Sunday, February 28, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 381: The Empire Of Michigan

RubyChao: which ZFRP plot is this
Jumpropeman: Forearms Gang
Jumpropeman: aka the junction point that formed MALP :V
RubyChao: are you ready for me to bring in MALP kotohime as a tragic woman who lost sight of her way and became as bad as the MALP themselves
Jumpropeman: Grand Moff Kotohime of Admiral James's galactic navy
Draco: You found me out. The real reason I've been doing all this X-Wing stuff is to set up pictures of MALP Empress Sasami leading a fleet of organic Star Destroyers to invade Appalachia.
Jumpropeman: APPALACHIA?! You've gone too far!
Draco: That's right. She even used an app to decipher the nuclear launch codes instead of hunting down ten random zombies like Todd Howard intended!
RubyChao: look, we even have colors for her
Draco: It's like Dragon Balls except there's ten, you can only wish to launch a nuclear missile, and you can decipher Porunga's passcode from a website instead of needing to speak Namekian.
Jumpropeman: those aint cuffs!
Draco: Yeah, but she's waving it around like a dork. Even Sumi takes her 3D printed gun seriously.
RubyChao: you got me, jrm
RubyChao: that's the Negahime
RubyChao: she's just disguised as Kotohime


Jumpropeman: dog toy or furry bait?
Harpyathome: vore bait.
Harpyathome: *cursed words*
Harpyathome: seriously though, i have 0 idea.
pizza o’ clock: Whut
Harpyathome: chat's cursed.
MobileDraco joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi seX
Jumpropeman: ...
Jumpropeman: well
Jumpropeman: "drac" with your fingers one key to the left is interesting
RubyChao: is this a proposition for him?
snowvel: oh my
MobileDraco: Sorry, JRM. No seX for me.


Gooper Blooper: got some new stuff today, so here's some pics
Harpyathome: oooo
Gooper Blooper: The battle intensifies
Harpyathome: charmander's fucking dead
Gooper Blooper: Who will win the legendary showdown? WHO WILL BE LEFT STANDING?! WHO WILL-
Gooper Blooper: wait a minute
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: that's how you know she's truly ruined
MobileDraco: She's made it big. 😉
Gooper Blooper: coven blogpost reminded me of my witchy plans and here we are


RubyChao: playing octodad and man
RubyChao: with the references this game is making
RubyChao: you can tell the timeframe it was in
Gooper Blooper: Ah yeah, Octodad was around a decade ago IIRC
Gooper Blooper: since he was in VGCW and was relevant at that time
Harpyathome: thanks, i feel old
Jumpropeman: you'll be surprised how many games still make Cake is a Lie references still
snowvel: Initial release date: January 30, 2014
snowvel: for Octodad
Gooper Blooper: That's Dadliest Catch, the sequel
Gooper Blooper: first game was 2010
RubyChao: yeah, octodad started as a free game
RubyChao: dadliest was the first one sold for money
snowvel: I just looked up Octodad
RubyChao: but yeah they made references to vgcw AND derpy hooves in this level
RubyChao: (playing dadliest, specifically)
Jumpropeman: Subotenuhigeukiro
RubyChao: reminder that symphogear is nearly a decade old
Jumpropeman: i did not expect a vgcw reference in a game!
Gooper Blooper: Like I mentioned, Octodad was in VGCW at the peak of its' popularity
Harpyathome: *lies down on floor*
Gooper Blooper: so the devs must have taken notice
RubyChao: yeah, there's an ad in the grocery store for VGCW - Virtuous Gentleman's Championship Wrestling
Jumpropeman: i remember he was in it yeah
Gooper Blooper: I remember when my favorite go-to animal fun facts were always octopus intelligence stories
Jumpropeman: i got a good animal fact
Jumpropeman: did you know koalas... are not bears?
Jumpropeman: did you know whales... are not fish?
Gooper Blooper: next you'll be telling me seahorses aren't actually horses
RubyChao: did you know jumprope... IS NOT MAN
Jumpropeman: "he blue whale's heart is huge... and roughly the size of a bumper car"
Jumpropeman: i never liked facts where it's like "this thing is as big as another thing!"
Harpyathome: he blue whale...
Jumpropeman: ive mentioned before one year I posted a new fact every day on facebook for a year
Jumpropeman: and trying to find cool animal facts always has the grade school level stuff and things like "elephants are as big as this other thing"
Gooper Blooper: I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've ever seen a bumper car used as a unit of measurement
Jumpropeman: at least its something I have a frame of reference for
Jumpropeman: rather than when something is like "it's as big as an olympic swimming pool"
Jumpropeman: ive never gone olympic swimming!
Gooper Blooper: olympic pools, a classic unit of size
Gooper Blooper: "this dinosaur could look into your three-story window!"
Gooper Blooper: "That's as much as ten elephants!"
Gooper Blooper: "You could fit fifteen Rhode Islands into that space!"
Harpyathome: but how many delawares
Jumpropeman: im playing yakuza 0, and at one point, it did the whole thing where it says what you could buy with the amount of money you just got. I got 10 million yen and the game says "that's the price of 3 3 million yen weddings!"
Gooper Blooper: And you have enough left over for a 1 million yen wedding!
Harpyathome: more like a 1 million yen homewarming
RubyChao: fun fact for jrm
RubyChao: i forget how clear they make it but
RubyChao: the decision to have the money in this game at such a ridiculously high level compared to the other games is to reflect the japanese economic bubble of the 80s
Jumpropeman: there was some side story in yakuza kiwami where a girl asks questions about 80s japan and I just had to wing it, but in 0 I'm seeing the answers in action :V
Jumpropeman: such as guys waving huge dollar bills to get taxi attention
RubyChao: yeeeep
Jumpropeman: I earned 16.95 million yen this chapter
Jumpropeman: which is worth 15 1,091,000 Diet Member's Monthly Salaries!
Harpyathome: i read that as "dr. pepper member's salaries"
Harpyathome: or its worth x amount of dr peppers
snowvel: the dr pepper diet
Jumpropeman: its worth 16 dr peppers if the dr peppers are priced at 1 million!


