Saturday, October 31, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 373: Yogi Bear Is My Boss

The Deleter: I kinda love that we have lovingly rendered breath of the wild link and byleth and joker
The Deleter: And banjo even
The Deleter: And then here's programmer-art-ass steve
The Deleter: Who can barely move
Jumpropeman: I'm so glad he's stiff as a board
The Deleter: Looks like garbage
all hallows ivel: that's how I felt about Game & Watch :U
The Deleter: And apparently is a stone cold killer
Jumpropeman: I like that if they look up you even see that black patch where there's no texture
all hallows ivel: Steve and Villager hang out, clearly
Jumpropeman: it's shocking how close to Just Minecraft it can look when you're Steve in the Minecraft stage
Jumpropeman: I kinda wish his reveal had been that. Just something at that Minecraft convention with Steve running around, nothing looks unusual... then Donkey Kong just bumbles into frame


all hallows ivel: Prodigious 36 lbs Lot of Pez Dispensers
Current Price: $153.00
Minimum Bid: $154.00

all hallows ivel: uh...
Jumpropeman: I like their choice of adjective
all hallows ivel: but of course, it IS a PRODIGIOUS lot


Misty Sheep: "The Sega Hard Girls are a set of characters where women have outfits based on the different consoles Sega manufactured back when it was still in the hardware game."
Misty Sheep: Sound like a buncha WEIRDOS
Misty Sheep: "Rather than having traditional difficulty settings, you unlock plans as you go, these options sometimes being as small as determining whether or not you can see the eyebrows of the main cast through their hair"
Misty Sheep: Okay.
Jumpropeman: while I understand why art has eyes/eyebrows visible through hair, I've personally never liked the look
Jumpropeman: I actually edited the art Setz did of Gysel to undo the eyebrows you could see through her hair :V
MobileDraco: 😱
MobileDraco: Butcher!
Misty Sheep: You do realize
Misty Sheep: You can never make fun of Goops and noses again
Jumpropeman: I'm making images MORE realistic!


Jumpropeman: so, I've quadruple checked it, but it appears The Game Hoard is in the first page of results when you google a little game called Helltaker
Misty Sheep: Never heard of it
Gooper Blooper:
RubyChao: holy shit it is
Jumpropeman: I have no idea why spam emails keep acting like getting front page of google is hard-
Misty Sheep: That is a surprise
MAGIC: wow!
RubyChao: link
Gooper Blooper: Steam, Know Your Meme, Wikipedia, The Helltaker Wiki... and Game Hoard
Jumpropeman: why am I above Escapist
MAGIC: above metacritic
Jumpropeman: why am I above METACRITIC
MAGIC: because
MAGIC: u quality
Gooper Blooper: you beat TV Tropes, too
Gooper Blooper: And vanripper's twitter
MAGIC: i mean it has to beat it in clicks and all i'd assume
RubyChao: but jrm
RubyChao: does this make you as proud as being the top result
Jumpropeman: that will always have a spot in my heart


RubyChao: the alliance of evil, the coalition of malice, or the federation of malevolence?
RubyChao: (it's all three)


Mining Sheep: Alright, craptacular post is up
Mining Sheep: barpost after I eat something
MobileDraco: That's plot: Sheep ate Grab.
Mining Sheep: Grab's had it too good for too long :I


Jumpropeman: is this a good boop
all hallows ivel: nah, that's a mean boop
Dobile Mel: That is Betty boop's idle pose in an RPG
Dobile Mel: She's ready to fight
Dobile Mel: Oh god paper Mario style RPG featuring all the old timey cartoon characters
Dobile Mel: They have to fight the spooky scary skeletons
Dobile Mel: Soundtrack by Charlie puth
all hallows ivel: what kind of skills would everyone have tho
all hallows ivel: like the healer
all hallows ivel: I'd be down for that tho :U
Dobile Mel: That's a boss for sure
Jumpropeman: Swing You Sinners is half the bestiary already
Dobile Mel: Uh, I think Betty would be your dps since she's fed up of being chased and put in mild sexual peril all the damn time
Dobile Mel: That clown does status effects
Dobile Mel: The clown that turns up in the Betty boop cartoons I forget his name???
all hallows ivel: yeah Betty would definitely be an attacker of some sort :U
all hallows ivel: Koko the Clown


Mining Sheep: "Why do I always get the short end of the stick...?"
Mining Sheep: B e t t y ' s C u r s e
Mining Sheep: They say she died one hundred years ago, this very night...
RubyChao: she's getting her Yoshiko moment
MobileDraco: Don't worry, Betty. We brought a White Mage this time.
MobileDraco: I told her to equip some Materia before getting on the elevator. Red XIII did.


Jumpropeman: can't wait for Coward Duck to be behind all this
Mining Sheep: We get to the end and it turns out this wall Grab's doing; influenced by the Mailman's arm that he grafted onto himself.


Mining Sheep: Srspost
Mining Sheep stares into the void
RubyChao: i can't believe the GHZ was just sports all along.
Mining Sheep: Always has been, Chao.


Jungle Book 2 on Disney DVD joined the chat
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Hooded Pitohui: With overwhelming power, this man transforms before our very eyes
Jumpropeman: *flops around like a fat seal*
all hallows ivel: marvelous *o*
Draco throws a blanket over JRM.
Jumpropeman: *flops at a more relaxed pace*
Clara: welp
Jumpropeman: *body slams the welp*
Draco: D8
Draco: I can't believe he had the energy to body slam something!
Draco: HE'S A FAKE SEAL. D:<
Jumpropeman: you got me
Jumpropeman: I'm a fat sea lion D:


Muffet Sheep: Can't find a clip of Funtime Freddy saying just Birthday Boy in his distinct cadence
Muffet Sheep: So I'll just say happy birthday to Goops
Gooper Blooper: thank you, sheep
Muffet Sheep: "for not inflicting Five Nights at Freddy's anything onto me"
Clara: happy goopday
Cornwind Evil: I don't know why, but for some reason I get uncomfortable wishing people well on their special days, so Gooper, I heartily endorse your event or product
Muffet Sheep: Please buy Goops' product
Muffet Sheep: Please.
Draco: He's got a good nose for business. ;V
Muffet Sheep: He vastly underestimated the market need for nose removers
Muffet Sheep: they're piling up
Muffet Sheep: the investors are at the door


Jumpropeman: for some reason the wikipedia page for the Mystical Ninja Goemon series features a bootleg console in its main image
Jumpropeman: it's not even a very good image
Jumpropeman: the image in question
Clara: wow.
Gooper Blooper: the perfect representation of goemon


Gooper Blooper: another one for the pile?
Jumpropeman: linked because the protagonist is already part of your cast right? :V
Clara: animu detectivu
Gooper Blooper: look I'll be honest
Gooper Blooper: that protagonist caught my eye hard
Jumpropeman: Jenny LeClue's been on my radar
Gooper Blooper: I found it because I added my birthday eshop funds to my switch and was scrolling through the recent releases to see what was new
RubyChao: that does look nice
Muffet Sheep: Jenny LeClue is buried somewhere in the untamed wilds of the second half of my Steam wishlist.
Jumpropeman: I'm hoping to will Jenny LeClue into something like Game Pass for PC
Jumpropeman: Game Pass is my primary source for random indies!


RubyChao: look, Dawn is in the game i'm playing
RubyChao: slight redesign though
Gooper Blooper: that's her new body
Gooper Blooper: it was that or the gonk droid


Draco: Mountain Dew Voodew tastes like Skittles.
Muffet Sheep joined the chat
Draco: Sheep's love of Mountain Dew is noted.
Muffet Sheep: HERESY


Jumpropeman: Master System plot
Jumpropeman: we must turn her away from her vile ways
Jumpropeman: of sitting in her room and listening to lo-fi beats on loop
Gooper Blooper: she's been doing her homework for four years
Muffet Sheep: If Master System could work her will, everyone who went about with "Merry Christmas" on their lips should boiled in their own pudding and a stake of holly through their heart!
Jumpropeman: Master Scrooge
Clara: i'd pay for a master system christmas blogpost
Jumpropeman: you toy with dark magics, harpy
Clara: look i pay for art, i will also pay for writings
Clara: but only interesting ideas people would want to write anyway
Muffet Sheep: The Mandatory Sega Merry Christmas Special
Clara: featuring: Segami doing absolutely nothing
Jumpropeman: Segami is in the glass case with a hammer
Jumpropeman: "In Case of Getting in Too Deep, Admit Defeat and Unleash Segami"
Muffet Sheep: If she has the hammer, who's going to break the glass and get her out!
Clara: ...that sounds terrifying
Clara: like you'd unleash her on Dark Matter...
Clara: ...why do i like this idea so much.


