Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Tableter: I hope you learnt things today
Gooper Blooper: Professor Dirk educated me :V
Gooper Blooper: I didn't get around to doing it in time but just imagine Josephine was there wearing a labcoat and glasses, nodding sagely to everything Dirk said
iKomodo: XD


AsteroidDog: if i had any sense of what was going on i'd join
AsteroidDog: but i don't
RubyChao: three kids are using the power of Green Spectrum to manipulate trash to cosplay as anime protagonists


RubyChao: >​type meager as meagher
RubyChao: very obscure #ruined


Rue: I'm not gonna lie, I totally thought the Green Orb was the Lochnar the first time it was brought up. :Y
Jumpropeman: that certainly would've been a good Problem
Draco: Gamera was the green all along.
Gooper Blooper: the green orb is Widow Maker's left eyeball
Draco: GESP
RubyChao turns into Super Dimentio
AsteroidDog: it was luigi all along
AsteroidDog: it is his day
Rue: All of these things are true.
RubyChao: maybe the real green orb was inside us all along
Gooper Blooper: and the orbs we made along the way
RubyChao attempts to rip it out of his chest
RubyChao: nope, that's red
RubyChao: SEE, GREEN!
RubyChao: Oh wait, that's just his anime hair.
Gooper Blooper: so we still have Problem


RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: goops, do you remember the 3D Pokedex thing on 3DS?
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, what about it?
RubyChao: i found a creepypasta
Jumpropeman: my brother had the paid one
RubyChao: It was great to see pokemon in great 3D, the instructions said to find more pokemon you point your camera at an AR card, I didn’t have any but turned on the camera anyway. On the screen I could see my room, I turned the 3DS around and took a photo of myself. Click. Looking back at the screen I almost cried, it showed my face and behind me was a dark unhuman face, I jumped up from my seat and turned around… Nothing. I calmed a little, must have just been a trick of the light.
Gooper Blooper: it was great to see some great Pokemon in great 3D that's really great
ivel: oh god, a Pokedex 3D creepypasta
ivel: I'm actually surprised that exists


RubyChao: what i really wonder is
RubyChao: counting white, Spectrum is seven colors
RubyChao: but eight letters
Jumpropeman: Spectrum renamed to Spectum


SteelKomodo: one time Eddie vaped too hard and saw this in his dreams


Miniscule Cameo Sheep: >​9/18: The ball pit meets health and safety regulations
Miniscule Cameo Sheep: I've missed so muuuuuuuch
Gooper Blooper: yes you have
Miniscule Cameo Sheep: “Excuse me for being a killjoy, but they are a fire hazard,” said Sakuya icily. “This is an establishment housing copious amounts of highly flammable alcohol, intoxicated patrons prone to clumsiness, a play pen with rambunctious small children, a miniature zoo exhibit with rambunctious furry animals, and a variety of individuals possessing destructive superpowers and/or uncontrolled violent tendencies.”
Miniscule Cameo Sheep: Man, we
Miniscule Cameo Sheep: We need some some safety regulations
Miniscule Cameo Sheep: These things should not be near each other
TheDeleter: The red panda pen is like the old beer garden
TheDeleter: Except even more inexplicable
Miniscule Cameo Sheep: “As for you, Julius, I assure you that, like all the rest of the lounge’s impromptu additions not cleared with hotel management, the new ball pit will be kept under inspection and maintained by hotel staff to exacting standards of cleanliness."
Miniscule Cameo Sheep: Sakuya's going to need a stronger brand of blood pressure medication
Miniscule Cameo Sheep: "The ball pit is because people got jealous of Jackson Howard's ball pit after we kidnapped him. So they installed our own."
Miniscule Cameo Sheep: Wait
Miniscule Cameo Sheep: What
Miniscule Cameo Sheep: Wait
Miniscule Cameo Sheep: Really?
TheDeleter: Yes
Miniscule Cameo Sheep: I mean, I'm not as surprised at Howard having a ballpit so much as the kobbers being so obsessed by it as to build their own in their envy.
TheDeleter: It may be non-euclidean
Miniscule Cameo Sheep: Any good ballpit is non-euclidean


