Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 374: Throw The Butt Casually

(Re: Halloween costumes)

LaptopDraco: Nobody is going to react to DeMonde telling Gale she has to dress up as a Nintendo thing tomorrow? jk
Jumpropeman: Game Gear walks in as a Game Boy Advance
LaptopDraco: Perfect! :V
Jumpropeman: Master System dresses as the Virtual Boy too
Jumpropeman: mostly because she wants to be ignored
LaptopDraco: Too late. She appeared and had dialogue. We love her now.


LaptopDraco: "You've got such a handsome forehead, Ravio! I'd like to see it more often~" <- Saturn's disgusting fetish emerges at last. jk
Jumpropeman: Saturn loves to flirt but is unsure how to confront the idea of being in an actual relationship!


RubyChao: i am going to Crash
RubyChao: just
RubyChao: megaflop
RubyChao: right after halloween rp
RubyChao: and then i can do things like epilogues!
RubyChao: but first, flopping.


Muffet Sheep gears grinding
Muffet Sheep: Darn, I meant to have the raccoons take bets on the fites
Muffet Sheep: oh well
Jumpropeman: well when they all end in friendship no one will get a prize
LaptopDraco: Hey, still time for it. We've got...by generous estimates...six hours?
LaptopDraco: Maybe nine
Muffet Sheep posts BK doing a backflip
LaptopDraco: Perfect!
LaptopDraco: And he backflips all the way to Agama.
Muffet Sheep: BK will not be coming to Agama
LaptopDraco: Agama will be coming to BK?! 8D
Muffet Sheep: We'll see if I hold to it, but I'm intending to cut down on appearances from prior character hanger-ons in Agama next year
LaptopDraco: Oh no! I thought Blanket was a shoo-in for a return!


The Bree joined the chat
The Bree: hi!
The Bree: frands <3
Jumpropeman: hello bree!
Jumpropeman: happy hallowbreen
The Bree: ah, my favorite day of the yearrr
The Bree: that inexplicable 24-hour period where you can... poke komachi in the tum and hear her make the sound like the pillsbury doughboy!
The Bree: no, wait, that's my second favorite. oh right, the one where everyone in RP wears nifty costumes and goes spoop in the night!
Muffet Sheep: I don't remember that holiday...
The Bree: speaking of nifty, what's niftu
Muffet Sheep: A potato
The Bree: *inb4 niftu's costume is "a god damn nap" like hina's*
The Bree: potato also very appropriate!
Jumpropeman: sheep beat me to it
Muffet Sheep: The Elcor has gone as a sumo table
Jumpropeman: i should just have sheep do my costumes
Jumpropeman: he's 2 for 2!


The Bree: was googling to doublecheck spelling of "schwarzenegger" (like, AHNOLD) but accidentally portmanteau'd it with terminator, typed "schwarzenator"
harpy: nailed it


Hooded Pitohui: "GET A LOAD OF THIS, KOBBERS! MY SECOND GREATEST CREATION - THE EGGETTE CARRIER!!" "...Second greatest?" "You already destroyed the first greatest." Dark Scramble grumps. - was her first greatest creation Maria's cape?
Spooper Blooper: Ah yes, HP, Chao PMed me the exact same question!
Spooper Blooper: The answer is yes.
Hooded Pitohui: Ahahaha, the best news I've received all day
Spooper Blooper: Maria's caaaaaaape.
harpy: that fucking cape i swear to god


Spooper Blooper: cutting room floor about the heart star scene, it was originally even more ridiculous and used my favorite old politics meme
Spooper Blooper: The narration would have gone on about how not only are heart stars coming from New York, but they're coming from Vermont, and Philadelphia, and Maine! They're coming from New Hampshire, and Ohio, and Kentucky! They're coming from Florida, and California, and Texas, and Washington, and Michigan! AND THEN THEY'RE GOING INTO DARK MATTER TO TAKE BACK THE PLANET! YEEEEAAAARRRGH
harpy: rip maryland and delaware
Jumpropeman: and then the kobbers lose to dark matter because the screech was uncharismatic
The Bree: goops that shouldn't've been cutting room floored but...I understand the reason being sheer exhaustion of "no I can't go any ridiculouser"
The Bree: maybe it's the mania talking but it feels like dark matter finale has inspired a lot of chatzy-madness-worthy funny discussion
Spooper Blooper: me and goopsmom STILL do the Dean Scream at each other regularly
The Bree: like, god please put that political-meme-inspired cutting-room'd blurb into chatzy madness
Spooper Blooper: it's been sixteen years.
harpy: goopsmom memeing with the kids
The Bree: I love goopsmom's utterly feral willingness to like, just meme at ANY SECOND
The Bree: breemom is memey but not on the same level, or frequency, as goopsmom seems to be
The Bree: goopsmom: hello fellow young adults how do you do
The Bree: skateboard over shoulder
Spooper Blooper: And yes I did think that even with how insane the plot had become, having the entire population of the united states somehow sense Hina's energy and send... *checks*... 328 million heart stars at Project WM was a bit much
harpy: i laughed
The Bree: FAIR
The Bree: touche, goop.
harpy: "and the universe said, 'i love you'"
harpy: and then project WM was baby.
The Bree: I'd melt of sheer transcendent "hoooooooooooo good shit" memery big mood if, like, you'd fucking had the entire universe come to life with the sheer FORCE of friendship and love.
The Bree: like at some point, you gotta stop me from allowing every atom of zfrp canon to be overstuffed with positive energy, or else I'll buddha-esque achieve enlightenment then ascend to a higher plane of existence
The Bree: did I mention I really fucking like the power of love trope(s)?
Spooper Blooper: Baby Wids was a possible ending for Project WM
Spooper Blooper: I thought about it getting blown up entirely and then respawning as a baby because Elohim
RubyChao: oh god goops
RubyChao: i'm laughing hard at the dean scream
RubyChao: it's ok bree
harpy: now i'm just imagining Kailani holding baby wids over the empire state building like in the lion king
RubyChao: i love positive endings
RubyChao: and positive protagonists!
The Bree: azure's like "I can't zfrp because my roleplay proclivities are too grimdark and nsfw"
The Bree: I'm like "zfrp is the fucking audiovisual embodiment of my goddamn favorite, hardcore-est proclivity of All Time"
harpy: *something something new york accent*
RubyChao: all of my absolute favorite protagonists in media are characters who would beat people up and become their friends, because they believe in and respect everyone
RubyChao: hibiki for example


Muffet Sheep: Why does Samhain say Shazbot?
Muffet Sheep has so many things on his mind tonight
Spooper Blooper: Samhain says Shazbot for two reasons
Muffet Sheep: Next Season: The Year That Halloween Forgot
Muffet Sheep brings in a UPS driver who hates Jack-O-Lanterns
Spooper Blooper: 1: 'Shazbot' originates from the 70s-80s show Mork and Mindy. Samhain, only appearing on Earth for a month every year, was originally intended to have kind of a lagging understanding of popular culture and would still be stuck in the 80s and 90s in some of his actions because he was two decades behind (I later put this idea to better use in the form of Dolby)
Spooper Blooper: Originally he was meant to hibernate between Octobers instead of going to the spirit realm, meaning he would "fall asleep" November 1 and then "wake up" October 1 the following year
harpy: aaah
Spooper Blooper: so a decade-old Halloween would feel recent to him
Spooper Blooper: Reason 2: Samhain is and always has been a ridiculous memer who is extremely enthusiastic about everything
Spooper Blooper: Note that he usually accompanies his shouts of SHAZBOT with jazz hands
Muffet Sheep: I was honestly just curious as to why that phrase
Muffet Sheep: Thanks for the explanation
Spooper Blooper: Well, as for why Shazbot in particular, I've never even seen Mork and Mindy
Spooper Blooper: but I read the phrase once and it wedged in my brain and would not leave
Spooper Blooper: Ah yes, here's where I picked up the phrase
Muffet Sheep: Aaah, Battlebots


