Saturday, June 3, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 293: Fate/Extra Thicc

Jumpropeman: *Faith gets a curse removed from her as a joke, Hina comes out holding a watermelon sized curse ball*
Jumpropeman: "That explains too much"


Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: a-also i'm sorry in advance for overhyping MGM
Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: i kinda need feedback because i'm like "what the fuck am I DOIIING"
Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: but on the bright side, I have the next two eps planned out!
Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: spoiler: Prier's in one of them
Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: BUT WHICH ONE
Bree: I hope it's the motorcycles one
Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: ...
Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: i
Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: i actually hadn't considered that
Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: I WAS THINKING OF THE WRONG NUN
Jumpropeman: is it okay
Jumpropeman: to say that Gysel was in the background of MGM
RubyChao: NO >:(
Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: yes
Jumpropeman: you kids trying to make Gysel an actor
Jumpropeman: why would she want to act when she could... HOLD THE BOOM
Jumpropeman: she would be conflicted if asked to serve as the Best Boy (/girl)
Jumpropeman: she'd insist on being "Acceptable Girl"
Jumpropeman: which looks even stranger in the credits
Jumpropeman: Acceptable might be too much still
Jumpropeman: "Present Girl"
Gooper Blooper: I'm not expecting her to be SECRETLY A VILLAIN or anything like I joked about before but
Gooper Blooper: but there has got to be more to Gysel we'll discover later
Gooper Blooper: She's too pure, too innocent, too humble, something's going on
ivel: "Girl 1"
ivel: there you go jrm
RubyChao: what if that's the swerve
RubyChao: the untwist
Jumpropeman: come on goops, all characters are found naked on a grave to start, right?


Missing Sheep: ghrlghsdjk
Missing Sheep: back
Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: jklfdajgljkadg
When sleep betrays, a novel: barpost
When sleep betrays, a novel: yggdrasil
Gooper Blooper: sympathy keyboard mashing
Gooper Blooper: psufnsnflns
When sleep betrays, a novel: Is not an Alruthine but might be part of their religion
Bree: zrfbsqegetsnegwa
ivel: bougnvsdgujbsdfvds
RubyChao: ejejfwehweuf
Gooper Blooper: come on fhqwhgads
Missing Sheep: Fwehweuf could definitely be used for a name for something, but I don't know if it's Alruthine material
Missing Sheep: it's got vowels and everything
When sleep betrays, a novel: It's Beowulf's drag cousin. We don't talk about Fwehweuf.


Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: one dream i had
Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: was that mom crashed her car into our house
Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: then got out and tried to find someone to complain about it?
Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: and then i had a dream about my college going bankrupt and some donation fund or something like that
Bree: I like that dream-harpmom crashes her own car into her own house, then immediately goes to find someone so she can complain at them


Cornwind Evil changed name to PUT HER IN A BRA
Bree: who precisely are we putting in this bra
Bree: komachi? chastity?
Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: Brandon?
When sleep betrays, a novel: The vast array of medieval women?
Jumpropeman: Keahi?
 PUT HER IN A BRA: But it's from people reviewing a movie and complaining how the female lead ripped her neglegee in half, and someone said they should have just put her in a bra, and they promptly catchphrased that phrase.


Jumpropeman: its a shame, I really like Pokemon Free for Alls, but most the guys who do them are hard to endure
Jumpropeman: I can only sit through SKRT SKRT CUCK CUCK for so long though


PUT HER IN A BRA: The Big Five are either doing a Kansas City Shuffle, someone is using them, or they are really really stupid.
RubyChao: can't it be all three :D


Push the Button to Begin: Carol's boobs are Sine's fault


Jumpropeman: this exists
Jumpropeman: Mario and Rabbids crossover
Jumpropeman: also known as: Yoshi's gonna fucking kill people


Jumpropeman: i forget what series Jinako is from
Jumpropeman: but the amount of art of her is impressive
Gooper Blooper: Jinako is from Fate/Extra CCC
Jumpropeman: Fate/Extra Thicc, got it


ivel: just looked up Jinako's page on the Fate wiki
ivel: Fate Jinako is rich and super smart


