Saturday, November 16, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 352: Moida Da Bum

Draco: Time to start writing a huge boss fight post to rival King Dice finale.
RubyChao: wow draco
RubyChao: that's a really early start on the Deb boss fight
RubyChao: good enthusiasm!
Draco: There's a lot of her to kill. Gotta get started early.
Jumpropeman: I'm not saying it's equal in importance or impressiveness to the finale of Curse plot, but I DID just beat Santa Clause 3: Escape Clause for GBA so...
Draco: :D
Draco: I can't wait to read the review.
Jumpropeman: you will actually have to wait
Jumpropeman: and don't worry, I already played Pilotwings
Draco: If I have to wait, then I'm rioting and demanding you give Limbo of the Lost a better rating.
Jumpropeman: *makes a new lowest rating and gives that to Limbo of the Lost*
Draco: (; yes


Jumpropeman: holy
Jumpropeman: crap
Jumpropeman: we live on a planet where this happened
Jumpropeman: a wrestling event featured actual undertale content
Multi Sheep: I'm actually speechless
Draco: Best timeline.


Jumpscareman: another dunkey vid has helped me discover the worst merch store on the planet: The one for Kanye West's new Jesus is King album
Jumpscareman: for 240 DOLLARS, you can wear this disaster
Jumpscareman: or maybe you'd rather wear this 20 dollar sock
Phreak: What a disaster
Phreak: ...but why
Jumpscareman: maybe shorts with an extremely stretched Jesus face instead for 100 bucks?
Phreak: Do i want jesus on my leg?
Phreak: no
Jumpscareman: or 60 for TWO ORBS
Jumpscareman: on purple!
Phreak: Wow.
Phreak: who would even wear that
Jumpscareman: people blinded by the cult of personality
Phreak: So Prawn
Phreak: or ivan
Phreak: ...tsurubami to troll
Jumpscareman: the Curse uniform people refused to wear actually had a stretched out lobster image on it and the words PRAWN IS KING
Phreak: disaster
Jumpscareman: The Curse just thought Plague got a crosspromotion deal with Red lobster when he showed it to em
Phreak: blurg
Phreak: disgusting
Jumpscareman: *checks*
Jumpscareman: okay, the Curse Membership Kit did NOT include any expert level foreshadowing
Phreak: Lel
Jumpscareman: goop coulda totally put in a ten dollar red lobster gift card or something
MobileSpooko: wao
Jumpscareman: but nope
Jumpscareman: instead it had 3D glasses as its weird inclusion
Jumpscareman: "-The current issue of The Curse's newsletter (you'll get a new issue every month!)"
Jumpscareman: the October issue must have been depressing
Jumpscareman: or conversely
Jumpscareman: uplifting to motivate people for the big push
Phreak: Highlight that dinosaur collection
MobileSpooko: Chompette's handlers wrote the newsletter.


MobileChao: Wont be here for a while so
MobileChao: If anyone can
MobileChao: Please tell cw he has my permission to freely use kaede for his thing
Halloween Evil (Cornwind Evil) joined the chat
Jumpscareman: hey cornwind, chao said you absolutely cannot touch kaede without his presence
Jumpscareman: or something like that


PhreakOut!: hey, its jason-3!
Marginal Sheep: The words on the box
Marginal Sheep: slayed me
Jumpscareman: don't be judging that bear, box!
MobileSpooko: XD


Marginal Sheep: "Plastic spoons were mounted on the walls"
Marginal Sheep: Wait
Marginal Sheep: Are wall spoons a Halloween thing?!
Gooper Blooper: Anything can be a Halloween thing if you believe in yourself
Marginal Sheep: Okay
Marginal Sheep puts up some Halloween Santas around the bar
RubyVampire: but are they
RubyVampire: fancy santas
Marginal Sheep: They are the kind with inexplicably brown beards
Marginal Sheep: "the lost baked goods of Egypt!"
Marginal Sheep: Consider the plot I just did, Chao
Marginal Sheep: Do not tempt me
RubyVampire: sheep
RubyVampire: next year
RubyVampire: you and i
RubyVampire: will do a year-long collab about Tokyo Honoka's adventures to find legendary baked goods
RubyVampire: i hope you are prepared.
MobileSpooko: wao
PhreakOut!: for an unforgettable dessert?
Marginal Sheep: Prepare yourself
Marginal Sheep: next year
Marginal Sheep: for an unforgettable luncheon.
MobileSpooko: No u
Marginal Sheep inserts eldritch wheat horror story here


Jumpscareman: "A storm current has disrupted a shipment of the undergarments of Lord of the Sea Neptune's underwear, spreading them across the ocean floor. Neptune has called upon his subjects to collect the lost undergarments, with a reward offered to the one who collects the most underwear."
Marginal Sheep: JRM, what, no, and why


RubyVampire: yes i'm doing another 40 person rumble
RubyVampire: i'm sure i will regret this
RubyVampire: but my future self will be the one to suffer
RubyVampire: so he can deal with it
Jumpscareman: that's how I survive chao


RubyVampire: it's amazing how well these subtitles still fit
Marginal Sheep: The "I killed her."
Marginal Sheep: with that image
Marginal Sheep: killed me
RubyVampire: just casual discussion among four elderly ladies


RubyChao: well
RubyChao: i guess i'm having honoka be the Headless Horseman next year
Birthdayropeman: amazing
Phreakin: her true form revealed
Phreakin: she's like sekibanki
RubyChao: have we ever seen honoka's neck???
Phreakin: we did until dana chopped it off
Phreakin: dana is responsible.
MobileSpooko: You mean the Horseless Headman.


Birthdayropeman: link
MobileDraco: That's terrifying.
MobileDraco: And it's perfect for my Yogi's New Revenge plot.


Birthdayropeman changed name to Jumpropeman
Jumpropeman: birthday over
Jumpropeman: now I have no age
MobileDraco: You're almost old.
Jumpropeman: Am I almost old, or are you almost young?
MobileDraco: Yes.
MobileDraco: I'm eternally young.


