Sunday, May 31, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 363: [ASMR] Caring and Supportive Shimmer Teaches You to Skate

RubyChao: i like how love live revealed a FOURTH set of idols and that middle one is just Honoka Again
RubyChao: darkverse honk???
Harpitydarp: its just tamara in her younger days, chao
Harpitydarp: like, god, look at the purple eyes
Harpitydarp: growing up hardened her
Harpitydarp: and now she exchanged contacts for glasses
RubyChao: holy shit you're right
RubyChao: that IS younger tamara
Harpitydarp: she's using makeup to hide the freckles
Harpitydarp: a crime
Harpitydarp: but then they discovered i was a witch so uh
Harpitydarp: I SHOULD SLEEP before i get too many ideas


(Chao introduces a Black Clover character to RP)

Malingerer Sheep: "Hello, hello, helloooo! It's very nice to meet you! I'm glad you see my point!"
Malingerer Sheep: Noooo
Malingerer Sheep: NOOOOOOO
Malingerer Sheep: "I'm Sally, good to meet you!"
Malingerer Sheep falls to knees and screams wordlessly up at the grey and uncaring sky


Harpitydarp: “Aw, your alpinist dress is adorable! Just like you!”
Harpitydarp: Merengue please
Jumpropeman: oh man, you have Merengue?
Jumpropeman: I've wanted that rhino
Harpitydarp: Yep!
Jumpropeman: the strawberry horn is just too good
Gooper Blooper: I also have Merengue
Jumpropeman: wait until Del and Pitohui tell me they have Merengue
Malingerer Sheep: I also have Merengue.
Malingerer Sheep doesn't own Animal Crossing
Jumpropeman: Meringue Sheep


Ghengis Jenga: I don't know if I've linked this yet
Ghengis Jenga: But here
ivel: it seems familiar
Ghengis Jenga: Damn it
Ghengis Jenga: I'm still laughing at it


Malingerer Sheep: For the pile?
stress harp: i
stress harp: read that as "the walking wish"
ivel: I forgot that whoever made the name for the fear of long words was evil
Jumpropeman: "trying to lay the foundation for the fish comedy horror genre."
ivel: "Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia"
Malingerer Sheep: "The Walking Fish 2 is the sequel to a small indie game released in 2018, trying to lay the foundation for the fish comedy horror genre."
Malingerer Sheep: Darn
Malingerer Sheep: beat me to it
Gooper Blooper: another picture of the spoopy fish game
Gooper Blooper: Sheep's big reveal for the year is going to be this thing waddling out of the Green Hell Zone
Jumpropeman: reminds me of those "mundane" horrors on tumblr where the caption is all calm even though some strange monster is in the picture
stress harp: i'm ready for it
Jumpropeman: something like "The floors at the factory have been wet every night since Tommy stopped coming into work."
Gooper Blooper: I know what you mean JRM
Gooper Blooper: another thing we found from bogleech no doubt :V
stress harp: Timmy, is your twin okay?!?
stress harp: TIMMY!?!?!?
Jumpropeman: yuuuup :V


stress harp: ivel is now doing a quiz
stress harp: this quiz
stress harp: love me personality quizzes
Gooper Blooper: personality quizzes feel very Old Internet to me
stress harp: i also love me some ancient internet
stress harp: i noticed they started to resurge this year
Jumpropeman: "Which Mario character are you?" "You got: Toad" *retakes* "You Got: Mario" *retakes* "You got: Luigi" check it out friends, I got Luigi! that's so me!
Gooper Blooper: XD
stress harp: me, fudge answers to get luigi?
stress harp: perhaps.
ivel: it's more likely thank you think
stress harp: i try not to fudge answers here tho
stress harp: i'm here to roll dice
Jumpropeman: What would you do if you saw your best friend at a party
-Approach them and say hi
-Body slam them with a hug
-Use my druidic powers to create a flower for them
Congratulations, you're Patrick Star!


Bree: as I walked past azure's room I heard her declare "you can suck my dick!" to whoever she's talking to
Bree: presumably they questioned her dick-having status as her next sentence was "it's twelve inches and made of silicone"
Jumpropeman: oh my~
less stress harp: oh shit she's about to beat someone down with a dildo
less stress harp: i feel like i should not have said that
Bree: lel that's fine harp
less stress harp: sometimes i am not sure where the boundaries are.
Bree: same tbh but what you said isn't any worse than what I repeated azure saying so
less stress harp: true!
less stress harp: "never question my dong again."
Cornwind Evil: She hired a private detective when you weren't looking
Jumpropeman: Twelve Inch High Private Eye


Draco: Fun fact: Susie is the best character in Kirby Star Allies.
Jumpropeman: how dare
Jumpropeman: Gooey is right there
less stress harp: how can she be in there
less stress harp: if she's
less stress harp: IN JAIL!?!?
less stress harp: also ribbon and ado are right there
Draco: Kirby Star Paroles
Jumpropeman: Rick is the cutest in the game though
Jumpropeman: i had no real fondness for Rick before Star Allies made him a super cutie
Draco: I know. Susie's still better. She has a mech suit.
Draco: And she's superer cute.
Jumpropeman: what about
Jumpropeman: Daroach
Draco: You mean
Draco: Daworst?


Jumpropeman: you know a character's been around a long time when you have to spend a few minutes thinking "have they ever discussed MILFs before"


(Game Gear opts out of a plot because it's too much work)

Cornwind Evil: Damn it Game Gear
Cornwind Evil: Where's your get up and go?
RubyChao: it got up and left


Jumpropeman: Mac Tonight's replacement
Gooper Blooper: he's canonically incredibly cool!
Jumpropeman: you are not allowed to have characters express otherwise


RubyChao: you know what i realized? "and his story became legend" works in multiple ways because thanks to all the flashbacks i've realized that the story of the wizard king as presented in the intro is very much not the full picture
RubyChao: i dunno, it's neat
N Goat: Hmm, that is true
N Goat struggles to give Black Clover the credit
RubyChao: it's okay, don't strain yourself


Jumpropeman: Charmander killed my dog
Marrow Sheep: Charmander's got the taste for blood!
Draco: You've neglected him long enough; he's broken out of the ball and has a thristy for Rare Candy!


Jumpropeman: how does it feel to know you'll never be as cool as this tree stump
RubyChao: heartrending


Peek: Trees really like giving me things
Peek: And toilets are among them


(I post about Dr. Amigo)

Gooper Blooper: shitpost
Jumpropeman: hay un amigo en mi
RubyChao: i'm eagerly awaiting Dr. Amigo to be a Dark Matter spy
Draco: "I'm glad Joy isn't a saiyan." <- I think we all are.
Jumpropeman: she isn't?
Minnow Sheep: Dr. Amigo is just Dark Matter Dr. Mario...
Draco: Dr. Amigo is Prime Dr. Mario. We got rid of the Dark Matter one last year.
Dia: oh no
Gooper Blooper: Dr. Amigo is Dark Matter Helios


Draco: Oh my new mousepad arrived and it's like night and day compared to my old one. It works so nicely and perfectly!
Jumpropeman: how's it look
Draco: The picture on the mousepad is blurry. It's one of those groups that takes artwork and slaps it on a cheaply-printed mousepad.
Draco: I am, however, positive it's official Hasbro artwork so no fan's getting shafted out of their cut of this $8 Transformers mousepad.
Jumpropeman: how big are the transformer's boobs
Draco: Exceptionally large.
Draco: Optimus Prime has never looked so sexy.
Jumpropeman: i heard those boob mousepads are actually pretty comfy
Cornwind Evil: I'm pretty sure you can get them without grotesquely large anime breasts attached to them
Draco: Wait, what? You CAN? D:


Draco: "Please wear clothes" <- You'd be surprised how many Kobbers need to be told this.


