Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 372: Thrive, Bratty Egg

Jumpropeman: the only people as excited for bread as ZFRP characters are
Gooper Blooper: beautiful


Mel Returns was timed out
Mobile Draco: Mel did not return.


Jumpropeman: did Betty or Kalcyon stick around outside?
Jumpropeman: Maya's giving Grab some coins for the phone but isn't sure if he can reach the coin slot :V
Gooper Blooper: In my post, Stella goes back outside and gets the scoop from Maya
Jumpropeman: that works!
Gooper Blooper: the catbot cannot reach the coin slot :V
Jumpropeman: oh
Jumpropeman: that doesn't works!
Mop Sheep: Kalcyon's already been stripped for parts and put up on concrete blocks
Gooper Blooper: it is smol
Jumpropeman: they'll pile on top of each other
Mop Sheep: I can't believe a coin slot defeated the Kobbers
Mop Sheep: It all ends here
Mop Sheep: They had a good run
Gooper Blooper: well I mean all Chao has to do is respond to JRM :V
Mop Sheep: Choa, if your presence is with us, knock twice!
Jumpropeman: the suspense is killing me!
Mop Sheep: Deb tries to put the money in
Mop Sheep: Accidentally uses the drill hand
RubyChao: hi
RubyChao: sorry, multitasking
RubyChao: let me catch up
RubyChao: something that's been long-running finished up on my other forum
Jumpropeman: over on that forum they were struggling to reach a coin slot too
Jumpropeman: it's basically what chao's good for these days
RubyChao: i'd say kalcyon stayed outside, betty was inside
Jumpropeman: but can HE reach it
Mop Sheep: I put him under one of the legs of my coffee table to keep it steady
RubyChao: i mean
RubyChao: he's very tall
RubyChao: so probably
Mop Sheep: Then it turns out he's TOO tall and his robot body is to inflexible to reach down-
Bree: why IS kalcyon so tall, that wasn't his height as a human was it
RubyChao: nah
Bree: new headcanon, kalcyon was quite small as a human and when he became a robot he just went MAXIMUM LORGE
RubyChao: it was basically a side effect of the various other weapons and such
RubyChao: need the space for all that
RubyChao: scale up the body
Bree: no
Bree: I refuse
Bree: kalcyon just wanted to be thicc
Mop Sheep: A lot of people say "I wish I was taller".
Mop Sheep: Kalcyon just made it happen
Bree: like a football linebacker but made entirely of metal
Bree: the weapons were an afterthought, like "shit we got all this space, might as well put something useful in it"
Jumpropeman: Kalcyon as a human had a huge head but a baby's body
RubyChao: also i'm not sure i'll be able to focus for a while longer so
RubyChao: i'm just gonna let you guys borrow betty and kalcyon for now
RubyChao: thanks!
Mop Sheep: Seeya, Chao
Jumpropeman: that fool, leaving them in my care!
Jumpropeman: I'll make Kalcyon's baby body canon!


MAGIC SUMMONS ZEKROM: god i'm exhausted
MAGIC SUMMONS ZEKROM: i just drank coffee and i'm still tired
Draco: I know the feeling. :(
Draco: srspost
Bree: as president of tired club I would like to formally welcome you both to tired club, I hope you have a lethargic time
Draco: woo
Bree: if you need more blankets or pillows, the treasurer can help you. he's also asleep
Bree: but you can just take a blanket or pillow from under him, it's okay


Bree: mom: go to the store site and add groceries to the pickup list:
me: ok
me: *tries to think of something to add*
my brain: S O U P
store: *has no soup I like*
my brain, still: S O U P
MAGIC SUMMONS ZEKROM: ah, yes, brain is inspired by rhett and link's souptember to remember
Bree: precisely


Bree: my brain earlier: s o u p
my brain currently: i c e c r e a m
me: soup and ice cream? really?


Jumpropeman: CKR actually started a movie review blog at one point and reviewed quite a bit of horror
Jumpropeman: I'm not sure if she'd want me to link it
Gooper Blooper: The Movie Hoard?!?!


Jumpropeman: I was trying to see, in the message history on facebook, if CKR had linked her blog before
Jumpropeman: so I typed "blog" into what I thought was the search
Jumpropeman: and realized I just sent her the word Blog
Gooper Blooper: Blog.
Jumpropeman: she'll get it right?
Jumpropeman: pretty self explanatory
Jumpropeman: i texted CKR just the word blog too
Jumpropeman: just to be thorough
Jumpropeman: she understood!
MAGIC SUMMONS ZEKROM: siblings, man.
Jumpropeman: maybe because I've forgotten the name before :V
Gooper Blooper: sibling power
Jumpropeman: "Verdict: watch it, or don’t, it will have little impact on the world or your life"
Bree: savage
Jumpropeman: ckr nailing it to this romantic comedy


Mop Sheep: Are you a bad enough dude to drink Green Hell juice?!
Draco: I already drank the Airport Jungle Juice. Nothing can hurt me again.
Mop Sheep: "They had their own drinks?"
Mop Sheep: Stella wouldn't know of course, but we do know Forgotlings can "drink" because of Woody Pop's potions!
Mop Sheep: And then Deb was the size of a toy
Draco: And then Deb died.
Jumpropeman: Maya's storing some of that good juice so someone can look at it later!
Mop Sheep: "Voyd quickly dropping it in a super tiny portal and having it pop up on a table no one was caring to look at"
Mop Sheep: I'm amazed you didn't reference The Emperor's New Groove and have her portal it into a plant.
Jumpropeman: would they have plants :V
Draco: The plant would just come alive too.
Mop Sheep: No plants. *sad face*
Jumpropeman: suddenly the cylinder Maya poured the drink in starts screaming
Jumpropeman: suddenly the shot glasses start talking and revealing the tricks because they're alive too
Jumpropeman: look this whole plot I'm gonna suspect every object we encounter
Gooper Blooper: ESPECIALLY if the object gets a picture
Mop Sheep: And then Olympia was a Forgotling
Jumpropeman: you might recall one of Maya's original theories was someone trying to turn Olympia into a living thing
Draco: Speaking of Forgotlings
Jumpropeman: =o
Jumpropeman: she's taken a hostage!
Mop Sheep: We've already lost!
Draco: She wants a bag of fun-sized Snickers bars in an hour or she's removing the cat's batteries!
Jumpropeman: :I she gets two twixes and that's it
Draco: That'll do, JRM. It's not a valuable hostage.
Jumpropeman: good, she probably doesn't mind that they're a bit melty then
Jumpropeman: they've been in the candy bowl since last halloween
Draco: Eh...candy has a long life. Probably.
Jumpropeman: as long as it eats healthy and exercises it does


