Sunday, December 12, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 395: Is That Enough Shrek, Though?

Cornwind Evil: Playing Lunar Dragon Song and playing Final Fantasy 7 is the difference between eating a box of cookies that expired two years ago that you plucked from the back of a convenience store's shelves and eating a piece of wedding cake frozen after the wedding
Jumpropeman: playing one jrpg so close to another really puts into perspective how deep the failures were in lunar dragon song


Jumpropeman: link
Draco: How did you know what Par Seas is working on?


Draco: Sumireko is in the mobile game as an enemy.
Jumpropeman: cute- I mean... uh, terrifying?
Draco: I'm scared.


Jumpropeman: i didn't notice the Wiki Trawls chatzy madness tag before
Jumpropeman: but I'm glad it exists in case I ever get nostalgic about that sexy as hell Ms. Fieldmouse
Harpy: that's how you're going to get a fieldmouse dream
Gooper Blooper: I came up with it a year or two ago and retroactively added it to Chatzy Madnesses with notable wiki quoting segments
Gooper Blooper: We've gotten some incredible riffing material from those things so I wanted a tag
Gooper Blooper: g e n t l e _ b e a r
Jumpropeman: "Ms. Fieldmouse is ostensibly kind, unbearably beautiful, very attractive, insanely sexy and caring"
Jumpropeman: i love that build up to end with "caring"
Harpy: insanely sexy
Gooper Blooper: insanely caring
RubyChao: fieldmouse for rp
Harpy: pretty sure that's most of my cast described
Jumpropeman: too hot for rp, I say
Harpy: we have stella
Jumpropeman: you're right, cats eat mice...
Harpy: damn rite
Gooper Blooper: "Stella Hoshii is ostensibly kind, unbearably beautiful, very attractive, insanely sexy and caring" - last edit made by Sapphire Drachen
Harpy: sammy can't compete with that


RubyChao: "I never remember what my actual objective is in Metroid games. I just wander around until I find something new.
Adam will be like "You need to activate the generator in Sector 7 and clear the foliage from the turbines to proceed." and I'm like "Walk around using my latest upgrade on every inch of the map. Gotcha.""

RubyChao: me
Jumpropeman: "Metroid Fusion is too linear" "not if you don't pay attention to anything" *taps forehead*


RubyChao: link
Jumpropeman: im liking the increase in remilia
Jumpropeman: I don't know what made her rise on my touhou list but remilia is a good hou
Monster Sheep joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi sheep
Harbaseballs: hi sheep
ivel joined the chat
Draco: Remilia has a poofy hat.
Draco: Hi Sheep. Hivel.
Bree: Hello sherp
Monster Sheep: Remilia?
ivel: shi heep
Monster Sheep: More like
Monster Sheep: ...
Monster Sheep: uh
Jumpropeman: go ahead sheep
Jumpropeman: we're waiting
Monster Sheep: Hm.


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: here lies the 'bob


(I give JRM six Shrek games for Christmas, then consider purchasing more)

Gooper Blooper: link
Suavemente: dear god almighty
Cornwind Evil: I thought that Amazon was saying "One of these things is not like the other..."
Gooper Blooper: well, there's only two things!
Gooper Blooper: but as funny as the recommendation that they belong together is, I especially loved the price difference
Draco: Amazon knows what things are worth.
Gooper Blooper: I appreciate that even in this day and age where retro games cost more than ever
Gooper Blooper: it only sets you back about six bucks to pick up a shrek game
Gooper Blooper: (the amazon listing was for a new copy)
Draco: Nice.
Jumpropeman: its important to have a mint shrek game
Jumpropeman: then you can sell it for a million bucks down the line
Jumpropeman: google news has been suggesting a lot more shrek related content to me lately
Jumpropeman: its trying to help too
Gooper Blooper: I normally wouldn't go through with a gift plan after spoiling it (I shared the idea of dumping a bunch of shrek on JRM at once a year or two ago)
Gooper Blooper: but this was too good to pass up
RubyChao: speaking of
RubyChao: jrm drew me a thing, and his commission payment was another shrek game
Gooper Blooper: he told me! He had to check first to make sure it wasn't gonna be the same game because he was still waiting on Shrek The Third at the time
Draco: A year is enough time for people to forget it.
Jumpropeman: with consoleclassix and the shrek game I already owned beforehand but haven't played, I will have access to 10 shrek games
Gooper Blooper: Hmmmm... Is that enough Shrek, though
ivel: is there EVER enough Shrek?
Jumpropeman: mobygames is down right now so sadly I can't see how much shrek still remains
Jumpropeman: "Shrek (regally known as Sir Shrek or Shreku)"
Jumpropeman: >Shreku
Gooper Blooper:
ivel: have you played Shrek: Swamp Fun with Phonics
Jumpropeman: "Donkey and Puss' best friend and older brother,"
Jumpropeman: >older brother
Gooper Blooper: "There have been several licensed video games based on the Shrek franchise."
Gooper Blooper: Understatement of the year
Jumpropeman: "Powers and Abilities"
"Expert Tactician"

Jumpropeman: the shrek wiki impresses already
Jumpropeman: "Shrek appeared in Shrek Super Slam as one of the 10 starting characters. His Super Slam has him fart so hard he creates a large explosion."
Gooper Blooper: be careful for shrek game spoilers
Jumpropeman: "Shrek appears in Mega Challenge as an opponent in Challenges 30, 32 and 35 and in Tournaments 2, 6, 9, 13, 14, 20, 22, 23, 24 and 27. He is required to be used in Challenges 4, 6, 7, 23 and Bonus 1, 5 and 7."
ivel: did you know Shrek is an ogre?
ivel: also I'm amused I was looking at that wiki when Goops linked it :U
ivel: great minds
Jumpropeman: the wiki page on shrek thought this was an important image
ivel: it is
Jumpropeman: who wants to join me for the shrek card game
Gooper Blooper: make a chat room for it and I'll consider it
ivel: sure
Gooper Blooper: o d o u r
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: just in case you need some help with them shrek games


Cornwind Evil: I will never forget the time when we were 14 and our friend ran his first game. He told us there was a potion shop next to the tavern where we started the game. So we went into the potion shop. The next three exchanges are etched into legend
"What kind of potions to you sell here?"
*GM stares blankly for a couple of seconds* ".... Mimimamemama"
"Is that a kind of potion?"
"... Memamamamimimi"
"Can we just look at what kind of potions he is selling?"
"...The potion shop disappears."