Pursue Lu Bu 2: Anyway, yes I would appreciate not letting aiko get eaten
Minnow Sheep puts away fork and knife
Pursue Lu Bu 2: Pls save aiko
Pursue Lu Bu 2: Pls
Dia: so i keep my turnips in a fenced in area with hedges
Dia: and i just now realized i can call it
Dia: my hedge fund
Minnow Sheep: oh no, i spilled my bottle of barbecue sauce on aiko
Pursue Lu Bu 2: :I
Pursue Lu Bu 2: At both of those things
Hooded Pitohui: That joke is unprofessional and I'm definitely stealing it, thanks Harps


Gooper Blooper: today I'm a gorgonopsid and a cactus
Gooper Blooper: thanks zfrp


Jumpropeman: *sees ghost children missing their top half, spirit arms reaching through the wall, and fights with dogs who disappear when they're not in the light save for their glowing red eyes* ...but is this game SPOOKY though...
Gooper Blooper: The Haunted Hoard has STANDARDS
Minnow Sheep: Hahahah
Minnow Sheep: The Game Hoard's quest to play every Dracula game ever
Gooper Blooper: we need more fights with dracula
Gooper Blooper: JRM has not encountered him nearly enough
RubyChao: you'll have to settle for PEKO, CRAZY VAMPIRE
Jumpropeman: both our vampires are very serious
RubyChao: oh my god there's a cutting room floor entry for it
RubyChao: (also jrm: the game hoard is still my first result for DCV)
Gooper Blooper: >The Dracula series
Jumpropeman: if you look at that Dracula Series box
Jumpropeman: you'll see why I haven't played those yet
Jumpropeman: I think some are different games and some aren't
Jumpropeman: but they're all named Bram Stoker's Dracula


Gooper Blooper: the good thing about having an endless well of prehistoric whatchamacallits to draw on, none of which have to be the only one of their kind (except Rexy) is that they are quite disposable
Gooper Blooper: Dinogorgon appeared because I ordered a figure of it off amazon and it arrived earlier today
Minnow Sheep: It's a good name
Minnow Sheep: for a good...*squints* gorgonopsid
Minnow Sheep: I think is how yow you spell that
Minnow Sheep: I know I called it a dinosaur at some point
Gooper Blooper: Speaking of names, I have a great story to share concerning my recent joke villain Sir Ffuzzy-Logik
Minnow Sheep: Oh buddy
Gooper Blooper: specifically, the reason Mr. Hippo calls him Milford
Gooper Blooper: When Goopsmom was playing Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, she lost to Ffuzzy-Logik a lot, which meant she had to skip past his opening dialogue a lot
Jumpropeman: my mind didn't register where he was from but now I remember!
Gooper Blooper: His first line is "Milord is troubled by thy success, sire".
Gooper Blooper: Due to not paying much attention to the dialogue after the first time, Goopsmom forgot what it said, misread "Milord" as "Milford" and thought he was referring to himself instead of Robotnik
Gooper Blooper: So in RP his full name is Sir Milford Ffuzzy-Logik
Draco: Deep lore.
Gooper Blooper: I even told her I was gonna put him in RP and make "Milford" canon
Minnow Sheep: Hahahah


Hooded Pitohui joined the chat
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Hooded Pitohui: Hello, JRM
Jumpropeman: Hello, HP
Jumpropeman: I seem to be using your laptop because your initials are right on it!
Hooded Pitohui: Ah, ah, if I could take responsibility for that, I'd have them make a better printer that didn't require a restart between every print job...


Minnow Sheep: "They'll kick me out... they've wanted to kick me out! I can tell by the way they look at me! And the way they avoid me! And the way they openly insult me to my face!"
Minnow Sheep: Mustacho's...had a hard life.
Gooper Blooper: Mustacho has been a delight
Gooper Blooper: he's so ridiculous
Bree: mustacho needs to sit in the time-out chair
Bree: for being disrespectful to womens
Bree: time-out chair for every villain this season
Jumpropeman: I had to make Mustacho a misogynist or everyone would obviously love him!
Draco: Mustacho is a DOCTOR. Or am I thinking of Dr. Amigo?
Gooper Blooper: DOCTOR AMIGO SOY
Bree: I agree that mustacho is a delight btw
Bree: he just also needs to sit in the time-out chair.
Bree: now I'm picturing meiling showing up to every plot in cosplay and making all the bad guys sit in time-out chairs for like three rounds
Bree: "think about your life choices >:I"
Draco: Can we make Pitohui sit in the time-out chair? Someone heard Kanade calling her a naughty girl through a hotel door the other night.
Bree: o mai
Minnow Sheep sound of glass shattering
Gooper Blooper: XD
Hooded Pitohui: Ahahaha, but Draco, you'll take away Kanade's chance to have fun making her sit there herself!


ᶦ ˢ ʰ ᵃ ⁿ ᵈ ˀ: Night, all, stay awesome
ᶦ ˢ ʰ ᵃ ⁿ ᵈ ˀ left the chat
Jumpropeman: *stops being awesome*
Jumpropeman: crap
Gooper Blooper: how dare
Gooper Blooper: I need you to regain your awesomeness by late june at the latest okay
Jumpropeman: now my entire rp cast is pink lesbian fluttershy
Gooper Blooper: now there's a callback joke I wasn't expecting
Bree: callback???
Gooper Blooper: From Chatzy, not from RP
Gooper Blooper: I think it made a Madness, lemme check
Gooper Blooper: William Gull 3-Gullible: I should write a My Little Pony fanfic next
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: not if I do it first!
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: "This is the story of my OC, bisexual pink fluttershy..."
RubyChao: that forum
RubyChao: i still remember it
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: if only I had convinced some people to join us
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: we could have had different colored fluttershies of all sexualities!
Gooper Blooper: my characters stare
RubyChao: maaan why didn't webarchive save that quality rp :<
William Gull 3-Gullible: So it an OC or Fluttershy
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: both
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: that's how bad their RP was
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: they were also one of those forums that has a subforum for everything

