Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 319: Y'all Need Some Kind Of Deity

N Goat: Oh man
N Goat: turns out
N Goat: bodies need food
N Goat: Stuffed a sandwich down my craw and feel much better
Jumpropeman: i hate that about bodies
Jumpropeman: hope they patch it out in the next build
Jumpropeman: speaking of sandwiches
Jumpropeman: part 1 of fite is up
Jumpropeman: *disclaimer, fite has no sandwiches
MobileDraco: I'm not reading it then. D=<
Jumpropeman: dang, I knew I should have swapped Labrys's blade with a baguette!
Jumpropeman: there may be a few knuckle sandwiches?


N Goat flips through character Rolodex
N Goat: Really need to add some ranged fighters who's attack isn't "gun".


iKomodo: trust me when I say getting an actual game and watch is like trying to find el dorado


Cornwind Evil: I look forward to Mr. Funmeister dying in Brawls 8, 9, and 10, and winning Brawl 11.
Jumpropeman: shh Cornwind, now I have to pretend I'm not doing that!


Bree: at the store there was a giant resealable bag of skittles. maybe I will buy that instead. then I will eat one skittle for every brawl typo
RubyChao: were they lime
Bree: who sells a bag of just lime skittles
RubyChao: maria would buy it


Del: listen
Del: i love waluigi
Del: but he's trash and he won't get in
Del: i love my spindly trash boy but he has no destiny


M Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
M Sheep: ...
M Sheep swears violently


Jumpropeman: *types shark woman in Deviantart and waits to be horrified*


RubyChao: "Gonna change my number 3 vote from Sine to #Dr. Hanz, reasoning being that the fifty-two novels Cornwind is writing for Sine in the BBB topic should well eclipse my measly one-point vote and Hanz needs the help, bless his german accordion heart."
RubyChao: never forget
Gooper Blooper: look man, I thought those novels would do something
Gooper Blooper: they didn't
Dr Hanz: <3


Bree: every time I read an entry I'm thrilled by the tantalizing possibilities of all the things jrm could do with that information that'd be awesome
Bree: like just imagine any given entrant gaining possession of jeffery's stick
Jumpropeman: I see we're on a similar page stick-wise :V


MobileDraco: Meeting some friends there. They're cosplaying their characters, which doesn't work for me since my character is a tall, beefy maid.
Jiang aka Not MAGIC: so you're sophia?
RubyChao: draco i know you're a tall beefy maid
RubyChao: in your heart


Return of Poppo.: >bob
Return of Poppo.: time to rename this plot "Saltplot: my god, the salt"
Return of Poppo.: ultra salty
Return of Poppo.: FOR BARBARA THO NOT
Return of Poppo.: NOT LIKE THIS
Return of Poppo.: its great tho
ivel: exactly, you mentioned it as a possible name for Barbara you didn't use
Return of Poppo.: salt.txt
ivel: I used it
ivel: :D
Gooper Blooper: link
ivel: Gino right now
Gooper Blooper: man, bob and gino are actually pretty alike
Gooper Blooper: they're just
Gooper Blooper: such chill dudes
Return of Poppo.: i never got bob in my animal crossing village
Return of Poppo.: i'm sad.
Gooper Blooper: I did, he's great
Gooper Blooper: *RPs as Bob*
Return of Poppo.: never got to finish my lovely set either ;_;
ivel: I only know Bob the Temmie and I'm picturing it as a similar situation
ivel: the oddly serious one in a crowd of weird things
Cornwind Evil: Bob is great at not drowning
Cornwind Evil: Something about him just makes the water keep him aloft
ivel: boo
Return of Poppo.: mygod.


Del: please get SA accounts, Lowtax has medical bills
Del: pls


RubyChao: i must disappoint futaba though
RubyChao: ruukoto is not anatomically correct
Del: futaba should meet miu
RubyChao: she should
Del: it'd be amazing


Jumpropeman: earlier today I realized I only had 8 gb of free space on my computer
Jumpropeman: out of a total of 671 gb space
ivel: wow
Jumpropeman: he suggested I check my steam folder
Jumpropeman: of that 671, I believe around 550 of it was all steam
Jumpropeman: It was hard to uninstall such great titles as Sega Bass Fishing, but I made myself do it


Jiang: DEATH


Jumpropeman: I think a full on Indie Smash Bros would be amazing if Nintendo made it instead of all these bad Indie Smash games we do get
RubyChao: do you not want Mr. Incredible in a smash game?!
Jumpropeman: I think one problem with Indie Smashes so far has also been they'll take anyone, when they should be more discerning
Jumpropeman: It's usually like "Shovel Knight" "the guy from Steamworld Dig" "15 characters from games no one has ever played"


Jiang rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Jiang: wao.


