Thursday, January 24, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 321: Lethal Ham-Inflicted Injuries

B.C.: I still feel like trash
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
B.C.: hi goops

(I PM Harpy a commission I had just finished for her.)

B.C.: My sickness has been cured
Gooper Blooper: XD
B.C.: no not really but i want to show this pic so bad


Renais: cheng'de plot: one mantid tells an entire army to fuck off
Gooper Blooper: who would win
Gooper Blooper: a massive evil army
Gooper Blooper: one mantis goil
Draco: Getting dropped like Wids' last girlfriend.
Renais: i'm so proud of that line more than anything
Renais: its the stupid shit i'm most proud of
Draco: It's probably going in the ticker tonight.
Renais: forget the fact that i did MGM and had an epic ending
Renais: "dumped on the ground like WM's last girlfriend" gives me the giggles
Renais: 100% Giggle Girl
Draco: Excellent. :3


City of Beasts Toinette: zfrp.gif


M Sheep: >Spynundrum: I finally got friends to agree to a game of The World Wide Wrestling RPG
M Sheep: I...actually know what this is.
Spynundrum: You do, Sheep!?
Spynundrum oozes out from the walls
M Sheep: It was played on a tabletop podcast. Twice.
M Sheep: There was a nautical themed character that challenged another to something they made up called a Davy Jones match or similar. It think it king of the hill something in wrestling? If so, that. But in what was explicitly described as a kiddie pool the cameramen did their best to make look larger and dramatic.
Spynundrum: I fucking love it
ivel: sounds like an actual match that would happen
ivel: especially the dramatic kiddie pool
M Sheep: The other thing that sticks was somebody playing a guy known in the ring as "The Can Opener" who was this big monster of a man with a hillbilly gimmick. The name came from carrying a can of beans during his entrance he'd open with his bare hands. i believe another entrance involved playing banjo in a rocking chair. MENACINGLY.
M Sheep: He was the obligatory Big Guy That's Scary To Fight
M Sheep: while being a super sweet guy outside the ring


Renais: hello exposition, hello posts
Renais: hello bacon, eggs, and toast
Renais: hello plots and hello seals
Renais: hello you and hello feels.
Renais: ;U
Jumpropeman: hello darkness my old friend
Renais: i've come to fat seal with you again
Cornwind Evil: "As they passed the Hall of Lovers" I read this as "House Of Leaves"


Jumpropeman: this is as good time as any to go stand in place for a few minutes as I let plumbing rid my body of filth


RubyChao: 7:03 PM - jumpropeman: also chao
7:03 PM - jumpropeman: I am currently playing a certain game for the Game Hoard
7:03 PM - jumpropeman: a little title called
7:03 PM - jumpropeman: Metroid: Other M
7:03 PM - The Red Superchao: i knew it was coming
7:03 PM - The Red Superchao: i will forgive and understand you if you don't rate it Atrocious
7:03 PM - The Red Superchao: just don't rate it Fantastic
7:04 PM - jumpropeman: but controversial opinions draw clicks!


Renais: i can only imagine that basing renaizy off my own relationship would be weird
Renais: because ivel just yelled "AAA" at me and I just "AAA"'d back
ivel: I can't live up to Gonzy or Renais
Renais: then it turned into an "AAA" contest for one minute


Jumpropeman: literally my Effie RP


Jumpropeman: "[Rachel] slides into a booth and asks for a Dr. Pepper."
Jumpropeman: now goops is just pandering to me directly :V
Draco: *while wearing her cool new Cirno t-shirt.*
Jumpropeman: *and checking out on her phone*
Draco: Let's not get carried away. Rachel doesn't even know how to use that state-of-the-art Shen she just bought at a reasonable price from Mr. Fish's new retail store.


M Sheep: "Sure you got Twenty-Twoth place,"
M Sheep: Reading this make my teeth hurt.
Goku‘s Frosted Tips: Owch
M Sheep: "You're a real sweetheart"
M Sheep: But can you ever get enough?
Cornwind Evil: Someone remind Cirno Scraps won a house
M Sheep: "like the cereal came to life or I found a piece of toast made out of gold"
M Sheep: Have either of these things actually happened to Cirno?
M Sheep: "I was just gonna shove a bunch of T.V.'s and junk into you"
M Sheep: Cirno, you can't just shove a bunch of junk into people!
M Sheep: That's what the fast food industry is for.
Jumpropeman: heyoooooooo
Cornwind Evil: Cirno splits the difference
Cornwind Evil: Shoves a bunch of Super Size Me DVD's into Scraps
Jumpropeman: I thought you meant
Jumpropeman: Coin and the gang would get Daiyousei on Tuesday, Thursdays, and Saturdays
M Sheep: "There are ways, like... psychologists"
M Sheep: And on another episode of Where in The World Is Dr. Gary Lassherty...
Brinehammer: I think that's a good end. Thanks, JRM, that was really solid. Cirno is my favorite Touhou =3
Jumpropeman: She would explode if she heard that, but I will thank you on her behalf


