Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 375: Alfred Hitchcock, Original Shitposter

 Jumpropeman: new bartender?
Draco: Heck....that's way better than mine. D:
Jumpropeman: I don't see yours doing midair splits BI
Draco: No, this is true. :(
Draco: And look at that bar! So clean!


Jumpropeman: "Appearance
Blond mohawk (A Goofy Movie), buzzcut (An Extremely Goofy Movie), sunglasses, necklace with a gold triangle, ear piercing, white T-shirt (green in "An Extremely Goofy Movie"), shorts (pants in "An Extremely Goofy Movie"), and sandals (shoes in "An Extremely Goofy Movie")"

Jumpropeman: disney wiki on point with Bobby's wardrobe


Hooded Pitohui: My PROPS to JRM, for being a fellow willing to genuinely come back after a highly active season and writing 100 Fites to put forth the effort needed to give a living piece of candy a well-written, respectful death.
Jumpropeman: thank you pitohui! I must have tapped a vein too personal while writing this because it got me to tears
Hooded Pitohui: You made me tear up a little, too, so it's not just you, though I'm a sentimentalist anyways. You really gave this fellow a fitting ending.
Draco: My goodness, what an emotional scene! ;o;
Hooded Pitohui: srspost - which, unless JRM has a surprise in store, I think wraps it up
Hooded Pitohui: My thanks to you, JRM, for this epilogue!
Jumpropeman: thank you pitohui. The scene was about Yellow, but it was for Hermes
Hooded Pitohui: It was, truly! I'm glad to say that, after all of this, Hermes and Kino will be back in S11, hopefully with the both of them getting more individual moments and chances to play off of other characters.
Jumpropeman: oh! That's good to hear!
RubyChao: god fucking dammit you two
RubyChao: you made a legitimately strongly emotional scene out of a living piece of candy and a talking motorcycle
RubyChao: zfrp at its finest
Jumpropeman: it's not about what they are chao, but who they are
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Sumalee: was reading this epilogue before i came back in here and
Sumalee: i'm crying over a peanut m&m...
Jumpropeman: me too harp
Sumalee: you've seen crying over an old lady and a hermit crab, now witness crying over a talking motorcycle and an m&m!
Gooper Blooper: he approached the sound barrier, harpy
Gooper Blooper: he did it.
Sumalee: you've ruined this meme and it hurts my heart
Draco: I gotta step up my game. You're next, Bag of Chips.
Gooper Blooper: and hermes will cast his gaze into the sky, see his friend among the stars, and say
Gooper Blooper: "look, a nut"
Sumalee: i'm glad i swallowed my coffee.
RubyChao: that's what happened to me too, harpy
RubyChao: the meme just isn't the same...
Sumalee: this meme... is sacred.
Sumalee: i'm glad i experienced this very epilogue without distractions.


Gooper Blooper: Finally started writing my wrapups!
Gooper Blooper: Three scenes done so far
Jumpropeman: excellent!
Jumpropeman: i'll probably keep up my pace of a wrap-up a day for wednesday and thursday at least
Jumpropeman: i mean
Jumpropeman: thursday is already set up :V
Gooper Blooper: I'm throwing characters together to make scenes, it kind of ends up looking like a brawl preshow
Gooper Blooper mashes Piper and Zia together, sure, why not
Jumpropeman: my maya wrapup will do the same goops :V


RubyChao: ENJOY
Jumpropeman: HOT DOG
Jumpropeman: that was in a Best of the Worst episode
RubyChao: it's an hour
Gooper Blooper: "What does the Royal Blue Peanut sell for?" "It sells for about five thousand dollars."

(I link to an eBay auction. A Royal Blue Peanut was selling for $15, free shipping.)

RubyChao: amazing
Sumalee: my sister would die knowing
Sumalee: the flamingo
Sumalee: is probably worth only pennies
Gooper Blooper: "And if you're afraid to go to the shows by yourself because you might get intimidated by a dealer, bring a friend."
Gooper Blooper: beanies: serious business
RubyChao: goops, are you sure they mean beanies and not drugs
Draco: Beanies STUFFED with drugs.
Sumalee: are we about to discover a beanie empire in agama
Jumpropeman: agama
Jumpropeman: the one place beanie babies still hold value
Sumalee: this sure is political plot intrigue. your bitcoin holds no value to us... but if you have a royal blue peanut to spare, perhaps we could discuss... business.
Sumalee: maybe that's the reason why fat chocobo holds so much sway: he was truly a collector...
Sumalee: who barfed up the beanie babies on an unworthy man such as Eggert
Sumalee: this is so stupid it might work as a writing prompt
Sumalee: but that would mean doing intense research on beanie baby values before the bubble popped...
Gooper Blooper: Agama black market with beanie babies, pokemon cards, and jurassic world toys
Sumalee: are we doing tcg3 plot now
Sumalee: hiroki's ready to rumble
Sumalee: gotta be ready to spot a hasbro indo at any moment...
Sumalee: *shudders*
Draco: "Hey kid, you wanna buy...............a Grongo?" *Ten plot events later* "DON'T YOU DIE ON ME, GRONGO." "I...love you, Ariel. Take...my Bitcoins...and be happy." *The giant house of Pokemon Cards collapses in upon itself when Ty himself is slain by ripping off his tag.*
Sumalee: damn dashra you really invented some fanfiction over there with your new dinosaur toy
Draco: It's the GOOD KIND.
Draco: It's even better than ZFPD High School AU written by Nikki and he secret co-author who goes by the pen name "Nief Chiftu".
Sumalee: i'd die
Sumalee: if niftu actually did that.
Sumalee: my soul will escape my body and reincarnate into a raccoon to eat garbage
Draco: But wouldn't it be..........................................................................nifty? ;3
Gooper Blooper skips to the end of the beanie video
Gooper Blooper: they had a hotline you could call to report fakes
Sumalee: goops is impatient
Sumalee: :V
Sumalee: (same feel sometimes tho)
Sumalee: also fuckin kek
Draco: The guy at the end can't even remember his lines. He's gotta look at a card while filming the video.
Draco: "The most important thing is have fun, but be prepared to narc on Aunt Lisa if she gives you a Beanie Baby that didn't come from a Wall Street boutique with armed guards and 24/7 surveillance."
Gooper Blooper: I remember one of my old Pokemon card magazines from the Pokemania era had an ad for a beanie baby book in it
Gooper Blooper: there was some crossover between the two
RubyChao: i had some beanie babies as a kid
RubyChao: still do
RubyChao: but it was because i liked stuffed animals :V
RubyChao: very simple, rather than an attempt at a college fund
Draco: I've got a trunk full of Beanie Babies somewhere. I collected back in the day.
Draco: I think my Step-Grandmother still has a ton decorating her basement.
Gooper Blooper: Same, basically. Picked up a few here and there, mostly from Mcdonalds or secondhand
Gooper Blooper: the Teenie Beanies promotion was right up there with the Burger King Pokemon The First Movie promotion in terms of absolute fucking insanity


Jumpropeman: "Hbox showed up at my front door. He was holding a skull. He said, 'This is your neighbor's skull. He'd want you to have it.' I said 'My neighbor is alive,' and Hbox sighed and said, 'He told me you'd say that.'"
Draco: XD


