Friday, October 11, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 349: Miror Blart

Murdered Sheep: The only thing you need to know about Sinduramon: "I'm glad the first thing EVERYONE mentioned is the fire and brimstone Southern preacher voice they gave the possessed owl in the English dub, which manages to be both hilarious and a little unnerving at the same time."
Murdered Sheep: Oh man
Murdered Sheep: OH MAN
Murdered Sheep: YOU ARE NOT READY
Jumpropeman: oh... oh myyyyy
Jumpropeman: that owl is amazing
Batman Is Soaking Wet: THE DEEEVVUH
Murdered Sheep: THE DAEEEEEVA


Jumpropeman: Rocko's Modern Life Wiki is not called Rocko's Modern Wiki
Jumpropeman: I AM APPALLED


umpropeman: missed opportunity: have Fat Cat from Rescue Rangers be Don Genie's pet
RubyChao: damn
RubyChao: that is a missed opportunity
RubyChao: guess i'll have to put him at the waterworks
MobileDraco: BRB making Fat Cat canon
YerDoinOkHarps: Plz
Jumpropeman: Fat Cat joins rp... AS YOHANE'S PET
MobileDraco: 😲
MobileDraco: Dan was Fat Cat all along!
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Murky Sheep entered for the first time

RubyChao: hello gooper and sheep
RubyChao: the same person
Murky Sheep: I mean
Murky Sheep: Have we ever been in the same room at the same time?
Murky Sheep: Sidenote: Writing is hard :I
Gooper Blooper: Plague almost had a pet!
Murky Sheep: Was it
Murky Sheep: a scorpion?
Gooper Blooper: No, it was Rollergator
Murky Sheep lies down
Gooper Blooper: I thought maybe you'd want to use Rollergator as garbage curse, so I refrained from using him as garbage curse myself
Murky Sheep soul departs from body
Murky Sheep: I
Murky Sheep: I see a bright light...
Gooper Blooper: That bright light is the spotlight shining upon InGen's newest creation, sheep
Gooper Blooper: Bubsygator
Murky Sheep: oh
Murky Sheep: oh no
Gooper Blooper: the kids'll love him
Murky Sheep: dear god
Murky Sheep: there's a
Murky Sheep: javelina
Gooper Blooper: that's his sidekick
Gooper Blooper: they go on totally radical adventures together
Murky Sheep wakes up in a cold sweat
Murky Sheep: Well,
Murky Sheep: The Curse was a neat experiment, but I think it's time to burn it all down
Gooper Blooper: we're working on it
Murky Sheep considers replacing Avak event with a Rollergator event
Murky Sheep: Alas, I don't I could ever do Rollergator true justice


Jumpropeman: that was a
Jumpropeman asked Chatzy to choose between good, great, amazing, awful, terrible, no good, very bad, excellent and excellente. Chatzy chose: terrible
Jumpropeman: terrible chatzy madness apparently


Jumpropeman: here's Sans's real identity
NotCreepyPanda: Glad he mellowed down and started to appreciate the fine things in life
NotCreepyPanda: After he died
NotCreepyPanda: Puns being the fine things
Jumpropeman: it was hard being a Boss and a Baby simultaneously
NotCreepyPanda: Easier to be dead?
Jumpropeman: being dead is pretty easy, billions do it without trying!
NotCreepyPanda: True. Probably more.
Jumpropeman: "“Modern”Homo sapiens (that is, people who were roughly like we are now) first walked the Earth about 50,000 years ago. Since then, more than 108 billion members of our species have ever been born, according to estimates by Population Reference Bureau (PRB)."
NotCreepyPanda: You didn't say people, just billions.
Jumpropeman: the animals really have to try to stay dead though, the animal zombie apocalypse comes when they give up
Bree: many potatoes have lived and died since the dawn of the universe
NotCreepyPanda: Are cats zombies?
Jumpropeman: that's a sad thought bree
RubyChao: there are many potatoes
RubyChao: but only one Yam
NotCreepyPanda: Dia never dies
madvel: not true, Dia dies a lot
YerDoinOkHarps: dia does die, but she comes back
YerDoinOkHarps: like a cat with more lives than you can count
madvel: or a zombie
NotCreepyPanda: Or a potato
NotCreepyPanda: You plant a potato
NotCreepyPanda: Then you uproot it
NotCreepyPanda: More potatoes
NotCreepyPanda: Where do they come from?
NotCreepyPanda: How do they multiply?
NotCreepyPanda: Are potatoes taking over the earth?
NotCreepyPanda: Were the aliens here all along?
YerDoinOkHarps: why was i tempted to send featherbutt here
YerDoinOkHarps: why was i tempted for an etrohus cameo?
YerDoinOkHarps: i don't know


Murky Sheep: "Hail Ambrosia."
Murky Sheep: I think you mean
Murky Sheep: "Black Hole Forever."
MobileDraco: lel
MobileDraco: I think you mean...
MobileDraco: Hail Hydra?
YerDoinOkHarps: think you mean
YerDoinOkHarps: "Praise Ladeca!"
Jumpropeman: I think you all mean
Jumpropeman: "Where's the beef?"
Murky Sheep: I think you mean
Murky Sheep: "Curse Forever."
YerDoinOkHarps: fuck
MobileDraco: I mean...Steve Buscemi rules.
Jumpropeman: I think you mean "According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible..."
MobileDraco: I think you mean Sexy Anime MILF Coloring Book.
Bree: I think you mean
Bree: hi is amty.
MobileDraco: 😲


