Monday, September 30, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 348: Instead Of Answering That Question, Here Is A Picture Of General Oda

Jumpropeman: the reason I RPed Phantomon in the first place was in anticipation of him digivolving to Piedmon
Jumpropeman: I now like Phantomon a lot more than I used to :V


Jumpropeman: Shimmer will never trust a centipede again
Draco: What about a worm?
Jumpropeman: depends on how cute the worm is
Gooper Blooper: I thought Gujarek had a cute design
Gooper Blooper: then it turned out he was a huge asshole
Draco: Is this cute enough
RubyChao: needs more blush and sparkles
Draco: Is this cute enough
RubyChao: yes.
Gooper Blooper: simply darling
Jumpropeman: now that's a worm I'd like to meet!


Jumpropeman: solution to the Gyronna problem: She says OOGA BOOGA BOOGA and turns out to be evil so we don't have to save her!
Gooper Blooper: XD


Jumpropeman: "Kisha finally pipes up before just leaning against a wall like she's some sorta cool cat or some shit"
Jumpropeman: like some sort of
Jumpropeman: Cool Cat Saves the Kids?
HarpFairy: :V
Gooper Blooper: I'd watch Kisha Saves The Kids
HarpFairy: i don't know anything so as per usual
HarpFairy: i'm pretending i know
Jumpropeman: with Juan as Daddy Derek
HarpFairy: the Battlebots Bad Boy?
HarpFairy: "assuming Complete Control!" "WRONG DEREK"


Mice Sheep: "Shimmer says, remembering her armor this time"
Mice Sheep: Shimmer Armor Watch; the great RP past time
Mice Sheep: Will she take it this time?
Mice Sheep: Will she not?!
Mice Sheep: Thrilling


Mice Sheep: "Is that what he calls himself here? It sounds ridiculous."
Mice Sheep: Draco just casually dropping that King Dice is some inhuman abomination from space!
Jumpropeman: well I mean, he has a gunpla, you pretty much are a space abomination if you enjoy those
Mice Sheep: :I
Draco: It's true. Final boss fight? King Dice and Gyanko.
Mice Sheep: Finally!


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: geeze those thighs
Gooper Blooper: it's not Chun Li without em


Hooded Pitohui: I went to look up the name of one single punch and now I have seventeen tabs about boxing techniques open - thanks Hibiki.


Mobile Sheep: *calmly screams at router*


HarpFairy: okay i'm
HarpFairy: gonna watch a sm64 speedrun
HarpFairy: i just
HarpFairy: i have lost control of my life
Jumpropeman: see you in 7 minutes
Gooper Blooper: YAHOO
Spysick: WAHOO
Spysick: WAHOO! WAHOO!


Hooded Pitohui: I'll more than likely see you next on Friday, where I'll stop tapping into my Pito screencaps and instead dump the remaining twenty-six tap into my Natasha screencaps.


Draco: Preview for October 19th plot
Madness Sheep: Yeeeeees
Draco: I'll just get the heartbreak out of the way. Paul Blart is not actually getting his own event.
RubyChao: :(
RubyChao: :( :( :(
Draco: Goops needed those days for Plague and I couldn't deny him.
Madness Sheep sounds of a semi-truck full of priceless artifacts overturning
Madness Sheep: Will we
Madness Sheep: Will we at least get to see him leading the charge on Reaperday? Galloping towards the Kobbers on his trusty segway? Raised baton gleaming in the sun?
Draco: Yes. I promise that Paul Blart will be there with the Shrapnel.
Draco: Bravely leading the rest of the InGen security force into battle...he technically leads himself, right?
Draco: Wait, no, Goops said they're robbing a bank or something. That's not what security does.
Draco: He'll be there at Plague's side in October, bravely guarding the mall that is Plague.
Madness Sheep: Sometimes you have to rob a bank
Madness Sheep: to save a bank
Draco: Is this how Madeline Parr and her adopted daughter/bodyguard Junko got all their money? Robbing banks? :I
Madness Sheep: I have a very sleepy doggo with me tonight
Draco: Hi doggo
Jumpropeman: the sleepy doggo is how they got the money?
Madness Sheep: Yes
Madness Sheep: It turns out, the outrageous Parr fortune was built on cute dog videos
Madness Sheep: oh noooo
Madness Sheep: she got up and shook herself :I
Draco: 💗
Madness Sheep: Now she's squeaking without bothering to look at me :I
Jumpropeman: what type of dog is she
Jumpropeman: besides squeaky and sleepy
Madness Sheep: anxious Shih Tzu
Jumpropeman: sounds like a cutie
Madness Sheep: Yes.
Madness Sheep nods
Madness Sheep: The dog is in captivity
Madness Sheep: the universe is at peace
Madness Sheep: she wanted me to open a door so she could go sleep somewhere else :I
Draco: Bully.
Jumpropeman: she heard you were talking shih tzu about her online
Draco: :U


