Saturday, November 2, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 351: The Curse Finale Edition

Jumpropeman: you know
Jumpropeman: Permakill would be a good name for a Kobber villain...
Jumpropeman: *rewrites my 2020 plot*
Gooper Blooper: any character he successfully damages is permakilled
Gooper Blooper: this can't possibly go wrong
Jumpropeman: so he's just Gregg
Gooper Blooper: I thought Gregg only normal killed
Jumpropeman: true, true
Jumpropeman: BUT
Jumpropeman: "In Conker's Bad Fur Day, Gregg has green shoes. However, In L&R, his shoes were changed to purple, along with his robe having a slight dark blue tint."
Jumpropeman: CLEARLY
Jumpropeman: Green Shoes Gregg permakills
Jumpropeman: and we only met Purple Shoes, Slight Dark Blue Tint Gregg
Gooper Blooper: I hope that wiki tells us about Gregg's personality
Ripple: I died to gregg?!?
Jumpropeman: the conker wiki does not appear to indulge in personality lists
Jumpropeman: "Gregg is very short (which Conker points out in the game when he dies for the first time) and speaks with an English accent. He despises cats (which have nine lives) and the Undead alike. Despite being the (or perhaps "a"?) Grim Reaper, Gregg is less than frightful."
Jumpropeman: however it is a fan of parenthetical statements


Jumpropeman: why is doremy your least favorite hu goops
Modded Sheep: She knows what she did!
Jumpropeman: her last name is sweet
Jumpropeman: how can anyone hate her!
Gooper Blooper: Doremy is my least favorite hu because I regularly see her in a Yukari-esque holier-than-thou trolling role, AND the majority of that time she is focused specifically on going after Sumireko because of the whole "Sumi dreams to visit Gensokyo" thing and Doremy is all about that kind of stuff
Gooper Blooper: Now, those two things alone would be a rough tie with Yukari, but
Gooper Blooper: Yukari is cuter
Jumpropeman: but Doremy is covered in balls!
Modded Sheep: That IS true...
Modded Sheep: She IS covered in balls, Goops...
Modded Sheep: You CAN'T deny that she's covered in balls...
Modded Sheep has no idea who Doremy is


RubyChao: you want me to edit my post to take out my stuff for your team, draco?
RubyChao: cause i'm cool with that
Gooper Blooper: As long as Yohane's attack is still "hacking" because I've already written that part
Jumpropeman: it's not just hacking
Jumpropeman: it's wheezing too!
RubyChao: i mean
RubyChao: yohane's attack options are basically
RubyChao: -Hacking
RubyChao: -Flopping
RubyChao: -Throwing Her Hair Meatball Somehow
RubyChao: so i think you're good


RubyChao: behold
RubyChao: the delegation's greatest enemy here
Bree joined the chat
RubyChao: hi bree
Bree: it me again
Harpy: thigh.
Harpy: hi
Bree: thigh hi?
Harpy: i am distracted by the yohane picture
Harpy: and thigh
Harpy: i see thigh and i like thigh.
Gooper Blooper: lel
Harpy: ...when's yohane going scuba diving tho
RubyChao: yohane jumps off olympia into the ocean
RubyChao: to scuba
Jumpropeman: not a single yohane has a nose there
RubyChao: see? they have Gooper Power
Harpy: when do they get JRM power tho.
Jumpropeman: what would JRM power be
Harpy: the ability to smell bullshit
Harpy: because they actually have a nose.


Jumpropeman: the timing of the announcer line "Women's Revolution has become Women's Evolution" couldn't have been more perfect


(The final boss of Curseplot is revealed to be Hardcore Prawn, the evil Zoofights champion Cornwind hated)

RubyChao: futo is gonna be mad *throws the angry flailing fire child at the crustacean*
Harpy: I have my reason to be mad and Ripple is merely the vehicle in which I will annihilate him.
Gooper Blooper: I finally figured out how to get CW to attend my plots as a protag!
RubyChao: leave some for us, ya berk
RubyChao: silly goops
Harpy: i wanna be cool, too, guys...
RubyChao: cornwind will just send Requiem, Somehow
Gooper Blooper: there's room for everyone in the finale, that's a promise
Gooper Blooper: well maybe not kaede
RubyChao: nonsense
RubyChao: Kanade has the -
RubyChao: oh you said Kaede
RubyChao: yeah no Kaede is gonna die instantly in the finale
Jumpropeman: I'll be happy with the finale so long as I kill literally everyone besides the main villain :)
Gooper Blooper: I've wanted to do this for years, CW, YEARS
Gooper Blooper: but my initial plan was to burn it off in a BBP!
Cornwind Evil: Picture a violent smashing version of the end of this clip


Harpy: behold
Harpy: a plot where dia doesn't die
Jumpropeman: we'll get her next time
Harpy: jrm you killed her last with skywire
Jumpropeman: and I won't plot again until I can assure she dies once more
Cornwind Evil: Fission Mailed: Dia somehow gets extra lives.


Jumpropeman: time for my favorite part of Pilotwings
Jumpropeman: the part where it stops being about taking flying tests
Jumpropeman: and it's time to stop goddamn terrorists
Gooper Blooper: "Did you learn to fly your plane? Yes? NOW FACE THE WAR ON TERROR"
Jumpropeman: It asks you if you want to do the mission, and you can say Yes or No
Gooper Blooper: uh oh
Jumpropeman: but he keeps shaming me for picking no
Gooper Blooper: knew it
Jumpropeman: "I forgot, chickens cannot fly!"
Gooper Blooper: No Terrorists? SHAME!
Jumpropeman: This is also the guy who was training me last round and now he says he only has motorcycle certification
Jumpropeman: how were you certified to judge my hanggliding buddy
Gooper Blooper: eh, close enough


Jumpropeman: cool witch
Cornwind Evil: Her hat looks like it has a clam infestation
Draco: Maybe she's a sea witch.
Modded Sheep: Maybe it's Maybeline.


