Friday, April 30, 2021

Chatzy Madness: The Meiling Collection

Bree: dumb mental image
Bree: meiling is like "hey patchy you want to be my fitness buddy" "no" "it would mostly consist of me carrying you to make my training more difficult" "can I read while you do it" "sure" "...fine"
Gooper Blooper: thirty keks
Bree: that's a whole barrel of keks
Ivy Dragon: Patchy is like a lazy Yoda.
RubyChao: patchy gives training for everyone who asks
RubyChao: it consists of doing the work for her


Gooper Blooper: okay, I attempted to jump to the booby paragraph by hitting control+F and typing "booby"
Gooper Blooper: but something went wrong
M Sheep: Jumped to Meiling's entry?
Gooper Blooper: and that's how I wound up staring at the phrase "Kamen Rider Booby"


Bree: "meiling, what are your plans to save kawashiro" *picture of nitori's rear* *picture of IDK MITSUO's rear*
Bree: chiharu: "I think it's a great plan!"
Draco: Chiharu pls
Bree: there's a reason chiharu and meiling are bes frands
Bree: (the reason is they're goofballs)


Del: im starting a new city in cities skylines
Del: name suggestions pls
Jumpropeman: Dongertopia


Del: dongertopia after about 20 mins
Jumpropeman: from humble beginnings
Del: we hit "little hamlet" status real fast
Del: so now dongertopia can be medicated, educated and, uh, de-garbage-cated
Jumpropeman: get that garbage off your donger
Bree: meiling complains about everything being dongs
Bree: "so uninclusive"
Del: thankfully dongertopia has a fine history of maxing prothestics for those who are dongically challenged
Bree: meiling does not want a dong
Bree: well okay I could totally picture meiling with two fake rubber dongs gluing them to a headband and running around like "I'M THE DONGERFLY"
Bree: dong antennae
Del: where would we be without meiling
SteelKomodo: meiling pls


Bree: I had planned on meiling coming to the bar sometime when callie and marie are there and just being like "of course they have sexy squid girls here, this place is the best"
iKomodo: Marie would like that compliment very much bree
iKomodo: "I'm not usually into people taller than me, buuuut...~"
Bree: meiling is much, much taller, kek
Bree: smoll squids
iKomodo: very smoll
Bree: aren't they like four feet tall
Bree: meiling is six feet tall
iKomodo: Around that much, yeah
iKomodo: i figure that they're slightly taller than the average inkling since they're older, but not by much
iKomodo: also Marie would take that as a challenge :U
Bree: a squid and a dragon walk into a bar...
iKomodo: And then everything is censored for 2Lewd
Bree: maybe they ​shouldn't​ meet because meiling probably would bang the squidgirl unless scarlett wasn't okay with that
Bree: and I get the sense that scarlett would probably just join in because she ​is del's character
iKomodo: Hahaha
Bree: and then we'd all be responsible for a lesbian threesome canonically happening in ZFRP and that's just terrible
Draco was timed out
iKomodo: As Patman Post would say, TERRIBLE
Bree: draco was so offended by #Lewd that he got kicked out of chat
iKomodo: Hahaha
Dellaris: Scarlett is from a society where there is a wider spectrum of sexuality than visible light
Dellaris: So she'd be like "lol of course you did"
Dellaris: "Now let's play double dragon"


Breep: would that impress yuugi
Breep: meiling picking her up that is
RubyChao: yes
Breep: meiling just like "I bet you've never been swept off your feet before huh *eyebrows*"
Gooper Blooper: Now I'm picturing Meiling doing reps by holding Yuugi and lifting her up and down while Silence claps
Gooper Blooper: my mental images get stupid late at night
Breep: hahahaha
Breep: that'd totally be something she'd do though
Gooper Blooper: crazy mastodon girls


Bree: mister snuggles the panda plush in fact belongs to sakuya, not to meiling
Bree: well, it's arguable
Bree: anyway, he was a gift to sakuya from meiling, who actually learned sewing and shit just to make the damn panda plush
Bree: (and then she never used her sewing skills ever again)
Draco: ​Parseeplot in July: Parsee learns sewing from Meiling
Bree: mister snuggles is still one of sakuya's treasured possessions and he was indeed brought to vegas by sakuya along with all her other important things
Bree: however sakuya and meiling have a habit of passing him back and forth a lot
Bree: sometimes he stays with meiling for weeks before meiling hides the plush in the laundry or something and sakuya finds him and takes him back
Bree: and then repeat process
Bree: they have joint custody of mister snuggles
Bree: he is the one offspring of their years-long relationship
Bree: and that is the story of mister snuggles
Draco: Beautiful. ;-;


