Thursday, March 21, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 325: Kobber Girls With Huge Racks

Brandoo Champloo: tatami's reaction to everything is as follows
Brandoo Champloo: gklajfkljgfjljfldg


Jumpropeman: "you didn't happen to see the Nakali gems"
Jumpropeman: *labrys laughs* You mean these?
Jumpropeman: *Goes Super Labrys*
Draco: You found me out. Neo Dark Million? More like Neo Labrys Million.


Jumpropeman: future brinechar


The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: question
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: is dedede a penguin
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: are you sure
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: that's two questions i guess


Goblet Time: Okay also there's been some new developments in Gorillaz lore
Goblet Time: but I'm ignoring all of it because fuck that
Goblet Time: the band is happy now, Damon, don't take this away from me D:
Bree: happy because they got rid of murdoc "pickledick" niccals
Jumpropeman: you know it won't last
Jumpropeman: he's gonna rise from his jail cell


RubyChao: hi jrm
RubyChao: i have
RubyChao: a dark confession
RubyChao: i am tempted
RubyChao: to replay magical starsign
RubyChao: i am sorry
Jumpropeman: whyyyyy
Jumpropeman: and then Chao did a Magical Starsign plot
RubyChao: probably not THAT
RubyChao: might swipe some of the music though
RubyChao: *heel turns phoenix just for an excuse to use this*


Jumpropeman: link


M Sheep: Yeah, sure, I'll eat an eel
M Sheep: why not


Jumpropeman: I'm a chucksterster
Jumpropeman: which is what you call a chuckster fan
Jumpropeman: we have forums and an amino and everything


RubyChao: [3:23 PM] ClockwiseMan: I've been drinking and all the blood has left my face
[3:23 PM] ClockwiseMan: But I must tell you
[3:23 PM] ClockwiseMan: You must know
[3:23 PM] ClockwiseMan: Dark Samus
[3:24 PM] ClockwiseMan: Fucks
[3:24 PM] ClockwiseMan: Keep it secret, keep it safe
[3:33 PM] The Red Chao: are you going where i think you're going with this
[3:34 PM] The Red Chao: because if you are
[3:34 PM] The Red Chao: that sounds like dope shit
[3:34 PM] ClockwiseMan: Uh
[3:34 PM] ClockwiseMan: I don't know where I'm going with this but
[3:34 PM] The Red Chao: oh
[3:34 PM] ClockwiseMan: If you tell me it'll probably be dope shit
[3:35 PM] The Red Chao: i thought you were implying that since weyland owns jinteki now we were going to get more Kobber Evil Clones and Dark Samus was going to show up as one of those created from Samus
[3:35 PM] ClockwiseMan: Oh shit that's dope
[3:35 PM] ClockwiseMan: Sure
[3:35 PM] ClockwiseMan: Why not


RubyChao: "you can no longer "five-star" videos since they changed to thumbs-up/thumbs-down in 2010" god damn, has it really been eight years
RubyChao: i've been online too long
Jumpropeman: everything online feels so recent even when it's not
Jumpropeman: except like, geocities and stuff
ivel: what about MySpace, or is that "stuff"
RubyChao: stuff
Jumpropeman: excuse you, myspace is still going strong :I
ivel: :U
Jumpropeman: it looks like a news site now
ivel: ivelmom had a Myspace
ivel: that's how old it is


RubyChao: harps get on discord so i can shout really dumb things into the void


ivel: I didn't know there was a new Chatzy Madness


Jumpropeman: "Wooster is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio and the county seat of Wayne County." "The College of Wooster is America's premier college for mentored undergraduate research"
Jumpropeman: he's been busy offscreen lately
Gooper Blooper: I'd trust Wooster College, wouldn't you


Jumpropeman: I HATE TRACE!
Gooper Blooper: I HATE NOXUS!
Jumpropeman: I HATE SYLUX!
Gooper Blooper: *Browny splashing alcoholic beverages against his face repeatedly*
Bad Character: *Keahi's serving them up fast*


