Thursday, July 16, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 365: Big Bar Brawl 10 Edition

Jumpropeman: "Mary knows a thing or two about fighting thanks to her sister, the BBB5 champion Silence. She's the leader of the group," I know her well
Jumpropeman: and she's finally back
Jumpropeman: to land that sale
Gooper Blooper: CS
Gooper Blooper: Convenience Store
Gooper Blooper: UNH
Jumpropeman: come on Reiko, put it in the fridge!
Jumpropeman: or it expires in six days
Jumpropeman: "Grab-N-Go is a huge target, and is far from graceful. The treads can handle rough terrain, but are slow and ungainly." so what I'm hearing is
Jumpropeman: stick them in the asteroid section
Gooper Blooper: the water
Gooper Blooper: the moron mountain pathways
Jumpropeman: I'll just put them in the stands to start
Gooper Blooper: Perched precariously atop the pennzoil cans
Jumpropeman: ah yes
Jumpropeman: xyra
Jumpropeman: *pencils in number 1 vote*
N Goat: Who?
Jumpropeman: I like to believe it won't happen
Jumpropeman: I'm a more complex individual than that
N Goat: Are you sure?
Jumpropeman: but also
Jumpropeman: SHE'S SUCH A CUTIE
Gooper Blooper: *has Xyra spend the next five days sitting in valhalla eating pizza and drinking dr pepper while calling Mega Drive cool*
Jumpropeman: you fiend
Jumpropeman: "(there are other transformations besides these, and JRM is free to make up his own if he wishes):"
Jumpropeman: *glasses shimmer*


Jumpropeman: oh my, forgot how emaciated Ralph looks
Jumpropeman: I should really watch Rampage to prepare for this!
Jumpropeman: and to see Ralph glide like a flying squirrel
Draco: That was really one of the sillier parts, which is why it was great.
Draco: It's the Big Bkaiju Brawl this year.
Jumpropeman: how dare you call Lizzie dumb D:<
Draco: You're right. I'll change that so she's an MIT graduate.
Jumpropeman: she's at least twice as smart as shimmer!
Draco: To be fair, even Shimmer is smarter than Shimmer, she's THAT dumb.


ivel: "-Jack Spicer is nothing more than a cowardly, pasty wimp with a fragile ego and an inferiority complex who has hidden himself away from the world," Pito is supposed to save the deaths for the Brawl, not their entries


Draco: I just spent significant time looking up magic items for DeMonde and I'm not even done with her entry yet so I might just kill her in a barpost real quick and enter someone with no powers or equipment instead.
RubyChao: sensible decision, draco
Draco: I'll just enter Powerless Sanae instead. Like Sanae except likable.


Jumpropeman: "Cloak of the Manta Ray: in salt water, it turns the wearer half-Manta Ray. Doesn't work in fresh water."
Jumpropeman: this is why you don't commit to salt or fresh water in the arena til all the entries are in
Jumpropeman: you could miss out on manta rays!
Jumpropeman: "Weaknesses: Game Gear"
Jumpropeman: amazing XD


Jumpropeman: *cracks fingers* *clicks A3515's spell list* welcome back, brine entries


Spy Debates Tinkering: Which of your entrants are you guys most excited to see in action?
RubyChao: Everyone knows.
RubyChao: Everyone knows who it is.


RubyChao: third brawl entry up
Jumpropeman: you're netering mroe character?!?!
Jumpropeman: I'm so shocked I can barely talk!


RubyChao: sometimes i legitimately forget bbb2 was just
RubyChao: Normal Arena
Cornwind Evil: And then the nuke went off.
Jumpropeman: I should nuke the planet for the authentic BBB2 experience!
Jumpropeman: the post-nuke crater did become sort of the identity of the arena
RubyChao: i mean
RubyChao: it's not too late to say "we also smashed a bigass crater into the plain area to represent BBB2", is it?
Jumpropeman: gotta leave something for the pre-fite show
Draco: We detonated a nuclear bomb in the middle of the arena!
Jumpropeman: I might edit that in yeah
Cornwind Evil: The reason I remember the nuke is because I thought since Sine wasn't explicitly dead she'd make a comeback and the nuke made me go "'s just a little atomic! It's still good! It's still good!"


Draco: I've made an update to my veteran. Figured I'd just do it tonight since Harpy had a great idea and folks were concerned about the mighty prospect of four Gameras.
Jumpropeman: "Aversion to Citrus"
Jumpropeman: she'll chase him around the brawl with a slice of toast
Draco: ......I'd forgotten about that nickname when I wrote that. XD
Draco: Now what kaiju do I enter in my last slot?
Draco: My original idea was Gamera and Godzilla entering as buddy cops. No breath weapons allowed, just kaiju-sized pistols.
Jumpropeman: final kaiju: Zeldoten after thanksgiving
Draco: I mean, if you're delaying the Brawl that long...
Jumpropeman: darn, canadian thanksgiving is october


ivel: ...why is this song so good
ivel: it's the title screen for PICTIONARY


Gooper Blooper: Shout-out to Ivel for the Pictionary music I've been listening to on loop since coming into chat
Gooper Blooper: that comments section is great
ivel: lel


Bree: the real question about the panty and stocking entry is ARE there any guys for her to bang
Bree: whether she wins or loses
Gooper Blooper: I'll have you know The Conductor is quite the catch
RubyChao: Jake Marshall's entering!
Bree: would he be interested :V
RubyChao: judging by some of his quips in AA
RubyChao: he certainly wouldn't reject it out of hand
Jumpropeman: Elliott-
Jumpropeman: I'm actually gonna have
Jumpropeman: mostly male entries
Gooper Blooper: male entries like Game Gear's Backpack
Bree: otto and herman
Hooded Pitohui: Time for Jack to get with Panty and Stocking
Gooper Blooper: things are getting
Gooper Blooper: spicy
Bree: still though, several people have entirely ladies as entries :V goops, me...
RubyChao: pitohui
RubyChao: you imply that jack wouldn't talk a big game
Bree: although meiling would like to be included
RubyChao: and then the very second panty said "alright, pants off, let's do this!"
RubyChao: he would faint.
Hooded Pitohui: No, that is exactly what Jack would do.
time pizza: Rip jack
Jumpropeman: he wakes up ten hours later on the bar floor
Jumpropeman: "was that a sex?"


Ghengis Jenga: You wanna know the most annoying thing in the world
Ghengis Jenga: It's when you're watching a Baba is you LP and you figure the solution to a puzzle out before the guy playing it does
Ghengis Jenga: And then he says the solution and dismisses it out of hand
RubyChao: oh GOD
Ghengis Jenga: And you're like
RubyChao: rip
Jumpropeman: oh wow
Ghengis Jenga: Oh my god
RubyChao: "no you dumb fuck you're BABAING WRONG"


Jumpropeman: just watched a clip of OK KO with Koala Princess in it
Jumpropeman: I guess I'm not surprised she has an australian accent, but I still kind of am :V
Draco: Good. It means ZFRP's quota for Australian Accents is met for the first time since Saxton Hale's last Brawl appearance.


SteelKomodo: i have had a stressful day
SteelKomodo: so I shall recover by putting Panty and Stocking in the bar
SteelKomodo: there is nothing that could go wrong :U
Draco: I wish I had a character who would say this to Panty: Be the change you want to see: grow a dick and go fuck yourself. ;p
Del: lmao
SteelKomodo: Panty only wishes she could
SteelKomodo: i'm probably going to regret what i just did
SteelKomodo: but god help me, it will not be today
SteelKomodo: also rip jim dale
RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao: i'm not gonna lie i came in and saw what sk said and i thought Jim Dale had actually died
RubyChao: good work sk
SteelKomodo: i mean
SteelKomodo: in RP at least, he will be very shortly :P
SteelKomodo: i am also probably going to regret this next thing
SteelKomodo: but i've posted it anyway so too late now :U


Bree: who is captain scars
Bree: aside from one of general nobu's soldiers
Brinehammer: The only Nobu without a hat.
Bree: same size and everything?
Brinehammer: No, seriously, Nobu Company is General Nobu's 100 best Nobus. Captain Scars is her #1. Yeah, same size and all.
Bree: haha, nice
Brinehammer: ...Nobu doesn't sound like a word anymore.
Gooper Blooper: Ubon
RubyChao changed name to RubyNobu
RubyNobu: time to make it worse
Bree changed name to Nob(u)ree
ivel changed name to nobel

Gooper Blooper: link
nobel: damnit I laughed
nobel: I was looking for that one
Gooper Blooper:
nobel: "Imagine there are TRILLION OF NOBUS yelling NOBU"
nobel: now we know where Brine got the idea for this plot
Brinehammer: That video I linked spawned the idea of there being a Nobu infestation, honestly. You're walking around at 4 am and just hear "NO-BUUUUU!" off in the distance, horrifying.


Jumpropeman: new brawl entrants up from yours truly
MobileDraco: If it isn't Margaret I'm not surprised.
Jumpropeman: Margaret will fight in Brawl 35
Jumpropeman: clearly I should make one of my entries the Pink Neon Pulverizers
MobileDraco: Koala Princess is her own team.
Jumpropeman: another entrant added
RubyNobu: how
RubyNobu: nifty
Jumpropeman: Disadvantages: people call him Nifty
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: now to put off entering any more characters to make people wonder if I really am swapping in the pink neon pulverizers
Gooper Blooper: As fun as the pulverizers are
Gooper Blooper: gimme dat duplication madness
nobel: put it off until after signups end, that'll have us wondering for sure
nobel: ;P
Jumpropeman: I mainly just don't want to let the girls go and have no idea how to keep them in RP after derby :V
Jumpropeman: I mean, look!
RubyNobu: derby... TWO
Gooper Blooper: "Salvagers would also not target people whose main importance are being strong or powerful or really good at sports or fighting. Athletes aren't necessary, but coaches could be to preserve the sport for example."
Gooper Blooper: you boxed yourself in, JRM
Jumpropeman: well... uh... they gotta make sure the next universe has plenty of cute girls in pink too
Jumpropeman: for moral purposes
Jumpropeman: morale rather
Jumpropeman: but its also immoral to leave them behind
Gooper Blooper: you never know when you'll need a girl who can turn into a koala
Nob(u)ree: koalas are endangered!
Nob(u)ree: it's wildlife conservation!
Gooper Blooper: the salvagers recruit Super Noah to build a space ark
Nob(u)ree: but he needs a breeding pair. where is he gonna find a dude who can turn into a koala
Jumpropeman: now you know why KP is single
Harpy: they also eat the poison trees and their entire bodies are poison to everyone who tries to eat them-
Jumpropeman: now you know why no one has eaten KP
Draco: You underestimate Clownpiece's ability to resist poison.
nobel: how good is her ability to resist poison?
nobel: we should test it
Draco: Clownpiece's poison resistance is SO potent, she can eat FIVE non-toxic crayons before dying.
Jumpropeman: KP can eat HALF of one before spitting it back out!


Jumpropeman: how many votes do people want
Jumpropeman: it's the tenth anniversary so
Jumpropeman: going back to 1 is appropriate
Harpy: i'm fine with whatever
Jumpropeman: harpy is fine with 1
RubyNobu: i think 8 + Sponsorship + Gift + Some Sort Of Special Tenth Anniversary Gimmick
Gooper Blooper: Even if I get ten, I'm going to have to effort to get all my picks repped
Harpy: hey, one is enough to vote for ivel like the shill that i am
Gooper Blooper: I made a preliminary list just with who we already have confirmed and I'm already out of space
Harpy: i want him to win and feel good
Harpy: eclair ain't winning goops, you can cross her off-
RubyNobu: well goops
RubyNobu: that's what happens when you vote for Bikkie ten times
RubyNobu: i don't blame you, of course
RubyNobu: she's good
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: haha!
Jumpropeman: introducing the Harpy Vote
RubyNobu: harpy wins
RubyNobu: goops: ".......What do I do for #1 next year?"
Harpy: nah let me win when i can enter satoshi or something
RubyNobu: actually jrm
Harpy: i was gonna joke "give us enough votes so that goops can vote for other people instead of the top 2 going to harpchars" but that felt... self-depreciating?
Harpy: idk
RubyNobu: in all seriousness, i wouldn't mind you going over the top for votes this year and then dialing back next year, due to Tenth Anniversary
RubyNobu: i.e. i won't take this year's vote expansions as a permanent committment if you do them
Jumpropeman: 100 VOTES
Harpy: that's anxiety.
RubyNobu: can i use all the extra votes on Bikkie
Jumpropeman: im sure, like every year, I will look back at how I did things last year and use that as a basis for this year, believing I had things together last year even though I did the exact same thing then
RubyNobu: so what you're saying is
RubyNobu: you've had it together since season 1
RubyNobu: i'm impressed!
Jumpropeman: yup! I still write the Brawl live and everything!
Gooper Blooper: I remember even back in Season 1 I was like "why on earth did he write it live"
Draco: But Goops, that's how he's doing it this year in honor of the first Brawl! 😄


Jumpropeman: If anyone feels like playing Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge from the Simpsons
Gooper Blooper: Every Game, JRM
Jumpropeman: it's a flash game :P
Jumpropeman: slash fan game
Jumpropeman: I've already played it too
Draco: I played it too. Not...awful.
Draco: But is it a Slash game?
Gooper Blooper: is it
Gooper Blooper: a Slasho game
Jumpropeman: Slasho only plays hack and slash games
Draco: Slasho only plays dating sims.
Gooper Blooper: "Mega Drive has a propensity for drawing from obscure or lesser known games, and doesn't like to repeat a summon twice around people who have seen others. Game Gear has no issue with it, but Mega Drive's insistence on this means you won't be seeing Sonic the Hedgehog from her even in a perfect Sonic the Hedgehog scenario."
Gooper Blooper: I hope this explicitly happens, btw
Gooper Blooper: A loop-de-loop shows up and Mega Drive is scouring her obscurities for something that can use it while Game Gear is off to the side yelling "JUST USE SONIC YOU DWEEB"
Draco: DeMonde looks at a card Game Gear gave. "Yeah, nerd, use Ecco the Dolphin already?"
RubyNobu: ah
RubyNobu: but what if
RubyNobu: GAME GEAR uses Sonic!?
Draco: What if Mega Drive uses Sonic 3D Blast? That's kind of obscure, right?
Gooper Blooper: Game Gear can use stuff from Sonic, but not Actually Sonic
Gooper Blooper: items and vehicles
Gooper Blooper: she can use the car from Sonic Drift
Gooper Blooper: or Robotnik's Eggmobile
Gooper Blooper: or a spring
RubyNobu: oh right!
RubyNobu: i legitimately forgot that Game Gear couldn't do characters
Gooper Blooper: It's a cool distinction!
Gooper Blooper: Think of it like
Gooper Blooper: Mega Drive is Odyssey
Gooper Blooper: and Game Gear is Samhain
RubyNobu: except much sexier-
Jumpropeman: says you
Gooper Blooper: SHAZBOT~
Draco: JRM finds out about DeMonde's secret affair with Samhain the Sega Hard way.
Jumpropeman: i can't blame her
Jumpropeman: that pumpkin's got curves
Draco: Baby got plant.