Jumpropeman: yakuza 0 has gotten a little better at its money comparisons
Jumpropeman: saying that 25,000,000 yen is worth 12 grand pianos


Gooper Blooper: >Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 2 can have 10 million characters onscreen at once
Gooper Blooper: they're outta control
Jumpropeman: the kind of game to make your computer cry
snowvel: I wonder how crazy they might go with the characters
Harpyathome: hey ivel
Harpyathome: wanna take that bad boy out for a spin
Gooper Blooper: I remember as a kid that this sort of thing was what I wanted from advancing tech instead of strictly better graphics
Harpyathome: 10 million chickens
Gooper Blooper: I wanted stuff like no load times and a million dudes on screen with no lag
Jumpropeman: well we're finally getting to no load times
Gooper Blooper: I was getting pissed that was taking so long!
snowvel: lel
Gooper Blooper: getting rid of loading should have been the number one priority ages ago!
snowvel: also hun plz


Birthday Evil-Somehow 40: Still don't feel like an adult
Jumpropeman: i recently had a moment where I was like "those karens who give hell to customer service and stuff are actually not old ladies but probably pretty close in age to me"
Birthday Evil-Somehow 40: Same
Draco: Happy Birthday, Cornwind!
Birthday Evil-Somehow 40: Then again, a friend of mine said being an adult is basically you get to decide how to spend your money
Birthday Evil-Somehow 40: I think they were on to something


Harpyathome: i had a dream where i was like "WE STAN JURASSIC PARK"
Harpyathome: also camping with two other girls that i've mostly forgot but involved them telling me to get some bandages and either frankincense or myrrh
pizza o’ clock: Dream?
pizza o’ clock: Harps, us stanning jurassic park is FACT
Harpyathome: ya'll we stan rexy
Harpyathome: not ingen fuck them
Harpyathome: the funny thing is
Harpyathome: i was shouting this on a balcony


The Denny Black Ops Site: Well that is different
The Denny Black Ops Site: I'm pretty sure ZF Clownpiece would be fine with being ridden as a surfboard
Draco: She would indeed not mind being a surfboard.
Jumpropeman: she'd open her mouth and surf rock would come out
The Denny Black Ops Site: Probably Utsuho and Cirno too
The Denny Black Ops Site: Maybe Patchy if the Rider provided the propulsion
The Denny Black Ops Site: Wriggle would probably think she was too small and it wouldn't be comfortable
The Denny Black Ops Site: Koakuma would be NO ONE RIDES ME BUT VINCE
The Denny Black Ops Site: Nitori would be like "Sorry, that's what my backpack is for."
The Denny Black Ops Site: Who am I forgetting?
RubyChao: about 70 of the buggers
The Denny Black Ops Site: I mean, the ones who got into ZFRP
RubyChao: yes
RubyChao: about 70 of the buggers.
The Denny Black Ops Site: Tenshi would probably go HELL NO
Gooper Blooper: I don't think CW has seen the Touhou Ruined Chart you made from a sorter, chao
RubyChao: oh, hang on
RubyChao: now, admittedly not all of them are major, this ranges from five-year major to one-off cameos
RubyChao: but still
The Denny Black Ops Site: Except for Viola, of course
RubyChao: cornwind needs to pick his touhou before it's too late
The Denny Black Ops Site: And I don't think Viola would be comfortable riding Tenshi like a surfboard
The Denny Black Ops Site: She'd probably do it like a horse
The Denny Black Ops Site: Futo would do it if she was told she'd look cool
The Denny Black Ops Site: People would start asking Flandre and then Sakuya and Meiling would drag them away before they made a terrible mistake
The Denny Black Ops Site: Sumi would probably built a platform out of junk she'd fly under while the person stands on the platform
The Denny Black Ops Site: No idea what Parsee would think
The Denny Black Ops Site: Nor Spooky Umbrella Not Cirno
Draco: Parsee would probably not go for it. :V


Gooper Blooper: watched King Kong 2005 with Goopsmom yesterday (got it for her for Christmas) and man I could not have timed that better
Jumpropeman: she ready to see that ape get his face smashed in
Gooper Blooper: The whole leadup to Godzilla vs Kong she's been totally dismissive of Kong, hates that he's going to be on Godzilla's level, 'it's just a monkey, c'mon', you know, like the memes
Gooper Blooper: but the 2005 movie made her super sympathetic towards him and it wasn't until today I directed her to the GvK trailer, now she's totally on board
Gooper Blooper: she messaged me out of nowhere while she was at work today
Gooper Blooper: "still thinking about kong"
Gooper Blooper: the feels.
Harpy: "Still Thinking About Kong. Happy Valentine's Day"


Jumpropeman: this specific clip is from a point where majima is trying to infiltrate a cult and he's asked to perform one of their sacred rituals
Jumpropeman: this is not the correct response :V
Gooper Blooper: rapidly running out of excuses, Goro Majima resorts to challenging Kiryu to a dance battle
RubyChao: i mean, goops
RubyChao: that is how the 2 player mode of the disco minigame works


RubyChao: I feel called out.
Draco: "Other"
Draco: Yes, definitely Other. BV
Gooper Blooper: """""other"""""
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper:
Draco: Son, why do you have over 1500 images in your Megumin folder?
Gooper Blooper: it's just 1500 copies of this image
Draco: That's fine then. As long as you weren't secretly saving pictures of Darkness.
RubyChao: draco: for the same reason i have 47 lamborghinis in my lamborghini account
Draco: That's fine then. As long as you weren't secretly saving pictures of Ferraris.
Gooper Blooper: You know, there are some kids who would love those 46 extra lamborghinis you're not using
Draco: Like me.
RubyChao: but goops they're a reminder that DREERS are still possible
Gooper Blooper: never seen this poop!
RubyChao: it's a good one
RubyChao: fuel units.


