Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 394: Meet The Mets (AKA Lunar Dragon Song Edition, AKA "Swack")

Harpy: i am tempted by an owl mask
Meow Sheep: Sounds like a
Meow Sheep: real
Meow Sheep: HOOT
RubyChao: more like a real
RubyChao: HOOPLA
Meow Sheep: It's a swingthing!


Jumpropeman: next year I will be introducing
Jumpropeman: MULTIPLE
Jumpropeman: male characters
Bree: WHAT
Jumpropeman: bold, I know
Bree: wao!!
Gooper Blooper: Oh boy, more moles!
RubyChao: gasp!!!
Bree: lel goops XD
Harpy: can i date them
Harpy: no wait that's phrasing
Bree: mole dating simulator
Harpy: may i ship them with one of these LUCKY LADIES
Jumpropeman: they will all be eligible bachelors
Harpy: garsp


Draco: Relevant to RP:
Jumpropeman: Mega Drive sitting on her porch in a rocking chair eating werther's originals
Gooper Blooper: link
Bree: sumi no
Bree: how could you hurt dolby like this
Bree: top ten anime betrayals


(Re: My 2021 Touhou Sorter results)

RubyChao: someday goops will be unable to leave out the pc-98 games
RubyChao: because we will have ruined too many hus from them
Harpy: do you really think we can bring back orange
Harpy: read: bootleg meiling
Gooper Blooper: I do like that the two most important PC-98 hus are from the same game so I only need to include one for now
RubyChao: luize DESTROYED
Gooper Blooper: man, I forgot all about her...
Jumpropeman: luize is louise in the sorter right?
RubyChao: yep
Jumpropeman: I've been treating her as such
Harpy: you won't forget in season 13 :)
RubyChao: i'm just used to the old translation
Harpy: geez, luize
Gooper Blooper: Holy crap Luize, remember the time you were in RP?
Harpy: blasphemous
RubyChao: `ban Gooper Blooper


Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: POV: You're Cirnoil.


Draco: New Coven Member:
Meow Sheep: The magic word is...
Meow Sheep: Totsugeki!


(JRM changes his signature to "The Prince of Fluid Beef")

RubyChao: is the prince of fluid beef the new prince of bel-air, jrm
Jumpropeman: you tell me chao


RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: OH MY GOD
RubyChao: so i was reading soeone's 50 states as touhous
RubyChao: because i found it
RubyChao: and i must share
Draco: LOL
Draco: Who is North Dakota again?
Bree: owned
Jumpropeman: kogasa no
Jumpropeman: new idea for the bucket list: buy 300 yellow kirby toys. Fly over North Dakota. Sprinkle them down over it
Draco: Ten for each resident.
Bree: XD


RubyChao: cursed
SteelKomodo: very
Del: no
Del: i refuse this
Del: sonic the hedgeman is no good


(Harpy reuses Stacy's monstrous Ba'al form as a transformation, with the post claiming that she's not crying this time)

Harpy: posted
Harpy: this pig's about to get cooked.
Bree: time for a pork roast
Draco: link
Cornwind Ev-will: Somehow that's even MORE disturbing!
Jumpropeman: maybe if she was winking and sticking her tongue out it would be friendlier
Harpy: good!
Harpy: no she needs a flesh fang to make her look mischievious
RubyChao: >fang
RubyChao: not in front of jrm!!!!
Harpy: that's the joke-
Bree: she needs
Bree: a nose
Bree: *banned forever for such blasphemy*
Harpy: i wasn't about to ask for a last minute alteration
Harpy: she's crying because she hasn't had supper yet
Draco: link
Harpy: oh my god.
Jumpropeman: there, the adorablest stacy monster
Cornwind Ev-will: Yes that is actually adorable
Draco: Almost forgot:
Draco: That's what noses look like, right?
Harpy: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Bree: nailed it
Cornwind Ev-will: ANDDDDDDDD we're back to disturbing
Jumpropeman: the nose makes me rescind the statement
Jumpropeman: now I know how gooper feels-
Gooper Blooper: suffer like GB did


RubyChao: link
Gooper Blooper: those spikes must be blunted
Gooper Blooper: (alternate joke: The Tractor in 2013)


Bree: goops you may have seen this but if not here's wexter


gigvel: "Buy We Happy Few Digital Deluxe Edition BUNDLE
Buy this bundle to save 0% off all 3 items!"

gigvel: Such a great discount, Steam
Jumpropeman: hot dog!
Harpy: incredible.


Gooper Blooper: *opens tablet to check battery*
Gooper Blooper: *Peppa Pig advertisement*
Harpy: peppa got the last laugh


Gooper Blooper: I can always tell when Goopsbro is playing Metroid Dread because of those ambient beeping noises only Metroid games do
Harpy: beebeebee boop bebebebe?
Gooper Blooper: THE ONE THAT GOES-
Harpy: bebebeboopbe...
gigvel: be bop bop bodda bope
gigvel: Bop ba bodda bope


Jumpropeman: i don't factor price in my reviews, partially because a game that's 50 cents today could maybe come out on like, the ps5 tomorrow for 20 bucks
gigvel: or just go off sale
Draco: Or be sold for ludicrous prices on the secondary market despite being about a huge loser named Annie.
Harpy: you take that back