Graduation: 5 DAYS!?!?!?!?!?!?: Fun fact, there's a reason why Undyne's dying for a chair
Bree Must Drink the Water: I hope we learn that reason
Jumpropeman: I was wondering recently
Jumpropeman: do people buy massage chairs
Jumpropeman: or do they simply just sit in the display model
Baron von Cuddlebuns: my dad did
Baron von Cuddlebuns: so
Baron von Cuddlebuns: uh
Baron von Cuddlebuns: yes?
Bree Must Drink the Water: I'd buy one if I had the money
Graduation: 5 DAYS!?!?!?!?!?!?: Undyne is complicated, JRM
Gooper Blooper: Undyne turns the massage setting too high, melts into goo
Graduation: 5 DAYS!?!?!?!?!?!?: Goops no
Graduation: 5 DAYS!?!?!?!?!?!?: We're not having another year of Headdyne


ivel: this just in: Dia sucks at gathering corn
Jumpropeman: *adds this vital info to her Brawl notes*
Baron von Cuddlebuns: there's going to be a corn monster
Baron von Cuddlebuns: and dia can't fiiight it
Bree Must Drink the Water: no no, dia, you need to use more vintage comics and wrestling anecdotes
Gooper Blooper: Okay, to be fair
Gooper Blooper: if we're talking corn monsters
Gooper Blooper: NOBODY can gather that fucker very well
ivel: Dia casts Fireball, suddenly popcorn
Graduation: 5 DAYS!?!?!?!?!?!? stares into the distance
Graduation: 5 DAYS!?!?!?!?!?!? sobs softly

Baron von Cuddlebuns: yeah that corn fucker in CC
Baron von Cuddlebuns: yeah fuck you
Gooper Blooper: I still remember Leo And Conehead Go To White Castle
Gooper Blooper: I will never forget
Baron von Cuddlebuns: i have forgotten
Graduation: 5 DAYS!?!?!?!?!?!?: I'm glad we pulled that off


Baron von Cuddlebuns: just made five star popcorn
Baron von Cuddlebuns: on accident
Baron von Cuddlebuns: in mabi
Baron von Cuddlebuns: whoops
Gooper Blooper: dia is A Good Cook


Jumpropeman: I had the most basic dream this morning
Graduation: 5 DAYS!?!?!?!?!?!?: Falling?
Jumpropeman: I fell asleep listening to a podcast, and in my dream, I could still hear that podcast, but I was dreaming the guys from a different podcast I listen to were saying it instead
Jumpropeman: according to dream analysis, my dream means I listen to podcasts quite often


Baron von Cuddlebuns: *lays on floor* it's all over


Baron von Cuddlebuns: i am also trying to use this plot for my own ends so uh
Baron von Cuddlebuns: bear with me
I Denounce Thee, Sleep: Brandon means well, but he has not yet encountered the terror that is... Father Squid with coupons. h= Nitori will owe him six hundred bucks by the time this is over and half her stock.
ivel: or Celestia with coupons
Jumpropeman: harps
Jumpropeman: *places hand on shoulder*
Jumpropeman: lemme show you some of my rp sometime


Baron von Cuddlebuns: oh god Gino's emoting
Baron von Cuddlebuns: the world's ending


Still Missing Still Sheep: Some days, I really miss Sakura Atari...
Gooper Blooper: Sakura Atari actually made something of a comeback last year
Gooper Blooper: I haven't used her yet this year though
Still Missing Still Sheep: IT'S NOT THE SAAAAME
Still Missing Still Sheep: In all seriousness, I'd feel weird throwing stuff at her now, with her development since then, unless it's to show her being extremely competent int he face of sheep weirdness
Gooper Blooper: Just last year you had Ray run into her
KappaChao: throw stuff at Dr. G. Nerique instead
Still Missing Still Sheep burns the tapes
Jumpropeman: Ray had even worse luck than her last year
Still Missing Still Sheep: YOU CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING
Still Missing Still Sheep: I CAN STOP ANY TIME I WANT TO


Draco: Shiny is a great song about a crab bragging about how good he looks before he murders a demigod.


