Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 323: These Memes Are Non-Toxic

Bree: dumb bree thoughts hour
Bree: something I just told chao
Bree: ibuki's reaction to the kaede kocktail was most likely to utter the phrase "wow kaede you're delicious!"
Bree: which miu probably found really funny
Bree: if she was there
M Sheep: huehuehue
Bree: also meiling and komachi had a text message conversation later that was basically like
Bree: "how was your day machi"
"the stories were hilarious thank you for telling me to read them. how about you?"
"good to hear you liked them! I fucked a super hot chick today"
"good for you"
"her titties were ENORMOUS"
"that's great but you know I don't want details"
Bree: komachi is just used to hearing about meiling's escapades by now, she just doesn't want specifics
Bree: it's a required part of being a friend of meiling
Bree: then meiling was like "I still love your rack more <3 night machiiii" and komachi said goodnight and that was it
Jumpropeman: miu komachi feud incoming
Jumpropeman: "my tits are better than yours!" "sure" "NO REALLY LOOK"
Draco: "Yep. Those are boobs alright." "STOP COMPLIMENTING THEM AND GET MAD. D:< "
Bree: we did promise it would happen :V
Bree: well not really promise but
Bree: y'know
Bree: "my tits are better than yours!" "sure whatever" "and my ass is better than nitori's!" "YOU TAKE THAT BACK"
Draco: Parsee gets out the popcorn and just watches this episode of Jerry Springer unfold.
Bree: note that this is a joke hence the strikeout, komachi actually wouldn't care about that either :V
Bree: she'd only care if miu actually insulted nitori (which, miu being miu, would 100% happen)


M Sheep: Holy moly, that rating for Metal Gear Solid.
M Sheep: I'm very interested to see you review other Metal Gear titles, JRM.
Jumpropeman: you mean like Metal Gear Acid
Jumpropeman: or Snake's Revenge?
M Sheep: Did I
M Sheep: stutter
Jumpropeman: XD


Jumpropeman: tapatalk support forum says "Oops, no Groups found under the name 'tapatalksupport'. Would you like to create a new group on Tapatalk?"
The Del on the Bus: That's not great!


Draco: Apparently DK had a racing game of his own on the Wii?
Gooper Blooper: Yes!
Jumpropeman: Barrel Blast
Gooper Blooper: Barrel Blast- 2slow
Jumpropeman: they say
Jumpropeman: somewhere
Jumpropeman: someone ACTUALLY played it
Jumpropeman: but this may just be a legend
Gooper Blooper: Lanky's in it


RubyChao: you know what i like
RubyChao: that my plot's antagonists so far are
RubyChao: -metroid
RubyChao: -f-zero
RubyChao: -touhou
RubyChao: -mega man star force
RubyChao: it's very zfrp
Jumpropeman: when are we getting Madden antagonists
RubyChao: next year
Draco: I was gonna do Debplot next year, but I can do Madden instead.
RubyChao: as part of my Nascar Racers plot
RubyChao: which i still say is basically just American F-Zero


Jumpropeman: "Experience a fartwarming tale of personal growth, self discovery, poop, wieners and butts."
ivel: jrmplot summary?
Jumpropeman: if only
Bree: whoever wrote that, their boss should be arrested for child labor
Bree: because the writer of that synopsis has to be like five


Bed Couch: scroll up for pink, big elf
Bed Couch: pbelf
Bed Couch: peanut butter elf?
Bed Couch: thanks dia.
Bed Couch: dia's a DEFENDER OF JUSTICE
Bed Couch: STAR HERO
Gooper Blooper: Who wouldn't be in awe of a heroine like that
Bed Couch: emily is always in awe


MobileDraco: It's going to be really good when Cricket wins the KoB Beauty Contest and buys a mansion made of cocaine to live in with Vinny and raise a family of Fazfucks.


Jumpropeman: this bird's got booty
Cornwind Evil: Now I must go
Cornwind Evil: Later all
Jumpropeman: don't fear the booty
Jumpropeman: embrace it cornwind


RubyChao: >black shadow was born on august 15th according to the anime
RubyChao: i missed the opportunity to do Black Shadow's Birthday Party: The Event
RubyChao: alas
Gooper Blooper: aw, we missed his birthday party
RubyChao: the kobbers get him the remaining three gems, out of politeness
RubyChao: they were at the top of his wishlist!
Draco: Darn! I was looking forward to celebrating a villain's birthday.
Gooper Blooper: Have one of the Deadly Six be celebrating their birthday the day we fight them


M Sheep: Dog gave me a particularly insolent squeak.
M Sheep: Acting like I can magically part the clouds and stop the storm and am choosing not too.
Draco: Silly dog.
RubyChao: you can't?