ivel: welp
Gooper Blooper: didn't think this through
Draco: lol


RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: oh my god i just realized something
RubyChao: an epiphany
RubyChao: YEARS ago
Gooper Blooper: :O
Draco: WHAT?
RubyChao: like a few years before i ever joined ZFRP, we're talking 2009/2010
RubyChao: there was a small community i hung out with
RubyChao: touhoumon rom hack focused, it's loooong since died
RubyChao: but they had a chat room, and i remember at the time being confused by why it was different from irc/skype, which were the only ones i had experience with
RubyChao: what i did vaguely remember was custom emotes, being able to change my name on entry, everyone having different name colors... and i finally realized, today, so much later
RubyChao: it was chatzy
RubyChao: it was chatzy all along
Gooper Blooper: Chatzy has been plugging along quietly for so long
Gooper Blooper: I've never seen anyone else talk about it, I've never seen anyone outside of here mention it even once
RubyChao: yeah, and this was the ONLY other encounter i ever had with chatzy
Gooper Blooper: but here it is, something like 20 years old and looking like it
Gooper Blooper: and we love it
RubyChao: the fact that it's so small helps in general, i feel
Draco: Amazing.
RubyChao: in terms of not doing any bullshit


Jumpropeman: this spongebob game is such a decline in quality from ff7 ive got whiplash
Gooper Blooper: So JRM went from playing Lunar Dragon Song to Final Fantasy 7 to a Spongebob game
Gooper Blooper: just another day in the life of a game hoarder
Jumpropeman: there were actually 3 games between Lunar Dragon Song and FF7
Jumpropeman: I played Gris, the Smurfs for 3DS, and Super Mario 64 in between
Jumpropeman: first time 100%ing the original Super Mario 64 during the run too
RubyChao: which spongebob game is it
Jumpropeman: Spongebob Heropants on 360
Gooper Blooper buys JRM a bunch of Spongebob games and makes him alternate between Shrek and Spongebob for weeks on end
Jumpropeman: im in the second "world" but the whole game has been so lifeless and lazy. like, I'm supposedly in the prehistoric times but I'm still seeing modern Bikini Bottom housing in the background
Jumpropeman: >the treedome is in the prehistoric level
Jumpropeman: please, SpongeBob Heropants
Jumpropeman: at least try



RubyChao: i just realized
RubyChao: considering how this community reacts to bad games
RubyChao: we WILL get some lunar dragon song in rp
Monster Sheep: oh no
Gooper Blooper: someone needs to carry on Mr Hippo's legacy and get 2021 and 2022's Atrocious games into Season 12 somehow
Jumpropeman: I was already thinking to myself "wouldn't it be funny if Gronk was in RP"
Jumpropeman sends Rufus on a plot, he dies on that plot, that's his whole tenure in rp


Cornwind Evil: "we WILL get some lunar dragon song in rp"
Cornwind Evil: We already did
Cornwind Evil: It's what happens when Kaede runs
Gooper Blooper: pfffff
RubyChao: aaaaahahahahhahaha
RubyChao: beautiful
Gooper Blooper: Eep.
Jumpropeman: nice


Monster Sheep: Next question for the Chatzy
Monster Sheep: What IS a sugarplum?
Monster Sheep: Discuss.
Jumpropeman: i legit almost asked my dad the other day
Jumpropeman: but I chickened out
Jumpropeman: he'd have probably just said a plum with sugar on it
Jumpropeman: but why would sugar plums need a PRINCESS then
Bree: wikipedia says it's two things: a candy (which doesn't seem to be made of a plum with sugar on it, it's just a candy called sugar plums) or a name for a species of fruit that has other names
Bree: the candy is presumably the important one since there's a picture of a box of the candy with santa claus depicted on the box
Bree: so it's just like, A Christmas Thing I guess
Monster Sheep: My only reference for a sugarplum:
Monster Sheep: voiced by Phyllis Diller
Bree: but also the sugar plums don't have a princess
Bree: it's a sugar plum FAIRY
Bree: is that your waifu, sheep
Gooper Blooper: linking the sugar plum candy pic just because it's neat and really old
Jumpropeman: they DO have a sugar plum princess in Barbie and The Nutcracker
Jumpropeman: the best Barbie movie, fyi
Bree: no, it's barbie of swan lake, you plebeian
Monster Sheep: A Christmas Tradition:
Jumpropeman: legitimately the barbie version was the first time I saw the Nutcracker story told
Bree: same
Monster Sheep: I still have Nuttiest Nutcracker on VHS somewhere
Monster Sheep: It even has a flaw in the tape where it shows a few frames of a random scene in the middle of something else
Jumpropeman: or maybe it's just that avant garde
Draco: "FOOD FIGHT" <- Wrong awful movie, Tristar.
Jumpropeman: what's Archibald Asparagus doing in this movie
Monster Sheep: If you want to hear Diller as the Sugar Plum Fairy:
Draco: Yeah, I swear I saw one of those characters in Veggietales.
Monster Sheep: Thankfully, you just need the first thirty seconds
Bree: ...I'll pass, thanks
Jumpropeman: i got my dose of diller though
Monster Sheep: What I most remember about the movie is the Sugar Plum Fairy warring briefly with the credits at the end. 7:14 here
Jumpropeman: "or at least a kiss"
Jumpropeman: time to add Diller Fairy to lesserknownwaifus
Monster Sheep: I'll just leave this here...
Jumpropeman: big ratatoing energy
Jumpropeman: that freaking big cheese song is now trapped in my head
Monster Sheep: Well, he DOES have the face of a god, JRM
Monster Sheep: Here
Monster Sheep: Let me help get that out of your head
Gooper Blooper: somehow I knew that would be what sheep would link
Jumpropeman: that just makes me hungry for pizza!
Monster Sheep: oh sorry
Monster Sheep: How about this?