Jumpropeman: preview of Cirnoplot 2029


Gooper Blooper: well
Gooper Blooper: I finished Jenny LeClue
Gooper Blooper: and it ended with To Be Continued
Sumalee: good job with your first speedrun-
Gooper Blooper melts
Sumalee: betrayal
Jumpropeman: ohhhh no


Sumalee: "CRAP ON TOAST!"
Sumalee: best saying in this mystery book


Jumpropeman: "From day one, you can plug any external hard drive into your PS5 and use it for additional storage."
Jumpropeman: "Support for this slot will be added in a "future update""
Jumpropeman: so you can plug it in
Jumpropeman: it just don't work yet :V
Gooper Blooper: FROM DAY ONE


Gooper Blooper: link
Sumalee: is
Sumalee: is that my next harpchar
Sumalee: ...is that jaz?
Gooper Blooper: I was just gonna say "no I think it's just Jaz"
Sumalee: jaz flexin
Gooper Blooper: maybe she lost a bet
Sumalee: not gonna lie she'd probably wear that if she's going to a con and nobody fucking knows who reimu is
Sumalee: either that or if she's volunteering at the maid cafe
Gooper Blooper: Kisha couldn't make it
Gooper Blooper: Jaz will fill in
Sumalee: jaz's skateboard skills too sick for agama
Sumalee rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 7
Sumalee: we'll pretend she's good at it.


Jumpropeman: Alfred Hitchcock
Jumpropeman: original shitposter
pizza o’ clock: Hitchcock, man
Jumpropeman: wish I could find the best one I've seen so far
Jumpropeman: where Hitchcock has legs that are like six feet long


Maverick Sheep: "However, today's attempt to have an interrupted...ball"
Maverick Sheep raccoons pour in through the windows

Jumpropeman: fixed :V
Jumpropeman: and added in the "No Raccoons" sign next to the kitchen
Maverick Sheep: "with the Totameian chefs on hand after their warm reception the first time"
Maverick Sheep: YEAAAAH
Jumpropeman: little did I know, that only lead to Racoonatouille
Maverick Sheep: "Anyone can coo-" "I garnished it with gum I chewed myself."
Maverick Sheep: "The Cure filling in just in case things go south"
Maverick Sheep: Not to be confused with tonight's musical guest, English rock band The Cure
Maverick Sheep: "Chief Niftu Cal heads to the front of the room, getting on the microphone"
Maverick Sheep: Trying to use microphones through his mask must suck
The Bree: they had to lower the microphone considerably so he could reach it
Jumpropeman: he leans away from the mic to breathe in, and it STILL picks up
The Bree: he smol
The Bree: niftu frantically clicking the microphone on and off so he can breathe without deafening the entire room
Jumpropeman: imagine if you called 911 and the people that show up are a tiny alien in a space suit and an inch high detective
Maverick Sheep: "I can't say I've met any better officers."
Maverick Sheep: Because it would be rude
Maverick Sheep: "The Horrible Gelatinous Blob will be assisting our precinct as we transition to regular operations"
Maverick Sheep: EEEEEH!
The Bree: has anyone ever noticed that it's odd inch high doesn't have a name besides inch high?
The Bree: you'd think his name would be like
The Bree: steve
The Bree: but he's always just inch
Jumpropeman: his real first name is Foot
Maverick Sheep: "but the ZFPD will be taking with them someone who was practically an unofficial officer already."
Maverick Sheep: I can't believe Spat was promoted to Inspector
MobileDraco: Yes, they're taking Yohane.
Maverick Sheep: Entirely bypassing having actually been an officer
The Bree: his real first name is chuckle
The Bree: chuckle mcdimples
Maverick Sheep: "The policeman's ball truly begins in earnest now."
Maverick Sheep: Lower
Maverick Sheep: THE SUMO TABLES
The Bree: *giggles gasps at this soap opera twist*
Jumpropeman: when Inch and Giggle do get married, she'll take his name just so she's Giggle High
Maverick Sheep: "She's wearing one of her slinky"
Maverick Sheep: link
Jumpropeman: Arlo recently talked about Mario 3D All-Stars and said Super Mario Galaxy has no bad ideas
Jumpropeman: he must have suppressed the spring shroom


Maverick Sheep: "Chief Fowler, on the other hand, is going for what you could describe as Chicken Casual"
Maverick Sheep: Chicken Caesar?!
thanksgivel: "Spy is now playing Among Us"
thanksgivel: that seems fitting
Maverick Sheep: Ha!
Maverick Sheep: "someone else with words to offer takes to the stage, Pitohui"
Maverick Sheep: Everyone prepares to duck, instinctually
Maverick Sheep: "Blasto clung to life while I clung to his side"
Maverick Sheep: Oh man
Maverick Sheep: Imagine a Ye Olde Super Pulpy Sci Fi novel cover with Pitohui and Blasto
Maverick Sheep: "Sure, you cared about following the rules, but I didn’t see any difference between us besides that."
Maverick Sheep: Spat nods sagely.
Jumpropeman: this but with pito
Maverick Sheep: Ha!
Maverick Sheep: Yes!
Maverick Sheep: But with Pithui also shooting
Maverick Sheep: "It wasn’t long after that when I found out that I had it wrong"
Maverick Sheep: Spat wisely shakes his head
Maverick Sheep: "I was wrong."
Maverick Sheep: With great serenity, Spat pulls down one eyelid and delivers a particularly fat and wet raspberry.
Hooded Pitohui: I can't believe there was actually the perfect faux-movie poster for Sheep's joke
Maverick Sheep: "If you could make someone as idiotic and cruel as me think about what I’m doing… who’s really going to be willing to argue with results like that?"
The Bree: ren, standing in the audience listening to pitohui's speech like everyone else: "I'm gonna step on that hamster."
The Bree: caprice: "ren, no." "come on. we'll all be better off. I'll make it quick and merciful, just one stomp--" "REN. no."
Maverick Sheep: Spat looks up, midway through double-dipping a carrot stick at the salad bar
Maverick Sheep: "That's a whole new world of cuisine for me to ruin."
Maverick Sheep: "I guess I should... call you my boyfriend now?”
Maverick Sheep: *sounds of pots and plates clattering violently in the kitchen*
Jumpropeman: I had no idea patty and nikki was a thing!
The Bree: *yeets cute girls at each other from every direction* ALL!! THE!!! CHARACTERS!!!!!!
Sumalee: there's been some behind the scenes things going on and i hinted at the crush way back when Nikki had her "epilogue" in kuwahawi, but never seemed to balance things very well so that fell to the wayside. I figured now of all times is the best way to drag Nikki out of her daydreams and actually push it out before Brandon dies of embarrassment knowing his friend is a dumbass les-bi-panian who won't fucking jump down the tiny step >:I
Maverick Sheep looks at roster
Maverick Sheep Basu snarls his mandibles, flicking bits of a dark liquid
Maverick Sheep: Yeah, we got an eligible bachelor over here
The Bree: purnima X pillbox OTP
Jumpropeman: a regular romeo and juliet there
The Bree: if you mean that they both die in the end because they killed each other then yes