Jumpropeman: this year's particular piece of trash from chao is Lunar: Dragon Song.
Harpy: OH NO
Harpy: is it the ds game…
Jumpropeman: yes ma'am
RubyChao: yep
RubyChao: a game received so badly, it completely nuked a cult classic franchise and ensured nothing of it would ever come again
RubyChao: just as a start
RubyChao: a basic game mechanic is that it costs HP to run.
Jumpropeman: oh boy!
Jumpropeman: so harpy, do you think I'm in for a good time
RubyChao: do you think i kept my streak, harps
Harpy: depends on your definition of good
Harpy: also, 1000% yes
RubyChao: atrocious time- OH YEAH
RubyChao: fun fact for jrm
RubyChao: there's no targeting in battle
RubyChao: ever
RubyChao: you literally just gotta pick fight and watch your characters arbitrarily decide who to attack
Harpy: its funny because i remember seeing the older lunar game my bro had for ps and im like
Harpy: i wanna try
Harpy: then i get that garbo
Jumpropeman: sounds a bit like Shining in the Darkness's combat, but worse
Jumpropeman: because in that you could at least pick which group of enemies to attack and then your guys picked who they wanted from that small grouping
RubyChao: but yeah part of what makes dragon song so tragic is lunar had a couple games in the 90s
RubyChao: then they kept remaking those while people kept going "more lunar!"
RubyChao: bunch of japan-only spinoffs
RubyChao: it was your usual niche cult franchise, y'know?
RubyChao: and then dragon song was the first Actually New Game in a decade
RubyChao: and it was so bad it took out the entire franchise's hopes - there were a couple more remakes and then nothing ever again
Harpy: i feel like its not just bad
Harpy: but just
Harpy: Bad in mediocre ways
RubyChao: from what i read in an LP
RubyChao: it's basically
RubyChao: games that respect the player's time - games that don't respect the player's time
RubyChao: in a line graph
RubyChao: and then super duper far off to the right so far you can barely see is lunar dragon song
Harpy: As you can see, i still beat it in spite of the mechanics
Harpy: its just
Harpy: very bland on top of that
Harpy: and some choices are absolutely 1000% baffling
Harpy: I can’t remember all that much
Jumpropeman: a good sign
Harpy: Its a good sign that i cant spoil it
Harpy: but is it objectively worse than sonic chronicles…
Harpy: The silence is deafening
Draco turns the volume up.
Harpy: :o
Draco: *dances to the beat*


Jumpropeman: listening to Sonic 1 US/PAL soundtrack in the background and when it switched from US to PAL it sounded like it just restarted at 0.9 speed.
Mobile Del: Wow
Mobile Del: Huh
Mobile Del: That drastic?
Jumpropeman: im guessing it's the ol' 60hz/50hz thing between regions
Mobile Del: Ah that makes sense
Jumpropeman: US
Mobile Del: Ahhhh, memories
Mobile Del: Having to pick 50 or 60 Hz when you booted up a GameCube game
Mobile Del: Oh god wow yeah that's a difference
Jumpropeman: PAL is like chill mode for Sonic music
Mobile Del: Lo fi sonic music to study to
Mobile Del: (it's just pumpkin hill on a loop)
Jumpropeman: you're gonna be feeling that in your feet
Jumpropeman: I just looked up pumpkin hill's lyrics to confirm that odd feet lyric and
Jumpropeman: I am tempted to copy paste the wacko lines in here that I forgot existed but I can't just copy paste the whole song
Jumpropeman: "I can't see a thing but it's around somewhere,
I'm gonna hold my head 'cause I have no fear.
This probably seems crazy, crazy, a graveyard theory,
A ghost tried to approach me and got leery."

Jumpropeman: theory and leery both feel like they were forced to be used to make the rhyme but one had to have come first
Jumpropeman: "I'm hearing someone sayin' "You a chicken, don't be scared!"
It had to be the wind, 'cause nobody wasn't there.
I searched and I searched as I climbed up the wall,
And then I started to fly, I went in deeper!"

Jumpropeman: then a double negative and Knuckles promptly gives up on rapping and just narrates without rhyming
Jumpropeman: "Connection to Knuckles
"I ain't gonna let it get to me, I'm just gonna creep." - Knuckles not allowing the haunting Pumpkin Hill to deter him from finding the Master Emerald."

Jumpropeman: thanks for explaining sonic wiki
Jumpropeman: heading off
Jumpropeman: gonna go to pumpkin hill, hopefully I don't encounter a crying pumpkin in an alley while I'm there


Jumpropeman: it's botwoon time
Jumpropeman: botwoon time over
Jumpropeman: kobbers just needed super missiles I guess
Cornwind Evil: Yes he is not very hard
Cornwind Evil: Hence why he became a ZFRP meme
Jumpropeman: this isn't my first Super Metroid rodeo
Jumpropeman: but it's been quite a while


Cornwind Evil decided after discussion, to replay Lufia
Cornwind Evil: "Oh no, the town is destroyed! Everyone is dead or dying! They're all telling me to run away!"
-helps self to all the treasure chests in now empty castle-


Cornwind Evil: In Lufia
Cornwind Evil: "This cave is dangerous! Prepare with the best weapons and armor!" -sells the exact same stuff from the last town- 


Cornwind Evil: -in Lufia-
Cornwind Evil: This girl is sick. What a shame. -steals her stuffed animals-


Draco: Draco accidentally adventures in a kindergarten:
Jumpropeman: I see a babby gloria
Bree: draco hosting storybook time at the daycare
Draco: Class field trip to fight the evil empire.
Bree: POV: children's birthday party and you're the clown
Draco: XD
Draco: Comment from another friend:
all the lalas looking at selvira
"when are we going to mcdonalds"

Bree: seconds before they start the "we want chicken mcnuggets" chant
Bree: enjoy your peace while it lasts
Draco: D;


Harpymobile: In costume, couldnt find me fukin hat
Bree: oh no
Harpymobile: so i’m a witch with no hat
Harpymobile: I’m no 2hu now
Harpymobile: i’m ded
Mobile Del: F
Gooper Blooper: A Halloween tragedy...


Harpymobile: "ARE THERE ANY GHOSTS IN THERE?" Pause. "I think they’re sleeping or tired"- kid on the walk with us
Jumpropeman: ghosts need rest too
Harpymobile: This kid gets it
Gooper Blooper: the ghosts should have known to be rested in time for the walk, tho
Gooper Blooper: check your schedules, guys!
Jumpropeman: this is their busy time of year!
Harpymobile: Samhain sleep
Harpymobile: slerp
Gooper Blooper: Ghost walk: he sleep
JRM reviews a video game with 'Halloween' in the title: real shit


RubyChao: i did a thing
RubyChao: harpy look at #20
RubyChao: and boggle
Hooded Pitohui: That Chimata and Raiko would both get a push, I suspected, but I wouldn't have called Raiko in 3rd! Wow, she's done very well for herself, there!
Draco: Hold on, Chao. I fixed that for you:
RubyChao: ahahahahahahahahaha
Harpy: doremy!
Gooper Blooper: I love knowing that salami being so high on so many people's sorters is entirely because of me
RubyChao: my previous sorter
RubyChao: from 2020
RubyChao: had Doremy at 125.
RubyChao: soak in it, harpy


Jumpropeman: Stan Lee once said he was inspired to make Spider-Man when he saw a spider crawling on his office wall and Jack Kirby said he actually created Spider-Man which he says about like every idea he's ever touched and I don't know who to trust when I don't believe either of them :V


Gooper Blooper: I made sure to crank up the awful on my three main villains to ensure people murdalized them
RubyChao: i cancelled an entire goopsplot by being 2mad
RubyChao: it was hilarious
Gooper Blooper: it's true
Harpy: damn man u angy
RubyChao: creator was supposed to be a big bad of next year, with this just a preview
Gooper Blooper: The Creator was going to show up NEXT season, with a rogue's gallery of alien bad guys backing him up in a classic GB enemy faction plot style
RubyChao: but then the ruined regis happened and i was Man Literally Too Angry To Die and goops went "let's not make him wait twelve months"
Gooper Blooper: I did salvage one alien from the wreckage of that plot tho...


