Saturday, February 15, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 358: Hit Da Button To Hit Da Bawl

RubyChao: so remember how we had oak's alolan form?
RubyChao: we have his mega evolution too
Jumpropeman: oh my giggles
Jumpropeman: they're out of control
Mluh Sheep: Oak became a DJ?!
Jumpropeman: the grand kai comparison in the comments is great
Jumpropeman: we really deserved more Grand Kai
Jumpropeman: JRM says, surprising no one
RubyChao: oh, jrm
RubyChao: i already know he's in your future folder
Jumpropeman: maybe I can repurpose the desi- please chao, I'm not THAT transparent


Jumpropeman: WOOF WOOF
Mluh Sheep: WOOF WOOF
Boop: boof
Boop: bork
Mluh Sheep: Well, I thought that was pretty good, all in all
Jumpropeman: I do appreciate the show balancing harley's in-depth character development and serious moments with its absurd jokes and reveling in violence
Boop: i understand nothing and yet want to be included into this elaborate ritual-
Mluh Sheep: There's a dog that barks at the end of the end credits, Harpy
Jumpropeman: barks is being charitable
Jumpropeman: the dog literally says WOOF WOOF in I think Harley Quinn's voice
Mluh Sheep: It's definitely Harley
Boop: i can't believe harley is a bulldog fan-
Mluh Sheep: Chatzy Madness: (JRM and Sheep post WOOF WOOF in Chatzy every time they finish watching an episode of Harley Quinn, for reasons I'm sure I would understand if I saw it myself)
Mluh Sheep: Goops giving us a lot of credit here
ivel: and now he'll know
ivel: because SOMEONE spoiled it
Boop: gee, sorry for asking ;V


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Boop: hi goops!
RubyChao: hey goop
Boop: which i accidentally pronounced "joops" in real life and ivel was like "whyYY"
Boop: on accident, mind
Draco: It's Gif, not Gif.
Boop: shut


(Re: Chao doing jury duty)

Jumpropeman: do they wipe your memory if something is stricken from the record?
RubyChao: not that i know of... but how would i remember?
Boop: spoopy
Gooper Blooper: Will you buy citrus merchandise with your jury money
RubyChao: *looks at the upcoming symphogacha*
RubyChao: maybe


Jumpropeman: link


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: B O I P
Brinehammer joined the chat
Jumpropeman: Boiphammer
Brinehammer: I was summoned by the Boip, is everything okay?
Jumpropeman: I think the volume and spacing is out of whack
Brinehammer: Well... Shoot.
Jumpropeman: maybe you should diversify your tool kit beyond the hammer
RubyChao joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi RuboipChao
RubyChao: boip Boipboipboip
Jumpropeman: it's getting worse than I thought D:
Jumpropeman: mr. president
Jumpropeman: prepare the nukes


MobileDraco: link
Hattammy: basically yuyu in a nutshell
Gooper Blooper: A+


Jumpropeman: I stopped watching Robot Wars mostly because the housebots were often too involved and decided too many matches for my tastes
Jumpropeman: it's like if every wrestling match had The Rock, Triple H, Undertaker, and Stone Cold waiting at the ring corners to do moves on the people fighting in the ring
Jumpropeman: I made sure to make a wrestling comparison because it's your birthday cornwind :V
Jumpropeman: although the guys I chose were the ones I remembered from WWF Betrayal
Gooper Blooper: They stopped being so troublesome in later seasons of the show, but some seasons were particularly bad about it yes
Gooper Blooper: me and Harpy skipped the second season partly because the robots were low quality but also because the corner patrol zones were expanded to border the entire arena in that season
Gooper Blooper: so the house robots interrupted almost every match
Jumpropeman: I imagine those were the matches that turned me off
Gooper Blooper: Starting in Season 5 Refbot gained the ability to punish housebots that interfered so that helped
Jumpropeman: aww yeah
Jumpropeman: go refbot
Jumpropeman: i think also the housebots had some scandal, right?
Hattammy: season 3 had 'em heavy, 4 got a little better, and Extreme 1 started the refbot "BEGONE, THOT" sorta thing iirc
Hattammy: well matilda was stripped a lot in season 3 and 4-
Jumpropeman: like, win fixing involving them
Jumpropeman: *looks it up, clicks first link*
Gooper Blooper: some shady things have indeed happened
Jumpropeman: okay, I know every website has that cookie warning these days
Jumpropeman: but a website called Digital Spy asking to put cookies on my computer is... I think I'll find another site
Jumpropeman: "During the auditions for Series 3, a spike-wielding robot weighing 77.11kg was being tested, when it suddenly activated without warning. It ended up injuring a technician in the arm, prompting criticism from other roboteers, including Rex Garrod. Despite this, the unidentified machine was present in The Pits during filming for The Third Wars. While being situated on a trolley when entering the studio, it unexpectedly activated. With no functional failsafe to cease the machine’s movements, it charged across The Arena, eventually stabbing a crew member’s leg with its spike."
Jumpropeman: damn
Jumpropeman: this robot just wanted human blood
Hattammy: was it raining? was it possessed by the animatronic t-rex from jurassic park?!?!
ivel: it was possessed by bloodlust
ivel: once they get a taste, it's over
Gooper Blooper: Rex Garrod was one of the most prominent builders in the early seasons, and he quit the show over that issue
Hattammy: oh no
Birthday Evil: No it drove past the place where the Mangler happened
Birthday Evil: It infected a fridge you know!
Gooper Blooper: this is technically spoilers for Harpy but it's pretty mild - 1:56 of this video is a fight with an A+ housebot moment
Jumpropeman: they were more interesting than the actual fight :V
Gooper Blooper: Exactly why they did it! ;V
Hattammy: crispy


Hattammy: finally read the shield review
Hattammy: submitted a comment
Jumpropeman: *harpy justs posts a picture of her alcremie hoard*
Hattammy: i wasn't going to do that
Hattammy: although I could go and organize them
Hattammy: and actually post a picture
Jumpropeman: I would like to see that V:
Hattammy: I can do so, just give me like
Hattammy: five years-

(It didn't take five years)


Jumpropeman: "Game Features:
0. Epidemic prevention knowledge and a letter from wild animals expressing their wishes."

