Monday, May 22, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 292: Meme Economy

Nasty Crimeboy: Grilled Cheese Consumed!
Nasty Crimeboy shine get from mario sunshine plays


Jumpropeman: Faith's a great conversationalist: Nice to talk to you again, WHY'D YOU LOBOTOMIZE YOUR DOG?!


SteelKomodo: whoa, internet was freaking out
SteelKomodo: we're ok now
Jumpropeman: I just imagined SK and Del doing the whole "pretending the Enterprise is shaking" thing from the old Star Treks as the internet freaked out
SteelKomodo: that is totes what we would do
Jumpropeman: this one's better because they added music :v
Jumpropeman: plus the guy on the left who realizes a second too late he's supposed to be acting like the ship is shaking
SteelKomodo: that one klingon in the back is having the time of his life


Get Your Woomy On: and now that Marie is about to get her woomy on, whatever that means
Get Your Woomy On: i require speep
Get Your Woomy On: nite, all :P
Beautiful Cappucino: night
ivel: lel
RubyChao: it means wOoMy
Cornwind Evil: For some reason when I hear the term 'woomy'
Cornwind Evil: I think parrots
Cornwind Evil: Dunno why


Draco: Post edit.
Draco: Sorry. I'm at a hockey game so I'm posting between plays and Intermission.
Bree: what, really?
Bree: you being at a hockey game I mean
Draco: Yes, really.
Draco: Ducks vs Predators.
Cornwind Evil: Oh god, if it ends up Ottawa vs Anaheim AGAIN...
ivel: Ducks vs Predators is my favorite SyFy movie
Cornwind Evil: A friend of mine once lived in California
Cornwind Evil: So when the Stanley Cup finals were Ottawa vs Anaheim years back
RubyChao: i'm so sorry for them
Cornwind Evil: I said it was Canada vs California
Cornwind Evil: ...then Ottawa won one game and got swept in the next 4
RubyChao: that's canada for you :D


Draco: Ducks won. Much joy.
Gooper Blooper: quack


Two Weeks Til Graduation - Spy breathes
Gooper Blooper: spy breathes, therefore he still lives


Draco: #TickerRunnerup: "mother today is the day i give you a big hug."
Draco: I don't normally quote Fite Club.
Jumpropeman: fite club doesn't have a lot of dialog
Jumpropeman: besides RARR THAT HURT or THIS IS GONNA HURT
Jumpropeman: incidentally that is how I intend to write the next time I go there
Missing Sheep: Write everything the character says as a pre-butt kicking one liner that is also a pun
Cornwind Evil: So you mean write everything like my protagonists
Draco: Well, we didn't specify GOOD one liners, so I guess Ash is included.


Missing Sheep Meanwhile, in Chatzy Madness
Missing Sheep: >Explaining Tsunade's Boobs
Missing Sheep: why is this
Missing Sheep: why
Missing Sheep: why this
Missing Sheep clicks anyway


Cornwind Evil: To be fair, I don't know Clownpiece's backstory
Cornwind Evil: Just the whole MURICA thing
Missing Sheep: Well, you see, Clownpiece rocketed to Earth from Krypton...


Missing Sheep: "Holy smokes, Jim! That guy's huge!" "And he's an illegal twelfth entrant to this eleven-v.-eleven ma-"
Missing Sheep: Kobbers Can't Count has probably been my favorite Blood Bowl gag
Cornwind Evil: I am honestly surpised they didn't strip the Kobbers of their championship
Cornwind Evil: So Spy could do the plot again
Missing Sheep: In a local football game, one of the players attempted to kill another player with winter.
Funky Fresh: A strong tactic
Funky Fresh: Pretty much unbeatable
Jumpropeman: this tactic is also called playing in Denver stadium


(Lucky laments that her bed is cold without her girlfriend Crossbreed Priscilla)

Jumpropeman: I'd think Lucky's bed might be colder if Priscilla was present :V
Brinehammer: I've been dragon my heels on bringing her back.
Get Your Woomy On: Don't let that plot point dragon, brine