Jumpropeman: my dog duke is basically game gear
Jumpropeman: he plays really hard for a brief moment
Jumpropeman: and then spends the rest of the day laying around or napping
Draco: But does Duke have a girlfriend who uses him as a cushion after a long day of reattaching Joy's arms?
Jumpropeman: i haven't thought to ask!
The Bree: can duke reattach arms
The Bree: that'd answer at least part of draco's question
The Bree: wait no it wouldn't
Jumpropeman: this rabbit hole goes deep
Jumpropeman: which is no problem for duke since he dug up a bunny hutch once
The Bree: this made me imagine that demonde is a duke of some random place somewhere
The Bree: and honestly that sounds correct
Draco: It's quite likely. Her adventures frequently had her working with a king.
Draco: Well, FOR a king, technically.
The Bree: I'm hype to meet silvania, she seems like I'll like her a lot for many of the same reasons I like demonde
Draco: Oh no. Expectations. D:


The Bree: gale's last name is gun *pitohui-the-character barges into the room excitedly*
The Bree: because
The Bree: gun gale
The Bree: gale gun
The Bree: geddit
Draco: Unfortunately, yes. BI jk
RubyChao: eyyyy
Maverick Sheep: I don't get it
Maverick Sheep: Explain it to me in greater detail, Bree
Maverick Sheep: Really dive into the intellectual structure of that material


Draco: We never actually got to meet Dark Star You, but Word of Canon is that she'll meet up with Yoshiko and Hanamaru before the end of the year and they will get scolded for breaking the robot.
RubyChao: "but we brought you a NEW robot!"
Jumpropeman: "This robot doesn't have the nice comfy chairs that I liked about the old one :I"
Draco: It's true. Professor Deb made comfier chairs than Prime Deb.
Jumpropeman: turns out theirs was the better universe all this time
Draco: That's why Yoshiko is getting exiled from Heart Star forever, bought a cheap Smart Chair instead of a comfy one.
Draco: "But they let her pay in Bitcoin zura!" "DOUBLE EXILED!"
Jumpropeman: Heart Star only allows Dogecoin BI
Draco: Agama accepts Bitcoin because they don't know any better.
Jumpropeman: "Bitcoin? Well, we can smelt them back together into one coin after I guess, but be more careful with your cash in the future"
Draco: "Bitcoin? Yeah, you can pay in a bit coin and a bit something else, sure."
Jumpropeman: "Bitcoin? Hope you didn't bite it too hard!"
Draco: Those are all things Silvania would say.
Draco: "Bitcoin? Well, as long as there aren't any tooth marks."


Brinehammer: New jerks are posted, feel pretty good about them. They're coming along well.
Brinehammer jazz hands by himself for two hours straight.


Jumpropeman: only one month and eleven days til christmas!
Draco: I'd better get busy shopping for JRM's present! *jumps in that dumpster from Germany that had a whole one game thrown in it*
Jumpropeman: the expressions in these are great
Maverick Sheep: That poor turtle
The Bree: how dare korone mock genbu like that
Jumpropeman: how dare genbu not have a bigger house!
The Bree: he's a small turt! he doesn't need a big house!
Jumpropeman: what if he wants to invite company over like the bar frogs?
The Bree: his house has a nice spacious yard that the frogs would probably like better!
Jumpropeman: ah, so it was a misunderstanding! Smol smol turtle house, but large turtle estate!
The Bree: it's important not to take more than you need! what if there are bigger turtles who don't have space for the big houses they need to be comfortable?
The Bree: genbu is doing a community service by having a smol house
The Bree: and a reasonably sized lawn
The Bree: the turtle housing board appreciates genbu's minimalist philosophy
The Bree: genbu is a very rich turtle. he could have twelve mansions if he wanted. but genbu does not fall prey to celebrity excess
The Bree: he just needs his one small house and he's a happy turt. and who could mock a turt for being happy? who, I say!
Jumpropeman: korone


Jumpropeman: playing the iron man game chao sent
Jumpropeman: there was a tank in the middle of the road I was fighting, and when a different car comes up and tries to drive through it, it sends the tank down through the ground
The Deleter: Nice
Draco: It's a Light Tank, obviously, fight a muscle car.


Jumpropeman: I destroyed a car that was shooting at me, didn't realize where the shots i was getting hit by... because there was another identical car inside the destroyed car because the vehicles clip like crazy
Violet: ...damn.
Jumpropeman: i also enjoy watching the cutscenes gradually slow down in framerate as they play
RubyChao: so what you're saying is
RubyChao: despite my concern
RubyChao: it's currently looking like my streak will go 6 for 6?
Violet: those are some Disaster Sheenanigans
Jumpropeman: that it's actually really goo- oh, yeah, maybe :P


Jumpropeman: oh no
Jumpropeman: iron man froze on the memory card access screen
Violet: UH OH
Jumpropeman: looks like my memory card didn't kersplode
Jumpropeman: it didnt save the last mission i beat but
Jumpropeman: it won't be that hard to beat it again since iron man is practically invincible
Draco: Then you'll get to have the fun of playing that one again! :V
Jumpropeman: i literally didn't die in this game until I was like "I should test if I can die in this game" so I walked into a bunch of landmines
Jumpropeman: after which I learned you get like four revivals in a mission so :V


Jumpropeman: "Rhody they've done it done it done it done it done it done it"
Jumpropeman: iron man's voice echoed until his next line in the cutscene :V
Gooper Blooper: thank fuck, iron man sucks ass
Jumpropeman: ive been trying to keep an open mind to it not being abysmal! I don't want to just give it to chao unfairly
Jumpropeman: but it keeps impressing
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, it's important to stay impartial! We can't have just any old random shovelware getting the atrocious


Jumpropeman: i think I just beat iron man?
Jumpropeman: that final boss was... just as bad as most of them so no surprise but also wow
Jumpropeman: underwhelming
Gooper Blooper: It's over already?!
Jumpropeman: wow
Jumpropeman: Robert did his voice for this game!
Jumpropeman: coulda fooled me-
RubyChao: so JRM
RubyChao: does this mean the review is soon
RubyChao: :V
Gooper Blooper: Is there even enough game for a full Report?!
Maverick Sheep: He covers it for a third of the review and then Overlord: Minions for the DS for the rest of the review
Maverick Sheep: Which also looks to be a terrible game
RubyChao: speaking of, goops
RubyChao: i'm glad that it's not just Disaster Reports that power Mr. Hippo
RubyChao: but any Atrocious review
RubyChao: so much glorious variety
Jumpropeman: I won't commit to words like Soon
Jumpropeman: but it is On The Way
Gooper Blooper: I couldn't just ignore the wonderful possibilities offered by Disaster Report Lite, especially because I need to pull from Firefly Diary at some point
Jumpropeman: I fear when we finally fight him
Violet: if you make the fucking infuriating puzzle for the normal ending, goops
RubyChao: god, Firefly Diary will always be one of my favorite Atrocious reviews
RubyChao: just for the sheer unexpected value of it
Violet: know that i will come up there in the snow and Bitch Slap you
RubyChao: NOBODY would have thought it was that awful
Violet: you can't do this to me in RP
Gooper Blooper: *Mr. Hippo sets up a big set of theater curtains...*
Jumpropeman: Mr. Hippo's twenty five round fight
Maverick Sheep: And then Orville jumpscares you if you choose wrong


thanksgivel: I should check out that site that let you build your own miniature again, just to make sure I have it faved, if I can find it again
Gooper Blooper: Hero Forge?
thanksgivel: ah, yeah, that was it
thanksgivel: thank you Goops
thanksgivel: huh, you can make alien or bug people in hero forge
thanksgivel: wow they have a lot of races
thanksgivel: ...you can have your character hold tiny ghosts in their palms
Gooper Blooper: hold ghost gently like hamburger
thanksgivel: Deekin's ready for Agama-
Jumpropeman: hell yeah
Gooper Blooper: those guns better shoot golf balls
thanksgivel: naturally
thanksgivel: also I like that you can have the tail hold something :U
Maverick Sheep: The tail is for holding hotdogs
Jumpropeman: holding hot dogs: one of the only things left where tractors are required
thanksgivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 7
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20