RubyChao: this gets me every time


Bree: I mean we don't know that julius isn't a girl. suits of armor don't really have genders
Bree: could be anything under there
Goku‘s Frosted Tips: Julius wants to make sure toinette is responsible and safe
Goku‘s Frosted Tips: Yeah not sure Rory would veto
Goku‘s Frosted Tips: Any nudist beaches in kuwahawi
Bree: there probably are some nude beaches in kuwahawi, yes
Bree: I'm not sure a clothing-optional party is within the rules of our forum though :V
Goku‘s Frosted Tips: Yeah, very illegal
Goku‘s Frosted Tips: So just bikinis it is :V
Goku‘s Frosted Tips: Julius WAS a dude to be clear
Goku‘s Frosted Tips: But since he is star stuff he doesn't have anything
Goku‘s Frosted Tips: He is technically genderless
Bree: confirmed, julius does not have an astral dick
Goku‘s Frosted Tips: Presumably one could reverse it but nobody has tried cos it's very very complicated
MobileDraco: Toinette has checked for space dick.
Bree: toinette is a lesbian so no not really
Bree: plus I think she thinks of julius as like a brother so she'd be all "ew gross" if he did have one
Goku‘s Frosted Tips: Yeah she doesn't think of Julius like that
MobileDraco: In any case, I will be sending two or more characters to plot on Sunday.
Goku‘s Frosted Tips: Cool
MobileDraco: Probably not nude. Sorry, Bree.
N Goat joined the chat
Goku‘s Frosted Tips: Hi sheep
Goku‘s Frosted Tips: Welcome to die


ivel: apparently if you set a mouse macro to click really fast, you can set the FNAF Ultimate Custom Night animatronics to be either -1 or -2 difficulty, which naturally completely messes things up
Podcast Eternals: is that fazfuck mode
ivel: like being completely unable to actually stop certain ones :U
ivel: not enough weed for Fazfuck mode
Podcast Eternals: damn


Spooper Blooper: This entire event was inspired by rereading JRM's "Sonic Hysteria" blog post last week. The entire thing. Out of nowhere. In that post, JRM reviews Tails' Sky Patrol, and I was reminded of how much he ripped into Wendy Witchcart for being a random and weird Sonic villain... so of course I put her in RP
Jumpropeman: Carrotia got a redesign in the comics that make her actually look good
Jumpropeman: Look at this rabbit
Jumpropeman: what a fine rabbit
Jumpropeman: all your favorite rabbit features
Jumpropeman: here's the less sexy comics version
Jumpropeman: really removed all the best features
Jumpropeman: what is it supposed to be now, a gorilla?


Brand-Name Couch: so this friday
Brand-Name Couch: i am getting paid
Brand-Name Couch: 1k
Brand-Name Couch: my vacation hours + pay raise are in full gear ;w;
Spooper Blooper: neat!
Brand-Name Couch: time to give goops 1k
Spooper Blooper: I was just about to make the same joke
Bree: hell yeah you get dat dolla
Brand-Name Couch: i might actually commission some other artists for stuff
Brand-Name Couch: i also need to get otakon tickets
Jumpropeman: just the biggest piece of sugar mage art ever made
Jumpropeman: you gotta pay at least 800 bucks for the noses is Gooper's secret
Spooper Blooper: JRM is very lucky he got that brawl art free
Spooper Blooper: look how many noses I had to draw in that title pic
Brand-Name Couch: the nose knows
Draco: Honestly, I'd charge JRM double for making you put in noses.
Bree: how dare you impugn goop's honor by suggesting he would accept money to draw noses! that goes against his morals!
Bree: he's not a man who would compromise his ideals in the name of greed
Spooper Blooper hides "WILL DRAW NOSES FOR PLASTIC DINOSAURS" sign behind back
Spooper Blooper: yeah, what she said!
Brand-Name Couch: time to commission draco to make my robot
M Sheep: commission Draco to make a giant nose robot
M Sheep: to take down Goops
Brand-Name Couch: no, we still need some fenrir :U
Brand-Name Couch: almost said fafnir
Bree: defeat goops with a pogey team made entirely of nosepass