Del Shop emerges from underneath a pile of blankets
Del Shop: What did I miss
Jumpropeman: we voted you off the island del
Jumpropeman: you were washing your memes in the drinking water
Jumpropeman: now we're all poisoned because of you
M Sheep: You've been banished to Coconut Fred's Fruit Salad Island
M Sheep: ...
M Sheep remembers the setting this year
M Sheep attempts to resist making that canon

Jumpropeman: if you do sheep
Jumpropeman: I'll strike back with Mike, Lu, and Og
Del Shop: Listen
Del Shop: These memes are non-toxic
Del Shop: Y'all got sick from something else
Del Shop: Just saiyan


MobileDraco: She's a Cricket now, but when Koa's done with Vinny, she'll be a Black Widow. BI
MobileDraco: Jk
Fifty Spider Monkeys: pls no harm vinny he wants to make waffles and go to raves
Fifty Spider Monkeys: thats all
Draco: oh ok that's fine
Draco starts drawing pictures of Vinny kissing Cricket. :3
Fifty Spider Monkeys: oh gosh
Fifty Spider Monkeys: i didn't expect this turn
Fifty Spider Monkeys swoons
M Sheep: >But all he knew was Tetris and punching. Damn it.
M Sheep: Very sad
M Sheep: "Things are really good... I don't know why, but I think it's because of you. You see it too, right? Or am I crazy?"
M Sheep: Haha, oh man, what a conversation to have right after digging out a bullet.


M Sheep: >Beelzebufo
M Sheep: I
M Sheep: I love it?
M Sheep: One internet search later: "Beelzebufo are Amazing!"
M Sheep: Apparently, so does everyone else!
M Sheep: "Tamed Beelzebufo make for strange mounts. Strange mounts for strange people."
M Sheep: I don't need your frog judgement, Game Developers!


Brando: i feel bad my only solution is sending it somewhere else :/
Brando: Then it would be
Brando: off-centre
Gooper Blooper: http://youtube.com/watch?v=oShTJ90fC34
Brando: I win rp with my oscar worthy pun


Bastard Centre: my favorites are DEAD and now i have to deal with this sudden girl here on my porch being important


Jumpropeman: what made you pick that carnotaurus
Jumpropeman: I thought for sure it would be the T-Rex :V
Gooper Blooper: In the post the crate is introduced, Millennium Bug's note mentions he "couldn't get the biggest one".
Jumpropeman: he's gonna have to have a higher park score to unlock it
Gooper Blooper: I've dropped a few hints about this, but Millennium Bug is a lot more important than he initially appeared, but we won't be seeing answers on that front until next year
Jumpropeman: aww sugar
Gooper Blooper: I've got some big plans brewing
Gooper Blooper: including a bombshell to drop at the end of the year
RubyChao: too bad you just spoiled that you're doing Persona 5 plot next year
RubyChao: i'm onto you.
Jumpropeman: Celestia was dead the whole time!
Gooper Blooper: Celestia is actually Celesteela
Jumpropeman: that would make things so much easier
Gooper Blooper: too bad I can't do the ol' "have we ever seen Celestia and Celesteela in the same place?!" jokes because I keep sending them to the same plots
RubyChao: one is otters in a line
M Sheep: Millennium Bug teasing has been very curious.
M Sheep: I have no idea his connection to a dino in a crate, to begin with, besides him having one shipped.
Gooper Blooper: The Millennium Bug facts so far:
1: He needs money for someone he cares about
2: He has access to dinosaurs
Gooper Blooper: good work working this shit out ya fuckers
Jumpropeman: the person her cares for? The Dinosaur King
Jumpropeman: Dinosaur King plot let's go


M Sheep: "Characters do not have to be capable combatants to participate."
M Sheep examines portrait of Father Squid on wall
M Sheep moves it aside to put combination into wall safe
M Sheep takes out key, plunks briefcase handcuffed to self on table, and unlocks it
M Sheep removes mayonnaise jar from briefcase and smashes it on table
M Sheep removes envelope from the wreckage and opens it

Jumpropeman: I knew millenials hated mayonnaise D:<
M Sheep dials in number within onto phone
M Sheep gives passcode "Cory is in the House"
M Sheep repeats passcode
M Sheep burns phone
M Sheep Meanwhile, a woman excuses herself from the tactics meeting to send an email to "Steve@Buscemi.com"
M Sheep A man then puts down his half eaten sandwich and hurries out his car
M Sheep he drives forty-eight minutes out into the countryside before coming across a farm.