Batman Is Still Soaking Wet: Dawn dumps Don Genie on an island on another world with a very large amount of supplies.
Batman Is Still Soaking Wet: Buy your way out of that.
RubyChao: dawn comes back ten years later, finds that don genie has built a new city and installed himself as mayor
Murky Sheep: King of the Coconuts
Batman Is Still Soaking Wet: Is he still on the island?
RubyChao: yes, cornwind
RubyChao: he just overhauled it
RubyChao: it's like minecraft
Murky Sheep: And installed thrusters
Murky Sheep: to move the island to a nicer location
Murky Sheep: and then made it fly
Murky Sheep: and built a futuristic city in layers on it
Murky Sheep: That he rules
Batman Is Still Soaking Wet: Is he still doing evil shit?
RubyChao: i dunno, it's hard to do evil shit when you don't have people in the city
Murky Sheep: But does he like being on fire?
RubyChao: no, but okuu does
RubyChao: it's warm and comfortable
Batman Is Still Soaking Wet: Chastity is okay with it as long as she's controlling the fire
Batman Is Still Soaking Wet: So he basically built his own city which is empty and is mayor of himself?
Batman Is Still Soaking Wet: Sounds like he went a little crazy
Batman Is Still Soaking Wet: Which to Dawn, is punishment enough. He can stay there.
RubyChao: i mean, it's either that or sit around on an empty island
RubyChao: what would you do
Batman Is Still Soaking Wet: Build a boat?
NotCreepyPanda: Does he have a post office?
Jumpropeman: does he have halo and an xbox
Murky Sheep: Does he have a heart?
NotCreepyPanda: If he doesn't have a post office, but says he is mayor of a city, then he is most certainly insane.
Murky Sheep: I didn't vote for him.
MobileDraco: See if you can find a boat!
Jumpropeman: See if you can find ANY boats
Batman Is Still Soaking Wet: ACTUALLY LEAVING HIM alone on the island is cruel
Batman Is Still Soaking Wet: She'll revive his bodyguards and put them there too
Batman Is Still Soaking Wet: And anyone in his business complicit in his crimes
Jumpropeman: that way he'll have something to eat
Batman Is Still Soaking Wet: I did she she also left him a massive amount of supplies.
RubyChao: dawn makes sure to put captain you watanabe and dane gustavia there in particular
NotCreepyPanda: I read "a massive amount of applies."
Batman Is Still Soaking Wet: Weren't they being controlled by him?
RubyChao: yes, dane owed his entire career to the don's help in solving a career-ending medical problem, while captain you was locked into a contract if she wanted her dream job back ever
RubyChao: (that's the joke)
Batman Is Still Soaking Wet: So no, of course not
Batman Is Still Soaking Wet: Basically she'd want to subject him to a punishment he couldn't buy or bribe his way out of.
Draco: So...being president.


Waluigi joined the chat
Del at Work: hey wa
Waluigi: It's-a me, Mario!
Waluigi: wait
Waluigi: fuck
Del at Work: oh no
Del at Work: a mistake!
Waluigi: I'm going to have to shave my mustache for this =/


Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: link
Bree: what the hell are these jrm
SpooPanda: I agree, raccoons are not safe products
Jumpropeman: posts on the Unites States Consumer Product Safety Commission's official twitter
Bree: these are from their actual twitter?
SpooPanda: Sounds like old men trying to meme, and succeeding unexpectedly.
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: they sure are
SpooPanda: Surrealist meme is best meme
Jumpropeman: Great Baby is apparently a recurring character
SpooPanda: Babies are apparently not allowed pillows
Jumpropeman: you don't put them in their crib because unattended they could smother themselves
Del is Home: Great Baby sure is something
Del is Home: I like how all the great baby's reasons for her time being short are "this place sucks and smells funny"
Jumpropeman: great baby goes into the dangerous and dank locations to save our babies
SpooPanda: Damned Gen Z babies and their nihilistic tendencies. This is why we can't have nice things - pillows.
Bree: link
Bree: this one is a gold mine
SpooPanda: I can't be sure if this one is even a safety message
Jumpropeman: Controller Face final boss
Hooded Pitohui: "Injuries from falling videogame consoles" - I can see how this could result in an ER visit, but there must be some interesting context to that one
Gooper Blooper adds Controller Face to The Curse
Jumpropeman: gotta wonder how those numbers looked in the pre-Wii era
SpooPanda: Nintendo is hurting people! Wake up!
Jumpropeman: they were 0 because there were no injuries in 2018 until 2018
Bree: potato
Gooper Blooper: I'm relieved Potato is ready
Bree: more deadly technology
Bree: sorry this is a rabbit hole and I'm still down it
Gooper Blooper: so many RP bosses in these
Bree: "2,800 were injured by beach umbrellas between 2010 and 2018"
Jumpropeman: who doesn't love a good rabbit hole
Bree: think of the horses
Jumpropeman: the horses will be happy to know I switched the basement batteries... a few months ago? idk felt more recent
Jumpropeman: we have the smoke detectors that signal low batteries by getting super annoying
Jumpropeman: this did lead to a period where they had no batteries though before we could buy replacements to shut them up :V
Bree: didn't know meiling worked for the consumer products safety commission
Bree: sheep?! you too?!
Bree: spoopy one
Jumpropeman: bystanders
MobileDraco: There IS a zombie on your lawn! 😱
Bree: welcome to texas
Jumpropeman: the real reason we moved away from Texas was to avoid the constant volcanoes
Bree: this one is hella deep
Jumpropeman: that feels like the kind of thing you might expect from the CPSC
Bree: now back to our regularly scheduled nonsense
Bree: when will I stop posting these? nobody knows
Jumpropeman: when the great baby appears and warns you it's a safety risk to keep doing so
Bree: final boss 2019
Jumpropeman: Fireballs are a common playground concern
Bree: I think it's in reference to how playground equipment can become hot enough to cause burns
Bree: they have some other ones about checking playground equipment before you let your children play on it
Jumpropeman: that would make sense in combination with the volcano one yeah


Jumpropeman: "Top 10 Uncle Ben Deaths"
Jumpropeman: that's how you know we've seen this origin too much


Jumpropeman: there must be like 13 sad movie climaxes going on outside right now
Jumpropeman: this is the kind of rain storm that video game characters use as attacks
Gooper Blooper: XD
RubyChao: pffffffft


Gooper Blooper: "Read more posts (-7 remaining)"
Gooper Blooper: not quite, tapatalk
harpo: NEGATIVE 7


(Cirno gets lured into the sewer by Pennywise)

Waluigi: Screaming_Jacques_and_Mumble.gif
Jumpropeman: Screaming... that they missed out on the circus!
Jumpropeman: link
Mostly Dead Sheep: That's how the clown prepares her, right?
Mostly Dead Sheep: "No. But SOMETHING happened..."
Mostly Dead Sheep: Jacques immediately and fully faceturned?


