Monday, June 15, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 364: Crushinator Is Life Goals

N Goat: Alright, time to see how Black Clover Black Clover's it up today
RubyChao: so you're saying
RubyChao: time for more Sally in RP?
N Goat: no
N Goat: Tonight on Black Clover: Oh yeah, these two characters still exist
N Goat: Wizard King Count: 1
N Goat: Wizard King Count: 2
N Goat: Tonight on Black Clover: Mouths
Draco: I can't wait for the night when everyone is a Wizard King.
N Goat: oh no
N Goat: he's spilling all his ketchup
Jumpropeman: was it
Jumpropeman: W Ketchup
Jumpropeman: with the W standing for Wizard
N Goat: :I
Jumpropeman: Wizard Ketchup Count: 1
N Goat: Wizard King Count: 3
N Goat: The anime clearly wants me to feel things here
N Goat: Ooh!
N Goat: GREEN ketchup!
Jumpropeman: Weird Ketchup Count: 1
N Goat: Why does this character get End Credits privilege?
N Goat: Next, Golden Wind blows away my complaints
N Goat: I am forced to issue a correction to a prior Black Clover statement
N Goat: While I made a remark about green ketchup, it really looked like wasabi.


Ghengis Jenga: OKAY
Ghengis Jenga: The king
Ghengis Jenga: Has returned
Ghengis Jenga: He's very expensive
Jumpropeman: the king don't come cheap
Ghengis Jenga: Guess I'm playing Dota again
Draco: *looks at the link* *sees the words "Battle Pass"* :I
Draco: Battle Pass: $10. Cost to skip 100 levels: $45.
Draco: >:I
Ghengis Jenga: Yep
Ghengis Jenga: Valve
Ghengis Jenga: Fuck it I'm getting it
crab crab crab FRIGHTEN: valve.txt
Ghengis Jenga: Guess I'm playing the dotes again
Ghengis Jenga: Wait
Ghengis Jenga: No, I'm not THAT much of an idiot


Bree: bomb baby
Bree: no you can't have context you can have a little context as a treat
Bree: jamie built his own bomb disposal robot and for some reason he put a baby head on it and it's called the bomb baby
Jumpropeman: it looks like the baby spider from toy story
Bree: it does, but bomb baby is a hero
Bree: they painstakingly set up a means of remote detonating the grenades they're using for this experiment
Bree: then the first actual experiment they do
Bree: the grenade doesn't go off
Bree: and they can't leave the bunker because there is a LIVE GRENADE out there
Bree: luckily, bomb baby is on the job
Bree: bomb baby saves lives (probably. maybe.)
Maddened Sheep: Thank goodness
Hooded Pitohui: What gets me isn't even the design of the thing, it's the "[Baby Crying]" that brings the image together
Bree: that's edited-in sound effects and the robot does not actually make noises, but yes :V
Bree: well, subtitle of edited-in sound effect
Bree: the narrator is like "it's time to bring out THE BOMB BABY" and then this shot
Maddened Sheep: It's the next mega hit from Dreamworks
Bree: what gets me, though
Bree: bomb disposal robots apparently cost thousands of dollars
Bree: they state this fact on the show
Bree: and then immediately after jamie says "so I built my own bomb disposal robot with a $100 RC truck"
Bree: obviously I understand why a real bomb disposal robot needs to cost thousands of dollars
Bree: but it comes across like the mythbusters just got those leet hax
Bree: thousands of dollars? nah we got this from toys r us
Bree: in the same episode they tossed a small bomb in a garbage truck and the garbage truck contained the explosion and didn't get destroyed (the goal, i.e. myth confirmed)
Bree: but then they're like "so we've got this garbage truck... can't let it go to waste..." and blow it up "just for fun"
Bree: like they explicitly state "there is no more science to be done here. we are doing this because we can." and then just fucking atomize the garbage truck


Jumpropeman: "We were checking out your website,, and really like what we see, so we wondered if you'd be interested in a written-for-you article to publish on the site?
Though our content would reference one of our clients, we will also make sure the piece is timely, relevant, and right for your readership. And we're willing to pay you $100 (through PayPal) for your time and effort."

Jumpropeman: Holy smokes
Draco: What the butt? :O
Hooded Pitohui: Oh my, that's wonderful, JRM! You're getting some attention!
Gooper Blooper: seems legit
Draco: Who's asking though? Are they a reputable company that actually is related to your reviews?
Jumpropeman: I left out the rest of the email but this is the site involved
Jumpropeman: more specifically this section
Gooper Blooper: Everyone Loves Infographics
Gooper Blooper: "Your readers enjoy a fresh, highly relevant article, and our client gets brand exposure"
Gooper Blooper: that reminds me
Jumpropeman: I would not be surprised if the client turns out to be one of those gambling sites that take over small blogs
Gooper Blooper: JRM: I got to the point in Bluff Finangles you mentioned way back where one of the antagonists offers to pay the heroes in exposure
Draco: Me neither.
Jumpropeman: truly the vilest villains in Blue Flamingoes
RubyChao: god
Jumpropeman: naturally I won't be indulging the offer, but it's one of those little milestones
RubyChao: i'm still impressed this is still up as poker
Jumpropeman: thank you fix-it felix jr for being just popular enough
Jumpropeman: maybe they paid that guy a whole lot
Jumpropeman: "Super Mario is probably the most popular game in the world. From kids to old people, everyone knows about this game. Year after year, Nintendo doesn't disappoint with Mario series game releases. I am officially addicted to this game. Another thing that I really enjoy and kind of addicted to is online poker. If you get going, there is easy cash to be made. That's why I like this game so much."
Jumpropeman: that feels so much like a machine generated line
Draco: That PokerListings sponsorship REALLY helped grow their website, am I right? ;V
Jumpropeman: Talk To Transformer advertising
Gooper Blooper: That quote gets posted in here every time SMBHQ comes up, but I love it and I was going to do it myself if no one else did
Gooper Blooper: such a memorable, ridiculous spam
RubyChao: when is some antagonist going to say it in rp
Gooper Blooper: the fucking segue
Draco: I mean, isn't that what Elsa says after her next concert is sponsored by PokerListings?
Jumpropeman: my favorite part of the Elsa/Kanade concert was where they sang the jingle, just because they love it so much!
Gooper Blooper: If you get going, there are easy dates to be made. That's why I like this website so much.
Draco: I liked that they actually dressed like farmers for the entire concert.
Jumpropeman: a few days later, some criminal is being lead through the precinct for booking and they hear "YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE LONELY" blaring from behind an office door
Gooper Blooper: barpost