Rosello entered for the first time
Phreakin!: hello stranger
Rosello: heeey! so uh. i used to go on the zoofights forum way back when
Rosello: and i found this and was like
Rosello: holy fuck
Phreakin!: surprise, bitch
Phreakin!: the RP part lives at least
Rosello: yeah
Phreakin!: not so much the ZF part
Rosello: 😟 rip


Rosello: one of my forums i have a penguin that speaks in a thick brooklyn accent and shoots oil at people
Rosello: his name is also brooklyn.
Jumpropeman: i already love it
AlextheJanitor: EY YO AHM WALKIN ERE
Cornwind Evil: Here's a bowl of chowder, sir


RubyChao: someday jrm
Jumpropeman: don't say it chao
RubyChao: you'll get designate 5 somehow
Jumpropeman: you breaking my heart
RubyChao: and it will be
RubyChao: right after the last brawl signups EVER happened
Jumpropeman: we finally mutually agree to end ZFRP
Jumpropeman: and Designate pops in "HEY HEY"


Mimsy Sheep: "I've always wanted to see what it looks like from the top of the dome."
Mimsy Sheep sound of squeaky sliding off glass
Mimsy Sheep: Voiceover: "She was never seen again."


Mimsy Sheep wakes up, bolt upright, in the middle of the night. Sweat pours from his brow as he gasps out
Mimsy Sheep: "I called Leatherface 'Jason' during Scarabplot."
MobileDraco: Are you okay, Sheep?
Mimsy Sheep: No. Next question.
MobileDraco: Did you forget about Leatherface-3?
Mimsy Sheep: Please
Jumpropeman: I didn't want to say, you were so busy already!


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Jumpropeman: h e l l o gooper
MobileDraco: Hi Goops
RubyChao: hello goop
Mimsy Sheep: "Interestingly, games were only a side business for them. They spent most of their time as a distribution company and released a lot of horror films and other weird 70s and 80s fare on VHS."
Mimsy Sheep: Curious about this.
Gooper Blooper: hey folks
Jumpropeman: if only Gooper were here to enlighten us!
Mimsy Sheep: IF ONLY!
Gooper Blooper:
Mimsy Sheep: wow
Mimsy Sheep: gonna do me like that, huh
Gooper Blooper: well I mean
Mimsy Sheep: just wham, bam, wikipedia link
Gooper Blooper: what else is there to tell


Mimsy Sheep looks over their Wizard Video label history
Mimsy Sheep bunch of horror movies and then

Mimsy Sheep: "Willie Nelson's Fourth of July Celebration (1979)"
Mimsy Sheep record scratch
Jumpropeman: you don't realize how horrifying that celebration was
Gooper Blooper: well hey, even horror wizards need a break sometimes
Harpy: "sometimes... freedom is the most horrifying thing of all..."


Mimsy Sheep: "the Great Spirit that assists Chief War Wolf starts off the stage with the odd but incredibly true warning “I need not remind you that water is the natural enemy of the werewolf”,"
Mimsy Sheep: AND THERE IT IS


Jumpropeman: "Aqualiss vs Nightmare Bottling Company"
Jumpropeman: gonna have to start whipping out the picket signs...
Jumpropeman: get this show cancelled
Mimsy Sheep: Careful, JRM
Mimsy Sheep: controversy might just up the views
Harpy: just one more joke for the year
Harpy: just one more
Harpy: then i will spare everyone forever
MobileRegigigas: You'd better not.
Jumpropeman: just gonna have to find some other garbo game to twist into a game show
Jumpropeman: such as....
Jumpropeman: "There is a Genie in My Szechuan Sauce"
Jumpropeman: "But his friend Paul was able to get his hand on the Szechuan Sauce... but what they both didn't know was that there was a Dank Fidget Spinner Genie living inside!"
Gooper Blooper: it's two years old and hopelessly dated
ivel: as soon as I saw the images I knew who it was.
ivel: I saw someone play Dabman, another of their games :U
Mimsy Sheep: I have no idea what this is
Harpy: ...that's even less comprehensible than anime girl or bottle
Mimsy Sheep: I have decided I'm not going to attempt to understand what this is.


RubyChao: smol honk
Jumpropeman: what was it in particular that made honoka stand out among the lovelives to you
RubyChao: despite her design being simple, it's cute, and her bakery thing just hit me hard with a bunch of rp ideas, but primarily her outgoing, friendly, and determined personality
Jumpropeman: looking at okuu and hibiki as well, seems like a common character type you like!
Deletons: It's a trend
RubyChao: pretty much :V
Jumpropeman: we all pretty much got a character type we trend to often :V
RubyChao: link
Draco: Cool.
Jumpropeman: he's coming
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: i literally
RubyChao: posted that
RubyChao: two lines above you
Jumpropeman: nuh uh
Jumpropeman: I posted a picture of it
Jumpropeman: chat has been moving so slow I thought I was already caught up
Jumpropeman: take a look at this small honk though
RubyChao: what a small honk
Draco: That sure is a small honk
Jumpropeman: quite a find on my part
Draco: Excellent find. I look forward to when you RP her next year.
Jumpropeman: eh, I think I'm gonna RP this girl with a meatball in her hair instead
RubyChao: a fan of Jaws, i see


Jumpropeman: "Rumour: Retro Studios' Cancelled Game Was A Singing-Based RPG - Nintendo Insider"
RubyChao: can't believe they cancelled Symphogear the RPG
Jumpropeman: imagine after getting a fitness based RPG with Ring Fit, we got Singing Based RPG
Jumpropeman: "... Sing Fit Adventure?"
Deletons: Okay but listen
Deletons: Jrpg but it uses all those plastic instruments from the guitar hero days
Deletons: Wizard plays DJ hero, fighter plays guitar hero, cleric sings
Deletons: Barbarian on the drums
Jumpropeman: beastmaster on dk bongos
Deletons: Throw in a basic talent tree for each class and some loot stuff
Deletons: Baby you got a stew goin
Draco: Nice.
Draco: Everyone is a Bard.