Jumpropeman: Are you guys excited for
Jumpropeman: THE BEAVER MOON?!
Draco: YES
Jumpropeman: november 19th! Don't miss it!
Draco: But I'm busy that day. D:
Jumpropeman: guess you won't be able to bask in the beaver then
Draco: I won't. ;-;


Jumpropeman: Shrek: Ogres and Dronkeys arrived today
Jumpropeman: the shrek pile is complete
Gooper Blooper: that's what YOU think
Jumpropeman: :fear:
Gooper Blooper: three more shreks are en route to your location
Jumpropeman: oh god
Jumpropeman: I can potentially do two full weeks of shrek on the game hoard
Gooper Blooper: you'd better.
Draco: Not enough.
Draco: We need to give you more Shrek games.
Gooper Blooper: I'll have to archive these shrek orders once JRM gets them because now I'm being recommended Madagascar and Over The Hedge PS2 games by an over-eager Amazon
Jumpropeman: don't worry
Jumpropeman: I already played the Over the Hedge game
Jumpropeman: ive been playing a lot of licensed games lately
Jumpropeman: because that's what Gamefly still has for its older systems
Gooper Blooper: might as well indulge in them now that they're rarer currently
Jumpropeman: I actually had Shrek the Third and Forever After in my Queue but they haven't been available in months
Jumpropeman: if Gamefly's weird stock issues didn't exist, I could have been denied a proper Shrek Surge
RubyChao: reminds me of how after i gifted pitohui
RubyChao: amazon wanted me to buy all the rest of SAO
RubyChao: no
Draco: Do it, Chao. Buy the lame non-Pitohui stuff.
Jumpropeman podcast I'm listening to mentions Shrek
Jumpropeman: its inescapable
Gooper Blooper: embrace shrek, JRM


Gooper Blooper: Good news, JRM!
Gooper Blooper: Your next three shreks have all shipped
Jumpropeman: hot dog!
Gooper Blooper: and I don't have your name on file so I shrugged and told Amazon to send them to Cory Baxter
Jumpropeman: like always :V


Gooper Blooper: so I'm watching video footage of one of the nine shrek games I got JRM and
Gooper Blooper: we might get a disaster report out of this
Jumpropeman: =o
Gooper Blooper: not saying which one is the big contender, but you'll probably know it when you play it


Jumpropeman: I think it might be time
Jumpropeman: to dip my first toe in the swamp
Gooper Blooper: oh hell yes
Gooper Blooper: Starting with Shrek 1 I hope
Jumpropeman: naturally
Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: brb
Draco: Chao needs to use the outhouse.
Jumpropeman starts the Shrek game, can't control shrek, turns out it decided my player two controller should have control of him instead of the one I used to select New Game
Gooper Blooper: off to a great start!
Jumpropeman: after a reset it said FINE you can use player 1's controller


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: it her!
Jumpropeman: valhalla music is too good
Jumpropeman: sometimes I hear a game with an electronic soundtrack has great music and I'm like "I barely noticed it" but Valhalla I still boot that soundtrack up
Gooper Blooper: Valhalla is extremely powerful, there's a reason I've been using characters from it every year since first playing it


Jumpropeman: Garfield's official penciler drew these:
Jumpropeman: whoops, somehow double posted
Jumpropeman: draco, if you still live, please kill one of those posts
Draco: No can do. Garfield killed me.
Jumpropeman: first sans, now draco...


Mobile Del: Howdy harp
Harpy: yoo
Mobile Del: I posted this on discord to you but I think everyone else should see it too
Harpy: YEP


Jumpropeman: I finished the first shrek game
Jumpropeman: and
Jumpropeman: it was pretty rough
Jumpropeman: hopefully things go up from here :V
Gooper Blooper: JRM has defeated 1/14 shreks
Jumpropeman: my 14 evil shrek-girlfriends
Gooper Blooper: I would have liked to have gotten you Shrek Extra Large, the Gamecube version of Shrek 1, as it has enough additional content to earn the "Only For" purple triangle on its' box
Gooper Blooper: It was like three times the price though and I've already sunken a fairly silly amount of money into this gag :V
Jumpropeman: I am relieved to hear you didn't get me it because I thought one of the three still coming might be it and I'd have to play it twice
Gooper Blooper: XD
Harpy: oh no, not playing it twice
Gooper Blooper: Hmm... looking at pictures of it, it appears the "Only For" only shows up in stock images and photos of people's actual copies do not have the triangle
Gooper Blooper: guess it didn't qualify after all
Jumpropeman: I took a brief look at Shrek Extra Large after playing the original last night, it seems the main changes are 1: A snow level 2: renaming Prince Charming's castle since they probably realized he was coming in the sequel now, and 3: on the gamecube
Jumpropeman: Prince Charming in Shrek for Xbox is a small fat guy with brown hair
Gooper Blooper: Don't forget the most important chance, JRM
Gooper Blooper: Here is the oddly catchy map theme for Shrek 1 on Xbox
Gooper Blooper: But THIS is the map theme on Gamecube!!
Gooper Blooper: *shrug*
Jumpropeman: low battery version
Jumpropeman: woah, donkey is on the box!
Jumpropeman: maybe they put donkey in extra large
Jumpropeman: because he's not in the xbox game :V
Gooper Blooper: How could they leave out Donkey?!?!
Jumpropeman: gooper
Jumpropeman: they left out THE MOVIE
Gooper Blooper: Good thing he's got 13 more chances to show up
Jumpropeman: I legit don't think the people making the shrek game knew the movie's plot
Jumpropeman: Farquaad is also absent
Jumpropeman: The dragon flies harmlessly over a level
Jumpropeman: Fiona, however, is in her ogre form in the credits
Gooper Blooper: Honestly? I feel like that makes it a little more interesting than if it was just "here's the plot to the movie you already saw"
Gooper Blooper: even if it sucks :V
Jumpropeman: the outhouse from the movie's opening is present though
Gooper Blooper: thank goodness
Jumpropeman: you start the game outside of it, sadly not kicking it open though
Gooper Blooper: aww
Gooper Blooper: SOME-
Harpy: *grabs gun*
Jumpropeman: my going theory is TDK Interactive probably saw a Shrek movie trailer that really emphasized the "twisted fairy tale" aspect of it


Draco: I was at dinner with my brother and folks and the restaurant brought out a piece of cake on a plate that had "Happy birthday" written in chocolate. Eventually, "Happy" gets wiped out and my brother jokes that I should have "a birthday." I wipe out the "birth" part and he says "Have a day."
So I replied "Thank you. It's night." and he busted a gut.
Jumpropeman: have a day tomorrow!
Draco: Thanks, JRM. You are a person.
Gooper Blooper: You too!
Draco: D: Lies and slander.
Monster Sheep: Tell my wife
Monster Sheep: Hello.
Draco: Sheep got married? ;o; Congratulations!
Draco gives Sheep the gift of marmalade.