The Puce Ranger changed name to Do Not Give Luigi a Gun
I Denounce Thee, Sleep: ;;; /must resist urge to do opposite of instructed
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Do Not Give Luigi a Gun: You don't know what he'd do with it
Do Not Give Luigi a Gun: It's not safe
I Denounce Thee, Sleep: Excitement! Mystery! Plunging into the unknown!
I Denounce Thee, Sleep: Ruining Mario Party XVII!


Alien-Paradise Lost joined the chat
Alien-Paradise Lost: This still should have been the title!


Baron von Cuddlebuns: i'd like to think Emily is a Kobber!
Gooper Blooper: The Wids definition of "if you think you fit in with us, you're a kobber" isn't a bad one
Gooper Blooper: Emily will need to attend a plot to really break in the title tho
Gooper Blooper: Right now Brandon is more of a kobber than her in that way and I bet she's so pissed about it :V
Gooper Blooper: "HOW COME YOU GET TO DO THAT SHIT" "I almost died"
Baron von Cuddlebuns: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH WHY DON'T YOU TAKE ME ANYWHERE" "Emily, when was the last time YOU did a sales pitch?"
Baron von Cuddlebuns: "...does baseball count" "No."
Baron von Cuddlebuns: "shit."


(Dawn gives Clawhauser and Theodore Rex, recovering predators who refuse meat, a pizza with faux pepperoni. She doesn't tell them what it's made of.)

Still Missing Still Sheep: Hoo boy
Still Missing Still Sheep: I don't know about you
Still Missing Still Sheep: but I am HYPE for Attack of The 50ft Radioactive Cheetahplot
Jumpropeman: don't worry sheep, it's only soylent green
Jumpropeman: pretty sure its just tofu, but people dismiss tofu offhand for sounding like the gross substitute
Gooper Blooper: KILLER TOFU
Still Missing Still Sheep: it's soy space goat meat
ivel: although sometimes it IS just the gross substitute :U
Gooper Blooper: CW posted
Gooper Blooper: nailed it!
Still Missing Still Sheep: I'm gonna miss Clawhauser
Still Missing Still Sheep: but he had a good run
Jumpropeman: no guys, I'll put them down, they're my chars ;w;
Alien-Paradise Lost: Man, nearly accidentally kill ONE JRM character with food and suddenly no one trusts you any more


Nasty Crimeboy: concept
Nasty Crimeboy: vince chilling on the beach with his new body
Nasty Crimeboy: chastity comes up
Nasty Crimeboy: vince: "no"
Nasty Crimeboy: walks away
Nasty Crimeboy: sad violin, end scene


Gooper Blooper: nothing is ever a lock in RP
Gooper Blooper: except the Brawl bingo free space


Jumpropeman: what I want to know about Sonic Forces's create a character
Jumpropeman: is can you make Blails


Someday: If there's time/interest, these were the swapin opponents on offer. Two for the price of one clubbin'.
Someday: I may save the lady knights for Effie getting well if not, though.
Baron von Cuddlebuns: What's Yams doing there?
Still Missing Still Sheep: Like that first one
Baron von Cuddlebuns: Yams
Baron von Cuddlebuns: you gotta stop
Draco: ....dammit, Harpy beat me to the joke.
Draco: Yams gettin' fancy.
Baron von Cuddlebuns: Yams decided she wanted to switch user ownership for a day
Draco: Brine finally got his Touhou.
Someday: This is Yams, but only if you used a Knight Stone. =U Yours is Yams with a Cute Stone. -wait, pokemon and Touhou aren't the same?