Jumpropeman: chimata before the kobbers arrived
Gooper Blooper: Before? Not during?
Draco: We took Chimata's job. D:
Jumpropeman: her super chimata identity isn't as profitable now that the kobbers cut into her business


Jumpropeman: tag yourself in draco plot teaser im dimentio
Jumpropeman: actually, I'm marx
Draco: I'm Momoyo.
Jumpropeman: bold pick, but you DO eat a lot of dragons
Draco: They're the best dess.
Jumpropeman: I think you might have an android in your teeth
Draco: How uncouth of me! Thank you for noticing!


Jumpropeman: So the Switch is getting a game called 20 Ladies and in it you need to save 20 completely naked ladies and your reward each time you save one is a big piece of sexy art of them. Well, over on the PS4/PS5 the game had to be retooled to meet their content guidelines, so now it's 20 BUNNIES and you save 20 modestly dressed anthropomorphic bunny women and you reward each time you save one is a big piece of ADORABLE art instead
RubyChao: i can only perceive it as 20 literally identical naked ladies
Jumpropeman: you play as a pink square with a face and platform around collecting 9-12 identical versions of the stage's unique lady it seems
Jumpropeman: "Sony is officially for furries" is a comment on the trailer
Draco: 20 Parsee clones.
Jumpropeman: 20 Parsees is the pc version
Draco: Perfect.


RubyChao: my offseason is going to be
RubyChao: and after that


Harpy: >ivel announces that ivelmom won in a game she was playtesting at board game night
Harpy: it was a game about dating dragons
Harpy: ivelmom has successfully seduced the dragons
Jumpropeman: excellent
Jumpropeman: ask her how to seduce sapphire now. I'm asking for a friend
Harpy: lift your leg up
Harpy: lean in real close
Harpy: and say
Harpy: "baby, i can do your taxes"
Jumpropeman fans self
Draco: Forget flowers, give her a new calculator and she's putty in your hands.
Harpy: in the same way you would say "omelette du fromage"
Harpy: flowers die. calculators live forever.
Gooper Blooper: Stella X Sapphire is the open secret pairing that slipped under the radar
Draco: "Can I deduct this air conditioner I bought for my office?" Swoon. "I saved all of my receipts for the year." SWOON. "Yes, I do think April 15th is the most romantic day of the year." SWOON.
Harpy: stella said those words in the background-
Harpy: hello... i bring you... your tax refund
Harpy: granted that would get any girl excited
Harpy: and boy for that matter
Draco: Stella finds a little extra something in her refund this year. It's a ring.
Harpy: wedding 2022
Draco: Guess I gotta do a wedding at the end of each setting now.


Draco: https://youtube.com/watch?v=NCscyPZhdv0
Harpy: oh no


Draco: Lil Cirno's family reunion:
Harpy: i'm rank
Gooper Blooper: swack
Jumpropeman: swack
RubyChao: swack...


Jumpropeman: I figured out Gooper plot https://youtube.com/watch?v=6myahWeWKA8
Harpy: i had a dream about an anime baseball drama where the protagonist shares his body with some ancient baseball spirit
Harpy: damn the mets got a demon
Jumpropeman: sounds like a sports anime yeah
Gooper Blooper: JRM found me out
Gooper Blooper: businessplot is actually metsplot
Gooper Blooper: you WILL meet the mets
Harpy: get a home run baybeee
Draco: https://youtube.com/watch?v=HqHm8s0_y4I
Harpy: yeeaaaah mets
Harpy: they all say it in this
Harpy: deadpan tone
Harpy: i'm just
Harpy: wizeman: it was never about ruling agama... it was about THE METS LOVE THE METS LOVE THE METS GET A HOME RUN BABY YEAH LOVE THE METS
RubyChao: at least they have a catchy song
Harpy: oh my god
Harpy: infuckingcredible
Gooper Blooper: There's a Seinfeld episode where that song gets referenced, and that was my frame of reference for THE METS before this meme took off
Draco: Bergman: It was never about making humanity extinct...
Harpy: i don't even know where it came from, but it's amazing
Gooper Blooper: Her actual goal was to kill all pro baseball players who were not signed with the Mets, thus forcing them to recruit lower-tier substitutes and drastically increasing the odds of the Mets winning their games
Gooper Blooper: let's go mets.
Harpy: that sounds like an actual plot by an insane die-hard mets fan
Harpy: ...nah they'd probably find a way to humiliate the yankees
Harpy: *keeps forgetting where all these damn baseball teams are in the leagues*
Harpy: my dad would be disappointed
Cornwind Evil: New York has two baseball, hockey, and basketball teams because the city is so damn big it can support twins of each
RubyChao: and football teams
RubyChao: but also when it comes to basketball we just kind of stole new jersey's
Harpy: oh they have two major league baseball teams
Harpy: yeah the fans would kill the yankees
Draco: Isn't one of the football teams technically in Jersey too?
RubyChao: ye
RubyChao: in fact they BOTH are
Draco: lol


Gooper Blooper: as the season ends, so does their journey
Harpy: oh man
Hooded Pitohui: The good ending has finally been achieved.


Jumpropeman: when I was napping just now I dreamed that someone wanted Olympia floating over Agama all season so they could have a character have a long wire attachment go from Olympia down to their new character walking about the city
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: now that you've suggested it...
Hooded Pitohui: "Don't mind me. I'm just taking Olympia for a walk."


