though
Jumpropeman: if you're really desperate though, you have like 14 shiny grubbin? I bet shinies trade up nice
Draco: Worth a shot. XD
RubyChao: grubbin day........
Jumpropeman: oh, speaking of, just checked and a random Go Sceptile just got me another spectrier
Draco: Listen, Chao, Grubbin is important enough to delay saving the MALPverse, okay? >:U
Hooded Pitohui: One step forward (decreased incidence of limited-time mythicals), two steps back (limited-time Pokemon in limited amounts through an annoyingly buggy online battle system) - The Gamefreak way
Jumpropeman: I don't even know what I'll trade it for, got a Koraidon for the last Spectrier
Gooper Blooper: I should send Melissa to the MALP event and she reveals she caught fourteen shiny Grubbin and dumps them all on Darkwarrior Duck
Draco: lol
Draco: Margit and her 14 shiny Grubbins.
Gooper Blooper: She doesn't even keep them in balls, she just carries around a bucket full of Grubbin
Jumpropeman: for fishin'
Draco: Excellent. XD
Gooper Blooper: henrik no that's not chum
Jumpropeman: there was a grubbin bucket
Jumpropeman: but Henrik eated it :3
Gooper Blooper: I knew it was coming and still laughed


(Attami is revealed to be secretly Tiamat's robot slave to help her achieve a physical form again)

Jumpropeman: holy frijoles!
Jumpropeman: not my sweet babu!
Cornwind Evil: ...So wait, was she Attami all along?
RubyChao: the implication i'm getting is that Attami was not, inherently, Tiamat, but Attami was always built to be a vessel for Tiamat
RubyChao: tiamat just did not assume direct control until today
Gooper Blooper: CW: There will be further clarification tomorrow, I split the prewrite up into two halves and this is the first half
RubyChao: anyhow, Lanterby is going to be there if it kills her tomorrow
RubyChao: (it will probably kill her)
Jumpropeman: Lanterby uses her arm casts as clubs
Jumpropeman: I don't know how Miyoi will help, but she has to
Gooper Blooper: JRM: I am specifically requesting Miyoi.
Cornwind Evil: I told you Yuuma should have requested the Gantz armor!
Jumpropeman: she might have to drop by Piper's, but she's coming!
Jumpropeman: look, Yuuma is not ready to see Lanterby in that stuff
Gooper Blooper: GB 2023 plot finale spoilers without context
Jumpropeman: that's for her and yohane-
Jumpropeman: Yuuma also respects Yohane a lot so her and lanterby getting together would be a dream come true
RubyChao: what about...
Draco: Yohane likes Yuuma and found a way to pirate Disney Plus in the castle.
Jumpropeman: Yuuma was against it at first until Yohane called it piracy, after which she asked how many other services they can be pirates for
Jumpropeman: she insisted they wear eyepatches during it
Draco: Yuuma has about three-hundred streaming services, Microsoft Office, Photoshop, and Club Penguin.
Draco: Don't tell Miyoi though.


Gooper Blooper: tomorrow: save a robot
Jumpropeman: WE WILL
Gooper Blooper left the chat
Draco: Celestia and Stella and the rest? Forget it. Gotta save Attami.
Jumpropeman: they dont have food blogs
Jumpropeman: how will we bore Tehom without her???
Minion Sheep: Save a robot?
Minion Sheep: I thought you said
Jumpropeman: ride a cowboy
Minion Sheep: SHAVE a robot!
Minion Sheep quietly walks offstage
Minion Sheep left the chat

Jumpropeman: take the shot- oh hes gone
Jumpropeman: we'll get him next time, drac
Draco: Darn. I was loading the cannon. D;
Jumpropeman: we'll have to play him the 1812 overture another time :(
Draco: Next time!


Gooper Blooper: In F-Zero 99 today I had to face a user named "Sussy Baka"
Gooper Blooper: musta been CKR


Diadem: *jubilations wiggle*
Diadem: *hand cramps*
Diadem: *falls over*
Diadem: *dies*
Jumpropeman: she overwiggled
renfivel: an easy, but costly, mistake to make
Diadem: ivel planned this-


WhenSeytemberEnds: Anyone in particular you want from Chez Seychelles
MobileDraco: We want Neo. She's cute. I have no biases.
Gooper Blooper: kek
WhenSeytemberEnds: Yeah yeah