Jumpropeman: for some reason
Jumpropeman: there's an Australian exclusive DS game about House, the doctor
Modded Sheep: That is strange
Jumpropeman: oh, I think I found out why
Jumpropeman: they split it into episodic downloadable titles for the DSi in the U.S., Australia was able to get it in a package and for the older system
Modded Sheep: Oh, I see
Jumpropeman: "One of these mini-games, though, is very different from the others. Instead of a diagnostic test, this mini-game is all about getting Dr. House his lunch. Players control a large sandwich and must navigate from the restaurant to House's office without getting eaten by any of the other medical personnel in the hospital. It's so unexpected and random that players may laugh through the entire experience. It's a very nice comedic break from the rest of the game. Online gaming enthusiasts can play free slots games with grizzly. This gives them the option to play for free and learn how to play without spending any money. This takes video gamers love for games to the next level; the option to play for free, learn the game then play for real casino money and win big!"
Jumpropeman: this... official website for the game is strange
Jumpropeman: "Just like in the series, the patients don't always tell the entire truth, and players will have to figure out what they're lying about or omitting from their statements. Did you know that you can bet on television shows? The website predominantly focuses on free bets for sports but you could use these to place a bet on television shows - which is perhaps one of the most entertaining ways to get closer to the action. Visit the site for more info."
Modded Sheep: "Players control a large sandwich"
Modded Sheep: You've already sold me.
Jumpropeman: a South African gambling site bought the domain apparently and is trying to half pretend it's the old site
Modded Sheep: That is wild.
Jumpropeman: I hope the sandwich game is real
Jumpropeman: and not just a wily trick to get us to bet on sports
RubyChao: i actually saw this elsewhere
RubyChao: hang on
RubyChao: "Super Mario is probably the most popular game in the world. From kids to old people, everyone knows about this game. Year after year, Nintendo doesn't disappoint with Mario series game releases. I am officially addicted to this game. Another thing that I really enjoy and kind of addicted to is online poker. If you get going, there is easy cash to be made. That's why I like this game so much."
Jumpropeman: apparently gambling sites will pay a lot to bloggers and such if they integrate ads to their site
Jumpropeman: as in, in the articles
Draco: So when do we get The Game Hoard sponsored by TotallyLegitBlackjackNoCheats.cht?
Jumpropeman: I'd NEVER sell out no matter how good the odds are on the slots over at where I spend all my time!
Draco: Dang! I was hoping you'd give the Baccarat game at UnlimitedCardPayoutsGiveUsYourCreditCardNumber.scm a review on The Game Hoard.
Jumpropeman: you know that's an automatic Fantastic ;p
Draco: But how will the people know about the wonders and intricate strategies involved in sites like WeDontEvenHideThatWeStackTheOdds.$$$ unless you tell them?
Jumpropeman: The only strategy you need is how to pull yourself away from the addicting and the *cough cough* legality of their amazing Insert Your Social Security Number and Receive Money game!
Draco: Oh man! That one's almost as good as the Wire Us Your Bank Account Info game! You could get UP TO $10,000!


Draco: Saw this and thought of Sine.
Jumpropeman: i see it
Draco: My new Sine headcanon is that she's a pistol-packin' mama.
Jumpropeman: my new Sine headcanon is she has no forehead
Draco: GASP
Jumpropeman: clearly she'll use that pistol on Prawn
Cornwind Evil: Well she DID have the multiple lives thing


Jumpropeman: wow
Jumpropeman: this song originated from an Archie cartoon
Draco: That's a fact.
Modded Sheep: WOW


Jumpropeman: jesus
Jumpropeman: there are 33 scooby doo animated movies
Jumpropeman: wait sorry
Jumpropeman: 37
Jumpropeman: 4 are TV movies and 33 are direct to video
Draco: Did any of them make it to theaters? Probably not.
Jumpropeman: none of the animated movies, but two live action ones did
Jumpropeman: and there is one called Scoob!! set for a 2020 theatrical run that is animated
Jumpropeman: did you know there was a Scooby Doo Blair Witch parody as well
Jumpropeman: I might have mentioned it before
Draco: Wasn't that a bunch of Cartoon Network bumpers?
Jumpropeman: the description explains it better than I could :V
Draco: Ah.
Draco: lol
Modded Sheep: I...did not know about this
Modded Sheep: I will have to watch this
Modded Sheep: another time
Jumpropeman: Scoob
Jumpropeman: that movie I mentioned earlier
Jumpropeman: is being billed as part of an HBU
Jumpropeman: that's right
Jumpropeman: a Hanna Barbara Cinematic Universe
Modded Sheep: huuba-WAH?!
Jumpropeman: can't wait for Laff-A-Lympics to be their infinity war
Jumpropeman: Inch High Private Eye movie when
Untitled Del Game joined the chat
Jumpropeman: welcome del
Jumpropeman: are you ready for Huckleberry Hound to be the new Iron Man


Jumpropeman: it's kinda weird Donald Duck sounds the way he does when we see no other ducks in his world speak that way
A Clownly Del: true


Haripple: Juan is going to smack a god.
Jumpropeman: but harp
Jumpropeman: wouldn't he just smack himself
Haripple: he can and will smack himself.


