Tuesday, October 19, 2021


Gooper Blooper: as I continue to read thirty-year-old magazines, here is 80s Badger
Jumpropeman: oh snap
Jumpropeman: too strong
Jumpropeman: I hope our cultural shorthand for "cool" is never updated
Jumpropeman: I want to continue seeing ridiculous characters with shades and gold chains riding skateboards and all that


Gooper Blooper: I almost said that the "large boulder the size of a small boulder" that struck Kumonga during his final battle with Pillbox gave him Bonkus Of The Konkus but I decided I'd already made that moment stupid enough for what was supposed to be a fairly intense fite finale


Gooper Blooper: link link
Jumpropeman: the extended family!
Jumpropeman: registeel just LOSING it over there
Gooper Blooper: just a dad and his growing family of ridiculous meme golems
Gooper Blooper: *registeel flailing*


MobileDraco: This is roughly fifty feet away from me:
Jumpropeman: holy moly!
Jumpropeman: that's a mother lode of bigfoot merch
Gooper Blooper: A treasure trove!
Munster Sheep: We found him, guys
Jumpropeman: I actually have that plush bigfoot on the left
Gooper Blooper: I like the christmas ornaments
RubyChao: buy that entire store
RubyChao: and give it to JRM
Jumpropeman: im concerned about the lower left bigfoot mugs, but I appreciate a mug with a MUGSHOT on it
Gooper Blooper: the lower left ones appear to be the same as the lower right ones, so you can look at both to see the full design
MobileDraco: Chao, I am in an AIRPORT. I might be crazy enough to buy real Fumos, but I'm not depraved enough to buy things in an airport. D;
Jumpropeman: some things money can't buy. Those things are at an airport gift shop
Gooper Blooper: what if an airport sold fumos
Jumpropeman: even Jeff Bezos would balk at the price
MobileDraco sweats nervously.
MobileDraco: Heck, if the airport sold actual Fumos, I'd give 'em my kidney, sure.


Jumpropeman: link
Munster Sheep: The angle of the broom is driving me nuts
Gooper Blooper: these old ads JRM keeps digging up are great
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: XD
MobileDraco: Excuse me. Old cartoons tell me Cod Liver Oil is only surpassed in wretchedness by Castor Oil!
Jumpropeman: Annie whips it out for the next round of combat
Gooper Blooper: "GIVE ME YOUR LIVER"
Jumpropeman: Neptune like "BITCH YOU NEED SOME COD?"
RubyChao: are you implying annie is nervous???
RubyChao: it's still funny to me how her chardev was supposed to be "is a jerk, stops being a jerk" and then i totally flubbed it
Jumpropeman: that can be baccarat's thing now
Gooper Blooper: As I said to Chao via PM when he realized this for the first time:
Gooper Blooper: "Orphan with anxiety."
Gooper Blooper: So many of these weird old medicines and tonics you see in antique ads don't exist any more
Gooper Blooper: but you can still get yourself some Scott's Emulsion!
Jumpropeman: wowzers!
Jumpropeman: I'll get my dran'pa some right away
Gooper Blooper: XD
RubyChao: it's true!
RubyChao: baccarat does not have anxiety
Gooper Blooper: I appreciate that even though they bowed to the trends and adopted a CGI cartoon fish mascot, the old logo of the woodcut dude giving a giant cod a piggyback ride is still on the box
MobileDraco: Orange flavored too!
Jumpropeman: they want you to know that they worked HARD to get that cod to give up its oil
MobileDraco: They still employ old men to wade into the sea to harvest cod by hand.
Gooper Blooper: It didn't click for me until Annie stuff and talking about really old stuff happened simultaneously:
Jumpropeman: the pupiless art style makes that pic look so sinister
Gooper Blooper: ARF!
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: that honestly looks like a terrifying edit
Gooper Blooper: those dead eyes
Jumpropeman: that dog has a lot to say


Jumpropeman: i don't know the context for this but this is from the scooby doo crossover
RubyChao: I see.
Hooded Pitohui: I looked at a few things from that crossover. (Not really spoilers but I guess better safe than sorry) It definitely does Courage justice with its references and cameos, though the overall impression I've gotten from the bits and pieces I've seen and the general consensus I've seen seems to be an overwhelming "it's alright" about the overall quality.
Jumpropeman: not too surprised, I'm not sure too many scooby doo movies rise above that middle road
RubyChao: you know i'm glad sheep is here,because i realized something on the note of scooby crossovers
RubyChao: >series with five major characters with distinct roles
RubyChao: >repeatedly gets new installments
RubyChao: >each incarnation is treated as largely separate, but occasionally makes callbacks to previous versions
RubyChao: >outfits remain recognizable and distinct,but are still changable
RubyChao: when are we getting Scooby-Doo meets Lupin III?
RubyChao: also i think the wild part is that eustace rapping feels like something that could easily happen in the original series if it was his get rich quick scheme of the episode
RubyChao: if he learns rappers make the big bucks...
Jumpropeman: yeah, I think your "I see." reaction was kinda perfect because I would just kinda accept it in an old episode :V
Jumpropeman: it still has that "giant Eustace playing basketball" energy though
Jumpropeman: I can even imagine the episode: A man who has blinged his whole body comes to Nowhere looking for the next hit to give a huge music contract to and since there's like no one in Nowhere Eustace thinks he has a chance. He gets the "contract" but the contract actually forces Muriel and Eustace to be his magically compelled backup dancers for the guy's music video and they'll dance to death if Courage doesn't first beat him in a rap battle (which Courage loses but then the gold guy falls through the stage floor trying to grab courage since the bling makes him too heavy to stand on wood). At the end of the episode Muriel is safe but Eustace is only a still dancing pair of shoes with his hat and glasses on them. Courage back at the house on muriel's lap laughs to reveal he's got a diamond grill and then iris out.
Gooper Blooper: sounds accurate to me
RubyChao: that sounds exactly like a courage episode, and i am impressed
Hooded Pitohui: Genuinely could be an episode there, yep.
Munster Sheep: Indeed
Munster Sheep: Very accurate
Harpy: woah.
Harpy: i turn away and jrm turns words into gold
Jumpropeman: I will be remembered first for my hypothetical courage the cowardly dog episode
Jumpropeman: thank you though :V
Gooper Blooper: How... now... brrrrown... cow. *applause*


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman triple salchows into chat
Brinehammer joined the chat
Jumpropeman crashes into brine after landing

Bree: *holds up a sign saying 10*
Jumpropeman: 💐💐*o*💐💐


Dobile Mel: Space Gengar, from space
iKomodo: Coast to Coast?
Dobile Mel: God damnit he IS a space ghost
Bree: I read an anecdote about space ghost coast to coast on tv tropes the other day and it's funny so I wanna share
Bree: so the head writer of space ghost coast to coast was in a bar
Bree: and he overheard this dude hit on a lady by claiming he was the head writer of space ghost coast to coast.
Jumpropeman: neeko gonna do a different kind of bonkus to the konkus
Bree: and so after the dude struck out he went up and introduced himself as the actual head writer of space ghost coast to coast
Bree: and said he was actually flattered that this dude thought the show was good enough to get him laid


RubyChao: also i just realized literally the entire zfrp gang is in chatzy at once
RubyChao: go us!
Jumpropeman: wow!
Bree: *brine vanishes from the online list literally the instant you say that*
Jumpropeman: brine disappeared though :(
RubyChao: that's why i had to point it out
RubyChao: i knew it wouldn't last...
Bree: come back brine
Harpy: brine's like a boo
Bree: let us love you!!