Jumpropeman: I guess I was reading Nero Wolfe at the time
Jumpropeman: i always forget she was bisexual
Bree: who was "william gull 3-gullible" :V
Bree: also what forum was this about even
Gooper Blooper: I think it was just some random RP forum someone found a long while back unrelated to us
Jumpropeman: I was searching for new people for RP back in the day and came across a forum that looked like ZFRP on the outside, but entering it I found a "character approval" topic and the first one I saw was a pink bisexual fluttershy
Gooper Blooper: also, checking the original Chatzy Madness, William Gull 3-Gullible reappears in the next bit to share a story about Manic so it's CW
Jumpropeman: I think there was even an concern that, since I signed up with my forum name to view its content, that it could be traced back to us
Bree: lol rip
Bree: but did bisexual pink fluttershy get approved
Jumpropeman: I never found out
Jumpropeman: OH!
Jumpropeman: I remember why that forum was sketchy
Jumpropeman: they spam other forums to try and get people to come to them
Jumpropeman: so we were concerned about potential spam
RubyChao: oh yeeeeah i remember that story now
ivel: welp
Jumpropeman: *makes pink fluttershy the final boss of roller derby plot*
Bree: *makes pink fluttershy sit in the time-out chair*
Jumpropeman: all my villains
Jumpropeman: defeated by the naughty corner
Bree: they get to keep their stupid hat after their time-out
Bree: as a reminder
Bree: the hat is stupid-looking, it is not a hat that says stupid on it
MobileDraco: World saved when Deb is sent to the Time-Out Chair.
Bree: because you see meiling doesn't want to represent it as a matter of intelligence. you don't need to be smart to be nice
Bree: shimmer is dumb as a barrel of bricks! and she's perfectly nice!
Jumpropeman: Deb uses her engineering knowledge to turn the time-out chair into a gundam
ivel: ivelmom and I call stupid hats "hoopid stats" so they have a dumb name too
Bree: lel
Bree now I'm imagining that instead of a hat saying "dunce" like the cliche, or anything else that would make sense
Bree: meiling insists it's a hat that says "loaf of bread"
Bree: and when you sit in the time-out chair you have to wear the hat saying that you are a loaf of bread
Bree: the bread hat of shame
MobileDraco: Deb after ten minutes in time out.
Bree: "I guess you can keep it 'cause this is too awesome to let our customers sit in"
MobileDraco: "You can sit in it with me. Plenty of room in my lap," Evil Deb says.
Bree: kek
RubyChao: honoka goes :I
Gooper Blooper: Skeiron approves of bread hat
RubyChao: "loaves of bread shouldn't be associated with villains!"
Bree: not when we commission her to make the time-out chair entirely out of bread
RubyChao: hehehehe
Gooper Blooper: he loves bread, but he also loves jokes about bread
Bree: my brain is really all over the place tonight because now I'm thinking of john mulaney singing about bread
ivel: meanwhile, Neptune's been teleporting loaves of bread for three hours
ivel: why? she was the only one of my cast who would she was left unsupervised for too long nobody knows
Bree: don't call her neptune it's weird
Bree: she's nep
Bree: just nep.
Bree: the dumbest cutting room floor: in the original idea for the time out chair bit, meiling was going to explain why it's an ingenious plan
MobileDraco: Yeah, don't call her God Neptune either; she's not a Seacon.
Bree: you see, nobody else sells the shit you can buy at beach episode
Bree: so if they're like "either you sit in the chair or you can't shop here"
Bree: then the options are you sit in the dang chair
Bree: or you don't get your collector's edition light up clash figurine
Bree: simple as
MobileDraco: Damn. Deb will behave then. She's got the whole set except Clash.
Bree: it's like holding the merch hostage. no other store could get away with this but if a customer decides to boycott beach episode because they're giving customers punishments
Bree: then they just gotta hope they don't want to buy shit from beach episode because they can't take that business elsewhere
Bree: but when we did the scene I forgot that bit so it didn't make it in
Gooper Blooper: Would buy a Clash figurine.
Bree: especially if it lights up, amirite
Bree: real glowing brinegirl action
Gooper Blooper: I have a bit of Brinegirl merch and I cherish it
MobileDraco: I enjoy my Oda keychain even if I haven't driven in weeks.
Jumpropeman: I bought a brine shrimp aquarium on harpy's island and now got a second one from a balloon :V
MobileDraco: :o
MobileDraco: Brinehammer Shrimp built their own tank and balloon?
Jumpropeman: it's all of brine's short characters trying to escape
Jumpropeman: but I popped their escape route


Jumpropeman: photo of the jrm/sheep cast tryout session
Draco: You're only missing the satellite and the Model-T making out.


ivel: link
Gooper Blooper: BAH GAWD
Aaaa: I have a mighty need


RubyChao: done posting
Jumpropeman: then no ice cream for futo BI
Draco: D:
Draco: But you can't deny Futo ice cream! She's too COOL to leave out!
Draco: She's, like, the coolest fairy, if Futo were a fairy.
Jumpropeman: Crocomire did say he likes Cool food...
Jumpropeman: maybe we'll have something ELSE for dinner!
Gooper Blooper: Cirno Pops!
Jumpropeman: :cirnoemote:
Draco: Pizza Balls
Draco: How close is Clownpiece to inventing them?
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2
Draco: Quite a ways off.
Ripple rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10
Jumpropeman: excuse you, Cirno already invented them! ...oh wait did you mean GOOD pizza balls?
Draco: Yes.
Draco: Nobody likes Cirno's balls.
Draco: Not even Utsuho.
Jumpropeman: D:
Gooper Blooper: you're gonna love her nuts
Cornwind Evil: Dawn again tries to steal the invention see what she can do with the concept.
Ripple: oh god
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Jumpropeman: sorry dawn
Cornwind Evil: Dawn never tries again
Cornwind Evil: This idea is unworkable
Jumpropeman: only idiots can comprehend the pizza ball
Cornwind Evil: (To her)
Ripple: i'm hearing way too many innuendos in these videos and here
RubyChao: okuu tries
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
RubyChao: unyu!!!
Jumpropeman: not surprised
Gooper Blooper: it's a derp thing, Dawn, you wouldn't understand
Ripple: time to try mel
Ripple rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2
Ripple: she can't bake
Cornwind Evil: Sine makes some greasy spoon stuff
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 18
Cornwind Evil: She's still good at it
Cornwind Evil: Breakfast is fun at her place
Draco: But only breakfast. Every other time of day is serious business. :I
ivel: Nep tries to make pizza balls
ivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
ivel: not a 1, not canon
Ripple: but what about gino?
ivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 12
Ripple: ..what about dia
Ripple rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10
ivel: what about Puds
ivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Ripple: adult nep save us
ivel: ...
Ripple rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 9
Ripple: adult nep cirnos!
Ripple: also i can't believe puddlenaut will return with the secret to pizza balls.
ivel: meanwhile Puddlenaut is apparently the creator of Totino's?
Draco: What about Magnolia?
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 15
Draco: Not bad.
Draco: But she won't just give Clownpiece the recipe; she must EARN it.
ivel: Puds can awkwardly gesture at Clownpiece to mime what to do
Draco: Excellent. Clownpiece speaks Mime.
Draco: And Awkward.
Cornwind Evil: Dawn tries to steal Clownpiece's BOIYGAS
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 1 sides. The die showed: 1
Ripple rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 11
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: Everyone in that kitchen is insane
Ripple: we're all mad here
Ripple: ...hey ripple-
Ripple rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
Ripple: nevermind


(The Game Hoard)