Nasty Crimeboy: hang in there gang
Nasty Crimeboy: the nasty crimeboy believes in you


Beautiful Cappucino: i think i'll just mabi the fuck outta everything
Draco: Woot
Beautiful Cappucino: especially as i realize that i might have to mabi the fuck up if i want cool shit
Beautiful Cappucino: and also if I want Dia to make jam, pies, and steam shit
ivel: I don't think Dia wants to make steamed shit
ivel: ew
Beautiful Cappucino: cooking is complicated
Gooper Blooper: Dia's brawl weapon is her food truck, she fights by telling people if they don't be her ally she won't make them fud
Beautiful Cappucino: Dia is so old
Beautiful Cappucino: she could be Celestia's mom
ivel: so what you're saying is Dia's only competition is Celestia and HER fud followers
Beautiful Cappucino: WHO'S THE OMNIMOM NOW, HUH, MOM
Beautiful Cappucino: then its ruined by a food godbeast too powerful for either of them to control
ivel: Sarah?
Beautiful Cappucino: eldritch custard catbomination
Beautiful Cappucino: no, celestia can control sarah
ivel: no wait
Beautiful Cappucino: sarah's grounded
ivel: it's Bundt
Beautiful Cappucino: OH SWEET GOD
Beautiful Cappucino: if bundt appears I am 100% done


iveljustice 2: if Patchouli gets an injury is it a Patchy sore


Jumpropeman: "Dan & Dave
The campaign began with television commercials aired during Super Bowl XXVI. O'Brien and Johnson, though rivals, were favored to win medals in Barcelona, and Reebok, which had recently lost U.S. market share to Nike, was hoping to rebound with their endorsement. The television spots featured the same general message: "Who will be the world's greatest athlete – Dan or Dave? To be settled in Barcelona."
Reebok's plan went awry five weeks before the Games began, when O'Brien failed to qualify for the Olympics by missing the pole vault during the Olympic trials in New Orleans. This resulted in Reebok modifying the television spots to feature Dan cheering Dave on.
The campaign led to both receiving endorsements from other companies, including Dan O'Brien with Nike in 1993"

Jumpropeman: I love that Reebok invested in this campaign to beat Nike, one guy didn't make it to the Olympics, and the other still got endorsed by Nike, undoing Reebok's push :V
SteelKomodo: welp
SteelKomodo: rip reebok


Nasty Crimeboy: are you ready to play the adventures of original the character
Bree: what
Nasty Crimeboy: latest sonic game has create a character
SteelKomodo: yep
Bree: I see
Nasty Crimeboy: so now you can make whoever you like
Nasty Crimeboy: but not knuckles
SteelKomodo: echidnas will be DLC :P


(Re: Team Skull disguising themselves as non-Team Skull members and subconsciously making the hand gestures)

Gooper Blooper: that reminds me, one thing that came to mind during that scene last night was that every time one of the skulls did a little hand gesture, their theme would blare for a snippet, then abruptly cut off when they got their hand under control again
Booted from Chrome: sounds about right
Gooper Blooper: *DOKURO* "what was that?" "nothing"
Mambo No. 9: Pfffft
Jumpropeman: *googles Dokuro*
Jumpropeman: "I think "dokoro" is a more literary interpretation of "skull". It really has nothing to do with the bones in your skull. I did a search and it found it being used in a certain idiomatic expression which means "it was raining so hard and the wind was so strong that they wore away the skin from my skull"
Jumpropeman: jesus japan that is an intense idiom
Gooper Blooper: so like the sort of grossout gag you'd see on ren and stimpy then
Jumpropeman: "How's the weather?" "Oh, you know, all the flesh was stripped from my head" "That bad huh"
Booted from Chrome: wow
Mambo No. 9: Yeouch
Jumpropeman: I suppose there is more than one way to skin a cat though
Booted from Chrome: UH
Gooper Blooper: [insert bubsy here]