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: >Bring Me to Life
Jumpropeman: what a classic of early youtube
Gooper Blooper: I'm cracking up at the mere thought of Bring Me To Life playing alongside a slideshow of blurry jpgs of anomalocaris
Gooper Blooper: tribute videos are right up there with anime episodes divided into three parts for Early Youtube Energy
Jumpropeman: don't let your memes be dreams
Gooper Blooper: 1,105,112 views Apr 4, 2009
Gooper Blooper: it's exactly what I imagined it would be
SteelKomodo: madness
Jumpropeman: I love that there is no edit to say "wow this blew up!" or any comment from the creator on the video. Still pure all these years later
Jumpropeman: although if it did have those old youtube annotations that were big bubbles on the screen I would forgive it


RubyChao: link
Gooper Blooper: Our new game is a pixel graphics tough-as-nails roguelike with crafting!
Jumpropeman: and farming
Gooper Blooper: You farm to make materials to craft


Draco: I've been watching too many Pokemon versus videos. A wild Pokemon used Quiver Dance and now I'm thinking "IT'S SETTING UP ON ME"
Jumpropeman: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: Well, it IS... it just probably doesn't know what to do with that newfound boost
Gooper Blooper: I know in at least some games, trainer Pokemon use actual AI but wild Pokemon just attack randomly to emphasize their lack of a human helper
Diadem: yes actually
Draco: Time to catch a WOOPER. >:U
Diadem: ivel and i watched people actually exploit gen 1 AI for a race in pokemon yellow with a backported smeargle
Gooper Blooper: wooper watch 👀
Draco: >Gotta be delicate with Wooper to catch it.
>Wooper uses EARTHQUAKE.
Gooper Blooper: Best moment for Pokemon Gen 1 AI has gotta be the infamous All Terrain Venomoth Vs Lance's Final Dragonite match in Twitch Plays Pokemon
Draco: "I'm using a Psychic move! It's weak to Psychic!" *just gets faster as poison sets in*
Gooper Blooper: *Agility intensifies*
Diadem: absolutely stunning


Jumpropeman: i am going to wait to respond to the two posts so that harpy, goop, and brine can all be part of the introduction properly
Draco: kk
Jumpropeman: don't want to get too far ahead- DRACO!
Jumpropeman: don't make me get the broom!
Draco: Not the broom. Not after what it did to Margit. D;
Jumpropeman: it was the opponent that made her retire from boxing
Draco: She hasn't been the same since... ;-;


RubyChao: pito be honest
RubyChao: if this was pre-ebisuwaru season 12 would jasmine have just gone splat when she landed and laid there unconscious, KO the end?
Hooded Pitohui: Oh yeah, definitely. Squishy mage without a lot of Kobber experience yet, that would have been it.
Hooded Pitohui: The sheer durability she built up through getting conked on plot after plot is one of her less apparent great advantages
Jumpropeman: plus she's got her girlfriend here so she's got support
Draco: You mean Aono isn't patting every gal's thighs?
Jumpropeman: not until she's the judge for the Thigh Thickness Competition
Draco: HP's next Fite...
Hooded Pitohui: MY PLANS! LEAKED!
Gooper Blooper: When I'm in a thigh thickness competition and my opponent is Attami
Minion Sheep: Bold of anyone to talk about a thigh thickness competition when Ladislaus is on this plot-
Minion Sheep having made this joke, puts on a wimple and joins the nearest convent
Draco: The M is for Mnun_Sheep.


Gooper Blooper: Best non-bot F-Zero 99 username I saw today: "Shrek2DVD"


Gooper Blooper: Disgaea 7 is now out
Gooper Blooper: now to see if people make fanart of Attami's faceclaim
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: I'll keep the lewd stash open.
Cornwind Evil: Real Dawn: TAKE THAT DAMN WIG OFF DRACO!
Draco: Draco: What wig? I'm on another planet. And when did you grow a second head?
Cornwind Evil: I tried to think of something funny to say here, but I came up blank
Cornwind Evil: So, you may present what Dawn said in response to her now having two heads
Draco: "I'm trying to prove that two heads are better than one, but all it's done so far is download porn and intentionally make Jackass episodes out of my missions." Pause. "This time I SWEAR I won't ever get robotics help from Evolto or Dirk again."
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: I perhaps should have considered that others may have a different definition of 'better'.
Draco: Yes, she should have. X)


Diadem joined the chat
Gooper Blooper joined the chat

Jumpropeman: hi harpooper
Jumpropeman regrets portmanteau immediately
Gooper Blooper: XD
Big Mans Big Motors: lol
Diadem: please do not poop the harp
Diadem: i may be an ass but this is overkill