Jumpropeman: link
Draco: Yikes XD


Jumpropeman: humanity is out of control
iKomodo: ...what the fuck
MobileDraco: KFC scares me sometimes.
Del is Home: I ate KFC today
Del is Home: Didn't see that shit
MobileDraco: Next time I go to KFC, I will look for that.


Madness Sheep: Hello, and welcome to another episode of: M Sheep Races Against The Plot Clock to Make A Post
Madness Sheep: Probably not
Madness Sheep: But you watch it like some sports teams
Madness Sheep: Prepared for disappointment


Jumpropeman: an excerpt from the spam email "I really want you to sense me": Would you like a lover with hot and horny shapes? I favor things which are able to turn you shy if you will think of them. My curved ass is waiting for your clapping
Gooper Blooper: She has a real way with words
Jumpropeman: i find the hottest and horniest shape to be the trapezoid
Gooper Blooper applauds politely at the horny shape of the curved ass
HarpFairy: wait what
HarpFairy: i heard curves and came running
Gooper Blooper: kek


Madness Sheep: I did not at all expect Miyu to be so high on the Lodge List! I was expecting her to have just squeaked under the top 100.
Jumpropeman: I can't exactly structure a plot around us taking down 90+ hunters sadly
Draco: That's nine years' of plots right there though. You would've been set until 2029.
Cornwind Evil: Just do what No More Heroes 2 did
Madness Sheep: "If you want to ask any questions about the Lodge, this might be the moment to do it."
Madness Sheep: Do they meet in an actual lodge?
Jumpropeman: There is an actual Lodge
Draco: Can I lodge a complaint with them?
Jumpropeman: They don't have to be physically present for things like voting on potential quarries though
Madness Sheep: Do they have to be emotionally present?
Jumpropeman: Sokotem sighs so much during the meetings
RubyChao: we know who member #1 is
RubyChao: but who's member #0
Jumpropeman: Fay


Del is Home: Man beach episode would have been so fun for this lodge fight
Del is Home: Coulda fought George foreman with Billy Mays
Jumpropeman: that would have been spectacular
Jumpropeman: this exists
Del is Home: Hell yes it does
Jumpropeman: His Bankai: AWESOME AUGER


Del is Home: Do you realize
Del is Home: It's been a whole year since bowsette
Jumpropeman: it really felt more recent than it is
Del is Home: Time is weird now


Most Sheep: "Tamaki Kotatsu"
Most Sheep: Time to bring Blik back.
Gooper Blooper: If no one else had done it Sheep
Gooper Blooper: I was going to do it
Gooper Blooper: you were doomed
RubyChao: you can blame me, sheep
RubyChao: i was the one who told pitohui when he asked
RubyChao: "yes you can canonize my joke"
RubyChao: i steadfastly promise No Kirito though
Gooper Blooper: Well you were kinder to Sheep than my idea
RubyChao: what was it
Gooper Blooper: Tamaki, Kirito, and Asta teaming up and attacking a Sheepchar during Reaper's event
RubyChao: oh lordy.
RubyChao: and then sheep has an aneurysm


iKomodo: #Nuts
Gooper Blooper: James gazes in awe at the Battlebots trophy, The Giant Nut


Cornwind Evil: Hmmm this isn't chaotic enough
Cornwind Evil: LET'S FIX THAT
Gooper Blooper: CORNWIND NO *drowns in crites*
Cornwind Evil: Gooper knows me too well


RubyChao: [12:43 AM]TheJoezoneLayer:Also
[12:43 AM]TheJoezoneLayer:I remember talking to my friend, Samantha when we saw the kitchen staff restock the counter with the cursed cartons, the dark chocolate milk.
“Hey Jacob, look what the kitchen’s setting out, fucking milk, like we’re fucking kindergarten kids...” She scoffed as she shook her head in disbelief.
“Well I mean, milk is kinda nutritious...” It is true, milk is good for yer bones my kiddos and you should drink a lot of it.
“Yeah, normal milk you dumbass, not some weird chocolate milk shit they’re selling.” Sarah was a bit of a bitch, the good kind if you know what I mean, the one who didn't take anyone's shit.
[12:43 AM]TheJoezoneLayer:Imagine forgetting your pasta character's name
[12:43 AM]TheJoezoneLayer:In 3 paragraphs

