Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 345: Pong FAQ

Jumpropeman: Prism's uncle
MobileDraco: Regice?


Del Is You: Okay so
Del Is You: I am very, very, very happy that knuckles has got zero votes
Del Is You: Not even sarcastic
Del Is You: He's gonna die hilariously and I can't wait :U
Gooper Blooper: "oh no"
RubyChao: oh no
Del Is You: oh no


Bree: a ZFPD interrogation
Gooper Blooper: seems accurate


ivel: "Commander_Cookiepuss: Noseless horror on noseless horror violence"
ivel: out of context quote for Goops ;P
Gooper Blooper: more like NOSED HORRORS


Bree: excellent line from this WoW quest
Bree: "[...] he wrote me saying he's out of ammunition. I sent him down there with enough ammo to shoot the planet in half, but flint goes through ammunition like you or I go through... air. so, I need you to bring him some more, will ya?"
Gooper Blooper: So a ZFPD quest where we bring Blasto ammo, got it
Bree: it makes slightly more sense when it's blasto. he's got like twelve limbs and three times as many guns
Bree: this dude I'm bringing ammo to is a friggin dwarf, he's got two dang arms and can hold one (1) gun
Bree: (there are no handguns in WoW, all firearms require two hands to use)
Bree: then again maybe this dwarf has really terrible aim. this is an engineering quest and last time I checked in with flint the dwarf, the questgiver remarked that they try to keep him from inventing/building things because he ruins everything
Bree: there's, like, a pretty compelling reason why this guy isn't in the engineering shop in dalaran, I'm guessing
Bree: (the ones sending me to him are at the engineering shop in dalaran - this dude seems to be, like, "that one underling that gets the less important, far-away jobs so they can safely fuck up where it won't affect anybody else")


Dreadball Del:
Jumpropeman: vince should have used that in the brawl
SteelKomodo: kek
Draco: Vince is ready for Race Yer Mates.


Jumpropeman: " Maybe she can serve as a distraction... by holding up her kimono in order to catch the attention of the frogman." I know Kotohime has light powers, but I didn't expect a flash :V
RubyChao: heeeeeeh
RubyChao: (she's wearing a uniform underneath)


Del Is You: Jrm I'm gonna admit straight up I attempt to channel your cirno when I write Joshua
Del Is You: If he ever ends a sentence with a full stop things have gone badly
Jumpropeman: I can see it... they must never meet
Del Is You: It would be too devastating


Draco hooks Kuroma up with Father Squid. Powercouple. Woo.
N Goat: Draco, why
Harpy: Kuroma would be absolutely flailing at that
Harpy: "I'M NOT READY TO DATE! I HAVE TO GET OVER MY ISSUES FIRST!" "is that why you're like the oldest virgin alive" "...I will END YOU, JIANG."
N Goat: Didn't she end Jiang once?
Harpy: yes
Harpy: not directly but she helped set it up
Draco: It's okay, Kuroma. We'll hook you up with some cats.
Harpy: "Yeah, with what? That surprise attack you DON'T have anymore?"
N Goat: Also, Squid's a hermit.
N Goat: Sorry, ladies
Draco: It's okay, Squid. We'll hook you up with some cats.
Harpy: Kuro loves cats
Harpy: unfortunately, cats don't like her
N Goat: He's already got Alice
N Goat: That's like the work of 30 cats!
Draco: Fair enough.


N Goat: "Let's go, GAOFAR!"
N Goat: I predict that GAOFAR will
N Goat sips water
Del Is You: Oh no
N Goat clears throat
Del Is You: is he gonna do it
Del Is You: He's gonna do it
N Goat taps mic
N Goat leans in closely
N Goat sneezes

Draco: Bless you.
Del Is You sweats
N Goat leans away from mic

Draco hands Sheep a tissue.
N Goat removes handkerchief from pocket
Draco redacts offer of tissue.
N Goat blows nose loudly
N Goat holds dripping handkerchief, reluctant to return it to pocket
N Goat does so anyway

Del Is You: Sheep I'm in agony here
Del Is You: Please
N Goat ignores the squishing sound
N Goat clears throat again
N Goat leans into mic

N Goat: GO FAR!
N Goat left the chat
Del Is You applauds wildly


Draco: "Vince could grow big!" <- *Koakuma waggles her eyebrows*
Del Is You: I have no clue how to add to the joke :U
Draco: You set me up and I delivered the punchline.


Gooper Blooper: I like how this plot underscored the fact that while the Patrangers and Lupinrangers are both troublesome... it's mostly just the leaders
Gooper Blooper: the other four seem like perfectly lovely people :V
N Goat: But what if they combine
Draco: Then they're one perfectly lovely person.
iKomodo: Indeed
RubyChao: pretty much
iKomodo: The others were always willing to talk it out
RubyChao: it's basically patren #1 and lupin red beating the shit out of each other in the background while the others go "so... wanna get some coffee?" "sure"
iKomodo: But their leaders basically have entire potato fields on their shoulders
Gooper Blooper: pff
RubyChao: see that exaggeration is interesting because i always hear the exaggeration as being stuff like "an entire city block"
RubyChao: so it's neat how it comes out differently
Draco: X)
iKomodo: Mmhm
Harpy: locked into an eternal potato measuring contest


Draco: Retro-style picture of Zeldoten in her retro outfit:

Gooper Blooper: I love it!
N Goat: Oh, that's cute!
Draco: Thanks. :)
Gooper Blooper: Midwichdoten
Draco: It's canon: her tail is transparent. jk
Harpy: Nice
Draco: 2nd best new art I've seen today.
Draco: Because let's face it, if I could put pictures in the ticker, it'd be pretty dang obvious what would go in there.
Jumpropeman: the Patranger Zord?
Draco: Yes.
Draco: Because I love laffy taffy.