Minnow Sheep: >The Smurfs: Dance Party was requested by Draco
Minnow Sheep: You did this!
Minnow Sheep: "but why they thought adapting the 2011 live action Smurfs movie into this style was the best route is baffling"
Minnow Sheep: I assume it is similar to the route of logic that lead us to a 2011 live action Smurfs movie.
Minnow Sheep: "you find a game that is at least as competently designed"
Minnow Sheep: but is it smurfily designed?!
Minnow Sheep: "As an experiment I set the remote down and let it do a few songs with no movement, and while most gave me no points, some did reward me perfect ratings for the actions the player’s free hand would have been performing."
Minnow Sheep: Forensicropeman
Minnow Sheep: "You can bid farewell to the Smurf cartel"
Minnow Sheep: I see the image.
Jumpropeman: I don't always get to have the images I'd like, but that was a necessity
Minnow Sheep: "The choreography in The Smurfs: Dance Party is actually pretty good" -Jump Ropebert Man, 2020; dying on this smurfing hill
Minnow Sheep: "and enjoyable to dance to"
Minnow Sheep lies down

Jumpropeman: honesty has a price, sheep
Minnow Sheep: "It’s fun to get your body up and moving"
Minnow Sheep: A clear sign the Smurf cartel has taken over his brain
Jumpropeman: look man, those smurfberries? delicious
Minnow Sheep: "and Gargamel’s songs featuring movements befitting a wizard"
Minnow Sheep squints

Minnow Sheep: I do remember the cauldron stirring motion
Minnow Sheep: "While some will be repulsed by the very concept of The Smurfs: Dance Party,"
Minnow Sheep: Actually made me laugh
Jumpropeman: one of those people?
Jumpropeman: Gargamel
Minnow Sheep: "Simple physical fun has once more been tarnished by an unfair judge"
Minnow Sheep: Surprising lyrical waxing for a movie cash in
Minnow Sheep: Alright
Minnow Sheep: time to read about a kid being tortured in an electric chair by a fat lizard general
Minnow Sheep: you know
Minnow Sheep: For kids!
Jumpropeman: now you've finally smurfed the review
Minnow Sheep: "and these elements do eventually make more sense"
Minnow Sheep: I sincerely doubt that.
Minnow Sheep: the review was smurfy, JRM
Jumpropeman: well that's just smurfect
Minnow Sheep: Truly, you are
Minnow Sheep: Mr. Smurftastic
Minnow Sheep: "but only after the strangeness ramps up a little bit more as the electric chair is turned up so high that the boy is transformed into a lizard man and thrown into a portal to the lizard people’s dimension"
Minnow Sheep: 8I
Minnow Sheep: I do remember that though
Minnow Sheep: "The abundant Klokkies"
Minnow Sheep: I beg your pardon?
Minnow Sheep: "but the less abundant Crystal Gems"
Minnow Sheep: So this is what lizard home world thinks of fusion...
Minnow Sheep: "go towards getting the game’s true ending"
Minnow Sheep: I'm surprised it has multiple endings
Jumpropeman: you wouldn't be so surprised if you read the old extremely elaborate wikipedia page!
Minnow Sheep: "a pterodactyl-like creature called a Repodactyl"
Minnow Sheep: The Genetic Dinosaur
Minnow Sheep turns to the camera
Jumpropeman: *throws a blanket over sheep*
Minnow Sheep: For those of you playing at home, this was a poorly reasoned attempt at a pun on the name of the move, Repo: The Genetic Opera
Jumpropeman: still need to watch that
Minnow Sheep: I remember some of the music being neat
Minnow Sheep: "the penguin-like Swoom"
Minnow Sheep: I love it
Minnow Sheep: I also actually never knew he transformed in this game
Minnow Sheep: At least those lines from the Wikipedia page are preserved in the review comments
Jumpropeman: he could have definitely done with transforming more
Jumpropeman: its was about too much lock-and-key transforming in the end
Minnow Sheep nods sagely


Ghengis Jenga: Yo
Ghengis Jenga: Jrm how's your turnip prices
Jumpropeman: Nintendo 64 bells
Ghengis Jenga: Fuck
Ghengis Jenga: I'm on 69 bells
Ghengis Jenga: (nice)
RubyChao: nice
RubyChao: god in 2069 there will just be thousands of old people across the world going "nice" won't there
RubyChao: especially april 20th
Jumpropeman: the dankest day in all of history
Ghengis Jenga: I will
Ghengis Jenga: I'll try and live that long anyway


Gooper Blooper: excellent, my two-foot plastic centipede has shipped from amazon
Jumpropeman: mamma mia
Gooper Blooper: hi, I'm gooper blooper, I buy plastic centipede halloween decorations in may
RubyChao: instructions unclear, shipped two-foot real centipede
Gooper Blooper: it's no arthropleura but it'll do
Jumpropeman: 11 months of the year should be spent preparing for the best one
Gooper Blooper: I mean, it IS a really good month
Harpy: goops is the halloween creep
Harpy: you betrayed us


Jumpropeman: srspost for sheep
Jumpropeman: [ASMR] Caring and Supportive Shimmer Teaches You to Skate
Gooper Blooper: XD
Minnow Sheep: 😱
Gooper Blooper: Sheep can't handle all this wholesome content
Harpy: i love this
Minnow Sheep has Haehyun transform into one of the Lord's Horcruxes


(After Sumireko comments on cuddling Zeldoten)

Cornwind Evil: I would have thought Zeldoten would be more muscle than fat
Cornwind Evil: Sort of like Wilson Fisk
Cornwind Evil: And he doesn't strike me as very cuddly
Cornwind Evil: Though that might be a lot more due to his attitude and personality flaws
Cornwind Evil: I mean she's always climbing up walls and on roofs and running and so on
Jumpropeman: she's a pillow stealing maniac and she stores them in her clothes until she reaches the safehouse
Gooper Blooper: But you didn't make buff jokes, you made fat jokes!
Gooper Blooper: there's another timeline where Dawn kept teasing Zeldoten for being swole
Draco: Dawn had to do a lot more repairs to get huge bends out of her bodies in that timeline.
Cornwind Evil: Eventually she just started making all her bodies out of nanites and dust
Jumpropeman: she'll be dust when Zeldotuff is through with her


 ᶦ ˢ ʰ ᵃ ⁿ ᵈ ˀ: Hi
ᶦ ˢ ʰ ᵃ ⁿ ᵈ ˀ: Work sucks and jobs are stupid


Jumpropeman: "33 Girls Who Fish That Will Make You Grab Your Rod!"
Jumpropeman: finally, my fisherwoman fetish is catered to!
Minnow Sheep: What a time to be alive
ᶦ ˢ ʰ ᵃ ⁿ ᵈ ˀ: 😐
Eclairs: why do that when you can pleasure yourself with this fish?
Eclairs: ...i'll go back to watching la pucelle stuff
ᶦ ˢ ʰ ᵃ ⁿ ᵈ ˀ: 😐😐😐😐
Minnow Sheep blinks


(Re: Kobbers)