Gooper Blooper: An expert-tier hot dog hold from Momopie
Jumpropeman: that is one secure hot dog!
Jumpropeman: oh yeah
Jumpropeman: i follow this youtube channel that covers game boy games mostly
Jumpropeman: and somewhat recently they covered momopie's game!
Gooper Blooper: Nice!
Gooper Blooper: I played it for a couple minutes to test my emulator before starting Pokemon Gaia last month
Maverick Sheep: The real question is
Maverick Sheep: How well can Ladislaus hold a hot dog
Maverick Sheep: never before has the question been so important
Maverick Sheep: Will the ultimate gourmand be defeated so easily?!
Gooper Blooper: if he rolls low he eats it before it has a chance to be properly held
Gooper Blooper: if he rolls high he hoists it with great reverence
Maverick Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10
Maverick Sheep: A ten
Gooper Blooper: and of course he rolled average and I have no joke
Maverick Sheep: the least comedic number
Jumpropeman: the least funny number he could have rolled!
Violet rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 12
Violet: what about sumalee tho
Violet rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2
Maverick Sheep: If it had been contrary Dmitri I was rolling for
Maverick Sheep: THEN it'd be funny
Violet: i mean when you're usually small of course you can't fucking hold a hot dog
Violet: its like atlas holding the earth on his shoulders
thanksgivel: what about... uh...
thanksgivel: Nep???
thanksgivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
Jumpropeman: cirnodog go
thanksgivel: she doesn't understand
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
Violet: can hold pudding but not hot dog
Jumpropeman: dang
Jumpropeman: cirnoil dog go
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
Jumpropeman: dang
Violet: so who wants to bet that
thanksgivel: if only it had also been 14
Gooper Blooper: https://i.redd.it/98kkothxy3s21.jpg
Violet: fat chocobo can hold a hot dog
Violet rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
Jumpropeman: remove first two panels
thanksgivel: clearly that comic is Fat Chocobo
Violet: no he doesn't hold hot dogs
Violet: he inhales them
Violet: he leaves boshi to hold them
Violet rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
Violet: nice


RubyChao: I added placeholder profiles for the new chaoacters! not gonna do the big fillout until i'm ready for a full overhaul/rewrite
RubyChao: but you can see profile images
Gooper Blooper: "Origin: Black Clover"
Gooper Blooper: soak it in
Maverick Sheep refuses


Gooper Blooper: "in the last strip the author vehemently says that the webcomic is not canned and would be updated in a month or so."
Gooper Blooper: the last strip in question? March 2003
RubyChao: A+
Gooper Blooper: this comic has not been updated since Hooded Pitohui was a fucking toddler
Gooper Blooper: ANY DAY NOW
RubyChao: this comic's hiatus is almost a legal adult


Jungle Book 2 on Disney DVD: Playing five nights
Jungle Book 2 on Disney DVD: Foxy got me :V
Draco: Oh no! Is this for the festive new Five Nights of Freddy's week in the December Game Hoard?
Draco: Are there enough FNAF games to do the 12 Days of Freddy's?
Jungle Book 2 on Disney DVD: I think there are 8? 9?
Draco: Apparently there are 12.
Draco: Games 4.1 » Main series 4.1.1 » Five Nights at Freddy's (2014) 4.1.2 » Five Nights at Freddy's 2 (2014) 4.1.3 » Five Nights at Freddy's 3 (2015) 4.1.4 » Five Nights at Freddy's 4 (2015) 4.1.5 » Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location (2016) 4.1.6 » Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator (2017) 4.1.7 » Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted (2019) 4.2 » Future 4.2.1 » Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach (2020) 4.3 » Spin-offs 4.3.1 » FNaF World (2016) 4.3.2 » Freddy in Space 2 (2019) 4.3.3 » Ultimate Custom Night (2018) 4.3.4 » Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery (2019)
Jungle Book 2 on Disney DVD: Chica draining all my door power
Draco: Bummer.
pizza o’ clock: Devour my hot bird ass jumpropeman
Jungle Book 2 on Disney DVD: A swear? Come on sk you could have at least said three!
pizza o’ clock: This is some fucking bullshit, you assholes :U
pizza o’ clock: (i love you all)
Jungle Book 2 on Disney DVD: Im so proud :,)
Draco: Much better. XD


RubyChao: it should be illegal to start becoming dark around 4 PM


RubyChao: this is just the end of every zfrp season
RubyChao: celebration all over the place and ominous mysteriousness for the next year
Draco: Truth.


Violet: i'm now reminded that nickelback is actually not a bad band, just different, and the lyrics are just so sad for Photograph
Jumpropeman: I have a nickelback cd somewhere
Jumpropeman: I didn't buy it
Jumpropeman: it was in a computer drive in a school computer lab
Jumpropeman: just like my Shrek the Third Soundtrack CD that I found laying in a bunch of clothes at JCPenney, CDs just come into my life
Draco: I know the feeling. Back when I volunteer at the book store, one of the boxes had a copy of Mass Effect 3 for PS3 in it. No case or cover; it would've been thrown out if I hadn't taken it.
RubyChao: i've had a couple books like that
RubyChao: someone just left them lying around and i went "my book now"
Violet: kinda reminds me of when i had a huge book haul. i don't know exactly what the circumstances were
Violet: but i remember taking a whole lot of mercedes lackey books and a few others back home
Jumpropeman: I've mentioned before one of my favorite books I found in an open trash can at school
Draco: "Just... imagine her somewhat taller or something. She looked like this in 2012, okay? Okay." <- No, I'm imagining her that tall because short girls are cute. So are tall girls.
Jumpropeman: how dare goop try to make me imagine a girl taller BI
Jumpropeman: I'm shrinking Giggle an inch just for that
RubyChao: so she will cease to exist?
Violet: sorry buddy but shortie supremacy
Jumpropeman: Giggle is like three inches!
Jumpropeman: now two
RubyChao: hey jrm
RubyChao: imagine Youmu taller
RubyChao: imagine Bikkie taller
Jumpropeman: this is the right youmu size
Draco: Right Wriggle size too.
Jumpropeman: sure, she's rather cute as long and slender
RubyChao: you're supposed to be shrinking giggle here
RubyChao: :I
Jumpropeman: JOKES ON YOU CHAO
RubyChao: nooooooooooo
Violet: i like people of all types
Violet: excluding dickbags



