Monday, May 17, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 385: Welcome To The Jungle, We're All Trans And Gay

Jumpropeman: welcome back to ZFRP
Jumpropeman: don't forget to wipe your feet before entering
Draco: Too late. I didn't wipe my feet. >:D


Melt Sheep: a barpost for Draco
Melt Sheep: I wasn't going to do anything tonight, so late, but you got me all excited :I
Melt Sheep: This will be brief
Melt Sheep: :I


Melt Sheep: "we had a Sewer Spirit try to take over the plumbing once."
Melt Sheep: I have waited....
Melt Sheep: literally 11 years.
Melt Sheep: Literally the first day and the patrons are leaving crap everywhere
Melt Sheep: That's one old toaster on the counter, one frog flashlight, and one...Uncle Sam?
Draco: Uncle Sam is going on display tomorrow.
Draco: Sheep mentioning the sewers and then crap had me concerned about what he was actually reading.
Jumpropeman has Claire put her shoe on the counter


Brinehammer: Had to get the most important Brinecharacter out of the way :V
Dobile Mel: Its good
Dobile Mel: She's good
Draco: "This wasn't the ocean." <- This is a bathtub!


Dobile Mel: Okay
Dobile Mel: Logically, I must have sojiro and futaba enter the bar
Dobile Mel: However
Dobile Mel: Panty and Stocking will kill coffee dad
Dobile Mel: I know it
Draco: Probably. We'll make sure the bartender has Breath of Life or something prepped to resurrect him.
Dobile Mel: Lol
iKomodo: Panty would probably try at the least
iKomodo: Stocking would be like “but kouta is sitting right here”
Dobile Mel: Also Jared needs to be a cook here so
Dobile Mel: Let me go and get my tablet
Draco: Well, maybe Panty is a freelance girlfriend. Kouta hires her on a contract basis but she's free to do other guys.
iKomodo: Yes
Draco: "Panty, your sister is gone for the weekend. I am cashing in on the...the..." "Say it, Kouta." "...the Poonpon."
RubyChao: incredibly cursed
iKomodo: Jesus
iKomodo: i wish i hadn’t agreed now
iKomodo: 2cursed4me


Draco: "And, to the horror of all present, Panty" <- SK could start ALL his posts with this phrase.
iKomodo: hahaha


The Bree: okay someone asking for a coke and silvania taking out a jar full of cocaine is fucking hilarious and I love you draco xD
Gooper Blooper: she's trying her best!!
The Bree: I also like the little bit of portuguese peppered in
The Bree: it's not so much that it becomes hard to understand because there's always enough context to tell what the words mean, but it adds a nice bit of personality to silvania's dialogue :3
The Bree: "I find the best part of the beer to be the head"
The Bree: you fucking
The Bree: that fucking joke
The Bree: you did it just for that fucking joke jesus christ XD
The Bree: and I didn't see it coming
Gooper Blooper: I hope you're ready for six months of this.
The Bree: take your victory you bastard
RubyChao: sekibanki needs to keep her head about her
Gooper Blooper: I have the google results for "head definition" open in another window with a full list of definitions and sayings
Gooper Blooper: you know, just in case
Jumpropeman: so these aren't just off the top of your head
RubyChao: Oh no.
Gooper Blooper: 8. Nautical
a toilet or bathroom on a boat or ship.
"they were cleaning out the heads"

Gooper Blooper: hey captain you
Gooper Blooper: wanna talk about boat toilets???
RubyChao: now i'm just imagining banki getting a job at the head for the pun
RubyChao: regretting it when she realizes what it means
Gooper Blooper: alas, she got ahead of herself


Draco: "IT'S ME, CIRNO! WE'VE BEEN NEAR EACH OTHER BEFORE!" <- Okay, this is giving me a wonderful mental image.
Horp: that
Horp: that's a line i want to cross stitch
Draco: link
Draco: I'm not sorry. That came to mind and I'm laughing out loud for real right now because of it.


Rose: Good evening
Jumpropeman: hello Roseo
Rose: I almost said good night as a greeting but that always sounds like you're going to bed
Jumpropeman: if you had said that we would have immediately fallen asleep in unison
Rose: Jigglypuff use Sing