Still Missing Still Sheep: whyyyy
Jumpropeman: IT'S HERE
Still Missing Still Sheep: I thought we'd banished this monster
Mambo No. 9: Oh god no D:
Gooper Blooper: Oh, no, sheep
Gooper Blooper: the stories that it had been cancelled were just fake rumors
Gooper Blooper: Fake News, if you will
Still Missing Still Sheep: why must you hurt me this way


Brinehammer: I'll probably have Chatzy choose somebody for MGM, my whole cast is dangerously anime anyway.
Jumpropeman: Brinecast is 125% strong ladies


Cornwind Evil: "He only accidentally calls Canada twice trying to figure out the strange modern tech."


Booted from Chrome: me right now
Jumpropeman: *holds Gysel back with all his might*
Booted from Chrome: calm down, it's okay, BRANDO'S GONNA BE OKAY


Missing Sheep: "Plague Knight, before ve get started, I vant to know one zhing: vhy do you wear zat mask?"
Missing Sheep: Nobody cared before Plague Knight put on the mask...


Love Potion #9 rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Love Potion #9: 'roll not to be drunk'
'crit success'
'roll to be good at fitin'
Tractors. h=
WorkDel: gj
SteelKomodo: pfffft
Love Potion #9 rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
Love Potion #9: Mm. I'm, ah... I'm just gonna go swap those rolls right fast for more appropriate scenes. Ya'll won't mind, of course.
SteelKomodo: sure

(FV uses the 21 to allow Helios to successfully revive Solaire)

Jumpropeman: Hail the Celestial Orb!
Love Potion #9: Adulate the Burning Daystar!
Jumpropeman: Butter Up the Miasma of Incandescent Plasma!
Love Potion #9: Blandish the Life Light!
Jumpropeman: Gotta Love that Star!
Love Potion #9: It rains. The displeasure of cat has been made known. Loudly.
SteelKomodo: it's raining pretty bad over here
Jumpropeman: for all the praising we have done
Jumpropeman: the rain has beaten out the sun
SteelKomodo: Praise the Rain!


Gooper Blooper: Goopsbro is in New Hampshire today for a concert by the sea
Gooper Blooper: He visited a big arcade and sent Goopsmom a video of it
Gooper Blooper: I was jelly
Draco: New Hampshire, Vermont's evil twin.
RubyChao: speaking of
Draco: Chao is MY evil twin? D:


B.C. joined the chat
B.C.: Hi
Gooper Blooper: hi


Spy Days Until Graduation: 11 flop
Draco throws a blanket over Spy.

Draco: Here lies Spy. RIP.
Spy Days Until Graduation: 11 dies
Draco: D:
Draco: Don't die on my good blanket, Spy!
Draco: Rude!


RubyChao: i might try doing setup at 5:30 if possible
Bree: I hope the setup involves chiharu cartwheeling into the bar
Bree: don't ask me why this came to my mind, it just did
RubyChao: cartwheeling into the bar and kicking someone in the face by accident
Bree: hina
Bree: I volunteer hina to be kicked in the face by a kappa
Jumpropeman: KO
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
RubyChao: roll against to see how well hina takes it
Bree rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Bree: you killed her
Bree: chiharu is a murderer
RubyChao: i can't believe hina kagiyama is fucking dead
Bree: chiharu goes to jail forever, mitsuo has to settle for conjugal visits for the rest of their lives


