Friday, February 12, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 380: Elf Bowling The Movie

RubyChao: "But, she is really fun to RP, although I still don't get the intense interest with her. Like, she's super fun, but, I mean, what's so special about her? The design? The attitude?"
RubyChao: so jrm
RubyChao: six years later
RubyChao: have you gotten it yet?
Jumpropeman: free me from this shimmer curse- I mean, no, yeah, she's pretty cool


Jumpropeman: gooper's blog got revamped for the setting I see!
RubyChao: yep!
Gooper Blooper: Yes, I always revamp the blog when we move to a new setting!
Gooper Blooper: It has previously changed appearances for Vegas, Kuwahawi, and Olympia
RubyChao: i look forward to you finding a good appearance for our next setting after agama:
RubyChao: Generic Featureless Plain
RubyChao: empty, textureless expanse for miles and miles
RubyChao: except for the bar counter that's sitting in the middle
RubyChao: not a bar building. just the counter.
Gooper Blooper: oh hell yeah, finally, a place where we can be all................ A L O N E
Jumpropeman: alternatively, everyone is shrunk down on the next setting and everything takes place on top of Waluigi's nose
Draco: I admittedly had to threaten Goops with possible violence or pouting if he removed Gloria.
Jumpropeman: so gooper's background is just an extremely zoomed in image of waluigi
Gooper Blooper: I remember the Gloria Riot
Gooper Blooper: she was placed back on her prominent sidebar spot after much outcry
Jumpropeman petitions for a Rachel sidebar
RubyChao: oh sure
RubyChao: rachel sidebar, dolby sidebar, gloria sidebar
RubyChao: but no sumi sidebar...
Draco: Nobody likes Sumi. BI


Draco: When Season 12 ends and we leave Agama, please visit Silvania's new venture in the underwater city, the Bigger Shirt Store, specializing in shirts that are bigger than the one you're currently wearing.
Jumpropeman: I don't think Silvania has seen how big my shirt is 😏
Draco: Please don't leave her a 2-star Yelp review, Mr. T-Shirt Wearing Man. D:
Jumpropeman: my t-shirts are used as parachutes for the space shuttle, they're that big
Draco: Oh! Well, she's got a Craig Stadler t-shirt in that size, but it's pre-Saturn Craig.
Jumpropeman: when I wear them I just kinda pile them atop me
Draco: Smart. The layers will protect you when IRL Shimmer finds you and tries to zap you.
Jumpropeman: I'm safe from irl Shimmer. She still hasn't figured out how to use a map
Draco: Clever.


Jungle 2 Jungle: Broke: complaining about ice levels in a platformer. Woke: complaining about wind levels in a platformer
Gooper Blooper: don't forget autoscrolling levels!
Harpy: autoscrollers scare me
Harpy: autoscrollers with drops if you fuck up...
Jungle 2 Jungle: Windy icy autoscroller
Harpy: *looks at SMB 1-4*
Harpy: *SMB3*
Harpy: oops
Harpy: i'm sure there is an ice world autoscroller, and there's a windy one...
Harpy: ah yes, but what about
Harpy: autoscrollers, but you hop on super tiny platforms to live? and you're high up in the air?
Gooper Blooper: and QWOP controls
Harpy: god if SMB3 had that bad control it would not be one of my favorite mario games
Jungle 2 Jungle: My biggest playdorm gaming gripe actually are slow moving vertical platformera where if you miss them you just wait and if you're on them you just wait to jump off them
Jungle 2 Jungle: Phone spelling messed that up
Jungle 2 Jungle: Playdorm
Jungle 2 Jungle: Sounds like a college sportswear brand
Gooper Blooper: I think you've ripped into those a couple times on Game Hoard
Jungle 2 Jungle: They rightly deserve it! They're momentum killers. Especially when they're strung together one after another. There's no challenge in waiting and they clearly aren't masking loading in a random snes platformer you're playing
202Ivel: "Windy icy autoscroller" sounds like something that would be made in Mario Maker


Draco: A Sheep thing to say.
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Accurate.


RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: it's amazing how tolerable fire force is when it isn't pointlessly stripping tamaki


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: accidentally clicked space chat instead of this chat
Harpy: hi jrm
Jumpropeman: meaning I had entered space chat for the first time in over a year
RubyChao: hi jrm
RubyChao: how was your time in space
Jumpropeman: I saw someone talking about Cats :V
Harpy: i apologize for subjecting that to you for a second time
pizza o’ clock: Pffft
The Deleter: CATS
The Deleter: It's about cats


Harpy: hi, i've cleansed, i played charades and uh
Harpy: i regret putting "butt" as a word to perform
Harpy: on a whiteboard card.
Jumpropeman: this is how you do it
Harpy: i
Harpy: i will not recount the take
Harpy: but ivel got my card
Harpy: and he made me do it
Gooper Blooper: ivel want da booty
Harpy: i shook the booty and ivelmom has a picture for all posterity
Harpy: nevermind i just recounted it.
Gooper Blooper: and then ivelmom joins the chat and posts it
Harpy: that's some next level memery that i do not want to see
Harpy: i can't be blackmailed on my birthday!
Harpy: also ivelstepdad reminded me that miley cyrus did
Harpy: the wrecking ball thing
Harpy: and here i was trying to act out hannah montanah without a wig
Jumpropeman: wrecking ball is a good song
Jumpropeman: no comment on the music video V:
Gooper Blooper: ain't no rule a dog can't be a battlebot
Harpy: noooo


Jumpropeman: if anyone doubts my commitment to Every Game, I had a dream where I was locked underground in a sort of Hunger Games last man standing scenario where everyone was dressed in leather and spikes like Mad Max, but even though I found an escape from the death tournament... I stopped running because the guy in charge had a really rare arcade machine I had never seen before but had to play
Harpy: you do know that this knowledge can and will be used against you right
RubyChao: did you win?
Harpy: do you know the name of the arcade machine?
Jumpropeman: The dream ended before the situation resolved sadly, but I did play some of that made up arcade machine! It had a weird control system is one reason I stopped. You can't get those controls at home!
Harpy: such is the nature of dreams