Cornwind Evil: Cirno's malaproisms are rubbing off on other characters
Jumpropeman: Eternity does have a bit of Cirno's souls in her
Jumpropeman: *soul, singular
Draco: Cirno been eating souls again?
Jumpropeman: girl gotta eat
Draco: Eat who though?
Jumpropeman: why do you think she's keeping Eternity around


RubyChao: "Update (Sept. 25): After our article was published, a representative from Chronicle Collectibles reached out to let us know that of the 20,000 Nuka Cola-themed helmets that were manufactured, only 32 were sold. It says that all of those customers were directly notified about the recall. All 20,000 units have been recalled."
Gooper Blooper: >32
Gooper Blooper: incredible


ivel: actually have a slight headache, gonna-
ivel: "Wendy's has its own tabletop RPG"
ivel: WHAT
ivel: "Feast of Legends"


Gooper Blooper: less than a week until new curse is prohibited
RubyChao: actually i'm legitimately curious
RubyChao: does that apply to you too, or will you be hiding a couple last-minute member reveals in the last couple weeks
Gooper Blooper: That last lock in my profiles is not going to unlock until later
RubyChao: >last lock
RubyChao: >you're not going to make it a round even 5 row
RubyChao: i'm disappointed and ashamed
RubyChao: (no i'm not)
Draco: Alright, time to make a few hundred new Curse members.
Gooper Blooper: I'll do something to make it look nice when the Curse gets moved to the Ensemble thread, don't worry
Draco: Just introduce enough Curse members to make it even, Chao.
RubyChao: but i can't do anything about the bottom row!
Gooper Blooper: It's actually even right now if nobody adds anyone else
Gooper Blooper: 3 at the ends and 5 for the other rows
Draco: Is it too late to retcon out Paul Blart?
Gooper Blooper: yes :V
ivel: who?
ivel: ;U
RubyChao: is it too late to retcon out
RubyChao: miror b
ivel: does the b stand for blart
Draco: Yes. Miror is his son.


RubyChao: so guys, i need your advice
RubyChao: alphadead flows better but alphanightmare is more thematically fitting
RubyChao: so what should i fill in "alphadream more like ____" with
Jumpropeman: alphanightmare
ivel: alphameme


Draco: "Piper!" <- Piper vs Piper
ivel: time for them to enter Piper's Pit
ivel: I don't think anyone will get that :U
RubyChao: >we've been exposed to spy and cornwind for years
RubyChao: >you think we wouldn't get it
ivel: you make a good point
RubyChao: one osmoses these things
Jumpropeman: im still taking shots from all the exposure!


Gooper Blooper: "Indie hit of 2015: RPG with metafictional elements that can be won with pacifism and challenges conventional RPG morality
Indie hit of 2017: Psychological horror game disguised as an anime dating simulator that deconstructs breaking the fourth wall
Indie hit of 2019: You are a goose who is also a bastard"


RubyChao: holy crapola
RubyChao: this is so late 1990s/early 2000s it hurts
Jumpropeman: Baby Boomerangutang, whose name is hilariously butchered there, was considered for this event as well
Jumpropeman: I have been desperate
Jumpropeman: DESPERATE
Jumpropeman: to get him into rp
RubyChao: "Stalingrad is a member of The Terror's league of evil. The Terror thinks he's the real Joseph Stalin, who he knew in the past, but Stalingrad is actually a grad student who does the Stalin thing as an homage."
Jumpropeman: Chao, you need to delete that link before sheep sees it
ivel: "Carmalita is the daughter of the mad scientist Dr. Vahtoss. She is also the main love interest of Arthur. Unfortunately, she is annoying so I won't write too much more about her."
Jumpropeman: because he'll have more curse if he does
RubyChao: it's okay
RubyChao: goops is going to cut him off
Jumpropeman: he has a few more days


Cornwind Evil: This page reminds me of Shimmer and Voyd
Jumpropeman: I was gonna say, girl on the right is very Shimmery
Jumpropeman: who is it?
ivel: since it's the Runaways, guessing Nico Minoru on the left, not sure about the right since I only know Nico by name
Cornwind Evil: Karoline
Jumpropeman: >solar light manipulation
Jumpropeman: *reads about Karolina and Nico's relationship*
Jumpropeman: Shimmer and Voyd aren't THAT close :V
Draco: Yet
Cornwind Evil: I never said it was a PERFECT allegory
Jumpropeman: *arbitrarily decides black is Voyd's natural hair color*
RubyChao: i see nico
RubyChao: and i just think of voyd doing the nico nico nii
Jumpropeman: Nico Nico Nii is for Neeko to do
Jumpropeman: Voyd would die of embarrassment before she finished
Jumpropeman: this has 3.6 million views
Gooper Blooper: She's popular!
Gooper Blooper: I remember when the movie came out she definitely got the most attention of the new characters and it wasn't close
Jumpropeman: how is lava barfing frog man not as popular?!