Draco: For ghits and siggles, Helltaker Zeldoten
Jumpropeman: so thats what kicks off helltaker plot
Draco: Yep. Turns out Malina is her cousin, Lucifer is her real mom, and Beelzebub is her crazy aunt.
Jumpropeman: wait so she is hellspawn after all?
Draco: Guess so!


Jumpropeman: so lately I've been thinking "maybe... I should play GOOD games" since I keep playing random obscure stuff and indie things I scrounge up
Jumpropeman: and yet, now I'm loading up a Goofy video game for Sega Genesis
Jumpropeman: I can't resist...


Jumpropeman: I thought the dinosaur section of this Goofy game would have a lot more dinosaurs and a lot less mushroom people and bumblebees


Jumpropeman: I don't know why this seagull falls in love with goofy at first sight in this game
Jumpropeman: but I guess it was funny to someone


Jumpropeman: this goofy game has been a drag but the real biggest sin of it is that when goofy falls down a pit he doesn't do his yell

Jumpropeman: Goofy somehow looking better than the other two


Jumpropeman: I'm watching the latest video from AntDude
Jumpropeman: and he brings up the game Fat City
Jumpropeman: and just like me he loves the title :V
MAGIC: my god


CharDev: >someone plays screaming cowboy while doing sick mario only sheenanigans with these levels
CharDev: >mario falls to his death during the "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-"
CharDev: comedy gold


Jumpropeman: lately I've had a hankering for playing Kirby 64, and I CAN'T IMAGINE WHY
Gooper Blooper: it is a mystery
Gooper Blooper: wait, no
Gooper Blooper: clearly it's because you used HR-H in RP, JRM
CharDev: sweet soundtracks
CharDev: ripple exists in like three cutscenes and therefore it's relevant research to counter her
CharDev: ribbon's a salvager
Gooper Blooper: Kirby 64 is 20 years old this year, which makes it all the more emotionally charged for me
Jumpropeman: I should add some more Kirby 64 stuff to Salvagers, like the fairy queen and that dark eyeball guy
CharDev: ribbon's a salvager
CharDev: or maybe those rando fairies are
CharDev: ...
CharDev: kirby himself is a salvager.
Jumpropeman: it all makes sense now
Gooper Blooper: kirby no, I thought you were off fighting Hyness
CharDev: it was all just a ruse
Jumpropeman: fighting Hyness helped him realize
Gooper Blooper: kirby has turned his back on the ZFRP universe, literally
Jumpropeman: he just wants to go to a new dimension and eat all day
CharDev: he wants not the eternal chaos of this dimension, but the peace a different pop star can provide
CharDev: also they have the best strawberry shortcakes.
Jumpropeman: turns out the alternate universe has grass that feels like pants
Jumpropeman: that's all he needed to hear
CharDev: that
CharDev: i have 0 idea how to feel about that
CharDev: maybe kirby isn't a salvager after all...
Gooper Blooper: link
CharDev: but gooey is
CharDev: i'm going to make more outragous claims
CharDev: and say that rick's a salvager
CharDev: worst animal buddy
Jumpropeman: =o
Jumpropeman: I almost had some Animal Salvagers as an idea
Jumpropeman: like a day where we faced things like Vore Frog
CharDev: i'd have to murder you if nago was one of them.
Gooper Blooper: I've been waiting all season for you to put Vore Frog in RP
CharDev: that just makes me think of the yoshi's island boss
RubyChao: vore frog vs. cirno, final fight 2020
Jumpropeman: I've been looking for a Vore Frog entry point
ivel: I'd rather not :U
Gooper Blooper: it would work well in agama
Gooper Blooper: all sorts of crazy wildlife will be there
Jumpropeman: exactly
Gooper Blooper: including vore frogs
Gooper Blooper: a whole colony of them
Gooper Blooper: we have to stop them before they eat all the trees
Jumpropeman: Giggle's gonna have her hands busy


RubyChao: one thing that JRM pointed out in-character as Martin Li that i think is worth mentioning
RubyChao: i didn't realize it when plotting but Daltonplot is sort of a realistic look in that
RubyChao: if you're a villain who doesn't have the resources or charisma or anything to really pull together a lot of people
RubyChao: your quirky miniboss squad is not going to be very good :V
RubyChao: death gun's a loose cannon, sally was a derp who wasn't even evil, valon was a cheap thug, and enzo bron was tricking EVERYONE
memeow: death gun's not a loose cannon
memeow: death gun is a gun
memeow: that brings death
RubyChao: but a loose one
memeow: otherwise his name would be death cannon
memeow: which is actually somehow edgier than death gun
ivel: death death
ivel: clearly the edgiest


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: I wish the Pokemon Zoo idea from Fuschia City was done justice
Jumpropeman: have it like a real zoo where you can watch an Ursaring mess with a rubber tire or go to the Donphan area only to see its ass as it faces away from everyone
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: everybody craning their necks to try and look at the girafarig crammed into one corner
Gooper Blooper: kids staring at a seemingly empty tank whining that there's no Stunfisk in it
Jumpropeman: "Kids, don't watch the Simisage while it's planting seeds"


