Monday, March 11, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 324: Intellectual Articles about Tony the Tiger

Bree: it's my headcanon that when they encountered the niseis, phoenix was like "wat" and browny or the niseis had to be like "clones. it's a long story."
Bree: and further, that browny tried to introduce them out of politeness, but could only remember two of the niseis' names
Bree: admittedly I like to think most people can't remember their names aside from like, those who know them well or those who try especially hard
Bree: "simone and... the other five"
Jumpropeknack: Clawhauser has Know Your Niseis flash cards
Jumpropeknack: they don't help because they look the same :V
ivel: Simone and the Nisei 5
Bree: hahah yess


Jumpropeknack: sorry for exposition barf, but I figured it easier than having everyone ask questions gradually
Jumpropeknack: of course, you aren't limited to just showing off your area. It's actually smarter to show off the whole of the game after all
Jumpropeknack: make me want Knack 3
MobileDraco: Make me want to save Knack. Jk
Bree: "no one wants a knack 3 except people with really low standards"
Bree: jrm
Bree: do you want some burn cream?
Jumpropeknack: I want Functional Knack 2 before a Knack 3
Jumpropeknack: how will I know the fate of the High Goblin if I don't get to beat 2 first?!


Bree: I have fruit knacks
Bree: ...snacks.
Bree: I have fruit snacks.
Jumpropeknack: there we go, another tie-in
Bree: did I help OOCly and by accidently
ivel: you're so helpful
ivel: you have a real
ivel: KNACK for helping
Bree: if I said I'm too tired to continue the "nobody likes puns" meme, would that alarm you
Bree: because I kek'd
M Sheep: knackturally
Bree: don't worry, I still don't like steve buscemi jokes.
Bree: timing!
ivel: knack it off Sheep :I
M Sheep: knock.
Jumpropeknack: *moves the bar back to Atrocious*
M Sheep: Fool, you only make me stronger.
M Sheep: i mean
M Sheep: hi
Gooper Blooper: link
M Sheep: Missing from trailer:shot of a slightly bewildered Father Squid giving a thumbs up and saying "It's specknackular."
Gooper Blooper: Father Squid wasn't available for the first draft
Jumpropeknack: =o how'd you find my hidden file
M Sheep: "This game's no 'relic' and 'transforms' the franchise into..." Father Squid squints offscreen. "orb-iting greatness."
M Sheep: "Look for the code on specially marked Scorito snacks and Mt Dufe. Some will enter, less will win. Standard postage rates will apply. Knack is back."
M Sheep: "Remember to Knack responsibly."
M Sheep next up: Father Squid records the anti-theft PSA before every film
M Sheep: "You wouldn't steal a giraffe!"
RubyChao: yes i would
ivel: I would
MobileDraco: Well, I can't BUY one.
Jumpropeknack: when, as a reviewer, I find myself somewhat agreeing with a fictional fat plant man, you know you did good
Gooper Blooper: XD
Jumpropeknack: I've only brought it up once before, but Knack 3 as described reminds me a lot of Vexx, and there was a lot of joy to be found in just getting everything in that game for the sake of it... but the final level really strained that so it was relief to learn "hey, you ain't missing anything for not getting all the stuff"
Draco: Wait, what? Chuckster's not real? D:
Bree: chuckster's not fat!!!!!!
Bree: it's alllllll muscle baby
Bree: from CHUCKING
Bree: unless we somehow got another fictional fat plant man when I wasn't looking
Bree: who is also named chuckster because draco said chuckster
Draco: I assumed he meant Chuckster.
Jumpropeknack: I actually meant Zeldoten twas the Chuckster yes
Jumpropeknack: *googles Knack Crying for a reason that isn't a spoiler I swear*


Jumpropeknack: I'm not sure I could spend a day with Cirno as I RP her :V


Jumpropeknack: courtesy booty wiggle


Jumpropeman: I am confused
Jumpropeman: "The plot follows as such: Mike is a (presumably) Little Penguin who is an American Vietnam War (referred in the anime as the Delta War) veteran who (like the rest of world) speaks Japanese."
RubyChao: oh yeah, i've heard of that movie jrm
Jumpropeman: "The story revolves around Mike dealing with his PTSD and finding out if he can lead a normal life after the horrors he's been subject to...
...yes, it is an utterly odd as it sounds. A movie filled with Club Penguin-esque penguin deals with a shell-shocked veteran and it's played 100% for drama. Odder still is that Mike was the mascot for a brand of beer, something that you would not realize watching the movie."

