Saturday, May 1, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 384: Tag Yourself I'm Chuggy-Pegs

Cornwind Evil: Koakuma was probably doing the VTuber thing before it was a thing...just by filming herself
The Deleter: Vince proudly supports his vtuber wife
Draco: It's true; Koakuma was a busty devil girl who payed video games before VTubers existed.
Cornwind Evil: The question is how genuine are her reactions. That's the one thing that bugs me about Vtubers: are they exaggerating for effect?
The Deleter: They're playing a character to some extent I'm sure
pepsivel: it depends on if they're working for a company (ie Hololive) or solo as well
pepsivel: if they're just an individual, they're more likely to be at least more genuine than if they're more heavily monitored
Draco: Koakuma doesn't need to exaggerate her rage at Kaizo Mario.
Draco: Especially after the third vodka shot.


Jumpropeman: well
Jumpropeman: Hamsterball is a PS3 game that basically has a Super Monkey Ball mode and a Marble Madness mode
Jumpropeman: in both modes, the time you have left after you beat a stage carries over into the next one
Jumpropeman: Marble Madness mode is much harder and you basically need that extra time for the final levels to be possible
Jumpropeman: after struggling with a level I decided to restart the mode to build up extra time
Jumpropeman: and then when I got back to that level... it was apparently the final level I had been struggling with V:
Marooned Sheep: Ha!
Draco: Owch. XD


Jumpropeman: link


RubyChao: super mario sunshine accurately depicts retail
The Deleter: Lol
iKomodo: Amazing
sinusvel: relatable


Draco: Oh no...Gawr Gura was defeated in Super Metroid by...Crocomire
Jumpropeman: GARSP
Jumpropeman: why would he harm the poor shark ; o ;
Draco: He just wanted to give her a hug so badly!


Jumpropeman: well
Jumpropeman: we finally reached it
Jumpropeman: Nazi Zombies utilizing giant flying invisible sharks with mounted guns


Draco: Balan Wonderworld demo report: it's not great. There's a badguy and I have no idea who he is or what he's doing.
Jumpropeman: Vague Villainy is afoot!
Draco: The cutscenes look nice, the music is good, but the in-game graphics aren't that great. Movements are stiff. I accidentally killed the boss.
Jumpropeman: you can't make a game with just artists
Harpy: How does one
Harpy: Accidentally kill a boss
RubyChao: balan wonderworld feels like something that wasn't intended to be a game when conceived
RubyChao: like
RubyChao: it feels like the plot and setting and characters were designed for something like a movie or series
RubyChao: and then someone decided what if game
RubyChao: and it went horribly
Harpy: Time to make our own movie: the game
Jumpropeman: considering Yuji Naka was involved I'm not so sure about that
Draco: The graphics aren't great. There's artifacting all over the characters
Jumpropeman: wikipedia has a decently robust section on the game's development
Jumpropeman: with this sad in retrospect line "Naka was given the go-ahead for the project by Square Enix due to his experience with platforming and action titles, but was told it was his "one chance" with the genre with them"
Jumpropeman: "A problem for Naka was creating a narrative, which he had never considered important but held an important place in Square Enix's brand identity."
Jumpropeman: boy didn't even have a story planned going in
Jumpropeman: "Ohshima revealed the original plan did not include CGI scenes, but Visual Works wanted to be part of the project, and Ohshima created rough storyboards from which the studio designed the cinematics."
Jumpropeman: it's kinda crazy the things people like almost weren't in at all
Jumpropeman: "Naka came to Yamazaki with the key theme of a "mysterious and fantastical musical." Unsure of Naka's meaning, Yamazaki went through a trial-and-error period to finalize the musical style."
RubyChao: wow, yeah, i did NOT expect that!
RubyChao: i was so sure that the actual story content was first
RubyChao: anyhow yeah i unfortunately feel like naka's blown his chance
Jumpropeman: its kinda sad seeing those old names of the industry stumble disgracefully into the new generation
RubyChao: who was the one who said "i don't need to look at-"
RubyChao: oh right, shenmue
Jumpropeman: somehow Koji Igarashi avoided it with Bloodstained at least
RubyChao: honestly, my guess
RubyChao: igarashi had the sense to listen to other people and hire people who could go "maybe we should do this part like THIS"
Draco: Yeah, somehow I don't think there will be a Balan Wonderworld 2.
Jumpropeman: when an industry tells you you're a genius over and over
Jumpropeman: you make Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones
Draco: The character moves slowly, but that's okay because there's not really anywhere to go.
Jumpropeman: that's some Parsass there
Draco: The "one action per costume" thing is a pain too. The little animals seem to have some purpose though; when you find the one spot in the level with enemies, the little fuzzy things will sometimes attack.
Draco: Camera kept wanting to change angles on me too, especially during the boss battle.
RubyChao: i can't get over box fox
RubyChao: your powerup activates WHEN IT FEELS LIKE IT
Draco: I hesitate to call them power-ups.
Draco: Not when the dragon has to practically be next to the enemy to use fire.
Jumpropeman: I'd like the idea of Box Fox if it was in the same vein as like, Tofu mode in Resident Evil 2 where you aren't really meant to play it so much as laugh at its existence
Draco: Oh yeah, I saw more random, dancing NPCs than I saw enemies in the stages. And there were parts where they just randomly appear and start cheering like you've almost accomplished something.
Jumpropeman: the game is trying to trick you into feeling like you've made progress
Draco: I accomplished something, alright. I managed to waste about 10 minutes of time. Balan? Barely in the game. He shoves you into Wonderworld, because it really feels like a discount Alice in Wonderland, and says he'll be back when he feels like it. You can find him in the stages for a quicktime event minigame called Balan's Bout, but it should be called Bland Bout because there's no difficulty and we don't even know who or what he's bouting against.
Draco: He kicks a rock and some corn on the cob and that diamond-shaped Angel from Evangelion and that's about it.
RubyChao: apparently those balan's bout things
RubyChao: there's
RubyChao: A Lot.
Draco: There was another minigame I found that involved kicking a soccer ball.
Jumpropeman: i don't think quicktime events are INHERENTLY bad
Jumpropeman: but Balan's Bout looks exactly like how they are when they're at their worst
Draco: The good thing is they're optional.
Draco: OH! I almost forgot the best part: between the boss' intro cutscene and the actual fight, there's a brief but noticeable frame of him T-Posing.
Jumpropeman: amazing
Jumpropeman: I heard the ending has Balan reveal his "true form" and its the most disappointing "handsome guy" reveal since Beauty and the Beast
RubyChao: "Those who see him never tire of his unexpected and comical antics."
RubyChao: well, draco?
RubyChao: are you tiring of balan's unexpected and comical antics?
RubyChao: found it, jrm
Draco: When I actually see Balan, I'll let you know if I do.
Jumpropeman: ah good, stripped of his visual personality entirely
Draco: Final boss design is pretty neat.
Harpy: Welp
RubyChao: apparently like many other things
RubyChao: the motive and origins of the final boss
RubyChao: only exist in the novelization
Draco: Yeah. None of the characters but Balan are named in the game.
Draco: The bad guy just smiles at you and then Dark Matters tackle him into a portal or something.