RubyChao: i played a short love live fangame recently and
RubyChao: i had to screencap this
Harpy: my god.
Jumpropeman: impossible, everyone loves Paul Blart
Draco: That's weird. Who doesn't love Paul Blart? He's the only Curse member never truly defeated.


Monetary Sheep: "Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon, a 3DS outing that approaches the concept of a haunted mansion in a very different way… that being, there are multiple ghost-infested manors this go around."
Monetary Sheep: Mama mia!
Monetary Sheep: The Mushroom Kingdom has a real ghost infestation!
Jumpropeman: at this point i think they build mansions specifically to draw in and contain the problem
Jumpropeman: don't want the ghosts in your green grassy plains with floating blocks now
Monetary Sheep: But also...does this mean there was some sort of real estate boom and then crash?
Monetary Sheep: All these McMansions erected and then left to rot...
Jumpropeman: maybe they run the real estate market
Jumpropeman: considering the regular games have Ghost Houses as well
Monetary Sheep: I'd play that game
Monetary Sheep: Mario Haunted Real Estate
Monetary Sheep: Flip this haunted house!
Monetary Sheep: Heck, just give me ghosts trying to work in real estate.
Monetary Sheep suppresses urge to add to cast next year
Monetary Sheep: "like goopy purple ghosts who try to trap you in their bodies"
Monetary Sheep: 3/5, not bloopy enough.
Monetary Sheep: "E. Gadd’s non-negotiable calls"
Monetary Sheep: Listen
Monetary Sheep: When E. Gadd calls
Monetary Sheep: You pick up.


Cornwind Evil: AND AT LONG LAST
Melmelmelmel: welp
Bree: did bernard get
Bree: the booty?
Jumpropeman: all booties remained squarely within pants
Cornwind Evil: I suspect that even if things had gone the opposite way, it would have been a long, long while before any booty was gotten.
MobileDraco: Bernard right now
Bree: so, bernard struck out, then?
MobileDraco: Yes
Bree: kinda figured that's how it'd go but still, rip bernard
MobileDraco: We like him anyway.
Bree: here lies bernard, he never scored no
RubyChao: yeah, it just never really clicked for me so kaede let him down gently


Bree: I'm playing fallout 4
Bree: last time I played according to my save file: april 29th :V
Bree: gee, wonder what happened to make me set the game down for six months...
Bree: between the months of may and october...
MobileDraco: It's okay, Bree. I haven't played a lot of FF14 since to started, then I played six hours last night.
Bree: :P


Cornwind Evil: Oh yeah. World of Warcraft's most recent expansion was announced
Cornwind Evil: And it was like "Here's four new areas of various degrees of nastiness"
Cornwind Evil: The fifth area's name?
Cornwind Evil: The Maw.
Harpy: i just bought a new-
Harpy: ...
Gooper Blooper: oh no
Harpy: me, actually: that's pretty amawzing
Draco: Cornwind is not allowed to play a new expansion until he finishes his current one. BU


Harpy: anyway i bought a new book about AI and how they work
Harpy: i have not finished a book in a long while
Harpy: and the book introduced me to the best knock knock joke of all time
Gooper Blooper: >knock knock jokes
Gooper Blooper: *Kaikias crashes through the wall*
Harpy: "Knock knock!
Who's there?
A cow with no lips.
A cow with no lips who?
Harpy: "A cow with no lips goes ooo ooooooo ooooo"

Harpy: i read it out loud to the ivelfam and ivelmom lost her mind
Draco: Ivelmom sounds like good people.
Draco: She and Goopsmom should fight crime or something.
Harpy: course, that was not generated by an AI, but the AI thought it was the perfect way to end a knock knock joke so it just started inserting it into the knock knock jokes it was learning to make


Jumpropeman: "Just Dance 2020 is the last entry in the series for Wii"
Jumpropeman: the end of an era
Jumpropeman: Wii, you can finally rest
Gooper Blooper salutes


Jumpropeman: holy frijoles, in the SNES Beauty and the Beast game, after fighting monsters and wolves and gargoyles and all that, you can game over in later level because you lost a snowball fight to Belle
Draco: Brutal. XD
Cornwind Evil: Game is misogynist, won't let you play because you lost to a GIRL
Jumpropeman: even worse, it's not just getting hit three times with a snowball
Jumpropeman: if you fail to catch three of her snowballs, even if they hit the ground, that's a death
Cornwind Evil: As we all know, frozen water in balls is the natural enemy of the beast chimera cursed man
Meandering Sheep: Listen
Meandering Sheep: If you lost a snowball fight, in the Mayan days, you'd be cut down then and there.
Meandering Sheep Next year: Unnecessarily Serious Snowball Plot
Draco: Beast doesn't realize that Belle is a 10th level Wizard and her Snowball spells do 10d6 Cold Damage.


Cornwind Evil: Unless you are Utsuho. Or Ko.
Cornwind Evil: Or Sarah
Cornwind Evil: Or....probably a fair number of other Kobbers.
Draco: Or Shimmer.
Cornwind Evil: I don't recall her eating habits
Draco: I'm joking.
Draco: Shimmer ate a leaf of lettuce back in Season 6 and hasn't even smelled food since.
Draco: No Kobber wants to admit they ate nine cans of ravioli because it means they didn't go to Celestia for delicious homemade ravioli instead.
Cornwind Evil: Ravioli ravioli emptynestexploitatoli
Jumpropeman: Shimmer's main tastes are smoothies, an aversion to anything too sugary, and a love of burnt macaroni and cheese
RubyChao: utsuho has ruined this woman