Minnow Sheep: "They fuckin’ love talking to shit."
Minnow Sheep: It's true.
Minnow Sheep: "I always thought they were more about murdering people a whole bunch for trying to take over the world."
Minnow Sheep: It's true.
Minnow Sheep: "Mac and cheese pizza is the future."
Minnow Sheep: Oh no.
Minnow Sheep: Can we bring the ghouls back?
Jumpropeman: Jared's true colors revealed
Minnow Sheep: There's been an error
Minnow Sheep: "I dunno where to get blood from"
Minnow Sheep: I think you do.
Pursue Lu Bu 2: Oh no
Minnow Sheep: "And I’m not gonna demand you let me bite you just ‘cause I’m entitled or I saved your life or whatever."
Minnow Sheep: It's not like I want your blood or anything, idiot!
Draco: *b-baka
Pursue Lu Bu 2: Baka Jared
Bree: ren confirmed tsundere
Minnow Sheep: "Mac and cheese pizza will have to be a solo project tonight."
Bree: as if anyone needed the confirmation
Minnow Sheep: As it always should be
Minnow Sheep: A shameful act done in the darkness
Pursue Lu Bu 2: Mac tonight pizza
Pursue Lu Bu 2: It's a pizza shaped like Mac tonight's head
Pursue Lu Bu 2: You just
Pursue Lu Bu 2: You just cut bits out of an ordinary pizza
Pursue Lu Bu 2: It's a bad recipe
ᶦ ˢ ʰ ᵃ ⁿ ᵈ ˀ: Crescent-shaped pizza does sound kinda cool
ᶦ ˢ ʰ ᵃ ⁿ ᵈ ˀ: or, like, a pizza hoop
ᶦ ˢ ʰ ᵃ ⁿ ᵈ ˀ: i’m just trying to think of inventive pizza shapes right now
Bree: I linked the mac and cheese pizza video earlier but like
Minnow Sheep: I think a pizza hoop is just a ring of crust
ivel: donut pizza
ivel: it's a pizza with the middle missing
Minnow Sheep: like, you removed all the pizza
Bree: it's literally a pizza crust made of mac and cheese... it's like those ramen burgers with buns that are ramen noodle blocks... except it's mac and cheese pizza...
Minnow Sheep: When are finally going to get pizza cubes?!
Pursue Lu Bu 2: Y'all sleepin on pizza bagels
Bree: some pizza place had heart shaped pizzas one time for valentine's or whatever
Bree: it was kinda dumb. like why bother
Pursue Lu Bu 2:
Bree: bagel bites are good
Minnow Sheep: Where art my pizza decahedrons?
ivel: Bagel Bites are the shit, but I miss Stuffed Bagle Bites
Pursue Lu Bu 2: Eddie Riggs making some cash on the side
ivel: they were Bagle Bite pockets
Bree: so when does jared bake ren a heart shaped pizza
Minnow Sheep: And then, when Ren storms off, it somehow looks like a broken heart
ivel pitches the pizza thing to Hallmark as his own original idea
Gooper Blooper: don't forget the best pizza
Pursue Lu Bu 2: The only problem with that idea Bree is now I have to find a fucked up stoner pizza for Jared to make
Gooper Blooper: garfield-shaped pizza from GarfieldEATS
Bree: please do not have jared bake ren a heart shaped pizza
Draco: DO IT.
Minnow Sheep: I'm afraid I'm unable to envision the concept
Minnow Sheep: as a matter of self defense
Draco: Because he wuvs her for letting him stay with her. Or something.
ivel: pepperoni pizza but the crust is a giant pepperoni
Gooper Blooper: I'll help you with a visual aid, sheep
Bree: I hope that "he wuvs her for letting him stay with her or something" wasn't serious
Bree: I hope we have RPed it better than that :V
Draco: It most definitely was NOT serious. If it had been I would have said "loves" and not "wuvs". I forgot to include my ":3c" smiley, I will admit.
Bree: lel


Gooper Blooper: I reread the BBB9 blog because of course I did
Gooper Blooper: and in Neptune's section you were like "I watched videos of nep but I'm not sure if they're just highlighting the memes and she's a more serious character with depth"
Gooper Blooper: and now that I've played a neptunia game I can tell you
Gooper Blooper: the answer is no.
Gooper Blooper: That's really all there is to Nep.
Jumpropeman: I played a game with Nep since then too
Jumpropeman: I got to see her do yoga in her undies
Jumpropeman: she was pretty much memes and cheesecake there :V
Eclairs: yeah she's a memelord
Eclairs: i coulda toldja that


Jumpropeman: oh no
Jumpropeman: I've been dethroned
Jumpropeman: google doesn't have the game hoard as a top link for Dracula: Crazy Vampire anymore
ivel: what is it now?
Jumpropeman: gamefaqs and gamespot and amazon!
ivel: GASP
Jumpropeman: I am top link for Happy Stealing with Kirisame Marisa at least, beating out even its steam page
RubyChao: it does for me JRM
RubyChao: i think it might not be showing for you because it's the sidebar thing
RubyChao: the big recommended result that pulls a sample
Jumpropeman: oh wow
Jumpropeman: I feel like that's an even better spot then :V
Jumpropeman: I'm wary if I should claim that knowledge panel
Jumpropeman: I was worried for a second covering The Guy Game ruined my internet clout
Gooper Blooper: kek
Gooper Blooper: I enjoy JRM being the number one authority on random shitty games from decades ago
Jumpropeman: im surprised it's not a more competitive field
Gooper Blooper: well I mean we had stuff like Angry Video Game Nerd back in the day
Jumpropeman: i think he even mentions crazy vampire briefly in a vampire catchall episode


Minotaurus Sheep: "How IS Rachel, anyway?"
Minotaurus Sheep: Nobody asks
Minotaurus Sheep: WHY is Rachel?
Cornwind Evil: I'll do you one better!
Cornwind Evil: RACHEL IS WHY?
Minotaurus Sheep: Oh, I'm being told that was-that was actually a whole plot thread and everything.
Minotaurus Sheep: "All our research is indicating that Dark Matter is sturdy stuff."
Minotaurus Sheep: I read "nerd" so many times in the previous posts that I thought this said "All our research is indicating that Dark Matter is nerdy stuff."
Minotaurus Sheep: smurftastic
Minotaurus Sheep: "I mean, the last couple times we were in the ring together, I noticed she was feeling... antsy."
Minotaurus Sheep: That's because-little known fact here-Rachel's iconic red robe is actually a living carpet of fire ants
Cornwind Evil:  Well that's a horrifying image
Draco: I thought everyone knew that.
Jumpropeman: now if they were carpenter ants it would not only be perfectly normal, but appropriate to rachel's powers
Minotaurus Sheep: "Like, Odyssey knows everything there is to know about the old days of video games, but now he's digging into pre-video-game stuff, the archaeology of game history and coin-operated machines. "
Minotaurus Sheep: Can't wait until Pachinko Parlour Plot.
Minotaurus Sheep: "including certain other Saiyans of other universes who also in theory would be better behaved"
Minotaurus Sheep: How very specific!
Minotaurus Sheep: I guess we're going to have to first talk about alternate dimension table manners
Draco: I mean, I know you wanted to save that plot for next year, Sheep, but I think we need it now.
Minotaurus Sheep: Identify the salad fork OR DIE!
Eclair: pretty sure its the smaller fork
Cornwind Evil: It's the fork I eat my salad with
Minotaurus Sheep insert gif of Gang Orca throwing people here
Minotaurus Sheep: "The Saiyan stops eating, dead."
Minotaurus Sheep: Well, our time with him was short but pleasant.
Jumpropeman: like the time he tried to destroy dawn's place, or the time he broke the bar... good times
Minotaurus Sheep: "There's a new tension in the air."
Minotaurus Sheep: Could it be....
Minotaurus Sheep: LOVE?!
Minotaurus Sheep: Saiyan, no!
Minotaurus Sheep: Moltar's a married man!
Cornwind Evil: He just broke the door, not the whole bar
Minotaurus Sheep: Do you think Kobber bars just keep a stack of doors in the back?