Aurora: Reimu finds it amusing, and now Yuyuko is insisting that she make a Mister Snuggles for the two of them
Aurora: as in, Reimu and Yuyu
Aurora: for those two
Bree: lel
Aurora: "no" "but reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee​eimooooooooooooooooo" "i can't sew worth a damn. if i try i will probably make an abomination that my god will smite on the spot" "but i love your abominations :C"
Bree: haha


Bree: okay del just posted about sexbots and meiling's looking at kids toys
Bree: I'm so conflicted
Bree: dammit panda
Draco: Oh Meiling, you're a thousand years old but still a kid at heart.
Bree: meiling is not a thousand years old :U
Bree: she's only 499!
Draco: ​Parsee and Yamame are both older.
Draco: Meiling's been 499 for 501 years.
Bree: noooooooo she refuses to believe she's old
Del: meiling is 4ever young to scarlett
Bree: she's also forever young to hong, reminder that he calls her "hatchling"
Bree: babby dragon
Del: adorb babby dragon
Bree: but it's tru, meiling is 499 and season 7 will feature meiling freaking out about the half-century birthday milestone
Gooper Blooper: haha
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: celestia makes a cake with 500 candles
Bree: she burns down the birthday party venue
Gooper Blooper: they are arranged in the shape of a dragon
Bree: I can't believe the panda is fucking old


Bree: no one can stop meiling from owning lewd art
Bree: this is the hill she will die on
Draco: Not even...SAKUYA?
RubyChao: what about
RubyChao: lewd art
RubyChao: of
RubyChao: raymoo
Gooper Blooper: she deserves it
Draco: Who am I kidding? Sakuya probably has more than Meiling.
Bree: especially not sakuya
Bree: chao: yes
Big Chatter: i'm pretty sure there's a lot
RubyChao: you know
RubyChao: it's april
RubyChao: i should do one of those everyone is here blogposts
Gooper Blooper: you should
Bree: sakuya's lewd art ownership depends on your definition of lewd
Bree: sakuya is an artist so she has approximately fifty blajillion drawings of naked people
Bree: there's a ton of sexy meiling paintings up in the attic
Big Chatter: i need to do a lot of things
Gooper Blooper: I'll do one later
RubyChao: on may first?
RubyChao: (kidding)
ivel: a blogpost or a lewd drawing Goops
Big Chatter: ivel plz
Big Chatter: thats sakuya
Big Chatter: :I
Gooper Blooper: well I mean I do take commissions now and again
Gooper Blooper: so the possibility is there
Bree: now that
Bree: would be fascinating
Big Chatter: WELL
Bree: to see goops' best attempt at a sexy nekkid person
ivel: Harpy is dying
Big Chatter: i'm actually melting.


Draco: Bah gawd, Kang. Even chibi Meiling's got huge boobs.
Bree: great stonking tits
Bree: *jiggle*


Bree: Kooopa Football Players: How long would you say a potato is
-Kooopa Football Players: help me
-RubyChao: it's the length of a potato
-RubyChao: it weighs as much as a potato
-Sweet Murder: It may or may not also taste like unto a potato.
-RubyChao: looking it up
-RubyChao: the real answer is "5 inches on average", apparently
-RubyChao: ...those are some small potatos
-Jumpropeman: hence the phrase

Bree: hong issues a correction: baby meiling was definitely bigger than a potato
Bree: a sacka portatas
Bree: in a stupid dress
iKomodo: Hahahahaha
RubyChao: (still squishy and crying, though)
Bree: she was crying ​because of​ the stupid dress, in case you forget the original "squishy crying potato" tale
RubyChao: >​implying i would ever fit the circumstances under which hong meiling was a squishy crying potato
Bree: fit? xD
Raven: whalep
RubyChao: ...*forget
RubyChao: although it also works like that
RubyChao: i do not believe i ever looked like a squishy crying potato
Bree: you probably did as a baby
Bree: that's the lesson to be taken away from hong's story you see
Bree: babies look like potatoes
Bree: putting them in stupid dresses doesn't make them look any less like potatoes
Bree: it only makes them look like crying potatoes