Draco: For JRM
Jumpropeman: THE FOOL, what are the other gamers meant to do now!?
Cornwind Evil: "At press time, O’Neill expressed frustration that Aladdin for Super Nintendo was actually much harder without infinite lives turned on." I beat it fairly, ha!
Jumpropeman: Cornwind only used 36 savestates
Cornwind Evil: I played it on the SNES, savestates did not exist
Meandering Sheep: "Check out the newest episode of the Hard Drive podcast where we watch and discuss every episode of 1989’s The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!"
Meandering Sheep recoils in horror

RubyChao: sheep
RubyChao: don't diss the super show
RubyChao: the live action episodes are incredible
Cornwind Evil: Sheep clearly much prefers Club Mario.
Jumpropeman: I am glad things like super show existed
Meandering Sheep: I don't think I could commit to an in-depth recount of every Super Show episode cross-secting with this expanse of space-time.
Jumpropeman: but what about
Jumpropeman: Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3?
Draco: Can I enter Mario and Luigi from the movie as a Brawl team next year?
RubyChao: my mind somehow generated the thought
RubyChao: you know how they always do the horror movie trope of "kid's rhyme but said in a creepy way"
RubyChao: do the mario but like that
RubyChao: swing your arms... from side to side...


Jumpropeman: this article hasn't aged well
RubyChao: ohhhh boy


HULLO THIS IS JIM DALE: Late night thoughts with SK
HULLO THIS IS JIM DALE: if i was to write a fantasy series, i probably wouldn’t put dragons in it
HULLO THIS IS JIM DALE: because i don’t know how to make them cool and unique
Special Offer Sheep: Make them wrestlers
HULLO THIS IS JIM DALE: I’d probably start writing a dragon and then suddenly psyche, it’s an ape
HULLO THIS IS JIM DALE: or something
Jumpropeman: a world where all the dragons
Jumpropeman: aren't dragons
HULLO THIS IS JIM DALE: I’d probably be like ‘yeah, yeah, dragons exist, they’re just birds, BUT HOW ABOUT THESE PSYCHIC SPACE TURTLES THO’
Special Offer Sheep: I've always been quite fond of the idea of settings where each "dragon" is in of itself a unique creature
Special Offer Sheep: Psychic Space Turtles ARE very good.
Special Offer Sheep: Darn, the wresting dinner theatre isn't having another show until December, it looks like.
Jumpropeman: gives cornwind time to get there
Special Offer Sheep: Article title I see as I flip around stuff: "Italy's Only Malaysian Food Truck Draws an Unlikely Crowd: Italians"
Jumpropeman: go figure!
Special Offer Sheep: "Once upon a time, before the giant mouse ate Orlando and Interstate Highways were built to cattle chute the tourists directly into International Drive, there was another Florida."
Special Offer Sheep: Now there's a strong and pungent sentence.
Jumpropeman: sometimes you get so lost in the poetry that you spread terror of a giant city swallowing rat


(Smash Ultimate Terry Bogard's in-depth livestream airs)

Harpy: bless
Harpy: i love how they ended up putting 50 fucking tracks
Harpy: compared to the meager ones squareenix provided
Harpy: SNK: *ness OK*
Jumpropeman: Square Enix that grumpy kid in the corner who won't share while every other company is having fun in the middle of the room sharing their toys
RubyChao: link


Jumpropeman: I don't mean to get political but
Harpy: ...sorry what
RubyChao: that's
RubyChao: Hmm.
Special Offer Sheep: I don't know how to handle this video link
Harpy: i'm not gonna touch that, i'm watching my girl make takis
Jumpropeman: Dreamworks didn't phone it in, they used the movie quality penguin models instead of the show
Special Offer Sheep soul leaving body
Draco: Sheep had a soul? D:
Jumpropeman: Michelle Obama implicitly supports the rectal thermometer joke
Harpy: ...
Harpy: i no longer want to hear about this
Harpy: :V
Jumpropeman: there's a joke about veterans being veterinarians


Special Offer Sheep: Oh dear
Jumpropeman: I remembered the delivery perfectly
Draco: XD


Jumpropeman: man
Jumpropeman: sometimes I come across old Something Awful game reviews and man does the humor try hard to be edgy sometimes
RubyChao: like
RubyChao: we talking mid-2000s?
Jumpropeman: "I'm actually curious how many times Disney had to whip their rendering slaves in order to get the rotating sprites looking so nice. But sometimes I get the feeling the makers' boners were getting jammed in the programming code." yeah pretty much chao
Jumpropeman: "You whippersnappers are too busy drawing Sonic porn to pay attention to my sophisticated journalism."
Jumpropeman: I definitely remember this being the humor of the times yeah
RubyChao: yeeeeah
RubyChao: that humor has not aged well


MobileChao joined the chat
MobileChao: Ah, net downtimes
Draco: Hi Chao.
RubyChao: and literally
RubyChao: right as i join on mobile
RubyChao: my net comes back up
Draco shoots one of the Chaos.
Jumpropeman: hopefully you got the real one
Jumpropeman: I'm ready for a shakeup
RubyChao: he got DarkChao
RubyChao: don't worry
RubyChao: HeroChao is still in reserve
Draco: What about NegaChao, MechaChao, and Scrooge McChao?
RubyChao: they unionized
Draco: Damn. I'm sorry.


Jumpropeman: "Pokemon monsters (2019) episode 2 discription states that Ash is going to attend the opening ceremony of the Sakuragi laboratory in Vermillion city.
I always woundered what the old man and the machop wanted to build there."