RubyChao: hey guys
RubyChao: who wants to explain Dakota to Rose
RubyChao: first come first served
Gooper Blooper: oh my god, me
The Bree: don't forget to include hanselkota in the explanation
Gooper Blooper: I could never leave that out
Gooper Blooper: Okay, so back in Season 4 we were doing RP on another planet, and one of JRM's characters was "Dakota"
Gooper Blooper: Dakota was the entire state of North Dakota. The whole thing. It was alive and sapient and it didn't want to be on Earth anymore so it just rose out of the ground like a 50 States puzzle for kids and left to fly through space to our RP planet
Rose: I-
Gooper Blooper: In order to interact with other characters, Dakota would send a spire of earth into the space station/ship our characters were staying in and attend plots that way, as basically an earth elemental
The Bree: this is peak ZFRP right here, rose
Gooper Blooper: Now, Harpy had a character at this time named Hansel. Hansel was a human, but he had been placed under a curse that turned him into a yellow Kirby
The Bree: this is the essence of what ZFRP is, the poster child for our batshit insane nonsense
The Bree: fucking iconic
Rose: I'm glad that what I thought was an absurd character idea is nowhere near the level of absurdity as this
The Bree: it's the go-to example for "how weird is ZFRP"
Gooper Blooper: Hansel and Dakota interacted a lot.
Gooper Blooper: Hansel and Dakota fell in love.
The Bree: it just sort of happened, as one does in RP
The Bree: they were cute together, we shipped it
Horp joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: Towards the end of Season 4 they had a huge confession scene and both Harpy and JRM were crying.
pepsivel: I told Harp what was happening
Rose: This is one of the funniest things I've ever read
The Bree: dakota was a sapient landmass but she was shy and sweet and likeable so of course someone fell for her
Melt Sheep: twuh wuv
The Bree: how could you not, dakota was pure
The Bree: cinnamon roll
Gooper Blooper: And, if I recall correctly, Hansel now lives in a nice little house in North Dakota, who went back home to the US when the season ended because the other states wanted her back there and her time away helped her be more confident in herself
The Bree: oh yeah goops left this out: according to dakota, all the other states are sapient too. like, she made mention of south dakota and some of her other neighboring states...and what they were like as people
The Bree: south dakota is her brother apparently
Rose: God I read "hanselkota" earlier and I was like "did somebody fuse with the entire state of North Dakota" but I'm glad the real answer was even better
The Bree: that's their ship name
Gooper Blooper: JRM picked North Dakota because he'd seen a bunch of "lel North Dakota is boring" jokes
The Bree: where you put the names together in a portmanteau
Horp: It was unexpected but not unwelcome; hansel is indeed living on north dakota after helping stabilize his home planet
Rose: Yeah I got it now
Gooper Blooper: so he made sure we would never ever think it was boring
Gooper Blooper: And I believe it was Draco who made this pairing fanart
The Bree: north dakota helped hansel free his planet from...I forget what was going on there
The Bree: evil tyrant I think
Jumpropeman: oh man I forgot that image
Rose: LMAO
Melt Sheep: I also forgot
Melt Sheep: The FABIO HAIR
Rose: Astounding
The Bree: if an image is especially hilarious then probably draco photoshopped it :V
pepsivel: "Why are you laughing- AHAHAHAHA"
Gooper Blooper: (Oh, and Hansel got his curse removed so he's human now, but yeah)
The Bree: show him the one of draco staring at viola
Horp: Industrial revolutionist making belinda’s dad into a mechanical meat puppet
Melt Sheep: Mmm
Melt Sheep: meat puppet
Horp: Also greek mythos implemented weirdly
Jumpropeman: There was also a big dramatic battle where one of Cornwind's villains tried to drag North Dakota down onto the planet like a meteor so Hansel naturally had to save his boo
The Bree: oh yeah that was a thing. the entire landmass of the state of north dakota was floating in space near the planet and someone tried to deorbit it to cause a global catastrophe
Gooper Blooper: Okay, "Draco staring at Viola", context for this one is simpler
The Bree: simpler mainly because the characters of draco and viola are substantially less bizarre and thus don't require such extensive explanation just to provide context for the context
Gooper Blooper: Viola was my Hex Maniac character, she was initially a pretty stereotypical shy goth
Gooper Blooper: Draco had a namesake character, Draco the dragon from Dragonheart, reworked into a snarky rich businessdragon
Gooper Blooper: Draco's brilliant idea to help Viola overcome her shyness was to stare at her until she wasn't shy any more
pepsivel: so that's what that was
Horp: Ivel now has context
pepsivel: I seem to recall that picture
Horp: Power unlocked!


Jumpropeman: I can't believe we watch Ed repeatedly forge counterfeit money and no one does anything about it
Melt Sheep: He can't keep getting away with it
Melt Sheep: Unless he keeps getting away with it


Dobile Mel: Radioeggtive
Jumpropeman: that one year where every movie trailer had Radioactive
Dobile Mel: Oh god
Dobile Mel: Cursed year
Jumpropeman: I'm pretty sure it was in the trailer for Divergent
Jumpropeman: the YA dystopian film series that killed off the entire genre
Draco: Yikes.


Cornwind Review: -sees Dr Pepper Pibb picture-
Cornwind Review: Goops says he made it worse but I don't see how
Jumpropeman: he added a little fang to the character
Jumpropeman: I'm not a fan of a single random fang in character design
Jumpropeman: two fangs I can manage, one fang just makes me think they're like an old timey prospector with a single tooth left
Draco begins quietly adding single fangs to all Cirnos.
Jumpropeman: a fair bit of Cirno art has a single fang already >:I
Jumpropeman: she's not even part cat or anything!
The Bree: it's actual canon in critical role that fjord, because he was ashamed of being a half orc after being mercilessly teased about it growing up in an orphanage, filed down his tusks so that they didn't poke out of his mouth/weren't visible
Jumpropeman: yikes
The Bree: so hypothetically anyone with only one fang actually could have lost the other somehow
Jumpropeman: I guess tusks have less nerves actually
Draco adds a sweat drop to Cirno art too.
The Bree: we don't know, it was established that it would have hurt and bled a lot probably but that he did it anyway
The Bree: it was one of those almost-cartoonishly bad orphanages, even the staff were assholes
Jumpropeman: my problem with the Azazel art was practically ALL of them were sweaty. If it was only 20% sweaty I'd deal with it


Cornwind Review: I thought Kouta was dating Stocking
The Bree: he said "my girlfriend and my other girlfriend" so he's definitely dating stocking
The Bree: but by that line I thought he was dating panty too
The Bree: yet panty then complained about not getting any
Cornwind Review: Very unconventional for the likes of Kouta. Probably also not as fun as it sounds
iKomodo: To clarify: Stocking is his actual girlfriend whom he cuddles and has tea parties and movie nights with
iKomodo: Panty is like... well, I can’t use the actual word in this chatzy so let’s say casual girlfriend
iKomodo: like, it’s mostly a physical thing and she sleeps around a lot regardless
iKomodo: Although with hindsight it was probably kinda stupid of me to have him say “my girlfriend and my other girlfriend” when I hadn’t done anything to indicate that up until now
Cornwind Review: Hey its been six months, shit happens
iKomodo: and also did an entire blogpost series on Panty rekindling her romance with the rich geek from her canon series
Cornwind Review: Considering Panty's utterly ludicrous sex drive...
iKomodo: Yeah, probably
Cornwind Review: Seriously if she wasn't a non human Dawn would have wanted to check if she had a brain tumor
iKomodo: Oh ok
Jumpropeman: some people be horny dawn
iKomodo: Panty would argue that she had a perfectly normal sex drive... for an angel
The Bree: sk you're allowed to say fuckbuddy in chatzy
The Bree: panty is kouta's fuckbuddy :V
iKomodo: I was gonna say something a bit stronger than fuckbuddy, but that word will do :V
Jumpropeman: fuckPAL
Jumpropeman: fuckCHUM
iKomodo: jrm plz
iKomodo: fuckchum be the most cursed thing i’ve seen all morning
Jumpropeman: XD


Draco: Jill the day after S10 ended.


pepsivel joined the chat
pepsivel: yo
Draco: Hivel
Draco: Did you bring enough Pepsi for the rest of the class?
pepsivel: yes
pepsivel drinks them all
Draco: D8