Jumpropeman: I realized Rachel still doesn't know Mega Drive's real name
RubyChao: And she never will.
Jumpropeman: *Mega Drive explodes*
Gooper Blooper: She respects Mega's privacy and has no interest in knowing if Mega doesn't care to reveal it
RubyChao: i wanna know
RubyChao: guess i need to date mega drive instead
Jumpropeman: that's not how you're supposed to do it goops
Gooper Blooper: Rachel's too nice, I'm sorry
Draco: Mega Drive and Rachel will be sitting around watching TV or something and Mega Drive just turns and says "By the way, my real name's Rachel too. Just FYI." and Rachel says "Cool. Thanks." before going back to watching a Let's Play of Bigfoot for NES some anime.
Jumpropeman: Rachel's like "That's cool, my real name's Mega Drive"
Draco: And now it's canon.


Jumpropeman: I can't believe Nobunaut is now canon
Jumpropeman: the -naut family groweth
Draco: Sheep thought he was the trendy guy with Forgotlingsonas, but then Brine's still flooding the market with Nobusonas.
Jumpropeman: *makes a Nobu a Salvager*
Jumpropeman: you know
Jumpropeman: Zozo could make a Nobu zombie-
Draco: You'd have to kill one first.
Jumpropeman: i mean
Jumpropeman: she kinda killed a lot >_>
Draco: D:
Jumpropeman: Brine didn't hold back on Nobu's war day!
Mop Sheep: Just a bunch of Nobus stacked on top of each other
Mop Sheep: or maybe a zombie Nobu Nesting Doll
Jumpropeman: she'll make the tank one
Mop Sheep: FINALLY
Mop Sheep: We've been denied too long


Jumpropeman: this guy goes way too hard
Jumpropeman: and he just keeps going too
Jumpropeman: I thought he was done transforming like four times
Gooper Blooper: final boss 2021
memeow: is that what pelswick is gonna do at the end of salvagerplot
Jumpropeman: you stole my joke!
memeow: its not a joke if you were gonna do it jrm-


Mop Sheep grumbling
Mop Sheep: My hands are just refusing to cooperate at this point
Draco: Fire them, get new hands.
Mop Sheep: Do you want Edward Scissorhands?
Mop Sheep: Because that's how you get Edward Scissorhands



all hallows ivel: ...
all hallows ivel: that Smash reveal
all hallows ivel: thanks, I hate it
RubyChao: i'm just laughing my ass off
it's straight up hilarious


 Jumpropeman: I was worried figuring out the aliens might be too slow or bothersome for folks and was going to have it one round, but people seem to be embracing it so I hope this staggered reveal approach works!
Jumpropeman: plus if you don't want to keep puzzling them out you can beat up the aliens we know :V
Moped Sheep: I enjoy trying to badly puzzle out the aliens
Hooded Pitohui: Sheep stole my words before I could tab in to type them!
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, I think this works well JRM
Gooper Blooper: Lets you stagger enemy focus, too
Moped Sheep: Adelard gives up and activates his tracker, summoning Pillbox
Moped Sheep: like that one cartoon where Godzooky summons Godzilla.
Jumpropeman: and then five Pillboxes enter the room
Moped Sheep: Five Pillboxes would not enter the room so much as be in the room now because the walls are gone
Jumpropeman: the new kobber strat
Jumpropeman: fill the battlefield with Pillboxes
Jumpropeman: sort out the rubble after
Jumpropeman: hopefully more good guys survived than bad
Jumpropeman: *remembers I have a character who can make multiple pillboxes more than a joke*
Gooper Blooper: here they come clickety clack down the track, it's lots and lots of pillboxes


Moped Sheep: "sniffing the air with all three of her noses"
Moped Sheep: :I
Gooper Blooper: oh egads
Draco: Slight edit.
Gooper Blooper: *slight edit adds five more noses*
*MEAAAAWH*: by becoming a fusion of grumblemon noses.
Draco: You mean a swarm of Ranamons? ;V
*MEAAAAWH*: we save that for sheep for when he has committed a cardinal sin
all hallows ivel: Ranamon for Smash
Gooper Blooper: It's okay everybody, Clownpiece is the GOOD Ghidorah
Jumpropeman: Goodorah?
Hooded Pitohui: Clownpiece continues to be terrifying in the best of ways!


Jumpropeman: the kind of things I say while tallying up 100 Fites votes: "Shirtless Viola Wet"
all hallows ivel: omai
Jumpropeman: (because someone voted Shirtless Bear Fighter, Viola, and Wet Tiger as I tallied it :V)
Gooper Blooper: Tenshi please wait until AFTER the fite


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: good stuff
Jumpropeman: world needs more eggette
Gooper Blooper: she's probably coming to Agama to be my new main tinkerer
Jumpropeman: =o
Gooper Blooper: Wanted to give Celestia a break, Tron's gotten more attention over the years than Eggette, why not scramble it up
Jumpropeman: excellent
Jumpropeman: thrive, bratty egg
Cornwind Evil: Thrive, Bratty Egg sounds like a very badly translated foreign food product
Gooper Blooper: Try! New Thrive Bratty Egg! Filled with vitamins and antioxidants!
MEYYYH: delicious
Gooper Blooper: Lovely joy snack for special children
Gooper Blooper: it will give you infinite pleasure


Jumpropeman: "The PA system of her mech then broadcasts the sound of her blowing bubbles into her soda through a straw."
Jumpropeman: it's the little touches
Gooper Blooper: I send like fifty characters to this plot and this dork is the best off


RubyChao: "Despite his small size, Mister Mind continues to use his powers of intellect and telepathy to battle Captain Marvel in subsequent chapters of the serial, eventually recruiting numerous other allies from Alligator-Men to Adolf Hitler and all of the Axis Powers."
RubyChao: i like the range implied here
Gooper Blooper: literally hitler.
Jumpropeman: THE ALLIGATOR MEN!? can we give up now D:
Cornwind Evil: Well, it WAS World War II
Draco: You found me out. It's not Mr. Mind in that cocoon, it's Hitler.
Cornwind Evil: It opens and inside is this guy


MEYYYH: least tori gets to look cool.
Draco: Sorry, I just edited a post to say she's got a piece of toilet paper stuck to her foot.