blj out of chatzy: in japanese
blj out of chatzy: the Backwards Long Jump is called
blj out of chatzy: "The Ass Warp"
Jumpropeman: niiice
blj out of chatzy: i'm laughing and i might use that because that's more understandable to laymen than BLJ
blj out of chatzy: which could be mistaken as someone typoing "BLT" by a little too much
blj out of chatzy: "bacon... lettuce... jam?!?!"
blj out of chatzy: its a bit more understandable to bree at least
LaptopDraco: "Bacon Lettuce Jelly Sandwich. It's my new breakfast treat," Clownpiece says to Dana. Six months later, she's working in a diner in Agama.
Jumpropeman: alternatively
Jumpropeman: someone can get a really bad idea what the Ass Warp might be :V
Jumpropeman: "QUICK, INTO MY BUTT"
Jumpropeman: I immediately think of how Ven thought that Expand Dong meant Donkey Kong was literally growing in size
blj out of chatzy: ass warp is how the avengers beat thanos, didn't you know?
blj out of chatzy: but you're right
LaptopDraco: We don't have Ant Man around though. >_<
blj out of chatzy: i was gonna say something but my brain is
blj out of chatzy: having an out of body experience
LaptopDraco: out of booty experience
blj out of chatzy: i'm also dying because of all these light themed sites i'm looking at
Jumpropeman: stop going to lightbulbs.com then!
blj out of chatzy: I WILL
Jumpropeman: oh wow
blj out of chatzy: BECAUSE I'M GOING TO- oh fuck my pepsi 0 isn't finished
Jumpropeman: lightbulbs.com is
Jumpropeman: a place to buy lightbulbs
blj out of chatzy: what did you expect
blj out of chatzy: porn?
Jumpropeman: I expected one of those squatter sites
blj out of chatzy: fair
Jumpropeman: like something godaddy snatches up and sits on
Jumpropeman: I remember one day typing in all the planet names and then .com
Jumpropeman: mercury is a bank site and saturn is cars
Jumpropeman: pluto.com is a site squatter though
blj out of chatzy: its no longer a planet... or a site...
Jumpropeman: uranus.com just
Jumpropeman: doesn't do anything
blj out of chatzy: i saw saturn and thought "is this a sega themed search?"
blj out of chatzy: then i saw mercury
blj out of chatzy: anyway i'mma go now
Jumpropeman: night harpy!
Spooper Blooper: nite harpy
Jumpropeman: hope you 0 Star the rest of your night
blj out of chatzy: i choked
blj out of chatzy: i can't do a blj to save my ass
Jumpropeman: it would be your ass at risk presumably
blj out of chatzy: yes, and i prefer to not hurt my ass
Jumpropeman: well then ass warp on out of here
blj out of chatzy: yayayaYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAY-
blj out of chatzy left the chat


Muffet Sheep: Alright, I need to sleep
Muffet Sheep: But first
Jumpropeman: night sheep!
RubyChao: night!
Muffet Sheep: I HAVE to just see what game JRM chose to end the Haunted Hoard
Muffet Sheep: What game would be the crown upon the spooky brow
Muffet Sheep: This greatest of gaming review traditions
Muffet Sheep: ..
Muffet Sheep: ...
Muffet Sheep: Oh.
Muffet Sheep left the chat
Jumpropeman: there's only one requirement to be the game I wrap the Haunted Hoard up with
Jumpropeman: you gotta have Halloween in the name
Spooper Blooper: Even before the haunted hoard started for this year, I had a feeling~
Jumpropeman: Gooper actually got me King of Halloween too!
Spooper Blooper: I did!
Spooper Blooper: Too bad it still wasn't very good.
LaptopDraco: Shame.
Jumpropeman: did you really want it to be good though :V
Spooper Blooper: considering I've been pushing the "JRM will someday find a great smut game" line
Spooper Blooper: yes I did want it to be good! Though I did not expect it.


Jumpropeman: Spyro: A Hero's Tail came with one free year of Electronic Gaming Monthly
Jumpropeman: I wonder what they rated it ;p


LaptopDraco: I need to get rid of Yoshiko. I'm starting to think she's one of the best characters I've done. :V
RubyChao: who else is up there?
RubyChao: serious question
Jumpropeman: get rid of her by sending her to this weird magitech jungle
LaptopDraco: Zeldoten is definitely up there with DeMonde. Parsee's up there as well.
Jumpropeman: Zeldoten's been around five years now so I'd probably put her top of your characters
Jumpropeman: she's had a long time to make an impression and do various things and show her stuff
RubyChao: curious who you'd say my tops are, j-man
Jumpropeman: I remember once I was trying to determine everyone's definitive character but that was also pre-olympia I believe
Jumpropeman: I remember your problem being, Chao, is you have that cycling through strong central ladies
Jumpropeman: Utsuho then Tenshi then Nitori now Citrus
RubyChao: and next year
RubyChao: NEW strong central ladies!
Jumpropeman: Utsuho feels right but I also worry if its legacy bias
RubyChao: i think Utsuho and Tenshi have a stronger claim than Nitori, at least
RubyChao: because they just feel right to keep coming back
Jumpropeman: sort of how some people have their season 1 characters elevated even though they're not the best
RubyChao: nonsense
LaptopDraco: My early characters are definitely not some of my best.
RubyChao: Tut-tut is superior to ALL your characters
Jumpropeman: well that's the exception that proves the rule
LaptopDraco: Indeed. Someday I hope we can find a character who topples Tut-tut from his lofty throne of #TheBest. Sparkles might be it.
LaptopDraco: We're going to have a find out how we survive in a Zeldoten-free world though because she is not coming back as a regular next year.
Jumpropeman: Gale's sending her off to Thief Camp
Jumpropeman: "Don't come back until you've stolen the entire thing"
LaptopDraco: "Thanks, Mom!" Then Gale forgot to pick her up when Summer ended.
Jumpropeman: she tried, but she found an empty lot where the camp used to be
LaptopDraco: It's not totally empty; there's a camp counselor. Zeldo doesn't steal entire people, just their hearts.
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: While I was gone, did you break in to practice your thieving art? Even if you rob my home, you can never steal my heart.
LaptopDraco: Yes. I left $20 because wow I saw your couch and you need it more than me.
Jumpropeman: those springs poking through give it character!
Jumpropeman: maybe I should put some cushions on it eventually though
Jumpropeman: sofas aren't supposed to be metal i think
LaptopDraco: No, I don't think so either. :V
Jumpropeman: what are you, some kind of sofalogist?
LaptopDraco: Yes. Majored in Couches with a Minor in Loveseats.


Jumpropeman: something I don't think gets acknowledged much in canon in retrospect but feels like it should have
Jumpropeman: why do these three kittens made of cold vanilla custard keep brawling
LaptopDraco: Because they rock.
Jumpropeman: can't deny that!


Muffet Sheep: Oh jeeze, Kotohime vs Grey Moon is next.
Muffet Sheep: "Grey Moon is immediately launched up into the air by a light blast from Kotohime"
Muffet Sheep: The Fite should have been one line long and ended there.
MobileDraco: I like how Fites sometimes spill into others and some folks just stop to watch patiently
Muffet Sheep: "GREY MOON WINS!"
Muffet Sheep: This is the darkest timeline.