RubyChao: it's basically a dramatic "the aftermath of war" film played completely straight
RubyChao: except it's all penguins
iKomodo: Pen-gyu-wins
iKomodo: nobody but me will get that


Jumpropeman: *reads up on a certain kind of bug I've been seeing in the basement lately*
Jumpropeman: *gradually comes around on them*
Jumpropeman: curse you internet


(Dia is revealed to be the reincarnation of a mermaid)

Big Crawdads: and god said
Big Crawdads: let there
Big Crawdads: big a cute fish girl
Big Crawdads: ..
Big Crawdads: be
Big Crawdads: BE
Gooper Blooper: I mean
Gooper Blooper: you're not wrong
Draco: Just bee yourself.
Big Crawdads: next diaplot: dia is somehow a bee.
Draco: It's all the buzz.
Big Crawdads: "I don't understand how this happened :U"


RubyChao: time for satori
RubyChao: to try
Jumpropeman: which is the name of her gun right
Record of Lodoss Bore: That's Sumi's gun. Satori's is Negotiation.


Jumpropeman: "There comes a time in everyone's lives where they must choose between two options: Soup, or Mario Brothers. Fortunately, one day at Nintendo they brought them together for Super Mario Bros."
Draco: lol
Draco: Is that what the original game was about? Mario trying to get to the food truck before they ran out of Chicken Noodle?
Jumpropeman: he was collecting mushrooms to add to it
Draco: Ah.


Cells at Wario: We're not gonna go through the whole game, btw, just this level
Cells at Wario: Cos god
Cells at Wario: I'd be up all night
Cells at Wario: And would not get lucky
iKomodo: Kek


Jumpropeman: read about shitty king
RubyChao: hi jrm
Cells at Wario: Hahaha
RubyChao: "The likes of Sir Shakes-A-Lot, The Duke of Doubt, and Burger Thing had as little staying power as the forced attempt at making the King cool for kids, although the odd robot “The Wizard of Fries” captivates me in how he just appears to be a pack of fries piloting a mechanical suit."
RubyChao: thsi is literally the first time i ever heard of them
Cells at Wario: They're new to me too
Jumpropeman: I remember learning about Sir Shakes-A-Lot before the research, I think I saw some old weird Burger King ad with him in it
Cells at Wario: The Wizard of Fries is amazing
Cells at Wario: Just a sentient batch of fries
iKomodo: I am discovering a strange new world of fast food
Cells at Wario: His life must be existential dread
iKomodo: and I do not know if I like it
Jumpropeman: "Fuck you I'm somehow magic"
RubyChao: so
RubyChao: when do we get the Burger King plot
Cells at Wario: So wait
Cells at Wario: Is the Wizard the fries in the suit
Cells at Wario: Or his he the robot in its entirety
Cells at Wario: And he's powered by fries
Jumpropeman: "The Wizard of Fries - A robot powered by the french fries in its glass dome head."
Jumpropeman: so this might be like a lightbulb in a potato situaiton
Jumpropeman: but with fries and a mech suit
iKomodo: Okay so sir shakes-a-lot
iKomodo: we need to talk
iKomodo: one sword swing and your arms are gone
iKomodo: get something better than fucking paper soda cups, man
iKomodo: Also why the fuck is a robot being called a wizard
iKomodo: he should at least be a weird merlin-like figure
Cells at Wario: If he can spontaneously summon fries from anywhere I think he's a fucking wizard


Gooper Blooper: she is unstoppable
Jumpropeman: looks about right


Jumpropeman: My Nintendo Picross: The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
Jumpropeman: should have been named The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Picross