Jumpropeman: >who wants to be a millionaire speedrun
Jumpropeman: so like, do you just hope for good Regis RNG where he doesn't say the longer lines? :V
Draco: That's a pretty odd thing to speedrun.
Jumpropeman: the guy who plays it apparently knows it well enough to quote Regis verbatim, so it's not like he's just doing it because it's an underplayed game he could snag an easy record in
Jumpropeman: JemFan77 is the guy I just found playing it
Jumpropeman: probably trying to beat out Brad FINALLY
Jumpropeman: that guy's been the top dog for two years!
Draco: Damn. Brad's got ALL the records.
Jumpropeman: it's what he was doing before the Salvagers
Draco: Can't imagine why they wouldn't let him join.
Jumpropeman: well you see... he only got 2nd best time in the DS version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire 2nd Edition
Jumpropeman: they let callum2001 on the Doomseye no question for being 1st there!
Draco: Oh! Well, that explains everything!
Jumpropeman: callum2001 will be at the finale
Draco: He'd better! Clownpiece needs a clever new way of murdering Salvagers!
Jumpropeman: you'll have to beat his speedrun time
Jumpropeman: or the Salvagers win
Draco: D:


Dobile Mel: Somehow I'm still alive
Draco: We're proud of you. :)
Dobile Mel: Thank you


Moped Sheep: Forgotlings bar your way! Could the end for the Kobbers???
MAGIC: can't believe we're being blocked by a sock, by god
Moped Sheep: Truly, the Kobbers are in tremendous peril here!
MAGIC: was gonna jump in but i was just like... "i dunno how to do this"
Moped Sheep: Hiroki mows down Forgotling town with a giant robot
Moped Sheep: Problem solved.
MAGIC: i was gonna be like "matilda don't know what she doing. she forgotten. she forgotling right? SHE'S ANCIENT WEIRD TECH"
Moped Sheep: Everybody's like: "Matilda? What are you doing here?"
Moped Sheep: Matilda: "I live here. You'd know if you ever asked."
MAGIC: "I have come to let you know... that Pax is a fuddy duddy."
Moped Sheep: wow
MAGIC: compelling narratives here
RubyChao: post
Moped Sheep: "He'll simply... walk into its path, taking the impact like it's nothing."
Moped Sheep: I can't believe you defeated my ultimate villain in one move!


Jumpropeman: "You and 38.7% of players high-fived Reuben the baby pig"
Draco: Vital statistic.
Jumpropeman: who knew 61.3% of humanity was so cruel
Draco: Telltale knew.


Moped Sheep: "one Forgotling making off with one of Elvira's legs and another taking one of her arms."
Moped Sheep: gonna mount that on a plaque above the mantle!
Gooper Blooper: it's an expensive plaque
Gooper Blooper: cost an arm and a leg
MAGIC: *ba dum tsh*
Moped Sheep: dudum


Jumpropeman: srspost
Draco: srspost
Moped Sheep: "but give that robot and furby enough time and she will be in trouble!"
Moped Sheep: Maya, you vastly overestimate the ripping power of a battery powered toy
RubyChao: post
Moped Sheep: Oh jeeze, they're just rolling in
MAGIC: this is what happens when you invite jrm
MAGIC: all these old men keep rolling in
MAGIC: god damn it elliott you're not even here
Jumpropeman: that conjures a glorious image
MAGIC: oh no
MAGIC: imagine it with the can can
Jumpropeman: of a hill where one old man crests over the edge, rolling alone... then three more, then ten, then a whole army fills the hill rolling on their side
Jumpropeman: this is how Elliott will fight Dark Matter
Gooper Blooper: like the bear gif, but with old men
Jumpropeman: exactly!
MAGIC: this is how dark matter armyplot is dealt with
MAGIC: a distraction to let the kobbers handle the REAL THREAT


Jumpropeman: downloaded firefox update
Jumpropeman: so AMA on the firefox update guys! I got all the insider details!
RubyChao: is it shiny?
Jumpropeman: nah, looks the same
Draco: What's your favorite part of the update?
Jumpropeman: that firefox is no longer asking me to update
Draco: Do you think the community will update their sexy Firefox-tan fan designs in response to this momentous update?
Jumpropeman: her bust size will get 0.00008% bigger
Draco: Excellent. That's exactly how much bigger it should be according to the oracle.
Jumpropeman: no draco, I don't think anyone uses the Oracle browser these days
Draco: :( But I asked Jeeves and he said they did.