RubyChao: i should try some more games sooooooOOOOON that reminds me
RubyChao: gotta get some shit done
RubyChao: bbs
Brand-Name Couch: *prepares to launch games*
Spooper Blooper: bye chao
Jumpropeman: harpy
Jumpropeman: you should buy chao
Jumpropeman: Other M
Jumpropeman: *says it while he's gone*
Jumpropeman: *SO HE CAN'T SAY NO*
Spooper Blooper: JRM gave Other M a Fantastic
Brand-Name Couch: i'm sure chao would come to my house and strangle me if i did that


Bree: "the perp sustained lethal ham-inflicted injuries"


M Sheep: What I want to know
M Sheep: is
M Sheep: What horror movie Mask Man is from.
Cornwind Evil: Terror Train
M Sheep: The title sounds promising
Bree: ohhhhh
Bree: that's why you did the reference
Bree: 'cause the plot
Bree: was called
Bree: the train of terror
Bree: I get it
M Sheep: what if
M Sheep: it had been
M Sheep: called
M Sheep: The Buscemi of Terror
M Sheep: Chatzy 411: The Buscemi of Terror
Bree: well then that
Bree: would just be
Bree: ridiculous
Bree: but also funny
Bree: because
Bree: because
Bree: buscemi
Bree: get it
M Sheep: Train with a big Buscemi head on the front
M Sheep: instead of a skull
M Sheep: or
M Sheep: a skull with flesh on it
M Sheep: I guess
M Sheep: "What's so scary about a witch in a cart?"
M Sheep: Listen
M Sheep: a witch in a cart is just the first step in fairytale R&D to a gingerbread house on tank treads


Cornwind Evil: I'm surprised Zeldoten can still hang from the ceiling
Cornwind Evil: After her dwarven heritage came to the fore
RubyChao: she's not THAT fat
Draco: She's still a Master Thief even if we all know why she's one of the shortest people in RP.
Draco: It helps when she wants to listen in on conversations, read over someone's shoulder, and avoid the floor that is lava.


Brinehammer: Status update; I'm almost done, have 2 more posts to set, level, and plant and then it's good. Sorry for taking forever/keeping you up, Del, will try to speed through.
ivel: they have to start so we can save them dear
Draco: I'll send a gorilla on the plot. That'll save the vampires, right?
Del: Post wars
Del: War of the posts
ivel: but Baby Winston isn't your character
ivel: :I
Draco: Adult Winston could be. D:
Draco: When there are posts, one man has them down pat.




Rescue The Esoteric: The next official Touhou game has been announced
Rescue The Esoteric: and look who the star is
Based Cat: the BAE
M Sheep: !
M Sheep: IT'S
M Sheep: clownpiece?
M Sheep: right?
Rescue The Esoteric: Full disclosure: way back around last fall I was planning to retire Sumireko this year but then came up with a plot idea that would keep her relevant in Cyber City so I cancelled her retirement plans
Rescue The Esoteric: she ain't going anywhere
M Sheep: She won't be drawing on those 401k benefits YET!
Draco: Oh no! I mean, yay!
Draco: *Zeldo has more chances to steal Sumi's hat*


Brinehammer: Iodine's first love is S/c/i/e/n/c/e, her second is cute girls.
Based Cat: oh shit
Based Cat: *looks at Renais*
Draco: Iodine is a good girl. DeMonde approves of her.
Rescue The Esoteric: Cute girls?! Mannnnn, where are we gonna find any of those
Based Cat: good thing i have cute girls in spades
Based Cat: i'll earn iodine's love in no time at all
ivel: but do you have cute girls in clubs?
Brinehammer: Tfw you've spotted your prey
Based Cat: i
Based Cat: I am
Based Cat: i am just
Based Cat: DYING
Based Cat: that f uckin
ivel: it's true, she is
Based Cat: someone shrink that to avvie size that's my new avatar
Based Cat: i just
Based Cat: i have
Based Cat: a MIGHTY NEED
Rescue The Esoteric: It'd make a good Brine avatar if he wasn't more into Mildly Disturbing Pictures Of Dogs
Based Cat: & Knuckles


(Clownpiece compares the very fat Ladislaus to the chubby Dia)

Based Cat: >DMSgjl;jigl
Draco: WHAT?! D:<
Based Cat: jafkl;dj
M Sheep: He's not heavy, he's Dia's brother
Draco: grgnji[ghj[
M Sheep: tydceywejuifvbhsd
Based Cat: kljjklgjalkgkjdiofg
ivel: aebjsubnilhbnsutinbsdg
M Sheep: guidffvgyuefnfvig
Based Cat: asdfjkl;jgzdf/
Based Cat: ?
ivel: aerhbsgviucvnerungtrsnyrs
Based Cat: *gasps*
Draco: oewjufdsjvfsggr
ivel: What did you say about my mother?! D:<
Rescue The Esoteric: sfjfsjDiaFatJokesdofnsd
Draco: XD
Draco: Ivel, get your own COKE.
Draco: D8
Draco: Never get between a Harpy and her penguin.