Jumpropeman: man sheep sure is sending someone wild on knackplot
Draco: It's Knack himself. Sheep's finally RPing Knack.
M Sheep There is a brief, heated, but hushed discussion before and another man, the man who has been operating this farm for the last decade, visit the javelina pens.
Del on a Bus: I love this
M Sheep Standing before the huge, elderly javelina known officially as #682, but known in more hushed tones as "Project M", they stare into her jowly face, into her ruby jewel eyes, and she seems to smile at them with yellow tusks.
Blake Cuddler [Brando]: this is a very elaborate knack creepypasta
M Sheep Project M opens her mouth and the voice of legions pour and they ask in one voice woven out of the multitude a question.
M Sheep "What is your favorite flavor of pie?"
M Sheep the two men stand there for a moment, sweating, and then look between each-other a moment, before one stepped forward and said: "Uh."
M Sheep The man who spoke collapsed into a pile of approximately $12.50 of Jimmy Buffet CDs.
Draco: That's a lot of Jimmy Buffet CDs.
M Sheep Project M spoke once more and bellowed: "WHAT

M Sheep Goes on four legs in the morning
M Sheep Two in the afternoon
M Sheep and three in the evening?"

M Sheep The man just only stops himself from saying "OH! I know that one!" and then cleared his throat before saying "Man?"; his voice breaking with the sudden fear he'd be turned into a pile even more tasteless knicknacks.
M Sheep A side passage opened and the man stepped in to see a single, solitary sheep
M Sheep printed sweater a large, squid-like man was wearing.
M Sheep "Oh, urm, hello-" The man pushed past him to find a small woman in a dress whose hair covered her eyes, and he said: "Yo, you know you're still, like, a character right?"
M Sheep "Get in the truck, Ettie."

M Sheep: Anyway, I should maybe use Ettie, like, maybe one more time this year? She kind of disappeared after the Brawl.


Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Who wants to hear a classic video game duck move
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: ...dick move
SteelKomodo: quack
Endless Del: i would like to hear duck hunt trivia
SteelKomodo: (me)
Bree: no, tell us about ducks
Jumpropeman: I quite like mario's duck
Jumpropeman: he puts his head between his legs and bends over
Jumpropeman: goes all in on that duck
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Okay. So via Del I'm sure some of you have heard of Skeleton Warriors
Jumpropeman: the show that got things backwards
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Anyway, it got one of the earliest Playstation games. It's interesting in the sense that if there is a perfectly generic game, it is it
Jumpropeman: who wants to watch boring fleshbags
M Sheep: I know I don't.
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: The only notable thing about it is that it had some music made by then (maybe now) big name in the video game "music as art" circle, Tommy Talaciro or something, I don't know his last name
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: And it is some good music, though it might be leaning too hard on the "I AM SO EPIC" front.
M Sheep: Tommy Wiseau?
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: No
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Oh hai Sheep
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: How's your sax life?
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Anyway, the game is playable but it doesn't have anything special about it
M Sheep: Get a room, Cw
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: A few notes before I get to my dick move
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: In the show, only evil people could become skeleton warriors
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: This made them nearly invincible
M Sheep: "A few notes before I get to my dick move."-Cornwind Evil, 2018
M Sheep: A beautiful sentence.
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Virtually all attacks just shattered them and then they'd reform good as new
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Because of course, in a Saturday morning cartoon, nothing could actually BREAK bones
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: There were only two ways to defeat a skeleton warrior. One was to remove its 'heartstone' concealed behind its sternum. If this happened, the skeleton became human again
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: The other was to utilize something that would completely destroy a skeleton. Like say, a flood of lava
Endless Del: the secret third one is to deprive them of calcium
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: You can guess what happened in the series finale
SteelKomodo: yep
ivel: the skeletons got an immunity to lava?
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: In the game, you attacked them and they broke, and then they dropped their heartstone. When you collected the heartstone, the bones exploded and they died.
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: So obviously this is an alternate universe where villain Baron Darhk was lazy in making his warriors
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: And no, Ivel, the final battle happened on a volcano and it killed off all the evil skeletons
ivel: darn
Endless Del: im still waiting on duck hunt trivia
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Also one stage started with a skeleton immediately launching a rocket at you. Like, the only way you could avoid it is know it's coming, or else you take a rocket to the face.
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Anyway, the dick move
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: The most effective combat move in the game was the leaping downward sword slash
ivel: also I watched a Let's Play of Duck Season. Weird, neat stuff
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Because if you hit it, you bounced back upward.
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Hence the way you basically beat every enemy and boss was "sword bounce on their head until they died."
Endless Del: that reminds me of a lot of how i tried to beat shovel knight CW
Endless Del: guess what
Endless Del: doesn't work
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: So you've probably come to rely on this move a lot
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: And then you get to the final boss
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Who explicitly has a move to STAB YOU OUT OF THE AIR IF YOU TRY AND SWORD BOUNCE HIM
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Hence rendering the move useless
Jumpropeman: so the dick move
Jumpropeman: was improving the game design?
SteelKomodo: well a final boss should be a test of everything you've learned
SteelKomodo: a thing like that would definitely encourage players to try different strategies
SteelKomodo: then again i'm asking this of a skeleton warriors game
SteelKomodo: and also pissed that skeleton warriors got a game AND EXTREME DINOSAURS DIDN'T
Endless Del: yeah but the game didn't teach you to be careful with the sword bounce at any point
Endless Del: like if the game had said "hey some enemies are smart and will react to air attacks" at any point earlier
Endless Del: and been consistent with that
Endless Del: that would be an improvement
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: True, but as said, the only real effective move is the sword bounce, the rest are basically akin to Bugs Bunny's kick in the SNES game Rabbit Rampage, which was nearly useless because it had such a short range and enemies always had longer ranges
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: So if you moved in to kick someone, the enemy would punch you first because it could punch you from further away
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Oh yeah and did I mention you fight the end boss at the end of a gauntlet where you have to fight all the previous bosses first?
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Also you supposedly start the fight by fighting "Baron Darhk", ie Darhk's human form
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: But it's just a clone of you
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: So I wonder if the game devs were lazy
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Or some information wires got crossed somewhere
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Anyway, if you DO beat the Baron
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: You get a cutscene where you cut off his head
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Grab the plot macguffin you came to get, the Lightstar crystal
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Hold it up triumphantly
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Game ends, roll credits
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: ....uh.....heartstone?
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: So I guess once the game faded to black Darhk got back up and killed your player character because he forgot how skeleton warriors died
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: Probably because he was so mad the sword bounce stopped working