RubyChao: "Could . . . could anybody tell me what I was like, before I apparently forgot everything?"
RubyChao: man
RubyChao: how many amnesia plots did we even have in season 1?
RubyChao: because it's given me THE PERFECT IDEA: maria-
RubyChao finds himself shushed by strands of tape
RubyChao and also ribbons


AsteroidDog: tenshi is the prettiest boy


Jumpropeman: "Barbie is a young woman that enjoys hoverboarding with her friend and pet Pupcorn. These relatively peaceful days are threatened when the stars begin to dim and threaten to go out entirely. In order to avoid this fate, Barbie travels to Capital Planet in the hopes of finding a way to save the stars from being extinguished."
Jumpropeman: Barbie's new movie is about stopping the heat death of the universe


ivel: just heard the ultimate insult to one of Digital Homicide's games
SteelKomodo: do tell
AsteroidDog: digital homicide
AsteroidDog: more like
AsteroidDog: digital suicide
AsteroidDog: ...
AsteroidDog: *lays down*
ivel: "I look at Slaughtering Grounds, and I think to myself 'How could I think Bubsy 3D was actually a bad game?'"
AsteroidDog: oh
AsteroidDog: OH
AsteroidDog: WOW
AsteroidDog: brb retconning bubsyplot for Slaughtering Grounds plot
AsteroidDog: (no)
Endless Del: that
Endless Del: was a burn
ivel: lel
Endless Del: of volcanic proportions
SteelKomodo: ouch
SteelKomodo: ice burn
Jumpropeman: the main sin of Slaughtering Grounds seemed to be that it was painfully bland. Stolen assets coupled with a zombie-wave shooting game where ammo was hard to pick up
Jumpropeman: I'd say I'd prefer to play Slaughtering Grounds, but it's more of a yawn kind of bad than the suffering of Bubsy. Slaughtering Grounds doesn't have enough content to span the same timeframe so playing it for equal time would be uber repetitive :V


TheDeleter: Future money owns
Gooper Blooper: bitcoins
TheDeleter: Buttcoins
SteelKomodo: Dirk currency?
TheDeleter: Yes


Jumpropeman: I'm still not sure what Brine's schedule is like
Jumpropeman: most people I have figured out well enough
Jumpropeman: he's an enigma~


RubyChao EX: i found a new way to accidentally exit the chat!
Gooper Blooper: OH BOY
RubyChao EX: (accidentally right clicked and hit back since it was the first option in the menu)
Gooper Blooper: BACK TO MENU
Draco: Yes please.
RubyChao EX: too bad
Gooper Blooper: It turns out the new setting's island is Lego Island
Gooper Blooper: we're not going to be ready to leave until 2019
RubyChao EX: you can exit the game any time
RubyChao EX: b̧̡ų̶͟͞t̨̡͞͏ ̡̛̕͏͘y̵̸̨o͜͝͏u͡͠ ̵̡͏͏c̨̕a̴̶̕͏̷ń͘͢͞ ̛͟͜͏ń̵̷͝ę́͘v̶e͢͞ŕ̷̷̢͞​ ̸̷̕͜l̀̕̕͟e͘͜a̴͠v̴̢͟͏e̸͡͏​


Draco: RIOT
Morgue: RIOT


Jumpropeman: >​there's a free awful game on the Wii U right now for a limited time
Jumpropeman: give me a few minutes...
ivel: oh? Do tell
Jumpropeman: it's something called the Skunk Bundle
Jumpropeman: a terrible game company called Skunk Games or something similar put a bunch of their awful games together and tried to sell it for 25 bucks
Jumpropeman: but right now its free
Draco: Sounds like something you'd get. :D
ivel: well when your company's name is Skunk Games
ivel: there's a certain level of expectation there :U


Jumpropeman: "And Komachi... crouches in the bushes and spies on the building.
For hours."

