Thursday, October 24, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 350: Your Cat Is Lame And So Is Your Hair

Draco: Is it too late to add Gyaos to the Curse?
RubyChao: draco you fool
RubyChao: you can't just enter gyaos like that!
RubyChao: enter his good twin Soayg
Draco: His brother, SPACE Gyaos?
RubyChao: is it actually just Space Gyaos
Draco: Yes. Harpy would vouch for Space Gyaos being a real thing.


RubyChao: so when we go back in time for season 11
RubyChao: is that when i introduce the Retro Curse
Draco: Yes.
Draco: It's Dolby leading an army of hipsters with laser guns.


RubyChao: who wants
RubyChao: a fun fact
Jumpropeman: i do if its redeemable for fun bux
RubyChao: it is!
Jumpropeman: !!!


Mulberry Sheep: Rv and L
Mulberry Sheep: Hunting Method: Bad
Gooper Blooper: and then for curse finale
Gooper Blooper: V and _
Mulberry Sheep: Just you wait!
Mulberry Sheep: They'll become RP Ending Godbosses someday!


Cornwind Evil: When Jeanne gets an icon, Goops has gone too far
Jumpropeman: we're safe since she and Chompette's handlers have no images
MobileDraco: Goops, draw Jeanne and Chompette's groupies.
Gooper Blooper: I did consider drawing Slade for Brine when she was described in plainclothes earlier but if I draw her and he kills her off I'd be sad
Gooper Blooper: so if she survives the season maybe I'll do just that
Waluigi laughs nervously, sweats
Gooper Blooper: SEE
Jumpropeman: what's gonna happen
Jumpropeman: they'll remove their hats
Jumpropeman: revealing they too are wearing super crowns
Jumpropeman: they were Chomps as well the whole time
Gooper Blooper: The whole "handful of shrapnel left" thing was admittedly partly to try and ward off a post-Reaper srspost from Brine of Chompette crying because her friends are all dead
Waluigi gallons of sweat
Gooper Blooper: oh nooooooooooo
RubyChao: don't worry, goops
RubyChao: i will take on the sin for you
RubyChao has Colonel Bogey kill them in golf


Mulberry Sheep: "Sense Gnomes"
Mulberry Sheep: Oh yeah, these guys
Mulberry Sheep: I hope you're ready to see them as part of the rehabilitation program next year
Mulberry Sheep: Just sensing up the station
Jumpropeman: imagine going to Disneyland
Jumpropeman: and instead of Grumpy as a mascot suit
Jumpropeman: its that gnome with the huge hands as a mascot suit
Jumpropeman: and he really wants to hug you
Mulberry Sheep: Trilly Dilly
Mulberry Sheep: Just imagine his loooong fingers
Mulberry Sheep: rustling over the police station counter
Mulberry Sheep: and he's so short that you can't see the rest of him
Mulberry Sheep: Just these fingers moving around


Mulberry Sheep: "Tamaki Kotatsu"
Mulberry Sheep: She's dead, right?
Mulberry Sheep: We confirmed this, right??

(Tamaki is alive.)


Jumpropeman: I've already got an element to my big plot next year open for collaboration
Jumpropeman: not curseplot levels at all
Jumpropeman: but the imagination was stoked
Gooper Blooper: are we gonna get to make our own black hole members
Jumpropeman: Blastoplot is not my big plot :V
Gooper Blooper: black hole never
RubyChao: black hole some of the time
Gooper Blooper: black hole occasionally, y'know, if you don't mind, maybe if you're up for it next weekend we can try it out, you'll like it I promise
Jumpropeman: Black Hole on alternating weekends
Draco: Black Hole When It's Convenient


RubyChao: who wants to see some incredibly QUALITY animation
RubyChao: from the f-zero anime
Jumpropeman: hit me with that good stuff
RubyChao: 14:19
Draco: He said the F-Zero Anime, JRM.
RubyChao: i don't know what's better, the people on the steps frozen in time, or gazelle's car just freezing in place without even turning off the engine
Jumpropeman: oh man
Jumpropeman: that old school cg
Jumpropeman: gazelle scared them stiff
Draco: Gazelle's casually shooting the place up.


Jumpropeman: Yay! Patty's back!
RubyChao: aw, patty's back
RubyChao: i mean uh yay, that one


Gooper Blooper: I had the dumbest goddamn theory about Skywire and it was just JRM enough to possibly work
Gooper Blooper: even though he's dead, I thought there was a chance that somehow, Skywire
Gooper Blooper: was Xrumer the fishing tapogre
Jumpropeman: hahaha
RubyChao: that IS jrm enough
Jumpropeman: his tapogre mind was uploaded to the cloud


Jumpropeman: I'm very happy with how today turned out after being worried at the start
Gooper Blooper: that happens often with plots that start slow I think
Jumpropeman: thank you all for coming and thanks to Goops as well since I think Alien Green really added a lot!
Gooper Blooper: my only regret is that his name is so awful
Jumpropeman: I imagine it's like Skywire
Jumpropeman: where it's just how English speakers call him
Jumpropeman: when he's got some weird alien name
Jumpropeman: like Jeb