Misty Sheep: I'm trying to remember more weaknesses
Jumpropeman: i know the feeling but instead with advantages :V
Draco: Same.
Draco: I just added DeMonde's ability to resist getting extra sauce at the chicken wings place.
Draco: I'm debating if taking one napkin too many is a strength or a weakness though.
RubyNobu: according to jojo, if you take the first napkin you singlehandledly determine the direction of society
RubyNobu: so i'd say strength
Draco: Wow.
Draco: I did change her music to something from Jojo so it must be true.
Jumpropeman: cant believe i forgot to add Crocomire's water chestnut allergy!
Draco: I can't believe it's not butter!


Jumpropeman: I remember when Basu first appeared
Misty Sheep: It wasn't that long ago!
Jumpropeman: I thought his humanoid hands were like, cheap plastic props he held with his bug hands
Misty Sheep: whaaaat, JRM
Jumpropeman: before we knew much about him, I though he had goofy mannequin arms to help hm fit in
Misty Sheep: Hahahahah
Misty Sheep: I laughed so hard
Misty Sheep: I coughed


Snekphone: Soon as i’m home
Snekphone: Ya’ll want carla or mel
Snekphone: I’ll write the other tomorrow
Monster Sheep: Carlamel.
Jumpropeman: "Let go your self-censoring peccadilloes and thrust in, mind naked and raw!"
Jumpropeman: this brawl is getting steamier by the entrant
Snekphone: No fusions
Snekphone: 😐
MobileDraco: Guess I'm entering DeMonde-in-a-bikini instead.
Snekphone asked Chatzy to choose between mel and carla. Chatzy chose: mel
Jumpropeman: gimmemel
Snekphone: Jrm manipulates chatzy
Snekphone: Should be simple
Monster Sheep: gimme pizza
MobileDraco: Okay.
Monster Sheep: p-i-z-z-a
Jumpropeman: TWO WALL!! entries!? You spoil us Sheep!
Monster Sheep: THAT'S A SECRET!
Jumpropeman: oh man
Monster Sheep: You win nothing for finding it
Jumpropeman: you have unearthed that accursed song
Jumpropeman: the editing so nauseous you'll be sick before they start adding the ingredients
Jumpropeman: my memory enhanced their singing ability
Monster Sheep dark chuckling


Bree: amity regrets nothing


RubyChao: oh
RubyChao: belated comment on CKR
RubyChao: but i appreciate that the addition of Lord Death Man means she continues the streak of Weird Comics Villains
Gooper Blooper: I knew we were gonna get one!
Jumpropeman: the only one I knew in advance this year was FuzzFace
Jumpropeman: because she learned he existed by playing Double Dragon Neon with me and she immediately said "he's in the Brawl"
Gooper Blooper: I bet that filled you with excitement XP
Jumpropeman: well he is the best of the best!
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: i hope you make sure to tell CKR that one of the characters entering in the brawl
RubyChao: is a vampire
RubyChao: because of her character last year
Gooper Blooper: Hellcow literally one of the most important JRMsister entrants ever
Jumpropeman: i told her when we read the brawl that the characters were still vampires :V


Jumpropeman: so sheep
Jumpropeman: Drunks become next Triplets of Belleville?
Monster Sheep: Ahahah, probably not
Monster Sheep: The Triplets had a lot of INNER strength
Jumpropeman: oh no
Jumpropeman: I didn't realize til now
Jumpropeman: I will
Jumpropeman: have to WRITE the drunks
Monster Sheep: Yep
Monster Sheep: Get out your slang glossaries
Jumpropeman: *swaps Elliott out for Sonata and has her instamute them*
Monster Sheep: We earned that cantankerous old man, fair and square!


Monster Sheep: "I combined a bunch of my favorite traits and it ended up just being a cute girl."
Monster Sheep: It keeps happening!
Monster Sheep: Alternate joke
Monster Sheep looks quizzically at Purnima


Monster Sheep: "Plenty of experience riding and repairing her machine after damaging it in battles"
Monster Sheep: Now, I have seen how Tsubasa Kazanari treats a bike.
Monster Sheep: I have trouble believing there's enough left to patch it up.
Monster Sheep: Oh! Mystia's a Touhou
Monster Sheep: Somehow, that went over my head
Draco: Yep. Sorry, Sheep. Another one was corrupted.


Cornwind Evil: Made a few last minute tweaks to Ash and Christine's entry
RubyChao: "ash now instantly wins all fights"
Monster Sheep: Ahahah
Cornwind Evil: Gave them back Erdrick and also had all the other Prometheans give their powers to them.
Cornwind Evil: Darn it Chao beat me to it and was funnier


Monster Sheep: So
Monster Sheep: this is the year all the Secret Fiters get in, right?
RubyChao: all the secret fiters get in
RubyChao: as one entrant
Cornwind Evil: So...are they chained together? All stuck in a ball? Fused into a SecretFitermass?
Draco: The Shrekoning: all Secret Fiters are connected via umbilical cords.
Cornwind Evil: Gross
Jumpropeman: our secret fiter this year came from... that one guy. You know, the guy?
RubyChao: Me?
Monster Sheep: Don't play with my heart, JRM
Monster Sheep: I want it this year
Cornwind Evil: But you got it last year!
Jumpropeman: our secret fiter is from someone who hasn't gotten it picked before!
Monster Sheep: Which is, as we all know, more than enough to kill anything that moves
Monster Sheep: JRM, for God's sake
Jumpropeman: it's ivel!
Monster Sheep: Oh hey!
Jumpropeman: its hard to see some secret fiters go
Monster Sheep: Wonderful
Jumpropeman: but I do like ivel's
Monster Sheep: Well that's good :V
Jumpropeman: imagine if I just said "ivel's is awful I'm so sorry guys"
Monster Sheep: Ahahahha
Draco: I mean, you COULD say that and still let it in.
Monster Sheep: I'd probably have just been curious
Draco: Not as great as MY Secret Fiter, Little Zam.
Jumpropeman: there were 11 suggestions this year
RubyChao: so
Monster Sheep: Regular-sized Zam
Jumpropeman: NONE OF THEM were LEGO Indiana Jones
RubyChao: well of course not
Monster Sheep: A travesty.
RubyChao: that's the Mystery Fiter
Jumpropeman: I almost entered him instead of Niftu
Jumpropeman: he seemed niftier
Jumpropeman: people really seem to value niftiness
Monster Sheep: Niftu's the niftiest :I
Jumpropeman: wash your tongue BI
Monster Sheep: Niftu the Nifty is my favorite Yoshi's Island boss
Monster Sheep: Have I made that joke already?
Draco: Not yet.
Draco: Better make it fast before Chao does.
Jumpropeman: you can throw the egg before he's onscreen to send him on his back and make him squirm like a turtle
Monster Sheep: Ahahahah


ivel: Jumpropeman: imagine if I just said "ivel's is awful I'm so sorry guys"
ivel: I can say it
ivel: really though, yay!


Jumpropeman: "a disturbing clown fairy with a flamethrower"
Jumpropeman: condensing jester chao down was oddly tough
tired: i thought you were describing clownpiece for a split second
RubyChao: same
Jumpropeman: she doesn't have a flamethrower
Draco: Yet.
RubyChao: :fear:
tired: she probably does for cool tricks for july 4th
ivel: Duer is there to stop her from getting one
Draco: She has to prove she can take care of a puppy before she's allowed to have her own flamethrower.
tired: better if the flamethrower is actually just a hellhound
tired: or houndour


(JRM struggles to pick his votes)

Jumpropeman: *eliminates one character too many*
Jumpropeman: oh no
Jumpropeman: now I have to look at everyone again
Draco: I can vote for Junko even though she's not Brawling, right?
Gooper Blooper: all votes for Junko will be counted as votes for Ping-Ping
RubyChao: but what if i was already voting for ping-ping???
Jumpropeman: *looks at voting table that is all Ping-Ping*


ivel: thanks to chatzy madness I went here
ivel: "How do you know when a bumblebee is happy?
When he's in your tummy!"

ivel: I am concerned this is what I was greeted with
Jumpropeman: I'm licking up a baby bumblebee, won't my mommy be so proud of me!
Cornwind Evil: Ugh, I HATED that bumblebee song as a kid
ivel: "How did the cat chase the dog?
It took a bus!"

Jumpropeman: they're evolving
ivel: "why is captin america called captin america.
because he ate all of america and pooed it out and that is what is left of amerca."

the kids even understand political humor
Jumpropeman: those were dark times
Jumpropeman: literally
Draco: "who cuts your legs off?
the leg hairdresser"
Draco: I didn't know JRM was a leg hairdresser.
Jumpropeman: that's because they revoked my certification
Jumpropeman: you aren't supposed to do it for free


Cornwind Evil: Effortpost I've been sitting on for a few years
Draco: Finally, we'll know what you thought of Sumireko back in Brawl 6!
Monster Sheep: Years??
Cornwind Evil: Yes, years.
Cornwind Evil: The circumstances for it were never right before
Monster Sheep: The stars have aligned!
Jumpropeman: but uh...
Jumpropeman: this is the second time you've posted a parody of the song?
Cornwind Evil: ....My memory is HORRIBLE
Monster Sheep does his own parody
Monster Sheep with Doc Croc costumes
Monster Sheep really wishes he'd saved his One Brawl More idea for the anniversary

Cornwind Evil: Hmmmm, delete it or work my bad memory into it...
Jumpropeman: I honestly thought you were gonna
Jumpropeman: like this was some callback that then swerved
Draco makes a list where Big Zam insults every Brawler.
Monster Sheep makes a list where every Brawler insults Big Zam

Draco: Sheep's burns are so sick. D;
Cornwind Evil: Well I edited it.
Cornwind Evil: God. I am not kidding. I legitimately completely forgot I did it already
Monster Sheep: "NO! NO! NO! You cannot fix a barely changed joke from another source by replacing with a barely changed joke from a wholly separate source!"


Gooper Blooper: link
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: why would goops be posting Xyra as I work on my votes...
Jumpropeman: a real mystery there...
Cornwind Evil: As you can see, Gooper
Cornwind Evil: My memory continues to fail completely
Gooper Blooper: I saw the original unedited version first and I managed to forget the 2016 one
oops: welp
Cornwind Evil: That does make me feel a bit better
Gooper Blooper: but the "song lyrics but with kobbers" posts usually blur together for me
Cornwind Evil watches his better feeling crash and burn
Gooper Blooper: I'm sorry XD
Cornwind Evil 's smile and optimism, gone.
oops: rip
Cornwind Evil: I'm gonna go eat some worms
Gooper Blooper: They just don't have the impact of a good argument or scene!
Cornwind Evil: worms around
oops: woooooooooooooormssss
Monster Sheep: Oh, I thought it was a shooting star
Monster Sheep: but it was just CW's self esteem
Cornwind Evil: I'm gonna go play The Last Of Us Part II
oops: please don't play suffering porn


Monster Sheep: Spider Pig, Spider Pig...
Monster Sheep distressed humming in the distance
Gooper Blooper: spider-pig wins, comes back as Harry Plopper for his third run


n goat: I wasn't expecting a close-up of a condom dispensary to be the last shot of this episode, but okay.