Draco: My main character next year:
Jumpropeman: never doubt the draco
Draco: We know Sheep is excited for her.
Gooper Blooper: yeah I'm gonna take that as a full-on Nico confirmation for now
Gooper Blooper: you know "sorry not sorry"? Draco is that, but it's "joking not joking"
RubyChao: basically
RubyChao: nico nico nii.
Draco: She fills a nico nico niche.
ivel: nico nico no


Jumpropeman: "No More Heroes was fun, I'll put No More Heroes 2 on the bottom of my 50 game gamefly queue for now and move it up when I'm ready to play it" *Gamefly blitzes past all the other games in the queue to send me NMH 2*
Draco: They really want that review, JRM.
Gooper Blooper: all 49 copies of Yogi Bear for Wii are in use, JRM
Draco: One for every Gamefly subscriber.
Jumpropeman: the top of my gamefly queue, and maybe never leaving that spot
Jumpropeman: is Playboy the Mansion
Jumpropeman: I don't think they even have a copy anymore
Jumpropeman: but if I remove it, that's admitting defeat
Jumpropeman: I don't want to pay to play the Playboy game
Draco: I believe in you.
Jumpropeman: the weird thing is Gamefly has said "we no longer stock this game so we removed it from your queue" before
Jumpropeman: so maybe they think, somewhere deep in the darkest chambers of their warehouse
Jumpropeman: a copy of the playboy game still lurks
ivel: stored away in the Indiana Jones storage area
Jumpropeman: Gamefly literally skipped over the Peppa Pig game to send me No More Heroes 2
Jumpropeman: and Peppa Pig IS in stock


iKomodo: I am watching episode 1 of aggretsuko
iKomodo: vibin real hard with this panda right now
Del: nice
iKomodo: Episode 1 was very good
iKomodo: Moment i vibed with most was her refusing to get up at 7
Del: hahaha
Del: yeah makes sense


ivel: this morning was... something
ivel: comp wouldn't turn on for even a minute before saying it overheated and had to shut down
ivel: so today was my first time reapplying thermal paste
Jumpropeman: it's a good thing you had the paste!
ivel: good thing Best Buy had the paste :U
Jumpropeman: ah :V


Jumpropeman: worst 100 steam games by user reviews
ivel: I like how Flatout 3 is marked as psychological horror


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: they're multiplying!
Draco: Yep. Pretty soon I will only RP chibis.
Jumpropeman feeds suwako after midnight
Draco: You think Suwako has time to turn into a gremlin and rampage? That sounds like work and she's busy not working.



Gooper Blooper: Please allow me to introduce the full fleet of 163 Vermont state snowplows, who have all been given names by schoolchildren in a contest
RubyChao: "Snow Day Dream Crusher"
Gooper Blooper: I appreciate the one that's a Boaty McBoatface reference
Gooper Blooper: these kids knew their stuff
Jumpropeman: "Jennifer Snowpez"
Jumpropeman: "Baby Snowda"
Gooper Blooper: "Carl"
Gooper Blooper: "McNugget"
Gooper Blooper: I feel safer already knowing these fine machines are on the job
ivel: Snowbegone Kenobi
ivel: "Ole Bessy" XD
ivel: "Obi-Wan KenSNOWbi" A new challenger appears
Gooper Blooper: I non-ironically like "Midnight" as a plow name, considering plow trucks are most needed in the wee hours to deal with overnight snow
Gooper Blooper: If I had to pick a favorite, it's hard to not choose "Get Out of My Way!"
Gooper Blooper: skipping the snow puns to get right to the heart of the matter, that it's all about getting the white shit out of the freakin way
RubyChao: we go to a snow setting of some kind, goops does a plot that explicitly deletes all the snow forever
Gooper Blooper: finally, the Kobbers defeat my greatest enemy... winter
ivel: I liked the one where the name just mentioned their school
Gooper Blooper: shameless self promotion


Morass Sheep joined the chat
Mobile Del: A wild sheep
Mobile Del: Here and gone
Morass Sheep: But what if
Morass Sheep: he's still here!
Morass Sheep scare chord
Morass Sheep arm bursts out window of door and sucks Del inside
MobileDraco joined the chat
MobileDraco puts down some fly paper and a mouse trap baited with Sadness.
Morass Sheep sees where this is going, but still ends up stuck in mouse trap

Mobile Del: Aaaaaaa
Mobile Del: I'm still caught by the sheep
Mobile Del: So now I'M in the trap!
MobileDraco: Good. Now to vanish you both to the worst pit of Hell! >=D
MobileDraco sends Sheep and Del to a free Chatzy.
Morass Sheep: Such barbarism I have not seen!


Gooper Blooper: tried to find Thanksgiving Dr Pepper images, got this instead
Harpy: wh
Harpy: absolutely bizarre
Jumpropeman: okay, schuss-boomer
Gooper Blooper: Stella drinks her dr pepper hot-
MobileDraco: Hot Dr. Pepper? D;
MobileDraco: Sapphire isn't sure she wants to date someone who drinks hot Dr. Pepper...


ivel: all that, not to mention the guy just in a motion capture suit
Gooper Blooper: sounds about right
MobileDraco: Sounds accurate.
Bree: for some reason the bit about the character voiced by jennifer hale reminded me of a tumblr post I found funny
Bree: basically some magazine or website (I can't remember) declared prince william the sexiest bald man and quite a few people were incredulous and made fun of this
Bree: one person posted a facesmoosh of tons of better candidates for sexiest bald man
Bree: one of the faces was bald tilda swinton from the doctor strange movie :V
Bree: and another was ryan gosling, with his full head of hair
Bree: the joke being that both of them are sexier bald men than freaking prince william
Harpy: wao.
MobileDraco: Yowza
RubyChao: the sexiest bald man is agent 47
Jumpropeman looks up prince william
Jumpropeman: ...maybe they meant when he was younger?
Bree: they literally did not though
Bree: they had a current picture of him and he looked ugly af and I guarantee it was some straight-up asskissing
Jumpropeman: current Prince William has "politician who said something controversial and has his face as the banner over the news story" energy
Bree: they had a current picture of him in the article declaring him sexiest bald man. and he wasn't even fully bald, he was balding
Harpy: isn't that bootleg putin
Bree: oh my god harpy I'm dying
Bree: that's the funniest thing you have ever said
Harpy: but i'm right
Bree: you are!
Bree: that's what makes it so funny!!!
Harpy: some sheer vladmir energy
Bree: also jrm the picture from the article actually had slightly more hair than that photo. instead of full bald on top he had a bad combover too
Harpy: "hey yo can i copy your homework" "yeah but don't make it too obvious"
Bree: like I cannot overstate how bad he looked in that photo and that's half of why people were mocking relentlessly. the facesmoosh of better choices was like 20+ people and all of them were better looking than prince william especially that specific photo of prince william
Bree: also I misremembered, I think it was ryan reynolds so the joke was that ryan reynolds as post-origin-story deadpool was a sexier bald man
Bree: and of course deadpool's thing is he's hideously disfigured because of his origin story and that's why he wears a mask
Bree: maybe. they used a picture of ryan reynolds and not one of him as deadpool so I don't know


Harpy: remember to be kind
Harpy: be cute
Harpy: and most importantly
Harpy: ....dinosaurs idk
Bree: nailed it
Harpy: be dinosaurs.