Jumpropeman: FINALLY
Jumpropeman: AN ANSWER
Gooper Blooper: my god
Gooper Blooper: I've gotten so used to Pokemon being a franchise that refuses to answer mysteries that I'm always stunned when they actually clear something up
Draco: lel
RubyChao: *jaw drops*
Jumpropeman: watch as the laboratory opens... next to the open lot


Jumpropeman: im stubbornly wearing shorts even in the snowy weather
Jumpropeman: i will not compromise my comfort!
Harpy: I require toastiness at all times
ivel: I never wear shorts
ivel: they're uncomfortable and difficult to wear


Jumpropeman: the character I'm playing as in this tattoo anime girl game is trying to find her grandma who thinks she died... by starring in porn films. But only ones with PLOTS because I guess those are the ones her grandma watches?
harptired: her grandma a freak
Jumpropeman: one of the other playable girls is trying help her "sisters" which is what she calls all the other orphans, so Selfie Porn Girl is an interesting change in motive


Jumpropeman: you know, Tokyo Tattoo Girls has better designs than Touhou
Gooper Blooper: that's a very provocative statement JRM
Gooper Blooper: I hope you're able to back that up
Jumpropeman: im looking to start a fight
RubyChao: are we talking "official zunart" or
Jumpropeman: here are the villain characters
Jumpropeman: they got more built-in character I feel
RubyChao: yeah, honestly
RubyChao: these DO look like touhous
Jumpropeman: those aren't their names
Jumpropeman: that's the ward they preside over
RubyChao: oh,i thought it was one big family
RubyChao: 23 sisters
Jumpropeman: that would be fun, but no
RubyChao: so jrm
RubyChao: How many of them are you tapping for RP already?
Jumpropeman: JUST two so far
Jumpropeman: can you guess WHO
RubyChao: Shibuya and Arakawa
RubyChao: Katsushika is my runnerup
Jumpropeman: Shibuya was considered for reasons I'm sure you already know :V and I do like Arakawa, but Koto and Taito have the best hopes
Gooper Blooper: there's only one problem
Gooper Blooper: since it's called Tokyo Tattoo Girls, they gave literally every single one of them massive tattoos and I feel like just about all the designs look worse because of it :V
Jumpropeman: I do agree there
Jumpropeman: some wouldn't be too hard to airbrush
RubyChao: yeah Koto is literally an Olympia native already
Gooper Blooper: I don't hate all tattoos or anything but a lot of them don't fit with the designs well at all
Jumpropeman: Shinagawa for example you just need the surrounding skintones
Jumpropeman: since she's got more subdued ones
RubyChao: yeah, it doesn't work for a bunch of these
RubyChao: though, you may disagree, but it feels like it fits Taito for one
RubyChao: just because her outfit and design are already a riot of color
Gooper Blooper: Meguro kinda looks like a punky chick, it seems sensible for her
Jumpropeman: I've often been of the opinion that once you hit a certain percentage of tattoos covering your body, it goes from gaudy or bad looking to just your whole style and it's good again
RubyChao: JRM explains Koto's tattoos as exposed circuitry instead
Gooper Blooper: the serious-looking cop lady and the techie future chick not so much
Jumpropeman: there's a front pic of Koto that looks better
RubyChao: that was originally going to be a strikeout joke but halfway through i realized that could actually be a neat explanation if you go with cyborg
Jumpropeman: that I'd probably use since the tattoos are mostly back tattoos :V
Jumpropeman: they're not being considered for protagonist roles of course
Gooper Blooper: brings back Prizm to fight them
Jumpropeman: Itabashi looks good but I can't just have Nitori Two
Jumpropeman: I wonder if the character designer or company have non-tattoo focused games
RubyChao: and then Ota turns out to be a travel agent.
Gooper Blooper: that reminds me, I encountered a Nitori/Kasumi hybrid in my latest vidya, Legend Of Dark Witch 2
RubyChao: technie who was also a bitch?
Gooper Blooper: she looks like Nitori and is an engineer but she's very short and small and yells a lot
RubyChao: that IS nitori and kasumi
Gooper Blooper: lemme see if I can get a pic
Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: that's a kap.
Jumpropeman: wow
Jumpropeman: yeah
Jumpropeman: every Tattoo Girl has a unique weapon but sadly none of them really are seen using them since it's a strategy game
Jumpropeman: for completion sake: the playable girls
RubyChao: hmm, not as strong as the enemies, i feel
RubyChao: designs are more basic and it weakens them
Jumpropeman: that's kinda how it goes
Jumpropeman: reimu and marisa are much plainer than their opposition
RubyChao: i like Tachikawa's shamelessness though
Jumpropeman: chofu's been my favorite
Jumpropeman: because she's the ridiculous one who wants her grandma to find her in a porn movie :V
Gooper Blooper: I like how they all have little inset pictures that look like the back of a dakimakura
Gooper Blooper: also they don't have tattoos
Jumpropeman: you tattoo the girls to buff their stats, so they start clean
Jumpropeman: all are back tats
Gooper Blooper: and suddenly the insets make sense
RubyChao: what system is this for, i'm curious now
Jumpropeman: it's on steam, but I'm playing it on Vita
Gooper Blooper: "she enjoys watching classic movies with her grandmother in her spare time"
Jumpropeman: Debbie Does Dallas is a CLASSIC
Gooper Blooper: classics like College Chicks Gone Wild, That Doesn't Go There, and Lady Golfer Gets A Hole In One
RubyChao: "Showgirls has become regarded as a cult classic, was released on Blu-ray in June 2010 and has even been subject to critical re-evaluation, with some notable directors and critics declaring it a serious satire worthy of praise."
RubyChao: guess we saw how this all started
Jumpropeman: Shibuya Ward, by the way, the Shimmery one, is literally hoping to find a kindred idiot
Jumpropeman: she gets mad if you aren't stupid ENOUGH
RubyChao: so she's looking for her Cirno


 ivel: "How is YouTube today?
Absolutely outstanding
Extremely good
Very good
Not good"

ivel: bold of you, Youtube
Jumpropeman: i can't believe they're still whipping that out
ivel: first time I've ever seen this
Jumpropeman: ive picked Not Good both times I've seen it just to protest the survey style :V