N Goat: This next item, ivel, boy, it has your name written all over it.
N Goat: "Where To Retire On A Small Income"
iKomodo: Wait, are we actually bidding on sheep's manga?
iKomodo: what's going on?
N Goat: Norman Ford gives the pros and cons about cities, college towns, communities, resorts
N Goat: AND
N Goat: rural areas all over America!
Defective Conan: I'm amused to know you're thinking of me with that one :P
N Goat: Information may not be entirely up to date since it was published in 1985.
N Goat: Why do I own this book?
RubyChao: sheep is moving, so he's clearing out his library to make space for the move
Defective Conan: ^
RubyChao: as a result he's offering books that he's not keeping
Defective Conan: good question, Sheep
N Goat: I think this used to belong to my grandfather.
Defective Conan: the real question is why wouldn't you keep it?
Jumpropeman: a small 1985 income of 100,000 a year
N Goat: My father also has a sneaky habit of pawning books he doesn't really want onto me.
iKomodo: Oh ok
Defective Conan: you may be shocked to know I'll pass on that one :P
N Goat: What a shame, what a shame.
Defective Conan: I could never accept such a treasure
Jumpropeman: that kind of book
Jumpropeman: is what made me say "just because it's a book doesn't make it valuable"
Jumpropeman: it had a purpose and it's passed
Defective Conan: its purpose passed before I was born
N Goat: Tell you what, ivel, act now and I'll throw in two Buddist-ish books of philosophy I bought for a buck off some shady campus shysters.
N Goat: Cutting me own throat here
Defective Conan: I actually have one myself
N Goat: Whhhhaaaaat
Jumpropeman: I also have one :V
Jumpropeman: I think it's just a required college experience
N Goat: A new world is opened up to me.
Defective Conan: I got mine from the book store
N Goat: Can I tantalize anyone with a copy of "The Princess and The Hound"?


Boip Cardinal: i did not toast this waffle enough.
Boip Cardinal: oh well, least i gave the new toaster a spin
Boip Cardinal: have to break eggs to make an omelette
Jumpropeman: you're not supposed to make eggs in the toaster D:
Draco: Now they'll have to use one of the 2043243205239523 toasters Clownpiece got them. D:
Cornwind Evil: The hell
Cornwind Evil: Did Clownpiece go on Smash TV?
Gooper Blooper: XD
Boip Cardinal: wouldn't put it past her
Draco: Yes.
Defective Conan: no, she just smashed the TV
Cornwind Evil: Clearly on Opposite Day
Draco: XD
Cornwind Evil: Considering how many toasters she got
Jumpropeman: I'd buy that for 2043243205239523 dollars!


Gooper Blooper: link
Boip Cardinal: my eyes hurt


Jumpropeman: >yoshi's new island music confirmed for smash
Jumpropeman: *rushes to listen*
Jumpropeman: ....where's my farts


MobileDraco: Jeffrey's first appearance
N Goat joined the chat
N Goat: You rang.
MobileDraco: Yes.
N Goat: Wow, what a looping animation.


Jumpropeman: i love the expressions on this boxart
Jumpropeman: the china warrior looks so remorseful
Jumpropeman: "I wish I did not have to kick you"


Bree: I'm waiting for the day you get an email from a developer that's like "hi. I made the worst game in history. I would like you to review it please."
Jumpropeman: "just fuck my shit up"
Bree: and you're just emailing them back like "thank you for the disaster report material, I had a great time experiencing this dumpster fire of a game, I hope we can do business again in the future."
Jumpropeman: "Sir, I write you back with an apology. Your game was only terrible, not atrocious. Please make it worse and we can maybe speak again on the subject"
Bree: kek
M Sheep: "Swine! How dare you insinuate there is any possible merit to my game. I demand satisfaction!"
Bree: more like I demand dissatisfaction


Cells at Wario: My favourite bubs moment is when he was killed in a fite and decided not to be dead so he just walked back into the bar
Cells at Wario: "...Wanna buy a Talking Thurg?"
Bubs holds up a Thurg doll with a string pull on the back. He gives the pull a tug.
Me like smell own butt!

"He's a hit with the kids!"