Gooper Blooper: finally started costume quest 2 today
Gooper Blooper: loving it so far
Jumpropeman: woo woo
Jumpropeman: how 'bout that candy corn
Gooper Blooper: I am legitimately stunned by how many lines they gave Candy Corn.
Gooper Blooper: I've seen like three dozen and still no repeats
Jumpropeman: there's an achievement for playing the whole game with someone full time Candy Corn
Jumpropeman: there must be hundreds
Draco: wao
Gooper Blooper: for those who haven't played Costume Quest 2: the Candy Corn form does nothing
Gooper Blooper: Every turn it gives you an Earthbound-esque joke line, and it can take hits, but it can't attack
Gooper Blooper: Pokey apologizes profusely, or whatever it was
Haripple: The Statues strike a pose!
Haripple: It was stunning.
Haripple: "Candy Corn is under a lot of pressure right now."
Haripple: excuse.
Gooper Blooper: Keep in mind what these kids' imaginations did for a french fry costume
Gooper Blooper: and this is all they can think of for candy corn.
Haripple: candy corn's hilarious.
ivel: I like candy corn so I take offense to that video >:I
Jumpropeman: i don't resent you liking candy corn
Jumpropeman: because that means we don't have to send them to a landfill
Haripple: i'm just here for the chocolate


Jumpropeman: link
Minoceros Sheep: why
Jumpropeman: i like that it looks like the boobs are the ones talking
Minoceros Sheep: Hmm.
Minoceros Sheep: It does.


Minoceros Sheep: "pushing through a forest filled with mutated feral hogs and unicycle riding bears,"
Minoceros Sheep: How can one forest contain so many entertainment trained bears?!
Jumpropeman: years of selective breeding
Minoceros Sheep: "Some like the cows with machine gun udders perhaps stick around beyond where they should be expected to be found"
Minoceros Sheep: And tell me
Minoceros Sheep: good sir
Minoceros Sheep: Just where should I expect to stumble upon cows with artillery-based teats?
Jumpropeman: probably not in your home right behind you
Jumpropeman: Really though, the cows begin making appearances in areas where otherwise enemies are more on theme besides them, such as popping up inexplicably in the subway
Minoceros Sheep: Hmmm.
Jumpropeman: when they first appear in the farm level, it's not so weird!
Minoceros Sheep: That's a neat looking strongman.
Jumpropeman: just picture it: Farmer John waking up to the cock's crow, heading out into the glistening dawn to grab the barrel of bessie's teat and get a fresh pail of 7.8mm lead rounds
Minoceros Sheep: Beautiful.
Jumpropeman: it's the rural ideal
Minoceros Sheep: Hmm.
Minoceros Sheep: I've been wondering about this Bendy and the Ink Machine review.
Minoceros Sheep: You might think I'd be all over that title, but I saw some footage of it in its early days that did nothing to endear me to it.
Minoceros Sheep: It's hard exactly, even still, for me to put my finger on why
Minoceros Sheep: Something about, perhaps, other than its visual presentation, the rest seemed somewhat hollow to me.
Minoceros Sheep: Anwho, let's see what YOU have to say!
Draco has nothing to say to you. BI
Minoceros Sheep proceeds to be nuked from orbit by an Excellent rating

Jumpropeman: don't be silly
Jumpropeman: it's getting an ONLY GAME YOU NEED rating


MobileDraco: "The hospital was probably getting sick of her visits at some point. " <- They made a "Visit ten times, get one free" punchcard just for Joy.
Meaty Sheep: You know I'm going to have Basu pull one of these out of his non-existent wallet now.
Jumpropeman: if kobber hospital wasn't free for kobbers I need to send Shimmer to debtor's prison


Meaty Sheep: "Jumpropeman: what's going on with mars?" "Cornwind Evil: Nothing."
Meaty Sheep: I'm glad we've finally established this.


Gooper Blooper: I share JRM's earlier sentiment of "I'm excited to do these last few plots but I am also excited to be done"
RubyChao: same, yeah
RubyChao: season 9 was GREAT but
RubyChao: this is why we need an offseason
Harpy: yeah, it got way too intense
Harpy: for better or for worse
Jumpropeman: twas an amazing season
Gooper Blooper: I don't think I'm being too self-centered by taking some credit for how this season turned out :V
Jumpropeman: curse was an amazing idea
Meaty Sheep: "guys, i still have a plot lef-" "TWAS AN AMAZING SEASON!"
Jumpropeman: look sheep
Jumpropeman: unless you bomb it pretty hard
Meaty Sheep: Curse went over like gangbusters
Jumpropeman: I don't think the season's going to be less than amazing :V


Jumpropeman: man, Kanto goes so quick
Gooper Blooper: Gen 2 Kanto is like if Game Freak did a region in the mongolian manchurian steppe
Jumpropeman: I'm at Janine's gym now, where all the trainers are pretending to be her
Jumpropeman: and I'm constantly hoping I DON'T find her
Jumpropeman: get that sweet exp
Gooper Blooper: hah, very like me there
Jumpropeman: just like answering questions wrong at Blaine's gym
Gooper Blooper: YEP
RubyChao: yeah, Young Chao skipped trainers wherever he could
RubyChao: but nowadays?
RubyChao: trainers are experience piantas
RubyChao: i need to hit them all with a stick
Harpy: :o
Harpy: thats pinatas, senor
Draco: "I'M A CHUCKSTER" "300 exp"
Harpy: i'm too lazy to find out how to do a tilde
Harpy: on an n
Jumpropeman: I think I've killed like, 4 wild pokemon for exp, plus Red Gyarados. Everything else is trainers
Harpy: >you killed Red Gyarados
Jumpropeman: I've caught him like five times before!
RubyChao: oh my god i just noticed the typo
RubyChao: that wasn't even intentional
Gooper Blooper: "I'm a Chuckster!" *battle theme starts*