N Goat: Oh, I am so sick of this Fire Force character already
RubyChao: which one?
N Goat: Which do you think, CHAO??
RubyChao: hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
RubyChao: the protagonist, clearly!!!
Jumpropeman: the fire
N Goat: :I
N Goat: For those of you playing at home, its the woman wearing the usual bulky fire fighter protective uniform, but leaving it open as she otherwise runs around half naked
N Goat: Also
N Goat: her fire seems to form as cat ears?
N Goat: Anime
N Goat: was a mistake
Draco: Anime is real, Sheep. ANIME IS REAL.
Gooper Blooper: I think I found her
RubyChao: you did
RubyChao: appropriate fire protection gear
N Goat: Yeah
N Goat sighs
N Goat: that's the one
Gooper Blooper: *adds her to the curse*
RubyChao: no, let sheep do it
N Goat: nO
RubyChao: so that he may inflict the suffering personally
Jumpropeman: I had no idea how anime this fire fighter show is
RubyChao: sheep i'm still waiting on the day you bring in Kirito just so the Kobbers can explode him
N Goat: There's been three groping "gags" about this character THIS EPISODE
N Goat: The spirit has been drained out me
N Goat: My smile and optimism
N Goat: gone.
Jumpropeman: ah, now I understand why you don't like her
Jumpropeman: That's not ENOUGH groping gags
Gooper Blooper: sheep has a very low tolerance for lewd
Jumpropeman: give me time, they got 7 minutes
Jumpropeman: me, the creator of the show
Cornwind Evil: I think it's less lewd
Cornwind Evil: And more pointless lewd
Cornwind Evil: Pew'd, you might say
Gooper Blooper: gotta get in that sexy firefighter catgirl fanservice
Jumpropeman: it does make me hot under the collar


(Discussing setting ideas)

N Goat: ZFRP but
N Goat: everyone's dead
N Goat: Except JRM
N Goat: who is alive again
Jumpropeman: JRM is back to life and has to figure out how to revive everyone else in...
Jumpropeman: 100 Deeds of Jumprope McDowd
N Goat: The worst part is
N Goat: He's in the superhero outfit again
Jumpropeman: 2021 setting: Olympia crashes in Nebraska, we only have some of the city but we also have to farm
N Goat: ZFRP goes Subsistence Farming
Harpy: we're not going to idaho?
Jumpropeman: if only we didn't already do Porphyrion :V
N Goat: The remains of Olympia are trapped in Nowhere, Idaho until the Kobbers can harvest enough potatoes to power a device that will destroy the barrier around Nowhere
N Goat: Next setting: ZFRP Goes to Hell!!
Waluigi: Finally, I've been waiting for City of Beasts's turn.
N Goat: Next setting: ZFRP boards an infinite train, where each train car is its' own world.
N Goat: Yes, did just watch Infinity Train
N Goat: ZFRP but inside a whale!
N Goat: a really BIG whale!
N Goat lies down
Jumpropeman: ZFRP but all in Sarah's house
N Goat: ZFRP, but the characters never leave This Room
Waluigi: ZFRP, but at the Denver airport. It's rural and winter, a twofer!
N Goat: ZFRP, but we buy and sell stocks
RubyChao: but sheep
RubyChao: we already did that
N Goat: ZFRP but its set entirely on Maul Street
N Goat: ZFRP, but
N Goat: uh
N Goat checks charts
N Goat: n-no Kobbers?
Harpy: zfrp except everyone is puppets
Jumpropeman: lets turn Kobberland into Kobber WORLD
Jumpropeman: the only difference being its on SNES instead of Game Boy
N Goat: ZFRP, but we go to Purnima's home world
N Goat: ZFRP, but we've finally pushed it one too many times with the super invasive VR technology and we're all stuck in the digital world now
RubyChao: okay sheep
RubyChao: if you do that
RubyChao: i warn you
RubyChao: I will punish you.
N Goat: and


Draco: "#2: Gambling Addict and Enabler" <- I think this was the Russian title for Cuphead.


(Re: Victory quotes for antagonists if the Kobbers failed a plot)

Jumpropeman: Center-Sensei: "Well... back to making Sega games I suppose"
N Goat: Anvil: "Well, shucks."
Jumpropeman: Gullstrand: *taps water*
N Goat: Blik: *beep*
N Goat: Blik: *boop*
N Goat: Blik: *R2D2 Screaming*


Cornwind Evil: Considering this season
Cornwind Evil: When is this happening
Draco: It's like a Wild West Dino Riders.
Jumpropeman: that's some great stuff right there
Gooper Blooper: cerato spotted
Harpy: cerato's sheriff in this town


Bree: I kinda came in to give people an update on "what's going on with bree"
Bree: since I have been scarce lately and also haven't RPed in forever
Bree: ...but first I need to brb
Bree: brb :V


Jumpropeman: hibiki vs boobs?
RubyChao: hibiki's greatest weakness: titty missiles


SpeepyPanda: Harpy, I need to know
Harpy: Uh?
SpeepyPanda: Is ivel really a collection of bees in a trenchcoat?
Harpy: he’s actually an eldrich beeing
SpeepyPanda: I approve