MobileDraco: That's Tenshi.
Jumpropeman: LIES


Gooper Blooper: this is great
Jumpropeman: Valve has gone and done it again!
Jumpropeman faints at hearing Purple Francis's voice
Gooper Blooper: "*whew* Good thing I'm purple."
-Purple Francis

Jumpropeman begins writing Purple Francis into RP. Not my 2021 plans, but editing old posts so he was there for the big plots
RubyChao: link
Jumpropeman: I'm glad Purple Francis was there for us in our time of need
Jumpropeman: "Purple Francis and Bill are very neutral to each other"
Jumpropeman: VERY neutral
Gooper Blooper: chao pls
RubyChao: i'm simply ensuring purple francis gets his proper rp treatment
RubyChao: i can't believe nobody ever did it before...
Jumpropeman: concept for a character: during big group fights I randomly slip the name amidst other attackers and hope no one catches on and think its just an error
Jumpropeman: I'll call him... Green Francis


Harpy: uh
Harpy: today harpbro asked outta nowhere
Harpy: "okay so are you and ivel fans of Lord of the Rings?"
Harpy: expecting some chatter about the books or something, i said "yeah sure"
Harpy: "would you like a life-sized cardboard cut out of Gandalf?"
Harpy: and i'm like
Gooper Blooper: Not often that question gets asked
Harpy: okay, YES, but where the fuck would we put it and WHY
Harpy: then he fuckin ordered it off amazon
Gooper Blooper: hang him up on the wall
Harpy: then ivel and i got devious plans
Jumpropeman: amazing
Harpy: to harmlessly prank ivelmom and ivelstepdad by putting him in the new shed they're setting up
Harpy: and put him by a window
Harpy: the high tier prankster in me was like "need a motion sensor that activates a speaker that says "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" to spook them
Harpy: but lets face it
Harpy: i'm too lazy to set that up and that'd get mega annoying
Harpy: so we get Gandalf: peering out the window to admire your chickens
Harpy: march 2nd is the touchdown date so stay tuned, because i'm dying of laughter already
Harpy: i'm dyin
Jumpropeman: i have an enormous hook 'em plush
Jumpropeman: like
Jumpropeman: bigger than human size
Jumpropeman: it has caused some trouble but no way am I getting rid of him :V
Jumpropeman: hook 'em being University of Texas's mascot
Harpy: amazing
Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: that's our hook 'em
Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: I took him to university every year, he survived the basement flooding
Jumpropeman: he's a guy with a story


Jumpropeman: wow
Jumpropeman: is
Jumpropeman: sad
RubyChao: only three shows exist, jrm
RubyChao: Charlie's Angels, Red vs. Blue, and MacGyver are the only shows to ever exist
RubyChao: all others are just variations
Jumpropeman: if you click Shows at the top
Jumpropeman: there are no other shows
RubyChao: exactly.
Jumpropeman: "We could not find any results for that selection."
Jumpropeman: News: Blank
Jumpropeman: Most Popular Actors
1. Yannick Bisson Recent Role: Detective William Murdoch in Murdoch Mysteries

Gooper Blooper: "The news and features pages on were no longer updated after the Spring of 2019. The website has only been accessible on an intermittent basis in 2019. As of early July 2020, registered users were unable to log in to profile pages and user posts were removed from forums. As a result, information pertaining to individual programs and series could no longer be edited or updated by the very users who built the site’s content."
Gooper Blooper: I can feel the anger in this wikipedia excerpt.
Jumpropeman: i bet whoever ran it realized they weren't making much money and is just squatting on it now
RubyChao: sounds like the plan is to eventually sell it off for being a big domain
Jumpropeman: apparently aol still owns
RubyChao: there's a but sadly it's very boring
RubyChao: i'm sorry to disappoint


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: when do you think the touhou project will reach completion
Jumpropeman: dude's been working on it for years
Jumpropeman: really mismanaged if you ask me
Gooper Blooper: the touhou project is complete when they're all RP characters
Draco: I task you with RPing every fairy, Goops.


Harpy: “Hey rate this dog toy you just got two days ago”
Jumpropeman: brownie was chomping it yesterday but he went to the groomer today so now he's wiped
Jumpropeman: duke also likes to steal it when brownie's not looking :V
Harpy: So 5/5, got it
Harpy: “So good the other dog steals it”


Jumpropeman: "Joe Biden, playing as Luigi, wins in Mario Kart race against granddaughter at Camp David"
Harpo: biden you can't just invoke the year of luigi again.
Jumpropeman: "Joe Biden picking Luigi is the most Biden thing ever"
Gooper Blooper: it really is


(Re: a fifty minute long Nintendo Direct is announced)

Jumpropeman: the smash news: "Patched Mewtwo's up-air to come out 1 frame faster. Thank you for joining us for the Smash news"
ivel: lel
ivel: the fact that Sakurai had to actively stop himself from talking about frames in a presentation still amuses me
Gooper Blooper: I don't really need a bunch more games to play so I kind of just want the direct to be fifty straight minutes of making Chao hyperventilate. New F-Zero, Metroid Prime 4 gets a trailer and a release date, a couple new things he'd like show up out of nowhere, and cap it off with Reimu for Smash
RubyChao: awwwwww
RubyChao: that made me smile, goops <3
RubyChao: fraaands
Gooper Blooper: I remember how excited Chao got when Nintendo finally did the "SEE, METROID'S NOT DEAD" one-two punch
Gooper Blooper: I want hype Chao again, instead every Direct happens and he PMs me with "nothing you'd care about" at 10 AM
Gooper Blooper: bes fren
Jumpropeman: I want
Jumpropeman: a chibi robo port
Jumpropeman: because I really want to play it but don't want to pay a king's ransom
Gooper Blooper: Is there anything left we can scrape off the bottom of the Wii U?
Jumpropeman: Xenoblade Chronicles X
Jumpropeman: port Smash for Wii U
Jumpropeman: where's the HD port of Urban Champion nintendo
Jumpropeman: "In the special edition Pak Source included on the January/February 1990 volume of Nintendo Power, which rated all the NES games released in North America from October 1985 to March 1990, Urban Champion received (out of 5) scores of 2.5, 2.5, 1.5 and 1.5 for the four categories evaluated"
Jumpropeman: even Nintendo Power could not shill Urban Champion
Jumpropeman: "'s Jeremy Parish commented that he would rather have nothing at all on the Virtual Console in its debut week than Urban Champion"
Jumpropeman: "IGN AU's Cam Shea called it "god awful", and "worse than actually falling down a manhole"
Jumpropeman: "On the positive side, video game developer Ron Alpert, however, found it to be an acceptable game"
Jumpropeman: everyone wants to hear their game is acceptable
Jumpropeman: oh man
Jumpropeman: I bet Video Game Critic gives this game a perfect score
Jumpropeman: oh wow! He gave it his lowest!
Jumpropeman: I get on his case sometimes because he gave Fight Club for Xbox a perfect score for, as he literally says, the fact him and a friend button mashed in multiplayer and had no idea what they were doing but it was kinda amusing
Jumpropeman: "Personally, I prefer to play a game with more depth - like Pong for example."
Gooper Blooper: "Wherever Nintendo resurfaces and peddles its' 8-bit library, there too shall you find Urban Champion."
RubyChao: so jrm
RubyChao: Urban Champion for Salvagers 2?
Jumpropeman: urban champion for the plot where I finally RP Bubsy
Poor Jim Phelps: What would they even be salvaging
Gooper Blooper: if JRM can slap up an Urban Champion review before early June, Mr. Hippo can use it as an attack
RubyChao: the concept!
Draco: I'm entering Urban Champion in the Brawl.
Jumpropeman: "It's worth enabling the Parental Controls on your Wii system just to guard against the possibility of your friends taking hold of the controller and wasting 500 Points on this download while you're off and away from the living room."
Jumpropeman: "Urban Champion's entire worth as a game is to show just how blah games of that era often could be. There's a two-player mode that's no more fun or interesting than the single-player mode. Maybe you can get together with a friend and laugh at how boring Urban Champion is"


