Saturday, January 21, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 269: Poo Poo Santa

Harpy Psycho 100: >​gingerbread food truck
Harpy Psycho 100: I have a MIGHTY NEED
Harpy Psycho 100: look at this beautiful thing
Harpy Psycho 100: look
Harpy Psycho 100: i want this
Gooper Blooper: "Functions as portable grocery store, and offers exclusive foods including Spicy Oden Soup, Tempura Udon, and Chicken Gizzards!"
Gooper Blooper: Because when I think sweets truck
Gooper Blooper: I think chicken gizzards
Harpy Psycho 100: we're not sure why, either.
Harpy Psycho 100: but it DOES come with chocolate!
Gooper Blooper: I like how it's considered a pet and has stats and stuff
Gooper Blooper: IT'S ALIVE
Harpy Psycho 100: yes
Harpy Psycho 100: even the things you'd think are nonsentient
Harpy Psycho 100: are alive
Harpy Psycho 100: the sweet broom is alive.
Harpy Psycho 100: the leek is alive.
Gooper Blooper: tank is alive
ivel: Ikki isn- oh wait :U


Gooper Blooper: >​The Decepticons won Splatfest
Gooper Blooper: pack it in, guys, we can't beat em
Draco: Hasbro sponsored a Splatfest, therefore Splatoon is Transformers canon.
Draco: Marie supported Decepticons too. DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUN
Gooper Blooper: Marie's heelishness continues


Jumpropeman: WWE's having its 2017 Royal Rumble in my city
Jumpropeman: *loads up the elephant gun* let's see which wrestler Cornwind's getting for christmas
SteelKomodo: kek
RubyChao: make sure to bring some wrestling merch to serve as a blind
RubyChao: gotta disguise yourself that close to the ring
Jumpropeman: *enters as a moving pile of wrestling t-shirts*
Jumpropeman: aka as my upcoming 2017 character
Draco enters his new character, Parsee.
RubyChao: you know, JRM, i believe you could make that engaging and interesting


Jumpropeman: "Chang'e was mentioned in a conversation between Houston Capcom and the Apollo 11 crew just before the first Moon landing in 1969"
Jumpropeman: "Houston: Among the large headlines concerning Apollo this morning, is one asking that you watch for a lovely girl with a big rabbit. An ancient legend says a beautiful Chinese girl called Chang-O has been living there for 4,000 years. It seems she was banished to the Moon because she stole the pill of immortality from her husband. You might also look for her companion, a large Chinese rabbit, who is easy to spot since he is always standing on his hind feet in the shade of a cinnamon tree. The name of the rabbit is not reported.
Michael Collins: Okay. We'll keep a close eye out for the bunny girl."

Jumpropeman: also Houston totally got the myth wrong at many points :V


(Regarding the concept of Mario being only 24 years old)

iKomodo: no twenty-four year old I ever knew had a moustache of that calibur


Harpy Psycho 100: okay
Harpy Psycho 100: i went to the mall
Harpy Psycho 100: and saw a store
Harpy Psycho 100: called chocolate
Harpy Psycho 100: Chocolate
iKomodo: ...well, at least they're honest :P
Harpy Psycho 100: they dont' fucking sell chocolate
Harpy Psycho 100: they sell clothes.
2Goopy: boooooo
Draco: BOOOO
Draco changes 2017 plot to destroying stores named Chocolate.
Harpy Psycho 100: fortunately, there's a store called Rocky Mountain Chocolates (or some such) that sells everything chocolate
2Goopy: was there a hot topic at the mall
Harpy Psycho 100: yes
Harpy Psycho 100: there was only one mall i have been in that didn't have a hot topic
2Goopy: good
Harpy Psycho 100: also the manager of a hot topic was actually behind me in the chipotle line
2Goopy: yeah they seem to be a mall mainstay, I've been to a few malls in the last couple years and every one has had a hot topic


2Goopy: I'll be going to Burlington again on my birthday and checking out Toys R Us and unlike the last few years, this time I think I'll be buying something there
2Goopy: because they carry the new battlebots :V
Harpy Psycho 100: BATTLEBOT
Harpy Psycho 100: BATTLEBOT
Harpy Psycho 100: battleboot.
2Goopy: someone should enter a boot-shaped robot called BattleBoot
2Goopy: it fights by kicking
Harpy Psycho 100: GIVE' EM THE BOOT