Harpy: i will make the writing thing canon and put it on my blog
Harpy: and whatever happens, happens
Harpy: the hype machine is very weird.
Gooper Blooper: super phreak
Gooper Blooper: super phreak, he's super phreaky
Jumpropeman: you're not allowed to do that goop
Jumpropeman: my mind was doing the same thing XD
Harpy: my second thought was "Phreakazoid"
Gooper Blooper: I'm sure he's never heard any of these before
Harpy: he hasn't, because he's been isolated
Jumpropeman: he isolated himself to avoid the puns
Harpy: but once he's in the ZF Prime Dimension
Harpy: he's going to have a lot of regrets.


N Goat: Tonight on Fire Force: fire.
Jumpropeman: is it being forced though
N Goat: oh, it's always forced.


Gooper Blooper: I finally figured out the perfect analogy for the second half of this season

RubyChao: took me a second and now i love it
HarpyonWheels: love how i'm nowhere on this
HarpyonWheels: skeedaddled the fuck outta there
HarpyonWheels: also accurate.
Gooper Blooper: you only did a couple of plots in the second half of the year, but I would have added you if there was one more woodland animal
HarpyonWheels: yeah, i wanted to avoid ending my most important stuff in october, period
Jumpropeman: yohane's face is particularly good for that image goop


N Goat: Don't think I didn't notice the "COBARAMARU IS ALIIIIIVE!" part of that post earlier.
N Goat: clearly dead
N Goat: nobody could have survived that
N Goat: etc.
Gooper Blooper: Cobramaru pulls off his head to reveal it was a mask and he's actually Wild Dog
Cornwind Evil: Don't tempt me, Goops


N Goat: Tomorrow's got the Sword of Damocles hanging over my head
N Goat: and it's something, something, filling me with dreeeead
N Goat: or however the song goes
N Goat: So I need to Conserve Power
Gooper Blooper: *Sheep lets us kill Scarab in one turn and then hands the plot over to Chao for five rounds of combat with Colonel Bogey*
N Goat: Seeya for a bit-WHY


Jumpropeman: a fun design
Gooper Blooper: you're only saying that because the wings are like cirno's
Draco: Shimmer's final form
Jumpropeman: I found the picture by searching Shimmer on devart :V
Gooper Blooper: We need more pictures of Shimmer!
Jumpropeman: I'm putting those words on a protest sign
Draco: I WANT PICTURES OF SHIMMER MAN ON MY DESK PRONTO. *slams desk, breaks hands*


Jumpropeman: I love Tony Hawk's face on this cover
Jumpropeman: he looks like he's in tremendous pain
Draco: He can see where his video game career leads at the bottom of the hill.


Jumpropeman: I didn't expect that to happen with nobu :V
RubyChao: oh no-bu
YEEEEEEEE: Nobu leveled up
Jumpropeman: and specced into EVIL
Waluigi: Nobu was just going to scamper around and be a general nuisance, but I had the idea at work and kinda liked it. Oda is growing up because she's growing as a person; Nobu likewise was able to self-actualize, just, y'know, as a bloodthirsty war criminal.


Momentous Sheep: "Fans of the bar topic will know Air Bud isn't the only dog who is here today!"
Momentous Sheep: Could it be?
Momentous Sheep: Rapping Scotty Dog?!
Momentous Sheep: "Fay hits the scene and quickly activates her barrier,"
Momentous Sheep: oh.
Gooper Blooper: Sheep was hoping for Henry the Screaming Dog
Momentous Sheep: I'm always hoping
MobileDraco: Sorry. Rapping Scotty Dog made his cameo.
Gooper Blooper: maybe I should have made Henry The Screaming Dog a garbage curse
Gooper Blooper: TOO LATE NOW
RubyChao: are you saying
RubyChao: henry the screaming dog isn't the true boss of hardcore prawn?
RubyChao: just ruin all my predictions like that why don't you
Gooper Blooper: the man behind the man... behind the man... behind the man
MobileDraco: Behind Paul Blart