Jumpropeman: man
Jumpropeman: I wish more games had letters from wild animals expressing their wishes :(


Jumpropeman: "867 out of 1000"
Jumpropeman: that's
Jumpropeman: quite the huge rating scale
Hattammy: uuuuh?
ivel rolled a die with 100000 sides. The die showed: 20809
ivel rolled a die with 10000 sides. The die showed: 249

ivel: I'm going to start doing reviews with my new 249-20809 scale
ivel: nothing could go wrong
ivel: they even both end in 9, it's perfect
Jumpropeman: I was devastated when you gave Big Mutha Truckas a 10280!
ivel: it knows what it did BI
ivel: so
ivel: I have played
ivel: the trash panda game
Jumpropeman: Donut County?
ivel: in other words yes :U
ivel: I rate it donut out of donut
ivel: which would be 0 out of 0 now that I think about it
Jumpropeman: wow, four words on the ivel scale!
Jumpropeman: you've moved up from elf bowling
ivel: you're right, I need to downgrade
ivel: the donuts happened
Jumpropeman: phew, I was worried I'd have to skip the next ivel review because it got too wordy
ivel: sure was donuts!
Hattammy: are we gonna archive these reviews now?!?
Jumpropeman: donuts? Yes!
ivel: Donut.
Jumpropeman: you can tell the quality of the game based on the punctuation after the one word
ivel: Donut$
Jumpropeman: D0nu+


Jumpropeman: accursed kids and their fashion magazines
Draco: I, too, appreciate that we've expanded our horizons thanks to the greater availability of varied reading material.
Jumpropeman: welcome to the comic book subgenre: suspicious animals telling frightened women things are okay
Draco: Is Tiger Boy Rainbow Dash's Veteran Fiter?
Jumpropeman: Wet Tiger is old news, CKR's entering Boyface Tiger
Jumpropeman: and Sheep is upgrading the Asparagus Brothers
Draco: Grass/Steel type. Bold choice. Assuming a flame doesn't get within a mile of them.
Jumpropeman: link
Draco: Teenage Mutant Ninja Gators, my favorite comic series.
Draco: Wowabunga, dudes!
Jumpropeman: Heroes in a huge swamp! Gator Power!


Jumpropeman: so, I need to migrate my site's official email host since SquirrelMail (yes, that's the name) is being discontinued, and I can convert it either to a RoundCube account... or Horde. I think the choice is clear :V


Jumpropeman: would you buy this for two dollars
Aaa: No
Jumpropeman: too bad, pony up :I
Aaa: Fuck u
Jumpropeman: *flosses sadly* :(


Aaa: Im at olive garden
Aaa: Confirmed: infinite cheese
Aaa: Bitches better tip the server the cheese tax
MobileDraco: I drove by an Olive Garden. I got stared at by old folks last time I went about 10 years ago.
Jumpropeman: any idea why?
Jumpropeman: were you telling a bigfoot anecdote?
MobileDraco: Probably because I was the youngest non-employee in the room by 70 years.
MobileDraco: It's next door to a retirement community.


(Hooded Pitohui introduces a Touhou character)

Jumpropeman: >Pitouhou
Jumpropeman: he's officially part of RP now :')
Gooper Blooper: the corruption continues
Jumpropeman: I like that it's a bird too. OF COURSE its a bird!
Gooper Blooper: he DOES love him some birds
Aaa: Bird


RubyChao: hi i am here
Draco: Liar. *pulls the sheet off of Chao to reveal nothing*


Jumpropeman: I think Sonic slapped that ass as he passed
RubyChao: i mean
RubyChao: can you blame him
Gooper Blooper: People have tried many times to draw Sonic when he's curled up
Gooper Blooper: and it never looks QUITE right
RubyChao: goops the blog that does archie sonic liveblogging has shown so many where sonic just
RubyChao: turns into a buzzsaw with a face
Jumpropeman: link
RubyChao: i was looking for that EXACT image jrm
RubyChao: but i could not find it
Draco: Kaede sitting down to perform.
Jumpropeman: any selfrespecting man has their phatass robotnik stash only a click away
Draco: Joke's on you; I have no self-respect. >:D
Draco: Wait..


Draco: Random, spontaneous canon: Clownpiece can play the accordion.
Draco: I know. BV
Gooper Blooper: draco lives life on the edge
Draco makes Sanae enjoy playing miniature golf.
Jumpropeman: someone stop this man!
Draco doesn't slow down all the way at a yellow light.
Aaa: Time to rest before draco commits more edge to his routine
Draco adds Snom to his roster.


Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: I hope you find a spot for those in RP
Gooper Blooper: we need AA batteries and lots of them
Jumpropeman: you know I'll be looking for a chance
Jumpropeman: but I don't think this one will get any use
Draco: That's what YOU think.
Gooper Blooper: wise fwom you gwave
Jumpropeman: link
Draco: So dramatic


Jumpropeman: you guys can close your mouths
Jumpropeman: it's allowed
Draco: How can you have a closed-mouth smile when Pac-Man has invented a PAC-FINDER? It obviously worked, because he found another Pac-Man!