The Deleter: Okay
The Deleter: So
Harpo: fallout woomy 3: where the fuck are my grunge squid pairs
The Deleter: I can't believe France is fucking dead
Harpo: what happened to the octokids... are they safe? are my children safe?!? oh no
The Deleter: they better be playable in the base game or else, I need my veemo


Jumpropeman: "Emma Stone stars as Cruella de Vil, taking on the difficult task of making a woman whose sole motivation is murdering puppies a sympathetic main character."


RubyChao: i love everything about this
Gooper Blooper: Wario channeling that Fat Rich Southerner aesthetic
Gooper Blooper: doug dimmadome energy
Harpo: those pants fucking assaulted me, traveled to the future, and murdered my firstborn child
RubyChao: someday i'm probably going to bring Wario back to RP
RubyChao: i just have the Vibe
Gooper Blooper: I have, on multiple occasions, lamented "wasting" Wario in such a minor role and tossing him in jail
Gooper Blooper: he's out now tho
RubyChao: if it was season 1 wario would have been killed...
RubyChao: but nah, i get the feeling
RubyChao: after i got more into f-zero
RubyChao: that's how i've felt about Blood Falcon and just throwing him in to make a plot event more complex
RubyChao: (black shadow and don genie got out fine tho)
Gooper Blooper: You've still got Zoda
RubyChao: what if i use
RubyChao: anime zoda
Gooper Blooper: and if the anime is any indication, you could really go nuts with that fucker- 2slow
Harpo: haw


Dobile Mel: Sup
Dobile Mel: It's morning, I don't wanna get out of bed, and wario has terrifying pants
Jumpropeman: that last one is definitely concerning
Dobile Mel: It's a real problem
Dobile Mel: Where did he get them?
Dobile Mel: What a weird wardrobe choice
Jumpropeman: if you're gonna golf with peasants like Yoshi, you gotta let people know you're rich


Jumpropeman: the real best part of today's nintendo direct-
Gooper Blooper: I had a feeling she'd get fanart
Jumpropeman: "That moment when a single 8-bit princess in your trailer has more personality than the game you showed"
Gooper Blooper: I mean, it's true
Gooper Blooper: At first it looked like it was gonna be some Wreck It Ralph-esque parody of games
Gooper Blooper: then it turned out none of the characters in the trailer were actually characters in their game
Jumpropeman: my disappointment when I heard her voice come out of the generic 3D character
Draco: Owch.
Jumpropeman tucks the fanart in the future folder just in case
Gooper Blooper: "these people really just used a top tier character design to use in a trailer and never again huh"
Jumpropeman: that's why she'd be perfect for RP! that's what we do here! Utilize the underutilized!
Gooper Blooper: She's like if Eggette was a princess instead of a roboticist
Jumpropeman: exactly, that's why I'm RPing Zeldoten next year
RubyChao: underutilized characters like Hibiki and Honoka
Jumpropeman: whobiki?
RubyChao: Youbiki
Draco: WHOnoka?
Jumpropeman: last princess charm for now because the internet needs time to make more
Gooper Blooper: old and busted: tall vampire
Gooper Blooper: new hotness: short princess


Jumpropeman: the internet had more time
Draco: I didn't watch the Direct, so I suddenly started seeing art of this green princess and had no idea who she is.
Draco: Have, I guess I should say. XD
Jumpropeman: EA made some dodgeball game called Knockout City, but the trailer for it has the premise of video game characters from other genres playing the game. So like, there's a WoW orc and Call of Duty soldier, and then this tiny spunky pixel princess who is more interesting than the game being advertised :V 


RubyChao: you'll have to duel jrm-
pizza o’ clock: 1V1 ME SCRUBLORD
Jumpropeman: >:I
Jumpropeman scoops up the next interesting kamen rider in retaliation
Jumpropeman: short and spunky is my turf BI
pizza o’ clock: D:
pizza o’ clock: can have Kamen Rider Slash
pizza o’ clock: he’s a swordsman guy who uses books as transformation items
pizza o’ clock: his main book is hansel and gretel and his power-up is the town musicians of bremen
pizza o’ clock: He’s also into music
Jumpropeman: that actually sounds right up my alley :V
pizza o’ clock: Hahaha
pizza o’ clock: Here he is
Jumpropeman: oh yeah, you RPed Pearl. I guess you have Petite Punk credentials
pizza o’ clock: I do
pizza o’ clock: To be fair i’m mostly joking, you can RP her if you want
pizza o’ clock: But she is very, very good
Jumpropeman: on that we can agree
pizza o’ clock: There’s also Kamen Rider Buster, aka Dad Rider
pizza o’ clock: His sword is as big as he is
Jumpropeman: I do like the idea of an older rider
Jumpropeman: the kind of rider who makes sure to insure his ridiculously colorful bike just in case
pizza o’ clock: Yes
The Deleter: Dad riderrrr
pizza o’ clock: Turns up to PTA meetings with the sword just in case


Jumpropeman: The Saw game really is like "if you really want this key detective, you'll have to reach into a toilet full of syringes! For like the sixth time! "
Harpo: ow.
Jumpropeman: Jigsaw was like "Fuck I captured the detective and I only have six ideas for traps... maybe he won't notice he's doing yet another pipe connecting puzzle if there's GAS in the room this time"
Jumpropeman: Jigsaw also repeatedly writes on a wall backwards when there's a mirror opposite to the writing
Jumpropeman: I can't help but be amused at No Creativity Jigsaw as I imagine him thinking he's so clever drawing yet another code on a bathroom wall
Gooper Blooper: he's been at this for too long
Gooper Blooper: he's outta ideas
Jumpropeman: "I'd like to play a game detective, but I left all my cool toys at home."