RubyChao: "All right fvck "Millennials" and "Zoomers" and whatever else....the generations are now "People too old for Homestar Runner," "People who were the right age and loved Homestar Runner," and "People too young for Homestar Runner""
RubyChao: i support this idea


Monster Sheep: Okay
Monster Sheep: I guess I'm going to tear myself away from reading more excellent effort vote stuff
Monster Sheep: for Black Clover
Jumpropeman: you chose... poorly
RubyChao: meanwhile
RubyChao: i'll make more Black Clover characters rp canon
Jumpropeman: you chose... even more poorly


RubyChao: today i learned
RubyChao: i am exactly as old as Mortal Kombat
RubyChao: down to the day
Draco: Wow. You ARE Liu Kang.
SteelKomodo: wow, that's neat


Monster Sheep: Oh my God, these votes, Hooded Pitohui
Jumpropeman: I did enjoy the voting gimmick pitohui used
Hooded Pitohui: Sheep, I have no shame in admitting that when I made my initial draft of ten votes after narrowing it down, I went "oh, crud, literally half of these are Sheepchars"
Hooded Pitohui: I did a little editing but I knew my gift vote had to go to you
Monster Sheep sweating
Jumpropeman: sheep was almost my gift vote :V
Jumpropeman: the sheep push is real
Monster Sheep: :I
Monster Sheep: The way my luck tends to go, I'll have yet to have a 1st place entrant by the next anniversary Brawl, but got in a Secret Fiter a truly suspicious amount of times
Monster Sheep: "Yup, Gamera's stolen my heart and got away with it too, even though he's not normally my type."
Monster Sheep: So many questions
Monster Sheep: that I don't want answered
Monster Sheep: "GG the Jet Turtle"
Monster Sheep: A BIZARRE pull, JRM
Jumpropeman: only if you don't have a Jay Jay the Jet Plane shrine in your house
MobileDraco: Game Gear's got curves but she ain't a turtle.
Monster Sheep: I see where JASON-3's loyalty lies!
Monster Sheep: "I gotta tell you 'bout my bae too"
Monster Sheep recoils like a hissing vampire
Jumpropeman: you knew what Jason was like
MobileDraco: I've got my votes figured out: 1-6: Sheepchars. 7: Optimus Prime. 8: Jack Spicer.
Monster Sheep: DENIED
Monster Sheep: "Now, you heard his jokes, right?"
Monster Sheep: And this is still in support of him?
Jumpropeman: one thing I liked about voting was I could say why three of my characters are into their partners :V
MobileDraco: Okay, okay. 1-8, Sponsor: all Sheep.
Jumpropeman: 1-10: FuzzFace
Monster Sheep: You have committed an unlawful action, citizen
Monster Sheep: "Shiiiiit, what IS all up in this guy?"
Monster Sheep: That IS the general response to Motormer, yes.


Monster Sheep: AAAAAA
Gooper Blooper: relax, friend
Gooper Blooper: have a bevvy
Monster Sheep: :I
Jumpropeman: all votes for The Drunks go to the Drunks, but get doubled
Jumpropeman: wait, that's silly
Jumpropeman: tripled
Gooper Blooper: Scrimigen on over here and keek a pak at this leppin' pile of VOORTS
Gooper Blooper just making shit up
Jumpropeman: i would have believed you weren't :V
Monster Sheep: I'll chib ye right in the teeth!
Gooper Blooper: There's a dwarf in the GBA version of FF1 who uses the word "keek" instead of "peek" and it forever stuck with me
Cornwind Evil: If it makes you feel better Sheep the Drunks are only my third place vote
Draco: What's that? Vote for the Drunks? No way! I'm voting Motormer.
Monster Sheep: CW, NO!
Cornwind Evil: Okay fine, second place
Jumpropeman: I think Sheep needs to win just to be free of people voting for him (as much)
Gooper Blooper: I was just gonna say, every year someone new who ISN'T sheep wins, he gets more boxed in
Monster Sheep: While it's fun for the Drunks to be an anniversary surprise, I don't think anyone wants them to win it :V
Jumpropeman: *imagines writing their epilogue*
Monster Sheep: Their epilogue is just going to the bar and complaining while getting drunk.


Jumpropeman: "Yes, there's serviceable gameplay here with enough unlockable extras to keep youngsters interested. You could give them this as a present, and they'd probably play it. They'd hate you, but they'd play it. Pac 'n' Roll proudly stands as the king of mediocrity. Not bad, not good, but just there anyway, pushed out of the door to keep the income coming. You can't begrudge the developers for doing it, and there is decent content in it, somewhere, but anyone looking for a good adventure title for the system should pass this one by."
oops: welp.
Jumpropeman: one reason I look up games after making my review rough drafts is to make sure I didn't miss important info or details about the game mechanics
Jumpropeman: the other reason?
Jumpropeman: the sass


Jumpropeman: for the first time in... at least seven months, I am caught up on writing my Game Hoard reviews
Jumpropeman: still gotta grab images and proofread and junk, but damn
Jumpropeman: I pretty much wrote one every night for a while
Jumpropeman: now I can take a break and write a Brawl every day for like two weeks
Draco: Is it too late to enter Vina instead of Big Zam? jk


RubyChao: gooper's post is up
RubyChao: this is not a drill
Jumpropeman: ah dingos
Jumpropeman: I was getting ready to wash up!
Harps: after fucking dealing with phantom bold tags
Harps: my efforted normal votes are up
Harps: as always after reading these votes
Harps: ldfjlkdfjlk gfjkl; jgllj dhlgjso;u 9gjhpksda;gk


Jumpropeman: "Ain't no rule saying dogs can't Brawl" in fact, it's practically tradition!


Jumpropeman: I kinda want to effort GG-chan specifically :V
Gooper Blooper: GG-Chan becomes the next Ravage
Jumpropeman: she is almost as cute as Ravage...


Harps: i need to eat this cookie before i forget it exists again


Cornwind Evil: If you put Min Min in Google, the second result you're offered is "Min Min thicc"
Harps: very appreciated
Gooper Blooper: not seeing a problem
Monster Sheep: Is she?
Monster Sheep: Is that what the kids are calling that?
Gooper Blooper: how do you do fellow kids


Gooper Blooper:

Monster Sheep: Garfield eats up the nomination!
Harps: one day we'll end up with a garfield godbeast
Harps: pray that it is not Maple on a bad day.


Jumpropeman: every now and then youtube throws skooks in my face again and I try not to rewatch all of it
Harps: do it anyway
Jumpropeman: i probably will


Jumpropeman: are you ready for Optimus Prime's epilogue to have him wipe out the decepticons for good in a Season 1-2 style finish to the brawl? :V
RubyChao: absolutely!
RubyChao: to be fair, season 2 was the only real WORLD ALTERING brawl finish
Draco: Definitely. I'm ready to be done with Deceptiplot once and for all! ;u;7


Jumpropeman: "Fortnep"
Jumpropeman: well now this is canon
Jumpropeman: and we can't uncanon it


ivel: I was thinking of who became who when Fighting is Magic turned into Them's Fightin' Herds
ivel: and somehow
ivel: I forgot about
ivel: Rainbow Dash.
ivel: I was like "who was this last one supposed to be again?"
Draco: I forgot to vote for Rainbow Dash too...
Draco kicks Oda out of his votes.
RubyChao: don't worry
RubyChao: Rainbow Dash always dies in style
Harps: this is her year
Gooper Blooper: effort the pony
Harps: and yet i couldn't vote
Gooper Blooper: better yet
RubyChao: the roster is just
RubyChao: TOO GOOD
Gooper Blooper: effort Tank
Gooper Blooper: just tank.
Harps: i can't make an obnoxious effortpost, that's just a shitpost and would deduct her votes
RubyChao: let's be real
RubyChao: rd's gonna die in the bottom ten, and tank will survive the whole brawl anyway
Harps: Rd would be disappointed
Gooper Blooper: the ultimate end to the meme
Draco: Chao, you just don't get it...Tank is actually DARK MATTER GAMERA.


Harps: tomorrow: carla joins a plot she barely comprehends
Jumpropeman: i think that's how everyone attending will feel
RubyChao: i have ideas
RubyChao: they are all very stupid
Draco: You can comprehend Jester Chao?
RubyChao: no, draco, i just type and words come out
Harps: we're not ready for jester giyguao


Monster Sheep: If there's one thing I can be counted on to put effort in, it's badly editing a picture of a poorly drawn Doc Croc/Dr. Deer.


Monster Sheep: The two most powerful elements
Monster Sheep: Friendship
Monster Sheep: and worms


Pursue Lu Bu 3 The Pursuing: Hhhhhhhhhhhh
Bree: hhhhhhhhh
Bree: are we cats hissing at each other or like what is this sound we're making
Harps: i dunno, maybe that's just an extremely dry heave


Gooper Blooper: link
Hot Potato: oda doing bank card deals?
Hot Potato: she has fallen...
Gooper Blooper: this is how General Nobu face turns
Gooper Blooper: she has checks with little poodles on them
Hot Potato: you mean henry the screaming dog?
ivel: I read checks as cheeks
Hot Potato: ...i don't think i needed to know about that new tattoo she got on her butt.
ivel: I was thinking of her face :I
Hot Potato: and i'm lewd, whatcha gonna do about it
Jumpropeman: megumin has a bar code birthmark on her butt
Jumpropeman: that's what I learned in research
Hot Potato: ...that can go some dark places
ivel: "research"
Hot Potato: megumin is not for sale.
ivel: meanwhile I was thinking of Hitman
Gooper Blooper: Megumin winds up inside Grab-N-Go during the Brawl and ends up sitting on the checkout scanner at one point
Gooper Blooper: and we hear a "bip"
ivel: how much tho
Gooper Blooper: how much is Megumin worth, that is indeed the real question
Draco: At least 10000 Dongs.
Hot Potato: worth one tome of explosions


RubyChao: you know what the absolute hardest part of this brawl is going to be?
Draco: Writing it?
Hot Potato: accepting that someone else
Hot Potato: someone
Hot Potato: will have to get last.
RubyChao: the fact that basically the entire roster is stacked full of stars and yet by how the brawl works some of them ha- YES
RubyChao: exactly
Hot Potato: someone can flop and there is a non-0 chance that the one with the most votes will end up there
Draco: It's okay; Big Zam can get last. It's cool.
Gooper Blooper: It's gonna hurt
Hot Potato: it's going to fucking suck whoever gets last
Gooper Blooper: when the tractor shoots us with its coconut gun
Draco: I know y'all are scrambling to change your votes to Big Zam, but it's okay.
Hot Potato: but we're basically going like
RubyChao: well draco
RubyChao: i want your opinion on my post first
Draco: I haven't read it yet.
RubyChao: #1 Big Zam
#2 Big Zam
#3 Big Zam
#4 Big Zam
#5 Big Zam
#6 Big Zam
#7 Big Zam
#8 Big Zam
#9 Big Zam
#10 Big Zam
Hot Potato: we're prolly gonna get over it and then be like WOW THE BRAWLS GREAT
RubyChao: overkill?
Jumpropeman: don't forget to gift vote it
RubyChao: can i pretend it's my entrant for the duration of my sponsorship, too
Draco: Perfect.
ivel: Hot Potato: it's going to fucking suck whoever gets last
ivel: unless it's Ikki again
ivel: then it'll be hilarious


RubyChao: playing 2064 read only memories
RubyChao: and look who made a cameo
Jumpropeman: wow
Monster Sheep: Hah!
Monster Sheep: Yeah, I remember that


Monster Sheep: What horrible sin did I commit
Monster Sheep: That I have been punished by having a song from The Magic Voyage stuck in my head
Monster Sheep: Suffer, nerds
Jumpropeman: what a freaking movie
Monster Sheep: I like how the horse has absolutely no qualms about forcing his way into this musical number
Jumpropeman: you like parts of that song?
Monster Sheep: I still have this movie on VHS somewhere
Monster Sheep: It must be leaking some mind-altering radiation or something
Monster Sheep: Let me tell you, seeing this was a trip as a kid, just because of all the additional dialogue they put in when character's mouths weren't moving
Jumpropeman: i noticed that even just in this microcosm of the film
Monster Sheep: Hahah
Monster Sheep: Yeah, it was a middling movie made slightly insane by strange dubbing choices
MobileDraco: Yohane and Yoshiko sang that song together.
RubyChao: i love the random kid
RubyChao: and i see what you mean about just
RubyChao: the lack of trying to make it match
MobileDraco: Random folks joining in the song.
Monster Sheep: The horse startles me
Monster Sheep: because there's no lead up
Monster Sheep: The horse never acts like it's going to talk until it just suddenly shoves into the song
Monster Sheep: And then it goes right back to being a non-entity
MobileDraco: Big lipped alligator
RubyChao: wait sheep are you saying that's just
RubyChao: the only time the horse talks
RubyChao: all movie?
Monster Sheep: I think so
RubyChao: beautiful.
Monster Sheep: Animals do talk in this film!
Monster Sheep: To Columbus
Monster Sheep: But I think that horse just talks during that song and that's it
Jumpropeman: of course
Jumpropeman: that wood louse thing is his best friend
MobileDraco: Is that what it is?
Monster Sheep: supposedly, that is a bookworm
Monster Sheep: There's a whole song about it
Monster Sheep: I could get it for you
Monster Sheep: It's no trouble
Monster Sheep glassy-eyed


Pursue Lu Bu 3 The Pursuing: Hbwuh
Pursue Lu Bu 3 The Pursuing: I fell asleep
MobileDraco: It's usually a good idea to do that.
Pursue Lu Bu 3 The Pursuing: No it's not how can I RP when sleep is a thing?
MobileDraco: Oh. Good point. I hadn't thought of that.