Bree: storyline's goin great
Bree: I'm the champion of azeroth, yessir
Jumpropeman: now to serve your five year sentence in real time
Bree: I like that my prison outfit is a DIY crop top and booty shorts
Bree: like somehow they didn't have actual non-torn pants and a shirt that covers my midriff
Bree: the guy in the next cell is unfairly dapper. how come he got to keep his (very stylish) clothes?!
Draco: All he did was murder someone.
Bree: then again, he claims to have bribed his way into the prison... as a prisoner... he paid money to get put in prison.
Bree: I'd say that's stupid but it's clearly a great plan if they let him keep his stuff XD
Bree: he's all "glad you're awake! it means I don't have to carry your FAT ASS out of here"
Draco: Hey, he could feel safer in prison than out of it.
Bree: strikeout part he didn't say but I feel like it's implied :V
Draco: Rude! Bree's character looks nothing like Zeldoten! :I
Gooper Blooper: kek
Bree: karabel is a mastodon
Bree: she stronk
Bree: step one of dapper gent's master plan to get us out of here: punch him
Bree: then, I got to pull a lever that has a very large sign next to it reading "ATTENTION IDIOTS, DO NOT PULL --WARDEN"
Bree: (it released all the prisoners. why do the guards even have a lever that releases all the prisoners?)
SpeepyPanda: The lever is presumably in case there's a disaster that warrants releasing the criminals so that they might survive - like a flood or a massive fire.
SpeepyPanda: Though it's really just to let your character out.
Bree: oh my god I found a steamed hams reference in WoW
Gooper Blooper: "At this time of day? At this elevation? Localized entirely within this bottle? Yes."
Jumpropeman: a new drink for the bar menu
Draco: Awesome :3


Jumpropeman: "Johnny Strange set the world's first official Guinness World Record for 'The most apples held in own mouth and chainsawed in one minute'. Johnny managed to chainsaw eight apples from his own mouth in one minute with a petrol chainsaw which earned him entry into the Guinness Book Of Records."
Bree: we went to walmart the other day and in one of the aisles we looked in there were chainsaws. you can just buy a chainsaw at walmart
Gooper Blooper: last name checks out
Draco: That the record is more than one astounds me.


Jumpropeman: this is from a Sonic game
Bree: horrifying
Bree: thanks jrm
Draco: Wow. That's...that's actually kinda creepy, in a funny way.
Gooper Blooper: my favorite sonic character
Jumpropeman: his whole body is breathing except his eyeballs
Jumpropeman: if you ever need a reference point for the Baldi's Basics aesthetic, it's Sonic's Schoolhouse
Draco: Wow.
Draco: That...exists.
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: so when can we expect the review
Draco: Sonic's Schoolhouse: the original Sonic Forces.
Jumpropeman: noise makes the pig even worse
Draco: Sonic's Schoolhouse? More like Sonic's MADHOUSE.
Harpy: I remember sonic schoolhouse
Harpy: and playing it
Jumpropeman: did you pick face-breathing pig
Harpy: Mario’s FUNdamentals was better.


Jumpropeman: yahoo is selling tumblr
Jumpropeman: get ready for the porn to return or the site to just explode entirely
Draco: Yahoo once promised not to screw up Tumblr, then they screwed up Tumblr.


Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: What the fuck is even parent companies anymore
Gooper Blooper: "Reblog with how you would have spent the $1,097,000,000 Yahoo and Verizon lost on Tumblr.
I would use it to fund 64,529 Dashcons."
Harpy: I’d have donated a lot to other people
Harpy: while living a cozy life
RubyChao: i would use it to buy all of the touhou
Jumpropeman: the thing about adulthood is changing the answer to the "If I had a million dollars" question to much more mundane stuff :V
Gooper Blooper: START MY OWN JURASSIC PAR- I'm sorry what were you saying
Gooper Blooper: oh yes adult stuff
Jumpropeman: gooper buys a former zoo and just sticks all his dino toys in the exhibits
Draco: Building an actual Gundam.
Harpy: I would have a savings account to buy all the socks i keep losing
Harpy: tip hostesses big money
Draco: You'd need to sell five Tumblrs to afford that.
Jumpropeman: I'd buy a basho sumo table
Harpy: You’d buy a blasto what now
Draco: JRM would buy Action 52 for NES.


RubyChao: i have a character completely planned out except for a name and a face
RubyChao: and thanks to reasons
RubyChao: i don't get to even use them until season 11
RubyChao: *wallows in ideas* i am hopeless
Del Is You: Lmao
Del Is You: I have the opposite problem where I barely have a clue
RubyChao: let's just meet in a back alley and do shady character bartering
RubyChao: trenchcoats and all
Del Is You: Hey kid, ya wanna buy a Jonesy?
Cornwind Evil: Sine would just to get back that fite loss
Del Is You: Yeesh
Del Is You: Still salty


Bree: when will tapa manage to update without breaking something
RubyChao: never


Gooper Blooper: guess who's back, back again
Bree: that is a great image
Gooper Blooper: it's an accurate summary of this character so far


Del Is You: So you know that Harry potter book that was written by an AI that had been fed Harry potter books?
Del Is You: Someone did it with batman movies
Gooper Blooper: Oh yeah, I've seen a bunch of these. It's something of a meme
Del Is You: I feel like this one has been massaged a bit because it's so good
Gooper Blooper: IIRC even the Harry Potter one was explained as "they gave the bot potter stuff and rolled for results many times but then culled out the best bits"
Gooper Blooper: so it's still AI-generated lines, but after a lot of editing
Del Is You: Okay so Keaton Patti's stuff is handwritten I think
Del Is You: I am told anyway
Del Is You: But I love it
Del Is You: I feel like this is what Scarlett does for fun
Del Is You: Creates algorithms that spit out incredibly dumb versions of the fiction she feeds it
Bree: scarlett is the algorithm
Bree: she becomes algorithms that make dumb fiction
Del Is You: Yes