Jumpropeman: so you know how Warmth is a word? Apparently so is Coolth.
Jumpropeman: I do appreciate that says its use is typically facetious
ᶦ ˢ ʰ ᵃ ⁿ ᵈ ˀ: Hahaha
ᶦ ˢ ʰ ᵃ ⁿ ᵈ ˀ: That’s very good actually


Hooded Pitohui: Speaking of slimeballs, it's that time of the season again that I ask folks to bear with me because I know some characters are... less than ideal but there are solid longterm plans and a purpose :V
Jumpropeman: don't worry, Amber will get there eventually ;p
Hooded Pitohui: And I reiterate that I'm always evaluating these kinds of things to make adjustments as necessary and am happy to discuss things with anyone
Jumpropeman: none of your current cast has gone in any negative directions too deeply I feel
Eclair: i feel like, beyond the obvious villains, most of your cast have reasonable flaws
RubyChao: bikkie will be choking tsubasa to death when they next meet
RubyChao: other than that, we're good
Hooded Pitohui: Thanks to both of you, that's useful feedback. Yeah, I try to keep it reasonable in my planning, make sure things never go too far and that they're appropriately handled over time
Jumpropeman: some intercharacter conflict is rather nice really
Minotaurus Sheep has BK burn down the FYM arena
Eclair: yeah its a good thing
Eclair: something to develop a bit more
Jumpropeman: *has Maya start punching characters in the nuts*
Hooded Pitohui: She's gotta get that scoop somehow, JRM
Jumpropeman: speaking of slimeballs...
Draco: Congorilla is the new Quarter Water, confirmed.
Jumpropeman: Congorilla night at Meh Burger. Quarter Water and Bad Coffee will be served
Draco: You will be thrown out if you even UTTER the word Squeezit.


Draco: “But also, people just like things that are bad sometimes." <- Meiling would know. She dated Kasumi.
Bree: kasumi is the best ever. how dare you insult her honor. now meiling has to duel you to the death. prepare to die motherfucker
Draco: If she snaps my neck between her thighs, worth it.


Eclairs: so are we serving this up in bar or what-


Bree: turtles
Bree: I mean... hi
Draco: Hi Bree.
RubyChao: bree reminded me
Minotaurus Sheep: Hello, hello
RubyChao: i listened to the "teenage mutant hero turtles" version of the theme
RubyChao: it sounds so... strange
Minotaurus Sheep: Version of what theme?
RubyChao: oh, of the tmnt 1987 theme
Bree: but it says hero instead of ninja?
RubyChao: yeah
RubyChao: for context, in the UK at the time
Minotaurus Sheep: Ah, I see
Bree: that's probably less racist but... it's still odd
RubyChao: they weren't allowed to call it "ninja" turtles at all
RubyChao: because of some restriction or another
RubyChao: so they became the TEENAGE MUTANT HERO TURTLES
RubyChao: and yes this whole tangent sparked because bree said "turtles"
RubyChao: chaobrain works like that :V
Bree: breebrain works like that too
Bree: just not right now
Bree: also I said turtles because I was in WoW and doing some quests for the turtle people
RubyChao: "since the BBC deemed the word ninja to have excessively violent connotations for a children's program." ah, that's what it was
Bree: including one quest where you ride on the back of a very big turtle and throw very big bombs
Bree: good job BBC, not even getting rid of the word for the right reasons
Bree: arguably right. I figure it's probably racist to call them ninjas since they're not particularly ninja-y but like, I'm not an expert.
Bree: also I call ren a ninja but at least she's a sneaky person and also is actually japanese?
RubyChao: in fairness, in-story they were taught by someone who learned from a japanese guy
RubyChao: as opposed to just picking up weapons and going "ninja"
Bree: true but, idk, do they do much that's ninja-like aside from having ninja-y weapons?
Bree: and some, like, martial arts? which isn't ninja-y at all, it's just martial arts?
RubyChao: lots of sneaking
Bree: I never expected the tmnt were sneaky
Bree: they're large turtle boys that say dude and eat pizza
Bree: are they really sneaky???
Bree: yes I'm admitting I've never watched/read/played anything tmnt
RubyChao: well, basically nobody knows they exist despite fighting crime so they must be doing something right!
RubyChao: i watched the 2003 series growing up and... that's about it, lel
Bree: maybe they're just the beneficiaries of a weirdness censor
Bree: I mean who wants to admit they saw a turtle person hit some bad guys, go "totally radical dude" and then jump down a sewer manhole
RubyChao: see that's the advantage of living in nyc
RubyChao: that's normal here
Bree: pizza rat etc
Bree: welp we've gone full circle because my brain just went "time to post pizza genbu"
RubyChao: excellent
Bree: full circle as in chaobrain started this and now breebrain wants to end it


Bree: fuck I hope del is still here because this came up in my youtube recommended
Ghengis Jenga: Hoooooo that Bork mix
Ghengis Jenga: Love it
Bree: also features cameo by birb doggo


Bree: del, jared should come to the bar sometime
Bree: because... because
Jumpropeman: because we serve mac and cheese pizza
Bree: do we?
Jumpropeman: its the bar
Draco: Of course the bar does.
Jumpropeman: if you can put one food on another food to make new food, the bar does it
Draco: Just like how we made the peanut butter and jelly taco.
Draco: (They can't all be winners.)
RubyChao: when i was younger
RubyChao: i'd actually put peanut butter and jelly on a tortilla, then wrap it up and eat it
RubyChao: so the peanut butter jelly burrito was a thing


Jumpropeman: so I found both a nice Sega Saturn bundle and a nice Dreamcast bundle and now I'm torn between them, so time to suffer for the next few hours as I um and ah
Bree: "hard girls" still a weird name when you leave out the "sega"
Draco: I'll make the choice for him. BI *buys one and sends it to Bree* jk