Jumpropeman: post
RubyChao: i'm gonna do something BETTER than a post
RubyChao: i'm gonna do
RubyChao: a sleep
RubyChao left the chat
Jumpropeman: oh snap he did it
Jumpropeman: what a mad lad


MobileDraco: Happy Thanksgiving
The Deleter: Haple baple
Harpy: Habble
SteelKomodo: happy turkey day
Morass Sheep: Happy
MobileDraco: Sheep is a big shot.
Jumpropeman: happy spanksgiving everyone


Jumpropeman: psshaw, this shrek phonics game is easy. Just collect letters scattered around levels, I'm going to crank up the difficulty- "Diphthongs" "Digraphs" "Ending Blends" well now, this has taken an unexpected turn
Harpy: wait... what
Harpy: i don't get it!
Jumpropeman: in regular play the game is like "Collect all the lowercase 'e's"
Jumpropeman: but turn up the difficulty and the game is like "time for diphthongs baby"
Harpy: what the heck are dipthongs digraphs and ending blends
Harpy: i was never taught this in elementary school...
Jumpropeman: you never had shrek there to teach you
Harpy: yeah i know, this game is for me
Jumpropeman: a diphthong is something like "ou" in the word out, where you make a new sound by combining vowels
Jumpropeman: a digraph is something like th where two letters make the sound but aren't vowels
Jumpropeman: no clue what an ending blend is et
Harpy: guys we're gonna learn something from a shrek game
Harpy: that's worthy of a Fantastic (for kids)
Jumpropeman: ending blends are when two consonants end a word but you pronounce both, like in the word end
Jumpropeman: note: shrek did not teach me this
Jumpropeman: the level just says "find words ending with -ill"
Jumpropeman: which might not even be an ending blend?
Harpy: bil-luh?
Harpy: bill?
Jumpropeman: yeah, -ll is not an ending blend, the letters need to make their own sound
Jumpropeman: the Shrek game giveth, the Shrek game taketh away
Harpy: damn i thought i was learning something :I
Jumpropeman: "Find all the words that begin with the dr sound" I like that the game pronounces "dr" as "durrr" even though it means the sounds like in drink
Jumpropeman: what's more valuable: my college degree, or THIS
Harpy: debatable-
Jumpropeman: ESSENTIAL
Gooper Blooper: If you don't have Shrek Swamp Fun With Phonics in your library, can you even call yourself a gamer


RubyChao: link
Jumpropeman: one of the more reserved early 2000s youtube intros I see
Jumpropeman: whenever I randomly come across that old style of intro these days though it's like finding a lost treasure
RubyChao: i know, right?
RubyChao: remember
RubyChao: default white text on blue powerpoint
Jumpropeman: remember tutorial videos where a guy just opened notepad on his desktop and typed things out instead of talking
ivel: always with the same capture program watermark
RubyChao: unregistered hypercam 2...
Harpy: the good ol' days


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: classic
Harpy: the legendary blue mario
RubyChao: you're having fun aren't you goops
Harpy: today's the optimal day for fun
Gooper Blooper: Chao linked me this ancient relic and I was flipping through it and had to share a screen
Harpy: luigi!!!!!!!!!!!
Harpy: x20


Mobile Del: I hate the word Dronkeys
Mobile Del: Like, a lot


ivel: apparently one of my friends in a Discord server tested whether Switch cartridges did, in fact, have that bitter stuff on them to make them taste bad
ivel: "... I am not sorry for my actions, my brain pressured me to do it."
Gooper Blooper: I remember a bunch of people testing that when Switch was new
ivel: I'm assuming that's when he did it
MobileDraco: I'll try later. *eats Metroid Dread*
Bree: lesson learned: put gross stuff on a thing to stop people from eating it, they will proceed to eat it specifically because of it
Bree: the human compulsion to lick things for science is insurmountable
Bree: enjoyable fact: it's actually quite common (but discouraged) to lick rocks if you are a geologist. you can learn science stuff about rocks by licking them
Bree: but this is not a good method for reasons
Bree: reasons such as "that's not sanitary, becky"
MobileDraco: I think Geologists just tend to have Pica.


Jumpropeman: I'm at least 20 years cardboard sober


Draco: link
Mobile Del: GAMING
SteelKomodo: GAMING
Mobile Del: Lol
Harpwork: chatzying
Mobile Del: Gaming AND chatzying
ivel: GAMING


Jumpropeman: I have 100%ed Shrek: Ogres and Dronkeys, and to bring more good into this world, I have answered two 10 year old questions on Gamefaqs no one else had answered and am the first completion on HowLongToBeat for it
Harpwork: thank god
Jumpropeman: fun fact: Shrek: Ogres and Dronkeys was developed by... WayForward
Gooper Blooper: I love their modus operandi
Gooper Blooper: licensed junk > licensed junk > surprisingly good licensed game > oh hey it's Shantae > licensed junk
Harpwork: they're sneaky


Harpy: genshin updoot: zhongli's voice is sexier in japanese. kill me.
Draco: I would, but I think you're already dead.
Harpy: i straddle the line between life and death


Jumpropeman: I started Shrek 2, and the disc works just fine! Except when I put it in my Xbox was like "bro you need to use the right equipment for DVD playback" so I took it out and cleaned it and then it was like "yeah sorry that is in fact a video game"
Gooper Blooper: can you imagine if someone put the Shrek 2 DVD in the Shrek 2 xbox case
Jumpropeman: no actual issues during play but for a bit I did fear that was the case goops
Draco: That's how you get a Singularity, Goops.


Draco: Oh my God I'm in a voice chat and they're talking about Peppa Pig and Lucina.