Gooper Blooper: my greatest offseason achievement so far: coloring every page of a jurassic world coloring book
Jumpropeman: its cheating if you just spill a bucket of paint over it
Gooper Blooper: don't worry, that paint comes off with saliva
Harpy: i
Harpy: have not colored anything
Harpy: i bring dishonor
Harpy: but i wrote a blog so we're good.
Harpy: and i'm gonna tell you
Jumpropeman: I should play color a dinosaur
Jumpropeman: my favorite dinosaur
Gooper Blooper: Color A Dinosaur is one of your "shit I need to review something" games
Gooper Blooper: like Atari 2600 Slot Machine
Harpy: please
Gooper Blooper: please, your omnipotence, have mercy!
Gooper Blooper: after you've colored every dinosaur on the NES, then we can talk about mercy
Gooper Blooper: take her away
Harpy: goops you can't do this
Gooper Blooper: that ancient youtube poop posted in chat the other day got me reminiscing a bit, is all
Gooper Blooper: CD-i is still fucking hilarious after all these years


Jumpropeman: I searched the forum to see if Kogasa from Touhou has appeared before for Reasons
Jumpropeman: I forgot that was Kevin's magical girl show :V
Harpy: yeah uh
Harpy: i thought the name was neat
Harpy: and i kinda stole her umbrella
Harpy: but iirc, kogasa the touhou has not actually appeared
Gooper Blooper:
MobileDraco: She appeared under her stage name, Parsee.
Jumpropeman slides Kogasa card into the Maybe Deck
Harpy: did not do that *EYAHAHAHA* laugh, 0/10
Harpy: uh oh
Harpy: DECK TWO-

(Ten minutes later.)

Jumpropeman literally just retwrote my 2021 plans to include Kogasa
Gooper Blooper: oh no
RubyChao: that's another off the list
Jumpropeman: how was I gonna resist Spooky Cirno-
Jumpropeman: "That Kogasa ironically treats umbrellas like garbage by throwing them in certain spell cards leads Hatate Himekaidou to wonder if she wants to be treated like garbage, herself."
Jumpropeman: I can tell you one thing that won't be in RP: yet another fanon sadomasochist
Gooper Blooper:
Cornwind Evil: I can see Cirno trying to do the eye pulldown thing and constantly poking herself in the eye by accident
Jumpropeman: Cirno no you forgot you have to breathe
RubyChao: no she doesn't
Cornwind Evil: Who the hell gave Cirno the Rinnegan
RubyChao: that picture JRM linked is Kogasa, cornwind
Cornwind Evil: ...not like it matters she probably couldn't figure out how to use it anyway
Jumpropeman: Kogasa is my new touhou as of today :V
Jumpropeman: she's been bubbling up
Cornwind Evil: What's with the fanon of giving Cirno an umbrella?
Jumpropeman will not fall for cornwind's trap
Cornwind Evil will keep calling Kogasa Cirno because JRM had to pick a new Touhou with the same color hair and general body size and dress.

Gooper Blooper: don't forget there's two Cirnos now too
Jumpropeman: they'll invite tenshi over and cut her hair short
Jumpropeman: hey look
Jumpropeman: they already made the ship for us-

(The next day)

RubyChao: hey sheep
RubyChao: you remember how jrm was talking about maybe RPing a new touhou last night?
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Oh no.
Mbhglefsh Sheep: He didn't.
Gooper Blooper: XD


MobileDraco: Harpy and Goops
The Deleter: Storkasaurus
pizza o’ clock: I remember planet dinosaur showing the spinosaurus doing all that
pizza o’ clock: Very interesting stuff
Jumpropeman: they'll never figure out what a spinosaurus is
Jumpropeman: it changes every few years
pizza o’ clock: Yep


Jumpropeman: the concept is ridiculous but also intriguing
RubyChao: every game.


Jumpropeman: "she is deathly afraid of fire and mails herself everywhere"
Jumpropeman: two very relatable traits!
Jumpropeman: "He is the main deuterargonist in Hotel Transylvania 2 and the tertaragonist in Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation."
Jumpropeman: Tertaragonist is sort of how you spell it
Gooper Blooper: here we go
Jumpropeman: "Lydia refers to Mavis having "tiny little hands" in Married to the Blob, causing Mavis to retort "I prefer dandy". Mavis is again defensive about her hand-size when this is mentioned a second time later on."
Jumpropeman: the main thing I remember about Mavis is her fragile hand ego
Jumpropeman: im also pretty sure the quote should be dainty
RubyChao: "a man unduly devoted to style, neatness, and fashion in dress and appearance."
RubyChao: mavis's hands
RubyChao: but only her hands
Draco: Mavis Beacon?
Jumpropeman: "Sometimes, he leaves green traces behind him when he moves but sometimes he doesn't"
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Blobby?
Jumpropeman: of course sheep would get it with such a distinct character trait!
Jumpropeman: who else sometimes leaves green traces but sometimes doesn't?
Jumpropeman: "Cousin Blobby is mentioned and briefly pictured in one of the episodes.
Needs clarification if he is meant to be the cousin of Wendy Blob or of her dad Bob Blob
He might be the same Blobby from the films."

Jumpropeman: please don't be mad at me for posting an entire article in chat
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Is
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Is that it?
Jumpropeman: that's all they have to say about Cousin Blobby
Jumpropeman: Blobby has a big page though
Gooper Blooper: he better!
Jumpropeman: "Wanda Werewolf[1] (also called Aunt Wanda[2]) is a werewolf and the wife of Wayne and the mother of Winnie, Sunny, and many other werewolf pups. She is one of the six tritagonists of Hotel Transylvania,"
Jumpropeman: okay buster, I saw Hotel Transylvania 1 and she's barely in it
Jumpropeman: how far we stretching tritagonist, especially when they're six of them?
RubyChao: >not numbering them properly
Gooper Blooper: quintogtagtegturginist
RubyChao: i want to see her called a an octagonist
Gooper Blooper: SECONDARY octagonist
Jumpropeman: "Over-protective of his teenage daughter, Mavis also referred to as "Lesbo""
Jumpropeman: ???
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Woah!
Mbhglefsh Sheep: That escalated quickly
Jumpropeman: the only page on the wiki that calls her Lesbo
Jumpropeman: and I assure you
Jumpropeman: "Other names
Mavy-Wavy (Dracula)
Little Mouse (Dracula)
Baby Claws (Dracula)
Blood Orange (Dracula)
Sweet Fangs (Dracula)
Honey Bat (Dracula)
Devil Chops (Dracula)
Little Poison Berry (Dracula)
Little Ghoul (Dracula)
Vampire Girl (Johnny)
Honey (Johnny)
Mommy (Dennis)
Coffin Cake (Dracula[1])
Little Tarantula (Dracula)"