 Bree: chao, how will kasumi feel about hugging robots
Bree: do you think meiling will convince her to hug any robots this season
RubyChao: depends on the robot
Bree: skeiron then
Bree: the original huggable robot
Gooper Blooper: stupid mental image
Gooper Blooper: Meiling tries all day to get Kasumi to hug a robot
Gooper Blooper: Kasumi keeps refusing mostly out of stubbornness
Gooper Blooper: then she winds up hugging Ruukoto somehow
Gooper Blooper: "SURPRISE, SHE'S A ROBOT" "...fuuuuuuuck"
RubyChao: i approve
Bree: best
Bree: my mental image of how it'd go if meiling tried to get kasumi to hug skeiron
Bree: is "why should I" "he's cute!" " he's not" "​​BLASPHEMY​​​" "okay okay jeez fuck I'll hug the fucking robot"
Bree: just, middle of celestia's bakery, meiling bellows BLASPHEMY so loudly that thunderclouds form and lightning strikes ominously in the background
Bree: indoors
Bree: you dare question the cuteness of this robot, plebeian? the gods shall smite thee for thy hubris >:I
Bree: anyway so meiling and kasumi are fun to RP together
RubyChao: they are
RubyChao: perpetual grump is the perfect foil to meiling's meilingness
Bree: another dumb mental image
Bree: celestia decides to do something nice for skeiron's birthday
Bree: meilingness best descriptor
Bree: anyway
Bree: skeiron can't eat but celestia decides to throw a party and there will be cake for everyone else to eat on skeiron's behalf
Bree: except, she changes her mind, and instead of cake
Bree: it's a loaf of bread
Bree: ​shaped like skeiron​
Bree: ​skeiron won't let anybody eat it because it's too beautiful​


(Meiling teases Caprice for choosing to ride in a cop car instead of riding her in dragon form)

Gooper Blooper: Clearly Meiling just carries the car to California
Bree: but that would require her to take back the sick burn she just dealt caprice
Bree: I don't know what I'll do when I retire meiling someday
Bree: I'll have to invent a new character to embarrass their more serious friends
Jumpropeman: Meiling Jr.
Jumpropeman: Half hologram, half dragon
Jumpropeman: all raunchiness


N Goat: Just imagining Meiling in like some TV Talk Show host cardigan designer glasses dealie as she glides across the bar in a plush chair and a couch scoops up Voyd
Jumpropeman: Good Sex with Dr. Meiling
N Goat: "Welcome to Gay of Thrones."
N Goat: "I'm the dragon."
Draco: Then Meiling is drowning in dragon maids.


 dork: "Listen... from all my time in the force, there's one thing you should know," Selena said as she looked down at the wide-eyed recruits staring back at her. "I love you."
* * *
Caitlin wasn't sure what a "love" was but she knew it was something, at least.
In short, they all knew they might be the most important person in the world to her.
"Let me guess," he said finally. "You didn't want to go on the date, did you?"
She bit into the meaty chunk of meat she'd cooked earlier.
"Yes, I did."
It wasn't like the two of them had ever actually held hands but their mutual interest and mutual understanding was palpable. It made sense. The girl in question had just moved back to her hometown, moving far behind them, and the guy had never made her feel welcome or comfortable, even outside of his strict, religious household.
"Well, how about you sit your ass down and show off your big boobs?" Selina said, pushing her back into her chair at the table. "Tell me a story."
Caitlin didn't say anything. She just let the blonde take the lead, knowing it would make her look like a complete dork."

dork: should have just left it at "I love you"
dork: just... MOM ACTIVATED.
Jumpropeman: XD the random big boobs part
dork: wait
dork: hold on
dork: did they just typo Selena's name
Gooper Blooper: they do that sometimes
e3vel: they meant Catwoman
Jumpropeman: someone give that big boobs line to meiling
Jumpropeman: she needs it
Bree: meiling would never say something so rude on a first date