RubyChao: "An egregious if little known example is Dragon Ball Z: Legendary Super Warriors on the Game Boy Color. It appears that at some point the translators did a find/replace on the words 'die', 'died', 'death', 'kill' and 'killed' and switched them all for 'lost', regardless of sentence structure. So while things like "I can't believe Piccollo lost!" make sense, more or less, you also get dialogue like "Lost, Vegeta! Lost!", "The entire planet will lost!", and "I guess you DO want to lost!""
RubyChao: oh, so that's where it's from
RubyChao: guys if we don't stop skywire all of olympia might lost
Gooper Blooper: XD
Cornwind Evil: Next season Olympia is just an island on the sea instead
Cornwind Evil: And it's very confusing
Cornwind Evil: Full of mysteries that have no answers or just create new mysteries
Cornwind Evil: Also there's a smoke monster
Cornwind Evil: Which is actually a polar bear
Jumpropeman: and that polar bear
Draco: Olympia is now an island and we need to help Knuckles get back the Master Emerald from Eggerman.


MobileDraco: Sheep, who do you want me to Permakill this weekend at the shrine of Mercurymon? :V
Mystic Sheep: Zeldoten. Make the nerd cry.
Mystic Sheep: It's not as scary as it sounds
Mystic Sheep: Probably.
MobileDraco: Alright. Zeldoten will be Mercurymon's first opponent. ;3
MobileDraco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 15
MobileDraco: 75% dead
MobileDraco: I'll send Wildfire. She's not needed for plots anymore.
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
RubyChao kills off Youmu

MobileDraco: She was already half-dead.
Mystic Sheep: Ohohoho
MobileDraco: The best part of going tractorless? We can force Sheep's characters to be awesome. ;3
Mystic Sheep: :I
MobileDraco: :3


SteelKomodo: just won a game of dreadball as the nemion oceanics
SteelKomodo: crushed it in the second-to-last turn
MobileDraco: Woo! 😄
A Clownly Del: total blowout
A Clownly Del: 7 points to bro
A Clownly Del: i hate
Mystic Sheep: Ahahaha
SteelKomodo: i got to aggressively play the street sharks theme at del
SteelKomodo: he was very annoyed
Mystic Sheep: You don't say, ahue.
A Clownly Del: lol
MobileDraco: Del will win next time and get to play Spooky Scary Skeletons at you.
A Clownly Del: theres no skeleton team
A Clownly Del: however
A Clownly Del: there's a skeleton warband in underworlds
A Clownly Del: but he probly won't play against me in that lol
MobileDraco: Every team is skeletons if you peel them first.
A Clownly Del: gross but true
Mystic Sheep: "gross but true" is an excellent phrase


Jumpropeman: "Konami Reveals A New Silent Hill... And It's A Slot Machine!"
iKomodo: D:


If I Were A Rich Del: Barpost
If I Were A Rich Del: With the big reveal?
If I Were A Rich Del: A weird place for it
Mystic Sheep: Revealing secrets?
Mystic Sheep: In a bar??
If I Were A Rich Del: Lmao
If I Were A Rich Del: Good point sjeep
If I Were A Rich Del: Sjeep is the Swedish version of m sheep
MobileDraco2: M_Sjeep
MobileDraco2: The M is for Mnordic


Jumpropeman: #TooLateForCurse
Gooper Blooper: XD
MobileDraco2: #ButNotTheLodge
Gooper Blooper: Hunting Method: Farting
Gooper Blooper: Hayne hated her
Jumpropeman: Skywire sends her first to gas everyone out
Cornwind Evil: Hey, never diss the ancient Wario technique of The Waft
Cornwind Evil: And spread his COCONUT GUN out just for COCONUT GUN


Mystic Sheep: "Man, not another cute evil person! Tell me you're like, made in a lab or something or don't know why you're fighting! I don't want to beat you up!"
Mystic Sheep: No.
Mystic Sheep: :I
Gooper Blooper: Sheep has seen how many cute bad guys got saved this year
Gooper Blooper: he's determined to not join those ranks
Mystic Sheep: You'll kill Ranamon
Mystic Sheep: and you'll like it.
Mystic Sheep: Man, what do I gotta do with this fish!
Jumpropeman: have her digivolve into Noonsa
Mystic Sheep has her kill more Shrapnel callously
RubyChao: but sheep
RubyChao: what if i want to save
RubyChao: arbormon
Gooper Blooper: even after she dies, Harpy just has me fetch Clippy and
Mystic Sheep: -_____-
RubyChao: he's fun, okay
Gooper Blooper: he cares about the shrapnel :<
Mystic Sheep: Arbormon is at least not so willfully malicious as Ranamon.
Mystic Sheep: OKAY, but
Mystic Sheep: ALSO
RubyChao: fiiiine sheep
Mystic Sheep: Arbormon's characterization is WILD in the tv show
RubyChao: i'll save mercurymon instead
RubyChao: you happy?
Mystic Sheep: No.
RubyChao: wow
Draco: Can we save Junkomon?
RubyChao: really forcing grumblemon rescue on me like that, huh
Gooper Blooper: link
Mystic Sheep: You'll save Grumblemon's nose.
Jumpropeman: NO
Draco: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay
Jumpropeman: I DON'T WANT THAT
Mystic Sheep: Nosemon is here
Draco: Then I'll stick it on Ariel.
Mystic Sheep: my new main
Mystic Sheep: Right, so Arbormon is so weird in the show
Mystic Sheep: leaving his fourth-wall leaning characteristics where he basically turns to the screen and tells you to brush your teeth and stuff
Mystic Sheep: He just...pingpongs between being kind of goofy and nearly neutral. To straight up killing a Digimon for a burger
Gooper Blooper: look man
Gooper Blooper: sometimes
Gooper Blooper: you need a steamed ham and nothing else will do
RubyChao: i mean
RubyChao: can we say every kobber would refrain from killing for a burger?
RubyChao: i don't think we can.
Mystic Sheep: He's either Mr Nice Bad Guy
Mystic Sheep: or an Implacable Force of Evil
Mystic Sheep: There is no inbetween
Mystic Sheep: I have no idea what was going on with the writers.
Draco: Do we need the burger involved to kill someone? Deb really wouldn't mind just killing a man in Reno just to see him bleed, you know.
Mystic Sheep: Well, I mean, I do. He's the strongest of them (minus Duskmon), but also the least intelligent. He's supposed to be foolish but strong. It's just implemented in kind of an odd manner.
Mystic Sheep: Sidenote: I regret I could find no gif of Arbormon doing that Cossack dance thing, but I did link a vid
Mystic Sheep: He does that in the online games, but never in the anime.
Gooper Blooper: with the only possible background music
RubyChao: so goops
RubyChao: we defeat arbormon by russian dance communication, correct
Gooper Blooper: we'll just revive all four of these fuckers when sheep's not looking
The Crops: Biscotti can do it
Draco: All four of them?
Draco looks at Ranamon.
Draco starts heating up the fryer.