Hot Potato: ya'll ready for a classic Alex story?
RubyChao: maybe?
Hot Potato: as in, alex tells a story
Hot Potato: but its about stella
Hot Potato: blrbljljk
Monster Sheep joined the chat
Monster Sheep: bkhkbjkbkl
Hot Potato: same
Draco: I'm ready for a Stella-r story. ;V
Hot Potato: new effort up
RubyChao: i managed to read that as stella r-18 story, draco
Hot Potato: i mean i can make those too but that is not forum friendly
Draco: I mean, it could be that kind of story. I haven't read it yet.
Jumpropeman: i'd definitely give that some high effort points
Hot Potato: no stella did not sway bandits with her tits
Hot Potato: do not tempt things you are not prepared to handle
Jumpropeman: "What truly finished the job was her puffing up her chest"
Hot Potato: still did not actually tempt them with her titties
Hot Potato: only rain is worthy


Monster Sheep: Someone
Monster Sheep: effortpost for Frost
Monster Sheep becomes deceased
Jumpropeman: Frost is more than good, she's great!
Monster Sheep comes back to life to throttle JRM
ivel makes a post about how her cyborg body and Lin-Kuei training can give her the edge

Monster Sheep: Do it, ivel
Monster Sheep: I dare you


Jumpropeman: im waiting for the big bar brawl where all characters are counting on weapon scavenging to the point no one even brought one


Hot Potato: edited for my last efforts...
Hot Potato: don't ask me for anything ever again
Cornwind Evil: Harpy, I want Anything Ever Again
Hot Potato: no
Cornwind Evil: AHHHHHHHHH
Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: I tried to joke that she literally kicked me out of chat
Hot Potato: i am not a mod, and for good reason
Hot Potato was promoted for 5 minutes by Draco
Hot Potato: noooo
Draco: (b^_^)b


Jumpropeman: "Frosty the Trapwoman"
Jumpropeman: I read that as
Jumpropeman: Frosty the Tapeworm
Jumpropeman: and was like WTF is that nickname
Hot Potato: oh no
Hot Potato: well you know what they say about tapeworms...
Gooper Blooper: frosty the tapeworm was a very jolly soul


Monster Sheep: Notable movie critic Roger Ebert gave the film three stars out of four, saying: "Gamera: Guardian of the Universe is precisely the kind of movie that I enjoy, despite all rational reasoning. How, you may ask, can I possibly prefer this Japanese monster film about a jet-powered turtle to a megabudget solemnity like Air Force One? It has laughable acting, a ludicrous plot, second-rate special effects and dialogue such as, 'Someday, I'll show you around monster-free Tokyo!' The answer, I think, is that Gamera is more fun."
Jumpropeman: I appreciate that he'd allow himself such enjoyments
Monster Sheep: Popcorn Pictures said, "This is just a great, fun kaiju film. ... Gamera finally has a film to rival Godzilla (but he's still second best to the Big G, though) and rid the infamous legacy that has dogged him throughout his motion picture life."
RubyChao: reminds me of that review ebert once gave about the mummy
RubyChao: "There is within me an unslaked hunger for preposterous adventure movies. I resist the bad ones, but when a "Congo" or an "Anaconda" comes along, my heart leaps up and I cave in. "The Mummy" is a movie like that. There is hardly a thing I can say in its favor, except that I was cheered by nearly every minute of it. I cannot argue for the script, the direction, the acting or even the mummy, but I can say that I was not bored and sometimes I was unreasonably pleased. There is a little immaturity stuck away in the crannies of even the most judicious of us, and we should treasure it."
Jumpropeman: im sure someone must have shared this once, but just in case
Jumpropeman: that one time they uploaded an incomplete movie trailer and it was hilarious
RubyChao: remember when Universal attempted to do the CINEMATIC UNIVERSE OF MONSTER MOVIES
RubyChao: and it collapsed hard
Cornwind Evil: The Dark Universe, yes
Cornwind Evil: So far we have one semi successful CU besides Marvel and that's the Monsterverse and that was just four films
Jumpropeman: everyone wants a cinematic universe but no one wants to put in the legwork
Draco: Godzilla had a cinematic universe before anyone had ever heard of the term.
Jumpropeman: monsterverse is new zilla right?
Draco: Yeah.
Jumpropeman: they're doing it pretty smart yeah
RubyChao: i'm reading the mummy summary and i'm laughing that they have Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde just
RubyChao: there
Jumpropeman: "Come see my movie that will never get made, bye"
Monster Sheep: Huh
RubyChao: "Soldiers appear and subdue Ahmanet. Their leader, Dr. Henry Jekyll, explains that Jenny is an agent of Prodigium, a secret society dedicated to hunting supernatural threats. Nick and Jenny discover that Dr. Jekyll intends to allow Set to possess Nick completely, believing that this will render Set vulnerable.
Jekyll transforms into Edward Hyde. Nick stops him with a serum that Jekyll invented for this purpose, and he and Jenny escape."
just look at that
RubyChao: i feel like it wouldn't stand out so much if he wasn't already Mr. Hyde as well
RubyChao: like it just being dr. jekyll would be the usual "look! plot setup!"
RubyChao: this just feels like "WE HAD THIS OTHER MOVIE IDEA TOO"
Monster Sheep: I prefer League of Extraordinary Gentleman Dr, Jekyll and Mr. Hyde :I
Monster Sheep: Although, I haven't seen this scene, so what do I know
RubyChao: i prefer
RubyChao: Dr. Sheep and M Sheep
Jumpropeman: i bet they needed an action beat
Jumpropeman: "too much talking uhhhhh have him go hulk"
Monster Sheep: There is no line between Dr. and M
RubyChao: though actually would it be Dr. Sheep and Mr. Goat
Monster Sheep: they're both the evil side!
Cornwind Evil: Plus the Invisible Man was supposed to show up too
Jumpropeman: he did
Jumpropeman: you just didn't see him
Cornwind Evil: That idea eventually morphed into the 2020 Invisible film
Jumpropeman: ive heard that movie is pretty good!
Cornwind Evil: So I heard as well
Jumpropeman: let's both never watch it and keep telling people it's good


Monster Sheep: So this is Ebirah, right?
Jumpropeman: Ebirah's epilogue when it sweeps the brawl alone
Draco: JRM cottoned on that I wanted Ebirah to be the actual entrant. ;o;


Pursue Lu Bu 3 The Pursuing joined the chat
Pursue Lu Bu 3 The Pursuing: Weed
Jumpropeman: can I take a break for one day
Jumpropeman: just one
Draco: Okay, but JUST one. Pick wisely. BI
Cornwind Evil: I pick the day that is named after a god


Draco: Just less than a minute left to effort or change all votes to Sheepchars.
Draco: 10 seconds.
RubyChao: too late
RubyChao: i changed everyone's votes to Sheepchars
RubyChao: even Sheep's
Monster Sheep: My votes have been up for the past minute or so
Draco: Good call.
Jumpropeman: ah! good!
Monster Sheep: I was just trying to figure out a Frost effort, but had no time but to just slap a couple words down
RubyChao: i'm trying to hammer out the last of my final effort
RubyChao: believe in me
Draco: I efforted everyone I needed to and Fuzzface.
RubyChao: counterpoint
RubyChao: you did not effort Gyaos
Draco: He's not brawling this year.
RubyChao: So?
Draco: Good point.
Cornwind Evil: Gyaos doing a run in
Draco: You found me out: Miss Black General and GG-chan are both actually Gyaos. Those aren't boobs; they're Gyaos eggs for sneaking extra help into the Brawl.
Jumpropeman: you know
Jumpropeman: it makes a lot of sense
Jumpropeman: no one could be THAT bad at being evil unless its on purpose
Cornwind Evil looks at the Federation of Malevolence.


MobileDraco: "Between them, they have two pairs of panties and two stockings" <- I love how this makes no sense out of context




Jumpropeman: disney owns king of the hill so...
Cornwind Evil: I remember I once amused myself by doing an omega Kingdom Hearts fanfic idea where I tried to think of the most out there worlds Sora and co could visit
Cornwind Evil: Pretty sure I had The Walking Dead and Transmetropolitan in there


Jumpropeman: making food, hence why I'm still here
Harps: food ties JRM to this mortal coil before Ares sweeps him up into the godly realms with a cackle, eager for the Brawlwork to continue
Jumpropeman: I figured out a general pace I think could work if I keep to it
Jumpropeman: so I'm not worried yet!
Harps: like persephone and hades except jrm's disappearance doesn't cause winter to happen, much to goop's relief
Harps: i would at least enjoy the arrival of fall though
RubyChao: it causes A winter
RubyChao: the winter of no jrm
RubyChao: the most tragic of winters..
Harps: he will rise again like a rutabega


Harps: i can definitely make multiple special bets right
Harps: i can edit real quick if i can't
Harps: aaaa
Gooper Blooper: Draco made like a dozen of them
Gooper Blooper: you're good
Harps: okay i was making sure
Harps: i need to at least attempt to get all four designs
Gooper Blooper asked Chatzy to choose between Mary, Jinako, Reiko and Missy. Chatzy chose: Reiko
Gooper Blooper asked Chatzy to choose between Mary, Jinako, Reiko and Missy. Chatzy chose: Mary
Gooper Blooper asked Chatzy to choose between Mary, Jinako, Reiko and Missy. Chatzy chose: Jinako
Gooper Blooper asked Chatzy to choose between Mary, Jinako, Reiko and Missy. Chatzy chose: Missy

Draco: lol
Gooper Blooper: AND YOU DID IT
Harps: jackpot bitches
Harps: and because of that eclair's luck has dropped to being in 82nd place
Draco: I mean, I rolled a d21 to see how many it'd take to get the whole set.
Harps: but its worth it
Draco: It means Mel will get 1-10 instead.
Gooper Blooper: funny story - I rolled my own dummy tractor using my own vote tally to see who would have won the brawl if I had been in charge
Harps: fuzzface wins the pretend brawl
Gooper Blooper: The final two I got was Carla defeating Gino.
Harps: ...that's terrifying
Harps: cursed
Harps: only half of the prophecy was fulfilled
Harps: carla getting revenge for gino dunking on the guild tho-
Harps: (carla doesn't have a single bone for revenge. and not just because she's a robot! :V)
ivel: you cursed it, Gino and Carla will be the first two out
RubyChao: i'll roll for
RubyChao: each of my five and their brawl placement
RubyChao: nitori:
RubyChao rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 67
RubyChao: jake:
RubyChao rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 82
RubyChao: citrus:
RubyChao rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 5
RubyChao: steam:
RubyChao rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 83
Harps: wow i can't believe gaben joined the brawl
Gooper Blooper: Citrus did well, but at what cost
Draco: Oof. XD
RubyChao: still one more roll!
Draco: Steam more like Futo
RubyChao: i managed to forget jester chao
RubyChao: he Red me
RubyChao rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 58
RubyChao: it's bbb7 all over again, got it


Gooper Blooper: the patchisaurs are alive and well
Harps: vs... THE NAVY!!! because i don't think we're ready for THE CORPS!!! and Jaz action figures
Cornwind Evil: In the Navy, you can fight some dinosaurs
Cornwind Evil: In the Navy, you can make some dinos sore
Cornwind Evil: In the Navy, you can cause an ELE
Cornwind Evil: In the Navy, come on and make...those dinos....pee?
Cornwind Evil: Their pants? In fear?
Harps: flee
Cornwind Evil: I hate it when obvious rhymes escape me
Gooper Blooper: realistic dinosaurs
Gooper Blooper: replica details.
Harps: don't forget to buy one, get one free!


Cornwind Evil: DeMonde is finally relaxing today
Cornwind Evil: Gets a phone call
Cornwind Evil: "Joy mauled herself again."
Draco: "Good. I have car payments to make."
Cornwind Evil: "Also, she's broke."
Draco: "Then she's going to stay broke too."
Cornwind Evil: "Oh wait, her mother's here."
Draco: "Her mother's probably broke too, even doing the healing herself."
Cornwind Evil: Also I'm surprised she didn't just have Zeldoten steal the car
Draco: That's a decidedly evil act and the doktor is a Good girl.


Meager Sheep: Need to grab some dates for plot next month
Meager Sheep already exhausted


RubyChao: can YOU tell which Hibiki is which?
Meager Sheep: You can't fool me
Meager Sheep: They're both Honokaswarm
RubyChao: the face of a swarm queen
Meager Sheep: I can't wait when we fight Dark Matter
Meager Sheep: and it's Honoka
RubyChao: sheep, you fool
RubyChao: if it was honoka
RubyChao: all dark matter possessees would have a permanent, unchanging :D for an expression
Meager Sheep: Then we'd be all D:


Jumpropeman: what I do during Big Bar Brawl breaks
Harps: nooo


Meager Sheep: srspost for Chao
RubyChao: post for sheep
Meager Sheep: For me??
Meager Sheep: Why thank you!
RubyChao: don't break it!


Meager Sheep: Srspost
Meager Sheep: Feel free to end it here, one way or another
Meager Sheep Kalcyon just lets loose with his armada of weapons and burns it all to the ground
RubyChao: then that's what i shall doooo
RubyChao: time to blow up the entire area
Meager Sheep: Well, it would, technically, solve the problem!