a big fat derp: i just woke up
a big fat derp: from a dream
a big fat derp: where bree and del made a harem but made sure everyone was okay was it first
Draco: ...?
Draco: Well. Um. That was nice of them.
Kamen Rider Del: Uhm
Kamen Rider Del: Hm
[gags in disgust]: Huh
Kamen Rider Del: I don't know if I want more context for that or not
a big fat derp: i have no idea what the hell i just woke up
a big fat derp: there is no other context
a big fat derp: just that
Kamen Rider Del: Fair
Kamen Rider Del: Welp
Kamen Rider Del: Imma give that dream a confused Pomeranian out of ten
[gags in disgust]: Honestly considering how much of a juggling act the Lesbros were
a big fat derp: i'm just as confused as you are
[gags in disgust]: i dunno if a harem in RP would even be tenable, never mind the rules
Kamen Rider Del: Bree probably would have some funny jokes about Meiling right about now
Kamen Rider Del: I'm not clever enough to make them
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Kamen Rider Del: Oh god hi boops
[gags in disgust]: Hi goops
Kamen Rider Del: Welcome to the awkward power hour



Bree: fun fact: when meiling calls someone "beautiful" it's not meaningless flattery, she only applies that term to ladies she actually thinks are beautiful
Bree: and gensokyo is full of ladies
Gooper Blooper: I noticed this
Gooper Blooper: And it amused me because of earlier today
Gooper Blooper: "Meiling peeks into the bar. She spots Yuugi and is about to retreat... but Yuugi spots her too, which means she is doomed. She reluctantly joins the oni and the bucket youkai. 'Hey, beautiful. Hey, Kisume.'”
Bree: the subtlest ice burn
Bree: but no, she wasn't implying kisume isn't beautiful :U
Bree: she just has no interest in flattering the hell out of kisume
Bree: kisume is not a target for meiling's uncontrollable casanova-ness
Jumpropeman: Meiling isn't ready for the burden of a relationship with a bucket girl
Jumpropeman: you always got to carry her places
Jumpropeman: she keeps wanting to ride the teacups only at Disneyland
Jumpropeman: she's just the worst


Bree: when meiling needs to let sakuya know it's really an emergency


Bree: god this fucking post
Bree: it's so stupid
Bree: where do I come up with this absolute drivel
Bree: y'all better be ready for the ham and cheese
MobileDraco: Cheesier than the Fallen Angel Yohane? 😄
Gooper Blooper: meiling fans both want and expect drivel
Bree: I dunno, draco, judge for yourself
Jumpropeman: Yohane's so cheesy that Chester Cheetah couldn't even handle her


Jumpropeman: we need more emotionally vulnerable robots in RP
Jumpropeman: spy save us
Action Bree: can I date the emotionally vulnerable robots
Draco: Sure, Bree.
Action Bree: meiling is going to be the protagonist of a harem anime someday
Action Bree: except the harem is one she painstakingly assembled herself by extensively courting every new addition


Bree: if Sakuya has kids, Meiling will show up long enough to be the awesome aunt/cool big sis
Bree: and then the second a diaper is dirty it's like "hey sean here's your brat back"
Bree: and she nopes on out


Bree: meiling is one of those characters where "lesbro" is actually appropriate as a description


A Bree: during the offseason dimitri/scarlett taught meiling how to computer
A Bree: just a regular modern computer, because yes her girlfriend is an incredibly advanced AI hologram but that doesn't mean meiling knows how to computer
A Bree: sakuya already knew how to computer prior to season 5
A Bree: meiling had had some basic lessons from sakuya
A Bree: unfortunately sakuya is not patient enough to teach meiling how technology works
NovaChao: "what's this thing" "a keyboard"
NovaChao: "and this" "a mouse"
A Bree: yep
Gooper Blooper: Clippy can help
A Bree: del and I had a conversation about it that featured a ludicrous, hilarious but super lewd line from sakuya that still makes me giggle to this day
ivel: oh?
Gooper Blooper: "It looks like you don't know what a mouse is. Take it out of your mouth and let's get started!"
ivel: lel
NovaChao: this i must hear
A Bree: okay okay I'll spoiler it because idk if it's 2lewd
A Bree: when sakuya reached peak frustration levels with meiling's computer illiteracy, she yelled the line ​"YOUR DIET IS FIFTY PERCENT HOLOGRAPHIC SUPERCOMPUTER PUSSY, HOW HAVE YOU NOT GRASPED BASIC PROGRAMMING SKILLS? DO WE NEED TO UP YOUR DOSAGE?"​ loud enough to accidentally wake remilia two floors up
NovaChao: oh my god
ivel: lel
NovaChao: that IS hilarious
NovaChao: and also super lewd
ivel: it is
NovaChao: but mostly hilarious, thank for sharing
Gooper Blooper: kek
A Bree: that was basically the point where sakuya stopped trying to teach meiling
A Bree: meiling's response was also hilarious-but-lewd
A Bree: I guess I'll share that too
A Bree: ​Meiling's reply, by the way, when it happened, was to muse, completely straight-faced, that she wished she could suck knowledge out of Dimitri's orifices, because "I would know everything"​
ivel: also lek
NovaChao: i'm choking on laughter
ivel: lel*
NovaChao: rip me
ivel: lek, the fusion of lel and kek
Gooper Blooper: lewdhus
Draco: Oh dear.
A Bree: it's (partly) del's fault
A Bree: he's an enabler