Jumpropeman: Jigsaw
Jumpropeman: literally has me doing a slide puzzle now
Gooper Blooper: when's the jigsaw puzzle
RubyChao: better be the final boss


Jumpropeman: the characters in this fireman game are starting to critique the story script
Jumpropeman: balking at their lines and being told by other firemen to just keep reading so the scene can end
Draco: lol
Jumpropeman: the fire chief just called and said he has run out of alert messages to give during missions and was told to instead tell you to read Video Game Magazine
RubyChao: like just
RubyChao: Generic Video Game Magazine?
Jumpropeman: yup
Draco: I love Video Game Magazine.
Jumpropeman: someone else told me to read Game Players which sounds more like a real magazine
Draco: Traitor!
Jumpropeman: the ending of Ignition Factor has the main character complain the other characters didn't help, criticize the game for having any talking at all, diss Jaleco's other game Peacekeepers and Jaleco itself, and says the original idea where he was a fire cat instead of a fireman was stupid


Jumpropeman: fun fact
Jumpropeman: there is no praying mantis in this game
Jumpropeman: gonna have to go edit the crappygameswiki for FALSE ADVERTISING
Draco: They compensate for it by giving you FOUR pair of 3D glasses though!


Dobile Mel: Delirious 4am thought - if shantae is a genie does she count as a monster girl
Dobile Mel: Who's the expert here on this topic
Dobile Mel: I feel like it's either harp or goops
Harpo: well
Harpo: depends on whether you consider a genie a monster
Draco: Or a monstrous humanoid?
Draco: I dunno.
Harpo: i personally consider them to be humanoid, but I guess she's a monster girl for those who don't want to, like, stick their dick in a werewolf girl
Dobile Mel: Those people are cowards
Jumpropeman: she gotta have that smokey tail to be a monster girl
Draco: Yeah, shovel that shitty love coal into the furnace of love.
Jumpropeman: elves are lumped in with monster girls sometimes and its lame
Harpo: i mean she transforms into animals so i guess furry?
Harpo: elves are not monster girls what the fuck
Dobile Mel: Also monster girl encyclopedia has a genie entry so at least that lot think it counts
Harpo: strictly humanoid
Dobile Mel: Elves don't count
Harpo: pointy eared humans
Harpo: dia is not a part of the monsterpedia
Dobile Mel: Uh this is a terrible set of circumstances to finally get to talk to y'all, goops is probably violently rolling around laughing
Harpo: and if you think she does belong, you're a villain in disguise
Harpo: i'm here for the discourse
Harpo: and any reason to defend dia
RubyChao: i think it depends on the genie imo
Gooper Blooper: I'm here, was off in another window
Gooper Blooper: From my pop culture understanding, if a genie is called a genie it's not very monstrous, but if they get fancy and call it a djinn or something now we're getting somewhere


N Goat: These pretzel sticks are awful
N Goat: Yet
N Goat: I feel obligated to finish the bowl


Dobile Mel: Its 420 am
RubyChao: blaze it
Dobile Mel: I smoke it loud and wake up the neighborhood
Draco: lol
Dobile Mel: Once again I am arrested


Gooper Blooper: highly enjoyable and beautiful
Jumpropeman: beautiful
Gooper Blooper: AND highly enjoyable
Draco: Canon
RubyChao: but is it beautiful?
Draco: I don't know, but the hand-eye coordination is ADDICTING.
Jumpropeman: they're my favorite campaign equity characters!


Gooper Blooper: In Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator I added a Marisa unit from the steam workshop to my mods
Harpo: fuckin kek
Harpo: how does she do against chickens
Gooper Blooper: I actually did that fight and it was glorious because
Gooper Blooper: every time Marisa KOs a unit, the dead unit spawns a new Marisa
Harpo: oh
Harpo: oh no
Gooper Blooper: so I pitted a single Marisa against 5000 chickens
Harpo: monstrous
Gooper Blooper: and then added a dragon to the chickens' team
Gooper Blooper: and that dragon was given orders to defend, meaning it had to stand and watch as the Marisas swelled in numbers
Gooper Blooper: and then 5001 Marisas bullrushed the dragon
Harpo: 101 Marisas
Gooper Blooper: also they have custom sound effects and when there's a bunch you just hear a cacophony of MAAAAASTAAAA SPAAAAHK
Harpo: that would kill me
Gooper Blooper: Fu fu fu.
Gooper Blooper: Zeldoten off to the side going "it needs work"
Harpo: Marisa: What? I was possessed. I can't laugh like tenshi if i'm possessed!
Harpo: link
Gooper Blooper: admittedly Mayumi has not been at the forefront of my mind too often this offseason despite me looking forward to her since HP isn't around to hype her up
Harpo: well
Harpo: reminder
Harpo: she's cute
RubyChao: i will make sure to have him show up a lot to hype her up
Gooper Blooper: look at the word bubble placement, clearly her haniwa necklace is talking instead of her
Harpo: lel
Jumpropeman: my client mayumi


Gooper Blooper: fun fact: Glameow and Purugly are bizarrely sparsely available
Gooper Blooper: look at all those "Trade"
Harpo: why
Harpo: let me get my crossover cat
Harpo: fuckin built
Gooper Blooper: Literally ONE game in the ENTIRE series where you can just walk into some grass and catch one
Harpo: not even platinum fixes that
Gooper Blooper: I checked the two routes in Pearl to see if it also only showed up with a 1% chance or something on top of that :V
Gooper Blooper: but no, 15% and 20%
Gooper Blooper: reasonable
Harpo: good gravy
Harpo: least its not munchlax.
Jumpropeman: pokemon go makes them more available than ever at least
Jumpropeman: as in you can catch them again V:
Jumpropeman: glameow I mean
Jumpropeman: munchlax is egg exclusive but snorlax is everywhere and so is the incense
Gooper Blooper: Glameow does not evolve until Level 38 what the fuck why
Gooper Blooper: rolling with those stats until you're 75% done the main game
Harpo: glameow only run
Jumpropeman: thats why i didnt pick noibat in ultra moon :V


RubyChao: link
Draco: Cheap as free!
Jumpropeman: finally something to match my orange beret!
Harpo: wo
Harpo: boneless.