Rescue The Esoteric: After slaughtering tons of soldiers is the perfect time to cuddle your wife


Jumpropeman: I saw Incredibles 2 last night and
Jumpropeman: Voyd is adorable

(A few months later, JRM revealed Voyd as a new addition to his RP roster)


Jumpropeman: "The power of ninjas is powerful."
Rescue The Esoteric: And that's what I call REAL ULTIMATE POWER




Rescue The Esoteric: oh my god what is this
Draco: American Boxart Sumi


Jumpropeman: I think I get King Ghidorah finally
Jumpropeman: in that
Jumpropeman: he's probably like Ridley
Jumpropeman: where he does all the manipulative conniving masterminding off screen
Jumpropeman: and we just see the big dragon fights
M Sheep: It's good to be king


Gooper Blooper (Rescue The Esoteric) joined the chat
ivel: yoops
MobileDraco: Yo.
Mermaid Acts Gloriously In Car: goopy!
Mermaid Acts Gloriously In Car: my friend!
Mermaid Acts Gloriously In Car: things are crazy here
Jumpropeman: goopy!
Jumpropeman: her friend
Mermaid Acts Gloriously In Car: goopy is everyone's friend
MobileDraco: Not MY friend. BI
MobileDraco: jk
Mermaid Acts Gloriously In Car: goops unleashes all his noses upon draco like bats for this betrayal
Mermaid Acts Gloriously In Car: "YOU WANT NOSES, HERE, HAVE THEM"
Jumpropeman: he keeps all the noses in a drawer
Jumpropeman: for the moment they're needed


ivel: Harpy - Today at 9:47 PM
i'm about to make some shit up
ivelchild - Today at 9:48 PM
so RP?
Harpy - Today at 9:48 PM
ivelchild - Today at 9:48 PM


Mermaid Acts Gloriously In Car: SWEET DREAMS BITCHES
Mermaid Acts Gloriously In Car: REMEMBER


Brinehammer joined the chat
Mermaid Acts Gloriously In Car: brine has graced us
ivel: hi brine
Draco: Hi Brine.
Del: Mystery Brine
RubyChao: i'm here tho
RubyChao: *waves*
Brinehammer: I die! I love You! Whattup
Brinehammer: *live, yikes
Mermaid Acts Gloriously In Car: I DIE
ivel: Gasp!
Mermaid Acts Gloriously In Car: I LOVE YOU
RubyChao: for a second i was wondering what automatic bot had claimed brine
Mermaid Acts Gloriously In Car: yikes


Jumpropeman: Something a bit odd about a lot of reviews for X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse for SNES is that quite a few people say "Short game, only has 5 levels"... but that's not true. The game starts off letting you pick from five levels but you get more as you go... meaning they either didn't play the game past them, or they played the training mode only that only has those five stages
Gooper Blooper: quality reviewers
Jumpropeman: you notice a lot of odd qualities about reviews if you dig through a lot of them
Jumpropeman: like a guy who complained about Super Princess Peach having too many memory puzzles... which is the gimmick of just one level
Jumpropeman: an early level of course :V
Jumpropeman: there's also this one guy who uses a word rating scale instead of numbers and has a weird bar of colors at the end of his reviews
Gooper Blooper: that guy sounds like a real dork
Draco: Huge dork. I bet he uses bright yellow with white text for the best games so nobody knows he likes them.


Jumpropeman: "float away extra fast!"
Jumpropeman: that's not the patchy I know
Draco: She's been replaced with a Reaverbot, just like Margaret.
Draco: :V


Jumpropeman: sorry I missed the girl's night out but I'm not a girl
Jumpropeman: so I couldn't attend
Draco: No worries.
Draco: None of us are girls either and Bree and Harpy declined. So for eight hours, nobody posted.
Jumpropeman: DAMN! I MISSED THE FUN!
Jumpropeman: I love staring blankly at the forum!


Jumpropeman: hi del
Toinette’s Frosted Tips: How's it going
Jumpropeman: link
Toinette’s Frosted Tips: Oh I hate that
Jumpropeman: I'm tired, but more in the woke up too early to do stuff way than uncomfortably drawn exhausted mario way
Toinette’s Frosted Tips: That's a bad mario
Toinette’s Frosted Tips: Don't like that mario


RubyChao: *adds the sega hard girls game to my steam wishlist*
RubyChao: so this is the power of ruined...