Gooper Blooper: Another one of Beach Episode's kind has been spotted in Las Vegas
Gooper Blooper: the twist is that it's actually real
Jumpropeman: "Potatoes? Probably!"


Gooper Blooper:
uh oh it angy: i think dolby's broken.
Gooper Blooper: meat.
RubyChao: dolby are you okay
Gooper Blooper: She seems fine to me!!
uh oh it angy: to meat?
RubyChao: Dolbyplot: Dolby Corruption
Gooper Blooper: If Beach Episode wasn't a thing, Omega Mart would have inspired me to do an entire plot about an eldritch grocery store trying to destroy Grab-N-Go
Gooper Blooper: But Del's got that market cornered already
uh oh it angy: eldritch store battles
MobileDraco: We already had Building Wars.


Gooper Blooper: reminder that this fuckin Bravely Default Ba'al is a pokemon
RubyChao: half the UBs could have been ba'als
RubyChao: easy
Jumpropeman: UBs having weird titles is something I always forget
Jumpropeman: especially since they don't always fit
RAMPAGE: the one time they were like "oh shit we gotta think about good designs"
Draco: Best Ba'al.
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: Chibusty
Draco: Also a good Ba'al. Very ferocious.
Draco: Terrifying.
Gooper Blooper: An absolute unit.
RAMPAGE: chonk


Jumpropeman: oh man
Jumpropeman: remember the era
Jumpropeman: of toolbars in your browser
Jumpropeman: I had a farmville toolbar
Jumpropeman: so I knew when my crops were done :V
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: that takes me back
Jumpropeman: link
Draco: Reminds me of a time when my older brother downloaded something like that, an ad bar that would pay him if we kept the ad bar open on the family computer. At some point, I remember him saying he didn't need a job because he could live off the checks the ad bar would send him. I think after a few months, he finally got a check for a grand total of...about a dollar fifty. We didn't have the ad bar after that. X)
Jumpropeman: dang! I didn't know you were related to a dollaraire!
Draco: I know! High roller.
RubyChao: that sounds incredibly 1999 in the best way
Draco: Yeah, it was late-90s, early 2000s.
Jumpropeman: I was watching a short video recently about a site that paid you to browse while they put a banner ad at the bottom of every website you visited
Jumpropeman: anyone canny enough knew exactly how to exploit this, just opening the app on multiple computers and never clicked it
Jumpropeman: it was not profitable for that company :V
RubyChao: i'm off to sleep
Jumpropeman: night!
RubyChao: i expect multiple ways to monetize browsing on my desk
RubyChao left the chat


Working from Del: my boy ryuji said yeet
RubyChao: it's too late for him
iKomodo: YEET
Jumpropeman: fun fact about Yeet: the only time it has appeared on the forum involved Ryuji
RubyChao: ryuji is our Official Yeeter