(Chao's big bad for 2020, Victor Dalton, tries to use a giant robot for a weapon and it kills him and takes over his soul)

Hooded Pitohui: Was not expecting this to be Dalton's sorry, pathetic state, but it's befitting his desperation all season. The machine has as much a grasp on him as he does on it, doesn't it?
Clara: he's become a vtuber with no audience. what a sad state.
Clara: *not sure why that's the first thing she thought of*
RubyChao: brutal
Hooded Pitohui: Harps: Ah, so that's Streaming-chan's fallen timeline
RubyChao: absolutely brutal.
Draco: He's got Star Nikki for an audience, doesn't he?
Clara: cosmo nikki's a fucking out of this world vtuber that the cops don't know about. no one will ever know. Who needs an artificial intelligence when you have all-natural organic stupidity to use instead?
Draco: Cosmo Nikki is Clownpiece's favorite V-tuber even if Clownpiece doesn't know it yet.
RubyChao: i thought it was the most fitting way to do the final boss fight for a man who's entire plot was about never measuring up to villainy
RubyChao: even his final gambit took him over


Jumpropeman: "It's been over a decade.
Four generations have passed.
Countless new, powerful Pokemon have been conceptualized and implemented.
The very idea of strength has been redefined time and time again.
And now, with the Crown Tundra within our grasp, it's time to lock hands in a prayer circle, my brothers and sisters. It's time to cling together against the storm. It's time to put all of our faith and hope into a single dream, and that dream is for Regigigas to finally have a different ability."

RubyChao: sending my energy
Clara: i choked
Hooded Pitohui: One can only hope


Jumpropeman: "I am working for Yogi Bear, Yogi Bear is my boss"
Jumpropeman: the best part of this quote from a real person is that it's almost not a joke
Jumpropeman: he's working on the new yogi bear cartoon they're making
Clara: sounds more like a draco sheenanigan...
Jumpropeman: we're waiting draco
Jumpropeman: yogi bear takes over olympia
Draco: Next year, my man. Yogiplot. Yogiplot can only happen when JRM finally posts a review of that Yogi game he's talked about wanting to play
Jumpropeman: it slipped from my grip
Jumpropeman: booboo is a powerful mood 4K ULTRAHD If Yogi is ever in a fite I want his KO to use that O in the logo that horrifying eyeless maw
Jumpropeman: why
Jumpropeman: I didn't really look at it until you said something
Draco: XD
Clara: rip
Cornwind Evil: One regret I have is when Yogi was a villain and I was using the Sentai powers I didn't get to do this
Muffet Sheep: I only want to fight Yogi if he inexplicably has Dhalsim's moveset.
all hallows ivel: Yogi Flame


Draco: Darn, I just realized I forgot to have Zeldoten ask Game Gear Mom if they could get McDonald's. Zeldoten and all her aunts that she's probably older than, just like JRM and his nephew.
Jumpropeman: hey! My nephew is a year younger than me!
Draco: Oh, I'm sorry. ;p
Draco: Still, Game Gear owes Zeldoten McDonald's.
Jumpropeman: Game Gear says no McDonald's. She'll get Dairy Queen and she'll like it!
Draco: Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. That's exactly what DeMom would do. D:
Jumpropeman: why do you think they're together?
Draco: Good point. link
Jumpropeman: amazing goops
Jumpropeman: Master System: "Why are there children in my car"
RubyChao: perfect, goops


Muffet Sheep: I'm heading out on my trip tomorrow. I'll be passing through Chattanooga and Nashville in Tennessee. At some point, we're heading through Louisville, Kentucky.
Muffet Sheep: Let me know if you know any odd or interesting spots to stretch my legs at
MobileDraco: Have a good trip. 🙂
Muffet Sheep: Del staring at "Chattanooga" going "That's the most American name I've ever seen."
Dobile Mel: I have heard Chattanooga only as
Dobile Mel: A joke?
Dobile Mel: I think
Muffet Sheep:
Dobile Mel: I have never heard of this either
Dobile Mel: But I'm not surprised
Dobile Mel: Of COURSE it's a variety show
Dobile Mel: Banana fuckin' Splits shit
Muffet Sheep: There were so many
RubyChao: but sheep
RubyChao: were there more banana splits style variety shows
RubyChao: or scooby doo equivalents
Muffet Sheep: Scooby Doo.
Muffet Sheep: If you go further and just say "animated bands who solve crime"
Muffet Sheep: You could fill Uncle Scrooge's money bin
Dobile Mel: I don't think the Banana splits ever solved a crime
Dobile Mel: I don't think they ever solved anything
Dobile Mel: Not even the question of their own existence
RubyChao: i think my favorite part of the cattanooga cats song
RubyChao: is the emphasis on DOIN' THAT THING


Dobile Mel: I've come to make an announcement, Eclipse is a bitch ass motherfucker, she stole Olympia. That's right, she took her weird time magic out and she stole Olympia and she said her Kobbers were Clippers, and I said that's disgusting, so I'm making a call out post on chatzy dot com
Dobile Mel: I can't be bothered to continue, have fun with that
Muffet Sheep: For those of you playing along at home, that was a reference to a parody dub of a Sonic game.
Hooded Pitohui: I'm fully committed to the idea of Eggette saying that when she confronts Eclipse


RubyChao: the video title translates to "Hibiki Tachibana runs earnestly"
Gooper Blooper: "This is a perfect video. Thank you."
Gooper Blooper: *comment left by honk*


Gooper Blooper: this might be the biggest I've ever seen anyone draw the third eye
Jumpropeman: but that's where the boobs go!
Gooper Blooper: You see the problem!


Gooper Blooper: "soaking it in tears and maybe snot"
Gooper Blooper: Roll for snot.
Bluhpy: i swear goops
Bluhpy: we're not doing this
all hallows ivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16
Bluhpy: okay i am doing this but if its a 21 you're a dead man and i'm withholding your dino salary
Bluhpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
Bluhpy: you're safe.
Bluhpy: for now.
MobileDraco: We're...snot...doing this?


Gooper Blooper: I keked that Scars broke a random computer just so she helps with EVERY beast
TroyMobile: scars no not troy's gaming rig!
Buck Barrow Still Will Not Die: She technically did not help with Apophis. You can only stretch this so far.
RubyChao: she provided MORAL SUPPORT for apophis
Gooper Blooper: Oh, right, two simultaneous fights would mess that up :V
Buck Barrow Still Will Not Die: SURE WHY NOT
Buck Barrow Still Will Not Die: Elliott made a duplicate of Scars and it was there and it bit Apophis' ankle
Buck Barrow Still Will Not Die: This is canon


Jumpropeman: they're making a movie about Barney the Dinosaur that is quote "darker" than the original series
Jumpropeman: are they gonna Banana Splits Barney
all hallows ivel: I find it odd they have to clarify it's gonna be live-action
Jumpropeman: its kinda like how they pretended the new lion king was live action even though its all animation
Jumpropeman: I guess "live action" means "for adults"
all hallows ivel: Barney's always been live action tho :U
Jumpropeman: the marketing team doesn't want you to remember that!
all hallows ivel: clearly they're gonna make Barney edgier by giving him
all hallows ivel: a backwards baseball cap
Jumpropeman: *faints*
TroyMobile joined the chat
TroyMobile: Dark Barney...
MobileDraco: Darney


all hallows ivel: well, I can see the clear winner here
Jumpropeman: why buy indivisible when you can buy forty copies of Sakuya dabbing
all hallows ivel: dabbing AND giving you advice!
Jumpropeman: what if the advice
Jumpropeman: is to dab
all hallows ivel: 😱
MobileDraco: 😲


RubyChao: "Most leagues have a statute in the laws that says when a team cannot field a certain number of players, (most often a team being down to 6 from a team of 11), the game is abandoned, although depending on the score or the laws of the league the game can still be awarded to the team with enough players. One example of this was titled the Battle Of Bramall Lane, where Sheffield United had their goalkeeper sent off in the 9th minute, followed by two players who had been substituted onto the pitch being involved in a scuffle with the opposition that resulted in both being sent off only minutes after coming on. This left them with 8 players. They went down to 7 players when one was injured in the 79th minute minutes right after their opposition took a 3-0 lead, followed by another player going off hurt in the 83rd. Reduced to 6 players, the referee abandoned the match, which was subsequently awarded to West Bromwich Albion."
Harpy: that
Harpy: was a ride.


Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: its our girl
Gooper Blooper: dark matter cutting room floor: before Dark Scramble got moved to the finale
Gooper Blooper: I was going to do Crisis Of Infinite Eggettes for a plot day
RubyChao: oh god
Gooper Blooper: SATAM EGGETTE
Gooper Blooper: BOOM EGGETTE
Gooper Blooper: ALL AT ONCE
Harpy: you absolute monster
Jumpropeman: making use of those fun fanarts!
Harpy: you can't do this...
RubyChao: so like the Hibikiswarm from the tachi dream sequence
RubyChao: but Eggettes
Gooper Blooper: the best part would be that only the Adventure Eggette would be Dark Mattered
Gooper Blooper: the others would just be jerks
Jumpropeman: can never have too many eggettes
Harpy: gotta scramble these eggs for a sec.