Brinehammer: Symphogacha trip report; Hell yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah


RubyChao: Monday Sheep: "I felt the light inside me slowly fading." says one review.
-Jumpropeman: sounds like its gonna be great!
-Jumpropeman: im tired of all this light in my soul

RubyChao: thanks to del RPing sam and max and thus me playing sam and max
RubyChao: this chatzy exchange is, imo, 100% an actual reaction sam and max would have respectively to a newspaper
Sith Monkey: Hahaha
Sith Monkey: Thank you
Sith Monkey: I need to play them again sometime


(JRM begins playing Bee Simulator)

Jumpropeman: time for me to be
Jumpropeman: a bee
Draco: And sting someone in a valiant sacrifice to protect your queen?
Jumpropeman: i am unsure yet if I am bumble- or some other variant
Draco: Better sting someone and check.
Jumpropeman: i am a honey bee!
Draco: Excellent.
Draco: Now make like a bee and buzz off.
Jumpropeman: 🐝
Jumpropeman: oh my
Jumpropeman: this bee game
Jumpropeman: has
Jumpropeman: HATS
Draco: Excellent. :3
Jumpropeman: the default name is Beescuit
Draco: Quality name.
Jumpropeman: the bees are not only making bee puns, but are amused by their own bee puns
Draco: Excellent
Jumpropeman: i can't shittalk animals for crashing into glass anymore
Jumpropeman: not only did I smack into a glass wall as a bee
Jumpropeman: I smacked into the same one when I tried to exit the area later


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: that is hard to believe as real
Draco: I think I actually had one of those once.
ivel: Welp


RubyChao: RP Bikkie backstory trivia fact
RubyChao: bikkie's parents are divorced! no horrible home life or tragedy though. things simply didn't work out between her dad and her mom and bikkie grew up with an amicable joint custody situation
RubyChao: it's another of those things that doesn't have a role in RP (UNTIL IT DOES) but i thought was a neat backstory fact
Jumpropeman: hmm, gonna ask you to change that chao so that I can go through with my plan to RP Bikkie's parent. Singular. It's an asexually reproducing cosmic toad. I've put down so many hints towards it I can't back now
RubyChao: that's a valid reason
RubyChao: i will change it to cosmic toads
Jumpropeman: phew, was worried I'd have to edit my post back in 2014 where a toad said "I am Hibiki Tachibana's progenitor"
RubyChao: man that was so weird at the time, huh?
Draco: RP Yohane backstory: her dad is Lucifer and her mom is DEATH.
Jumpropeman: that messes with my backstory where her parents are hibiki's rejected divorced yet amicable parents!
Draco: You're thinking of that minor character, Yoshiko Tsushima.
Jumpropeman: oh yeah...her
Draco: Final boss of Dracoplot


Octopus Pal: Tom is kicking my ass in dreadball
Octopus Pal: Hope he's not this good in warcry
Hattammy: Rip
iKomodo: Utter curbstomp in my favour
iKomodo: feelsgoodman.jpg
Octopus Pal: 😟


Jumpropeman: as for me, I'm about to play Honoka the Game
RubyChao: :D
Jumpropeman: i think you mean
Jumpropeman: ;D
Jumpropeman: that's how you know it's not REALLY honk
Jumpropeman: tv volume setting: 5
Jumpropeman: in game volume setting: 3
Jumpropeman: still loud as heck
Jumpropeman: I've chased a child out of the library thrice by offering food and then telling them I do not have the cookies he wants
Jumpropeman: my Honk now knows how to make cookies though
Jumpropeman: time to accost the child again
Hattammy: harassing honks
ivel: welp
Jumpropeman: *gives girl ice cream cone* "WOW! I didn't know you were so good at baking!"
Draco: City of Beasts Honoka, lying to children about cookies.
Jumpropeman: similarly, a woman asked for a strawberry roll and I gave her an ice cream cone
Jumpropeman: I just needed to offload it and I can't make strawberry rolls yet so SHRUG
ivel: welp
Jumpropeman: i am a force of pastry chaos
ivel: Pastry Chaos sounds like the name of some indie band
ivel: or Celestia's ultimate magic
ivel: or both
Jumpropeman: Celestia, Honoka, and Skeiron use music to cast the ultimate magic
Draco: Celestia teaches Sonia and Lily to bake, THEN the Pastry Chaos begins!
Hattammy: bold of you to assume sonia doesn't know how to bake
ivel: does she though?
Jumpropeman: she doesn't know how
Jumpropeman: but it happens
Hattammy: well she can turn people into cakes.
ivel: but is she GOOD at it
ivel: okay Buu
Hattammy: look ivel you weren't there when one of sonia's introblogposts was literally her turning baddies into food
Jumpropeman: alright, time to go to the library- oh there's a high school student here instead
Jumpropeman: let me guess
Jumpropeman: he wants the ice cream cones I just got rid of
RubyChao: are they ordinary
Jumpropeman: yup, so ordinary with his purple hair
Draco: Sonia knows how to bake, but not like Celestia. It's like a level 5 Wizard can use magic, but a level 20 Wizard can use even better magic.
Hattammy: basically


Jumpropeman: oh, it appears i can change my haircolor
Jumpropeman: HONOKA
Jumpropeman: GET OUTTA HERE
RubyChao: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>rejecting honk


Jumpropeman: one girl wanted some pancakes from Honoka
Jumpropeman: but I can't find her because I keep getting accosted by other people who wanted food too, and the pancakes keep fitting the bill for what they desire
Jumpropeman: ive made at least five stacks of flapjacks trying to help this girl
RubyChao: it makes it sound like they don't take no for an answer
RubyChao: and just RIP the pancakes from your hands
Tamara: they really think they just ordered one of denny's super duper slams
Tamara: from this one chick
Tamara: honk ain't an infinite pancake maker
Tamara: this ain't no all you can eat buffet
Draco: Anywhere is an All You Can Eat buffet if you aren't hungry.
Jumpropeman: wise words
Tamara: i'm regretting this comparison because now i'm needlessly hungry and the last time i tried to do an all you can eat affair i got full off the first plate.
Tamara: wait that's the infinite shrimp at red lobster, i had a plate or two of food at the buffet
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: how'd you know the girl was seaport :V
Gooper Blooper: gal needs her pancakes
Tamara: i still can't fuckin eat more than 3 pancakes
Stupid Dangling 20 Million: That Seaport picture makes it look like the Lord is possessing her
Gooper Blooper: there is no Lordy-boy possession involved here
Gooper Blooper: I mean unless he's really got a hankering for pancakes
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16
Draco: Deb eats 16 pancakes.