Jumpropeman: they'd have Lesbo here if it was an actual alternate name for her
Gooper Blooper: XD
Draco: I was gonna say, in which language do they call her Lesbo?
Jumpropeman: the language of vandals
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Coffin Cake is a decent pun
Mbhglefsh Sheep: The rest may leave
Mbhglefsh Sheep waves had lazily
RubyChao: sheep
RubyChao: we're using all these names
RubyChao: for Peko.
RubyChao: in canon.
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Gooper Blooper: Peko needs a love interest to say them
Jumpropeman: "Ericka can speak Spanish (Bienvenido), German (Willkommen), Russian (Dobro pozalovat) and Chinese (Huanyíng)."
RubyChao: ah yes, i too know like three words in Japanese and thus qualify as a speaker of it
RubyChao: and one of those words is "hell"
Mbhglefsh Sheep: So
Mbhglefsh Sheep: We're pitching Hotel Transylvania as our next setting, right?
RubyChao: >next setting
RubyChao: sheep, it's THIS setting
RubyChao: i'm deleting agama to make room
Gooper Blooper: time to bring back Blobby
Gooper Blooper: and introduce my latest cute girl, that one female mummy Murray kept trying to flirt with
Jumpropeman: "The novelization of Hotel Transylvania 2 by Stacia Deutsch mentions on page 39:
Winnie, now six years old herself, jumped on Dennis and hugged him, knocking him down. "Dennis! I Love you! Zing!"

This line occurs in the film after Dennis is shown being 2 years old on the height chart, indicating that Winnie is at most 4 years older than he is. This would make her 9 years old.
Mavis announced her pregnancy to her father after marrying Jonathan, who she met when she was 118 years old. In the novelization this was "a few years later" however the film only says "one year later". Either way, since Winnie was present at Hotel Transylvania when Mavis was 114, it doesn't add up, since she should be at least 5 years older. Also, Winnie would be at least 9 years old by the end of the third movie, in contrast to her father being several centuries old."

Draco: I fully support Transylvania as our next setting AND making Hotel Transylvania the new bar AND letting Sheep RP the bartender, Jill Again.
Jumpropeman: there's more to Winnie's age debate but I couldn't copy it all
Jumpropeman: needless to say the age of this werewolf child is HOTLY contested
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Only if it's actually an authentic movie prop Jill from the latest Sine movie that is animated by a horde of small spiders.
Draco: Deal.
Mbhglefsh Sheep lightning flash
Mbhglefsh Sheep monkey paw finger curls

Draco: Because Goops didn't want me telling y'all this, but that's exactly what Valhalla's Jill was, a spider-powered prop.
Jumpropeman: "Winnie is one of the major characters in the threequel, who take part in the ensuing cruise. A running gag is when she and Dennis play with their giant dog, Tinkles."
Jumpropeman: first: threequel
Jumpropeman: second: the wiki does not say what the running gag is
Jumpropeman: just that it merely exists
Jumpropeman: maybe the dog being giant is the gag?
Jumpropeman: like is it clifford size?
Draco: For the record, are we talking about this Blobby
Mbhglefsh Sheep: If only
Jumpropeman: apparently it's just a big pug
Jumpropeman: "they perform a fistbump and she kisses him on the cheek. Surprised, Dennis moans uncomfortably as Winnie stares at him."
Jumpropeman: I feel like this scene where a kid kisses another kid could be described better >_>
Gooper Blooper: "A recurring gag in the film is whenever Dennis and Winnie try to introduce him by telling him to "say hi, Bob," they manipulate him like a puppet saying "Hi, Bob!""
Gooper Blooper: you just had to go to Tinkles' page, JRM
Jumpropeman: I'm not done with Winnie!
Jumpropeman: "In the second film, Winnie states that she has 300 brothers. It is unknown if they are all still puppies (we’ll find that out in the third film)."
Jumpropeman: such as this part
Gooper Blooper: you gotta wiki walk this shit
Jumpropeman: can't wait to find out about that third film!
Jumpropeman: I'm dying to learn the truth
Jumpropeman: "She is shown to be calm, and passive, and also adorable... She looks mostly like a baby, or a toddler, by the fact of being tiny, being charged, and been taken by her father."
Mbhglefsh Sheep: wha
Mbhglefsh Sheep squinting, trying to parse
Jumpropeman: "Goal
To keep his daughter safe (formerly; 1st film)"

Jumpropeman: Dracula no longer wants his daughter safe
Draco: By the third film, Dracula's done caring and just wants Lesbo gone.
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Hotel Translvania...has changed.
Jumpropeman: "Personality
Witty, dry, loyal, aerobic, awkward"