The Deleter: emit azzip: Watching biardwalk empire atm
The Deleter: Steve Birdscemi
iKomodo: So what bird is steve buscemi
The Deleter: He gives off pigeon energy to me
The Deleter: A gross new York pigeon
RubyChao: our pigeons have done nothing wrong, thank you
RubyChao: >:I
The Deleter: Not yet they haven't
RubyChao: okay that's fair
RubyChao: they're probably planning
Hooded Pitohui joined the chat
The Deleter: Hello HP
The Deleter: Welcome to the Steve Birdscemi Zone
Hooded Pitohui: Hi, hi. I can't believe I actually popped in right when people were talking birds. Wonderful.
The Deleter: Hahaha
The Deleter: For maximum synchronicity
The Deleter: I am listening to Three Little Birds by Bob Marley
The Deleter: So you know


The Deleter: Oh yeah me and bro played lancer today
The Deleter: Or rather
The Deleter: I introduced a new NPC type
Draco: Nice.
The Deleter: And then they immediately got punched to death by the Nelson pilot
The Deleter: Who rocketed across the map at six million miles an hour
iKomodo: Top kek
RubyChao: F
iKomodo: It was amazing
iKomodo: all that buildup and he got oneshot
The Deleter: And fuckin fist of the north star'd them
Gooper Blooper: falcon punch
RubyChao: one punch man energy


Horp: guys
Horp: GUYS
Horp: that me
Jumpropeman: well now I have to get New Pokemon Snap


Gooper Blooper: these... I have uses for these.
The Bree: her gap tooth is cute
Horp: oooooooo
The Bree: also I keep being reminded of a webcomic I read, the city guards are all various tropes and one of them is the bright-eyed bushy-tailed naive/idealistic new guy
The Bree: when a sinister mystery happens he's raring to go and keeps yelling about looking for CLEWS
The Bree: and the other guards who are like "we don't get paid enough to deal with this shit" keep going "STOP SAYING IT LIKE THAT"
The Bree: so my brain keeps going JENNY LECLEW
Gooper Blooper: they make sure to draw attention to the gap tooth, I was like ten minutes in and they gave me this shot
The Bree: practicing good dental hygiene
Horp: i'm pretty sure that's the new .jpg of a poorly drawn jenny leclue, akin to poorly drawn zeldo
The Bree: unlike me and my gap teeth
The Bree: omg yes harpy
The Bree: goops pls draw jenny leclew
Gooper Blooper: jammy lacloo
Horp: i
Horp: i cannot describe the laugh i made right now
Horp: but i laughed
Horp: i guess i sounded like a hyena


Melt Sheep: "Um... well, it's frozen right now, but you're not supposed to eat it frozen."
Melt Sheep: I feel so called out right now
Melt Sheep: that Goops would think that I would make a character do something really weird and bite into a frozen pizza
RubyChao: for a second i thought sheep was going to leave it at that and imply he would eat frozen food while frozen


Draco: "Ah, so you don't eat it cold after all. How disappointing." <- Not with that attitude you can't! *Cirno starts eating frozen pizza frozen*


(Re: Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!)

RubyChao: "Many of the food descriptions and emails in CSD2 reference how at least nine US states are completely gone, how Japan has sunk into the ocean, and the existence of a "Blue War" that ravaged much of the US, among other things. Yet you wouldn't know it just by playing the game, which is about as innocuous as they come."


Draco: Garfield from my birthday
Rose: Birthday comic
Jumpropeman: can't believe Jon was still on the phone 18 years later
Rose: chuckling
RubyChao: my birthday comic
Jumpropeman: mine
Jumpropeman: and I gotta say I empathize with him
Cornwind Evil: Oh hey, I know that comic (JRM's)
Jumpropeman: it's called Garfield
Rose: I think I recognized my own and Draco's
Jumpropeman: it's pretty famous
Gooper Blooper:
Cornwind Evil: Mine's so old, Garfield still resembles a cat
Rose: Apparently Garfield isn't actually a cat in that comic
Draco: He's an Animatronic!
Jumpropeman: Five Nights at Garfields
Rose: That has to be an existing fangame, right
Jumpropeman: fan animation at least
Jumpropeman: "Garfield's desire for Itallian food will never die, so what could possibly go wrong stealling a bit of it from the locall pizzeria? Unless...
When sneaking into Freddy Fazbear's Pizza at night, the fat furry chap didn't expect anything but pizza and some mascots. After trying to burst into the Kitchen, Bonnie caught him from behind, which almost gave them both a heart attack. The animatronic was trying to carry Garfield into the Backstage to finish the job, he broke his leg from carrying, and Garfield breaks free. Just when he was about to leave, he turned around and saw the misery of Bonnie. He felt bad so he took a spare leg from the Parts/Service room and replaced Bonnie's broken one. The animatronic bunny then decided not to stuff Garfield into costume, but made a robot named after him."

Jumpropeman: and a five nights RP wiki has him
Jumpropeman: oh wow
Jumpropeman: at the 8 year old LPer mostly
Jumpropeman: oh my god the no transparency garfield pngs
Jumpropeman: well, LIMITED transparency
Jumpropeman: they have all those white jagged edges
Jumpropeman: ...
Jumpropeman: his mom is on a phone call in the background
Jumpropeman: this is like a parody
Jumpropeman: this video is like an art piece
Jumpropeman: you couldn't make an ironic video this perfectly


Rose: Post for Cornwind
Gooper Blooper: Rose's first Cornwind one on one collab!
Gooper Blooper: Cornwind loves one on one collabs
Jumpropeman: its the perfect setup for a bad guy attack after all
RubyChao: kaede will be fine
Jumpropeman: chao says, atop a pile of kaede corpses


Jumpropeman: "Denver Beer Co. falls $999,993,870 short of fundraising goal to buy Rockies"
Jumpropeman: It was an April Fools Joke that turned real, they donated all the money raised to local charities
Jumpropeman: oh wait
Jumpropeman: it meant the baseball team, not the mountain range :V
Draco: That's slightly less interesting.
Rose: When are we getting the Rockies as a character
RubyChao: yeah that's less interesting
Draco: With our luck, we'll get the baseball team instead of the mountains. :(
Jumpropeman: don't worry draco
Jumpropeman: they'll be the baseball team, but all fused together into one horrific mass!
Draco: Whew! I was worried! :D
Rose: And then that mass later fuses into the mountain range
Jumpropeman: unfortunately, the mountain range isn't alive, so they're just kinda stuck up there