Cornwind Evil eagerly rips apart various fictional canons and smashes them together.
Bree: *pans camera from cornwind to draco, who is hot-gluing mothra wings onto a gundam*
Bree: popular strategy!
Gooper Blooper: yep, that's us!


Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: "mario golf bath" feels like a "Bogleech commenting on Tropius" situation where it's exactly three things and that's just enough to push it into absurdity
Bree: ...tropius can fly?
Bree: it can fucking fly?
Gooper Blooper: Sure can! It's flying type and it was my flyer of choice in Ruby
Gooper Blooper: Gardenia uses hers as transport
Bree: yeah all right
Bree: it becomes absurd when you add the third thing
Bree: bogleech is right
Cornwind Evil: Take this and photoshop Tropius' head on it
Bree: super important question
Bree: can tropius' bananas be eaten
Bree: does gardenia have a mobile banana supply
Gooper Blooper: I am just about certain, but let me see if the Pokedex explicitly spells it out
Jumpropeman: tropius's bananas can be eaten!
Gooper Blooper: yes, yes they can
Gooper Blooper: they are stated multiple times to be "delicious" and popular with kids
Bree: now that's a useful pokemon
Bree: it can fly, it produces delicious bananas
Jumpropeman: I didn't remember exactly any pokedex entries but I do remember them coming up
Gooper Blooper: and the reason tropius grows bananas is because it ate bananas all the time
Bree: that's definitely how evolution works, pokemon, yep
Gooper Blooper: "Delicious fruits grew out from around its neck because it always ate the same kind of fruit."
Jumpropeman: that's like how Alolan Raichu came to be
Jumpropeman: Pikachu ate so many fluffy pancakes it became a psychic raichu
MobileDraco: I give Tropius 5* too.
Gooper Blooper: One entry claims that Tropius' bananas are only ripe twice a year, but another entry claims Tropius is raised on farms in warm climates


Jumpropeman: a dragon maid game coming to switch with an english version
Jumpropeman: "Pending the amount of Elma content this will either be a day one buy or wait till a sale." top comment on the reddit thread about it :V


(Re: the concept of a setting with both cold and hot areas)

Harpy: we can have a lil bit of everything sometimes depending on the topography
Harpy: leave a slice for goops to enjoy
Harpy: i'll be here playing in the snow then heading to the hot side
Harpy: oh no i just made hot-ice land.
Jumpropeman: hailfire peaks setting
Hooded Pitohui: Harps invents the Freezeflame Galaxy
Gooper Blooper: I appreciate the millennial/gen z split JRM and HP have with their references here
Gooper Blooper: "it's just like my childhood N64 game!" "It's just like my childhood Wii game!"
Harpy: i'm more gen z because i understood the freezeflame galaxy reference immediately
RubyChao: and then there's me
RubyChao: "it's just like my childhood gamecube game"
MobileDraco: "It's just like my childhood NES game!"
Harpy: me: "wow it's like my japanese animes"
Gooper Blooper: it's just like my childhood Spacewar
Jumpropeman: wow it's like my hoop with a stick down a dirt road!
Gooper Blooper: it's just like my childhood Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device


MobileDraco: I have a beard now.


(Shimano's defeat is followed by Marisa X Dreamcast confirmation, but Fudo Kazanari is about to intrude on the cute scene and force a second boss fight...)

Gooper Blooper: and then Fudo bursts in and ruins everything-
Harpy: *Angellica pulls out a gun from her suit and shoots fudo*
Harpy: *good end*
MobileDraco: XD
Harpy: you ruin the moment, i ruin your finale
Harpy: bitch
Harpy: -angellica, probably
MobileDraco: Yoshiko is shocked. Why didn't she think of that?! She wouldn't have had to win a tournament that way.


Gooper Blooper: https://i.redd.it/yjbeqr39dsw11.jpg
Jumpropeman: she's the head engineer of the fumo train
Gooper Blooper: h e a d s


(The Mario movie reveals its' voice cast)

Bree: the sentence "chris pratt is mario" aged me five years in a single second and I petition that every character should simply be played by jack black. jack black as bowser. jack black as mario. jack black as princess peach
Jumpropeman: Jack Black as everyone, except Toad is voiced by Gilbert Gottfried


Gooper Blooper: We don't know. We just don't know.


MobileDraco: I wouldn't be sharing this if not for who is in the picture.
Harpy: KEK
Jumpropeman: Yohane hacking the japanese government to give us hentai
Jumpropeman: what a hero
Gooper Blooper: m e a t b a l l
Harpy: she free tiddy
MobileDraco: The real hero.
RubyChao: Zura zura.


Jumpropeman: oh no
Jumpropeman: this Garfield game only has Easy and Hard settings
Jumpropeman: which do I pick?!
Gooper Blooper: easy first, to prepare yourself for hard
Jumpropeman: ah, so it's like Contra
MobileDraco: Easy so it can shame you for not spending money on boosts.