Gooper Blooper: I can confirm that we are still the only notable google result for "kuwahawi"
Gooper Blooper: the google image results are hilarious, imagine not knowing about ZFRP and getting THAT pile of nonsense as your search result
ivel: ahahaha
ivel: hey one of them is a Mabi pic
Gooper Blooper: yep, and it's a Dia X Gino pic too :3
Gooper Blooper: Also appearing in the results: Mr. Pants, Hallucigenia, Hecatia (multiple times), The Gorillaz, and W Ketchup
ivel: also Clawhauser
ivel: he was #1
Still Missing Still Sheep: gonna miss that crazy cheetah
Draco: WOOHOO! We're associated with W Ketchup! 8D


Phone: Something with Club rules but Pavilion prizes and a generally more hospital sending set of normal tractors... is Ven's Violence Ventures Veranda too on the nose?
Phone: Kidding.
Draco: It might be.
Draco: Depends on how hard the Ventures punch. ^_~
Phone: HA!


Draco: Huh. Captain Sarah has acquired actual nuclear missiles. Neat.
Still Missing Still Sheep: No sugar mage should have that kind of power...
Still Missing Still Sheep: That's what Skeiron is for!


Still Missing Still Sheep: "Let me tell you the tragic tale of our people."
Still Missing Still Sheep: Wait, really?
Still Missing Still Sheep: "You know what!? Screw all this pre-made speech crap!"
Still Missing Still Sheep: THERE WE GO
Draco: Undyne pls XD


Zuul, Destroyer of Shins: This is not what it looks like
Cornwind Evil: I can't believe your last words to your wife, Ned, were "No foot longs."


Bree: chao is like... what, 22? 23?
Bree: basically my age and I'm creeping up on 23
DMG: I'm not the oldest, am I?
Bree: cornwind is oldest
DMG: right
Bree: he's... uh, 36?
RubyChao: 24
Bree: oh, okay chao's older than me
Bree: hi chao
Bree: senpai


Phone: You're a cobber, Em. You're a cooper, Em. You're a copper, Em. You're a cobbler, Em. Yer a kobbar, Em. Yer a kobber, Em. Yer not a jobber, Em. Yer a lizard, Barry.


Bree: wot the dick is a brady laid
SteelKomodo: brady = brady bunch: lunch
Bree: cockney slang is so obtuse
Bree: and yet so fun
SteelKomodo: edit to include the translation
SteelKomodo: yeah, i'm honestly having more fun with this than with Barbara, tbh
SteelKomodo: because cockney slang is actually fun to say, whilst Geordie is just flippin' weird
Bree: barbara was fun too
SteelKomodo: oh, thanks :)
Bree: her dialogue was basically like, "you could make a party game out of having people read this shit out loud"
SteelKomodo: pffft


(Dawn gets last place in a four-way fite she was responsible for having happen)

Cornwind Evil: Fitepost. If I didn't have bad luck...I'd have no luck at all...
EAGLE, BITCHES!: completely as expected :U


(After a plot featuring returns from both Parsee and Utsuho)

RubyChao: draco: don't really have any good content for a srspost
RubyChao: so just assume okuu went off to get fud
RubyChao: (lots of fud)
Draco: Yeah, I was just assuming the scene was over. No worries. :V
Draco: Let's RP out the entire meal, including how they spent 20-30 minutes not deciding where to eat while another robot appeared for them to fight.
Jumpropeman: how will we actually know they ate the meal without four paragraphs detailing every movement of their forks?
DMG: common sense tells us that they ate, yet imagination alone can tell us HOW they ate
DMG: which hand did they hold their fork in, inquiring minds want to know
Jumpropeman: I typically imagine characters eating from pig troughs, so the extra detail helps dispel that


B.C.: Why
Jumpropeman: its your favorite Pokingmon, Pikaman


(DudeManGuy makes a surprise return to RP after not being a regular since 2011)

Jumpropeman: >7 year old post cards
RubyChao intensifies
Gooper Blooper: I knew I put Widow Maker in there for a reason
Gooper Blooper: arm the nuclear-grade callback cannons
DMG: hell yes