(The barpost includes Dr. Amigo quoting the SMBHQ line in Spanish)

RubyChao: at this point i'm absolutely sure Dr. Amigo is leading up to something major
Jumpropeman: *has inch burst into the precinct* "I'VE FIGURED IT OUT! PITOHUI IS ACTUALLY HIBIKI TACHIBANA!"
Hooded Pitohui: I'm with Chao on this one
Hooded Pitohui: Dr. Amigo has some pivotal role to play
Gooper Blooper: Denise whirls around in a panic. "BUT INCH... WHICH ONE?!?!"
Jumpropeman: "She's... their queen" *an army of hibikis burst in after him*
Jumpropeman: we have Honokaswarm
Jumpropeman: now Hibikihive
Hooded Pitohui: Eusocial Hibiki
Brinehammer: Season Eleven; Everyone is Hibiki
Hooded Pitohui: Can I start writing up an ecological analysis
Jumpropeman: Yuka tests bikkie for poison, finds prolonged exposure induces a :D face
Hooded Pitohui: So that's what happened to Honoka!
RubyChao: but how is jill immune
Jumpropeman: I can't believe Dr. Amigo of all people sold out ; o ;
Jumpropeman: who can you trust if not your amigo/doctor
Hooded Pitohui: Well, Chao, we must posit that Jill has some kind of inherent biochemical defense
Draco: Jill isn't immune; her face muscle are just paralyzed from years of not using them.


Draco: Ermahgerd, my aunt just texted me a picture of the dolphin paddler asking if I knew what movie she's watching. XD
Gooper Blooper: ahahahahah
Harpwork: Ghlfjif
Jumpropeman: wow
Madder Sheep: hohohoho
Gooper Blooper: IT RISES


Gooper Blooper: so sheep
Gooper Blooper: if you let us in on some Kapoorian lore this season
Gooper Blooper: would that be
Gooper Blooper: bug fables
Madder Sheep: It would be boib fumbles


Madder Sheep: Time for the Koala King to cancel roller skates forever
Jumpropeman: i love that that's technically not nonsense


(Re: Animal Crossing's wedding phptos event)

Jumpropeman: you can place bugs and fish down for the wedding photos
Jumpropeman: how many fleas can I put in the chapel before I get in trouble
Jumpropeman: "it's everything I could have wanted"
Jumpropeman: flea wedding is a success
Eclairpy: plz


(Re: Galactic Roller Derby and its' rules)

Eclairpy: i think the best way to describe this, in a nutshell
Eclairpy: and the jammer is like "haha skates go wrrrrr"
Jumpropeman: basically :V
Eclairpy: i can't believe i used a meme to describe this.
Jumpropeman: every blocker is a moving point who needs to protect themselves but also push other points towards the jammer
Gooper Blooper: Jumpropeman: Meme Economy would be a surprisingly good way to explain the stock market
Eclairpy: i just want to see that turned ZFRP because i'm just laughing
Gooper Blooper: "NOOO YOU CAN'T WIN THE BRAWL, YOU GOT TWO VOTES AND I GOT FIFTY" "haha tractor go brrrr"
Eclairpy: that's a spice packet bomb
Eclairpy: *sheds a single tear*


Cornwind Evil: Wait, was Basu trying to invade earth?
Middling Sheep: Yes
Middling Sheep: Sort of
Middling Sheep: Waaaay back
Jumpropeman: the 60s were wild for him


Eclairpy: i can't believe the names in la pucelle
Middling Sheep: Delicious heresy


Jumpropeman: the first year of Harry Potter Kinect ends with an intense face massaging battle with professor quirrel
Jumpropeman: you just hold your hands on his face long enough and he is defeated
Eclairpy: HOLD
Eclairpy: dat face
Middling Sheep: You must squeeze the face
Middling Sheep: That it is very odd though
Middling Sheep: How does face touching rate on your scale?
Jumpropeman: this is pretty much that Fire Emblem Fates face petting right?
Eclairpy: i mean
Eclairpy: i guess!
Eclairpy: sounds more like killing him of embarrassment by pinching his widdle cheeky weekiesss


Gooper Blooper: Sheep Brawl entries:
Veteran: Purnima
1: Basu
2: Aditi
3: Agni
4: Pillbox
Gooper Blooper: Pillbox racks up four KOs


MobileDraco: "It really would have been better if Garfield got out first." <- No man should be expected to go into battle without his GarfieldEats order.
Mite Sheep: :I
Mite Sheep: William Garfield is another Chequemark goon of little importance
MobileDraco: He'll be more important when his comic strip takes off.
Mite Sheep: His name really was me going: "What's a mildly embarrassing name?"


Mite Sheep: "As for Patchouli, though? She prepares one of her favorite moves. One we haven't seen in a while."
Mite Sheep: I can't believe she just fell asleep in the middle of a battle like that
Draco: I'm impressed. It takes courage to be Patchouli.


Jumpropeman: doing something very tough: selecting which of my many many animal crossing screenshots will go up on the site
Jumpropeman: i was proud to have that outfit on when I caught that fish :P
Hooded Pitohui: I didn't even take the picture and I'm also proud that you had the outfit on, JRM
Eclairpy: I didnt know the first granny became a mosh pit gladiator
Jumpropeman: she lives a rich and varied life
Eclairpy: Sometimes, she’s a hot dog.
Jumpropeman: Sometimes, she's dressed, as a hot dog. Sometimes, she cuts down a tree..... She's stiiiiiiill in a dreeeeeeeam First Granny
Jumpropeman: *waits for Sheep to appreciate the joke in the future*