Jumpropeman: link
The Deleter: Banana goose
Gooper Blooper: I love that not only is there another one in the background, but it appears to use a different design so it's not just two copies of one mold
Jumpropeman: it seems to be peeled further
Jumpropeman: there might be another banana goose
Jumpropeman: that is less peeled
Jumpropeman: just the head poking out instead of a stem
Jumpropeman: an unexpected development
Jumpropeman: link link
Gooper Blooper: oh no
Gooper Blooper: they're multiplying


LET ME HAVE THE IDOL: god this plot's wild
LET ME HAVE THE IDOL: i only wish i had the chance to channel my mockery
LET ME HAVE THE IDOL: but fortunately, Larissa's unraveling the hip new fashion trend, "the fall of villainy", featuring several tees involving villains that didn't quite think this villainy thing through very well
LET ME HAVE THE IDOL: also booty shorts.
Hooded Pitohui: I'd wear it, like, I'd actually enjoy that
Hooded Pitohui: The first part
Hooded Pitohui: Not the booty shorts
Gooper Blooper: kek
LET ME HAVE THE IDOL: booty shorts are explicitly only for the bold
Gooper Blooper: Booty Pitohui


Jumpropeman: finally
Jumpropeman: the derek storyline
MAGIC: whomst
Gooper Blooper: "just weird stuff"
RubyChao: so
RubyChao: Derek storyline for S11?
Jumpropeman: since its the expanded version its at least a 7 event plot


Jumpropeman: some people have an angel on their shoulder who tells them to do good things and a devil who tells them to do bad things. My angel tells me to play good video games while the devil keeps shouting "PLAY PINOCCHIO FOR SEGA GENESIS"
Jumpropeman: considering this is around when I got my urge to play Beauty and the Beast games last year I think after spooky games my body craves Disney
Gooper Blooper: a l p h a z y l o n
Jumpropeman: after RP I will play it!
Draco: Is your devil a SNES Hard Girl, JRM?
Jumpropeman: now there's a plot idea
Jumpropeman: Sintendo Hard Girls
Jumpropeman: here to call the sega hard girls dorks and spill sodas on their game consoles
Draco: D: Villains!
Gooper Blooper: HOW DARE
Draco: You can spill all the soda you want on Gale's Playjaguar Series 3DO, but calling her a DORK? That's just mean!
Jumpropeman: Saturn and the Virtual Boy Hard Girl just become best friends
Draco: But people LIKED the Saturn.
Gooper Blooper: never forget
Jumpropeman: they can say please fine!
Draco: Okay, you found me out, Manganoochatrelacanootratreladeb is Deb's real full name.
Jumpropeman: it's a Swedish name
Draco: Really? What part of Sweden?
Gooper Blooper: Uhhhhh, upstate Lappland?
Draco: Really? Well, I'm from Malmö and I've never heard anyone say Manganoochatrelacanootratreladeb.
Gooper Blooper: Oh, not in Malmo, no, it's a Kuusamo expression.
Gooper Blooper frantically looking up maps of Sweden to force this joke through the gates
Jumpropeman: I'm glad we all somehow picked up on "it's a Swedish name" being an on-ramp for steamed hams
Gooper Blooper: Steamed Hams lives on
Gooper Blooper: Swede Hams
Draco: Hmmm.
MAGIC: welp


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: >11 views
Jumpropeman: my poor daughters
Jumpropeman: the world will appreciate you one day
Moored Sheep: Who?


Moored Sheep unbidden, 'Mr. Smurftastic' claws its way free from the darkest depths of my subconscious memory
Gooper Blooper: XD
Jumpropeman: excellent
Moored Sheep: Why couldn't it be the Gargamel one
Moored Sheep: At least that one was catchy!
MAGIC: oh no
MAGIC: *distracts self by petting speepy cat*
Moored Sheep: Yeah, you THOUGHT you said farewell to the Smurf Cartel, but here we are.
Moored Sheep: Just when I think I'm out
MAGIC: rip u i guess
MAGIC: *cat has left me*
Moored Sheep: love...
Moored Sheep: is over


Jumpropeman: reminder this card went to print
Draco: Promo card.
Draco: Special attack, Pain Split: whenever you look at this card, force someone nearby to look at it so they suffer too.
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: this one is cute
Jumpropeman: it has some degree of personality
Jumpropeman: although I guess the promo one does too
Jumpropeman: the promo's personality being "I eat rocks and don't intend on stopping"
RubyChao: ahahahah that the fuck is that missy de
Jumpropeman: fun fact, my brother and I fought over this card
Jumpropeman: we both stole it from each other at different points
Jumpropeman: I don't think either of us like it, but it was a matter of principle
Jumpropeman: I get the basic bitch Trapinch
Draco: Fuck you, Trapinch is great.
Jumpropeman: I do like Trapinch!
Jumpropeman: not that card though
Jumpropeman: now this one
Jumpropeman: I'd kill my brother for
Draco: That one's way better.


Jumpropeman: he went super extra and still didn't get it in
Gooper Blooper: >sega
Gooper Blooper: Sonic's Schoolhouse?
Jumpropeman: Basketball Nightmare for Master System
Jumpropeman: which I would love to play
Jumpropeman: ConsoleClassix has some European Master System games but not the halloween basketball game :(
Jumpropeman: that devil on my shoulder's just like "emulate it" but again he's the one who keeps telling me to play Pinocchio for Genesis so I'm doing my best to ignore him
Gooper Blooper: I love that of all games
Gooper Blooper: this is the one that you finally publicly acknowledged you kind of want to emulate
Gooper Blooper: never came up any other time you lamented wanting to play something
Gooper Blooper: but Basketball Nightmare for Master System? Shit, man, that's tempting


Jumpropeman: "She calls out as she makes for the doorway, heading out of the bar to burn an evening."
Jumpropeman: misread this as
Jumpropeman: "heading out of the bar to burn everything"
Jumpropeman: almost didn't even double check since it IS pitohui


Mook Sheep: "The Gundam saluted the others in the car before heading towards the broken window, delicately climbing out to see if he could provide assistance to the group on top of the train."
Mook Sheep: He gets hit by one of those Wild West mail posts
Draco: Just the way he'd want to go, as hilariously slapstick as possible.
RubyChao: "How are you going to put on a show? You've got no one left! Are you still hoping Cobramaru will magically rise from the depths of Green Hell powered up to Super Saiyan Level Infinity to save the soul of The Curse? He's dead! It's not happening!"
"They never found the body!"
"...Yeah, he probably is. But never mind that! I can make my own army!"