COMMANDER BOREALIS: It's been a while
COMMANDER BOREALIS: Since I've had to assert some facts
COMMANDER BOREALIS drags over a soapbox
COMMANDER BOREALIS stands on soapbox
COMMANDER BOREALIS straightens tie
COMMANDER BOREALIS leans towards microphone

ivel: D:<
COMMANDER BOREALIS: I don't make the facts here people
ivel: you make UP the facts
ivel: :I
COMMANDER BOREALIS: I'm not allowed to do that
COMMANDER BOREALIS: I have access to a central bank of cosmic truths
COMMANDER BOREALIS: And one of those is that goomy sucks
ivel: who decided those truths were true?
COMMANDER BOREALIS: They're embedded into the fabric of reality
COMMANDER BOREALIS: If you're asking who did that, go ask your nearest religious leader
COMMANDER BOREALIS: They'll give you some ideas
ivel goes to ask the leader of the Church of Goomy
COMMANDER BOREALIS: They will take your possessions
COMMANDER BOREALIS: And you'll end up in a compound in south America
MobileDraco: WHAT did you say about Goomy?!?!?! D=<
MobileDraco runs to his compound in South America. >=|
Cornwind Evil: What prompted this
iKomodo: But del, it evolves into Goodra eventually D:
iKomodo: Goodra is cool, right?
COMMANDER BOREALIS: I find it difficult to be excited about goodra but it's fine
MobileDraco: My counterpoint to Goomy sucking: mine had a flawless victory over JRM's Diggersby MINUTES after hatching.
COMMANDER BOREALIS: Jrm can you back up this outrageous claim
Jumpropeman: he Attracted Diggersby and it never got to attack again
COMMANDER BOREALIS: Sample size of one
ivel: counterpoint: it was Diggersby :U
ivel: can you really say beating Diggersby is impressive
Jumpropeman: don't be hating on the big boy


Anxiety Personified: Stream starts and all everyone can hear is me crunchin on a taco
Gooper Blooper: fud
Jumpropeman: taco eating stream
Anxiety Personified: food that i have rediscovered
Anxiety Personified: that is delicious
Jumpropeman: Hungry Harpy
Jumpropeman: the hit new twitch IRL stream
Anxiety Personified: i can’t subject everyone to that
Jumpropeman: eat it quietly enough and you can pretend its ASMR


Anxiety Personified: Clownpiece should be illegal


RubyChao: "In X, Black Shadow's reason for entering is to "kill Captain Falcon in front of billions of viewers." Whether he actually filled this out on an official form is left to the imagination of the player."
Gooper Blooper: is it going to be rp canon that he did in fact do that
RubyChao: it's tempting
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: hey
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: it gets viewers
RubyChao: especially at the idea of them looking at the form and going
RubyChao: "you're in'
Gooper Blooper: also worth pointing out that, if BS (what an acronym) wasn't exaggerating, literally billions of people watch f-zero races
RubyChao: i mean, it's interplanetary
Gooper Blooper: now I want you to remember how ridiculous Pokemon TCG and Yugioh and stuff are with the entire world being built around one thing
Gooper Blooper: Now expand that to an entire galaxy