Draco: So Botrys is the real final boss of Lodgeplot, right?
Gooper Blooper: JRM does it so he can say Sarcastro is his big final boss
Jumpropeman: there is A Fate for him, I don't expect you to let a black mold body snatcher to run loose in the galaxy by end of plot
Draco: I'm kind of disappointed we can't arrest Sarcastro, but then again being forced to be a sentient spore's meat Gundam is arguably worse.
RubyChao: and that fate... is giving him a better body!
Jumpropeman: EXACTLY! I like your characters so much, I'm taking them to be part of Botrys!!
RubyChao: wait
RubyChao: botrys... labrys...
Draco: figured it out.
Jumpropeman: there goes the twist - . -


Jumpropeman: *adds Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White, monty python and the holy grail's black knight, benito mussolini, and the blue meanie, cowboy curtis and Jambi the Genie, Robocop, the Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader, Lo Pan, Superman, every single power ranger, bill S. Preston and theodore logan, Spock, the Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan to the Curse*
RubyChao: wow jrm just sent me back to 2007
RubyChao: thanks jrm
RubyChao: but bill and ted are dead
Jumpropeman: Theodore Logan is!
Jumpropeman: Bill is fine
Jumpropeman: their robot doubles are dead
Jumpropeman: Spy might not let me use Hulk Hogan
Cornwind Evil: Hulk Hogan breaks the rhyme
Jumpropeman: Hogan rhymes with Logan
Cornwind Evil: Oh yeah


Jumpropeman: there are people who try to make canonical sense of things like Mario Kart having multiple versions of mario
Jumpropeman: and baby mario, its usually time travel
Jumpropeman: metal mario is treated like a different character
Jumpropeman: but how do they reconcile Tanooki Mario
Jumpropeman: did he really just put on a suit and time travel while wearing it to race himself?
Jumpropeman: "The Vacuum Star (Type X), not a bad ride for Tanooki Mario."
Jumpropeman: "A look at Tanooki Mario's excellent stat card."
Jumpropeman: I appreciate the Mario Kart wiki's complimentary tone
Jumpropeman: "In this course, the Toads that are cheering you on are not wearing vests. Instead, they wear jackets. However, if you are playing as Toad, he will still have his vest on."
Jumpropeman: "Boy and girl Inklings drifting on a mission..."
Jumpropeman: "If a Banana, a Shell, or even a Special Item Bowser Shell makes contact, the Hearts will repel it...
...but in addition to this, the Item gunner of the vehicle will also be able to use the Item that was just blocked. This can turn out very useful for the drivers, and VERY fateful from the failed assassin."

Jumpropeman: Failed Assassin
Jumpropeman: This wiki isn't bad
Jumpropeman: but I just love its tone and terminology!
Jumpropeman: "When you see that Daisy/Peach have circling Hearts around them, save your item for another time (unless it's one of the items that can defeat the shield [see Trivia!])"
Jumpropeman: "Trivia!" Sure enough! The exclamation point is there for that section!
RubyChao: wait
RubyChao: there's a mario kart wiki?
Jumpropeman: "According to the Mario Kart Wii Prima Guide, Daisy is Peach's cousin." REVELATION
Jumpropeman: seems fairly comprehensive
RubyChao: i read Obstacles
RubyChao: as Obituaries
Jumpropeman: man
Jumpropeman: if I could add one character to Mario Kart
Jumpropeman: it would legit be Marty
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: just add him to zfrp
Jumpropeman: chao
Jumpropeman: look me in the eye
Jumpropeman: you know i already have considered it
Jumpropeman: and not just recently
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: consider it harder
Jumpropeman considers it
Jumpropeman CONSIDERS IT

RubyChao: more
RubyChao: MORE!
Jumpropeman /b CONSIDERS IT
Jumpropeman: BOLD DOESN'T WORK ON slash me!
RubyChao: oh shit
RubyChao: we broke it
Jumpropeman: because /b isn't a thing!
RubyChao considers it in return
Jumpropeman: there we go
RubyChao considers harder than you

Jumpropeman 's brain breaks, RPs the banana peel with a face instead

Jumpropeman: Quotes
"Baby Peach"
"Ok haha"
"Okay yippee haha"

Jumpropeman: clearly marty shoulda been in F-Zero
Jumpropeman: "The Luma that was circling Rosalina in Mario Kart Wii doesn't accompany Baby Rosalina. But as a trade, she gets a pacifier."
Jumpropeman: how do we know
Jumpropeman: that someone didn't feed that Luma star bits to turn it into the pacifier
Jumpropeman: "She carries around a black clipboard and pen in Animal Crossing, because that's the kind of thing secretaries carry around."
Jumpropeman: I LOVE
Jumpropeman: THIS WIKI'S TONE
Jumpropeman: It's like, casually earnest
Jumpropeman: like, it gets super technical on the karts and important details
Jumpropeman: but the character sections are like some chipper 10 year old honors student is writing them
Jumpropeman: "Is there really any weapon that is better than bouncy balls? Nope, and that's why he chose them."
Jumpropeman: an important page
Jumpropeman: "Wendy O. Koopa, the only girl Koopa in the Koopalings, is most likely Bowser's favorite child, which is offending to the other Koopalings."
Jumpropeman: "Wendy O. Koopa is about as bratty as you are gonna get. Seriously, she is even more sassy than Princess Daisy. Her body is yellow, just like all the Koopas', and she wears pink high heels (Oh-no, Peach has some competition for fashion!)"
Jumpropeman: "And she's always got that "I'm gonna take you out with a Bob-omb!" look on her face. Wendy O. Koopa isn't afraid too, either."
Jumpropeman: "She is the only Koopaling who wears pink shoes, the other Koopalings go barefoot."
Jumpropeman: Wendy's page is a delight
Jumpropeman: "Like Wiggler, she did not return in Mario Kart 8 nor Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. The reason she didn't return is because many people disliked her." Poor Honey Queen
Jumpropeman: Wiggler: "When hit with an item, he will turn red for a few seconds, although no speed is gained, just pain."
Jumpropeman: "Blinky in the original Pac-Man arcade game. He wants his orange gloves. And a new bed, too."
Jumpropeman: what... what happened to your bed, Blinky
Jumpropeman: "The other ghosts' names are Inky, Pinky, and Clyde. But this page isn't about them, so let's get on to Blinky."
Jumpropeman: all wikis should be written like this
RubyChao: i need to sleep
RubyChao: enjoy, jrm
Jumpropeman: night chao
Jumpropeman: the blinky page in general is a treat
Jumpropeman: and will probably be where I stop
Jumpropeman: since I don't think Draco is here to be forced to listen to me