Jumpropeman: 30 entrant KOs written
Jumpropeman: plus who knows how many assistants
Jumpropeman: (all of them, I thin the field in the first post to make it easier)
RubyChao: give it to me straight, jrm
RubyChao: how hard was it to write my entire cast dying in the first post
Draco: (First post and he's gotten rid of everyone but the top ten.)
Draco: (It takes ten more posts to get another KO though.)
Jumpropeman: you know, I like to have the first post just be the introductions, but this year it just felt RIGHT to wipe out all your guys before things even kick off
Jumpropeman: they don't even get placed on the rankings because they died before it started
Draco: Good.
Draco: Mac Tonight being the Mystery Fighter was a stroke of genius.


ivel: if only this (or at least the original) had been around when effort was still up :U
Gooper Blooper:
Draco: Rude! It would've been nice if Nep had signed her photo for Nep. :I
Gooper Blooper: A+


Bree: ren
Bree: also ren: *gags in disgust at being compared to a care bear*
Draco: Alright, we'll compare her to a My Little Pony. :V
Bree: which one
Brinehammer: Renbow Dash.
Bree: kek
Draco: Good one. XD


Gooper Blooper: is this halla
Harps: she'll kill you for finding her baby pictures.
Draco: Adorb


Meager Sheep: "the business-minded tanuki Tom Nook"
Meager Sheep: Sometimes known as "Nook the Crook"
Meager Sheep: "his apprentices Timmy and Tommy"
Meager Sheep: aka The Leg Breaker Bros
Meager Sheep: "Traveling merchants will start to visit your island with unique things for sale."
Meager Sheep: But usually just the one camel selling rugs
Meager Sheep: "having someone like Sahara appear who provides something simple like rugs instead can make you resent seeing them"
Meager Sheep: Hahaha




MobileDraco: #Ruined: One of my coworkers just said to reassign a task to Sumi and I'm sitting here wondering when we hired Sumireko.


Ghengis Jenga: I think it might be time
RubyChao: to inhale?
Ghengis Jenga: We are long past the time to inhale, chao
Ghengis Jenga: It's time
Ghengis Jenga: To exhale
sinoivel: 😱
emit azzip: Has del turned his back on the Fazfuck universe?
emit azzip: probably not :P


Jumpropeman: I had a dream where, as I was writing the Brawl, I realized I had forgotten to include certain characters. Who? Well, in the dream Pitohui had a trio of characters who were all kids who sneak into movie theaters led by a girl in a rain coat who sneaks in snacks under it. I only included one of them instead of all of them!
Jumpropeman: so what I'm saying is, I eagerly await Pitohui's new characters
Canada Day Evil: At first I thought that in this dream Pitohui the character had a trio of underlings who existed to sneak into movie theaters
Gooper Blooper: Man, I remember seeing that gag all the time when I was younger
Gooper Blooper: one of those jokes I've seen less often more recently
Jumpropeman: the sad thing is I never saw them in tower form
Jumpropeman: since I was literally able to see the two who weren't in the brawl forlornly standing near a movie theater they couldn't enter now
Jumpropeman: Brawl dreams can be really bad
Jumpropeman: because I'll dream something happens and then start writing and realize "wait... no, that didn't actually get written in"
Gooper Blooper: Oh god, I never thought of that!
Gooper Blooper: *JRM accidentally makes the Potato Puncher canon*


Jumpropeman: link
sinoivel: those look like app store thumbnails
Jumpropeman: they're Dr. Amigo's backup
Gooper Blooper: THE AMIGOS
Harpsies: oh god


Jumpropeman: "Suggested based on your recent activity:
wario without mustache"

Jumpropeman: google
Jumpropeman: I googled Baby Wario WITH Mustache and you failed me
Jumpropeman: I don't want the opposite
Meager Sheep: The darkest timeline


Working from Del: da kroos
Working from Del: is loose
Brinehammer: Krooooooos
Working from Del: finally the gacha wars have begun
Brinehammer: You bring the Arknights, I'll bring the Fate, and...
Working from Del: maximum rolls for everyone
 Brinehammer: By the way, you weren't wrong, Hoshiguma really is my kind of character.
Working from Del: hahaha
Working from Del: i knew it


The One Who Doots: uh
The One Who Doots: UH
The One Who Doots: apparently there might be pokedex entires datamined for sword and shield becuase i saw this for reshiram and
The One Who Doots: "According to myth, if people ignore truth and let themselves become consumed by greed, Reshiram will arrive to burn their kingdoms down."
The One Who Doots: excuse me, can i talk to the 12 year old who put this down?!?


Meager Sheep: The Song That Might Play When You Defeat Motormer
Meager Sheep: I wondered if you would avoid or lean into The Touch for Optimus
Meager Sheep: I cannot
Meager Sheep: BELIEVE
The One Who Doots: i can't believe reshiram plot 2020
Meager Sheep: that this was not used as Ping Ping's theme
Gooper Blooper: I know very little about Avatar and am happy to accept swap-ins from people who know better :V
Gooper Blooper actually listens to video
Gooper Blooper: oh :V
Draco: Here's the actual song that plays when you defeat Motormer:
Draco: That's right, there's no song, because you CAN'T DEFEAT MOTORMER.
Meager Sheep: You can definitely defeat Motormer
Meager Sheep: he's very defeatable
Meager Sheep: Another for Ping-Ping
Draco: No, I'm pretty sure the only one who could defeat Motormer is the great Ernie.
Meager Sheep shakes fist
Draco: Ernie will never Brawl because it wouldn't be fair to everyone else; we all know he'd win easily.
Meager Sheep: Ernie would manage to off himself before he even got on the field!
Draco: How gracious of him to give someone else a chance at glory. (;
Meager Sheep: But more seriously, it's because he's a big softie who wouldn't enjoy the Brawl
Cornwind Evil: Christine's in there! Ash will be sleeping on the couch for YEARS...


Meager Sheep: Probably a little too wacky for David Mammoth
RubyChao: i'm laughing at the idea of david mmamoth being told "this is your theme, it's perfect"
sinoivel: I had no idea what to expect for Pud music
sinoivel: I'm very amused by the choices though :U
Gooper Blooper: Baby Elephant Walk would work for a David Mammoth comedy scene, but not the Brawl
Gooper Blooper: prefite show music, I bet JRM will have him interact with eccentric brawlers and have to resist the urge to not deck them early
sinoivel: I dunno, depending on how he places the Brawl COULD be a David Mammoth comedy scene-
Gooper Blooper: Greater Dog slobbering in David's face
Gooper Blooper: Conductor going on and on about how Drown Yer Mates was rigged
Gooper Blooper: Cordie learning the term "elephant slide" to disastrous results
Meager Sheep: Too on the nose?
Bree: what is an "elephant slide"
Gooper Blooper: An elephant slide is a slide that is shaped like an elephant


Jumpropeman: Big and Loud would be great for David Mammoth :V
Jumpropeman: wait
Jumpropeman: I realize I have an incredible power
RubyChao: my favorite part of yugioh gx season 3
RubyChao: is how many random incidental characters
RubyChao: are just Goku
RubyChao: like, not even "sean schimmel doing a funny voice and his goku leaks through"
RubyChao: he just
RubyChao: reuses his Goku voice
RubyChao: constantly
Spy Does A Dumb: He really does
Spy Does A Dumb: Its just
Spy Does A Dumb: Yu Gi Oh: GokuX
Jumpropeman: there's that one guy who uploads yugioh clips
Jumpropeman: and I think he has a bunch of "goku says this" ones
RubyChao: and they ARE goku
Spy Does A Dumb: Yep!
RubyChao: sean schimmel and marc thompson, between them
RubyChao: are like 70% of yugioh gx's dub
Jumpropeman: there's no way a character like that could play such a complicated strategy
Draco: ...the fuck.
Jumpropeman: I can also play the elephant strut in the brawl as I please...
Jumpropeman: it will be at the start of every brawl post
Draco: It better be. I'm making Zeldoten place a wager that the elephant walk plays at the start of every post or she'll be transported to the Shadow Realm. :|


Jumpropeman: you know what stinks
Jumpropeman: seeing a video like "Top 10 Game Boy RPGs" and you click it
Jumpropeman: and like 8 of them are Japan only
Gooper Blooper: sounds about right
Gooper Blooper: I feel like there were a LOT of japan only game boy games
Jumpropeman: this is not a specific example, but I did not click on the video with that title because in the past it will be like, 13 underrated NES games and they're all Japanese only
Gooper Blooper: gee I wonder why they're underrated
Jumpropeman: Why isn't anyone talking about this game that doesn't even have a fan translation
Draco: Totally an unsung gem everyone should play, even baka gaijins.
The One Who Doots: wow it sold so poorly the stores ended up with mysteriously apperaing stock of it
Jumpropeman: I'm still pissed they didn't call it Super Bushiden Tenko Bunny Hop Hop Hop 3 because then it says Hop three times which would make it a better game
Jumpropeman: that's why I never bought Splatoon 2
The One Who Doots: welp
Jumpropeman: its name SHOULD have been Splatoon Splatoon 2
The One Who Doots: it had to be called Splatoooon?
The One Who Doots: oh
The One Who Doots: :V
Jumpropeman: I REALLY hope they never localize that pun when it gets an untranslated rerelease as part of the RPG Arcade Hyper Diaper Celebration Vol. 2 Collection


Meager Sheep: "Helltaker is a free game seemingly made by its creator Vanripper for the purpose of sharing his love for sharply dressed demon girls"
Meager Sheep: :I
Draco: Refute the truth, Sheeple.
Meager Sheep: Is this anime Guy Game?
Meager Sheep: You have to tell me
Meager Sheep: or otherwise it's enchantment
Meager Sheep: Wait
Meager Sheep: "but the nice thing about the game is it isn’t just a simple throwaway delivery mechanism for a couple of cute demonesses"
Meager Sheep has many doubts
Meager Sheep: "Helltaker, thankfully, has at least a bit going on underneath the surface"
Meager Sheep continues to doubt
Meager Sheep: "and build himself a harem"
Meager Sheep wailing, gnashing of teeth, etc.
Meager Sheep: "but some like the grumpy gamer Malina and even the queen of Hell Lucifer could do with more standout features in this somewhat homogeneous group"
Meager Sheep: From what little I've seen of the characters from the game, the demons really do look like an emoji sticker pack
Meager Sheep: Here's heart eyes demon emoji, smoking demon emoji, etc
Gooper Blooper: don't worry, Sheep
Gooper Blooper: all of them will be in RP, and then they'll be much more distinctive
Meager Sheep: :I
The One Who Doots: i mean judgement's here
Gooper Blooper: we've got 2 in already, with at least one more confirmed for next season
Gooper Blooper: their time will come
Meager Sheep: 8I
Meager Sheep: "In Helltaker, you get a designation like Sour Demon"
Meager Sheep: Does she carry around lemons?
Meager Sheep: Is that your gimmick?
The One Who Doots: she'll burn your house down
The One Who Doots: with the lemons
Gooper Blooper: link
The One Who Doots: aaaa
The One Who Doots: why
Meager Sheep: "but perhaps a few levels flirting with action gameplay"
Meager Sheep: I'm pretty sure they were too busy flirting with something else.
Jumpropeman: heyoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Meager Sheep sighing
Meager Sheep lots of sighing

Jumpropeman: siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh
The One Who Doots: ooooooooooooooooo
Meager Sheep: "Between this and Bowsette I think we all need to admit how great a nice pair of horns looks on the right lady. Such power."-Gooper "Tater Salad" Blooper, June 14th, 2020.
Jumpropeman: link
Meager Sheep: Alright let's find some HONEST and CLEAN fun in Woody Pop
Jumpropeman: "Woody" Pop
The One Who Doots: what
Draco: They call me.......Tater Salad.
Gooper Blooper: After reading about all those demon girls, who wouldn't pop a woody
The One Who Doots: i don't get anything right now.
Meager Sheep: "Searching for a Game Gear exclusive that piqued my interest and wasn’t just a worse version of a Master System game eventually lead me to Woody Pop, a game that DOES have a Master System version,"
Meager Sheep: Just can't win for trying!
Meager Sheep: "Only after I started playing it did it really set in for me that after over two years of not playing a Game Gear game, I ended up playing one that’s pretty similar in concept to Devilish"
Meager Sheep: Time is a flat circle
Meager Sheep: "Woody Pop’s manual tries to spin a yarn that would add greater weight to controlling a paddle to knock a ball around and break blocks"
Meager Sheep: I know I play these games for the deep lore
Jumpropeman: even when a game has an excuse plot, I feel a duty to transcribe it
Jumpropeman: they're almost like curiosities
Jumpropeman: "what did their bare minimum manifest as"
Meager Sheep: It's not a joke though; I'd love for a paddle game with a deep and involved plot!
Jumpropeman: somewhere
Jumpropeman: maybe
Jumpropeman: probably not


Cornwind Evil: sdsdssssssssssssssssaaaaaaaa
Meager Sheep throws blanket over CW
Cornwind Evil: Oops. Was just cleaning my keypad.