Muffet Sheep: "Cerise receives the command for Rollout"
Muffet Sheep: Making this a... Rolling Start.
Muffet Sheep: "Grace quickly calls for the Soft-Boiled though"
Muffet Sheep: Did...did she just eat her egg?
Muffet Sheep: Does another one just pop out?
Jumpropeman: excellent question sheep!
Jumpropeman: next question
Muffet Sheep: :I
Muffet Sheep: Why is Niftu so nifty?
Jumpropeman: I reject your hypothesis


Muffet Sheep: "12. Cuteness Contest: SPARKLES vs SPRINKLES"
Muffet Sheep: No matter how it's decided, there's going to be riots in the stands!


Muffet Sheep: I come bearing most important news!
Jumpropeman: oh?
Muffet Sheep: someone appears to have uploaded Rollergator back onto Youtube!
Jumpropeman: =ooooo
Jumpropeman: hot dog!
Muffet Sheep: I need to keep myself away from the news and such tomorrow, so I thought maybe we could have a watch party of sorts.
Jumpropeman: clearly I should watch it without the rifftrax right
Jumpropeman: oh, I like that idea!
Muffet Sheep: And then either cleanse our palate with Harley Quinn or double down on awful movies.
Jumpropeman: today was really nice, the first day in a long time where I had nothing I should be doing
Jumpropeman: well, RP wise
Muffet Sheep: Robo Vampire is still up on the tube
Jumpropeman: *shoves pile of Game Hoard work under the table*
Draco: I've only watched two movies in both original and MST3K/Rifftrax versions and I regretted one of them.
Muffet Sheep: Ah, wonderful!
Draco: Oh wait, I need to correct myself. I've watched at least five or six more. Most of those are Godzilla and Gamera movies, but there was Teenagers From Outer Space.
Muffet Sheep: I'm not entirely certain how watchable Rollergator will be sans Rifftrax, because of the weird audio of the movie
Jumpropeman: looks like I do still have the login for the rifftrax account
Muffet Sheep: I want to watch more Godzilla adjacent movies
pizza o’ clock: Hi jrm
Jumpropeman: yo sk
pizza o’ clock: I need to watch more godzilla movies
pizza o’ clock: like, sit down and watch GMK proper
pizza o’ clock: because i started getting into it and enjoying it and then
pizza o’ clock: something distracted me
Muffet Sheep: Alright, so if it's unwatchable, we'll switch over to that and it'll still be unwatchable
Jumpropeman: there's a robo vampire rifftrax too!
Muffet Sheep: There is
Muffet Sheep: Jack Frost is really the only dud on my list that you'll see there if you've logged in
pizza o’ clock: See, i immediately think of the rankin bass jack frost?
pizza o’ clock: and not any of the other films called jack frost?
pizza o’ clock: which i think is also bad
Jumpropeman: you realize that means you technically said something positive about Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny
Muffet Sheep: HURR HURR HURR, Jrm
Muffet Sheep: HURR
Muffet Sheep: HURR
Muffet Sheep: HURR
Draco: MST3K makes bad movies bearable.
Muffet Sheep: Santa Claus and the Ice Cream Bunny has its moments
Muffet Sheep: Most of them in the surreal end and beginning, but they're there
Jumpropeman: there was that Jack Frost comedy film
Jumpropeman: where the kid's dead dad comes to life
Jumpropeman: and then the Jack Frost horror film
Jumpropeman: which is the one with the rifftrax
pizza o’ clock: I see
Jumpropeman: "where the kid's dead dad comes to life" as a snowman I should add
Jumpropeman: it's not a zombie dad movie


(concerning Agama having anti-monster wards)

Draco: Yeah, how do we explain how Maya gets into the bar if there's anti-monster wards?
The Bree: only if they're magitech flying gondolas
The Bree: maya's not a monster but her titties are
The Bree: talk about some chestbursters
Draco: We need to explain how Maya's titties got into the bar then, or is Maya just sticking her butt in and standing at the door trying to get Titzilla and Mammera in?


The Bree: beach episode in season 11 isn't a store, it's a temple
The Bree: the temple of anime
The Bree: indiana meiling and the temple of anime
Draco: are you suggesting...that Meiling go to Agama in the missionary position? ;V
The Bree: o maiiii


Jumpropeman: oh yeah harp
Jumpropeman: There is Now 1 Review of This Game
so long gay scotti: I saw!
so long gay scotti: i was gonna read the rest before i got distracted by music analysis
Draco: "This game includes: cute animals non stop rolling platform puzzle action you only need one button achievements no microtransactions no horse armor no Armadillos no long lists"
Gooper Blooper: >horse armor
Gooper Blooper: Timely.
so long gay scotti: now i can only expect the agama snake oil sellers trying to sell horse armor
Jumpropeman: the hottest meme of 2006
Jumpropeman: Spamley's got great deals on horse armor!


Jumpropeman: "did anyone see those neighborhood watch signs when they were little and just assumed a man in a hat and trench coat was sneaking around the neighborhood ready to snatch kids up and do evil crimes"
RubyChao: yes.
Gooper Blooper: Everybody has it out for Shifty Whodunnit
Jumpropeman: so gooper, did he snatch kids up
Gooper Blooper: You can't prove anything!
Jumpropeman: link
so long gay scotti: uh oh
Jumpropeman: that's how sheep would have done Shifty as a mutant
Gooper Blooper: spoopy


Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: a cute jill
Draco: I'm gonna miss Jill. :(
Jumpropeman: yup
chrome sploded thanks scotti: mhm
chrome sploded thanks scotti: but soon you'll get Coffee Witch
Jumpropeman: which is why I will be RPing her in Agama
Jumpropeman: gooper can't stop me because it's Dark Star Jill
Jumpropeman: she's the same except she's got a cool scar on her ankle


RubyChao: i kind of assumed, going in, that Quiz Quest would be one of multiple non-combat things this year
RubyChao: so i decided oh i'll give Peko some focus she won't otherwise get and Kaede will get the rest
RubyChao: And then.
Gooper Blooper: Never assume!!
Gooper Blooper: it was good for peko tho
Jumpropeman: we had quizquest, roller derby, komachiplot, and many parts of ghz...
Jumpropeman: the ellipses is for thinking as I'm sure I'm forgetting
Jumpropeman: some were certainly individual events
Gooper Blooper: Chao lamented he should have brought Kaede to the GHZ meeting with Blanket and Bishop, but then I pointed out to him
Gooper Blooper: Stella could barely handle the hike there
Gooper Blooper: Kaede would have died.
Jumpropeman: well if she died then he wouldn't feel guilty for not using her more!
RubyChao: >roller derby
RubyChao: >Kaede
RubyChao: >roller derby
RubyChao: >Kaede
Jumpropeman: oh
Jumpropeman: curiosity shop!
Jumpropeman: had some non combat
Gooper Blooper: The only roller derby Kaede is gonna do is if she gets on her side and someone rolls her along
Jumpropeman: Kaede can be like an air bag
Jumpropeman: just crash into her if you're worried you're gonna fly off track


Draco: Character concept I don't know if I want to use yet: Necromancer farmer.
Jumpropeman: Character concept I don't know if I want to use yet: Zozo
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: clearly they become friends
chrome sploded thanks scotti: gasp
Jumpropeman: she probably would love someone to gush to about her work
Draco: That's a good point. And if I bring back Deb, that's THREE Necromancers.