RubyChao: alright
RubyChao: that's what the golf done
RubyChao: it was very what
RubyChao: AND very golf
RubyChao: and even moderately the!


Jumpropeman: Vanripper, having not let us recover from Gymodeus, made this
Gooper Blooper: The Helltaken, unwilling to give up so easily, attempt to join the ZFPD to get into RP


Jumpropeman: ""The overseas fans always expect Mike Tyson's ass" is such an out of context quote that only other Hololive fans actually know the context of and it is glorious."
RubyChao: jrm admitting to being a hololive fan.
RubyChao: he's lost to us...


Hooded Pitohui: Pictured: This supposed warrior girl after, like, three weeks with the Kobbers, probably
Jumpropeman: when a touhou starts dressing casual
Jumpropeman: you know the corruption is complete
RubyChao: and then she takes off her clothes
RubyChao: and underneath
Jumpropeman: she will be the MAGIC of casual clothes
Hooded Pitohui: who painted a clothes pattern on her clay skin?
Gooper Blooper: oh god, I laughed at that pic with that caption, HP
Gooper Blooper: it's true
Gooper Blooper: we really do ruin warrior girls at the same time we make them more badass than ever
Hooded Pitohui: The problem poor Myoom faces is that, as serious as she is about trying to preserve the past, she's as much a nice girl who just likes talking to people as she is an actual serious warrior
Draco: Fortunately I am introducing a character next year who definitely likes preserving the past and ISN'T a gun gremlin.
Draco: Wait, I have that backwards.


(Hot Wheels puts up a countdown for something called "Hot Wheels Unleashed", complete with real-time countdown clock and dramatic flame effects)

Jumpropeman: Hot Wheels doing a dramatic countdown website feels odd
Marisa: huh
Jumpropeman: supposedly its for a hot wheels game too
Jumpropeman: like a video game
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Yeah, I was wondering
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Hot Wheels
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Developed by Telltale Games

(It did indeed turn out to be a new video game, though unsurprisingly it is a racing game and not an adventure game :V)


Saviour of Bees: Damn
Saviour of Bees: was gonna write more blogpost
Saviour of Bees: but failed
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Tomorrow is another day!
Jumpropeman: yup!
Saviour of Bees: Yeah but like
Saviour of Bees: i’m running out of tomorrows
Saviour of Bees: And isn’t that the most depressing sentence i’ve ever typed
RubyChao: you have 65 of them


Jumpropeman: so apparently Michigan has that upper peninsula because it was at war with Ohio
Jumpropeman: they basically both wanted Toledo, which was in a chunk of land on the border between the two prospective states
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Okay
Mbhglefsh Sheep seeing where this goes
Jumpropeman: Andrew Jackson basically said "Please stop picking on Ohio, have this chunk of land instead if you want to become a state" but for some reason he offered only three-fourths of the peninsula?
Jumpropeman: like he left out the tip
Jumpropeman: which would have been even weirder
Jumpropeman: just a random part of that already weird peninsula not part of it
Mbhglefsh Sheep: It was where he kept this phylactory
Jumpropeman: "The Toledo strip became a permanent part of Ohio, while the Upper Peninsula was considered a worthless wilderness by almost all familiar with the area"
Jumpropeman: eventually they found minerals there that made it pay off but still, I like the idea of tossing a bunch of trees at Michigan so they'd stop
Jumpropeman: "Former United States President John Quincy Adams... summed up his opinion on the dispute: 'Never in the course of my life have I known a controversy of which all the right was so clearly on one side and all the power so overwhelmingly on the other.'"
Jumpropeman: looks like it was a lot of saber-rattling and only one battle,
Jumpropeman: and that battle seemingly had no deaths? but prisoners were taken
Jumpropeman: Michigan also literally said they did not fire their guns after the one battle despite taking prisoners
Jumpropeman: "Michigan claimed it fired no shots, only discharging a few musket rounds in the air as the Ohio group retreated"
Jumpropeman: or well, didn't fire at the opposing side
Jumpropeman: I just wanted to know why Michigan had that weird peninsula
Jumpropeman: but I found out Michigan's a big bully >:I
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Down with Michigan.
Jumpropeman: people who live in the Upper Peninsula are called Yoopers
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Is this research for Dakotaplot 2: The MichiGUN?
Jumpropeman: Yooper Watch-
Mbhglefsh Sheep: :I
Jumpropeman: "There was a boundary dispute over the border with Wisconsin. The northwesternmost portion of the border follows a line from Lac Vieux Desert to the headwaters of the Montreal River."
Jumpropeman: oh god we're not done
Mbhglefsh Sheep: It is never over
Jumpropeman: "the 1908 revision of the Constitution of Michigan specified that the west branch of the Montreal River was the proper border, which would have placed at additional 360 square miles of land on the Michigan side of the border. A 1926 Supreme Court decision awarded this tract of land to Wisconsin."
Jumpropeman: Michigan must be contained
Jumpropeman: The Empire of Michigan will be my plot
Jumpropeman: their goal: slice really tiny portions out of other states and saying it's totally theirs to claim
Jumpropeman: reminder that Lake Michigan exists
Jumpropeman: they even claimed a Great Lake!
Jumpropeman: link
Mbhglefsh Sheep: JRM's next blog post will be about Kogasa and Michigan
RubyChao: holy shit jrm wasn't kidding
RubyChao: michigan just wanted to be their own empire, huh
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Michigan is the Blob
Mbhglefsh Sheep: but as a geopolitical concept
Jumpropeman: "Four islands lay in between and all were claimed as part of both Door County, Wisconsin, and Delta County, Michigan"
Mbhglefsh Sheep: You must defeat our Islands Four
Jumpropeman: look at that cheeky extra island near the top
Jumpropeman: "The most recent dispute with Ohio brought into contention about 150 square miles of Lake Erie. Should the “northeast” line be a continuation of the gentle angle created by the Toledo Strip, or should upon reaching Lake Erie the line turn to a 45˚ angle? On February 22, 1973 the Supreme Court decided in favor of Ohio"
Jumpropeman: my favorite part
Jumpropeman: is Michigan almost always loses
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Team Michigan Rocket
RubyChao: "Bicycles and pedestrians are not permitted on the bridge. Up until 2017, an exception was allowed for riders of two annual bicycle tours."
RubyChao: >you can't walk from one peninsula to the other
RubyChao: :I
Jumpropeman: can't have you scuffing that bridge
RubyChao: what's really annoying is if you try to look for the world's longest bridge that accepts pedestrians
RubyChao: it only gives you the longest pedestrian-only bridge
Jumpropeman: "The trouble came early in the twentieth century when the Wisconsin legislature rejected a petition asking the U.P. to secede from Michigan and join Wisconsin. Rabble rousers in the U.P. then petitioned to break away and form a new state with the Wisconsin Northwoods called Superior. This brought the Michigan legislature’s attention to the border, where they subsequently claimed a wedge of land from Hurley to Lake Brule consisting of 235,000 acres with an additional 129 islands in the Menominee River."
Jumpropeman: U.P. being upper peninsula
Jumpropeman: Michigan, seeing that the UP was trying to leave, decided "the way to resolve this is to claim more land and islands"
RubyChao: is this michigan
RubyChao: "sssshhh all is michigan now"
Jumpropeman: link
Draco: New setting is now Michigan.
Draco: Chao RPs UP and I will RP LP and our plot will be Michigan Civil War.
Jumpropeman: fun fact, while the Upper Peninsula is called U.P. the main body of Michigan is compared to a mitten to the point that little baby peninsula to the right is called The Thumb, capital letters