Jumpropeman: Pokemon advertised a 24 hour livestream about Pokemon Sword and Shield that started today
Jumpropeman: so far it's been three hours of a mostly static image of a mushroom forest
Jumpropeman: at one point a Pokemon we already know about walked past
Jumpropeman: at another we got the smallest glimpse of something that might be new in the top right corner
Jumpropeman: that's been about it

(later, after it ended)

Jumpropeman: one new pokemon revealed, that's all


(Dr. Bees performs well in the Secret Fiter Scuffle)

Hooded Pitohui: Dr. Bees, heavens, please keep going, if only because I want the count of how many times a "large influx of bees" can be said in this to keep ticking up


Cornwind Evil: "I hate clowns!" How many times did Aiko shoot Pennywise?
Untitled Del Game: Many many times


Cornwind Evil: Question
Cornwind Evil: How firmly is that crown on Chompette's head?
Bree: considering it's magic, probably more firmly than a regular crown would be
ivel: I'd say pretty firm, considering all she's been through and not lost it? :U
Bree: if only because if it was constantly falling off it would kinda be inconvenient as shit
Bree: also what ivel said
Untitled Del Game: She's super glued it on :U
Jumpropeman: Using Peachette as an example it should have been removed the moment she took damage it's affixed enough for athleticism and things like doing backflips while kart racing


Bree: s l o t h
Untitled Del Game: Sloths apparently sound like how I imagine the D: emote sounds


Cornwind Evil: "Earth outweighs us by a factor of over ten trillion." But only outweighs Josephine's assets by a factor of nine trillion!
Harpy: wot


RubyChao: "In the English dub, Franky's introduction song calls him "Water 7's number one super guy.""
Jumpropeman: HEY
Jumpropeman: Hong Kong Phooey is the number one super guy!
Jumpropeman: no pretenders!
ivel: exactly
ivel: BI
RubyChao: no no
RubyChao: he is only the number one super guy of this particular region
RubyChao: not the one in general
ivel: true
ivel: even Hong Kong Phooey can't be EVERYWHERE


RubyChao: tomorrow is trillion starlights finale!
RubyChao: if people want i can give general suggestions on character types to bring
Harpy: suggest to me, o chao
Jumpropeman: do it
RubyChao: ok
RubyChao: -people with connection to hibiki
-people with connection to kalcyon
-people who can take a beating
Harpy: Dashra, Dia, Fairy Queen
RubyChao: sure!
Harpy: Fairy Queen because she got the symphos
Harpy: and to support Dashra
Jumpropeman: Hibiki... Elliott, get on your steed, you're needed
Jumpropeman: *Elliott rides a Rascal into battle*
Gooper Blooper: *Elliott's steed is another Elliott*
RubyChao: elliott has an office in palparepa's office
RubyChao: palparepa has not noticed.
Jumpropeman: look
Jumpropeman: palparepa needs some copies of his evil schemes to distribute to his minions


 Untitled Del Game: I have been chatting with wulf and we have determined that I am a Scottish fold cat
MobileDraco: You are, eh?
Untitled Del Game: It me
MobileDraco: Good cat.
iKomodo: What catto would i be?
MobileDraco: A Scottish fold cat I reckon. ;V
UNAVOIDABLE CHIN MOVE! assesses all the Rpers, just making them Fold Cats with Location in front of the name.
iKomodo: I suspect i’d be your bog standard british shorthair
MobileDraco: lol
Jumpropeman: im this cat
Harpy: i'm maple


UNAVOIDABLE CHIN MOVE!: Even Godzilla's not immune


Gooper Blooper: I think this has the same earnest tone that JRM liked on that Mario Kart wiki
Jumpropeman: goops
Jumpropeman: do you like to boogie and bop
RubyChao: he'd better.
MobileDraco: He likes to goopie and bloop.
Gooper Blooper: To avoid any further criticism of my plots not having enough goopy and/or bloopy, the Curse finale will have an enormous amount of both
Gooper Blooper: so you fuckers better like it
RubyChao: sorry goops
Jumpropeman: =o
RubyChao: now that you asked, i am contractually obligated to dislike
RubyChao: my apologies!
Gooper Blooper: it wasn't a request, it was A COMMAND
UNAVOIDABLE CHIN MOVE!: I read that as "It was a CORNWIND"
MobileDraco: :I
MobileDraco: Yes, sir. We'll enjoy the Goopy and Bloopy.
MobileDraco cancels Dracoplot.
MobileDraco rebrands it to something goopier and bloopier.