Gooper Blooper: Bop Thimbles continues to be great by the way
Gooper Blooper: Aside from a few cases where puzzles were slightly fiddly/annoying, it's been aces all the way
Jumpropeman: I'm very happy you two are both enjoying Fun Babies
Mite Sheep: It's been great!
Gooper Blooper: I've been waiting fifteen years for this game, JRM
Gooper Blooper: literally half my fucking life
Gooper Blooper: if it had been crap I probably would have just crumbled to dust right there
Jumpropeman: believe me, I knew what I would have been doing to my friend if I had oversold it
Gooper Blooper: I trust your reviews!
Gooper Blooper: I know the poker guys pay well but don't you ever sell out on me dammit
Eclairpy: poker? but he hardly knows her!
RubyChao: speaking of online poker
RubyChao: i've been playing it a lot recently
RubyChao: it's very addicting!
Jumpropeman: that reminds me, I found a discussion of a site called aggressively courting gaming websites
RubyChao: oh?
Jumpropeman: I wonder if that's the particular net that was put out for me too
Jumpropeman: "I run a medium sized gaming site, and I've recieved so many emails from GoldenCasinoNews' PR firm lately where they want us to write about their so called analysis of things."
Gooper Blooper: I heard online casino sites were doing big business recently for obvious reasons
Gooper Blooper: this is their hour
RubyChao: so jrm
RubyChao: when golden casino news tries to turn the game hoard into ONLINE POKER
RubyChao: will we know you've got it made?
Jumpropeman: when they offer me 101 dollars, I don't know if I could resist!
Gooper Blooper: I've liked seeing the little milestones along the way, like when he got a review copy of a game from Game Freak, or when Bug Fables retweeted his review
Jumpropeman: I've really appreciated the support from all of you too
Jumpropeman: I sometimes feel awkward talking about the site but I want to share stuff in my life with my friends!
Eclairpy: i will always continue supporting you to the best of my ability
Eclairpy: even if i lack game ideas for you to review until suddenly i get a whole bunch at once
Jumpropeman: it worked out for kirby blitz
Eclairpy: time for modern kirby blitz
Gooper Blooper: I have a policy of never directly mentioning RP or doing RP injokes in the Game Hoard comment section, but trust me when I say I consider Game Hoard part of the ZFRP Cinematic Universe
Gooper Blooper: especially now that so many characters from it are popping up for Salvagers
Jumpropeman: am I the netflix series to ZFRP's movies?
Hooded Pitohui: Oh wow, I can remember the discussion about JRM getting a review copy from Game Freak. I think I remember seeing that, like... almost right before my first season started, iirc?
Hooded Pitohui: I knew he was something, alright, at that point
Gooper Blooper: The Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous to our Jurassic World Dominion
Hooded Pitohui: Even if I hadn't learned about The Game Hoard proper yet back then
Jumpropeman: Game Freak sent me a code for Giga Wrecker Alt on Xbone


Jumpropeman: "My name is Peppin. I am currently looking for websites where I can promote our casino site and many more sections by an article or blog post.
If you can share your media kit that would be great. Do you do this type of advertisement on your site"

Jumpropeman: a second site has found me, and they are outright in admitting they're gambling
Jumpropeman: I even found a site that accepted this guy's offer
HORSE WAR: peppin pig
ivel: at least they admit it!
Gooper Blooper: so can we go ahead and canonize that tapogres have moved on from bitcoins, wood doghouses, and tramadol and are now all about gambling
RubyChao: that sure is a classic video games article
HORSE WAR: gambling plot 2020...
ivel: a gambling plot not in Vegas, impossible
Jumpropeman: Gamble Man gets infected with a virus
Gooper Blooper: we don't see much of it since it was very Vegas and was played into more heavily there, but I believe it's been canonized that gambling's legal in Olympia
Gooper Blooper: Oh right, Bass Vegas
Gooper Blooper: there ya go
Jumpropeman: yeah, frog casino too
ivel: :I
HORSE WAR: and jackpot's but that was more fluff :V


Eclairpy: >youtube suggests Typhoon battles from Robot Wars
Jumpropeman: it knows you
Eclairpy: imagine my face scrunching like that cat who hates the taste of bananas
Eclairpy: i hate that bot for two different reasons
Eclairpy: and it really doesn't have anything to do with the bopt!
Eclairpy: ...sick bopts in the chat
Jumpropeman: boipt
Draco shoots JRM for blasphemy.
Gooper Blooper: incidentally I think Byakuren is about five seconds away from getting shot for blasphemy
RubyChao: more like blasphebooby am i right
Gooper Blooper: link
Hooded Pitohui: That sure is some book, Goops. I don't really know that I have any other words to properly express the sentiment, vague and meaningless as those are...
Gooper Blooper: It's an edit I did, the original popped up in Chatzy like a year ago
Gooper Blooper: I then slightly later than that swapped in the Byakuren as a joke
Hooded Pitohui: Oh, I was just completely and utterly prepared to accept that this, with Byakuren, was a thing
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: I MEAN
Gooper Blooper: Fair!
Jumpropeman: I'd buy it


Eclairpy: ...sir please
Jumpropeman: straight up murder
Eclairpy: one day
Eclairpy: this will be goopsmom
Eclairpy: and we will all pay
Jumpropeman: but she plays puyo not tetris
Jumpropeman: so she'd be the one getting attacked
Eclairpy: that can change at any moment.


Jumpropeman: you know why horses are the perfect counter for ladeca
Jumpropeman: because you can't break a horse's spirit
Jumpropeman: they're wild and free
HORSE WAR: the moment i speak is when ivel reveals he made a friend with a bear named Cheeseburger
HORSE WAR: Cheeseburger for Ladecaplot 2020
Jumpropeman: in real life I'm assuming
HORSE WAR: unfortunately he's not a disney princess
Jumpropeman: i feel like if the bear is named cheeseburger that's more a dreamworks princess
Jumpropeman: possibly even Illumination princess
Jumpropeman: that's a good bear
Jumpropeman: that's a very good ladecapic
HORSE WAR: goops found that one
ivel: Ladeca is a bear?
HORSE WAR: in the bearniverse, yes
ivel: what type of bear is she then
ivel: the fans demand answers
HORSE WAR: the bear with the stick up its ass
ivel: ah, a poo bear


HORSE WAR rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
HORSE WAR: i dunno what that was for
HORSE WAR: but i'm not dead from heat yet
Jumpropeman: rolling for not dying to heat
ivel rolled a die with 1 sides. The die showed: 1


Draco: Brine's cast next year.
Gooper Blooper: Not if I take one first!!
HORSE WAR: rip judgement, mine now-
HORSE WAR: nah i already have knights of glory to basically draw chars from :V
Jumpropeman: time to take
Jumpropeman: the male lead of Helltaker
ivel: he's the Helltaker
ivel: :U
ivel: like Doomguy
Jumpropeman: i still don't know much about the game
Jumpropeman: white haired waifus everywhere is what I know
ivel: anyway, time to take the Awesome Demon
RubyChao: that's it jrm
RubyChao: hat's the game
HORSE WAR: you get babes by making pancakes
Draco: That's right, hats. It's Team Fortress 2.
RubyChao: it exists because the person who made it thought "man, there's not enough sharply dressed demon girls in the world"
RubyChao: and fixed that
ivel: I was gonna say that too Draco :U
ivel: lel
ivel: and yep
Jumpropeman: i believe it was specifically
Gooper Blooper: I'm pretty sure it was specifically calculated to be one of those flavor of the month KYM galleries
Jumpropeman: not enough sharply dressed demon girl porn :V
ivel: that's also been taken care of now
RubyChao: well, i mean
RubyChao: it's fixing that
ivel: :U