RubyChao: did i find Honoka's people
Violet: !!!
RubyChao: "Theres something about enthusiastic nerds that makes my mood improve." me and that toaster video
Jumpropeman: that's why Rachel keeps Meredith around
Violet: dude i'm
Violet: i'm fascinated by how toasters evolved
Violet: its stuff like this that makes me want to go back to the antique store and stare down a few other things
Mummy Sheep: I miss the toaster we had when I was really young
Mummy Sheep: It would throw the toast up into the air
Mummy Sheep: and if you weren't there with a plate, that was it
Violet: oh
Violet: sounds like that toaster likes to YEET
RubyChao: so sheep
RubyChao: it was a cartoon toaster?
Mummy Sheep: Basically
Mummy Sheep: It didn't throw them DRAMATICALLY into the air, but had just enough spring that the toast would clear the slots and fall


RubyChao: link
Jumpropeman: this is such a dorky article chao
RubyChao: i know
RubyChao: that's why i like it
Mummy Sheep: That's very good
Mummy Sheep: "Can you imagine a survival-horror/home-designer game"
Mummy Sheep: I want one now :I
Jumpropeman: there's a house in Home Flipper where you redesign a haunted house
Jumpropeman: you're supposed to unspook it though
Jumpropeman: you're supposed to unspook it though
Jumpropeman: you're supposed to unspook it though
Jumpropeman: help, chatzy is haunted!
RubyChao: you're supposed to unspook it though
Jumpropeman: good to know!
Draco: you're supposed to unspook it though
Jumpropeman: I'll keep that in mind!
Violet: i will grab my toaster and beat ya'll with it >:I
Violet: that'll unspook chatzy.


Jumpropeman: I've had a song stuck in my head for well over a week but couldn't remember where it was from
RubyChao: i've been there
RubyChao: white room by cream was stuck in my head for Literally Years
Violet: every time i basically have space in my head for it, music plays
Jumpropeman: there's been a commercial lately with a song that sounded like the song stuck in my head that inspired it
Jumpropeman: but now I remember what the song is
Jumpropeman: and it's this
Violet: sometimes my brain decides to write a composition without any awareness of music theory.
Jumpropeman: my brain is freaking ruined
Violet: #ruined


Violet: i keep having dreams i mean to write about but then
Violet: i go back to sleep
Violet: and eventually forget
Violet: but i must have been thinking too hard about politics because i remember something about space nixon winning space florida and "ITS ALL OVER IF HE WINS SPACE CALIFORNIA!"
Gooper Blooper: SPACE NIXON
Gooper Blooper: final boss 2023
Violet: dude if we face any weird dream bosses we will face them in agama
Violet: because its MAGIC TIME


Jumpropeman: We loved him, we fed him, and we left him
Violet: we abandoned our boy
Jumpropeman: "GarfieldEATS closed its storefront last Monday (we hate Mondays anyways), but aggressively continues with its e-commerce operations selling merchandise and Frozen Big Cow Lasagnas only which you can throw in the oven anytime; removing all other menu items and specializing in lasagna, one popular product everyone loves, so as Garfield since 1978,"
Violet: he will haunt us in agama.
Jumpropeman: finally, a lasagna that doesn't need to be scheduled
Draco: Fitting that it closed on a Monday.


Gooper Blooper: link
Violet: *vibrates intensely*


Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: aaaahahhahahaha


RubyChao: at this point
RubyChao: Peko is just gonna be
RubyChao: permanent vampire
Gooper Blooper: pekokokokokoko
thanksgivel: One Piece Peko's laugh
Jumpropeman: peko gets her vampirism cured
Jumpropeman: immediately disappears
Gooper Blooper: link link
Draco: Literally, on the spot, vanishes into thin air.
Gooper Blooper: peko does that meme where she makes a peace sign and fades away
RubyChao: heeeeh
RubyChao: but yeah, i had tossed around the concept of de-vamprizing Peko whenever i retired her, in the past
RubyChao: but vampire peko has just been too iconic and memorable compared to human peko
RubyChao: and sunlight is no longer an instant kill on her
Draco: Oh, we'll de-vampire her alright. Bl
Draco: *drives a steak into Peko's heart*
Jumpropeman: peko's retirement
Draco: Canon.


RubyChao: an integral part of growing up is looking back at Tom and Jerry and realizing Tom did nothing wrong


Draco: Is my character just this tall or is Sarah just that short?
Jumpropeman: dang sarah
Jumpropeman: you lost a lot of weight!
Jumpropeman: and height!


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Violet: boip!
Jumpropeman: boi- GARSP!
Jumpropeman: beaten to the punch!
Violet: i have absorbed the boip


Mums Sheep: "It seems to be going for a Game Boy Color aesthetic, but that system knew it could whip out more detailed images by putting in the effort or cutting away to still art so it can create an effective image without hitting on its technical restrictions"
Mums Sheep: JRM throws the glove down!
Jumpropeman: I've seen those sexy grinch images
Jumpropeman: I know what I'm talking about
Gooper Blooper: the grinch truly pushed the GBC to its' limits


Jumpropeman: i understand why some fan wikis present their information as if they were in-universe documentation
Jumpropeman: but it really makes it difficult to determine if a character or item appeared in a certain game
Gooper Blooper: look out y'all, JRM is in a fan wiki again
Jumpropeman: don't get your hopes up, im on the gears wiki and they just use things like "During the Locust War" instead of "In Gears of War 1"
Gooper Blooper: boo
Jumpropeman: but since there's spinoffs and comics and stuff you don't know if it was REALLY in gears 1 or not
Gooper Blooper: where's the exhaustive personality trait list???
Jumpropeman: Marcus Fenix is tough, grizzled, determined, angry, upset (formerly), excited (formerly)
Gooper Blooper: it seems it's mostly western animation that seems to attract that kind of wiki
RubyChao: so
RubyChao: zfrp wiki
Gooper Blooper: the video game ones are less funny
RubyChao: exhaustive as fuck personality trait list, right?
Jumpropeman: there was a 2015 richie rich series on netflix?
RubyChao: i think in general, video game wikis tend to have a stronger curation
RubyChao: probably because they double as a guide-like resource
Gooper Blooper: yeah
RubyChao: western animation ends up being a handful of obsessives
Jumpropeman: "Darcy is an extremely girly girl, who loves to shop, and spend Richie's money whenever possible and is always looking for more money. Though it doesn't seem to bother Richie much, Darcy's money spending tends to drive Murray crazy.
Trivia Time
She is a money spender and loves money a lot"

Jumpropeman: hmmm
Gooper Blooper: ~trivia time~
Jumpropeman: i'm gonna need clarification on her opinion on money
Jumpropeman: "She loves money and hates Murray"
Jumpropeman: oh thank you wiki
Jumpropeman: "She loves Richard because of money
She was amazed to see that she could do those karate skills"

Gooper Blooper: even josephine is like "bitch slow your roll"
Jumpropeman: I think someone just had the show open and took notes as soon as someone said something
Jumpropeman: "She is somewhat the complete opposite of Gloria Glad"
Jumpropeman: somewhat the COMPLETE opposite
Jumpropeman: "Murray is quoted saying that Irona was "money well spent", something he has never uttered."
Jumpropeman: there are
Jumpropeman: so many comments on these pages
Jumpropeman: Irona has 38, Darcy had 44
Jumpropeman: murray only has 7 though
Gooper Blooper: step it up, murray
Jumpropeman: "Cliff is afraid of boxes because kids play inside them
He never went to school again after third grade
He likes being called "Barry"
He loves calzones but isn't proud of them"

Jumpropeman: you bring shame on this family, calzone
Jumpropeman: "Her first line is: "Richie, my room looks exactly like the Harvard library, and while I might appreciate having a full time librarian, I wish she wouldn't shush me every time I speak!'
Her last line is: I don't know? He was just here a second ago."