Gooper Blooper: only two weeks until we get to interact with artifact collector and toaster lover Gyroid Girl
RAMPAGE: is it bad that i'm considering looking at china teapots for a blogpost
Draco: No.
Gooper Blooper: Why would it?
Draco: It'd be bad if you didn't.
RAMPAGE: i mean my idea admittedly was "how do i console a girl that was just upset by some dickhead by showing her a fucking teapot of all things"
RAMPAGE: i think i'll rework that.
RAMPAGE: "please don't cry, instead look at the designs of this china set i stole found
Gooper Blooper: look at this set, that I just found
RAMPAGE: now i'm just imagining mayumi consoling someone by showing them an ancient toaster
RAMPAGE: "look at this piece of work, of magnificence, and dry your tears with the resulting stiff bread!!!"
Gooper Blooper: "this was how people had to toast their bread 100 years ago. Do you feel better about your own lot in life yet?"
RAMPAGE: i'm about to piss myself laughing brb
Draco: "Gasp! A 14th Century Magitech Mk 8J Toastine Charpel!!!!"
RubyChao: link
RAMPAGE: now i'm just thinking of an anime that focuses on collecting antiques and old technology
RAMPAGE: but what the fuck would the plot be.
RubyChao: showed that to pitohui btw
RubyChao: "She would
I'm sorry to inform you that Mayumi would absolutely try to console someone and cheer them up with an ancient toaster
And also a slightly less ancient toaster and a almost modern but long-disused design of toaster"

RAMPAGE: they get to dry their tears with like six slices of stiff bread
RAMPAGE: or, like, mildly crispy bread
Draco: Oh man...analog toast.


Jumpropeman: the old Star Wars comedy cartoon that never released, Detours, might be coming to Disney+
Jumpropeman: in case you never heard of it :V
Jumpropeman: that's basically how Plague recruited for The Curse
RubyChao: and it worked on Futo
Draco: It's how they got all of us to join. ;-;7


Draco: I've only known this Gamecube for one blogpost, but if anything were to happen to her I would kill everyone in the bar and then myself. ;p jk
Jumpropeman Gamecube loses her Nacho Lunchables she was looking forward to eating
Draco flips the bar.
Jumpropeman: oh wait, her lunchable WAS ON THE BAR D:


Marooned Sheep joined the chat
Marooned Sheep: Alright, I'm around
Marooned Sheep: Did I miss anything?
RubyChao: you missed our decision to ban you and delete all sheep rp
RubyChao: pls understand
Marooned Sheep: Sounds reasonable


Marooned Sheep: Have we named those Agama rivers yet?
Marooned Sheep: If not, we really should
Jumpropeman: we have not!
Jumpropeman: I nominate Righty and Lefty-
Marooned Sheep: People, you had one job-
Marooned Sheep: Alright, I'll shake a few bushes this week and see if a name falls out
Marooned Sheep: Also need a general religious center THING that isn't dedicated to any one religion
Jumpropeman: the Awazon and the Amazom
Marooned Sheep: The Agama River and
Marooned Sheep: The Agama River 2
Marooned Sheep: the Squeakwel.
RubyChao: The Agama River, and the River Agama


Gooper Blooper:
RubyChao: Godzilla got busy.


Jumpropeman: today I learned that the Italian Wikipedia and Turkish Wikipedia cite me as a source
Gooper Blooper: Moving on up!
Gooper Blooper: now if the Scots Wikipedia cites you, then we're really getting somewhere
Jumpropeman: Turkish Wikipedia includes me in the reception section for Doki Doki Literature Club and the Kirby's Dream Land page of Italian Wikipedia has me as one of three people cited for the fact the sequel features animal friends :V
Marooned Sheep: Wow
Marooned Sheep: JRM has become a Source
ivel: "Various forums online have been compiling evidence that PS3 game patches are disappearing or are at least currently inaccessible to many users. The list of impacted PS3 games is growing, but some of the most notable impacted titles include Journey, LittleBigPlanet, and Battlefield 4. Players being unable to download patches means that they can't unlock PS3 trophies or play the games online, severely limiting their functionality."
Jumpropeman: SONYYYYYY
Gooper Blooper: those games are expired
Gooper Blooper: it is now time to purchase New Games
Gooper Blooper: (It occurred to me during the Wii Shop review series JRM did that some of his fringe reviews end up being useless in terms of actually helping people decide what to play for anything that goes offline after he's reviewed it :V They're basically just game documentation instead)
RubyChao: that's still important!!
Marooned Sheep: Online games were a mistake
RubyChao: sometimes it also makes me go "oh i didn't miss out"
Jumpropeman: I've said before informing purchases isn't my main goal
RubyChao: like when jrm reviewed jazz trump's journey
RubyChao: and i went "oh so i didn't miss out"
Jumpropeman: I'm a wiki article with opinions-
Marooned Sheep: Firefly Diary Whatsit review was genuinely helpful
Marooned Sheep: Lot of overlap between ZFRP and our friend circles with people that fall into that game's target audience
Jumpropeman: any copy not sold of that game is a job well done by me