Jumpropeman: should probably make a schedule post explaining what we're doing in the next two days :V
RubyChao: naaaah just wing it
Gooper Blooper: *flings a mantis and a bunch of street punks into the abyss*


Jumpropeman: sometimes my mom sends me texts where she's like "oh I'm so miserable right now, I'm snuggling with Duke and he's giving me so much love"
Jumpropeman: and I just saw a text come in saying in preview "I'm not a happy camper, Duke is snuggled up..."
Jumpropeman: so I thought it would be one of those when I opened it
Jumpropeman: full text: "I'm not a happy camper. Duke is snuggled up to me and keeps farting. My room smells awful."
RubyChao: RIP
Jumpropeman: Duke definitely ripped a few
Gooper Blooper: the secret Curse member deploys his gas attack
Jumpropeman: Duke of Farts
Harpy: i mean at least he's not a stealth bomber like abra
Jumpropeman: Brownie's the stealth bomber
Harpy: oh no


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Jumpropeman: jo gpp[er
Jumpropeman: i got some of the letters right


MobileDraco: Pelswick
Harpy: A
Gooper Blooper: pelswick.
Jumpropeman: PELS
Jumpropeman: WICK


Cornwind Evil: Guys, I'm concerned. I want to suddenly RP as Tom Jones
Cornwind Evil: Is this normal?
Gooper Blooper: in the context of RP, It's Not Unusual
Cornwind Evil high fives GB.


Gooper Blooper: I'm enjoying this personal, heartfelt moment between a talking motorcycle and a piece of candy with a face.
Hooded Pitohui: One of those moments you can only get in ZFRP, right Goops?


Hooded Pitohui: Clownpiece evokes a sheer primal terror that I am all here for
MobileDraco: HP: When she says "Friends forever", it's a threat, not a promise. :3


RubyChao: so i just realized
RubyChao: the goop/jrm/chao megaplot trio from seasons 4-6
RubyChao: all had SOME level of collab
RubyChao: practice runs
RubyChao: mine was the least but i did get harpy's planeswardens traitors in on the council!
Gooper Blooper: I had Retired Neo Kobber Day
Gooper Blooper: What was Deck's?
Gooper Blooper: Oh, right, The Kings
FAT CHOCOBO RISES: traitors wao
Gooper Blooper: AKA that time JRM asked for villains and I gave him Chattery Teeth because... ??????
Bree: because zfrp
Jumpropeman: I was basically kicking down the door in 2014 going "I HAVE GIVEN YOU NO REASON TO TRUST ME BUT I'M DOING A MEGAPLOT"
Gooper Blooper: to explain for Pitohui, because I love how ZFRP this bit is
Gooper Blooper: Late in Season 1, I did a post where Widow Maker's pet bugs had an "epic" battle against a haunted pair of wind-up chattery teeth
Gooper Blooper: JRM asked for defeated villains to resurrect as part of his Season 4 Deck plot and I gave him the fucking rusted and beat-up chattery teeth toy
Gooper Blooper: With the help of magic, however, the chattery teeth came back to life, grew to the size of a car, and were portrayed as a tanklike war machine
RubyChao: i think that's probably part of why the four kings ended up so oddly misbalanced
RubyChao: in that due to being the very first stab at this sort of thing (outside of genocide from S1, but that was long enough ago it no longer really had impact)
RubyChao: people were playing it safe
RubyChao: and then there was me who the instant i heard it went
RubyChao: "jrm would you like ridley"
RubyChao: "i will give you ridley."
Bree: any time someone asks for a chao villain for a megaplot: "would you like ridley. I will give you ridley."
RubyChao: *looks at dark matter*
RubyChao: not incorrect
Gooper Blooper: hey samus how ya doin
Hooded Pitohui: I'm just imagining Chao doing the Oprah "You get a Ridley. You get a Ridley. Everyone gets a Ridley!" now
Bree: XD
Gooper Blooper: Dark Ridley was a great addition to the season so it was a good idea!!
Hooded Pitohui: Goops
Hooded Pitohui: I am wholly unsurprised that a pair of chattery teeth became a major villain
Hooded Pitohui: ZFRP is a spectacle like that


Jumpropeman: "We were able to salvage something worthwhile from this deranged, doomed escapade."
Jumpropeman: "We truly were... The Salvagers (2020)"
Jumpropeman: I do like Gooper's turn of phrase but that meme's going around so :V


Draco: "I assumed that anyone with more experience and confidence knew better than I did" <- Yuka had never been more wrong than when she thought this about Sally.
RubyChao: it is not physically possible to be more wrong than Yuka was about that
Hooded Pitohui: Those two in Green Hell were a very good impetus for her to start outright telling people when she thinks they're wrong, yes yes


FAT CHOCOBO RISES: and now i sleep
Gooper Blooper: nite harp
Draco: Byepy
FAT CHOCOBO RISES: nite ya'll. love yall
Jumpropeman: *nestles into my No More Plot Den*
Jumpropeman: night harp!
FAT CHOCOBO RISES: try not to make Pelswick AU while i'm sleeping
Draco: No promises.
Jumpropeman: Find>Replace all nouns with Pelswick
Draco: Dude, I will find something and set the chat to filter it to Pelswick if you take your eyes off of me. ;V
FAT CHOCOBO RISES: look i understood the dimension ripping enough to not give dia a pelswick world makeover
FAT CHOCOBO RISES: just enough.
FAT CHOCOBO RISES: god forbid she gets a nose
FAT CHOCOBO RISES left the chat
Jumpropeman: "Pelswick smiled at his Pelswick as he and his friend Pelswick exchanged Pelswicks. There had been a lot less prep to do this year than last, and Pelswick being closed all day and only opening at the stroke of midnight to welcome the Pelswicks was less out of necessity and more out of Pelswick insisting they needed to uphold tradition. Some Pelswicks are sacred. Pelswick supposed it was a harmless enough quirk. Pelswick had been a big help in keeping Pelswick company - a role traditionally held by Pelswick, but Pelswick had gotten his head stuck inside a bucket of fried Pelswick and was currently trying to fix the situation in his office without damaging the Pelswick. It was a limited-edition Pelswick with a movie promotion on it and Pelswick wanted it for his fried Pelswick bucket collection. Bless you, Pelswick."
Draco: ;o; Perfect.
Gooper Blooper: A glimpse inside the universe we narrowly avoided
RubyChao: True hell.
Jumpropeman: I
Jumpropeman: had forgotten how Pelswick sounds
Gooper Blooper: that's the exact voice we need to read all of eggert's lines in
Jumpropeman: also he was definitely going to make the WOOOOAH noise before the grenade exploded
Gooper Blooper: XD
Draco: Yeah, true Hell that we avoided it!
Draco: I want a retcon! :U
RubyChao: that clip feels like
RubyChao: someone parodying THE SJWS, except that pelswick was a decade before THE SJWS were a thing
Jumpropeman: "A hip, hyper Hollywood producer chooses Pelswick to show his real life live on TV 24 hours a day. With a few minor alterations?"
Jumpropeman: is a description of that episode
Jumpropeman: so I guess it's more making fun of sanitized television
Gooper Blooper: Pelswick predicted Streaming-chan
Bree: as if hollywood would ever make something starring a person in a wheelchair


Jumpropeman: the problem with finding Zozo fan art to share: how borderline naked is TOO borderline naked
Draco: Depends on if you're asking Meiling or not.
Gooper Blooper: if she's really flaunting it, that's when you PM the art instead
RubyChao: To everyone.
Jumpropeman: *only PMs it to Doktor Hanz so he's really surprised when he returns*
RubyChao: nonsense
RubyChao: you send it to Godbot
RubyChao: take the gamble
Jumpropeman: I will track Designate_5 down
Jumpropeman: send him the image
Jumpropeman: and then cease all contact
Gooper Blooper: Designate_5 comes back just to RP with Zozo
Draco: Send it to JRM. He'll be impressed.
Jumpropeman: you think he'd like her though?
Jumpropeman: I heard he's not even bringing her back for season 14


Dobile Mel: I was gonna get sappy and say aiko's favourite music is whatever Giselle is humming that day :3
Jumpropeman: Giselle starts humming baby shark
Dobile Mel: Okay even aiko has limits on that
Bree: baby sharks are rad though :(


Draco: "Now it is truly time for Pelswick RP." <- We narrowly avoided me during the Cardinal Ticker Sin of quoting myself two days in a row.