Gooper Blooper: "SYLUX SYLUX"
"I don't have one"
RubyChao: goops
RubyChao: goops why
RubyChao: i'm dying
Bad Character: oh god why does sylux have a terrifyingly high pitched voice in my head
Bad Character: kill me
Bad Character: its over
Bad Character: i'm done
Gooper Blooper: If Sylux had a mouth, my alternate ending was "HA HA HA *gem is crammed inside mouth*"
Bree: do any of the hunters have mouths
Jumpropeman: the johny johny yes papa dance scene but with overly large head sylux and black shadow


Jumpropeman: gooper
Jumpropeman: I 100% blame you for this appearing in my Steam Suggested queue
Jumpropeman: because it appeared right after redeeming the touhou game
ivel: wat
ivel: I'm terrified
Jumpropeman: it has a Story Rich tag
Gooper Blooper: >free to play
Gooper Blooper: LET THAT CAT IN
Jumpropeman: let the cat in
Jumpropeman: or let the QUALITY in
Jumpropeman: that song is immediately stuck in my head too
M Sheep: Probably the first one.
Jumpropeman: Let the Cat In vs. Bad Rats
Jumpropeman: *proceeds to also download Get Off My Lawn!*
Jumpropeman: downloading all the old people free games
ivel: they speak to you


Jumpropeman: oink
Draco: Hi JRM.
Draco: Or should I say....ZOOPALS?


Jumpropeman: the new direct is today
Jumpropeman: are you ready for the big Hamtaro in Smash reveal
Draco: Yes.
Draco: My body is ready.
Jumpropeman: too bad
Jumpropeman: it's gonna be Snoozer instead
Jumpropeman: you don't even get to play as him
Jumpropeman: you just select him on the character select screen and watch him sleep
Draco: DAMMIT.
Jumpropeman: i take my leave
Jumpropeman: but I leave you all with this


M Sheep: Had a dream last night involving a giant spider, somebody else who I cannot remember at all, and a baby kaijuu in the back of a truck they were driving on a road trip, dodging feds after the baby kaijuu, I think.
M Sheep: The spider's size would not stay consistent. Kept shifting between three to five feet in size.
M Sheep: Anyway, the point I distinctly remember is the spider turning to the other guy in the car as they're driving along and saying "Do you know how hard it is for a spider with no CV to get a job?"
RubyChao: actually, spider
RubyChao: yes
RubyChao: yes i do
RubyChao gestures to his own lack of a job
M Sheep: At which point, I immediately woke up and rambled downstairs to write that down.
M Sheep: and then went back to sleep.


RubyChao: who wants a bit of
RubyChao: Space Police Structural Trivia
Mad Sheep: So long as it's delivered in the form of a haiku.
RubyChao: You see, Space Police
Work on their own. They must watch
The galaxy, so
RubyChao: As there are not lots
They go out alone and meet
The police of a place.
RubyChao: They then work with them
To capture criminals. They
Do have some rankings.
RubyChao: In practice, this is
"Call in so often", as seen
With Phoenix and boss
RubyChao: There are also few
Who report to each layer
So Phoenix has 5
RubyChao: Who report to him
But they are all on their own
Just as he is now
RubyChao: Kotohime has
Seven people under her watch
Including Phoenix
RubyChao: I have not picked out
All the details yet, but
They will likely come
RubyChao: Next year, when I use
This organization more. Since
They are from space, yes.
RubyChao: there, sheep
RubyChao: are you satisfied
ivel: a haiku isn't strictly 5-7-5 so the couple lines with an extra syllable still work
ivel: good job
RubyChao: (if anyone needs clarification, feel free to ask)
RubyChao: (and i will deliver it in non-haiku format)
Mad Sheep: I must..admit defeat
Mad Sheep shrieks, turning into smoke and flying away into the mountains
RubyChao: well hey
RubyChao: you asked for it
Mad Sheep: Next tiiiiime, Chao
Jumpropeman: damn chao, that's some commitment
Jumpropeman: your wife won't have to worry about you
RubyChao: aww, thanks
RubyChao: but yeah
RubyChao: hopefully things weren't too obtuse
Mad Sheep hisses deep in the cave of his underground lair


Jumpropeman: "Rifa and Nightmare even brought the kids!" That AND a Rachel win? best possible future
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: that shouldn't be so adorable


Jumpropeman: "Not long thereafter, Knuckles waking up in a threeway with Rouge - and Donkey Kong.
Knuckles: What the fuck?
Donkey Kong: Banana."