Jumpropeman: Also known as the Viola approach


Rewriting 16 Year Old Fanfics: "He used a bit of telekinesis to stop the hutt from crushing him completely"
Rewriting 16 Year Old Fanfics: I initially read this as "Butt"
Rewriting 16 Year Old Fanfics: And I was like "MIKA! THE KID DOESN'T WANNA WRESTLE!"


Draco: The only things I won't retcon are Zook and that old guy who appeared in one posts to yell at someone sarcastically. Those are the two pillars of ZFRP.
RubyChao: ...when was the latter?
RubyChao: i legit don't recall
Draco: It was Season 3 or 4 and someone was playing in a band on the concourse of the ZFS.
Draco: So I had a random guy yell at them.
RubyChao: oh ok
Draco: At some point he was going to reappear a few more times and then eventually I'd reveal it was Draco, but because every plan I had at that time fell through it never happened, so it WAS just a random old guy yelling.
RubyChao: what even happened that year, unless that's too personal
Gooper Blooper: Draco explained a while back, I think? No, that mighta been Season 2
RubyChao: yeah that was season 2
RubyChao: when he vanished entirely
Jumpropeman: season 2 was a good year for vanishing
Gooper Blooper: people were vanishing like it was going out of style
Gooper Blooper: and then it actually did go out of style (aside from Brine who was late to the fad)
AsteroidDog: lel
Jumpropeman: time to make vanishing trendy again
Jumpropeman left the chat
AsteroidDog: BYE JRM
SexyHernando joined the chat
SexyHernando: hi I'm a chatzy rando and not that guy that just left
Voidspy: Jokes on you chatzy rando
Voidspy: We're off the grid now
Gooper Blooper: link
SexyHernando: I've actually just been typing every single number after
Draco: Hi Hernando.
Stephano entered for the first time
SexyHernando: you guys are the 83,312,189,173,069 chat room I've come to
Stephano: My name is Stephano. I am very rich and macho.
Stephano: Anyone want to chat?
Draco: Sure.
ivel left the chat
SexyHernando: alll the other ones are sexy roleplay and tailor swift chat
SexyHernando: not Taylor Swift
Draco: I, too, mend my clothing quickly.
RubyChao: who was that mysterious masked stephano
RubyChao: the world will never know
SexyHernando: he was quite dashing *fans self*
Jumpropeman: there do not appear to be any single digit chatzy chatrooms
Voidspy: But if you delete one number off of our chatroom's name
Voidspy: Do we get a sexy Code Geass chatroom?
ivel: lel Spy
Gooper Blooper: oh god, fuckin kek
RubyChao: i post porn ​one​ time


Jumpropeman: *replaces next Big Bar Brawl with just this image*


Syrio Forel: "Gooper Blooper: So for a very long time I've known there was a GBA game made by Rare called "It's Mr. Pants""
Syrio Forel: I have It's Mr. Pants
Syrio Forel: it's delightful
ivel: I have never heard of it
Syrio Forel: he sings his own theme song and he tells you "I LOVE YOU!"
Syrio Forel: this is Mr. Pants
Syrio Forel: ​I've been trying to figure out a good way to RP him for a while
ivel: well now I'm just more concerned


SteelKomodo: been playing some Luigi's Mansion
SteelKomodo: "The snowman," thought Luigi.
SteelKomodo: ​​"The Snowman."


Jumpropeman: I suppose this is one way to sell a pillow
Gooper Blooper: Hey, if it's good enough for Santa, it's good enough for me


RubyChao: >​kars for kids
RubyChao flails
RubyChao: i had the tv on the background and just
RubyChao: the first couple beats were enough for pain
Gooper Blooper: if only more people would just give up their transportation and donate things worth thousands upon thousands of dollars, they wouldn't have to run the ad so much
RubyChao: at least zenith understands my pain, right :V
Jumpropeman: Kars for kids? Now that's a catchy tune!
Jumpropeman: luckily there is an impenetrable wall of Goo Punch surrounding my mind right now that no song will be able to break