The Crops: i doubt they will be the same as before but they are basically data
Gooper Blooper: he can choose between duskmon and mercurymon for who gets to stay dead
Draco makes burgs.
Mystic Sheep has Arbormon eat a baby
RubyChao: sheep
RubyChao: that didn't work on Cian
RubyChao: why do you think it would work now
Mystic Sheep has Arbormon make fun of Junko.
Gooper Blooper: he ate Boss Baby
Gooper Blooper: he did the world a favor
Jumpropeman: at least now we know how Boss Baby became Sans
Gooper Blooper: XD
The Crops: I read that as Funko
Gooper Blooper: Arbormon hates funko pops
The Crops: Oh shit i forgot...
The Crops: the fairy digimon hot
Gooper Blooper: *sheep kills that one too*
Draco hooks Arbormon up with a blonde, anxious Touhou that nobody else cares about yet.


Mystic Sheep: "...Okay, I don't want to save her anymore."
Mystic Sheep: My work here is done.
RubyChao: but you didn't do anything
Mystic Sheep: "...Okay, I'm on her side again"
Mystic Sheep: Bury me here.
Mystic Sheep: Daiyousei gives Shimmer a harsh glare, "Wow... that is extremely shallow."
Mystic Sheep: Daiyousei, you only care because you just started dating a fish.
Jumpropeman: daiyousei doesn't see what's wrong with Calamarumon's appearance!
Jumpropeman: she thinks it's an improvement!
Mystic Sheep: "Remember the beach? Tina was showing you how to move! Like this,"
Mystic Sheep: This was a good moment.
Jumpropeman: i do like that the Tina beach play almost seems like it was to set up the swimming moment if this was a regular structured story
Mystic Sheep: "Pulling out her frog flashlight,"
Mystic Sheep: I like to imagine it has it's own soundcue
Mystic Sheep: just every time she pulls it out, there's a little
Mystic Sheep: "ribbit."
Jumpropeman: there's an angelic chorus
Jumpropeman: and then just the flat ribbit
Mystic Sheep: "grabbing his new nose horn"
Mystic Sheep: What did this nose do to you, JRM?
Jumpropeman: i do like it better as a horn
Jumpropeman: but you tell me what else she'd grab in this situation
Mystic Sheep feels like he should have thrown in horrible descriptions of Gurmblemon's nose flapping around as he runs and stuff while he had the chance
Jumpropeman: XD


Mending Sheep: "Now send it all towards the sexy fish lady!"-Daiyousei, 2019
Mending Sheep: "Ugly? Cute? You're gonna kill her or save her?"
Mending Sheep: "Daiyousei blushes... because this form was clearly Camp Hot for her"
Mending Sheep: :I
The Crops: i agree.
Mending Sheep: what
Jumpropeman: SHE HAS
Jumpropeman: A TYPE
Mending Sheep: IS THAT TYPE FISH?!
The Crops: the fish is hot
The Crops: shut up and accept it


A Clownly Del: the switch from pokemon to digimon in this here chatzy is wild
A Clownly Del: i remember watching it when i was a kid
A Clownly Del: and i had some of the toys
A Clownly Del: is
A Clownly Del: is this what it's like to be on the receiving end of RiderChat?
The Crops: idk!
A Clownly Del: lol


Jumpropeman: "things are getting grim and dark around here" *looks back at people fighting Kangaroo Jack* Dark, dark indeed...