Jumpropeman: i have found
Jumpropeman: someone else in this town who wanted pancakes
Jumpropeman: before I can find that girl again
Jumpropeman: this must be Pancake City
Draco: Oh no
RubyChao: so this is how Fat City got started...
Jumpropeman: haha
Draco: Oof
Stupid Dangling 20 Million: When you run into a crazy blonde haired boy doing martial arts, get out of there
Jumpropeman: IT IS DONE
Jumpropeman: THE GIRL
Stupid Dangling 20 Million: Now get her some french toast
Jumpropeman: waku waku sweets finished!
Jumpropeman: now I can finally sleep


Gooper Blooper: JRM announcing he finished Waku Waku Sweets right after finally finding the pancake girl makes it seem like she was the final boss
Jumpropeman: there was more real time between the pancake girl and the actual declaration but that doesn't show in chat :V


Jumpropeman: "Is watching Air Bud on a portable DVD player in my car too intimate for a first date?"
ivel: no Air Bud before marriage
Jumpropeman: if that's true, consider me the HUGEST slut
ivel: I already do, jrm
Jumpropeman: XD
Draco: O mai~


Monkfruit Sheep: "King and Balloon positions the player as something people can’t really seem to agree on."
Monkfruit Sheep: Oh buddy
Monkfruit Sheep: Off to a crackerjack start
Draco: That was a good review.
Draco: It made me want to be a king and/or a balloon.
Monkfruit Sheep: "but whoever they are, they are charged with the odd task of protecting a portly yellow king from an incoming invasion of 42 balloons"
Monkfruit Sheep: I would posit that some sort of soldier(s) charged with the task of protecting a portly yellow king from invasions, of all kinds, may not be odd but, in fact, common
Monkfruit Sheep: "if your orange cannon is shot or hit by a divebombing balloon, it will explode, but that’s okay and downright expected." -JRM, 2020
Monkfruit Sheep: Words to live by
Hattammy: *rises*
Jumpropeman: *shoots down the harpballoon*
Hattammy: :I
Hattammy: i am on the verge of a possible blogpost
Hattammy: which i won't do tonight.
ivel: jrm ruined it
Hattammy: jrm didn't ruin anything, i just cannot force myself to write even if i have a good idea
Monkfruit Sheep: "King and Balloon was the surprise hit of my visit to the arcade."
Monkfruit Sheep: !
Monkfruit Sheep: Woah-ho! I did not expect that!
Jumpropeman: it's not the only good game i found or even the best, but it was the most surprising good one!


(Harpy is opening packs of Pokemon cards)

Hattammy: anywho, pack 6: rare candy, lucky egg, mantine, another mawile, gossifleur, goldeen, diglett... just realizing i should only put the galarians in the dupe pile oh shit, also skorupi, reverse holo YAMPS, aaaaand
Hattammy: ...
Hattammy: fucking CELEBI V, CARD 001
ivel: iveluck~ ;U
Gooper Blooper: that really was a lucky egg
ivel: lel
Draco: Oh man. Fucking Celebi is my favorite Pokemon.
Jumpropeman: i thought it was Hydreigon
Monkfruit Sheep: :I
Jumpropeman: fucking celebi is an action, not a noun
Monkfruit Sheep: :I


RubyChao: jrm: is this Shimmer?
Jumpropeman: that was basically her in 2014
RubyChao: complete with the random "zura" of course
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: Well yeah, singularity shock must be a hell of a thing
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: I mean, she basically lived in medieval farm times right?
Jumpropeman: reminder that her love for the star people began because a traveling salesman showed her a working toaster
Jumpropeman: i mean he had other stuff too
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: ....what did he plug it into
Gooper Blooper: I believe I explained that one!
RubyChao: it could have had batteries, cornwind :V
Jumpropeman: the town donkey-
Gooper Blooper: I did a blogpost of random fun facts once that included something about electric-magic crystals being used to power appliances from the Star People on Porphyrion
RubyChao: ah, neat!
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: Dawn: I have invented this bioelectric aura plug. It siphons the electricity in a living creature to power mechanics! Observe!
Gooper Blooper: and that a television broadcasting old wrestling matches was how the Coneheads developed their gimmick
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: -she plugs it into a donkey-
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: -five minutes later-
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: Dawn: Does anyone know where I can purchase a donkey?
Jumpropeman: in this alternate timeline, Shimmer became a Donkey Rights Activist instead of a member of the Deck
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: Amusingly Dawn would probably have tried to sell/trade very boring practical items.
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: Like a water purifier, or a heater.
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: Maybe a small icebox.
Jumpropeman: I'd just sell multiple copies of Sir Mix-A-Lot's Baby Got Back to the peasants
Jumpropeman: they need to know the glory of the booty :I
Draco: NO >:I
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: They wouldn't understand it
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: To them it would just be rambling noise
Jumpropeman: i'd teach a class on it too
Jumpropeman: gratis
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: Someone call Jumpropeman the character, we need to prevent Jumpropeman the person from being burned at the stake
Gooper Blooper: free the booty
Jumpropeman: power to the posterior!
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: canonically the only award winning butt in rp
RubyChao: counterpoint
RubyChao: didn't david canonically win Best Booty In Bangkok
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: I think that was seven retcons ago
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 7
Draco: Magnolia did not win Best Booty in Bangkok.
Jumpropeman: she just needs to hop dimensions until she finds the right bangkok
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 7

RubyChao: neither did Honoka
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
RubyChao: nor Hibiki
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: Joy found it did not involve getting treasure and left
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 9
Jumpropeman: cirno retains her crown
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: But she rolled a-oh
Jumpropeman: i need to start thinking of the booty game of my incoming characters!
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 12