Jumpropeman: Link Link
Gooper Blooper: Link
Draco: I still find it funny some Casper media had that king ghost who looks like a buff Slimer.
Jumpropeman: goop
Jumpropeman: I literally just opened the casper wiki after this
Jumpropeman: but it's too late for a wiki dive
Gooper Blooper: Soon... casper wiki.
Jumpropeman: "Catherine "Carrigan" Crittenden (Cathy Moriarty) is the main antagonist of the 1995 family film Casper. She is a very spoiled and arrogant woman. She is a very pretty and she knows it"
Jumpropeman: however
Jumpropeman: I am happy to see Casper wiki has its priorities
Jumpropeman: "Her ghost was a dramatic caricature of her former living self. She had bright blonde hair, shiny deep red lipstick, black eyeshadow, long thick black eyebrows, a black body suit fitting to a very curvy ghostly figure with a large bust, an unaturally small waist and large butt going all the way to her ghostly tail"
Jumpropeman: hey baby
Jumpropeman: does that butt go ALL the way down
Draco: No, it doesn't.
Jumpropeman: Oh wait
Jumpropeman: I had the female villain wiki open for carrigan from casper
Jumpropeman: the casper wiki though
Jumpropeman: "Carrigan is an extremely nasty, cruel, spoiled, mean, self-absorbed, clever, abrasive, roguish, relentless, independent, grouchy, ambitious, negative, conscientious, responsible, ill-tempered, thoughtless, treacherous, efficient, narrow-minded, determined, evil, nefarious and callous woman"
Jumpropeman: it's THAT kind of wiki
RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: i think carrigan might be a bad person.
Jumpropeman: but chao, she IS clever and efficient
Draco: And determined!


SteelKomodo: question for the chat
SteelKomodo: how much have memes/internet/the stuff you consume #Ruined your daily life
RubyChao: not that much beyond "i think about them at random times"
SteelKomodo: because I append CD-I Ganon's "OR ELSE YOU WILL DIE" onto important instructions
RubyChao: ohhh that sort of thing
RubyChao: yeah a lot
SteelKomodo: i c
RubyChao: there are certain words/phrases i can no longer read in the same way
RubyChao: for example thanks to another community and a very involved injoke
RubyChao: the phrase "big changes", regardless of context, is just the funniest shit


RubyChao: fun fact i realized!
RubyChao: peko has spent more of her significant RP screentime as a vampire than she has as a human, at this point
RubyChao: thanks, hellcow
Jumpropeman: mooooove over old peko


Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: remember when sekibanki appeared in rp?
RubyChao: i remember
Gooper Blooper: she cute
Gooper Blooper: if I were to put another touhou in RP she would probably be my second pick
RubyChao: is the first
RubyChao: doremy
Gooper Blooper: largely so I could do stupid shit with her head
RubyChao: listen
Jumpropeman: Suika will be on my backburner for all time
RubyChao: if you used the touhou with a detachable head and then did NOT do things with that on a regular basis
RubyChao: i would be disappointed.
Harpy: i kinda want to use seki but like
Harpy: i have too much on my plate and i'm just like
Harpy: "how do i make her stand out?"
RubyChao: fun fact
RubyChao: i'm bringing another Touhou next year
RubyChao: i can't fuggin stop
Harpy: trying to stop you is futile
Jumpropeman: there's certainly no rush to get that character into rp
Jumpropeman: I've had ideas that just sit around waiting for when my cast potentially has an opening
Gooper Blooper: she makes horrible head puns all the time
Gooper Blooper: "don't lose your head"
Gooper Blooper: "keep your head on straight"
Gooper Blooper: "are we heading into danger on tonight's kobber adventure"
Gooper Blooper: "looks like this battle's a double header"
Gooper Blooper: "heads up"
Jumpropeman: so we're not letting goop have her anymore
Gooper Blooper: "don't get ahead of yourself"
Gooper Blooper: "call it" "H E A D S"
RubyChao: goops
RubyChao: i'm proud.


Draco: Remember when Sanae appeared in RP? Me neither. ;V
RubyChao: sanae
RubyChao: more like
RubyChao: WHO-nae
Gooper Blooper: Draco, Sanae was one of your central characters this season
Gooper Blooper: it doesn't work any more!
Harpy: juan 'bout to be like
Harpy: "watch her nae-nae"
Draco: Dangit! D:<
Harpy: my brain
Harpy: is slowing down
Gooper Blooper: revue of rejects certainly left a big impact
Harpy: it did!
Gooper Blooper: that was what got Sanae into RP and she was super important to zonderplot
Harpy: it wasn't even a megaplot.
RubyChao: i had a lot of fun with rejects
Harpy: it also made baragon actually important
Harpy: we got byakuren out of it
RubyChao: in part because it was great for indulging the desire that made me wanna do CN plot
RubyChao: without having to worry about that
Gooper Blooper: Byakuren in turn led to the Futo/Miko/Byaku/Plague KOF team
RubyChao: or in other words
RubyChao: Futo, Futo's Mom, Futo's Dad, and Futo's Aunt
Harpy: it was kind of a pebble that sent ripples through RP, huh?
Draco: Just a bit!
RubyChao: like many things!
Gooper Blooper: Then there was Meme Man, and if it wasn't for Meme Man we wouldn't have had everyone's favorite character Kracko
Harpy: oh my god
Gooper Blooper: Kracko? Anyone? Anyone? KRRR-ACK?
Harpy: how
Jumpropeman: Kracko's great screw you
Harpy: it's
Jumpropeman: give me that cloud in the brawl
Harpy: how did my small plot make such an impact
Draco: Oh man. Kracko is my favorite Goopchar.
Draco: I have one confirmed Brawler next year. Beware the wrath of....STEVE.
Jumpropeman: Steve the Sock already brawled
Draco: ...oh.
Draco: I got NO confirmed Brawlers then. Maybe I can bring back that elf...
Gooper Blooper: drink chocolate milk, elf!
RubyChao: Yohane.
RubyChao: Not Yoshiko.
RubyChao: Not a team entrant.
RubyChao: Just Yohane.
Gooper Blooper: Draco could make two full brawl rosters out of JRM wishlist requests and still have leftovers
Draco: If she beats Honoka, then she'll enter the Brawl as a solo entry.
RubyChao: that reminds me
RubyChao: i like how not only was Sanae majorly important this year
Jumpropeman: her weapon: honoka's corpse
RubyChao: she still doesn't feel like Draco's main character
RubyChao: which just says a lot about the quality and importance of his cast this time around
Draco: Blame Yoshiko for being really fun to write.
RubyChao: okay
RubyChao: *blames Yoshiko*
Draco: *uses it as justification to banish Yoshiko to wherever he sent DeMonde after Brawl 6*
RubyChao: barbados?
Jumpropeman: so that's why DeMonde's so good at limbo!
Jumpropeman: Note to Self: Agama Limbo League
Draco: Koala Princess shows up to beg Shimmer to save the league again.
Draco: Oh wait, I think that joke's been made already.
Jumpropeman: joke?
Draco: Yes, Koala Princess is a joke. Bl
Gooper Blooper: Koala Princess begging people to save her latest league is a chatzy running gag by now
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
Draco: Claire Bear and the Clown make a good deck and get to the playoffs.
Jumpropeman: Claire's a worse cheater than Mai Valentine
RubyChao: mai's like
RubyChao: the only cheater in that series who actually stopped cheating
Draco: Claire is hard to shop for because she always sees what's in the box before she opens it.
Jumpropeman: you know those presents that contain multiple boxes as a joke?
Jumpropeman: it's just how you get around her precognitive powers
Draco: Clownpiece hides the Applebee's gift card in a wedding ring.
Jumpropeman: disappointment narrowly avoided!
Draco: Nobody can resist the siren song of Applebee's.
Jumpropeman: Cirno vouches for chili's though!
Jumpropeman: are we going to have Fairy Civil War
Draco: No.
Draco: There will be NOTHING Civil about it! D:<


Bree: in WoW's legion expansion each class had its own quest campaign where their specific class got together their most powerful champions to fight the burning legion and stuff
Bree: in the shaman campaign there's a murloc shaman called morgl the oracle
Bree: he's not majorly involved, but he will show up at the hall and ask to see the player's artifact weapon
Bree: there's a transcript of the "conversation" he has with the player about one of the artifacts, the Fist of Ra-den
Bree: I must share it because it is so funny it kills me
Bree: Morgl is glad you feel that way. He looks toward the sky contemplatively.
Warg gurg blergargle mruk, mruk. Farseer <player name> urgle blorglug mragle urk. Mrawgle urg 10,000 blerg “Ra” barg urglebleg, urg “Ra-den” blek Mogu berkblug.
His eager attention focuses back on you.
Mrgle urg blurg’urg gerblagle. Graggle merg blur Gurgle of the Storm. Wurgle! Berk blergle-berk urg grablag. <Player name>: urg garble murk gerblerg? Urk?
The murloc oracle leans forward, motioning for you to come closer. He wants to whisper something to you. For you... and you alone.
> Move closer, bring your head close to his, and listen to the Oracle’s ancient wisdom.