A Bree: meiling basically intends to keep learning about technology until she becomes celestia or something
Gooper Blooper: meiling aiming high as usual I see
A Bree: or like
A Bree: until she understands how scarlet's code works, so in other words never



Special Bree: worst fite vote ever, posted
Special Bree: well the vote is fine but worst effortpost ever, definitely
CloudyChao: i literally laughed out loud
CloudyChao: so no, not worst
Special Bree: komachi's line almost said ​"You heard it here first, folks: #Samus Aran is the hottest babe in the KOB. Just ask the Internet."​
Gooper Blooper: HOT BABES
Special Bree: meiling does not apologize for her priorities dammit
Special Bree: but actually she shouldn't because her priorities are perfectly in order. plenty of things come before HOT BABES
Special Bree: and of course
Special Bree: she always remembers which hot babe is the most important
Special Bree: <3
Gooper Blooper: "It's Sonia, right" "Quiet, Lily"
Tiz: sonia is indeed a hot babe
Tiz: but
Tiz: [REDACTED] is a hot hunk
Jumpropeman: Theodore Rex is flattered you'd say that Harpy [blushing] ​
Gooper Blooper: oh bby
Tiz: ;U
Ultimate Despair Sheep: Gotta love a reptile in uniform


Bree: looks like I made the ticker again XD
Bree: I like that somehow "MEILING THERE ARE CHILDREN" got it instead of what sakuya's chastising meiling about
Jumpropeman: out of context it sounds a bit like someone's just excited by the presence of children
Bree: lel
Bree: maybe draco felt it wouldn't be PG for the next 24 hours ish to have a ticker that read "I AM THE GOD OF SEX AND VOLLEYBALL"
Draco: Sometimes I just like to pick a quote that's just plain odd without context. Why is someone yelling at Meiling about children? Are they afraid? Are they excited? Are they going around stealing from kids?
Jumpropeman: all of the above
Bree: lel


(Meiling leads Sean into the Manga Carta adult section and gives him SeanXDimitri hentai)

Bree: here sean have this horrible thing
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: rip sean
RubyChao: rip
RubyChao: he's going to die
Bree: probably
RubyChao: you just killed suki's boyfriend
Bree: she hasn't shown him all the horrible things yet
RubyChao: i hope you're happy, meiling
RubyChao: you murderer
SteelKomodo: rip


Bree: sakuya won't tease tenshi about viola, but expect meiling to want to "help"
Bree: by giving tenshi "advice"
Bree: on how to "win over" viola
RubyChao: meiling just completely ignoring tenshi's persistent denials


(Meiling calls Ruukoto, a robot maid with no synthetic skin under her clothing, attractive)

ivel: if only Meiling was around when Ruukoto lifted her dress
Gooper Blooper: HOT HOT HOT
Bree: she does not know what is under that dress but it wouldn't bother her if she did know
ivel: I didn't think it would :U
Jumpropeman: Clawhauser turns red with pink spots just at the thought
Bree: I mean, consider dolby, for example! last year she was all "meiling why are you hitting on me, I'm a slightly squishy rubber sack full of old electronics"
Bree: and now this year dolby's all walkin in here with suddenly new organs!
Bree: sure it's not the right kind, but look
Bree: you never know
Bree: what science can achieve


N Goat: Meiling and Hong have a tender family moment
N Goat: >​And Meiling cried.
N Goat: A crying, squishy Meitato
N Goat: ...
N Goat: I'll just be over here then
N Goat: NOT ruining tender moments