SteelKomodo: ...i got nothing
SteelKomodo: WARNING: You will have to expose yourself to cash-in Tom and Jerry
SteelKomodo: in order to watch this video
RubyChao: i still can't get over how shoehorned they are
RubyChao: ok wow that thoth one is amazing
SteelKomodo: yep
SteelKomodo: and yeah, it's like
RubyChao: and i laughed hard at dirty deeds done dirt cheap (the american flag)
SteelKomodo: they just straight-up remade the old Gene Wilder movie?
SteelKomodo: but with Tom and Jerry?
RubyChao: exactly
RubyChao: they aren't contributing anything to the story
SteelKomodo: like, what's stopping you from just watching the old movie?
RubyChao: i can't even tell if anyone else acknowledges them
RubyChao: it's like someone photoshopped them into the background, basically
SteelKomodo: and if you really wanna animate it, why Tom & Jerry?
SteelKomodo: okay so I read up on this (god help me)
SteelKomodo: and they're entire purpose is to fill in that plot point that never needed filling from the old film
RubyChao: hmm?
SteelKomodo: in which one of Wonka's rivals tries to obtain the secret of the everlasting gobstoppers
SteelKomodo: in the old film, he first turns up and tries to bribe Charlie, and Charlie "wins" by choosing not to hand over the gobstopper and thus not ruining Wonka
SteelKomodo: in this, I think he's an actual villain, and Tom & Jerry have infiltrated the factory to try and stop him
SteelKomodo: so afaik they don't interact with anyone other than the Bucket family, whom Tom seems to be the pet of
SteelKomodo: and jesus fucking christ what horrible twist in the timeline caused this thing to be born?
SteelKomodo: what superhero do we have to hire to fix this?
RubyChao: wha?
SteelKomodo: sorry, just despairing for humanity again
SteelKomodo: but yeah, that's why they're even in the movie
Nasty Crimeboy: holy holy shit
Nasty Crimeboy: that animation looks SO BAD
Nasty Crimeboy: who is doing this?
Nasty Crimeboy: if this is in house then they ought to be ashamed
SteelKomodo: i have no clue
SteelKomodo: but Stands can only improve it
SteelKomodo: Willy Wonka's Stand, The Candy Man


A Tree Killed You: Oh hey Goops
A Tree Killed You: congrats on getting Josephine into ARMS :U
Gooper Blooper: Twintelle is sephine-approved


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: *moves Reimu down the touhou sorter list*


A Tree Killed You: I still do not understand what snakeboarding is
A Tree Killed You: but it is a rad name for a sport


(Chao does a plot about buying and selling stocks, is worried it won't go over well)