Bree: deepest lore
Dobile Mel: Holy shit
Dobile Mel: Lmao
Bree: too bad the player can't speak nerglish (the murloc language), I bet that was hella insightful


RubyChao: "How short Tenshi's sprite is in AoCF makes it impossible for me to take her seriously tbh"
RubyChao: i'm glad touhou continues to follow my lead on tenshi being Short
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: just banging her head on that peach
Jumpropeman: not even eating it
RubyChao: ahaha that blog's title is a symphogear reference


Jumpropeman: link
all hallows ivel: man I need that Nep
Draco: "Noooooooooo. Saturn, don't turn me into a collectible figurine."
Gooper Blooper: I wish I had either of those, god damn
Gooper Blooper: My only nendoroid is my poor bootleg Nyx
Jumpropeman: I was just looking to see if other hard girls come in Nendo
Jumpropeman: instead found a Honoka one
eat chip n die: "hello Neptunia from Hyperdimension Neptunia" "hello Saturn of Sega Hard Girls" "*saturn turns into a nendroid*" "*then nep follows*"
eat chip n die: so we found chao's christmas gift, got it
Gooper Blooper: I once attempted to get a Scylla nendo but the seller fled ebay instead of shipping it
eat chip n die: ah, yes, a scammer. excellent. :/
Jumpropeman: the funny thing is, canonically in RP, Saturn is the worst at video games of the Hard Girls
all hallows ivel: I think the only Nendos I have are from Wish?
Jumpropeman: there's statues of the other Hard Girls but I want an adorable tiny Mega!
Gooper Blooper: me too!!!
Gooper Blooper bangs fists on table like a toddler
eat chip n die: time to wait patiently for nendos
Jumpropeman: *googles ZFRP nendos*
Jumpropeman: there's multiple reasons that search term won't work :V
all hallows ivel: lel
Draco: Saturn: terrible at games, good at posing for statues.


Draco: "NO ONE'S A BIGGER NERD THAN YOU, MEGA!" <- If not for Cornwind's awesome pun, this might have been the ticker.
eat chip n die: that sounds like something that could easily become a spinoff of Gaston's song.
Draco: No one nerds like MD! No one swerves like MD! Nobody's book is as thoock as MD's!
Jumpropeman: "I'm especially good at explaining gaming!"
Jumpropeman: My what a gal that MEGA!
Draco: "I knew you'd pull it off. You're the smartest chick I know." <- Lucy hopes Mega Drive is smart enough to help Gale find a way out of the dog house for that. >:|
Jumpropeman: Lucy's not a chick, she's a WOMAN
Draco: This is true. She confirmed that Mega Drive shares 67% of her DNA with Chief Fowler.
Jumpropeman: that's not blonde hair, those are yellow feathers
Draco: "Now we don't have to change the icing on the Victory Cake we had pre-made!" <- Damn, that made me lol.
Jumpropeman: well thanks for bringing up gaston
Jumpropeman: now I have to watch him get taco bell again
Jumpropeman: for like the eighth time
Jumpropeman: this year
eat chip n die: dear goodness
Jumpropeman: that's gotta be one of my favorite poops
Jumpropeman: the whole trilogy is so good
Draco: lol
Jumpropeman: I think Gaston's quest for Taco Bell is where I first heard Scatman
Jumpropeman: I watched this with CKR and RD once
Jumpropeman: a nice family poop watching
eat chip n die: i
Gooper Blooper: XD
eat chip n die: i had to blink to make sure i read that right
Jumpropeman: im sure whoever named youtube poops knew exactly the kind of phrasing that would emerge
Jumpropeman: >1 million views
Jumpropeman: good
Draco: Excellent.


RubyChao: actual line of dialogue from the Star Trek cartoon i'm watching:
RubyChao: "Behold! SPOCK 2!"
Jumpropeman: FINALLY
eat chip n die: feels like that could apply to ZFRP somehow
eat chip n die: "BEHOLD! CIRNO 2!" -jrm this year
Gooper Blooper: "HIBIKI 2!" - chao
RubyChao: the only thing keeping Cirnoil from becoming a major dark star protag THIS year was how late she got face turned
RubyChao: and next year...
Jumpropeman: next year you have to put up with two little shits running around
eat chip n die: Satoshi gets the leashes.
Jumpropeman: Brinechars beware
Draco: XD
Draco: "Behold! Reimu 2!" *throws Sanae in*
eat chip n die: me? i don't have doubles.
eat chip n die: *shoves sonia alter into the trash*
eat chip n die: begone, dark star sonia
Jumpropeman: turns out
Jumpropeman: Big Nep was Dark Nep this whole time
Brinehammer: Jumpropeman: Brinechars beware
Brinehammer: Somewhere, 40 to 50 maladjusted lesbians are nervous for no reason.
Draco: Ah, Brine is cutting down the size of his cast.
Draco: ;p


FAT CHOCOBO RISES was timed out
Gooper Blooper: fat chocobo falls


Draco flops.
Draco: Argh. Don't know if I'll ever have at least a plot finale that good again.
Jumpropeman: I think what I've learned from RP
Jumpropeman: is that we always say things like "we'll never do THAT again" "we'll never top THAT"
Jumpropeman: and then we do :V
RubyChao: heeeeh, it's true
Draco: Fair point, but I don't know if I can make y'all believe I can actually kill off a character again. ;p
RubyChao: you can as long as it's someone we don't care about
RubyChao: like i dunno
RubyChao: Yohane
Draco: Alright, cool.


Jumpropeman: srspost
Jumpropeman: except
Jumpropeman: in a bar
Jumpropeman: and not serious
Jumpropeman: barely even a post really
Draco: It's seriously a barpost.


RubyChao: tag yourself
Out Of Memory: i'm chicken
Gooper Blooper: Sixth row, center square
Out Of Memory: *gets out bug zapper* >:I
Gooper Blooper: BD
RubyChao: row 3 column 4 for me
Draco: Row 4, Column 1
Out Of Memory: row 2, column 4


Out Of Memory: in other news: dia bein spoopy
Jumpropeman: EEEK!
Out Of Memory: eeeee
Gooper Blooper: terrifying.
Draco: Her Sonia costume is 2spooky.
Gooper Blooper: wow, I didn't think about it but that IS a very Sonia outfit
Out Of Memory: its very insanely sonia, which is why i got it and went through all the trouble of dying it to my specifications
Out Of Memory: it even lets you turn into a cat!
Out Of Memory: but sonia can't turn into a cat.
Draco: Now she can because CHAOS.


Draco: Miss Black General is just throwing ALL of the knives. One of them might get through a shield. ;p
Spap: The sad thing is
Spap: Ms Black General's on the ball with the pro strats
Spap: "Alpha's only weak point, its core, is covered in a gelatinous substance that must be peeled away first. While any attack can work on it, rapid MegaBuster shots work best to conserve Chips to inflict damage."
RubyChao: more like
RubyChao: miss black GENIUS
Out Of Memory: she's cutting an onion.
Out Of Memory: dramatically.
Draco: That's why she's the executive of an evil organization named "General"
Gooper Blooper: Considering Miss Black General has spent the entirety of spyplot being the comic relief
Gooper Blooper: it would be wonderfully fitting if she of all people landed the critical turnaround blow
Spap: . . . Oh fuck that's true.
Spap: I love it
Gooper Blooper: she shows up every time
Gooper Blooper: she never even knows what's going on
Gooper Blooper: she doesn't even know who Oceanus is
Spap: She may get to have the castle if she wants
Out Of Memory: you've seen anubis beaten by yo-yos... now witness the sequel
Gooper Blooper: and then she saves the day
Out Of Memory: Big Bad Internet taken down by knife
Gooper Blooper: from walmart
Out Of Memory: we talkin plastic knives or what
Out Of Memory: was it one of those halloween knives
Out Of Memory: my curiosity is through the roof
Jumpropeman: the Cirnos tried to suggest a DDoS attack but have no such concept
Out Of Memory: troy is currently unavailable to do that
Out Of Memory: because fuck him. :)
Jumpropeman: I thought Nikki might be able to do it in digital land somehow
Out Of Memory: she might if she just
Out Of Memory: screeches a lot
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: cyber bully him so hard he lags
Out Of Memory: i don't think she can duplicate herself and all of them yell like annoying oranges
Out Of Memory: she could make him lag by sucking out his internet juice.
Out Of Memory: no wait
Spap: Lewd
Out Of Memory: she'll eat the RAM.
Gooper Blooper: nikki devours entire sheep, film at 11
Out Of Memory: feast upon memory like Google Chrome and Mabinogi tag teaming to chokeslam a computer
Out Of Memory: that's not highly specific why do you ask.
Out Of Memory: ...does nikki even like veal?
Out Of Memory: i... didn't like it last time i tried it
Out Of Memory: i'm getting derailed.
Draco: Nikki doesn't want to be fed; she wants to hunt.
Out Of Memory: i bet she did actually hunt in country NY at some points in her life.
Out Of Memory: "deer are delicious."