Bree: komachi's diary entry #49284: note to self, don't wear new dress around meiling, she kept staring at my boobs again *childish doodle of meiling with X eyes and a scythe sticking out of her chest*
Bree: that's the sort of grade-A content you would expect from a komachi diary
Bree: complaints about dumb shit meiling did, goofy doodles, and probably a lot of emo poetry.
Bree: a lot of emo poetry
Bree: and a lot of hearts with "mrs. komachi kawashiro" written inside
Jumpropeman: Mrs. Fiona Charming
Jumpropeman: Mrs. Fiona Charming
Jumpropeman: Mrs. Fiona Charming
Gooper Blooper: Mrs. Fiona Charming
Bree: what if he was the most gorgeous-est, charming-est, kindest respectfulest prince ever
Bree: but his name was like
Bree: prince stinkfarts
MobileDrac: Mrs. Nitori Onozuka
Jumpropeman: misread that as skinfarts
Jumpropeman: which is a much grosser name
Eh: Would the damsel lower her pride to be m'lady Stinkfarts until his parents died, and then to become Princess Stinkfarts or Queen Mother/Queen Elect Stinkfarts for life?
Bree: just a whole dumb disney movie about a girl wondering if her one true love is worth the cost of having to be mrs. stinkfarts for life
Bree: and the happy ending is the prince taking her last name instead


Bree Verily: "Hrol, you are not a slut. I can spot one easily" EURYALE MEETS MEILING


GlitterBree: I kinda wanna have someone force meiling to play drake of the 99 dragons


Bree: lame post because idk what to write blarg
Bree: didn't use my roll because it didn't seem necessary
Bree: whatever the case
Bree: hongmad
Herpaderp: Masamune might be feeling a shiver or two right about now
Herpaderp: dargons,son
Bree: darngons
Bree: bleh fire
Bree: *amity*
Herpaderp: he just wants to fly, but Kojuro won't let him :C
Twists: Raezin, Masamune, and Draco are all waiting in the foyer with a dead Elder God squirming under them. "What took so long out there?" etc.
-things I am totally kidding about of course.
Herpaderp: masamune would probably eat the elder god
Herpaderp: and then have a tummyache because he's a young dragon with a sensitive tummy
Bree: babby dragon
Herpaderp: damn gods give him heartburn
Gooper Blooper: sarah eats it
Gooper Blooper: if her pal okuu can eat a god so can she
Bree: obviously we need amity to do it
Bree: amity has already eaten two opponents this season
Herpaderp: i have plans for masamune to be awesome in raspberryplot finale
Gooper Blooper: hi is amty
Herpaderp: except not really compared to others but ya know
Herpaderp: suddenly amity
Bree: no one expects the ditto inquisition
Twists: I am quite sure you don't really want to eat the god of forbidden knowledge. Such things seem interesting on the lips, but they're hard to swallow, harder to digest, and sour on the soul when one is done.
Twists: ​And you'd know all of Sine's sex secrets, man.
Herpaderp: hong was amity all this time
Bree: ... >​hong being amity all along
Bree: oh my god
Bree: I can't
Bree: stop
Bree: laughing
Bree: helpmeI'mdying
Herpaderp: "ling"
Herpaderp: "give ling"
Bree: now I'm imagining a Star Wars style "Meiling, I am your father" with Meiling and Amity
Gooper Blooper: imagine the reassuring, loving speech Hong gave to Selah the other day after it's run through the amity filter
Bree: just replace 95% of the speech with a big long "fraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa​nds"


Bree: I liked glasses kappa even before she became a thing in ZFRP :V
RubyChao: somehow, despite my best efforts
RubyChao: making her an intolerable little shit didn't work to make people dislike her
RubyChao: where did i go wrong
Bree: all tiny, cute tsunderes should be given hugs and love
Bree: meiling is trying but kasumi keeps stabbing her
Barista Champion: wow
Gooper Blooper: you went wrong by adding depth and making her an actual character
Barista Champion: dun dun
Gooper Blooper: "WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?!" "good writing"
Bree: fact: I turned my thing about kasumi being cute into a meiling thing, once kasumi stopped being an asshole meiling realized "oh mah gahd she's so cute"
RubyChao: >​stopped
Bree: and now when she's an asshole it just makes her more cute
RubyChao: oh ok
Bree: stopped being as much of an asshole? :V
RubyChao: yes
Bree: so yeah now meiling is like "you're cute" and kasumi's like "I'M NOT CUTE FUCK YOU" and meiling's like "okay"
ivel: meiling plz
Bree: meilings gonna meiling
Draco: Parsee just shakes her head and has another mimosa.