RubyChao: "In The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! live-action segment "The Marios Fight Back", the monster, originally just a normal clog stuck in a sink, is mutated to its monstrous form after apparently absorbing some Mario Brothers Clog Cleaner and Mario Brothers Plant Food. Dragging itself out of the drainpipe it is stuck in, the monster attacks the first person it sees, reporter David Horowitz."
Jumpropeman: so the Mario Brothers brand is apparently highly dangerous


Gooper Blooper: He's big! He's green! And I hope he's not feeling mean! Shrek is the loser.
Jumpropeman: more shrek news, I have completed 7 Shrek games
Gooper Blooper: 7 down... 7 to go? Hard to keep track with some games possibly being off the table and others coming in
Jumpropeman: there will be 14 total by hook or by crook!
Jumpropeman: time to play the other Swamp Fun edutainment games-
Jumpropeman: nah, hopefully I won't need to resort to that
Harpy: i mean as long as you're not playing mario FUNdamentals
Jumpropeman: Shrek 2 is so far the highlight
Gooper Blooper: *it scores a Bad*
Jumpropeman: I'd say "it's like they actually tried with this one" but Carnival Craze did have a surprising amount of voiced cutscenes so I can't dock that
Harpy: they tried!
Harpy: twice!
Gooper Blooper: If JRM finds a hidden gem in this pile of shreks I will call that a secondary victory (the first victory was getting a Disaster Report from a functioning copy of Treasure Hunt)
Jumpropeman: Shrek the Third: FANTASTIC
Harpy: memes aside i kinda hope there is at least one worthy of a "good" in there
Gooper Blooper: shrek fans deserve at least one good game considering like twenty or more were sold to them
Harpy: i'm not shooting for gold because that's ambitious
Harpy: some
Harpy: BODY-
Harpy: once told me that this shrek game's gonna roll me
The Fork of Hope: Playing so many Shrek games does make you seem to be not the sharpest tool in the shed
Gooper Blooper: I told Goopsmom about The Shrekoning today and that involved telling her what The Game Hoard is
Jumpropeman: oh nooooo
Jumpropeman: my youtube dislikes are finally gone
Harpy: goopsmom about to bombard the site with comments
Harpy: nuke incoming-
Jumpropeman: *nods at the shrek memeage*
Gooper Blooper: "Wait... by 'play every game' you mean for every system?" "yep" "HOW?" "he's workin on it"
Jumpropeman: the Game Hoard supposedly has likes available but I cannot find them
Gooper Blooper hits Like on The Firefly Diary
Harpy: NO
Harpy: cursed
Gooper Blooper: that the people who brought us disgaea also made such a cursed object...
Harpy: they can't all be winners
Gooper Blooper: *checks* Yep, my Youtube dislikes are finally gone as well
Harpy: so play makai kingdom like NIS is gonna tank by making firefly diaries 2
Gooper Blooper: weird how me and JRM were in the same, uh... bracket? I dunno why they had to roll it out in waves but whatever
Harpy: bracket just makes me think ya'll are in a tournament
Jumpropeman: me vs. gooper
Jumpropeman: *hurls cute ladies at each other til one is buried*
Gooper Blooper: Mine cover more area, but JRM's are easier to hurl
Harpy: i think it's an even match up- PFFT
Gooper Blooper: it's tense
Harpy: get a catapult you can do it
Jumpropeman: time to unleash the nukes BI *wheels out Gale and GameCube*
Harpy: tactical sarah incoming
Jumpropeman: Fat Lady and Little Girl
Gooper Blooper: *Gale and Missy collide in mid-air*


RubyChao: "I’m typically not much for conspiracy theories about the British royals, but the idea that they’re desperately trying to keep the Queen going until next year specifically because if she abdicates or dies before February 6th she’ll go down in history as having had a sixty-nine year reign is the funniest goddamn thing I’ve ever heard."


Draco: Made Zeldoten in FF14.
Jumpropeman: oh snap, the crabs in that are good for nibbles


RubyChao: symphogear xdu is doing a new event
RubyChao: aand it features *drumroll* Tachi!
RubyChao: as well as the alternate versions of Tsubasa and Chris
Gooper Blooper: I believe you mean Hibiki Tachibana (Another)
RubyChao: they're just going all in on giving the alternate versions focus and i am here for it
RubyChao: way better than just "plot point to give miku a symphogear"
ivel: Hibiki Tachibana (Saber)
Draco: So Tachi, Dark Star Tsubasa, and Fluffy Chris? TEAMING UP?! :D
Jumpropeman: Fluffy Chris, from the Fluff Matter Universe
RubyChao: yes draco
RubyChao: for context
RubyChao: this is why we call her fluffy chris
Harpy: uuUOOAGH
Gooper Blooper: the fluffverse...
Harpy: confirmed: esme is from the fluffverse so i don't have to bend my mind as to how she avoided all that dark matter bullshit
Gooper Blooper: harpy losing it at fluff
Harpy: as you know
Harpy: i love fluff
Jumpropeman: Fluffverse, where everything went right and kobbers are just a friend group who meet up for pajama parties
Harpy: fluffverse, where dia is... ultra fluffy
The Fork of Hope: Fluffverse, where the Lord showed up and immediately exploded.
Jumpropeman: nah, in Fluffverse, the Lord was always a cat


Draco: Fluffverse is the Mario Party of ZFRP except without all the hatred and anger over minigames.
RubyChao: link
Jumpropeman: i like how in ZFRP her being an android means that she would not have that issue :V
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Draco: Correct. She does not have that issue.
Draco: But even she can't calculate how phat Zoey's ass is. BV
Jumpropeman: for an android, determining dat ass's size is like dividing by zero


Harpy: oh my god
Harpy: this is lumine's lovable dopey pet, paimon
Harpy: that fuckin look
Gooper Blooper: An artistic triumph
Harpy: "Those boring, lifeless eyes!"
Gooper Blooper: I'm reminded of one of the best moments of Bravely Default 2. Chao knows. (Draco may also know.)
Harpy: damn paimon why are you roasting me? i'm right
Harpy: that is very good tho.
ivel: by "dopey pet" you mean "emergency rations" right-
Harpy: that was a dialogue option but i wasn't about to choose that :V
Harpy: i do wonder if the pic woulda changed, tho
Gooper Blooper: love that one
Gooper Blooper: very cute
Harpy: refined, much unlike paimon


Jumpropeman: I had literally this very thought save for the last sentence when the song played at RD's Thanksgiving
Gooper Blooper: XD
Harpy: wow
Gooper Blooper: I mean, crucially, Christmas is being stolen while the song is playing in the original show. But removed of all context...