Jumpropeman: nice to see you getting out of the house, gooper
Jumpropeman: and the ZFRP community is even there in the stands


Jumpropeman: as I gather images for the Brawl Atari Blitz
Jumpropeman: Youtube suggests to me a video called "Atari 2600 Games that don't suck"
Jumpropeman: I appreciate your efforts youtube
Jumpropeman: but that's not where I need to go
Gooper Blooper: "come back to the light" "NEVER"
Gooper Blooper: "the world must know about Chase The Chuck Wagon's shittiness"


Bree: has hanz fought with sausages as weapons before
Bree: and I didn't know he was in brawls before
Bree: tell me moar
Gooper Blooper: Yes, he was in BBB1 and BBB2 and I believe he used a normal sausage as his weapon in both of them
Gooper Blooper: In BBB2 the sausage came to life and wound up on the standings
Bree: so he went straight from normal sausage to 500 pound cast iron sausage?
Gooper Blooper: He also used a sausage in Fite Yer Mates Night
Bree: woulda thought there'd have been some intermediate steps there
Gooper Blooper: looks like it, I'd need to double-check but aside from the sausage being durable enough to not fall apart it was normal
Gooper Blooper: clearly there has been buildup to this ultimate sausage
Gooper Blooper: but it happened offscreen between BBB2 and BBB8
RubyChao: clearly the intermediate sausages were the ones for the brawls- yes
Jumpropeman: that's what he's been doing all these years
Gooper Blooper: we haven't been keeping our eyes on him and now look what's happened
Gooper Blooper: he's developed the kaizer sausage
Jumpropeman: Das Ubershcnitz


Jiang: ...in the meantime, i completely forgot to tell everyone that i had the craziest character concept come to me in a dream a few days ago
Jiang: cashier with a demon trapped inside of them
Jiang: i forget the exact details but i think that's all you need to know
Jumpropeman: Beach Episode's new plan to make sure Vince doesn't miss work
Gooper Blooper: Grab-N-Go Plot 2019
Jiang: just turn into a demon when a customer is an ass beyond compare
Jiang: anyway who wants to be subjected to harpy's obsession of the week and then some
Gooper Blooper: Mary explodes into a towering hellbeast with writhing limbs
Gooper Blooper: expression remains the same
Jiang: oh.


Jumpropeman: I took a Dr Pepper out of the fridge and immediately dropped it. Oh well, put it back, grab the other, it can be tomorrow's problem... immediately drop the second Dr Pepper
Jumpropeman: I think they're trying to escape


Jumpropeman: I should probably start thinking
Jumpropeman: how many votes people get
Gooper Blooper: I'll help
Gooper Blooper: Not fewer votes than last time.
ivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10
ivel: that's far too reasonable chatzy
ivel: I'm disappointed


M Sheep: added more weaknesses
Jumpropeman: that's the sheep I know


MobileDraco: link
SteelKomodo: "We see the unlimited stick. It is infinite. It is all."
SteelKomodo: that's creepy already D:


N Goat: >Eggerman - He's not just here to egg you on! I don't know why you'd think he was.
N Goat: The second sentence actually makes this high comedy


MobileDraco: #NSFW/Pitsuho
ivel: very nsfw
ivel: omai
SteelKomodo: verra lewd
SteelKomodo: ...only now I wonder who the girl actually is :P
Jumpropeman: I think I've seen the lead up to this comic
Jumpropeman: as in, I've only seen the SFW stuff and didn't know it got that NSFW :V
RubyChao: that's basically pitsuho
SteelKomodo: hahaha
SteelKomodo: yes it is
ivel: no idea what that comic is from but I found this instead :Y
Jumpropeman: the lewd comic is Palutena being put in charge of shrinking smash characters. She shrinks ridley, snake's butt, and Samus's chest, but everytime she shrinks something, she needs to put the size somewhere, so she makes her breasts massive
Jumpropeman: the last SFW part I saw was Palutena saying that Pit needed to pound the magic out of her :V
ivel: welp
SteelKomodo: welp
ivel: Palutena shrinking snake's butt seems hilarious to me and I don't know why
ivel: then again it's arguably the funniest mental image of the three so that's probably why :P
Jumpropeman: link
ivel: oh my god
ivel: ...although now that I've seen that I'm very concerned for Palutena's health
ivel: but the Snake part amused me, thank you jrm
Jumpropeman: the game over makes it
SteelKomodo: oh god why
ivel: it does
Del: what is happening
Del: i turn away from my mighty empire of altdorf for like
Del: uh
Del: two hours
Del: hm
ivel: :U
Del: thatll be it then
SteelKomodo: yes
RubyChao: so jrm
RubyChao: that's the setup for smash 5, then?
Del: yáll need some kind of deity
Del: it may be jesus
Del: or ganesh
Del: or something
MobileDraco: Or...the Flying Spaghetti Monster? ;D
MobileDraco: Or Palutena? ;3
SteelKomodo: nah i think i'm good :P
ivel: or Slaanesh?
ivel: or The Great Horned Rat?
RubyChao: or
RubyChao: ME
True Facts about the Del: Listen
True Facts about the Del: Saying Slaanesh or Palutena is apparently redundant
True Facts about the Del: From the evidence I'm seeing here
ivel: true
MobileDraco: The Scarlet Queen perhaps?
MobileDraco: Palutena is a huge troll.