Mercurial Sheep entered for the first time
Harpy Psycho 100: happy early birthday, sheep
Mercurial Sheep: Thankee, Harpy!
Harpy Psycho 100: np
Harpy Psycho 100: had to say it early in case you sink into the dark depths of work again
Draco: Happy birthday, Sheep.
2Goopy: I hope your birthday is terrifying in a way that doesn't actually harm you
2Goopy: because you'd love that
Mercurial Sheep: It is true!
Jumpropeman: happy baathday sheep
Mercurial Sheep: Jrm, please
Mercurial Sheep: And thank you
Jumpropeman: those are the magic words!


Mercurial Sheep: Let's see, it only took me, what, six years to figure out how to organize a plot I could finish in several month timespan? Give me another six and I'll catch on to the idea of not squeezing five boss fites and a funeral at the end of it.


Draco: ​Clownpiece wonders why nobody wants to eat hot dogs, apple pie, and lemonade at every meal like her.


Jumpropeman: Segaplot is not good for me. Whenever I write these bozos I'm like "I should get a Master System", "I should get a Saturn"
Jumpropeman: for some reason though I'm never tempted to get a Dreamcast :V
2Goopy: Well you're basically a retro video game collector
2Goopy: so it's not too surprising you'd want those old things with or without RP, but I'm sure it helped!
Jumpropeman: its easier to suppress the urge without reminders :P
Jumpropeman: incidentally though, there is a Genesis connector that lets it play Mega Drive games
Jumpropeman: so I wouldn't have to go full system
2Goopy: ​Next year, all of the Sega Hard Girls enter the Brawl as one entry​
2Goopy: (Game Gear lasts the longest somehow)
2Goopy: (probably by staying out of the way)
Jumpropeman: don't bee silly goops
Jumpropeman: next year it's the entire Bee Movie cast as one entry
2Goopy: Since they're bee-sized that would actually be a completely fair entry
Jumpropeman: Lotta vs. Bee Movie
Jumpropeman: It could happen!


RubyChao: so i just realized
RubyChao: in kobber parlance, would "eat like a bird" mean the opposite of what it means for most people
SteelKomodo: kek


Jumpropeman: >​Dan Backslide is still in my future folder
Draco: Too late. ​Squidward's House saw it.
Jumpropeman: criminy! i've been scuttled!


Jumpropeman: when I'm at a loss on how to bar
Jumpropeman: I toss a Shimmer at it
Jumpropeman: she can usually trip into something interesting enough


phone joined the chat
RubyChao: hi mobile ven
Jumpropeman: hello phone
Jumpropeman: you are a useful tool for making calls
RubyChao: what if the name is a trick
Jumpropeman: I'm glad you decided to visit
RubyChao: what if all of mobile ven's lines aren't ven
RubyChao: but his now-sentient phone, impersonating him
Jumpropeman: then it is equally as committed as he is to proper syntax and long-form thought
RubyChao: look, it's gotta be a good impersonation
RubyChao: nobody would buy it if it came in saying "lol wassup"
Draco: What if? You meant that's NOT already the case?
Jumpropeman: yo broskis, ven is in the HIZZOUSE! What's crack-a-lacking?
phone: lol wassup?
RubyChao collapses, his worldview shattered
Gooper Blooper: kek
phone: Yes, that... does not suit me.
phone: Hello there.


Gooper Blooper: I like the idea of the users roleplaying as staff being the same users as before, they just all swap jobs around
Jumpropeman: CHANGE PLACES!
RubyChao: hahahaha
Harpy Psycho 100: lel
Draco takes over as bartender while JRM takes over as guy who makes every event happen places besides the setting.
Jumpropeman: where would Sheep go
Draco: Adorable sugar mage RPer.
Draco: Wait, he did that THIS year.
Jumpropeman: seems about right
Draco: He' janitor.
Jumpropeman: my favorite sugar mage
Jumpropeman: Confortola
Gooper Blooper: "Eating an entire cake is thirsty work, and I'm a thirsty girl"
Jumpropeman: XD
RubyChao: 2017 ends with a massive fight against Don Sarah, leader of the Donut Syndicate
RubyChao: we have to defeat the rest of the Sarahkin on the way there
Gooper Blooper: So City of Beasts Sarah, then
Draco: Pretty much.
RubyChao: yep!
Jumpropeman: the newest Sarahkin: Confortola
Gooper Blooper: JRM PLEASE
Harpy Psycho 100: if that isn't the best birthday present sheep has ever gotten
Harpy Psycho 100: i have no idea what will be