The Crops: kdl3 still my child tho
The Crops: just don't ask me to do the minigames legit
Mending Sheep: Harpy, do the minigames legit
The Crops: i'm sorry, i can't


Mending Sheep: srspost
Mending Sheep screaming in the distance


Gooper Blooper: I shall return to playing the roles to kick skywire's ass with my nonsensical xbox lady
Mending Sheep: The Nostalgia Girl one?
Gooper Blooper: Dolby's ludicrous biology makes PERFECT sense
Bree: it's true, we've done the science


Jumpropeman: CHUCK
Jumpropeman: E
Jumpropeman: CHEESE
Jumpropeman: Why am I here when I could be stopping goddamn ALIENS with CHUCKY


Gooper Blooper: We never saw it on-forum but I decided Baltan is a Lodge member
Gooper Blooper: he's near the bottom shooting lasers at space deer
Jumpropeman: Baltan is the lowest ranking member
Jumpropeman: because he still hasn't hit a single deer
Jumpropeman: Shouting SPACE HEROES before firing doesn't work out well
Jumpropeman: sorry
Jumpropeman: SPACE HUNTERS
Gooper Blooper: That reminds me of how all my friends used to play Oregon Trail
Gooper Blooper: well, not friends necessarily, but back in elementary school my classmates and I would all go ham on the hunting minigame
Gooper Blooper: shoot ten thousand pounds of food and bring 200 back to the wagon
Ripple OP Plz Nerf: ya'll be crazy
Jumpropeman: that's the right way to play
Jumpropeman: keep nature in check
Gooper Blooper: Also it turns out if you overhunt
Gooper Blooper: you actually end up exterminating the local wildlife and hardly anything appears for you to shoot the more you play
Gooper Blooper: so we'd screw ourselves over every time because shooting ten bears was too much fun


Jumpropeman: did you know mizzle is a term for light rain a la drizzle? Well I gotta go get some home-made mizzle for rizzle


Jumpropeman: love this image
Jumpropeman: facebook looks like it's getting grounded by these grumpy college students
Jumpropeman: Engrish problems
Jumpropeman: found this developer on twitter recently
Jumpropeman: didn't know carno's plan was indie game development
Ripple: wao


Ripple: >blair witch review
Ripple: !!!!!!
Ripple: *rushes to read*
Ripple: i watched a bit of the gameplay and it was very intriguing
Ripple: so i am eager to read what your take on it was, jrm
Jumpropeman: it was spoopy
Jumpropeman: *that's the whole review*
Ripple: thats basically haunted hoard in a nutshell
Jumpropeman: nah
Jumpropeman: sometimes
Jumpropeman: it's not spoopy ENOUGH
Ripple: make a new scale for spoop levels
Jumpropeman: Not Spooky > Spoopy > Spooky > 2Spooky
Ripple: "the best dog of all of gaming"
Jumpropeman: HE'S SUCH A GOOD BOY
Ripple: that dog makes the experience for me
Ripple: he is the literal
Ripple: "this is my emotional support dog"
Ripple: no gif of petting the dog, only 9/10
Jumpropeman: i did what I could :V


Ripple: meanwhile i'm all like
Jumpropeman: that's your default state though?
Ripple: i mean, you're not wrong


Jumpropeman: *opens google docs*
Jumpropeman: *sees a leggy picture of Patty Wagon*
Ripple: how lewd
Gooper Blooper: JRM saving the important things
Jumpropeman: I needed a full body pic for CKR to use as reference around Brawl time


Untitled Del Game: Aiko got with Giselle because apparently brine and I are doomed to ship forever
Ripple: the chemistry keeps happening
Untitled Del Game: I told you man
Untitled Del Game: I told you about shipping
Untitled Del Game: For the rest of RP Aiko will be going to parties, chilling at home and smooching Giselle


RubyChao: for jrm
Jumpropeman: you found my devart D:


RubyChao: friends
RubyChao: i have completed soup
Jumpropeman: congrats
tater: you're at soup?!?
RubyChao: if i vanish forever after tomorrow i botched the pork and gave myself food poisoning
RubyChao: i leave all my characters to goops to find them good homes
Jumpropeman: i can't believe you chao
Jumpropeman: I would take good care of them
Jumpropeman: *has all of them die to Skywire Jr.*


tater: it just me or is
tater: this song basically "sokotem.avi"
Gooper Blooper: shhhhhhhhhhhh
tater: spook
tater: i will not be silenced
Jumpropeman: *puts harpy in charge of my future villain themes*
tater: i only came across it while relistening to some things
tater: and then the spooky bee laughtrack was in there
tater: and now i'm like
tater: "sokotem?"
Jumpropeman: I was about to say, I just reached the laugh
Draco: Sounds like a very Paul Blart theme.
tater: granted bee queen was kinda spooky with that fucking teleporting gimmick
RubyChao: paul blart?
RubyChao: more like
Jumpropeman: Paul Blart's theme is clearly screamo death metal
Jumpropeman: never mind
Draco makes Friday about All Blart instead.
TEEEEEETH!!!!!: Now I'm picturing Blart revealing he has a power like All Might
RubyChao: passed through mall cop after mall cop
Draco: I mean, didn't I share the picture of All Might as Paul Blart?
TEEEEEETH!!!!!: "BLAUL PART, AM I RIGHT" So, he'll be in the Brawl next year?
TEEEEEETH!!!!!: (Blaul Part sounds like "Brawl Part")
TEEEEEETH!!!!!: "tater: and then the spooky bee laughtrack was in there"
TEEEEEETH!!!!!: "Spooky Scary Apidaes" doesn't quite have the same ring to it
Gooper Blooper: Sunday, Monday, Apidaes
Tuesday, Wednesday, Apidaes
Thursday, Friday, Apidaes
The weekend comes, the beehive hums, READY TO MAKE HONEY FOR YOUUUUUUU
tater: why did i read that like it's heavy metal
Jumpropeman: excellent work gooper
Jumpropeman: here's a trophy
TEEEEEETH!!!!!: They're technically making honey for themselves and you're stealing it
tater: why am i craving apple pie
TEEEEEETH!!!!!: ...I actually don't know why bees make honey
TEEEEEETH!!!!!: I assume they eat it themselves in some way...
tater: sustenance
tater: but most responsible beekeepers iirc only take what they don't need
Jumpropeman: honey is how they keep food for later
tater: what the bees don't need
tater: a natural preservative?
Draco: "In short, honey bees make honey as a way of storing food to eat over the cooler winter period, when they are unable to forage and there are fewer flowers from which to gather food."