Jumpropeman: aerobic?
Jumpropeman: "living, active, or occurring only in the presence of oxygen aerobic respiration"
Jumpropeman: The invisible man has it rough
Jumpropeman: "By the time of the second film, Griffin has become a dancing instructor at Hotel Transylvania. He is shown in a video with 2 women or girls as a dance or exercise video which he was disappointed at the girls for not following him."
Jumpropeman: doing aerobics is obviously what they meant
Jumpropeman: but it is not a personality trait
Mbhglefsh Sheep still processing the previous thing about oxygen
Jumpropeman: "At one point in the story development process, Griffin was actually cast as the bartender in the hotel, serving up quips alongside his cocktail concoctions."
Jumpropeman: now this is the bartender I'd want to see
Jumpropeman: just a floating pair of glasses that is snarky
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Aww man
Mbhglefsh Sheep: That was a missed opportunity
Gooper Blooper legitimately attempts to find a way to cram the Hotel Transylvania Female Mummy into my plots
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Goops
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Are you okay?
Gooper Blooper: Sheep, are any of us okay?
Jumpropeman: glad gooper is a man of taste
Jumpropeman: "She's also seen when green flames bursts out from the fireplace after a Witch emits a fart to the fire. She and Murray look to the explosion, and she looks back at him; Murray says, "I was not the cause of that", denying that he farted (which was actually Frank's mischief)."
Mbhglefsh Sheep: But what about
Jumpropeman: the stilted writing style makes Murray's probably properly delivered line come off robotic
Jumpropeman: "Also, in the birthday party, she rocks with the music by shaking her butt in an Egyptian fashion "
Jumpropeman: "In the beginning of the movie, she sits with Murray at Johnny's and Mavis' wedding. Murray describes her as "my date"."
Jumpropeman: the Female Mummy's page feels so clinical
Mbhglefsh Sheep: What about
Jumpropeman: "In the game “Hotel Transylvania Dash”, she carries the most suitcases of any character."
Jumpropeman: hot dog!
Jumpropeman: what a woman!
Jumpropeman: which was me talking about my wiki quote
Jumpropeman: sorry female Anakharis
Gooper Blooper: also I feel like we could make Transylvania work as an RP setting, just sayin
Gooper Blooper: get some european gothic going
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Kahibit is, like, part of Anakharis?
Mbhglefsh Sheep: It's confusing
Gooper Blooper: I'll drag in a bunch of stuff from the one castlevania game I ever played
Jumpropeman: link
RubyChao: Goops.
RubyChao: Be honest with me here.
Mbhglefsh Sheep: And what about
RubyChao: Is this just an excuse to make sure of Yet Another Two Years Of Peko?
Jumpropeman: link
Mbhglefsh Sheep: And somehow
Mbhglefsh Sheep: The Mummy's bowling pin teeth came out the best
Gooper Blooper:
Gooper Blooper: I mean, what?
Jumpropeman: if we do transylvania or a transylvania-like goop
Jumpropeman: Samhain for brawl
Jumpropeman: no excuses
RubyChao: samhain and phantomon would HAVE to
Gooper Blooper: the perpetually-skipping ghosts finally get their due
Jumpropeman: link
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Come on
Mbhglefsh Sheep: You know they had to do that joke
Mbhglefsh Sheep: I use the term loosely
Jumpropeman: link link link
Jumpropeman: I think I'm good on the wiki
Jumpropeman: getting too tempted to RP this invisible man mainly-


Gooper Blooper: link
Mbhglefsh Sheep: Some deep cuts in that list
Gooper Blooper: everyone's
Gooper Blooper: favorite
Gooper Blooper: cartoon characters
Draco: I am so sick of seeing that when trying to look for particular characters.
Gooper Blooper: Block them, Draco!
Gooper Blooper: Chao discovered recently blocking someone on DA removes their uploads from search results
Gooper Blooper: I've been using it to good effect
Draco: Nice.
Draco: "Pete is the Landlord who gets beaten up by the Powerpuff Girls or the Incredible Hulk who stops him from shutting down the Nightclub" <- Sounds pretty villainous, assaulting the landlord.
Draco: "Marvel Cartoons (Such as Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Falcon, X-Men, The Fantastic Four, Spiderman, The Incredible Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Nick Fury, War Machine, Squirrel Girl, Black Cat, Ice Man, Silver Surfer, The Vision, Ant-Man, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Wasp, She-Hulk, Deadpool, Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain Marvel, The Avengers, Doctor Strange Etc)" <- Dude, you listed all the Marvel characters anyone knows. You don't need etc. ;p
Gooper Blooper: No, there's no comma
Gooper Blooper: His full name is Doctor Strange Etc
Mbhglefsh Sheep: No, the comma's right
Mbhglefsh Sheep: They were referring to Etcetera of CATS fame
Draco: OptimusBroderick BRAVELY posted this masterpiece eight years ago and continues uploading quality content TO THIS DAY.


(I named my Pokemon Gaia player character "Dolby".)

Gooper Blooper: Dolby proceeded to wipe the floor with this trainer.
Harpy: i can't believe she went jojo on her ass


Gooper Blooper: Man, Doremy simultaneously looks a lot more appealing and also not like herself at all when she ditches the ridiculous Covered In Balls costume
Jumpropeman: oh, those are tapir ears
Harpy: that's her fuckin sleepwear and she's fucking allowed to wear it
Jumpropeman: I had to look at the tags for the first link harpy pasted :V
RubyChao: listen
RubyChao: doremy
RubyChao: people wear clothes besides pajamas for a REASON
Harpy: *pouts as she wears cozy pjs which may or may not look silly*
Jumpropeman: it could have been any number of rp blue hair lady
Gooper Blooper: counterpoint, chao
Gooper Blooper: patchouli
Harpy: time to commission a casual doremy
Harpy: *its intensely pink and blue*
RubyChao: okay, but in her case, having more than one outfit is a lot of work
Jumpropeman: Game Gear is so jealous that patchouli gets away with it


Gooper Blooper:
RubyChao: big mcthankys from mcspankys.
Draco: Brutal.
Gooper Blooper: sodium chloride
Draco: D:<
Draco fires Goops.


Jumpropeman: "Enemies
Fat Ladies
Kamikaze Mama Slaves"

Harpy: uh
Harpy: fat ladies are not your enemy
Harpy: seriously thought what the fuck
Draco: ZFRP has at least two of those.
Jumpropeman: I don't know why the Spyro wiki calls the minions the fat ladies send out that
Jumpropeman: but unsurprisingly the Kamikaze Mama Slaves are called something different on their page
Gooper Blooper: Two wikis in two days, JRM on a roll
Jumpropeman: don't expect more, that seems to be a fluke :V
Gooper Blooper: Darn, and I just spent 100 minutes in MSPaint making this, too
Jumpropeman: Roll has the right expression for it :V
Draco: 100 minutes?! But you could have been at ELF PRACTICE!!!
Gooper Blooper: most of the work was finding a suitable roll
Jumpropeman: well you picked the best one so good job
Gooper Blooper: had to be caskett because that's best roll- I knew I liked you for a reason
Draco: I thought it was because he wrote that Bag Bart Brorl every year.
Gooper Blooper: Paul Blart, Brawl Cop


RubyChao: when i and spy watched yugioh gx
RubyChao: one of the enemies of the day, voice-wise, was "escargoon"
RubyChao: not as in "this is the same VA"
RubyChao: as in
RubyChao: "this is literally the exact same voice used for Escargoon"
RubyChao: it was a trip.
Harpy: wow.
Gooper Blooper: But did you hear Edea's voice
Gooper Blooper: is the real question
RubyChao: yes, actually,
RubyChao: because
RubyChao: one of the first roles Edea's VA ever did
RubyChao: was the final boss of Season 3
Gooper Blooper: jesus, I was KIDDING
Gooper Blooper: EDEA PLEASE
RubyChao: hears for yerself (0:45)
Gooper Blooper: oh god, yep, that's the edea voice
Gooper Blooper: of course I can only imagine Edea holding yugioh cards
Jumpropeman: Edea is like, the more obscure Tara Strong
Jumpropeman: you hear her voice everywhere but don't remember her as well as you do Tara