RubyChao: Gooper Blooper: "in the last strip the author vehemently says that the webcomic is not canned and would be updated in a month or so."
-Gooper Blooper: the last strip in question? March 2003
-RubyChao: A+
-Gooper Blooper: this comic has not been updated since Hooded Pitohui was a fucking toddler
-Gooper Blooper: ANY DAY NOW
-RubyChao: this comic's hiatus is almost a legal adult

RubyChao: this comic's hiatus is now a legal adult
RubyChao: :toot:
Gooper Blooper: But it's NOT cancelled!
Jumpropeman: one day it will update with one comic and a new message saying "Sorry, the next update will be out much quicker!" and then silence for decades
Gooper Blooper: Ah yes, the classic apology and promise for a faster update NEXT time
RubyChao: oh my god that dead in 2003 comic is still up
Gooper Blooper: what he does best:
Gooper Blooper: randomness.
Draco: Oh man! He hasn't updated in 20 years! That's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo random! :3


rival ivel: a
The Deleter: a


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: god forbid
RubyChao: i just downloaded that image.
Jumpropeman: time to sell it
RubyChao: you know
RubyChao: if there's one character i'm low-key surprised never appeared in fite club during its heydey
RubyChao: it's Dan Backslide
Draco: Maybe he was there and you just never knew.
Jumpropeman: i almost RPed him
Jumpropeman: just in general
RubyChao: i'd ask why you didn't, but no excuse could ever be good enough
Jumpropeman: it's in one of my reject blogposts
Jumpropeman: back when that was a thing I did
Jumpropeman: NEVER D:
Draco: *changes the definition of never to mean 'always'*
Jumpropeman: i'll spend all my time writing about characters I won't RP, which will now be any character whatsoever
Draco: Yay :D
Draco: Maybe you'll even write about Genesis!
Jumpropeman: who said I ever even considered her BI
Draco: Good point. Glad to know we'll never see Genesis in RP. ;V


Jumpropeman: Balan plot: everyone gets costumes and have to somehow make the powers functional
RubyChao: so, we all lose
Draco: Everyone press A at the right moment to make Balan kick a rock!
RubyChao: A!
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 26 sides. The die showed: 15
Jumpropeman: O


Jumpropeman: How long does it take to watch every episode of Guiding Light?
591 days 1hour

Jumpropeman: it's that last hour that makes it a no-go
Jumpropeman: for reference, its a soap opera that began when radio shows were relevant and ended in 2009 :V
Jumpropeman: How long does it take to watch every episode of One Piece?
16 days 18 hours 30 minutes

Jumpropeman: this is why i read the manga instead :V


RubyChao: this feels like something both sheep and jrm would go "huh, neat" about
iKomodo: Oh fuck
iKomodo: i remember hearing about this guy through Super Best Friendcast
iKomodo: It’s a wild, wild story
Malt Sheep: huh
Malt Sheep: neat
Malt Sheep: How sad
Jumpropeman: it's all part of the hustle
Malt Sheep: said noted video game archivist Jump "Rope" Mann two years before it would be revealed all his reviews were ghost-written by Brownie, the family dog.
Jumpropeman: thus explaining why I tended to highly rate games that told me I was a good boy
Malt Sheep: Speaking of
Malt Sheep: brb, time for my walk
Draco: I can't believe it. Has Brownie been writing the Brawls too? D:
Jumpropeman: Brownie's Brawlies they call 'em
Draco: Good nickname for them. Now we know the real reason Fites ended: Brownie's not around to write them! D:<


Draco: Frost's pet
Jumpropeman: canon


Draco: JRM's nightmare
Jumpropeman: D:<
Jumpropeman: get her out of my sight!
Draco covers JRM's eyes.
Gooper Blooper: That's JRM's nightmare because the eyebrows are visible behind the hair
Gooper Blooper: I made her worse
Jumpropeman: :I
RubyChao: don't you mean
RubyChao: :I>
Draco: Yikes. XD


Jumpropeman: I've transitioned to the paid PS Now subscription now
Jumpropeman: if I had only contented myself with the free trial, I would have left Cars: Mater-National Championship unfinished!
Draco: :O
Draco: Well, you can't very well commit a sin like that!
Jumpropeman: I would have never heard Mater speak Japanese if I had given up