Cornwind Evil: Knock knock
Hooded Pitohui: Who's there?
Cornwind Evil: Britney Spears
Hooded Pitohui: Britney Spears who?
Cornwind Evil: Knock knock
Hooded Pitohui: ...who's there?
Cornwind Evil: Britney Spears
Cornwind Evil: Oops, I did it again
Hooded Pitohui: Pfft
Hooded Pitohui: Okay, I'll give you that one. Got a little snort out of me and all
Cornwind Evil: Knock knock
Hooded Pitohui: Who's there?
Cornwind Evil: A broken pencil
Hooded Pitohui: A broken pencil who?
Cornwind Evil: Never mind. There's no point.
Hooded Pitohui: Not bad, but I've got to give the knock knock of the night to Britney
Cornwind Evil: Knock knock
Hooded Pitohui: I'll bite one more time.
Hooded Pitohui: Who's there?
Cornwind Evil: Owls
Hooded Pitohui: Owls who? (of course they do)
Cornwind Evil: Last I checked, yeah!
Hooded Pitohui: Attempted to go for a hit with the audience with the bird joke, eh? Ahu.


Jumpropeman joined the chat
RubyChao: wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
RubyChao: if it isn't jumpropeman
Jumpropeman: it isn't
Brinehammer: !
Jumpropeman: it's brine
RubyChao: !!!!


Jumpropeman: "a box of shoes" *opens* "you found a revolver"
If you had just called it a shoebox like normal this wouldn't feel so strange
Diadem: bonki
Jumpropeman: its even called an empty shoebox after :V
Diadem: 0/10 bad game-
Jumpropeman: (playing the original Alone in the Dark)
Gooper Blooper: what, you've never worn guns as shoes?
Jumpropeman: i am not bayonetta


Jumpropeman: I remember renting Rodea The Sky Soldier for Wii U, starting it up, finding out the controls weren't inverted and there was no option for it, and shipping it back to Gamefly
Jumpropeman: I've played games with uninverted controls and I get used to it after a bit, but I just wasn't having it that day
Gooper Blooper: Someday JRM will have played every game except Rodea The Sky Soldier
Gooper Blooper: missed his chance...
Jumpropeman: technically I played like five minutes of it-
Diadem: you're gonna need to get rodea again jrm
Diadem: you can't write a review off five minutes like IGN
Jumpropeman: it has a wii version that I think you control by pointing the remote, that sounds better to me


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: boip, or as the kids say, boipopolis 


Jumpropeman: writing Colin Blau and Tehom just being full on jerks is more fun than it should be
Jumpropeman: I had fun with McLeach too. Just these bad guys who are full bad guys instead of people like Osiris or Dusk
Draco: Does Margit need to punch Jeb again?
Jumpropeman: does she need a reason to?
Draco: No. She just wants one.
Jumpropeman: I heard Jeb doesn't like BBQ Chips
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
Draco: He gets punched 17 times.


Cornwind Evil: "I'm a burger chef, a girlfriend, a Planeswarden, and a Junior Sentinel. I'm a clown and a fairy and a dragon and I still have more brain cells than the average Celestial!"
Cornwind Evil: The Celestials would like to present a rebuttal.
MobileDraco: Those Celestials aren't in RP.
Cornwind Evil: Yet
Cornwind Evil: We still have Galactus stuck in a Pokeball after all
Diadem: And he will stay that way because if he breaks out he's as dead as Dia can get him
Diadem: this elf is TIRED
Diadem: let her REST
Gooper Blooper: not until november
Diadem: please no interdimensional threats til next may, please and thank yes
Gooper Blooper: *Tehom floods everything while Alear summons a god of calamities and Jack Of Blades tosses Sage into a trash compactor*
Diadem: Dia: I hate all three of you :)


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: whyyyyyyyy
Jumpropeman: 58 images for that game
Jumpropeman: admittedly it looks cute
RubyChao: so jrm
RubyChao: was Mion a Salvager-
Gooper Blooper: It's lots of FANS drawing FANart for a game they're a FAN of, JRM
Gooper Blooper: :)
Jumpropeman: i think ive mentioned before how I had to come to accept that some people are fans of something they played for like thirty minutes and never touched again. I imagine that's what firefly diary fans are
Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Fan of something I've played for thirty minutes? *looks at Touhous*


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