Cornwind Evil: Man, that first monster does not like sharing
Cornwind Evil: ....SK
Cornwind Evil: Please get that third monster into RP
Cornwind Evil: I desire to HORRIFICALLY KILL IT
Cornwind Evil: RARGH
Bree: what is it
Bree: why
Jumpropeman: it probably looked at a cat somewhat meanly
EAGLE, BITCHES!: So basically the monster is messing with some cats
Bree: aha
EAGLE, BITCHES!: not like injuring them or anything, just scaring them a bit
Draco: Beware the wrath of the Bubble Bath Dragon.
Jumpropeman: oh dang, I had a good guess
Bree: so, is a cornwind character going to show up and go full rage mode any time someone punches one of DMG's new cat characters
Cornwind Evil asked Chatzy to choose between yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and Donkey Kong. Chatzy chose: yes
Cornwind Evil: YES
DMG: Mizutsune is well known as the Bubble Dragon
DMG: it's also super hard to fight, because you slip around
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
Draco: Zeldoten punches 14 cats.
Jumpropeman: I like the snow mandrill things
Cornwind Evil: Also that last monster is the only one with the balls to fight something its own size
Gooper Blooper: The last monster is really creative!
Jumpropeman: I keep closing the video but then you guys mention more cool stuff in it :V


Gooper Blooper: "There's even a hermit crab in its beard."
Gooper Blooper: Huge Hermit somehow clinging to the beard
Read quick: If he adopted Mighty Beard as a traveling companion, would it be enough to constitute as its beard for the purposes of Huge Hermit hanging?
Gooper Blooper: Mighty Beard would not be big enough if he had the strength of the average person his size, since he seemed human-size or a bit smaller
Gooper Blooper: however, the mightiness of the beard might make up for that


Jumpropeman: my bank is changing its name to Credit Human
Jumpropeman: which is a creepy name for a bank
DMG: maybe it's a human bank
DMG: like, you can deposit people
Gooper Blooper: Wipe off the dust, the full title of the bank is TO CREDIT HUMAN
RubyChao: it's now run by a construct made of money
Jumpropeman: How long until my interest duplicates my humans
DMG: depends on the interest rate
DMG: you might want to check that before you accidentally withdraw a fraction of a person
Read quick: Love is the highest one on offer, supposedly, although it takes about nine months or so before the duplicate or duplicates are done being made.
Jumpropeman: pfeh, I'll put all my people in Checking then


Missing Sheep: >The laser was ready again, his foothold more secure… and when he fired it, it was still as wild and uncontrolled.
Gooper Blooper: Every time Kafka fired the laser I just imagined Garry's Mod Arm Flailing


(Harpy requests and receives a sequence about Brandon getting a ribbon from Jinako)

Baked Cinnabon: all this Srsposting just for Brando to get a ribbon
Baked Cinnabon: now he will look pretty all the time
Draco: He already did.
Baked Cinnabon: who wants to bet i'll never stop making him wear it
Draco: No bet.
Baked Cinnabon: too easy huh
Draco: Well, if you bet that he wears it forever, you'll never collect. And if you bet that he doesn't, well, you're gonna lose.
Baked Cinnabon: you're right
Baked Cinnabon: i have damned myself no matter what
Baked Cinnabon: but he's prettier now
ivel: counterpoint: he might not wear it in the shower, or it could get knocked off in a fite
Baked Cinnabon: my love for ribbons have stemmed from my childhood, starting from my very first shitty fanchar
Jumpropeman: knocked off? you underestimate me
Baked Cinnabon: that's implying he'll get in a fite
Jumpropeman: i'll find a way to destroy it even in love yer' mates
ivel: it doesn't have to be in FYM, it could be on plot :U
Baked Cinnabon: true
Jumpropeman: hugged so hard the ribbon falls in a sewer grate
Draco: He will. The new Dress Yer Mates contest.
Baked Cinnabon: but damn it he will protect this ribbon :U
Baked Cinnabon: plz.
Baked Cinnabon: either way ribbons all around