Jumpropeman: Mega Drive is flat as a cutting board
Jumpropeman: Game Gear's laziness has allowed some juiciness
Draco: She needs to get on Patchy's level.
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 12
Jumpropeman: thats the problem when you can't fly around
Draco: Wildfire is on Game Gear's level.
Jumpropeman: they're gonna have to keijo
Jumpropeman: to break the tie
Draco: Is that the weird "anime girls swing their butts around" anime?
Jumpropeman: yeah, the butt slamming sport anime
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: VACUUM BUTT CANNON
Monkfruit Sheep looks back in chat
Monkfruit Sheep blinks slowly
Monkfruit Sheep backs out of chat
Brinehammer reaches from underneath a carpet and grabs Sheep's ankles.
Monkfruit Sheep trips and fall forward, revealing he was actually a trench coat full of rats as they spill out and disperse

I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: Seems legit
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
Draco: Wildfire's getting her keijo game on.
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 7
Jumpropeman: game gear short circuits from bruised booty
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 12
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: Joy gets DQ'd because she punches
Draco: Wildfire will let it slide because Joy hits like a boy.
RubyChao: time to enter
RubyChao: Tamaki
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
RubyChao: who jobbed
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 12
Draco: Hatate the News Crow's booty game isn't any better.
Brinehammer rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
Draco: 8I
Brinehammer: A3515 stumbled in and stumbled out.
Draco: Nice
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: I send in Chastity as a ringer
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot rolled a die with 69 sides. The die showed: 6
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: ....she's REALLY out of practice
RubyChao: time to send tenshi
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
RubyChao: she's not flat anymore.
I Dreamed Goopers Next Plot: It turns out it's Viola wearing Tenshi's hat
Draco: It's that obvious. ;p
SteelKomodo: sending in Mika I guess
SteelKomodo: for whatever this is
SteelKomodo rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 13
SteelKomodo: ...she is slacking in her booty game
SteelKomodo: better get back on the squats
loo bay: i think this is keijo or something
loo bay rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
loo bay: aiko has NO booty game
loo bay: can't believe
SteelKomodo: rip aiko
Draco: Good thing Giselle is a boob gal. jk
SteelKomodo: Kek


Jumpropeman: look at this messy cover
Hattammy: you're playing that for game hoard aren't you
Jumpropeman: im looking through ps1 games on lukiegames right now as I'm tempted to purchase some, but Crush Course isn't going in the cart :V one day of course... but not today
Hattammy: we're safe.
Jumpropeman: this one's messy too but at least it doesn't have painted over olsen twins
Jumpropeman: there are a lot of mary kate and ashley games
Hattammy: i mean
Hattammy: if you want to suffer
Jumpropeman: some seem to have game boy and main console releases, which usually means they're very different
Jumpropeman: I think the beauty and the beast one shows the issue with such a concept
Jumpropeman: link
Hattammy: is
Hattammy: is pammy anderson really about to get me
Jumpropeman: for some reason I thought the official Pamela Anderson video game would be more expensive, but then I remembered that most people don't buy garbage


Jumpropeman: link
Hattammy: ivel: why
Jumpropeman: i like that this game looks like a typical atv racer until you realize the racers are furries
Hattammy: i mean, why not
Jumpropeman: I recognize Mud Duck from something...
Jumpropeman: they made Malice!
Jumpropeman: which was terrible! :V
Hattammy: Atrocious, even?
Jumpropeman: nope
Jumpropeman: mud duck also made another racer
Hattammy: is that a fiery my little pony
Jumpropeman: that looks pretty bad still but at least that thing matches space?
Jumpropeman: OH MAN
Jumpropeman: OH MAN
Jumpropeman: TEA PARTY
Hattammy: that is very soft and comforting of an artstyle
Hattammy: but how does it translate into a game?
Jumpropeman: yeah, Miss Spider isn't bad even though she had some wild early cgi
Jumpropeman: this guy was a character
Jumpropeman: you know there's a creepypasta about human face mime spider somewhere
Draco: It's the Globglogabgalab!
Hattammy: that face is terrifying but okay
Jumpropeman: and his red mac tonight wife
Jumpropeman: most characters are just cartoon bugs
Jumpropeman: so I don't know why they have the manface here


Jumpropeman: 100% RP Cirno


Tamara: i kinda usually don't mention law cases here
Tamara: but this dude was bold enough to claim anime was his invention and sue people for copyright infringement
Tamara: you can probably guess how this turns out.
Jumpropeman: i hate how we have to pay this guy any time we use anime characters in RP >_<
Tamara: this is why i commission
Draco: Oh man. Time to kill off all my anime characters.
Brinehammer: Guess I'm filing for bankruptcy =/
Draco: Is Touhou an anime?
Tamara: it has an anime
Draco: Good enough!
Draco kills off all his Touhous except Sanae. She's too obscure to sue over.


Gooper Blooper: heading off, nite
Jumpropeman: hi
Jumpropeman: but opposite
Gooper Blooper: good save


Tamara: i was gacha-ing for like... pets in OJ for laughs
Tamara: and i got a chicken
Tamara: and i, in my ever infinite wisdom
Tamara: said, "Dog! :D"
ivel: it was amazing
ivel: she was so confident in that
ivel: "I got a tiny dog!"
Tamara: ivel broke out laughing
Jumpropeman: if you think about it, a chicken is just a feathery, beaked, bipedal, avian dog!
Tamara: as i learned the follies of having a brain too slow to catch up my mouth
Gooper Blooper: it's JUST like a dog!!
Tamara: *locks and loads chicken*
Draco: Miss Featherbutt is practically RP Abra.


RubyChao: link
Jumpropeman: oh my god
Tamara: why
Tamara: is hibiki a pteradactyl
RubyChao: she is Mad About Arcade Games
Jumpropeman: Hibidley
ivel: I dunno, I had a friend who could make similar noises
Draco: Only a pteranadon enthusiast would know that sound, Harpy. >:U


Gooper Blooper: just what I always wanted
Draco: Amazing
Draco: I'll make her canon next year.