Jumpropeman: oh, chao posted!
Jumpropeman: as usual
Jumpropeman: I have no idea who to send
Jumpropeman: despite being given ample notice
MobileDraco: Send Jason-X.
UNAVOIDABLE CHIN MOVE!: Yes send an undead mass murdering revenant who's been rebuilt into a nigh unstoppable cyborg.
UNAVOIDABLE CHIN MOVE!: That will end well.
RubyChao: send link
Jumpropeman: don't talk about Celestia that way
UNAVOIDABLE CHIN MOVE!: Reminds me of when I used Jason-X in a story years and years ago
UNAVOIDABLE CHIN MOVE!: I think I did like five fakeouts where I went Now he's dead NOPE STILL ALIVE
UNAVOIDABLE CHIN MOVE!: And I had to have him disintigrated on a molecular level to put him down.
RubyChao: so he got spirit bombed?
UNAVOIDABLE CHIN MOVE!: No he got lured into "an intrinsic field remover"


Bree: quotable azure moment: "come with me, cheesecake. I have business with you."
Bree: I asked "is that business eating it?" and she said "yes"


Moon Sheep: I think I shall
Moon Sheep: ATTEMPT
Moon Sheep: to read the Scuffle!
Jumpropeman: a sprightly jig?
Jumpropeman: oh!
Jumpropeman: that's a better use of your time
RubyChao: no it's not :(
Moon Sheep lightning crash
Jumpropeman: no reason you can't do both though...
Moon Sheep: There should be no reason I can't get through it this time-
RubyChao: sheep
RubyChao: sheep you just doomed it
Moon Sheep struck by meteorite crashing through his roof
RubyChao: sheep why
Gooper Blooper: *the meteorite is full of javelinas*
Moon Sheep: *SPACE javelinas*
Moon Sheep: *From SPACE Mexico*
Gooper Blooper: and they were previously owned by Space Steve Buscemi
Gooper Blooper: and they're all wearing spinning bowties and sipping water
Moon Sheep: Goops, please
Moon Sheep: Everyone knows you can't sip water in space!
Moon Sheep: it just floats out of the cup
Gooper Blooper: you're right
Gooper Blooper: they have tang pouches instead
Moon Sheep orangutan screeching
Moon Sheep: I tell you
Moon Sheep: those Tang commercials were kind of surreal


MobileDraco: I'm about to have an unforgettable luncheon.
Jumpropeman: MMMM!
Gooper Blooper: MMMMMMMMMM
Harpy: steamed clams...
Gooper Blooper: uploaded less than a month ago
Gooper Blooper: steamed hams lives
ivel: amazing
MobileDraco: No, I said MEMED Hams.
RubyChao: i read that as "less than a minute ago"
MobileDraco: link
Harpy: i
Harpy: i looked at that and i'm hungry
Harpy: Damn
Gooper Blooper: sounds like someone needs some mouthwatering hamburgers
Harpy: plz


Moon Sheep: "because the Witch Engine is already challenged by Glutko,"
Moon Sheep: "Glutko" is how the staff at Golden Corral refer to Gyanko.
Gooper Blooper: XD
Harpy: wOW
Gooper Blooper: she's a terror at the buffet
MobileDraco: Rude. She only takes TWO plates at a time. Canon.


Harpy: also i should reveal her name soon
Harpy: calling her fairy queen all the time is 1. a mouthful and 2. weird
Harpy: says girl who has been doing it all year
Harpy: because she had no alternatives
Moon Sheep: And that name is
Harpy: if you say john cena i will end you
ivel: Juan Cena
Harpy: i'm sleeping on the couch tonight. :I
Moon Sheep: Djuan Sine
Gooper Blooper: jane cena
Harpy: i have no counter to you aside from i'm taking your spino into custody
Moon Sheep: Queen Murderkill Deathwagon
Moon Sheep: of The Fairies
Harpy: V:
Moon Sheep: Jane Cerato
Harpy: i don't know what's going on right now
Jumpropeman: oh yeah
Gooper Blooper: Talon Warlockiller
Moon Sheep: We will call her
Moon Sheep: Shimmer.
MobileDraco: Fairy Queen is always relevant.
Harpy: Shimmer and Shimmer
Moon Sheep: And to differentiate them, her nick name will be
Moon Sheep: Brown-haired Shimmer
Harpy: plz.
Gooper Blooper: link


Harpy: i have ways
Harpy: not very efficient ways
Harpy: but ways.


Jumpropeman: FAT
Jumpropeman: BEAR
Jumpropeman: WEEK
Mutiny Sheep: what
Mutiny Sheep: "a kind of Ursine March Madness,"
Gooper Blooper: "Obviously, people like fat bears."
Gooper Blooper: OBVIOUSLY
If I Were A Rich Del: Obviously


Gooper Blooper: Imagine if RP was just, like, a hundred Widow Makers
Gooper Blooper: Everyone RPing Widow Maker descending upon the same enemy
Jumpropeman: the snark would be overwhelming
Jumpropeman: and every post-fight celebration would be that Party Hard gif of her
Gooper Blooper: All the ones that died during the fight would be back as babies to join the head-bobbing


Harpy: have you ever tasted something so good you wish you had more
Harpy: because apple stuffed crossants are amazing
Jumpropeman: no harpy
Jumpropeman: everything I taste is like sand
Jumpropeman: eating is suffering
Jumpropeman: rid me of those lump of muscle called a tongue so I may be free of this torment!
Jumpropeman: I dunno
Jumpropeman: *flop*
Draco: I went to a truck that sold dessert empanadas. I did not get one, but I was tempted.
Harpy: Food is suffering
Jumpropeman: i just thought your question was worded funny
Jumpropeman: and it got out of hand
Harpy: Oops


MobileChao: Jumping in to say i won't post
MobileChao: Anyone can borrow nova
Jumpropeman: well
Jumpropeman: she has to get injured this plot
Jumpropeman: so I'll throw her under a passsing bus
MobileChao: If you want!!!!!
Mutiny Sheep throws Nova into the Psybe pit
Jumpropeman: it's not what I WANT chao
Jumpropeman: it's what the universe DEMANDS
Mutiny Sheep: Nova and Basu somehow injure each other
Harpy: :|
Jumpropeman: don't worry harp, you can get in on this too
Jumpropeman hands harpy a cat o nine tails
Harpy: Yay?
Gooper Blooper has Jill lightly bump into Nova
Jumpropeman: careful goop, we're not trying to KILL her here
Gooper Blooper: don't worry, Jill will accidentally hip-check Nova, but she'll be cushioned by hitting Xyra
Gooper Blooper: it'll work out
Jumpropeman: so that's what they mean by cushion for the pushin'!
Gooper Blooper: INDEED!