Jumpropeman: I'd like to give my profuse thanks to the two heroes of the evening, because thanks to Draco and Chao being incredibly generous, the Dreamcast/Saturn debate has now become "por que no las dos". Really though, they chipped in and now I can have both game systems, and I don't know how to thank them enough without just gushing all over chat, but at least you all can know how awesome they are now too
Eclairs: grats!
ivel: we already know how awesome they are :U
RubyChao: hey jrm
RubyChao: you earned it for being such a cool awesome dude
Brinehammer: Nice.
ivel: that is awesome though
Draco: You're welcome. :)
Gooper Blooper: oh god it happened
Gooper Blooper: you two :3
RubyChao: it was clear to me that whichever one JRM went with he'd end up kicking himself over the other
RubyChao: so i decided (with draco's help) to just shift things to the Brightest Timeline
Gooper Blooper: the game hoard just got a lot more SAYYYYYYYGAAAAAAAA
Gooper Blooper: damn


Jumpropeman: man
Jumpropeman: it's gonna be so nice to not have to wait on sega to rerelease saturn games, which they'll never do
Jumpropeman: one day Clockwork Knight
Jumpropeman: I'm coming for you


Jumpropeman: the saturn and dreamcast were shipped out today
Jumpropeman: the sega invasion is coming


Jumpropeman: my dreamcast smells like taco bell
Harpclair: saucy
Jumpropeman: so now it's RP canon that Dreamcast loves taco bell :V
Gooper Blooper: XD
Harpclair: oh god
Harpclair: oh no
Gooper Blooper: now that's rolling with the punches
Gooper Blooper: Even if they weren't exactly mint condition though I'm very happy you got your sega white whales
Jumpropeman: im definitely very happy to have them, and was able to fit them in the current entertainment arrangement without much trouble
Jumpropeman: its fun to see the little quirks of them firsthand
Jumpropeman: like the Dreamcast's VMU letting you customize a symbol for it
Jumpropeman: first time I saw the little pixelated catfish I picked peering out of my controller made me cheer :V
Gooper Blooper: The VMU fascinated me when I first learned about it, a very Nintendo-esque gimmick for a non-Nintendo system!


Jumpropeman: it's silly, but every time I look over and see my sega saturn I get giddy all over again
RubyChao: trust me
Gooper Blooper: awww :3
RubyChao: that's how i feel about my Hibiki and Honoka figurines
RubyChao: the important citrusy gifts from frands
WarbleFarbles: aw


Jumpropeman: Mega's expression


Gooper Blooper: nep.
Jumpropeman: is she protesting Nep
Draco: Yep


Jumpropeman: barpost
Jumpropeman: I realize it might not be the best time for Shimmer to speak up like this, but I couldn't hold her back anymore :V
Minotaurus Sheep: "NO SPACE RACISM"
Minotaurus Sheep: So, Pillbox has chosen death
Gooper Blooper: "PILLBOX NO BIGOTRY, PILLBOX NO BIGOTRY!" *alien bug notes resembling "AWWW MANNN"*
Minotaurus Sheep: "The girls were both a lot more uncomfortable after the space racism was out there in full display"
Minotaurus Sheep: Your Space Uncle is here for Space Thanksgiving.
Minotaurus Sheep: *has Basu bust in complaining about robots*


Bree: the nibbles squad


RubyChao: you know
RubyChao: i just realized something
RubyChao: jrm: is one immune to the mustache attack if they already have a mustache
Jumpropeman: you are in a unique position chao
Jumpropeman: you are free to choose how this unfolds :V
RubyChao: hmmm
Gooper Blooper: the existing mustache also comes to life and a mustache slapfight ensues
Jumpropeman: clearly their mustaches wrestle the new one- yes
Bree: I vote (because RP is a democracy now) that it makes him extra powerful because DOUBLE MUSTACHE
Bree: actually no mustache slapfight is better
Gooper Blooper: I'm reminded of the Mario And Luigi series where "Stache" is a stat
Hooded Pitohui: That's exactly how it works in RP, too, Goops. The more luxurious your 'stache, the luckier you are. It's just the laws of nature.
RubyChao: the people have demanded it
RubyChao: herman will end up with a mustache slapfight
Gooper Blooper: THY WILL BE DONE
Eclairs: mustachio has like
Eclairs: 0 stache stat
Eclairs: because he doesn't take care of it that well
Eclairs: clearly
Jumpropeman: look at this intense art of Mustacho
RubyChao: jesus you weren't kidding


Draco: Harpy and Ivel date night.


Bree: this kills me
Bree: I am dead
Bree: if you've never played mass effect then maybe you won't get the joke but listen. l i s t e n. the geth are the big bad guys in the first game. in the second game the citadel is like fucking TSA trying to keep terrorists off airplanes, they're literally accosting and inconveniencing random people under the suspicion they might be geth even though that's patently obviously untrue
Bree: some asari lady is like "I can't leave because I'm under suspicion of being a geth even though I am obviously an asari" like. sheperd has to get her clearance to leave by convincing c-sec they're being ridiculous.
Bree: legion, your geth squadmate, who makes zero attempt to ever hide that he is a geth, says there is no such thing as a geth infiltrator. he says "geth do not infiltrate."
Bree: and then you roll up to the citadel with an honest to god actual fucking literal geth, and they're like "oh, go on in," and legion is like "geth do not intentionally infiltrate."
Bree: it's like if some place was racist against warmechs and skeiron rolled up looking the same as he always fucking does and they're like "yep, no warmechs here. welcome, sir."
Bree: easily one of the funniest moments in the mass effect series


Marmite Sheep: Oh, I forgot to eat
Marmite Sheep: I'll take care of that now I'm back from my walk
Bree: sheep you need to do that to live
Marmite Sheep: I FORGET
Marmite Sheep: IT'S SUCH A HASSLE


(Re: Animal Crossing)

Eclairs: Oh god I need to
Eclairs: Find a wharf roach
Gooper Blooper: they're not hard to find
Jumpropeman: they're on the rocks now and again
Eclairs: I need to force em to spawm
Eclairs: For roald
Gooper Blooper: fun fact: despite the name, "wharf roaches" are actually isopods like pillbugs and aren't related to roaches
Eclairs: They wimpods
Gooper Blooper: I'm like Blathers except I don't loathe one of my four areas of expertise
Gooper Blooper: He used to hate fish too and I'm like damn Blathers just do a fossil-only museum or something
Eclairs: He’s gettin over it


Cornwind Evil: So
Cornwind Evil: I normally always check outside on my balcony for Manic before I close my door
Cornwind Evil: I closed my door because the AC has turned on and I'm trying to cool off my apartment
Cornwind Evil: Guess who got locked out on the balcony
Marmite Sheep: You talkin' about
Marmite Sheep: Dia?