Mezzopiano Sheep: "The theme park and dream world are definitely the most out there, some like the Springfield Butte tame by comparison despite featuring Bigfoot as an enemy,"
Mezzopiano Sheep: JRM has turned his back on the cryptid universe!
Jumpropeman: look man, I wrote Mario in the Brawl, I know how boring a bigfoot is in a fight
Jumpropeman: they should make a bigfoot stealth game
Jumpropeman: where you're bigfoot and you need to avoid having your photo taken
Mezzopiano Sheep: And that game is
Mezzopiano Sheep: Sneak King
Draco: I like watching the game where you're conspiracy theorists hunting Bigfoot.
Mezzopiano Sheep: Oh? what's that?
Draco: It's called Finding Bigfoot.
Jumpropeman: is it still in early access?
Draco: Good question.
RubyChao: link
Draco: Pffft
Mezzopiano Sheep: Poor Del
Draco: Okay, yes, that Bigfoot game is still in Early Access.
Jumpropeman: darn


Tamara: ivel's laptop hates OJ
Jumpropeman: pour a different juice on it next time
Tamara: i kinda spat fiber-filled orange water at my laptop because i was laughing
Tamara: like a really classic spit-take


Jumpropeman: "Lily is girls with the ability. They fight again."
Gooper Blooper: I guess that's one way to announce succubus sister plot


(Censored, just in case...)

Jumpropeman: im glad this family feud video game won't let me skip the scene of the host kissing every woman on the opposing team
Jumpropeman: i can skip some other scenes
Jumpropeman: but not that one!
Jumpropeman: ah yes, my favorite autumn color... rust
Jumpropeman: you know I named my family in this C*** just to test the curse filter but it didn't trigger and now they're on a winning streak
Draco: LOL
Jumpropeman: i notice the host doesn't kiss MY family :I
Jumpropeman: my granny is much hotter than theirs
Draco: He's afraid of you. He can't afford to love that much.
Jumpropeman: The C***s have done so well at Family Feud they have been kicked out
Jumpropeman: Life ain't easy being a C***
Draco: Sounds like a British family.
Jumpropeman: or Australian
Draco: Ooh, yeah. That's better.


RubyChao: hello
RubyChao: guess who just watched all of SAO's gun gale online arc
RubyChao: (spoilers: it's bad)
ivel: welp
Jumpropeman: pitohui?
ivel: sheep?
RubyChao: me AND pitohui together
Jumpropeman: wow
Jumpropeman: how was our psycho friend in the show?
RubyChao: nonexistence! this is the one with Kirito, Pitohui only appears in the spinoff version
ivel: was it better than Alfheim?
ivel: it'd be hard to be worse
RubyChao: i haven't watched alfheim but it was pretty bad
RubyChao: really bad pacing, lots of wasted potential, and of course
RubyChao: another goddamn attempted rape scene
ivel: ew
Jumpropeman: ive heard bad things about SAO, but I don't like the implication of that spoiler
RubyChao: SAO has used "attempted rape as drama" three separate times in three separate arcs
RubyChao: it got to the point where the author received huge backlash when the third one aired
Jumpropeman: well... at least it's attempted drama and not attempted humor like some more problematic animes
RubyChao: thankfully the spinoff feat. Pitohui is written by a different person entirely
RubyChao: also the funny thing is, for mainline sao
RubyChao: -arc about gun gale online, a VR MMO about gunfights
RubyChao: -kirito uses a sword the whole time
RubyChao: -the final battle with the main antagonist has him also bring out a sword to make a gunfight
RubyChao: -kirito's eleventh hour superpower that turns the tide in a super dramatic scene is Actually Using A Gun
Jumpropeman: :|
RubyChao: he spends the entire time deflectng bullets with his sword because he's That Good
Jumpropeman: :|||
ivel: so he's a Jedi?
RubyChao: yes, ivel
ivel: ah yes, Darth Kirito


MobileDraco: Sheep's favorite Pokemon.
Mozzarella Sheep: Pokemon was a mistake
MobileDraco: SHEEP. DON'T SAY THAT. Or you'll incur the wrath of......The Bloop. Legends say it emerges from the Blood Ocean of the Trees to torment the living AND the dead with reckless, relentless, despairing friendship the likes of which no mere mortal can comprehend without Grade 6 Foil Visors.


ivel: this was in 2006.
ivel: this still feels recent to me
ivel: what the heck
ivel: "This video is older than most Fortnite players"
ivel: okay i laughed
ivel: it's true though
Jumpropeman: 14 years ago
Jumpropeman: it did feel early 2000s to me
Jumpropeman: but not 14 years old


Gooper Blooper: me and harpy wound up marathoning 2 and a half hours of robutts
Harpy: there was a lot of ro-butts
Harpy: and a grandmabot
N Goat: Grandmabot?!
Gooper Blooper:
Harpy: "a classic robot wars battle"
Harpy: not what i think of when i think of classic
Harpy: i just think of a mace bot ineffectively bashing literally everything then getting pincered by killalot
N Goat: Granny, nooooo!


Jumpropeman: Hello.
RubyChao: Greetings.
Jumpropeman: How are you.
RubyChao: I'm quite well.
RubyChao: And you?
Jumpropeman: Woah now.
Jumpropeman: Don't get too emotional here.
RubyChao: Ah, that would explain it.
RubyChao: It's been a while, Jokerton.
Jumpropeman: I do have emotions now. Watch as I make myself smile.
Jumpropeman: : ,|'
Jumpropeman: This shows I am happy.
Much Sheep sprays seltzer water


Harpy: oh no, hiccups
Harpy: my one weakness
Harpy: ...ow they are really hurting
Much Sheep: One weakness?
Harpy: well, second weakness next to tickles
ivel: what about cute puppies
ivel: or people saying funny things about cute puppies
Harpy: warning you fuckers for anyone else who meets me in person: you tickle me, you may possibly get hurt
Much Sheep: what about
Much Sheep: dia
Harpy: dia isn't a weakness, she is a strength
Much Sheep: A powerful message in these times