The Deleter: Benita amongst the Kobbers be like
Jumpropeman: a surprisingly apt image of our clientele
The Deleter: Haha


(SK introduces a villain named Tetsuo)

Rose: Me: "Hey I think I recognize the name Tetsuo, I wonder where it's-"
Rose: "Oh"
Rose: "Oh no"


The Bree: oh my god jrm actually took that phat ass gijinka and made an OC out of it
The Bree: incredible
The Bree: he mentioned zoey the other day but I didn't know who she was aside from "presumably one of jrm's newcomers" because I enjoy not looking at profiles before season start sometimes :V
Draco: Fun Fact: Silvania's nickname for Zoey is a Portuguese term for "softie"
The Bree: meiling is going to have
The Bree: like one request
The Bree: when she meets zoey
The Bree: zoey, hopefully
Jumpropeman: hahaha
The Bree: it's just so phat
The Bree: like becky oh mah gawd


Draco: "Zoey butts in loudly" <- She has too much to do it quietly.
Rose: I was thinking the same thing Draco lmao
Gooper Blooper: "'I'm not really skilled in any sort of physical manner, especially after my body was altered', she says, putting her hands on her hips" - This is a good excuse. 'My body was altered' 'yeah, altered by cookies'


Draco: I expect that if Sucy joins full-time that Cornwind will call her Suzy, Suzie, Susie, and Saucy but not Sucy.
Gooper Blooper: Saucy XD


Dobile Mel: Okay hold up
Dobile Mel: Lego Indiana Jones???????
Jumpropeman: you know it
Draco: I have introduced my sinister villains in a srspost. They are sinister.
Jumpropeman: dont think I missed that meanerer wiener reference the other day
Dobile Mel: Agama starting strong
Draco: Just wait until next year when I introduce Meaner Weinerer.
Draco: We're off to a good start, I think.
Jumpropeman: once I reintroduce Maya though it is all downhill
Draco: This is canon.
Draco: She'll use magic to suddenly make a giant hill in the middle of the city and everyone rides in the bar as it slides like a toboggin downhill.
Jumpropeman: Maya could possibly make a small hill with her camera
Jumpropeman: it would eventually snap back though
Draco: Can she make a mountain out of the moles' hill?
Jumpropeman: I don't think they'd appreciate it


RubyChao: i have now introduced a media character who was revealed to the world about 27 hours ago
RubyChao: sometimes inspiration works very very fast


Jumpropeman: wow
Jumpropeman: facebook just recommended a friend to me I haven't seen since 2010
Jumpropeman: she was one of those girls who did the wild energetic thing and wore stuff like novelty headbands with ears or horns
Jumpropeman: and she's still doing that so it's like she never changed :V
Jumpropeman: i think she just time traveled because she doesn't even look much older


Jumpropeman: I can't debut Kogasa until no one expects it
Jumpropeman: she'll debut in my november epilogues
Hooded Pitohui: If Kogasa's debut is a surprise, we know JRM can't debut her last, because she'll be the only JRM cast member left to debut, so it won't be a surprise. If we know she can't be the last, we can say she can't be second-to-last, either, because that would no longer be a surprise. By induction, we know Kogasa will never debut
Gooper Blooper: then Kogasa debuts and you're surprised


Jumpropeman: clicked on one random mermaid story by accident and now my newsfeed is filled with mermaid headlines
Jumpropeman: why are there so many mermaid news stories


Rose: Last barpost from me for tonight
Jumpropeman: DRAGON? That's clearly an anagram for Ran (by) God!
Rose: I can't believe it you already figured it out
Gooper Blooper: Don't Run Away from the Gods' Omniscent Needfuls
Gooper Blooper: but for real, is this... A PLOT? Rose coming in swinging!
Cornwind Evil: "You and I seem to have a fundamental disagreement. You say some gods deserve to be forgotten?"
Cornwind Evil: Ash: -across dimensions- YES!!!!!!
Rose: I didn't intend to come in with so much already in mind but then I started thinking about ideas and I just didn't stop
RubyChao: the zfrp experience


Draco: "I'm a Level 5 Blackbird!" <- I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.


Brinehammer: Barpost. 💗 Silvania already, that was quick.
Draco: I'm sorry to hear that, Brine. ;p


(A Brine character starts getting friendly with a Del character...)

Brinehammer: Srspost IT BEGINS
Working from Del: ~~oh noooooo~~
Working from Del: damn im flitting between discord and chatzy and used the wrong command for strike outs
Working from Del: lmao
Working from Del: srspost
Brinehammer: Srspost.
Working from Del: i can't believe its happening again
Working from Del: except evil
Brinehammer: It's exactly what I wanted I mean, me either!
Working from Del: lmao
Working from Del: srspost
Working from Del: i can't wait to see how jenny will ruin everything


Gooper Blooper: "Dia no don't melt please stop"
MATTRESS HORP: damn dia's now an earthbound enemy
Gooper Blooper: it was just one of those ice cream pops the whole time
MATTRESS HORP: damn her face popcicle just melt like that


Draco: ZFRP
Melting Sheep: Aslan's paw holding a can of Sprite has Draco edit energy


Jumpropeman: we'll reach a point where there's one touhou left in Gensokyo and she'll just raise her arms and go "WHERE IS EVERYBODY?!"
Gooper Blooper: ZUN will release a new game and seven or eight hus will be plopped into an empty world in RP and immediately leave
Draco: I mean, Rainbow Kanako was barely there a day.
RubyChao: it's true, Chimata just N Y O O M E D into RP
RubyChao: got the inevitable over with instantly
Gooper Blooper: I'll feel bad for that hypothetical Last Touhou
Gooper Blooper: it's like the kid picked last for dodgeball
Draco: And her name is Reimu.
RubyChao: the solution is simple
RubyChao: just find a way to use the last fifteen or so touhous at once
RubyChao: the legendary touhou plot...
Jumpropeman: touhou purge plot


Draco: "Amity waited anxiously" <- And then the announcement came...SHE WON THE OSCAR FOR BEST SUPPORTING FRAND
The Bree: draco that joke is both hilarious and adorable
Draco: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


Melting Sheep: "I would have been a fool to spurn dessert!" -ZFRP in general.