Jumpropeman: today my parents got me a new gamefly subscription, although scuttlebutt online seems to be that gamefly isn't doing too hot
Jumpropeman: gotta rent The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer while I still can!
Gooper Blooper: Gotta hurry and pick up inexplicably-expensive-to-buy-used garbage while it can still be rented!
Gooper Blooper: EVERY GAME
Jumpropeman: some of the games I had planned to rent were removed since my last subscription
Gooper Blooper: the bastards
Jumpropeman: gamecube games are slim pickings now
Jumpropeman: Yogi Bear for Wii is there though, so there is still some hope left in this world
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: thank god
Gooper Blooper: don't know what I woulda done if they had denied you wii shovelware
Jumpropeman: a lot of the games I'm searching for PS3 are gone... but their 360 equivalents are there
Gooper Blooper: Xyra strikes again
Jumpropeman: so I might have picked the right time to get one :V
RubyChao: link
Jumpropeman: THE MARIO
Jumpropeman: even bootlegs have more to their titles
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: works with Wii MotionPlus!
Jumpropeman: surprised ZOO put in that extra bit of effort
Jumpropeman: "Gather your friends, dim the lights, and get the popcorn ready. Calling is a single player adventure"
Gooper Blooper: they're supposed to watch, hence the dimmed lights and popcorn
Jumpropeman: you can sort by popularity on Gamefly
Jumpropeman: and in the DS section
Jumpropeman: where there are 934 games, the least popular game is Mage Knight: Destiny's Soldier, just barely losing to My Stop Smoking Coach
Jumpropeman: it lost out to this hit
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: well... that sure is a video game right there
Jumpropeman: truly worthy of four generic fantasy words
RubyChao: i love how everything is so generic
RubyChao: the designs
RubyChao: the music
RubyChao: the layout
RubyChao: everything
RubyChao: even the couple lines of dialogue
Jumpropeman: "The year is 435 Tz, and every faction in the land is at war. If it continues there won't be much land left to fight over. The strain on the world's magical energy is literally tearing the land apart. The land's fate lies in your hands. You must earn the respect of all the races of the land, and together you must fight to keep the land alive. Travel the land earning respect and engage in battles along your journey leading up to an all out war."
Jumpropeman: land land land land
Gooper Blooper: I had suspected from the name that it was at the bottom because even the blatant shovelware has a niche and this is just a generic clone game
Gooper Blooper: though apparently it IS licensed
Gooper Blooper: based on a tabletop!
Gooper Blooper: "The year is 435 LD, and every faction in the land is at war. Land War. If it continues there won't be much land left to fight over. The strain on the land's magical energy is literally tearing the land apart. The land's fate lies in your lands. You must land the respect of all the races of the land, and together you must fight to keep the land alive. Travel the land earning respect and engage in land battles along your land journey leading up to an all out Land War."
RubyChao: i can't even see the difference
RubyChao: until i look closely
Jumpropeman: I didn't even get it was a joke until I reached the end. I thought you found an alternate synopsis :V
Gooper Blooper: I even changed "Tz" to "LD"
RubyChao: "The land is 435 LD, and every land in the land is at land. Land Land. If it continues there won't be much land left to fight over. The land on the land's magical land is literally tearing the land apart. The land's fate lies in your lands. You must earn the land of all the lands of the land, and together you must fight to keep the land alive. Travel the land earning land and engage in land along your land leading up to an all out Land Land."


RubyChao: "Turns out that a few years back Mysterio copyrighted the term "Sinister Six" behind the backs of his teammates. Now whenever other villains try to use the name for team-ups he forces them to pay royalties."
RubyChao: this feels like something that someone in ZFRP would pull


Jumpropeman: Butts Gone Wrong is either the best or worst reality show depending on the angle


Gooper Blooper: srspost
Gooper Blooper: it's only a matter of time before I put DRACULA, CRAZY VAMPIRE into RP
Phreakazoid: what a horrible night to have a ritual.
RubyChao: *googles dracula, crazy vampire*
RubyChao: *game hoard first result*
Jumpropeman: wut
Gooper Blooper: congrats JRM
Phreakazoid: :D
RubyChao: try it yourself, it might just be my search history
Jumpropeman: it's the same for me but... I'm me :V
Gooper Blooper: happens for me too
Gooper Blooper: first result!
Phreakazoid: first result is real
Phreakazoid: i just checked
Jumpropeman: even in a no cookie incognito tab google pulls up me first
Jumpropeman: ain't that the living end
RubyChao: CRAZY
Jumpropeman: there is benefit to covering the most random forgotten games!
Gooper Blooper: I don't know why I waited until now to look at actual footage of Crazy Vampire
Gooper Blooper: you never mentioned the disorienting camera
RubyChao: 1:22
RubyChao: he looks pretty crazy there
Gooper Blooper: Dracula: Eager Vampire
Jumpropeman: If I'm the top google result, it might be my duty to edit in a small warning about the camera!
Momentous Sheep: You'd better!
Jumpropeman: there, a minor edit made to the revi- *review plummets to final google result now that the SEO is thrown off*
Gooper Blooper: another sentence written about Dracula: Crazy Vampire
Gooper Blooper: today's a good day
Jumpropeman: the fact I am so high up just sort of shows how poorly covered some old games are. I may not be archiving ROMs or recording footage, but I'm glad I contribute in my own way
Phreakazoid: in a way you are kinda archiving some obscure game's legacy
Phreakazoid: and maybe preventing some poor sap from getting the game just willy nilly
Jumpropeman: I always try to have a very good boxart image as well since those aren't always the easiest to find
Jumpropeman: I'd say I try the same for screenshots but the awful quality of my Mister Mosquito images still haunts me to this day
Jumpropeman: LOOK AT IT
RubyChao: BANNED
Phreakazoid: what
Phreakazoid: am i even
Phreakazoid: looking at
Momentous Sheep looks at it
Momentous Sheep makes JRM his forum Foe
Jumpropeman: *deletes Night in the Woods review before posting it in shame*


Phreakazoid: thank.
Phreakazoid: i don't know why this kills me
Gooper Blooper: I do
Gooper Blooper: because "thank" has been an RP meme for ages, you started it, and now you see it in a vidya
Phreakazoid: THANK TO HERO


Jumpropeman: now that i have a 360
Jumpropeman: I can see if Lollipop Chainsaw is playable on that
Jumpropeman: since on PS3 it glitched before I could fight the boss Cornwind used in RP
Jumpropeman: with both copies I tried :V
Cornwind Evil: I also stole the second to last boss' motorcycle
Jumpropeman: give it back D:
Cornwind Evil: Okay.
Jumpropeman: good
Jumpropeman: now give me a kit kat bar
Cornwind Evil drops a giant motorcycle elephant mech on the doorstep of the ZFPD.
Cornwind Evil: -Now they can't get out-
Jumpropeman: and that's how the Curse won
Cornwind Evil: Even when it was just Plague and Chompette.
Cornwind Evil: It's like that Survivor Series match
Cornwind Evil: Where one guy lost everyone on his team
Cornwind Evil: Leaving him 5 on 1
Cornwind Evil: And then the other team got into a massive internal fight and they all got counted out and the one guy won.