Draco: Name a more iconic duo. I'll wait.
Gooper Blooper: I don't like the look that cat is giving me
RubyChao: dan knows your sins
Harpy: gojira please
Draco: Kit-Kat Klock is watching


Jumpropeman: "Dispatch to the Sad Battle Field!" calls out the Arcade manual to Ghost Pilots
Jumpropeman: who wouldn't want to head to a sad battlefield!
Jumpropeman: I also like that the manual establishes one of the main pilots never speaks only to have him break his years long silence in one of the first paragraphs of story after, saying the fairly plain "we gotta move"
Draco: It was very, VERY important that you move.
Harpy: Move
Draco: GOTTA move.
Brinehammer joined the chat
Brinehammer: We gotta move.
Jumpropeman: =o
Jumpropeman moves two inches to the left
Draco: Okay, Brine, sir.
Harpy: gasp
Draco does the time warp again.
Brinehammer: Whatever keeps us out of the sad battlefield. I want the happy battlefield, darn it 😐
Draco: But is it 100% Orange Juice or are we SKIMPING again? BI
Harpy: its 100%
Draco: Excellent
Draco: Every battlefield's happy with Oda on it.


Harpy: being possessed by a haughty eagle turns you into a megabitch
Jumpropeman: this is why marisa never caught on in rp
Harpy: that's also why i didn't RP asshole reimu
Jumpropeman: you don't? :V
Harpy: you honestly think my reimu's an asshole?
Harpy: because if she is, she's pretty tame compared to canon reimu :V
Gooper Blooper: RP Reimu directs her attitude in the right directions
Harpy: anyway seems like the animal spirits (and power gimmick of the game) influences dialogue and eagle and wolf basically turn the cast into jerks
Jumpropeman: yeah, she's the fun kind of asshole
Harpy: i have no idea what otter does
Harpy: except make your bomb last forever
Harpy: smug marisa just seems stoned out of her mind.
Jumpropeman: when your 5 beers in but still think you're sexy
Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: that's basically marisa in a nutshell
Harpy: ...i was talking about jrm's comment but that works, too
Harpy: presented without context.
Jumpropeman: Marisa in that image


(Re: the 2021-2022 ZFRP setting)

RubyChao: i definitely agree that regardless of central, south, or africa, we should plop it as its Own Thing to minimize potential real life awkwardness
RubyChao: an autonomous territory like kuwahawi and olympia
Jumpropeman: yeah, even if we place ourselves in the amazon, we can always do it at brazil's border or make it all Lesotho and shit
RubyChao: pretty much!
Jumpropeman: never mind screw it Antarctic jungle let's go
Gooper Blooper: Oh yeah, for sure, we talked about not using specific real life locations any more when we were first shopping around for a setting
Gooper Blooper: Inspired By works much better
Brinehammer: The jungle of... Denver, Colorado
Jumpropeman: ski right into a jaguar's mouth
Draco: The terrifying wasteland of DENVER.
Octopus Pal: The post apocalyptic ruins of Nottingham 2020


Jumpropeman: four words
Jumpropeman: samurai jack video game
Jumpropeman: two more words because I found them in the comments
Jumpropeman: 乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚
ComicPanda: Great words
ivel: wait what?
ComicPanda: Samurai
ComicPanda: Jack
ComicPanda: Video
ComicPanda: Game
ivel: 😮
ivel: there was a PS2 game before, but I think that's the only other one
ivel: could be wrong
ivel: but damn
ivel: nice
Jumpropeman: I was gonna say, this game almost looks like a PS2 game with its art style choice, although that's not me saying it will be bad or anything
Jumpropeman: there was a GBA Samurai Jack game too apparently
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: there was a gba everything game
RubyChao: that's not even slightly a surprise
ivel: that is fair
Jumpropeman: chao speaks the truth
ivel: somehow I never owned them even though I loved Samurai Jack
Jumpropeman: looks like the old games go for quite the price
Jumpropeman: 40 bucks and higher
ivel: naturally
ComicPanda: Things become old and cheap, but then they become retro, and get expensive again.
ComicPanda: And if there's a remake or new material making the rounds, the price goes up again.
Jumpropeman: decided to look at donald duck game prices and that name is so generic
Jumpropeman: besides the curse symbols of course
ComicPanda: "Advance" was a whole thing, yeah. Mario did it, too. And something else.
Jumpropeman: it was very common! But Donald Duck Advance just doesn't sound right
ComicPanda: What, you want a title that gives any insight whatsoever into the plot of the game?
ivel: you're right, but Donald Duck Adv@nce!*# sounds right
Jumpropeman: who is that strange bearded dog wizard
Jumpropeman: tell me game
ComicPanda: No answers
Jumpropeman: how does his presence make this more advanced than previous Donald Duck?
ComicPanda: You must play to find out.
ComicPanda: Also, who wants to bet it's a platformer?
ivel: a platformer? On the GBA? Never
ivel: also clearly the dog wizard is Voldemutt
Jumpropeman: Donald Duck Advance... IS A DATING SIM is a platformer yes
ivel: oh, it's actually a remake
ComicPanda: That also makes sense for a game with Advance in the title.
ComicPanda: I think the Wii followed the same remake pattern.
ivel: more like Wiimakes
ComicPanda: ivel is on a roll.
ivel: it's a remake of a game that was on... well, just about everything
Jumpropeman: Going Quackers has a 3D element they removed though
ivel: yup
ivel: so it does have a difference
Jumpropeman: meaning that it might not really play all that much like the game its remaking V:
ComicPanda: Wow, they have no loyalty, Disney.
Jumpropeman: I have conflicted opinions of the disappearance of "same name, different game" stuff now that there is no real inferior system to port new titles to with radical changes
ComicPanda: Playstation and Nintendo both.
Jumpropeman: I'm glad its now clear you're getting the same game no matter how you buy it
ivel: same for Capcom
ComicPanda: There's the PSVita.
ivel: with Resident Evil 4
ivel: jrm said inferior system, Panda :U
Jumpropeman: panda dragging a corpse out and pretending its alive
ComicPanda: The majority seems to think it is - see! He's one of them!
ComicPanda: He fell for my trap!
Jumpropeman: its pretty much a dumping ground for japanese visual novels and anime rpgs so its not fully dead
ComicPanda: I mean
ComicPanda: It also has shitty RPG Maker-looking games.