(Meiling calls Ruukoto, a robot maid with no synthetic skin under her clothing, attractive)

ivel: if only Meiling was around when Ruukoto lifted her dress
Gooper Blooper: HOT HOT HOT
Bree: she does not know what is under that dress but it wouldn't bother her if she did know
ivel: I didn't think it would :U
Jumpropeman: Clawhauser turns red with pink spots just at the thought
Bree: I mean, consider dolby, for example! last year she was all "meiling why are you hitting on me, I'm a slightly squishy rubber sack full of old electronics"
Bree: and now this year dolby's all walkin in here with suddenly new organs!
Bree: sure it's not the right kind, but look
Bree: you never know
Bree: what science can achieve


Bree: somehow, mirit's name has obtained a second R since his debut this season
Bree: should I assume this is henceforth the canonical spelling
Jumpropeman: the real Mirit died
Jumpropeman: when this one dies, we'll have Mirrrit


Baked Cinnabon: the dmg is too great
Baked Cinnabon: aaaa
Baked Cinnabon: *falls over*
DMG: so I've been told




(A Magical Girl vehicle (mostly motorcycles) race begins)

Gooper Blooper: *sounds of magical girls derping in the distance*
Draco: Robin's got a shipping wall somewhere.
Baked Cinnabon: sounds about right :U
Baked Cinnabon: i was going for something a little more serious but ya know what, why not
Gooper Blooper: That's why I posted it in chatzy and not on the forum :V
Gooper Blooper: Girls are getting killed in these races!
Gooper Blooper: Lemme see...
Baked Cinnabon: WELL THEN
Baked Cinnabon: HM
DMG: as I read, this is what's going on in my head
Gooper Blooper:
Baked Cinnabon: this is the song that inspired the race
DMG: I found it guys
DMG: the perfect song
Draco: DMG YES
Gooper Blooper: kek
Baked Cinnabon: RIP
Baked Cinnabon: it all came full circle


Gooper Blooper: Even though it was just for the show, I feel like "Maria punched a car door into a bear on a motorcycle" is the sort of feat that would come up in Brawl vote discussion


Jumpropeman: I know you link music for your magical girl attacks
Jumpropeman: but my brain is pre-programmed to automatically replace it with the Shining Finger music


Bree: jrm it's okay if you want to have faith overhear caprice saying jinteki like eight thousand times
Bree: but I am tired so if she does notice she shouldn't, like, get too confrontational about it
Jumpropeman: *Faith's minigun spins down* fine, fine...


(JRM is running a Fite Club wherein he throws two joke characters at two powerful and serious warriors)

Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18

Jumpropeman: huh
Jumpropeman: I was hoping one of them would roll low at least :V
Jumpropeman: clubpost
Return of Bad End rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
Return of Bad End rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20

Jumpropeman: phew
Jumpropeman: Hrol's back in true form
Return of Bad End: See, now he understands.
Jumpropeman: I was worried you'd write him getting impaled or something on a 1 :V
Brinehammer rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Jumpropeman: ...
Brinehammer: She ran in.
Return of Bad End: D:
Jumpropeman: Cravenleigh banned from Fite Club, retires happily and leaves a peaceful life
Return of Bad End: Leaves a peaceful life? Oh boy. =u His happy wars will doom us all.
Sleepy Sheep: "Finally! Visitors to the Cereal Kingdom- Oh god they're adults and they have weapons."


Return of Bad End: In any event, despite grumpychar not getting along with it wholly, thank you for the club, JRM.
Return of Bad End: You wanna go boss pavilion
Return of Bad End is banned again
Jumpropeman: once the knight theming is gone, I can finally use serious opponents less goofy opponents opponents who aren't knights!
Jumpropeman: im enjoying the knight stuff though
Jumpropeman: King Vitaman was waiting for a reason to return
Return of Bad End: The Earls feel cheated we've used a prince and king this year in their stead.
Jumpropeman: don't worry, Earl from My Name is Earl can be the next opponent


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