Jumpropeman: once upon a time
Jumpropeman: I was involved in a mock stock market thing in my Market Dynamics class
Jumpropeman: and I did well enough to accidentally place in a regional competition
Jumpropeman: because apparently those are a thing
Jumpropeman: I just bought really low cost stocks from whatever company wasn't doing the hottest, ate the costs of the failure and sold any time those stocks took an upturn, no matter how small
RubyChao: if you need some advice for things to do i'll provide it
RubyChao: if i don't freeze up first
Jumpropeman: and since the price of failure was like, 1.24, they weren't hard costs to eat
Booted from Chrome: well, you're gonna have to explain stuff
Gooper Blooper: I did a stock market thing in junior high
Gooper Blooper: everyone had to pick a stock and we'd see if our stocks went up or down over a couple weeks
Gooper Blooper: I picked McDonald's because they seemed safe
ivel: I did chess in high school
Gooper Blooper: I don't remember how it turned out
Bree: when we were brainstorming this plort chao explained the stock market and its shenanigans extensively
Bree: you should do that now and get it outta the way, chao
Bree: have chiharu go full mizuki
Bree: (i.e. exposition dump :V)
RubyChao: i'll try to do so in the first srspost
Gooper Blooper: stork market
Gooper Blooper: buy and sell birbs
Booted from Chrome: buy and sell
Booted from Chrome: horbs
Booted from Chrome: *dia sits patiently to sell herbs*
ivel: Gino now has a mansion
Jumpropeman: Meme Economy would be a surprisingly good way to explain the stock market
RubyChao: this srspost might take a little bit sorry
RubyChao: still flailing
Bree: you can do this
Bree: deep breaths
Bree: you are Ruby Chao, Ace Accountant
Gooper Blooper: We may not have your knowledge of Maximum Overbusiness
Gooper Blooper: but we're gonna learn dammit
Booted from Chrome: welp
Booted from Chrome: we are
Bree: I know you can explain it well because you explained it to me and I totally understood it!
Bree: so even though we can't find the chat log of that explanation because rip, I know you can do it again and it'll be just as good
Jumpropeman: its not too complicated on the surface
Bree: *points at pile of cookies* this is kawashiro's stock price
Bree: *points at single, solitary cookie* this is what randolph wants kawashiro's stock price to be
Booted from Chrome: i thought you were gonna do like
Gooper Blooper: So when JRM said the costs weren't hard to eat he wasn't kidding around
Bree: more cookies is better, people want maximum cookie
Booted from Chrome: "and this is what randolph is trying to do with the stock price *shoves cookies in mouth and eats it* "
Bree: that means if kawashiro's stock price is one cookie then nobody wants that shit
Bree: which means randolph can get ALL THE KAWASHIRO COOKIES
Gooper Blooper: *points at sarah* "pretend this is randolph"
Booted from Chrome: a cookie's a goddamn cookie
Booted from Chrome: you buy a cookie
Booted from Chrome: then you buy another
Booted from Chrome: and another
Booted from Chrome: and another
ivel: unless it's a Cookie
Booted from Chrome: and-
Gooper Blooper: If You Give A Randolph A Stock
Gooper Blooper: he's going to want to sell it
Bree: but if the stock has a higher number of cookies, it gives better returns on cookies!
Jumpropeman: listen, its just like the TF2 Hat Economy, see
ivel: no
Bree: the reason people buy stocks is because then they make money from that stock if it does well
Bree: a bad (low) stock price means it's doing pretty shitty and it's not gonna make you the monies
Bree: idk I'm gonna shut up in case I'm super megawrong
Jumpropeman: worse comes to worse, we Dark Knight Rises this shit
Jumpropeman: where Bane and his boys took over the stock exchange with guns, did a bunch of fake trades as Bruce Wayne, and despite everyone knowing when the trades happened and knowing what happened at the stock exchange, everyone was just like "yup those are legit trades"
Booted from Chrome: either that or there was a stock market crash
Bree rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Bree: ....................................................
Bree: ............................................................................................................................
Bree: ..........what.
Jumpropeman: Stock Market Broken
Jumpropeman: please come back when we're done with repairs
Bree: meiling activates her IDIOT SAVANT POWERS
Jumpropeman: BUY LOW SELL HIGH
Jumpropeman: *Meiling just saying that while wildly hammering buttons*
Jumpropeman: I did once look into trying to play the actual stock market, riding high on my accomplishments from high school :P
Jumpropeman: But there's stock brokers and all, and I ain't paying no man loads to execute my dumb tactic
Jumpropeman: "Buy that stock for 1.25" "There's a minimum 4.50 commission fee" "...How we gonna make this work"
Gooper Blooper: "On September 28, 2009, Wilsonville, Oregon based Movie Gallery, which owned GameCrazy, announced it would close 200 of its 680 stores by the end of October 2009 due to financial problems brought on from the failing video stores.
Movie Gallery's stock price fell from $1.25 at close in October 2009 to $.05 at close on December 2009, and many locations fell behind on rent."

Gooper Blooper: spoilers they died


Jumpropeman: I'm sure I understand the stock market better than I understand Go


Bree: hey ven, since I'm wondering
Bree: are hrol and mirit once again among the living
Bree: or are they still le dead
Booted from Chrome: rip
Foo: They've not been dead, just on their own main quest. That updated this morning, actually.
RubyChao: they're currently investigating the island of the... i forget what they're called
RubyChao: but it's the organization the witchers want to contact
Gooper Blooper: The organization is called
Gooper Blooper: The Organization
Booted from Chrome: THE SOCIETY
Gooper Blooper: Tha Posse
Bree: didn't they get killed by the bearer of the curse though
Bree: so they got brought back from that?
Foo: They never came into contact with it. They left before that went down.
Draco: Organization 13
Foo: The organization Organization's claymore wielding monster hunting mutants, in a shocking twist, are called
Gooper Blooper: Is this going to be a running gag of whoever runs The Organization being really really bad at naming stuff
RubyChao: claymores! that's what i was thinking of
Foo: It's true to the manga but the running gag exists there yes.
Gooper Blooper: "Behold our new bomb-carrying monsters, which we have christened... Bomb-Carrying Monsters!"
Foo: Our new fried edible substances we shall christen: FRIED chicken!