Jumpropeman: KIRBYPLOT IS GO


herpderp: i don't have plans for the weekend aside from maybe writing, but mostly just try to do as much of my continuing education credits as possible
herpderp: and get them sweaters
herpderp: and get them sweaters
herpderp: and get THOSE sweaters
Draco: That's a lot of sweaters.
herpderp: i bet ivelstepdad is gonna be like
herpderp: ivel and i have matching "Hello, is it MEAT you're looking for?" shirts and he calls it the FUCKING MEAT SHIT
herpderp: ...
herpderp: SHIRT
ivel: ...
ivel: lel harps


herpderp: why am i still awake
Gooper Blooper: I was about to ask myself the same question
Gooper Blooper: time for speep
herpderp: why did i eat a bowl of sugar laden cereal
Gooper Blooper: because chatzy didn't choose soup
herpderp: eating raw soup this late?
Gooper Blooper: listen
Gooper Blooper: soup and cereal are eternal rivals in my mind now because of that meme
herpderp: i mean i coulda done it but cheerios
Gooper Blooper: it's your fault
herpderp: with sugar
herpderp: OOPS
herpderp asked Chatzy to choose between soup and cereal. Chatzy chose: soup
RubyChao: nighto
herpderp: i have crossed a dark force that will kill me
herpderp: also that chatzy choose was sponsored by panera
herpderp: GOOD NITE
herpderp: ...i almost typed "Rolldie" instead of leave
Gooper Blooper asked Chatzy to choose between leave and stay forever. Chatzy chose: stay forever
herpderp: i'm not trapped in a pokemon battle
herpderp: NO
herpderp left the chat


MobileDraco: Waiting to get a passport. DracGF wants to go to England next year for a con.
SteelKomodo: cool
MobileDraco: Her best friend lives there and she normally comes here for conventions, but she's disabled and if I understand correctly her case worker said no more flights to America.
SteelKomodo: oh dear :<
MobileDraco: Yeah, so we're taking a turn going there
Deletons: Don't come to this terrible island
Deletons: But if you do
Deletons: Uh
Deletons: Have fun!
Draco: I already said yes, but it won't be until June, surely the least horrible of months in England! ;p
Deletons: Hahah
SteelKomodo: kek


Gooper Blooper: I bought 1068 jurassic world stickers today, how was your day


RubyChao: hmm, this looks like a recap ep
N Goat: Time to find me a Nielson...
Gooper Blooper: There's one in prison right now
Gooper Blooper: look for the angry lady in a business suit
Draco: Was Silver a Nielson?
N Goat: In my headcanon he is
RubyChao: where did his granddaughter go so wrong


N Goat: Next
N Goat: up
N Goat: it'sssss
N Goat: fire force
N Goat sigh
Draco: Happy sigh or "Kill me I'd rather watch Wizard Kings" sigh?
N Goat: It's neck and neck with Wizard Kings at the moment...
RubyChao: but sheep
RubyChao: what about
RubyChao: Sword Art Online
N Goat: N E V E R
RubyChao: we still need to kill Kirito off


herpderp: i am still an idea factory and there's one idea i'm toying around because "just two new planeswardens that can develop? what about... A THIRD"
herpderp: but it's an idea for a christmas special so gonna wait til all my epilogues are properly done and get it vetted before I do so
ivel: you're actually IF?
Gooper Blooper: link
herpderp: i am not IF
herpderp: soz


RubyChao: this takes me back
Jumpropeman: so
Jumpropeman: that trainer I mentioned who uses hoaxes and bootlegs
Jumpropeman: should have a yoshi?
RubyChao: yes
RubyChao: yes they should.


Mnemonic Sheep: Do you know who I am?
Mnemonic Sheep: They call me Judgement Boy
Jumpropeman: no solicitors
Mnemonic Sheep: It was your decision.
Mnemonic Sheep: Now you have to live with it.
Jumpropeman: cool
Mnemonic Sheep smokes
Mnemonic Sheep coughs heavily

Jumpropeman: that's a fire code violation
Jumpropeman: you'll have to leave the hotel
Mnemonic Sheep heaving, runs to window and opens to vent the room while also patting self down
Mnemonic Sheep: Don't smoke, kids.
Draco: No promises.
Mnemonic Sheep: SWEAR TO ME!
Jumpropeman: I'll ONLY smoke kids
Draco: Okay, fine. I'll swear.
Draco: BUTT.
Mnemonic Sheep shakes fist


Draco: link
Working Del: let 👏 the 👏 crabs 👏 read 👏


RubyChao: nobu nobu
Jumpropeman: nobu nobu?
RubyChao: nobu nobu!
Jumpropeman: more like
Jumpropeman: NO bu NO bu
herpderp: nou
Jumpropeman: I did the Brawl quiz recently and kept trying to put nobu for oda
RubyChao: oh no(bu)


Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
herpderp rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 13

herpderp: cursed
Draco: Clownpiece is better than Phreak at making mac and cheese.
herpderp: BUT CAN SHE MAKE
herpderp: A TURKEY?
herpderp rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1

Draco: NOPE.
herpderp:, Troy's turkey is not dry in the least
Draco: Clownpiece's turkey is so dry it caught on fire.
herpderp: its funny because he doesn't have many opportunities to cook unless he's at someone's house
herpderp: "you're just gonna make some GARBAGE because YOU EAT LIKE A FRAT BOY" and out of pure spite he makes a delicious meal.
herpderp: "Never question me again."
RubyChao: let's see if okuu can
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
RubyChao: Unyu!
Jumpropeman: Utsuho has no problem cooking other birds
Draco: Okuu's turkey is perfectly made with only a hint of radiation.
Draco: For flavor!
Jumpropeman: mutate your taste buds until the meal's good!
herpderp: how is mel at cooking
herpderp rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
herpderp: It helps that she can summon any ingredient that she can imagine
herpderp: She never really NEEDS to go grocery shopping except for, like, other friends
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Draco: Clownpiece is not allowed to make tacos either.
Jumpropeman: Mel solves world hunger
herpderp: her power isn't infinite and needs to recharge
Jumpropeman: Mel solves world hunger by killing everyone else
herpderp: no :V
herpderp: she can make a lot but it can get exhausting
herpderp: also support your local grocery market
herpderp: and deli
Jumpropeman: I figured there was a limit, but I had to make a joke about her killing everyone
herpderp: death by food.
RubyChao: is there anything clownpiece CAN cook
Draco: Um...yes. Clownpiece can cook boygas and dogs and Freedom French Fries.
Draco: And mac and cheese.
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 15
Draco: And she's good at making pot pies.
Jumpropeman: Clownpiece is only good at making american food like Fortune Cookies, german chocolate, and english muffins
herpderp: MYRRH!
herpderp rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 12
herpderp: and for laughs
herpderp: tentomushi
herpderp rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
herpderp: *buzzsaw noises somewhere*