Jumpropeman: I watched a video about Japan's Dancing Plague and was rather impressed with the presentation
Jumpropeman: because usually whenever someone talks about those "dancing plagues" they just seem to accept they're real in a time when history was very easy to manipulate
Draco: Eh?
Jumpropeman: He doesn't definitively state that Japan's dancing plague wasn't mass hysteria or a disease or whatever, but these were supposedly kicked off by magical talisman rains that incited the dancing riots... he does bring up the accounts of how they all had a suspicious pro-imperial slant, ended when the empire pushed out the shogunate conveniently, and multiple sightings of red samurais with imperial marks holding multiple talismans lined up with the events and some people were arrested who were on roofs with thousands of talismans around the dates of the mini dance riots.
Jumpropeman: I kinda hope he does a video on the European dancing plague now
Jumpropeman: I also hope I'm not just assuming everyone else has heard of the dancing plague phenomena that routinely pops up in quirky history lists and videos
Draco: Those are just flash mobs.
Draco: jk
Draco: I think I've heard them mentioned once or twice.
Gooper Blooper: I've heard of them!
RubyChao: i know whatcha mean
Jumpropeman: they've always sort of rubbed me as a "history is written by the victors" thing
Jumpropeman: if it's some uprising for a failed idea, just say everyone went nuts for a while and danced around like loonies
Jumpropeman: if they riots work and you win, then pretend it wasn't a propaganda campaign
Jumpropeman: I'd be very interested if there was proof that a virus can force people to dance of course :V
Draco: DeMonde will get to work making one right away.
Jumpropeman: DeMonde uses it because Gale refuses to dance otherwise
Draco: It's still mostly ineffective.
Jumpropeman: she's gotten Game Gear to do the disco finger 4 TIMES
Jumpropeman: she's panting heavily after
Draco: Excellent. Maybe by the end of next year they'll get her up to 5 times. :3
Jumpropeman: if you shoot the moon and miss, you at least land amongst the stars... 4 1/2 disco fingers in this case
Draco: Good enough. Gale has other redeeming qualities. DeMonde just needs to find them.
Jumpropeman: lucy likes a challenge


Jumpropeman: oh man
Jumpropeman: how could I forget
Jumpropeman: I was gonna add the words "HOW CAN SHE SLAP?" to the Jeff/Biscotti KO picture
Draco: Well, save it for the next Brawl then.


thankscotti (chrome sploded thanks scotti) joined the chat
Draco: Hi scotti2hotti
thanksgivel: ha
thanksgivel: I get it
thankscotti: that sure is something that might be her tinder username
Draco: Maggie knows both of her Tinder usernames.
thanksgivel: >both
thankscotti: "both"
thankscotti: damn biscotti you so desperate for some good cooch you make two profiles.
thankscotti: and you ain't gettin any because i'm pretty sure there's better ways to do that :
thankscotti: :V
thanksgivel: just ask Meiling for advice
thankscotti: that'd just be admitting she isn't good enough
thankscotti: that scares her.
Draco: Just because Biscotti ended up accidentally dating herself once...
thanksgivel: ask Meiling for something else then
thankscotti: biscotti would never forget because otherwise Starla would hang it over her head as blackmail.
thankscotti: and then she could social engineer her way into her VPN... and watch ANY NETFLIX SHOW SHE WANTS.
Draco: Oh man. Starla's an evil genius.
thankscotti: She and Biscotti are like... not really rivals but they tease each other a lot
thankscotti: or make jokes like "i'mma break into your world of fantasy account and have you give my newbie like 1 mil" "you try that, i'll block your cards from getting any sort of gacha" "...D:"
Draco: I like it.
Draco: They are frands. :3
thankscotti: dumbasses
thankscotti: well, starla's just "cranky cleric" really


thankscotti: tonight is clearly "ama about biscotti" night
thankscotti: (no...?)
Draco: (maybe...?)
Draco: When is Biscotti going to be a captain?
thankscotti: hey its a slow night, might as well
thankscotti: Selena thinks she needs some more maturity before we can even talk about Biscotti commandeering an entire ship, because she doesn't want to walk up to the high council like
thankscotti: "so biscotti wants her own ship and she wants to call it the S.S. Biggus Dickus"
thankscotti: and hear the collective "NAY" that rings across the hall, followed by halla choking on her own spit laughing
Draco: Labrys votes AYE


thankscotti: "Algus: Human? Hmph, ridiculous! From the minute you were born you had to obey us! From the second you were born you were our animals!!
Miluda: Says who!? That's nonsense! Who decided all this?!
Algus: It's the Will of Heaven!
Miluda: Heaven? God would never say such things! In his eyes, all are equal! He'd never let this happen! Never!
Algus: Animals have no God!!
Miluda: !!!!"

thankscotti: sir i'mma need you to
Gooper Blooper: You can HEAR Miluda gasping in shock
thankscotti: i'mma need ya
thankscotti: to fuck off
thankscotti: fucking hate argath, i'd kill him a third time if i could.


thankscotti: "hanging out with your cat raises your oxytocin levels"
thankscotti: i read/heard that as "oxycontin" levels and i'm like "CUDDLING YOUR CAT IS LIKE A DRUG OVERDOSE?!? THATS A NARCOTIC YA'LL"
thankscotti: cats are schedule II drugs-



Draco: Plot I could see happening: someone RPs Professor Doofenschmirtz and Perry the Platypus is someone's pet who has to sneak off to Kobber.
Draco: "A playpus piloting GaoGaiGar?" *reveal* "PERRY the Platypus piloting GaoGaiGar?!"
Jumpropeman: what if instead of Perry... IT'S GENBU
Draco: "A Sanzu River Turtle?" *reveal* "GENBU the Sanzu River Turtle?!"
The Bree: didn't have any plans for genbu to pilot a giant robot but you never know with zfrp
Draco: I didn't plan to have Suwako be a giant toad either but look how that turned out. She became relevant.


The Bree: Jumpropeman: once Flubber won, we all realized how pointless fighting was
-Jumpropeman: diplomacy is now done by shaking gelatinous bottoms to the Mambo
-LaptopDraco: That's why Game Gear is a famous ambassador there, right?
-Jumpropeman: she's a woman of few shakes, but they are meaningful ones

The Bree: can't believe this didn't get an amity joke
The Bree: what is it like being amity in flubberverse
Jumpropeman: who do you think led the charge for world peace
The Bree: hooray
The Bree: I'm so proud of my precious purple daughter
The Bree: world peace is an excellent achievement
Jumpropeman: nearly as impressive as the time she ate the world's biggest cupcake!



Jumpropeman left the chat 21 hours ago
Working from Del joined the chat 17 hours ago
Brinehammer joined the chat 15 hours ago
MobileDraco was timed out 13 hours ago
thankscotti joined the chat 12 hours ago
MobileDraco joined the chat 11 hours ago
PhoneModo joined the chat 9 hours ago
PhoneModo left the chat 9 hours ago
thankscotti was timed out 8 hours ago
thankscotti joined the chat 8 hours ago
thanksgivel joined the chat 7 hours ago
Deleton King joined the chat 7 hours ago

Deleton King: where the fuck is everyone whats happening


Jumpropeman: surprisingly cheap anime style commissions if you have any character it fits for
Jumpropeman: their examples in the commission sheet aren't as good as their recent output so they might have improved since
Jumpropeman: well
Jumpropeman: not might :V
Jumpropeman: they have improved
Draco: Whose?
Jumpropeman: the person who I just linked has better looking recent commissions than the example ones in that post
Jumpropeman: BUT
Jumpropeman: pretend I didn't post it I might have an idea for christmas gifts now-
Move Sheep: Finally
Move Sheep: True Anime Purnima


Move Sheep: "I like the idea of a rescue helicopter too"
Move Sheep: HEY
Dobile Mel: holy shit
MobileDraco: XD
Dobile Mel: Joshua minifig


Gooper Blooper: finished the Isle Of Armor quest in pogeys today, kind of
thankscotti2: did you get your kung fu panda
Gooper Blooper: yes and now I need to make friends with it but this generic cartoon fighty bear bores me so I'm likely just moving on to Crown Tundra next and will do this later maybe :V
thankscotti2: pang cries from the PC
thankscotti2: "unleash me"
Gooper Blooper: now if it had been a kung fu mantis
Gooper Blooper: then we'd be getting somewhere