RubyChao: shoulda believed harder, prawn
Jumpropeman: now we know how this plot will end
Jumpropeman: Cobra Color Golden




Jumpropeman: you know what I just realized
Jumpropeman: before Curse
Jumpropeman: before Salvagers
Jumpropeman: "NAME: Brock Samson
OSI's Top Agent
Specialty: Melee combat"

Jumpropeman: we had the profile presentation for the OSI agents!


Dobile Mel: Oh I won my game of civ 6 as Gauls today!
Dobile Mel: Diplomatic Victory
Draco: Huzzah!
Dobile Mel: Which involved yelling at everyone until they agreed I was the best
Dobile Mel: And then punching them if they disagreed
Dobile Mel: I got a giant death robot
Draco: Nice!
Draco: Giant Death Robots are the best diplomacy.


Jumpropeman: srspost
Jumpropeman: writing rhymes is gonna kill me but dammit I'm committed
Jumpropeman: time to rhyme "say" with "way" twenty times-
Dobile Mel: Gosh
Gooper Blooper: Reminds me of all those times SK couldn't think of a Big Bobby rhyme and made the poor guy sick or had him lose his voice over and over
Gooper Blooper: GIMMICKS, MAN
Jumpropeman: this event will not end with an extended Grinch interrogation scene
Gooper Blooper: I demand a complete autobiography of what he's been doing in the years since stealing Christmas
Jumpropeman: mostly trying to prevent that benedict cumberbatch grinch movie from being made
RubyChao: ah, so that's why he gave up on the world
Gooper Blooper: he also spent some time researching his genetic history
Gooper Blooper: (I saw that movie. I thought it was okay.)
Jumpropeman: Mister Valentine is his father
Gooper Blooper: The FIRST Mister Valentine is his father
Gooper Blooper: and this newer younger one
Gooper Blooper: is his son
Jumpropeman: fun fact: since both of them are master thieves, I did briefly consider the unmasking to reveal Mister Valentine is the Grinch :V but then I can't really do grinchy stuff before then
Gooper Blooper: XD
MAGIC: gronchy stuff
MAGIC: now i'm just thinking of that trash can dude from sesame street
MAGIC: ah, yes, oscar
MAGIC: grinch's son


Jumpropeman: this is a game on steam
MAGIC: there a no grammar in this game
Gooper Blooper: Clearly another hidden gem just waiting for you to expose its' wonders to the world
Jumpropeman: it has no reviews!
Gooper Blooper: excellent, harpy XD
Gooper Blooper: there a no reviews of this game
MAGIC: say it in a mario accent and perish
MAGIC: anyway i'll pay you 20 bucks to review it
MAGIC: i even prepaid!
Gooper Blooper: harpy no, what about kirby blitz 2
MAGIC: the modern blitz? no, we have to wait until next year
MAGIC: maybe a new kirby game will be out
Jumpropeman: harpy gonna store em up and make me review 30 kirby games at once
RubyChao: clearly what we do is just
Jumpropeman: month of kirby
RubyChao: something like Metroid Mania
RubyChao: to tide it over
MAGIC: look i have to separate it into classical and modern eras
Jumpropeman: pls no month of kirby I'd die
MAGIC: i'm sure you can do a week of kirbs
MAGIC: of modern kirbs
Gooper Blooper: if you can do two weeks of mostly-crappy pinball games
Gooper Blooper: you can do thirty kirby games in a row
Jumpropeman: I started playing pinball palooza games in february
Jumpropeman: I spaced it out considerably :V


MAGIC: >mall has a bath and body works
MAGIC: ivel please keep me away
MAGIC: i cannot possibly need any more body care products, i say as i am browsing a different site for body care...
Gooper Blooper: bath and body works, more like
Gooper Blooper: bass and bubble works
MAGIC: they do have bubble bath stuff iirc...
Gooper Blooper: I just hope they don't forget the pickles
MAGIC: i bet there's a candle for that
MAGIC: just straight up pickle candles
MAGIC: like your grandpa has been picklin that one jar for five years
MAGIC: ...why did i describe it like that tho
MAGIC: sounds more apt talking about dat oscar stank than a candle
MAGIC: candles are supposed to be pleasant


Jumpropeman: still can't believe I read the entirety of tails got trolled
MAGIC: i can.


Gooper Blooper: one of 2020's evil masterminds.
MAGIC: absolutely terrifying
Draco: What a menace.
Jumpropeman: look at him, he's pretending that's the entire world on his fingertip
MAGIC: ...honestly though that makes me feel happy looking at that
Jumpropeman: smiling at his conquest
Jumpropeman: he is like a god
MAGIC: rude
Jumpropeman: canonically that was once Eggert
Gooper Blooper: the phrase "IN PELSWICK'S WORLD" during the reveal was too good
MAGIC: the world fucking crushed him
MAGIC: honestly
MAGIC: same feel
MAGIC: sometimes.
Draco: Kid in a wheelchair, a grumpy worm, and then we find out Sectonia's actually the mom from Dexter's Lab.
MAGIC: what's next, is pepper anne going to be final boss 2021?