(Chao introduces his new setting idea)

RubyChao: here is a VERY crude map
RubyChao: white is Winter Area, green is Autumn Area, with mountains and in gray the Main City
Jumpropeman: it's a stocking
Harpy: is it bad that my first thought was "is this altverse florida?"
RubyChao: very bad.
RubyChao: cease.
Harpy: florida has been contained.
Harpy: florida man confirmed
Harpy: either way, seems good as any for a basic sketch
RubyChao: fun fact
RubyChao: the mountains originated entirely because i wanted to try justifying both having the Winter Zone (because this is our best shot ever and i know some people wanna do true Winter RP)
Jumpropeman: Transylvania is latin for "on the other side of the woods" so clearly this setting is Transmons... which is not a good name :V
RubyChao: and having a non Winter Zone (because i know some people wouldn't like it if it was ALL winter zone)
RubyChao: so then i thought
RubyChao: plop some mountains and just say all the arctic piles up north of them
Harpy: that's a very fair assumption
RubyChao: and the advantage is, as mentioned, we've had mountains
RubyChao: but we've never really used them as a setting centerpiece
RubyChao: but now we can!
Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: ...
Harpy: we can't be friends anymore
Jumpropeman: time to discuss different setting ideas it seems
RubyChao: Cursed.
Harpy: so fuckin cursed


Jumpropeman: windows trying to get me on 11
Jumpropeman: ive heard nothing but bad things about 11
RubyChao: my view is it's always better to remain slightly behind if possible
RubyChao: which is why i am firmly only moving up to 10
RubyChao: it's fine if it's been out for a few years, mind you
RubyChao: but when it's brand new, microsoft is busy experimenting all the time
RubyChao: they're doing lots of big changes
Gooper Blooper: I remember them swearing up and down that 10 would be it and they'd just do updates to it. *predictable fart noise*
Jumpropeman: 11 has compatibility problems and tries to force you to use Edge and Edge is doing weird crap now like including a financial app
Gooper Blooper: When my browser is having a display issue, such as with Imgur (and it recently had a short period of refusing to work with Cloudinary), I whip out Edge to use it for that one purpose and then close it :V
Jumpropeman: >ExpressVPN included in the computer???
ivel: ivelmom had her laptop do a clean install of windows, and when she went to redownload Chrome, Edge said something like "You don't need a different browser!" at the top of the search
Jumpropeman: haha
Jumpropeman: yes we do microsoft
ivel: she was not happy with Microsoft :U
RubyChao: ow the edge...


RubyChao: "I mean, if we really wanted comic book movies to be faithful to the source material, rather than spending $100 million on one movie, what you’d do is give $20 million each to five different directors, release all five resulting movies in theatres at the same time, and make sure that each movie’s plot refers to the events of all the other movies’ plots in such a way that whichever of the five movies you watch first will be entirely incomprehensible and every possible viewing order is wrong."


Morass Sheep: Speaking of nothing, it looks like the entirety of Plan 9 From Outer Space is up on Rifftrax's Youtube page. With commentary.
Draco: Excellent.
Morass Sheep: Also
Morass Sheep: The Star Wars Holiday Special...
Jumpropeman: they were brave to watch that special
Jumpropeman: and I say that knowing they watched Plan 9
Morass Sheep: JRM:
Jumpropeman: how about
Jumpropeman: IMPRESSIONS
Draco: I watched the Star Wars Holiday Special once.
Draco: NOW I'M DEAD.
Gooper Blooper: I watched The Emoji Movie and didn't die
Jumpropeman: impossible
Draco: Oh yeah? Prove it.


Jumpropeman: did you know Shrek for Xbox/Xtra Large had the gall to claim they used the same character model from the film
Gooper Blooper: XD
Draco: Yeah, and I rewrote the Bible by using Google Translate.


Jumpropeman: imagine being able to stop playing a bad game because you realize it's bad
Gooper Blooper: I do that sometimes
Gooper Blooper: do you envy the weak, JRM



Morass Sheep: Some sort of peach hat person
Draco: Looks like a jerk.
RubyChao: i still look forward to which touhou sheep plays
RubyChao: he will give in eventually
Morass Sheep: :I
Draco: This is Sheep's touhou:
Draco: We know you can RP cute girls, Sheep. I remember Dovetail and Syzygy.
Morass Sheep: Dovetail is not cute!
Draco: Okay, fine. She isn't cute. She's SUPER cute.
Morass Sheep: How dare.
Gooper Blooper: Dovetail is cute when people looking at her expect her to be cute
Gooper Blooper: check and mate
Morass Sheep flips checker table
Draco: Which is always so check and mate and a partridge in a pear tree.


RubyChao: link
Jumpropeman: scary
Gooper Blooper: terrifying
Gooper Blooper: that's the Captain, right?
RubyChao: yep yep
Jumpropeman: more like the CREEPtain
Jumpropeman: you know, cold makes you shiver, and so do spooky things
Jumpropeman: clearly we call the next setting Port Shivers
Jumpropeman: just try and typo THAT, cornwind
Draco: You mean Port Shivvers?
RubyChao: Port Shiwers?
Jumpropeman: Part Showers
RubyChao: alternatively
RubyChao: we name it after the port city i had in a thing i wrote once
RubyChao: it was literally named Port Harbor
Gooper Blooper: Putt-Putt Goes To The Shindig
Jumpropeman: Port-Harbor-On-The-Sea
Gooper Blooper: Fish Place
Jumpropeman: Big Water Town


Gooper Blooper: Pictured: a planet-busting genius god
Jumpropeman: sounds about right
Draco: Does this look like the face of mercy to you?
Jumpropeman: the person who can go toe to toe with gojira


Jumpropeman: questions the Shrekoning has caused me to ask: what is the marital status of Donkey and Dragon

(They're married - Dragon caught the bouquet at the end of Shrek 1, and later they're shown to have children)