Deletons: today on Destiny, Jonesy killed a god
Deletons: by shooting it until it died
RubyChao: always a useful tactic
Deletons: from what i hear
Deletons: this happens multiple times in the game
Deletons: there's not a very good beginner entry point into destiny i guess
ivel: killing gods, or shooting things ded
Deletons: both
ivel: :O
Deletons: i know
Deletons: what a shock that the original makers of halo would make a game about shooting things in space


Deletons: So basically my dream of a mario ice hockey game aint happening
Jumpropeman: I think it was part of Mario Sports Mix?
Deletons: I mean full on ramming and americana dystopia shit
Deletons: Like a strikers kinda thing
Jumpropeman: Peach and Daisy pulling aside to knock each others teeth out in a fist fight
Deletons: Peach in tiny clothes despite the cold and the massive brutal physical contact
Deletons: Bowser breaking one of luigi's ribs
Deletons: The good shit


Harpy Psycho 100: i think i resolved my plot in just a post. rip me
Harpy Psycho 100: oh well
Gooper Blooper: "turns out he wasn't mad"
Gooper Blooper: "wooooo"


Jumpropeman: I don't know if I ever told the story of Poo Poo Santa, but my family used to have a large Santa statue we put outside our front door every Christmas whose beard got so dirty from weather and dirt and all his beard was all brown and looked poopy, but we loved him for being so worn and old. Eventually he got damaged so we had to get rid of him and got a new Santa statue, but this one had yellow paint dripping down his beard for some weird reason, so Pee Pee Santa now continues the legacy.
Gooper Blooper: Poo Poo Santa and Pee Pee Santa team up and enter the brawl


RubyChao: so what happens
RubyChao: if Wids watches the BUBSY cartoon
Gooper Blooper: She MSTs it


Gooper Blooper: test
RubyChao: you live!
Gooper Blooper: That outage was REALLY bad, there was no coming back from it without doing something
Gooper Blooper: Looks like the problem was IP related because I told the router to check for IP results, it told me I needed a number, I gave it "5" and it worked


Jumpropeman: GOO PUNCH
Jumpropeman: EVERYBODY NOW
Jumpropeman: GOO PUNCH
Jumpropeman: JUST THE LADIES
Jumpropeman: GOO PUNCH
Jumpropeman: NOW THE GUYS NOW
Jumpropeman: GOO PUNCH
ivel: wat
Gooper Blooper: Every time JRM gets a new sig, Ivel
Gooper Blooper: Google a phrase from it
Gooper Blooper: and you will be educated


Jumpropeman: my brother, his wife and I have an inside joke
Jumpropeman: I was on the phone with them one day and they told me to hang on for a long time
Jumpropeman: and I could hear a lot of talking but couldn't make out anything except someone yelling
Jumpropeman: AN 80 DOLLAR BACKPACK?!
Gooper Blooper: Good work finding a way to work that into RP, JRM
RubyChao: so that's why nitori charged that much
Jumpropeman: apparently the brother of my bro's wife was buying a really expensive backpack for seemingly no reason


Draco: Tomorrow morning, the archives will have a plot called "Chocolate Milk Elf talks too much"
Jumpropeman: I dig it!
Harpy Psycho 100: damn
Harpy Psycho 100: parsee just
Harpy Psycho 100: can i keep parsee forever
Jumpropeman: I only wish Yotam wasn't the guy tasked with responding to this :P


Murder Sheep joined the chat
Draco: Hi Sheep
Murder Sheep: Just kill me now
RubyChao: i refuse to kill you
RubyChao: for isn't staying alive the ​real​ horror