RubyChao: are you ready to faito dayo
herpderp: i looked for a second and i thought she was cross eyed
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
Bree: I return
herpderp rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 15
Draco: Hi Bree.
Bree: it is snowing like crazy out there
herpderp: I'M SORTA READY
herpderp: oh god
herpderp: letty no
Draco: I'm very ready.
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
RubyChao: i, too, shall faito dayo
herpderp: we're not ready to letty


Cornwind Evil yesterday, looked outside, it was normal.
Cornwind Evil looked outside today, there's a foot of snow.

Cornwind Evil: Yeah, I live in Canada
Gooper Blooper: welcome hell
herpderp: welcome snow


Bree: @everyone but also chao in particular
herpderp: i
herpderp: good night everybody
RubyChao: bwahaha


Jumpropeman: >is actually tearing up at the Green Eggs and Ham cartoon
Jumpropeman confirmed 100% sap


Jumpropeman: what ships did we get this year
Jumpropeman: Sumi and Zeldo, Jason and Motormer, Aiko and Giselle
Mound Sheep: Deb and Crave.
Gooper Blooper: XD
Draco: :I
RubyChao: is he wrong?
RubyChao: is he, draco?
Draco: No.
Veritas: UUUH
Mound Sheep: Tell me of a purer love?
Mound Sheep: I'll wait.
Draco: Motormer and Jason-3
Veritas: ...shit i would make a joke about dino love but
Veritas: i can't
Mound Sheep: :I
Draco: Am I wrong?
Draco: Am I, Sheep?
Draco: No.
Mound Sheep: We will see.
Mound Sheep: Next year...
Draco: will get even purer? :D
Mound Sheep: :II


RubyChao: i refreshed to check something
RubyChao: went to my messages
RubyChao: R:⏳,👍,👎,😊,😉,😜,😂,😍,😎,😇,😈,🤗,😘,😒,🤔,😟,😢,😴,🤦,🙊,🙏,👶,🕵,👻,👀,💋,💗,💔,💪,💩,🐒,🐷,🐼,🐔,🐌,🌈,🌹,🌭,🍸,🍻,🎮,💃,🎵,⛪,🚀,⛔,🔫,💰,⭐,⚡
RubyChao: this was the only message i had
RubyChao: then i refreshed again and it was back to normal
Gooper Blooper: thanks for keeping us informed, R of the emojis


Jumpropeman: "Smithers Has Been Scared Of Strippers For Nearly Two Decades"
Jumpropeman: Know Your Meme can be a poet with how it describes its memes sometimes


Moray Sheep: "Captain Falcon is challenged by bizarre, heretofore unmentioned spirits called "The Creators" and races a staff ghost."
Moray Sheep: I beg your pardon?
Jumpropeman: at the end of GX, the championship belt comes to life and the game designers basically challenge you to the hardest race of the game as the belt
RubyChao: yep
RubyChao: Captain Falcon races God (of the video game world)
RubyChao: and wins
Veritas: thats why he died in the anime.
Veritas: he was too powerful
Veritas: *this is not why he died in the anime.
Moray Sheep: Darn.
RubyChao: just remember
RubyChao: in this world you've got to be strong
RubyChao: you've got to keep your spirit alive
Jumpropeman: my brother's memory of F-Zero GX story mode is so vivid that when "Come off it" inexplicably entered my vocal vocabulary, he asked if I was explicitly referencing Captain Falcon with it
Moray Sheep: "I got so much goddamn mileage out of this stupid meme fish." -Gooper "Milhouse" Blooper, 2019 (colorized)
Jumpropeman: he says it to the Creators when they challenge him
Jumpropeman: so it was probably a mission he repeated a lot :V
Moray Sheep: Oh, I see!
RubyChao: to be fair
RubyChao: if you're going for maximum AX characters
RubyChao: you're gonna repeat ALL the missions a lot
RubyChao flashbacks
Jumpropeman: and we did indeed get them all, although he got most of them since it was his copy and system :V
RubyChao: that reminds me
RubyChao: i had a dream that i finally cleared a second cup in Master Mode in GX
RubyChao: sadly that is only a dream :( i might have all 10 AX characters but i still lack the AX tracks)
playa: welp
Jumpropeman: KEEP DREAMING, BUSTER! *laughs with full body convulsions*
Jumpropeman: I love the overactive body language of GX
RubyChao: i want to remind everyone that captain falcon says those exact words to the deities that just claimed responsibility for creating his entire world
RubyChao: (and he's right)


Moray Sheep: "Knuckles is the latest Knuckles in a long line of Knuckleses"
Moray Sheep: time is a flat circle


Draco: Robbie Rotten would've been in the Big Eight if he'd gotten those recipes.
Cornwind Evil: Robbie getting on the board would have torn the Curse apart even faster
Cornwind Evil: Because once he got there
Cornwind Evil: ......he would have wanted
Cornwind Evil: To be
Cornwind Evil: charge.
Moray Sheep: boo