N Goat joined the chat
N Goat: Heya, what's happening?
RubyChao: You
N Goat crumbles into dust


N Goat: "Without it, she only had her backup option, the FN SCAR-L assault rifle."
N Goat: Pitohui arc is threatening to help me remember gun names.
N Goat: Like the name of this model
Hooded Pitohui: You don't know how much I've had to learn about guns because of Pitohui, myself, Sheep.
N Goat: Hahahah
Hooded Pitohui: I knew absolutely nothing about firearms just a few months ago but heavens help me if I can't give you an encyclopedia entry on that awful KTR-09 now
N Goat: "You all could cuff me right now and toss me away. Sure, whatever."
N Goat: "ok"
N Goat music as small robot slaps her in cuffs


Jumpropeman: im drinking
Jumpropeman: root beer
Jumpropeman: for a brief horrifying few hours today
Jumpropeman: there was no dr pepper in this house


Jumpropeman: there's a movie/video game rental place near me called Family Video
Jumpropeman: and they are selling old games 2 for 3 bucks
Jumpropeman: I have acquired
Jumpropeman: quite the haul
Jumpropeman: I got Smurfs Dance Party
RubyChao: oh no jrm
RubyChao: oh no
RubyChao: you have become a victim of the smurf cartel
Jumpropeman: another game from the video store haul
Jumpropeman: Dogz 2 for Wii
Jumpropeman: that game with the insane wizard dog boss battle in a pet sim
Gooper Blooper: excellent
MobileDraco: Neat


Hooded Pitohui: I've said it before, but it's worth saying again. I'm quite lucky to have entered a season with the Curse where I'm so easily able to practice a combat dayplot (Lovrina) and noncombat dayplot (Emcee) and a longer-term villain (Natasha)
RubyChao: and to think
RubyChao: longer-term villain only happened
RubyChao: because i posted a picture and wasn't clear about why
Hooded Pitohui: It's true!
Gooper Blooper: RP characters can be born in the strangest of ways
Gooper Blooper: "here is the unnamed reporter from My Hero Academia as a joke" "SHE'S MINE NOW"
MobileDraco: As Chao can attest, Yohane has a weird origin.
RubyChao: i can share it if people are interested!
Gooper Blooper: go for it!
MobileDraco: Go for it.
Hooded Pitohui: Oh? What's this? I'm eager to hear how our Fallen Angel originated.
RubyChao: so originally i brought her up to draco because i liked her (and she's the only love live i like from its sequel series), and we made jokes to each other that koakuma should use "Yohane" as her disguise as a joke about yohane being a fallen angel. but over time draco ended up coming up with minor ideas for yohane relating to honoka being one of my mains (such as her web design career, and her being a school idol unlike honoka), and eventually he had enough and we were both interested enough that rather than a disguise, yohane just ended up a real character
RubyChao: and that's how draco got one of his season 9 newbies
MobileDraco: Yep.
MobileDraco: Blame Chao.
Jumpropeman: and that's how he got his DYM9 champion
MobileDraco: Yep.
MobileDraco: Blame Chao
RubyChao: and that's how we got the BBB10 winner
MobileDraco: Yep.
MobileDraco: Blame Pitohui Chao.
Bree: *blames chao* *blames chao* *blames chao*
Bree: *radiates intense blame at chao*
RubyChao: D:!!
MobileDraco: All according to keikaku. BV


Gooper Blooper: while I make this post, please enjoy the origins of gunnersephine
Gooper Blooper: I wanted to bring her back for F-Zero because she had the Blue Falcon but I didn't know how to give her an "F-Zero redesign"
Gooper Blooper: Then I was browsing Mii Gunner pics on Know Your Meme and this one popped up and that was the end of that problem
Dreadball Del: big weight
Gooper Blooper: big money big women big fun
Dreadball Del: sipsco tells it like it is
Gooper Blooper: I showed Chao and was like "this is josephine" and he replied "that is absolutely josephine"
Dreadball Del: holy shit i just looked and sips' last upload was a fucking year ago
Gooper Blooper: rip
Dreadball Del: oh its because he streams
Dreadball Del: and i think he has two children now
Dreadball Del: jesus


SteelKomodo: i need a firefox script that replaces any instance of kamen rider decade with kamen rider dickhead


Jumpropeman: they should make a whole game where you interview the murder victim on the stand
Jumpropeman: they'd all conveniently have amnesia


Bree: so for my one (1) free dinosaur
Bree: I picked a carnotaurus
Bree: her name is Bitch
Bree: she is very stompy
Bree: like whenever she goes anywhere it's just BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM
Bree: she is also purple because you can recolor the dinosaurs however you want
Jumpropeman: I hope you say SUP BITCH whenever you see her
Bree: no, but we have had several amusing statements that included her name