Harpsies: My question is... the fuck was sheep doing in alex’s apartment-
Meager Sheep: Listen, the AirB&B review was really good


Jumpropeman: "What defined the 2000s?" a video asks, with Kangaroo Jack in the thumbnail


Meager Sheep: "you’ll soon realize a small problem with Touhou: Scarlet Curiosity:"
Meager Sheep: Not enough hats on girls


(Chao announces Race Yer Mates 4)

Draco: Trying to think who I'd actually enter in a street race. XD
Gooper Blooper: Draco:


Draco: Do y'all mind if I make a bit of a lewd joke?
RubyChao: i'm cool with it
Jumpropeman: only if it involves ENORMOUS PENISES
Draco: Yeah, I guess it does.
Draco: So Goops' suggestion of Koakuma with a sport car got me looking something up and...well...
Draco: For once it wouldn't be Vince riding Koa.
Jumpropeman: oh my god the armor for it is ridiculous
Jumpropeman: it's like Ex-Aid was about topping the silly costume more and more
Draco: Don't forget about the time when Vince got in a bike accident and went Super Saiyan.
Jumpropeman: "I can no longer unclench my hands, these should be in a junkyard"
Draco: "My God, I look like something barfed up by a McDonald's drive thru."


Pursue Lu Bu 3 The Pursuing: "well I guess we've reached this point in our relationship"
Pursue Lu Bu 3 The Pursuing: Also yes all of ex-aid's outfits are amazing in their garishness


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: blurp
Herpyderpy: weird flex but okay


Jumpropeman: CKR and I were talking today as she gets ready to do images
Jumpropeman: and she informed me that she has been sucked into Steam
Jumpropeman: the sale is getting its first taste of CKR blood as she can't resist those prices
Gooper Blooper: I'm surprised she held out this long!
Jumpropeman: she used to only get free games on Steam and bought one or two random ones
Gooper Blooper: he rises
Jumpropeman: remember when Gabe had an epic battle with DJ Candy
Gooper Blooper: I loved doing the Gaben Monster Push
Gooper Blooper: Reminder that that was DJ Candy's first ever appearance because she was the newcomer preview that year


Gooper Blooper digging through old pictures
Jumpropeman: thank god we got rid of that shadowy fiend
Jumpropeman: just gotta deal with those three traitors who attacked us last year now
Gooper Blooper: pure evil
Gooper Blooper: finally rid of that menace
Jumpropeman: *tries not to smile*
Jumpropeman: *fails*
Gooper Blooper: pictured: a mastodon
Jumpropeman: that is so cute it's illegal
Herpyderpy: banned


 Kailani: so in other news, ivel is cute


Jumpropeman: "Tangle is the third character to use profanity in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series, with Silver being the first and Rough the second. In Sonic the Hedgehog: Tangle & Whisper #2, she said "Oh, crap..." after the Eggman Empire bunker was destroyed by Mimic's bombs."
Jumpropeman: oh man
Jumpropeman: how dare she say Crap!
sinoivel: Rough?
Jumpropeman: Rough is apparently a skunk
Jumpropeman: he also said "Crap"
Jumpropeman: the sonic wiki wouldn't want to see Hey! Arnold
Jumpropeman: Helga says crap more than once!
sinoivel: 😱


Jumpropeman: I was talking to my mom last night about the amount of Brawl art there is to do, and then a few hours later she says "If you tell me what colors the pictures are supposed to be I could color some of them in for you"
Draco: Aw, that's nice of her to offer. :)
Jumpropeman: it was very sweet of her
Bree: slowly jrm enlists more and more of his family to do brawl art
Bree: stay tuned for BBB17 when duke and brownie draw all the KOs
Gooper Blooper: awww, that's cute
Cornwind Evil: Reminds me of that dream where I tried to bribe his parents to somehow help me win the Brawl.
Cornwind Evil: With paper towels
Jumpropeman: XD
Cornwind Evil: That was the bribe
Kailani: "hey its Bounty, the quicker picker-upper! it cleans the blood off the arena like no other! so uh... help?"
Bree: jrm's parents use the paper towels... to dry up cornwind's tears at losing again!
Kailani: jrmdad ends up doing voiceovers then-
Draco: Wow, Bree. That's cruel! :V
Bree: it's okay I brought the burn cream
Kailani: better bring burn heal...
Cornwind Evil: I am going to go sulk eat dinner


Jumpropeman: you know what Pitohui made me completely forget
Jumpropeman: that Mystia is usually in Cirno's little posse
Jumpropeman: like here
Gooper Blooper: a card carrying member of team 9
Jumpropeman: wriggle in her "is this a bird" pose
Bree: that frog
Bree: is doomed
Draco: RP Wriggle doesn't hang out with Cirno either.
Jumpropeman: Cirno too cool for her old crew
Jumpropeman: wait, no
Jumpropeman: old crew too cool for Cirno
Bree: but cirno is an ice fairy
Bree: so
Bree: too cool
Bree: geddit
Draco: Yes, Bree. I got it.
Bree: *spins bowtie*
Jumpropeman: it's a little heady, but I think I can parse it
Draco: *parsee


Del: frands
Del: roamins
Del: countrymen
Del: lend me your ears
Del: do i play xenoblade chronicles 2
Kailani: Ye
Del: ah
Del: harp has spoken


Gooper Blooper: GB brawl art status: all done~
Kailani: nice!
RubyChao: hello peeps!
RubyChao: BBB7 is a fun read
Kailani: yeaaaaa!
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: boip
RubyChao: and speaking of the main man...
Kailani: boip!
Jumpropeman: now that's how you boip!
Kailani: BOIP
Kailani: seriously tho, sup
Jumpropeman: careful now
Jumpropeman: don't want to blow your lungs
Jumpropeman: RainbowDash and CKR finished all assigned art
Gooper Blooper: This Brawl is progressing smooth as silk, yo
Kailani: i may have to witness it from ivelmom's house
Gooper Blooper: guest art, writing, preshow, playlist, you name it, it's already fuckin done
sinoivel: b̵̩̟̺̜̮̙̱͔̺̝͔͇́̾͜o̶̢̳̞̫͍̱̱͇̰̺̦̱̯̱̩͛́̏̈́̔̈͆̓̐͂̓̔̌̓̐̒͒̕̚̕͜͠͝͝͠i̵̡̨̢̘͈̫̯͕̖̟̥̟͖̤͖̻̦͉̒̀̒̑̀̑̇͋́̒͊̈́̑̆̌́̀̒͋̂̍̌͂͠͠ͅͅͅp̶̡̢̛̳̹̲̞͙͙͙͈̰̙̻̖̲̝̖͚̩̝͔̰̄̔͛͒̅̌̉͗͛́̓̓̿̾́̕͠͝͝
Gooper Blooper: oh no
Kailani: if ivelmom's gonna feel okay enough to go to PA and ivel and i gotta watch over ivelstepsib
sinoivel: woah
Gooper Blooper: what have you done
Kailani: ivel what did i tell you about going zalgo
sinoivel: the generator I used didn't let me choose not to fuck up the text going up or down


sinoivel: today I learned a Rival Schools character learned Dan Hibiki's martial arts style through mail-order books
Kailani: ...first of all
Kailani: i just realized
Kailani: hibiki should not be in the same sentence as dan
Kailani: second, how
sinoivel: I mean he DOES run a dojo
sinoivel: even Sakura's joined it before
RubyChao: Dan Bikkie, or Dan Tachi?
Kailani: ahahaha
Kailani: i shoulda seen that coming


Jumpropeman: art


MobileDraco: Still on my wall.
time pizza: :3


RubyChao: god
RubyChao: you know whats weird sometimes
Meager Sheep: spaghetti?
RubyChao: looking back at old chatzy and seeing how people just accepted not having PMs or Review Mode
Meager Sheep: Ooooh
RubyChao: i have no iea what i would do without then at this point
Meager Sheep: Oh yeah, I guess review mode ended up kind of important across the board
RubyChao: very much so!
RubyChao: chatzy PMs, too
RubyChao: they're just a lot simpler than Space Court
Meager Sheep: I had to think for a second, because it's such an ingrained feature in use of the chat now I couldn't remember how we worked around it
RubyChao: review mode we just kinda... didn't worry about
Draco: GUESS WE'LL FIND OUT. *cancels Premium* jk


Jumpropeman: one day this will go on sale
Jumpropeman: then I can truly be Lgnorant
Kailani: ...woah.
RubyChao: WHAT
Kailani: i was thinking about the tiddy then i saw the price tag and
Kailani: sorry, i get high quality tiddy for free
Jumpropeman: I know Steam has like zero quality control but you figure they'd at least prevent this kind of pricing
Gooper Blooper: "Nana doll made with magic
One day she wakes up by accident
To go on a journey to fulfill the mission instructed by the creator."

Kailani: i don't
Kailani: even understand
Kailani: ivel going "what the shit?" in the other room
Bree: I didn't look at the price and wasn't sure what chao was "WHAT"ing about and then harpy mentioned the price
Bree: and I looked and understood :V
Kailani: probably not about his veggies
sinoivel: link
sinoivel: they have another game at the same price
sinoivel: @shitty steam game
Kailani: uh oh
Jumpropeman: not as funny but another expensive steam game
Kailani: guessing by the name it's more hentai- wait.
Jumpropeman: I thought it would be too harp
RubyChao: SKINNER, NO!
Gooper Blooper: "Shoot Pump Shoot"
Gooper Blooper: "Buy Pump Shot Pump"
Gooper Blooper: but which is the truth
sinoivel: link
Kailani: wow
Kailani: look at this 600 dollars i don't have for this shit
Draco: O_o
RubyChao: for a second i read it as Star Citizen
Kailani: normally almost a thousand, thanks mom!
Kailani: >oh its starfinder modules and stuff
Kailani: that explains a lot actually
sinoivel: link


RubyChao: reminder that thanks to Funny Valentine and Skeleton King
RubyChao: there is canonically an alternate BBB8 where Flubber won
Jumpropeman: best universe
Gooper Blooper: And he won due to a surprise intrusion
Kailani: its basically anti-darkverse-
Gooper Blooper: through no effort of his own
Meager Sheep joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: that community probably had a meltdown
Jumpropeman: alt CKR was happy


RubyChao: "Stag Beetle was itching to kill something"
RubyChao: stag beetle wants blood
Kailani: murder.
Bree: he thirsts
Gooper Blooper: reminder that stag beetle specifically was giving a fuck when he entered the brawl
Bree: it must be dumb thoughts o'clock because my brain went "I wonder if stag beetle is a he because widow maker asked him his preferred pronouns"
Gooper Blooper: Female stag beetles have smaller jaws
RubyChao: okay i looked it up and i didn't realize that
RubyChao: by smaller you mean "they basically don't look like "stag" beetles at all"
Jumpropeman: it looks like someone broke pieces off a male stag beetle
Kailani: gotta look unassuming so people don't try to kill you
Bree: stag beetle assures you that female stag beetles can totally bring the pain
Gooper Blooper: There is actually another kind of insect that takes it to an extreme
Gooper Blooper: the males have such gigantic jaws they literally cannot use them properly
Gooper Blooper: the females have normal ones and can deliver a potent bite
Bree: compensating for something etc etc
Kailani: is it
Kailani: this one?
Kailani: warning: is a bug.
Kailani: i don't think it is but hey i'm just googling out of curiosity
Kailani: also obligatory coyote peterson video in there
Gooper Blooper: I was thinking of the dobsonfly but I can't imagine that beetle having an easy time of things with those chompers
Kailani: apparently they just flip the opposition with those jaws
Draco: "DOBSONFLY! WE GOT DOBSONFLY HERE! See, nobody cares."
Kailani: "Males use their jaws in combat: they hook them under the opposite beetle's wings, pull up and throw their opponent to the ground (from 20 meters above, as they are in great trees most of the time)"
Kailani: that actually sounds kinda badass
Kailani: i would not want to touch one tho
Gooper Blooper: yeet
sinoivel: but what tier is it
Kailani: dobsonfly jaws are just like
Kailani: the fuck
Kailani: the larvae is fucking terrifying and i want it nowhere near me


Jumpropeman: brawl art
Jumpropeman: is done
RubyChao: FOREVER?
Gooper Blooper: with a whole day to go!
Gooper Blooper: Wow!
RubyChao: man jrm
RubyChao: what are you going to do tomorrow when not posting pre-fite
Jumpropeman: I might even do an extra bit of art just for funsies


Jumpropeman: I did do the extra art
Jumpropeman: It's a picture of all the decapitated brawlers' heads rolling down a hill in a race, which is a joke so good I almost wish I did draw that
Gooper Blooper: there's still time
Draco: Nice. XD


(Ivel gives away Steam keys)

sinoivel: I had a Sherlock Holmes key to offer you
sinoivel: The Devil's Daughter
RubyChao: lemme look at it
sinoivel: only if you're interested, but it's Holmes, that struck me as possibly interesting :U
Meager Sheep: Only if it's the one where you're constantly jump-scared by a teleporting Watson
RubyChao: looking at it, nah, reviews are saying it wouldn't appeal to me that much
RubyChao: but thanks for the offer!
sinoivel: mkay
RubyChao: seems like it's a lot less actually "solve the mystery" than the one i played on 360 was
RubyChao: and i enjoyed that one a lot but that's because it was largely about solving the mystery
sinoivel: aw
sinoivel: dang
sinoivel: "Learn Japanese to survive Hiragana Battle"? :U
sinoivel: that's the only other random thing I've picked up I know I didn't redeem
Meager Sheep: Give me a Nero Wolfe game whose gameplay is less centered around the mystery and more on Archie trying to prod Wolfe to work
RubyChao: honestly, that would be interesting
RubyChao: a game playing as archie where the actual great detective just moves in and out of the story
sinoivel: I'd be down for that
Meager Sheep: Press X to try and badger Wolfe about details in a case while he tries to ignore you behind a book!
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: X
RubyChao: X
Ghengis Jenga: X
Meager Sheep: y
Meager Sheep: Ooh, I'm sorry, you annoyed Wolfe one too many times and now he's retreated to the kitchen to spend the next couple hours worrying over a partridge sauce
time pizza: Rip
Jumpropeman: can I buy two hundred Wolfebux to speed up the waiting period?
Meager Sheep: It's four hundred, and you can't skip the dinner cut-scene where Wolfe will lecture you at length about the dissolution of the American Whigs.
Meager Sheep: The speed run stats are saving all your Wolfebux for Sundays when Wolfe's schedule is less rigid
Meager Sheep lies down