Jumpropeman: THAT WE
Gooper Blooper: XD
ivel: I would not
HORSE WAR: she was just horsin around
HORSE WAR: loved writing her basically get angrier when things didn't go her way


Jumpropeman: link
Mither Sheep: "famous" is the only correct statement there
Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: link
Mither Sheep: Looking at the comic, "This suspicious woman needs help." really stands out
Jumpropeman: link
Cornwind Evil: Oh this I have to see
Jumpropeman: in this page: kirby knows what lava is, dedede doesn't
Ghengis Jenga: Dedede is not the smartest penguin
Cornwind Evil: Strange to see Kirby all in white
Ghengis Jenga: (I think he's a penguin)
Cornwind Evil: The pink just seems so him
Jumpropeman: you're a penguin, dedede
Cornwind Evil: Possibly also a wizard
Cornwind Evil: Definitely someone with no chips
Mither Sheep: I can't wait for JRM to bring in Dr. Mainhold as the villain to his sequel Knack plot
Draco: XD


Mither Sheep: "Kanade lies back and tries to sleep. And tries. And tries. Finally, forty-five minutes later, Kanade gets up, groaning."
Mither Sheep: Oh hey
Mither Sheep: It's me last night :I
Mither Sheep: "she bolts upright in her bed, grabbing a knife kept hidden just behind a clock on the nearest nightstand as she does."
Mither Sheep: Pitohui is so battle-focused, I actually thought for a moment she had a hollowed out clock next to her bed she hid a knife in.
Mither Sheep: "She couldn't shoot a dream"
Mither Sheep: Well, that doesn't sound at all like the Pitohui I've come to know and tolerate!
Mither Sheep: "You said you had a nightmare?" "Yeeeah. Not a pleasant one,"
Mither Sheep: Have many pleasant nightmares, do you?
Mither Sheep: "To Elsa, it really didn't sound all that bad."
Mither Sheep snort
Mither Sheep: "Still, it was better to lie, right?"
Mither Sheep: Secrets and lies!
Draco: My most pleasant nightmare was Haehyun in Roller Derby.
Mither Sheep: Horrifying!
Mither Sheep: "I’m a Kobber, you know. They circulate their own news."
Mither Sheep: I read it for articles, I swear!
Cornwind Evil: God, now I wonder what a Kobber version of that sort of magazine would be like
Jumpropeman: we had Fornax for a while
Jumpropeman: Lisa was a cover girl!
RubyChao: i mean the kobbers have enough sexy ladies to make it work-
Cornwind Evil: Yeah but that was all humanoid aliens
Cornwind Evil: Would Kobboy like, have Purmina? Would that even be-oh dear I've gone cross eyed
Mither Sheep: Purnima's probably done sleazier photo shoots


Mither Sheep: One of these days, Pillbox will actually fight
Mither Sheep: and it will be a huge disappointment :V
Jumpropeman: he'll reveal his weapon
Jumpropeman: an actual pill box
Jumpropeman: "Pillbox instructs me to shove these pills down your throat."
Jumpropeman: sorry
Jumpropeman: "The boss"
Mither Sheep: I just can't help adding vocal tics


N Goat: Back for
N Goat: ...
N Goat: Black Clover...
N Goat: Why are these men here and why are they naked?
N Goat: ugh
RubyChao: hey sheep will you mind if i throw Sally at you in the bar tomorrow
N Goat: Probably I'll make an effort if I must :I
RubyChao: (don't worry, it's joke)
N Goat: I thought so
Draco: (You know what isn't joke? I'm going to have Parsee reading that Ghost Baby story or whatever.)
Jumpropeman: Parsee isn't just reading Magical Baby
Jumpropeman: she CREATED Magical Baby
Jumpropeman: I honestly thought you were reacting to Draco's joke
Draco: Me too. He DOES react to my jokes like that too.
Jumpropeman: I often wonder why Draco doesn't just turn into birds
N Goat: There are so many things happening
Draco: Indeed, it's rather arbitrary why I don't just turn into a bird sometimes.
RubyChao: wait, who can't magic
N Goat: Wizard King Count: 1
N Goat: Wizard King Count: 2
N Goat: Wizard King Count: 3
N Goat: Wizard King Count: 4
Jumpropeman: they're out of control!
N Goat: I still don't get how you were alive for so many years
RubyChao: he was stasis in stone
RubyChao: i thought was pretty clear :V
N Goat: no chao
RubyChao: oh you meant the bird
N Goat: And so it ended as it lived, a pile up of concepts and neat imagaaaaaAAAAa
N Goat: sdjkdfskjfsjkdfs:"fnjfvjfvkjfv
N Goat: dfjfvjvf
N Goat: fvmkn.fknfjf
N Goat: vklnklfvklfv
Draco: Chao, no, he wasn't in GLASS.
Draco: THAT would be pretty clear. ;)
N Goat: I think I might be done with this show
RubyChao: you said that last time, sheep
RubyChao: and the time before that
RubyChao: and the time before THAT
RubyChao: you always come back
N Goat: :I


time pizza (emit azzip) joined the chat
Draco: You can't go back in time and eat that pizza again.
time pizza: I cannot
time pizza: ;(