RubyChao: but what are they laughing at...
Jumpropeman: edit out Marisa
RubyChao: wow jrm
RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: what did marisa do
Jumpropeman: they'll be laughing at Marisa once she's edited out
Gooper Blooper: I know she wasn't exactly as beloved as the other three but she made it to RP dammit
Jumpropeman: look
Harpy: welp
Jumpropeman: Marisa crossed Patchouli and got Bendi's Basicsed for it
Jumpropeman: Baldi
Jumpropeman: don't know why I called him bendi
RubyChao: oh my god
Jumpropeman: oh yeah, Bendy and the Ink Machine
Jumpropeman: that's probably why
Gooper Blooper: Five Nights At Hello Bendy's Basics Literature Club


Jumpropeman: I almost delayed my Kogasa blogpost because
Jumpropeman: I legitimately asked myself
Jumpropeman: "Do I want her to be like, the sister to the Boo Brothers or something?"
Jumpropeman: and now it's too late ; o ;


Draco: Will we ever find out why Doremy wears a Santa hat everywhere?
Harpy: its a sleep cap
Jumpropeman: she's trying to get free milk and cookies
Harpy: "Don't we all desire to give up on being ourselves and simply be Santa in our dreams?"
Harpy: "Give up. Give in. For Santa is you. Santa is me. Santa... is all of us."
Harpy: "Also Sagume gave this to me."
Jumpropeman: Sagume said Doremy is now Santa Claus and that made it true
Harpy: what she said
Harpy: was "Doremy isn't santa"
Harpy: and then suddenly
Harpy: Doremy was santa.
Draco: :O
Draco: So all we need to do is get Sagume to narrate for Rainbowdash and say "Shimmer is alive."
Harpy: she's careful with her words because the world's like "oh, is that so? not anymore"
Harpy: she wouldn't do that to shimmer
Harpy: she probably screamed "TANK IS DEAD!" in tears as she watched the brawl hoping he'd stay alive
Jumpropeman: everyone just look at her like she's insane
Harpy: reisen (manga) be like "b-but he's alive"
Draco: She'll accidentally say Clownpiece is cool and nothing will happen because Clownpiece is immune to such a chaotic power.
Jumpropeman: he ain't even in this brawl honey
Harpy: Clownpiece is Chaos, what you talkin' bout
Harpy: she's about to sue Doremy for dream copyright infringement
Draco: Clownpiece is Lawful Chaotic.
Harpy: Doremy: I was careful to avoid using her exact likeness so I would avoid meeting her in the Dream World... *sigh*
Draco: You can't out-chaos the clown, therefore she says "Sagume is cool." and suddenly Sagume bursts into flames or something.
Draco: Clownpiece: If you dream about me, we're legally dating. It's written in a prophecy I etched into a Bomb Pop with a chisel made of petrified lemongrass before I ate it. The lemongrass I mean, not the Bomb Pop.
Harpy: Doremy: ... I would hope we're not dating.
Jumpropeman Claire suddenly VERY NERVOUS
Jumpropeman: "I have like thirty dreams at once every night >_>"
Harpy: Doremy's going to treat herself to a buffet of dreams with Claire
Harpy: hopefully not dream within dreams
Harpy: its like trying to get to the center of a tootsie pop
Jumpropeman: Claire's future sight is sensory, so since dreams are sensory shuffles essentially, she sees the future of what her senses are seeing and dreams can take wild tangents so...
Harpy: i wonder if she suffers some forms of sleep paralysis or if it takes a while for her to actually rouse from a dream because of that
Draco: Clownpiece: It only applies to Doremy, not Claire. Unless it's a Tuesday beginning with S, M, W, or F.
Jumpropeman: oh no, it's Stewsday D:
Harpy: Doremy: I... uh, would prefer to remain alone, thank you.
Harpy: Doremy sweatin bullets
Harpy: Doremy makes her own dream GF just to get Clownpiece to leave her alone
Jumpropeman: Claire is definitely slow to wake in some capacity
Draco: Maybe if she went to bed before 3 AM. BI
Jumpropeman: she lives a disorienting life already without being jolted awake
Draco: Claire can see Mom coming and pretends to be asleep.




The Deleter: Chilling, looking back through all instances of weed in zfrp


RubyChao: how was your WeedQuest, del
The Deleter: Weedquest report
The Deleter: Mostly me and sk


Gooper Blooper: I beat Pokemon Gaia!
Harpy: yeee
Gooper Blooper: I trained the squad to level 60 across the board for the E4 and it was maybe a little overkill because level 60 was the level of the champ's last Pokemon, I kinda steamrolled everyone
Draco: Don't blame yourself because of their weakness.
Gooper Blooper: Then I got ready to screenshot a nice Hall Of Fame picture of the squad, only for Gaia's modding to hit a sliiiiight snag
Harpy: uh
Harpy: i can't believe gina was a pineco...
Gooper Blooper: she was a pinecone the whole time
Harpy: coned
Draco: Gastrodon looks like it's crying in that picture. Probably because Gina turned into a Pineco.
Gooper Blooper: tears of confetti
Harpy: oh god
Harpy: gaston x gina


Draco: Did I share the playable Yoshiko Devil May Cry 5 mod yet?
Gooper Blooper: pffffffffffff
RubyChao: so draco
Jumpropeman: so that's how she brawls
RubyChao: is this just Daily Life For Yoshiko during the later parts of Dark Star
Draco: Yeah, run down to the store for groceries, fight a few thralls and some weird tentacles along the way.


Draco: Is this how JRM introduces his new old person, Granny Smith from MLP?
Jumpropeman: that would be a very good pony for me to pick yes
Draco: Equestria for Season 13 and part of 14 before we reveal we were in the Matrix all along.