Jumpropeman: cute buggles
Shigeo Kageyama: buggleeesss


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: onk
Jumpropeman: or rather, oink
Spy: Bark bark phooey yippee yo kaiyee
Spy: Pig power in the house
Jumpropeman: you're good people, spy
Spy: Thank you jimrizzlemizzle


PhoneDel: All this chat has made me decide i need some changes to my rp
PhoneDel: Im dropping everyone except ​Mangle Jingle
Shigeo Kageyama: jingle jangle
SteelKomodo: del pls
RubyChao: howard makes his show, it becomes a smash hit and the fazfucks gain billions from the licensing fees
RubyChao: mangle uses her money to buy out NBN
RubyChao: good ending
PhoneDel: The best ending
PhoneDel: Wont happen
SteelKomodo: "jackson my child..." "why the fuck are we doing this"
RubyChao: alas
PhoneDel: But at least mangle will be hip with the kids


Voidspy: *brine is still typing*
Voidspy: *I am still typing*
Voidspy: Does anyone have a good video clip of two DBZ chars just powering up across the room from each other and screaming?
Voidspy: Because that's what's going on here
Jumpropeman: these words are going to be historic


Draco: ​All the Decepticons travel to Ingrid's homeworld and begin wishing that Quick Fix was alive again.
Jumpropeman: The only problem with that is the idea that any two Decepticons could ever agree on having a selfless shared desire
Draco: Damn. You're right. XD


Jumpropeman: I feel like we can RP all kinds of characters from awful works across all mediums in interesting and meaningful ways... all except the cast of Nutshack
Jumpropeman: they are a hopeless dead end
RubyChao: i found some Nutshack episodes
RubyChao: and now i want to ask
RubyChao: JRM how can you say that Tito Dick would not be a valued addition to the lore of ZFRP >:I
Jumpropeman: *Spy has Tito enter the bar*
Jumpropeman: *is immediately hit with a permaban from all admins*


Jumpropeman: vince should have a skeiron dakimakura
Jumpropeman: one side is Skeiron
Jumpropeman: and you flip it
Jumpropeman: and the other is just a loaf of bread
Gooper Blooper: b-bread-sama...
Endless Del: vince has no dakis


Jumpropeman: "time of his homeland..." *the pointy ears of two Final Fantasy characters perk up as they begin clucking like chickens* "HOMELAND?" "HOMELAND!" "HOMELANDHOMELANDHOMELAN​D"


CouncilChao: later ven, see you when you emerge from the depths of reading back
Jumpropeman: i
Jumpropeman: just
Jumpropeman: hope
Jumpropeman: there
Jumpropeman: isn't
Jumpropeman: a
Jumpropeman: lot
Jumpropeman: for
Jumpropeman: him
Jumpropeman: to
Jumpropeman: read
CouncilChao: jrm you monster
Draco: :I


Jumpropeman: "Disney's Remaking the Lion King, Because of Course It Is"
Jumpropeman: you know an idea isn't so hot when that's the top headline chosen for the news


PhoneDel: SK you ought to keep reporting on Those Fucking Turtles
iKomodo: Oh god del pls
iKomodo: i don't think I can take it


CWDreamChao Loves S-Megaforce: If someone gave me a Death Note
CWDreamChao Loves S-Megaforce: I'd immediately burn it
CWDreamChao Loves S-Megaforce: I would NOT trust myself with it, at all.
Jumpropeman: I would write "Death Note" in it and watch what happens
CWDreamChao Loves S-Megaforce: Now if someone gave me a PAIN Note...then we might have a problem...
Jumpropeman: ...I think I'd rather you hang on to that Death Note
RubyChao: i would write "JRM's hopes and dreams" in the Death Note
RubyChao: because i'm actually a huge jerk
Harpy Psycho 100: thanks cw, now i'm suddenly scared for my mom
Jumpropeman: that's my secret chao
Jumpropeman: they died a long time ago
RubyChao: NOOOOOO-
RubyChao is rebounded, watches his hopes and dreams die instead
Harpy Psycho 100: give me love notes
Harpy Psycho 100: oh wait