Jumpropeman: I'm terrible at picking music in general for RP so I don't think I can do that Top 3 songs topic, but I could write multiple paragraphs about why Shimmer's favorite song is Cartoon Heroes by Aqua :V
Draco: Dew it
RubyChao: god
RubyChao: every scene in this season of food wars is panning
RubyChao: it doesn't matter the scene
RubyChao: there is a pan
RubyChao: and so often it's totally unnecessary
Jumpropeman: look
Jumpropeman: I wrote multiple paragraphs about it :V
Draco: Thank you, JRM.
Draco: You get a B-.
Draco: Chao: more pans in the shooting than in the kitchen?
Draco: Okay, a B, but only because your Nintendo DS died.
Jumpropeman: good, I'll need that grade to get through this loss
Draco: I'm upgrading you to a B+. It was a good set of paragraphs.
I would suggest that the "What we do is what you just can't do" might mean that it's up to her to help fight badguys because a lot of people, like her family, don't have super powers or gadgets to combat threats like Dark Matter but she does.
N Goat joined the chat
N Goat: I have been summoned
N Goat: for
N Goat sigh
N Goat: Fire Force
RubyChao: :D
RubyChao: my friend
N Goat: :I
Jumpropeman: that's a good interpretation Draco!
N Goat: I can't believe they're going to kill off this guy
N Goat: But Fanservice Lady lives
N Goat: There is no justice
N Goat: Tonight on Fire Force: "I'll die underground...just like a potato."
Jumpropeman: I also forgot the part where the song tells you to "be original" which has always been a huge part of Shimmer's view of her own identity, to the point she didn't get along well with Amity at first because the Ditto copied her appearance and she didn't enjoy her first Halloween because she was essentially assuming an identity solely because it looked like her a bit (that being Dazzler). Shimmer's appearance represents how she feels better than her "lights off" look and the idea that can be taken away or imitated stands in the face of that hard work to make herself feel like the name she's taken on.
N Goat: Her fire ears and tails are so silly
N Goat: Well thought out
N Goat: That was directed at JRM
Draco: Shimmer is a great character. :)
N Goat: Don't even dare to hope it was Fire Force
RubyChao: too late
RubyChao: that's some big fire force praise


rival ivel:


Gooper Blooper: Cosmic Star Heroine update: my party is three girls and a bug, so everything is going great
Jumpropeman: you have the optimal party I see
Mon hun?: three girls and a bug
Mon hun?: sounds like a band name


RubyChao: i have been playing A Hat in Time, taking advantage of my laptop upgrade
RubyChao: and today i met...
RubyChao: The Conductor
The Bree: excellent
The Bree: traaaaaaaaaaaaains
Jumpropeman: PECK NECK
RubyChao: the conductor's bbb9 run is one of the most iconic parts of bbb9 for me
RubyChao: third place on memes and anger alone
The Bree: the bbb9 champion napped on his train
The Bree: and blessed it with residual championness
Draco: Can the BBB9 Champ nap in my work chair so I can be a champ too? ;p


Gooper Blooper: Okay some of these names for pillbugs are just wonderful, gimme a second
Gooper Blooper: Cheeselogs, Gramfers, Gramersows, Butchy Boys, Boat-Builders, Timberpigs, Pishamares, Sowbugs, Chuggy-pegs, Crunchy Bats, Roly Polies, Granny Greys, Billy Buttons, Carpenters, Parson Pigs, Monkey Peas, Peaballs, Chisel Bobs
Boss: oh my god those names
Boss: tag yourself i'm chuggy-pegs
RubyChao: boat-builders
Hooded Pitohui: Crunchy Bats
The Bree: as a kid I knew them as rolly pollies and then later as pillbugs
The Bree: but if I had to tag myself..... let's say.............. cheese logs
The Bree: maybe billy buttons
Gooper Blooper: I don't know why they have so many names and three fourths of them are UK slang, but there they are
Jumpropeman: Timberpigs speaks to me


Jumpropeman: new helltaker comic
The Bree: poor azazel
The Bree: is she gonna get kicked out of angel club
The Bree: are helltaker angels jerks?
RubyChao: i mean she's basically already joined demon club
Gooper Blooper: JRM continues to have Azazel lightly nudged in his general direction
RubyChao: we know basically nothing about helltaker angels iirc
Draco: Except that they have almost as comprehensive of surveillance as the gummit.
Draco: jk
Draco: They call Justice the Flybreaker.
Jumpropeman: yeah, they looked kinda government like in the single image we got of other angels
The Bree: turns out the angel/demon dichotomy has nothing to do with morality at all and it's just like this is how the species works, it's like a wurmple evolving into a beautifly or a dustox
The Bree: it is just a thing that happens
The Bree: helltaker angels are north korea??
Draco: Apparently.
Jumpropeman: honestly if Azazel wasn't sweating in all the fan art I'd probably have been nudged harder towards her from the start :V
The Bree: idk, to me this image suggests it's a "angels stink" take, like their thing is "individuality is bad" or something
The Bree: sweating???
Gooper Blooper: gee mr krabs, you sure are sweaty
RubyChao: helltaker 2021 revival arc???
Jumpropeman: most art I see of her references this in-game image
Jumpropeman: with her being a sweaty closet pervert
Jumpropeman: nervous can be cute I did two years of Voyd for crying out loud but the sweat isn't so appealing :V
The Bree: meiling: I understand what you're going through!
azazel: really? h-how did you overcome it?
meiling: did I what now?
azazel: like how did you stop being a pervert?
meiling: STOP???
The Bree: :V
Jumpropeman: if people actually RP enough of the other Helltakers I'll bring Azazel in ;P
Gooper Blooper: accurate
RubyChao: meiling overcame the closet part
The Bree: anyway I assume she's always drawn sweating because she's always nervous lel
The Bree: nervous sweat
The Bree: make it part of the lore, helltaker angels are moist
The Bree: like how the brume having titties is actually part of the deep lore
Jumpropeman: don't tempt me
The Bree: the perspiration is azazel losing her angelness
Gooper Blooper: maya tiddy lore...
The Bree: the more she sweats the faster she turns into a demon
RubyChao: azazel hears that, sweats harder
Jumpropeman: those aren't just big breasts, they're LOGICAL breasts
The Bree: meiling, sighing dreamily: SO logical...
Draco: No sweat.
Jumpropeman: see? look at that cutie
Jumpropeman: this is my favorite Azazel image
Gooper Blooper: She sweats for a second in that one tho!!
Jumpropeman: even though it has a minor sweat drop I never noticed before nooooooo
Gooper Blooper: m o i s t