MAGIC: watch as they hide the device where no one would think to check: INSIDE FAT CHOCOBO. THEIR FINAL PLOY or whatever
Jumpropeman: *edits plans*
MAGIC: "you can't pin the crime on us if you can't find the evidence" *fat chocobo be like "oh you need evidence? HUR-" "NO YOU ABSOLUTE BUFFOON-"
Gooper Blooper: I have an idea to deal with the device that is giving me many emotions at once
Gooper Blooper: like
Gooper Blooper: it's serious but also silly at the same time
MAGIC: hey gotta make fat chocobo's storage capacity relevant since he's there!
Gooper Blooper: so it's perfect for a JRM plot
Jumpropeman: the device will be picked apart and integrated with what they already have, but you will get to see the dimensional engine in person
Draco: The Dimensional Engine is actually Rusty the Boy Robot.
Jumpropeman: the dimensional engine cannot be put in a fat chocobo unfortunately
RubyChao: alternatively
RubyChao: THAT's whatever happened to robot jones
Jumpropeman: is beeg
MAGIC: i'd laugh if it were possible
MAGIC: and then suddenly he has another dimension for a stomach for MORE INFINITE STORAGE
Jumpropeman: a whole part of the Doomseye is built to jetisson itself after the engine is used because it's the easiest way to get rid of the then-unstable giant fucker
MAGIC: but i'm sure they'll hide something in this weird bird
MAGIC: or pull out, i dunno, Ultima Weapon
MAGIC: or bombs. like, a whole buncha bombs.
Jumpropeman: that's where Pelswick will be during the battle
Jumpropeman: we have to pull him out by his nose
MAGIC: or shuriken because shadow's fucking dead, you didn't wait for him, Pelswick.
MAGIC: ahem
Draco: They eject it, then Clownpiece returns it. "Don't litter."
Draco: Listen, I ALWAYS waited for Shadow. >:I
MAGIC: you're just making me think of the Gooper Blooper fight.
MAGIC: no, not the user, the actual boss.
MAGIC: only its dumb squid mouth pulling instead of a nose
MAGIC: would say mario 64's mario nose fuckery but its not on the same aggressive level
MAGIC: this sounds so mean tho.
Draco: I have faith that JRM will find a way for us to biff a disabled person without feeling like jerks. :V
MAGIC: i'd rather avoid making any jabs at his nose in character to be frank and rip into him based on his actions
Jumpropeman: the final post of the battle, he'll stand up and yell "I'VE BEEN FAKING IT" and then get punched into the sun
MAGIC: well, time to ruin every other backup plan
MAGIC: and leave him with nothing
Draco: yay
Gooper Blooper: XD
MAGIC: the entire doomsday becomes a time out corner for him
Gooper Blooper: "This is my ship of my OC, Brooke with Pelswick! The reason he isn't in a wheelchair is because he is not in a wheelchair I'm my AU. He was never in an accident that paralyzed him from the waist down. Plus, I recently had a dream involving these two and he was standing and walking normally not at all in a wheelchair"
Gooper Blooper: they had a dream
Gooper Blooper: about their pelswick oc
Gooper Blooper: and pelswick
RubyChao: hey
RubyChao: it worked for Hecatia
Jumpropeman: i mean who hasn't
Jumpropeman: final boss battle theme
Jumpropeman: my favorite part of the opening is still the part where some bullies just
Jumpropeman: effortlessly lift a car and walk off with it
Middling Sheep: I don't know why, but I remembered Pelswick being animated squigglevision
Gooper Blooper: he does the WHOOOOOOOA when he dies
Middling Sheep: Though
RubyChao: why is the garbageman god
Jumpropeman: fun fact
Middling Sheep: It's not like I remember anything about the show except the grandmother and...I think he's God?
Jumpropeman: all of Pelswick is on youtube
Gooper Blooper: You've already watched it all for research, right
Jumpropeman: guardian angel
Jumpropeman: not god
Jumpropeman: voiced by WCW World Champion wrestler David Arquette
Jumpropeman: *lays that down so later Cornwind can explode reading it*
Jumpropeman: "Almost everyone in town gets caught up in a bizarre pyramid scheme to sell laundry detergent. The only exceptions are Julie and Sandra (who are too busy embarking on a recycling drive of truly epic proportions) and poor Pelswick, who, as usual, is trying to be the voice of reason amidst all the chaos."
Jumpropeman: the series finale of Pelswick
Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Draco: Hi Cornwind.
Jumpropeman: you're just in time to discuss our favorite wrestler David Arquette
Cornwind Evil throws holy water on JRM.


MAGIC: nite, thanks for plotstuff
MAGIC: and hearing me out
MAGIC: love ya guys
Jumpropeman: <3
Gooper Blooper: <3
MAGIC: there is a love here
MAGIC: no a armadillo tho
MAGIC left the chat
Jumpropeman: i almost made the armadillo joke too
Gooper Blooper: beautiful exit
Jumpropeman: im probably gonna start playing it after my trademark late night nap
Gooper Blooper: ah yes, the midnight nap
Jumpropeman: im sleepy, but not sleepy enough!


pizza o’ clock left the chat
MAGIC: it is no longer pizza-o-clock
Draco: Noooooooooooooooooooooo
SteelKomodo joined the chat
SteelKomodo: rest in pizza
MAGIC was timed out
Draco: There is no longer MAGIC in the air.
MAGIC joined the chat
Draco: There is MAGIC in the air.


MAGIC: sometimes i see something
MAGIC: and i'm like
MAGIC: "if anyone saw me write like this in first person i feel like they'd be legally obligated to speak up and shake me down for my mistakes"
MAGIC: not that i do first person writings really but
MAGIC: beat me if i keep telling and not showing tho
MAGIC: just like that
MAGIC: "what even was the conversation like? do you even remember? couldn't you just say you tuned him out for the most part and was done with it?"
MAGIC: but it is kinda just a snippet of a really bad writing experience that has more problems than just telling us something without showing what it was even like
MAGIC: I DUNNO i'm just talking just to talk
MobileDraco: Not a problem. 🙂
Jumpropeman: I listened to harpy talk in the chatroom. She had a lot to say about something she was reading recently, but I was playing a game on my PSP so I was a bit distracted. Still, it was nice to have my friend talking and while I was quiet, I kept checking each new message to see the developments about bad writing she was giving
MAGIC: i'm laughing right now
MobileDraco: lol