Gooper Blooper: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DYb4aY2UMAAyCB3.png
Jumpropeman: Soleil is happy!
MobileDraco: That's what Soleil is doing instead of helping.
Jumpropeman: ...
Jumpropeman: I just googled "Garfield Soleil is Here" instead of "Garfield Search for Pooky", the game I'm playing
Gooper Blooper: A+


Jumpropeman: garfield threatening to kill another cat in this game
Jumpropeman: literally extorted the cat for three pounds of liver before rescinding his death threat
Gooper Blooper: garfield is hardcore


Jumpropeman: in this level of Garfield: Search for Pooky, you ride in the car with Jon and pass by hundreds of Lizes on the street who hold food you need to grab, but some hold bombs instead
Jumpropeman: I bring this up to introduce my Infinite Liz theorem about the Garfield universe-
Gooper Blooper: post
Jumpropeman: now in this level I need to destroy enough furniture in Jon's mother's house
Jumpropeman: Garfield is a HUGE dick in this game


Gooper Blooper: cutting room floor: Before I decided to have her die and go baby, Widow Maker was originally going to do her usual intimidating threat display at Fudo and then say something completely garbled in Japanese and then look at Lucina and say "how'd I do" and Lucina would be like "instead of calling him a motherfucker you said he likes to hug dirty carburetors" and wids would be like "fuck"
MobileDraco: lol
Gooper Blooper: another idea was to have Wids and Lucina in the bar and Lucina would be training Wids to say a single taunt in Japanese, which she would then parrot here
MobileDraco: Nice. X)


Hooded Pitohui: Curse time and human biology. I want to write FLUFF, gotterdammerung.
MobileDraco: I know, I know.


Harpy: i had a wild fuckin dream
Harpy: which I can boil down to "villain tries to blow up a building brandon's in because brandon somehow ruined production of Boss Baby 3 and they are somehow super salty about that"
Harpy: it's like my brain decided to shitpost.
RubyChao: brandon deserved it in that case t b h
Harpy: WOAH
Harpy: damn that's a twist
Harpy: heartbroken
Harpy: and in realizing that maybe i might write this
Harpy: i am afraid i may have to watch da boss bebes 1 and 2
MobileDraco: Damn, BC. What did Boss Baby ever do to you?
Harpy: if he did it, it was completely on accident. probably somehow finding a way to un bossbabyfy sammy who did not ask to be a lead actress in this film
MobileDraco: BC can be Jack Club for saving Sammy from Boss Baby.
Harpy: BC: i'm so confused...
MobileDraco: Yoshiko: Why is the boss a baby? We do not have movies like this on Heart Star.
MobileDraco: Dark Matter's one good thing: stopping Boss Baby movies.
Harpy: god i love this shitplot my brain came up with
Harpy: absolute trash plot but its quality dumpster fire worthy garbage
MobileDraco: Agreed!


Gooper Blooper: I'm enjoying how much HP fanservice is being dumped into DYM
Gooper Blooper: wait til he sees today's two new entrants
Jumpropeman: he's lucky he doesn't have to vote
Gooper Blooper: we let him vote, he freezes up and is unable to


MobileDraco: Gorosaurus got a sponsorship deal.
SteelKomodo: okay that is literally just gorosaurus


MobileDraco: Probably Canon.
Jumpropeman: how did she figure that out D:


Dobile Mel: Did you know if you give a human being a combination of pineapple rum and tropical red bull, they become immortal?
Dobile Mel: It's maybe not true but it's how I feel


SteelKomodo: look what i fucking stumbled upon
SteelKomodo: I just wanted to know the context of a hololive thing
SteelKomodo: and got this


Jumpropeman: guys
Jumpropeman: they sell frozen versions of Chuck E. Cheese pizza
Jumpropeman: and I got one cooking in my oven right now
Jumpropeman: will it match the nostalgic greasiness
Gooper Blooper: It better!
RubyChao: spoilers: no
Munster Sheep: srspost
Jumpropeman: well it looks the part
Jumpropeman: once its cooled down I'll tell you how it tastes
Munster Sheep unsure if JRM is referring to the post or the pizza
Gooper Blooper: kek


Jumpropeman: well
Jumpropeman: this pizza
Jumpropeman: is certainly a pizza
Gooper Blooper: A glowing endorsement if I've ever heard one
MobileDraco: Nuclear hot
Jumpropeman: I can sort of recognize the taste but its not quite there when it comes to feeling like that nostalgic pizza at home
Jumpropeman: i would not recommend buying it, but if someone served it at a party you'd probably go "alright, this is fine"
Jumpropeman: it's better than Jack's Pizza
Jumpropeman: *not a hard bar to clear*
MobileDraco: It's edible!
Gooper Blooper: Logo Brand Pizza: It's Edible! (tm)
MobileDraco: Meh Pizza: It's!
MobileDraco: (tm)
Jumpropeman: Need food? This is food!
RubyChao: i have eaten sandwiches that i would describe exactly like that
RubyChao: they are food
RubyChao: i ate it
RubyChao: that's about it
gigvel: Jumpropeman: this pizza
Jumpropeman: is certainly a pizza

gigvel: first of all, amazing quote
gigvel: second, better than a Totinos Party Pizza then
gigvel: I can't even give it that high praise
MobileDraco: But can Chuck D. Cheese do PIZZA ROLLS?


Gooper Blooper: that feel when you randomly stumble across a photo of a childhood toy you never expected to see documented online:
Jumpropeman: look at that jaw
RubyChao: the ultimate :V


Jumpropeman: "I feel something for thegamehoard.com , Can I express my feeling?" I coulda sworn this email would be porn spam but it's actually a freelance web design spam instead


lleft The Dragon: You know sometimes I think it's funner reading a sentence without knowing what's going on
Jumpropeman: talking about RP can be a lot of out of context theater :V
lleft The Dragon: And it's fun it watch it being discussed ^_°
Jumpropeman: yesterday LEGO Indiana Jones was devastated when a bank shaped like Uncle Sam wouldn't come to life
lleft The Dragon: Well that's obviously because the Uncle Sam shaped bank owed him money


Cornwind Evil: Made a few edits to the 'Arete teleports off' post
Jumpropeman: arete is now flipping us the bird with both hands
Jumpropeman: man, I kinda want a villain who would do that
Jumpropeman: my villains are, oddly enough, too serious
Cornwind Evil: The plot I thought of for next year will have villains that will do that
Cornwind Evil: So I'll have them do that
Cornwind Evil: I will be plundering more video games
Cornwind Evil: But you will never guess which two
Jumpropeman: Style Savvy: Fashion Forward and Dog Pong
Jumpropeman: wait, dang, it's called Puppy Pong
Cornwind Evil: Here's a hint: One was an arcade game (probably had a console port) and one was a console game
Gooper Blooper: https://twitter.com/atari/status/1359280954016210945
Draco: Puppy Pong? Cool.
Jumpropeman: now just imagine that dog giving you double middle fingers and that's the plot


Munster Sheep: "Momoyo paused for a moment, trying to remember those 'meme' things the kids at the bar showed her."
Munster Sheep: Shut it down.
Munster Sheep: SHUT IT ALL DOWN!
Hooded Pitohui: No, no, Sheep. This was the best Momoyo response we could have asked for.