Jumpropeman: you know what I don't miss? That early internet phase where people were really insistent on having dinosaurs say GAO GAO like they did in Japan
Mummy Sheep: I had no idea that was a thing!
RubyChao: same
RubyChao: as in
RubyChao: never heard of that
Jumpropeman: I wouldn't say it was a concerted effort, but the words GAO GAO really disappeared from the web after I finished high school seemingly
Jumpropeman: I believe it was part of that period where everyone used anime emojis
RubyChao: oh, now i know what you mean ^_^;
Del Is You: Oh god
Mummy Sheep: O_O
Del Is You: Oh Jesus
Jumpropeman: (´・ω・`)
iKomodo: Welp
Del Is You: I don't know whether to go to sleep or fuckin die


MobileDraco: I saw Grumpy Cat/Garfield magnets today.
RubyChao: i read that
RubyChao: as Garfield megaplots
MobileDraco: That's next season. 😱


MobileChao: Airport traffic was created by satan to drive mankind to the sin of wrath


Gooper Blooper: okay look
Gooper Blooper: I like peanut butter sandwiches
Gooper Blooper: and I like tuna sandwiches with mayo
Gooper Blooper: but never the two shall meet
Jumpropeman: but it could be tremendous!
Gooper Blooper: tremendously wretched
Gooper Blooper: kudos for the weird old ad tho
Del Is You: Hellman's
Del Is You: More like
Del Is You: HELL, MANN
MobileDraco: Goops is very opinionated on mayo.


Cherry Pepsi: hello harp
Cherry Pepsi: what is the ups
Harpy: waking up from a weird dream where a plain dude is a reincarnation of an evil guy and some weirdos are trying to reawaken him
Harpy: apparently one of those ways is to throw him at an eldritch arcade machine with malicious code (who calms its shit later)
Harpy: and... eating a pretzel...?
Harpy: i don't know.
Cherry Pepsi: i imagine it's an evil pretzel
Cherry Pepsi: baked with a pinch of malice
Harpy: its so stupid and i'm so confused'
Cherry Pepsi: the eldritch arcade machine is a relative of beach episode
Cherry Pepsi: this is just zfrp 2020
Harpy: am i trying to make some sort of compelling thing about a normal dude trying to live a normal life after finding out oh he's a reincarnation of, like... let's just say the lord for giggles
Harpy: like, really?
Cherry Pepsi: probably
Cherry Pepsi: you can do that
Harpy: i mean, i could, but... not like that
Harpy: the eldritch arcade machine sounds awesome tho
Cherry Pepsi: it does
Cherry Pepsi: we can't use polybius tho
Cherry Pepsi: goops already did that
Cherry Pepsi: therefore i suggest yars' revenge
Cherry Pepsi: mwahahaha
Draco: Haunted Arcade Cabinet eats your quarters and calls you a n00b


Jumpropeman: an unusual angle
Jumpropeman: but I dig it
Jumpropeman: kinda wish they'd show if characters like DK or Amy are having retro versions
ivel: not sure how I feel about that 2D Mario & Sonic thing
ivel: it's neat but
ivel: very clashing :U
Draco: Weird.
Jumpropeman: I want to see knuckles suplex 8 bit peach, don't take this from me
ivel bans jrm from playing the game
Jumpropeman: D:
Jumpropeman: *suplexes 8 bit harpy*
ivel suplexes jrm suplexing Harpy
Marmaduke Sheep does not suplex anyone

Jumpropeman: suplex conga ruined :I
ivel suplexes jrm onto Sheep


Jumpropeman: sorry you didn't get to kill niftu


RubyChao: cuphead status:
RubyChao: i am actively messing with King Dice
Moose Sheep: Don't mess with King Dice!
Moose Sheep: Don't mess with him!
Jumpropeman: good luck chao
RubyChao: >hit literally every miniboss except the three that give hearts this time
RubyChao: I feel mocked.


Jumpropeman: link
Moose Sheep: Golfplot 2: Now With More Ninjas
Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: "Hamtaro: Wake Up Snoozer! is a 2003 educational game for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. It is the only Hamtaro game to be released for PC/Macintosh."


Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
Gooper Blooper: the most intense battle
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Gooper Blooper: pffffhahaha
RubyChao: wow! incredible!
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
Jumpropeman: considering yesterday and now
Jumpropeman: I think chatzyroll is just busted :V
Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14

Harpy: oops
Gooper Blooper: two ones in a row
Jumpropeman: 4 1s in 6 rolls
Harpy: bet i can get another
Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16
Harpy: fuck off :I
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
RubyChao: not a 1, but close!
RubyChao: so anyhow kawashiroplot is going to be tractorless now
RubyChao: thanks
Harpy: oh so i get to kill a bitch
Gooper Blooper: kill a cat
Harpy: no
Harpy: cw will kill me
Jumpropeman: there's more than one way to skin a catbert
Gooper Blooper: catbert's gonna have to go to cat jail
RubyChao: cw attends the plot, catbert is allowed to leave free of comeuppance
Harpy: i'm pretty sure cw has expressed his displeasure with catbert
Harpy: it's just scummy business practices in a cat suit
Cornwind Evil: Catbert is no cat.