(Tenshi heels it up in VEW)

RubyChao: ​"YOU SUCK" intensifies
Draco: ​Viola's in the crowd, her lip trembling at the conflict within. She wants to join in the crowd, chanting derision at the heel who just grabbed the ring, but it struggles with her intimacy with the real Tenshi, the one who IS kind of a jerk but wouldn't cheat in a fight like this. Reality and fantasy clash in her imagination, until, at last, she finally lets out a tiny "You suck."
RubyChao: ​that's pretty much canon
Draco: ​Sweet.


iKomodo: Apparently it took five years for Mighty Action X to come out
iKomodo: must have been kickstarted :P


(The entirety of Aggieplot is revealed to be Erdrick's fault, due to allowing it to happen in order to teach Aggie a lesson)

Deletons: So we're gonna throw Erdrick into the Marinas Trench after this, right?
Deletons: Cos he allowed this to happen and was pretty resolute about allowing it to happen
Jumpropeman: i was thinking we could check out the new island setting first by tossing him into its volcano
Deletons: Yeah that sounds awesome
Deletons: Lets do that
iKomodo: I call dibs on Beck doing it!


Jumpropeman: there we are
Jumpropeman: all Ghoulies sufficiently Grabbed
Jumpropeman: this game was supposed to last me most of October :V


Jumpropeman: so while I was eating I saw Shark Tale was on TV and decided to watch some of it to see if it was as bad as people say. I have never seen such a poorly set-up fart joke in my life. It just came out of nowhere, lasted too long, and wasn't even funny. It's like they were meeting their "we need a certain amount of fart jokes every few minutes" quota


RubyChao: i hope this plot was sufficiently spoopy :V
Jumpropeman: I don't know Chao... Nightmare never said BOO
RubyChao: he did, it was just roaring
Jumpropeman: ah, of course! I shall have to brush up on multilingual Boos in time for Halloween
Jumpropeman: I do have some Brothers after all who I'm pretty sure have never said it


Harpy Psycho 100: current mabi splash screen
Gooper Blooper: *anime intensifies*
Jumpropeman: oh my
Harpy Psycho 100: yes
Harpy Psycho 100: mabi has been explicitly stated
Harpy Psycho 100: to be an animu fantasy life
Jumpropeman: gonna need some insulin
Harpy Psycho 100: mmo
Gooper Blooper: I can't get over how Vindictus is set in the same verse, that's hilarious
Harpy Psycho 100: vindictus happens before mabinogi in canon
iveltaco: Vindictus IS called Mabinogi Heroes
Bree: vindictus?
Jumpropeman: ice cream tenshi in the back scolding the front two anime girls
RubyChao: *googles*
RubyChao: holy shit
Harpy Psycho 100: its another game by the same company that follows the earlier events of the verse
Gooper Blooper: I just use the music from it because it makes good boss themes but I believe it's basically Dark Edgy Mabinogi
Harpy Psycho 100: and it is so much more serious and darker in tone
iveltaco: also different gameplay
Harpy Psycho 100: dude have you seen mabinogi's backstory
Harpy Psycho 100: its grim, bruh
Gooper Blooper: so what you're saying is
Gooper Blooper: Mabinogi is Harpy RP
Harpy Psycho 100: ITS LIKE MY RP YES
Harpy Psycho 100: FUCK
Bree: harpy's secret uncovered
Jumpropeman: it all makes sense now


Jumpropeman: if Blue does win by some twist of fate
Jumpropeman: I might have to bar Rainbow Dash from entering dogs in fites
Jumpropeman: Barkle was one thing
Jumpropeman: Ralph Wrinkles thankfully fell off the map though :V
Draco: :I
Gooper Blooper: Only I can tell you whether Blue lives or dies
Draco enters Balto and Rin Tin-Tin in the next Brawl.
Jumpropeman: no one Goop should have all that Blooper
Draco enters Lassie and Marley as a team.
Malarky: But will Blue become bouncy at any point?
Jumpropeman: we can only hope so ven
Draco: She will if you throw her high enough.

1 comment:

  1. Shoot Goldberg, so we don't have to worry about him stinking up the ring at Wrestlemania 33.