SteelKomodo: i fucking love writing sinistar already
SteelKomodo: he just shouts all the time
Jumpropeman: Tom the Cat, having finally earned a vacation, steps off the plane at Agama... looks skyward, and immediately turns back and leaves :V


Bree: this is maybe a dumb question but why not just go back to the computer
iKomodo: Because it is midnight and mum is trying to sleep
iKomodo: and i do not want to wake her by typing loudly on my keyboard
Bree: you might wanna invest in a quieter keyboard then? :V
Bree: unless it's loud because you're like hammering it with your entire fists like you are a gorilla in which case I guess I don't have any helpful advice for you
Bree: except "don't do that maybe"
RubyChao: sk types inside a noise amplification booth
Bree: sk writes his posts on a literal typewriter
Jumpropeman: I remember those little kid fake computers would have keyboards where they say each letter you type
Jumpropeman: one of those actually taught me how to spell knife with a k :V
Jumpropeman: which is not a word you expect it to teach
Bree: yeah he definitely writes panty and stocking posts on a computer for five year olds and it yells F U C K and his mum doesn't mind that at all
Bree: britmum sipping tea and going "oh my dearest son, I'm ever so proud of him :)" while sk's keyboard shouts H O O K E R
Jumpropeman: XD
Harpy: KNIFE?!?
Harpy: anyway we all know mechanical keyboards can be heard from 30 miles away
Harpy: sauce: me, who has one
Bree: I don't know what kind of keyboard I have but it certainly is not loud enough to wake someone in a different room
Bree: it makes audible noise but not that much noise
Dobile Mel joined the chat
Harpy: i'm mostly exaggerating but ye
Bree: del wtf
Harpy: del's here to give his bro moral support
Bree: I guess that's valid :V
Dobile Mel: Hi wassup
iKomodo: I wish i had a reply for that bree
iKomodo: But i’m too busy laughing
iKomodo: at that entire sequence you just speculated on
Bree: thank :V


gigvel: oh yeah, did people see Bandai Namco changed their logo?
Draco: I did.
gigvel: for people who didn't
Jumpropeman: Bandai Namco: whoops, there goes any personality we had
gigvel: yeah, the new logo is definitely a downgrade :U
Gooper Blooper: Get hype for their next logo redesign in three years that removes the pink speech bubble
Jumpropeman: bandai namco looking like a text message now
RubyChao: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EoQweseXUAEv6TO.png
Jumpropeman: im guessing these logos and stuff are designed by those people who like nice white homes that you aren't actually supposed to live in or put your stuff down in
Gooper Blooper: it looks so much better when shrunk down to a 50x100 icon on mobile now!!!



Draco: JRM:
Jumpropeman: happy because huge
Cornwind Evil: What's wrong with your head
Jumpropeman: wait, she's not big, that person's just small!!!
Jumpropeman: displeased because deceived!
Draco: I have an overlay that lets me mess around with my FF14 character's model. It only affects what I see.
Draco: So what I did was take the shortest race and used the overlay to double her height. So she's got the proportions of a dwarf with human height.
Jumpropeman: ah, so she IS huge!
Draco: Yes, she is actually that tall at the moment, yes.
Draco: Everyone else sees a normal Roegadyn lady though.
Jumpropeman: they're fools for trusting their eyes
Draco: They'll rue the day I hijacked the Ultima Weapon and used it to go grocery shopping.
Cornwind Evil: 8:43
Draco: One of my favorite episodes.
Jumpropeman: that's just what it looks like when DeMonde brings the whole family out to the market
Draco: It's movie night. Everyone gets to pick out their own snacks.
Jumpropeman: Gale grabs one of those Halloween packs of candies with the many different brands in it
Draco: Good choice. Pudge grabbed Pocky and DeMonde grabbed peanut brittle.
Jumpropeman: Gale is willing to negotiate trades, that's partly why she picked the bag
Draco: Very clever. What are her demands?
Jumpropeman: if you want to break a piece off of her kit-kat bar, you'll need to provide a suitable replacement. Don't try and short change her, she can feel the weight BI
Draco: Hmm...a hard bargain, but Lucy will trade her some Hershey's chocolate for it.
Jumpropeman: pleasure doing business with you
Jumpropeman: tonight's movie: Cave Dwellers
Draco: Not more than sixteen minutes into it, Lucy's just asleep and Pudge is eating the Hershey bar.
Jumpropeman: Pudge tried to MST3K it, but no one got her jokes
Jumpropeman: they were too smart for the room
Draco: And that's No-bull


RubyChao: [10:42 PM] layze: see face off is a great example of the right kind of movie to cast nic cage for
[10:42 PM] layze: if you're having nic cage play anything resembling a normal person, you've miscast the role
[10:43 PM] layze: but if you're writing a character who is increasingly losing his mind over the course of the movie?
[10:43 PM] layze: that's it
[10:43 PM] layze: put nic cage there
Munster Sheep: I still need to see that Pig film Cage was in
Jumpropeman: still really need to see Pig
Jumpropeman: anyone else need to see Pig?
Munster Sheep: EVERYONE
Gooper Blooper: I was watching a caddicarus video and he referenced The Dancing Pig and I immediately went "THE CONSUMER!!!"
Munster Sheep: He's still got it.
Jumpropeman: link
Munster Sheep: Got them moves like Jagger!
Jumpropeman: The Consumer
Munster Sheep: :I
Jumpropeman: why do her teeth only manifest after the chewing


Draco: My masterpiece.
Jumpropeman: oh god
Jumpropeman: it's a match made in... something
Jumpropeman: in a fever dream
RubyChao: it's scary how accurate that is
Draco: Only slightly edited so they start dancing before the music instead of after it.
Cornwind Evil: Well that was horrifying
Draco: Thank you! :)


Hooded Pitohui: By the way, Chao sent me my birthday gift this year a bit in advance, and, well... I have to thank him for making sure that when I complain about the mainline series, I can cite problems directly from the source material!
Hooded Pitohui: Seriously, though, thanks, Chao. As far as gag gifts go, this was a good one.
RubyChao: he will suffer.
RubyChao: note that i've only gotten him the GGO volumes, because who gives a shit about the parts that can't be compared to the good spinoff
Harpy: oh NO
Draco: Now get him the VHS.
Jumpropeman: get him the audio drama
Gooper Blooper: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61-R7uqKsJL.jpg
Hooded Pitohui checks Goops' link
Hooded Pitohui: *fear*
Draco: D:
Jumpropeman: don't worry pitohui, I'm sure it's only a 30 hour long rpg that gets repetitive in the first hour
Harpy: HAAA
Harpy: i have that game
Harpy: i let ivel play it :V


Jumpropeman: Sheerow is good birb
Jumpropeman: on a list of top birbs, I'd put him at number birb
MobileDraco: Birb/10
Jumpropeman: send him to Rate that Birb on twitter
MobileDraco: 15/10


Harpy: i have deltarune knowledge
iKomodo: Noice
Harpy: which i am using RIGHT NOW
MobileDraco: Is Tasque Manager Biscotti's Fursona?
Harpy: we don’t discuss biscotti’s internet
Harpy: habits
Harpy: tasque manager is her own person, i don’t want her harnessing mad memes
MobileDraco: lol
Harpy: if a cat could blj then its all over
MobileDraco: Meow
iKomodo: Rip


MobileDraco: One of these Sanae's is sus:
RubyChao: yeah
RubyChao: the one with blonde hair
Jumpropeman: they're multiplying....
lleft The Dragon: Blondiiiiieeees
MobileDraco: Chao cracked the code.