The Bree: goops, I 100% support frost as new chief of security!
thankscotti2: same!
thankscotti2: i had ideas but nothing too strong
Gooper Blooper: Thanks for the support! It came to me randomly and then I was like "hey, I like this"
The Bree: time to adjust stormtroopers accordingly--
Draco: lol
The Bree: stormtroopers goin around like "we're canadian now, eh" "eh" "eyyyyyy" "EYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY"
Gooper Blooper: stormtroopers constantly bumbling into Frost's traps
Gooper Blooper: she has to appeal to make their armor trap-proof so when they stumblefuck onto a welcome mat for the eightieth time it doesn't hurt


thanksgivel: well, we know what Miss Featherbutt is up to now
SteelKomodo: wild
The Deleter: I might
The Deleter: Buy that game
The Deleter: It looks hilarious
MobileDraco: Beautiful.


pizza o’ clock: Been eyeing up Maneater recently
pizza o’ clock: it’s like jaws unleashed but good?
Jumpropeman: its an alright game, it gives you some moments of dumb fun but it's fairly repetitive since missions become "eat 10 sea turtles" "eat 10 beach goers" and so on reapetedly
Jumpropeman: but then of course you get to be a freaking shark and go on rampages so
Jumpropeman: depends on where your priorities are :V
pizza o’ clock: I c
thanksgivel: I know where my priorities would lie :U
The Deleter: Same
pizza o’ clock: Same here
The Deleter: Lol


Move Sheep: "Dead Space 2 would end up being one of the most expensive video games to develop of all time"
Move Sheep: November is a good time to read the Haunted Hoard right?
Move Sheep: The answer was rhetorical
Move Sheep: You do not actually get a say
Move Sheep: The doors are locked and we've begun pumping in the secret gas
Move Sheep: Anyway, I didn't know that about Dead Space 2!
Move Sheep: "This game was Dead Space: Ignition, and it went on to be utterly reviled by the gaming press."
Move Sheep: I am developing some concerns as to the quality of this game.


Move Sheep: "Gabrielle’s Ghostly Groove 3D is not the same game as the fairly similar WiiWare title Gabrielle’s Ghostly Groove: Monster Mix, but it is the full version of Gabrielle’s Ghostly Groove Mini"
Move Sheep: hmuh
Move Sheep eyes glazing over
Move Sheep: "After sneezing her soul right out of her body"
Move Sheep: Get a tissue, girl!
Move Sheep: "Considering you spend two and a half hours watching these characters communicate by way of small looping animations and unvoiced textboxes"
Move Sheep: JRM, Friend to All Games
Move Sheep: except Visual Novels
Move Sheep: They can stay outside
Move Sheep: "the game even letting you unlock a healthy amount of customization for its protagonist so you can make her as adorable as you like"
Move Sheep: Dia?!
Jumpropeman: I made Gabrielle into basically spooky shimmer when I played :V
thankscotti: No dia...
Gooper Blooper: Shimmer's ghostly groove monster mix mini
Gooper Blooper: the squeakquel


The Deleter: Okay so
The Deleter: We were thinking
The Deleter: Jared becomes bar chef
The Deleter: So the new bar has a menu as wild as the drinks
The Deleter: Dunno if that'd be a plot line to get him to that position or what, just thought it'd be fun
The Bree: well I mean the menu would also include regular stuff
The Bree: but he could inflict his new food experiments on the kobbers and they'd probably like them :V
Jumpropeman: sounds like a plan, and a reasonable reason for Jared to follow us too
Move Sheep: I'm not against it
The Deleter: Yay
The Bree: some harpy or goops character is sitting there starry eyed while jared's like "okay so like, it's fried chicken" "yeah" "but it's like glazed like a donut" "oh my god" "but like the glaze has a little hot sauce in it--" "just let me fucking eat it already"


Gooper Blooper: https://youtube.com/watch?v=dfdGd31gNjI
Jumpropeman: the internet has drawn out the worst of society


Gooper Blooper: put pogeys aside for a bit to fire up this newfangled Jenny LeClue
Jumpropeman: (detectivu)
Move Sheep: Oh wow, Goops finally broke for it
Gooper Blooper: that was one of the strongest first impressions I've ever experienced
Jumpropeman: wowzers!
Move Sheep: In a good way I hope!
Gooper Blooper: Sheep: I tried to get it for JRM when it was $10 on Steam but I was unable to, but then he found it on Switch for $3
Gooper Blooper: so we both grabbed a copy
Move Sheep: Oh, wonderful!
Draco: Woo!
Gooper Blooper: JRM generously bought me mine
Gooper Blooper: Anyway yeah, atmospheric as fuck, similar chills to when I played Costume Quest in that it's very reminiscent of childhood stories and memories
Gooper Blooper: it even takes place around Halloween
Gooper Blooper: *flings Jenny into RP*
Jumpropeman: i mean goops
Jumpropeman: why do you think I gave it to you


Jumpropeman: "Ronald McDonald is a clown, so that means he eats cows."
Jumpropeman: sound logic
Jumpropeman: "I didn’t know Ronald McDonald had a physical body
(I mean he’s a phantasm, but still)
(I mean he’s a phantasm, but still)
(“As a clown, he eats burgers as a form of food, but he doesn’t eat them like a human would. He uses his trademark straw to suck them from a bun, just like a clown would, but that’s not all. His mouth is shaped like a clown’s mouth, so he’s able to drink from a human-shaped straw.”)"

Jumpropeman: still checks out to me
still alive: uh
Jumpropeman: he DOES have a clown mouth




Draco: Dracoplot 202X's villain.
biscotti: oh no
biscotti: another cat boomer
Draco: Suffer her evil dance!


Draco: Something I'm on the fence about is should the Silver Tribute still have a brig in it for a drunk tank? :V
biscotti: i read that as dunk tank and i'm like "dude is this a carnival?"
Jumpropeman: the brig is where we keep Neptune when ivel isn't rping
biscotti: the evil is contained
Draco: Alright, then it's Harpy's job to keep Ivel from never RPing.
Draco: jk
biscotti: i do not force him to RP so... if he never RPs, we can just pretend she's made her home there
biscotti: very cozy


Draco: Dark Star Paul Blart died defending the mall from Miracle Matter. Their battle lasted approximately five months give or take four months, thirty days, twenty-three hours, and fifty-nine minutes.


(Ah yes, a return to Mario Wiki's hall of shame...)