MobileDraco: link
Del: futaba would risk her hand on those robot girls
Del: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jumpropeman joined the chat 3 hours ago
Del: oh no
Del: jrm joined in time to witness the sin
RubyChao: hi jrm
Jumpropeman: I can't BELIEVE what I am hearing
Del: lol
MobileDraco: Futaba's a classy lady.
Del: she is
Del: she knows all the memes
MobileDraco: Obviously the coolest Phantom Thief. Everyone looks up to her.
Del: she absolutely is
Del: although ryuji is
Del: the close second


Gooper Blooper: they're back
Jumpropeman: i love how angry Mega and Dreamcast are in that and then Saturn's just
Jumpropeman: max dork
Gooper Blooper: it's simple... but the fact that it exists means I had to link it anyway
Jumpropeman: this is the kind of thing Center-Sensei made them do before Sega was reformed
The Bree: the floating book in mega's hand is hilarious
Jumpropeman: I do like that all three girls just seem happy in this one
Jumpropeman: the other one Dreamcast had some blood lust eyes at points :V
The Bree: they're just gettin their groove on
Draco: No Master System or Genesis! Shame!
Gooper Blooper: The animations in the Everybody one are very weird, but I think it might be on purpose
Gooper Blooper: especially Saturn making a weird face to mimic the music right before the first BACKSTREET'S BACK ALRIGHT
Gooper Blooper: Mega Drive's book must be what people mean when they gush in book reviews that they couldn't put it down
Melting Sheep: That book is just flopping around everywhere-
Melting Sheep: Goops beat me to it
Jumpropeman: oh yeah
Jumpropeman: I think there was a meme lipsync video of everybody back in the day
Gooper Blooper: okay there we go, this is ABSOLUTELY the reference.
Jumpropeman: I like that the description says
Jumpropeman: "popularized" by Backstreet Boys
RubyChao: oh YEAH
RubyChao: yeah i remember that video
RubyChao: takes me back
RubyChao: accurate depiction of me, goops, and jrm in our secret brawl talks
Melting Sheep: SECRET talks :I


Jumpropeman: remember how the Utz girl came up the other day
Gooper Blooper: sure do
Jumpropeman: I had no idea I was eating some Utz food myself and probably have been for a while
Jumpropeman: but I saw the girl on the package and I was like "OH! I am aware of you now" :V
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: anything wandering into the ZFRP universe, be it RP, chatzy, blogger, or game hoard, suddenly warrants a second look
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: hell yeah utz girl
Jumpropeman: be hip with the kids


Draco: Okay, I had a stupid idea and I have to share it with you nerds:

Jumpropeman: XD
Jumpropeman: amazing
Cornwind Evil: "I'm just your basic average girl, so my clan hates me all a lot..."


Jumpropeman: girl couldn't even wait to sit down
Jumpropeman: throws half her body across the plate while eating
Draco: And you've got Sboocy-Doo just standing there watching.
Jumpropeman: she probably cut in front of him
Draco: He doesn't seem to mind.
Jumpropeman: gotta have them peas bro
Draco: "Give me the peas. NO, I DON'T WANT THAT."


Draco: last post from me tonight unless Brine suddenly charges in and says he really needs Minim and Constanze to have a long, in-depth conversation.


Brinehammer: Yeah.
Brinehammer: Hell yeah.
Brinehammer: FUCK YEAH BRO
Brinehammer: Oh, you're not here.
Dobile Mel: Lol
Dobile Mel: RIP


RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: have i mentioned lately that i absolutely love touhou
Gooper Blooper: yes
RubyChao: just making sure
Draco: Yes, you have, Chao. It's good to know you've reaffirmed your love for Doremy though.


Melting Sheep: That hippo head appears traumatized by its experience as a set of geomentric blobs
Jumpropeman: i mean
Jumpropeman: probably was


Draco: Against my will, Sucy is now on the Profiles page.
Jumpropeman: you shoulda known draco
Gooper Blooper: Two! Two Little Witches! ah ah ah ah
Draco quietly adds another RWBY character instead.


RubyChao: agama will BE the grand agama market


Draco: "Easy peasy, lemon squeezy." <- Jenny is me. Except I say "Mac and cheesy"
Del: hehehe
Draco: "I'm talking living immortal gods hobnobbing with irradiated wasteland traders" <- Wulf hobnobbing with...herself!
Del: benita in the hub???
Draco: She's gonna be exploring Jenny's hub.
Del: blood sugar frantically picking the sugar option every time to make sure the night goes well-
Draco: "The murder of Blood Sugar would have to wait for another day" <- Sounds like Blood Sugar needs A RAISE.
Del: oh absolutely, blood sugar is the ultimate wingperson
Draco: Blood Sugar will somehow physically manifest to hang out with Minim so Jennita can have private time. ;p
Draco: "You got the permits for this shit?" <- What if they do? What are you gonna do then?
Del: foiled by a hunting permit
Del: Jennita it is huh?
Del: thats a banger of a ship name
Draco: It just flows well!
Draco: Benny just sounds...boring in comparison.


Jumpropeman: cornwind
Jumpropeman: why do all your characters hang out in the bathroom
RubyChao: it's the hip hop happening place to be!
MATTRESS HORP: corpse party logic
Jumpropeman: ahhh
Jumpropeman: no wonder he wanted me to play that game so bad
Melting Sheep: I can't believe you asked CW that
Melting Sheep: and not Brine
Melting Sheep: Brine is the Original Bathroom Poster
Jumpropeman: why do you think I asked
Jumpropeman: that's brine's turf!
Melting Sheep: Very well, I retract my outrage
Melting Sheep: THIS TIME
Jumpropeman: I almost sent animal control for this but
Jumpropeman: we're fighting gunmen, not dinosaurs
Jumpropeman sends Zoey who is very good at fighting against guns
Draco: Cornwind characters are constantly doing lines of coke off the toilet seats even after Silvania offers them her personal coke tray.
Brinehammer: Well- as opposed to having random teleportation/weird magic/shenanigans spilling out everywhere, keeping it in the bathroom means the clean up is always easy. It's tile instead of wood and there's drains on the floor >.>
Cornwind Evil: It's because that if you need a side room to a place like a bar, a bathroom is a sure bet


Draco: "porn is a substitute for sex!" <- I'm making this the permanent ticker forever.