M Sheep joined the chat
M Sheep: jfdfhjrjbngxvbdtrh
Jumpropeman: hello sheepo
Jumpropeman: I see you too are voting for the globagknakldnga


RubyChao: i have a tendency to associate eating at places with... the book i was reading while eating there
RubyChao: truly, i am patchouli


M Sheep: >Wids might notice that Kennedy has by now started taking a couple notes. Seems it's purely habit.
M Sheep: That has to make store runs a chore
RubyChao: it does, sheep
RubyChao: it does.
M Sheep: "Alright, eggs, milk, mud scuffed along shoe of shopper; 72, male, balding with white hair, wearing khakis and bowling shirt; indicates time spent in these four locations where formations of clay common, celery....Darn it."
RubyChao: heeeeeh
M Sheep: "If I went into entomology, I'd spend maybe a fifth of my time actually getting to go out and do the fieldwork, and the rest of it just writing dull, uninteresting reports."
M Sheep: Cirral sometimes hits a little too close to home :V
RubyChao: my apologies :V


RubyChao: "Newton considered his most important work to be his studies in occultism and esoterism, which comprised about two thirds of his work."
RubyChao: so when does sumireko put a portrait of him over her bed
SteelKomodo: XD


Jumpropeman: I don't know why this year I'm tempted to vote more than usual
Jumpropeman: I think it's just that people are taking their time?
RubyChao: probably a combo of that and losing guaranteed voters from last year
Gooper Blooper: *JRM efforts for Rachel because it's technically not voting*
Gooper Blooper: BEWARE
Jumpropeman: no one will ever believe you Draco, they'll just think you love Winnie the Pooh that much
Gooper Blooper: JRM's votes revealed:
Gooper Blooper: #Gorillion: Peter
#7: Metal Knack
#6: Sand Knack
#5: Ice Knack
#4: Knack 2
#3: Robo Knack
#2: Knack
#1: Rachel
#Sponsorship: Heff. Only Heff.
Jumpropeman: Heff can transform into instruments, one of those being... THE INSTRUMENT OF YOUR DESTRUCTION


Gooper Blooper: PSA all toys r us stores die this week
Gooper Blooper: rip
Jumpropeman: Toys We R No Longer
So Tired: We grew up.
So Tired: F
Gooper Blooper glances around at the plastic dinosaurs, kaiju, and touhou keychains surrounding me
Gooper Blooper: I didn't!
RubyChao: i half did
RubyChao: the other half is still drowning in touhou


Jumpropeman: well, the steam sale has done it
Jumpropeman: I had a positive backloggery progress index until now


Brinehammer: Agatha is closeted bi, Oda is hetero, Nyx doesn't really care much either way, and Trash is yikes.
Brinehammer falls on his face.
Jumpropeman: Yikes is the best sexuality
Brinehammer: One day she'll meet a nice eighteen wheeler and settle down.
Brinehammer: I should've voted for Jeffery =/
RubyChao: you should have brine
Jumpropeman: now I'm not saying it was the only factor
Jumpropeman: but I feel like Prier got a lot more votes after I posted the picture of her butt
Jumpropeman: just saying
Working Del: i mean
Working Del: of course
Jumpropeman: booty game strong


Jumpropeman: alrighty empty chatroom, the vote totals are in and tallied
Jumpropeman: MAGIC ended up with the most final points total, and the character with the least... was Knack :V


Mimikyu Sheep: "I mean, Ettie and that Peter guy entered and I don't think they can actually fight. Of course, that means they're probably going to crash and burn, so there IS that."
Mimikyu Sheep: going to go up in flames like an old carpet doused in kerosine


RubyChao: so who wants to know the weirdest thing about my sweatpants
RubyChao: which is not as bad as it sounds i promise
MAGIC: yes
Mimikyu Sheep: ...
ivel: I'm concerned about where this could go