Jumpropeman: "In all three games of the series someone whose name begins with B is told to "still their tongue". In Paper Mario, Bow says it to Bootler, in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Grodus says it to Beldam and in Super Paper Mario, Blumiere's Father says it to Blumiere."
Secret Pitohui: See, I'm actually kind of sad that trend didn't keep up. It would have been such a dumb minor tradition I could have gotten behind it
RubyChao: i'd tell you to still your tongue but it seems like i am only allowed to say that to Bree
biscotti: it needs to happen in RP
biscotti: only once
biscotti: and never again
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: pitohui i just realized
RubyChao: on a meta level
RubyChao: Miyamoto said it to Bowser in sticker star
biscotti: ...
biscotti: *sheds a single tear*
Secret Pitohui: Oh no, you're absolutely right, Chao. That's how Sticker Star came to be...
RubyChao: "Like many Mario villains within the series, the Shadow Queen is shown to be a cold and calculating villain who cares for nothing but power and control. She is a highly sadistic, power hungry, and ruthless demon whose actions have led to the destruction of entire lands and the deaths of millions. She is shown to be one of the more evil villains within the series as she has been known to be a complete monster, devoid of any type of kindness or goodness, nearly destroying Grodus without a second thought even after he revived her. Unlike some of the other villains, the Shadow Queen possesses no comical undertones whatsoever and only has a sadistic sense of humor. While it is unknown if she instructed Beldam to revive her, the Shadow Queen in essence is responsible for all the events in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. Many of the monsters Mario fought were part of her army, and her most loyal followers were the ones manipulating the course of events to revive her."
RubyChao: the user who added this
RubyChao: literally only edited to write super purple prosy descriptions of villains that everyone said "that's overkill"
Secret Pitohui: Oh no, you're absolutely right, Chao. That's how Sticker Star came to be...
Secret Pitohui: For some reason my mind inserted "Daisy" into your last statement, Chao, and now all I can think of is that one user who kept writing obsessively-detailed descriptions of Daisy's hair
biscotti: dude that's a hair fetishist and i want nothing to do with him...
biscotti: or maybe he's just that wild about daisy but
biscotti: there's only so much you can say about hair dude
RubyChao: god, pitohui
Jumpropeman: "Yoshi is notorious for carrying the babies on his back"
RubyChao: remember the obsessively specific designation of titian hair?
RubyChao: how that user would just
biscotti: wh
biscotti: what
Secret Pitohui: I do
biscotti: also i'm surprised goops hasn't barged in like "OH YOU AIN'T SEEN NO MARIO WIKI BULLSHIT YET HOMIES"
RubyChao: harpy:
RubyChao: the person pito's talking about, who was obsessively overdetailed about daisy
RubyChao: was VERY ADAMANT
RubyChao: that daisy's hair was specifically titian
biscotti: t...what? i have 0 idea what that means! i only know "titi" and that was like my fucking nickname when i was younger but like
biscotti: that's not even
biscotti: what
Secret Pitohui: I think it's funny that we've had the unholy trinity of three users, all around at the same time, who were each extremely... ah, descriptive and detailed... when it came to Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina
RubyChao: hey
RubyChao: at least we don't have the adjective lists
Jumpropeman: ahh, so the wiki editors who have the run of the places I find coordinated an attack on mariowiki
RubyChao: pretty much, jrm
RubyChao: we were able to fight them back though
Secret Pitohui: The history of that place is wild
Secret Pitohui: I swear you could write a book about it
biscotti: nsfw: geez you'd fucking think if they were dudes they'd describe every hair on their scrotum with such flowery grace... ...who am i kidding, they wouldn't.
RubyChao: we had to ban a guy for being an actual neo-nazi
RubyChao: only once, though
biscotti: YEP
biscotti: GOOD REASON
biscotti: mario destroys fascism
RubyChao: and we're not saying just "he was right-wing" but he was the Whole Works
RubyChao: it was a wild discovery
biscotti: mario wiki's probably hiding some circumcision shit in there...
Draco: That's nuts. D:
Secret Pitohui: I couldn't even get past scratching the surface if I wanted to - we've had everything from attempts at sabotage to an actual coup
Draco: Really makes me glad we delisted our Chatzy from Google after the foot fetish guy.
Move Sheep: ...I don't remember that
Secret Pitohui: You had a foot fetishist barge in here?
Move Sheep: I want to hear more about the coup!
biscotti: damn son mario wiki has some history
Secret Pitohui: Well, you see, Sheep
Jumpropeman: "Kibosh is the archenemy of Casper. He is the powerful, evil, tyrannical, menacing, feared, obstinate, and intimidating King of Ghosts."
Move Sheep: Gotta put the kibosh on Kibosh!
Secret Pitohui: There's this committee that gets put together to organize a big Awards ceremony - people vote on things they like and don't like from Mario, and there's all these neat little presentations to unveil the results
Move Sheep: They actually made that joke, you know
Draco: I only remember it a bit myself. It happened in the late-morning/early-afternoon my time and someone came in here asking about feet. I popped in during my lunch and folks were asking me to ban the guy after he left, so I did and we figured out how to keep the chat from showing up on Google. It's a Chatzy setting.
Secret Pitohui: And this committee decides on the polls and nominees and all that, makes sure everything is in place
Move Sheep: In the one where Casper goes to monster school
Jumpropeman: yup
Secret Pitohui: Once upon a time, they had to stage a coup against the fella in charge of this committee
Secret Pitohui: And oust him and take it over
Move Sheep: but why
Secret Pitohui: I see, Draco. That's a reasonable impetus to take this little chatroom off Google
Secret Pitohui: He tried to assume dictatorial power, Sheep
biscotti: let us keep the foot fetishists off this not-actually-pure-but-we-can-pretend chatzy and back into DA or furaffinity or whatever they came up
Move Sheep: Oh!
Move Sheep: I see
Secret Pitohui: Long story short, he tried to completely bypass the will of the committee
biscotti: "I AM THE SENATE..."
Secret Pitohui: And unilaterally change the whole process
Jumpropeman: chatzy is for hand fetishists ONLY
biscotti: i'm sorry i'm only in it for the boobs
Jumpropeman: but harpy
biscotti: i don't need overly detailed hands on boobs
RubyChao: there was also the time i had to pressure the guy in charge of the monthly newsletter to resign
Secret Pitohui: Yeah
Secret Pitohui: We had
Secret Pitohui: two effective coups
RubyChao: because he forgot what day to release it on
biscotti: tbh that sounds like me
RubyChao: which was a symptom of him doing minimal effort anyway
thanksgivel: I thought we were a Taylor Swift chat
Draco: O_O; The real reason for Chao inviting Pitohui is revealed. They're going to overthrow me.
biscotti: overthrow our dragon overlord with birds
Jumpropeman: sorry draco, but all tickers will now be from Pitohui and Chao content ONLY
Move Sheep: Did he go quietly into that good night, Chao?
RubyChao: actually, yes, sheep
Move Sheep: Oh!


Cornwind Evil (DEAD IN THE BRAIN) joined the chat
Suma(? Name Pending): oh hi cw
Secret Pitohui: Welcome to you, CW
Cornwind Evil: My sex life is fine Harpy! I mean, hello.
Suma(? Name Pending): >:I
Cornwind Evil: Sorry, I simply cannot hear "Oh hi so and so" without following it with the Room quote
The Bree: your sex life is nonexistent, cornwind! I mean, hello.
Oh Hai How Is Your Review (Cornwind Evil) joined the chat
Suma(? Name Pending): i was going to say that but i thought that would be maybe a tad inappropriate
Cornwind Evil: Hey Bree there's this thing called OVERSHARING...


Cornwind Evil: The bit at 5:20 makes me think of our RP
Cornwind Evil: And what we do with canon sources
Draco: XD
Draco: Larry says Narf too.
Cornwind Evil: It's either that or the theme song for 80 percent of all fanfiction
Jumpropeman: Larry for RP
Jumpropeman: we don't insert characters into other fiction so much as kidnap them and never return them
RubyChao: pretty much jrm
RubyChao: why can't i hold all these media-pulled characters
Gooper Blooper: sounds about right
Draco: We almost had Pelswick RP in our grasp!
Cornwind Evil: And now we never will
Jumpropeman: we'll have to settle for second best


Cornwind Evil: link
The Bree: cornwind: that both made me laugh and made me feel more patriotic than I've felt in a LONG time
The Bree: the fucking trump faces they put on thanos, I'm dying
Draco: That was a very fun video, thank you for sharing. XD


RubyChao: oh, fire force season 2 is a thing
RubyChao: time for sheep to suffer more
Gooper Blooper: hoorayyyyy!!!
RubyChao: toonami is ALSO showing new SAO
RubyChao: that isn't AGGO
RubyChao: but! at least there's no Black Clover
Gooper Blooper: that reminds me
Gooper Blooper: Sheep went off on JRM for using his precious time to play and review The Guy Game
Gooper Blooper: but then he goes and watches more anime he hates
RubyChao: rules for thee and not for me


Jumpropeman: chao's 2021 plot


Jumpropeman: It sounds like Observer is getting an enhanced rerelease with most of the things I suggested it should get so I'll pretend that was all me babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Move Sheep with creaking fingers JRM grips the cover of a grand tome and then slams it open, releasing an explosive plume of dust. Taking up a quill in the other hand he traces past line after line until coming to the entry "Observer" He presses the nib to the page, eliciting a long rasp as he drags a line through it crossing it out. There is an intake a of breath like a unstopped drain, the: "To be....re-reviewed."