HarpFairy: what is sammy even doing here
RubyChao: becoming sarah
Gooper Blooper: well they ARE friends
HarpFairy: hell yeah, be sarah, sammy


Hooded Pitohui: Frost's really been out there rubbing off on Patty with these puns now, isn't she?
Gooper Blooper: Frost is more subtle with most of her puns, she's not like Jack Frost. Frost is more like, she'll sit there eating a bowl of Frosted Flakes with the box in full view and wait for someone to make the joke


Harpy: merry christmas
RubyChao: but harpy
RubyChao: *slams hands on desk*
Harpy: look bitch it's christmas whenever i want it to be because we just passed a buncha christmas creep
Draco: Yeah, one of my coworkers has had a tiny Christmas tree set up for a week or so already.
Cornwind Evil: In 20 years they're gonna be starting preparing for Christmas in March


RubyChao: what the fuck


Most Sheep: Guys
Most Sheep: what if
Most Sheep: Kennedy is the Seventh Curse Leader
Most Sheep lies down
RubyChao: awwww, you spoiled it
RubyChao: this was all a trick
RubyChao: we deceived you
Gooper Blooper: Cirral is the leader
Most Sheep: Cirral was Screenslaver THE WHOLE TIME
Most Sheep: "And maybe even take our rehab program,"
Most Sheep: :I
Most Sheep: Officer Nielsen, reporting in!
Draco: Zeldoten suddenly shouts out "Hey, can Grey Moon go to rehab?"
Draco: Yes, let's throw Natasha in one of Patty's leotards and give her a gun. That'll go GREAT. XD


Most Sheep shuffles papers
Most Sheep but it wasn't even your plo-


Jumpropeman: alright, time to go
Jumpropeman: night
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
Jumpropeman: wait
Jumpropeman: that's not slash bye


Jumpropeman: link
Draco: Sonichu no


Bree: llarness just amuses me because she's this ridiculously versatile powerful mage but her niche in RP is "that chick that worships anime"
Del is Home: Tbf
Del is Home: It's the best niche
Bree: it is
Del is Home: Especially considering her god is goofy as fuck
Bree: meiling still hasn't joined the church of anime, dang
Del is Home: It's basically worshipping a all-powerful puppy
Bree: church of byte?


(Harpy is watching Battlebots. I had already seen the episode.)

Harpy: blacksmith’s revenge
Gooper Blooper waves flaming hammer in support of blacksmith
Harpy: he’s gonna die isnt he
Gooper Blooper: Instead of answering that question here is a picture of General Oda
Morocco Sheep: Chatzy Madness: Instead of Answering That Question Here is A Picture of General Oda

(Blacksmith lost)


(First to roll 21 won a Test Your Strength game. CW's character Rena was very persistent. Harpy won, but Cornwind wanted to see how long it would take if Rena kept at it...)

Cornwind Evil: For my own amusement
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 12
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 7
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 9
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 13
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 15
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 7
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 12
Cornwind Evil: Rena at this point still punching the machine at 4 in the morning
Gooper Blooper: Rena please
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 13
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 11
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16
Cornwind Evil: Now it's Monday and she's still punching
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 9
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Morocco Sheep: CW is rolling for the entire Society!
Draco: Oh my goodness, it's the Smash Bros Ultimate of Cornwind chars. EVERYONE is here and not beating Hibiki.
Cornwind Evil: Rena finally gets it...on the back of the truck taking away the machines...on Thursday and everyone has long moved on.
Cornwind Evil: (It would have taken her 26 more tries)
Jumpropeman: there were like
Jumpropeman: four numbers cornwind didn't roll before he finally got 21
Jumpropeman: he almost covered the whole die :V
Morocco Sheep: Some people say
Morocco Sheep: If you go past the mall on a Thursday evening
Morocco Sheep: and listen
Morocco Sheep: real quiet-like
Morocco Sheep: You can hear that Rena still punching to this day
Morocco Sheep waggles fingers
Morocco Sheep spookily


Gooper Blooper: "$19.91 + shipping (currently unavailable) + $60,001.25 estimated tax"
Gooper Blooper: thanks amazon
Harpy: what