Cornwind Evil: I just wanted a funny sports playing skeleton...
Cornwind Evil is trying to make exact sense of it all.
Momentous Sheep: TOO BAD


Cornwind Evil: At this point I don't think we should ever encounter the Mother
Cornwind Evil: We should just clean up her messes one at a time and leave her impotent in the void.
Momentous Sheep: She's definitely
Momentous Sheep: One Bad Mother
Momentous Sheep: ROLL CREDITS!
Momentous Sheep: An attack I regret Scarab didn't do: Just decking someone with a dodge ball.


Jumpropeman: I was thinking recently we haven't had any protagonist permadeaths lately
Jumpropeman: this thought has nothing to do with upcoming events =)
YEEEEEEEE: Don't tempt me
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: if you want
RubyChao kicks Peko out into direct sunlight
Jumpropeman: *Jacques accidentally crushes Cirno with a hug*


Gooper Blooper: Here's Noel Plague's intro line since I didn't get a chance to use it
Gooper Blooper: "There's no I in team, and that's a damn shame!"
RubyChao: nice
Jumpropeman: >Bamzu
Jumpropeman: the memes, jack
Gooper Blooper: can you tell I'm enjoying myself
RubyChao: yes, goops
Meditative Sheep: "Just call us the Sherlock Gnomes!"
Meditative Sheep: time to burn it all down.
Meditative Sheep: curse was a mistake.
Jumpropeman: I would have drawn attention to that line too
Jumpropeman: but Sheep had to see it first
Meditative Sheep: "You won't think I'm so cute after I eat this kitten!" Ranamon Plague threatens, clutching a plush Garfield toy and spraying water at Youmu.
Meditative Sheep screaming into the night
Meditative Sheep: But where's the Plague clone?
Meditative Sheep: "Yep. It's Kum Haehyun Plague."
Meditative Sheep: Oh buddy
Meditative Sheep: "It's Tamaki Plague."
Meditative Sheep: why would you do this
Meditative Sheep: "I despise nothing more than this folly you call love! Pfpth!"
Meditative Sheep: Spat Plague is just Plague in his mask with Spat's hat on top, a pair of tiny bat wings, and a black speedo.
Meditative Sheep: "DON'T ask your doctor is Mucinex is right for you! Trust me, it ain't!"
Meditative Sheep: I have been over here
Meditative Sheep: living in TERROR over what the Mr. Mucus costume was going to be like.
Jumpropeman: same


Meditative Sheep: link
Meditative Sheep: link
Jumpropeman: her hair reminds me of ripple ice cream
Meditative Sheep: link
RubyChao: so
RubyChao: when is Haehyun getting a page in the Ladies of Curse Pinup Calendar
Jumpropeman: Plumbellinas look really saucy on April's page!
RubyChao: look plague REALLY needed emergency cash
Meditative Sheep: Her pin up is this, Chao
Jumpropeman: VA VA VOOM
PhreakShocc: *looks*
PhreakShocc: i appreciate.
PhreakShocc: *turns off bisexual mode*
PhreakShocc: *falls over*
Draco: lol


Meditative Sheep shuffles papers
Meditative Sheep: HAH!
Meditative Sheep: Psyche.
Gooper Blooper: XD


RubyChao: "Anyone with intense cybernetic implants needs to be put on watch. Don't gotta round 'em up, but we don't know how deep this goes or what leverage they need."
RubyChao: blasto constantly holding guns to adelaide all day
RubyChao: adelaide looking very nervous


Meditative Sheep: Oh, now that we're past Haehyun's plot, here's some footage of the best Haehyun I've ever seen
Meditative Sheep: Their first couple matches are against Faust!
Jumpropeman: garsp
Jumpropeman: its the wall bounce kick!
Meditative Sheep: Yeah, the wall bounce kick is one of Haehyun's big gimmicks
Meditative Sheep:
Meditative Sheep:
Meditative Sheep: Hello, Brine
Jumpropeman: *laps up the Haehyun fanart*
RubyChao: i'm honestly surprised to see sheep posting all the cute fanart
RubyChao: who are you and what have you done with sheep
Meditative Sheep: This is it
Meditative Sheep: This is the character.
Jumpropeman: haha
Meditative Sheep: link
Meditative Sheep tuns off the art spigot
RubyChao: nooo keep it going
RubyChao: it's fun
RubyChao: i like sheep being the one to throw cute girl art everywhere
Meditative Sheep: Fine, one last thing. Because I just like this sequence of her intro animation here


Cornwind Ruins The Oscars: So Jacques basically realized he didn't have to be evil.
Cornwind Ruins The Oscars: Cirno basically stupided him across the morality line
Cornwind Ruins The Oscars: Though in this case
Cornwind Ruins The Oscars: When I say stupid
Cornwind Ruins The Oscars: I mean 'incapable of thinking she could fail.'
RubyChao: hey it wasn't just cirno
RubyChao: hibiki friendshipped at him as well
Cornwind Ruins The Oscars: But mainly Cirno