Meager Sheep: “Gezora welcomes you to the 2020 Big Bar Brawl Pre-Fite Show! It is nice to be unambiguously alive again!”
RubyChao: i'm glad you found a way to integrate BBB2 specifically after the fact
Meager Sheep: It's that guy! I can't believe FYM could hire superstar Gezora!
Jumpropeman: he's practically the Rich Evans of RP
Meager Sheep: "and two space marines fell in love… The bargoers now had feelings and reasons to be alive!"
Meager Sheep: This sounds suspiciously like a line in some Christmas special where the toys come to life....
Jumpropeman: ZFRP is basically our toys coming to life
Meager Sheep: "and that unforgettable villain, The Chattery Teeth"
Meager Sheep: :I
Meager Sheep: "so now, Gezora will show you two clips of the brawlers preparing for Big Bar Brawl 10, both matching that theme as well!”
Meager Sheep: And then Kwanzaabot busts through the wall.
Meager Sheep: "While an event as big as this one would naturally have most of the work done in advance"
Meager Sheep: JRM assures us animatedly
Meager Sheep: “I hope you moved the Pennzoil cans first.”
Meager Sheep: “Does any of that mean anything?” JRM whispers
Meager Sheep: he mutters, going through frames of Konosuba to try and figure out the fiter.
RubyChao: speaking of
RubyChao: HEY JRM
Meager Sheep stares into the middle distance
Hooded Pitohui: worst case scenario: he did, but it was only GX
Meager Sheep stares harder
Jumpropeman: I watched that engrish clip over and over again
Jumpropeman: I think I understand it pretty well now
Meager Sheep: “I hope you don’t mind if we begin with me asking why I was invited to this meeting of royalty,”
Meager Sheep: Hansel, we already know you've got a claim to a bunch of land.


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: this video got me all wistful even though I've already seen it in brawl preparations
Jumpropeman: I still remember where I thought of Mac as the mystery fiter for BBB1
Gooper Blooper: I'll never forget Mac Tonight, JRM
Gooper Blooper: I'll miss him
Jumpropeman: more like Big Bar Bawl
RubyChao: mac tonight will come back for the Final Brawl someday
RubyChao: but until then
RubyChao: he will be free
Jumpropeman: he'll put those weary feet up
Jumpropeman: put his jacket on the hanger
Jumpropeman: and relax for once
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: that but now real
Brad Angel: I can't believe Mac Tonight and I are one and the same


Jumpropeman: im gonna do something wild and make a different folder on cloudinary for brawl art
Jumpropeman: right now I have a General Folder for EVERYTHING and then a Cirno folder for one picture of Cirno
Gooper Blooper: XD
RubyChao: Amazing


Gooper Blooper: found anxiety
Harpy: ...
Harpy: dude why would you do this
Harpy: now a new spell in her book
Gooper Blooper: I especially like about two and a half minutes in
Gooper Blooper: when it actually comes back in from the bottom again


Jumpropeman: "I, Panteilemon Sienna, bet that a death will be caused by those overlooked Pennzoil cans scattered around the arena." he bowed with a flourish."
Jumpropeman: how can they be overlooked when your entire voting post was about them :V
Meager Sheep sweats
Meager Sheep: Can I vote for the Pennzoil cans to win?
Cornwind Evil: No
Meager Sheep: then the bet stands


Gooper Blooper: if we got three eliminations every 15 minutes, with 83 entrants that works out to seven hours... but of course we know there'll be more than 83 characters due to teams/assists/etc
Gooper Blooper: we'll see how it shakes out!
Brad Angel: The 24 Hour Brawl
Brad Angel: 1 post every 24 hours
RubyChao: 24 Hours of Brawl Mans
Brad Angel: Some posts everyone dies, some posts nobody dies
Brad Angel: Its Homestuck all over again
Gooper Blooper: Don't remind me of the agonizing waits between posts for BBB1 and 2
Brad Angel: Also JRM never says *when* he posts, you gotta refresh and watch
Harpy: no
Brad Angel: Its Homestuck all over again . . .2
RubyChao: reminder
RubyChao: BBB1
RubyChao: was spread across three days
Gooper Blooper: just pausing the brawl halfway through
RubyChao: and then pausing it again with the final four
Brad Angel: IT
Brad Angel: WOT
Brad Angel: M8
RubyChao: well, spy
Brad Angel: No, no, that's fake
RubyChao: that's because
Brad Angel: That didn't happen
RubyChao: BBB1 was written live
RubyChao: the whole thing
Brad Angel: Quick, someone confirm the Lord plot was 4 months long
Brad Angel: Like I know it was
RubyChao: JRM wrote the entire first brawl on the spot
Gooper Blooper: I roleplayed as a book in an empty bar because all my characters were incapacitated
Gooper Blooper: I was a desperate man
Jumpropeman: ZERO REGRETS
RubyChao: imagine him doing that with BBB10
RubyChao: just
RubyChao: spreading it across two weeks
Jumpropeman: *parachutes into a patch of crocodiles and cacti*
Cornwind Evil: Well, I first mentioned him in June and you finally dealt with him in September, so TECHNICALLY...
Cornwind Evil: By the way if the Lord shows up during the Brawl I ain't got nothin' to do with it. Place your possible concerns with ol' JRM
Jumpropeman: wait, then why did I have you write a second Lord fite then?!
Harpy: Dia is concern
Meager Sheep: Lord Wins
Meager Sheep: 1,000 Years of Darkness
Cornwind Evil: ....wait no, that was a dream
Cornwind Evil apparently slept-wrote a second Lord Fite.
Harpy: that sure is a thing
Jumpropeman: the twist is it's the Lord of the Dance instead


Cornwind Evil: "In Hero Squared, Captain Valor hurt his girlfriend, so she became a supervillain and destroyed the entire universe."


Meager Sheep: I should try to think up some interesting bets
Meager Sheep: ...
Meager Sheep places 500 on Jigglypuff


Jumpropeman: time's running out to completely derail your characters and the brawl
Jumpropeman: I'm waiting for Honoka to swear off human life and flee to jellyfish fields
RubyChao: oh
Jumpropeman: please chao it's how I wrote her in the Brawl, it just seemed so obvious she'd do it before the brawl
Draco: Wait, Honoka is supposed to do that?!
RubyChao: i was going to reveal that since we last saw her, Nitori has pushed the boundaries of science and given herself a completely robotic body
Draco stops writing Big Zam working at the Krusty Krab.
Jumpropeman: Nitori would not get away with that
Jumpropeman: Komachi would disallow the reduced snuggle capabilities
RubyChao: nonsense
Cornwind Evil has Joy get into ten more fights with Pitohui between now and tomorrow.
RubyChao: if Dolby can be cuddly, Mecha Nitori can be FORCED to be cuddly
Draco has DeMonde give everyone a Scorpion Tail except Joy.
RubyChao: that's why she didn't get one
RubyChao: sheesh, joy, demonde isn't RUDE
Draco: Not like some people who blow up half the Undercity having a casual deathmatch.
Jumpropeman: you went from the bottom of the city to the top!
Jumpropeman: I was kinda hoping for multiple loops before it was over
Draco: Wildfire shakes her head sadly as she takes Joy to Cowgirl Jail.


Jumpropeman: link
Draco: Sold to Zeldoten
Jumpropeman: everything inside is also crab
Draco: Double sold to Zeldoten.


Harpy asked Chatzy to choose between nap and no nap. Chatzy chose: no nap
BrawlChao: i read that as nep
Draco: NO NEP
Harpy: nep's fate is sealed.


Meager Sheep: Can't wait for Buzzkill to win and the forum to be subsumed in flames.
Brawlropeman: the ultimate buzzkill


Derp: chicken man is a blessing and he is going to win, hands down. widow maker will die to a chicken.
Derp: ivel: "be thankful that i did not enter the chicken man man."


Del: oh its happening
Del: shit
Del: i lost track i was playing cuphead
Maul Sheep: DEL, PLEASE
BrawlChao: it's ok
BrawlChao: you were just getting ready for cuphead in the brawl
Gooper Blooper: cuphead's over here in the brorl


Maul Sheep: "That butt was swinging more and more though"
Maul Sheep: Tell me more?


Maul Sheep: Uh, found a typo here, Jman, as, aha, you seem to have embarrassingly implied the Drunks capable of adding to anything.
Brawlropeman: oh sorry sheep, don't know why I even thought of it




Maul Sheep: Wow, this really is an anniversary show. Optimus brought the sudden amnesia and Mysterio brought the horrible visions of everything being awful and people dying to the Brawl!
Spaps is HYPE: . . . God
Spaps is HYPE: Damnit Sheep xD
Draco: lol


BrawlChao: ...
BrawlChao: i just realized Puddlenaut is STILL GOING


(Mass of assorted Sheep Reactions about the Brawl's second half)