Harpy: *gives self carpel tunnel*
Moss Sheep: Harpy, why


Moss Sheep: Finally booted up Detention
Moss Sheep: Seems alright. Probably going to lean ghosties and architectural horror.
Jumpropeman: oh nice sheep!
Jumpropeman: spooky december
Moss Sheep: What I don't appreciate though is that it has unnecessary jumpscares :V
Jumpropeman: that's horror, sheep!
Gooper Blooper: That's how you KNOW a horror trope is bad, when even Sheep expresses disapproval
Jumpropeman: be spooked!
Gooper Blooper: Spooky December can work, after all one of the most famous Christmas stories of all time has four ghosts in it
RubyChao: i've read a christmas carol and it's amazing in a good way how few punches it pulls
RubyChao: the entire sequence of the ghost of christmas future is just hitting you with a sign saying IF YOU'RE A MISERLY JERK YOU DIE UNLOVED AND ALONE
RubyChao: repeatedly
RubyChao: but it works!
ivel: true!
RubyChao: "is there anyone who had any emotion from this man's death?" "yes, here are people relieved and people happy"
Gooper Blooper: I think the contrast between Haunted Hoard and 12 Games Of Christmas shows how flexible "spooky" is compared to Christmas/winter for vidya theming
Gooper Blooper: spooky works any time of year if you play it right
Moss Sheep: Christmas Carol also had Ignorance and Want in it...if they qualify as ghosts
Gooper Blooper: More Christmas spookiness
Jumpropeman: hey look
Jumpropeman: the same site format as me
Gooper Blooper: ha, so it is!
Gooper Blooper: it's kinda neat how some old 19th and 20th century stuff endures so strongly in holiday traditions, and A Christmas Carol being a lingering hanger-on of the old ghost story tradition is a nice example
Gooper Blooper: plus stuff like Santa not updating his outfit in like 100 years so he still dresses like your ancestors
Jumpropeman: where's our hip, modern Santa, huh Coca Cola?
Jumpropeman: santa needs a nose piercing, half his hair shaved off, and the rest blue
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: I'm serious though! That Santa trading card set I got is a good example of what I mean
Moss Sheep: make Santa do a kickflip
Gooper Blooper: The cards showing older Santas from the end of the 19th century actually look different, and he changes and updates his look through the decades
Moss Sheep: Santa (red)
Gooper Blooper: but by the 30s or so he pretty much looks the same as he does now
Jumpropeman: I dig his style
Jumpropeman: I've said before I would like to be a santa when I'm older
Gooper Blooper: I do like Santa's look, I think it's great! I just think it's interesting it's been able to crystallize after years of shifting around and now it's firmly always that
Gooper Blooper: Now JRM's got me imagining Santa running a gaming website where he personally plays every new game and gives naughty children the disaster reports
Jumpropeman: when I've got a big impressive santa claus white beard I'll add a picture of myself to the site
Jumpropeman: The Game Ho Ho Hoard
Gooper Blooper: Over 7000 Reviews So Far!


Jumpropeman: 2022 rp preview
Draco: Dibs on Mordecai and Twilight Sparkle.
Jumpropeman: can't wait for the wedding
Draco: Could you really use a wish right now?
Jumpropeman: wish right now
Jumpropeman: wish right now


Jumpropeman: knack 2, shrek treasure hunt, raven's cry
Jumpropeman: the world denies me so often
Gooper Blooper: sucks, man...
Jumpropeman: maybe if the PlayStation Game Pass thing is real and they have Knack 2 maybe their own copy would work
Gooper Blooper: the game pass needs Shrek Treasure Hunt in the PS1 section
Jumpropeman: Playstation Now currently has a lot of inexplicable disney titles present
Jumpropeman: surely they could add inexplicable dreamworks
Gooper Blooper: time for a review of My Disney Kitchen
Jumpropeman: it has a pc version that I bet has...


Jumpropeman: I think they just traced Maya Fay
Jumpropeman: I am now sure they did :V
Draco: More or less, yeah.
Jumpropeman: Butch Hartman must've worked on the game-
Jumpropeman: no wait, Butch was told to draw a character and traced someone else's fanart of that character with minor changes
Jumpropeman: so he was lazier


Draco: I'd forgotten how fun it is to not be able to raise your arm because of the COVID shot.
Jumpropeman: it's a similar sensation to playing Shrek Carnival Craze too much
Draco: It really is! I assume Shrek gives you a bit of nausea too?


Jumpropeman: back on the shrek train
Jumpropeman: only four games left
Gooper Blooper: aw yeah
Jumpropeman: I will need to make a decision though
Jumpropeman: I got both Shrek Swamp Kart Speedway and Shrek Forever After on DS when I thought Smash and Crash wasn't going to work
Draco: Is Shrek part of DnD?
Jumpropeman: so I need to figure out which of the two to play
Gooper Blooper: >leaving out a shrek game instead of bumping the series up to 15
Jumpropeman: my god... a full half month of shrek
Gooper Blooper: imagine if you posted at the usual pace of every other day instead of every day like most review series
Gooper Blooper: Shrek Month
Jumpropeman: Shrekuary
Jumpropeman: playing Shrek the Third right now
Jumpropeman: and figured out how to do a "finishing move"
Jumpropeman: Shrek pulls his leg back, not even that far, and sort of kicks the enemy a few feet away
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: off to a fantastic start
Gooper Blooper: JRM's going to be so ready to write Shrek in combat after playing all these shrek games
Jumpropeman: ill just have him running around burping constantly like in vinny's video
A World Wants Clownpiece Dead: Hey man, one of the most lethal moves in pro wrestling is Randy Orton's Punt
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: i found a madagascar penguin in this game
Jumpropeman: wait, even better
Jumpropeman: another Shrek finisher: Shrek softly slaps the enemy's face back and forth before gently pushing them over
Jumpropeman: there is no energy to his attacks
Gooper Blooper: Even Shrek is getting tired after ten Shrek games
Gooper Blooper: dance, ogre puppet, dance for our amusement


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: those are some cute poses but why the machine gun :V
Gooper Blooper: someone was shit-talking both the genesis AND rachel
Jumpropeman: oh, in that case
Jumpropeman: make sure you have backup clips
Draco: "I may be out of obscure Mega Drive games, but I ain't out of options!"


(Re: Dorothy Haze)

Bree: if you're going to keep the part where she was a sexbot I do appreciate that she's said to look like a smol adult :V
Gooper Blooper: Yeah I think she'll still have a saucy edge as backstory, and also yes she's not a kiddo
Jumpropeman: as a fan of small adults I also appreciate such distinctions :V
Gooper Blooper: justice for small adults *Sumireko presents Zeldoten on a rotating table like a game show prize*
Bree: kek
Clownpiece Needed Some Class: Dawn: As a bonus she weighs as much as two full grown adults!
Draco: link
Gooper Blooper: That's twice the adult in 4/5ths the size!
Gooper Blooper: What value!

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