UNAVOIDABLE CHIN MOVE!: So I went back to this ultra old Chatzy Madness
UNAVOIDABLE CHIN MOVE!: Erebus: Kayle's killed pretty much one of everything evil under the sun, but since I overuse the whole "TEN MILLENIA OF WAAAAR" for both marines at least once a fight, I'm keeping that under wraps >.>
-Gooper Blooper: Pretty funny that Eshe is like 300 years old and she's still on the young side compared to Erebus' other guys
-Erebus: All I play is ancient superhumans, I think I have a problem....
-Gooper Blooper: AND ANTOINETTE

UNAVOIDABLE CHIN MOVE!: How times change
Jumpropeman: even by 2012
Jumpropeman: brine was trending towards Cool Ladies
Gooper Blooper: Season 2 was the season Brine started the shift to Cool Ladies- 2slow
Gooper Blooper: Eshe, Kayle, Morgana
Draco: Antoinette, the original Cool Lady.
Gooper Blooper: It's true!
Jumpropeman: in a different universe
Jumpropeman: Brine latched onto Fang Three instead
Jumpropeman: and he rped Cool Old Dudes
HarpyDerpy: he wouldn't take your niche like that...
HarpyDerpy: would he
Jumpropeman: im more than happy to share


MobileChao: I'm 27 now
MobileChao: Help
Gooper Blooper: I can't
Gooper Blooper: in a week and a half I'm 30
Jumpropeman: well
Jumpropeman: I can make sure you never become 28


Draco: When is JRM reviewing the spookiest game of all, The Lion King for SNES?
Jumpropeman: NEVER but I own the Genesis version


Mutiny Sheep: Anyway, that's probably enough flooding the chat with trailers for tonight.
Jumpropeman: SAYS YOU
Mutiny Sheep: Y-yes
Jumpropeman: just making sure you knew it was you who said it
Mutiny Sheep looks around uncertainly
Mutiny Sheep: I
Mutiny Sheep: I did say that
Jumpropeman: and not the space mold that's lingering in your body
Jumpropeman: waiting
Mutiny Sheep: :I
Jumpropeman: to rob you of your sarcasm
Draco: Then DeMonde reveals Zeldoten's still a Botrys host.
Jumpropeman: my plan to RP Zeldoten full time reaches fruition
Draco: So THAT was your plan to get Zeldo in the Champ Brawl! :O
Jumpropeman: that was my plan to get every former champ in the champ brawl ;P
Bree joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi bree!
Bree: hey
Draco: Hi Bree.
Draco: So when do we see ROB and Silence in RP again? ;p
RubyChao: you know who's a former champ
RubyChao: that's right
RubyChao: general cleft
Bree: you know who's a former champ?
Bree: NOT komachi!
Bree: suck it, sirs and madams
RubyChao: i will only suck it until july next year
Jumpropeman: when mac tonight reclaims his title
Bree: that's a long time to be sucking it
Draco: Well, Komachi's the best hung grim reaper to ever win a Brawl.
Bree: oh my
Draco: She's also the only one, but details details.
Jumpropeman: so long as Phantomon or Gregg doesn't win she's safe
Draco: Coincidentally, they're entering as a team next year, aren't they?
Draco: Chatzy Madness 420: Suck It, Sirs and Madams
Jumpropeman: If I don't win BBB10, RainbowDash might! We can't let THAT happen!
Draco: I'm not entering BBB10 to give Rainbow Dash a better chance of winning.


If I Were A Rich Del: Draco: Well, Komachi's the best hung grim reaper to ever win a Brawl.
If I Were A Rich Del: This sounds like a line from a doujin in beach episode's back room
RubyChao: probably because it is
A Clownly Del: yes it is
A Clownly Del: we haven't been to beach episode's back room in a while
A Clownly Del: it's cleaned its act up
A Clownly Del: its a big boy church/store now
MobileDraco: Sure it is. And Koa's the patron saint of flat-chested girls. 😉


Mu Sheep: How
Mu Sheep: does Goomba play baseball
If I Were A Rich Del: Very carefully


RubyChao: we are in the worst timeline, confirmed
MobileDraco: lol
Jumpropeman: everyone knows Jurassic Park Rain Ambience is the true study music


Gooper Blooper: "Me: Where’s The WiFi Password?
Friend: It’s On The Back Of The Router.
The Back Of The Router:"


Bree: I recently rediscovered this and thought you'd all want to see
Bree: this is an actual part of the actual in-game track that plays in the actual game, ok
Bree: the top youtube comment:
Blizzard: "We're doing a soundtrack with orchestras and professional musicians. We'll also need a professional kazoo player."
Kazoo player: "My time has finally come."

Jumpropeman: this plays during the credits to the clown portion of the game clearly
Bree: :V
Bree: anyway this is why people loved/hated mists of pandaria
Bree: you're either the type of person who's like "fuck yeah pandas and kazoos!!!" or you're the type of person who's like "THIS DOES NOT BELONG IN MY SERIOUS BUSINESS MMORPG"
Jumpropeman: reality is equal parts serious and ridiculous
Jumpropeman: so its more authentic to have some silly in there ;p
Bree: truer words were never spoken, jrm
Bree: if I had a stone I'd carve that quote on there so it'd last forever
Bree: some games benefit from being all serious or all lighthearted but the true masterpieces are those that manage to balance the two equally
Bree: because that's difficult
Bree: full track btw
Bree: goops are you going to listen to the silly panda kazoos because it would make me happy if you did :V
Gooper Blooper: I've had it on loop for five minutes
Bree: that's incredible


Cinnaharp: then i am reminded winx club was a thing and remember that it was basically my aethetic even though i didn't really follow it
RubyChao: i remember winx club!
Draco: I never watched it, but I know what Winx Club is.
Cinnaharp: fairy girls
Cinnaharp: my god
Jumpropeman: WE ARE WINX. JOIN US.