Jumpropeman: it appears all my game systems were packed in the same box... except for the wii u
Jumpropeman: even the movers don't want to touch it
M Sheep: Wii U
M Sheep: More like
M Sheep: like
M Sheep reads card
M Sheep: Wii EW


Jumpropeman: meet Happy Piggy!
Jumpropeman: uncomfortably happy piggy
Gooper Blooper: Smug Piggy
Jumpropeman: saw your browser history before you cleared it piggy


Blake Cuddler [Brando]: beach bae
Blake Cuddler [Brando]: w/ ribbons
Jumpropeman: she looks sad
Blake Cuddler [Brando]: she's sad because gino's not there
Gooper Blooper: she doesn't know how to play that recorder she's holding
Gooper Blooper: or someone just told her the pile of gingerbread men behind her is off-limits
Gorgeous Randy Flamethrower: She was told Sine is remaking The Gingerdead Man and they are props
Blake Cuddler [Brando]: she put those there
Blake Cuddler [Brando]: they're stale


Bree: just texted my mom "are you going to bring home food" without typing a single letter, thanks autosuggest


Jumpropeman: I have received CKR's old tv
Jumpropeman: so now my room has three tvs
Jumpropeman: and I feel like I'm doing a math question
Jumpropeman: how do I hook up these games for maximum effectiveness
RubyChao: my room has one tv
RubyChao: but three things hooked into it
Gooper Blooper: Set up Yoshi on all three of them
Jumpropeman: you know
Gooper Blooper: playing three games of Yoshi at once might make it exciting
Jumpropeman: I could
Jumpropeman: I'd just need a physical copy and to buy it on the wii u shop
Jumpropeman: which
Jumpropeman: is like buying two piles of dirt to eat after you hated the first one
Gooper Blooper: "Get totally puzzled in an enthralling game of logic and precision thinking in Yoshi for Nintendo Entertainment System. This Tetris-inspired, action-packed puzzle puts a new spin on the classic Mario games. Maneuver Mario along the bottom of the screen to stack matching characters and prevent cluttering the game screen. Watch out and don't allow a line to grow to the top or the game has ended. Score bonus points by hatching Yoshi out of matched eggs. Bring in another player on the fun in two-player mode with a split screen that puts Mario and Luigi in a race against each other to be the top puzzle player."
Blake Cuddler [Brando]: HURK
Blake Cuddler [Brando]: time to die
Jumpropeman: "precision"
Gooper Blooper: "enthralling"
Bree: "enthralling"
Jumpropeman: I mentioned I fell asleep for a bit playing it and didn't lose right
Bree: ninjad
Blake Cuddler [Brando]: "fun"
Bree: what really
Gooper Blooper: "action-packed"
Gooper Blooper: "Bring in another player on the fun"
Blake Cuddler [Brando]: if ivel did this to me i would call off the wedding
Blake Cuddler [Brando]: and put him in the time out corner
Jumpropeman: just a short doze, like a minute, but still
Blake Cuddler [Brando]: i will have to wake you up
Blake Cuddler [Brando]: with kisses
Blake Cuddler [Brando]: if you fall asleep during CAH
Blake Cuddler [Brando]: :U
ivel: you'll fall asleep with me
MobileDraco: 💗
Blake Cuddler [Brando]: well, shit, he got me.
ivel: yes, I do got you
Gooper Blooper: awww
Bree: ivel got you babe
Jumpropeman: I ship it