Harpy: *thinks on chars*
Harpy: *lays down*
Harpy: i'm actually going to RP a cactus.
Gooper Blooper: you already are!
Harpy: i'm actually going to try to develop a cactus with 2 months to go.
Draco: Good.
Draco: I'll try developing Zeldoten then too.
Harpy: i mean, my primary avenue is kinda not around so i'mma need another way to trigger things and get things rolling at a decent pace
Harpy: anyone else wanna try their hand at breaking a spell? :V
RubyChao: if you think any chaoacter could do it!
Harpy: hmmm, nobody else really comes to mind, but then again the very person i think of is hina
Draco: I guess Sanae could try. She hasn't had anything to do since the last giant monster battle in Olympia.
Draco: Otherwise the only other Dracochar who could do something like that is busy trying on frumpy dresses and listening to old records.
RubyChao: sanae could work
Moose Sheep: You could have Ernie try to break the spell. He's broken everything else.
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16
Draco: Ernie's the best. He can race cars, fight monsters, and break curses with his smile.
Moose Sheep: :I
Draco: Somebody once said Ernie was the second coming of Jesus but Jesus said that no he was the first coming of Ernie.
Gooper Blooper: XD
Moose Sheep: whyyyyy
RubyChao: i can't wait to give ernie my #1 vote for BBB10
Moose Sheep: nO
Harpy: ldfjkgj
Harpy: what
RubyChao: don't worry, sheep
RubyChao: i promise basu will get my #2


Gooper Blooper: Stupid thing I didn't do because it wouldn't have made any sense: Dolby just walking up to Steve Castle at the end of yesterday's plot and slapping him, saying he didn't deserve to like 80s music
RubyChao: lel


RubyChao: "But Knuckles had become not only physically invincible, but also omniscient, able to bend time and space to his will, control others’ minds, and more. He canonically has every superpower"
RubyChao: so this is how knuckles wins the scuffle, right
Draco: But can he......CHUCKLE?
RubyChao: no
RubyChao: but i can
Draco: Then you'll win the Scuffle.


Mnemonic Sheep: FINALLY
Mnemonic Sheep: I'M FREEEEE
Mnemonic Sheep: it is posted and now I can relax
Draco: Yay :D
Mnemonic Sheep: Yeah, you'll like that post
Mnemonic Sheep: probably
Draco: I did. :)
Mnemonic Sheep: Then all is right with the world!
Draco: It sure is! Dracoplot canceled with a happy heart. (;
Mnemonic Sheep: :I
Draco: 🐩
Mnemonic Sheep: Is that
Mnemonic Sheep: a poodle?
Draco: Yes
Jumpropeman: 🗡🐩 NOBODY MOVE
Jumpropeman: and you don't want to deal with a poodle wielding a knife!
Mnemonic Sheep: Deal him in


Cornwind Evil: Barpost
RubyChao: and then he never woke up EVER AGAIN
Cornwind Evil: Five months later
Cornwind Evil: I get Mod power
Cornwind Evil: Open the closed Bar thread
Cornwind Evil: "Meitenkun is awake."
Cornwind Evil: Close it


Mandrake Sheep entered for the first time
Draco: Hi newbie. Welcome to our humble RP Chat. :)
Mandrake Sheep: Happy to be here
Draco: If you have any questions about our forums or rule, please ask a staff member and, no, we don't do Lion King or Taylor Swift chats.
Draco: We have one rule: No bitcoin.


iKomodo: Yo cw, whilst I have you
iKomodo: any ideas of who you’d wanna see from me for KoF?
Cornwind Evil: Just don't enter a GIGANTIC character (ie, Fenrir) and you'll be good.
Cornwind Evil: Otherwise, no.
iKomodo: Hmmmm
iKomodo: i’m stumped, ya see
Draco: Well, you've got two pairs of Sentai groups without their leaders, so you've got a possible team of four right there.
iKomodo: Best idea i got is all my cool fighting ladies, like R. Mika and Jenny
iKomodo: i c
iKomodo: That, or I send Kollector or Eyedol as a solo entry
Draco: And watch them get mashed into potatoes? :D
iKomodo: Pffffft
iKomodo: And then Kollector tries to collect tribute from her
Draco: lol
Cornwind Evil: Abelheid promptly Genocide Renders him across Olympia.
Cornwind Evil: And now I'm picturing Kolletor doing the Goofy yell
iKomodo: Rip
RubyChao: anyone you really want from me, cornwind
Cornwind Evil: NOT Kaede
Cornwind Evil: And you thought Dan Hibiki was a joke character!
RubyChao: nonsense
RubyChao: she's a brawler!!
RubyChao: she beat joshy!!!
RubyChao: she can totally do this!!!!
Cornwind Evil: Bernard: -gives her a light shove-
RubyChao: Kaede: *flops*
Draco: Besides, Kaede's already on a team with Gyanko, Jinako, and Mary.
Cornwind Evil: Adelheid: Die monster! You don't belong in this world!
Cornwind Evil: Kollector: It was not by my hand that I was given passage! I was brought here by HUMANS, who wish to pay ME tribute!
Cornwind Evil: Adelheid: Tribute? You steal men's things, and make them your slaves!
iKomodo: Kollector: Perhaps the same can be said of all rulers...
Cornwind Evil: Adelheid: Your words are as empty as your soul. Mankind ill needs a collector such as you!
iKomodo: Kollector: What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk - have at you!
iKomodo: i can’t believe we just did the whole bit
Cornwind Evil: Kollector moves to throw his wine glass
Cornwind Evil: Pauses
Cornwind Evil: Then stuffs it into his pack instead


iKomodo: hey, who remembers gravity llama?
Jumpropeman: from your blogs?
iKomodo: Yes
Jumpropeman: how's he been doing
iKomodo: Eh, he’s been fine


RubyChao: honoka enters a fite
Jumpropeman: Honoka with a gun vs. Kaede with a gun


Maleficent Sheep: aaa
Maleficent Sheep: aaaaaaa
Maleficent Sheep falling down a deep hole
boardvel places a cushion at the bottom of the hole

Jumpropeman: you're good ivel
Jumpropeman: but also
Jumpropeman: *places bear trap on top of the cushion*


Harpy: i'm absolutely taking a shot in the dark with this question
Harpy: so hopefully nobody else has any royalty in the curse...
RubyChao: chompette >:( >:( >:(
RubyChao: (but seriously, i don't believe so)
Harpy: (Biruritchi counts, i'm taking an extreme shot in the dark)
Harpy: biru rules an actual country
boardvel: Chompette just rules our hearts
Gooper Blooper: Chompette would be real royalty if The Curse took over Olympia
Gooper Blooper: she'd be Princess Of Olympia
MobileDraco: Long live Chompette! :V
Del Is You: Wan wan!