Jumpropeman: link
Harpy: my team on the way to flannery's gym
Draco: Damn, those Shellders are SAVAGE.
Harpy: alternatively, my team on the way to Blaine's gym
Draco: Pls don't hurt Flannery. She is sad enough. :<
Gooper Blooper: Flannery lost to a Shroomish, she's having a hard time
Harpy: Boop.
Draco: No
Harpy: shroomish run leaf green lets fuckin go
Harpy: i'm not actually going to do that.
Harpy: ...yet.
Harpy: i can't embarrass gary yet


Jungle 2 Jungle: My problem when starting a new horror game is never "is this too scary?". Its "i bet this game has thirty endings and the true ending has some cryptic requirement"
RubyChao: jrm: i once played a horror game that had LITERALLY thirty endings
RubyChao: (the gimmick was that you could only do one action and you'd get an ending)
RubyChao: (and there was a lot to interact with)


Draco: Agama's newest, most generic, and only fast food experience: Logo Burger
Gooper Blooper: Logo Burger: We Sell Food
Gooper Blooper: You know we're trendy because our logo, known affectionately as "Logo", is colorful and inviting
Harpy: its just a copied rainbow patty
Draco: Come have a nice, cold Soda Cola.
Harpy: i can't wait for diet soda pop
Gooper Blooper: link


RubyChao: i like how this theme for punching a man with your fists sounds like a fuckin' JRPG penultimate boss theme
RubyChao: tell me i'm wrong
Harpy: sounds like something i'd hear against a pokemon champion
Gooper Blooper: I mean, I've heard plenty of epic boss fight themes for non-RPGs
Harpy: maybe thats because i've been listening to gen 5 music all week
Gooper Blooper: and Yakuza isn't exactly afraid to get over the top V:
RubyChao: eheheheh, it really isn't
RubyChao: i'm just impressed because in the original, the guy you fight with this had... normal boss music
RubyChao: but apparently they decided "nah, let's go from 0 to 120"
Gooper Blooper: that reminds me
RubyChao: what's that?
Gooper Blooper: When a fight is built up to be special and important in a video game, but the music is generic fight music you've heard a million times before, especially if it's just the random encounter theme
RubyChao: oh, absolutely
Gooper Blooper: Two examples off the top of my head, both Pokemon
Harpy: *looks at FFI*
RubyChao: this was the game's penultimate boss fight so kiwami definitely made the right decision
RubyChao: i think my personal view is that the bare absolute minimum for a game with fight music
RubyChao: is that the final boss should have a unique theme
Gooper Blooper: 1: The Rocket Executives in Gen 2 don't get their own theme. This is worse in HGSS when they got fleshed out with designs and names
RubyChao: like, even if every other boss has the same theme because you had a shoestring budget, at LEAST give the final boss their own music
Gooper Blooper: 2: The final boss of the Looker sidequest in Gen 6 gets a lot of buildup and tries to go for emotional torque. It uses the normal trainer theme.
RubyChao: GOD i remember that
RubyChao: it... did not land.
Harpy: whut
Harpy: ...good thing i didn't even try
Gooper Blooper: and chao, I know a game that breaks your bare minimum rule
RubyChao: what's that
Draco: And then there was the Pokemon game where they shattered my expectations and actually had A REALLY AWESOME BATTLE THEME.
Gooper Blooper: In Final Fantasy 1, your very first encounter with a goblin outside town gets you this theme
Harpy: oh no
Gooper Blooper: When you come across your first boss?
RubyChao: oh NO
Gooper Blooper: When you encounter the Four Fiends?
RubyChao: OH NO
Harpy: PUT IT BACK!!!
Gooper Blooper: And after dozens of hours of gameplay through a Nintendo Hard RPG
Gooper Blooper: you get to Chaos. (0:54)
RubyChao: oh my god.
RubyChao: that is hilarious
RubyChao: did the remakes change that?
Harpy: dawn of souls did it better fucking fight me
Harpy: (yes for regular bosses, can't speak for fiends/chaos)
Draco: Even if I agree?
Harpy: (i never got that far even playing on the iPad :( )
RubyChao: god i'm still cackling
Harpy: ah yes
Harpy: i love my magic spell
Harpy: Fast
RubyChao: (hey, victor!)
Gooper Blooper: The remakes did, thank christ, change it. Minibosses got a theme, Lich and Kraken share a theme, Marilith and Tiamat share a remix of that theme, and Chaos gets his own theme
Harpy: victor with abs
RubyChao: oh thank fuck that's much better


Gooper Blooper: borgar
Harpy: yes


Night Goat entered for the first time
Night Goat: Hell
Night Goat: Let's try that again
Night Goat: Hello
Harpy: hi
Gooper Blooper: Sheep stumbles in at 11:40 PM and announces "Hell."
Harpy: *hecatia intensifies*


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: cirno is so clever! She's not afraid to lose if its guaranteed!
Draco: She's a good girl and wants everyone to feel like a winner.


RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: SAO is going off toonami again
RubyChao: to be replaced by...
RubyChao: the return of Black Clover
RubyChao: sheep won, but at what cost
Draco: He traded his soul for nothing.


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: oh no D: he's gonna be finding random noodles around the kitchen for a week!


Gooper Blooper:
Gooper Blooper: one danbooru result for momopie and it's the artist's name
Gooper Blooper: rude
Jumpropeman: i just checked too :V


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: a regi amv
Jumpropeman: excellent
Jumpropeman: oh wait
Jumpropeman: it's more than that
Gooper Blooper: It changes genre a few times
Gooper Blooper: it's mostly a "wow the regis were weird" video
Gooper Blooper: then he sings at the end for some reason
Jumpropeman: >lego indy is in the video
Jumpropeman: confirmed for regiplot-
Gooper Blooper: ADVENTURE!!
Jumpropeman: "regi-ice"
Jumpropeman: why do people do this
Harpy: to watch you suffer
Jumpropeman: ive heard people say "shed-ninja" too
Gooper Blooper: because then it matches the cadence of the other two
Gooper Blooper: It's an easy mistake to make
Draco: I say Regi-ice because Re-gice sounds weird to me.
Draco: Also, shed ninjas.
Gooper Blooper: Storyline
Life is hard. Sometimes you need a ninja.

Gooper Blooper: Runtime: 16 min
Jumpropeman: thats a cover and a half
RubyChao: nin nin nin
Jumpropeman: when half the chat would get the one piece reference its allowed right


RubyChao: link
Gooper Blooper: everyone having such a good time and tsubasa's sitting there going "I had fun once and it was awful"


Jumpropeman: I asked myself today "is Zozo a witch" before realizing even if she was, she would be so out of place in the group
Jumpropeman: she's like double all of their height for one-
Harpy: violet's
Harpy: tall
Harpy: very tol
Jumpropeman: zozo would be tall if she didn't hunch over all the time
Harpy: tall gal gang whaddup
Jumpropeman: she gave herself a kickass skeleton claw, I can't imagine her settling for being short
Draco: Zozo isn't young or else she'd totally fit in.
Jumpropeman: but if she was small...
Harpy: amazing
Harpy: 10/10
Draco: Even cuter than Shimmer.