Mad Sheep: There is actually an article about that Tony the Tiger ad, SK
Gooper Blooper: "Turning Tony into a 3D model meant that some parts of his body, such as the back of his head, would be seen for the very first time."
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: oh wow thats
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: a thing i hadn't considered
Gooper Blooper: Kelloggs had to approve their design for the back of tony's head
Gooper Blooper: imagine that board meeting
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: there's like
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: two people who give a shit
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: and then like five more who do not give a fuck
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: and hate that an hour of their calendar is taken up by this shit
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: trust me i know how this goes
Draco: link
Mobilevel: And those two have different opinions they won't back down on
Mad Sheep: "The Bittle Wages..."
Mad Sheep blinks
Mobilevel: Kirby evolves into Android 21?
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: the wages of wath
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: kirby evolves into mina ashido evolves into android 21
SteelKomodo: i finally found the full length commercial
SteelKomodo: i appreciate that the butler constantly looks like he's done with tony's shit
SteelKomodo: he probably imagined himself serving a quiet, respectable family in london or somewhere
SteelKomodo: and instead he's second fiddle to this neon cartoon tiger who's clearly going through a secret agent phase
SteelKomodo: also tony's model never looks good from any angle
Gooper Blooper: nonsense, they totally nailed the back of his head
SteelKomodo: also also tony should not have bikini girls, what the fuck
Mad Sheep: "Most of these changes had to do with how his muscles moved under his skin as he moved, and how his skin moved over the surface of his body," Howes adds.
SteelKomodo: none of these things happen, what the fuck are you on about, howes
Mad Sheep: A quote not from a niche horror novel, but the same article about a whimsical sugar cereal mascot
SteelKomodo: it never looks like he has muscles or skin
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: for commercial cgi from what
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: the early aughts?
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: it could be worse
Mobilevel: Welp
Mad Sheep: I didn't realize Tony designed high-tech gadgets
SteelKomodo: and that giant hose thing near the end scared me as a kid
Mad Sheep: real behind on my cereal mascot lore
SteelKomodo: no hero should have one of those
Mad Sheep: "A triumphant Dr. Cheetah, who holds a PhD in Food Science from Birmingham Polytechnic,"-yet another article about this sugar cereal.
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: okay
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: dr cheetah
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: you have a phd
Mad Sheep: Ah, it's from some college-based satirical publication
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: the fuck are you doing
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: dr cheetah can get any job he wants with that fake degree
Mad Sheep: Dr. Cheetah admitted that his next move was unclear. "The original plot concept called for me to steal the formula and apply it to an inferior brand, thus rendering it with an undeserved magical quality. But when I opened [the bag] and found out it was worthless sugar, I said "Screw this". There isn't a cereal manufacturer in town who wouldn't laugh in my face for trying to pull off that kind of a scam.
Gooper Blooper:
Mad Sheep: Chatzy Madness 747: Intellectual Articles about Tony the Tiger
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: where is sheep reading this
SteelKomodo: okay but the fact that he's called "doctor cheetah" implies he has a phd of some sort still
Mobilevel: The article he linked earlier I guess
Mad Sheep: What SK just linked
Mobilevel: Oh ok
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: what on earth
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: okay cool
SteelKomodo: but why do cereal mascots need villains
Draco: After raging against Beyblades last night, I don't see anything wrong with Tony the Tiger beating up Chester Cheetah.
SteelKomodo: i think crafty croc's the only one who's stuck around and i don't know why
Mad Sheep: Okay, but what if
Mad Sheep: we gave Tony the Tiger a Beyblade
Gooper Blooper: tony the tiger for bbb9
Draco: Done. He'll call them Frosted Flakes though because I don't serve under no queen. BU
SteelKomodo: they're frosties, you uneducated american fool :I
Mad Sheep:
Mad Sheep:
Draco: If only he were a Fairplayah.
SteelKomodo: i saw that comic often in issues of the beano
SteelKomodo: they were as dumb then as they are now


Jumpropeman: I'm so proud of you guys
Jumpropeman: that extended chat about Tony the Tiger's history
SteelKomodo: kek
Jumpropeman: :')
SteelKomodo: here's more of him ft. shamu
Gooper Blooper: >1989
Jumpropeman: the discussion about the back of tony's head
Gooper Blooper: I knew that "half a decade" line from the earlier article had to be a typo
Jumpropeman: reminds me of how weird Chansey's enormous tail looked when it first appeared in 3d
Jumpropeman: they shrunk it later
Gooper Blooper: Bogleech taught me Chansey is in fact an axolotl
Gooper Blooper: so there's that
SteelKomodo: turns out the whole secret formula thing isn't new
Jumpropeman: it's one of those things where you're like "ohhhh, yeah I guess it is"
SteelKomodo: tony's had that for years and everybody's been after it
SteelKomodo: and dr. cheetah wasn't the first random villain he had
Jumpropeman: I much prefer "sports supporting Tony" despite my love for cartoonish mascot villainy
Gooper Blooper: "Frosties bring out the tiger in you" "AND YOU!" Tony... Tony, you and the narrator were addressing the same person
Gooper Blooper: Tony calm down
Jumpropeman: gives the brand a more unique identity
Gooper Blooper: he's got a sidekick in that one
Gooper Blooper: how deep does this go
SteelKomodo: those adverts feature a sneezing rabbit for some reason
SteelKomodo: the joke is that he sneezes
SteelKomodo: that's it


Mobilevel: ...this is the first time I've seen the mobile forum's post editor
Mobilevel: Now I understand.


Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 13
Jumpropeman: gonna wait for goopost since my character is being flung at his :V
Gooper Blooper: Rolling for Patty in here for JRM's benefit
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
Gooper Blooper flipped a coin. The coin showed: Tails
Gooper Blooper: Patty gets knacked
Blame Charjabug: knick knack patty whack
Jumpropeman: I'm now 100% sure that's why Draco attacked Patty with Knack
Gooper Blooper: her name is a pun to start with, might as well pile them on


RubyChao: oh, draco
RubyChao: are you going to do a behind the scenes blogpost this year?
RubyChao: because some of this stuff absolutely fascinates me as to how you came up with it
Draco: Yes.
RubyChao: yay!
Draco: There are THINGS that need to be said.
Jumpropeman: like how you're ABSOLUTELY PISSED you didn't work in that rap battle
Jumpropeman: Big T? More like Ice T
N Goat: Yo my name is T and I'm here to say
Gooper Blooper: the original plot finale was a Rifa/Glob rap battle
Gooper Blooper: no other characters, just them rapping
N Goat: my name is T in a major way
N Goat: yo yo yo
N Goat: stay in school
Jumpropeman: shwibble shwabble dibble dabble flibba flab flab yo
Gooper Blooper: then Rifa would win and go home to smooch nightmare
Gooper Blooper: on that note, managed to successfully resist not having nightmare dramatically show up
Gooper Blooper: it's not all about the battlebot romance with rifa
Gooper Blooper: sometimes she gasps
Gooper Blooper: Also, I really like this line: "Gadahara gave him a second chance at life during the finale of the last Zoofights and Big T has at long last finished squandering that chance."
Draco: link
Gooper Blooper: XD
Jumpropeman: powerful meme


N Goat: These commercials for the horror nun movie are kind of ruined by me imagining her as Sister Alice
N Goat: just destroying every jumpscare with her coarse voice going "Surprise, freaks!"
N Goat: "Oh shit, it's me, fucker!"
Gooper Blooper: hahahah
Gooper Blooper: "got you good didn't I, you stupid weak-willed shitheads"


Jumpropeman: when we got here
Jumpropeman: the only thing in my basement room to start
Jumpropeman: was a PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE SASQUATCH sign
Bree: I hope you kept the sign
Jumpropeman: but of course
Jumpropeman: RainbowDash keeps saying I can't bring food into my room because of it though :V


ivel: in today's episode of "out of context Steam chats"
ivel: "so I made the child of Shrek and Laharl
whether that's a point in its favor or against is up to you :P"


Jumpropeman: concept for another Jurassic Park movie: They go ahead and make another Jurassic Park, but this time, they only make the boring, small dinosaurs so when they inevitably escape to teach a lesson about man's hubris, all you need is a few control poles to keep the protoceratops under control
Gooper Blooper: new hybrid: every single dinosaur species combined into dinosaurmass
Jumpropeman: with Swan DNA to help it stay together
Draco: Jurassic World 3: The Dinosaurs Run The Park
Jumpropeman: did jurassic world have a petting zoo
Jumpropeman: I feel you could make a pretty good dinosaur petting zoo with the small ones
Jumpropeman: like those cute, friendly Compies!
ivel: like those nice, cuddly velociraptors!
Draco: I think they did.
ivel: think so?
Gooper Blooper: Jurassic World did indeed have a petting zoo with baby dinosaurs
Jumpropeman: nice
Jumpropeman: I hope they were all borbs like the goats at the San Antonio Zoo
Gooper Blooper: googled for images of it
Gooper Blooper: got a result from the Peppa Pig Fanon Wiki
Gooper Blooper: anyway here's a shot of it
Jumpropeman: you'd think they'd file the horns on the ceratopsians
Jumpropeman: meanwhile, I tried to find a good picture of the orb goats on google
Jumpropeman: and every one that has the goats I'm thinking of
Jumpropeman: is an ass shot
Jumpropeman: just trust me they're orbs okay
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: some riveting dialogue from Richard Rabbit
Gooper Blooper: My favorite part of this beautiful fan episode of Peppa Pig, aside from Peppa Pig not appearing, is Richard Rabbit is afraid of baby triceratops but not Indominus Rex