Gooper Blooper: remember that time Century fought a mattress
The Bree: no :V
The Bree: sounds like some zfrp shit though
Brinehammer: It's canon!
Gooper Blooper: Someone, I think it was Sheep, kept mentioning a movie with an evil bed or mattress
Gooper Blooper: Brine called his bluff
Gooper Blooper: yes, that one
The Bree: fuckin kek
Melting Sheep: It was me, yes
Cornwind Evil: I have seen that film
Cornwind Evil: .....reviewed.
Melting Sheep: Which is probably the best way to see it, to be honest
Melting Sheep: From what I hear, it doesn't have a lot going for it
MobileDraco: Silvania is 90% sure none of the beds are mimics.


Cornwind Evil: The secret
Gooper Blooper: it all makes sense now...


Draco: Tuning is the Force. Haehyun is a Martial Arts Jedi.
Melting Sheep: Haehyun's something alright
Draco: She is, according to a reliable source, a Cutie.
Melting Sheep: :I


(JRM plays Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back)

Jumpropeman: I just turned up Bubsy's Verbosity in the audio menu to max. It has different names for different levels like "Occasional one-liners, A bit chatty, lots of talking" Turning it to max though? It just calls that level "Bubsy"
The Bree: bubsy never shuts up, confirmed?
Jumpropeman: i mean if the game is saying it it's got to be
Jumpropeman: "Remember when falling too far used to kill me?"
Draco: OOF
Jumpropeman: I did forget but thank goodness it's gone :V
Jumpropeman: "Not flying... wait, oh yes I am" 😏
Jumpropeman: is his other usual go-to gliding line
Cornwind Evil: How darn fitting (that level of talk)


RubyChao: "The scene cut to Mario, in Princess Peach's castle. Mario was talking to a Toad. They were talking about some rather disturbing topics, such as death. Then, I was shocked when Toad announced "It would be funny if Bowser's parents were dead. Tearing apart a beautiful relationship is always fun..." I started to get disturbed at this and thought about turning my Wii off, but I carried on anyways. The scene changed and you were now playing as Mario. The mission was written at the top of the screen. It was "Kill Bowser's Parents"."
MobileDraco: Bowser has parents?
MobileDraco: D8


The Bree: when's the part in This Year's Elemental Plot where demonde adopts kepler, and possibly also every other elemental ever?
The Bree: imagine... a brinechar debuts in season 19. she's Yet Another War Elemental. her name is............ smash. she walks into the bar. demonde is already there with a plate of cookies. demonde says "good morning sweetie, I baked you some cookies!"
The Bree: smash is confused. smash eats a cookie. the cookie is good and smash feels a tiny bit better already. demonde says "let me introduce you to your 1,202,048 other sisters!"
Brinehammer: Kepler has to audition first, unless Demonde got one of those a take-a-number things.
Brinehammer: No one realizes Cecilia took 1-25
Draco: Somehow, Meiling is one of them.
Draco: Bree discovered the real reason DeMonde keeps coming back, to pamper wayward Elementals.
Draco: And it's auditions. Walk-ins are okay.
Brinehammer: Well, that's all I needed to fastball her over there!


SteelKomodo: barpootis
Melting Sheep: Today?
Melting Sheep: Of all days?!


Gooper Blooper: heading off, nite you two
harp: nite!
harp: i will finally abandon everyone too
harp: later
harp left the chat
Gooper Blooper: chao's all alone...
RubyChao: D:
Gooper Blooper left the chat
Jumpropeman joined the chat

RubyChao: no longer alone!
Jumpropeman doesn't leave
RubyChao left the chat

Jumpropeman: HE LEFT INSTEAD D':
Jumpropeman: guess I'll head out too
Jumpropeman left the chat


Dobile Mel: I awake to torment the living once more
Draco: D: Oh no! That's me!


Brinehammer: Our Characters;
Working from Del: lmao
Working from Del: accurate


Macaque Sheep: "My gift of foresight is hardly useful if I can't share the information midbattle. I might need to seek out someone I can stay close to during a battle"
Macaque Sheep: Like...
Macaque Sheep: Clownpiece?!
Del: oh no
RubyChao: what happens if we find all the clown pieces...
Del: we have to find the Clown Piece and become Queen of the Touhous


harp: gonna launch clara and klara in the same post
RubyChao: harpy
RubyChao: you monster.
harp: i am


Jumpropeman: they made a mickey mouse stealth game
harp: oh no
Gooper Blooper: not just any they either
Gooper Blooper: but CAPCOM
Jumpropeman: the gamecube had an unusually high number of mickey mouse games
Jumpropeman: like a mario party ripoff
Jumpropeman: and a football game
Jumpropeman: and a soccer game
Jumpropeman: and a basketball game
Jumpropeman: and a point and click
Jumpropeman: and a skateboarding game that wasn't Disney's more general skateboarding game
harp: uuuh
Gooper Blooper: Do I smell REVIEW SERIES?!?!?! (probably not because JRM won't be able to track them all down)
Jumpropeman: Disney Sports Football is 85 bucks so
harp: uh
Gooper Blooper: yeah figured
Gooper Blooper: gamecube prices
Gooper Blooper: even for shovelware!
Gooper Blooper: even Shrek Extra Large is 15 smackers on ebay
Jumpropeman: I'll just get Shrek Medium instead
Jumpropeman: its better on the waistline


Gooper Blooper: this event is so fucking dumb
Gooper Blooper: which is exactly why I did it.
RubyChao: the dumbest.

(The event in question)

(Later, Raiko makes a bunch of javelinas dance with her rhythm powers)

Macaque Sheep: Javelina dance troupe is great
Jumpropeman: I imagined javelina dance troupe a lot like the dancing in ratatoing
Jumpropeman: the kicking part at least
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: cinematic perfection
Macaque Sheep: Oh my goodness, the sounds


The Bree: is it really hoggmeiser without a T because it seems to be consistently spelled that way, without a T, but then his son is porkmeister with a T
The Bree: that shit confused me
Draco: It's how Goops was spelling it.
Gooper Blooper: That is correct
Gooper Blooper: Both names are correct
Gooper Blooper: *shrug*
Macaque Sheep falls on sword
harp: its like
harp: prier and priere
The Bree: why is it not consistent, who do I call and complain to
Gooper Blooper: He's from Disgaea, I took the names straight from there
The Bree: I'm calling disgaea's manager :I
Draco: Complain to Prier and Priere.
Gooper Blooper: Porkmeister (and Truff) were very late additions to this event, I forgot Hoggmeiser had that kid lore and then I tossed in Truff mostly just for the hell of it
Gooper Blooper: when else am I gonna use these pigs
Jumpropeman: Truff for main goop cast
Macaque Sheep: I was very curious about the kid!
Jumpropeman: the people demand it
Jumpropeman elbows Sheep to get him to agree
Macaque Sheep: ow
Macaque Sheep: I mean
Macaque Sheep: Yes, add pigs
Macaque Sheep: Porkmeister must now go on a season's long journey to restore honor to the family name
Draco: By killing Lucina!