Marisa: link
Jumpropeman: i don't believe that quote is incorrect


Jumpropeman: Earlier today I saw a Youtube thumbnail for something like "Top 5 Best Uses of Unique Anime Powers" and in the thumbnail was Attwater
Mbhglefsh Sheep turns to stone
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Well
Mbhglefsh Sheep: It most certainly wasn't
RubyChao: nonsense
RubyChao: what's not good about using a power with weird esoteric applications to hulk up?
Jumpropeman: "Top 10 Anime where the Op MC Hides his Power at School"
Jumpropeman: somehow over 1 million views for this
Jumpropeman: "Top 10 Isekai Anime Where Overpowered Mc is Transferred To A Magic School"
Jumpropeman: "Top 10 Anime Where MC Is Strong From The Start And Surprises Everyone When He Shows His Powers"
Jumpropeman: 5 million views
RubyChao: these aren't real, right?
RubyChao: you're just fucking with us
Jumpropeman: I was trying to find the video I mentioned
Jumpropeman: but I am finding this glorification of cliches instead
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Chao broke through to the universal stream
Draco: There's several of those videos.
Jumpropeman: "Top 10 Anime Where The Main Character is a Supreme Being That Nobody Can Defeat"
Jumpropeman: "Top 10 Anime Where Weak Main Character Gets Stronger After Being Betrayed"
Jumpropeman: "Top 10 Anime Where MC Gets Abandoned for Being Weak but Returns Overpowered"
Jumpropeman: "Top 10 Harem Anime Where The MC Is An Overpowered Transfer Student"
Draco: JRM is having fun browsing Otaku Sensei's channel.
Jumpropeman: that's the thing draco
Jumpropeman: some of these are Otaku Sensei, some are Anime Sensei, some are AniTube
Draco: :O
Jumpropeman: they all have videos with the same exact titles in this format or literally copy pasted
RubyChao: draco, why did you have to ruin the illusion i was crafting where these were all jrm having a joke at my expense?
RubyChao: it was a nice time
Draco: Because if I have to suffer, Chaobert, you do too.
RubyChao: Top 10 Anime Where MC Starts Weak But Wins Through Skill Instead Of Strength
RubyChao: how am i doing
Jumpropeman: chao
Jumpropeman: I legit thought that was one
Jumpropeman: but I should have known it can't be
Jumpropeman: skill is never the way an MC wins!
Draco: Top 10 Anime Where MC Is A Transfer Student Who Looks Like Loser But Is Strong As Hell
Draco: Top 10 Anime Where MC Is Madly In Love With A Mysterious Girl Who Gives Him Powers
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Usopp?!
Jumpropeman: again, I cannot tell if Draco is making that up
Jumpropeman: I bet FLCL would be on that list
RubyChao: "Here is a list of anime you might like. I will add more when i keep watching
Black clover
Sword art online"

RubyChao: these were literally
RubyChao: Top 10 Anime Where MC Goes Berserk When His Friends/Lover Get's Hurt
Mbhglefsh Sheep crumples into ball
RubyChao: Top 10 Anime Where MC Is An Underestimated Transfer Student But Surprises Everyone With His Power
RubyChao: i like how this one is different from overpowered transfer student
RubyChao: >top 10 anime with strong male starting as weak
RubyChao: >clip is Love Live
RubyChao: ????????
Jumpropeman: chao you haven't gotten deep in enough for the twist
Jumpropeman: it was a shonen anime all along
Draco: Top 10 Anime Where MC Is A Girl
Jumpropeman: I wonder if maybe some of these are algorithmically made, like a computer slaps together random clips based on tags or something


Mbhglefsh Sheep: "A glass ballerina from 88 Heroes was considered"
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Ooh! Though, I thought you would have passed on her more because of the glass being running gag during Curse plot
Jumpropeman: I actually thought if she ever shattered once that would be the end of her, so it would almost be harsh contrast to Curse plot's use of it :V
Draco: Clownpiece will give Claire a glass ballerina for her birthday or something.
Jumpropeman: time for Claire to get a glass menagerie
Draco: Clownpiece endlessly giving Claire small glass figurines forever.
Jumpropeman: Claire unable to move for fear of breaking her beautiful gifts all around her
Mbhglefsh Sheep: "I knew I really wanted to use Piedmont from Bendy and the Ink Machine after fighting that living amusement park ride boss"
Mbhglefsh Sheep: It is a really fun design used in a kind of boring way in the game.
Jumpropeman: fun designs used in a boring way is Bendy's modus operandi
Draco: Eventually Clownpiece is glass too.
Draco: Glass world, forever pretty and easily broken by clowns
Jumpropeman: Clownpiece's gift is future sadness
Mbhglefsh Sheep: There's the new Chatzy Madness name
Draco: As opposed to the present sadness of Clownpiece giving Claire chocolate-flavored candy for Vaneltine's Day.
Jumpropeman: Claire hasn't had too many sweets so she'd probably be unaware of the problem with "chocolate-flavored"
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Should have gotten her beans
Mbhglefsh Sheep: for Legumintines
Draco: I see. She's not a Kobber yet then.
Jumpropeman: Claire would do her best to play along for Legumintines for fear it was something people did but she never knew about
Draco: Hopefully Claire at least celebrates that most sacred of Kobber holidays: Arbor Day.
Jumpropeman: *Claire plants a seed* "Can you see the tree it will grow into in the future?" "I... can see the same patch of dirt you do but three minutes in the future" "ANNNNND?" "...There's a little bug crawling across it." "WOW!"
Draco: Clownpiece is amazed. Claire is the #TheBest.
Draco: #Blessed #ArborDayMiracle #TimeForACampfire