RubyChao: Dreamcast is in this game
snowvel: is that a Brawl spectator
Jumpropeman: she had to go in disguise after taking gladiator bones as souvenirs
Jumpropeman: she didn't even wait until they were dead was part of the problem-
Draco: Lucy will cover for her if she promises to bring extras.
RubyChao: the anti-jrm...
Jumpropeman: D:<
Gooper Blooper: XD
Harpy: i don't know how to feel.
Harpy: how dare you confuse me, chao
Draco: Must've been a boring tournament then.
Harpy: ooOOOOOOOH-
Draco: I bet she's not even a ghost!


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: damn, they're going for the high score!
Draco: They're going for 999,999 points.
Draco: Cir-OH NO
Draco: More Cirno
Jumpropeman: she's gonna get dizzy
Draco: She should've thought about that before she locked herself in a spinning ice pyramid.


RubyChao: nibbles, WHY
Jumpropeman: the human sacrifice is a ruse
Jumpropeman: she swallowed a treasure chest and he's getting it out
Draco: Because he finally learned how to hold a knife from Skillshare and DAMMIT you use those skills or lose them!


Jumpropeman: "Significant alien presence in the area"
Jumpropeman: I ran into three aliens
Jumpropeman: there were more aliens in a single battle in the previous area :V
Draco: That's pretty significant.
Harpy: three aliens...
Harpy: is more than
Harpy: 0 aliens
Harpy: and thats significant
Jumpropeman: maybe they meant one of those aliens was significant
Jumpropeman: like they're an aristrocrat
Harpy: maks u thornk
Draco: Or maybe they're terrified of aliens and ANY alien is significant.


Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Cute.
Draco: *buys it*
Jumpropeman: =o
Harpy: :(
Jumpropeman: how come SHE gets merch :I
Gooper Blooper: According to google translate, it's official merch (as the tag made me suspect)
Gooper Blooper: it was a crane game prize
Draco: Neat.
Jumpropeman: japan and their thousands of ufo catchers
Gooper Blooper: they sure do love crane games and vending machines over there
Harpy: *looks at crane game*
Harpy: *cries* i just want donald duck...
Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: that would probably be relatively easy but she kinda has this alex kidd vibe going on
Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: lil better
Jumpropeman: much cuter
Harpy: precious
Gooper Blooper: let's not forget her totally rad makeover
Harpy: she looks like she's cosplaying eggman's daughter for the day
Harpy: the color scheme screams "SHE IS THE EGG GIRL"
Draco: So she's cosplaying as Scramble? ;V
Harpy: yes.
Gooper Blooper: Every game.
RubyChao: arle for Dance Yer Mates
Harpy: time to leave before i bring arle back like i originally planned and fear for my life
Jumpropeman: NO
Jumpropeman: I draw the line at playing hip hop arle :I
Harpy: oh
Jumpropeman: good night harp
Harpy: *puts arle back in the recycling bin*


Draco: "Hey there girls! I'm Wendalyn!" <- It's actually Mwendalyn. The M is silent.
Jumpropeman: you gotta turn her whole name upside down to read it right
Draco: uhlgpuamW?
Jumpropeman: see, now it works!
Draco: Perfect!


Jumpropeman: i am laughing way too hard at this
Draco: I liked how the guy in the top right was starting to grin like he was trying really hard not to laugh.
Jumpropeman: the shifty eyes kill me


snowvel: Nep
Jumpropeman: garsp
RubyChao: NEP?!
RubyChao: NEP!?!?!?!?!?!
snowvel: Nep.
Jumpropeman: nope
snowvel: 😱
Jumpropeman: i was considering renting a nep game
Jumpropeman: the original!
Jumpropeman: but then I remembered it had a remake
Jumpropeman: and the remake is currently unavailable :V
snowvel: aw
snowvel: you can wait for the remake's remake!
snowvel: that might be next gen only though
snowvel: but it will be a thing


Harpy: ...why does elf bowling have a movie
Harpy: why
snowvel: why not
Harpy: "there's nothing better in the seven seas
than a good ol' fashioned mutiny!"

Harpy: okay but what the fuck does that have to do with a. christmas and b. elves going bowling
snowvel: the elves mutinied and went bowling
Harpy: i'm so confused
snowvel: also is it another saberspark video
Harpy: yes
Harpy: i'm out of pokemon videos to watch.
Harpy: and therefore i'm ready to torture myself.
snowvel: welp


Harpy: Sonic R for haunted hoard purely because of the tails doll crappypastas, please and thank you.
Jumpropeman: link
RubyChao: kid me found out about the tails doll creepypasta and was scared shitless
RubyChao: adult me plays a game because it scares me shitless and i love it
RubyChao: evolution
RubyChao: this still induces a reflexive flight response in me
Harpy: tails doll never scared me either, i just heard things and heard creepy music
Harpy: but i never associated it with tails doll proper
Harpy: still a weenie with horror and some of the cut Mother 3 stuff haunted me for days but!
Harpy: tails doll was not one of those things that spooked me
Jumpropeman: I often reflect on how from the outside The Game Hoard makes it look like I'm really into horror
Gooper Blooper: well, I suppose you're really into horror games by way of being really into all games
Jumpropeman: pretty much!
RubyChao: still excited to see you play the witch's house
RubyChao: so fucking pumped
RubyChao: just eager.jpg
Gooper Blooper: I'm RPing as the witch's house this season
RubyChao: i imagine yours has slightly fewer insta-kill deathtraps though-
Jumpropeman: you don't know how ashley rolls
Harpy: the house comes alive like in that one movie
Gooper Blooper: Terrifying.
Harpy: i can't believe she killed me with how cute she is
Harpy: i'm dead
Harpy: you're talking to a dead bird
Harpy: person
Harpy: thing
Gooper Blooper: (fun fact: wendalyn isn't even in my copy of MySims, she's exclusive to the PC version. I just thought she was cute and really enjoyed her official bio, which seemed like a fun angle)
Jumpropeman: I was wondering!
Harpy: can't argue there
Gooper Blooper: "There are many kinds of witches. Good, Wicked, Teenage, the list goes on and on. Wendalyn aspires to be the world's first Wonder Witch. She's not entirely sure what that means yet, but she can make it up as she goes. She definitely wants it to involve throwing a lot of random things into a cauldron to see what will happen. Wonder Witches love to experiment with magic, and they get to wear cute hats, and they're usually pretty fun at parties."
Harpy: *Dia struggles to restrain Biscotti from nerding out*
Harpy: biscotti you don't even have a cute hat
Gooper Blooper: and so we get a witch who will fight evil by dumping random shit into the Banjo-Kazooie cauldron in hopes something good happens
Harpy: we can all hope
Jumpropeman: "Bubble bubble, toil and... WOAH THAT'S TOO MANY BUBBLES"
Gooper Blooper: Deep thoughts from Wendalyn:
Gooper Blooper: "Thorns are nice to look at, but painful to sit on!"
Gooper Blooper: "My aunt once had a house made entirely of Gingerbread Man Essences. It didn't last long in the rain."
Jumpropeman: there's a thorn chair sitting in a closet somewhere collecting dust
Gooper Blooper: "Cake, chocolate cake, bacon...they're all good!"
Jumpropeman: these quotes are making me like her more :V
Gooper Blooper: "If you hear strange noises late at night, it's just me practicing my cackle. Even nice witches need a proper cackle!"
RubyChao: but what does she think about
RubyChao: the Super Bowl
Gooper Blooper: she's a big fan of superb owls as they are fairly halloweeny birds
Harpy: Sonia has a cackle?
Harpy: Dia has a cackle?
Harpy: uh
Harpy: who else has witchy outfits on my end
Harpy: uh
Harpy: *shove gemstone witches in the closet* not you
Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: you can't just
Harpy: t-pose at me
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: too powerful
Jumpropeman: link