Draco: I think Chao introduced the wrong Touhou.
RubyChao: lel
Gooper Blooper: he does seem to like minecraft centipede an awful lot...
RubyChao: like 90% of my momoyo appreciation is just because i really like her theme song
RubyChao: it's a good theme
Hooded Pitohui: You fool! That's how they trap you!
Hooded Pitohui: *gestures to Mayumi*
RubyChao: Oh no!!


Draco: link
The Bree joined the chat
The Bree: I have been SUMMONED
harp: hi bree
The Bree: hullo
RubyChao: hi bree
RubyChao: sakuya_tries_to_go_through_airport_security.jpg
The Bree: overly long gag of sakuya just pulling out more and more and more and more and more knives as the TSA gets increasingly unnerved
The Bree: finally it's like "o-okay ma'am we're just gonna...say that it's fine, you can go now"
The Bree: then meiling walks up after with her trademark enormous shit-eating grin
The Bree: TSA, sweating, says " have any weapons or contraband"
The Bree: and meiling just says "my body is a weapon"
The Bree: "I think you better search me :3c"


Gooper Blooper left the chat
Jumpropeman: people don't even say bye these days!
Jumpropeman left the chat
RubyChao: gasp
RubyChao: he didn't either
Draco: So betrayed.


Dobile Mel: Morning
Dobile Mel: I'm
Dobile Mel: Probably going to end up posting Benita again :U
Working from Del joined the chat
Brinehammer: Ceciliapost.
Working from Del: awww
Working from Del: run, cecilia, run!!
Brinehammer: I gotta differentiate her... Everyone else on Brinecast is some kind of interesting weirdo, she's The Normal One by comparison :V
Working from Del: she's darling
Working from Del: man
Working from Del: this upcoming showdown
Working from Del: im nervous
Brinehammer: It'll be tense for sure... I don't think anything will pop off unless somebody else shoots first but I'm excited for it. Elementals just staring at Benita like "Uh... Beniwho?"
Working from Del: Beni and the Jen
Working from Del: welcome to the jungle
Working from Del: we're all trans and gay
Working from Del: we've got the magitech you want if you'll just go away
Brinehammer: Shanananananana! Please use that somewhere, somehow. I laughed =D


The Deleter: Trying to think of some way to post some sojiro
RubyChao: he shows up to random events, says "hoo boy" and leaves
RubyChao: that's it
RubyChao: that's his entire contribution to said events
harp: time to fight trash coffee drinkers
harp: rip kiryu
The Deleter: Honestly
The Deleter: Incredible value
The Deleter: It's my headcanon that the Crimeboys have picked up "hoo boy" from sojiro
harp: hoo boy is just
harp: universal
The Deleter: And they use it around him to tease him
The Deleter: "hoo boy, the coffee's good"
harp: woah nelly
The Deleter: He just sighs
The Deleter: He's given in
The Deleter: His many adopted children have bested him again
Macaque Sheep joined the chat
Macaque Sheep: Hoo boy


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: I have all four of those on my RP cast
Jumpropeman: Mario, Cirno, IPU, and Zoey
Gooper Blooper: the ultimate JRM four-pack
Draco: Zoeysephine
Gooper Blooper: Zosephine
Jumpropeman: Zoey seeks booty knowledge from the Booty Guru
Jumpropeman: she sits upon a Butte waiting to dispense knowledge
Gooper Blooper: "oh great josephine, dispense unto me your wisdom!!" "any body is a bikini body"
Draco: Josie of the mountains, what is your knowledge? "If you got it, flaunt it."


Jumpropeman: gonna head out for the night
Draco: Toodles!
Jumpropeman: see you tomorrow for vidja gams
Draco: Now that JRM's gone, it's safe to post Fumos.
Jumpropeman: I SEE THAT MISTER!
Jumpropeman left the chat


Gooper Blooper: link
Gooper Blooper: YOU'RE NOT SAFE
Draco: Patty's got a different wagon now: a hearse!
Macaque Sheep: Patty Wagon?
Macaque Sheep: More like
Macaque Sheep: uh
Macaque Sheep flips through pages
Macaque Sheep: Patty Wiggums
Gooper Blooper: Suspect is hatless.


Macaque Sheep: "Sloppy, desperate... but it could be effective!"
Macaque Sheep: We talking about a trap or Soleil's pickup technique?
Draco: Hey, she's not sloppy!


Macaque Sheep: There was a lot of me arguing with myself going: "Is this cheating? Am I cheating?" "No, you wrote out her plan before looking at the spoiler, like last time." Anyway, there was a version of this where I decided she HAD to jump on the table. When the table would split, she'd do some Jackie Chan nonsense, with a leg on each side as she held up the chair. She'd still smash the chandelier with the chair and be unable to see where the key fell because of the blur, but would also have to deal with the plates coming at her. More Jackie Chan nonsense smacking plates, but mostly just getting hit by them. Gets knocked over and falls back, but catches herself, now with all limbs pressed on either side of this splitting table. One ending where the key falls on her and she articulates her body to slide the key across her chest and she catches it in her mouth.
Macaque Sheep: Then decided she wouldn't be able to feel something so slight as a key landing on her, particularly while being showered in glass. If she had her Tuning sense, then maybe, but she doesn't. So, she'd fail to grab the key and the assault from the cabinets would then knock her into the hole as it widened.
Macaque Sheep: I felt like I was punishing Haehyun with failure though, since the original plan didn't involve getting on the table, which triggers everything but Virtual Boy in the room. So then, being a crazy person, I went to my dining room and hefted around a chair of decent weight, trying to figure if it was plausible you could chuck it up high enough to whack a chandelier
Macaque Sheep: These are why my posts take so long. Please understand.
Jumpropeman: wow! Impressive research! I did like that she got around the trap cleverly though!
Macaque Sheep: I feel the need to clarify, I did not throw a chair. I just picked up a chair in my dining room and stood there in the dark while raising it up and down. WHAT'S THERE NOT TO UNDERSTAND?!
Gooper Blooper: sheep definitely earned that key for Haehyun


Draco: Getting professional help with tough video games.
Jumpropeman: well now you'll have it beat in no time


Draco: "Unfortunately for you, in one of the chairs was Virtual Boy." <- Soleil would've picked that chair to sit in.
Jumpropeman: virtual boy would never pick up on the innuendos until suddenly she's standing at the wedding alter with Soleil. "Oh! So you were coming onto me this whole time?"
Draco: Hey, if it works it works.