Jumpropeman: rainbow dash accidentally went to a city council meeting today and left with them giving her applications for how much she spoke up and corrected them
Spy Days Until Graduation: 10: Holy crap, congrats!
Jumpropeman: I'm not sure if she'll take it, but they thought they were going to a Police Potluck :V
ivel: jrm family has a lot of accidental success it sounds like :U
Jumpropeman: Our last name was originally The Bumbles


Spy Days Until Graduation: 10 rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
Spy Days Until Graduation: 10: One of these days I'll finally roll a 21
Spy Days Until Graduation: 10: Stop whatever I'm doing
Spy Days Until Graduation: 10: Sigh
Draco: It'll be for hot dog holding.
Spy Days Until Graduation: 10: And deploy a Suddenly Big the Cat


Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 12
Draco: Parsee and Cindy have a phone call. Cindy had a bad day, so Parsee buys stock in Cindy's favorite liquor company.
Booted from Chrome: "why do that when you can just buy me booze :I "
Booted from Chrome: cindy shakes her fist at the system
Draco: "Because I want to make money off of buying you booze, hon." And then Parsee buys Cindy booze.
Booted from Chrome: Cindy: *fake cries*
Gooper Blooper: we've GOT to have
Gooper Blooper: moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Booted from Chrome: l.i.t.t.l.e. m.o.n.e.y
Gooper Blooper: lods of emone
Draco: Parsee: You're just saying that because it's true. ;3
Booted from Chrome: Cindy: I love you too, babe. I love you too


(Harpy is playing Disgaea 2)

Booted from Chrome: aaand i got my first recruits
Booted from Chrome: >Marshmallow the Healer
Booted from Chrome: skirting around the Sarah brand
Gooper Blooper: that is one of the most wonderfully bootleggy Sarahs I've ever heard
Gooper Blooper: marshmallow the healer, I love it


Bree: "meiling, what are your plans to save kawashiro" *picture of nitori's rear* *picture of IDK MITSUO's rear*
Bree: chiharu: "I think it's a great plan!"

Draco: Chiharu pls
Bree: there's a reason chiharu and meiling are bes frands
Bree: (the reason is they're goofballs)


Nasty Crimeboy: jrm is the only human being alive to remember knack :U
Draco: Knack doesn't even remember Knack.
SteelKomodo: I remember Knack


Jumpropeman: "Your main sport is... going home, isn't it?"
Jumpropeman: ^me irl
Booted from Chrome: officially part of the going home club


Gooper Blooper: "This year will be different."
Gooper Blooper: THERE IT IS
Booted from Chrome: every year is different
Jumpropeman: I was just gonna copy paste the previous brawl
Jumpropeman: guess i can't no mores
A Fee for the Tiller Man: Different is one of those words I intrinsically feel like is a typo even in its proper form if I just stare at it for too long.
Gooper Blooper: Zeldoten wins again
Gooper Blooper: JRM just does a find-and-replace for the other entrants
Jumpropeman: thats how I feel about Definitely


Jumpropeman: shimmer was technically a villain once!
Gooper Blooper: so was celestia
RubyChao: and so was ALAN ANDERSON
A Fee for the Tiller Man takes place in the banned line
ivel: so was Gino :U
Booted from Chrome: i was about to say "NO HE WASN'T" before i remembered
Booted from Chrome: he was a hero and then a villain and then a hero again


A Fee for the Tiller Man: "fast in every way"
Maybe we will hold off on build-a-beau for a body or two, then. =u Don't, ah, want to ruin things for you.
Bree: obviously dawn wants you to build her a girlfriend.
Bree: you'd think you'd have understood that already, cauren...