Jumpropeman: this video game's instructions are presented like old vhs instructional videos
Jumpropeman: not as like a stylistic choice
Jumpropeman: I just think it underestimates its audience so it explains every minutiae slowly with bossa nova music behind it and weird diagrams
Jumpropeman: this game insinuates that selecting an option from the pause menu might be too complicated for some players
ivel: welp
Jumpropeman: >25 minutes
Jumpropeman: it feels longer
ivel: that 25 minutes of tutorials for pinball
Jumpropeman: yes
Brinehammer: Geeze.
Jumpropeman: technically, it does have some things worth explaining like the missions
Jumpropeman: but it also spends too long explaining things like: hitting the ball
Harpy joined the chat
Jumpropeman: now it's explaining some division to me
Harpy: >division
Harpy: sit down, you're in math class
Jumpropeman: it keeps showing examples of numbers divided by ten
Harpy: next thing you know it's gonna tell you about parallel universes
Jumpropeman: up to 140
Jumpropeman: this tutorial IS optional but
Jumpropeman: but I can't give up this deep
Jumpropeman: especially now that its teaching math
Jumpropeman: "this ends my description of the game flipnic" not only is he still talking, but there are two more Game Help segments
Jumpropeman: he's teaching me de fence and oh fens
Jumpropeman: golly gee
Jumpropeman: he enunciates every word
Jumpropeman: peppy music for the final Game Help at least
Jumpropeman: he's
Jumpropeman: he's quiet
Jumpropeman: it's just showing how to do the thing without words
Jumpropeman: instead the silent flippers are having big bold impact font say awesome names for mundane techniques
Jumpropeman: it's sort of like watching a skateboard tricks video
Jumpropeman: he lied to me, he said he'd be in the last video but he wasn't!
Jumpropeman: but I am out of Pinball Tutorial hell finally
Harpy: i feel
Harpy: in pain
Draco: Who needs a pinball tutorial?!
ivel: Goops does
Draco: Oh, okay.
Harpy: i think goops would writhe in pain just hearing about it
Harpy: or i could be projecting
Jumpropeman: i was writhing during it
Jumpropeman: my brother wanted to play smash too
Jumpropeman: so after watching all 25 minutes of that
Jumpropeman: I'm not even playing Flipnic yet :V
Harpy: wow
RubyChao: speaking of no goops tonight
Jumpropeman: he's avoiding the videos
Harpy: 25 minutes of tutorial has made him retreat
Harpy: or its actually because of fuckin snow ::V


Jumpropeman: remember that old ad
Jumpropeman: that feels long ago
ivel: okay grandpa
Draco: Wow. Savage Ivel
ivel: 5 years ago it was


SteelKomodo: i return from the shower
SteelKomodo: or, as our family often calls it, the shwa


Jumpropeman: Just so everyone knows, the Teen Titans Go wiki is very... wiki
Deviant (Temporarily)
Transcendent Deviant (Temporarily)
Human/Homo Sapien
Metahuman (Temporarily)
Wombat (Trigon and Starfire)
Zombie (Temporarily)"

Harpy: uuuuuh


Beware The Running Eyeshadow: If Harpy Sammy was given a talk show
Beware The Running Eyeshadow: And to calm her nerves before the first show took what she thought was a downer
Beware The Running Eyeshadow: But accidently took uppers
Harpy: i realized i had a few good candidates for curseplot and now have... well, maybe SOME use, but not like a buncha dicks
Harpy: i probably wouldn't use them tho
Beware The Running Eyeshadow: Also Phreak is the co-host
Harpy: >sammy and phreak in the same room
Harpy: are you trying to get everyone electricuted
Harpy: not that Phreak is a psychic like sammy, he has more general control of his abilities and it doesn't... well, he don't got no sparks flyin when he's super excited for sure
Beware The Running Eyeshadow: Yeah I picked him because he seemed more laid back and chill
Draco: When Phreak gets excited, his mutant power to dial ten different delivery places goes into overdrive.
Harpy: why dial ten when he can call Mel?
Draco: Because then he gets to see Mel ten times.
Harpy: ...well played


Beware The Running Eyeshadow: Some guy who invented...some sort of air brake I think?
Beware The Running Eyeshadow: He wired some company train bigwig about his product and asked if he wanted to have a look in case he wanted to purchase it
Beware The Running Eyeshadow: The guy, clearly not believing the product could work, wired back "I have no time to waste on fools."
Beware The Running Eyeshadow: Later, when the inventor had successfully tested the brake with another train company, said ceo wrote asking to see it
Beware The Running Eyeshadow: Take a wild guess what the inventor wrote back
Gooper Blooper: kek
Jumpropeman: he wrote back "kek"
Jumpropeman: Harpy has to use Keiki so we can say Keki when she's being silly
Harpy: valid and will be taken into consideration


ivel: listening to a Would You Rather vid to pass the time, and he got "Would you rather eat bacon for the rest of your life or eat potatoes for the rest of your life?"
ivel: I'm going to assume it means ONLY bacon or potato-based foods
ivel: but personally I gotta pick taters, you can cook them up a lot more different ways
Jumpropeman: bacon
ivel: bacon's alright but honestly I generally don't like it that much :U
Jumpropeman: the only potato product I eat is fries so
Jumpropeman: im glad the internet moved on from bacon being inherently funny, because it is one of my favorite foods and even if I'm full I can find room for it if someone makes some ;p
ivel: welp
Jumpropeman: now people will assume my bacon appreciation is genuine instead of memey
ivel: jumpropememe
Jumpropeman: i would never meme!
ivel: embrace your inner meme
HarpMobile (Slep) joined the chat
HarpMobile: Bacon


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