tater: can you imagine just wagging your finger and suddenly you're reshiram


If I Were A Rich Del joined the chat
If I Were A Rich Del: I'm here
If I Were A Rich Del: To say
If I Were A Rich Del: Inhale
RubyChao: what if you said
RubyChao: exhale
If I Were A Rich Del: That would be out of character for me
Gooper Blooper: exhale my butt enragement adult
If I Were A Rich Del: Oh I hate that goops
If I Were A Rich Del: Can't stress enough my dislike :I
RubyChao: but goops we need an antonym for enragement
Gooper Blooper: appeasement
MobileDraco: XD


Gooper Blooper: fun fact
Gooper Blooper: despite Yukari not getting her redemption arc in RP yet
Gooper Blooper: she is no longer my least favorite touhou
RubyChao: yaaaaaaay!
Jumpropeman: now your least favorite is Cirno
Draco: That's Sanae now, right? ;D
Jumpropeman: HA


Jumpropeman: what's a bamzu?
Cornwind Evil: Sounds like a small African mammal
Gooper Blooper: oh yeeeeaaaaah! I remember this ad!
Jumpropeman: it's stuck with me for years
Jumpropeman: especially the line "baby booties and hollywood movies"
Gooper Blooper: God, yes, and also TELEPHONES AND GARDEN GNOMES
Medley Sheep: Oh, I do remember this
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: i was going to say i didn't remember it
RubyChao: but listening to it
RubyChao: yes
RubyChao: yes i remember
Jumpropeman: repressed memories
Gooper Blooper: someone's covering something up
Gooper Blooper: they don't want us to know what happened to bamzu
Jumpropeman: they ran out of pots and pans and wedding bands


Draco: Blaze it.


RubyChao: Q: You've been looking forward to victory for so long. Now you can retire.
A: I'll never retire! And after I die, I'll race in the afterlife!

RubyChao: sooooo
RubyChao: do i eventually have Silver Neelsen die of old age, and come back as a ghost to race and/or golf the very next day
Medley Sheep: He's actually the dead guy racer
Medley Sheep: He is a revenant powered by a desire to play sports
RubyChao: i thought that was
RubyChao: Vahni
Medley Sheep: She does look like a skeleton


Multitudes Sheep entered for the first time
Multitudes Sheep peeks in chat
Multitudes Sheep left the chat

SteelKomodo: welp :P
A Clownly Del: thats a lotta sheeps peeking in
Draco: A herd of sheeps.
A Clownly Del: a whole herd
A Clownly Del: of sheps
Multitudes Sheep joined the chat
A Clownly Del: they're back!!!
Multitudes Sheep: Hello
Multitudes Sheep: Was out enjoying the day, but then I GOT RAINED ON so I'm back
A Clownly Del: rip
A Clownly Del: the m stands for
A Clownly Del: uh
A Clownly Del: mrain
Multitudes Sheep: Well done.


RubyChao: is here?
Jumpropeman: she asked for shimmer to give her a makeover :V
Multitudes Sheep: A starmato
Multitudes Sheep: I like that frog in the corner
Multitudes Sheep: Can we get that Frog into League of Legends


Jumpropeman: Pat Kaiser's here with the dildo bat!


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: she's so dumb she forgot she resists cold


RubyChao: i am back
RubyChao: and have all the ingredients
Multitudes Sheep: To create the perfect little girl?
RubyChao: no, because they didn't have everything nice
dorktato: i wish i had more stroopwafel.
Multitudes Sheep: Stroopwafel sounds like a military brigade of some kind
dorktato: it's a delicious military brigade if it is
dorktato: no, it's just a caramel waffel thing


Multitudes Sheep: "Big heads, small heads,"
Multitudes Sheep: heads that climb on rocks.
Draco: Lionel Heads


Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3

Multitudes Sheep: Jumpropemaaaaan
Multitudes Sheep a faint voice on the wind

Multitudes Sheep: Jumproooooopeman
Multitudes Sheep materializes, as if a half-dreamt phantom, appearing before JRM in a dark cloak
Multitudes Sheep: Search your feelings.....You know what you must do.
Multitudes Sheep: Take hold of that feeling and kill Voooooyd!
Multitudes Sheep fades back into the ether
Jumpropeman: srspost
Jumpropeman: MAYBE next round sheep
Multitudes Sheep: It's always next round!
Jumpropeman: look man
Multitudes Sheep pouts ethereally
Jumpropeman: I really wanted to do the feet thing
Jumpropeman: after that though? Everything is fair game
Multitudes Sheep haunts your Dr. Pepper
Jumpropeman: HEY
Jumpropeman: that's going too far!
Draco: Haunted JRM Doll drinks your Dr. Pepper and reviews your game collection