Jumpropeman: Harpy the hero!
Jumpropeman: The Sega Hard Girls are now set for a proper reunion thanks to harpy
melt: i'm no hero, just someone who wants to help
Jumpropeman: Game Gear is en route
melt: she's taking her time
Jumpropeman: and good news in the charger front too! Apparently the AC Adaptor for my rinkadink Genesis works with Game Gear as well
melt: oooh
Jumpropeman: link
melt: snorlt
melt: dumb salvager plot twist: doctor doctor professor playor gamez creates a new hard girl under orders... it's probably a sega console that never got off the ground. something obscure. i was gonna say GENESIS but...
melt: dumb ideas come at weird times
Jumpropeman: so he makes Neptune?
melt: makes an actual functional sega hard girl Neptune, not that bootleg hangin out with the planeswardens who gets arrested for meme crimes
ivel: three Neptunes? In MY rp?
melt: at least its not Uranus.
Jumpropeman: by the way
Jumpropeman: there is a Genesis Hard Girl
Pursue Lu Bu 2: Wh
Pursue Lu Bu 2: Why is the sega genesis girl a cowboy
melt: damn, clownpiece, you've been hiding this forme all along?
ivel: seems about right
ivel: because murrica
Jumpropeman: yup, since the Genesis was its american name, they decided to make a joke out of her
melt: what was the japanese name?
Jumpropeman: Mega Drive!
Jumpropeman: only america got the rename
ivel: yep!
melt: now i'm just awaiting the plot where mega drive goes totally amurrican
melt: and then there's rootin, tootin, shootin
Jumpropeman: I've mentioned it before, but one of the Mega Drive redesigns also got a Hard Girl
Jumpropeman: and she is angry baby
Ghengis Jenga: I desperately want all of these video game console girls y'all have in the bar at once, just so Aiko can walk in and go "what the fuck is this"
RubyChao: jrm: is that Mega Drive mini
Jumpropeman: that is a good name for her chao, but it's the Mega Drive 2
Jumpropeman: which kinda was just a compact version
Draco: MD2, her evil twin sent by SegaNet to kill Sarah Console.
Jumpropeman: the genesis I own is the american equivalent
Mither Sheep: I refuse to believe Mega Drive Mini isn't just Cirno throwing on a hoodie and deciding that's who she is
Jumpropeman: that's how she'll try to sneak back onto the quiz game when she gets eliminated
Ghengis Jenga: Lol


Jumpropeman: huh
Jumpropeman: apparently the Sega Nomad is uniquely American
Jumpropeman: it never got released elsewhere
Jumpropeman: no wonder there's no Hard Girl for it :P
Draco: Better ask Goops to make one for you.


Mither Sheep joined the chat
time pizza: Hi sheep
melt: hi sheep
Mither Sheep gargling screeching
Mither Sheep: Hello
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman screeching gargling

Jumpropeman: Hello
melt: hi jrm!
RubyChao: hey jumpropesheep
time pizza: Hi all
time pizza: Sheepropeman?
time pizza: ...nah, jumpropesheep is cooler
Jumpropeman: one is a man with a rope made of sheep, the other is a sheep who jump ropes
Jumpropeman: one is at least less horrifying


(Game Hoard reviews The Guy Game)

Mither Sheep sighs, looking at the next review
Mither Sheep checks the dates for the upteenth time in the doomed hope he can put it off

Mither Sheep: I feel like the expression on the box is true to the face one makes when they see it
Jumpropeman: oh no
Jumpropeman: you've reached it
Mither Sheep: Oh
Mither Sheep: the full box art is just really bad
Mither Sheep: They just did not know what to do with the guy
Mither Sheep: The contortion is just so they can show off more skin of the girls behind him
Mither Sheep: oh it looks awful
Mither Sheep: the arm even manages to look like a separate asset when they edited this
Mither Sheep: it's lit so weirdly with it resting on the logo thing foreground
Jumpropeman: oh wow
Jumpropeman: its even more awkward than I remembered
Mither Sheep: Okay, I guess I actually have to read the review at some point, instead of complaining about the box art forever
Mither Sheep: "team entry to bump the number up to four and the total number of ladies featured above 60"
Mither Sheep: Just rolling off these porn sports cards numbers
Mither Sheep: "and otherwise vie for the top spot in a game where it’s rather unlikely you’d get another player to sit down and play with you"
Mither Sheep: oh dear
Mither Sheep: "If you wait a while to pick your answer during this round, two of the four multiple choice answers will disappear"
Mither Sheep: So every desperate video bar game ever
Mither Sheep: "the game punishes you by having an obese man do a video where he poses sexily instead"
Mither Sheep: So every aspect of this thing is infuriating
Mither Sheep: Of all the video games in existence
Mither Sheep: to cover in your lifetime
Mither Sheep: you spent those precious moments you have upon this mortal earth
Mither Sheep: playing and then writing about this
Jumpropeman: i did not know the true face of my enemy
Mither Sheep: "the real meat and potatoes"
Mither Sheep sound of a yurt full of clay pots crashing down a series of steep hills
Mither Sheep: "Knowing Justin Timberlake’s first solo album may still be arguably relevant today"
Mither Sheep: So, in dying on this hill
Mither Sheep: You just decided to eat every arrow going down, huh?
Mither Sheep: "Matt Sadler will sometimes give them clues or misread the question. The on-site audience can even provide hints to the girls, giving them right or wrong answers that further make it basically impossible to accurately predict how the round will go."
Mither Sheep: It just keeps getting weirder
Mither Sheep: They just went all in on the the balls theme, huh?
Jumpropeman: we assure you, it's funny
Mither Sheep: "You can skip the flashing portions if you hammer a button to lower a paper bag over the scene"
Jumpropeman: there's a cow sound when you do so
Mither Sheep: This sentence came at me so fast it stabbed me in an alley and took my wallet
Mither Sheep: "there's a cow sound when you do so"
Mither Sheep: The one nice thing I've heard at all so far
Mither Sheep: "but they do sometimes come up with something funny"
Mither Sheep: I have no words
Mither Sheep: only disappointment
Jumpropeman: if you put a cupcake in a room full of barbed wire, the flavor doesnt change
Mither Sheep: No, but it does if they dropped a razor blade in the cupcake before baking
Jumpropeman: but razor blade is my favorite flavor of cupcake!
Draco: Mmmm...razor blade... :3
Mither Sheep: "or calling men in the audience gay for trying to give the girls answers"
Draco: And then a jackal showed up and defeated Mum-ra with a shiny, reflective thing.
Mither Sheep: "Perhaps the strangest bit of joking around comes from the commentators shaming a girl for her appearance as if The Guy Game didn’t select her for participation in the first place."
Mither Sheep: You know what
Mither Sheep: I was going to use a different Mumm-ra gif
Mither Sheep: but you don't even get 2011 Mumm-Ra
Mither Sheep: You get 2020 Mumm-Ra.
Jumpropeman: oh no
Jumpropeman: i had no idea how 2020 mumm-ra looked
Mither Sheep: They actually brought back the Golden Orb of Setti
Mither Sheep: That makes you four times more powerful
Mither Sheep: four times larger
Mither Sheep: and four times more eeeevil
Mither Sheep: But made it a staff
Jumpropeman: GARSP x4!
Mither Sheep: I think it gets broken real quick, leading to shrimpy Mum-ra
Mither Sheep: "However, no matter how charming the girls are, there’s a point where you realize that The Guy Game will not be providing any sort of titillation."
Mither Sheep: I can't believe there's more review after this.
Mither Sheep: Alright, I'm going to go now
Jumpropeman: night sheep
Jumpropeman: and
Jumpropeman: I'm sorry
Jumpropeman: every game, sheep
Mither Sheep shakes fist
Mither Sheep: I'm going to have to find more Mumm-Ra gifs for the next time you review a h game