Gooper Blooper: Pictured: me trying to express how much I'm enjoying a game literally no one heard of until three weeks ago when I randomly found it while eshop scrolling
Sumalee: accurate
Jumpropeman: time to force Jenny LeClue onto some people's christmas wishlists-
RubyChao: yes that's how i feel any time i latch onto a new fixation
RubyChao: listen to my nerd noises!!!


Gooper Blooper: I've got a couple fun teasers on the way
Gooper Blooper: including my least threatening villain teaser ever
RubyChao: imagine swordsman red trying to join mr. hippo
RubyChao: and hippo just going
RubyChao: "sorry, too low quality"
Gooper Blooper: it's true
Gooper Blooper: Mr. Hippo's recruits will trend silly, BUT I don't want the plots to be absolute walkovers like Jester Chao Plot was
Gooper Blooper: expect lethal joke characters
RubyChao: so what you're saying
RubyChao: is
RubyChao: it's time for Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles &
Sumalee: ah, so you've challenged Sonia to mortal kombat.
Gooper Blooper: Well, if you gather enough Knuckles together, you can quote Zoofights 1's description of A Thousand Rats. "Eventually, quantity has a quality all its' own. Which is good, because rats are quite shit."


RubyChao: when Raiko skips a plot


Move Sheep slams fists on table


RubyChao: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1782302?
Jumpropeman: i do like raiko's design
Jumpropeman: I look forward to years of fanart of her
RubyChao: good jrm
RubyChao: because
RubyChao: i will keep linking it
Sumalee: meanwhile i'm all like
Sumalee: "i should advertise keiki more..."
RubyChao: but not as much as i want because for SOME REASON
RubyChao: people don't make much fanart of raiko!
RubyChao: she even has less than sumi, and goops talks all the time about sumi's tragic lack of fanart
Gooper Blooper: AND MORE MERCH
Gooper Blooper: I WANT A SUMI FUMO
Gooper Blooper dragged away
Sumalee: how you make a whole ass game for sumi but nobody makes shit for her
Sumalee: ya'll
Sumalee: i know she's a weirdo dick in canon but ya'll be puttin yukari's tiddies on everything
Sumalee: and yukari's worse!
Spys Motivation Is Broken: Probably because tiddies
RubyChao: so what you're saying is
RubyChao: we need busty sumi
Sumalee: give sumi bi-
Sumalee: excuse me i'm going to be bi for a second
Spys Motivation Is Broken: Very, very fair
Gooper Blooper: gotta curve up that sumi
Gooper Blooper: then people will love her


(Chao purchases his yearly awful game for JRM)

RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: i deeply, truly apologize if i mess up
RubyChao: and this is just like
RubyChao: a Bad
RubyChao: or a Terrible
Gooper Blooper: God, I hope this is just the most horrific, awful swill JRM's ever played
Jumpropeman: we must believe
Gooper Blooper: I don't know what game it is but Chao's legitimately got a lot riding on this
Gooper Blooper: he'll be broken if he only gave JRM a turd sandwich instead of a dumpster fire
RubyChao: i've managed to nail the worst spot on the rating scale five times in a row!
RubyChao: i don't want to break the streak yet!
Jumpropeman: that's why I said make sure the port is properly bad before picking one :V
Jumpropeman: what if longer levels are GOODER levels? but maybe they're more tedious?!
RubyChao: order placed!
RubyChao: says mid-november
Jumpropeman: a bad game is rarely improved by more content
RubyChao: oh wait
RubyChao: mid-november is in three days
RubyChao: Somehow I thought it was October for a couple minutes.
Jumpropeman: golly chao
Jumpropeman: what am I supposed to do while I wait?!
RubyChao: samhain nooooooooo
Gooper Blooper: I hear there's this hot new game
Gooper Blooper: Jaggy LeFlue, or something
Jumpropeman: hmmm
Sumalee: jaggy lagflue?
Jumpropeman: sounds pretty jag
Gooper Blooper: Pelswick LeBoip
Sumalee: don't give jrm more meme names to work with.
Gooper Blooper: tried to cram Burpo in there too, was unable
Sumalee: Burpo LeBoip
Gooper Blooper: detectivu.
Move Sheep: Gerald McBoing-Boing?
Sumalee: damn ya'll keep talkin bout this... but then i grab a detective book instead
Sumalee: with magical cats
Move Sheep: Ooh?
Move Sheep: What book?
Sumalee: "Curiosity Thrilled the Cat"
Move Sheep: I'm currently reading...the second Blood Bowl novel Dead Ball
Move Sheep: Hm
Sumalee: a magical cats mystery by sofie kelly
Move Sheep: I'll look it up
Sumalee: thats the first in the series
Sumalee: i've noticed for books like it its prolly better to try to start at the beginning to get a sense of all the changes, since they seem to have a trope of starting in a small town
Gooper Blooper: a small town where nothing exciting ever happens?
Sumalee: and its easier to see the long term changes that can happen over the course of a series
Jumpropeman: I find its best to start at the end so you don't have to read any of the others


Jumpropeman: my brother recently gave me the "birthday gift" of a patreon donation so that I'd play Super Star Wars... Empire Strikes Back
Jumpropeman: not the first one!
Jumpropeman: I use quotation marks
Jumpropeman: because he hates Super Empire Strikes Back :V
Gooper Blooper: "happy birthday, now play this piece of shit"
Sumalee: wow rude
Jumpropeman: basically
Gooper Blooper: but is it coming from the heart, like chao's christmas gifts?
Jumpropeman: he was the one who got me quiet man
Jumpropeman: also under the condition I immediately play it :V
Gooper Blooper: well, that DID turn out excellently


Move Sheep: By the by
Move Sheep: Books are always a welcome gift
Jumpropeman: *gets Sheep "An Illustrated History of Diapers"*
Move Sheep: I'd probably skim it
Jumpropeman: hmmm
Jumpropeman: *prints out a hentai visual novel and staples it together into a regular novel
Sumalee: nnnnn
Sumalee: whyyyy
Move Sheep takes JRM off the Christmas card list


Draco: Darn. I tried getting a photo of my Sanae Fumo to show Spy, but the phone died right before I could take it.
Jumpropeman: Sanae killed it
Jumpropeman: so that you can't take any more pictures of that yohane plush she's competing with
Draco: Somehow they manage to sit together peacefully most of the time. The shaky truce would be broken by a Zeldoten fumo though.


thanksgivel: "Legendary Flash Game Winnie the Pooh’s Home Run Derby is Finally Shutting Down in Japan
Christopher Robin's reign of terror will finally come to an end on December 16, 2020."

