Thursday, January 24, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 321: Lethal Ham-Inflicted Injuries

B.C.: I still feel like trash
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
B.C.: hi goops

(I PM Harpy a commission I had just finished for her.)

B.C.: My sickness has been cured
Gooper Blooper: XD
B.C.: no not really but i want to show this pic so bad


Renais: cheng'de plot: one mantid tells an entire army to fuck off
Gooper Blooper: who would win
Gooper Blooper: a massive evil army
Gooper Blooper: one mantis goil
Draco: Getting dropped like Wids' last girlfriend.
Renais: i'm so proud of that line more than anything
Renais: its the stupid shit i'm most proud of
Draco: It's probably going in the ticker tonight.
Renais: forget the fact that i did MGM and had an epic ending
Renais: "dumped on the ground like WM's last girlfriend" gives me the giggles
Renais: 100% Giggle Girl
Draco: Excellent. :3


City of Beasts Toinette: zfrp.gif

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 320: Bend Over For Bend (Big Bar Brawl 8 Edition)

Minus Sheep: Sidebar: I almost always write Camilla as being a tennis pro instead of being a golfing pro and thankfully have always caught it before posting
Zeldoten: She can be both. :I
Renais: ^
Renais: is renais good at tennis?
Renais rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 15
Renais rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 15
Renais rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 15
Renais rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4

Renais: ...
Renais: i love how every prinny BUT Gavin is good at tennis
Minus Sheep: Gavin can't catch a break
Minus Sheep: #FreeGavin
Zeldoten: Wow. Three 15s in a row.
Renais: Bonnie's a cheerleader, Renais is just your stereotypical magical girl with tennis powers, and Gonzy is
Renais: just
Renais: himself
Renais: he exists
Zeldoten rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Zeldoten: Zeldoten is surprisingly awful at Tennis.


Renais: I'm surprised Zeldo didn't actually come in to hire Raven for something
Draco: She was in Las Vegas on business.
Renais: breaks into wicasa's place just to hire him
Draco: "Hey, goat guy. I need a magic goat." "Come back in never. I'm sleeping."
Renais: "If you want a magic goat, harass me in the morning, sheesh..."
Draco: "Alright." *Zeldo waits* *Five Seconds* "Is it morning?"
Renais: "...Rune." "Boss." "Go find her the goat while I'm sleeping. You know where they are."
Renais: "...Siiiigh. Fine."
Draco: "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!" Zeldo rides the goat into the sunset. (;
Renais: Raven holds up his phone and plays "DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC"
Draco: "Sorry, I voted for Oda."
Renais: "Jokes. Head. Woosh."
Renais: "Oda the aggressive touhou will most certainly win the brawl."
Draco: Zeldoten buys a second goat and hooks them up to a sled.
Renais: "We're in for a wild ride, folks."
Draco: There is a 92.45% chance that Zeldo won't just feed them to DeMonde's crocodile.
Renais: i mean
Renais: she could
Renais: just pace your goat eating so we don't damage the local ecology :U
Draco: D: Goats are serious business. We'll just feed the croc Poppos instead.
Renais: those, on the other hand, are an invasive species :U
Draco: Excellent!
Draco throws truckloads of Poppos to the sharks.


Jumpropeman: writing's done, art's begun
Jumpropeman: (let's pretend the pre-fite show is not part of writing)
Draco: I have no imagination though. D:


A Figment of your Imagination: I want pizza.
A Figment of your Imagination: Why can't I buy freshly cooked pizza off of Amazon?

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 319: Y'all Need Some Kind Of Deity

N Goat: Oh man
N Goat: turns out
N Goat: bodies need food
N Goat: Stuffed a sandwich down my craw and feel much better
Jumpropeman: i hate that about bodies
Jumpropeman: hope they patch it out in the next build
Jumpropeman: speaking of sandwiches
Jumpropeman: part 1 of fite is up
Jumpropeman: *disclaimer, fite has no sandwiches
MobileDraco: I'm not reading it then. D=<
Jumpropeman: dang, I knew I should have swapped Labrys's blade with a baguette!
Jumpropeman: there may be a few knuckle sandwiches?


N Goat flips through character Rolodex
N Goat: Really need to add some ranged fighters who's attack isn't "gun".


iKomodo: trust me when I say getting an actual game and watch is like trying to find el dorado


Cornwind Evil: I look forward to Mr. Funmeister dying in Brawls 8, 9, and 10, and winning Brawl 11.
Jumpropeman: shh Cornwind, now I have to pretend I'm not doing that!


Bree: at the store there was a giant resealable bag of skittles. maybe I will buy that instead. then I will eat one skittle for every brawl typo
RubyChao: were they lime
Bree: who sells a bag of just lime skittles
RubyChao: maria would buy it


Del: listen
Del: i love waluigi
Del: but he's trash and he won't get in
Del: i love my spindly trash boy but he has no destiny