Jumpropeman: I was actually worried last night if the game harpy got me would be real
Jumpropeman: but after playing through it, there may not be any armadillos, but there is a game :V
MAGIC: this game is lacking a gameplay
MAGIC: this game is not a lacking a gameplay
MAGIC: good to hear tho
Jumpropeman: two of the steam achievements are about "Amarillos"
MAGIC: the title lied.
Jumpropeman: "Nope, no Amarillos." "No Amarillos yet."
MAGIC: just rubbin it in your face, huh.
Jumpropeman: amarillo is spanish for yellow and I SAW some yellow
Jumpropeman: so those achievements are LIES
Bree: amarillo is also a city in texas I think???
Bree: :V
Jumpropeman: it is!
Bree: did you see any texan cities
Jumpropeman: I did not
Jumpropeman: Amarillo's zoo has a bigfoot though
Jumpropeman: sadly, not when I visited it
Gooper Blooper: the proof was there all along
MAGIC: i'm sure there's a meme in there somewhere
Jumpropeman: they have a pretty interesting zoo actually, a lot of open areas instead of small enclosures so buffalo can walk about and such
MAGIC: "there remains a distinct lack of armored mammals in this stimulation"
Jumpropeman: I review visual stimulations ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
MAGIC: my brain was like "that's the best i got, take it or leave it"
MAGIC: and i'm like "no, i'm pretty sure there's a better sounding word for this particular style of phrasing"
MAGIC: all visual stimulations will be reviewed at the visual stimulation collection
MAGIC: support the copious amount of detail i write at the site in which provides me your money, monthly, for early access reading material
MAGIC: and to choose which visual stimulation to subject my mind to next
Jumpropeman: sometimes my mom retweets a random game hoard review to help me out, and I have to wonder what her old avon friends see when nice ol' Sonya is sharing a review of Splatterhouse
Gooper Blooper: at least she didn't retweet a porn game
Draco: lol
Jumpropeman: i live in fear
Jumpropeman: "A Guy Game? Well I have a lot of guy friends on facebook, I'll share this so they can see!"
RubyChao: Oh No
Gooper Blooper: "King Of Texas! How cute!"
Draco: JumpRopeMom is playing a dangerous game.


Draco: link


Gooper Blooper: I need sleep, nite guys
Draco: Bye Goops.
Jumpropeman: night goop
Gooper Blooper: if anyone wants to use Plague or Piper, you're welcome to
Draco: Alright!
Draco has Piper betray the ZFRP Universe and start shooting everyone in the name of PELSWICK RP.
Gooper Blooper: piper rp
MAGIC: nite goops
MAGIC: *uses plague for 0 reason other than to show off this new tee he got*
Gooper Blooper: *Plague rips open suit to show off his new shirt, dies of radiation*
MAGIC: rip
Jumpropeman: now that's memorable advertising!
MAGIC: he dies in the yamcha pose
MAGIC: boom, t-shirt
Gooper Blooper left the chat
MAGIC: (no i would never do such a thing to my boy)
MAGIC: shit he left before i confessed
Jumpropeman: gooper will now live in fear
MAGIC: do you think that god stays in heaven, in fear of what he's created...
Draco: Only during Dracoplot.


Draco: knock knockwho,s there the eating milionair the eating millionair who the eating millionair im so hungry
Jumpropeman: ive heard of eating the rich but this is ridiculous!
Draco: Yes, yes it is.
Draco is not planning to have a character who thinks the "Kids write jokes" Twitter is the pinnacle of non-Agama humor.


Jumpropeman: srspost
Jumpropeman: edit so Maya's comment made more sense
Misty Sheep: "Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the human cell."-Maya, probably.
Draco: "Babies have around 100 more bones than adults." - also Maya, I think.
Jumpropeman: she's gotta save that big gun for when we fight Mad Scienstein
Jumpropeman: he'll realize he's not actually the smartest person in the room
Jumpropeman: "Despite being around 90 years of age,[6] he demonstrates strong sexual interests.[7]"
Jumpropeman: quote from the mario wiki
Draco: ....dare I ask WHO they're talking about?
Jumpropeman: Mad Scienstein!
Draco: Gesundheit.
Jumpropeman: that's the look of a man with strong sexual interests
Jumpropeman: I don't even need a citation to know that
Jumpropeman: "the Wario Land 4 official Japanese gamepage confirms that he occasionally plays games to take a break from research. The same interview also suggests that he reads adult magazines and performs activities he cannot discuss with young boys while on his breaks."
Jumpropeman: I was on the fence about getting Wario Land 4 until I learned the old man character is a horn dog, now I GOTTA GET IT- wait I already have it
Draco: I'd wash your hands after touching that game. DB


pizza o’ clock: REKKA BATOU!
Misty Sheep: KAMEN
The Deleter: RIDERRR
The Deleter: link
Misty Sheep: Mushrooms for the mushroom throne, Brother Luigi
The Deleter: Nobody survives mario kart 40,000
RubyChao: i can't believe someone took Spy's meme RYM entrant and expanded on it
The Deleter: Lmao
Misty Sheep: The stars, Brother Mario
The Deleter: Wario and waluigi are orkz
all hallows ivel: that is amazing


Hooded Pitohui: "Big horrible evil star outside, Aiko. Yeah? What d'you think we gonna do 'boudit? Shoot it? With... guns?" - Me, looking at my cast when megabeasts come into play.
Hooded Pitohui: Thanks for the laugh, Del
RubyChao: clearly aiko shoots it and finds the super tiny weak spot that is the size of a single bullet
RubyChao: and then it just
RubyChao: explodes
Jumpropeman: so chao
RubyChao: so jrm
Jumpropeman: in Other M, was Samus under Apophis's aura
RubyChao: yes, as well as the experience aura, the development aura, AND the belief aura
RubyChao: all at once


MobileDraco: Deb casually brings a robot back to life and then sacrifices him to an Elder God. Not bad for a Friday.
Misty Sheep thumbs up

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