Mbhglefsh Sheep joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi sheep
RubyChao: hoi sheep
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Just when I think I'm out
Mbhglefsh Sheep: THEY PUT ME BACK IN
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Hello


Jumpropeman: why are they all so angry ; o ;
poGEYMAN dlC?!?: i don't know
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Because they're chipmunks
Mbhglefsh Sheep: in space
Mbhglefsh Sheep: That is not a chipmunks' ideal habitat
Draco: I mean, wouldn't you be if you were that old and still that squeaky voiced?


Gooper Blooper: link
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Does her head float?
Gooper Blooper: All of her heads can fly around
Mbhglefsh Sheep: All of her heads, huh?
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Hm.
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Of course
Mbhglefsh Sheep: All of them.
Gooper Blooper: If you mean "when in normal position does her head simply float above her shoulders". I don't know
Gooper Blooper: why yes, sheep, she can spawn more heads
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Do they all pop out of her collar?
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Do they have sentience?
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Can they feel pain?
Draco: Sheep is already planning to steal Sekibanki from Goops.
Mbhglefsh Sheep: This is also where Goops can just say "You'll find out."
Gooper Blooper: These were questions I was planning on answering as needed during the season :V But I'm currently planning to have them all share a hivemind and to not feel pain so that I can use them in silly ways and have them be disposable without putting Seki in constant agony
Gooper Blooper: I saw a gif on Danbooru where the heads spawned by popping out of the collar
Mbhglefsh Sheep: If one of the heads eats something
Jumpropeman: so what you're saying is those heads don't ache
Mbhglefsh Sheep: does it drip out of her neck?
Gooper Blooper: Consumed food is sent to the mothership
Mbhglefsh Sheep: haha
Gooper Blooper: but yes, much like HP's new touhou
Gooper Blooper: it's a cute girl who is also very weird
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Going to have a lot of swarming characters this season
Draco: You're just saying that because you're planning to RP a sentient swarm of bugs, Sheep.
Mbhglefsh Sheep: I already did that!
Gooper Blooper:
Mbhglefsh Sheep: And probably will again
poGEYMAN dlC?!?: i already did a gross dullahan goops can have the clean one
poGEYMAN dlC?!?: :V


(Regarding Len'en, a Touhou clone series)

poGEYMAN dlC?!?: aaand i'm doing too much "research"
poGEYMAN dlC?!?: "Although not as good as Tsubakura Enraku, Kuroji also has some technological weapons of their own. For example, their shooting type in-game are little robotic birds that shoot lasers and a bomb composed by a virus, the RNA "Retrovirus"."
poGEYMAN dlC?!?: ah yes, i see that robot birds and biological warfare is legal in mugenri
poGEYMAN dlC?!?: also, fun fact, in canon they kinda make a big deal (or the villain does) over bird names
poGEYMAN dlC?!?: tsubakura's got a bird name
Jumpropeman pitohui bursts into chat
poGEYMAN dlC?!?: "Their full name is Tsubakura Enraku (燕楽 玄鳥). Their given name, Tsubakura (玄鳥), is the Japanese word for "swallow", a type of bird. The kanji in their name spells out a different word for swallow, and was probably chosen because it literally means "mysterious bird". Their last name, Enraku (燕楽) means "partying", most likely a reference to their ability of "enjoying that which is enjoyable", and it also uses a kanji for swallow."
poGEYMAN dlC?!?: Kuroji's name is a reference to the grey bunting
Mobile Pitohui (Hooded Pitohui) joined the chat
poGEYMAN dlC?!?: oh no
poGEYMAN dlC?!?: the mad lad
Jumpropeman: HE HEARD
poGEYMAN dlC?!?: dare i speak more of len'en
Mobile Pitohui: I understand we're talking birds.


RubyChao: "Teddy's dreams of being elected have been crushed... BY YOU!
The doctors say the scars on your face add character."
RubyChao: i love how brutal the lose messages in railroad tycoon 2 can get
RubyChao: other highlights
RubyChao: "At least the booing and hissing from the citizenry drown out the mocking from the aristocracy."
"We've reserved a special room for you in Siberia. It has no window, but what's the fun in looking at ice all day?"
"You've been booked on the next train to Outer Mongolia... oh wait, you messed up the train system! You'll have to walk!"
"Have you ever heard of hara-kiri? No? Let me give you a lesson."
RubyChao: all of these are actual lines from the game
RubyChao: and it's great
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Wow!
RubyChao: and then there's my personal favorite
RubyChao: there's a map where you have to use your trains to stop a global flood
RubyChao: if you fail, the lose message is "So, how long can you tread water?"
Jumpropeman: Noah's Railcar?


Gooper Blooper:
RubyChao: so goops
RubyChao: is this why he never appeared in rp?
Draco: He HAS appeared in RP. He's every letter of every post of every topic of every forum.
Draco: Garfield IS Zoofights.
Gooper Blooper: garfield plot has been on my backburner for years
Gooper Blooper: someday.
RubyChao: garfield plot feels like it'll be one of those ZFRP Finale plots
RubyChao: one of the greatest and last challenges
Jumpropeman: garfield vs bubsy for the fate of rp
Draco: Final Boss of RP Forever: Dark Star Croctopus


poGEYMAN dlC?!?: haniwa house!
RubyChao: why are you posting mayumi's apartment
poGEYMAN dlC?!?: because its illegal not to
Jumpropeman: oh, that's a building
Jumpropeman: I thought it was a humble haniwa springing from the ground like a little baby sprout
Draco: Haniwa are secretly albino cactuses.


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