Jumpropeman: I feel like I know Harper Rich from these two lines alone
RubyChao: calzone SHAME
Jumpropeman: "alignment
the main antagonist, rude to pretty much every character, but can be really nice as well."

Jumpropeman: according to the wiki, Harper is Richie's main enemy in the 2015 series
Jumpropeman: anyway, there you go goops, the richie rich 2015 wiki just for you V:
Gooper Blooper: thank you, you are a true friend


Jumpropeman: you can tell people are in the christmas mood by the absurd traffic my elf bowling review is getting


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: gonna have to make some decisions today


(Re: Unwinnable By Insanity)

The Bree: "In A Little Lily Princess you have a choice of activities every week. Since you need enough points to unlock activities, you can also choose to skip the week, doing no activity, in order to build up more points for the next week. If you keep refusing to do any activities at all, eventually the story mode runs out of story, leaving you with just the event-activity-choice screen, over and over again. If you still refuse to play an activity and keep clicking "Skip Week" until a hundred weeks have passed, all the activities expire and you are locked into a loop where you can't do anything but click Skip Week. Forever."
Violet: forever...
Gooper Blooper: little lily princess more like little LAZY princess
Violet: same
Violet: but... lazy. forever
Gooper Blooper: s k i p _ w e e k
Draco: LOL
Violet: MAGIC 'bout to slam that button
Draco: Little Lily Princess skipped so many weeks, Morgan took over.


RubyChao: you know what i just realized
Jumpropeman: i will soon
RubyChao: at this point, with heart star's connection to prime earth
RubyChao: celestia probably invented the interdimensional version of Zoom
RubyChao: thanks, celestia
Jumpropeman: she calls it ZFoom
Gooper Blooper: "how many layers of social distancing are you on" "same city" "you are like a little baby"
Jumpropeman: so altCelestia is going to overwhelm heart star with the biggest thanksgiving ever right
Gooper Blooper: Celestia and Dr. Twilight join forces with DeMonde, Inshabel, and a bunch of other RP moms to create the thanksgiving to end all thanksgivings
Gooper Blooper: it feeds everyone on both planets
Jumpropeman: no one will be able to walk after
Jumpropeman: too full to move
Jumpropeman: and that's when Pelswick Jr. attacks and avenges his father!
Gooper Blooper: Celestia was still evil all along
Gooper Blooper: playing the long game
Jumpropeman: i mean, she never explicilty said "I am no longer evil" right?


MobileDraco: link
Jungle Book 2 on Disney DVD: And that rabbit's name? Rachel


Mums Sheep joined the chat
RubyChao: hi sheep
RubyChao: i mentioned marlow briggs earlier
Mums Sheep: Hello
Violet: hi
Mums Sheep: Oh!
Jumpropeman: marlow briggs
Jumpropeman: famous for murdering an innocent sweet scientist
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Jumpropeman: gooper blooper
Jumpropeman: famous for the same reason
Mums Sheep: Have fun(?) with Marlow Briggs!
Violet: hi goops
RubyChao: hello goops
RubyChao: RubyChao: WOW it just throws a lot at you at once huh
-Jumpropeman: that's most of the game
-Jumpropeman: just throwing things in your face constantly
-RubyChao: like in five minutes briggs is introduced, his girlfriend is held hostage by his villain, he dies, and he's resurrected as a sacred warrior
-RubyChao: i can think of some things that would have taken an hour to do that

RubyChao: here for you, sheep
Mums Sheep: Yeah, a lot happens in Marlow Briggs at once
Mums Sheep: often
Mums Sheep: mostly this


thanksgivel: oh wow Age of Empires 2 (not the rerelease) has 294 achievements
thanksgivel: I have 5 :U
Draco: You're almost there, Ivel! Keep playing!


Draco: When someone asks a Harpchar what they want from McDonald's
Sumalee: >:O
Sumalee: i'm offended
Sumalee: that you'd think sumalee would step into a mcdonalds
Mums Sheep: >:>
Sumalee: for a singular
Sumalee: chicken
Sumalee: nugget
Mums Sheep: Yes
Mums Sheep: Next question.
Draco: >:l
Sumalee: she's going for the chicken mcgriddle for breakfast
Sumalee: violet's in for the coffee and apple fritters they make now
Sumalee: chanda's getting TWO big macs
Sumalee: and dia has mel to make better mcdonalds.
Sumalee: read: wendy's


Mums Sheep: Watching the live, virtual MBMBAM show
Mums Sheep: because I'm a sucker.
Sumalee: i should watch
Sumalee: later
Sumalee: after getting over the fact that i just fat fingered "bef" instead of "bed" three times
Mums Sheep: Yeah
Mums Sheep: It's over for you
Mums Sheep: This is how it ends
Sumalee: after mistyping it for bee
Mums Sheep: with a bef
Draco: where is bef
Sumalee: bef was phone
Draco: :O


MobileDraco: JRM was very kind to Empire Strikes Back.
Jumpropeman: ha!
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: I was disappointed because I mistakenly thought this was the game where a giant scorpion disguises itself as Darth Vader and was waiting all review for JRM to mention it
MobileDraco: That was the Japanese NES game, I think. With Gyaos Vader.
Gooper Blooper: yeah I looked it up after to see I had the wrong game
MobileDraco: I think I beat Super Star Wars and Super Return of the Jedi. Never beat Empire though.
Gooper Blooper: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sasori_Vader
Jumpropeman: how far in did you get?
MobileDraco: I don't think I ever get past Luke on Hoth.
MobileDraco: "Sasori Vader was one of the stage bosses in the Japanese Star Wars 1987 video game. The game featured various fake Vaders which all happened to be shapeshifting monsters. The canonicity of this game and the creatures it features is dubious." < No kidding?
Jumpropeman: Super Empire Strikes Back is a hard balancing act to judge
MobileDraco: The thing I remember most about those games is KEEP THE HOMING MISSILE.
Gooper Blooper: Put Sasori Vader in a film you cowards
Jumpropeman: *puts Sasori Vader in RP*
Gooper Blooper: Darth Vader returns! The people are astonished! How is he back again?!
Gooper Blooper: actually is scorpion.
Jumpropeman: better than what they did with rise of skywalker
MobileDraco: Gyaos Vader for Brawl 11.


Gooper Blooper: it's been eight years, but
Gooper Blooper: Still there.
Jumpropeman: i thought of that the other day
Jumpropeman: since my city has laws against political signs being up a month after elections
Gooper Blooper: that sign will be 9 years old soon
MobileDraco: Wow. I'm impressed!
MobileDraco: Maybe Ron will get his win this day.