Dobile Mel: Nooooo
pizza o’ clock: RIP home run derby
Dobile Mel: We must preserve Winnie the Pooh's home run Derby
Dobile Mel: Is there a way to convert it to another format
RubyChao: the flash archiving project (flashpoint) snagged it among their many, many games
Dobile Mel: Excellent
Dobile Mel: Owl will forever require toilet paper
Dobile Mel: Because he's a dirty asshole
pizza o’ clock: I remember exactly what you once called tigger
pizza o’ clock: It was amazing
Dobile Mel: I would not use those words nowadays
Dobile Mel: I have matured


Jumpropeman: i need to get around to watching Plague Dogs
Sumalee: plague has dogs?
Jumpropeman: Chompette? :V
Sumalee: a dog
Sumalee: singular dog 


Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom, while watching election coverage: "I'm sick of watching this"
-Me: "stop watching it then"
-Goopsmom: "I can't"
Sumalee: I'M SORRY I FEEL THE SAME WAY even though its ogre
Sumalee: go get a craft caddy
Sumalee: fill it up with crayons
Sumalee: like i just did.
Sumalee: ~*i'm clearly an expert*~


Draco: "those Kobbers became fond of me for some reason." <- The complete opposite of Tenshi: can't get away from those Kobbers.
RubyChao: speaking of
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: gonna say again
RubyChao: thank you for letting us keep Zozo
Sumalee: you sound like the community simultaneously adopted her
Sumalee: which we did...
Jumpropeman: i mean yeah
RubyChao: i mean
RubyChao: is that not how it works?
RubyChao: *holds up Sally*
Jumpropeman: I would have left her in Olympia otherwise :V


Jumpropeman: the Ratatouille video game was released on 11 systems
Jumpropeman: psp, ps3, wii, 360, xbox, gamecube, ps2, ds, gba, pc, and mac
RubyChao: how many should we get you
Jumpropeman: i believe I won the 360 version
Jumpropeman: but the gba and ds version might be different
Jumpropeman: OWN
Jumpropeman: I own the 360 version
Jumpropeman: why do I keep trying to win video games
Jumpropeman: *everyone pulls out Ratatouille games... and puts them back under the seats*
Gooper Blooper: XD


Maverick Sheep: Okay
Maverick Sheep cracks knuckles
Maverick Sheep: ...ow
Maverick Sheep: Why did I do that?
Maverick Sheep: Why did I think that would be a good idea?
Maverick Sheep: ...
Maverick Sheep: It's time for Game Hoard reading


Maverick Sheep: "Because of the relative ease involved in making a visual novel video game, the genre often finds itself the platform for games that are essentially just delivery methods for adult content."
Maverick Sheep: oh no
Maverick Sheep: TWO IN ONE MONTH?!
Maverick Sheep: JUMPROPEMAN?!
Maverick Sheep: uuuuugh
Maverick Sheep: here
Maverick Sheep: here we go
Maverick Sheep insert Yzma gif here
Gooper Blooper: Every game, sheep
Maverick Sheep: Yeah, every game
Sumalee: time to pull the lever
Gooper Blooper: You could just... not read the review. But you also insist on continually watching Black Clover, so
Gooper Blooper: your funeral!
Sumalee: "have to review every game!" sheep: have to read... every... review...
Sumalee: The Game Hoard Reader
Maverick Sheep: "Surprisingly, Witch College is a game better described as sweet and fluffy rather than just sexy."
Maverick Sheep suspicion

Maverick Sheep: "Playing as a young male"
Maverick Sheep: You don't say.
Maverick Sheep: "set up an actually somewhat intriguing mystery plot"
Maverick Sheep pauses
Maverick Sheep cleans glasses
Maverick Sheep leans in and squints

Maverick Sheep: "Witch College, despite the name, is not actually about a college where witches learn magic."
Sumalee: thats how i felt
Maverick Sheep: "The college is completely mundane"
Maverick Sheep shakes fist

Maverick Sheep: "the Halloween dance also lines up with a day spoken of in rumors from the city’s history"
Draco: Witch College Plot when, SHEEP?
Maverick Sheep: And then you light the black candle and Bette Midler puts a spell on you and you're traumatized by a cat
Maverick Sheep: "and it’s quite possible that the witch is someone you know at your school"
Maverick Sheep: wat
Maverick Sheep: "it’s perhaps best thought that they are two separate and different worlds"
Maverick Sheep: I can't believe we're going to have to talk about parallel dimensions first before we get to the end of this
Maverick Sheep: "The barely animate characters with flapping mouths don’t do it many favors"
Maverick Sheep: Flapping mouths makes me think of They're Made of Meat
Maverick Sheep: "although there was one unexpected error. Sam’s dark eyebrows are practically a defining feature since they contrast with her blonde hair, and yet the first time she appears in the erotic scenes, her eyebrows match her hair color instead."
Sumalee: draco you are talking to the wrong person
Sumalee: i will write witch college... sometime.
Maverick Sheep: witch collage
Maverick Sheep: binders full of women
Sumalee: *cringes out of existence*
Maverick Sheep: "but Witch College does give the impression that it’s barely holding together"
Maverick Sheep: :I
Maverick Sheep: "Hearing the music track from one scene still stick around as the next scene’s music kicks in can be a problem"
Maverick Sheep looks at JRM
Maverick Sheep whispers

Maverick Sheep: Roller
Maverick Sheep: Gator
Maverick Sheep: Guitar
Maverick Sheep: Speaking of, I think it's safe to say Robo Vampire was the highlight of the evening
Maverick Sheep: I say in case Harpy was still looking at watching one of these weird movies
Sumalee: i might
Maverick Sheep: Rollergator manages to avoid last place on these merits:
Maverick Sheep: Being the first movie of the night, so we could take more awful :V
Maverick Sheep: The Rifftrax guys ALSO being strained to breaking point throughout the movie
Maverick Sheep: and there being just enough baffling, horrible, probably egotistic decisions onscreen to keep you awake as you boggled
Maverick Sheep: You woke for the next scene, because it was sure to serve up a whole new plate of confusion, but you struggled to keep engaged until the scene finally ended
Maverick Sheep: Robo Vampire benefited a lot, despite becoming more disjointed visually and narratively as it went on, by the constant action
Maverick Sheep: something was always happening
Jumpropeman: Roller Gator like
Maverick Sheep: One of the early cracks by the Rifftrax crew was accurate: "I like this movie. It becomes a new movie every two minutes."
Jumpropeman: it kept me interested because nothing made sense
Jumpropeman: or rather, it was structured like a shuffled bag of plot points with random characters and pointless conversations and a poor resolution to boot
Maverick Sheep: I feel Attack of the Super Monsters handily stole last place out from under Rollergator SOMEHOW
Jumpropeman: Robo Vampire was like a shuffled bag of plot point confetti
Jumpropeman: Attack of the Super Monsters just kept going!
Maverick Sheep: There were only three highlights of Attack of the Super Monster for me
Jumpropeman: i give it last place too
Maverick Sheep: Tyrannosaurus' hammy evil glee
Maverick Sheep: Surprisingly decent pteranodon puppet
Maverick Sheep: EVERYTHING about the stegosaur
Maverick Sheep: Really, the stegosaur is the high point
Maverick Sheep: Attack of the Super Monsters was harder to get enjoyment out of because just so much repeats
Maverick Sheep: dialogue, visuals, narrative points
Maverick Sheep: everything
Maverick Sheep: the most episodic movie you've seen
Jumpropeman: obnoxiously formulaic
Maverick Sheep: Alright, I should probably finish this review
Maverick Sheep: "but it’s certainly a rickety ride"
Maverick Sheep: Like the kind at a pop up carnival you KNOW you shouldn't test
Maverick Sheep: "When I saw Witch College 2 release"
Maverick Sheep sounds of glass shattering



  1. I love seeing some of the stuff I'm not in chat or not paying attention for, like the Korone GIF.

  2. Super Empire Strikes Back is actually a fairly good game...it's just VERY DIFFICULT. Which is probably why he hates it.