Jumpropeman rolled a die. The die showed: 6
Jumpropeman: oh, that first die wasn't 21
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
Jumpropeman: good job niftu
Draco: Oh, I thought that was the new Niftu Tractor.
Gooper Blooper: The Niftu Tractor: It's Nifty!
Jumpropeman: niftu without his suit uses a /rolldie 1 tractor
Gooper Blooper: Crits Every Time!
Jumpropeman: his suit is his limiter
Bree: suitless niftu for brawl
Multitudes Sheep: Naked Niftu
Jumpropeman: Zero Suit Niftu
Draco: 2 hot 4 RP


Jumpropeman: I'm glad I got an email telling me that someone edited the Boog page on the Fanboy and Chum Chum wiki to include him in the Blonde-Haired Characters category. Thank you for automatically signing me up for those alerts, Fandom!
Draco: Fandom loves you. Fandom is your friend. Respect fandom.
Gooper Blooper: XD


Jumpropeman: with LIMITED GAMEPLAY
Gooper Blooper: what a starburst


Jumpropeman: *googles Spiral Queen*
Jumpropeman: GASP
Draco: JRM found me out. My villain next year is beauty products. Joy and Shimmer are undoubtedly terrified already. ;V


dorktato: >bad engrish being showcased in a video
dorktato: >immediately recognize one clip as symphogear
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: THAT clip
RubyChao: thankfully harpy, for all our sakes
RubyChao: in season 2 and on everyone speaks japanese, including all the foreigners
RubyChao: it's better that way.
RubyChao: the best part is how it's not just incoherent in pronouciation, but actual dialogue
RubyChao: i'm pretty sure they just google translated it
Gooper Blooper: AS REPOARTET
Jumpropeman: someone has the words in the comments
Draco: I love it.
RubyChao: "So, you absolutely have a mind to use me. If that's the case, let's see your action that matches this deal."
RubyChao: yes, this is what people say in english
dorktato: uhm
dorktato: i am very uncomfortable with this
dorktato: i hate it, thanks
Jumpropeman: she sounds like a cat struggling to speak as a human
dorktato: (i also hate that woman but for a completely different reason)
Gooper Blooper: so when do we import that conversation into RP
dorktato: i mean
dorktato: i can do something similar
dorktato: have you ever heard me talk because sometimes i words wrong.
RubyChao: goops: whenever i reveal she was palparepa's real boss
Gooper Blooper: He only THOUGHT she was an AI because her sentences were machine translated


Jumpropeman: it's always suspicious when only one game in a series goes on sale
Jumpropeman: what is it about Freddi Fish 4 that makes it have to go for less
Draco: It's the newest game in the series and they're trying to tempt fans of the first three into continuing his adventures.
Jumpropeman: even newer than Freddi Fish 5?
Jumpropeman: >Freddi Fish 2: Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse
Jumpropeman: darn, this could have been a Haunted Hoard finale if I knew about it sooner!
Draco: Wait, what? Freddi Fish 5?!


Multitudes Sheep: Alright, I think I might have to brb for Toonami-
Multitudes Sheep sees Black Clover is next
Multitudes Sheep: Actually, I'm good.
RubyChao: honestly at this point
RubyChao: i unironically enjoy black clover
RubyChao: i like memeing about it but the past few arcs have won me over
RubyChao: witch forest, team tournament, and the minor characters getting a spotlight the past few eps
Draco: It's the Wizard Kings. They're controlling your mind.
RubyChao: oh well crap
RubyChao: that explains it
RubyChao: it definitely didn't pick up until after the sea temple arc was over with, tho
Draco: Sea Wizard Kings


Cornwind Evil: No one's around.
Cornwind Evil starts 17 new plots.
Multitudes Sheep: :I


Jumpropeman: >Anime Girl Discusses Bottle
Dino Wars: bite me.
Jumpropeman: 😁


Gooper Blooper: I've got my Cerato and Carno figures ready to smack against each other aggressively
Gooper Blooper: *sends Grongo*
Dino Wars: can grongo even fit in the undercity
Maize Sheep: Grongo is very dexterous.
Gooper Blooper: The way I imagine the Undercity, you certainly could place a Grongo in there, though he may have trouble maneuvering :V
Maize Sheep: One can, and should, always have a place for Grongo.
Gooper Blooper: it's difficult to make room for him
Gooper Blooper: but it's worth it
Jumpropeman: we've had some giants down there
Maize Sheep: Grongo makes a great centerpiece and conversation starter for any occasion!
Maize Sheep: *Additional assembly required.
Gooper Blooper: it's easy to attach Grongo's tail and neck but it's a one-time assembly - those things ain't coming off once they're on, preventing you from putting him back in his box
Gooper Blooper: Grongo is a commitment.