RubyChao: alrighty
RubyChao: i have finished
RubyChao: my symphogear rewatch! of all the good seasons!
RubyChao: so 39.25 episodes out of 65.
The Bree: that is technically still more than half
The Bree: symphogear got a passing grade
Gooper Blooper: What's the .25? Is the first fourth of one episode good?
RubyChao: the opening scene to the third season, which is otherwise an awful dumpster fire of a season
RubyChao: is the single best scene in all of symphogear
The Bree: why
RubyChao: AND it's cleanly disconnected from the rest of S3, serving as an epilogue to season 2 (which is good)
RubyChao: so we just included that
RubyChao: also because it's really hype, it features hibiki throwing a space shuttle overhead, and it just channels the series spirit of optimism and punching
Gooper Blooper: *uses online percentage calculator* 60.38% of symphogear is worthwhile
MobileDraco: Bikkie catches a space shuttle and Tsubasa gives Mount Everest a little off the top.
MobileDraco: An angry gremlin also shoots things with guns.
RubyChao: excuse you draco
RubyChao: it was K2
RubyChao: there are other good scenes in the two excised seasons but the problem is they're much more associated with the bad moments
MobileDraco: Sorry. Now it's K1.75
RubyChao: like "oh here's a really cool scene with maria! aaand it ties in directly to massive bad character derailment for hibiki."
RubyChao: that kind of thing
The Bree: bikkie threw tsubasa with a gun at a gremlin, got it
MobileDraco: Yep. That's 90% of Symphogear.
Gooper Blooper: massive bad character derailment for hibiki: she refused seconds
MobileDraco: She didn't want bread.
The Bree: she refused seconds because she ate so much firsts
The Bree: the seconds are for leftovers
Jumpropeman: an anime character who can't eat more than one serving
Jumpropeman: is hardly an anime character at all!
MobileDraco: And Tsubasa had decent parents. Totally noncanon.
thanksgivel: to be fair, most anime characters who can eat that much would consider an all you can eat buffet a single serving. jrm
Sumalee: gremlin's my child.
The Bree: everything you eat in one sitting is by default a single serving, says sarah as she devours a whole cake
Gooper Blooper: serving size: one cake
The Bree: serving size (normal): 14 chips
serving size (utsuho): the sun
Sumalee: so not enough lays
Jumpropeman: utsuho was disappointed to find a bag of sun chips was so small
The Bree: "SHUT UP DIRK"
Gooper Blooper: komachi's been missing out
Gooper Blooper: when she goes full human, the others have such sights to show her...
The Bree: a whole newww wooooooooorld
RubyChao: utsuho eats the bag of sun chips
RubyChao: as in
RubyChao: the entire bag
Sumalee: wao
Jumpropeman: then in a few years we fight it as it takes over her body?
Sumalee: "apollo pepper is now real"
The Bree: "utsuho you're supposed to open the bag" "*sound of plastic crinkling* open?"
Gooper Blooper: it's worse if she ate one of those extra-loud sun chips bags from back in the day
The Bree: it's more environmentally conscientious if you eat the bag
Gooper Blooper: "The heat profile of The Apollo Pepper is akin to having your head slowly lit aflame. You feel the fire consume your entire skull, your tongue smolders, burning tears pour from your eyes. And then, five minutes later, the ride is over, your heart rate returns to normal, the panic subsides. This pepper is like no other."
Gooper Blooper: Pitohui: Oh, Kanaaaa~aaaaade~
The Bree: "Guinness World Record holding chili breeder Smokin’ Ed Currie of Puckerbutt Pepper Co"
Sumalee: nothing officially tops the carolina reaper yet
Sumalee: pepper x unofficially does
Sumalee: and now imagine how terrifying it'd be if Violet bred peppers instead of coffee strains.
RubyChao: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2491477
Jumpropeman: phew! I was worried Munch Squad was being retired based on their recent instances!
Mums Sheep: Which is
Mums Sheep: we remind you
Mums Sheep: being sunset
Sumalee: tell me the juicy bits
Mums Sheep: it's a sunset series
Sumalee: nooooooooooooooooooooooo
Mums Sheep: despite being in every episode
Mums Sheep: but we cannot stress enough that it is retiring
Mums Sheep: slowly
Mums Sheep: like Hayao Miyazaki
Jumpropeman: retiring in the same way the mattress store is always going out of business
MobileDraco: Bad news: Carolina Reapers are used as breath mints in Agama.


MobileDraco: I'm watching Atlantic Rim now.
Jumpropeman: draco why
MobileDraco: Because the new MST3K did an episode.
Jumpropeman: oh phew
Jumpropeman: I thought you took initiative


MobileDraco: Atlantic Rim was an awful movie.


MobileDraco: Now...Mac and Me.
Jumpropeman: I watched Mac and Me when I was a kid
MobileDraco: I'm sorry.
MobileDraco: I know it from a clip Paul Rudd played whenever he went on Conan.
Gooper Blooper: Jumpropeman: "Everyone talking about “baby Yoda” is jarring for me because I loved Yoda so much as a child my mom lied to me that the movie “Mac and me” was about “baby Yoda” and I was so fucking stupid I believed her even all the way through watching it."
Mums Sheep sound of ice cracking
Jumpropeman: everyone knows yoda was pale and bug-eyed as a child
Mums Sheep: Just like me!
MobileDraco: Canon 


MobileDraco: JRM, I'm sorry you had to watch Mac and Me as a child.
Jumpropeman: I think it was on TV and we tuned in right as the McDonald's scene happened
Jumpropeman: so I had no idea why this teddy bear was going ham at a mcdonalds
MobileDraco: Yeah, my brother and I had no idea what was going on.
Draco: Especially towards the end at the grocery store where a SWAT team just suddenly appears five seconds after an alien takes a gun from the small grocery store's armed security guard and manages to pump enough lead into a car to literally BLOW UP A GROCERY STORE BEHIND IT.
Jumpropeman: look drac
Jumpropeman: you saw what the alien looked like
Jumpropeman: I'd say it was an underreaction
Draco: Good point. They should have diverted an air strike from Atlantic Rim to bomb Mac.


Gooper Blooper: link link
Jumpropeman: still a top touhou even as she leaves
RubyChao: leaves FOREVER
Gooper Blooper: It was her time to go, but I love bringing back characters so don't be surprised if she keeps popping up now and again, especially if things are relevant to her interests
Mums Sheep: Only if each time she appears she increasingly has parts of her body replaced with robotics, and its never acknowledged or explained
Gooper Blooper: I did swap in a different small cute girl with glasses who investigates paranormal phenemona, though
RubyChao: okay so
RubyChao: bermuda triangle plot after all
RubyChao: got it
Jumpropeman: Jenny LeClue is LeCute enough
Jumpropeman: the exchange is acceptable
Gooper Blooper gives Jenny a hat and cape
Jumpropeman: link
Mums Sheep: Okay
Mums Sheep: I'm now interested in this game
Mums Sheep: Everybody, go play Night In The Woods
Mums Sheep: I wish it were a play so badly
Jumpropeman: Smug Clue
Jumpropeman: i am finally free of sheep telling me to play Night in the Woods :V
Mums Sheep: Now play, uuuuuh
Mums Sheep spins wheel
Mums Sheep: Banner Saga?
Mums Sheep: No, wait
Mums Sheep: Play Pyre
Mums Sheep: I mean, also play Banner Saga
Mums Sheep: But Pyre first
Gooper Blooper: He needs to play one of those crab fighting games you dump in chatzy every 18 months or so
Mums Sheep: Ahaha
Jumpropeman: sounds like Sheep wants me to play
Jumpropeman spins wheel
Jumpropeman: Asterix and Obelix XXL Romastered