Jumpropeman: Sakurai tweeted out that the character they're revealing tomorrow might be someone we don't know, so the presentation is probably going to both announce a Fire Emblem game and then include the new lord from it-


RubyChao: "In all, there were 46 potential witnesses to the shooting, including Trena McElroy, who was in the truck with her husband when he was shot.[10] No one called for an ambulance.[11] Only Trena claimed to identify a gunman; every other witness either was unable to name an assailant or claimed not to have seen who fired the fatal shots.[12] The DA declined to press charges. An extensive federal investigation did not lead to any charges. One local resident later told investigators when asked what happened: "He needed a killin'.""
Harpy: spooky
Cornwind Evil: Yeah I know that guy
Cornwind Evil: Can't recall his name
Cornwind Evil: But he was such a bastard asshole that yeah, the whole town basically conspired to have him killed.

(Full article here.)


Jumpropeman: "shakes all of agama" "can be felt all across agama" "heard all across agama" it's not a good year to be an agaman
Harpy: angellica pokes her head out the window
Harpy: with a sleep cap
Harpy: flips red the bird
Harpy: then goes back to sleep
RubyChao: it'll be fiiiine
RubyChao: it's not like we broke every window in the city
RubyChao: oh wait
Stupid Bridges: I didn't say EVERY window
Stupid Bridges: Just windows.
Stupid Bridges: Could be like, 1 out of a 100 windows
RubyChao: no i was poking fun at my OWN plot
RubyChao: the big duo inferno one
Stupid Bridges: Oh. In which case, I probably broke a bunch of replaced windows
RubyChao: yep
RubyChao: you monster.
Jumpropeman: we couldn't be too rough with olympia since it would fall out of the sky if we did, so this year, the city must suffer
RubyChao: the final event of my megaplot next year is just hurling agama around like a discus
Stupid Bridges: And probably had Harpy's dream people running all over the place squashing the unnatural nightmares
Jumpropeman: Soul of Agama is actually just an atom bomb and I'm straight up destroying Agama sunday


Jumpropeman: what's a Karen's favorite Pokemon move?
Jumpropeman: Outrage
Harpy: i was gonna say uproar
Draco: I was going to say Stomping Tantrum


Jumpropeman: future harpchar
Draco: The Coven's newest Cirnomancer.
Harpy joined the chat
Harpy: I don’t appreciate you just showing a picture of me there jrm!!! How dare you!
Harpy: i’m gonna get your butt TAKEN DOWN-


Munster Sheep: https://youtube.com/watch?v=egdZP5CXO1o
Jumpropeman: how dare you sheep
Jumpropeman: I'll never forget that song
Jumpropeman: at least now I can remember it in anime girl voice for a twist though


Jumpropeman: "So we live in Toronto and just got access to the monstrosity of Garfield Eats, so of course our friends ordered a “Garfield Gherita” and a “garnivore” both were utterly repulsive and smelled like death. The pizza wobbles in a way that can only be described as ominous and unsettling. Also the Garfield Gherita was a shitty cheese pizza (nothing like a margherita) and the garnivore was just a nightmare to behold.
The sauce is a horrifying baby food orange and tastes nothing of tomatoes and possibly smells worse than anything else. Our entire DnD group felt horrible afterwards so our DM ordered real pizza and we popped tums like candy. We did it for the meme and it was not worth it."

Gooper Blooper: GARNIVORE.
Mobile Mel: Okay
Mobile Mel: Okay
Mobile Mel: So I know that like, Garfield eats is not good
Mobile Mel: I didn't realise it was this bad
Mobile Mel: SK is asleep so I need a pizza expert here, how do you fuck up this bad
Mobile Mel: Please, what's the alchemical formula for bad pizza
Gooper Blooper: I'm no pizza expert but I mostly heard bad things about garfieldEATS' food despite all the promises of FRESH LOCALLY SOURCED DELICIOUS FOOD
Gooper Blooper: a few people said it was okay IIRC but I'm sure quality varied over time, last I heard they shut down a while back
Jumpropeman: im watching a new video someone made about it
Jumpropeman: bringing up things I hadn't heard before like how the pizza boxes were billed as eco-friendly since you could rebuild them into tissue boxes... greasy cheese stained tissue boxes
Gooper Blooper: Yes XD
Gooper Blooper: and also take the tissues out of the box they came in, and then use that box as........ ?????????
RubyChao: well goops
RubyChao: it's obvious
RubyChao: you use the tissue box as a pizza box
Gooper Blooper: and you can get more delicious pizza from GarfieldEATs
Jumpropeman: you're trapped in their ecosystem
Gooper Blooper: try their new garfield tissues


Gooper Blooper: time to make this joke again
I made a grotesque amount of RP about this:
RubyChao: you are literally going on ten years of mining content from this
RubyChao: meanwhile i have at least 2 years of content to get out of Dread
RubyChao: so my metroid saga continues
Gooper Blooper: just
Bree: streets of rage is to goops as metroid is to chao
Bree: ninja'd by chao himself
Gooper Blooper: it's a dude with a bike, and you punch him, and he dies, and sometimes he has a pipe, and he comes in different colors
Gooper Blooper: and somehow that's just endless gold mine
RubyChao: me in season 3: "oh, i'll just use Samus because she's a familiar character, an Ridley because it's an easy plot, and that's about it"
RubyChao: me, planning my tenth year of rp, adding yet more metroid content:


Bree: took me ages to find this again
Bree: dirk: "look, pit, it's you!"
Jumpropeman: I've seen this! It's pretty special
Hooded Pitohui: Oh, I saw this the other day! It's absolutely fascinating. And I can't believe this fellow just fell into a dream job like "bird husband" like that...
gigvel: lel
Bree: I find it absolutely fascinating because... like I don't know a lot so I could be wrong, but it sounds like the main benefit of this guy 'playing along' is keeping the bird happy and it being easier to do AI on the bird
Bree: neither of those things are strictly necessary but they're committed to it regardless
MobileDraco: Sounds that way to me too, Bree.
Bree: they value the bird's consent and that's kind of sweet?
Hooded Pitohui: That's about how I'm understanding it. It's not necessary, but it makes it all easier and keeps the bird less stressed and, with that, healthier.
gigvel: they're also an endangered species, so it's important to do what they can
gigvel: but it is a nice story
Bree: that dude's life must be so awkward though
Bree: I'm sure he's gotten used to it but imagine explaining this to people
gigvel: I do agree with that assessment, of course, that just adds that extra dimension of why it's important to do what they can
gigvel: yeah lel
gigvel: imagine him dating someone, like "So I also have a bird wife"
Bree: or the weird little ego boost of "this bird has decided I am The Best Human" but not having any idea what the fuck a crane's criteria for the ideal human mate is
Bree: "this bird thinks I am sexy. I am not sure that should make me feel better about myself, but it's what I got"
gigvel: oh god, imagine him explaining he has bird children
Jumpropeman: he's got that animal magnetism
Bree: for additional irony, his last name is crowe


Draco: "Make Soleil the mayor?" <- A cutie in every garage!...wait, that sounds weird.
Bruuuuuuuh: ralsei clones himself to put himself in every garage
Bruuuuuuuh: check. mated.
Munster Sheep: Draco, no! She barely got the charges dropped last time!


 Jumpropeman: Sheep and Cornwind, I want to tell you two specifically about a film I learned about today
Munster Sheep: No solicitors.
Munster Sheep shuts door on JRM
Draco: MY DOOR. D:
Jumpropeman: now I know that sounds like a joke, but the premise is someone tried to film that exact tutorial, but when the editor and director start looking over the video they notice the film has unusual sights, like straight up supernatural stuff
Munster Sheep: I can't believe I broke Mayumi's door.
Jumpropeman: it's a horror comedy so I think it juxtaposes the whole "tutorial video" stuff with ghost story stuff, it debuted at a film festival so I don't think its available anywhere yet
Munster Sheep: Oh man, I would like to see that...
Munster Sheep has become predictable


Aliens W/ Everyone is Aladdin: The Planeswardens play Actraiser with the pocket dimension
Aliens W/ Everyone is Aladdin: Who is gonna be the naked cherub?
Bruuuuuuuh: dia's not gonna be naked.
Jumpropeman: they unnaked-ed the cherub in the remake
Jumpropeman: clearly inferior game now
Jumpropeman: just gonna have to play Chubby Cherub for NES instead
Jumpropeman: that's the face of a man who knows he's naked


Jumpropeman: Shimmer is not doing any projection tricks or anything. It probably helps to have someone there who is technically vulnerable to show a bit more trust in Gaia even if Gaia hasn't earned it
Pillowpy: i dunno what i'm going for with kuroma other than "LET THEM FIGHT"
Jumpropeman: I don't blame anyone else for their approach, it's probably smarter :V
Pillowpy: bold, calling kuroma smart
Jumpropeman: shimmer is the comparison point here so...
Pillowpy: bold.


Jumpropeman: perhaps it was for the best I haven't got a Series X yet since now I can get the spongebob one
Jumpropeman: its part of a twitter giveaway
Jumpropeman: I feel like I have a better chance winning this raffle than actually finding a series x for sale :V
Gooper Blooper: imagine if JRM actually won and next to all his retro consoles and modern boxes he had fuckin spongebob
Jumpropeman: it would be so beautiful
RubyChao: wait
RubyChao: is that the box or...
Jumpropeman: it's the system
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: it's just
RubyChao: Spongerectangle
Gooper Blooper: look at spongebob more closely, you can see the disc slot
Draco: They should've put the disc slot at The 'Bob's belt.


Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: ooOOOoooo
MobileDraco: If you need Sucy to suffer for plot, she's there, riding on a boat.
Gooper Blooper has Recumen step on a mushroom
Jumpropeman: woah now
Jumpropeman: let's not do things we can't take back
Harpy: Boss: O:<
Harpy: you've already made these guys nuclear
MobileDraco: Noooooooo ;o;
MobileDraco: Goops is no longer invited to Sucy's birthday party.


Jumpropeman: for some reason, when I try to copy my color tags from my sticky note, it keeps just copying over Kogasa's text color instead of Cirnoil's or Saturn's
Gooper Blooper: Well?
Gooper Blooper: Aren't you surprised?
Harpy: kogasa wants to be in this plot
Harpy: kogasa only, final destination
RubyChao: surprise
RubyChao: Kogasa is in this plot now


Jumpropeman: same energy
Harpy: yep.
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: A lot of "All Bosses" videos have great thumbnails


Gooper Blooper: Okay, this pic comes with a Booba Warning but oh my god it's so silly I have to link it
Gooper Blooper: Booba
RubyChao: OKUU WHY
Draco: LOL
Gooper Blooper: the faaaaace
Jumpropeman: =D3>:I
Gooper Blooper: XD
Harpy: booba!


RubyChao: i love how the nature of this plot was
RubyChao: -every braille golem ever: rub kobbers on it until friend
RubyChao: -guy who made them all:


RubyChao: link
Jumpropeman: guys i think chao likes metroid
Harpy: is that your room atm chao?
Jumpropeman: not enough books in shot-
Harpy: damn u rite
RubyChao: it is harps
Harpy: confirmed: he likes metroid
Munster Sheep: METROOOOOID!
RubyChao: unfortunately i could not find my copy of Pinball for the group photo


Gooper Blooper: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QMmka-zQZ_g/hqdefault.jpg
Harpy: damn goops what pissed off rachel this time
Gooper Blooper: doing nothing all season except attending sintendo plot and cirno day
Harpy: fair enough, have a good day


Jumpropeman: didn't see it before but hell yeah Goldlewis is in rp
Harpy: i was surprised he's involved, so glad my douchebag actually lured him out.
Munster Sheep: Darn. I was thinking of maybe RPing that guy
Jumpropeman: draco's good hands
MobileDraco: Sorry, Sheep. I will trade you him for Junko. :V
Munster Sheep: Never!
Munster Sheep lowers Junko into the pit of acid
Jumpropeman: oh no, who do I save even though Junko's the only one being lowered?!
Harpy: you're saving the chain
Munster Sheep: Gotta save the acid from Junko


lleft The Dragon joined the chat 16 hours ago
lleft The Dragon: aaaaaaaaaaaaah
RubyChao: aaaah?
lleft The Dragon: aaaaaaaah!
lleft The Dragon: scream!
Brinehammer inhales
Brinehammer left the chat 11 hours ago
Brinehammer joined the chat 11 hours ago
Draco joined the chat 8 hours ago