Jumpropeman: and people say Tails Got Trolled is poorly written


Gooper Blooper: This'll have to be my last post too, it's getting hard to write cuz I'm tired
Gooper Blooper tries not to call Tomiko "Tokiko"
Jumpropeman: *scraps second phase where the monster's fantasy of twenty more monsters is brought to life by the island*
Gooper Blooper: JRM pls
RubyChao: he just wanted friends
Gooper Blooper: he summoned water because he's thirsty
A HUGE NARRATOR DORK: he thirsts for the win
Draco: *Zeldoten's fantasy of fifty rapping teenage Godzillas is scrapped too*
Jumpropeman: Chuckster just showing people his various island selfies
Jumpropeman: and then "here's me in a monster's stomach! And here's me on pelican island! And here's-" "woah woah woah, back up to that last one" "Pelican island? It has a lot of pelicans I tell ya!"
Draco: "Not as many as Better Pelican Island or Lots More Pelican Island."


Mendacious Sheep: I'm not sure what it says about me that I misread "Sleeping sickness" as "Sheeping sickness"
Mendacious Sheep: and then my immediate thought was: "oh no."
Cornwind Evil: Mr Down also replicated the virus from this film
Mendacious Sheep: That film...It always comes back to that film...


Jumpropeman: a fly tried to land on my chicken fry
Jumpropeman: I swat it away
Jumpropeman: and the chicken fry goes with it
ivel: rip
RubyChao: wasted


MobileDraco: Dr. DeMario
Jumpropeman: if only we had Megavitamins, Mr. Down would be a snap
MobileDraco: That's her secret weapon.


Harvard Del: Gimme the tiddy games gabe


Gooper Blooper: Okay, so, Goopsbro got the Switch Online free trial
Gooper Blooper: And as he looked over the NES games, I knew what I had to do
Gooper Blooper: I told him I had a friend who had played Bubsy 3D, Superman 64, and ET and said Yoshi was the worst game ever
ivel: Goops no
Jumpropeman: oh no
Gooper Blooper: So of course he took the bait and immediately started playing Yoshi
Gooper Blooper: and I watched
Jumpropeman: did you stay awake
Gooper Blooper: And we discovered that if you just jump into it, yes, it's as slow and boring as JRM said
Jumpropeman: >qualifier word
Jumpropeman: does that mean
Jumpropeman: it has a secret depth
Gooper Blooper: But then he cranked the speed level to 5 and it honestly looked pretty frantic! Maybe it's just because it was his first time playing but it didn't look nearly as coma-inducing as JRM hyped it up to be, and Goopsbro came away convinced JRM was full of it
Gooper Blooper: "I've played ET and Superman 64, this isn't worse than those" he said
Bree: even goopsbro hasn't taken the bubsy plunge
Jumpropeman: I will qualify I didn't say worst game ever, just my least favorite :V but maybe I did miss what is meant to make it more tolerable


M Sheep: >Anime girl Or Bottle?
M Sheep feels his life force leaving him
Gooper Blooper: That's another quality present from me to JRM
Jumpropeman: gooper gives only the best


MobileDraco: If there's nothing quotable today I'm putting a link to Ivel's 'how lewd' video in the ticker
ivel: I would be okay with this :U
Del Returns: Do it
MobileDraco: Alright. Nobody post for eight hours.
N Goat: too late.
Del Returns:
ivel: daww
MobileDraco: Cute in a Boot
MobileDraco: Sheep...what did you DO?!
MobileDraco: SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!!!!111one D=<
Wizard Fight Club: Boot
Del Returns: Boot!
ivel: toob
RubyChao: Boot
Bree: butt
MobileDraco: Bree pls
MobileDraco: Booty
ivel: boob
MobileDraco: I've, you're grounded
ivel: you're grounding yourself?
MobileDraco: Yes.
MobileDraco: No Chatzy for me ever again. Dracoplot cancelled.
ivel: darn, there goes the reveal that Magnolia was created by Dr. Kudzu to spy on the Kobbers
MobileDraco: I was going to reveal that Yamame is actually Mr. Down and that Draco was the Mother AND Black Shadow.


RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: do you want to know the important news
Jumpropeman: are you pregnant
RubyChao: no


Jumpropeman: bowletta's sudden breasts made me more than a little uncomfortable


Bree: I feel like nitori is on a forbes most eligible bachelorettes list or something


Jumpropeman: ...*googles the size of a character planned for next year*
Jumpropeman: I think I have an accidental giant
Gooper Blooper: accidental kaiju are the second best kaiju


Jumpropeman: "Are you Stronger than a 5th Grader?"
Jumpropeman: now that's a game show I'd watch


M Sheep: Caught some of that new TMNT. The visual style took a little getting used to; particularly when combined with the turtles' voices, which keeps reminding me of Jim Carrey. But the action was decently choreographed, and the show seems to be trying quite a bit to give the franchise a new shot in the arm.
SteelKomodo: ah
SteelKomodo: i'm not that big a tmnt guy so i haven't been keeping tabs on this show
Quirks at Work: M sheep's willingness to try new things is admirable
M Sheep: Next: M Sheep Fires Himself Out Of A Cannon
M Sheep: "Yeah, the ending was kind of predictable, but it started off with a bang. Decent pacing."


The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: i have tried the age of sigmar mobile game
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: it has lootboxes that take real time to open
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: and freemium as fuck
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: but there's almost a game there


Jumpropeman: *contemplates if an image has too much booty to post*


Jumpropeman: all the proto-pokemon are fair game?
Jumpropeman: not saving the legends or anything
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, this is an open invitation to use any protos to get your faves in
Gooper Blooper: Don't use Pokemon that did not change from beta to final (original 151, Steelix, etc)
Jumpropeman: prepare your asses for marginally different Phanpy


Bree: so we bought one of those giant jars of applesauce
Bree: and I got a bowl and tried to pour myself some applesauce so I could eat it
Bree: and like
Bree: half of it came out and the whole bowl was like full
Bree: and I'm like
Bree: "well I guess my dinner is applesauce."


Jumpropeman: "Charjabug wriggles over and rubs against Hazel's hands, using Charge to power them up with an electric spark" here is some insight to the immediate Pokemon nerd reaction to this interaction: "Well, Ion Deluge would be the more appropriate move to use here since it turns normal moves into electric type attacks briefly, but ion deluge's distribution is so poor that Charjabug no doubt can't learn it and really, that move needs a general buff because at least Zeraora's plasma fist ability comes with a damage guarantee rather than a situational double battle move that is worth less than basically any other move choice"
Harpy: my god
Jumpropeman: I can't help it
Jumpropeman: I'm sorry
Jumpropeman: I have worthless opinions on worthless pokemon moves
Harpy: its okay jrm
Jumpropeman: funnily enough, Charge was basically a worthless move itself before
Jumpropeman: it doubled the power of an electric type attack
Jumpropeman: but you know what else doubles the power of an electric type attack?
Jumpropeman: using it twice in a row
Jumpropeman: they gave it a little stat buff as well to be a be a little better
Gooper Blooper: I feel you, JRM
Gooper Blooper: I had to go a bit Anime Rules there because Charjabug doesn't really have any moves that buff allies


Harpy: is it just me or does anyone else read that as "Chuckster's"
Jumpropeman: HE'S A CLUCKSTER
Bree: I thought so because I thought it was being posted for #ruined
Harpy: i mean that's what I originally read it as!
Harpy: and i even got super excited!
Harpy: then i got up real close and i realized "oh my fuck it says clucksters, the ruined is ruined."
Harpy: i shed a single tear
Jumpropeman: i'd love to eat there
Jumpropeman: hopefully the chicken is good
Bree: chuckster and miss featherbutt teamup
Jumpropeman: alternatively
Harpy: i dunno
Bree: cluckster
Jumpropeman: hopefully its bad so I don't have to be sad I can't go more
ivel: it's best it's not Chucksters
ivel: because the food there would make you hurl
Harpy: IVEL NO
M Sheep: ivel yes
ivel: chuck, even
Jumpropeman: ivelllllllllllllllllll
MobileDraco: *BEST
M Sheep: i bet they make their burgers with ground
M Sheep: chuck
Harpy: wejhiornklsgjaokd
Harpy: YOU FUCK-
Jumpropeman: sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
Harpy: wow that keyboard smash looks
Harpy: remotely like a word
MobileDraco: D8
Harpy: sounds Norwegian
MobileDraco: Can confirm. That did look Nordic.
Jumpropeman: Wej hee orn kuls jocked
ivel asked Chatzy to choose between agree, disagree and HE. Chatzy chose: HE
ivel asked Chatzy to choose between agree, disagree and HAS. Chatzy chose: agree