Jumpropeman: god I love the Clawdaddy Beach song so much I can't stand it sometimes
Jumpropeman: please stop putting it in music compilations, youtubers, it gets me so happy


Draco: Link
SteelKomodo: that bubble
Deleton King: is cursed


Jumpropeman: "The games take the story further, giving the player the chance to go through more than 12 different missions"
Jumpropeman: Note: there are 13 missions
Violet: i mean
Violet: they
Violet: aren't wrong, technically?
Violet: 13 is a bigger number than 12!
Violet: bingocheckmate!
RubyChao: *googles*
RubyChao: *realizes what review jrm is writing*
RubyChao: eager.jpg



RubyChao: "RubyChao: i have so many ideas for this season and a third of them all revolve around the same trio of characters, send help"
RubyChao: hey look
RubyChao: it was true


Violet: POSTED!
RubyChao: i had legitimately forgotten the Planeswardens were based off a Bravely Second thing and not just a Harpy invention
Violet: i've done a lot to develop that organization beyond the basic stuff they did in Bravely Second. ALSO BRAVELY ONE SPOILER I GUESS, ITS SUPER FUCKIN VAGUE THO
Violet: i'm proud of what i've done and what i will continue to do with it
Violet: *thinks about dramatic triple zoom on a borked wheel*
Violet: i can't stop laughing about that ONE THING
Violet: king of bots 2 editing is just
Violet: sort of hilarious at some points
Gooper Blooper: I just have to Explain The Joke, I love that you put that in there
Violet: look
Violet: i see new thing that makes me laugh, i refer to it in RP
Gooper Blooper: When me and Harpy were watching King Of Bots 2, they had just the absolute best fucking editing for one of the matches
Violet: do they have the match up anywhere so we can show 'em?
Gooper Blooper: you know what, they do! Gimme a minute so I can figure out the episode and timestamp
Violet: yeee boiii
Gooper Blooper: 16:10
Gooper Blooper: the editing job on this fucking match deserves an award.
Violet: "i'm such a big fan of megabyte"
Violet: also hello there beck
Violet: 15:54 there's a lil bot that looks
Violet: remarkably like beck
Violet: or at least has beck vibes
Gooper Blooper: The staggered zoom at 17:25 is the reference Harpy is making in her post
Violet: i relived it
Violet: i'm dying again
Violet: i feel like i'm gonna puke i'm laughing too hard
Violet: other jokes spawned
Violet: "no we have tombstone vs gigabite at home"
Violet: "tombstone v gigabite at home:"
Violet: sometimes king of bots 2 just has kdrama level editing.
Violet: ...i probably shouldn't say that
Violet: its dramatic.
Gooper Blooper: Battlebots treats robot combat as a sport
Gooper Blooper: King Of Bots treats it as a movie
Violet: they had mob psycho 100 music in there
Violet: and one other i recognized i think?
RubyChao: like, actual MP100 or just similar vibes
Violet: actual
Violet: pretty sure its the song that plays in the very first episode
Gooper Blooper: One match had an instrumental version of Smooth Criminal
RubyChao: ahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: China does not care about your copyrights
Violet: copyright law is different there
Violet: thus, bootlegs
Gooper Blooper: We also heard the Pacific Rim theme when a humanoid robot righted itself
Violet: i wasn't familiar with pacific rim so
Violet: didn't catch that one
Violet: they also treat KoB2 as a semi-reality show
Violet: more because its celebs choosing teams and whatnot
Violet: ALSO
Violet: fucking Mr. Hippo the bot
Violet: who won most of his matches
Gooper Blooper: https://king-of-bots.fandom.com/wiki/Mr_Hippo
Violet: "touro maximus"
Violet: what's with all these bull themed drumbots
Miserable Sheep: Who is this woman dressed like a Kindom Hearts character?
Miserable Sheep: The drama in this editing
Gooper Blooper: That is Emma Dumont
Miserable Sheep: And who is this woman with at least seven different colored hair clips?
Gooper Blooper: That I can't help you with :V
Miserable Sheep: Oh!
Miserable Sheep: They have the one guy who does all his interviews like wrestling promos in this!
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, there's some Battlebots/Robot Wars crossover in KOB
Gooper Blooper: His robot in Battlebots is Mad Catter, and in KOB it was Cat King
Miserable Sheep: KING OF CATS
Gooper Blooper: Mad Catter will be in Battlebots 2020 as well, which I must remind you kicks off in less than two weeks
Miserable Sheep: Oh right!
Gooper Blooper: bots in winter will be new
Miserable Sheep: Yeah, keep reminding me
Gooper Blooper: I guarantee it'll be better than watching new episodes of sword art online at least
Miserable Sheep: Oh no, he went Saiyan when he hit the button
Miserable Sheep: I've actually stayed away from the new SAO episodes
Gooper Blooper: Good job!
Miserable Sheep: Still stuck watching Fire Force
Miserable Sheep: for Chao :I
Miserable Sheep struggles to fit the cross he's carrying on his back through the doorframe
Gooper Blooper: chao won't miss a single minute of that forced fire
Violet: rip
RubyChao: sheep is such a gooood friiiiend
Miserable Sheep: :I
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: Tamaki coming to ruin sheep's night


Jumpropeman: my brother was joking he'd buy me this
Jumpropeman: until I told him I wouldn't play it because no english :V
Jumpropeman: mostly he just liked the tagline "Your girlfriend in 2.5 dimensions!"
Miserable Sheep: Where's "Your girlfriend in 1 dimension!"?!
Jumpropeman: |
Jumpropeman: that's her
Miserable Sheep: Let me date a line, you coward developers
thanksgivel: tag your nsfw, jrm
Jumpropeman: in Doodle Date you could date a line
Draco: Hot


Miserable Sheep continues looking through Steam because his wishlist isn't enough of a jumbled ball of chaos


Gooper Blooper: As it turns out, the answer to this question was "be A+++ RP characters"
Gooper Blooper: (that wrapup post was choice)
Jumpropeman: i love my gaggle of game girls
RubyChao: we all do as well


RubyChao: link
Jumpropeman: is that your next walk chao
RubyChao: the Florida Walk
EdwardNewHype: chao please don't do that.
RubyChao: alternatively, this
MobileDraco: Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida.
Gooper Blooper: Florida Man


thanksgivel: not sure I'd wanna get married to One Winged Angel

1 comment:

  1. Other bad movies I watched as part of MST3K: something about telepathic sea rays that get blamed for murders committed by the corrupt corporate captain, an intrigue story where most of the conflict is caused because of a badly-animated, very short whirlwind and a retired miner dumping piranhas in a lake, a film about a skinny barbarian who tries to marry his sister BEFORE he learns he was adopted, and a film called The Day Time Ended.

    The Day Time Ended was SO bland and forgettable, I had to look up its name several times just writing this comment. It was so random and confused: there were tiny aliens, unexplained pyramids, a monster fight, and then the cast was teleported to another planet and they were all just so happy about being taken to another world. I think they were happy just to be done with the movie itself.
