Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 270: 17 Dr. Peppers And A Mouthwash

RubyChao: i posted... something in the bar
RubyChao: i just kinda typed and let words flow out


Deletons: RubyChao: "The snowman", thought Banjo.
-RubyChao: ^a summary of my experience
Deletons: We are such fucking memelords
RubyChao: we are
SteelKomodo: mmhm


Gooper Blooper: funny Goopsmom anecdote I don't remember if I shared: Last year she looked at a skull decoration and fumbled for the word before calling it a "skeleton head"
Gooper Blooper: now she intentionally calls skulls skeleton heads as a running gag
Jumpropeman: the most important bone in the body is the skeleton head


RubyChao: *searches in old chatzy*
RubyChao: Brinehammer: Yeah, I think I'm gonna do something like a machine ghost or some scrap ode that gained sentience or something. My roster is already kinda stuffed, so It might not see the light of day, but backups are always nice to have.
RubyChao: from 190 days ago


Draco: Side note: I would like to see a giraffe with a chainsaw blade built into its neck.


Jumpropeman: >​don't forget to delete your browser history
Jumpropeman: that's one heck of a way to bill your website


(Silence is restored and reassumes the name Sally)

ivel: ​I'd say now we can hear the sound of Silence, but she's Sally again now
Gooper Blooper: ​it turns out the sound of silence is *excited dorky jock noises*
Jumpropeman: *just rolls around happily some more*


Jumpropeman: link
RubyChao: lel that image, JRM
RubyChao: that's how i feel when i look back at old RP
Jumpropeman: one day I'll find a way to work Super Poop into RP...


SteelKomodo: have fun, found it on kym


ivel: is anyone here planning to download Pogey Sun or Moon instead of getting the physical copy, because the download size was revealed
Gooper Blooper: It's 600 GB
ivel: 600 Gooper Bloopers?
ivel: :O
Draco: 1 GB is...dammit Ivel.
ivel: lel
ivel: anyway they're ​3.2 GB


Dana Cypress entered for the first time
Dana Cypress: oink oink zoopals
Gooper Blooper: fuckin zoopals
Dana Cypress: zoopals make eating fun, gooper
Dana Cypress: don't knock 'em
Spy Gotta Suplex A Beeyotch?: When you clean your plate, then you see their face
Spy Gotta Suplex A Beeyotch?: How can anyone handle that level of tech?


Draco: Chiharu gets home, takes off the blonde wig so her natural hair shows, and sits down. "GAWD, I can't believe I had to put up with Nitori trying to burn down the city again! And Mizuki...I think she got replaced with a robot a few months ago; she's acting lively sometimes. At least I managed to find someone else to drive Kasumi home every night." And Mitsuo smiles, nods, and rubs her feet.


Deletons: Also before anyone asks i originally invented toinette to flirt with marie
Deletons: Then character development happened
Deletons: Whoops
RubyChao: i know the feel
RubyChao: the federation force were supposed to be a big joke and then i decided to make them actual minor characters
Deletons: Its a good feel tbh


phone: Welcome to old age, Chao.
RubyChao: pls
RubyChao: i'm pretty sure i can't be old until 30, if CW and Draco have taught me anything
phone: Lucky. P8 I was old at 16. Now I am antiquated


phone: I had a dream that aviaticus went mad with power but was still a goof. BRING ME TACOS AND SPARE YOUR WORLD
RubyChao: and that's how black spectrum is defeated
Draco: Yum.


Draco: ​When does this comic become canon
RubyChao: when i make the reveal that kisume was actually sent back in time by her parents and discovered in a field in a bucket


Bree: ​"Komachi has settled onto an old bed in a dilapidated hotel to rest for a moment" <-- 10/10 machi writing​


Jumpropeman: "Fluffy McCuddlebuns the bunny, Mr. SnootSnoot the elephant, Prism the fluffy Rainbow Dash pillow... and a very confused Satoshi."
Jumpropeman: I see some of Dr. Deer's old assistants found something to do after he went edgy


Bree: we all know that ven is actually an ogre, which means he can't be a vampire
Bree: have YOU ever heard of a vampire ogre?
phone: :P
Myopic Sheep: We'll just stick him in "troll", with all the other creatures we can't be bothered to define


Jumpropeman: in my dream last night Gooper posted in RP Discussion with a name for Shadow Knight plot that revealed he was actually a Farfetch'd
Jumpropeman: I look forward to seeing if this is true
Gooper Blooper: Does that mean Shadow Knight's real name is Dux?
Gooper Blooper: Or possibly Ch'ding, but that was always the inferior name
RubyChao: excuse you, goops!
RubyChao: he's a knight!
RubyChao: he would be ​Sir​ Dux
Gooper Blooper: Does he know Sir Booby
RubyChao: only by reputation
RubyChao: he admired the booby's brawl performance greatly
RubyChao: and his commitment to honor and chivalry
Gooper Blooper: man it started as a joke but those two would totally have gotten along
ivel: who doesn't admire the booby