Morocco Sheep: A Digimon variant with the only difference being a Snidely Whiplash mustache
Morocco Sheep: This is CANON
Jumpropeman: I think NiseDrimogemon was in Digimon World
Jumpropeman: i like the barely tried air to him
Jumpropeman: other color swaps like the goblimon didn't have any personality
Jumpropeman: but this guy!
Jumpropeman: he has a mustache!
Morocco Sheep: A mustache is not a personality!! :I
Jumpropeman: sounds like something a guy who doesn't have a mustache would say
Morocco Sheep: Suddenly, a Kirby villain
Jumpropeman: it feels like the mustache almost has to be a joke because it's such a bad way of telling them apart
Jumpropeman: and how it looks just drawn on
Jumpropeman: one recolor I do like from Digimon is Mudfrigimon
Jumpropeman: because
Jumpropeman: I want to eat him
Morocco Sheep concern level rising
Jumpropeman: he looks delicious!
Jumpropeman: if he was ChocolateFrigimon you'd be on my side
Morocco Sheep: "In Dawn and Dusk, NiseDrimogemon's data says that it can distinguish between real things and imitations."
Morocco Sheep: An interesting (?) tidbit from the comments
Jumpropeman: well he is a master of deception himself after all
Morocco Sheep attempts to add NiseDrimogemon to Curse
Jumpropeman: i was
Jumpropeman: legit trying to think of ways to at least have him cameo
Jumpropeman: as like a pawn shop owner or something
Morocco Sheep with a personality halfway between Snidely Whiplash and Snagglepuss
Jumpropeman: *puts him in charge of We Buy Gold*
Morocco Sheep: Ahaha


Mindful Sheep: link
Draco: Amazing. When are we getting Digiplot, Sheep?
Draco: And can he outlaugh Mr. Mind?
Mindful Sheep: Mr. Mind still has his non-hands on the 1st place yuks trophy, rest assured
Draco: Excellent.


RubyChao: wew
RubyChao: "They Came from Hollywood, a Real-Time Strategy that has been in development since 2001."
RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: another time capsule
Jumpropeman: digging around Never Done games?
RubyChao: yep


Missing Sheep: "Frost adjusts her backpack - she'd brought a pretty massive stockpile of tricks and traps, and she intended to use just about all of them on this expedition."
Missing Sheep: Frost is super prepared
Missing Sheep: Just reaches in there and pulls out Inch High at one point
Gooper Blooper: Well I mean
Gooper Blooper: you always gear up heavy for the Pit Of 100 Trials
RubyChao: *turns this into the pit of 100 trials, using up the next week and a half of rp on this one event*
Draco: Hey now, Pit's wife is the heavy one.


Missing Sheep: "She had no idea if IF had any good in her, considering she might just be built for this purpose, but she tries to give IF a chance"
Missing Sheep: Because IF's a cute girl, so the chance is high she isn't entirely evil
Jumpropeman: Shimmer knows how it goes
RubyChao: and then she's Halley 2.0
RubyChao: literally, it turns out that was her base DNA
RubyChao: fun fact
RubyChao: i was pretty much going to play project if based on people's reactions
RubyChao: people were not entirely keen on murderalizing the two-month-old naive genetic experiment :V
Draco: Oddly enough, no.
Missing Sheep: Should have brought Basu
Missing Sheep: He'd put her down
Gooper Blooper waves "IF is a good girl" sign
Draco waves "Basu is a good girl" sign.
Gooper Blooper: Best girl.
Draco: But Sheep, if Basu did that, someone else would use his weakness to destroy him: looking at him funny.
Missing Sheep: Basu might get injured a lot, but he's usually injured by something a lot bigger than he is
RubyChao: so
RubyChao: don genie?
Missing Sheep: I knew somebody would make that joke
Draco: It's mandatory to make Don Genie jokes today.
RubyChao: it is
Draco: Don Genie's master plan is to actually leave Olympia so that it's no longer anchored to Earth and leaps into space.
Harpy: Oh, well yeah
Harpy: she’s a baby!
Draco: A baby who can go "Hi please don't pulp me" unlike the dinosaurs.
Missing Sheep looks up from pulping IF
Missing Sheep: Hm? What?