Mither Sheep: "Helping from the sidelines will be the enchanting engineer Entrapta!"
Mither Sheep: Oh yeaaaaah
Mither Sheep: Forgot about her.
Bree: in which jrm steals my favorite she-ra character
Bree: (I haven't even watched it yet but I have a favorite)
Jumpropeman: I mean
Jumpropeman: I'm the same and that's why I'm using her :V
Hooded Pitohui: It's okay, this is exactly my relationship with She-Ra, too, Bree


Jumpropeman: "And don't forget about the payment, which we pay annually and promptly via PayPal. It's just our way of saying thank you for your time and effort." casino site steps up their game
Gooper Blooper: all this casino spam!
Jumpropeman: that new line from the casino spam is from the first person who contacted me
Jumpropeman: they sent a new email to try and win me over again
sleepy binch: they're gettin desperate


Mither Sheep: "LOOK AT ME DAD. I'M A STAR."
Mither Sheep: I
Mither Sheep: for one
Mither Sheep: cannot wait for random one off-posts over the rest of the season following Copernia and Crushinator's adventures as they try to get back to Olympia.
Mither Sheep: Crushinator is life goals, honestly


Jumpropeman: link
time pizza: Wh
time pizza: What
Jumpropeman: I know right? There's no way that hockey stick could fit in the bag it's being launched out of. Also there's a fart with a face
Jumpropeman: im guessing its some morality tale about body odor or not being ashamed of natural body functions like farting?
Jumpropeman: this one probably has no moral
RubyChao: how many of these are there
Jumpropeman: there are
Jumpropeman: 8 fart books
RubyChao: Ah
Jumpropeman: he's like the fart version of Ernest P Worrell


(Jester Chao is duplicated many times and they all start telling jokes to each other)

A Jeep With A Cannon: Here is a recording of the Chaomass' speakings
Bree: "guess how many snakes there are. 13" is a perfect jester chao joke
Gooper Blooper: what did the sheep say up a cold mountin?
why am i here
Bree: "why do seagulls fly over the sea? because if they flew over the beach they'd be beagles" this joke is actually funny I've been robbed
Gooper Blooper: what did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?
oh no?
Gooper Blooper: oh no
RubyChao: oh no
Bree: oh no
A Jeep With A Cannon:
RubyChao: knock knock
who’s there?
banana who?
Bree: "why was the man late for work? the wind blew his pants off"
Bree: that'd make me late for work too
A Jeep With A Cannon: what did the mummy wasps say to baby wasp.
I think I see what the kid was trying here.
Bree: for some reason cornwind's link reminds me of something I wanted to share for stupidity
Gooper Blooper: yeah, the "real" joke was in the replies
Bree: this is an example of how me and azure talk to each other
Bree: I told her we would probably get food in the morning when mom got home from work but she would be asleep and she told me to, and I quote
Bree: "bust in there and be like 'YO BITCH WE GOT YOU SHIT.' just kool aid man that shit"
Bree: so now that is generally what I say when we deign to get fast food and azure is asleep
Bree: I just come in her room and loudly announce that we got her shit and call her mean words
A Jeep With A Cannon: why wasnt the banana peeling very well,
because it was an orange
A deep philosophical ponderance.
Bree: "what do you call a blue blob with no arms and legs
Bree: I'd call that a shiny amity
Bree: "what do you call a short brachiosaurus?
there is no reason to talk about them! they are extinct"
Bree: yeah goops shut up about dinosaurs! /sarcasm
Bree: "why do we have toast ?
for beans"
Bree: you can tell this was written by a british child
Gooper Blooper: why did the crab go to prison
Bree: arrested for crab crimes
Harpy: crab crimes.


RubyChao: does anyone need anything from me
Gooper Blooper: I need you
Gooper Blooper: to look at this honoka
Bree: :D
Gooper Blooper: :D
A Jeep With A Cannon: Cripes, there are 40,000 Love Live pictures on Danboru
RubyChao: :D
Hooded Pitohui: Delightful Tomboyish Southern Belle Honoka (TM)
Harpy: are you really surprised, CW
Gooper Blooper: There are 641,000 Touhou pictures.
Harpy: ...i shouldn't be surprised
RubyChao: and that's just what made it to danbooru
Harpy: but i am.
RubyChao: pixiv has
RubyChao: 2 million touhou pictures
Bree: love live is a... franchise? it has a game and multiple anime at least I think
Harpy: not surprised
RubyChao: and yeah
Bree: so it's not surprising per se
Gooper Blooper: 2hu
RubyChao: love live has a gacha game, multiple anime, lots of mechs
RubyChao: *merch
Gooper Blooper: IF ONLY
Harpy: its like mixing a chao plot and a dracoplot together
Harpy: ...would chao even do an idol plot?
RubyChao: i mean
RubyChao: i have this!
Harpy: i am pondering things i never would
A Jeep With A Cannon: That I'm not surprised about
Gooper Blooper:
Harpy: 2 million waifu
Harpy: draco would be proud.


Mythic Sheep: Some personal stuff has cleared up, so I'm hoping I'll be able to be around more often
RubyChao: neat!
Jumpropeman: glad to hear that!
RubyChao: i'm always a slut for more sheep content
Mythic Sheep: :I
Jumpropeman: that caught me off guard XD
Mythic Sheep: Oh that reminds me
Mythic Sheep: ...for some reason
Mythic Sheep: The library finally opened up, so I picked up a Nero Wolfe book
Jumpropeman: ah yes, Nero Wolfe
Jumpropeman: the ultimate slut
Mythic Sheep: They don't have a large selection, but I was surprised to see all the ones by Stout had all been checked out!
Mythic Sheep: So I have The Bloodied Ivy or something like that from the other guy who wrote Wolfe whose name always escapes me
Mythic Sheep: Goldsborough, I think
RubyChao: no, JRM
RubyChao: that's archie


Harpy: i rise
Mythic Sheep throws blanket over Harpy
Harpy: i'm melting, sheep.