The Bree: reading chatzy madness and this meme is Literally Enid
The Bree: aggressively terraforms the undercity
The Bree: thought you could escape NATURE? it would be a shame if someone were to
The Bree: yeet some plants right on up there
Draco: DeMonde standing around in a leather jacket just drinking some water while watching Enid in Team Skull-type outfit muttering to herself tearing up a parking lot to plant some cocoa trees and throwing clumps of ivy at burned-out street lamps. And there's a family of squirrels there or something.
Draco: Eco punks
Draco: Walking around playing whale noises out of their boombox.


Working from Del: today is aiko day
Working from Del: she gonna shotgun weed with her girlfriend and play mario kart
Brinehammer: Ecstatic_Giselle.jpg
Working from Del: hahahaha
Working from Del: :3


Draco: Do not disturb - Tenshi's snoozin'.
Draco: OR IS IT???
Jumpropeman: GARSP
Gooper Blooper: you're out of control draco


RubyChao: for jrm and others
Jumpropeman: and that diamond chemist?
Jumpropeman: Stalin Einstein
Jumpropeman: "the prostitutes were horny because they liked a horny time"
Jumpropeman: I like that the Ian Shag books have their names in universe as the mission name
Jumpropeman: even when the book is called some iteration of The ____ Who Shagged ME
Jumpropeman: link


ivel: Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Will Arrive in July 2021
People can finally play through Ryunosuke Naruhodo's cases in English in Great Ace Attorney Chronicles this July.

Draco: Not if I can help it! D:<
ivel watches as it releases in Bengalese instead


(Sheep reads JRM's review of The Last Story)

Malt Sheep: "and when a race of people known as the Gurak attack"
Malt Sheep: and they would, wouldn't they, with a name like that
Jumpropeman: Gawr Gurak
Malt Sheep: You never hear of any Gurak The Great Peacemakers
Malt Sheep: "The battle with the Gurak begins as a straightforward conflict with what seem like a monstrous race, but their motivations and way of life are not as generic as simply warmongering for the sake of it."
Malt Sheep: Yes
Malt Sheep: It's because they like hurting people.
Gooper Blooper: Well! I guess we can see where Pillbox got his SPACE RACISM from, with all this anti-Gurak rhetoric!!
RubyChao: plot twist
RubyChao: a Gurak in disguise
Jumpropeman: the truth comes out!
Draco: Sith Lord Darth Pitohui
Draco: Who would have guess sweet, innocent Supreme Chancellor Elsa Kanzaki was actually the Dark Lord?
Malt Sheep: "The characters that make up your party initially feel like one-note mercenaries as well"
Malt Sheep: Hmmm
Malt Sheep: "Syrenne seeming to be a generic drunk"
Malt Sheep: "Lowell leaning on his flirtatious nature hard"
Malt Sheep: "and Mirania’s love of food leaned on for the same joke again and again"
Malt Sheep: I spent far too much time and effort on this joke.
RubyChao: i liked it
Jumpropeman: you've cracked the code, it's a black clover adaptation all along
RubyChao: it was a good joke
Gooper Blooper: For Sheep, any amount of time spent thinking about Black Clover is too much time
Draco: Now we know Sheep's Season 16.5 plans.
RubyChao: Reminder.
Gooper Blooper: she's coming...
Malt Sheep: I can't be bothered to remember any of their names- :I- except Charmy, so I had to look through the wiki and then pan for a suitable image.
Draco: Yay Sally
Draco: Best Brawl Champ
RubyChao: shhh
RubyChao: don't spoil BBB12
Malt Sheep: >:I
Jumpropeman: can't wait to have her melt someone's face off with a super hot nickel ball
Malt Sheep: "Zael, the main character of the game"
Malt Sheep: whose personality trait is being the main character of the ga-
Malt Sheep: "is pretty much just sort of a standard video game protagonist"
Malt Sheep: I WAS JOKING
Malt Sheep: In a game full of characters who seem generic, only to unfold into greater complexity, I THOUGHT I was SAFE
Malt Sheep: "and even Horace, a seemingly simple merchant who upgrades your equipment, has a fleshed out life that you can learn more about as your paths intertwine in the main plot or in the optional chapters devoted to him."
Malt Sheep: And EVEN Horace, JRM
Malt Sheep: But not the face we're slapping on the game
Malt Sheep can't be bothered to check if that's the protagonist who is on the box art
RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: even HORACE!?
Malt Sheep: EVEN Horace.
Draco: Wow
Draco: :D