Gooper Blooper: "Tamaki | Funny Sexual Moments | Fire Force"
Gooper Blooper: thanks youtube
Dino Wars: "funny sexual moments"
Jumpropeman: GONE SEXUAL


Dino Wars: ivel's playing WWE 2K19
Dino Wars: of course he starts with doing daniel bryan showcase mode
Dino Wars: ...i half expect CW to bust in here after i say that


Bree: some quotable moments from today's episode of good mythical morning:
Bree: "it's not suspicious, it's digiorno!"
Bree: Link: what is rat ranch?
-Link : what's in rat ranch?
Bree: he clearly just liked saying it :V
Bree: lastly:
"why, josh"
"oh I try not to ask that question"
Bree: the first one was a josh line too, josh is funny ok
Dino Wars: RAT RANCH.
Bree: in case you're wondering "but what IS in rat ranch?", it was normal ranch mixed with, like, drippings from cooking rat meat
Bree: because The Things They Eat On This Show
Gooper Blooper: here I was picturing a literal ranch for raising rats, as in a farm
Bree: no it is a condiment for eating rats
RubyChao: but what about
RubyChao: RAP RAT
Jumpropeman: I thought you were talking about Ram Ranch at first which is
Jumpropeman: really different from Rat Ranch
Bree: the concept was actually based on Pizza Rat, that famous new york photo of a rat dragging an entire slice of pizza
Bree: the episode was "will it sausage?" and they made a "pizza rat sausage" which was an entire sausage (made of rodent meat :V) on a pizza, with RAT RANCH
Bree: they were like "you know what they love in new york? sausage. and also, pizza. and also rats. and pizza rats."
Bree: they have the flimsiest justifications for these abominations :V


(Jumpropeman begins playing Pokemon Crystal)

Jumpropeman asked Chatzy to choose between draco, gooper, chao and pitohui. Chatzy chose: draco
Jumpropeman: you're coming with me, drac BI
Ripple: i'd appreciate it if i was a scyther
Ripple: :V
Ripple: *doesn't know when clefairy happens*
Ripple: oh, furret? nevermind, excellent choice
Jumpropeman: for a guy named Mr. Pokemon
Jumpropeman: Mr. Pokemon is pretty irrelevant
Jumpropeman: I have named my rival
Jumpropeman: M Sheep
Gooper Blooper: he steals your master ball and uses it on a mantine because pelipper's not in crystal so you get my sin instead
Morning Sheep screams in the distance
Jumpropeman: harpy you're a Hoothoot
Ripple: hoothoot!
Ripple: shoulda made me a whelp
Jumpropeman: I may reuse names because I'm sure some nicknamed guys will get boxed :V
Gooper Blooper: what if
Gooper Blooper: you can reuse names, BUT
Gooper Blooper: you must swap out the old "Harpy" for the new "Harpy"
Jumpropeman: i dig the idea
Gooper Blooper: and maintain the same six users the whole time
Ripple: octillery or riot
Ripple: i mean in general
Gooper Blooper: ZFRPLocke: if one of JRM's Pokemon faints, that user is banned
Ripple: i'll fite u
RubyChao: i'm down
Jumpropeman: let's see
Jumpropeman: chao, you're a geodude

Jumpropeman: the zfrp team is complete
Jumpropeman: Draco the Totodile, Bree the Poliwag, Harpy the Hoothoot, Chao the Geodude, Pitohui the Zubat, and Gooper the spinarak
Bree: I'm proud to be part of The Squad


Jumpropeman: "Gooper learned Scary Face"
Jumpropeman: I doubt that
Gooper Blooper: hey man
Gooper Blooper: I've done some disturbing mspaints!
Jumpropeman: *shudders*
Gooper Blooper: sugar
Gooper Blooper: doo doo doo-doo doo doo
Gooper Blooper: ohhhh honey honey
Draco runs away.


Jumpropeman: eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Jumpropeman: HIKER ANTHONY


Morning Sheep do you hear it
Morning Sheep it's coming
Morning Sheep shuffles papers

Morning Sheep: man, my hands hurt
Morning Sheep: So I'm keeping this short
Morning Sheep: *ignores sounds of cheering* :I


Untitled Del Game: Now Dana is getting a rider plot


AAAAAAAAA: No input from me this round
Mending Sheep: No input from Vince?
Mending Sheep: And here I was imagining that one scene of Harry Potter
Mending Sheep: With mail and owls and jsut filling the room in that one house
Mending Sheep: But its personally penned insults from Vince to Adelheid
AAAAAAAAA: Vince doesn't have the energy to do that
AAAAAAAAA: He'll send one every once in a while though
AAAAAAAAA: Just to keep em on their toes
Jumpropeman: Vince sends one letter
Jumpropeman: and it just says "You suck"
Cornwind Evil: 0:30
Cornwind Evil: Vince's letter
Mending Sheep: Alternatively, the letters between The Director and The Chancellor in Red vs Blue
Mending Sheep: but Vince
Mending Sheep: a very eloquent Vince
AAAAAAAAA: Adelheids responses would be eloquent
AAAAAAAAA: Vince's responses would not
Gooper Blooper: "you're a butt" and next to it is a doodle Koa did of herself sticking her tongue out
AAAAAAAAA: "If Pepsi used you in a commercial, they'd lose sales because nobody would believe you did anything as human as drinking soda. Your presence damages the commercial viability of cola products."
Mending Sheep: Sincerely, Vince
AAAAAAAAA: "Your presence massively upsets camels."
Mending Sheep: Your humble servant, Vince
Gooper Blooper: Hugs And Kisses
Gooper Blooper: Vince
Jumpropeman: I remain, Vince
AAAAAAAAA: He'd give no context or explanation for any of these
AAAAAAAAA: "Dear Badelheid,
AAAAAAAAA: "Your cat is lame and so is your hair."
AAAAAAAAA: "Go twist a nipple,
Cornwind Evil: Adelheid wondering what's with these strange insulting letters
Cornwind Evil: Rose yelling that she's gonna sue for libel
AAAAAAAAA: "Dear Adelheid, I've been brushing up on my high school biology. Isn't it amazing how an incredibly unlikely series of chances resulted in the creation of life, which evolved to become self aware, create tools, band together and begin collectively working together and recording history, observing the wonders of the universe and creating marvelous things, all to result in you, the most boring human alive? Just something to consider. P.s. your cat sucks."