Jumpropeman: oh yeah, something I can say now that Salvager plot is over. There was a meta angle to the Salvagers trying to escape our universe. If they succeed and enter a dimension that can't be accessed by anyone, we, the writers of ZFRP, would never be able to influence them again. If we somehow gave Serene a happy locked off dimension we would literally never hear from him again as he'd be free of our pens, "the manipulation of gods" if you will
Jumpropeman: they'd basically escape the fiction of ZFRP, although that never became relevant or will be because Eggert Particles can no longer be made
Cornwind Evil: Of course that technically also means he would cease to exist.
Gooper Blooper: that was basically what I was imagining, yep
Cornwind Evil: Reminds me of an expression I read somewhere
Cornwind Evil: "The dinosaurs are dead, but they don't know it yet."
Out Of Memory: kinda feels like the meta narrative i tried to make from ladeca, though that was more tackling things like godmodding and all those sheenanigans, bending the narrative and attempting to railroad. ...okay its not the same but its another meta narrative
Jumpropeman: they weren't meta aware, but there was a few meta angles to the plot I never said! The looming idea of some force finally destroying the world is also like the possibility of ZFRP ending, where the stories of the character in this universe would end
Jumpropeman: some language was constructed deliberately to be read either in universe or in a meta way, but it's more like an allegory or something instead of characters actively resisting us or seeing the fourth wall
Out Of Memory: clearly erin needs to be at this finale... i say... as he probably won't even have the power to do jack shit
Jumpropeman: and now you all hate Salvagerplot-
Out Of Memory: you can't have a climax if nobody participates tho, mary
Gooper Blooper: of course, the truth is the opposite
Gooper Blooper: When RP ends, that means the RP verse finally ran out of big villains completely
Out Of Memory: i'm okay with it
Out Of Memory: i'll be over here writing fluffy ZFRP content with normal problems to deal with
Draco: That means we'll finally get to defeat the Prismriver Sisters once and for all.
Out Of Memory: instead of grandiose dreams of Ladeca being a villain to remember
Jumpropeman: that means we finally get to defeat Tenshi once and for all
RubyChao: draco you imply anyone can defeat them
RubyChao: jrm you imply she's not already defeated
Gooper Blooper: Viola defeated Tenshi quite thoroughly
Out Of Memory: verily
Out Of Memory: something something ladeca cycle of abuse and manipulation blah
Out Of Memory: also cactus
Jumpropeman: a picture of them snuggling with a giant KO overhead
Cornwind Evil: Pull a Space War God Voldos, Harpy
Cornwind Evil: Namely, how it was created from the hatred of two defeated villains
Out Of Memory: Mmmmmm... I did have a scrapped plot related to that.
Out Of Memory: well, based on hatred and very Live-A-Live in general
Out Of Memory: but i don't remember much of the details aside from it was a milletian like dia who was scorned and hated and something something crossroads of dimensions
Out Of Memory: but i did cheng'de plot instead to try to wrap up the loose end that was Kuroma
Out Of Memory: and bless everyone with the Yijun for 6 months before she was gone forever, much like mario and fire emblem on march 31st.
Jumpropeman: mrgrgr
Out Of Memory: bad comparison i take it
Jumpropeman: yijun's departure was unfortunate but in a good way!
Out Of Memory: i find that concept rather silly myself and nintendo rightfully deserves flak
Jumpropeman: mario and fire emblem is just a company being lame
Out Of Memory: yijun had a good run.
Out Of Memory: she prolly has a descendant somewhere...
Gooper Blooper: harpy introduces her brand new Agama character, Yijun Junior
Gooper Blooper: Yijunior for short
RubyChao: BEHOLD! YIJUN 2!
Out Of Memory: she got a smol hermit for her 18th birthday and she didn't understand why
Out Of Memory: "Ugh, who gave me a crab for my oh my god you're cute and i'm gonna buy five billion shells for you."
Out Of Memory: fashion hermit on the way


Gooper Blooper:
Cornwind Evil: That Sumi picture makes it look like she misused some super shampoo and now her hair has 10x the desired amount of volume
Out Of Memory: you don't know "too much volume"
Out Of Memory: my hair poofs up in humidity and refuses to stay down
Out Of Memory: sumi has better hair than i do
Gooper Blooper: sumi has excellent hair
Gooper Blooper: it's reason 45 on the list of 1000 Things To Love About Sumi
Out Of Memory: now that you say that you have to list all 1000 reasons.
Out Of Memory: or i'm CALLIN YOU OUT
Draco: It's Zeldo's first project when she retires.
Cornwind Evil: 654 of the reasons are just "ARMBAR"
Out Of Memory: uh
Out Of Memory: okay then
Gooper Blooper: it's a wrestling joke harpy
Out Of Memory: too bad ivel is preoccupied and can't explain that
Jumpropeman: after writing 200 reasons to vote for puddlenaut
Jumpropeman: I warn you that path leads to ruin
Out Of Memory: i mean
Out Of Memory: maybe that means sumi will win the next brawl
Out Of Memory: ...maybe i need to make that for nikki.
Jumpropeman: rip you
Out Of Memory: finally, a win, and its from a relative normie
Out Of Memory: yeah rip me
Gooper Blooper: "On this episode, during Chris Jericho's feud with "The Man of a Thousand Holds" Dean Malenko, he proclaimed himself the "Man of 1004 Holds" and proceeded to read them off on a big computer printout."
Gooper Blooper: he used "armbar" as an entry filler
Out Of Memory: oh man.


Gooper Blooper: I foreshadowed it last week with the Tully Monsters saving Mr. Hippo!
Gooper Blooper: Warning: includes loud noise at the start of every segment
Jumpropeman: the five nights at freddys games, 1 through 4, are going to be added to game pass soon
Jumpropeman: for PC AND Xbox One
Jumpropeman: so you know
Jumpropeman: I'm gonna be ready for freddy
Del: but jrm
Del: are you gonna be
Del: freddy for ready
Gooper Blooper: at last!
RubyChao: oh my god it's canon!?
RubyChao: that's
RubyChao: that makes it even better
Gooper Blooper: >Chao didn't know
RubyChao: i didn't
RubyChao: i just thought you took the gimmick and faceclaim from different origins
RubyChao: i didn't realize it was canonically what happens when he jumpscares you
Gooper Blooper: In the last FNAF game, Ultimate Custom Night, when he gets ya
Jumpropeman: i'm not del
Jumpropeman: *explodes*
Gooper Blooper: you get the usual jumpscare
Gooper Blooper: and then he launches into one of the speeches
Gooper Blooper: You can't skip it
Gooper Blooper: You can't close out
Del: oh god wow chao didn't know
Del: yes
Del: mr hippo is all too real
RubyChao: that is incredible.
Gooper Blooper: though these are animated versions, in-game it's just a still image of him deep in thought
RubyChao: "Imagine getting hired to do a death animatronic quick noise and Scott Cawthon gives you an 8 page script"
Jumpropeman: that's a shame
Jumpropeman: the animation was adding so much to it!
Del: ultimate custom night has
Del: some shit
Del: don't make me talk fnaf lore its all VERY STUPID
Del: five nights at fuckboys lore is superior
Gooper Blooper: I think there's a reason so many different people have put FNAF stuff in RP and literally all of them just use it for shitposts
Del: its like
Del: its the hypercondensed version of how all horror franchises end up
Gooper Blooper: devour my hot bird ass freddy
Del: except instead of multiple decades of movies
Del: its like
Del: six years
Del: of games
Del: of the storytelling equivalent of the telephone game

(Chatzy is quiet for a minute)

Del: see it's not worth it
Del: its like jason x but you don't see any kills
Gooper Blooper: the purple guy was grimace from mcdonalds all along


Cornwind Evil: I have decided to do something stupid
Jumpropeman: considering Mary just got hit with Dogz I'm not surprised


Mother Sheep entered for the first time
Mother Sheep: Who
Mother Sheep: DARES
RubyChao: :D
Mother Sheep: fight in the Bar?!
RubyChao: hi sheep!!
Bree: hi sheep!!
Mother Sheep has been summoned
The Deleter falls unconscious with a thumbs up at sheep
the better harp: hi sheep
RubyChao: i have various news for you
RubyChao: first
Jumpropeman: SHEEP
Mother Sheep: Hello
RubyChao: the real fuckin' bad awful news
RubyChao: to get it out of the way
Mother Sheep: In a hotel
Bree: oh lord
RubyChao: jojo finished and they're replacing it with more SAO on toonami.
RubyChao: I'm sorry.
the better harp: *sigh*
Bree: post that gif of david tennant in the rain
Mother Sheep considers backing out out like he didn't see anyone
Gooper Blooper: sheep!
RubyChao: yeah this is how it feels to tell sheep
RubyChao: but
RubyChao: he has to know now
RubyChao: so he can prepare
Mother Sheep: That is, indeed, hugely upsetting!