RubyChao: apparently gridman and symphogear had an official crossover in the latter's mobile gacha game
RubyChao: i thought you'd find that fact fun
Working Del: of course hibiki got it
Working Del: can't get anymore #ruined
RubyChao: i should watch gridman
RubyChao: maybe this offseason
Working Del: you should
Working Del: its really good
Working Del: except for maybe like, one episode?
RubyChao: i can live with one episode being not really good
RubyChao: symphogear had an entire season that was not good
Working Del: ha
Working Del: fair


Multi Sheep: "She'd just come here for a lunch break,"
Multi Sheep: A bread break?
Multi Sheep: "Xyra baby! I know he got some sorta hold on you, but I don't believe whatever doodad's doing it is stronger than my friend in there!"
Multi Sheep: Voiceover: "The doodad was stronger than her friend."
Multi Sheep: "Faito dayo!"
Multi Sheep: You know, I should have seen it coming
Multi Sheep: but did not
RubyChao: would you say
RubyChao: your faito was dayoed
Multi Sheep: :I
Multi Sheep: I would not
Multi Sheep: and never
Multi Sheep: "She's got a thicc skull though,"
Multi Sheep two thumbs down
Multi Sheep: "Better late than never"
Multi Sheep: I think you mean
Multi Sheep: Better Nate than lever.
Multi Sheep: "Bifelgan's Bounty - Tressa invokes the blessing of Orsterra's patron god of merchants, Bifelgan, for this move. If she uses this, she'll swipe not just a foe's most valuable possession, but everything they have on them, including the clothes on their back."
Multi Sheep: :I
Multi Sheep: I don't want to fight a giant, naked Xyra


Multi Sheep: "Good Cool Kaiser"
Multi Sheep: WHAT A NAME!
SteelKomodo: i just took a look at the robot
SteelKomodo: no thank you, that's ugly as fuck
Multi Sheep: Darn it, Sentai
Multi Sheep: How do you screw up cool giant robots
SteelKomodo: like so
Multi Sheep: oh no
Multi Sheep: OH NOOOOO
Multi Sheep: WHO OKAYED THIS?!
SteelKomodo: the lupin vs pat mecha were all very ugly
Multi Sheep: I can't get over the giant tube (gun?) coming out of the ankle
SteelKomodo: that's supposed to be a baton
SteelKomodo: i am not joking
SteelKomodo: also those mecha needed cgi to do any remotely good stunts
Multi Sheep: That has to be such an inconvenience when fighting in a city
SteelKomodo: it makes what they did with the series after look like a breath of fresh air
Multi Sheep: oh, wow, I thought it was either a very weird bazooka or a telescope
Cornwind Evil: Must be me, I'm also fond of the super mech merge from Go-Busters
Multi Sheep: That baton has got to make that robot trip constantly as it gets caught on building corners


Multi Sheep: Speaking of doing stuff in November...
Multi Sheep: I believe Kiibo still needs to chat with Dilgear
Multi Sheep: And then there's the whole deal that was set up with Mortimer and Jason getting revved up to confront David Mammoth.
RubyChao: >dilgear is back
RubyChao: :O
Multi Sheep: probably not.
Jumpropeman: yeah, I'm down for the David Mammoth confrontation in the end of year wrapups
Multi Sheep: A David Mammoth Christmas
Jumpropeman: i was ready to have jason come back next year just for that if that wasn't resolved this year :V
Multi Sheep: You will be visited by three meeeeechs
Multi Sheep: If it makes Jason stick around another year, I will absolutely delay it
Jumpropeman: :I
Multi Sheep: But I felt like something should happen on that front this year after they talked about it
Jumpropeman: Jason will be in Olympia next year
Jumpropeman: but its gonna focus more on living life than Kobbering
Multi Sheep: So what you're say is
Multi Sheep: I should delay it until the next setting
Multi Sheep: Got you loud and clear
Jumpropeman: :IIIIIIII


Cornwind Evil: I couldn't remember what Xyra's faceclaim was so I just googled 'X-Box Chan' on a hunch and IT WAS A BAD IDEA
Gooper Blooper: specifically she's the console-tan for Xbox One
Gooper Blooper: there's
Gooper Blooper: a lot of porn!
Gooper Blooper: But also a lot of cute pictures I saved
Jumpropeman: i approve of the cute


Jumpropeman: "Lift Santa's spirits by pressing the A button"
Jumpropeman: that is a colorful way of saying Jump


Multi Sheep: My state at after having run more plot days than I ever have this season
Jumpropeman: think that's gonna be a lot of us after today
RubyChao: i can confirm that is me
Harpymobile: I already feel that
RubyChao: after attending/running 24 plots in one month
Gooper Blooper: I think after all the plots that happened this year, I missed... four? Out of all of them? I think?
RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: that's better than me!
Harpymobile: the hype machine backfired
Harpymobile: real hard
RubyChao: i missed a couple because friend in september and a couple this month because i was just Dead
RubyChao: not sure of any others off the top of my head
Gooper Blooper: I skipped the first Great Never event, KOF finale, and the Digimon two-parter
RubyChao: i skipped
RubyChao: KOF finale, Ryugaplot finale, both Neeko events, and Malizza's final gambit
Jumpropeman: even with my efforts to attend most every plot, brawl season means there's no point trying to count over here
Harpymobile: I would have attended more, but work schedule worked against me in the latter half of the year
Multi Sheep: And a good thing Goops was elsewhere for Digiplot, or I'd STILL be trying to off Ranamon!
Harpymobile: plz.
Gooper Blooper: XD
RubyChao: sheep finally, finally admits the hype in his last rp post forever
RubyChao: he puts in size=1 font
RubyChao: "ranamon is alive"
Multi Sheep: N E V E R
Harpymobile: everyone’s favorite gremlin
Multi Sheep: Pretty sure everyone's favorite gremlin is
Multi Sheep: Grumblemon
RubyChao: arbormon
Harpymobile: thats goblin
Jumpropeman: suspiciously
Jumpropeman: Ranamon appeared on Lesser Known Waifus recently
RubyChao: >_>
RubyChao: <_M
RubyChao: my eyyyyyee
Harpymobile: i blame chao
Jumpropeman: after which
Jumpropeman: a moth woman appeared on lesser known waifus
Multi Sheep: But just picture that noble nose, Harpy
Multi Sheep: flapping in the wind
Harpymobile: was it sokotem
Multi Sheep: Is this a tumblr?
RubyChao: yes
Multi Sheep squints
Multi Sheep: Oh wow, that is suspect
Multi Sheep: Wikipe-tan is on there too...
Jumpropeman: the most important waifus are on there too
Gooper Blooper: >this blog is where JRM found Queen Of Farts
Gooper Blooper: beautiful