MobileDraco: Bar concept art.
Jumpropeman: Draco that's a staircase
Jumpropeman: really though, looks nice and roomy, a good fit for the airship!
MobileDraco: The entire bar is on a staircase. So what? BI
Jumpropeman: if you think about it, every stair can be a bartop
MobileDraco: Exactly
MobileDraco: Crocomire gets the top step and Cirno gets the bottom. The drinks are served over the bannisters.
Jumpropeman: that's better than what I imagined: the drinks come pouring down the stairs and you need to try and lap it up before it reaches other bargoers to get yours
MobileDraco: That's why you're subscribing to drink access, not buying your own.
MobileDraco: World of Pourcraft


Gooper Blooper: Happy Earth Day, remember to pat your local Ariel on the head
Gooper Blooper:


RubyChao: peko
Gooper Blooper: Peko!
RubyChao: someday i need to replay DR2 so i can be very, very confused at
RubyChao: "what do you mean Peko is a normal human"


Jumpropeman: my brother has gotten really good with Riptor in Killer Instinct, but apparently me using Rash is his hard counter :V
El Kabonk: kek
Malt Sheep: Because Rash needs nerfed
Malt Sheep: Unload that toad
Jumpropeman: D:< don't touch the toad
Jumpropeman: you'll get warts
Malt Sheep: Inhibit the ribbit


Gooper Blooper: "The Asylum has spent years creating pop culture films that attempt to "capitalize" on popular movies of a specific time, with previous entries such as Transmorphers, Sharknado, Geo-Disaster, and Alien Predator being just a handful of the countless movies that they've made in the past. Now, it seems as if the filmmakers of the company are setting their sights on the most popular giant monsters in the world right now with their upcoming Ape Vs Monster film, which happens to bear a striking resemblance to a certain Legendary Pictures movie that has been shaking the box office this month."
Gooper Blooper: Oh no.
Jumpropeman: get 'em, ape!
Gooper Blooper: #TeamApe #TeamMonster
Draco: I'd watch it.


Gooper Blooper: ? eggette 2
Gooper Blooper: Criminal.
RubyChao: yeah
RubyChao: why does she have results in the first place
Jumpropeman: friendship ended with chao
Draco: D:


Jumpropeman: playing a photography game where you snap photos of african wildlife
Jumpropeman: you can also take photos of their dung
Jumpropeman: and get it judged
Draco: Neat.
Jumpropeman: beat THAT New Pokemon Snap!
Gooper Blooper: Wonderful! The dung is right in the middle of the frame! I can double the score!


Jumpropeman: the credits for the animal photography game are going
Jumpropeman: and they are showing my photos
Jumpropeman: I am so waiting for a dung to pop up during this moody credits music
Gooper Blooper: poo poo santa's ancestor, poo poo poo
Jumpropeman: dang, no poo
Gooper Blooper: boo



Malt Sheep even more distracted than usual tonight
Malt Sheep this man is living in the past
Malt Sheep this man is dial-up in a fiber optic jungle


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: oh shiiiiiiiiii
Draco: My Among Us moment from dinner tonight.
Malt Sheep: Very sus.


Jumpropeman: "Mickey's Inflation Celebration" is in fact something Disney did and not a deviantart image


Malt Sheep: Now, I know what you're all thinking
Malt Sheep: "M Sheep, you could be watching a thoroughly opaque episode of Attack On Titan right now!"
Malt Sheep: But what if...
Malt Sheep: I didn't
RubyChao: ah, but sheep, i am not thinking that
RubyChao: for i am also not watching attack on titan
Malt Sheep: Listen, at this point, I'm better off just reading about it.
Gooper Blooper: Sheep having a rare moment of lucidity
Malt Sheep: It's a brave, new world
Malt Sheep: We can do anything
Malt Sheep: We can have Junko accomplish something
Malt Sheep: Wait
Malt Sheep: No
Malt Sheep: Let's not get crazy here
Jumpropeman: the time you spend watching these awful animes could instead be spent watching Ascension of a Bookworm or Heaven's Design Team or reading One Piece or-
Jumpropeman somehow got very anime and manga focused during the offseason
RubyChao: so does this mean
RubyChao: it's time for me to make jrm watch
Malt Sheep: I do mean to watch The Great Heaven Bakeoff some time
Jumpropeman melts into water like a vaporeon


Jumpropeman: preview of BBB13
RubyChao: well, goops
RubyChao: you know what to do


Draco: Just got my second COVID shot.
Jumpropeman: nice!
Draco: Now I can go back to sitting in restaurants full of screaming children or something, I dunno. 


Jumpropeman: time to read the latest one piece chapter
Jumpropeman: I'll make sure to post overblown spoilery reactions in chat
Draco: You'd better. Make them as click bait-y as possible too or no Christmas bonus for you!