Marmite Sheep: "General Oda watched her leave with raised eyebrows before she stared questioningly at the rest of her sandwich. She felt like she was missing something."
Draco: It's her hat!
Marmite Sheep: I can't believe they forgot the pickles!
Marmite Sheep: "If it's your sister how come she's in a game boy?"
Marmite Sheep: That really is the question
Marmite Sheep: "Well, you probably won't recognize any of this stuff, but that means you can appreciate it for what it is instead of comparing it to modern tech. Feast your eyes!"
Marmite Sheep: So please stand there while I take out my organs and present them to you
Gooper Blooper: you know you love it
Marmite Sheep: Ahahaha


RubyChao: i played a horror game and i think sheep would like to know what
Jumpropeman: what horror game chao
RubyChao: Yuppie Psycho
RubyChao: corporate office horror, basically
Jumpropeman: i know of that game because of sheep!
RubyChao: i felt like i was going to have a heart attack 50% of the time, and the other 50% i was busy anticipating the part where it tried to give me a heart attack
RubyChao: so in short, 10/10 would play again i haven't been spooked like this since the witch's house and i loved that game
Jumpropeman: oh my
Jumpropeman: sounds like I should play............. Ninja Clowns


BORK FOIBLES (Mortimer Sheep) joined the chat
Jumpropeman: excellent, sheep's in it too
Gooper Blooper: BURF HURDLES
Jumpropeman: BUM FONDLES
Gooper Blooper: but no, to tell people that aren't chao and JRM
Gooper Blooper: I played Chapter 1 of Blurk Foshles today
Gooper Blooper: and it was basically everything I'd hoped for so hooray
BORK FOIBLES: Glad to hear it!
BORK FOIBLES: Just picked up today after nabbing a controller
BORK FOIBLES: Haven't gotten to play yet, but I've gotten it downloaded and such
Harpclair: i should DL bug fables at some point
BORK FOIBLES: I mostly popped in to announce that FINALLY THE WAIT IS OVER
BORK FOIBLES: So I'm going to go now
Jumpropeman: and play Ninja Clowns?
BORK FOIBLES: he was not seen again until next season
BORK FOIBLES left the chat
Gooper Blooper: Rug Furbies
Gooper Blooper: "The question is, what does it take to make a brawler that people will remember? Well, it takes fine-tuned controls, interesting design, and maybe even some kind of unique feature that people will remember your game for.
And of course, it would definitely help you don’t make your game about ninja clowns."

Jumpropeman: Ninja Clowns is on so I am mighty tempted
Gooper Blooper: "it’s up to you to attempt to rescue the city of Centersville from the evil clown Twisto, until you eventually realize that you’re playing a game called Ninja Clowns."


Bree: "because I'd rather not roleplay as seven characters at once on my own plot"
Bree: five still makes you a madman, goops
Gooper Blooper: yes, but sliiiiightly less of one


Dork: link
Jumpropeman: "A Christmas tree explodes his family on purpose."
Gooper Blooper: that's magnificent, harpy
Jumpropeman: "I have bought Christmas and now it is never." Christmasplot 2020
Gooper Blooper: Buying the rights to something just so nobody can have it is one of the easiest ways to piss me off, too!
Dork: IN
Dork: WAR
Gooper Blooper: well
Gooper Blooper: I guess he didn't regret that he had but one life to give for his country
Dork: I sell families.
Dork: This escalated quickly


Mortimer Sheep: srspost
Mortimer Sheep concern rising
Jumpropeman: Spat for Brawl
Mortimer Sheep: JRM, please
Mortimer Sheep: You just want to get rid of alliances
Jumpropeman: please what? Give you a Spat slot exclusively for entering Spat?
Mortimer Sheep: :I
Gooper Blooper: SPAT SLOT
Gooper Blooper: SPOT SPLAT
Mortimer Sheep: Welcome to the Ham-Ham Lotto


Harpclair: GIVE ME MONEY
Cornwind Evil: Okay
Cornwind Evil throws money bags into Harpy's hand.
Cornwind Evil: (Let's see if anyone gets that reference)
Gooper Blooper:
Cornwind Evil: Gooper, of course, gets it
Hooded Pitohui: It's definitely not but I'd like to imagine that's an ending to a Wario Land style game, Cornwind
Hooded Pitohui: Oh
Hooded Pitohui: Maybe it was
Gooper Blooper: I expect better from a Mario Wiki staff member!!
Hooded Pitohui: Goops is right. It's time I retire from my positions.


Bree: I'm not sure I want niftu to smack a hamster
Jumpropeman: what if he spanks a hamster
Bree: ham hams are to me what cats are to CW :V
Mortimer Sheep: You must lightly squeeze the hamster
Jumpropeman: he'll put Spat in a hamster ball for the next mission
Bree: very gentle spanks for the ham sound appropriate
Cornwind Evil: Bonk a hamster
Bree: or at least not objectionable
Jumpropeman: Spat has to go to his room after the mission
Jumpropeman: no after mission donuts for him
Bree: he had before-mission donuts
Mortimer Sheep: Or Niftu could see Spat flapping around and some goons having a punch-out and connect the dots
Gooper Blooper: all you need to do is squish that hamster


RubyChao: fun fact:
RubyChao: this
RubyChao: is the first Honoka ever
RubyChao: the basic sketch from character design
Jumpropeman: that's the wrong facial expression
Jumpropeman: that's how you know it's a prototype


Cornwind Evil: Trailer Park Boys has the best episode titles
Cornwind Evil: The show knows it, they put it on screen before each one


Jumpropeman: oh my god
Jumpropeman: my brother ran an FF7R racket
Jumpropeman: there was a promotion where if you bought 2 butterfingers or crunch bars, you got a Tifa PS4 theme
Jumpropeman: and he bought them and started selling the codes
Harpclair: bless him(?)
Harpclair: i have no idea how to feel
Jumpropeman: he got over 300 bucks from it, and he wasn't selling them for too much
Jumpropeman: I think it was just because people didn't want to go out and buy candy
Harpclair: hot fuck damn they really want that tifa tiddy
Gooper Blooper: link
Harpclair: i'd buy them if i actually liked 'em
Harpclair: ...but there's crunch bars
Harpclair: crunch bars are GOOD.
Draco: Wait a can BUY Butterfinger bars?! D8
Harpclair: pft


Jumpropeman: i was quiet
Jumpropeman: because I was SETTLING IT IN SMASH with my bro
Draco: QUIETLY settling it in Smash with your bro?
Jumpropeman: not really, we were on discord talking
Jumpropeman: hence how I learned about his Tifa racket
Jumpropeman: he also told me about an essay a student wrote called Magical Baby
Jumpropeman: where a woman goes to a fortune teller and learns her baby is going to kill her when it's four years old
Jumpropeman: so on her fourth birthday the mom kills the baby even though it never did anything evil until then and the story just ends there
Jumpropeman: the moral being I guess fortune tellers should be believed but you can still get some use out of your baby before then
Cornwind Evil: Ah yes, ye olde 'got an idea, wrote a first draft, turned it in."
Jumpropeman: there's something charming about young writers clearly working off of something but forgetting to add in important details
Draco: The moral is "Fortune Tellers are good are preventing murderous toddlers"?
Jumpropeman: the ominous fortune is so common but usually there's more going on with it :V
Cornwind Evil: At least until you see the same thing in a hundred terrible horror scripts
Cornwind Evil: Case in point
Cornwind Evil: Is it really that hard to have a point?
Draco: Apparently!
Cornwind Evil: I guess its good these exist so you learn what not to do


Cornwind Evil: "although she was sort of overdoing it so the F-119 Stealth fighter was now spamming sommersaults in the air."
Cornwind Evil looks.
Cornwind Evil puts on rabbit ears.
Cornwind Evil goes and climbs in a futuristic fighter spaceship.
Cornwind Evil inhales.

Cornwind Evil: .....that might be excessive, young lady



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