Meddlesome Sheep just gives up and enters Blik into a drinking competition


Jumpropeman: oh man, I was liking this movie but I can see this end part does something I absolutely despise
Jumpropeman: where a bit of miscommunication causes a problem that can be easily solved if characters spoke in clear terms
Internet throttled Sheep looks at Rp and sweats


RubyChao: "major spoilers for both spongebob and evangelion"
RubyChao: always a good sign
Draco: Spoilers for The 'Bob? D:


Cameo Sheep Ssh: >​DOLBY
Cameo Sheep Ssh: !!!
Cameo Sheep Ssh sits up
Cameo Sheep Ssh: >​does not enter the bar.
Cameo Sheep Ssh: -_-
Cameo Sheep Ssh closes tab


RubyChao: "The character and show, created by William Link and Richard Levinson, popularized the inverted detective story format, which begins by showing the commission of the crime and its perpetrator; the series therefore has no "whodunit" element. The plot revolves around how a perpetrator whose identity is already known to the audience will finally be caught and exposed."
RubyChao: i'm sure it won't surprise you guys to know
RubyChao: columbo figured in how i played Andersonplot :V


Jumpropeman: according to knowyourmeme, every photo of the two candidates together at last night's debate is a meme
Jumpropeman: I'm sure we'll never see most of those "memes" ever again in a day or two


NeedAMedic?: mhmhmhm, dia is now as adorable as can be
NeedAMedic?: *has gained too much power*
ivel: Dia truly is anime Harpy
NeedAMedic?: nah, she's too cute to be me
ivel: excuse u
ivel: >:I


Jumpropeman: *toddles*
Gooper Blooper: *toddles* vs *flails*, the great debate
Gooper Blooper: oh, can't forget *flounders*
Jumpropeman: different situations call for toddles vs. flails, flounders however is all purpose


Jumpropeman: samhain gets angry


Jumpropeman: Glalaforia
Jumpropeman: I had to google decent lalafell clothes for Ingrid because even in-game Ingrid has like, three non-armor wardrobes: wedding, swimsuit, and kimono
Draco: 'dat horn. :P
Jumpropeman: hope Gloria doesn't get Horn Envy


Jumpropeman: I was very worried I might be called in to work today. I feel I can move my other two plot days believably, but leaving Pteron hanging that long woulda sucked.
Jumpropeman: "I'M SO ANGRY I GOT TO FIND ARMSTRONG! But first I will check absolutely every possible place before the bar just to be extra sure"


Jumpropeman: this is why you never mislead your customers
Jumpropeman: the real objective of creating the Spectrum is to send Aviaticus out to make the worlds in No Man's Sky more interesting


RubyChao: so
RubyChao: who wants to know a fun fact about councilplot
Deletons: Me
RubyChao: from before the season:
RubyChao: RubyChao NEO: gooper blooper
-RubyChao NEO: predict my plot
-Gooper Blooper: A character will be built up as a huge obvious evil mastermind. Midway through, another very unlikely character will start having hints dropped they are in fact the true villain
-Gooper Blooper: and then it will turn out it was the obvious guy after all

RubyChao: turns out he called it all the way back then
SteelKomodo: omg D:
Deletons: Nice


Bree joined the chat
Bree: hark! what light through yonder window breaks?
Bree: it's me, assholes!


Truant Sheep: Hello, hello
Truant Sheep: Just blowing off schoolwork to read about licensed and original characters getting into shenanigans
Truant Sheep model student


Bree: oh god
Bree: guys I've got terrifying news
NeedAMedic?: what
Bree: from azure about her little brother:
Denni: O___O Tommy just looked over at me, turned his screen and said "Look, Azure, I'm role playing!" I... I don't know if I'm proud or terrified...
Bree: (tommy is 11)
NeedAMedic?: suddenly i look upon the forum
Gooper Blooper: Somewhere, another community has found their Devil Ed


RubyChao: format wars jokes


Butte Mobil entered for the first time
Jumpropeman: Liked Butte? Try Butte on the go!


Jumpropeman: what a good wikipedia page


RubyChao: one hundred percent noncanon tenshi
Gooper Blooper: Innocent expression, missing hat, standing in water without losing her shit
Gooper Blooper: you weren't kidding
Jumpropeman: all she needs is a boy on her arm
Jumpropeman: ​and big honking knockers


Jumpropeman: i appreciated the accidental phone call ven
Jumpropeman: it let me know your butt cared <3
phone: Was accidental voice settings. 8l I was singing a song to keep time and it opened 30 apps and called yer because it couldn't tell what I was ordering, which were nothin
Draco: lel
Draco: Next time accidentally order me a pizza. :V
Jumpropeman: You were singing about me weren't you
Jumpropeman: My theme song is quite catchy
phone: Dream A little Dream of me​ could be taken as for someone.