Draco: Brine unsuccessfully trying to start a mighty WAAAAAGH
gigvel joined the chat 4 hours ago


Draco: What really happens at the Coven:


Jumpropeman: oh yeah, beat Metroid Dread last night!
Gooper Blooper: hahahahah
Gooper Blooper: didn't you just GET it last night?!
Jumpropeman: yes :V 


Gooper Blooper: can't wait to see Zoey defeat Godzilla Earth
Jumpropeman: godzilla earth is big, but those hips are bigger
Gooper Blooper: it's like if Kaede had pets
Jumpropeman: Gigantamax Zoey
Gooper Blooper: imagine the legs...
Gooper Blooper: the world isn't ready
Harpy: Ye
Jumpropeman: apocalyptically thicc


Harpy: pretend bisxotti is there
Harpy: bisxotti is biscotti’s hot singles site name
Draco: Alright, I will pretend Biscotti's there.
Draco: Biscotti has a Fursona and a dating site now. Cool. :V
Harpy: God biscotti does not own a dating site
Harpy: she’d only allow talking in memes for kicks
Draco: She IS the dating site. B)
Harpy: besides no one wants her, ooo-
Gooper Blooper: I want her-


Jumpropeman: lavender town music playing in Pokemon Go
Harpy: NO
Harpy: nooooo
Gooper Blooper: Jumpropeman: Hey everyone, Jumpropeman here, bringing you the SPOOKIEST games to play this Halloween!
10 Super Mario World. Ghost houses, am I right?
9 New Super Mario Bros. More ghost houses! Spo-o-o-oky!
8 New Super Mario Bros Wii. Ghost houses again! And scarier than ever!
7 Mario Party 9. A ghost CASTLE? In MARIO PARTY? I got goosebumps!
6 Pokemon Red and Blue. Lavender town sure is creepy...
5 Pokemon Yellow. Lavender Town again!
4 Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver. LAVENDER TOWN!
3 Outlast
2 Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee. LAVENDER TOWN!!!
and the number 1 spookiest game to play on Halloween is... SUPER SMASH BROS. BRAWL! That Luigi's Mansion level is creeeeeepy!
-Jumpropeman: this is literally the kind of thing I find every halloween season when I go searching for spooky games

Harpy: I feel hurt
Jumpropeman: it's still true, and yet, I still sometimes click those lists
Harpy: Why
Harpy: plz
Jumpropeman: I need spooky games!
RubyChao: hey guys
RubyChao: hey
RubyChao: hey guys
RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: hey
Harpy: you like
Harpy: metroid
RubyChao: 6spooky: lavender town
Harpy: Oy
Jumpropeman: omg i'm dead I heard the music X.x


Jumpropeman: hey I found a phoenix wright movie
Harpy: WHY
RubyChao: you MONSTER
Draco: I know what I'm getting JRM for his birthday now.
Harpy: you monster.
Harpy: D:


Munster Sheep: I'm reading a webcomic, and a giant cat is menacing downtown by doing cat things. Of course the news and peopel are taking it super seriously, btu the cat is also doing things like suing a skyscraper as a scratching post and falling asleep in the intersection of a main thoroughfare.
Munster Sheep: "Road's closed due to the giant cat."
Harpy: that just sounds like the usual pokemon road block
Harpy: gigamax meowth's in the fuckin way
Harpy: i can't believe the cat went to court
Draco: A toad in the hole in the road.
Gooper Blooper: ribbit.
Munster Sheep: Enter some sweaty guy in his car who is mumbling cryptic things like "I thought it'd be back, but not so soon". Two text blocks inform me: he's Hyeol Choi (49)
Munster Sheep: And the other: "A man who loves explaining things"
RubyChao: so
RubyChao: you?
Munster Sheep: :I
Munster Sheep: Anyway, i thought it was just a fun way to present the exposition
Draco: lol
Munster Sheep: The comic appears to be some sort of Sailor Moon meets Power Rangers, but cat themes
Munster Sheep: "The Meow Rangers"
Munster Sheep: "and they were also butlers."
Munster Sheep: IT'S A BIOWEAPON
Munster Sheep lies down
Draco: Bergman's ultimate weapon: Longzilla.
Harpy: Godzilla Earth faces the biggest threat yet: Godzilla SKY.
Draco: D:
Draco: But how did you know about Sanae's final form?
Munster Sheep: One panel from the comic that I had to post:
Gooper Blooper: Kum Hyemin
Munster Sheep: :I


Jumpropeman forgets sometimes people use phrases like gimmick and shtick negatively
Harpy: gimmick (negative)
Jumpropeman: am I meant to just say "definitive feature" every time? phooey to that, I say!
RubyChao: gimmick i remembered but i had forgotten shtick negative
RubyChao: also yes, jrm
Jumpropeman: PHOOEY
Jumpropeman: and not even of the Hong Kong variety!
Harpy: get a load of THIS SHTICK
Draco: Number One Super Guy


Jumpropeman joined the chat
RubyChao: hi jrm!
RubyChao: are you ready for A FITE THAT YOU ALREADY KNOW HOW IT GOES?
Jumpropeman: HOO DADDY


Gooper Blooper: me coming into the chat today, except replace "new" with "birthday"
Harpy: dark matter looks different
RubyChao: accurate
Harpy: and also accurate


Bree: myyyyyyyyyyy client
Bree: myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy client
Bree: (this is not spoilered because it's not a spoiler, paul heyman Exists)
Harpy: he
Harpy: exists (tm)
RubyChao: yeah when paul heyman is screaming it in the first post
RubyChao: you're good :V


Meow Sheep: "Chimata Tenkyuu is with her, a power she acquired a while ago letting her link to various cameras"
Meow Sheep: Can't believe Chimata has wifi
Jumpropeman: Chimatavision™
Jumpropeman: it's 24/7 paid advertising


Bree: this has no relation to the fite but for some reason a mental image popped into my head
Bree: of a certain brand of butter but it's been edited to "I can't believe it's not bears"
Bree: that's all, thanks for coming to my ted talk
Gooper Blooper: I can believe it.
Harpy: draco's gonna bust in here and make that reality