ivel: even Lanky agrees
Bree: he agree
Harpy: NO


Jumpropeman: I am going to eat spaghetti
Jumpropeman: and if you want to watch
Jumpropeman: you better get over here quick
Draco rushes right over! :V
Jumpropeman: always nice to have a new viewer
Jumpropeman: and for anyone who missed it, don't worry, I'll post a spaghetti compilation video with all the highlights in a few days


SteelKomodo: bad dream
SteelKomodo: for some reason i wanted to watch some of that old amazing animals documentary
SteelKomodo: but when i went on youtube they'd all been taken down
SteelKomodo: only the shitty Pooh's Adventures stuff was left when i searched for it
SteelKomodo: and no fucking way would I ever watch anything filtered through that
RubyChao: ahahahahahaaaaa
RubyChao: i'm sorry but that made me laugh
SteelKomodo: :|


Harpy: played a card game where we're tryin to defend a thing
Harpy: we got decked
Harpy: oops
M Sheep leans in uncomfortably close
Harpy: tavern's food was great, ivel liked it
M Sheep: Sorry, do you mean to tell me
M Sheep: you got
Harpy: it's called tiny epic defenders
M Sheep: decked
Harpy: sir
M Sheep: in the card game
Harpy: sir there's a fine for invading my personal space
Harpy: and making puns
Harpy: there
Harpy: are only a select few allowed to do that


(Re: Bowsette)

Cornwind Evil: For crying out loud, if you want some giant girl with a huge rack, I'M SURE THERE'S A KOBBER THAT FITS
Draco: Like Komachi.
ivel: Meiling can think of a few
Gooper Blooper: kek
Harpy: i can think of several
Jumpropeman: Stacy
Jumpropeman: has a HUGE spice rack
Jumpropeman: Oda has a HUGE gun rack
Jumpropeman: Dawn has a HUGE torture rack
Bree: what kind of huge rack does komachi have
ivel: I feel like Dawn isn't the only one to have a torture rack
Draco: Komachi has a huge guitar rack.
Bree: hey man komachi is not into that
ivel: Komachi isn't into guitars?
Bree: shaddup ivel
ivel: :P
Jumpropeman: Stephen
Jumpropeman: has a HUGE rack of antlers
ivel: Dia has a HUGE rack of magic staves
ivel: I'd say clothes but those are in her dressing room
Draco: Zeldoten has a small rack. Of trophies.
Jumpropeman: Gamble Man
Jumpropeman: has a HUGE pool ball rack
Jumpropeman: was worried I wouldn't get to use that one
Gooper Blooper: I've always been adamant that Gamble Man is my sexiest character
Harpy: *sips tea*
Harpy: *spits tea back out*
Harpy: :I
Draco: This is true. It used to be Stag Beetle.
M Sheep: I go read an article on a wholesome Sesame Street game and come back to this.
Jumpropeman: Utsuho
Jumpropeman: Had a HUGE rack

Jumpropeman: of lamb for dinner


Jumpropeman: link
Draco: lol
Gooper Blooper: perfect
RubyChao: i legit enjoy Bowser and Bowser Jr being nintendo's go-to examples for family stuff
RubyChao: it's sweet
Harpy: MAMA?
Jumpropeman: Bowser tries to be a good dad
Jumpropeman: he includes his son in activities
Jumpropeman: like kidnapping princesses
Jumpropeman: and capturing kingdoms
Jumpropeman: and kidnapping princesses
Jumpropeman: and capturing princesses
Jumpropeman: and kidnapping kingdoms
Jumpropeman: and sports


Jumpropeman: this is an image from an actual sonic game
Manic Sheep: Oh my.
Gooper Blooper: can't wait for the review