Jumpropeman: Ronald observes the head of a fallen friend wistfully


Jumpropeman: link link link
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: the time is right for Zelda Blanket


Brinehammer checks his notes for the season.
Brinehammer 's got a piece of paper with "Checilia, Chepler, Chenny, Chinim?" on it.
Brinehammer: Hell Yeah
Working from Del: hahaha


The Bree: here's an artisanal hand drawn nipple sarah completely for free
The Bree: no refunds.
oh god baby shark: such nipple
Draco: OoO Sugoi!
Gooper Blooper: that's Sarah alright
oh god baby shark: so nsfw
oh god baby shark: pfft yeah
oh god baby shark: ...i called sarah a nipple.
oh god baby shark: i cannot read and therefore, jail
The Bree: listen harpy, at this level of quality, no one can be completely sure it's not a nipple
The Bree: so you're Some Kind Of Correct
oh god baby shark: it kinda looks like a doorknob with hair and a red hairtie
oh god baby shark: if i'm bein real honest
ivel: so Sarah
oh god baby shark: incorrect proportions, ivel
oh god baby shark: that's josephine pre-naming
oh god baby shark: "ah yes, the pre-sephine times" -ivel just now
oh god baby shark: 2011 is the pre-sephine times, confirmed
oh god baby shark: now measuring zfrp years in "AJ", or "After Josephine"
The Bree: I kind of scrawled out a vaguely sarah esque shape, then realized I didn't know how to make it look like a head with hair with a hood over it and I'm too tired to learn
The Bree: so I slapped some yellow and some red on it and called it a day
oh god baby shark: its fine!
oh god baby shark: the monsters i'm about to hunt won't be.
The Bree: it was for the sake of a joke so really the Sheer Skill™ is just part of the joke
The Bree: I'm sure goops will treasure it forever
oh god baby shark: goopsmom is gonna put it on the fridge right now
Gooper Blooper: link
oh god baby shark: doorknob sarah!!!
ivel: nesting doll Sarah
oh god baby shark: dam right
The Bree: an excellent sarah


ivel: oh yeah, I tried the Funk, but I made the mistake of not doing so on Friday so I failed miserably
Jumpropeman: how dare you ivel
ivel: at least that's my completely legit reasoning
oh god baby shark: gf was not impressed
Jumpropeman: next you'll play monday night combat on a day besides monday and saturday morning rpg on any day but saturday!
oh god baby shark: i had japanese steakhouse on taco tuesday
ivel: I actually did play Monday Night Combat
ivel: fun enough for what it was


Jumpropeman: shrek crocs
Draco: Best shoes


RubyChao: >i'm only a thousand and a half posts behind goops
RubyChao: it's time to overtake
RubyChao: (which i still hear in the song vibe)
The Deleter: Lmao same


(Bree explains/summarizes the unfinished Komachiplot in order to wrap it up)

The Bree: now I can start this season with a clean slate
The Bree left the chat
Draco: But then we have the Sword of Damocles that is Yukari hanging over our heads. What happened to her? Where did she go? When will we face her ag-
Oh wait, she appeared in the bar and apologized. Never mind! NO LOOSE ENDS.
Jumpropeman: she's still hanging over the bar though
Jumpropeman: she likes to drop pennies down Silvania's shirt when she's not looking
Draco: Is this that Bitcoin thing everyone talks about? :l
Draco: Someone mentioned NFTs around her and Silvania asked why anyone would buy Olympia's police chief.
Jumpropeman: :I


Dobile Mel: "Del: where would we be without meiling"
Dobile Mel: Past me was never more profound


Jumpropeman: "all in all, Marsupilami is a traditional side-scrolling platform game with the gameplay aimed toward a younger audience"
Jumpropeman: lies
blurh h: uh oh
blurh h: have you suffered?
Jumpropeman: everyone in my family that played Marsupilami, while we were kids I'll note, did not like it because it is specifically too complex for kids
Draco: In June or something.
Jumpropeman: there's an elephant that moves on its own who you need to get to the end of the level. To do this you need to pick up the right items and use them in the right places while a timer ticks down and you are discouraged from just going off and experiencing the level on your own
blurh h: meanwhile balan wonderworld has such simple things to do things with
Jumpropeman: so there's a lot of waiting on the slow elephant and punishment for messing up
blurh h: god damn it i'm forgetting this elephant's name so that i could make a joke
blurh h: mr. "here is his photograph"
Jumpropeman: you never forget an elephant
Jumpropeman: Babar
blurh h: ah yes, babar, taking his sweet time taking his photograph for you to do things like
blurh h: explore


Rose was timed out
Rose joined the chat

Rose: I like how I always check in within two minutes of me being timed out
RubyChao: it's actually the result of you being connected, i believe
RubyChao: rather than coincidence
Draco silently programs chat to take two more minutes off of Rose's Timed Out counter.
Rose: :panic:


1 comment:

  1. Cash Money Konpaku - reblog in the next 15 minutes or she'll take your cash.