Jumpropeman: I bit the inside of my lip while eating [lovestruck]
Jumpropeman: chatzy come on


WhatUpDoc?: mabi has finally realized that it can't stop Samhain's advance
WhatUpDoc?: so it has a spoopy event
Gooper Blooper: GOOD
WhatUpDoc?: last year's was dealing with a spoopy spirit posessing a poor girl's teddy
WhatUpDoc?: and the year before that, too
WhatUpDoc?: this year deals with helping a ghost find his lost memories and become the spoopiest
ivel: I'm just sad I don't get new transformations :I
ivel: I can also transform into a knight in a ducky inner tube
WhatUpDoc?: why haven't you shown everybody here yet
ivel: so what else do I really need
Gooper Blooper: Knight In Inner Tube for BBB7


Jumpropeman: Jumpropeman: MY CLIENT HITLER
Jumpropeman: presented without context


Bree: it's never just one roach
Bree: you only see one, but
Bree: there are many


Jumpropeman: there's a surprising amount of Nitori and Hina scubadiving art
Jumpropeman: rigin()/pre15/256c/th/pre/f/2013/097/1/9/nitori_and_hina_in_scuba_suit_2_by_nekomi4-d60qod4.png" target="_BLANK" onClick="return X1959(this,event,true);" title="Click to show image thumbnail. Hold down CTRL to open in new tab, or SHIFT to open in new window.">http://t06.deviantart.net/MXdMuigp5b83H19CveyF_Hgn...
RubyChao EX: that fucked up
Draco: Yeah, that one's my favorite.
Jumpropeman: click that link to get booted from chatzy =D
ivel: ooh!
Jumpropeman: just trust me it exists
Jumpropeman: *too lazy to find better link*
ivel joined the chat
Jumpropeman: how'd you like it ivel?
ivel: I just did that to get booted from chatzy :U
ivel: there you go jrm
Jumpropeman: apparently scuba suits is just that artist's thing
Bree: yeah I was looking through their dA
Bree: I think it's their fetish, to be more specific :V
Gooper Blooper: they'll love kuwahawi


Jumpropeman: "So I decided to just draw Papyrus with a Dick
Jumpropeman: Dastardly outfit, complete with moustashe. Because that's the right thing to do."
Jumpropeman: when a sentence is broken up over two lines just right


Deletons: Sk i appreciate stephnu
SteelKomodo: um
SteelKomodo: thank
SteelKomodo: i guess?????


Goop Bowl: ​We're putting an island-themed Hot Topic on the island and calling it Hot Tropics, and that's final


RubyChao: the Zoofights RP subboard contains 99.788% of our forum's posts
RubyChao: it's pretty obvious what we're here for :V
Goop Bowl: NONSENSE!
Goop Bowl launches a new tabletop
Goop Bowl watches it sink into the abyss

Draco: We're here to discuss recent events and play Tabletop games.


Dong Dong Never Del: Please note that the store is more annoyed by Vince giving away free things than it his by him dying
CouncilChao: we can fix the latter, but we can't undo the former!
Dong Dong Never Del: Good point


Jumpropeman: hmm... 2.09 for a 20 oz Dr. Pepper, or 1.49 for a 2 liter
Jumpropeman: why must shopping be so hard D:
Gooper Blooper: Soda prices are broken
Draco: Because that extra 60 cents is for the cold.
Gooper Blooper: that too
Jumpropeman: the funny thing is I'm doing an online grocery delivery thing
Draco: Then yeah, get the two-liter.
Gooper Blooper: I like when I go to the dollar tree and they have those little bottles for a dollar, but they also have these giant 3 liter bottles for a dollar
ivel: my only problem with 2 liters is they go flat before I can finish em
ivel: good for parties tho
Draco: The localest grocery store once had a daily special where three eight-packs of Gatorade were cheaper than a 24-pack. That was a special though.
Jumpropeman: now after adding 17 2 liters to my cart, time to find something else to buy so the delivery guy doesn't think I'm weird
Gooper Blooper: My brother likes recounting the time he wanted to buy a replacement Guitar Hero guitar and a Guitar Hero III bundle with game and guitar cost less than just the guitar
iKomodo: That's how they get ya
Jumpropeman: *adds one bottle of mouthwash*
Jumpropeman: perfeeeect
Draco: Last time I was at the store, I bought a large bag of cat food and two 8-packs of those instant lemonade powder singles. "Bring on the apocalypse," I told the cashier. "I'm ready."


Jumpropeman: My Shipt delivery guy sent me a text because he didn't believe I ordered so much Dr. Pepper on purpose
ivel: welp
Jumpropeman: soon they will know me
Gooper Blooper: hahaha
Jumpropeman: and fear me
Gooper Blooper: They call him
Gooper Blooper: DR. DR. PEPPER


Jumpropeman: confession: ​the only reason I didn't have the Weasel Bandits have any members die was I felt that might be too serious for their generally goofy nature
Gooper Blooper: I think you made the right call, JRM
Gooper Blooper: I mean, ​Floatzel died​ but that was a focal point and meant to be a shocker. Probably doesn't carry the same weight if it's Random Weasel
Jumpropeman: but what if
Jumpropeman: it was Weasel Bandit #16?!
Gooper Blooper: MY FAVORITE


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