Gooper Blooper: Link
RubyChao: i love how there is never any actual benefit to wilkins
RubyChao: the only reason to drink it is fear


Harpy: would others be okay with 2gami impersonating their chars for this plot?
Jumpropeman: shimmer in character doesn't like people impersonating her
Jumpropeman: i don't really mind though
Gooper Blooper: Go for it, Harpy
Hooded Pitohui: I don't mind either, Harps
Minimum Sheep: Impersonate a fat man to your heart's content, Harpy.
Harpy: You do realize our mad lad is gonna look
Harpy: larger
Harpy: with 2gami right?
Jumpropeman: there's no way twogami is larger than the thousand pound mutant :V
Harpy: Also 2gami wouldn't impersonate anyone who he knows wouldn't feel right
Harpy: this is a super high school level impersonator.... but i think maybe that amount of heft would be beyond him :v
Harpy: which just makes him a normal one
Harpy: I just plumb forgot about that tho
Gooper Blooper: I thought the whole joke was that Twogami doesn't change size but is so good at impersonating that people just go ahead and accept his version of, say, Pitohui is four times bigger than usual
RubyChao: yep
Harpy: Basically
Gooper Blooper: So in this case Twogami Ladislaus would be "oh have you lost weight?"
Harpy: Yes.
Gooper Blooper: bet he doesn't hear that one often XD
RubyChao: "Yes." "Well, okay!"
Harpy: he’d just be appalled


Minimum Sheep joined the chat
Minimum Sheep: Okay, somebody better have killed Ladislaus while I was gone
RubyChao: sorry, just yohane
Minimum Sheep: Darn it, Chao
Minimum Sheep: "This floor is a very impressive gymnasium!"
Minimum Sheep Ladislaus leaves


Jumpropeman: "Fallout 76 Power Armor Helmets Recalled Due To Dangerous Mold Risk"
Gooper Blooper: Chao linked me that earlier today
Gooper Blooper: the ride was thought concluded, but it has lurched back to life yet again
Jumpropeman: "How ironic considering the fact that the in-game helmet comes with an advanced air filtration system to prevent similar situations."


Gooper Blooper: >Starlane Stroll pops up in my recommended videos
Gooper Blooper: no, you died
Jumpropeman: Black. Hole. Forever.


Gooper Blooper: "Your order of 1 item has shipped."
Gooper Blooper: Had to.
Jumpropeman: garsp
Jumpropeman: watch out, I have on good authority he's dangerous
Minimum Sheep: Ahueahuehaue
BustinHarpy: oh hell yeah
Jumpropeman: have him ride the skelespider
Gooper Blooper: You know my yearly Halloween mood tables? All the spoopy ocean animals getting released this year inspired me to make a mood table themed entirely around aquatic life
Jumpropeman: that's gonna be awesome
Gooper Blooper: Skeletopus will be the centerpiece
Gooper Blooper: I also bought the light-up anglerfish and the seahorse/fish/crab three-pack
Gooper Blooper: I want the electric eel to complete the set but at that point I've spent 70 dollars on skeleton fish
Gooper Blooper: so waiting a bit there :V
Jumpropeman: anybody need goop art
Gooper Blooper: Harpy said she wanted a picture of Aurelis
BustinHarpy: why are you crossing that out, that's right


Minimum Sheep: "Let's you and me have a match, here and now. Russian Roulette!"
Minimum Sheep: This took a turn!
Jumpropeman: Suicide by Boxcars
Gooper Blooper: Does Hearts have a family?
Gooper Blooper: because if he does
Gooper Blooper: then the little ones are
Gooper Blooper leans in
Gooper Blooper adjusts tie
Gooper Blooper sips water

Gooper Blooper: The Boxcars Children
Jumpropeman: *Hearts pulls out a photo of six children all with the same exact face as him*
Minimum Sheep nods
Minimum Sheep: You are ready.
Minimum Sheep opens box containing the sacred Spinning Bowtie
Jumpropeman: open mic night at Valhalla uses more water than Mr. Fish


Minimum Sheep: "(Don't ask how they retrieved Ladislaus.)"
Minimum Sheep opens mouth

Gooper Blooper: *Sheep posts "How did they retrieve Ladislaus?" in the questions thread*


Mired Sheep basks
Bree: he said bask
Mired Sheep becomes a basking shark
Bree: he's just getting a little sun
Mired Sheep cannot run plot on account of becoming shark, sorry
Jumpropeman: i'll run it
Jumpropeman: I just gotta like
Jumpropeman: have the piraka ride a mechanical bull or something right?
Jumpropeman: and rap?
Mired Sheep: Throw in some spiders and a bunch of vs and ks and you're golden
Mired Sheep:
Mired Sheep: And this one again, because it's oddly brilliant
Mired Sheep: SO VERY HAPPY we got Slizer, btw