Jumpropeman: next year, we'll meet the Sewer Spirit, who will need help clearing the sewers of Olympia
Manic Sheep: don't you dangle that bacon in front of me, JRM
Manic Sheep: I'll bite.


ivel: when's Harpette
Harpy: bitch i'm already a princess and you know it


Dels at Work: latest friendcast has the title "Shameful Bowsette Folder"
Dels at Work: im going in


Kamen Rider Del: If you need Vince for anything he's turning the place into a gross ketchup slip n slide and screaming about big macs


M Sheep: So, watching a thing in which a guy is losing his mind trying to figure out what his one wish that will granted is going to be. As he's just muttering through a list of possible wishes and shooting them down, one is: "Telekinesis?...Then why have hands?"
RubyChao: you can just admit it's you, sheep
M Sheep: :I
M Sheep: Another one I thought was funny was "I want to pilot a giant robot!...What would you be fighting?"
M Sheep: "I want to see ghosts!...Like hell you do."


Gooper Blooper: someone get utsuho on the horn


Gooper Blooper: tonight in RP: Kaede learns how to throw a stick
Gooper Blooper: this will come in handy for when we fight Henry The Screaming Dog next year
Harpy: bold of you to assume henry the screaming dog doesn't bide his time to overcome such weaknesses
N Goat: Bold of you to assume Henry The Screaming Dog isn't a stick
Harpy: Henry The Screaming Dog Stick
Del Returns: Bold of you to assume sticks aren't always screaming


Gooper Blooper: I need to talk about Battlebots for a moment because of a picture I just found
Gooper Blooper: In the UK Robot Wars, there was a robot named Bigger Brother. It was the successor to a robot called Big Brother and it was a black robot armed with a flipper
Gooper Blooper: The team wanted to compete in Battlebots but there were some weird licensing rules that meant it would be preferred if they entered a different robot
RubyChao: did they do it
RubyChao: did they make
Gooper Blooper: So they took Bigger Brother, painted it yellow and put flower stickers on it, and called it Little Sister
RubyChao: aw
RubyChao: i was hoping for Biggest Brother
Gooper Blooper: I tell you this because
Gooper Blooper:
ivel: accurate
RubyChao: bwahahahaha


M Sheep: Looking that Charizard made MY back hurt.
Draco: XD


RubyChao: oh yeah, just thinking ahead to next year
RubyChao: i assume we've all basically decided "yeah we don't need to jump ship to a new forum after all" right :V
ivel: I dunno, I'm still considering it :I
Jumpropeman: we're moving to gamefaqs next year
ivel: I vote we get a GameFAQs topic
RubyChao: look ivel just because you start your own forum does not mean it automatically gets blackjack and hookers
ivel: ...
ivel: lel jrm
ivel: I'm actually laughing we both suggested that
Wizard Fight Club: I would rather commit ritual suicide than go back to GameFAQs


Cornwind Evil: Hey JRM did you have any more Dead Space observations?
RubyChao: hi jem
RubyChao: *rjm
RubyChao: **jrm
Kamen Rider Del: Jerm
MobileDraco: Hi Jerry Man.
Jumpropeman: I did Cornwind
Jumpropeman: like
Jumpropeman: *turns off Jerry Man mode*
Jumpropeman: hi guys
Bree: at least it's not gerrymandering
Jumpropeman: Gerry Man Dering is the worst superhero


(Concerning a plot about giving characters nightmares)

Gooper Blooper: I don't want to make people incredibly uncomfortable
Gooper Blooper: I just wanna spook their spaghetti out of their pockets
Gooper Blooper: Or, more accurately, I want to spook their characters
Kamen Rider Del: Spoop
Jumpropeman: good luck spooking any of my characters gooper
Jumpropeman: my characters have wills of iron
Jumpropeman: constitutions of steel
Jumpropeman: *sends Heff*


M Sheep: I have finally managed to unearth my thought lost to history PS3
M Sheep: What a day to be alive
Jumpropeman: =o
M Sheep: The controller is still who knows where, but I have a birthday coming up and really should have had a second controller to begin with.
M Sheep: For those of you playing at home who are wondering just how one loses PS3; it's easier than you think when it keeps getting shuffled between different domiciles.