RubyChao: hp made this meme
RubyChao: it is accurate
RubyChao: we exist only to suffer


Jumpropeman: oh no
Jumpropeman: guys
Jumpropeman: we can't do a garbage cardholders event
Harpy: i wanted to read that as garage cardholders
Jumpropeman: we can do that possibly
RubyChao: ebisuwaru has a bunch of people show up at once to ask for the last card, he makes them all go fight the kobbers to see if any of them are good enough for it
Harpy: garage band fight
Gooper Blooper: garbage cardholders would be a bunch of nobodies holding random cards that aren't the right kind of cards
Gooper Blooper: one guy has an animal crossing amiibo card he swears makes him faster
RubyChao: "this is an uno reverse card" "it makes me invincible"
Gooper Blooper: Brine sends Braids and she shows off her Magic collection


Jumpropeman: just when I thought I knew of everything weird in Totally Spies
Draco: ...what the fuck?
Draco: I knew one of those girls was an airhead, but that's ridiculous.
Jumpropeman: and she's not even the one using the gizmo!
Draco: No kiddin'.


Jumpropeman: who needs to read
Cornwind Evil: Look, when they said you were going to eat your words, THAT IS NOT WHAT THEY MEANT
Gooper Blooper: delicious
Harpy: the middle lady's like "damn it this is like the 10th time you've done this bobby"
Jumpropeman: he has a hunger
Jumpropeman: for knowledge!


Draco: My villain next year:
Gooper Blooper: Diabolical.
Gooper Blooper: Truly, it is his Original Sin
Gooper Blooper: ./robot joke only harpy has a chance of understanding
Harpy: the funny part is
Harpy: i blanked on free shipping's name, remembered original sin, and looked that up before i found out
Harpy: i got it backwards, in other words :V
Jumpropeman: I preferred the absurdism of not knowing it was a bots reference V:
Jumpropeman: harpy freaking out Eggman gets free shipping on packages and Gooper saying Eggman's fall to evil began with a forklift certification
Harpy: damn, i shouldn't have said anything!
Harpy: now eggman will get the amazon drones to kill us


Jumpropeman: dang, my birthday is over. Guess I'm not thirty anymore :(
Cornwind Evil: I haven't been thirty for over a decade
Draco: Give JRM a few years so you can thirty again.
Jumpropeman: you can have thirty back when I'm done with it


Jumpropeman: Chris Pratt is gonna play garfield in a film now too
The Deleter: Why
Jumpropeman: either he's been a secret vocal chameleon this whole time or there's gonna be some awkward movies coming out
The Deleter: Oh noooo
The Deleter: He's gonna do an Italian accent for the mario movie isn't he??
The Deleter: Rancid


Draco: A box! Who is inside?
It's Jo'on! How lucky!
"You didn't pay enough for me. Send me back and do it right."
Gooper Blooper: the squad grows...
Jumpropeman: how many people did cirnoil kill
Draco rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 46
Draco: She felt generous.


Jumpropeman: hi chao
Jumpropeman: I've started lunar dragon song
RubyChao: how is it so far
Gooper Blooper: *Chao listens eagerly, anticipating being told how horrible and shitty this awful game is and hence why it was the perfect gift*
RubyChao: he's gonna have a high opinion and i'm gonna be kicking myself for WEEKS
Jumpropeman: well uh... if I had to say something positive about it, the music in Lunar Dragon Song is alright
RubyChao: :D
RubyChao: :D
Harpy: this is terrifying
Harpy: its worse than i remembered
Harpy: how did i beat this game again
Jumpropeman: im hoping I get a third party member soon, someone who does something besides hold down attack or heal
Gooper Blooper: Every year Chao thrusts the worst garbage he can find at JRM and wiggles in delight as JRM tells him how absolute shit it is
Harpy: i feel secondhand torture because this time its a game i played
Jumpropeman: the b button looms over me
Jumpropeman: the urge to press it so strong
Jumpropeman: but the price too great
RubyChao: what is the price
Jumpropeman: the b button is the run button
Jumpropeman: and since it drains both of my characters' health it doesn't matter the main guy has a bunch of health now
Jumpropeman: since the healer has barely anything
Jumpropeman: and if she gets to like, half of her max health then I can't even run at all
Jumpropeman: the game just won't allow you if you're too low on hp
Gooper Blooper: just a second, I need to check something
Harpy: plz...
Harpy: *crawls up in a ball and screams*
RubyChao: i legit did not know that it ate BOTH their hp
RubyChao: wow
Gooper Blooper: damn
Gooper Blooper: I wanted to see if the back of the box advertised how many hours of gameplay it had.
Gooper Blooper: It doesn't!
Jumpropeman: looks like five party members total but only three in combat
Draco: "Wireless DS Multi-card Play" <- Bold of you to assume two people who own this game will ever meet.
Harpy: ...uh huh...
Jumpropeman: ive been able to target my healing spells in combat, I dread if I can't target my attack spells
Jumpropeman: there IS
Jumpropeman: one idea I like so far
Jumpropeman: in many areas, if you kill all of the monsters before a timer runs out (and respawns them, which isn't a part I like), a special treasure chest opens so there's like, a neat incentive to fight beyond experience
RubyChao: it's too bad the game makes you actively choose between experience and drops, huh
Jumpropeman has to go buy a new umbrella because the one my healer has that makes her a competent attacker drain 5 mana with each attack when she has 49 total
Jumpropeman: >the statues that provide full hp/mp restore don't cure poison
Harpy: WOW
Gooper Blooper: status effects weren't part of the deal!!
Gooper Blooper: run, don't walk, to the nearest antidote
Jumpropeman: i have a status effect healing spell, but like, if I don't have the mp to cast it (like I did just now) I have to use the statue, cure the poison, than use the statue again :V
Gooper Blooper: well chao, it's looking pretty good so far
Gooper Blooper: and by good
Gooper Blooper: I mean atrocious
RubyChao: my life has meaning!