Jumpropeman: go to shimmer for all your celestial fun facts
Bree: and go to celestia for all your shimmeral fun facts


Missing Sheep joined the chat
Bree: hi sheep
Jumpropeman: hi... I want to say Goat?


Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: time to do the stupid


Turbopizza: I'm trying to leave bait for Brine
Gooper Blooper: Brine's a slippery one sometimes :V
Spy Days Until Graduation: 8!? finds net
Spy Days Until Graduation: 8!? gives it to Del

SteelKomodo: WHEN I SAY GO
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4
Draco: Clownpiece entangles herself in the net.


B.C.: What about
B.C.: these poppos
B.C. rolled a die with 11 sides. The die showed: 3
B.C. rolled a die with 11 sides. The die showed: 3

B.C.: ded


Also Banned from Crystal: I had nothing to do with this. But it may be dubiously canon.
Jumpropeman: Lobster Knight Good Ending leaked!!!


(Bree is playing D&D)

Bree: the druid still insists on stripping naked before he turns into animal shapes
Bree: so he's now taken off his clothes twice this session
Bree: first to turn into a giant spider
Nasty Crimeboy: how old is the druid
Bree: then he turned back to normal and we vehemently insisted he put his damn clothes back on
Nasty Crimeboy: because this may not be a problem
Bree: idk, he's an elf
Nasty Crimeboy: he's elf age
Bree: then for this fight he decided to be a bear so he had to strip again
Bree: there's no reason for him to do this, he's just weird
Gooper Blooper: "I've got it! Let's get naked!" "No, let's save that for when we're selling real estate."
Bree: the druid is very weird
Bree: he's also very vain
Bree: the warlock got poisoned once a few sessions ago, and the druid, who was naked at the time but in elf form, advised her to look upon his nakedness because it would "purify" her
Gooper Blooper: did it work
Bree: incidentally the druid is also the only dude in the party
Bree: no it didn't work, goops :I
Gooper Blooper: aw
Nasty Crimeboy: lol
Nasty Crimeboy: smooth
Nasty Crimeboy: as sandpaper
Bree: when we recruited mick dunwall (rip him), he asked us why our elf was naked
Bree: my character answered "we can't convince him to put his clothes back on."
Bree: and mick said "oh. I'm so sorry." and his player described it as like, as if we'd just told him the druid had severe brain damage, instead :V
Bree: and then yarissa's player was like "well we haven't ruled that out yet."
Nasty Crimeboy: heheh


Spy Graduation: 7 DAYS!?!?!?!?:
Nasty Crimeboy: spy
Nasty Crimeboy: what have you linked here
Spy Graduation: 7 DAYS!?!?!?!?: I linked Mackey Mouse
Spy Graduation: 7 DAYS!?!?!?!?: Welcome to the world
Spy Graduation: 7 DAYS!?!?!?!?: Of kids youtube cartoons
SteelKomodo: why have you inflicted this horror upon us all
SteelKomodo: what did we do to deserve this
SteelKomodo despairs
Spy Graduation: 7 DAYS!?!?!?!?: Its okay
Spy Graduation: 7 DAYS!?!?!?!?: Its Retsupurae making fun of them


Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: this is going to be pretty fast paced
Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: might end up doing a draco-harpy-goops-harpy-draco sorta thing
Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: because its tennis
Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: only one person can hit the ball at the time
Gooper Blooper: ah, clever!
ivel: *Gino gets a tennis ball machine and shoots them at the court*
Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: GINO NO
Gooper Blooper: MULTIBALL
Gooper Blooper: *pinball noises*
Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: THIS ISN'T PINBALL
Banned from Crystal Kingdoms: SHIT GOOPS SNIPED ME


Bree: and then ryuji shoved an entire pirate ship up specter knight's ass

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