Cornwind Evil: I asked a question on how I assessed a comic run. Someone said "Man that sounds stupid." So I applied the same method to assessing what is universally consider a great, defining run: Frank Miller's Daredevil run.
Cornwind Evil: 1) It is revealed that Daredevil was trained by ninjas and there are evil ninjas who have battled him his whole life but they've never been mentioned before.
2) Kingpin decides he doesn't want to fight Spider Man any more and instead starts fighting with Daredevil. During their first fight Kingpin's wife gets bonked on the head and wanders off with amnesia and Kingpin thinks she's dead.
3) Millar introduces a woman named Elektra who dated Matt in college and was the real love of his life forget Karen Page. Then he introduces a new villain calls Bullseye who murders her so she existed just to die.
4) Daredevil breaks Bullseye's neck and then plays Russian Roulette with him. This is either terrible or awesome.
5) For some reason we keep looking in on the incompetent Kingpin henchman Turk who keeps failing upwards. At one point he steals Stilt-Man's suit. This works about as well as you would expect.
6) Miller brings Elektra back to life because hey letting anyone stay dead for a year is too long.
7) Karen Page, now a drug addicted porn star, sells Matt's identity for a fix. Kingpin utterly destroys Matt's life.
8) Matt recovers with the help of his mother, who isn't dead but instead ran off to be a nun, and defeats an evil Daredevil impersonator and a crazy super soldier called Nuke. Also there's some really great scenes with Captain America which is a shame as it's a DAREDEVIL book.
9) Things end up more or less where they started, except Matt's life is filled with ninjas now.
Draco: "4) Daredevil breaks Bullseye's neck and then plays Russian Roulette with him. This is either terrible or awesome." <- Both
Draco: "9) Things end up more or less where they started, except Matt's life is filled with ninjas now." <- So he lived happily ever after then. Nice. :V


Bree: link
Bree: pls ignore this person's tumblr url although I have to admit that's the entire reason I looked at their tumblr
Bree: I was just browsing tumblr as one does and a post said "via anduinsholydick" and it was like being slapped in the face with how hysterically fucking funny that url is
Bree: anduin is the WoW character who is the king of stormwind
Bree: and one of my favorite WoW characters


Gooper Blooper: On the subject of Heart Stars, by the way, my reasoning for "why have emotional moments in previous seasons not spawned Heart Stars" is that they only spawn if they detect Dark Matter's presence, like they can sense it
Gooper Blooper: don't know if harpy had another reason
Jumpropeman: makes sense!
Bree: works 4 me
RubyChao: sounds good
Hooded Pitohui: Seems sensible
Harpy: my general reason for that is "well this isn't really an apocalypse so we're gonna sleep"
Harpy: like they come up in very dire, and honestly esoteric circumstances
Harpy: Dia explained it earlier this year!
Gooper Blooper: Lobster Supremacy: i sleep
Dark Matter: real shit

Hooded Pitohui: Ahahaha, thanks Goops, I burst out laughing far harder than I had any right to
Bree: season 10 epilogue amity eats all the heart stars and becomes the literal god of frandship
Bree: ascends to another plane of existence


(Hina absorbs 250,000 Dark Matters at once)

Gooper Blooper: Hina wins Feed Yer Mates: Dark Matter-eating contest
Bree: kek
Draco: *Hina sucks all the Dark Matter in* <- So is THIS Heart Star Inflation?
Bree: pls


Bree: yessssssss
Bree: so satisfying
Harpy: i can't believe golbez just be like
Harpy: kirby and ripple be like "yeah bitch whatchu gonna say now huh bitch" except kirby is polite
Gooper Blooper: Even after everything that happened, Golbez was very confident because They Had Reserves. Hundreds of thousands of reserves.
Gooper Blooper: And then Hina ate all his reserves.
Harpy: "we're about to blow up your extra reserves too you ho"
Gooper Blooper: That's how you crush a man's soul
Bree: this made me laugh out loud


(Concerning holding off on doing 100 illustrations for Nite Of 100 Fites)

Jumpropeman: I'll definitely never do this with something like the Brawl because
Jumpropeman: the Brawl is my baby
Jumpropeman: and also I take weeks off from RP to do it so that helps a lot :V
Bree: your violent murder-baby
Draco: *does Clownpieceplot in June*
Jumpropeman: you fiend
Gooper Blooper: Xyra, Rachel, and Stella plot, scheduled for July 2
Jumpropeman: :I
Jumpropeman: *puts the Sega Hard Girls in jail for all of season 11*
Draco: Good. DeMonde thinks criminals are sexy.


RubyChao: watching a touhou video made me realize
RubyChao: it's not even anything special to have a touhou video with a bunch of ruined in it
RubyChao: there have just been
RubyChao: SO MANY in rp
Draco: We'll have to cull the herd. *starts with Tenshi, culling device breaks* Never mind. Pelswick RP more like Touhou RP
The Bree: and YOU started it, chao!!
The Bree: you are patient zero of the infection
RubyChao: it's true
RubyChao: and i was so nervous for it
RubyChao: i was sure everyone would be mad because Anime (TM)
The Bree: anime, the greatest of mortal sins
Draco: Yeah. Glad we never used ANIME in things again. *sweeps his entire plot under the rug*


Jumpropeman: link
Draco: I can't believe that's a hack.
Jumpropeman: I know I thought Capcom actually made it too
Draco: It's amazing. ;o;


Jumpropeman: Caption the image
MissBlackDraco: "Yohane sues Honoka for eating her meatball"
RubyChao: Bread Is Now Illegal


Muffet Sheep: "did dark matter ever question anything"
Muffet Sheep: Hey now
Muffet Sheep: Dark Matter has a very rich interior life
Muffet Sheep: Pondering life's great questions
Muffet Sheep: Like
Muffet Sheep: "What will make me truly happy and fullfilled"
Muffet Sheep: Answer: "Eating everything"
Muffet Sheep: Dark Matter has it all figured out
Gooper Blooper: "what color should I go with for the drapes: Black, or VANTAblack?"
Muffet Sheep: I, for one, cannot wait until Dark Matter's book on their personal journey is published
Muffet Sheep: I'm Dark Matter and You Can Too
Gooper Blooper: link
Muffet Sheep: There's just one easy step, folks
Muffet Sheep: LET ME IN


Muffet Sheep: B A Z I N G A
Muffet Sheep: No
Muffet Sheep: wait
Muffet Sheep: the other thing


Cornwind Evil: "If you understand this, then it cannot be that your allowing so dangerous a tool to be held by those outside of the Kazanari family was a mistake." Next he tells her to steal the Cosineau Sifter
RubyChao: i mean, if he knew about it, he probably would
Hooded Pitohui: Can confirm. He's more or less "anything dangerous or powerful should be in our hands" with the thin veneer of "for everyone's protection" while really meaning "if anyone's going to use it as a weapon, it's me"
RipplesRevenge: dia would be
RipplesRevenge: mega pissed
RipplesRevenge: ...i don't think i've ever written dia being genuinely angry
Jumpropeman: my new villain makes ribbons illegal


RipplesRevenge: chatzy y u bein slow
RippleDotorg (whytho) joined the chat
RippleDotorg: dark matter canceled
RipplesRevenge (the better harp) joined the chat
RippleDotorg left the chat

Jumpropeman: what if
Jumpropeman: dark matter
Jumpropeman: is tapatalk
Jumpropeman: and it took over zetaboards
RipplesRevenge: i thought it was- oh
RipplesRevenge: :V
Jumpropeman: that's why the google play store booted the tapatalk app recently
Jumpropeman: they purified its infection
RipplesRevenge: welp


The Bree: *slaps komachiplot finale on the forum in the middle of december* I AM ALWAYS PUNCTUAL ABOUT MY POSTING AND PLOTTING


Gooper Blooper: >steam halloween sale begins
Gooper Blooper sweats
Jumpropeman: I am trying not to look at it goops!
Jumpropeman: stop reminding meeeeeee
RubyChao: *looks at backlog, sweats*
Gooper Blooper: I'm sorry JRM, I just opened my email and saw Jenny LeClue staring back
RipplesRevenge: so, goops, what do you want for halloween


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: boip
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: i sure hope you have a boip license
RubyChao: if not
RubyChao: i will be very cross
Jumpropeman: do I have a boip license?
Jumpropeman: I GIVE OUT the boip licenses!
Jumpropeman: but never got around to giving myself one


Muffet Sheep: “Oh no, it’s using the parasites to regenerate!”
Muffet Sheep: I didn't realize we were fighting the GOP.