Jumpropeman: >IM Meen's game is on archive.org
Gooper Blooper: It's time.
Jumpropeman: gonna wait til offseason but it's going on the shortlist
Jumpropeman: guys
Jumpropeman: guys
Jumpropeman: look at this dude
Jumpropeman: he's got an underwater spliff
Meow Sheep: Is that a shell cigar?
Harpy: is he offering me a new car
Gooper Blooper: oh wow! I saw that cover online ages and ages ago somewhere, you've dug up a powerful memory
Harpy: damn it that old
Gooper Blooper: I think I was trying to find a fish game I played on PC once and got that instead
Jumpropeman: "Inter-Dimensional Espionage. Inter-Dimensional... because you can "warp" into the body of a living thing in this or any other dimension. Espionage... because there are good guys and bad. And you're a good one... with years under your belt and a multitude of successful missions behind your dark glasses. The payoff? You get a vacation, and the ultimate vacation in this business is to become a goldfish.
Yes, a goldfish. Hey, it's cushy. You swim a little, eat a little, live in a castle. (So what if it's plastic.) Just as you were getting into the vacation mode (umbrella drink and all), the tide turns. The most dangerous group of inter-dimensional anarchists surface - the Seven Deadly Fins. This septic septet will stop at nothing to destroy all forms of life as we know it. And wouldn't you know it, you are drafted to stop them!"

Harpy: wh
Harpy: that's wild
Gooper Blooper: Ahhhh yes, that positively reeks of old-school promotional copy
Harpy: ...that sounds like something that would have happened with the planeswardens
Jumpropeman: unfortunately Fish is on like eight platforms so I get my usual choice paralysis
Harpy: PC.
Gooper Blooper: if it's got a ZX Spectrum version just take that off the table immediately
Gooper Blooper: boom, one gone
Jumpropeman: the zx spectrum, from the looks, is the only one with no visuals
Jumpropeman: straight up text adventure on that
Harpy: mmmmm
Jumpropeman: I'd be missing out on some more sweet fish tude
Jumpropeman: I'm looking at these old games because Archive.org not only has its console living room and DOS games library but I discovered the "Software Library Workbench" which has Queen's The eYe in it
Jumpropeman: so now I'm just flagging games that look interesting like IM Meen and all
Harpy: it sounds pretty interesting tbh
Jumpropeman ends up only playing Fuck Quest 2: Romancing the Bone from the workbench selection
Harpy: they really want some sick skeletons don't they


Harpy: my heart, broken
Harpy: a new friendship, forged
Harpy: but goops can tell that story if he wants, i'mma just be here
Gooper Blooper: I can't tell that story any better than the original source, but you're right - in this chatzy years ago a terrible wrong occurred as I related a Robot Wars story that has since had many new revelations come to light
Gooper Blooper: If you remember my old story of how Storm II valiantly fought against the producers of the seventh Robot Wars tournament and was unfairly robbed of a championship, well...
Gooper Blooper: Part 1
Part 2
Harpy: its times like these i wish had photo editing skills
Harpy: this fuggin meme
Harpy: plaster typhoon on the other dude's face while crossing out storm II in the corners
Gooper Blooper: Typhoon Did Nothing Wrong
Harpy: i'm so sorry typhoon
Gooper Blooper: well, except for repeatedly breaking the walls, don't do that
Gooper Blooper: shit's expensive
Harpy: kinda sucks it took a long way to get everything compiled to the point where the dude had total control of the narrative for years
RubyChao: yeah it was honestly wild
Gooper Blooper: That's what happens when your show is cancelled right after the controversy
Harpy: why u fukin lyin
RubyChao: what really stood out to me was ed's incredible heel move of outright sabotaging gary
Harpy: why you fukin lyin...
Harpy: why you fukin lyin...
Harpy: mmmmmmOHMYGOD
RubyChao: like, that's as bad as he claimed the producers were
Gooper Blooper: The PP3D Incident
Harpy: peepee three dee
Harpy: ...i'll stop
Draco: O_o
Gooper Blooper: I know the name is weird XD
Harpy: even if everything else somehow managed to be true
Gooper Blooper: here's my new robot, Pipis
Harpy: hearing that one bit would have soured any-
Harpy: pipisplot 2022
Gooper Blooper: "The name PP3D stands for Parts Printed in 3D, as 3D printing was regularly used during the construction of PP3D to create temporary parts to fill in for the robot's internals which were being delivered from the United States. Smaller 3D printed parts are still present within PP3D. Additionally, builder Gary Cairns is the owner of his own 3D printing company, PlastiPrint 3D, which was listed as the robot's sponsor and also helped to determine the name of PP3D."
Gooper Blooper: mystery solved
Harpy: anyway that fact alone would have made me go on a crusade
Harpy: monkey brain: haha he said peepee
Harpy: so on the scale of robobaddies, on the chaotic good side we have derek young, battlebots bad boy
Harpy: and on the other, robot wars rioteer, storm II
Harpy: neutral evil
Harpy: chaotic evil are those dudes who broke into the battlebox to be stupid
Harpy: ...or maybe chaotic neutral
Harpy: i'm still working on this spectrum.
Gooper Blooper: oh yeah, one more reminder for Harpy
Gooper Blooper: Gary Cairns, the driver of Typhoon and builder of PP3D? He's responsible for one of your favorite one-liners in Robot Wars, too, from his fight with Cherub
Gooper Blooper: she was, in fact, up to speed
Harpy: RIP wall-sama
Harpy: the peepee's up tae speed
Harpy: *childish*
Draco: Dang! Took that wall DOWN.


Jumpropeman: I'm playing Last Ninja for C64
Jumpropeman: there is this river with stepping stones to jump across
Jumpropeman: already your movement is AWFUL, and the stones are super small
Jumpropeman: I can get used to the movement, but jumping those stones was torture and game overed me a few times
Jumpropeman: turns out... the river isn't required to cross, it loops back to an area you can reach by just going a few other screens in a different direction
Gooper Blooper: The reason he's the last ninja is because all the other ninjas drowned in Tiny Stones River
Jumpropeman: one nice thing about Last Ninja so far though: you can moonwalk most places
Harpy: incredible...


Jumpropeman: >the stepping stones are in level 2 as well
Jumpropeman: perhaps I spoke too soon...


Jumpropeman: I looked up how to draw a golf ball for TTT to get the dots on it right
Jumpropeman: but "draw" is a technique in golf
Jumpropeman: I eventually just looked up cartoon golf balls because google refused to understand what I meant :V
Gooper Blooper: Great birdie! You played better than I expected.


Jumpropeman: Kotaku says Samus needs to smile more in Metroid Dread
Harpy: kotaku needs to
Harpy: shut the fuck up


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