Mu Sheep just stitches the leftover parts of all his previous minor curse together into a shambling mound for Reaperplot
Mu Sheep just has people fight Harv and Sal again tomorrow
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: If you somehow brought them back Sheep, I'd let you
Gooper Blooper: and they would get an icon for appearing twice
Mu Sheep: It's Harv and Sal, But Pallette-swapped This Time
Gooper Blooper: Sarv and Hal
RubyChao: no no goops
RubyChao: they're just
RubyChao: Sal and Harv
RubyChao: but in that order
Gooper Blooper: money for free and chicks for nothing
Jumpropeman: we never did confirm their deaths
Jumpropeman: Wild Sal and Wild Harv
Mu Sheep: Just step into some tall grass and there they are


RubyChao: one minute left of my birthday
RubyChao: quick, someone do something with it!
RubyChao: oh nevermind there it goes
Jumpropeman: darn
Jumpropeman: I ALMOST got you bad rats
RubyChao: but jrm
RubyChao: you got me bad rats in the past
ivel: happy day after your birthday
Gooper Blooper: but did he get you Bad Rats Show
RubyChao: sorry jrm
RubyChao: draco just undercut you
RubyChao: i now have bad rats show
Gooper Blooper: You people... XP


Mu Sheep: I just KNOW that I'll be kicking myself after plot tomorrow
RubyChao: sheep
RubyChao: if you want
RubyChao: i can take on some of the garbage curse for you
RubyChao: and cycle through them quickly alongside my own last minute guys
Mu Sheep: It'll just suddenly come to me I could have used THIS random character from X :I
Mu Sheep: HMMM. I'll shoot you a message on the forum if I feel I have any rattling around I think you'd actually like :V
RubyChao: sure my dude
Draco sends Kimeramon.
Mu Sheep sends all the bikers from that one episode of Kappa Mikey
Draco sends Robbie's Dream Team.
Jumpropeman sends the Hair Bear Bunch
Draco sends Plague.
Mu Sheep sends the Skeksis from The Dark Crystal


Cornwind Evil: "Zeldoten gets out from under Deb's warm, sleeping form" ARE YOU CHEATING ON SUMI ALREADY
Draco: "Yes. Deb has something Sumi never will: a purse full of Jolly Ranchers." <- Not canon.
Jumpropeman: in canon sumi does have jolly ranchers
Draco: Canon Deb only has Werther's Originals.


Jumpropeman: "The 7 rotatable blocks used in this video game have names like Orange Ricky, Hero & Smashboy"
Jumpropeman: Jeopardy used a made up piece of joke trivia for their video game segment
Jumpropeman: based on this fake manual for Tetris
RubyChao: nice


Jumpropeman: "Lieutenant Tentacles just slaps a glob of jelly on someone and calls them fixed"
Jumpropeman: fixed ENOUGH
Jumpropeman: as long as you're still shooting, you're healthyenough to fight
Draco: It's not even medigel sometimes. It's Smuckers.
Jumpropeman: well
Jumpropeman: with a name like that
Jumpropeman: it has to be good


RubyChao: anyone need a fat librarian
Gooper Blooper: Always!


Jumpropeman: I misremembred General Slaughter as a pig in my older posts
Jumpropeman: I basically just mentally replaced him with Bebop


THE CORPS!!!: look, i'm making it a mission to have at least one smug prick in the Corps that nobody likes, but is indispensable
Gooper Blooper: was gonna make a similar comment JRM
Gooper Blooper: the smug is RADIATING off of them

THE CORPS!!!: my god
THE CORPS!!!: also i honestly could have found more flattering fanart of these two given that the artist has... the ZUNs, a bit
THE CORPS!!!: but i was feeling lazy
Jumpropeman: still sassy
THE CORPS!!!: even her theme is sassy.
Gooper Blooper: but if you'd found fanart we wouldn't have had the smug jokes
THE CORPS!!!: true!
THE CORPS!!!: i can't believe how smu this damn theme is
THE CORPS!!!: ...
THE CORPS!!!: just
THE CORPS!!!: smu
THE CORPS!!!: not even smug
Draco: It's so smug, it won't even let you type out smug.


Gooper Blooper: I think all of my October curseplots are going to carry this level of "is this a finale" to them
Gooper Blooper: except the actual finale which is just us doing the Game Guy chomp cake game with Chompette


Jumpropeman: legit surprised that was the first page refresh today that booted me back to page one
Jumpropeman: because man did I refresh the page
Gooper Blooper: XD


Jumpropeman: did Mr. Mime disappear too?
Mulled Sheep: Probably
Jumpropeman: just want to know how to write Eternity's reaction :P
Mulled Sheep: It's your choice. Now you have to live with it. I left it as such in case anybody was like "THE MIME MUST ABSOLUTELY BE SAVED!" otherwise he is poofed.
Jumpropeman: I think
Jumpropeman: I have to save him
Mulled Sheep: I'd prefer him to just be gone, but I left it open in case- JRM :I
Jumpropeman: because I want you to write that Mime after he's turned good
Gooper Blooper: kek
RubyChao: lel
Mulled Sheep: :I
Jumpropeman: new main sheep char 2020: Mr. Mime


Mulled Sheep can you feel it coming
Mulled Sheep because it is
Mulled Sheep shuffles papers


Mulled Sheep dumps five more Curse into the plot
Mulled Sheep banned

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