Jumpropeman: GF: I'm home alone
Me: link


(Patchouli and Game Gear meet)

RubyChao: dumb srspost for jrm
Gooper Blooper: *laziness intensifies*
Jumpropeman: srspost
RubyChao: confirming they then went to patchy's placce
RubyChao: and flopped
Gooper Blooper: good end
Jumpropeman: actual photo of patchouli and game gear


Jumpropeman: holy crap this puzzle I just encountered in this game is really bad
In The Future Everyone Is Zart: But the other half will be how the films wanted him to be portrayed as, and that concept is damn dangerous
RubyChao: helltaker? :V
Jumpropeman: nah, Another Sight
Draco: Arkknights
Jumpropeman: A guy just played an organ and I need to repeat his notes back to him. Problem 1: I don't play the giant visible keyboard, I press 12 switches that attach to keys that I was not given any clue on how they connect. Problem 2: I have to learn them by trial and error and remember them. Problem 3: Every time I hit a wrong note, the puzzle resets and I have to reactivate it to be able to press one more note to learn its function. Then after that is of course pressing all the keys in the right order after this process
Jumpropeman: all while he guy says trust my instincts as if that is relevant
Jumpropeman: the twelve switches at least seem to be consecutive keys
Jumpropeman: it's not AS bad as I thought once the consecutive part became clear
In The Future Everyone Is Zart: Could be worse
In The Future Everyone Is Zart: Could be Ripper
Jumpropeman: I guess I should have started at one end and gone done instead of trying to match the switch positioning to the keys they were under which was incorrect
Jumpropeman: i was probably too quick to call it REALLY bad
Gooper Blooper: Another Sight will only get a Terrible
In The Future Everyone Is Zart: It's Patman Post who does TERRIBLE, wasn't it?
Gooper Blooper: yes
Jumpropeman: I admit part of why I was worried it was more complicated than it seemed was a poor track record to this point
Jumpropeman: its flush with inconveniences


Jumpropeman: "As an idealist, he believes such a powerful force should be strictly controlled and only used for noble aims because the world is not ready for it now or for the foreseeable future."
Jumpropeman: ah yes, the picture of idealism, a lack of faith in humanity and a desire for strict rules to restrain them
Gooper Blooper: XD
RubyChao: what's that even from
Jumpropeman: it's a character profile in Another Sight
RubyChao: ahahahahaha
RubyChao: this is gonna be a fun read
Jumpropeman: that character being impressionist artist Claude Monet because I mean why not have him be a key character
Jumpropeman: ive been cherry picking to some degree but it is quite a mess


Ghengis Jenga: Ain't no plot like a zfrp plot cos a zfrp plot don't stop


Mythic Sheep: Thanks, I hate it!
Mythic Sheep: That's gonna be stuck in my head


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: im confused by that title
Jumpropeman: everyone keeps calling him bigfoot!
Gooper Blooper: My favorite part is the guy passionately going "HOW MUCH EVIDENCE DO I HAVE TO PRESENT TO YOU BEFORE I'M NOT THE CRAZY ONE?!"
Gooper Blooper: as much as I want every cryptid to somehow be real
Gooper Blooper: We need a body. A living one or a dead one. Simple as.
Jumpropeman: but gooper, you saw the really big footprint!
Gooper Blooper: I WANT TO BELIEVE
Mythic Sheep: Not sure what's up with the skull image for that trailer
Mythic Sheep: Is that supposed to be Bigfoot's skull?
Mythic Sheep: What is this marketing


Gooper Blooper: Oh, before I forget to mention it!
Gooper Blooper: 27 years ago today was the debut of the original jurassic park in theaters
Gooper Blooper: hence the tiny addition of Eohippus to today's event
Jumpropeman: I thought it was a cute addition!
Gooper Blooper: I saw "horses" and I was like "I've got horses in the back"
Jumpropeman: we're overflowing with horses
Jumpropeman: we gotta move these horses
Jumpropeman: money for nothing and horses for free


Jumpropeman: today was the roller derby event I was most worried about for obvious reasons
Jumpropeman: I was worried everyone would want to save Bud Knight Platinum
Draco: You were right to be worried; now everyone's joining the Circuit Sisters.


Cornwind Evil: Little thing to follow the Bud Knight
Jumpropeman: time to fight the Miller Knight?
Draco: We need beer heroes (beeroes)! Ignite...THE BUD LIGHT!
Jumpropeman: they will fight the Bud Fight
Jumpropeman: and do what's Bud Right
Draco: The timetable is a bit Bud Tight but they'll spread their wings like a Bud Kite.
Jumpropeman: and do so with all their Bud Might
Draco: And they'll do it on the Bud Site
Draco: On Halloween, they'll give you a Bud Fright.
Cornwind Evil: This chat is now a Bud Blight
Jumpropeman: Look on the Bud Bright side cornwind
Draco: This is taking the chat to a new Bud Height
Cornwind Evil: I wish you lot a Bud Good Night
Jumpropeman: one regret
Jumpropeman: I was ready to call any guys doing a smart strategy against Bud Knight Platinum "Real Men of Genius" today but there wasn't enough dudes to make the joke :V
Draco: Poor JRM. There was only one guy on the plot today. XD
Jumpropeman: I'll just wait until they introduce another Bud Knight to the pantheon


time pizza: There is a programme on called back in time for the weekend
time pizza: They are doing the 90’s
time pizza: I am strangely hype for a decade I don’t remember


Ghengis Jenga: Trying not to fall unconscious here lol
Ghengis Jenga: This sleeping thing is a bad habit
MobileDraco: Usually a good idea to do it once a week.
Brinehammer: Srspost. Agreed, the 3-4 am RP is the best RP :v


Mythic Sheep: Was there a new Paper Mario trailer?
harpy: yes
Mythic Sheep: Could
Mythic Sheep: Could I see it?
Gooper Blooper: AURORA BOREALIS?!
Jumpropeman: not until after you finish your dinner
Mythic Sheep: :I
Mythic Sheep continues to sit here like Nero Wolfe, unwilling to put in the legwork to find the trailer


Cornwind Evil: Dawn CAN'T LET IT GO
Gooper Blooper: THIS YEAR WILL BE D I F F E R E N T
Bree: the fun part is komachi canonically never wanted to win in the first place. she had zero interest
Bree: she had intended to fight until she couldn't anymore and that just ended up being "until she won".
Bree: I'm sure that just drove dawn crazy
Cornwind Evil: 1:30 is Dawn's reaction when she hears that
Bree: heh
Bree: but yeah, OOC people definitely wanted her to win, but IC it was kind of a mac tonight moment :V