MobileDraco: Time to send Paul Blart.
Mixed Sheep: This IS a matter of security
MobileDraco: But is it MALL security?
Mixed Sheep: It's MAUL security


Mixed Sheep: To avoid a potetial Chao panic: That is not THE Irnakk.
RubyChao: i had a feeling it wasn't
Mixed Sheep: The earliest iteration for this event used him more directly, but his powers are just too much for it to be a fun fight :I
RubyChao: nonsense, sheep
RubyChao: what's wrong with removing characters from reality and turning them into irnakk's thoughts?


MobileDraco: Jackpot.
Harpy: why is my girl suddenly hugs
Jumpropeman: damn
Jumpropeman: that's a score
Mixed Sheep: Holy moley, are you some sort of dealer, Draco?
MobileDraco: You looking to buy some Quarter Water, Sheep? BV
Mixed Sheep: Is it ice cold?
Mixed Sheep: and only one quarter?
MobileDraco: No. That's extra.


Jumpropeman: eating currently
Jumpropeman: don't expect any fortnite dances from me for a bit
Harpy: i mean, you could be doing fortnite dancing in the chamber of cleansing
Jumpropeman: but while eating a pizza too? Do you think me a god?
Harpy: Move out of cleansing chamber, outside of the water of baptism, nom pizza, return to baptism water, rinse, repeat


Gooper Blooper: ahuhu
Draco: lel
Mixed Sheep: UNLIKELY
Harpy: i will kill you
Mixed Sheep: Not before I kill Ranamon :I
Gooper Blooper: *Sheep plans a Ranamon event, Harpy has her characters give her presents and appeal to her to be good*
Harpy: *machinedramon smacks her upside the head*


Cornwind Evil: BUT I NEVER DID
Cornwind Evil: I CAN'T...FORGET....EVER




Untitled Del Game: AIKO KISS GISELLE
Untitled Del Game: I promised it would happen
Untitled Del Game: And it came true


Gooper Blooper: that feel when you schedule your plot the same day as the battlebots season finale
Gooper Blooper: "AND THEN GIOVANNI LOST THE END" *sprints to media player*


Gooper Blooper: alright, now that everyone's posted
Gooper Blooper: time to wrap this up all nice and pretty so I can go watch seven robots die
Jumpropeman: I hope there's a big talking segment now
Jumpropeman: so frozen Elliott can really lay into Giovanni
Gooper Blooper: I think Giovanni's gonna have problems saying much of anything for a while
Gooper Blooper gestures at the big team plasma girl beating the shit out of him
RubyChao: you know who would be great for lecturing giovanni?
RubyChao: Courtney and Matt, clearly.
Jumpropeman: I like that Matt is a good example of Pokemon-Trainer relations
Jumpropeman: they definitely fight together full on
Jumpropeman: because how else would he be so buff
Draco: Hazel holds Giovanni up so Matt can punch him in the kidneys.
RubyChao: if matt wasn't in the fissure
RubyChao: he would help hazel beat up giovanni
Draco: Hazel takes a less conventional approach to ending the careers of Team leaders.
Harpy: is there going to be a meme like that jojo one
Harpy: where two people are beating up some dude, another one sips wine, then joins in
Harpy: pretty sure that'll be hazel, matt, and, once Featherbutt enjoys some Fresh Water, she'll join in-
RubyChao: 1 sec
RubyChao: well i found this while looking for a clean version
Harpy: i'd say prier but i'm pretty sure Prier is going to be mostly fucked after this
Jumpropeman: that implies someone is somehow sitting out of the beatdown to start :V
Harpy: i mean, Featherbutt needs a break!
RubyChao: i made it just for you, harpy
Jumpropeman: wonderful
Harpy: fdjklfjklhd
Gooper Blooper: bok
Harpy: amazing


Minimalist Sheep: It Came From The Comments: "WARNING for the newies into digiman: this movie starts with an Angela Anaconda short (you will review Angelamon, right bogleech?), when you see it you will realize why it always make into "top 10 worst cartoons" lists. Like... even in the DVD it is PART of the movie, not a special feature, is the literal first thing that plays before the actual movie."
Minimalist Sheep: WHAT
Minimalist Sheep: WHY????
Jumpropeman: when
Jumpropeman: is bogleech
Jumpropeman: gonna review Angelamon
Minimalist Sheep: WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS??
Jumpropeman: she's got a wiki page!
Minimalist Sheep: This is wild
Jumpropeman: i wonder if its some legal thing
Jumpropeman: since the digimon movie is three japanese ovas put together
Jumpropeman: maybe the license for hte us release in its format also include angela's short as part of the technical shape of the film?