Harpy: suddenly got shower thoughts about alberto giving consolation prizes and regularly donating proceeds to good causes and just generally helping out the lil guy
Harpy: kind of like this "paid off" gameshow where the contestants are college students and the money won goes towards bringing down their student debt
Gooper Blooper: good guy alberto
Harpy: hey, it could bring good publicity to Olympia TV...
Harpy: alberto power plays? no i wasn't thinking about TV politics between a dinosaur and a human that's like 10k steps ahead of him
Hooded Pitohui: The answer is clear. We set up Alberto as the next CEO of Olympia TV and he overhauls the company to actually do good for the city
Harpy: Alberto would probably decline the extra hour on account of, "I only need two, though thank you for the offer. Two is quite enough for the show i have in mind."
Harpy: i dunno if he's ready for that sorta responsibility, he needs someone with the know how
Jumpropeman: how do I sign up
Harpy: i don't even know, JRM ;_;
Harpy: also how did my dinosaur do this
Harpy: i blame goops for introducing me to the albertosaurus
Gooper Blooper: The best part is that unlike Cerato, Harpy wasn't even given a hook by the Jurassic series for Alberto
Gooper Blooper: Albertosaurus is not in the films
Gooper Blooper: but she still came up with this
Harpy: i was inspired by hispanic culture and some weird game show my mom watched on Univision
Harpy: and a bit of valhalla's speaking collar thing, only for a dinosaur
Harpy: the dinosaur is not literally flapping his gums he is basically speaking telepathically and his thoughts translated by a fucking collar
Harpy: the most articulate dinosaur and i "waste" it on a game show host
Gooper Blooper: here's the funniest part
Gooper Blooper: Albertosaurus is actually Canadian
Gooper Blooper: the "Albert" refers to Alberta
Harpy: thats gonna be awkward in the upcoming background check
Hooded Pitohui: Honestly, you bringing Sabado Gigante back into my life through rp has been one of the strangest and most pleasant surprises, Harps. I had almost forgotten that was a thing, but you bring it in and it's like "boom," I remember reading so much about it before
Jumpropeman: I've seen it before too
boardvel: WHAT A TWEEST
Harpy: my hispanic heiritage is actually showing
Harpy: oops i can't spell
Harpy: trumpet raptor will spell my demise
Gooper Blooper: I didn't know about the show but I thought it was really cute how you used Alberto to bring in Hispanic stuff
Gooper Blooper: Aside from when you use Hispanic characters like Stacy and Emily we don't see much of it
Harpy: the thing is, i barely remember anything about the show other than 1. the host, 2. beauty contest, and 3. The Jackal/EL CHAKAL
Harpy: i can't exactly express it as well because i can't speak or write spanish at all
Hooded Pitohui: See, see, here's the thing, Harps. Latin American culture and history is one of my biggest "hobby" areas of study, so I found out about it reading about Chile!
Harpy: oh shit
Harpy: that makes perfect sense actually
Harpy: that's awesome
Harpy: now all i have to do is introduce the strongest curse member of all...
Harpy: la chancla.
MobileDraco: D;
Hooded Pitohui: Ask me about Uruguay some time because I've spent far too much time in my life reading everything I can about it in particular and I could talk for hours about it
Jumpropeman: how about that uruguay
Gooper Blooper: you go uruguay and I'll go myuguay
Harpy: i did it
Harpy: myuguaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
boardvel: @Goops
boardvel: :|
Gooper Blooper: it's been far too long since ivel had to break out that reaction image
boardvel: it's been a long time since I've had to break out the bird- DAMNIT GOOPS


MobileDraco: So apparently someone made a King Koopa plush?
SteelKomodo: turns out they did
SteelKomodo: they're trying to koop people outta their money
SteelKomodo: with koopa plushes


Gooper Blooper: "UPDATE 3-26-01"
Gooper Blooper: dolby etc
Draco: Man, thank goodness they have those eBay auctions or I'd worry about their almost 20-year update drought!
Jumpropeman: i can only get two of those sidebar links working
Jumpropeman: one is the PS2 tab
Draco: (Oh wait the eBay link doesn't work either. Maybe they sold it.)
Jumpropeman: "A good game for PS2 »
[not available]"
Jumpropeman: subtle diss, or did they just run out of Good Game for PS2?
RubyChao: i don't think i should be able to reach this
Jumpropeman: that's actually what you get if you click the museum tab
Jumpropeman: still, probably not what is meant to be there :V
Jumpropeman: its obviously meant to be funny
Jumpropeman: but it also reads like some avant garde thing
Jumpropeman: "Q. Don't be sorry. This isn't just about Pong. This is about you. Just be happy, if you can."
Jumpropeman: "Q. It depends on what each individual considers "winning", I guess.
A. Well, of course...but take it even further. No matter who wins, or who loses, when the game's over, it's over for everyone. Think about chess a little. A friend of mine once noted that the King's greatest fear in chess is not to lose, but to win!
Q. He fears winning?
A. He fears winning over all. Because when the game has ended, and his glory is at its peak - he dies. The players wrest him from his victorious dominion, and throw him in a box, where the life quickly dissipates from his being - for that which has no purpose, and no hope, cannot truly be alive."