Jumpropeman: >one of the bosses permanently breaks equipment, and you fight that boss alone with your character who can only punch
Jumpropeman: >new party member is level 1
Jumpropeman: it's like they're doing a comedy bit
Draco: Nice. XD


Jumpropeman: Lunar Dragon Song update
Jumpropeman: my healer left the party. Her replacement? Another healer, except of course she was level 1 so I have to grind her up, she has no revive spell unlike the previous one, and her available equipment at this point is worse to guarantee she's slower to build up to where my previous healer was stats wise
Harpy: I didnt want to break it to you
Jumpropeman: all of her other magic is exactly the same, but her main difference is she attacks with a bow (which is weaker than the umbrella my previous healer used)
Harpy: yyyeaah
RubyChao: hi jrm
RubyChao: i'm glad you're loving it
Draco: Poor JRM. If an outsider didn't have context, they'd think Chao didn't like him. ;p
Harpy: I feel attacked
RubyChao: with how i already burnt through the really iconic horrible games
RubyChao: it warms my heart to know i can just keep finding utter trash if i put my back into it
Jumpropeman: im guessing harpy was able to blank out much of the issues since much of the game is spent just holding down attack
RubyChao: also when you're young enough you just write off most video games as vaguely good
Jumpropeman: hence why children's games don't try to be good :V
Harpy: bruh i remembered
Harpy: the utter bullshit
Harpy: about losing a teammate to be replaced by a shittier teammate
RubyChao: but jrm
RubyChao: are you enjoying the DEEP STORY
Jumpropeman: I do like that the vocal hero is like "I'm going to solve racism" and in the middle of lecturing racists he's like "Boy am I glad I wasn't born a beastman"
Harpy: but yeah since it was when i was younger/in high school, and i blanked most of that out, yeah...
Harpy: ~You're a racist too, Daniel~


Jumpropeman: still in the lunar dragon song mines
Jumpropeman: I believe I'm near the end
Harpy: is it dark an dungeoney
Jumpropeman: nah, I'm in an inexplicably technologically advanced area, like all fantasy rpgs have
Harpy: OH well idk
RubyChao: what's the name of it, jrm
RubyChao: you might be almost through this hell
Jumpropeman: tower of kirlis
RubyChao: looking it up
RubyChao: not yet, just a little longer
RubyChao: like a couple dungeons longer
RubyChao: so, uh
RubyChao: good luck.
Jumpropeman: agnes why
Gooper Blooper: I remember last year JRM blew through Iron Man in like one night
Gooper Blooper: not this time.
RubyChao: that's what comes of giving him an atrocious jrpg
RubyChao: oh wait, i should hold my tongue
RubyChao: it might, somehow, maybe, only be terrible-
RubyChao: (it's gonna be an atrocious.)
Jumpropeman: quality time: lunar: dragon song
Gooper Blooper: maybe it's just suddenly incredible right at the end
Gooper Blooper: (being incredible at the end did not save Limbo Of The Lost)
Jumpropeman: so I have an airship now
Jumpropeman: and I flew right to the big bad guy's castle
Gooper Blooper: Does it suck HP if you fly too fast
Harpy: OH NO
Harpy: that'd be horrible
Jumpropeman: I GUESS this is a good time to start using my healing items
Jumpropeman: I have been using them but at one point I was like "you know what, I keep needing those, so I'm buying like 50"
Gooper Blooper: might need em later!!!
Jumpropeman: and after that I haven't needed to heal too much :V
Draco: The healing items kind of worked!
RubyChao: you healed in advance!


Jumpropeman has my party autoattacking enemy but still mashing A as a force of habit
Harpy: damn lunar actin like its a fukin mobile game with stamina-


Jumpropeman: the main bad guy fell down a pit without a fight and the scenes after are really making me think he's not going to rise back up a big monster for a final fight
RubyChao: YES
RubyChao: the big bad of lunar dragon song is disposed of, permanently, resolved completely
RubyChao: by having him bumble off a ledge
RubyChao: that big monster you fought a bit ago?
RubyChao: yeah that was the final boss.
Gooper Blooper: you did it, JRM
Gooper Blooper: you're free
Jumpropeman: well
Jumpropeman: "The End"
Jumpropeman: yup
Gooper Blooper: JRM is so lost for words
Jumpropeman: i really am
Jumpropeman: do I get a king of limbo scene at least after these credits...
Jumpropeman: even the wrap-up was pretty abrupt
Gooper Blooper: Chao showed me the ending and I was able to pick out like half a dozen tropes and cliches I hate, to the point where I told him "even if the rest of it was amazing I'd still hate it and tell people to avoid it solely because of the ending"
RubyChao: so jrm
Gooper Blooper: that's gotta be one of the worst endings I've ever seen
RubyChao: i think you can see why the Lunar series was permanently killed by this.
Jumpropeman: two guys who aren't that important talk on a bridge and then it wraps up without any main characters speaking
Gooper Blooper: but what I want to know is
Jumpropeman: but chao, the ending text assured me one day another Dragonmaster will rise!
Jumpropeman: Lunar can't be over!
Gooper Blooper: was there anything resembling a "dragon song", or did they just pull two random words out of their ass to make a DS acronym
Jumpropeman: there were dragons, but they never did anything musical
Gooper Blooper: there isn't even a dragon song in Dragon Song
Jumpropeman: there is specific theme music for the dragon fights?
Gooper Blooper: that's almost as bad as putting a giant mantis on your game's cover but not having one in the actual game
Jumpropeman: maybe they liked that theme so much it became the title
RubyChao: speaking of, i gotta say
RubyChao: i looked at the first lunar game and
Gooper Blooper: Also, Chao: Dragon Song is a prequel set 1000 years before the first Lunar, meaning not only did they not have to make another game to follow up on the promise at the end of more to come, they also didn't advance the story or use any of the characters from the franchise
RubyChao: this anime sequence
RubyChao: this is incredibly 90s anime
RubyChao: like, i cannot overstate how 90s anime this is
Gooper Blooper: it IS 90s anime!
RubyChao: also, beautiful.
RubyChao: yes!
RubyChao: but like... it's so 90s anime it stands out
RubyChao: this is a slice you show someone to describe 90s anime
Gooper Blooper: "Lunar: Dragon Song experienced low sales during its original release in Japan, selling only 24,673 copies in the region.[14] The game received a 27 out of 40 score from Japanese Famitsu Weekly magazine, whose editors found parts of the game to be "bothersome and stressful" such as losing health while dashing and having players choose either experience points or items as a battle reward, but also remarked that the game was "designed for people who are moved by an excellent storyline and characterization."[6]"
Gooper Blooper: an excellent storyline.
RubyChao: as someone put it, the thing about famitsu is
RubyChao: for all practical purposes they use a 30-40 scale
RubyChao: since they're one of those publications
RubyChao: let that sink in.
Jumpropeman: i don't think I'd call the story abysmal, it's kinda basic for the most part with some special moments like that finale :V
Gooper Blooper: [[specil moments]]
RubyChao: yeah i read it and like
RubyChao: it's very...
Jumpropeman: also it's funny how Jian keeps saying "I need to go ahead alone" constantly even after he learned his lesson to rely on his friends
RubyChao: i think the best way to phrase it is that the story feels like your average cookie-cutter NES rpg story
RubyChao: and i do mean NES.
Jumpropeman: yeah! I was thinking earlier in the game it was sort of Final Fantasy 1-ish
RubyChao: good thing jian solved all fantasy racism ever, right
Jumpropeman: im sure the beastmen and the humans get along swimmingly in other lunar titles
RubyChao: so
Jumpropeman: (note: beastmen are just humans with cat ears)
RubyChao: jian's your new MC, right
Gooper Blooper: JRM did say he was introducing some male characters next season...
Jumpropeman: he'll tell the kobbers he must fight this battle alone every battle
RubyChao: the only question is
RubyChao: are we getting a normal atrocious
RubyChao: or is it finally time
RubyChao: for a full-fledged Disaster Report
Gooper Blooper: Well, it hasn't been THAT long since Shamu stunk up the place
Jumpropeman: I think there's enough to chew on
RubyChao: yaaaaay
Jumpropeman: for an Okay rating regular review-
Gooper Blooper: JRM's final score: 27 out of 40
RubyChao: also yes, goops, but consider
RubyChao: all of my past jrm gift games got full disaster reports
RubyChao: it's an important part of streak...
Gooper Blooper: I still hope someday JRM gets access to Action 52, that thing is tailor-made for a Disaster Report since he would of course have to review every individual game within
Gooper Blooper: it's 52 reviews in one!!
Jumpropeman: each game it's own subheader
RubyChao: only 350 dollars right now!
Gooper Blooper: I remember seeing the Genesis version on ConsoleClassix
Gooper Blooper: but that one is supposedly slightly more competent
Gooper Blooper: and he can't do an in-depth review on anything that's not at an extreme end of the scale!
Jumpropeman: that's not what anyone is looking for from Action 52!
Gooper Blooper: Now I'm laughing imagining an extremely in-depth review of an Okay game
Gooper Blooper: "It's Meh But I Got Lots To Say: Glover"
Jumpropeman: Check out the new This Is a Thing
Jumpropeman locks lunar dragon song away to never again see the light