Draco: Guys, I think Helltaker is getting merch?
RubyChao: link
Draco: Cool picture Helltaker guy did of FFTactics Advance characters.
Gooper Blooper: I was trying to articulate a point about this, but Chao's picture does it perfectly
Gooper Blooper: this is internet magic
Jumpropeman: every time i think helltaker's flame has truly fizzled out it seems to do something
Draco: It's lovely. :3
Draco: Helltaker-style Miu
Jumpropeman: miu does seem up this guy's alley :V
Draco: He's a cool dude.


Draco: Bootleg Lord of the Rings game.
Jumpropeman: I love that part where gimli fights a scorpion!
Jumpropeman: it doesn't look terrible though
RubyChao: i like how many of the bosses actually feel LOTR relevant
Draco: Yeah, they actually have Saruman as a boss.


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: the collection grows!
Jumpropeman: what a cool keyring
Draco: All my favorite Touhous: Sumi, Parsee, and Nobu.
Jumpropeman: tomorrow
Jumpropeman: is Brownie's birthday!
Draco: Bow wow! :O
Harpyathome: PUPPY
Harpyathome: BIG PUPPY
RubyChao joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi chao
RubyChao: hoi
Draco: Hi Chao. Did you come to wish Brownie a happy birthday too?!
RubyChao: well, i guess i did
Draco: Good! Because it'd be a shame if you were just here to look at my picture of keychains.


Gooper Blooper: god, the screaming XD


Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: if that's the poor ending, imagine how awesome the other five endings are
Draco: Yeah, that doesn't sound like an awful ending.
Jumpropeman: link link
Gooper Blooper: Ahhh, okay, this is vital context
Gooper Blooper: I thought this was a list of Barbie game endings but it's actually a step by step breakdown of this Barbie game's grievous missteps
Jumpropeman: it's from the crappy games wiki
Jumpropeman: where people try way too hard to come up with reasons games are bad
Draco: Good ending: Bubsy isn't on Earth to make a mess out of Earth's defense.
Jumpropeman: "6. The characters are probably to have bad models, animations and textures."
Jumpropeman: "5. Jim Hawkins (the playable character) and the other main characters are NOT SMILING, except for Morph."
Jumpropeman: damn, I didn't realize the game was THAT bad
Jumpropeman: "9. Unlike the PS1 version, Jim Hawkins' scream while falling off the platform of each level was cringy, but sometimes funny. Even games like Disney's The Emperor's New Groove (PS1 game) and Rayman 2."
Jumpropeman: that's the whole bullet point
Draco: Jim Hawkins? Oh wait, I'm thinking Jim Sterling.
Jumpropeman: this wiki page complains about emulator glitches
Jumpropeman: as in, they actually says it's a glitch only in the emulated version
Draco: That's weird.
Jumpropeman: "1: This game was supposed to be somewhat of an adaptation of the third Madagascar movie. However, given that this was released three days before the release of the movie, this honestly feels like it was made to cash in on a movie that scheduled to come out."
Jumpropeman: and here I thought this was a genuine effort to make a great game out of a beloved film
Draco: lol
Draco: Very judgmental wiki.
Jumpropeman: "3. The loading screens look BORING. To put it simply, the loading screens basically consist of a train going to the next location that you are supposed to play next, with the characters themselves being chess figures."
Gooper Blooper: oh god the madagascar release date one XD
Jumpropeman: Redeeming Qualities for the Madagascar 3 game:
"The menu screen looked promising.
The music is decent at all."

Gooper Blooper: The geniuses at the crappy games wiki have uncovered a huge scandal!!
Gooper Blooper: I remember finding that wiki and thinking it was promising... then I actually read a page
Jumpropeman: "Action Girlz Racing: The back of the game states that it is "the only racing game designed by Girls, for Girls!". The female names in the credits (despite featuring a man's name in them) are just female names of the actual men who designed this game."
Jumpropeman: now this is interesting at least
Draco: ...the heck?
Jumpropeman: "South Park Rally: Kyle's car on the front cover is blue and the license plate reads "SWEET", but his car in-game is red and the license plate reads "SUCC ASS" instead."
Jumpropeman: "Another false advertising moment is when Donkey appears on the cover in both the front and back. However, you then realize that Donkey is unlockable."
Jumpropeman: guess smash ultimate has false advertising too since they put characters you need to unlock on the cover
Draco: Injustice!


Jumpropeman: when does Wendy the Good Little Witch join the coven
Gooper Blooper: She was legit considered
RubyChao: what about
Jumpropeman: Worst Witch Plot
Gooper Blooper: The Worst Witch vs The Wickedest Witch


Jumpropeman: "Lose the clothes, save your life!" what a tagline

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