MobileDraco: It's like Sleeping Beauty, except Beauty ain't sleeping.


Blake Cuddler [Brando]: my cheesecake is here
Gooper Blooper: excellent
Gooper Blooper: midnight, the best time to deliver cheesecake
Blake Cuddler [Brando]: my bro got it for me
Blake Cuddler [Brando]: happened to be in the "treat yoself" mood
Blake Cuddler [Brando]: man that's some sweet cake
Jumpropeman: harpy: the fifth golden girl
Bree: jealous
MobileDraco: You can be MY fifth golden girl, Bree.
Bree: do you have cheesecake
MobileDraco: Do you WANT cheesecake, Bree?
Jumpropeman: is that a threat
MobileDraco: Maybe.

(a short time later)

Bree: I hope draco isn't doing something ridiculous like ordering me a cheesecake
MobileDraco: N-no
Gooper Blooper: Don't put it past him
Gooper Blooper: YOU SAID YES
Bree: I forgot that he had my address when I said yes :I
M Sheep: He's air dropping a cheesecake on Bree


Gooper Blooper: I'm gonna show you guys the PM Chao sent me when he saw who I decided to enter into DYM


Draco: Hmm. Should I post something I may not be able to finish this year?
Jumpropeman: you mean like a REALLY big hoagie?


Bree: del went to bed but y'know, I bet the kapaku (new DLC faction) and the morgawr hate each other
Bree: not that the morgawr don't hate all the other factions already in the game itself but
Bree: kapaku be like "volcanoes!" morgawr be like "ocean!"
Jumpropeknack: Team Magma and Team Aqua
Gooper Blooper: so when's groudon and kyogre
Gooper Blooper: dammit
ivel: I was about to say that too jrm
Bree: exactly
Black Witch: when's rayquaza


Gooper Blooper: Chuckster with the best contributions
Jumpropeknack: what about a level where a bunch of guys stand around and throw you instead
Gooper Blooper: And you have to figure out which way they should throw you
Gooper Blooper: IT'S A PUZZLE
Black Witch: that puzzle is suffering.
Draco: The Flickster: a pine tree looking guy who flicks you in whatever direction he thinks you told him to go.


Draco: link


Draco: "Aren't we all related to the Omnimom?" <- Sorry, Beach Episode. There's an even bigger religion brewing.
Black Witch: battle of gods
ivel: Super Omnimom God?
Bree: hail omnimom
Bree: the three traits of omnimom
Bree: momnipotent - higher than omnipotent, it's the ancient primal power that all moms tap into when their child is in danger
Bree: momniscient - the ability of moms to always, ALWAYS know no matter how hard you try to lie or keep a secret from them
Bree: they will Know
Bree: momnibenevolent - there is no greater love than the omnimom's love
Black Witch: MAGIC, with her hand halfway into the cookie jar, immediately takes it out and scrams
Gooper Blooper: Celestia ascends to godbeast
Gooper Blooper: after adopting her 100th child
Draco: "But I'm already your daughter," Ariel claims. The liar.
Black Witch: that sounds like an advertisement you'd find on a Kobber-related website
iKomodo: but does she keep the booty
Black Witch: "you are the 100th daughter adopted by Celestia today! click here for your prize!"
Bree: no, she gains
Bree: the omnibooty
Black Witch: EXTRA
Black Witch: THICC
Bree: it's the booty from which all other booties are descended
Black Witch: well that's awkward :U
Black Witch: ariel lacks the booty