(Chao adds the first Helltaker character to RP - Malina)

Draco: Le gasp! A Helltaken!
Jumpropeman: only nine left! better get moving!
Jumpropeman: ten if you count Helltaker himself, and 12 if you count Cop and Swat
Jumpropeman: get everyone in there
Draco: I don't count Cop and Swat.
Jumpropeman: how dare
Jumpropeman: *puts them on ZFPD*
Cornwind Evil: Well I'm not going to use one so...
Jumpropeman: yeah, right, and you said you'd never use a touhou
Jumpropeman: but then you put that talking furball in the bar the other day
Jumpropeman: CLEARLY Chen in disguise
Jumpropeman: Chen is a cat who likes surprising people after all
Jumpropeman: she's practically a Cornwind character already
Cornwind Evil: Three months after RP ends
Cornwind Evil: Tank is alive Mr. Clever was Chen all along
Cornwind Evil: Did you ever ask WHY your sister posted that?
Bree: only fools dare question the rainbowdash
Jumpropeman: somewhere in the annals of chatzy is me recalling what inspired her to say it, but I think we all know the reason she posted it
Jumpropeman: because Tank is, indeed, alive


Jumpropeman: alright draco, you said you wanted Koala Princess for this right? :P
Draco: Yes, I did.
Draco: I even posted about it ten days ago.
Jumpropeman: =o
Jumpropeman: guess I have to send her now!
Gooper Blooper: top kek
Gooper Blooper: this is a problem only she can solve!!
Mythic Sheep: Sometimes, the problem can only be solved by turning into a koala.


narpy: AC news: still no scorps at night
narpy: they are still supposed to be there but i guess between all the night time bugs that were introduced (and reintroduced: hi emperor butterfly!) they're rare-er
Gooper Blooper: Plus that patch a while back nerfed their spawn rate
narpy: oh shit they got NERFED?
narpy: i can safely catch bees at night?!?
narpy: not that i think the scuttlers really hang out on the cliffs
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, way back around when Redd and Lief were added
Gooper Blooper: the spawn rate for valuable bugs took a dive
narpy: well
narpy: one, that sucks because i can't suddenly defeat my fear of the scuttlers if they're rare as hell now
narpy: but two, wow, no scuttlers, i can bees all i want.
Gooper Blooper: your chance for conquering your fears will be if you ever get scorpion/tarantula island on a mystery tour
narpy: i'd scream while i try catching them
narpy: >suddenly, scorpion
narpy: i'm too sleepy to try to catch you and not die
Mythic Sheep: Oh no, what have I wrought this time?
narpy: random scorpion
Gooper Blooper: Harpy couldn't find scorpions in AC, commented on it, immediately received one
narpy: look i dunno what i'm gonna use all this money for and my storage is rumbling due to an excess of bees
Mythic Sheep: Oooh
Gooper Blooper: I've already RPed as the scorpion from Deadly Creatures, so I guess next I should RP the one from Animal Crossing
RubyChao: and you PERMAKILLED IT
Mythic Sheep: oh yeaaaaah
Mythic Sheep: man
Mythic Sheep: wild times
Gooper Blooper: don't worry chao
Gooper Blooper: it's reunited with its' owner now :)
RubyChao: wow
narpy: ...ouch.
RubyChao: wow.


RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: GUYS
RubyChao: Collection: Touhou - 16th Popularity Poll Pictures
Pictures based on voting and results for the 16th Touhou Popularity Poll conducted by the THWiki.
1. Konpaku Youmu
2. Hakurei Reimu
3. Komeiji Koishi
4. Kirisame Marisa
5. Flandre Scarlet

RubyChao: everyone loves the potato
narpy: IS YAM
narpy: >:I
Bree: flan-chan putting in a good showing
Gooper Blooper: WHAT
Gooper Blooper: WHAT
Bree: pure potato power
narpy: we did it
Gooper Blooper: After that one year Koishi won I was so sure Reimu would maintain a Link-style grip on the trophy forever
Gooper Blooper: but the yam won
Gooper Blooper: that's wonderful
narpy: >comparing reimu to gamefaqs link
narpy: i'm terrified
Gooper Blooper: I love raymoo but her dominance in the touhou poll is well documented
narpy: time to change my tactics
Mythic Sheep: Salvager: Harpy
Mythic Sheep: Strategy: Reimu
narpy: ah hell nah
narpy: i'm just gonna go in it like
narpy: "how much do i like these characters... in canon."


Jumpropeman: I found out today that my older sister Angel
Jumpropeman: is in an eSports league
narpy: ...well.
Jumpropeman: its for a VR game called Sparc
narpy: huh
Jumpropeman: you probably won't be surprised to learn she started really getting into the game when quarantine started :V
narpy: oh boy she smovin
Jumpropeman: the season starts in july I believe, I'll try to share a game of hers if they're uploaded somewhere
narpy: her first game is on brawl day.
Jumpropeman: JRM never shows up to his sister's Sparc recitals
narpy: what a horrible dufe.
Gooper Blooper: XD


narpy asked Chatzy to choose between soup and strudel. Chatzy chose: strudel
narpy: cereal... was never an option.
narpy asked Chatzy to choose between soup, strudel, cereal and souper strudel. Chatzy chose: soup
narpy: thanks ivel.
narpy: but i'm not a choose your own adventure, i can't take back the strudel eating and then eat soup instead
Jumpropeman: dip the strudel in the soup
narpy: dfjklfjlodfjv IVEL JUST SAID THAT
narpy: jrm's a fucking psychic
Jumpropeman: i knew I liked ivel for a reason
narpy: only that reason? <ivel
narpy: no, he appreciates all these gino's hes getting. it's like he's getting fake godzillas every year for brawl :3
narpy: except last year
Jumpropeman: Gino was building up energy
Jumpropeman: he was on a training arc
narpy: which apparently my brain thought "he brought godzilla"


N Goat: Wizard King Count: at least 3
N Goat: Because, in this dark timeline, I missed Paranoia Agent, but not Black Clover
N Goat: Wizard King Count: 4
N Goat: Commoner Count: 1
Draco: How many Wizard Kings can I enter into the Brawl?
N Goat: Tonight on Black Clover: What even IS Magic Parliament?

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