Jumpropeman: time for me to play... AVENGERS the 1987 arcade game with no ties to the Marvel brand

(not much time passes before...)

Thank you for game playing.

Jumpropeman: thank you for innovating on bad ending engrish Avengers


Macaque Sheep: srspost of little importance
Draco: I'll be the judge of that! *reads it* I agree.
Macaque Sheep: I warned you
Macaque Sheep: you fool
Macaque Sheep: you chucklehead
Gooper Blooper: you absolute clampongus
The Deleter: Lmao
Macaque Sheep: Anyway, if you didn't want a terrifying ratman around, I dunno what to tell you. don't go the shrine with a terrible name?
The Deleter: Benita probably donates a little bit to this shrine out of like
The Deleter: A very pitying sad solidarity
Macaque Sheep: Ahahah
Macaque Sheep: Couldn't decide between that image and this one
Gooper Blooper: Your BBB11 champion.
The Deleter: Okay
The Deleter: Benita time I think
Macaque Sheep laptop clicking intensifies
RubyChao: who's ready for peko to words
Macaque Sheep: Can anyone really be ready for when Peko puts aside the blade and draws her tongue?
Macaque Sheep: "Don't get all self-righteous on me."
Macaque Sheep: I apologize, but it's what we do here
Macaque Sheep: "I don't care. I'll find a way if it takes me a thousand years, if it takes every single piece of me, I'll find a way to secure a future for us. All of us."
Macaque Sheep: What a good episode of Kipo
RubyChao: posted
Macaque Sheep: "He - They -"
Macaque Sheep: :I
Gooper Blooper: spicy as fuck Peko backstory out of NOWHERE, ho shit
Gooper Blooper: I like that Brine once again underestimated our love and thought he'd only be posting at himself
Gooper Blooper: they're good characters brent
Brinehammer: It keeps happening =Z
RubyChao: yeah, there's elements of Peko's canon backstory that i kept in RP but never had the chance to touch on
RubyChao: but i realized "oh man, i could really leverage them here" and thus peko proceeded to mic drop
Macaque Sheep: "I haven't seen him in years, and it hurt at first, but I've come to realize that it was the best thing he could have done for me. If he hadn't pushed me away and cut me off, I would have found a way to go back, because I didn't even have a different concept for where my life could go."
Macaque Sheep: This hit me
RubyChao: thanks!
Macaque Sheep continues to deflate the scene with disgusting rat man anyway
Gooper Blooper: XD
The Deleter: Srspost
The Deleter: In which Benita says the introvert equivalent of "we can totally just take a third option right?"
Gooper Blooper: In Brineland, home of the sympathetic villain, we are ALL ABOUT them third options
RubyChao: brineland approach is that any villain with an ounce of sympathy is just an incoming friend
RubyChao: we rubbed characters on the undead monstrosity until he became a good guy
RubyChao: jenny has no hope.
Brinehammer buries his face in his hands, knowing it's true.
Gooper Blooper: When they're real villains though, oooooh my, stain on the floor, my friends, stain on the floor
RubyChao: (here lies gerrard, he never scored)
The Deleter hands Brine another lesbiab
The Deleter: Less bean
The Deleter: Lesbnna
The Deleter: Girls
RubyChao: it's okay take your time
Gooper Blooper: Jenny wins the Brawl, receives a year of free immunity
Macaque Sheep: "Benita briefly considered picking a religion"
Gooper Blooper: cuz she has to come back the next year
The Deleter high fives RubyChao
Macaque Sheep: You're on his LAWN
Macaque Sheep: I joke
Macaque Sheep: The Shrine of the Ugly God has no lawn
Gooper Blooper: link
Macaque Sheep: just some weeds and a couple shrubs that have lost most of their leaves
Gooper Blooper: Low maintenance!
The Deleter: Ah, Goops has linked Aiko.jpg
Macaque Sheep: "But I think maybe we should start doing something."
Macaque Sheep: I swear to you
Macaque Sheep: I thought this said "But I think maybe we should date sometime."
The Deleter: Oh my god
RubyChao: if clash and jenny are both benita's girlfriends, then of COURSE they can't kill each other!!!
Brinehammer: I'm trying to post but I can't stop laughing
Macaque Sheep: "We can all see it, right? That this is bullshit?"
Macaque Sheep: My clothes!
RubyChao: the hooest of boys
The Deleter: Benita wakes up in the Kal-Vec palace in a pile of girls and wonders how she got there and if this means she doesn't have to work the gig apps anymore


Gooper Blooper: harpy, you know how you'd watch godzilla/jurassic movies and point out the "raw" lines?
Gooper Blooper: Got a lot of that in srs for ya
HORP DE DORP: i'm catchin up
Jumpropeman: I thought gooper meant
Jumpropeman: the moment the monsters go RAWWWWWWWWWW
Jumpropeman: like the baragon video
Gooper Blooper: but no she liked pointing out to me the spoken lines that hit especially hard during tense dialogue scenes and the like
HORP DE DORP: while i'm all here like "oh i'll throw two tailors and miss booty shooter in and see what happen"
HORP DE DORP: yeah that's basically what i mean
Jumpropeman: there'd dialogue in godzilla?
HORP DE DORP: yeah godzilla gave a whole villain speech
Jumpropeman: oh snap
Gooper Blooper: HEY ANGILAS
Jumpropeman: "Join me Kong, and you can have all the blonde ladies your heart desires!"
HORP DE DORP: okay he was more of a hero in that video
HORP DE DORP: but he's not more heroic than corn gun guy
RubyChao: jrm i feel the need to say
RubyChao: i read that in cd-i ganon voice
Jumpropeman: Kong: The Faces of Evil


Brinehammer watches his plot go off the rails and shrugs.

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