M Sheep: I have this dang Katamari game staring at me
M Sheep: mocking me
M Sheep: and no controller


M Sheep: Jrm, on top of Marlow Briggs, I now require you to some day play and review McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure.
Jumpropeman: the real question sheep
Jumpropeman: do you think you could have kept me away from a licensed McDonald's game if you tried
M Sheep: Not without breaking several laws, no.
Jumpropeman: huh, there was a GBA treasure planet game
Jumpropeman: I am sure it is
Jumpropeman: uh
Jumpropeman: what's the word
Jumpropeman: "not a treasure"


Jumpropeman: holy crap
Jumpropeman: not only did Disney shut down Club Penguin
Jumpropeman: but its follow-up, Club Penguin Island
Jumpropeman: is now also shutting down
RubyChao: did anyone even play it
Jumpropeman: everyone was playing the far superior game
Jumpropeman: Club Prinny


Jumpropeman: "Published on Sep 28, 2018
Welcome to the October Update!
Today, we'll be taking a look at all the biggest games coming to the PlayStation Vita this month, as well as recapping all the biggest news stories from last month."

Jumpropeman: there are still games coming out for it?
M Sheep: I guess so


RubyChao: what should i ask this guy
RubyChao: congrats on his victory, why he became a racer, or tell him he has a nice car
Draco: Nice car.
RubyChao: "it looks like a gazelle racing across the plains of the Savannah, doesn't it?"
RubyChao: there you go
Jumpropeman: if you say so buddy
Draco: Man, what a guy. Him and his car-shaped gazelle.
RubyChao: Labrys builds her own F-Zero racer and calls it the Roaring Lion. "But it looks nothing like a lion!" "I know, that's the point."
Draco: "This is my racer, the Majestic Lion that Runs Like the Wind." "It doesn't even have legs." "SHUT UP THIS IS ART"


The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: okay so
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: the difficulty settings for spider-man
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: on ps4
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: are
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: friendly
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: amazing
The Bill Wurtz Bad Boys: and spectacular
RubyChao: good


memebird: If death is cheap here, does that also mean there are literally deaths on a daily basis?
Bree: no
Bree: death still happens only rarely and in serious situations
memebird: Ah ok
Bree: the brawl is an exception because it's a gigantic death tournament
Spooper Blooper: The main source of death is Fite Yer Mates, yeah
Bree: some FYM matches are lethal too
memebird: So basically I needn't be too cautious outside of more serious stuff
ivel: if Sheep had his way, on the other hand...
Bree: it's always your choice whether or not your character will die
ivel: but yeah, we have chars get maimed or knocked out but usually not killed on plot, not counting the villains who usually do
Spooper Blooper: Yeah, characters get beat up and stuff but we have a team of healers who can always make it better it you want them to
M Sheep: Impugning my good name in front of this memebird while I'm desperately trying to write drivel and unable to defend myself
M Sheep: How dare you, good sir
M Sheep takes off glove and limply smacks it against ivel's face
ivel dies

memebird: oof
M Sheep: It's how he would have wanted to go, really
ivel haunts Sheep with good rolls for the rest of his RP existance
Bree: no, he would've wanted to go out being snuggled to death by harpy
memebird: that a particularly big oof
MobileDraco: Don't let them fool you. We're always super serious here. Jk
Jumpropeman: *returns from writing Cirno for a second*
Jumpropeman: VERY serious
Jumpropeman: *goes back to cirno ranting about Goosebumps*
M Sheep: Nooo, not the good rolls! Tell me, specter, are these truly rolls that will come, or only rolls that may be?
M Sheep: I can change!
M Sheep: I can change, good spirit
Jumpropeman: *jingles ominously at Sheep*


Kamen Rider Del: I should probably introduce myself
Kamen Rider Del: I'm Del, I'm the other British person here
RubyChao: he likes skeletons
Kamen Rider Del: Yes
Kamen Rider Del: Skeletons, Warhammer and very complicated video games


M Sheep: Tonight's forgettable Robin Williams movie is...Final Cut
M Sheep: Sorry for those of you hoping for Popeye for the bingo.

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