Gooper Blooper: "The Gao Machines are ready to go!"
Gooper Blooper: I think you mean
Gooper Blooper: ready to GAO
Draco: Listen here, you Blooper, I could've used this and had LOTS of other puns I could use.


Cornwind Evil: The (first) Lord finale was when I realized just how Zoofights RP was going to go. I actually expected there to be permanent consequences after that. People dead! People taking a long time to heal! Mental scars to chew over-and then Gooper tossed out the Sugar Mages and I was like "Oh."


RubyChao: the best term i know for it, harpy, is multiverse rp
Gooper Blooper: not so fast JRM, wait until I ruin everything with the world's shittiest last post
RubyChao: just bring together a bunch of sources and mash them into a pile
RubyChao: gooper posts "prawn dies lol"
RubyChao: that's it.
RubyChao: that's the entire post.


Draco: I need to get Goops this once I'm unbanned from giving him gifts.
RubyChao: i think you just extended the ban


AquaPrincess: i don't think i need to repeat what i said earlier
AquaPrincess: but i think it bears repeating: this is basically a culmination of our experiences as a community
RubyChao: awwww~
RubyChao: curseplot is the kind of plot that can only happen because of all our time together
AquaPrincess: where else can you get a massive... i dunno if i could call it a true crossover, but a crossover-type RP with a unique starting point as just a spin off, a way to kill time between events
RubyChao: the best term i know for it, harpy, is multiverse rp
Hooded Pitohui: You know, Harps has a point. I've mentioned how tight-knit the Curse has seemed, but, really, it's impressed me how close this community is, too. It's been enjoyable to witness.
Jumpropeman: the thing is, even in other multiverse rp there's usually some sort of restriction or boundaries, maybe a figurehead guiding everything
Jumpropeman: Curseplot is amazing because we all came together of our own decisions, did things our own way, agreed to bind things together into this tapestry made better by our unecessary but voluntary collaboration
AquaPrincess: that developed enough trust between players that an RNG system was gradually pushed aside to write, without anyone pulling some of the scummiest RP sheenanigans that would make things unenjoyable
RubyChao: that's true, like the curated application system i see
RubyChao: meanwhile we're small enough and we trust each other so it's just like
RubyChao: "hey i'm gonna play this from this" "sure"
RubyChao: -speaking of binding things together
RubyChao: one thing i thought was really enjoyable this year was all the minor ties
RubyChao: like to pat myself on the back as an example, using Joyce Jr. rules for Colonel Bogey
AquaPrincess: that was a genius move
AquaPrincess: and i appreciated him more for it
Jumpropeman: things felt more cohesive than usual
AquaPrincess: we worked hard to make it that way
Jumpropeman: so many bits of interconnectivity, and moments that felt almost scripted despite it just being previous stuff feeding into great new material
RubyChao: three separate people told me they thought the Youmu stuff in Scarabplot was scripted
RubyChao: which says a lot
Multi Sheep: It wasn't?
AquaPrincess: if it was scripted... wouldn't it have defeated the point?
AquaPrincess: *galaxy brain*
Jumpropeman: I'm so happy for things like Katina playing such a big role in Ravageplot when it was made just for backstory purposes
RubyChao: one thing that really worked out well
RubyChao: was how often curse members were defeated on plots that were not those of that member's user
Draco: Sheep scripted his part. Chao just didn't know it.
Multi Sheep: And now you can defeat Harv and Sal again on this one!
Multi Sheep: You caught me, Draco
Draco: I'd have you arrested, but the only cop available right now is Grey Moon.
Multi Sheep: The whole Bogey collab was just to hypnotically beam the part into his mind


Gooper Blooper: POSTED
AquaPrincess: oh no
AquaPrincess: i crai
Draco: :(
AquaPrincess: its a good cry
AquaPrincess: i think?
RubyChao: incredible plot
RubyChao: unmatched in size and will never be matched again
Gooper Blooper: THERE
RubyChao: it was great!!
Hooded Pitohui: Oh, yeah, absolutely! Good on you for the finale, but I don't even have an appropriate phrase to tell you and everyone else who contributed to it what an excellent piece of work Curseplot has been
Gooper Blooper attempts to shuffle papers
AquaPrincess: gothefucktosleep-
Gooper Blooper it's difficult to shuffle papers when you have ten thousand of them
Gooper Blooper: Now I can live in semi-peace
Gooper Blooper: and never do a plot that big again :V
Gooper Blooper: but what a ride
AquaPrincess: vroom vroom

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