Draco: I know what Goops is getting for Christmas. Jurassic World socks.
Gooper Blooper: OH BOY


M Sheep that feeling when you come across a game you wouldn't even ask JRM to Disaster Report...and then you find it's got great reviews
Jumpropeman: ohhhhhhh
Jumpropeman: don't leave me hanging with such a tantalizing lead-in
Working Del: *extremely Woody voice* WHAT IS IIIIIIT
M Sheep breaks out in a cold sweat, half expecting someone say they played it and it have fond memories of it.
Jumpropeman: it's a little game called Super Mario Bros 3
M Sheep: I expect JRM might know of it; it's called Toonstruck
Working Del: oh man
Working Del: oh man
Working Del: i know this game
Working Del: i've seen it played
Jumpropeman: *checks*
Jumpropeman: It's on my GOG wishlist :V
Working Del: i saw it LP'd on SA
Working Del: it didn't seem that bad when i saw it
Working Del: the main crime being the annoying sidekick being a low budget max
M Sheep: There's a lot of smaller things that just snowball. Joke punchlines tend to be joke adjacent as opposed to funny. The puzzles are increasingly obtuse (including one that I have no idea how you would ever actually solve without a walkthrough) The sidekick's constant chatter actually inflates the length of the game because there is always back and forth whenever you try to do anything. There's a point later in the game without the sidekick that's almost like playing a different game, everything moves so much faster without the chatter. The animation decreases in quality over the course of the game.
M Sheep: There's a moment near the end involving two characters flying and they're just static sprites being moved around.
Jumpropeman: joke adjacent is a great way of describing old cartoon humor though :V
M Sheep: The voice direction is a bit odd. Someone like Jim Cummings, who has a range of voices, uses his distinctive "Nega Duck bad Guy voice" for at least two characters in the game. He's not the only instance of two characters having the same voice.
M Sheep: There's tons of unnecessary explaining what you're doing/what just happened.
M Sheep: ANYWAY, I digress.
M Sheep: There's also a surprising amount of animated snot in this game, now that I think about it.


Bannedcast Eternals: scraps
Bannedcast Eternals: scraps nooooooo
Gooper Blooper: scraps is still very sad about her sudden unwanted makeover
Bannedcast Eternals: ;;
Gooper Blooper: the clankiest cinnamon roll
Brinehammer: Brineplots 2018; "Shit sucks and it bums me out."
Bannedcast Eternals: we must make the shit not suck
Bannedcast Eternals: and be good shit
Gooper Blooper: help the cool ladies


hewwo is it mwe ur lookin 4 (MERMAIDS) joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: hi harpy
hewwo is it mwe ur lookin 4: don't ask me why i named myself like this
Gooper Blooper: I don't know where to begin with that name
Bree: hewwo harpy
Gooper Blooper: owo whats this
hewwo is it mwe ur lookin 4: sounds like something stupid brandon would say to dia or something
hewwo is it mwe ur lookin 4: either that or Renais has taken to posing on the piano pretending to be a furry and being a goofball whenever Gonzy comes back from work
Gooper Blooper: Renais' fursona is her prinny form


Death Warmed Over: >They begrudgingly stop twerking.
Death Warmed Over: Not a sentence I expected to read in my lifetime.
Death Warmed Over: >Still, one wheel and the disc are touching the ground, so Nightmare obligingly rolls forward
Death Warmed Over: It's a livin'
Death Warmed Over pictures Nightmare with a "I Hate Mondays" mug for some reason
Brinehammer: I can't believe the Bakerail gun made it to the big time
Gooper Blooper: I had to do it, Brine
Gooper Blooper: Soon as I saw that I was like "next chance I get, that's canon"


hewwo is it mwe ur lookin 4: oh yeah who is the most fashionabluh Kobber of all
hewwo is it mwe ur lookin 4: EXCLUDING
hewwo is it mwe ur lookin 4: Diadem
hewwo is it mwe ur lookin 4: or any of my characters
Gooper Blooper: Hecatia
hewwo is it mwe ur lookin 4: *sweats*
hewwo is it mwe ur lookin 4: i-i
hewwo is it mwe ur lookin 4: w-well
hewwo is it mwe ur lookin 4: uh
Gooper Blooper: Dia wears Hecatia's outfit to her "second wedding"
ivel: I agree with Goops
hewwo is it mwe ur lookin 4: i'll put that in the back of my mind *burns suggestion in a dumpster fire*
hewwo is it mwe ur lookin 4: :U


M Sheep: Witchcart.
M Sheep: I'm still getting over such a ridiculous concept.
M Sheep: So silly I almost wish she'd survived.

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