Maul Sheep: "30 fiters gone, 53 remaining overall"
Maul Sheep: I'm going to be up aaaaaall night!
Maul Sheep: "The rampage of the Uncontained Whimsy through the pack of what scientists now call “holy shit that’s too many alliances in one place”"
Maul Sheep: Hahaha, that entirely blindsided me.
Maul Sheep: “Oh thank god. She was just turning underwear into a shotgun.”
Maul Sheep: Well. Here we are.
Maul Sheep: "The three were standing in an area filled with flaming Pennzoil"
Maul Sheep: Muh favrit
brawlvel: I was waiting for you to get to that part
Maul Sheep: "The shark already had some meat from earlier bites to keep it placated, and munching on a face was wrong on a few levels!"
Maul Sheep: *pauses* *slowly lowers dinner*
Maul Sheep: “Burn with me.” she says, oddly quiet"
Maul Sheep: Is this her Horror Show?
Maul Sheep: "looking out the train side to see where Purnima was taking them…"
Maul Sheep: Never let Purnima take you anywhere! It's like going to a second location after meeting someone sketchy!
Maul Sheep: "You just gotta call Godzilla."
Maul Sheep: Well, here we go.
Maul Sheep: "Grab-N-Go came trundling towards the three and started firing cans of Quaker State motor oil"
Maul Sheep: The oil can cinematic universe expands!
Brawlropeman: in BBB14 you'll be coming up with ways the pile of Quaker State Oil Cans will be used
Maul Sheep: Bobby's ending rhyme got me in the heart. Maybe the KO counts tell a different story, but it really felt like he went on a tear! A fitting performance for the mysterious and capable showman!
Maul Sheep: "with the owner of Big Bobby’s Boss Battle Pavilion now dead, there would be no more enormous and powerful characters to pop out of nowhere to join the fun. Which is a shame, because I had a long list of fun ones, but that is how the Brawl goes…"
Maul Sheep: I hope in the Big Bar Blogpost you mention a couple you thought about using but had to cut.
Brawlropeman: you know I shall do so!
Maul Sheep: "Having Godzilla in your area draws the attention of more than local singles,"
Brawlropeman: I mentioned earlier I put Eyedol in the prefite show because I regretted I couldn't fit him in brawl
Maul Sheep: I'm mad that it got a chuckle out of me!
Maul Sheep: Ah, that does make sense. I had wondered about that, since Killer Instinct comes up in chat still every so often.
Maul Sheep: "The cash register wasn’t there, she did grab the weenie roaster machine,"
Maul Sheep: The monster.
Maul Sheep: "only for Mary to hurl an open packet of Peanut M&Ms up towards Tsubasa’s face. It didn’t hurt"
Maul Sheep: Are you sure? I think it hurt her soul.
Brawlropeman: she wanted CRISPY m&ms :(
Maul Sheep: "Shimmer had come across David Mammoth"
Maul Sheep: I don't believe you. Everyone knows David Mammoth doesn't exist!
Maul Sheep: “'It’s like you were DESIGNED to irritate me!' he yells"
Maul Sheep: HMMMMM
Maul Sheep: "when Rain and Carla were blasted off of Grab-N-Go, the two fiters landing in between the movie mogul and skater girl."
Maul Sheep: Time for the mammoth to get Fatalitied!
Maul Sheep: "You must not have seen Mr. Mammoth Goes Skiing. 2 months on location in the Alps, Jan to Feb"
Spaps is HYPE: David Mammoth was a friggin highlight in my books, Sheep
Maul Sheep: He's not exactly a nice character, but I do enjoy him.
Maul Sheep: “Don’t pass up on the kill.”
Maul Sheep: A very Mammoth belief.
Maul Sheep: And then he's Babar in the Ko pic.
Maul Sheep: "Lord Death Man walking over and leaning down."
Maul Sheep: I didn't realize Lord Death Man also had the power to appear in a scene at any moment!
Maul Sheep: I almost made a bet on Death Man outlasting someone he'd faked his death to, but I couldn't think of anything fun to bet
Maul Sheep: "How… I grabbed you… I saw you move.” “Wire puppet!"
Maul Sheep: The Brawl brought to you by House on Haunted Hill.
Maul Sheep: "copying Lord Death Man again and again"
Maul Sheep: I love it!
Maul Sheep: ...I'm about a quarter of a way to wanting to RP Lord Death Man myself at this point, you've injected so much personality into him over the course of this Brawl.
Brawlropeman: CKR's loosey goosey entrants give me a lot of wiggle room!
Maul Sheep: "Lord Death Man readies himself to be burned, electrocuted, frozen, poisoned, crushed, stabbed, shot"
Maul Sheep: Put me in, coach!
Maul Sheep: "the doktor’s now acidic blood bursting out and spraying on Lord Death Man. The villain sees a chance to play up his injuries even as it only burns into padding and other defenses he had, writhing on the ground to make DeMonde think she has one over on him"
Maul Sheep: "The blade slams down through his chest, Lord Death Man letting out a pretty convincing death gasp even as DeMonde drags the blade down through him and drawing out plenty of blood. Lord Death Man falls back limp, waiting for his chance to act"
Maul Sheep: I love this stupid fake death man. I am now halfway to wanting to RP him.
Maul Sheep: "Lord Death Man’s suit lets out a host of false calls for a KO during the operation"
Maul Sheep: Another nice touch! As was him finally falling to the Doktor, who has certainly demonstrated her experience in RP.
Maul Sheep: "he flies down to finish the job, only for Eclair’s feigned injury to quickly be abandoned"
Maul Sheep: We just got rid of Lord Death Man!
Maul Sheep: "Tank was the surprising assist though, the tortoise plummeting down from above and hitting Sakuya in the head"
Maul Sheep: I'm pretty sure this is a way people say a Greek philosopher died.
Maul Sheep: *looks at standings* Having the most characters still in play at this point is frightening!
Maul Sheep: "As she assures him she’s alright though, they see the Uncontained Whimsy race around the edge of the crater"
Maul Sheep: She'll be comin' around the mountain when she cooooomes!
Brawlropeman: oh lawd its comin
Maul Sheep: "The Uncontained Whimsy was still barreling towards the store though like a Walmart coming in to town to crush a small business."
Maul Sheep: Gosh DARN it, JRM!
Maul Sheep: "Flashing his glasses, Elliott suddenly creates additional Uncontained Whimsys"
Maul Sheep: Oh nooooo
Maul Sheep: A pack of them is a terrifying thought
Brawlropeman: lord forbid we get a breeding population
Maul Sheep: Time for the King of Outworld to fight a CAR!
Maul Sheep: When will you let me play a car, Netherrealm?!
Maul Sheep: "she makes sure Mega Drive has a healing Holy Herb"
Maul Sheep: Is that what the kids are calling it?
Maul Sheep: "Walking beside the fire with no fear, Dawn approaches the two girls"
Maul Sheep: Fire walk with me.
Maul Sheep: “NEP!” Neptune exclaims, just in case you thought someone else did.
Maul Sheep: I thought it was Elliott, personally.
Brawlropeman: If it was Elliott, he'd have to say it twice
Maul Sheep: You're nepping right.
Maul Sheep: “You need your own weapon to do that.” Dawn says plainly. “OR DO I?” “…Do you even know?”
Maul Sheep: An honest question when Neptune is concerned
Maul Sheep: "A3515 felt like she had let her allies down."
Maul Sheep: because she had.
Maul Sheep: "DeMonde braces for impact… only for a t-shirt to drape itself across her face, the “BOB BIFFORD, BBB7 CHAMP” proudly displayed until DeMonde rips it off her face"
Maul Sheep: You've worn worse, DeMonde
Maul Sheep: Of that particular alliance, I was not expecting Greater Dog to be the last standing.
Brawlropeman: that dog had legs! four of 'em!
Maul Sheep: "and David Mammoth was approaching that battle, reaching into his golf club bag and pulling out… A giant bone."
Maul Sheep: Oh hey, it's what's left of that guy in Reno. The one he killed just to watch him die.
Brawlropeman: it should have been part of his tusk instead
Maul Sheep: "The massive femur was clearly something that belonged in a museum"
Maul Sheep: I can't believe a run in by Indiana Jones is what took David Mammoth out of the Brawl!
Maul Sheep: "Finding his scythe, David produces it and swings for Greater Dog’s hands, lopping one off… and revealing the lack of flesh inside. Greater Dog worries for a moment before jamming the bone into the open hole"
Maul Sheep: Now there's some DIY!
Maul Sheep: Dog It Yourself!
Maul Sheep: "Despite being a blustery old man worn down by life, David Mammoth didn’t have it in him to just crush a dog with his foot."
Maul Sheep: Are we sure? We're going to have to check the tapes for that one.
Maul Sheep: "The low atmosphere of Brawl Planet and quick curvature meant the armor was able to break out and fly off into space."
Maul Sheep: Eventually, Greater Dog stopped thinking.
Brawlropeman: I even thought of that reference when I did that :V
Brawlropeman: as soon as I realized the parallels I was suddenly very careful with how I described it to avoid them :V
Maul Sheep: Ahahahah
Maul Sheep: Noooo! Not my Bob!
Brawlropeman: what a run though for the old champ!
Maul Sheep: Someone will have to break the news to Jim...
Brawlropeman: a man in uniform shows up at Jim's home with a folded up Bob Bifford BBB7 Champ T-Shirt
Maul Sheep: Hahahaha
Maul Sheep: “I get it, I’m cute, but please don’t try to cuddle with me right now.”
Maul Sheep: Listen, Beach Episode, I have to move this Baby Widow Maker merch or my dreams are going to be filled with fractal owls for the next leap year.
Maul Sheep: "this was clearly a girl who has worked with mangoes before!"
Maul Sheep: I was going to say 'tell me more!', but then you, uh, you did...
Maul Sheep: "Mango kimchi, mango mustard, diced mango, mango slices, mango sorbet, and of course ,some praying mangoes."
Maul Sheep: It's been some time since somebody mentioned praying mangoes!
Brawlropeman: Harpy better make sure to keep Mel's extensive mango knowledge relevant in RP :I
Maul Sheep: "Stocking wasn’t so keen on taking treats that were weaponized against her, especially full on uncut pineapples, so she slices through them to get to Mel"
Maul Sheep: A real fruit ninja.
Maul Sheep: Oh, I hadn't thought about it, but I guess Motormer and Optimus Prime facing off makes sense since they are both car people.
Brawlropeman: well, when you have a REAL volkswagen square off with a semi... wait no you're right what the hell
Maul Sheep: Killing Optimus Prime is, like, a war crime :I
Brawlropeman: now is the time to reveal that Motormer... is a decepticon
Maul Sheep: ...Which given the Decepticon terms with the Bar, might actually be, legally, true!
Maul Sheep: "but Honoka was quick to defend her friend, grabbing the hand of Frost and biting it"
Maul Sheep: didn't expect that! That's not bread, Honoka!
Maul Sheep: FROOOOOOST!!
Brawlropeman: she got flipping far for a trap-focused normie!
Maul Sheep sounds of gears grinding
Maul Sheep: WAIT! I can't have...the standings say I have four characters in the top ten! That's ridiculous! That's almost half of the remaining field being occupied by shambling Sheepchars! I demand a recount!
Brawlropeman: THAT OL' WACKY TRACKY!
Maul Sheep: I can only imagine how that can of crazy went over!
Maul Sheep: “It seems Brawl Planet has exploded."
Maul Sheep snort
Maul Sheep: Are they going to form a Ref Voltron?!
Maul Sheep: "Basu’s approach was similar, using the rope dart as an anchor before pulling himself down to safety and drinking FuzzFace’s soda to heal up while he had the chance."
Maul Sheep: He's going to give himself such a bad case of the burps later!
Brawlropeman: right before he gets an important kill, he'll burp and drop his rope dart
Maul Sheep: "The Uncontained Whimsy was drifting around the atmospheric space for a while"
Maul Sheep: All the while Purnima waxing an impenetrable speech as the room spins
Maul Sheep: Well, she got that brutality she wanted to see!
Maul Sheep: "unaware of the use of a special soda to cure those wounds"
Maul Sheep: Don't try this at home, kids! This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA.
Maul Sheep: Adding to the war crimes of my characters, Basu just executed an emperor.
Brawlropeman: at this point you're lucky the drunks didn't go further or they'd be lined up for the guillotine too
Brawlropeman: although like most of your characters, the efficacy of a guillotine is questionable
Maul Sheep: "The impact is painful and knocks him back a bit, but Tank is safe!"
Maul Sheep: Tank is still alive!
Maul Sheep: The movie beast is felled! Roll credits!
Maul Sheep: Aw, poor Mortomer!
Maul Sheep: He placed above Mammoth though, so that's gonna sting the codger!
Maul Sheep: Oh God, please don't win Purnima!
Maul Sheep: Well, Basu made it pretty far! Of course, he's the one of mine I'd have liked most to see take it, but I was mostly just worried he'd place low!
Brawlropeman: he outplaced all of your characters except the one with a train! Something about trains makes the tractor happy I guess
Maul Sheep: I cannot believe the TRAIN is still going!
Maul Sheep sounds of gears grinding
Maul Sheep: Oh dear. I just realized the train still has its homing missiles.
Brawlropeman: ohoho~
Maul Sheep: "What about… ah yes, the crater that caused all this! No doubt it will have plenty of lovely fires to THROW YOU ALL IN!”
Maul Sheep: Purnima, please. We talked about this. You had a heart to heart with Carla and everything.
Maul Sheep: "Mel tried not to look at the mirrors, but they were filled with images of her in all sorts of outfits that were based on her color palette and style."
Maul Sheep: So, Purnima's just going to go full alien entity from beyond the stars
Brawlropeman: I mean... she is one right?
Maul Sheep: Ohohoho~
Maul Sheep: "okay I am going to say it was MLBPA Baseball but I’m sure you would have trusted there’s a Game Gear baseball game if I didn’t. Anyway, that very specific game’s baseball bat shatters the walls,"
Maul Sheep: Gotta keep yourself honest!
Maul Sheep: "she was now ornamented in some sort of armor"
Maul Sheep: Purnima...outfitting herself?!
Maul Sheep: "revealing her new suit came with gauntlets that replaced her limbs with long deadly blades."
Maul Sheep: I've been taking a moment because, JRM, you hit on an actual Kapoorian weapon I was never sure was going to see RP.
Brawlropeman: it seemed a good fit for their anatomy!
Maul Sheep: Yes! But it was still a surprise!
Maul Sheep: How on Earth did Purnima become the Final Boss??
Maul Sheep: WEEEEEELL, SHOOT! There goes poor Mel!
Maul Sheep: "Puddlenaut lowers his head… as part of a hard forward charge, jamming a spear right into a space between Purnima’s plating and causing her to shriek in pain and"
Maul Sheep: turn into a howling whirlwind of sand that is banished back into its tomb at the center of the Earth.
Brawlropeman: Purnima was one of Bobby's bosses the whole time
Maul Sheep: And there she goes. For a brief second, I was afraid the fall wouldn't kill her and she'd come howling back as some burning thing with a thousand eyes.
Brawlropeman: that's next brawl
Maul Sheep: “ALRIGHT!” Mega Drive yells, “ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?"
Maul Sheep: I remain unfulfilled.
Maul Sheep: That's a nice image!
Brawlropeman: its the one I almost didn't make! I wasn't sure I'd be able to get the sprites right.
Maul Sheep: "the audience getting a good look at a shark scarfing down Mickey Mouse’s face before Puddlenaut pushes past that batch of Sega characters as well…"
Maul Sheep: Family fun!
Brawlropeman: the brawl still isn't too keen on Disney
Maul Sheep: I am happy to see Puddlenaut go the distance!
Maul Sheep: TANK IS ALIVE!
Maul Sheep: I knew you had to do it.
Brawlropeman: he was a perfect companion for Puddlenaut! I came up with them being bros before I thought of Tank going the distance
Maul Sheep: PUDDLENAUT TOOK OFF HIS HELMET! He'll never be a Mandalorian now.


Brawlwind Evil: So, this whole Brawl was just to pay off Tank Is Alive, right?
Brawlropeman: I can't wait for RD to post Tank is Alive in september only for everyone to say "oh we know"


Hooded Pitohui: Well, folks, it has just been an absolute blast. I can't think of much better than celebrating a huge event like this, something that represents the culmination of all the effort put forth by a strong and tight-knit community year after year, and to celebrate it live, with that community, at that. While I'm going to head off to sleep (because I have many words for tomorrow!), I just want to thank JRM, his sisters, and every last one of you for everything you do and contribute to make an event like this possible.
Brawlropeman: glad to have you Pitohui!
Brawlropeman: It was great having so many people here
Gooper Blooper: You have once again surpassed my expectations with the work you put in, JRM
Gooper Blooper: Bravo!
Hooded Pitohui: Goodnight, everyone, and may you have the grandest of evenings as you continue to read or back in the memory of this Brawl!
Brawlropeman: I try
Brawlropeman: very hard :V
Brawlropeman: I'm glad to put on a show people continue to enjoy
Brawlropeman: instead of saying "God who writes a thousand words about Dunston fiting Spider-Pig?"


cantquit: puddlenaut and the hard girls sounds like a fuckin band btw

1 comment:

  1. Draco: It means Mel will get 1-10 instead.

    Oh look he was right.

    RubyChao: citrus:
    RubyChao rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 5