Jumpropeman: when they run out of ice cream at the planeswarden base
Jumpropeman: does Gino use Crisis Escape
Gooper Blooper: XD
ivel: no because he wasn't the one to eat the last of it
Blep: that's what he'd say after he escaped the crisis
ivel: they just send whoever's on ice cream duty to get more
ivel: just not Clownpiece
ivel: Clownpiece knows what happened last time she was on ice cream duty.
Jumpropeman: link
Draco: Do not leave Clownpiece unsupervised on ice cream duty.
RubyChao: Too Late
Draco: She'll spoil her dinner and Halla's making-
ivel: Halla's making Clownpiece?
Draco: Yep. One isn't enough. They need a second to keep the council busy.
ivel: oh god
ivel: Clownpiece learning too much from Hecatia
Draco: Just watch: next time she appears, her text color has separated into three. :3c
ivel: red white and blue?
Jumpropeman: the funny things you do
Jumpropeman: planeswardens, planeswardens
Jumpropeman: this is you
Draco: Yep. Redpiece, Whitepiece, and Bluepiece.


Draco: "Sarah Sarah" "Yes Papa" "Eating Sugar?" "Yes Papa" "......okay."


Gooper Blooper: link
Blep: i just watched the origin of this meme
Blep: and i'm so confused
Draco: The weirdest Johnny Johnny
Gooper Blooper: That's the one JRM originally linked years ago that introduced me to this world of kids stealing sugar
Gooper Blooper: *makes a version with Sarah and Helios*
Draco: "Sarah Sarah" "Yes Papa" "Eating Sugar?" "Yes Papa" "......okay."
Blep: helios has accepted this as a way of life
Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Honestly, I think they use bots to inflate the view counts on those nursery rhyme videos.
Blep: i'm cryin
RubyChao: very likely, draco
Draco: Just FYI, I'm not making Johnny and his dad into RP horror villains next year. Even I have standards.
RubyChao: well of course not
RubyChao: the dad is a hero
Jumpropeman: *hides the Globglogabgalab/Johny mix I just found*
Blep: roie gjuodsfjfg
Blep: NO
Draco: okdg[rogrjfojhtojtsjotohjhjugjhghjjghjphgsjpgh
Draco falls over and dies.
Blep: i'm fuckin dyin
Blep: "ERIS ERIS" "yes mama"
Draco: That kid is huge. Who's the mother, the 50 Ft Woman?
Blep: "OPEN THE DOOR" *bunch of Ba'als tumble out* "HA HA HA"
Blep: end me now
Draco: Honestly, Papa, what ARE you going to do even if he is lying? He'll just headbutt you across the county.
Jumpropeman: XD
Jumpropeman: He's Bonk
Blep: why you fuckin lyin
Blep: you always lyin
Blep: mmmmohmygod
Blep: stop fuckin LYIN
Draco: This kid's MODOK.
Blep: that was a pure, good meme


Jumpropeman: bigger crossover than infinity war
Jumpropeman: infinity war didn't have no crayola crayons now did it


Cheque Please!: So I forgot the Flintstones movie had a attempted lynching of Fred Flintstone
Cheque Please!: And they murder a guy by burying him in concrete
Cheque Please!: And Fred Flintstone flirts with a secretary
Cheque Please!: Halle Berry is sexing it up all over the movie
MobileDraco: All I remember from the Flintstones movie is someone randomly yelling "Pterodactyl attack!"
ivel: there's a Youtube vid "Sexy Clips of Halle Berry in the Flintstones"
ivel: because of course there is
ivel: sounds more like Redtube but it isn't that kind of movie
Cheque Please!: Yeah it's so weird
ivel: I forgot she was even in the movie
ivel: the video is really quiet, I guess because they don't expect people to watch for the audio
Cheque Please!: Yeah they're watching for Halle Berry
Cheque Please!: :U
ivel: can't blame them :P


ivel: "Sony Has Ended PlayStation 2 Repair Services In Japan"
Jumpropeman: noooo I was just about to send mine for repair


Gooper Blooper: link
Brandoo Champloo: [pfdkghoprjd hj


Jumpropeman: when is Kingdom Hearts gonna get an Air Bud world


Brandoo Champloo: i'mma be a fancy girl
Brandoo Champloo: *eats a 20 dollar cheescake*


M Sheep: "Maria is... sitting on a table."
M Sheep: What a delinquent.
M Sheep: "the brunette approaching looks a bit like Sandra Bullock"
Jumpropeman: look, I could spend forever describing her face or we can cut to the chase
M Sheep: Bill Clinton Was A Snake and Sandra Bullock Was A Runaway Elf Bride: The Jumpropeman Memoirs.

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