Jumpropeman: deeper into the pong faq
Jumpropeman: just in case you're wondering if it gets good
Jumpropeman: "Suffice it to say, much as I regret it, my life is comprised of more than just Pong. I'm working hard to rectify that situation, but as of this writing, I haven't been overly successful."
Jumpropeman: at this rate I'm gonna RP Pong Guy


Jumpropeman: "Fear not, young questioner. I do not judge human nature on a scale of right and wrong, for we are what we are. Nothing more, nothing less. In order for our earliest ancestors to survive, they had to be equipped with two things. One, the killer instinct. Two, the means to satisfy this instinct. By extrapolation, the only members of those species that survived were the ones "blessed" with an inherent gift for domination, for killing."
Jumpropeman: again
Jumpropeman: pong faq


Momentous Sheep: I actually took a lot of liberties with Noonsa
Jumpropeman: you coulda fooled me sheep
Jumpropeman: you seemed true to gif!
Momentous Sheep: Noonsa appears for maybe ten minutes of one eaaaaarly episode of Slayers
Momentous Sheep: All he does is try to kiss Lina, used as a 'torture' by Dilgear and others
Draco: lol
Momentous Sheep: And then dies off real quick in one hit
Momentous Sheep: So, the gifs
Momentous Sheep: If you look closely, the dorsal fins are actually two different colors
Momentous Sheep: I combined Noonsa with a filler(?) fishman who appears in another episode and put up more of a fight than Noonsa
Momentous Sheep: Actually getting like maybe three hits in with his incredible speed and then getting killed in one hit
Momentous Sheep: The magic is me running with one sentence or so said somewhere in the light novels Slayers is based on, where the arc one Big Bad mentions Noonsa to have more magical aptitude than one of the recurring, mainish characters
Momentous Sheep: Which is something of a surprised because Noonsa uses NOT A SINGLE SPELL in his appearance
Momentous Sheep: Even in the light novels!
Momentous Sheep: But the line exists!
Momentous Sheep shrugs


Momentous Sheep: Time for entirely unsolicited DILGEAR triviaaaa
Jumpropeman: HURRAY
Momentous Sheep ignores the booing
Jumpropeman: that's no booing
Jumpropeman: we're saying Boo-Dilgear
Momentous Sheep: Dilgear appears in the same arc Noonsa does. They're lackeys for the same Big Bad, but Dilgear is the third ranked of the big three lackeys that appear multiple times.
Momentous Sheep: Dilgear's fur is that minty sort of green because he is, apparently, part troll
Momentous Sheep: This is never explained in any way.
Jumpropeman: deep lore!
Jumpropeman: maybe he's a trollwolf
Momentous Sheep: I think the author only even mentioned outside something
Jumpropeman: the author really does seem to throw in random facts
Momentous Sheep: But it's why Dilgear says, word for word, when the good guys beat him: "Damn you! Just you wait 'til I come back to life!"
Momentous Sheep: He's never then seen again.
Momentous Sheep: Sort of.
Jumpropeman: I was wondering if we were about to get Wild Dogman
Momentous Sheep: There's an 'infamous' eye catch used later in the series that shows this girl with this dog that looks kind of like Dilgear.
Momentous Sheep: There was some debate on this
Jumpropeman: he's coming back to life the long way around
Jumpropeman: reincarnation
Momentous Sheep: I don't know how long that sat out there before the author commented on it in any way, but he did, and of course it was kind of odd.
Jumpropeman: that dog is actually a guardian angel
Momentous Sheep: Okay, so Dilgear DID revive, surviving his injuries because of his troll blood or whatever, and essentially wandered the land until sometime later he passed out from hunger.
Momentous Sheep: This girl who often feeds strays ran into him and decided to adopt him.
Momentous Sheep: Dilgear woke up chained up in a giant doghouse in her backyard.
Momentous Sheep: The girl then named him 'Spot', which is where I got his codename
Jumpropeman: ha
Momentous Sheep: Story slightly shorter and some psychological horror glazed over: because he owed her his life, he felt a sense of loyalty and ended up remaining her pet.
Momentous Sheep: Apparently
Momentous Sheep: And that's the story the author whipped out one day on that
Momentous Sheep: In the manga, Zilgear just ups and disappears soon after his introduction, for some reason


Spy Agonizes Over Chili: I'm making this to contribute to a friend's party
Spy Agonizes Over Chili: All I know is that there's Four Servings, because clearly serving is a term that means something and not just a nebulous way of making snack foods look like they have less sugar
Spy Agonizes Over Chili: And I am trying to figure out if one bowl of this will A) be a nice contribution to up to 13 people's meals or B) leave everyone scraping for scraps from the bowl
Spy Agonizes Over Chili: And similarly, if 2 bowls will A) be able to give said people a decently good amount of chili, possibly with leftovers or B) drown all other known foods in the horrible mass known only as the chilisplosion


RubyChao: man
RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: i love zfrp
RubyChao: every so often i need to declare how important this unexpected spinoff of an eight-years-dead writing project is to me
Jumpropeman: i second that emotion
RubyChao: spoilers it's very important
Gooper Blooper: we have a very strange and unique history

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