Harpy Psycho 100: i just realized
Harpy Psycho 100: Aviaticus adopting out dogs isn't out of character at all
Harpy Psycho 100: he's putting that White Spectrum to good use, uniting dogs with good owners
Jumpropeman: he also enjoys puzzles
RubyChao: aviaticus reaches a matchstick puzzle
RubyChao: quits
Jumpropeman: he's the guy who buys those 1001 Jigsaw Puzzles games on the DS


RubyChao: Soar is confident, charming, encouraging and all-inspiring, driving others to be the best they can be by following his motto "soar like an eagle." He is fully dedicated to his jobs and always faces them to the best of his abilities. However, he is far from overconfident and instead remains realistic, keeping a clear view on the tasks ahead of him and understands the consequences of the wrong choices.[5]
RubyChao: i think someone is biased
Gooper Blooper: did soar write his own sonic wiki entry
RubyChao: "Many fans has liken Soar to Silver the Hedgehog due to his black eye rims and busy eyebrows resembling Silver's."
RubyChao: ...i
RubyChao: wikitrivia.txt
Jumpropeman: definitely. Heck, I thought he was Silver the first time I saw him!


(re: Kuwahawi)

Jumpropeman: there better be some Piantas on this dang island >:I
Jumpropeman: maybe even
Jumpropeman: BLOOD piantas
Jumpropeman: we can also get the name chat going unless you already have one in mind or something
Gooper Blooper: I have no ideas for a name at this time
Jumpropeman: I'm thinking... Jumpropetopia
Gooper Blooper: excuse you, it's Ricco Island, home of Ricco Harbor
Draco: I'M thinking Tut-tut Estates or Red Spysland
RubyChao: i'm thinking
Gooper Blooper: arbys
RubyChao: and it must always be referred to exactly like that
Draco: NO
RubyChao: no shorthands allowed
Draco: ​NO
Jumpropeman: we'll just have it be the island from Lost
Gooper Blooper: the island of No
Draco: ​​NO​​.....may​be.
phone: Murder Mountain.
RubyChao: ven, that name makes no sense at all.
RubyChao: it should be Murder ​Island
Draco scraps plans for the Sea of 'See.
Jumpropeman: Moron Mountain was a whole planet, so I don't see why not
Gooper Blooper: kek
Draco: Moron Mountain it is.
RubyChao: also nah, it's the island of Dr. No
Gooper Blooper: The Sea of 'See is made of chocolate milk
RubyChao: another supervillain in charge
Draco strikes the gavel.
Draco: We have struck an Accord. ​I hope Goops has insurance.


Endless Delcitement asked Chatzy to choose between prisec, julius and SHITTY TWIST. Chatzy chose: SHITTY TWIST
Endless Delcitement: lol no
Time-Cloning Manic: What would the shitty twist have been?
Endless Delcitement: jackson howard would also have been a kamen rider
Endless Delcitement: this clearly made no sense
Endless Delcitement: so i didn't do it
Time-Cloning Manic: Yeah that probably wouldn't have hit the absurdity sweet spot


Gooper Blooper: I found a new Robot Arena 2 mod today that adds real-life robots
Gooper Blooper: Nightmare controls exactly as well as you would expect


Jumpropeman: I think it's appropriate that so far, all the moonhous are lunatics
RubyChao EX: i never thought about it but when you put it that way
RubyChao EX: they kinda are :V


RubyChao EX: someone's playing stayin' alive outside
Bree: wish my neighbors would play good music


Jumpropeman: Gamefly e-mail: "Come Back for $1"
RubyChao EX: why would i want to return just to get a single dollar
Jumpropeman: jesus Gamefly how can I resist
Gooper Blooper: "please let us toss more games onto your ever-growing backlog"


Jumpropeman: "[Kappas] are sometimes said to take their victims for the purpose of drinking their blood, eating their livers, or gaining power by taking their shirikodama (尻子玉?), a mythical ball said to contain the soul, which is located inside the anus" Nitori is really just dating Komachi for easier soul access that doesn't involve butts

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