Moray Sheep: I think I've said so before, but I've considered some Skullgirls characters for Rp before. Peacock was nearly at the very top of that short list and was added to Curse because she has connections to Valentine and Big Band in-game.
playa: Peacock is probably my fave Skullgirl
Moray Sheep: Peacock is very good
Moray Sheep: Andy Anvil and Tommy Two-Tons were the characters at the top of the list though.
Moray Sheep: Wait, 'scuse me, meant Ten-Tons
Moray Sheep: I get them confused because I believe his name is a reference to somebody with the nickname "Two-Tons"
Jumpropeman: I think Tommy Ten Tons
Jumpropeman: might be a reference to Tommy Two-Tone
Moray Sheep: Oh?
Jumpropeman: Tommy Tutone rather, but it's pronounced Two Tone
Jumpropeman: and he sings the famous song 867 5309
Moray Sheep: Oh, I see
Moray Sheep: That would make sense
Moray Sheep: Though
Moray Sheep: Actually, I think his name might come from this guy
Jumpropeman: "The name is likely referenced to "Two-Ton Tony," a heavyweight boxer." an alternate- oh you just found it too :V
Jumpropeman: well, since I'm infallible, will have to agree its a reference to both :)
Moray Sheep: "A typical meal for Galento consisted of six chickens, a side of spaghetti, all washed down with a half gallon of red wine, or beer, or both at one sitting."
Moray Sheep: "Nicknamed "Two Ton" for his reasoning to his manager for being nearly late to one of his fights: "I had two tons of ice to deliver on my way here". Galento was one of the most colorful fighters in the history of the sport. He wrestled an octopus, and boxed a kangaroo as publicity stunts for his fights. He also boxed a 550 lb. (250 kg) bear, as a stage attraction."
Bree: powerlifting and stuff burns calories like crazy
Moray Sheep: "Galento was a "no holds barred" brawler, with a wicked left hook, who never let such niceties as the ring rules, or sportsmanship, interfere with his goal to knock out the other fighter."
Moray Sheep: More on Tommy Two Tons, who I'm beginning to hope has a biography or something somewhere: "When he did go to training camp, he foiled his trainer's attempts to modify his diet, and terrorized his sparring partners by eating their meals in addition to his."
Bree: the tommy two-ton article also mentioned he ate 52 hot dogs right before a bout and couldn't move for the first three rounds because he was too bloated
Bree: from eating 52 hot dogs
Bree: but he still won the match
Moray Sheep: oh man, Bree. I just saw that part
Bree: when does hibiki eat 52 hot dogs right before defending her champ title
Bree: and still somehow win
RubyChao: whenever you want her to do so, bree!
Moray Sheep: Reporter: "Tony, what do you think your chances are against Joe Louis?" Galento: "Joe who?" Reporter: "Joe Louis." Galento: "I never hoid of da bum."
Moray Sheep: "He also predicted that he would "moida da bum", and would telephone Louis daily to personally inform him that he was a bum and that Galento would "moida him""
Moray Sheep: This slayed me.
Bree: ^ joe louis was the current heavyweight champ
RubyChao: so that's where moida da bum comes from!
Bree: when's hibiki going to moida da bum


Veritas: "provide us with your body"
playa: oh my
Veritas: dude you just met the guy
Veritas: keep your shlong in your pants mr
Jumpropeman: don't tell me how to live
playa puts up the PG-13 sign


Del With a Sord: pogeymans
Del With a Sord: preordered
Del With a Sord: incredibly robotnik voice IT'S TIME


Malt Sheep: Oh!
Malt Sheep: I just remembered
RubyChao: we're out there
Malt Sheep: The Orlando show of MBMBAM is up
Malt Sheep: That I was at
Malt Sheep: So somewhere in the mix
Malt Sheep: is sheep laughter...
Jumpropeman: finally, we'll learn you laugh exactly like Goofy
Malt Sheep: hyuk


Malt Sheep reading stuff
Malt Sheep: I need to do more with Deadly Duplications next year
Jumpropeman: a whole motorcade of Motormers
Jumpropeman: Ernies as far as the eye can see
Jumpropeman: even more pirakas than before!
Malt Sheep: Multiple Ernies would be a natural disaster.


Deletons: Cum Aiko's a real sleeper hit here, I wonder how far she'll go
Deletons: Oh my god
Jumpropeman: ...
Deletons: That typo
Malt Sheep: wha
RubyChao: what a typo
Deletons: Jesus
Jumpropeman: that is not the kind of drown yer mates we're doing here
RubyChao: JRM PLS
Deletons: Can someone save my soul here
Deletons: Delete it or something
Deletons: I'm dying
RubyChao: i can if you seriously want me to
Deletons: Yes please
Deletons: Thank you
RubyChao: no problem
Gooper Blooper: XD
Malt Sheep lies down
Deletons: Ahem
Deletons: DYM Aiko's a real sleeper hit here, I wonder how far she'll go


Malt Sheep: For JRM:
Malt Sheep: This is an actual movie
Jumpropeman: excellent
Malt Sheep: link
Gooper Blooper: that fucking screencap
Gooper Blooper: glorious


Jumpropeman: STILL
Jumpropeman: NO
Jumpropeman: KNACK 2 PATCH
Cornwind Evil: I guess it's a fan made patch or none at all
Jumpropeman: >Knack 2 fans
Jumpropeman: so none at all then
Cornwind Evil: Looks like!


Jumpropeman: alright, time to see if Pokemon Shield really is that bad- oh my god Grookey popped out of my switch and peed on the carpet
ivel: sure, blame Grookey
Jumpropeman: the fat people in this game clap by smacking their bellies
ivel: they're using Belly Drum
nep: i have no idea how to feel.
Jumpropeman: well the fat guys I just saw doing it are looking at a powerful trainer
nep: what can i even do with this information
Galar Blooper: cherish it
nep: I MEAN
Jumpropeman: I have named my trainer
Jumpropeman: Burpo
Jumpropeman: I just got Grookey
Jumpropeman: I forgave him after peeing on my carpet
Galar Blooper: relishing this brief moment I'm actually ahead of JRM on a Pokemon game
Galar Blooper: it will never happen again.
Bree: link
nep: haw
Jumpropeman: finally
Jumpropeman: the superior versions we deserve
Galar Blooper: bidoof, bidoof, bidoof is on fire
nep: i'm dyin squirtle
nep: bidoof's dyin, cloud