Gooper Blooper: I have a really weird Goopsmom anecdote
Harpy: oh no
Gooper Blooper: Our GameCube has started acting up (pulls up "please close the lid" messages when the lid's already closed) so we decided to swap it out for the Wii because she could still play her beloved Pac-Mania on that
Gooper Blooper: In the process she found Mortal Kombat Armageddon and started messing around with it
Draco: Uh oh
RubyChao: and then it turns out goopsmom is into it
Gooper Blooper: And of all characters, she has latched onto Drahmin as her main
Harpy: pretty sure you shouldn't be doing that, goopsmom
Harpy: hws
Harpy: wha
Gooper Blooper: She ran Drahmin through Arcade multiple times in a row
Gooper Blooper: "When he gets the club out it's all over!" she said, not knowing which button was the one to pull out your weapon until later
Harpy: i misinterpreted it
Harpy: like he's inviting his clubbing friends over
Gooper Blooper: I was like "You know, it used to be you'd see a guy like that in a video game, go 'blech, they're gross' and pick someone else." "Well, I've CHANGED since then!" "You're much more tolerant now!"
Draco: Goopsmom is a mature adult now.
Harpy: pick rain
Gooper Blooper: Back in the day, she played as Ashrah most of the time
Gooper Blooper: I reminded her of this and said "You picked her because she was the one girl who didn't have her boobs hanging out"
Harpy: nice hat
Gooper Blooper: She laughed
iKomodo: Drahmin for final boss of ZFRP
iKomodo: it was all his fault all along
Jumpropeman: never heard of either of those characters before today
Gooper Blooper: they're pretty deep cuts, MK-wise
Gooper Blooper: At least some things never change, she still doesn't like Scorpion :V
Harpy: i mean, who does? ;V


Bree: oh man, story time guys
Bree: so azure's boyfriend gryph played the game fable
Bree: you get to choose a title for your character on creation and he listed her the options and she of course chose "pie master"
Bree: then apparently there is this door that you can only open by solving riddles or obeying simple demands, and it told gryph the pie master that basically it doesn't like skinny men
Bree: so he bought 56 pies and ate them all in front of the door and became incredibly fat and it opened and now they call his character "the pudge knight"
Bree: and now their new hobby is coming up with game-of-thrones style titles for the pudge knight
Bree: and this is what they have so far:
Bree: "The Pudge Knight, Master of Pies, Breaker of Bread, Solicitor of the Second Breakfast, Lord of Luncheon, Eater of Dinner and the Fourth Meal, Baker's Bane"
Gooper Blooper: Truly a title all will know and fear
Bree: indeed
Bree: that was gryph's response, a smug "indeed"
Bree: apparently yesterday when he was playing fable the pudge knight caused some bandits to cry and run away


Minor Sheep: "HEAVEN WILL BE MINE is a visual novel about making terrible life decisions in the midst of a hot-blooded battle between giant robots."
Minor Sheep: You've caught my attention, game.
Minor Sheep: "Sext your enemies"
Minor Sheep: aaand we're done here.
Jumpropeman: too late sheep
Jumpropeman: wishlisted and key requested
Draco: And bought.
Draco: jk
Jumpropeman: it's 15 dollars! I'm not Bill Gates over here!


RubyChao: so
RubyChao: should i just lift 20:03 directly for tuesday
Minor Sheep: Yes
Gooper Blooper: look man, he REALLY WANTED that ducky


MobileDraco: I found Betty
Harpy: :<
Harpy: Biscotti comes in different flavors?
Jumpropeman: haha
Gooper Blooper: December Biscotti and October Biscotti
Harpy: Starla just ignores Biscotti's impromtu outer fight with herself
Harpy: also i have no idea why i gave Biscotti a real name when everyone is gonna just call her Biscotti, much like Jackpot instead of Eileen
Harpy: askldjfnmldfkjh WHAT
Gooper Blooper: HE DID IT
Gooper Blooper: I looked for it too but my walmart didn't have it
Harpy: i wasn't really looking
Harpy: dino more import
Jumpropeman: =oooooooooooo
MobileDraco: I found it at Ralph's
Jumpropeman: Ralph sounds like a cool guy
Gooper Blooper: Ah, of course
Gooper Blooper: DeMonde buys Gentle Giants for Ralph
MobileDraco: It's the only dog food big enough for him.