Jumpropeman: the back of lunar dragon song's box shows an impossible battle
Jumpropeman: since Lucia can't fight the red dragon
RubyChao: ha, nice
Harpy: Oh good the nightmare is over


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: don't post pictures of me in chat without my permission D:


RubyChao: found a TTT thing, put some JRM rp into it
RubyChao: There were two girls who stood with him, one was, in fact, Shimmer.
"Heeeeelp!" the voice calls from behind Shimmer, who turns to see the drunk girl. She wasn't alone, two other girls stood behind her. Both dressed very flamboyantly. They were both sporting massive manes of golden hair, dyed a different color to the other two blonde sisters. Neither of them had the same skin color though, one was a mix of beige and blue and the other was completely blue, which would become very, very important later.
'Hey! You two! I'm with Shimmer. We're just chilling, having a drink here. You ladies wanna join us? Make me and my friends feel at home, here!' She calls, smiling brightly, flashing her pearly white teeth, but both of the women behind the other didn't seem to notice or care.

RubyChao: got this out
Jumpropeman: is that one that tries to imitate a style based on a big chunk of text?
RubyChao: yep
Jumpropeman: they give me too much credit in the adjective department-
Jumpropeman: I do like the whole "it will become very very important later" part
Jumpropeman: because that is the kind of thing that would become very important later
Draco: Clearly Shimmer went to Eorzea and is being accosted by drunk Au'ra.


Jumpropeman: I
Jumpropeman: HAVE MERCH
Jumpropeman: CKR made me a game hoard shirt for my birthday
Jumpropeman: through a website presumably, not like with paste and paper or something
Draco: Nice! :D
Draco: The paste and paper would've been more personal though. ;p jk


RubyChao: "However, zoomer humor is difficult to understand for the uninitiated, older generations due to the randomness and stupidity of the meme."
RubyChao: so this person wasn't around for the early 2000s, got it
Gooper Blooper: all your base, gonna sing the doom song now, lol rofl *holds up spork*
Harpy: look
Jumpropeman: when does the narwhal bacon?
Harpy: children can come up with something utterly random and stupid and i will crack up like a baby finding out that their dad rematerialized somehow
RubyChao: doctor octagonapus BWAAAAH


(Re: Mario Party Superstars)

Gooper Blooper: I was Wario, Goopsbro was Yoshi, and the CPUs were set to Normal and were Luigi and DK
Gooper Blooper: I got out to a strong early lead and eventually had built up six stars and a large pile of coins, but DK challenged me to a Duel and wagered 64 coins and won, taking most of my money.
Harpy: DONKEY KONG 64?!?!
Gooper Blooper: DK then challenged Goopsbro to a duel for 128-coin wagers, meaning 256 coins were on the line
Harpy: wh
Gooper Blooper: Goopsbro won and used the money to have Boo steal two of my Stars en route to a comfortable victory
Harpy: boo sold out
Gooper Blooper: (Naturally, Goopsbro was in last when the Last Five Turns scene happened, and he received the "I predict this character will win" treatment and was given a Golden Pipe)
Harpy: holy shit what
Gooper Blooper: The best moment, though, involved Luigi
Gooper Blooper: He also got a dueling glove, and challenged me... for a mere 9 coins, far less than either of us was currently carrying
Gooper Blooper: he lost
Jumpropeman: he was just honest about his chances
Gooper Blooper: but then, at the end, Luigi got a bonus star for moving the least spaces, and tied me in stars, but I beat him by a handful of coins to take second
Gooper Blooper: if he hadn't dueled me or had won the duel he would have gotten second, the nine coin duel actually mattered
Harpy: luigi just had a cirno moment
Harpy: that's classic Mario Party for ya


Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: stella gettin in her steps
Jumpropeman: time to commission stella buying wonderbread
Harpy: ...
Harpy: no
Draco: Wonderbread, sponsor of THE METS, BABY.
Harpy: anyway time for bed
Harpy: nite
Jumpropeman: see ya
Harpy: may you all get the characters that spark joy within your heart
Gooper Blooper: hold on
Harpy: or, like, a free pizza
Harpy: i am holding on, but to what?!?
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: noooooooooo
Draco seals the door behind Harpy so Goops' art can't hurt her anymore.
Harpy left the chat


(Re: One Strike)

ivel: this image you used in your review?
ivel: link
Jumpropeman: =o
ivel: that's an ivel in the archway!
Jumpropeman: that's neat! I thought it as just a generic "cool beach side"
Harpy: that's in okinawa
ivel: and I believe an ivelgrandma to the right, might be her sister with the hat
ivel: it's Miyako
Harpy: guys ivel's in this video game-
Jumpropeman: I heard if you beat every character without getting hit once Ivel appears under the arch and you can fight him to unlock him
Harpy: you have to put in the konami code
ivel: lel
ivel: but yeah, it's a very pretty place


RubyChao: https://i.redd.it/wwxrojhwmpw71.png
Gooper Blooper: patchy, you okay?
Draco: Just making out with Koakuma. Definitely not dying.
Draco: Ignore the "How to CPR" manual.
RubyChao: this ain't about her, goops
Harpy: its about the mets?
Jumpropeman: no
Jumpropeman: it's about the islanders
Jumpropeman: which was my favorite hockey team as a kid purely because of its logo
Jumpropeman: sadly, they got rid of angry fisherman
Jumpropeman: 95-97 they were AWESOME
Jumpropeman: probably had a bad season but WHO CARES
Jumpropeman: I wager the main replacement reasoning was angry fisherman logo didn't fit on pucks



Jumpropeman: gonna try and do at least one wrap-up thing tonight
RubyChao: i need to get started on those myself
iKomodo: Cool
iKomodo: I was gonna do that but
iKomodo: i forgot
Harpy: ooooooo
Harpy: i should pry myself out of my sheets but the world cold, blanket warm…
Jumpropeman: that's how I felt too today
Harpy: Chrimmusplot 2021: there’s chaos afoot but nobody wants to go out in the cold. the blankets are collaborating to slow them down…
Harpy: Blanket crimes.
Jumpropeman: srspost, chao response desired
RubyChao: *wrests self out of blankets*
Harpy: Blanket gang rise
Draco: Harpy is hiding from those who take blankets.


Gooper Blooper: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4895479
RubyChao: hmm
RubyChao: looks nerdy
RubyChao: TOO nerdy
RubyChao: reject
Draco: Indeed. I can't see a nerd like that being in RP for six years, especially not getting into a pairing with a super cool and popular and awesome Brawl Champ.
Gooper Blooper: she's just too much of a nerd to be popular anywhere, least of all here
Gooper Blooper: salami ribbom
Draco: Umami Salami
Draco: Umami Salami
Draco stops saying her name before he accidentally summons her.
Gooper Blooper: if you're not careful, she might come back and be an even more huger nerd than ever
RubyChao: Oh No
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: we'll make sure she doesn't come back BI *deploys Unesoteric RP, aka a Slice of Life Anime*
Jumpropeman: a pretty eternity off to the side
Jumpropeman: Eternity and Gamecube both do the "settle into a smile" thing but one likes knives and doesn't understand society that well and the other is Eternity-
Jumpropeman: (Gamecube likes knives... in the Resident Evil games)
Draco: (Gamecube is probably way too eager in those asymmetric horror games like Friday the 13th or Evolve.)
Jumpropeman: Gamecube be like "play... online?"
Jumpropeman: she tried to play Kirby Air Ride LAN before realizing what LAN meant
Gooper Blooper: "You know, like Phantasy Star Online" "Ohhhhhh!"
Jumpropeman: she has the keyboard gamecube controller somewhere
Gooper Blooper: "So I was thinking... customers do not want online games"
Gooper Blooper: oh yeah, just remembered
Gooper Blooper: Gamecube shouldn't be into knives! She has something much better!
Jumpropeman: oh baby
RubyChao: a series of cubes
Jumpropeman: imagine just walking in on her playing Chibi Robo with that thing
Jumpropeman: swapping controllers was too much effort
Gooper Blooper: "Oh... Did Wii and Switch take all your other controllers so they could play Smash?" ".........Yeah, let's go with that."
Harpy: CUBE


Jumpropeman: "Sacred Twenty Smurfs"
Jumpropeman: is... is there a smurf religion
Draco: Who do you think the Cartel works for?
Jumpropeman: "His constant expression in the original French comics is "cre vingt schtroumpfs", which means "sacred twenty smurfs" (a play on "cre vingt dieux", or "sacred twenty gods")." apparently its just a pun on a french saying, but for a moment I dared to dream
Jumpropeman: "In "Have You Smurfed Your Pet, Today?", instead of obsessing over Handy's string-a-ling fad with the other Smurfs"
Jumpropeman: I went to google what a string-a-ling is
Jumpropeman: and ended up on a different nearly identical smurfs wiki that had a Sex page
Jumpropeman: apparently it's a smurf fanon wiki
Gooper Blooper: the smurf fanon wiki.
Harpy: what in the fuck damn
Jumpropeman: the smurf fanon wiki says smurfs discourage same sex relationships
Harpy: what the FUCK DAMN?
Gooper Blooper: oh no
Jumpropeman: "The onset of reproductive ability for male Smurfs is indicated by the first occurrence of the "Smurfette dream"."
Gooper Blooper: oh no.
Gooper Blooper: There's literally only one female smurf
Gooper Blooper: it's same sex or nothing, people
Harpy: aaaawkwaaard
RubyChao: sharing is caring.
Jumpropeman: "It is only hinted at, but never revealed, that even Papa Smurf at his age still experiences the "Smurfette dream""
Harpy: sir
Harpy: sir
Draco: The queen of the Smurf hive.
Jumpropeman: in the mirror universe "This universe's version of Mother Nature is worshiped by the Smurfs as a sex goddess, who allows for all forms of intimate activity to occur among living beings without any restraint."
Harpy: i'm not sure how you guys extrapolated that information but okay you horny teenagers
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: JRM's seen so many stupid wikis, the bar has been raised pretty high for new ones
Gooper Blooper: but he's found a live one
Jumpropeman: "While Catholicism is the most dominant form of Christianity among the humans in the story series, Tapper and the Smurfs that become Christians do not identify themselves as being Catholic, since most of what they were taught about the faith was straight from God Himself. "
Draco: This Smurf fan wiki is getting to be a bit...much.
Jumpropeman: god came down to the Smurfs
Jumpropeman: I hope there's a jesus smurf
Harpy: i can't tell if someone actually believes this or if its some dudes taking the piss out of things
Jumpropeman: the wiki mostly focuses on a smurf named Empath
Dr: Me.
Jumpropeman: the coolest smurf
Draco: TV Tropes page about him:
Jumpropeman: "It is mostly inferred, though not illustrated or shown in any graphic detail, that humans and animals are the only creatures in mainstream Smurfs media that physically reproduce."
Draco: Smurfs bud.
Jumpropeman: the fanon wiki has a page on Bowdlerization simply to say that one Smurf told young smurfs that babies are brought by the stork instead of born naturally
Harpy: i forget what the fuck that term means
Draco: remove material that is considered improper or offensive from (a text or account), especially with the result that the text becomes weaker or less effective.
Draco: Basically to censor something to make it less sexual.
Jumpropeman: the wiki could have just said that he told them the stork story, but they wanted to show they knew a cool word for censorship
Jumpropeman: link
Harpy: who
Jumpropeman: her name is Saviour, daughter of Hero
Harpy: nice fanchar design i'll say
Jumpropeman: ""Gu...Gu...Guardian"
-- Her first Word"