Mending Sheep: "This would be where I posted a picture."
Mending Sheep: *website under construction gif here*
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: darn
Jumpropeman: I thought we could work around giphy's landing page
Gooper Blooper: Landing pages are a sin, JRM
Jumpropeman: I've gone out of my way of a perfectly good image link to find a crappier quality one just to spare you all landing pages
Gooper Blooper: I used to have an Imgur bookmark that took me straight to my album
Gooper Blooper: It started refusing to work unless I was on Imgur's home page, forcing me to look at people's sad bear confessionals before I can see my images
Jumpropeman: maybe one of those sad bears will finally make you join the imgur community!


Mending Sheep: "she briefly panics only to realize the rules were Last Man Standing, not First One To Beat Adelheid Wins."
Mending Sheep: Yes
Mending Sheep: but
Mending Sheep: Your dimension WILL be destroyed if all your team members are knocked out
Mending Sheep: Don't blame me
Mending Sheep: Blame Goku


Jumpropeman: I'll give you a villain
Jumpropeman: I call her Dimmer
Jumpropeman: she's evil shimmer
Jumpropeman: she's just shimmer with her colors inverted
Mending Sheep: Shimmer with brown hair?!
Jumpropeman: brown hair shimmer never existed
Jumpropeman: we were always at war with Olympia
Cornwind Evil: And she's so stupid she can achieve amazing feats of intelligence because she doesn't know she can't do them
Jumpropeman: unfortunately, Dimmer found the cure for stupidity and cured herself
Jumpropeman: now she's just normal
Gooper Blooper: how BORING
Gooper Blooper: give me cute dumb shimmer any day
RubyChao: the deadliest villain ever
Gooper Blooper: she's so
Gooper Blooper: green
Cornwind Evil: Dimmer: Everything you love, I hate! Everything you hate, I love! Like, you know that thing where you brush your teeth and then drink orange juice?
Cornwind Evil: Shimmer: UGGGHHH! I HATE THAT!
Cornwind Evil: Dimmer: Well, I love it!
Cornwind Evil: Shimmer:...wait...I hate LOSING, so...


RubyChao: there is no lie


Jumpropeman: being of an innocent young age where every game was a marvel, my mind committed many details of what I played and placed undue importance on them, hence why I vividly remember Mamamu Yan
Jumpropeman: behold the odd triangle that is their attempt to give her a snout
Jumpropeman: when she reappeared in the Oracle games, it was much more clearly a large honker
Gridmemes: They only had so many polygons back then
Gooper Blooper: fighting polygon team
RubyChao: who's ready for my plot next year
RubyChao: where we have to fight the Fighting Polygon Curse
Jumpropeman: don't you dare take Mamama Yun- oh okay that's fine
RubyChao: it's just every curse member, but now a fighting polygon duplicate
Gridmemes: Polygon Doppio
Gridmemes: With Polygon Crimson King
Gridmemes: Polygonette???
RubyChao: Plaguelygon
Gooper Blooper: See every WAN in glorious N64-style scaling sprites
VONOTNA: Polygon Rider Kilbas
Gridmemes: God I want Chompette 64
Gridmemes: Paper Chompette
Jumpropeman: Chompette's Woolly World


Jumpropeman: that's the last resort
Marimba Sheep: he'll clog it up with his dead body


Jumpropeman: can't wait to save Screenslaver
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: Screenslaver takes off the mask
Gooper Blooper: cute anime gurl
Jumpropeman: oh nooooo
Draco: Still has to die for picking on a Game Boy Color like that.
Jumpropeman: what if it was Voyd the whole time
Jumpropeman: they're both from the same movie after all
RubyChao: it's halley
RubyChao: shoot to kill
Draco: JRM, he said a CUTE anime girl.
Jumpropeman: destroyed voyd
Gooper Blooper: Draco tossing out bombs
Draco: That's why there's a "y" in her name. BI
Draco: Because she is devoyd of cute.
Gooper Blooper: it's ranamon
Jumpropeman: the worst thing about voyd
Jumpropeman: is all the great fanart of her has other characters in it
Jumpropeman: I can't have a cute reaction shot of her if Violet is jamming her face into the pic
Draco: Time to introduce the entire cast of The Incredibles 2
Jumpropeman: this is pretty cute though
 Draco: Got me there.
Marimba Sheep: "it's ranamon"
Marimba Sheep gets out the meat grinder


dorktato: *misreads crouch as crotch*
dorktato: i think i need to lay down.

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