Black Witch: *stares*
Black Witch: *hides horribly tragic backstories of my characters away from everyone*
Black Witch: "hey i like stacy" "thanks she turned into a ba'al"
MobileDraco: D;
ivel: I knew nobody could make food THAT good naturally
Black Witch: ivel no
Black Witch: i can't turn my chars into ba'als to make them godlike cooks
Black Witch: that's depressing
Black Witch: "hey i like brandon" "thanks he has depression and anxiety"
MobileDraco: "Hey, I like Dia." "Thanks, she's marrying Gino." "Yay. :3"
Jumpropeknack: "Hey, I hate Knack" "Thanks he... oh."
Black Witch: "hey, i like dolby" "thanks, she's got a fake disease that makes her weak around new technology and she was made by a shitty mom."
MobileDraco: "Hey, I like Deb." "Liar."
Black Witch: sorry for lying
Black Witch: I mean
Black Witch: HEY, I LOVE DEB
RubyChao: "Hey, I like Miu" "thanks she was emotionally abused as a kid"
RubyChao: alternatively
RubyChao: "Hey, I like Jackal!" "thanks he will accomplish nothing, ever"
MobileDraco: "Hey, I like DeMonde." "Thanks, she's a single mom with a special daughter who tries hard every day to graft scorpion tails to mutants."
Black Witch: "hey, i like starla" "thanks but i hardly gave her much of a character"
ivel: "Hey, I like Starla." "Who?"
MobileDraco: lol


Jumpropeknack: imagine if pornhub faded to black


Jumpropeknack: "In a interview Sakurai was disappointed that he had to censor panties and palutena"
Jumpropeknack: Sakurai wanted his waifu sexier is all
Jumpropeknack: why you gotta hate ratings board
Gooper Blooper: sakurai pls
Draco: Ratings Board pls


Gooper Blooper: JRM needs to be Jumpropeknack again
Jumpropeman changed name to Jumpropeknack
Gooper Blooper: thank you
Jumpropeknack: sorry
Jumpropeknack: as penance, I will loop Little Willy til the end of plot
Gooper Blooper: XD


Jumpropeknack: Knack 3: Knack to the Past
Jumpropeknack: Knack 3: Knack Attack
skellivel: Samurai Knack
skellivel: gotta get Knack, Knack to the Past Samurai Knack
Jumpropeknack: Knack 3: Knick Knack Patty Whack
Jumpropeknack: Knack 3: Please God Buy Our Game
Gooper Blooper: XD
Blep Cat: knack 3:
Blep Cat: n-now with
Draco: Knack 3: There's A Knack 1 and 2?!
Blep Cat: m-sheep's
Blep Cat: plot warehouse
Jumpropeknack: The Mother was actually through the window in Knack 2 I couldn't go through
Blep Cat: The Mother is behind the glitches
Blep Cat: you go too far and you start to see the stories that never end
Jumpropeknack: curious, I checked the Knack 2 message board on gamefaqs
Jumpropeknack: where all the recent topics are about the glitches :V


Blep Cat: Rifa and Kirby best buddies
Blep Cat: ...no wait
Blep Cat: Rifa and Fairy Queen best buddies
Blep Cat: ...don't ask why I like Fairy Queen
Gooper Blooper: they look a lot alike
Blep Cat: i like Fairy Queen a lot.
ivel: I prefer Dairy Queen
Gooper Blooper: I probably wasn't going to use her, but Fairy Queen is in my 2019 folder
Blep Cat: *grabs Goops*
Blep Cat: *SUPLEX*
Blep Cat: mine
Gooper Blooper: She's all yours :V
Blep Cat: th-the Planeswardens?
Blep Cat: yeah planeswardens


Gooper Blooper: https://i.imgur.com/Gw2xHiR.jpg
RubyChao: I N F I N I T E S U M I R E K O


Bree: picturing phoenix mad at being rekt by black shadow again but also low key relieved black shadow didn't think him worth killing this time
but also mad about it like
"bitch doesn't think I'm a threat???"
"I'm his fuckin rival???"
black shadow rollin out like "for me it was tuesday"
"h8ers gonna h8"
it's called dark million u think I'm keepin track biatch?
black shadow is now a gangsta my new headcanon
Bree: chao replied "just add a gold chain and it fits"


Blep Cat: >opens bag of googly eyes

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