ERIC SPARROW: Jonesy conspiracies
ERIC SPARROW: Jonespiracies
SteelKomodo: gud
SteelKomodo: but what would that entail
Working Del: conspiracies involving jonesy
Working Del: this photo of a burrito on her instagram
Working Del: is a coded message
SteelKomodo: kek


ivel: ivelfam went to Ocean City today (I stayed on the boardwalk while they were at the beach)
ivel: we saw a couple women with what I heard is the new trend with swimsuits
ivel: namely #butts
SteelKomodo changed name to Dirk
Dirk: Do tell :P
ivel: very thin material for the rear
Dirk: ah
Dirk: Josephine turns up wearing one of those
ivel: Dirk dies
Dirk dies
ivel: not sure why it's a thing, but if they wanna show it off, *shrug*
B.C.: Time
B.C.: to get with the times
B.C.: thin swimsuits are IN
ivel: time for you to get a thinsuit hun


Draco: Dr. Hanz's next Brawler
Gooper Blooper: accurate


Jumpropeman: I like it whenever Touhous mention that Cirno is here it has that sort of tone
Jumpropeman: like that a thunderstorm rolled in. You can't do anything about it, it ruins a few plans
Jumpropeman: you just hope it passes
Draco: Parsee went back to Vegas because she heard Cirno was around.


MAGIC: Paruparu with Oda? what? WOT
MAGIC: ...
MAGIC: that brine appearance timing is too good to not be a coincidence
ivel: pretty sure that's the special Saber for the Oda story :U
MAGIC: i'm going to pretend its Paru.
MAGIC: Don't you tell me otherwise
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Brinehammer: She never thought any of the pictures would make it to the Internet ;>>


B.C.: Im bad with coasters
B.C.: i hate heights
B.C.: or rather, i hate huge drops
ivel: don't listen to Skrillex then
Gooper Blooper: pfff


Actually, Raven: time to reread more of my own weird 2013 RP
Actually, Raven: " Ah, but we do have Sonia. Spunky little swordswoman, but she studies up on demons on her own time."
Actually, Raven: >swordswoman
Actually, Raven: one day sonia will actually pull out a sword
Gooper Blooper: it'll be Lily, who magichanged
Actually, Raven: and actually use the damn thing like i planned
Actually, Raven: "I class changed :3 "
Actually, Raven: "Captures demons, studies them with her little stretchy cat, Booka."
Gooper Blooper: how many names does that cat have
Actually, Raven: three names for this damn cat because i can't keep my own continuity straight
Actually, Raven: four if you count "shithead" as one of them
Actually, Raven: :U
Gooper Blooper: Maple "Booka" Taffy
Actually, Raven: the shithead
Gooper Blooper: Revel
Actually, Raven: Maple is the cat of many names, eldrich as she is
Actually, Raven: maple was also a tuxedo cat at one point
Actually, Raven: shapeshifting catte changes color
Actually, Raven: news tomorrow
Draco: GASP
Actually, Raven: >syrup
M Sheep: A better movie poster parody would have been Dant Man
Actually, Raven: fuckin no consistancy mcgee over here
Actually, Raven: we're up to 4 names now
Actually, Raven: this cat is legendary
M Sheep: I THOUGHT she'd been called Syrup
Actually, Raven: Maple Syrup
Actually, Raven: full name
Actually, Raven: now canon
RubyChao: remember when sonia was a minor character
Gooper Blooper: SONIA FOR BRAWL
Actually, Raven: REMEMBER
Gooper Blooper keeps the dream alive
Actually, Raven: SONIA


Actually, Raven: now i'm completely convinced that Dia is actually alternate universe, grown up Carla with the power of friendship and being a fucking elf


Actually, Raven: *pushes MAGIC getting her third tail to the end of the year*
Actually, Raven: DELAYED
Actually, Raven: ?!?!
Draco: Dracoplot delayed until I schedule an event.
Jumpropeman: *removes Brawl scene where MAGIC evolves into a wartortle*
Draco: );
Draco: That was my favorite scene.
Actually, Raven: damn it, JRM, you ruined it
Actually, Raven: MAGIC was James the Wartortle all along.


Mastodon Sheep joined the chat
SteelKomodo: hi sheep
RubyChao: hello sheep
Mastodon Sheep: OOH YEAH, BROTHER
Del: i just thought of the phrase "sheepstodon" and now i'm worried
Mastodon Sheep is immediately pinned
Mastodon Sheep changed name to Minus Sheep

Minus Sheep: :I
Minus Sheep: Hello


(And the blogpost ends as it began)

M Sheep: Oh right
M Sheep: food exists

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