Muffet Sheep: "Even another world where a humble creature called Flubber was a Big Bar Brawl champion."
Muffet Sheep: And you kept looking?!
Jumpropeman: Flubberverse is a utopia
Jumpropeman: once Flubber won, we all realized how pointless fighting was
Jumpropeman: diplomacy is now done by shaking gelatinous bottoms to the Mambo
LaptopDraco: That's why Game Gear is a famous ambassador there, right?
Jumpropeman: she's a woman of few shakes, but they are meaningful ones


The Deleter: Are there darkverse barfrogs
LaptopDraco: Not any more. No bar.
Jumpropeman: street frogs
Jumpropeman: they live in the sewer now
Jumpropeman: and eat pizza
The Deleter: They're jawesome?!
LaptopDraco: They're Terribbic.
The Bree: dracopls
The Deleter: Amazing
LaptopDraco: ;V
all hallows ivel: they're hopping mad, even
The Bree: teenage mutant froggo kobbos


RubyChao: i wanna play crown tundra but
RubyChao: i don't wanna play swoosh
RubyChao: so RIP
harpy: same feel kinda
Jumpropeman: Swoosh is as good as a regular Pokemon game, it just made no use of the advantages it now has
Jumpropeman: controversially, I'd probably put it on a level with Ruby/Sapphire, and if you want to say those had better stories, reminder they both wanted ALL LAND or ALL WATER
Jumpropeman: Emerald I can't weigh in on yet
LaptopDraco: Yeah, Swoosh has got as much plot as Gen 1 did, maybe Gen 2 as well. The problem is those games are 20 years old.
Cornwind Evil: "That is pretty much it. So Chuck Austen's "Holy War" gets a 2 out of 10...
Except for those damn continuity errors. That knocks off half a point.
And the Rapture bit?
That costs it 384 points, which is the exact amount of money ($3.84) I had to pay for digital scans of these two issues to review them fully. I asked for something bad, and man, ask and ye shall receive.
...and the absolutely utter final worst part?
The Draco is still worse.
Final Score: -382.5 out of 10"

Cornwind Evil: Without context this sounds like an insult to one of us doesn't it
Jumpropeman: wow draco
Jumpropeman: what did you do
RubyChao: he did plots
RubyChao: obv
RubyChao: anyhow
Jumpropeman: that was the dracoplot he cancelled
RubyChao: Emerald is really good
RubyChao: really really good
RubyChao: Play Emerald.
Jumpropeman: I'll get to it some day *slowly shoves it somewhere into the pile*
Jumpropeman: *right underneath another Kavorka Play porn game they sent me because man they love to send them to me*
harpy: oh dear jrm-
harpy: almost said goops
harpy: agh
harpy: brain.
Jumpropeman: *sends goop all my porn game codes*
Muffet Sheep: JRM, it can't go on like this!
Jumpropeman: EVERY
Jumpropeman: GAME
Muffet Sheep shakes fist
Muffet Sheep: Save them all for your golden years, JRM!
LaptopDraco: That's why I canceled Dracoplot. I got on a game reviewer's bad side. );


Muffet Sheep: "As mammals ourselves"
Muffet Sheep: said Hooded Pitohui, attempting to reassure us


Jumpropeman: oh yeah Pitohui
Jumpropeman: you have also increased my appreciation for Salazzle immensely
Jumpropeman: moreso than Stunky!
Jumpropeman: Salandit I always sorta digged
Jumpropeman: but anytime I see a Salazzle I think ISABELA!
Hooded Pitohui: I'm one of those folks who also likes Salandit more but Salazzle is great, too! Gen Seven did Poison-types right with monsters like the Salandit and Mareanie lines and I'm all here for greater Poison diversity and strategy
harpy: she has ascended beyond
harpy: sexxy lizzard
Jumpropeman: it's funny
Muffet Sheep: Is it?
Jumpropeman: I didn't even understand why people online thought Salazzle was sexy
Jumpropeman: I thought when people started talking about it, it was a joke
Jumpropeman: of course now I RP a big-booby lizard
Muffet Sheep: Do you
Muffet Sheep: Do you understand now, JRM?
The Bree: I didn't think salazzle was sexy but I understood why people thought it once I heard that they did
The Bree: I thought salazzle was more... beautiful or aesthetically pleasing, because honestly it is just a lizard
Jumpropeman: well I still don't think Salazzle is sexy :V
The Bree: at least maya got boobies
Cornwind Evil: -Googles Salazzle sexy- Wait
Jumpropeman: I'm more baffled by people who find Mienshao sexy
Hooded Pitohui: I can think of a quite a few people who would think of Salazzle as sexy and I can get why, even if it's not really true for me
Cornwind Evil: WHY
Muffet Sheep: CW, NO
Gooper Blooper: YOU FOOL
Cornwind Evil: (I didn't, of course)
RubyChao: more like
harpy: coward.
RubyChao: why wouldn't you?
harpy: *turns on incognito mode*
Cornwind Evil: COWARD AM I
Gooper Blooper: Well considering how often you check danbooru (by accident or otherwise) I did fully expect you to
The Bree: now google sexy ditto
Jumpropeman: everyone knows the sexiest pokemon is dunsparce-
The Bree: you won't be disappointed ;D
Muffet Sheep: ew
Hooded Pitohui: Someone did mention once to me that Salazzle kind of looks like a Pokemon-ified version of Pitohui, the character, and while it's a little reach, I can also see it and it's stuck in my head now
Hooded Pitohui: DUNSPARCE
harpy: i have come back
Hooded Pitohui: Ohoho, JRM, do you also appreciate Dunsparce
harpy: if you put boobs on it is kinda okay
Jumpropeman: one of my favorites!
Hooded Pitohui: That little snake is one of my favorites!
Muffet Sheep: Harpy, please
Hooded Pitohui: Yaaaaaay, Dunsparce fellows!
LaptopDraco: The sexiest Pokemon IS Ditto. Have you seen how many trainers hook them up with other Pokemon
Cornwind Evil: Okay I did legit google that. I've seen worse.
Jumpropeman: I had a pokemon trainer character in RP for a while who had Shuckle and Dunsparce specifically because I love 'em
Muffet Sheep: CW, PLEASE


Muffet Sheep: This is why we can't have finales
Muffet Sheep: people start talking about how they'd pillow talk Clefable


Gooper Blooper: When I first envisioned this plot, my original plan was
Gooper Blooper: "do it either for Season 10... or for our last season ever, whichever comes first"
Gooper Blooper: and the whole entire time, Zero Two was going to be our final opponent
RubyChao: how long ago was that, i gotta know?
RubyChao: the envisoning, i mean
Gooper Blooper: Somewhere around 2016-2017
RubyChao: nice
Muffet Sheep: Picture it, Sicily, 1982...


The Bree: my utter lack of sympathy for timezonius may be a little... meta :V
Gooper Blooper: Timezonius might still be alive if he survived getting tossed around by Zero Two so you could jail him :V
Muffet Sheep: There's a heart under there, Bree
Muffet Sheep: Deep down
Muffet Sheep: ...
The Bree: *amity and miracle stomp on timezonius' corpse*
Muffet Sheep: DEEEP
Muffet Sheep: DEEEEEEEEP
Muffet Sheep: DOWN


Muffet Sheep: "Rock-A-Doodle Car Chase with healthbars & timer"
Muffet Sheep: Who is this video for though?
all hallows ivel: you
Cornwind Evil: The same people who edited lion characters into like 30 Ghostbuster episodes
Muffet Sheep: I made a series of incredulous half-sounds
Muffet Sheep: I am curious
Muffet Sheep: but I dare not ask


Gooper Blooper: POSTED
The Bree: oh shit son
Jumpropeman: *braces mentally*
RubyChao: aaaaaaa
RubyChao: aaaaaaaaaaa
RubyChao: this is so good!!!
Muffet Sheep: "One became twenty became a hundred became a thousand"
Muffet Sheep: And all the Whos down in Whoville!
Muffet Sheep: "It bubbled and sank."
Muffet Sheep: Just like Motormer's career.
Jumpropeman: "and a cactus-like appendage burst out of Zero Two's underside and started farting green gas. Sure, why not." XD
The Bree: is that a reference to something?
The Bree: or just a super random joke
Muffet Sheep: "and a cactus-like appendage burst out of Zero Two's underside and started farting green gas. Sure, why not."
Jumpropeman: It's part of the Kirby boss fight
RubyChao: it's an attack- yeah
Muffet Sheep: Seen here: Goops looking at how much he had left to write.
Muffet Sheep: Oh, it is actually something?! How unexpected!
Muffet Sheep: "Tsubasa and Yoshiko, from the left. Amity and Miracle, from the right."
Muffet Sheep: And here I am, stuck in the middle with Zero Two.
Muffet Sheep: "Zero Two took it all on the chin"
Muffet Sheep: Doesn't even HAVE a chin!
Gooper Blooper: sheep: NOT ANY MORE IT DOESN'T
Muffet Sheep: Oh, that's some nice end music
LaptopDraco: I had to go watch the Zero Two boss fight in the Kirby game real quick and holy shit Nintendo what the fuck why is your eldritch horror suddenly farting?!
Jumpropeman: well draco
Jumpropeman: those crystal blasts put a lot of pressure on his tummy


LaptopDraco: "This is extremely strange." <- ZFRP in a nutshell.

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