Draco: "Meiling puffs her chest out with pride." <- Where'd that eclipse come from?


Sick Bree: so SK
Sick Bree: how does mika feel about autographing people's butts
Dellaris: Pls answer it's very important
iKomodo: That is
iKomodo: um
iKomodo: a hell of a question
Sick Bree: celebs are constantly asked to sign people's body parts
Sick Bree: you know that, right
iKomodo: does someone in particular want her to autograph their butt?
Sick Bree: meiling
iKomodo: i... Did not know this
iKomodo: oh ok
iKomodo: i suppose yeah she'd be cool with it
PandemonicChao: wow
PandemonicChao: meiling, this is the most pls thing of all time
Sick Bree: blame del
iKomodo: ok! :D
Sick Bree: he is the one responsible
Dellaris: I am
Draco: I blame all of England.
iKomodo: Del pls
iKomodo: why
iKomodo: Welp
Sick Bree: also mental image
Sick Bree: komachi asks for eddie's autograph, meiling like "you should ask him to sign your cleavage" and komachi is like "NO! ...maybe."


M Sheep: "You were RAD AS CANADA back there!"
M Sheep: Meiling's a big fan of northern landmasses, apparently
Gooper Blooper: *hides letty*


Bree: when the hell did meiling say that
Bree: why the hell did meiling say that
StarlightChao: thanking papyrus after meshugah
Bree: that doesn't answer my second question
StarlightChao: i don't know
StarlightChao: you were the one who wrote it
Bree: this is what meiling does
Bree: I write her and then months and months later I'm like "what the fuck, meiling"
Bree: if that doesn't happen then I haven't written her properly I guess


Draco: I like Goops' reasoning behind his #4 DYM vote.
Bree: I love his #1 vote explanation XD
Bree: "and meiling, who is meiling."
Gooper Blooper: When you're fighting Mettaton in Undertale, sometimes the between-battle narration can only come up with "Mettaton."
Gooper Blooper: Meiling is that kind of person
Bree: the highest compliment I've ever received


Cornwind Evil: For crying out loud, if you want some giant girl with a huge rack, I'M SURE THERE'S A KOBBER THAT FITS
Draco: Like Komachi.
ivel: Meiling can think of a few


Jumpropeman: Maya's technically a retool of an entirely different character
Jumpropeman: the character concept used to be a forty year old thin bald man with a mustache and glasses!
Working From Del: well i think this is an improvement :U
Bree: hot babes are always an improvement
Bree: *shoves meiling away from the keyboard* I MEANT TO SAY
Working From Del: lol
Working From Del: brb replacing cast with hot babes
Working From Del: except vince
Jumpropeman: vince gets a pass because he sells merch of hot babes
Working From Del: "This is the greatest merchandising opportunity of All Time."


Jumpropeman: "Jumped on Vore Frog!"
Jumpropeman: Frogger 3d
Jumpropeman: we need to uh... talk
Gooper Blooper: Frogger 3D is the gift that keeps on giving


Jumpropeman: development about the Vore Frog
Jumpropeman: he eats grenades
Jumpropeman: but only if they're about to detonate
Jumpropeman: you also need the Vore Frog to defeat the giant roulette
Bree: vore frog final boss 2020
Jumpropeman: he would be pretty bad for the bar
Jumpropeman: as soon as he gets close to something he wants to eat, he uncontrollably moves towards it and gobbles it up
Draco: Is Vore Frog a Dodongo?
Bree: meiling misses out on the first two rounds because she's too busy laughing at the name
Bree: "petition to rename utsuho vore bird" "meiling it's trying to eat everyone, shut up and fight!" "oh come on I've seen your beach episode purchases, you're totally into it"
RubyChao: *eyebrows*


Bree: sometimes it's difficult to write meiling coming into the bar because I feel like I'm contractually not allowed to just be like "and then meiling came into the bar"
Bree: it has to be stupid, the audience demands it

1 comment:

  1. (Meiling teases Caprice for choosing to ride in a cop car instead of riding her in dragon form)

    Caprice knows Scarlet is the only one who gets to ride Meiling.