Harpy: thaaaats a bit much methinks
Harpy: g-g-gugu.
Harpy: guuuuuuuuuu
Harpy: gu.
Draco: "Gu...Gu...GARGAMEL" And then she took over the village.
Jumpropeman: "Her mother's passing left her father in such a terrible state, that he decided to end his own life by throwing himself into the fires of Mount Vesmurfius." I don't think I can throw stones in my glass house, I feel like I too could write a dramatic scene involving Mount Vesmurfius
Jumpropeman: but still, Mount Vesmurfius
Gooper Blooper: Yellow M&M
Jumpropeman: exactly
Harpy: yeah thats zfrp
Draco: Note to self: introduce Mt. Vesmurfius into RP.
Gooper Blooper: shoulda put a regi ruin there
Harpy: what the fuck its 12:22 already?!?
Harpy: damn son trying to kit out keqing with the good shit took longer than i thought
Jumpropeman: time smurfs when you're having fun
Harpy: i'll show you a smurfette dream *rolls up sleeves*
Harpy: D:<
Jumpropeman: D:
Harpy: a dream of her beating you up
RubyChao: mount vesmurfius.
Jumpropeman: "I smurfed a dream. I smurfed a dream in which the Smurfs flew off in the skies."
Jumpropeman: was it a Smurfette dream though-


Draco: Time for bed.
Jumpropeman: night draco, night fumos
Jumpropeman: I wont tell Viola you shared a bed with Kasen, Tenshi :P


RubyChao: i still think the funniest part about Tachi is how i literally never even once considered an alternate thrall
RubyChao: at any point
ivel: welp
RubyChao: it was just goops going "hey here's the plotline" and me replying with "edgy hibiki. i'm doing AU hibiki."
RubyChao: and that was that


RubyChao: tomorrow i plan to figure out exactly what epilogues i'm doing and how
RubyChao: along with the rest of my rumble details
RubyChao: i've been largely flopping for a week
RubyChao: but i must end my flop...
Jumpropeman: everyone's clamoring for a Rockwall Security Trio epilogue so I gotta get on THAT
Draco: Good. I want it on my desk by tomorrow or you're hired!
Jumpropeman: no D: I can't afford to have a job!
Draco: This is not a threat, this is a job offer! >:U
Draco: $600k a year, full benefits, and a Fumo!
Jumpropeman: you're a cruel and unusual employer!
Jumpropeman: 600k isn't even enough to buy a second fumo!


RubyChao: "loved being like 12 years old and making an OC and saying “yeah they’re a hardened criminal. they’re deeply involved in crime. they’re in a gang” and then never elaborating on that because i didn’t know how crime worked. this is still my approach" - half of my villains in rp
Jumpropeman: crime involves resting a bat across your shoulders in a cool way, right?
RubyChao: well DUH
RubyChao: time to do that most hardened of all criminal actions
RubyChao: sleep
Jumpropeman: nighto
RubyChao left the chat
Jumpropeman: you bad boy
Draco: Chao is so cool, I bet he always has the AC on.


Hooded Pitohui: I received a wonderful early Christmas present - well, the second part of one, I mean, since that nice notebook was the first - from Goops today
Hooded Pitohui: It
Hooded Pitohui: is
Hooded Pitohui: her
Jumpropeman: Ha! I remember someone linking that recently! I am very glad she made her way to you
Jumpropeman: (Im not concerned about her with a knife, that means she's giving us a sporting chance compared to a gun)
iKomodo: Noice
Bree: need to put a voicebox in her that activates when you poke her belly like the pillsbury doughboy and she giggles and goes "hoo-hoo! murder."
Hooded Pitohui: Not at all a bad idea
Draco: Tenshi wants to know when Pitohui is getting a real knife.
Jumpropeman: even with a knife that sharp Tenshi still is too tough to accidentally cut herself while chopping up cheetos and chex
Draco: And Cool Ranch Doritos! She's making a Gamer Salad: no lettuce, just snack food, all chopped up so she can pour it into her mouth while gaming.


Jumpropeman: not even like two hours into ff7 and the battles already have more depth than Lunar Dragon Song, and that's not me saying these fights have been very complex ;p
Draco: lol
Harpy: finally, you can run without losing HP!
Jumpropeman: legitimately
Jumpropeman: I keep thinking I shouldn't run in FF7 because it will drain my hp
RubyChao: dear god
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: how badly did they hurt you
Gooper Blooper: Dragon Song has scarred this poor man.
Harpy: OH NO
Harpy: chao you have traumatized him!
Jumpropeman: you spend twenty hours second guessing every time you want to run and it sticks for a while
Gooper Blooper: I remember when I kept trying to Brave and Default in First Fantasy when I was putting it together after finishing BD2
Gooper Blooper: this is much worse
Draco: Oof
Harpy: yike


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: hot dog! I'm a pro at this
Draco: Another one for the Game Hoard!
Jumpropeman: Frog Game is perfect, not repetitive or too hard

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