Jumpropeman: link
Harpy: sarah keeps unicorns?
Jumpropeman: someone bought Sarah: Keeper of the Unicorn for DS for 300+ dollars
Harpy: sdgjklf
Harpy: WHAT
MobileDraco: For $300 too. wao
Jumpropeman: clearly this is the first game for me to try my Buy-Sell tactic with
Gooper Blooper: it's just shelby's halloween costume
MobileDraco: I'd say that's too tall for Shelby but that's also Sarah.


Jumpropeman: link
Minor Sheep: Why
Minor Sheep: AND
Minor Sheep: Why would you inflict this on us?
Jumpropeman: thought you'd like to see your christmas gift early
Minor Sheep: ...I know I'm overthinking this, but what market is this aiming at?
Minor Sheep: Also
Minor Sheep: No.
Jumpropeman: you're right
Jumpropeman: birthday
Minor Sheep: :I
Minor Sheep: Banned.
MobileDraco: So I heard something about Anime MILF coloring books?
Minor Sheep: You heard nothing.
Minor Sheep: It was the wind.


Jumpropeman: 0:36
Jumpropeman: listen to the sound when either player makes a point
Jumpropeman: it's like a sentient jet engine got stabbed


PowerPuffPanda: That is a shoe
Jumpropeman: *looks at shoe* *Closes image...opens again because it did not process as shoe*


Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: link
PowerPuffPanda: Is Korean Daisy called Dairy?
Gooper Blooper: Hi I'm Almost Daisy
Jumpropeman: Princess Daisy part times teaching kids about cheese preparation


Murdered Sheep attempts to mentally beam the urge for the Waterworks plot event to be opened up to more garbage-tier Curse, right into JRM's brain, even though he won't be here.
Gooper Blooper: Has my curse well finally run completely dry? *checks folders*
RubyChao: mine actually might have
RubyChao: time to go play a video game or two to get inspired
Gooper Blooper: Well, I do have two characters that COULD have been Curse but there's no room for them now and they don't work as minor/joke curse
Draco sends PAUL BLART.
Murdered Sheep: Listen
Murdered Sheep: LISTEN
Murdered Sheep: In the M Sheep house
Murdered Sheep: It's always garbage day.
Jumpropeman: im sure I could come up with more if I sat down and thought about it, but I only got one unused one floating around currently

Gooper Blooper: The scrapped Curse from me that I'm talking about, btw, are Black Hat and Demencia
Jumpropeman: that would have been an interesting callback
RubyChao: i'm honestly expecting that for reaperplot
RubyChao: sheep is just going to
RubyChao: throw a new pair at us every round
RubyChao: use as many ideas as he can for his last chance
Murdered Sheep: Listen
Murdered Sheep: Where else am I going to put Judgement Boy Gold from Gregory Horror Show?
RubyChao: sheep
RubyChao: you'll put him in next year
RubyChao: when i run my new plot
RubyChao: Curse 2!
Murdered Sheep: But, yes
Murdered Sheep: Should anyone have need of random minor Curse bozos showing up on their event
Murdered Sheep: I got you


Murdered Sheep: link
Harpy: dat me
Murdered Sheep: link
Harpy: dat me
Murdered Sheep: link
Harpy: dat me
Draco: Can confirm. That's Harpy.
Murdered Sheep: link
Harpy: that's not me


(Ivel spends all evening playing Untitled Goose Game)

ivel joined the chat
ivel changed name to goosevel

goosevel: honk
Gooper Blooper: You did exactly what I expected you to do
Gooper Blooper: thanks
RubyChao: honk
goosevel: honkhonk
goosevel steals Honoka's horn
goosevel: HONK


Gooper Blooper: the boobles are a bit much but this is cute pixel art aside from that
Jumpropeman: dang byakuren
Jumpropeman: are you in that coloring book from last night?
Gooper Blooper: XD
Draco: And you know who isn't? Futo's mom. ;V
Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: i welcome our milf overlords
Harpy: says completely useless pervert
Draco: Harpy has activated Useless Bisexual Mode.

1 comment:

  1. And then the Final Boss fight WAS King Dice and Gyanko!
